#billie dean howard x female reader
horeformilfs · 3 months
CG + BDH x Fem!Reader
TW: Fainting, Being Hunted (Witch Hunters)
In the dimly lit greenhouse of the academy, Cordelia Goode stood at the front, her voice carrying the weight of wisdom as she taught her potions class. Her delicate hands moved with precision as she demonstrated the intricacies of spellbinding ingredients.
Suddenly, the tranquility was shattered by the abrupt entrance of Billie Dean Howard. Cordelia's brow furrowed with concern at the uncharacteristic interruption. "Billie, what's wrong?" she inquired, her voice laced with worry.
Billie's expression was grim as she relayed the urgent message from Myrtle Snow. Cordelia's heart quickened with apprehension, her mind racing with possibilities. With a reassuring nod to Billie, she swiftly delegated her duties to Queenie and Zoe, trusting them to take over the class.
As they walked briskly back into the academy, Cordelia couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her insides. "Billie, do you have any idea why Myrtle would need to speak with me urgently?" she asked, her voice tight with concern.
Billie's brow furrowed as she shook her head. "I'm not entirely sure, Cordelia. Myrtle seemed quite distressed though," she replied, her tone reflecting her own apprehension.
Cordelia's steps faltered for a moment, a wave of dizziness sweeping over her. She reached out a hand to steady herself against the stone wall, her breathing shallow. "I-I'll be fine," she insisted, forcing a weak smile as she brushed off Billie's concerned gaze.
But Billie wasn't convinced. "Are you sure you're okay? You look pale," she remarked, her worry evident in her voice as she kept a supportive hand on Cordelia's arm.
Cordelia nodded, though her grip on reality felt tenuous at best. "It's nothing, just a momentary lapse. Let's focus on what Myrtle has to say," she urged, determination masking the growing weakness within her.
As they entered Myrtle's presence, Cordelia struggled to maintain her composure. Myrtle's urgency only intensified her own sense of dread. With each passing moment, the weight of impending danger pressed down upon her, threatening to crush her resolve.
Then, without warning, darkness clouded Cordelia's vision, her limbs heavy as lead. She swayed on her feet, her breath catching in her throat. "Billie," she whispered hoarsely, before collapsing into her arms, consciousness slipping away like sand through her fingers.
As Cordelia lay unconscious in Billie's arms, Myrtle moved swiftly to calm the panicked atmosphere that enveloped them. With a reassuring touch, she urged Billie to remain composed, her steady presence a beacon of strength in the midst of uncertainty.
Time seemed to stretch endlessly as they waited for Cordelia to awaken. Billie watched anxiously, her heart pounding in rhythm with each shallow breath that escaped Cordelia's lips. Her relief was palpable when, at last, Cordelia's eyelids fluttered open, her gaze clouded with confusion.
"Are you okay?" Billie's voice was soft, laced with concern as she brushed a stray lock of hair from Cordelia's forehead.
Cordelia nodded weakly, though the tremor in her voice betrayed her facade of calm. Myrtle's keen gaze met Billie's, a silent understanding passing between them. They both knew that Cordelia had been shaken by her vision, despite her attempts to mask her unease.
As Cordelia gathered her thoughts, she recounted the details of her vision—a young woman, pursued by merciless witch hunters, her fear palpable in the air. "I-I saw her running through the forest, desperate to escape," Cordelia explained, her voice trembling with emotion.
Billie's heart ached at the haunted look in Cordelia's eyes. She reached out, intertwining their fingers in a silent gesture of support. "What does it mean?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Cordelia's brow furrowed in concentration as she pieced together the fragments of her vision. "It means that we're connected somehow," she replied, her tone heavy with significance. "I don't know how or why, but I can't shake the feeling that her fate is intertwined with ours."
As the trio huddled together, their minds ablaze with determination, they devised a plan to track down the mysterious young woman. Myrtle's sage counsel and Cordelia's unwavering resolve formed the cornerstone of their strategy, while Billie's keen intuition offered invaluable insights.
"We'll need to tap into every resource at our disposal," Cordelia declared, her voice infused with authority. "Myrtle, gather any information you can about recent sightings of witch hunters in the area. Billie, I want you to use your connections to scout the surrounding towns for any leads."
With a collective nod of agreement, they set their plan into motion, each of them fueled by a shared sense of purpose.
As Billie and Cordelia ventured into the depths of the forest, Cordelia's vision looming ominously in their minds, they were met with the unmistakable sound of shouting echoing through the trees. Their hearts quickened with trepidation as they hastened toward the source of the commotion.
Emerging into a sun-dappled clearing, they were met with a harrowing sight—witch hunters encircling the young woman, their intentions unmistakably malevolent. Cordelia and Billie exchanged a wordless glance, their connection pulsating with a silent understanding.
"We need to act fast," Cordelia whispered, her voice tinged with urgency. "I'll distract the hunters and lead them away. Billie, you stay here with the girl. Keep her safe."
Billie's hesitation was evident, her gaze flickering with uncertainty. But she knew better than to defy Cordelia's command. With a determined nod, she swallowed her fears and steeled herself for the task at hand.
As Cordelia unleashed her formidable magic upon the unsuspecting hunters, drawing their attention away with a mesmerizing display of power, Billie turned her focus to the young woman crouched before her, her eyes wide with fear.
"It's going to be alright," Billie reassured her, her voice a soothing balm amidst the chaos. "Just stay with me, okay? You're safe now."
The young woman offered a grateful nod, her breaths coming in ragged gasps as she fought to remain conscious. Billie's heart clenched with empathy as she cradled the girl's trembling form, her resolve unwavering in the face of danger.
But as the adrenaline-fueled rush of battle subsided, Billie's attention remained squarely fixed on the girl before her, her instincts urging her to protect her at all costs.
"Can you tell me your name?" Billie asked gently, her voice a soothing melody in the midst of turmoil.
The young woman hesitated for a moment, her gaze flickering with uncertainty. "Y/N," she finally whispered, her voice barely above a whisper.
Billie offered a reassuring smile, her heart swelling with compassion. "Y/N, you're going to be okay," she promised, her words imbued with unwavering conviction. "Just hold on a little longer, alright?"
As the weight of Y/N's unconscious form rested in her arms, Billie's heart swelled with a protective instinct she couldn't ignore. Gently brushing a strand of hair from Y/N's forehead, she whispered, "Y/N, can you hear me?"
Y/N stirred slightly, her eyelids fluttering as she struggled to regain consciousness. "Who... who are you?" she murmured, her voice barely audible.
Billie offered a reassuring smile. "My name's Billie," she replied softly. "And the woman who just saved you, that's Cordelia. She's... she's someone very special to me."
Y/N's brow furrowed in confusion. "Why are you helping me?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "Is it because of... the vision?"
Billie's gaze softened as she met Y/N's eyes, her heart aching with empathy. "Yes, sweetheart," she replied tenderly. "But it's also because... because no one deserves to be hunted like an animal. Especially not someone as brave as you."
Y/N's lips quivered with emotion as she struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation. "I don't understand," she admitted, her voice trembling. "Why would they want to hurt me?"
Billie's grip tightened instinctively, a silent vow to protect Y/N at all costs. "There are some people in this world who fear what they don't understand," she explained gently. "But you're not alone. We'll keep you safe, I promise."
Y/N's eyes searched Billie's face, seeking reassurance amidst the chaos that surrounded them. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice choked with gratitude.
Billie offered a comforting smile, her heart swelling with affection for the brave young woman before her. "You're welcome, sweetheart," she replied, her voice filled with unwavering resolve. "Now rest. We'll figure this out together, I promise."
As Y/N's consciousness teetered on the brink of oblivion, a sense of relief washed over her as Cordelia returned to their side. With a worried furrow in her brow, Cordelia rushed to Y/N's side, her concern palpable.
"How is she?" Cordelia's voice was laced with worry as she knelt beside them, her gentle touch a comforting presence amidst the chaos.
Y/N managed a weak smile, her strength waning with each passing moment. "Just tired," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.
Cordelia's heart clenched with sympathy as she cradled Y/N's face in her hands, her touch gentle yet reassuring. "Rest now, sweetheart," she whispered, her voice a soothing melody in the midst of turmoil. "We'll take care of you."
As Y/N leaned into Billie's embrace, seeking solace amidst the uncertainty that surrounded them, Cordelia turned to Billie with a determined glint in her eyes. "Billie, I'm going to teleport us back to the academy," she declared, her voice firm with resolve. "We need to get Y/N some proper care."
Billie nodded in agreement, her arms tightening protectively around Y/N's trembling form. "I've got her," she replied, her voice unwavering in the face of adversity.
With a flicker of concentration, Cordelia summoned her magic, enveloping them in a shimmering aura of light. In an instant, the world around them dissolved into a kaleidoscope of colors, the sensation of teleportation sending a shiver down their spines.
As they materialized within the familiar confines of the academy, Cordelia wasted no time in guiding them to their shared quarters. With Billie's assistance, she carefully settled Y/N onto the plush bedding, her touch gentle yet firm.
"You rest here, sweetheart," Cordelia urged, her voice a comforting presence amidst the turmoil that surrounded them. "I'll inform Myrtle about what happened."
Y/N offered a grateful nod, her eyelids heavy with exhaustion as she succumbed to the pull of sleep. As Cordelia made her way to seek counsel from Myrtle, Billie remained by Y/N's side, her protective instinct urging her to stand guard against the dangers that lurked in the shadows.
With a tender caress, Billie brushed a lock of hair from Y/N's forehead, her heart swelling with affection for the brave young woman who had captured her heart. "Sleep tight, babydoll," she whispered, her voice a gentle lullaby in the silence of their shared sanctuary.
As Y/N drifted into a peaceful slumber, enveloped in the warmth of Billie's embrace, she felt a sense of safety wash over her. In the arms of those who cared for her, she found solace amidst the storm, her journey guided by the unwavering bonds of love and loyalty that bound them together.
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onlysarah235678 · 3 years
A Little Bit Part 18
Pairing: Billie Dean Howard x female reader
A/N: Hi I’m back! Exam week kicked my ass and I feel like my brain cells are gone, but here’s another chapter! This gif makes me feel things.❤️
Warnings: annoying interview people. I think that’s it?
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Billie is already gone for the first interview by the time you wake up. She told you the night before that she didn’t want to wake you this time and you hadn’t argued. After dinner your headache had come back and despite taking your medicine, it followed you into sleep. You had woken up briefly when Billie left, but your head was hurting too much to stay awake. You may have thanked her when she said that she would walk and feed Milo before leaving him in the living room.
Now you were up and about and feeling a lot better. After taking your medication and drinking an obscene amount of water, you are able to make your way downstairs to Milo. He’s waiting patiently for you which is a bit of a surprise, but you’re glad to see that he’s gotten the restlessness out of his system. You scratch him behind the ears and let him lick your hand before you head for the kitchen. It’s already 9 am and you know Billie will be on soon, but you also know that watching her interview right now would make your headache worse.
You plan on watching it later, once you’re feeling better, but for now you’re more concerned about breakfast. You open the fridge and grab a handful of ingredients before you get cooking. Your phone buzzes when you’re finishing up, and you turn around to where you set it on the counter with a sigh. You need to learn to silence your phone since it only seemed to go off when you had a headache.
Hi Doc, hope you’re feeling better!
You smile in surprise at the message from Erin. You hadn’t been expecting to hear from her again, but you’re glad to. You message her for a few minutes before she mentions your car. She says that nothing has happened, but that she and Lindsey were willing to bring it by your apartment or Billie’s if you wanted. They would be free later today since they only worked a half shift. You’re tempted to tell her not to worry about it because you really don’t need your car, but you’re paranoid and would like to have it nearby.
Eventually you tell Erin that you will be here all day and if she and Lindsey really want to, they can bring it. There is a spare key in your desk because within the first week of working there you had locked your keys in your car and that had been embarrassing to deal with. You told Erin some of this before thanking her and finally getting to your breakfast. You nearly trip over Milo when you turn to leave the kitchen. You hadn’t realized that he was now sitting right beside you, and you curse under your breath as you nearly fall on your face and drop all of your food.
“Shit! Milo. Watch out!”
Milo just stares at you waiting until you decide to move again, and you just sigh before shaking your head. You shoot him a look before rolling your eyes when he fails to respond.
“What are we going to do all day, Milo?”
As soon as Billie was off the set, she was lighting a cigarette. She was ticked off and she wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible. She definitely could have done without this interview, but unfortunately she had underestimated people’s interest in her love life. She sighs as she pushes open the door to the outside and hurries across the parking lot to her car. She didn’t get in it immediately, despite her rush because she didn’t want it smelling like smoke.
Billie leans against her car with another sigh that quickly becomes a groan. She wasn’t sure why people were so fixated on her relationship. Sure, it was new and exciting, but it wasn’t anyone’s business but her own. Billie hoped that you hadn’t been watching this one because she talked about her show for maybe a total of five minutes before things took a turn toward her personal life.
She hadn’t said anything more than last time, but this interviewer was definitely pushier about it. He had insinuated things that Billie didn’t appreciate and she had told him this in a way that was difficult to misunderstand.
Of course, he had, or at least pretended to, and she’d had to sit through another five minutes of him trying to not flat out ask if you were sleeping together yet.
Billie puts out her cigarette before getting in her car. She doesn’t know where she’s going because she needs to be at the other studio in a couple of hours, but she doesn’t want to head there yet. She starts the car and begins her drive to nowhere in particular.
She’s still a little peeved and muttering to herself when her phone rings. She pulls into a nearby lot because she knows better than to try and dig through her purse while driving. She grabs it right before it stops ringing and she frowns when she sees that it was you. She is about to call you back when her phone dings as your text comes in.
He was kind of an ass, wasn’t he?”
Billie laughs at this before putting her phone back in her purse. She decides that she’s going to make a detour on her way to her next interview.
You jump in surprise when the front door opens suddenly. You turn quickly to see Billie walking through the door with a tried sigh. You watch as Milo jumps up only to wag his tail when he sees who it is. You jump off the couch before hurrying over to Billie with your arms held out and what you hope is a sympathetic smile.
“Hi. Rough day?”
Billie just groans under her breath before nodding in agreement. She pulls you into a hug and you feel her relax immediately as you hold her tightly. You sigh before speaking into her shoulder because you’re not ready to pull away yet.
“I’m sorry he was such an idiot. You handled him well though. I definitely would not have.”
You laugh slightly before pulling away and leading Billie to the kitchen. You pull out a chair for her at the counter motioning for her to sit down. She does with a small smile before watching you head to the fridge. You aren’t sure what to grab because Billie technically has to leave, you glance at the clock before looking to Billie with a frown.
“Wait, aren’t you supposed to be at your next interview?”
Billie just laughs before taking the offered glass of water with a quiet thank you. You just smile as you lean on the counter and prop your head on your hands. Billie shoots you a look that you just smile at in amusement.
“Why? Are you trying to get rid of me?”
You nod immediately before deadpanning. “Definitely. I have someone coming over soon.”
You watch as Billie rolls her eyes before taking a long sip of her water. You don’t realize you’re staring until Billie speaks and you look up to see her smirking at you.
“Is that right?”
You just nod dumbly because you honestly can’t even remember what you just said to her. You are too busy admiring Billie’s appearance, she’s all made up for television again, to realize that she’s caught on to this, and she reaches out for you. You turn as Billie’s hand moves to your cheek and it takes you a moment to focus on what she’s saying long enough to respond.
“You’re waiting for someone?”
You nod again before saying the first thing that comes to mind. “Yeah. Erin.”
You don’t elaborate as you take a sip of your own water. You’re still forcing yourself to drink as much as possible because it has made your headache better. You take a long gulp before looking back to Billie. She’s frowning and you open your mouth to ask what’s wrong, but she speaks first.
“Erin’s coming over?”
Your eyes widen in realization before you nod and look to the clock again. She wouldn’t be over until later, maybe not until three, and you say this before mentioning what you’d talked about earlier.
“At some point this afternoon yes. She’s dropping off my car.”
Billie doesn’t say anything for a second. She’s thinking about how you shouldn’t be driving yet, but she holds back on saying this before simply asking the obvious question.
You tell Billie about how Erin had checked in on you earlier and then offered to bring your car over.  You make sure to mention that you don’t even want to drive yet, but that you are really a little paranoid about keeping it there. Billie smiles sympathetically at this because she can understand where you’re coming from. She just sighs before pulling out the chair next to her and moving to it before shooting you a questioning look. She pats the chair that she’d been sitting in and you smile slightly before moving to sit next to Billie. The medium wraps an arm around your shoulders with a smirk.
“You know if you wanted me to drive you somewhere, you only had to ask.”
Billie is mostly kidding because she believes that you didn’t really want to go anywhere. Still, she loves to tease you and you half groan, half whine under your breath as you turn to face your girlfriend.
“The only place I want to go Billie, other than the grocery store at some point, is to that restaurant we talked about. If you’re up to it later.”
You watch as Billie’s smile widens and she laughs before leaning in to kiss you. She pulls away before tilting her head slightly.
“You want to go to the grocery store?”
Billie leaves shortly after because she still has an interview to get to. Before leaving, however, she had promised that you two could go shopping once she’s back. You now were just sitting around with Milo waiting until Erin and Lindsey showed up. You had just walked him again and now he was sleeping at your feet as you play a game on your phone. You were tired but restless at the same time, and you didn’t know what to do about it. Finally, you decide that you should go upstairs to check on the kittens. You haven’t felt on any of them in a while, so you figure now was as good a time as any.
You find that Bit is on her way out so you just let her by before you hurry inside to see the kittens. You see them lying in their bed all on top of one another and you smile when you realize that Mickey is on top. He’s shifting in his sleep and you just sit down and watch him kick his siblings as he tries to get more comfortable.
After watching for another minute, you decide to grab him and spare the other kittens. You smile as he mewls in annoyance and you hold him up as you admire how much he’s grown. He’s definitely a little chunky, but you’re not going to tell Billie that, at least not until you’re back at work, but he’s also no longer at the bottom of the pile. Figuratively and literally.
You hold him for a little while longer before putting him back with the rest of the kittens. You don’t want to bother them so you decide to head downstairs and see what Milo is up to. You haven’t heard anything since leaving him which could be good or bad. You expect Bit to be as far away from your dog as possible. You walk down the stairs and nearly fall when you spot Milo in the living room. He is exactly where you left him, licking his paws and lying on the rug. You stop in your tracks though when you see that Bit is practically leaning against Milo as she grooms herself, not a care in the world.
You’re not sure if you’re more surprised by the fact that Bit is hanging out with Milo, or that Milo isn’t paying her any mind. You really wish you had your phone to take a picture to send it to Billie. However, it doesn’t matter for much longer because once you start walking again and reach the bottom of the stairs Milo spots you and he abandons his spot on the rug to come say hi. You smile as you reach out to scratch him.
“Hey, Milo. Making friends?”
He doesn’t respond. Instead, he turns to the front door when the doorbell rings. You are halfway to the kitchen to get your phone, but you turn around and hurry to the door instead. Erin is early.
You usher Milo out of the way, and he’s sitting behind you watching intently as you open the door. Erin and Lindsey are standing on the front porch, the former holding out your keys to you. You smile as you wave the two of them in. They’re in their work clothes so they must have come straight here, which made sense. You peek behind them and see your car parked on the street and you smile wider as you close the door behind them.
“Hi you two. Thank you so much for coming by. I hope it wasn’t too much trouble?”
Both of them shake their heads as they meet Milo who is quick to greet them. He of course recognizes them and it doesn’t take him long to end up on his back asking for scratches. They indulge him for a little while before you lead the pair to the kitchen with a smile.
“Do either of you want anything to drink? Did you just come from work?”
You’re heading to the fridge when Erin responds and you stop short at what she says.
“I’m good, thanks! We did, but it was only a half day so it wasn’t too bad.”
You smile at this before turning to Lindsey who’s nodding in agreement. You turn to see Milo who is sitting at their feet sniffing them. He certainly smells every appointment that each of them had seen today. You are about to call him off when Lindsey reaches out to pet him.
“Yeah, it was the usual, minus you of course. We hope you’re feeling better?”
You smile at this before nodding in confirmation. Your headache comes and goes and it’s worse if you’re doing certain things. It hasn’t been too bad today though. You mention a few other things about how you’ve just been sitting around and you were bored out of your mind before you change the subject. You are excited to get back to work, but you also don’t really want to be back in the public eye again. However, you decide that you need to ask since they just came from work.
“Are there reporters still camped out at work?”
You motion for the two who had just been standing to sit down at the counter. You watch as Erin scowls while Lindsey cringes slightly at your question. You can’t help but sigh in defeat at your wishful thinking. You should have known that it wouldn’t be that easy.
Erin sighs as she sits down and crosses her arms before nodding in confirmation.
“Unfortunately. It’s obvious that you’re not there, but I think they’re just waiting it out.”
Lindsey nods in agreement watching as you frown in annoyance. You just hope that they haven’t been bothering anyone.
“They’re not harassing anyone are they?”
This time Lindsey shakes her head and she mentions how they don’t leave their cars whenever they come by. They appeared at opening like clockwork and left after all the doctors were gone.
“Nope. They’re just waiting. I guess they didn’t see the interviews.”
This makes you stop and you smile slightly as Lindsey stiffens and Erin stops petting Milo when the blonde says this. So they saw Billie’s interviews. You couldn’t help but ask since you knew your opinion was biased as hell.
“You watched Billie’s interviews?”
Erin realizes that there really was no point in trying to lie. She was near obsessed with Billie and she didn’t hide it well. She looks to Lindsey while nodding and admitting what she’d thought about them.
“Yeah, we watched the first one. She’s very good a deflecting.”
You smile slightly at this before you look to the clock. You hope that Billie is doing alright and that she won’t be given too much grief at this next interview.
Billie tries not to fidget as she sits across from her next interviewer in front of a full house. She was about to start the next interview and she was eager to get going because she wants to be done. Specifically, she wants to see you. She hopes that this one goes better than the last because she wasn’t in the mood to deal with invasive questions.
Billie sits up as the host, Dave sighs and smiles at her before glancing to the audience.
“Glad you could join us today; I know we’re all excited to hear about the next season of your show.”
The audience cheers at this and Billie lets out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. She can talk about her show no problem. She could talk anyone’s ear off about how much she loves what she does and how grateful she is to get the chance to help people.
She spends the first ten minutes answering questions about her experiences filming her show. She answers what the scariest part of the season would be, which ironically she’d had nightmares about for a while. Then she talked about her favorite moments. She was most excited for everyone to see the last episode, and she talks about that as much as she can without spoiling it.
They are about half way through the interview when the conversation starts to stray from her show. Billie just smiles and answers the easiest question she’s had all day.
“Yes, for about a month.”
Dave just smiles before he asks a few questions that Billie is sure he and most of the audience already know the answers to. Billie just nods before holding back the urge to sigh at the line of questioning. She manages a smile instead.
“Yes, she’s a vet.”
Dave’s expression changes slightly, and Billie doesn’t know why until he speaks up again. He’s shooting her a curious look, but Billie can tell that he’s holding back a smile, maybe even a smirk. She doesn’t have much time to consider it before he asks his deceptively innocent question.
“Y/N moved here recently, right? How is she adjusting to LA?”
Billie tells the truth. She says that you’ve been here a couple months and you are still getting acclimated to the city. You work a lot and you honestly don’t get out much. Billie says this with a smile and in the nicest way possible. She’s mostly teasing, but she knows you wouldn’t be able to deny it.
Billie smiles before she shrugs and says something about how she’s going to make sure you get out more.
“I’m going to have to show her around once she’s better.”
This prompts Dave to ask about how you’ve been doing since the accident. Billie still hates that word, but she just goes with and says what she told the other two interviewers. Both of them seemed more concerned, or rather sincere, when they asked compared to Dave. It seemed perfunctory and Billie just reminds herself that it wasn’t worth it. At least he was asking.
“She’s doing much better yes. Thank you. “
Dave nods in response before he jumps to the next question. Billie has to remind herself not to react too much at it, but she stiffens a little before she sits up straighter.
“Does Y/N have any family in the area?”
Billie simply shakes her head before saying ‘no’. She decides to keep it short and not give any extra information in hopes that this will tip Dave off. She realizes that her effort is in vain because he just nods before asking her to elaborate.
“She has sisters that live back East, but that’s it.”
Billie knows where this is heading as soon as Dave shoots her a dubious look, but she sincerely hopes she’s wrong.
You sigh as you sit with Milo on the couch just trying to get some rest. You are glad that Erin and Lindsey were able to bring your car over, but talking to them, even for only about twenty minutes did a number on you. Your head started hurting about ten minutes in, but you were trying to power through which of course only made it worse. Luckily it wasn’t nearly as bad as it could be, so you were just riding it out.
You were lying down hoping it would just go away, and after about half an hour you were feeling well enough to risk a couple of minutes on your phone. You knew that Billie was filming her second interview and you hope that it went well for her. You don’t want a repeat of this morning, but there was no way of knowing now. You had to wait until Billie called or came back.
You leave your messages and look at the calendar absentmindedly. You go back to work on Monday and that’s the 5th. You pause as you look at the following week and you sigh before quickly locking your phone. You set it down before sitting up and reaching out for Milo with a sigh. You scratch him for a little bit before motioning for him to follow you. You try not to think too much about the weekend coming up, as you and Milo head to the backyard.
You’ve come to like spending time back here. It’s quiet, private and a great place to nap. You had been tempted to just go back to bed earlier, but it was sunny and you didn’t want Milo’s fur getting on the bed. You put Milo’s leash on and lead him to the edge of the yard so he can pee before taking him back to the deck. You lie down in one of the chairs and motion for Milo to sit beside you. You sigh before leaning back and reaching out to pet him with a yawn.
You stare at the sky for a while before shaking your head. You close your eyes and try not to worry about anything right now. You focus on Billie and your date tonight and that brings a smile to your face. You hope that Billie will be up to going out, but if not you’re sure you will enjoy your time with her regardless. You are quickly realizing that you’re up for doing just about anything with Billie. She’s so easy to be around and you wonder how you’d gone without having someone who so easily calmed you for so long. You definitely had underestimated the importance of having such a presence in your life.
You fall asleep thinking about how you’ll need Billie to keep you grounded in the weeks to come. You don’t wake up to her text messages that come after her interview, and you’re still asleep by the time she gets back.
Billie tries to control her temper. She doesn’t get mad a lot because she doesn’t see the point. There are better things to do than allow someone else to rile you up and manipulate your emotions. For this reason, Billie only frowns before shaking her head in response to Dave’s next question. She is not going to answer what she knows he wants to ask.
He had mentioned your dad earlier and how he’s read that horrible article about how Billie was helping you get over his death. It had portrayed you in an unflattering way and Billie had hated how she’d been described as the saint who fixed all of your problems. She had a lot of issues with this, but she wasn’t going to get into them now. She wasn’t about to talk about your business with anyone but you when she knew how sensitive this subject was. She tried not to be rude as she speaks up calmly, but in a way that should brook no argument.
“That’s not what I came here to talk about.”
Dave doesn’t respond to this immediately instead he watches Billie closely as she holds her ground with a  frown.
“You don’t deny it? That you’ve seen Y/N’s father?”
Billie shakes her head as she shifts slightly in her seat before leaning back. She’s trying to shut this down, but she can’t help but feel the tension that has settled in the studio. It would be so much easier to answer him and get on with the interview. However, she knew she couldn’t do that for multiple reasons. It would be betraying your trust and Billie wouldn’t be able to live with herself if she did that to you. Let alone on ‘live’ television.
“I’m not answering that, Dave because it’s not anyone’s business but Y/N’s.”
Billie nearly sighs in relief as Dave just holds up his hands in surrender, smiling slightly despite how uncomfortable he’s made everything. At least he knows when to admit defeat. He quickly changes the subject and Billie counts down the minutes until she can get out of here.
When they’re off the air only ten minutes later, Dave is sighing as he removes his microphone while shooting Billie a look. She shoots one right back and is standing up to leave before she even finishes her sentence.
“Come on, Billie. You couldn’t have just answered the question?”
Billie scowls at him before rolling her eyes in annoyance. She has had it with him and she wants him to know it. She’s not looking forward to this interview airing, but at least she doesn’t have to worry about it until later. Her main concern was getting out of here before she says something that she would really regret.
“No because it’s none of your damn business Dave.”
Billie doesn’t wait for his response before she leaves the way she came in. She stops by her dressing room to grab her things before practically storming out of the building. She pulls out her phone and starts to text you before she just sighs and deletes it. She needs a few minutes to calm down before she checks in with you.
Billie got in her car and spent the drive home thinking about how she really needed to figure out what to do. She knew that she could keep saying the same thing in the future, refusing to comment, but that would get old fast. Maybe she could keep it up, or maybe it would become old news soon. Billie just hoped that you didn’t want to watch tonight’s interview.
When Billie makes it home, she can think of nothing she wants to do more than change clothes and lie down until dinner. She doesn’t see you, or Milo for that matter, in the living room, so she assumes that you are asleep upstairs. She goes and checks the guest bedroom, but you’re not there either. Maybe you’re walking Milo.
Billie decides to text you before she changes clothes and heads down the hall to check on the kittens. A few minutes later Billie is downstairs in the kitchen for a much-needed drink. She pours herself a glass and turns to the backyard only to stop short when she sees Milo lying on the deck beside one of the chairs. She puts down her glass before moving toward the back door, and she smiles when she sees you fast asleep. She noticed your car out front and realizes that Erin must have dropped by already. She moves to sit next to you in the other chair before telling Milo to be quiet.
He of course greets her with a whine and a couple of licks before doing as he’s told and lying down. Billie sits and just watches you sleep for a couple of minutes. She takes comfort in the sight of you sleeping peacefully and she hates to wake you.
Fortunately or unfortunately, Billie doesn’t have to make that decision because Milo whines loudly enough that you start to stir. Billie sighs in defeat before she just rolls her eyes when Milo tries to jump up next to her. She watches as you groan under your breath before opening your eyes with a frown.
You look around with a sigh and you jump in surprise when you see Billie. You smile as you sit up and turn towards her, but you have to wave Milo away when he tries to get under your feet. You stand up and move to sit next to Billie before you realize that something’s off. She’s smiling, but it doesn’t seem sincere and you frown as you reach out for her.
“Billie, what’s wrong?”
You feel silly the moment the question leaves your mouth because what could be bothering her other than her interview? You must have lost track of time and slept for far longer than you bargained for. You know that you couldn’t have watched it, but you would have liked to at least to be up when she got back.
Billie just squeezes your hand with a sigh before she shakes her head. She is about to lie to you, you know it, so you speak up before Billie can.
“You can tell me the truth. It’s okay. I can take it.”
Billie hesitates for a moment which really tells you all you need to know. You try not to sigh when she does before shaking her head again. She doesn’t want to talk about this with you because she’s afraid you won’t take it well. However, she doesn’t want to lie to you either, so she settles on telling you just the basics for now. The rest will come later. Once she’s had a little more time to process everything.
“My interview didn’t go very well.”
You frown at the expected news before looking to see that Billie was staring off into space. You wonder what they could have said because Billie seems more upset than you would expect.
“I’m sorry, Billie. Can I help in any way?”
Billie’s attention turns to you and she smiles before shaking her head. She looks around for a minute before deciding she wanted to go inside and talk about this.
“No sweetheart, just being back here with you helps.”
You smile at this and follow Billie inside when she stands up and holds out her hand to you. You motion for Milo to follow you, not that you really need to before you watch Billie head back to the kitchen. You see the abandoned glass of wine and realize that you clearly underestimated the time Billie had. You watch as she takes a sip before you move to grab a drink of your own from the fridge. Billie watches this and she berates herself for not asking you.
“Is there anything you want to do? To get your mind off of it?”
You hadn’t expected the answer that Billie gave you, but you were more than happy to do as she asked. You both were now sitting on the couch watching your favorite movie. It’s one you always go to when you need to feel better, and you’re surprised that Billie’s never seen it before. After hearing that you practically demanded you both watch it.
You shift a little to get more comfortable and you’re leaning on Billie before you realize you should probably ask. You don’t get a chance though before her arms wrap around you tighter and she pulls you so you’re practically on top of her. You smile as you turn your head so your face is buried in Billie’s stomach. You stay like that for a while before turning your attention to the screen. You love this movie, and you’re glad to be relaxing, but simply knowing that Billie’s still tense, feeling that she’s still tense, makes you frown.
You’re not even half way through the movie, but you can’t get into it being as preoccupied as you are. You turn slightly so you can see Billie, and she’s watching the movie with an amused look. She speaks before you can ask what’s on her mind, and you can’t help but smile a little.
“This was really your favorite movie as a kid?”
You smile to yourself at the thought of the first time you’d seen it before nodding in confirmation. You talk about how it was the one movie that never failed to make you feel better. You talk a little bit more about what you liked most before Billie just laughs in amusement. She runs her fingers through your hair with an adoring smile.
“I can see why you like it so much. I’m honored I get to watch it with you.”
You roll your eyes before you look back to the screen. You watch for a couple of minutes, and Billie continues to play with your hair before you remember that you were going to ask her what was bothering her. You turn away from the movie, despite it being at your favorite part, and look at Billie with a frown. Her hand is hovering above you now and she moves it away before shooting you a curious look.
“What is it, Y/N? I see you thinking.”
You sigh slightly before nodding in confirmation. You couldn’t pretend like you weren’t a little worried about what had happened at the interview. In all the time you’ve known Billie she rarely gets upset. You want to make sure she knows she can talk to you about anything that’s bothering her.
“I just wanted to make sure you didn’t want to talk about what happened.”
Billie smiles at you and your willingness to help before she tells you the truth. At least most of it. She decides that hiding something from you might be worth it if saves you some pain.
“It’s alright. He just asked very personal questions that I didn’t want to answer.”
You groan at this before rolling your eyes at the thought. You weren’t looking forward to watching this interview tonight or tomorrow, but you did want to support Billie in whatever way you could. Still, you nod before sitting up and scooting closer to the medium. You turn your attention back to the movie smiling slightly at the scene before you.
You don’t last until the end of the movie, but Billie doesn’t bother waking you. She wants you to get your rest before you go out tonight. Billie turns back to the movie that’s ending with a sigh. She knows that she’s going to regret lying to you, but for now she didn’t want to do or tell you anything that would upset you. Not when you already have so much on your mind.                  
You wake up at the sound of the front door closing, and you roll over with a tired groan. You sit up quickly and look around, only to find that Billie is gone. You don’t get a chance to frown before you see her and Milo walking toward you with a smile. They must have just gotten back from a walk. How long were you asleep? You didn’t get to wonder why you were sleeping so much before Milo was on you. He hadn’t even let Billie take off his leash before he jumped you, and you laugh before catching him. You scratch him all over for a little while before you reach over him to take off his leash. You smile appreciatively as Billie offers to take it from you.
“Thanks Billie, and thanks for walking him.”
Billie just smiles before returning to your side and planting a kiss on your forehead.
“Of course, sweetheart. How did you sleep?”
Apparently, it was almost dinner time and you sat up a little straighter at this. You hadn’t realized how late it was, but you had been looking forward to going out with Billie. You hurry to stand up and head upstairs to get ready, but Billie stops you. She actually catches you as you sway slightly from the sudden movement, and you shoot her another grateful look before shaking your head. You know what she’s going to say next, but you’re feeling better and you’re not going to let Billie talk you into staying in.
“Are you sure you’re up for it? We don’t have to go, Y/N.”
You smile widely before shaking your head again and standing up straight with a sigh. You look briefly to Milo before deciding that he looks good enough to go out.
“No, I’m good to go. Let me just get changed. I’ll be back!”
Billie smiles as she watches you run upstairs, not bothering to stop Milo as he follows you. She supposes she should check on the cats before you three leave. First, she needs a cigarette, so she heads to the kitchen. That movie helped relax her while she watched it, but now she was free to think and worry about tonight again. She sighs as she takes a drag before heading to the backyard. She just needs a few minutes to herself. Then she’ll be ready.
Part 19
Tag list: @madamevirgo @illuminated-blue
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stayevildarling · 3 years
Cordelia Goode: 💛
-Cordelia x Reader (completed) : https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/256163383-cordelia-foxx-x-female-reader-pain
-Cordelia x Reader (completed): https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/254359655-fire-meet-gasoline-cordelia-goode-x-reader-ahs
-Cordelia x Reader (completed): https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/258559597-cordelia-goode-x-reader-the-one-that-got-away
-Cordelia x Reader (completed):
Ally Mayfair Richards: ❤️
-Ally x Reader x Cordelia: (completed) https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/261374778-cordelia-goode-x-reader-x-ally-mayfair-richards
Wilhemina Venable: 💜
-Wilhemina x Reader (completed): https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/257542874-wilhemina-venable-x-reader-rehab
Fiona Goode: 🖤
-Fiona x Reader (completed): https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/256836438-fiona-goode-x-reader-lucky-one
One shots:
Sarah Paulson Character Oneshots: (ongoing)
Sarah Paulson Character Mental Health Oneshots: (ongoing)
Cordelia Goode x Wilhemina Venable x Billie Dean-Howard x Reader Book (ongoing)
Sarah Paulson Character 30 Day Smut Challenge (ongoing)
Sarah Paulson Character Headcanons (ongoing):
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yang12e · 4 years
Yandere American Horror Story
Billie Dean Howard
Yandere Billie Dean Howard X Reader
Yandere Billie Dean Howard X Reader
Yandere Billie Dean Howard X Reader
Lana Winters
Yandere Lana Winters X Reader
Yandere Lana Winters X Reader
Cordelia Goode
Yandere Cordelia Goode X Reader
Yandere Cordelia Goode X Reader
Yandere Cordelia Goode X Reader
Bette And Dot Tattler
Yandere Bette And Dot Tattler X Reader
Yandere Bette And Dot Tattler X Reader 
Yandere Bette And Dot Tattler X Reader 
Hypodermic Sally McKenna
Yandere Hypodermic Sally McKenna X Reader
Yandere Sally McKenna X Reader
Audrey Tindall
Yandere Audrey Tindall X Reader
Yandere Audrey Tindall X Reader
Shelby Miller
Yandere Shelby Miller X Reader
Ally Mayfair Richards
Wilhemina Venable
Yandere Wilhemina Venable X Reader
Yandere Wilhemina Venable X Reader
Yandere Wilhemina Venable X Reader
Billie Dean Howard and Ally Mayfair Richards
Yandere Billie Dean Howard X Reader X Yandere Ally Mayfair Richards
Nora Montgomery
Yandere Nora Montgomery X Child Reader Part 1, Part 2
Sister Mary Eunice McKee
Yandere Sister Mary Eunice McKee X Reader Part 1, Part 2
Misty Day
Yandere Misty Day X Reader Part 1, Part 2
Shelby Miller
Yandere Shelby Miller X Reader Part 1, Part 2
Lavinia Richter
Yandere Lavinia Richter X Reader Part 1, Part 2
Moira O’Hara
Yandere Moira O’Hara X Reader Part 1, Part 2
The Countess
Yandere The Countess X Reader
Yandere Ratched
Nurse Mildred Ratched
Yandere Nurse Mildred Ratched X Reader
Yandere Run
Diane Sherman
Yandere Diane Sherman X Reader
Yandere The Goldfinch
Yandere Xandra X Reader Part 1, Part 2
Yandere Actress / Female Celebrities
Sarah Paulson
Yandere Sarah Paulson X Reader
Lily Rabe
Yandere Lily Rabe X Reader
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~ 𝔽 𝔸 ℚ ~
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Can I write a spinoff based on/inspired by one of your fics? Of course, as long as you tag me for credit as the original/link back to my original story, plus that way I can read your story!
Can I send you a dm to get to know you? I absolutely love when my followers do this, because I'm always open to making new friends! I promise I don't bite, and I'm friendly, so go ahead and slide into those dm's! ;)
Do you mind if I go on anon to request? I do not mind at all! Although I like it when people are open about who they are when they request, that's just because it's easier to tag them as credit of the idea, and so they actually see the story. I typically don't write the story as a response to the ask, I'll respond with whether or not I'll write it, and then write it as a separate post. So while you have no reason to be embarrassed or nervous to request publicly, if that's what your comfortable with, then have at it. <3
What tags do you use to organize your blog? Well, with my fanfictions, I will always tag it as #fanfiction and the ship/pairing, for example #lorraine warren x reader. For my random shit-posts or thought that I post, I use #personal. For fic reblogs I use #not mine and #fic reblog. For any other sort of non-fic-related reblog, I use #random. And for vent posts, I'll use #vent or #rant! :)
Do you write for heterosexual pairings? The only hetero relationships I'll write for, at least at the moment, are for fem!readers with Loki, The Tenth and Eleventh Doctors from Doctor Who, Ed Warren, and Dr. Shaun Murphy from The Good Doctor. Otherwise all of my fics are LGBTQ+ ships, female characters with female or gender neutral readers.
Do you write for character x character ships? Yes I will, in certain cases. If I'm uncomfortable with the pairing for some reason, then I won't, or if it's characters from different fandoms. So I will write Cordelia Goode x Billie Dean Howard, but I won't write Mary Poppins x Narcissa Malfoy, for example.
Are you open to suggestions for movies/shows to watch? Absolutely!
How do I request to be on your taglist? Just send me an ask (off anon, of course) or fill out this handy dandy google form that I created! By doing this, it's making sure that I keep my tags organized, and that you get tagged properly!
Feel free to ask me any other questions you may have!
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Gone and Left Your World (Venable x reader (Part 1))
Okay, so I have a problem called I can’t write one-shots even though I try.  So I’m now doing another series even though I hadn’t finished my last. 
Story summary: You were going out with Venable before the apocalypse. Four years of your memory are gone and you’re now in the outpost with your Ex.
Warnings: Alcoholism (mentioned), cabalism (cuz that one scene) and a bit of smut.
Parts: One, Two, Three, Four
“…I never felt love.”
“Neither have I.”
Long ago, if you asked Venable, she may have answered differently. The world before the apocalypse was a different time. The world that surrounded the occupants of outpost 3 was simpler, everything drew down to two classes; the purples and the greys- the elite and the servants. The way it should have always been.  
The world before was complex, everything had too many variables. No order in the way the world worked and no justice. 
She thought she knew love, but it walked out on her. At first, she thought something had happened, that her lover had been kidnapped or worse. Trying to remain rational, she called your work to see if you had been sent on a last-minute business trip. It happened a lot that time of the year, someone couldn’t go, so they forced you to go in their place. Venable hated it, ranting about the company’s incompetence. You would stop packing, laid a kiss on her check and promised you would be back as soon as possible. The only plus side was when you made up for it when you got back a couple days later. 
They told her you hadn’t been in. 
No note left behind, and her partner’s ring was missing. There were no problems in your relationship- at least to Venables knowledge there weren’t. That didn’t stop you from leaving her in the broken remains of the woman she had become.
But now she knew she was wrong. You were there and she wanted to make your life a living hell. 
All the purples gasp. The purples whisper among themselves. Ms Mead was about to tell the new purple off when Ms Venable banged her cane against the ground silencing all. 
“It’s Ms Venable to you, Ms L/N,” Ms Venable corrected. “As you just arrive to outpost 3 and you may not have been made aware, you get a pass. Don’t do it again.” So much for going hard on you. She goes to sit down in her chair at the head of the table. “And next time, be to dinner on time. I’d hate to punish you.”
“Of course, Ms Venable, as you wish.”
You take your seat at the table. The other purples eyeing you before mumbling to the others. You jabbed your nutrition cube watching it jiggle. You let out a slight chuckle and poked it again. The other purples watched on. You were by no means the youngest at the table, two of the members were about eighteen (though it was hard to tell when you were all dressed in Victorian clothing) but at that moment you appeared the most immature out of all of them. You apologized for you childish sense of humour and when back to eating.
You slowly ate your cube, every so often glancing up to see Ms Venable staring directly at you. It didn’t sit right with you. How had she become the ruler of this outpost? You cursed your mind for the years you’ve forgotten. It was 2014 and then it was 2018 and you were alone in a shifty hotel room with no recollection of the last four years. 
Pssskkk. The man next to you got your attention. He had the whitest hair you had seen. He appeared to be in his early thirties.
“How do you know Venable?”
“I-I don’t know her,” you mumbled out shoving a forkful of cube in your mouth.
“So, you just happened to know her first name without meeting her, oh that makes perfect sense,” he said sarcastically. 
“L/N, what did you do before the end of the world?” Emily (the youngest female purple) asked. 
“I dabbled with everything; Acting, singing, I owned a company, was a personal assistant twice, physic and uh~ (dream job)”
“Geez overachiever much,” Coco said. At least you had worked a day in your life and not been handed everything on a golden platter like her. “Personal assistant? Shouldn’t you be a grey then?”
“I shouldn’t be here at all to be honest, let alone a purple. I have no clue why I was chosen.”
“Maybe it was something in your DNA, did you ever do a DNA test?”
“Nope.” You popped you p. “I’m (cultural background), that’s all that matters to me. I don’t care about ancestral background and all that.”
“You were a physic?”
“I was an apprentice working under Billie Dean Howard.”
“The chick who did tv shows going to haunted houses?” Mr Gallant asked. 
“Doesn’t she kind of look like Venable?” Timothy Campbell asked.
“She does.” Emily said.
“It’s probably just a coincidence.”
“I bet if they were on the same TV show, they would be played by the same actor.”
“Why would Venable be on a tv show? She’s too much of a-”
“I would choose your next words very carefully Ms St. Pierre Vanderbilt,” Venable threatened her hand clenching around the handle of a cane.
“Yes Ms Venable.” Coco drew her attention back to you. “Back to what you were saying Y/N.”
“Y-yes. I started as her assistant, organising her bookings and … other stuff,” you cleared your throat. “She saw potential, I got scared and I ran.”
“Saw a ghost?” Gallant joked.
“The dead doesn’t scare me Gallant, it’s the living you should watch out for,” you said with all the serious in the world. “The dead have nothing to lose. The living are playing the same game we are.”
“Which is?”
“Life.” You take a sip of your water staring down the person who asked the last question. “Don’t let me hog the conversation, someone else take the reins.”
The group changed the topic allowing you to go back to your meal. Ms Venable’s eyes were fixated to you the whole time as you spoke. You didn’t want to cause her any more trouble than you already had. She had all the power, if you wanted to stay alive you must learn to follow her rules, good thing you were used to that. 
Once Ms Venable finished, she dismissed everyone. 
“Ms L/N remain behind. I wish to speak to you.”
You gulped but complied. Some people gave you a look of sympathy as they walked past. “Ms Mead, I can handle this alone. You may attend to other duties.” Ms Mead left. 
“Ms Venable-”
“The house rules are simple. You will refer to me only as Ms Venable. You may never leave the building. If you wander out onto the grounds, you will not be allowed back in due to the danger of radiation contamination. You will take your chances with the canker pus monsters beyond the gates. And no unauthorized copulation of any kind, under any circumstances, no exceptions.”
Unauthorized? Who had to authorise it?
“Jesus, when was the last time she got laid?” her scowl deepens. “Shit, I said that aloud, didn’t I?”
“Profanity is also unacceptable. You’re an elite member of this outpost, act like it.” You thought she would scold you for talking back to her. “As you already know, you’ll find the evening wear on the left side of the armoire and we dress for dinner. Cocktails in the music room at 6:30. Be prompt. There’s no excuse for tardiness when there’s nothing else to do.”
Did she memorise this speech?
“Of course, Ms Venable. Is that all?”
She wanted to say more but held herself back. She dismissed you, watching you leave for cocktails in the music room with the others. 
Days blended, drawing out. Every mealtime went the same. You sat in silence occasionally looking around when something interesting was said or when you felt eyes burning into you. 
You spent your days pondering how you were an elite. Most paid their way to be where you were sitting, the two exceptions where the two who had the perfect genes. And there you were, a failed actor with a history of alcoholism was now a purple in outpost 3. Who did you eat out to score a place in your own living hell?
You were trapped in a place with your ex. You didn’t even know what you did to her to make her hate you. Did she hate you? It’s hard to tell with her, she treats everyone poorly. You couldn’t remember anything, and it killed you. Did you sleep with somebody else? Did you fight and then you stormed off and left things unsolved? You had to ask her but asking could lead to your downfall. She has the power to end you in an instant by giving a simple command but instead, she lets you roam around in her presence. It made no sense. 
You regret the countless nights downing anything that had the word alcohol on it. The only reason you could focus now was because your agent forced you to go to rehab to get your shit together. Somewhere along the line, you had forgotten what you did. You knew this was on you, she was perfect, how could you compare?
More days went on and the number of outpost residences dropped. Greys you once saw lined up during meals were now missing. 
Venable warned the outpost occupants that their supplies are meant for a few years and conditions must improve or options will be limited. Was this the limited options? Cut down the number of people to keep more resources. With some of the punishments you had seen in passing, it wouldn’t surprise you. Your Wilhelmina was long gone now. The woman left behind wasn’t one to mess with- not saying she was not to be messed with prior to the end times. 
A carrier pigeon arrived inside the perimeter carrying a message from their benefactors. Three outposts have been overrun, and they are the only ‘civilized’ people left. The rest are starving or dying (“There are no more governments. Only rotting mounds of corpses, too many to bury. Starving people kill for a piece of bread. Three outposts have been overrun. We are the last vestiges of civilized life on the planet. Be vigilant.”). Coco suggested we cook the pigeon, but it was contaminated by the fallout. You were all disappointed, something besides cubes sounded nice. A hot cooked meal, maybe a stew or Sunday roast. You hadn’t had a good one in years, the cubs pale in comparison to a home cooked meal.
“We will only survive if we follow the rules.” One of the guards came up to Venable and whispered something to her. “There’s a problem. We’ve detected a spike in the background radiation, centered in this room.”
“It’s her; she just came from the outside.” One of the purples pointed at you. You perked up at the accusation. What the fuck, Gallant!
The candles lighting the room began to flicker as though someone was poorly blowing them. No one noticed due to the high stress situation of someone being infected. 
“We never see her around and never talks, that’s pretty suspicious.” Stu supported what Gallant said with reasons as to why you could be the one.
“It wasn’t the pigeon?” You asked. Uh, right, she said it was centred in this room. The pigeon wouldn’t come anywhere near here. You began to panic, “I was cleared, Ms Mead cleared me herself and anyway, I have no reason to go out.”
“Maybe you wanted to talk to the dead, ghost girl.” Stu said.
“I wouldn’t have to leave to do that,” you growled. It was seen as a threat, but the walls housed the dead. The souls of young men screaming bloody murder. Dead long before the apocalypse. There were newer ones, since the bombs, men and women claiming they did nothing wrong.
“Place your hands on the table. And don’t move.” Ms Mead ordered. “Radioactive contamination is a grave risk to our entire community. The clean rule is there to protect all of us.” She scanned the purples as she explained how the contamination killed. A single stray gamma particle can cause skin lesions. DNA breaks apart, the body disintegrates making the person wish they died in the blast. “But someone here decided that their individual needs were more important.
Someone went outside. Touched something dirty. It makes me sick to think this person was selfish enough to risk contaminating all.”
Mead stopped at Mr Gallant. He claimed the only thing he touched was Coco’s hair, but she was clean. He was dragged off by two guards, his grandmother Evie along with a couple others yelled to bring him back. You held your breath, you were next to him, what if contaminated you too. As the machine was run across you, you prayed you were clean. Your eyes locked with the leader of the outpost. This was it; this was how she was going to get rid of you. Your eyes begged for help. She too held her breath. She bit her lower lip as the machine ran across you. It passed you and onto the person next to you. You both exhaled. Everyone’s attention was on the scanning, so no one noticed Venable’s reaction. 
It when off again on Stu (Andre Stevens partner). Andre vouched for him, saying he was with him all afternoon. They didn’t accept this, taking him off to wherever Gallant went. The lights became stable. Venable apologies for the inconvenience before telling you all to continue with dinner.
It didn’t hit you until later, when Gallant returned that they were the man two accusing you of being contaminated. Odd coincidence. 
The next night you were served your first hot meal you had been blessed with since showing up to the outpost. You were told it was chicken stew which happened to be one of your favourite meals back when you went out with Venable. Each week you would have one day that the two of you left a meal unplanned. As she had planned most of the week because your choices were too unhealthy, she let you pick the meal. It always fell on a Thursday; you never worked that day. She would chuckle when she called up to ask what you’d be making for dinner. You usually cooked due to her long hours. Your answer was always the same, chicken stew. She had to convince you to change the meat, braised beef, lamb, you once even had Kangaroo- your work sent you to Australia, the reason why was now long gone. 
“How could he be contaminated? Stu never went outside. He was with me most of the time.”
“Well, people do strange things when they’re stuck inside 24/7.”
“-I’ve started masturbating with my off hand.”
The group laughed. 
“Are you saying he deserved this?”
“I’m saying Stu was boring, and using up our food, and that lesions won’t work with my complexion.”
“Fuck you! I hope they come for you next.”
“Nobody’s coming for anyone,” Venable’s voice cut into the conversation. You straighten up. “Not unless you break the rules.” She moved to her spot to better address everyone at the table. “This is a difficult time for everyone. As a small consolation, we have a special treat.”
Plates were brought out with food covers onto them.
“No cubes tonight?”
“Enjoy the bonne bouche. Don’t get used to it.”
“You think bribing us with a hot meal just gonna make everything okay?”
“Oh, my God,” Coco said taking in a spoonful. “I think my mouth had an orgasm.”
You chuckled at her response, taking a scoop full. It tasted like nothing you’ve ever had. “What’s the meat?” Your voice wasn’t a loud, you were suppressed anyone heard you. 
“Chicken,” Venable answered you. 
“Tastes different then again I haven’t had chicken in years.” You had another mouthful. “Chicken stew used to be my favourite. Could have eaten it every day, but I was told it was too unhealthy to eat the same thing every day. Ironic now.” You glanced over to Ms Venable as you said that. She knew exactly who you were talking about. 
Instead of giving herself away in any form, she turned her attention back to the grieving man. 
“Andre, we’re not trying to bribe anyone, but there is something we all need to understand.
There is no “us” and “them.” We are in this together. No individual is greater than the group. We did what we had to do. This is quite simply a tragedy.” Venable responded to Andre before sitting down and starting her meal. She glanced up at you to get a glance at how much you were enjoying it. You catch her, offering her a quick smile.
“Where have you been hiding the fresh meat?” Good question, we don’t have generators almost everything is lit by candlelight. If they had this in hiding how did, they store it? Was it a livestock that was slaughtered before cooking?
You stopped eating the stew, peering down into it. Something was off. A voice warned you to stop. It didn’t belong to you but one of the houses. A male’s voice, familiar but you couldn’t pinpoint it. You didn’t call forth this voice, he actively sought you. 
“We have resources for special occasions.”
“I’ve never tasted anything like it.” So, it didn’t taste like chicken then? 
“It’s chicken,” Mead reiterated.
“That’s not a chicken bone,” Timothy said.
Two words you often been called by the elite members, ‘ghost girl’. You drop your spoon. Her breath halters. No~ It couldn’t be-
“Tell me this doesn’t look like a finger.” Andre gasped. “Oh, Jesus Christ. Oh, this stew is Stu!”
Gallant spat out his mouthful into his bowl. Andre yelled. Majority of the purples, gagged and coughed, trying to get the food out of them. 
“Mallory, come here and stick your finger down my throat!”
You kept staring down at the dish before you. It tasted fine before you knew what it was. He was contaminated, they wouldn’t force you to eat him, right? Ms Venable was eating the stew; he couldn’t be in it unless he never was contaminated to begin with. 
“For heaven’s sake, don’t be ridiculous. There are lines that can never be crossed. Not eating people is of the first rank.”
“I don’t care what it is. It’s absolutely divine. And it’s full of fibre. I’m going to finish every drop.”
“You’re a monster. How could you keep eating? You knew what it was.”
“It was chicken, Andre. Delicious white-meat chicken.”
“Is it him?” Someone yelled at you. Andre. “Is it?”
“You’re a cannibal. You’re all cannibals!”
He stormed off, going to the community room. His mother and some of the occupants following him. You stayed at the table with Evie, Ms Venable and Ms Mead. 
It’s just chicken, good old-fashioned chicken. No human remains in it.
Your hand shook as you picked up your spoon. Your mind fought against your body. You shouldn’t eat it, it’s human. It didn’t help you could hear the man’s voice judging you. He’s just an idiot who dated some celebs kid, nothing more, you tried to convince yourself that it needed to happen. That his death wasn’t murder for the sake of the kill but to save the survivors. But you wouldn’t eat him, if that was the case. 
Your body won over; it craved a hot meal.
The screaming from elsewhere filling the silence. You weren’t enjoying the ambience, it only reminded you of what you were doing. You were forced to make small talk with the eldest member of the outpost. She told you some stories about her life and some of the famous people she knew.
“But you know famous people too- uh~ that Bill Howie or something.”
“Billie Dean Howard,” You corrected. “It’s not really that impressive. You knew the president after all. Me knowing some medium is lame compared to that.”
“You said you were her assistant? What did you do?”
“I already told you the group this.” She wanted for you to answer still. You rolled your eyes. “Normal assistant stuff; organised her bookings, clients. It was her early days so there wasn’t really much to manage. She was a craigslist physic at the time, the fact that she hired me was bizarre.” Why did she hire you? Uh yeah, she saw ‘potential’ in you. Telling any young woman in the suggestive way she did, was bound to make you believe anything. Yes, you did have ‘potential’ but that came along after your time with her. It was her way to get you into bed with her, and it worked. You liked her but she didn’t like you back- at least not in the way you did. The apprenticeship only lasted a couple of weeks before you called it off. You felt crazy, talking to voices others couldn’t hear, seeing things people couldn’t see. It’s normal now. The alcohol stopped it for a bit, relaxed you. For a brief time, you were normal. Now, you were the ghost girl, whether they believed you or not didn’t concern you. You only had to look out for yourself. “I-I don’t want to talk about it.”
Venable was watching you, Evie noticed it too but said nothing. She was bound to tell the other’s later. They were no doubt they were talking about you behind your back. They’re aware that you know Ms Venable, they were most likely theorising how. 
She appeared more pissed than normal. Her scowl could only mean bad news. She pieced together why you didn’t wish to speak about the woman. You had known the woman before her and had met her since you left her. You mentioned her in passing but always held back, knowing that if you slipped out that you had ‘relations’ with the woman it would lead to a jealous Mina. The thought of that scared you. 
Later that night, a grey came up to you notifying you that Ms Venable wanted to see you in her office before bed curfew. You excuse yourself from the excited purples from raving on about how they were going to be rescued because the song in the common room changed. It wouldn’t surprise you if that was another sick joke from the head offs.
You knocked on Ms Venable’s door. The only noise behind the door was her cane against the wooden flooring. She was doing that to scare you. She knew how to walk with it silently. The door swung open revealing the woman in black. You will never get used to seeing this woman wearing black. She looked great in it, but it wasn’t her signature purple. Another commonality among you, you both loved the colour purple. You didn’t obsess over it as much as her, but you found it adorable that she did- you would never tell her that.
Before you could say a word, you were pulled into the room and slammed into the now closed door. Her hands clenched the fabric of your bodice. Her body pressed close to yours. You could feel the heat building up in your body. 
“Ms-” you breathed out. 
“Don’t talk,” she hissed out. Her left-hand glides down your front, moving to your side, disconnecting from your body briefly to flip the lock on the door. “Don’t move without an order. And most importantly don’t make any noise,” her voice was laced in sex. 
She smashed her lips against yours, biting your lip, forcing you to open your mouth. Her tongue fought for dominance and yours, in too much of a state of shock, you allowed her to do whatever she pleased. Her left-hand bruising grip held you against the door, her other slowly gathered the fabric of your dress. Her hand slipped the material of your dress and felt its way up, running up your thigh. She moved her way to your neck. Instinctively, you tilted it to the side allowing her more room to work. Not caring that you could have to spend the next few days hiding love bites. You fought back a moan. Your body became more squeamish as you had to fight against every urge you had. Her hand reached where you needed her most. You whimpered causing her to smirk. 
“Your mine. Your always were and you always will be, got that? Some blonde skank isn’t going to take you away from me. Not now, not ever.”
You nodded. She ran her hand over the fabric of your core, stopping roughly where the clit was. She began rubbing the area. Your head flew into the crevice of her neck using her body to stifle your moans. 
She revivals in how easy you are for her. 
Ignoring the Victorian clothing and the unfamiliar location, it was like old times. Everything reminded you of the past. Her touch managed to be rough yet loving. It wasn’t like your past partners, where they used you, there was something in it for the both of you. How wrong was it to think of another as the only woman who could ever hold your heart touched you intimately?
The candles begin to flicker. The air began to feel colder against your skin. 
You removed your head from her neck, staring at the back wall. 
“M-Ms V-Vena-” Your managed out. 
“What did I saw about talking?”
“Some-thing’s wron-” Your hand’s fly up to her chest to push her away.
A sudden gush of air blew out all the candles in the office, leaving the two in pitch black. Her grip on you loosened causing to slip to the floor smashing your head against the ground. 
You laid on a single bed, a hand stroking your hair gently. A calm voice muttering above you. You rested your head on someone’s lap. There were others in the room fast asleep. You choked back sobs trying not to wake the other girls.
 “Maybe we should go downstairs and make you some tea?” The voice offered. You could tell this was a routine. Sleepless nights, crying, being comforted and then tea in the kitchen until you collapse from exhaustion. Rise and repeat. You nod meekly. You felt yourself get dragged along until you are sat at a circular table with a tea in front of you. You didn’t touch it. You never do. 
 The woman, it’s the first time you saw her face, sighed and took a sip of her drink.
 Blonde hair that waved down past her shoulders. She adjusted her black nightgown, covering a part of her chest that had been slightly exposed. She was a sight for sore eyes. Your eyes were sore, worn out from what you the days you’d remained awake.  
 “I know you don’t want to talk about it, but you can’t keep doing this to yourself. You’re wearing yourself out.”
 “It’s fi-”
 “You haven’t slept in three days; your class attendance and participation has slipped and whatever I’ve tried to help you relax hasn’t worked. I’m running out of ideas to help you y/n. I’m running on little sleep myself.”
 “Go to bed then, the coven needs you-”
 “-and so, do you.” She cut in. “Is it your powers that’s worrying you?”
 You had concerns about your abilities. They were abnormal- at least they were to you. Who wanted to be associated with the dead? The dead were alive in your mind, you could see them. Their souls called out to you and sometimes you talked back. You were learning to filter the noise. It was tiring work but that’s not what’s keeping you up at night. 
 “Indirectly, I guess,” you fiddled with your engagement ring. Her eyes follow your movement. She let out a simple “oh”. “I’m alright, just give me a moment.” You always said this. A moment isn’t meant to last forever but your feelings had. 
 “I know I might sound stupid for asking but would you like to try to sleep in my bedroom instead of yours. You won’t have to fear waking up other girls.”
 “I don’t know, Cordelia.”
 “My bed is more comfortable, and it means I can be close in case you need me.”
 “Alright,” you sighed. 
 “That’s my girl.”
You found yourself alone in your bed still fully dressed from dinner last night. You ran your hand over your face, letting it drag on until it reached your chest. You’d dreamed it, of course you did. You were horny from not getting laid in months. Your hand tugged on the chain of your necklace. It was hidden fairly well under all your attire. Attached to the chain was a very important possession of yours. A ring. You clench it tight, place a kiss on the stone and tuck it back away. 
Who was the blonde your saw? Whatever her name was knew you well enough and, in the moment, you knew her well too. It couldn’t be real; you would remember a woman like that. 
There was a knock on your door. A grey stood there, Mallory, the grey Coco loved to order around. She snapped you out of your train of thought. She asked if she could come in. She held a tray of water along with something in a small box. You widened the door, before moving back to your bed. 
“Ms Venable asked me to check up on you and deliver you some water.”
“From what I heard from the other greys, you passed out in her office.”
You were there?
“Thanks Mallory.” She put the box on a bed-side table and headed towards the door. You called out her name, causing her to turn around. You were going to ask her something, but you forgot halfway through, “Eh~ Keep yourself safe, okay?”
“I will, Ms l/n.”
“It’s Y/n,” you corrected. She was the first person you had given your first name too here. The others never bothered to ask, instead opting for your surname or the nickname one for them gave you. 
She smiled before leaving you to your thoughts. One day you might grow closer to the others (if they aren’t concerned by your ‘ghost girl’ status) but for now, you had to calm down from that steamy session you possibly made up.
Next Part Link :)
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ververa · 5 years
Unplanned surprise
Billie Dean Howard x Female reader - where reader finds out she's pregnant.
That's the stupid idea that came to my mind. I'm not really satisfied with it, but here it is anyway.
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You and Billie met at work. You had a kind of a crush on her. You were fascinated with her abilities, her beauty, basically everything. You wanted to cooperate with her – it didn’t really matter what you would have to do, the most important was the ability to be close to her. So, you applied for a job on the set of her show. You two met on the day of your interview and she made a hint with you instantly. You’re young, funny and full of energy. For her you had one of the purest souls she had ever met in her life, as each time you were around the atmosphere suddenly became brighter. Besides you were her fan and Billie – as a woman who like attention – loved it. She adored the way you blushed around her and so, she made sure you got the job.
You were doing your best and tried to be nice to everyone, so they quite like you. And Billie. Billie was just fantastic – and you were even more enchanted with her than before, which you thought was impossible. After about a week Billie asked you out and since then you became her secret girlfriend – or it’s how you called it, cause she did not refer to you as so. But she was a free spirit. She like privacy and need a lot of space – it wasn’t a problem for you, you understood, cause you liked freedom too
You’re meeting after work, usually at her place. Sometimes you ate dinner, other time it was only sex, but you didn’t complain. You were eager to agree to do anything that she may ask you to do. And for most of the time you did. Like once at the club, where you were enjoying yourselves some man came to you and asked to dance. For Billie – who liked experimenting – it was another opportunity to try some new things. She convinced you to a threesome with that very man, on which you agreed almost immediately, not even for a while thinking about what consequences it may have.
And the consequences took a toll sooner than you thought they would.
Almost 3 weeks passed, since your crazy night and you found yourself puking up almost every morning and during the day. You couldn’t eat and had problems with sleep. At first you were sure it’s just some kind of infection and after a few days it will be gone. But it was rather naive thinking. It only got worst and you gradually began to realize what’s the real cause of your symptoms.
You didn’t want to bother Billie – or rather were afraid to – so you bought a pregnancy test to make sure.
You were pregnant. That definitely wasn't planned and you panicked. At first you wanted to tell Billie – it was her idea to had sex with that man after all – but all what ifs that bothered you prevented you from doing it. You decided to hide it from the woman, you're pretty sure you loved. Just in case she might be upset or began to hate you, even though it was her idea not yours. It wasn't that hard at the very beginning. The bump wasn't visible, so you didn't need to worry. Billie seemed not to notice even when you had sex. But in the process of time it was becoming harder and harder.
One night after you made her come Billie, of course, wanted to return the pleasure. She didn't manage to do anything though, as you got out of bed quicker than you had got into it. Billie looked at you, as if you were insane
"What the fuck, y/n?"
"N-nothing. I'm just... you know... I have my period" you lied
"For sure" she sat up to put on her clothes back "You keep on saying it since 3 weeks you know. Maybe you should consult with a doctor, cause you may bleed to death, baby" she tried to joke
"I will" you did your best to smile before collecting your things and getting ready to leave
"When will I see you again?" Billie stopped in the door frame watching as you struggle to put on your shoes
"Tomorrow at work probably" you sighed
"Maybe we should work on your shape, huh?" she chuckled leaning in to kiss you
You kissed her back and then stood up.
"See you tomorrow" you said kissing her cheek and leaving
From Billie's apartment you went straight to your doctor. You were so nervous that you didn't notice a familiar woman in the waiting room. It's Constance – Billie's friend that you had met at some occasion. She was observing you, but you were too preoccupied with reading some brochure about adoption. Then the doctor came out of the room and addressed you
"Miss y/l/n, come in. Let's see how's the baby"
You sighed with relief leaving the hospital. Everything's okay. The baby was alright and you got some more advices connected with your nausea and diet. You're almost calm for a while, but then you reached for your phone and almost had a heart attack seeing 20 missing calls from Billie. You blinked rapidly and took a deep breath calling her back
"Y/n, finally!"
"B-Billie? Did something happen?"
"I hope you can tell me. Where are you? We need to talk"
"I'm a little bit busy. Can it wait until tomorrow, please?"
You were too exhausted and anxious to talk with her. So, even when she agreed, you were doing your best to avoid her next day. You're in the toilet, throwing up for the 3rd time that day when she stepped in.
"Y/n?" she knocked to the door of the cabin
"I'm fine" you said weakly hoping that she'll go away
"Are you sick?"
"Yeah. Kind of... I'm sorry. I don't want to give it to you. And I don't want you to see me like that. Will you please leave?"
"Oh" Billie hesitated "okay. But I can take care of you, you know?"
"I know" you swallowed hard
"And you'll tell me if something will be going on?"
"I will"
"Okay. So, I'm leaving" You heard her high heels clicking on the floor.
You waited a few more minutes before leaving your safe spot and you stood in front of the mirror "Fuck" you muttered to yourself placing one of your hands on your back that began to hurt you
You closed your eyes for a while trying to ease your heart beat and breath. And when you opened them...
There she was. Billie was standing in the door – her arms crossed and eyes locked on yours in the mirror.
"Baby girl..." she moved towards you "We need to talk"
"About?" you didn’t want to guess where the conversation may go
"Well, I'll ask outright. Do you have someone? I mean do you meet with someone, but me?"
You turned back to face her. For a while you were wondering if she really had asked you about it. How could she doubt you being faithful to her.
"Why are you doubting it?"
"Well, Constance claims that she saw you in hospital. Talking with a man about the state of the baby and we both know I'm not capable of making you pregnant, so I figured out that there must be someone else. Was he your new boyfriend?"
You probably won't react the way you did if it hadn't been for your hormones and mood swings. "Did you just imply that I'm a slut?" you hissed
"I said nothing of this sort"
"You did!"
"No. I just asked you a simple question"
"You know what Billie, fuck you. All of you. You can bite me!"
"Y/n what's wrong with you?"
"What's wrong with me?!"
"Yeah. What's wrong with you?!" she was yelling too
And at that moment you had enough. All the stress connected with unplanned pregnancy, your tiredness and the fact that you had to hide it for so long were just too much. You broke down.
"It's all your fault!" you yelled as the tears began to flow down your cheeks
Billie looked at you – her eyes widened at the unexpected reaction. She said nothing and you continued "You wanted to have some more fun. You wanted to try. As if I were not enough. You! You wanted him to cum inside me and now you are saying I'm the one to blame for everything, because I'm a slut... Sure. Yeah. My fault. I was stupid thinking you will love me they way I love you" you sniffed
"Y/n?" she kneeled next to you and wanted to place a hand on your back, but you pushed her away "Don't touch me!"
"What's going on? Please, darling, tell me"
"What's going?!" you repeated "This" you rolled up your baggy shirt, so that she could see your rounded belly
"Y/n... Oh my God" she moved her hand as if she wanted to touch your bump
"That's it, I'm a slut..." You cried
"No, no, no. I didn't mean it. Baby, please" it was her turn to panic
Billie had never seen you in such a state and she didn't know what to do
"Baby girl, please, calm down"
"I'm sorry" you choked on your tears
"What? For what?" she asked confused
"For getting pregnant"
"What?! No. It's not your fault... Shhh. Baby, it's okay. I'm here" she caressed your cheek and slowly leaned in to kiss you "We're in it together"
You let her hold you as your body was trembling with sobs. As you calmed down a bit she helped you to stand up and took you to her apartment.
"Everything is going to change now" she whispered hugging you
You were scared, still, but having her next to you whispering soothing words and declarations that she had never made before made you calmer. For the first time since you had found out about the pregnancy you felt safe. And you knew that everything was going to be fine – somehow.
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beachbabywrites · 5 years
The Valentine's requests so far...
Natasha Romanoff + "I'm allowing myself to be vulnerable with you and that scares me" + Candy Heart
Princess Mera + First Land Date + Candy Heart
May I pretty please request a Mera + going to her first carnival and riding a Ferris wheel + Candy Heart? Thank you!! :)
Diana Prince + First Valentine’s Day + Candy heart
Hi ! I have a request could you write a Cheryl Blossom x fem!reader + wine + enemies to lovers ? Thanks :)
For the Valentine’s Day prompt request: Cheryl blossom + love triangle (w/ female reader and Veronica - Cherylxreader endgame?) + Champagne
Kara Danvers + champagne (smut) + enemies to lovers? -@zendayacs
Mera+ jealousy +Candy Heart 💕 -@aellycal
Diana Prince + A Day off + Candy Heart -@aellycal
Mary Eunice + first time + champagne
Peggy Carter + Secret love + Champagne
Sharon Carter + lingerie + champagne
Sharon Carter + childhood friends to lovers + candy heart
Rosalie Hale + secret love + champagne
Diana Prince + Best Friends to Lovers, and the reader is more introverted/shy/insecure, so she’s oblivious to Diana’s feelings and thinks she doesn’t have a chance with her + Candy Hearts (and Champagne, if you’d like to include it, but it’s up to you.)
Kate Denali x honeymoon x champagne - @chonisbestmistake  (bless you dear i would die for the denalis thank you for giving me an excuse to write for them)
Kate Denali + life style argument+ wine - @chonisbestmistake
Kate Denali + first hunt + candy heart - @chonisbestmistake
Mary Eunice + wine + confused feelings about both loving God and loving the reader + happy end (possibly?)❤❤❤ - @chonisbestmistake
Mera x meeting parents x wine - @chonisbestmistake
Natasha + Confessions + wine with fluff ending
Maggie Esmeralda + childhood friends to lovers + champagne
Fiona Goode + Honeymoon + Champagne plz
Diana Prince x reader for valentines where Diana suprises reader by taking reader out on a date and then they stroll around like just so much fluff
Diana Prince x reader champagne where Diana shows reader a suprise she bought just for the reader to wear?
Wanda maximoff + candy heart + friends to lovers
Natasha romanoff + candy heart and some champagne + stranded (maybe her and reader are doing a stakeout together)
May I request Veronica lodge and there being a lot of sexual tension between them. Plus wine.
Could you do Veronica lodge x reader, confessions + wine
Could you do Cheryl blossom x reader going from friends to lovers + wine. How they’re afraid of hurting eachother and don’t want to damage their friendship.
Elizabeth March + honeymoon + champagne
Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader with Mera's aqua powers (from Aquaman) x wine
katherine pierce + jealousy + champagne  where r is getting hit on at a party n katherine get jealous n possessive  - @can-i-get-any-gayer
Billie Dean Howard x f!Reader where Billie catches reader staring at her ass please? - @taciales
Koriandr + readers first time+ champagne ( and maybe a little candy hearts idk) - @bloatedandlonly
I was wondering if you could write wanda maximoff x natasha romanoff x fem!reader x candy heart? Do you write this poly kinda stuff? (I do write poly relationships!)
supreme!Cordelia Goode x fem!reader + jealousy + champagne - @taciales
Madison Montgomery + Madison gives reader a lap dance and a strip tease + champagne ?
So this idea just came to me with Natasha x reader x wine and i couldnt resist. Natasha and the R slept together while being on the Avengers, right, and after a couple of weeks Nat decides to quit the team and live a normal life for awhile, no S.h.i.e.l.d and all. Even tho they had feelings. After like 2, 5 years the R meets Natasha in the shop and theres a toddler right by her side. The R is a fem, please, she has magic hands yeeah😂❤ - @chonisbestmistake
**requests with a strike through have been filled, italicized has been started
**final update will be posted Feb. 13th!
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onlysarah235678 · 3 years
A Little Bit Part 19
Pairing: Billie Dean Howard x female reader
A/N: Hello there! This one was a little more fun to write, so I hope you enjoy it.  illuminated-blue’s gif goes really well with this one. ❤️
Warnings: annoying people, mention of death at the end, and wound cleaning.
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You and Billie end up going to that one restaurant you’d visited when you were hopping around town trying to avoid people. You are glad to be going back because Milo had loved it and you were starving. You are seated quickly and both you and Billie laugh as Milo makes a friend from a nearby table. He plays with the lab while you and Billie get comfortable. You smile when she hands you one of the waters that the waiter brought a few minutes ago.
“Here, dear. Drink. Let me know if we need to leave, okay?”
You smile widely at Billie’s thoughtfulness before nodding in agreement. You take a sip of the water before looking around with a sigh of relief. It’s so nice to be out again, and being with Billie and Milo is just icing on the cake. You look back at Billie watching as she eyes you carefully before glancing at the menu. You know what you’re getting, but that doesn’t stop you from looking. Billie doesn’t bother with that yet. She is more concerned about you.
“Are you excited to go back to work?”
This question surprises you, and you look up suddenly before shrugging noncommittally. You are excited to go back to work because sitting around all day isn’t for you. Sure, you like being with Billie and Milo, but you became a vet for a reason. Despite loving Milo like he was your child, you really needed to see other animals too. You smile at the thought and nod in confirmation before taking another sip from the glass in front of you.
“I am! I miss the pets and keeping busy, but I have to admit it has been nice to spend time with you.”
Billie smiles at this before she glances down at the menu in front of her. She’s never been here before, but when you mentioned that you liked it she figured she’d give it a try. It was a little more out in the open than she liked to be, but so far no one was paying them much attention. She found it hard to pay attention to much of anything else when she was around you. She had really enjoyed these past few days having you and Milo stay with her.
“I’ve enjoyed it too, Y/N.”
You smile at this before glancing behind you to check on Milo who is still playing with the other dog. You laugh before shooting Billie a questioning look. You’re only half kidding with what you ask next because part of you is worried that you’ve overstayed your welcome.
“Are you sure you’re not sick of us yet?”
Billie smirks at the thought of growing sick of you and Milo. She had to admit that sometimes Milo could be a little high maintenance, but she enjoyed every moment she spent with the two of you. It seemed so easy with you, and although she knows the current situation isn’t exactly realistic, she can’t help but wonder what it would be like to have you around all the time.
Billie shakes her head about to disagree with you when your waiter comes back with your drinks. You smile excitedly because you haven’t had an actual drink in a while, but you were feeling better today so you decided to go for it. You were also celebrating since it was the end of the week and you had yet to fall down again. You made a note to knock on some wood later before turning to Billie as she orders her dinner. You smile absentmindedly before taking a long sip from your drink. Billie watches with an amused smile as your waiter leaves after taking your orders.
“Feeling better?”
Billie’s teasing smile makes you laugh in embarrassment, but you don’t hesitate to nod before you place your already half empty glass on the table. You turn to bring Milo back towards you since he is kind of in the way, and you smile as he moves quickly to sit next to you, his head already in your lap, sniffing for food. You push him away before offering a verbal response.
“Definitely. I didn’t realize how much I missed it.”
Billie smiles at this before taking a sip of her own drink. She eyes Milo when he comes to stand next to her looking for food. Billie simply pets him before shaking her head. She can’t help but smile when he whines a little before just lying down next to her. You smile at this and you’re too busy looking at Milo to realize that Billie’s shooting you an adoring look.
“Well, you deserve it after the week you’ve had, Y/N.”
You nearly laugh at this but you manage to hold yourself back and just smile instead. You can’t think of anything more relaxing than what you’ve done for the last week. You’ve just been sitting around all day doing nothing but spending time with Billie and your dog. You honestly couldn’t think of anything better.
“The week I’ve had? All I’ve done is sit around and spend time with you and Milo. Not exactly taxing, Billie.”
You watch as she smiles at you before you realize that this isn’t exactly what Billie meant. You don’t bother to change your answer because you still feel like you’ve had a pretty nice time off.
Billie shakes her head before clarifying her meaning. “I was mostly referring to Sunday, but I’m glad you haven’t had a miserable time.”
Billie smiles as you blush slightly before shaking your head at the thought of how much of a ‘miserable time’ you’ve had with Billie. Sure, the first couple of days were a little rough, but your headache hadn’t bothered you in hours and you were glad to be out with Billie again. Not that you didn’t enjoy your time alone with the medium, it was just nice to feel normal again. Not sickly and stuck indoors.
“Not at all. I’ve had a lot of fun.”
Billie smirks at the way you say this and she raises an eyebrow as she watches you get lost in thought. She can imagine what you’re thinking of because her mind quickly goes to certain moments alone with you. Billie doesn’t get to dwell on them long before you’re speaking again. She looks up just in time to see you smile cheekily, and she has to resist the urge to throw something at you. The chips in the middle of the table look like a good option.
“With the kittens of course. They’re my favorite part.”
You have to stop yourself from laughing when you see how Billie’s expression changes to one you recognize immediately. You looked away because now wasn’t the best time to humor those thoughts. Instead, you finish up your drink before you smile apologetically at your girlfriend before reaching out for her. She moves her hand away last minute and you pout before trying again.
“Aw Billie, I was kidding. You know you’re my favorite.”
You smile victoriously when Billie accepts your apology and takes your hand with a sigh. She runs her nails over the back of your hand before you turn it so your palm is facing up. You shiver slightly and have to stifle a laugh as Billie tickles your palm. She smiles at your adorably ticklish nature before releasing your hand to reach for her drink.
“I have to bring them back to you soon, don’t I?”
You are too busy feeding Milo a treat that you’d brought with you to follow Billie’s question. You look back to her with a frown before what she said registered and you nod enthusiastically. The kittens are finally old enough to get their first round of vaccines this week. You have no idea what your schedule looks like, but you will make sure to find time for them when you can.
You and Billie talk a little about her cats before your food arrives. You can’t help how excited you look, and Billie doesn’t even try to hold back a laugh at your childlike glee. She knows how you feel about food, but she supposes that it’s food and just the fact that you’re out again that’s making you so happy. She doesn’t let herself feel bad for keeping you at home for so long, but she is glad to see you like this again.
“You’re adorable, Y/N.”
You smile at Billie about to say something sarcastic when something over her shoulder catches your eye. Your smile disappears and you drop the chip in your hand as you groan under your breath. Billie frowns about to turn around to see what you’ve spotted, but she doesn’t get the chance. You sigh in defeat, moving Milo so he’s under the table before putting on the fakest smile you can muster. Maybe she’ll get the hint.
“Claire. How are you?”
It took Billie a moment to recognize the name. She turned to see the brunette standing behind her and her frown immediately deepened. It didn’t take Billie long to realize that she wasn’t going to like this interaction at all. If not for the reasons you’d given her in the past, then just the way that Claire was looking at you now was enough for Billie to decide that she didn’t like her.
Since she heard about your hospital visit, Claire had been trying to track you down. She’d called into your work only to be told that you weren’t going to be in for the next week or so. She knew where you lived from the various stories about you in the news, but she didn’t know which apartment. She’d harassed the front office enough that she was banned and despite hanging around for almost a full day she never saw you.
She had almost given up trying to find you when she realized that you probably weren’t even home.
You were with Billie.
Claire hadn’t wanted to run into the medium, or really see her at all, so she waited. She waited for almost a week before she followed you here. It had taken a while to gather the courage to confront you, but now as she stood beside you, she was glad that she hadn’t just gone home.
“It’s nice to see you alive and well, Doc.”
You stiffen as you watch Claire move closer to you and rest her hand on the table just inches from yours. You don’t fail to notice how she completely ignores Billie, and you turn to your ticked girlfriend before looking back to Claire. You’re not in the mood for whatever this is, and you are going to make sure that Claire knows that. You don’t appreciate that she’s ruined a perfectly good outing by showing up and you try your best not to snap at her as you respond.
“It certainly is. Have you met Billie Dean? Billie this is Claire, she works at the pet store I go to.”
You sincerely hope that Claire could take the hint and leave you in peace. However, as you watch the brunette barely turn toward Billie who somehow looks even less impressed, you feel any hope you had slip away. Claire instead turns more so she’s facing you after throwing a perfunctory look over her shoulder.
“Yeah, hi. I just wanted to check on you. I heard about what happened.”
You sigh in annoyance before responding quickly. You don’t say that you’re fine because you’re not. You’re a little miffed and you want this to end now.
“It was just a little concussion, I’m all better now.”
You ignore Claire as she starts speaking again. You vaguely realize that she’s going on about how concerned she was and how glad she is, but all you can focus on is Billie. She’s shooting you an incredulous look that you assume is a result of your description of your injury. You just shrugged before shooting her a smile that she rolls her eyes at. You see her look down briefly before reaching for what you assume is Milo under the table. You’re glad that he’s stayed put and you sigh before meeting her gaze again. You’re about to say something to cut Claire off when you feel a hand on yours. You know it’s not Billie’s because you’re looking right at the blonde and she’s petting Milo and sipping her wine. Her gaze moves down to where Claire’s hand covers yours, and that finally makes you realize that you haven’t responded.
“Well, I’m glad that you’re feeling better.”
You barely hear the end of what Claire says before you move to stand up. You mostly wanted to move your hand, but  for some reason you stood and now you had to do something. You smile before moving around the table, not looking away from Billie who is frowning slightly in confusion. You just smile wider before you reach Billie’s side and sit down next to her. Now Billie is between you and Claire, and you feel like you can breathe again.
“Yeah, I have Billie to thank for that. She took good care of me.”
You get settled in your chair before leaning in close to Billie. Despite the fact that it brings you closer to Claire, you don’t really think she’ll reach over Billie to get to you, you are immediately comforted by the close contact. Claire’s bold, but not that bold. She seems to pause for a second before she does something that really shouldn’t surprise you. She sits down in your abandoned seat before reaching for your drink. Your mouth falls open and you’re glad that you finished it because Claire just frowns before putting it down.
Your patience is gone at this point and you sigh before squeezing Billie’s arm so she doesn’t snap. You felt her tense and you didn’t want her to be the one to tell Claire off. It should be you.
“Did you need something, Claire?”
You sound as ticked as you are, and you’d feel bad about it if this was anyone else. However, it’s not and this was probably the 12th time you’ve had to keep yourself from commenting on something rude that Claire has done. For this reason, you don’t feel much sympathy as the brunette in front of you frowns before looking to your food. You don’t have time to speak up again before Claire is smiling and shrugging casually.
“Yeah, Doc. I was going to ask if you wanted to go out sometime. You know on a real date?”
You can’t help but smile at her question and even as you feel Billie sit up next to you, you let out a laugh. You know that your reaction is weird. You should be pissed by what Claire is insinuating, like Billie, but you just find it hilarious. Your laugh seems to stop her and she frowns in confusion as she looks to you before you manage to sit up with a sigh. You see the smug look on Claire’s face, probably due to the fact that she got a reaction from Billie, but that didn’t really matter. You weren’t going to let her have the satisfaction for long.
“Thanks, but I’m more than happy here with Billie.”
You squeeze Billie’s hand under the table as you say this, but you don’t feel her relax which you don’t like. Your attention turns to Claire though once you hear her sigh heavily before leaning back in her—your chair. She crosses her arms over her chest before finally looking to Billie. There are a lot of things that she’d like to say, to accuse the medium of but she doesn’t. She isn’t sure what you see in her. She’s a hack who thinks too highly of herself, and you deserve better than that.
“Are you sure? I can show you a better time. Like you deserve.”
You scowl and open your mouth to say something a little meaner, but Billie beats you to it. She clenches her fist and glares at the brunette across from her. She doesn’t know much about her, but Billie can’t help but wonder where all of this cockiness comes from. Clearly, she can’t take no for an answer.
“What Y/N deserves is to be respected. Which means when she says back off, you back the fuck off.”
You hold your breath as you watch Claire tense at this and glare at Billie in return. You sigh in defeat, but you nod in agreement with what Billie’s said before saying the last thing you’re willing to about this.
“She’s right Claire. You don’t respect me enough to take no for an answer, so even if Billie wasn’t in the picture, you wouldn’t be either.”
Despite the mood changing drastically from Claire’s unwelcome visit, you and Billie stay for an hour or so longer. You don’t move back to your seat. Instead, you move your food to your side and get yourself a new drink that you finish way too quickly. You sigh before turning to Billie with an apologetic look.
She hasn’t said much since Claire left. You did most of the talking which you couldn’t help but worry about. You know that Billie’s upset and you can’t really blame her, but you’re still nervous. Billie was already stressed out by the interview airing tonight, now this? You frown as you reach out for Billie’s hand that’s resting on your thigh.
“I’m sorry she showed up, Billie. I never would have thought--.”
Billie shakes her head, cutting you off before she sighs in defeat. She has to admit that she was still a little annoyed by the rude interruption to their dinner. She wouldn’t have thought that you had to deal with things like this happening. She didn’t think that Claire was so bold. Then again, you had said that she’s done something similar at work and whenever you went to the pet store.
Finally, Billie finds her words and she tries to smile before squeezing your hand.
“You don’t have to apologize for her behavior. I didn’t realize how persistent she was.”
You smile wryly at this before nodding in agreement. You mention how often Claire has bothered you and Billie feels her anger return full force. Why couldn’t people take a hint?
“She’s still young. Hopefully she’ll get a clue.”
You don’t notice how Billie’s mood has soured until she scoffs a few seconds later. She doesn’t want to imagine what it will take for Claire to get a clue. She drains the rest of her drink with a scowl at the thought. You stop with your fork halfway to your mouth when Billie empties her glass and your eyes widen a little before you put it down. You turn to Billie, not quite sure what to say, but you just go for it hoping you don’t make it worse.
“It’s okay, Billie. I think you scared her off.”
Billie Dean shakes her head before speaking up in a tone that immediately had your attention. You frown despite what Billie says to you.
“No, it’s not okay, Y/N. People shouldn’t treat you like that. Not her and not-.”
Billie trails off, mentally cursing herself for letting that last part slip. She hadn’t planned on mentioning Doug because you’d already made up your mind. She didn’t want to argue about it despite not really liking your decision. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like you’re going to let this go, and you shoot Billie a questioning look.
“What? What were you going to say?”
Billie doesn’t answer immediately and instead reaches for Milo’s treats. She feeds him one and watches as he catches it midair. Billie smiles slightly before turning back to see you frowning.
“Not Claire, or assholes like Doug get to treat you like that. You deserve much better, Y/N. I mean that.”
You smile appreciatively before kissing her in thanks. You pull away sooner than you want, but you’re in public and you are still a little on edge from Claire popping up. So you just smile before moving a stray hair behind her ear with a sigh.
“You know, thanks to you, I’m starting to believe it.”
This time Billie kisses you and you laugh when Milo tries to get in on the action. He wasn’t finished begging for treats and he has his front paws up on the table before you realize what he’s doing. You push him down before shooting him a glare while Billie simply laughs. You roll your eyes but accept another kiss from Billie with a smile.
You eventually pull away before looking around you briefly. You saw Claire leave so you’re not worried about her, but you still feel eyes on you somewhere. Instead of focusing on this you decide to turn back to your girlfriend with a cheeky smile.
“Still, if we run into her again, I want you to punch that bitch in the face, Billie Dean.”
Milo leads you through the neighborhood excitedly on his last walk of the night. It’s almost 11 and you and Billie got back from the restaurant a while ago. You had been glad when Billie seemed to leave her worry behind and return to her normally calm self by the time you arrived home. You left her to go check on the cats and you and Milo were wandering around aimlessly as you thought about what the rest of your time here would look like.
You plan to leave Sunday because you really should get back to your place. You need to get ready to work Monday and that includes making sure that you have food to eat. You are going through a list of things that you need to do when something surprises you and Milo. You jump and then curse as Milo pulls free and runs after whatever just jumped out of the bushes.
“Milo, no! Wait!”
You aren’t completely surprised when he doesn’t listen to you and you groan in annoyance before taking off after him.
Billie is downstairs waiting for you to come back when 11 o’clock rolls around. She sighs before looking to the television with a frown. She’s not going to watch the interview, and she hopes that you don’t want to either. Billie reaches out for Bit when she hears the front door open. She lets Bit rub up against her hand, but she soon flees when Milo comes running into the living room. He’s a mess and Billie’s surprised by the sight of him covered in dirt and leaves.
“Milo, what did you do?”
Billie looks up when she hears you groan loudly before you appear around the corner. It takes you a minute to get your shoes off and you finally sigh in relief before heading to where Billie is waiting. She stands immediately when she sees you and you wince in anticipation as she gasps in surprise.
“Y/N! What happened?”
You, like your dog, are covered in dirt and small cuts from where you’d fallen a couple of times before diving to catch your dog. You stiffen, but don’t protest as Billie’s hands go to your shoulders, and she leads you to the couch. She takes a good look at you and sighs when she notices that you’ve scraped your palms and some of your knuckles pretty badly.  She looks to you again for an explanation, and you sigh in defeat before mentioning how Milo had gotten away from you.
“Milo decided to chase a stray cat through some bushes and out of the neighborhood.”
Billie’s eyes widen before she turns back to Milo who is lying at your feet. He is licking his paws but seems fine while you look a little worse for wear. You sigh as you sit up slightly before realizing that you hurt your knee falling too. You hiss in pain and Billie immediately looks over you again before she sees your stained pants.
“Did you hurt your knee?”
Billie is really just asking for clarification because you’d already said that you’d fallen. Still, you nod before muttering something under your breath that Billie doesn’t hear. You shoot Milo a look before sighing in realization. You probably need to get cleaned up. You don’t get to say this; however, because Billie beats you to it as she glances upstairs.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, sweetheart.”
You hiss under your breath as you hold your hand out to Billie. You’re sitting on her bed still in your dirty clothes as the medium gets her supplies together. You watch as she grabs the hydrogen peroxide and you cringe in anticipation waiting as she grabs some gauze.
“This might sting a little.”
You just nod before holding your hand out to Billie and she takes it in hers before carefully cleaning your knuckles. You hold your breath and don’t let yourself curse at the pain. You jump slightly though and Billie just shoots you a sympathetic look before kissing your forehead.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I’ll be more careful.”
You shake your head and manage a smile before releasing the breath you’d been holding. Billie had been careful and you were just a wimp when it came to injuries. You say something to this effect and Billie rolls her eyes at you as she finishes putting on your band aids. You sigh in relief before thanking Billie for the help. You take a look at your hands before realizing what comes next.
“I guess I need to get undressed, huh?”
Billie just smiles before looking at the clock. It’s nearly midnight, and Billie is a little worn out from her busy day. She wants to make sure you’re taken care of first, so she just nods before turning to leave.
“That’s probably best. I’ll be back in a minute, okay?”
You just nod because you’re finally starting to feel your exhaustion set in. The adrenaline of chasing after Milo and getting to him before he ran into traffic had worn off and now you were just tired. You stifled a yawn as you stood up started to take off your pants. You stumble slightly and groan in annoyance before you manage to get them off. Your breath hitches as you bend your knee and pain shoots up your leg. You curse Milo again before finding a pair of shorts to wear.
You’re dressed and sitting back on the bed when Billie comes back a couple of minutes later. You have your leg stretched out and you’re examining the growing bruise on your knee. Billie’s eyes widen and she hurries over to take a better look. She moves to sit next to you before resting her hand on your calf.
“Oh, Y/N. That looks like it hurts.”
You can’t deny it but you try to as you just shrug and mention that you’ve had worse. Which isn’t a lie, but that doesn’t make your knee throb any less. You think about what you could do to treat it before remembering how much you drank earlier tonight. So instead of medicine you settle on ice, and Billie is right there with you. She leaves you to clean the minor cuts as she hurries downstairs to get some ice.
You shift on the bed before trying to clean your knee, but you immediately realize that it hurts more than you thought it would. You just clench your teeth and bear it, and by the time Billie’s back you have it cleaned and covered. You smile at her before taking the offered icepack that Billie brought. At least you try to, but Billie shakes her head before motioning for you to sit back. You do as she says and lie back against a pillow so you’re more comfortable. Billie holds the icepack over your knee with a questioning look, and you just nod before tensing slightly. Your breath hitches at the cold, but you say nothing as Billie holds it to your knee with a sigh.
“Is there anything else I can do for you, sweetheart?”
You smile before shaking your head. You’ll be fine, you just need to rest and not run around anymore. You turn at the sound of Milo running down the hall you wait until he pushes open the door before sighing again. You look him over and don’t see that he’s hurt himself, but you didn’t really expect anything else. He just ran a lot and then came to a very sudden stop when you managed to step on his leash.
“Milo, you little shit.”
Milo just wags his tail as he comes over to lick your hand. You scratch him briefly before looking to Billie with a sigh. You know it’s late and you’re tired, so you imagine that Billie is too.
“You didn’t hit your head, did you?”
Billie speaks up before you can, but you just shake your head. You had made sure that you didn’t and at the expense of tearing up your hands you’re glad that you hadn’t. You shake your head, not really sure if your headache is from the fall or the alcohol before patting the bed next to you.
“Want to join me?”
Almost half an hour later, you are surprisingly still awake. Billie fell asleep a while ago, but she hadn’t even made it under the covers. She slept with her head in your lap and you gently ran your fingers through her hair as your mind wandered to next Saturday.
The 10th.
You never really cared much about your birthday before. Sure, you liked cake and you didn’t complain about presents, but it wasn’t something you made a big deal about.
This year you were determined to do the same. It was honestly going to feel weird and different no matter what you did. It was the first birthday you wouldn’t be celebrating with family. The first one without your dad.
You quickly think of something else before that train of thought gets you in trouble. You sigh as you glance at your phone. It’s 12:30. You really should sleep. You stifle a yawn as you put your phone back and try to get comfortable without disturbing Billie. You’re almost asleep when you realize that you didn’t watch Billie’s interview.
You decide it’s probably for the best given how upset Billie was afterwards. Instead, you just lie down and pull Billie closer to you. The next interview has to go better for her, right?
Part 20
Tag list: @madamevirgo​, @illuminated-blue​
59 notes · View notes
onlysarah235678 · 3 years
A Little Bit Part 23
Pairing: Billie Dean Howard x female reader
A/N: Hi everyone 😊 This is the last part, FINALLY. Thanks to everyone who read this plot bunny that turned into this 23-chapter long fic. ALSO, as always look at this wonderful gif by illuminated-blue. Thank you for literally making all of the gifs for this story ❤️ You’re seriously the best!
Warnings: angst and vandalism. Mostly fluff??
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Somehow Billie Dean does make it to your apartment in 10 minutes. She sees that there is already a police car parked out front, and she parks rather haphazardly next to it before jumping out of the car. She hurries inside and pulls her phone out to call you again. You’d hung up with her despite not wanting to because you didn’t want Billie to get into an accident trying to talk to you and drive probably 30 over the limit.
Billie walks through the front doors and sees no one behind the desk or even in front of the elevators, and she sighs in annoyance. She’s more than a little ticked when you answer the phone just as she reaches the elevators.
“Billie are you here?”
Billie looks both ways trying to track someone down, but she’s unsuccessful. She thinks about leaving and hunting down that cop but she has no idea where to start, and she doesn’t want to leave you alone for too long.
“Yes, Y/N, I’m here and so are the police.”
She hears you sigh before you mention that they got here just a few minutes ago. You had heard them talking and then they’d disappeared shortly before Billie showed up. You figure that they are checking on the elevator so you try to be patient, but you’re burning up and getting antsy. You look down at Milo who is just lying beside you, his head in your lap as you pet him absentmindedly.
“Hopefully they will figure it out soon. Do you know what floor you’re on?”
You frown as you try to remember how long you’d been moving before the elevator stopped. You hadn’t really been paying attention, but if you had to guess you were almost to the third floor. You are about to ask Billie why she wants to know, but you don’t get a chance before you hear her walking. Her heels click on the tile floor and your first thought, that luckily you don’t voice, is ‘of course she’s wearing heels’.
“Wait, where are you going?”
Billie heads toward the stairs taking them two at a time as she makes her way to the third floor.
“I’m on my way.”
You don’t say anything as you just listen to Billie almost run up the stairs. You want to tell her to slow down and that there is no rush, but your anxiety keeps you from speaking up. You sit up slightly when you hear her heading your way, and you are standing up with Milo when you hear her not just through the phone.
You sigh nearly laughing in relief as you move toward the door as quickly as possible. You get a little lightheaded from standing so fast, but you don’t even notice as you fall against the door.
You hear her voice but it’s not right in front of you like you imagined, or rather hoped it would be. It is a little below you and you realize that you are almost to your floor. You drop back down to the floor because your head is hurting a little from being so stressed, hot, and panicky.
“I’m here, Y/N. Are you doing okay?”
You check the time, realizing it’s been almost half an hour since you walked into this death trap before you nod in confirmation. You reach out for Milo when he starts whining and you get him to sit next to you before responding.
“I’m okay, now. Better. Thank you for dropping everything to come save us.”
Billie is holding her phone between her shoulder and her ear as she tries to find a way to get you out. The doors, unsurprisingly, don’t budge and all Billie can see is the key hole beneath the buttons that she can’t do anything with.
“You didn’t pull me away from anything important. Did you hear where they went?”
You tell her that they were headed up to the control room but you didn’t know where that was. Billie was willing to go look for it, but you want her to stay with you, so the two of you just talk for a little bit before Billie hears people running upstairs. They are moving quickly and Billie doesn’t have time to wonder what’s going on before you’re speaking.
“What the hell is that?”
You frown as you hear what sounds like a stampede on the floor above you. You listen as they run down the hall before things go quiet again. Billie turns when she hears the doors to the stairwell slam loudly against the wall, and she mutters an ‘I’ll be right back’ before she heads in that direction. You don’t argue and you wait as Billie walks to the stairwell and opens the door. She only manages to hear the door slam on the first floor as she pushes the door open. She frowns and looks down the levels below her and just sighs. She supposes those weren’t the people she wants to find anyway.
“I don’t know who that was, Y/N, but I think--.”
Billie trails off as another door opens above her and she just stands in the stairwell waiting to see who it is this time. Billie doesn’t wait for long before a cop and someone she recognizes from the front desk appear.
You’re a little distracted by the sudden sound of tapping and more voices from downstairs. You can’t make out what they’re saying, but you hope they are here to help you. When you hear the sound of a radio beeping, you sigh in relief and grab Milo by the head and kiss his face.
You’re going to get out of here.  
After a short conversation that you overheard, Billie is on her way back to you while the police heads down to let the firefighters know where you are. You are tapping your foot anxiously as you hear Billie stop in front of the elevator again.
“They’re on their way, Y/N.”
Ten minutes and a lot of creaking later, the elevator doors are open on the third floor. Unfortunately, you are not as close to it as you hoped and there is a two-maybe three-foot opening where you can see the ground. Mostly you see the tops of heads, but even seeing almost 6 people, including Billie, standing by ready to help doesn’t make you feel any better. You try to stay calm as one of the fire fighters tells you what you need to do. The elevator is not going to move on its own at this point. The police officer that went upstairs tries to reassure you of this by saying that someone busted it, which actually makes you more nervous. You don’t have time to try and figure out why before Milo starts whining and trying to get out.
You grab him quickly, not wanting him to just jump out before making sure his leash is attached. Luckily, he’s wearing his harness, so he’s less likely to fall out of it in case he doesn’t make the jump. You try not to think about that as you keep your hold on Milo while dropping his leash into waiting hands.
“Okay, Milo. Go ahead.” 
You watch with an extreme amount of anxiety as Milo sticks his head out of the elevator and gets ready to jump. You want to close your eyes, but you watch as he jumps out and lands in the arms of someone, you can’t tell who. You sigh in relief as you hear his collar clinking as he shakes himself out. You hear Billie offer to take him and you take a deep breath before trying to figure out how this is going to work. You are sweaty, impatient, and you are really regretting your decision to go with the plan of jumping head first. You make the mistake of looking down not just to the three pairs of arms that are going to catch you, but down the elevator shaft. You see the distance to the ground floor and you almost throw up you’re so nervous.
“Don’t look down, Y/N.”
You glance over to Billie who’s watching nervously and you want to say that it’s too late, but you hold your tongue and brace yourself to more or less dive into some strangers’ arms.
“We’ve got you, Doc.”
You decide to trust him and you practically fall on top of them as you push yourself out of the elevator. You curse as you feel yourself fall back as you land on your feet, and you tense but luckily, you’re quickly steadied and are being moved away from the edge. You sigh in relief and exhaustion before thanking everyone in earshot and turning to your dog and girlfriend. You smile widely before reaching out to pet Milo. You don’t hold out your arms for a hug because you can smell how badly you need a shower, but Billie doesn’t seem to care.
“I probably shouldn’t hug you. I sti--.”
You are cut off as Billie pulls you into a smothering hug. Considering you already weren’t breathing well to begin with, the heat and the stress had been getting to you, you pull away far sooner than you want to. You smile at her though before turning to make sure you weren’t needed. Once you determine that you have nothing to contribute to  figuring out how to fix the elevator, you and Billie head upstairs. You mutter under your breath about having to take a shower as you follow Milo out of the stairwell. You notice that he’s still panting and the first thing you are going to do when you get to your apartment is give him some water.
You don’t realize that Billie’s hold on your hand tightens until you come to a stop. You frown in confusion looking back to see that Billie’s frozen and staring at something. You turn to see what it is and you feel your stomach drop when the sight registers.
You’re only a few feet shy of your apartment, but you can clearly see that the door is already opened. The lock is busted and you feel yourself moving to open it before you can think better of it. Billie is quick to follow you, and as you push the door open to take a look inside you stop cold.
The first thing you notice is the smell. You’re not sure what it is immediately, but it’s awful and nothing like how you left it. You take a step inside, holding tighter onto Milo as you notice that there is barely a square foot of clear floor space.
As far as you can tell, your entire downstairs has been trashed, and you have no idea what to even look at first. The kitchen is a wreck, all of your dishes, food, and appliances have been thrown around haphazardly. There are stains from the food and dents in the floor and drywall from where things had been thrown and you think that you see blood on the floor before realizing that it’s ketchup. Looking to the living room, you see that your television is smashed and bits of it are all over the ground intermingled with couch stuffing. You tell Milo to sit before carefully making your way through the wreckage. You don’t notice Billie reach out for you, and she just sighs as you disappear up the stairs.
“I’ll be right back.”
Billie wants to argue, but she instead takes charge of watching Milo who is sniffing furiously. She takes a closer look at the kitchen and she sees that almost all of his food is emptied out onto the floor. It’s scattered in the corner and throughout the kitchen. Billie cringes as she steps on part of a bowl and then nearly trips over a loaf of bread. She makes her way out of the minefield that is your kitchen and heads toward the living room. The smell that she’d first noticed when walking in is stronger over here, and it only takes Billie a couple of seconds to realize what it is.
She considers going upstairs to check on you, but she hears you at the top of the stairs before she gets a chance.
“Well, I guess it wasn’t a robbery. My computer is still here. My room’s trashed though.”
Billie scowls at this watching as you stuff some things into a backpack before sighing. You’re so tired and you just wanted to shower, but there was no way in hell that was happening right now. You turn to Billie with a sigh before glancing to Milo who is still sitting by the door.
“I’ll call 911. Again.”
You aren’t sure why you’re not more upset about this. Watching three different people walk around your apartment where all of your possessions have been destroyed should make you angrier than you are. You blame this on the fact that you’re exhausted. You are stressed out again and you swear that if you don’t get to at least change clothes soon you’re going to lose it.
You had made the mistake of calling the authorities before you showered, and now you weren’t allowed to mess with anything. They needed to collect evidence and you definitely wanted them to do this quickly because the smell had only gotten worse over time.
Milo and Billie were waiting in the hallway while you answered a few questions and you couldn’t help but be antsy. You told Billie that she didn’t have to stick around, but she wanted to make sure that you weren’t alone right now. She also hadn’t really mentioned it, but you weren’t going to be staying here tonight, or anytime soon probably. You probably would end up coming back to her place. She wanted you to after everything that had happened.
“Have you gotten on anyone’s bad side recently?”
You nearly laugh at this but somehow just end up nodding in confirmation. You mention Doug and tell the truth about how awful he is to you and how he’d pushed you down the stairs. You watch as the brunette takes notes and you shake your head when you’re asked for a last name. You only know that he lives on the floor below yours, but you’re sure he can figure out all he needs from just this information alone.
“Do you know where you’re staying in the meantime? If we need to contact you?”
You stop short at this because you hadn’t really even thought of that. You were just thinking about how a lot of your clothes were ruined, your dishes that you’d brought from home were in pieces on the floor, and your very comfortable couch was destroyed. All of these things could be replaced and they weren’t even that important to you. You were just stuck on the fact that someone, probably Doug, had so thoroughly trashed your home when you honestly thought he didn’t give a shit about you. You never would have guessed that he’d go to the effort of doing something like this.
“Uh, yeah. I’ll figure it out.”
It takes another twenty minutes before you’re allowed to go up to your room and grab a few things. You don’t get much because there isn’t much that’s salvageable. You get a few outfits and a couple of other things before meeting Billie outside.
“Sorry, that took so long.”
Billie turns to shoot you an incredulous look that you miss as you’re reaching for Milo’s leash. She hands it over without argument as she follows you to the stairwell.
“Your apartment just got trashed and pissed in, Y/N. You have nothing to apologize for.”
You turn back to Billie with a surprised look and you take a second to think this through before you nod. She’s right. You aren’t sure why you’re apologizing, as usual, you’re still a little dazed by all of this.
“You’re right, I’m—I guess I’m just in shock.”
You continue walking and push the door open to the stairwell with a frown. You are just now realizing that everything you have with you is the entirety of your possessions and you have nowhere to live. You decide to think about the headache of dealing with insurance later as you hold the door open for Billie and let her go first.
Billie sighs as she runs a hand through her hair. She is exhausted from the stress of the last hour or so and she really just wants to go home have a drink and a nice long bath. However, she wants to make sure that you are taken care of first. You’ve had a rough weekend between your dad and now all of this, and she was certain you just wanted to sleep too. And shower.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean to snap.”
It’s just been a long afternoon. Billie almost says this but then she realizes how it would sound. She wasn’t the one who had to experience stress and then more stress, so she really didn’t have room to complain.
You shake your head as you follow Billie down the stairs, hyperaware of the fact the fact that you are the only ones here.
“It’s okay, Billie. You probably hadn’t counted on having an exhausting Sunday either.”
Billie smiles before slowing down so she can reach out for your hand. She takes Milo’s leash, shifting it to her right so she can hold your hand with her left. She leads you out to the lobby and you look both ways before following her to the parking lot. You groan as the sun hits your face and you feel yourself warm up, again. You are dying for a shower and a change of clothes.
“I’ll just-.”
“How about-?”
You both speak up at the same time, and you laugh slightly before you take Milo back with a smile. He’s lying on the ground at your feet and that’s all you need to know that he’s tired too. You look back to Billie before nodding for her to go first. You weren’t going to say anything too interesting anyway.
“How about you come spend the night? Worry about everything else later?”
You smile because you like the way she thinks. You are very tempted to take her up on her offer, but you’ve already inconvenienced Billie today and you don’t want to continue this. You go to shake your head and claim that you’ll just get a room somewhere but she beats you to it. She can tell that you’re reluctant, but she hopes she can convince you to try and relax today. She’s afraid that you being alone with Milo in a hotel room won’t be relaxing. Not if you’re worried about Doug.
“I really don’t mind, Y/N. I love our sleepovers after all.”
Unsurprisingly you end up back at Billie’s place, and the first thing you do is get Milo some water. Then you take a shower while Billie does laundry for you, before letting Milo out in the backyard. Now that you’re clean and a little less stressed you’re beginning to realize the severity of what happened today.
You’re sitting in the backyard watching Milo wander around before lying down in the grass near Billie’s garden. You know you have to watch him closely because last time you let him do this, he tried to eat some of her flowers. You don’t hear Billie come outside immediately. You’re too busy worrying about whether or not you got enough pictures for your insurance claims to notice that Billie’s behind you. You sigh before closing your eyes and leaning back to try and relax. You weren’t supposed to be worrying about this today. It could all wait until tomorrow at least.
“Y/N, are you hungry?”
You open your eyes to see Billie standing beside you with a plate of something in her hands. You smile as you sit up to take a better look before watching as Billie sits down across from you. You don’t notice Milo getting up and making his way over to you to see what Billie’s brought.
“Always, but you didn’t have to do this.”
Billie waves you off before doing the same to Milo when he puts his feet on the chair and sniffs her food. You are quick to grab something so Billie could move away from him, and you smile gratefully before helping her out. You stand up and lead Milo inside, using your sandwich as bait before you sneak back outside and close the door.
“Be good Milo! Sit.”
He obeys with a whine before you move to sit back down in your chair. Billie watches for a moment as you eat, and she frowns when she notices how tense you are. She knows you must be exhausted and she is honestly surprised that you are still up. If she had to guess, it is worry that’s kept you awake, and Billie considers how she can help.
“What can I do for you, sweetheart?”
You turn to Billie with a smile before shaking your head. There is a lot that you want, but nothing that you can ask Billie for. She’s already been so helpful and supportive this weekend, and that’s all you want right now. You simply stand before moving to sit next to Billie once you’re done eating. You reach out for her and she’s pulling you into her lap before you can even wonder if she’d mind. You smile as you wrap your arms around her in a hug. You sigh under your breath before burying your face in Billie’s hair. Normally you could fall asleep like this with Billie’s arms wrapped around you, but you’re too stressed. There’s too much on your mind, and luckily Billie seems to realize this.
“I’m okay, Billie. I’m just glad to be relaxing with you again. That’s enough for me.”
Billie smiles before she reaches up and begins to run her fingers through your hair. You hum under your breath and her smile widens as she feels you relax on top of her. She turns when she hears Milo bark from inside, but she doesn’t do anything about him right now. She continues to stroke your hair until she realizes you are close to sleep.
She doesn’t want you to fall asleep in an uncomfortable position so despite the fact that she doesn’t want to part from you, she starts to shift which makes you stir with a tired groan.
“Let’s go inside, Y/N.”
You end up eating dinner because it is about that time and you hadn’t realized how hungry you were. You had been too stressed to notice until you nearly fell asleep beside Billie on the couch and your stomach growled embarrassingly loudly. Billie had laughed in amusement while you blushed and muttered under your breath about making a decent meal.
You were now in her kitchen taking stock of what you could make for the two of you. Billie tries to help you, but you shake your head and hurry to pour her a drink before setting it down at the counter. You shoot her a smile and a slightly pleading look when she looks like she’s about to argue, but luckily she acquiesces with little more than a sigh.
“You should relax too, Y/N. You’ve had quite a weekend.”
You smile at this before nodding in agreement. You do think that you deserve to relax which is why you are cooking dinner. You love to cook. You find the process relaxing, so you are going to take full advantage of the opportunity to make dinner for Billie. You knew that she didn’t really enjoy cooking as much as you did. She found it stressful when you did it together sometimes because she wasn’t very good, and even if you didn’t care about that, you wanted to give her the night off.
“I know, but you know me, this is relaxing.”
You smile at her and Billie sighs again before taking a sip of her wine. She knows that she can’t argue with you. At least there wouldn’t be a point.
“If you’re sure.”
Billie doesn’t expect you to respond beyond the nod that you offer her. You stop what you’re doing though and you smile a little wider at the idea of cooking for Billie like this every night. Instead of mentioning this; however, you say something less daunting that shouldn’t be a surprise to the medium at this point.
“Of course. It combines my two favorite things: food and spending time with you.”
Billie smiles at this watching as you resume cooking while humming under your breath. You seem so in your element and Billie enjoys just watching you navigate the kitchen and somehow avoid tripping over Milo who is always underfoot.
You finally kick him out and he sits next to Billie to watch as you finish up. A few minutes later you’re both at the table, but you quickly have to banish Milo to the living room because of his begging. You sigh as you watch him leave before turning back to Billie with a smile. You blush slightly at the sound Billie makes as she takes her first bite, and you look down to your own food as a distraction.
“This is wonderful, sweetheart. “
You smile appreciatively before taking a bite yourself. You had definitely been distracted while cooking, by both Billie’s presence and the events of the day, but you’re grateful that it hadn’t done too much damage.
“Thank you, Billie.”
Bit comes downstairs a little later, and you have to keep Milo from getting his face rearranged when you realize Bit isn’t in the mood for him tonight. You return to the table after wiping the fur off of you with a frown, and Billie just smiles in amusement as she watches Bit disappear under the table.
“You better behave for Y/N tomorrow, Bit.”
You smile at this before sparing a glance under the table to see Bit watching you. Her bright eyes are the only thing you could see and you look away quickly before shaking your head. You remind Billie that Bit will be under anesthesia for most of the time she’s with you, so hopefully that improved your odds of her being nice to you.
“I’m excited to see all of the kittens again. Are you still sure you want to keep just Mickey and Bit?”
You and Billie talk about the cats a little while longer, and after confirming that she hasn’t changed her mind, you and Billie figure out what tomorrow will look like. Despite staying with her tonight and seeing her in the morning, you are excited to see Billie tomorrow afternoon for her appointment. You are still thinking about this as you watch Billie clean up. You hadn’t even bothered arguing with her when she told you to sit because you knew she had the same system as you. Whoever cooked didn’t clean up.
You make sure that Milo stays out of her way by keeping him distracted. He is eager to jump up on you and you scratch his giant head with a yawn as you watch him shed all over the place. You turn at the sound of your phone going off and you glance at it briefly before grabbing it. You abandon Milo for the moment and he is definitely not happy about it, but you don’t notice as you read the message that just came in.
Billie notices your frown turn to a smile and she can’t help but wonder what the cause is. She waits until you’re done typing before she asks. She watches as you sigh in relief before returning your attention to Milo who hadn’t stopped whining since you picked up your phone.
“Good news?”
You look up at Billie who’s finished cleaning at this point, and you nod before mentioning what the email had been about.
“Yeah, it was. I heard back quicker than I thought I would, but I can get another apartment as early as this week.”
Billie frowns as she considers this, and you’re looking right at her so it’s impossible to miss. Your smile fades as Billie sighs and drops the towel in her hands. You hadn’t been expecting this reaction and you’re not sure what to make of it.
“You’re going to stay there?”
Billie wasn’t sure how you were going to manage living there again. After what had happened, she assumed you would want to find somewhere else to stay. Somewhere you wouldn’t have to be looking over your shoulder constantly for Doug or people like him that wanted to make you feel inferior. Maybe even hurt you.
You nod slowly trying to figure out where Billie is going with this, but you come up empty so you just respond with a shrug.
“Yeah, I don’t see why not.”
Billie nearly balks at this, but instead she shoots you a confused look that you completely miss as you tell Milo to sit back down.
“What about what happened today? Is that not a reason to move?”
You frown at this because you couldn’t lie, you had definitely considered it. You didn’t really like the idea of staying in a place where people like Doug knew how to find you and rattle you. That said, you were too proud to admit this so you just shake your head and give her the reason you’d decided to use instead.
“It won’t be a problem in a new place, and once Doug is gone.”
You watch as Billie shoots you a bewildered look before moving to sit next to you. She barely has the patience to pull the chair out far enough for her to sit comfortably, but she doesn’t seem to care as she turns to face you.
“Don’t you see, Y/N? If it’s not Doug who bothers you, it will be someone else. Everyone knows you live there.”
You really can’t argue with this and you don’t even bother trying. Your logic is flawed because it’s based more on your pride than actual logic and you know this. You just don’t want to give in so easily.
“What do you think I should do then Billie? Run away? No, that would be letting him win!”
Billie watches as you look to Milo who was pawing at you with a scowl and tell him to lie down before you turn back to her. Billie just sighs in defeat because she doesn’t want to fight with you, but she also wants to make sure you’re safe. She would hate for something like this to happen to you again, and she wants to be able to say that she did all she could to help you avoid it.
“It’s not about winning, Y/N. It’s about being safe.”
Billie sees you deflate at her words and she frowns as she reaches for your hand. You sigh in defeat before meeting Billie’s gaze, and if you hadn’t already decided to give in, you would have at the look on her face.
“Do you think you will feel safe living there after everything that’s happened?”
You don’t even need to respond for Billie to have her answer. You look away and grumble under your breath in annoyance. Not at Billie because she’s right, but rather at yourself for thinking that you could swallow your fear, your feelings again and not suffer any consequences for it.
You finally shake your head and admit what Billie had suspected all along. You drop her hand to run your own through your hair, and you sigh in frustration. You have a lot to do tomorrow.
“No. Not really. Even if he’s gone. There will always be other people. Regardless of if I move or not, Billie. There will always be others who pay too close attention and will find out where I’m living. If I’m unlucky enough, more people will harass me.”
You frown at the thought and you’re too busy imagining the worst to notice Billie’s look. She isn’t sure if she should bring it up, despite now being the perfect opportunity, but Billie speaks up before she can stop herself.
“You could also move in with me.”
You smile at this and find yourself laughing before you turn your attention back to Billie. You stop abruptly when you realize that she’s not smiling teasingly at you or even really smiling. She’s serious. You close your mouth only to quickly open it again as you struggle to find the words to respond. You hadn’t expected her to say this, and it wasn’t that you didn’t want to move in with Billie, you just had your reservations.
“Wait, you were being serious. I think. Were you?”
Wow. You couldn’t have sounded less put together if you tried, but luckily Billie doesn’t call you out for it. She only smiles before nodding in confirmation. She is being serious and she had been thinking about this for a while. When she says this, she notices how you stiffen slightly before scratching the back of your head awkwardly.
“Oh, okay.”
You want to kick yourself for sounding so enthusiastic. You’d honestly imagined this scenario more times than you’d care to admit, and each of them ended with you jumping into Billie’s arms or some equally enthusiastic response. Not this awkward silence that you didn’t know how to break.
Billie senses your discomfort and she’s quick to give you a way out. Both of you really because she feels her excitement at the prospect of you moving in fade with each passing second of you freaking out internally. She knew she shouldn’t have rushed you by asking now.
“It’s okay. You don’t have to.”
You panic when Billie says this and you quickly shake your head before reaching out for her. You grab her hands bringing her attention back to you and you smile earnestly as you shake your head again.
“No, Billie, it’s not that I don’t want to. I promise I love you—your uh—idea of living with you, I just am not sure if we’re ready.”
At this point you’re practically sweating as you curse yourself for letting that slip out. You hold your breath watching as Billie thinks about what you just said. She tilts her head slightly and you feel your lungs burning from the effort to not breathe when Billie finally asks you,
“Why not?”
You finally allow yourself to take a breath, but you don’t answer immediately. You already know your reasoning, but you don’t want to admit your fear to Billie. That said, you’ve already made her feel like you don’t want to move in with her, so you give up any time you were going to take to doubt yourself to tell the truth.
“I-um. I guess I’m worried that you’ll get sick of me a lot faster if I move in.”
You look at your hands which are still holding Billie’s in embarrassment, but you drop one of them as she pulls away so she can reach out for you. She tilts your head up with a hand under your chin and you can’t help but look at her as she smiles at you in a way that makes you blush.
“I don’t think I’ll get sick of you at all, sweetheart.”
You hesitate for a moment before you manage a small smile. Your face lights up at the idea of living with Billie, being with Billie all of the time. You don’t get too carried away right now because there is still a lot for you to figure out. For now, you just lean in and kiss Billie, and it’s a little messy and hurried but you couldn’t care less. You’re beaming when you pull away and take Billie’s hand in yours and squeeze it tightly.
“Are you sure about that, Billie Dean?”
Billie leans back slightly and pretends to think about your question for a moment. You frown in annoyance and start to pull your hand away, but she merely laughs and brings you back so she can kiss you again.
“Of course. I am, Y/N. You and Milo both.”
You laugh at this and move to close the distance when Billie pulls away at the last second. You’re anticipating another joke when she simply smiles at you and cups your cheek with a sigh. She kisses you once before pulling away to meet your curious gaze.
“I love the idea of living with you too, Y/N.”
You blush furiously at this and Billie can’t stop her smile from widening as you look away in embarrassment. Clearly Billie didn’t miss your slip up, and you just sigh in defeat before deciding to worry about it later. Right now, you have more important things to do.
One month later
Billie sighs as she finally arrives home after a long day of meetings. Her show had aired a few weeks ago, and so far, it was a raging success. Unfortunately, this didn’t mean her work was over, in fact it was just beginning again now that it had been confirmed that she would be shooting another season. She is excited by the prospect of traveling again in the coming months, but all she can think about right now is getting off her feet.
She opens the front door and is immediately greeted by two things that had quickly become some of her favorites since you and Milo moved in. The first thing Billie sees is Milo as he waits patiently in the foyer for her. He is sometimes accompanied by Mickey or Bit depending on the day, but tonight he’s waiting by himself, tail wagging and eager to see her as always.
Billie smiles as she reaches out to pet him before putting down her things and heading for the kitchen.
“Hi, Milo. How was your day?”
He doesn’t answer. Instead, he follows Billie as she heads for the second thing she’s grown to love about living with you. Whether you were cooking or you’d just ordered out, Billie was always grateful to arrive home to the smell of dinner. After living alone for so long and always returning to an empty house, there was something so comforting about having someone waiting for her. Better yet, cooking for her since she still hadn’t learned very many things beyond your favorites. She arrives to the kitchen to see you sitting on the counter, swinging your legs back and forth as you read something on your phone. You put it down as soon as you see Billie and you move to jump off the counter and greet her, but she moves faster.
You sigh and simply wrap your arms around her with a smile before meeting her for a kiss. You had to admit that this was probably your favorite part of the day. After moving in with Billie, you quickly realized how much you loved it. It hadn’t been nearly as big of an adjustment for the two of you as you feared, and there really was nothing better than waking up next to Billie every morning.
You hadn’t brought much with you since most of it was destroyed during the break in, but you slowly started to buy more things over time. Billie managed to sneak in some things here or there, and eventually you had almost as many clothes in the closet as Billie did. You found living with her easy, and you loved having someone to come home to.
Or rather, on nights like this, having someone who loved coming home to you.
“How was your day?”
Billie sighs before muttering something about it being crazy busy under her breath. She tells you the news about her next season, and you smile widely before pulling her back in for a quick hug.
“That’s great news, Billie! Where do you get to go this time?”
Billie starts to tell you about how most of today was spent discussing potential destinations for her next season. Nothing had been decided yet, but hopefully she had at least a month until she had to start packing. You smile at this despite the fact that Billie will be gone for weeks for filming, but you decide to be happy for her now, and worry about that later. You lean in to kiss her again, but your smile fades when you hear Milo jump up and put his feet on the counter.
“Milo no! Get down!”
Milo whines before doing as he’s told and just sniffing your dinner from the floor. You sigh in defeat before looking to see what time it is. You’d gotten sidetracked cooking and you really needed to walk him. That said, you were perfectly comfortable where you were, and you really didn’t want to leave.
Billie somehow reads your mind and smiles before moving so you can jump off the counter. You frown but don’t argue before you grab your phone and hop down.
“I’ll be right back, I promise!”
Billie watches as Milo runs for his leash and you’re about to follow when she speaks up.
“Do you want me to come with you?”
When you first moved in, reporters and even a couple of Billie’s fans had hung around the house for a while. It lasted longer than either of you would have expected because of what had happened with Doug. Once news got out that your apartment had been broken into and Doug was arrested, it seemed like everyone’s interest in your relationship skyrocketed. Much to your surprise, you’d received more support than criticism, and luckily no one like Doug had bothered you since.
For this reason, you were a little braver when it came to going out on your own. After a few encounters with some of Billie’s fans, you weren’t as on edge about people harassing you. You weren’t sure how long that was going to last, but you would take what you could get for as long as you could get it.
So you shook your head before moving back so you could kiss Billie again, this time without Milo interrupting.
“It’s okay. We’ll be back in a few minutes.”
Billie nods before watching as you meet Milo at the door and get him ready for his walk. He’s bouncing in excitement by the time you get your shoes on, and he barely gives you time to throw a smile over your shoulder before he’s dragging you out the door. Billie only hears you curse as you disappear with Milo, and she smiles before shaking her head in amusement. She loves Milo and all of his many quirks, but tonight she can’t keep her mind off the food in the kitchen. She heads back to get started on setting the table, and she’s finishing up when she hears a loud bark as the door opens once again and Milo comes tearing through the house.
Billie turns to see you looking out of breath and a little annoyed at your dog, and she can’t help but laugh. She’s not sure what she missed, but she’s certain that it won’t be the last time Milo causes you trouble.  For now, she’ll just have to settle on hearing about whatever managed to happen in the three minutes you both were gone. It’s not like she hasn’t experienced her fair share of Milo antics in the time you’ve been here, but sometimes she barely believes what you tell her.
You sigh as you take off your shoes and head for your dog who is still panting from his run. You roll your eyes as you take of his leash, and Billie smiles as she shoots you a questioning look.
“What did he do this time?”
You laugh before shaking your head in disbelief.  You decide to wait until dinner to tell this story because your stomach is rumbling before you can even get your first word out. Billie chuckles and you blush slightly before setting Milo’s leash down.  
“You’ll just have to come with us next time.”
Billie smiles before kissing the top of your head as she leads you to the kitchen. She hums in agreement before turning to watch as Milo hurries past to find some food.
“Next time.”
TAGLIST❤️: @madamevirgo​, @illuminated-blue​, @delias-bitch-craft​, @angelxsarahp​
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onlysarah235678 · 3 years
A Little Bit Part 20
Pairing: Billie Dean Howard x female reader
A/N: 🙃 Hi. I hope everyone’s had a nice weekend. Here’s more of your favorite medium, but first, look at this gif.
Warnings: angst and mention of dead animals
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The rest of your time at Billie’s had been more enjoyable than you could have hoped for. The two of you spent a lot of time together, with Milo too of course, and you even risked going out again. Luckily you had been able to enjoy your time together without incident and you were reluctant to go home the next morning. You would have loved to stay with Billie for longer, but it was time to go back to work.
You and Milo had finally returned home on Sunday, and you’d immediately realized how much you had to do before work on Monday. You’d gone shopping, did laundry, cleaned a lot of your apartment before collapsing at 10. You wake up Monday morning torn between excitement and dread about going back to work. You are excited to be busy again, and to see all of your patients, but you aren’t excited about potentially facing the media and tiring yourself out.
You didn’t bother texting anyone to see if the reporters are there because you doubted anyone would be at work yet. You lock your door behind you before leading Milo down the hallway. You stifle a yawn before leaning against the wall while you wait for the elevator to reach your floor. You consider texting Billie but it was really early, so you decide to at least wait until you got to work.
You are leaving a little early because you want to have time to catch up on what you missed, so you and Milo arrive a whole hour before opening. Most of the assistants aren’t even here yet, but you hadn’t run into any reporters so you’re happy. Since you are here so early, you take Milo upstairs with you and after putting his bed back under your desk you both settle in.
When lunch time rolls around, you are grateful of the fact that Dr. Stewart put breaks into your schedule this week. You’re feeling okay, but your headache is starting to come back. You’re stressing about how much you have to catch up on when your phone goes off. You sigh before realizing that it’s Billie, and you smile widely as you read her message.
You know she has a busy week, but that doesn’t start until tomorrow, so you are going to take advantage of any free time Billie has. It doesn’t even seem odd to be so excited to talk to the blonde again. It’s barely been 24 hours since you’ve seen her, but you’re quickly responding to her message. You’re not really free, but you figure a few minutes on the phone won’t hurt.
You glance to the schedule before you skip ahead a week to double check the time that you had scheduled all seven of the cats to come in. Before leaving Billie’s yesterday, Bit had escaped outside and neither you nor Billie had been in the mood to run after her. Milo had of course, but luckily he had already been attached to his leash so he didn’t get far. You had joked that whenever she came back, Billie would have to bring her in to get spayed. She could get into a lot of trouble relatively quickly.
You had been kidding of course, but then you’d actually talked about it for a while before Billie decided that she wanted it done ASAP. So now you had Bit’s surgery in the morning, and Billie’s appointment with the other cats late enough in the afternoon that she could just take them all home at once.
Guess who made it home?
Billie had attached a picture of Bit sitting in the living room grooming herself and you laugh. You ask Billie if she wants to keep her appointment before turning your attention to lunch. You leave your office and walk down the hall to the kitchen so you can grab your lunch. You’re glad that you went shopping yesterday because you really don’t want to chance an encounter with reporters this week. You sneak a peek at the boarding cats before heading back to your office with a sigh. You sit back down before turning your attention to your computer when it chimes at you. You answer some emails before you finally get to you lunch, and at that point you remember to check your phone.
Yes, please.
You smile before asking how her day has gone so far before returning to work. You’re typing up a medical record while eating your sandwich when your phone lights up again. You’d turned off the sound because it had been aggravating your headache. That said, you don’t realize that you have a new message until you have two and you curse under your breath as you grab your phone.
How has your day been, sweetheart?
You’re on lunch now right?
You respond by telling Billie how your day has been and that you honestly are ready to go home. You talk for a while before you have to get back to work, but you ask Billie when she’ll be free. You are already dreading the idea of having to go back to your apartment alone tonight, but you suppose that’s what you get for spending so much time at Billie’s.
Billie spent most of the morning figuring out her week. She talked to Michelle for a while about the many things she had planned and how she was going to be kept busy up until her show aired. Billie was conflicted because she was glad to work, but she was also exhausted. She wanted a break, and she certainly didn’t want to deal with more assholes like she had on Friday. She and Michelle had talked about this a lot and the solution you’d both come up with was deceptively simple.
Just stick to the same story every time, and don’t crack under pressure. Billie still hadn’t told you about what Dave had asked, and she wasn’t sure if you’d bothered to look it up. This meant that she hadn’t been able to ask you about what she could say on TV. You had agreed to her telling the basics about you, your job, recent move, and all of that, but nothing about your personal life.
You certainly hadn’t mentioned your dad which is why Billie was trying not to either. That said, it was only working so well when people zeroed in on that one article or anything else they could use to bring him up. She knew you hadn’t gotten over his death yet, for several reasons, but she didn’t want to be the one to bring it up again. Billie knew that you had to come to terms with it on your own time, but it just made things difficult for her. Well, she was the one making things difficult for herself by refusing to talk to you about it. She didn’t want to risk you asking about the interview, so Billie was sticking to her ‘nothing more than the basics’ for now and hoping that it didn’t backfire again.
After Bit had returned from her sudden, albeit brief escape, Billie had tried to look her over. She wanted to make sure she hadn’t gotten hurt or too dirty while out there, but she’d had limited success. She only got as far as scratching her head and reaching for her stomach before Bit hissed and fled upstairs. Billie didn’t bother trying to stop her, she seemed fine enough, and Billie spent the rest of the morning alone.
It was odd having the house so empty. After you and Milo had stayed for a nearly a week, it was difficult to get used to the silence. Neither of you had made much noise honestly, but even just the sound of you shifting on the couch, or Milo’s collar clinking made Billie smile. She’d grown to like having the two of you here, but still she’d let you leave.
It was too early in your relationship to think about that, so Billie just pushes the thought to the back of her mind. Maybe in a few months you two can talk about the idea of moving in together.
You and Billie text for a little while longer before you have to go back to work. You’re glad that your afternoon is full of wellness visits, and as you get ready for your first appointment, you wonder if that was intentional. You don’t think about it long before you are meeting your assistant for the afternoon to get a history for the next patient.
You’re seeing an older dog, Rudy, who is relatively new to your practice. He’s a very sweet dog, but his owners are a little odd. Maybe you’re just too introverted for them, but you think that even an extrovert would find their questions a little invasive.
Luckily, it’s a quick visit and they don’t even mention your relationship which is a relief. The focus is on Rudy, as it should be, and you are grateful that no one seems to really care about you today. In between appointments you’re drinking water and working on medical records. You occasionally check your phone to see if Billie’s texted, but you have no new messages. You frown slightly before forcing yourself to get back to work.
The end of the day sneaks up on you, and you have maybe half a dozen records to finish when Dr. Hahn tells you she’s leaving. You curse under your breath after she leaves as you look at the clock. You need to feed Milo, but you still have maybe an hour of work to do. You sigh before jumping up and taking the stairs two at a time. You smile at Mina before running into the kennel to  get your dog.
“Hi Milo. Do you want dinner?”
Milo of course just barks and spins around until you let him out. You smile before scratching his head and waving him along. You feed him before letting him out in the yard for a while. You didn’t give him as much time outside today as you usually would and you feel a little bad about it. For this reason, you end up sitting with him for nearly 15 minutes before you remember you have work to do still.
You lead Milo back inside and up the stairs to your office. You don’t like leaving him in the kennel after hours, and since he’s good and just sits at your feet you let him stay with you. You’re yawning by the time you’ve finished the first couple of records, and you are tempted to leave when your phone goes off. You sigh and force yourself to finish the section you’re typing up before looking to see what Billie says.
No one else has texted you today, so you assume it’s her.
You’re right and you smile when you realize that Billie is checking in on you. It’s almost 8 and you groan when you realize how late you’ll be here tonight.
Are you still at work?
You respond saying that you are and will be for a little while before putting your phone back down. You glance down at Milo, confirming that he’s asleep and snoring before you start typing again. Billie is in the middle of trying to wrangle the kittens when your reply comes in. Since you and Milo left, she realized that it was safe for the kittens to roam around supervised. She was downstairs with all of them now, and definitely regretting her decision to do this.
As Billie holds Mickey in her sweatshirt pocket, he was almost getting too big for it, she hurries to pick up two other kittens that were at her feet. She was attempting to get them all back to the laundry room after being out for a while, and it was proving more difficult than she imagined. She sighs in defeat as she watches the other three attempt to jump on the furniture, or bother Bit. She was going to need a drink after this.
She had underestimated how tiring it would be to spend time with them like this. One hour had quickly turned into two. It was adorable watching them all wobble around, and clumsily chase clumps of Milo’s hair that they found on the ground. They were all getting so big that Billie wasn’t sure how she’d manage to get all of them to the vet next week.
Her main concern right now though was getting them all back into their room. She knew she had to spend more time letting them out like this, but she was going to be busy for the next few days. She had a couple of meetings with her producers and Michelle in addition to another couple of interviews. Billie opens the laundry room and sets the three kittens on the ground before going back to get the remaining three.
She tries to chase one down, and he or she, she’s not sure, runs into the kitchen and Billie sighs in defeat. She follows the little one to the back door and watches as she jumps up and puts her paws on the glass.
“Come on little one.”
Billie reaches down and grabs the kitten, smiling slightly as it purrs so loudly that Billie feels the vibrations. She turns to go track down the other two when her phone goes off again. She smiles until she realizes that it isn’t you, and she leaves it be for now before going off in search of the last two stragglers.
You finally finish working around 9, and you’re exhausted by the time you finish locking up. You take Milo’s leash in one hand and grab your things with the other before heading to the parking lot. You don’t even spare the rest of the lot a glance, not caring if they’re there before you throw your things in your car. You get Milo situated in the back and pretty soon you’re on your way home.
You stifle a yawn as you turn onto the road with an exhausted sigh. You’re not looking forward to going home despite feeling like you’re going to fall asleep the second your head hits your pillow. You get home in record time too since there isn’t much traffic and you sigh as you pull into the closest parking spot you can find. You sit in the car with the engine off just staring off into space before you’re interrupted.
“Shit, Milo stop.”
You push Milo away as he sits up and licks your face to get your attention. He just whines when you tell him to sit, and you only get another few seconds reprieve before he’s pawing at you. You groan in defeat before getting unbuckled and opening your door. Milo isn’t going to let you delay this any longer, so you don’t bother even trying. You get him hooked up to his leash before grabbing your things and leading him inside. You make it to your apartment quickly and you close the door behind you before watching Milo run to the couch. You look around with a frown before heading toward the kitchen. You drop your things before opening the fridge for a drink. It’s late and you should just go to sleep, but you don’t want to.
Instead, you sit next to Milo on the couch with your phone and a glass of wine. You sigh as you look to your phone with a yawn. It’s late, but you are sure that Billie is still up. You want to at least say goodnight, or let her know that you’re home. She had asked you to check in after all.
You didn’t expect her to pick up on the second ring.
“Hi, Y/N. Are you finally home?”
You smile before nodding to yourself with an exhausted sigh. You tell Billie how you just got back and that you are tired enough to crash. You hear her laugh at this and you can’t help but wonder what she’s doing right now. You turn to Milo before patting your lap, and you smile as he hurries to lie down on you.
“What are you up to, Billie?”
Billie smiles as she turns to Mickey who is bouncing around on the floor at the end of the bed. She’s watching him from where she’s leaning against the headboard with a glass of wine in one hand. She mentions what she’s been up to for the past 15 minutes and you laugh when she mentions her kitten adventures from earlier today.
“Really? All 6 of them? How did that go?”
You laugh as Billie groans under her breath. She was glad that she’d been able to give the kittens some much needed play time, but she was exhausted. She was close to crashing despite not having worked much today, but she’d wanted to wait at least until she heard from you.
“It was hectic for sure, but they were so cute. I wish you could have seen them.”
Both of you smile at the thought before you’re nodding in agreement. You scratch Milo behind his ears, your smile widening at how cute he looks as he just stares at you.
“Me too.”
The two of you sit in silence for a little while just lost in thought before Billie finally speaks up. You’re looking at your empty glass on the table in front of you while Billie’s picking up Mickey to take him back to his siblings and Bit.
“I miss having you here, sweetheart.”
You smile at Billie’s words blushing slightly as you lean against the couch with a sigh. “You do?”
Billie just nods before she returns to bed and sits down with a frown. She looks to the empty side for a moment and wonders how a few nights of sleeping in the same bed with you did this to her.
“I do. I wish you were here with me.”
You picture Billie lying in bed as she says this, and you can’t help but want to be there with her. You just know that when you go up to bed you will miss being near Billie. You’ll miss her presence, her warmth, and you will especially miss the feeling you get when she holds you close. You don’t realize that you haven’t responded until Milo snaps you out of your reverie with a loud yawn.
You smile and Billie chuckles before you manage to find your voice again. You try not to sound too much like you’re pouting when you speak up.
“Me too. We need to have another sleepover, Billie Dean.”
Billie laughs before agreeing with a wide smile. The two of you talk for almost an hour before you aren’t able to stop yawning. You don’t want to, but you end up hanging up and heading to bed. You tell yourself that you can wait until Friday rolls around to see Billie again, but you’re not entirely sure. It’s going to be a rough week not only because you’re easing back into things, but because of your impending birthday. It will definitely be on your mind, and not in a good way.
You try not to worry about that now as you get ready for bed. You go through your normal routine and half an hour later you crawl into bed. You watch as Milo does the same at the other side of the room, and you just sigh before turning off the light. You close your eyes and groan in defeat as you roll over and hide your face in your pillow. You turn again until you’re staring at the ceiling, and your mind begins to wander to a certain medium.
You close your eyes again and the first thing that comes to mind is Billie Dean’s charming smile. You imagine her smiling at you, and you can practically smell her perfume as you picture being pulled in for a hug. You smile at the thought of her laughing at one of your dumb jokes, and you are eventually able to fall asleep at the memory of Billie lying beside you.
Billie on the other hand was not asleep yet. She was tired enough for sure, but she couldn’t relax enough to lie down. She was on her second cigarette when she decides to look at her phone for a while. Mindlessly scrolling sometimes helped her sleep, but tonight it was stressing her out. It just made her think about everything that she had to do tomorrow, so she put it down quickly before heading downstairs.
She gets another stronger drink before heading back upstairs. She doesn’t make it back to her room because Bit is yowling and needs to be let out before she wakes the neighborhood. Billie sighs watching as Bit runs down the hall and down to the first floor before she sticks her head in the laundry room. Most of the kittens are sleeping, but of course there was one straggler.
The kitten turns, either at his name or Billie’s voice, and hurries over to her. She smiles as he comes to a clumsy stop at her feet and she laughs before picking him up. She holds him close and lets him play with her hair, but when he reaches out for her drink, she shakes her head.
“Not for you, little one. It’s time for bed.”
After she gets Mickey settled, Billie heads back to bed. She’s already finished her drink watching Mickey, so she leaves the empty glass on her bedside table before heading to the bathroom. She needs to get to sleep soon. She’s already going to have one hell of a week. The last thing she needs is to be sleep-deprived.
Billie isn’t convinced that this won’t be the case whether she sleeps or not. Last night she’d had difficulty sleeping, and she doesn’t want to think about why. Instead, Billie sits in bed and finishes off her cigarette, dragging it out for nearly a half hour before she falls into a fitful sleep.
You’re so deep in sleep that you don’t hear the series of knocks at your door the next morning. It’s almost half an hour before you alarm is supposed to go off, and you do not want to get up yet. Milo; however, hears them and he sits up before looking at your door. He starts growling as the knocks continue before he stands up and heads out of your room and downstairs.
He yawns on his way to investigate when the knocking stops. There is nothing out of the ordinary, and Milo hurries to the front door to sniff around. He smells something on the other side of the door and he starts pawing at it insistently. He whines as he tries to stick his face under the door, but not even his nose will fit. He lies down on his side and sees that there is something in front of the door. He tries to reach under the door but his paw is too big and he just whines again before scratching at the bottom of the door for a minute.
Eventually he gives up and just stares at it from the floor. About twenty minutes later he hears something shift from behind the door and he sits up suddenly. His ears twitch and he starts to sniff again before he hears the sound again.
He barks a couple of times before he runs back upstairs to your room. He barks again, startling you from your sleep, before jumping on you with a series of loud whines. You groan in annoyance as you roll over and try to push him off of you.
“Milo go away! It’s only 6!”
You honestly consider giving Milo to the next person you see when he pulls the covers off your bed and leaves you cold and very much awake.
You sit up and glare at your dog who just drops and steps on all of your sheets before coming back to jump on you again. He whines as he tries to grab onto you, but you’re not really wearing many clothes, so he gets skin and you curse under your breath. Clearly he wants your attention.
“Alright, Milo. Stop! What is it? What do you want?”
Milo jumps off the bed and runs to the door before looking back at you. He barks and you groan loudly before following him down the hallway.
This better be good.
You follow Milo downstairs to the front door thinking that he just wants a walk. He jumps up on the door and claws at it and you quickly push him down with a scowl.
“Milo, no! Go get your leash.”
You are surprised when he doesn’t listen and instead just whines and tries to open the door again. You sigh before moving him out of the way before you unlock the door. You are about to step out into the hallway and see what has him so riled up, but you don’t make it that far. You nearly run into a box that was placed right in front of your door. You frown as you look down at the sketchy cardboard box in front of you.
You’re reluctant to open it, but Milo doesn’t give you much of a choice as he comes up behind you and practically shoves his face into it. You move him away before you peek in and you nearly curse as you realize what is in it.
“What the…?”
Billie Dean is already at the studio getting ready for her next interview when her phone rings. She had only gotten 5 hours of sleep, and she’d had to ask Michelle about a half dozen times who she was being interviewed by. Billie was on her third cup of coffee and she nearly spills it on herself when she jumps in surprise as her phone vibrates.
She curses under her breath as coffee spills on the floor, and she’s more than a little annoyed when she grabs her phone. When she sees it’s you; however, her frown turns to a smile and she answers quickly despite the fact she doesn’t have but maybe a minute to talk.
“Good morning, Y/N.”
You don’t respond immediately because you’re too busy staring at the box you’d managed to put on your counter. You didn’t really want it there, but Milo kept trying to get to one of the kittens inside.
Yes. Someone had left kittens at your doorstep. The first and hopefully the last time someone did something so cliché and quite frankly cruel to you. There had been five kittens in the box but only two were alive by the time you got to them. You had checked three times before separating them from their live siblings and hurrying to get dressed for work. You couldn’t help them much here, but from what you could tell they were in decent condition.
You’d wrapped them up in towels and piled them back in the box before realizing that there was a note at the bottom of it. You held it in your hands, and were still staring at it when Billie picked up. You open your mouth to say something, but you can’t find the words.
You had almost forgotten that Billie was supposed to be at an interview now, or soon, you weren’t really sure what time it was. This had thrown you off so much you honestly didn’t know if you’d walked Milo yet. Luckily he was just sitting by patiently, watching you and sniffing for the kittens that were almost as young as Billie’s had been when she’d first brought them in.
“Hi Billie. Uh-.”
You trail off as you try to figure out how to explain this. You read the note one last time before throwing it on the counter with a sigh.
“Something’s happened.”
Billie is still a little distracted when the interview starts. She had only been able to talk to you for a few minutes before she had to leave. You had told her as much as you could before apologizing for interrupting her morning. You had to get to work anyway, but you couldn’t help but wonder what the hell was going on. Rather, who the hell had left you a box of kittens and a creepy ass note?
You make it to work on time, somehow, and despite your hectic morning you smile at the first person you see as you enter the building. Erin. You had already put Milo in his kennel after giving him a little extra breakfast for making him wait much longer than usual, so you are only holding the kittens when you greet Erin.
“Good morning, Erin.”
Erin smiles as she sticks her phone and keys in her pocket before doing a double take. She wasn’t sure what you were holding, but as she gets a little closer, she sees that the box is not a box of donuts like she’d originally thought. You notice her looking and you’re quick to explain the odd arrangement in your hands.
“Morning Dr. Y/L/N. What do you have there?”
You sigh as you put the box down on the treatment table. You really had wanted to get a different one because this one was falling apart, but you’d already been running late and you really didn’t have a suitable alternative, so here you were. You watch as Erin peeks into the box before repeating what you’d told Billie. Minus the cursing of course.
“Five kittens were left in this box in front of my door this morning. Only two were alive, and they seem pretty weak.”
Erin frowns as you say this, and she reaches into the box to pet the smaller kitten that is still wrapped in a hand towel. You don’t mention the creepy note. You’d only told Billie because you were a little freaked out. However, she’s managed to calm you down and say that it was probably some random creep from your building, not Doug.
You push these thoughts to the back of your mind before you nod at what Erin says next. You were only half listening but you hope that you assume correctly.
“That’s so sad and messed up. Who do you think left them?”
You sigh in defeat as you take the three dead kittens out of the box and set them on the table. You want to make sure that they’re taken care of before your first appointment.
“It really is. I’m not sure who left them. I honestly don’t know many of my neighbors.”
With Erin’s help, the two of you take care of all five kittens and figure out what you’re going to do with them before your first appointment. You know that they need to be taken care of and checked on frequently. You can’t ask any of the technicians to do that because they already have their hands full with surgeries this morning. So you spend all of your free time in between appointments taking care of them when you can and feeding them formula.
Your boss isn’t in today, but almost everyone knows about the kittens’ presence before lunch time. You know it is a lot of responsibility, taking care of practically newborn kittens, so you aren’t surprised when no one jumps at the chance to take them in. You are already thinking of places to call when your phone starts to vibrate from your pocket.
You put the kitten in your hands, you’ve named them already despite your better judgement, back in the bed you’ve made before you reach for your phone. You see it’s Billie and sigh before looking at the time. You are done with appointments for the morning, all you really need to do is walk Milo.
“Hi Billie.”
You answer the phone as you walk to the kennels to grab Milo. You can’t really hear what Billie says immediately because it’s a lot louder than you thought it would be. You grab Milo quickly before retreating to the yard where the labs are already playing. You smile at some of the assistants sitting on the benches before heading out further into the yard.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?”
Billie had returned home a little while ago, and she had decided to check in on you since you should be on lunch. You had told her about the kittens and the note, but she’d literally been on her way to the interview so you hadn’t been able to really discuss it. She realizes that you are outside with Milo because she hears barking and traffic, but she doesn’t get to ask before you’re speaking again.
“Shit, I forgot. How was your interview this morning?”
You’re wandering around the yard, making sure not to step in any mud puddles or anything other than grass. You glance over to your dog who is running back and forth between dogs trying to steal a tennis ball, before you focus back on Billie’s voice when she speaks up.
“It was fine, Y/N. Not nearly as exciting as your morning though.”
You smile at this before you shake your head in disagreement. You weren’t sure why Billie never seemed to want to talk about her interviews. You always assumed that they were more fun than she made them seem, but you knew now wasn’t the time to talk about this.
“So you talked about your show?”
Billie sighs more to herself than at you as she takes another drag of her cigarette. She was exhausted already, and it was barely noon. She had a lot more to do today, but she definitely wasn’t in the mood. She would much rather help you take care of these new kittens.
“We did. Only a couple of weeks before it airs.”
You smile at this before nodding to yourself. You pet Milo as he comes to say hi to you, and you take the ball that he offers you with a smile. You look at it for a moment before you realize how covered in mud and saliva it is. You groan under your breath and chuck it across the yard before responding to Billie.
“That’s so exciting Billie. I can’t wait to watch it!”
You mean this and you smile wider when Billie laughs in return. You two talk a bit about how you are going to watch it together as soon as it airs. You throw around ideas and you’re already looking forward to a night of cuddling on the couch with Billie.
Eventually you change the subject to the kittens that you need to check on again. The smaller one that you’ve dubbed Charlie wasn’t doing so well. He, or she, you honestly couldn’t tell, wasn’t eating as much and barely moved. The other kitten, Bo, was bigger, more active, and would definitely be trouble. You could already tell from how much he moved around and refused to listen to you. Not that you really thought either of them understood much at their age.
Billie laughs at the news of the new kitten’s names. She wasn’t sure why she thought you wouldn’t have names for them yet. You had only told her about half a dozen times how you made sure every single animal you met had a name.
“You said Bo was the troublemaker?”
Billie’s putting out her cigarette as she watches the clock on the oven. She only has a few minutes before she needs to be on a conference call. You laugh before telling Billie a little more about the kittens. You are already head over heels for them, but you really can’t keep them. You sigh as you say this to Billie before throwing the ball for Milo one last time.
“They’re adorable, but they’re a lot of work as you know. I don’t think I can do it on my own.”
You have a full-time job that you may not be working full time at right now, but you will be once you recover. Milo is honestly the only pet you can have right now, but you can’t just dump the kittens on someone else. You just have to see what you can figure out. Make a few calls and hopefully find these two adorable gray kittens a good home.
It’s only 6 hours later that you are on your way home with Milo and two kittens. You aren’t surprised that you ended up in this situation. Despite all the effort you put into finding a shelter, foster family, literally anyone else to take these kittens, you had come up with nothing. Well, that wasn’t true. You came up with a possible lead that someone needed to check on, but that would take at least a couple of days. You weren’t sure that it wouldn’t fall through and you were already preparing yourself to take care of these kittens until they were, well as old as Billie’s cats were now.
You sigh as you open the door to your apartment carefully. You watch as Milo walks in first. You honestly hadn’t bothered putting his leash on because you had your hands full, but he was good and stuck by your side. This was mostly because he wanted to play with the kittens, but you would take what you could get at the moment because it seemed like you were getting very little.
You shut the door behind you with a sigh before locking it and heading to the kitchen. You’d gotten rid of the dirty old box from this morning and now had a small litterbox that was going to house the kittens until you bought a more suitable alternative. You look under the blanket that you had laid on top of the kittens and you smile as you watch them squirm. They are just waking up and you set the blanket back on them briefly before you put your bags down.
You brought home a lot of things for them and you were just now realizing how much as you set it all down in front of you. There was formula, more blankets since you didn’t have a bed for them, and an assortment of bowls. You cursed your inability to make decisions before you got to work making the kittens’ next meal.
Milo just watches as you run around the kitchen and feed the small mewling furballs. He tries to jump up and get a better look once you put them down, but he stops short as you grab the box they’re in and head to the living room. You sigh as you look around and try to figure out what to do next. How the hell are you going to make this work?
Billie is finally done working for the day. She is just about to check on the kittens for the last time when you call her. She’d asked Michelle to buy a pen that she could keep downstairs so they could spend more time outside of the laundry room. They were really starting to spend more time awake and it was entertaining to watch them sometimes. Billie returned to the kitchen for her phone before she headed toward the kittens. She saw it was you and smiled before answering.
“Hi, sweetheart.”
You smile despite how tired you are before collapsing on the couch with the kittens in your lap. Well, the box is in your lap and you just stare down at them as you sigh in exhaustion.
“Hi, Billie. How was the rest of your day?”
As Billie tells you about her busy day, you just watch the kittens squirm around. They aren’t very active, which isn’t surprising, but you still feel the need to watch them closely and make sure they don’t get into trouble. You don’t realize that Billie has stopped speaking until she calls your name twice. You cringe at the fact that you spaced out and missed who knows how much before you sigh again.
“Sorry Billie. I just got distracted by the kittens.”
Billie frowns slightly at this and she glances to her own kittens who are bouncing around excitedly. Mickey is tackling one of his siblings, and Billie swears her heart melts at the sight.
“You weren’t able to find anyone to take them off your hands?”
You shake your head before thinking back to what Mina had said. You relay this to Billie before you have to stifle a yawn. You don’t do a very good job though because Billie clearly hears it.
“Not yet. Mina might know someone, but she’s got to get in touch with them first. For now, they’re with me.”
Billie’s frown deeps as she thinks of all the reasons why she doesn’t like this. You’re still supposed to be taking it easy, and she knows firsthand how time-consuming taking care of kittens is. You sound exhausted and Billie is already thinking of different ways to help you out.
“I hope she finds someone for you soon, Y/N. You already sound exhausted.”
You know that Billie is only concerned about you, but you frown in annoyance because you don’t really have another choice. You’re going to take care of these kittens whether you really want to or not, but hopefully it won’t be for more than a couple of days.
When Thursday rolls around and you still have the kittens, you realize how naïve you’d been. The first couple of days were hell like you thought they would be, but there were little reprieves throughout the day while at work. Someone else would check on Bo and Charlie, everyone loved their names, or a cancellation in your schedule gave you more time to play catch up.
However, Thursday morning you’re not even at lunch yet and you have a raging headache. You’d stayed up late last night taking care of the kittens because when you went to check on them before bed, you noticed that Charlie wasn’t moving. You had hoped he was asleep, but he was actually blue and barely breathing. You had done what you could before rushing to the hospital where you stayed until only a few hours before you had to go to work.
Now you were falling asleep at your computer while you tried to work on a medical record. You reached for your water bottle since you couldn’t take any more pain meds right now, but you miscalculate and it tumbles to the floor spilling water everywhere.
You hurry to pick up the bottle you stupidly left open and looked around for something to clean it with when there was a knock on your door. You turn, abandoning the mess for now, to see Mina standing in the doorway with a concerned look.
“Everything okay?”
You just nod before getting off the floor and sitting back in your chair. You cringe slightly as you nod which undermines your response but that’s okay for now. Luckily Mina has some news for you.
“All good, thanks. What’s up?”
Mina smiles as she tells you about her friend’s friend that finally figured out how she could take the kittens.
“She says that her parents will take her dog for a couple weeks so she can keep them until we can adopt them out.”
You sigh in relief before smiling widely at the news. You shoot Mina a grateful look before feeling yourself relax. The tension and stress that has built up for the past couple of days leaves your body and you feel lighter.
“Thank you, Mina. That’s great news! Do I need to meet them somewhere?”
Mina shook her head and said that she could take them to her after work today. You were tempted to hug her, but you had a lot of dog hair on you and probably some water, so you held back. Still you were smiling as you thanked her again. You were ready to sleep through the night again for sure.
“Thank you so much. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.”
The rest of the day goes much better for you because simply knowing that you will sleep better brightens your mood. You still have your damn headache, but even that gets better after the first couple of afternoon appointments. It’s not until the end of the day, that you realize you have to say goodbye to the kittens. At least for the next couple of weeks. You wander back to isolation where they’re being kept with a frown. You watch them just sleep and occasionally squirm for a few minutes before you realize that you’re no longer alone.
You move out of the way so Mina can join you in the small room before asking despite already knowing the answer.
“Time to go?”
Mina has all of her things and she just nods before moving to collect the kittens. They mewl a little at being disturbed and you smile at the adorable sight before holding the door open for her. You follow the brunette out and sigh as she turns to leave.
“See you soon kittens. Please thank her again for me?”
Mina just nods in agreement before she heads out to the parking lot, and you sigh again before remembering that you have your own things to collect before you can leave for the night. You don’t work tomorrow or this weekend, so you have a nice long time to catch up on some sleep.  You’re so eager to get home and sleep that you forget your phone upstairs, and you’re so tired you consider leaving it there. Deciding against it, you hurry to your office to grab it before running back downstairs to where your dog is whining impatiently. You silence him with a quick scratch before heading for the parking lot. You put your phone in your pocket without bothering to check it, so you miss the fact you have a couple of missed calls and two new text messages from Billie.
Are you still at work, sweetheart?
Do you want to come over after?  
Part 21
TAGLIST ❤: @madamevirgo​, @illuminated-blue​, @delias-bitch-craft​
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onlysarah235678 · 4 years
A Little Bit
Pairing: Billie Dean Howard x female reader
Request: Can you write about the reader working in healthcare/retail (during or not during COVID-your choice) and she meets Billie and they hit it off?
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A/N:  So I wrote this a lot faster than I thought I would…don’t expect that to happen again. I hope this is okay. I decided to write about the members of healthcare we don’t always hear about. Also, my friend’s a vet so… enjoy?
Warnings: None? Brief mention of bugs?
It had been wandering around her neighborhood for weeks, but it wasn’t until today that Billie Dean paid it much attention. She’d assumed that the cat was one of her neighbor’s and they just let it roam around. She’d seen its lithe black form darting across the streets on days when she returned from filming late into the night, but besides briefly wondering about where it was going, she never spared it much thought.
However, as she peered under her deck at the sound of quiet meows, she realized she had a problem. She had been out working in her garden on one of her rare days off when she heard it. The medium had turned and seen a pair of eyes from across the yard, and despite her better judgement she went to investigate.
Now, as she stared at the black cat surrounded by her litter of 6, she had a feeling she wouldn’t be getting back to her garden anytime soon.
“Dr. Y/L/N, Lindsey just added another one to your morning.”
You tried not to groan in annoyance when you heard one of the vet assistants say this to you. The day had barely started, but things had been ridiculously busy. The practice you worked at had up to 5 other doctors working at a time on a regular weekday, but since today was Saturday, there were only two working.
Dr. Hahn and you.
The schedule had already been booked by the time you arrived to work, and it was just luck that you had a cancellation for your 11:30 slot. You had already planned on taking an early lunch when news of another appointment being scheduled came. You tried not to be annoyed because this was your job and you did love it. You were just exhausted. It had been a long week.
A long month really.
Since moving to L.A after finishing school, you hadn’t spent much time doing anything other than work. Let alone getting to know the city. You had jumped into your work and spent almost every waking minute thinking about it. As a new vet, you were trying your best to prove yourself and make a good impression at your job. You thought you were doing a fairly good job, but you hadn’t allowed yourself to have much time to yourself.
Other than walking your dog, Milo, who had made the cross-country trip with you, most of your free time was spent making sure you had the most up-to-date information out there to offer your clients. You didn’t want to be caught off guard, not again.
You eventually smiled at the assistant and thanked her despite wanting to glare instead.
“Thank you, Erin.”
It wasn’t her fault you weren’t getting your early lunch.
After corralling the cat and her kittens into the most suitable container she could find, Billie Dean was on her way to the vet. She had called a couple and unfortunately hadn’t been able to get an appointment so last minute. She had almost given up, when the last one she’d called had luckily had a cancellation for only about an hour away.
It was perfect timing until it took her almost 20 minutes to get the cats out from under the deck. The mom hadn’t trusted her immediately and it had taken some coaxing before she’d risked reaching out to pet the mother. While speaking more reassurances that she was sure the cats didn’t understand, Billie Dean collected all 6 kittens and the mother and loaded them into the front seat.
It wasn’t until she started driving that she realized she might be late. This clinic was almost 30 minutes away with normal weekend traffic. Billie Dean sighed before she made sure that all of the cats were still settled in the box before beginning to drive a little bit faster.
Hopefully she wouldn’t be too late.
“They’re late.”
You hadn’t realized it immediately because your last appointment ran over, but once 11:40 rolled around you realized that your 11:30 had never shown up.
You had looked over the details of the appointment quickly realizing that hopefully it would be routine kitten stuff. You hadn’t recognized the name of the owner because well, you didn’t watch much television. It wasn’t until the assistant you were working with for the morning, commented on it, that you realized that Billie Dean Howard was anything special.
“Oh no! She didn’t show up?? Ugh, I was dying to meet her.”
You turned to your disappointed assistant, Erin with a confused frown. You continued to type up your medical note from the last appointment before asking off-handedly.
“Who did you say she was again?”
If you had been paying more attention, you would have noticed Erin shoot you an incredulous look. Instead you were writing about the last patient’s bloodwork when the brunette finally answered you.
“Look, Dr. Y/L/N. I know you’re new to town, but how do you not know who Billie Dean Howard is?”
You just shrugged while shooting the younger woman a sheepish look. You were very good about being the last to know things. It wasn’t your fault you were so out of touch from school. There had hardly been any time for television when you were always studying.
“Sorry, you know I don’t watch much tv.”
Erin shook her head with a sigh before she decided to take pity on you. You finished typing your note and turned to face the other brunette as she explained to you who your missed appointment had been.
“She’s a famous medium who goes to various places around the world that are haunted for her television show. It’s so good, I watched an entire season yesterday.”
Before you had a chance to ask how that was possible, Lindsey appeared with a piece of paper and a sympathetic smile on her face.
“Your 11:30 is here.”
You looked at the clock, it was a quarter to noon, before you just nodded with a small smile. Lindsey handed the check in sheet to Erin who grabbed it with an excited squeal that made you nearly roll your eyes.
At least one of you were excited for this.
Billie Dean was beyond stressed. She had been making good time for her appointment, when the mom cat, she’d taken to calling her Bit, had decided to jump out of the box and explore her car. She’d been so distracted and worried that she’d slowed to the point that people were honking her off the road. She’d stopped in a parking lot to try and get Bit back into the box, but as soon as the door opened, she’d jumped out.
Billie had questioned her decision to not just ignore the cat this morning as she spent the next 15 minutes trying to catch Bit and return her to the car.
Now, she was really late and she knew that she had probably missed her appointment. She hurried inside with the box, making sure to hold onto Bit so she didn’t jump out again before opening the front door. She hurried toward the counter with an apologetic smile and a hopeful look.
“I’m so sorry I’m late. I had a bit of a time getting here. I have an appointment for 11:30.”
Billie figured she didn’t need to give her name because the look on the receptionist’s face when she saw her was telling enough. She was used to having fans so she just smiled politely as the other blonde, Lindsey, her nametag said, nodded frantically and ran to the printer.
“Of course, Ms. Howard. I’ll let them know you’re here.”
Billie watched as the younger blonde nearly ran toward the back before she sat down with a sigh. She looked at the box of cats with a small smile. She scratched Bit’s chin before she checked on each of the kittens. They all looked so tiny and weak. They all were huddled up in the middle of the box sleeping on top of each other. It was truly adorable.
“Ms. Howard?”
The medium had been too busy contemplating how many of the kittens she could keep to realize that someone else had entered the waiting room. She looked up to see a brunette smiling at her and holding a door to the back open. She jumped up, clutching onto the box carefully before making her way over to the woman in scrubs.
“Hi. I’m sorry I’m late.”
Erin just smiled and shook her head as she led Billie Dean to a nearby exam room. She’d already screamed silently before coming to get the blonde so she wouldn’t geek out, but she couldn’t help but be a little starstruck by the medium’s presence.
“It’s not a problem, we’re just glad to see kittens on our schedule.”
You waited while your assistant got the history from Billie Dean. From where you were seated in the pharmacy, you could hear some of what was being said. It sounded like a standard visit. No issues except for apparently a random cat decided to have kittens underneath Billie’s porch. You tried not to overthink this visit as you listened to the blonde talk to her assistant. You hadn’t been nervous before because you hadn’t really needed to be.
Except that was when you hadn’t known that you were going to be seeing someone who was famous. Someone whose name you didn’t even recognize, but that was beside the point. The point was that now that the idea was in your head, you were freaking out a little bit.
You could hear a slight accent in her voice and you couldn’t help but smile at it. It sounded cute.
You sat up slightly, startled at the sudden thought. You shook your head scolding yourself for being so unprofessional and attempted to push that thought to the back of your mind. You turned at the sound of the exam door opening and watched as Erin shut it behind her quietly with a huge smile on her face.
“She’s so cool. Oh my god that was so cool!”
She whisper screamed at you and you couldn’t help but laugh in amusement. Someone was clearly starstruck. Hopefully she could get through this without embarrassing them. Or at least her. Anyone. Hopefully no one would be embarrassed.
“Hi, Ms. Howard. I’m Y/F/N, Y/L/N. It’s nice to meet you.”
You were surprised by what greeted you inside the exam room. The cat that was bouncing around the room was less of a surprise than the woman who sat in one of the chairs against the wall. You had to stop herself from showing your surprise as you took in the blonde who you’d never heard of until about an hour ago.
Billie Dean Howard wasn’t what you’d been expecting. She was middle-aged with honey blonde hair that fell in neat curls. She was wearing a silk blouse and a skirt with heels. She was definitely the most dressed up of all of your clients today. God, she was beautiful and you had to remind yourself to not stare at her legs as you held out your hand.
The medium smiled as she reached out her own hand and shook yours. Her hand was so soft, but you counted to two before releasing it with a shake of your head.
“Nice to meet you Dr. Y/L/N. I apologize for being so late.” You smiled at the thought of what Erin had told you. It sounded like she had a hell of a time getting here. You couldn’t blame her after what she’d gone through to simply get these cats looked at.
“No need. It sounds like this one was quite the troublemaker.” You pet Bit as she wandered over to you to check you out, and you smiled as she rubbed her face on your hand.
You noticed Billie roll her eyes with a sigh and you couldn’t help but smile at what she said.
“She definitely was. That’s where her name came from after all.”
You frowned in confusion but didn’t get a chance to ask before Billie was explaining herself. She eyed you curiously as she shrugged indifferently.
“I may have called her, her name with an added ‘ch’ a couple times on the way here. Specifically, while I was chasing her around a Denny’s parking lot.”
You tried not to laugh at the ridiculous image that conjured in your brain, but it was useless. You were laughing before you could help it because honestly who wouldn’t find this elegant woman running after a cat in a parking lot hilarious.
You stifled your laughter before you cleared your throat and shot Billie a smile. “Well, it sounds like the name suits her.”
You examine each of the kittens carefully, and confirm that they are less than a week old since their eyes are still closed. They are all a little buggy from living under the deck so you deworm them and Bit so she won’t spread any parasites to them. As you explain this to Billie while applying the medication, you notice that she is shooting you an odd look. You don’t really worry too much about it because it’s probably just confusion from a too-sciency word you used.
When the kittens are all checked out and the mom is back in the box resting with them, you decide that you should figure out what happens next.
“They’ll need their mom for milk for the next month, but have you decided if you want to keep them?”
Erin leaves at this point because now that the exams are done, you’re mostly just talking. You pretend not to notice how she is reluctant to leave, and instead focus on Billie’s wide eyes as she shakes her head with a laugh.
“No, I don’t think I can keep them all. Maybe one or two. I don’t want to be known as the crazy old cat lady.”
You laugh again before moving your stethoscope off the exam table so it’s not sitting in all of the baby food you fed to Bit. “You’re definitely not old, Ms. Howard.”
You nearly slap your hand to your mouth as your eyes widen in mortification. God you did not just say that did you? You look to the blonde about to apologize, but you see her smiling at you instead. You hear her teasing tone and blush despite your best efforts at what she says in response.
“Thank you dear, but please. Call me Billie.”
You nod dumbly before you start picking off some of the black hair on your coat, only to give up after a few seconds. You’re covered and you miss the amused look Billie shoots you as you try to get back on track.
“Okay, Billie. Well once they’re old enough, you can take them to a shelter, or you can bring them here. We adopt out kittens. Our last ones actually just went home with some clients.”
It’s nearly 12:30 when you’re finished answering some of Billie’s general questions. You had an assistant find a carrier for Billie to take so she wouldn’t have to worry about Bit escaping again. You load the cats into it while Billie gets checked out at the front desk. By the time she gets back, you have only Bit left to put in.
Of course she decides she’d rather run around the room though. You ignore your growling stomach which conveniently covers up the sound of the door opening behind you as you hurry to catch the cat.
“Come here you little, Bit. You need to get in here so your mom doesn’t lose you at Denny’s again.”
Once you finally get her inside the carrier and close it with a sigh, you realize that you are being watched. You look up from where you’re kneeling on the ground to see Billie watching you from the doorway with a smile. You fight a blush as you pick up the carrier carefully before taking a step toward the door.
“Here, let me help you to your car.”
Billie shook her head. She’d already taken up a lot of your time. It was nearly 1 and most everyone else was on lunch.
“Oh, you don’t have to do that, sweetheart. I’ve already taken up too much of your time.”
Billie looked like she was going to argue, but you just stood with the carrier held in your hand with a smile. Ready to go. She sighed and your smile widened as you followed the blonde out of the building.
You nearly stop short at the pet name, the second pet name she’s used, but you recover just in time to shake your head with a smile.
“Don’t be silly. It’s not a problem.”
You arrive to her car without incident and she opens the backdoor for you. You smile before placing them in the back seat, trying not to be too nosy as you duck into her car before standing up straight again.
“You’re all set, Ms—Billie.”
Billie smiles at your save as she shuts the door behind you. You stand by awkwardly as she takes a moment to study you. She opens her mouth to say something but stops short before simply nodding.
“Thank you again. It was nice to meet you, Dr. Y/L/N.”
You blush before waving her off as you look away to hopefully save face before responding. “Y/F/N, please and you too.”
As you’re about to turn away and head back inside for some much-needed lunch when something occurs to you. You smile slightly as you dig into your pocket and grab a card to hand to her. The medium takes your business card with a smile, and her fingers brush against yours briefly. Your cheeks redden and you curse yourself when you see Billie’s smile turn into a smirk. You manage to speak up before she can and drop your hand away and into your pocket.
“My card. In case you have any questions. You can call us or email anytime.”
Billie looked over the card, realizing that it had the clinic’s number and a shared email address on it. She decided not to be deterred and shot the blushing doctor a curious look.
“So in the event of an emergency, and the clinic’s closed…what number would I call?”
You laughed nervously as you thought about your options. You could tell that Billie was flirting. You were dense, but not that dense, and you decided to take a risk. You shrugged before you dug around in your pocket once again for a pen before reaching out for the card you’d just given away.
“Well you could call the emergency clinic up the road, or you can call me. Whichever.”
Billie looks at the number that you scrawled down with a grin. “This is your personal number?”
You smirked before taking a step back toward the building hoping to retreat before you say something too dumb. “It is. To use for emergencies or whatever else.”
You smile a little wider as Billie’s face lights up and she shoots you a suggestive look. You merely laugh before turning around and heading back inside. You know she’s watching you, but you don’t turn around until you reach the door. You’re not surprised to see her still standing there watching, and you shoot her one last smile and wave before ducking back inside.
Part 2 
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onlysarah235678 · 3 years
 A Little Bit Part 17
Pairing: Billie Dean Howard x female reader
A/N: Hi there! I hope everyone has survived this week of storms and everything else. ❤️. Angst in the beginning of this one. I’m wrapping things up but we still have some loose ends to tie up….LOOK AT THIS GIF. 😍
Warnings: angst, mentions of domestic abuse, mention of attempted sexual assault (I did the thing with the *** again). 
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You and Billie take Milo on a longer walk than you usually would at this time of day. It was almost dark, so there weren’t many people around making the walk a quiet one. You wouldn’t admit it, but you were dragging your feet a little to buy yourself some time. You intend on keeping your promise to Billie by telling her what was bothering you, but you keep doubting your decision.
Billie had told you that she didn’t care about your baggage. At the very least, she’d said that it wouldn’t change her feelings for you. Still, you hate to bring the issue up again because it seems like it’s been forever since you two just had a conversation about something nice, casual, and not stressful. You can’t remember the last time you two went out on a date, and you hate how tense and stressful everything is between you.  
Maybe it was just your insecurities, but you sigh as you and Billie come up on the end of the neighborhood. You’re probably going to turn around soon, if Milo would stop peeing.
“What’s on your mind, sweetheart?”
You feel some of your anxiety melt away at that familiar term of endearment, and you turn toward Billie with a small smile. You squeeze her hand before shaking your head in refusal. You don’t really want to talk about this now because you are almost certain you’ll be crying for at least some of this conversation. Still, you don’t want to leave Billie hanging so you tell her the truth. At least as much of it as you’re willing to at the moment.
“I’m just thinking about everything that’s happened in the past few months. How much has changed.”
Billie doesn’t respond immediately. She watches how you turn back around, heading for home, with a faraway look. It seems more contemplative than anything else, but Billie can’t figure out what you’re trying to say.
“Good and bad?”
You smile as Milo leads the three of you back to Billie’s. He’s eager for his treat because he picks up the pace a little, but you just hold his leash tighter so he doesn’t drag you. You’re not really in the mood for that tonight.
“Yes, luckily more good than bad recently.”
You shoot Billie a charming smile that she practically melts at. She pulls you towards her so you’re close enough to kiss, and you laugh as you practically fall into the medium.
You mean what you say. That more good things have happened to you than bad. Unfortunately, the bad is starting to catch up with you due to your failure to deal with anything that really bothers you. You shut it out and you’re learning quickly that this is not a good thing. You know you need to work on this, but you’re just not sure how. How do you come to terms with things that are over and done with? Things that you hate to talk about?
Billie waits patiently as you find your next words. You look to Milo with a smile.  He’s looking back at you and Billie occasionally, as if making sure that you’re still there. You are once again reminded of how much your dog means to you, and how much he’s helped you these past few months.
“Things just started stacking up, you know? I didn’t deal with how my ex made me feel, and then my dad’s death, and now with this asshole I don’t even really know? It just seems like at this point it’s all too overwhelming. That I’m better off ignoring it.”
You can feel Billie about to respond to this, so you beat her to it with a sigh of defeat.
“I know I'm not, Billie. I just. I don’t know how to deal with it.”
You wait for what feels like years as Billie considers what you’re saying. She can’t really pretend like she knows how you feel, or what your logic is for not dealing with your problems. Having so many traumatic things happen in such rapid succession can leave anyone a little dazed and unsure of how to proceed. All she knows is what you told her, so Billie tries not to assume anything as she finally shoots you a smile.
You don’t notice because you’re too busy looking around for something. Billie doesn’t realize this until you fail to respond, or even acknowledge what she’s said after a few seconds.
“Well, what is it that makes you want to deal with it now?”
You’re too busy staring at a car that looks familiar to realize that Billie’s responded. You walk past the car that you swear was about a block away from Billie’s when you left before you look back to the medium. You see that she’s looking at you expectantly, and suddenly it clicks that you’ve missed something. You apologize before looking back over your shoulder with a frown.
“Sorry, I just—does that car look familiar to you? I feel like I’ve seen it multiple times on this walk already.”
You know it’s possible that there is more than one gold SUV in this neighborhood, but you can’t help but be a little paranoid. Billie frowns too as she looks to the car that they just passed. She honestly hadn’t been paying much attention to anything other than you and Milo. Mostly what you said and what she could sense from you. She shakes her head before turning back to you, and telling you the truth.
“Sorry, Y/N. I haven’t really been paying attention.”
You just nod at this before you decide that you’re just being paranoid. You continue down the street and you’re almost to Billie’s before you realize that you hadn’t asked what Billie had said at all.
“Wait, what were you saying earlier? I got distracted by potential stalkers.”
Billie just smiles at you as she shakes her head and turns to look at the dog that is coming your way. She watches as you hold Milo’s leash tighter and steer him in the other direction as he spots the dog and immediately starts tugging.
“Milo, knock it off.”
He listens, sort of, and you only have to move him to your other side, in between you and Billie for him to calm down.
“It’s okay. We can talk about it when we get back.”
You take this as an excuse to put it off again, so you simply nod before allowing your mind to wander.
Before you know it, you’re back at Billie’s and you’re taking care of Milo while Billie checks on the cats. It’s only 8 pm but you’re exhausted and could sleep now. You leave Milo in the living room as you head upstairs to take a shower. You go check on Billie first and you smile as you peek your head into the laundry room to see her sitting next to the kittens. As usual Bit barely acknowledges your presence.
“Hey, I’m going to shower, do you need anything?”
Billie just smiles at you and shakes her head. You’re not surprised to see that she’s holding Mickey and you smile at the adorable sight before leaving with a sigh. You can feel your headache coming back just at the thought of the conversation you started on the walk. You could just drop it and worry about it tomorrow, but you wanted to be honest. You also wanted someone to tell you that you were being ridiculous.
As you take off your clothes, find a towel and turn on the shower you think about how irrational you’re being. You have only run into Doug maybe half a dozen times since you moved to LA. You realized that you both like to go on early morning walks, in your case with Milo, every day and you at least saw each other maybe every other week. That wasn’t a big deal, and you knew it, but since you started dating Billie, you’d learned what a homophobic asshole he was. You almost felt like he sought you out sometimes, but that was ridiculous.
You think back to the last time you saw Doug, before he pushed you down the stairs. It had been in the mail room and he’s muttered a slur under his breath before leaving. He hadn’t touched you then, but clearly that hadn’t stuck. You think about how easy it should be to avoid him and how there was no real reason to be afraid.
As you’re standing in the shower trying to convince yourself that Doug isn’t a threat, you realize why you’re so fixated on this. Why you’re giving someone who doesn’t deserve a second thought, so much of your time and energy.
You groan under your breath at your own stupidity. Then you curse yourself for not knowing where to go from here, despite knowing what you need to do.
Why did life have to be so hard?
By the time you’re out of the shower your headache is back full-force. You groan as you manage to change clothes before you have to sit down on the bed. You close your eyes and just try to relax and will away your headache, but your head is still pounding almost 10 minutes later. You lie down on the bed and groan under your breath. You don’t realize how long you lay there until you almost fall asleep.
Milo gets bored downstairs and decides to come and look for either you or Billie. Since Billie was still with the kittens, he finds you first and he hurriedly pushes his way into the room and over to you. He starts pawing at your arm and you groan again before turning away from him.
“No, Milo stop! Go away.”
You hope that this will be enough to get your dog to leave you alone, but really you know Milo better than that. He sits down and whines loudly before he decides to take matters into his own hands. He circles the bed and jumps up on to it, jostling you and making your head throb annoyingly. You open your eyes to glare at him when he starts to lick your face.
“No! Bad Milo. Get down!”
Milo whines but he listens to you, and is on the ground by the time Billie is coming into the room. She looks inside, immediately seeing you curled up on the bed with your head under a pillow and Milo looking pitiful from where he sits on the floor just staring at you.
“Are you alright?”
You don’t have the energy to turn and face Billie and that really tells her all that she needs to know. Still, she cuts off the lights and walks towards the bed with a frown. You sigh before you chance a look out from under the pillow to see that Billie has turned off the lights. You know you shouldn’t be, but you’re surprised by this. Eventually you wave Billie off ineffectively.
“My head hurts, but it’s okay. I just need to lie here.”
Billie doesn’t say anything for a little while. She does some math in her head, realizing that you just took your meds before looking to Milo when he whines. She watches you flinch slightly at the sound and she makes the decision to take him off your hands.
“Other than taking Milo, is there anything I can do for you?”
You smile at this before removing the pillow from you face and turning so you are looking at Billie. You shake your head before regretting it instantly and cringing at your stupidity.
“That’s more than enough, thank you. I really think I just need to sleep it off.”
Billie doesn’t argue with you and she just leaves hoping that you’ll feel better sooner rather than later. She takes Milo downstairs with her, and gives him a treat when he sits down in the living room. She tries getting some work done, but she’s distracted and not worried enough about the interview to really focus. She’ll have all day tomorrow, not that she needed it, so she closes her computer before looking to Milo.
He’s licking his paws clean, but he looks up at Billie when she stands. He’s quick to get up too as Billie walks to the kitchen to get something to drink. She drinks most of a glass of wine standing at the counter as she stares out the window. It’s dark so she can’t see anything really, but she looks to where she knows the garden is, and wonders who would have snuck back there.
She’s afraid that she knows who it is, or at least why they were back there and she sighs in defeat. She considers how likely it is that you will continue to be bothered. She hopes that the novelty wears off soon, but there’s really no telling at this point. Billie just hopes that they leave you alone at least until you are feeling better.
Billie finishes her wine and cleans the kitchen before glancing at the clock. It’s a little early for her to sleep, but she figures she’ll walk Milo one last time and then check on the cats before going to bed. She would have to check on you too, but she was certain you were asleep at this point.
You are upstairs failing to sleep when your phone goes off from somewhere in the room. You groan, not sure of where you’d left it, and you are tempted to ignore it until it continues to vibrate. You sit up in bed forcing your eyes open as you scan the room. It is completely dark except for the dim light of your phone in the middle of the floor. Why had you left it there?
You sigh in relief when it finally stops vibrating, but you decide that you need to get it in case it starts again. You throw the covers that you’d managed to crawl under off of you before swinging your legs off to the side of the bed. You don’t bother standing up, you just drop to your knees before crawling towards you phone. You’re glad you’re alone because this probably looks as weird as it is, but you get your phone without aggravating your headache too much.
You silence it and carry it back with you before putting it on the side table. You groan under your breath as you simply close your eyes and just wait until you summon the energy to crawl back into bed. You glance at your phone realizing it is already 10, and you just hope that Billie will take care of Milo because you are not about to go downstairs to walk him.
You are almost asleep when Billie comes to check on you a little while later.
After taking care of the kittens and walking Milo, Billie gets ready for bed. She decides to leave Milo downstairs for the night, and he doesn’t seem to mind as he gets settled in the living room. She glances to your door before retreating into her room. She changes clothes, brushes her teeth and washes her face before she looks to her bed. She wants to check on your before sleeping, so she sneaks down the hall and opens the door as quietly as possible.  
She looks in and sees that you’re under the covers and appear to be asleep. She turns to leave, starting to shut the door until she hears you shift and groan under your breath.
Billie releases her hold on the door before she speaks as quietly as possible.
“Hi, Y/N. I was just checking to see if you needed anything?”
You don’t respond immediately, and you just sigh before shifting so you’re closer to the middle of the bed. You stifle a yawn as you speak up just loudly enough for Billie to hear.
“Yes, please. Come sit?”
Billie realizes that you’re making room for her and she sighs before walking further into the room. She shuts the door behind her before coming to stand at the side of the bed, watching as you throw back the covers for her.
“Are you sure there’s nothing you need? Water or--?”            
You just shake your head before patting the bed with a yawn. “Nope. Just you.”
Billie sighs in defeat as she simply nods before getting into bed next to you. She’s careful not to jostle you too much, but as soon as she’s lying under the covers, you’re moving closer to her. You wrap your arms around her tentatively before you peer up at her with a curious look that’s lost on her due to the darkness.
“Is this okay?”
Billie just smiles before telling you that it’s fine, so you lie down with your head on her shoulder before you close your eyes.
Billie is near sleep when you speak up again. She opens her eyes in surprise because she was certain that you had fallen asleep. She hadn’t expected you to speak so suddenly and she jumps slightly before turning to see that you’re looking at her. It’s too dark to really make out your expression, but Billie guesses that you’re frowning based on what you said.
“I never told you what was bothering me.”
Billie starts to shake her head but then realizes you may not notice. Your eyes are closed and you are still curled up against Billie as you fight off your headache. You open them slightly and even though there isn’t a lot of light coming in from the window, it’s enough to irritate you.
“You don’t have to tell me, Y/N. It’s late.”
Billie waits as you figure out how you want to respond. You don’t say anything immediately. You just sigh as you try to get move comfortable, and turn so you’re able to see Billie’s face. At least the little bit of it that’s visible.
“I know. I just don’t want you to be mad.”
Billie isn’t sure what to say to this at first and decides to wait until you elaborate. You don’t however so she just asks the obvious question.
“Why would I be mad?”
You take a deep breath before you move away a little so you can see Billie without being on top of her. You don’t realize that she takes this the wrong way. You’re too worried about not saying the wrong thing.
“I want to tell you what she did so you understand why I’m like this. I just don’t want you to be mad.”
Billie frowns at this and opens her mouth to say something, but you beat her to it. You need to speak up before you lose your nerve. You frown at the thought of what happened earlier tonight. You hate how just talking to Billie had somehow reminded you of her. She and Billie couldn’t be more different, but you supposed it couldn’t be helped. You could only do better.
“She used to yell at me for apologizing too much. She’d tell me I was worthless because I was too soft.”
You close your eyes, missing Billie’s look as you try to block out the memories of all the fights you used to have. Maybe you had been too soft. You’d stopped fighting against her because arguing seemed useless, and eventually you’d run instead of trying to figure things out. Not that you believed you could have. Billie on the other hand, is thinking back to your conversation in the kitchen and how your demeanor had changed so suddenly. Had she done something to make you think of your ex?
“I’m not telling you so you feel bad, for me. I’m just realizing that with the whole thing that happened with Doug, not dealing with how she made me feel isn’t an option.”
Billie had been waiting for you to say this. Since she’d asked you on the walk with Milo why you were wanting to figure this out now. It was less of a mystery to Billie now given what you’ve told her, but she wanted to know your intentions, and if she could help.
“I just have some things I need to unlearn.”
Billie is quiet for a while as she considers what you could be talking about. You yawn and close your eyes again, feeling sleepier now that you’re nice and comfortable. You don’t realize how Billie’s deep in thought until she speaks up. You’re so shocked by what she says that you nearly sit up.
“When Milo interrupted us in the kitchen…was that because of something your ex did?”
You had not been expecting Billie to bring this up. Sure you’d explained to Billie why Milo had reacted the way he had, but you suppose you hadn’t told her exactly what had happened. You’d mentioned being pushed around. You hadn’t wanted to tell Billie all of the details.
Now; however, Billie was asking for clarification and you wanted to give it to her. It just meant that you had to talk about something you hadn’t told anyone.
This probably needed to change.
“Yes. She um-we were fighting and she shoved me onto the counter and-.”
You trailed off as you recall what happened that day. You’d been out with some friends for too long, and the two of you had gotten into a yelling match. It quickly turned physical and you found yourself pinned beneath her.
You don’t notice how you start to fidget, and your hands go to your hair as you clear your throat.
“She tried to force herself on me, but Milo scared her off.”
You briefly wonder where your dog is before your attention is brought back to Billie. She reaches out for one of the hands that is currently tugging at your hair with a questioning look. You meet her the rest of the way and sigh in relief when she pulls you closer.
“I’m sorry if that, or anything else I’ve done has made you uncomfortable. If I ever do something you don’t like, tell me. I won’t be offended.”
You shake your head immediately because you didn’t want this. You don’t want Billie to apologize for doing something that you’d wanted. You hadn’t been thinking about anything but Billie when Milo had interrupted you two. You’d been surprised that he reacted the way he did because honestly other than that one similarity, there was nothing else about that encounter that resembled what happened with your ex.
“Billie, no. You don’t have to apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong, or that I didn’t like.”
You sigh as you run your fingers over Billie’s absentmindedly as you play with her nails.
“It’s—it wasn’t the same. I’m not sure why Milo reacted that way, and…”
You take a deep breath, fighting the blush you know will appear at your next words. It’s dark enough that Billie won’t see it, but you’re sure she can hear it as you stutter slightly.
“The way you tease me is only in a way I-um like, and I love every second of it.”
Billie only manages a weak smile at this. She’s too busy thinking about how so many of the things she’s done or said to you could have been triggering. Initially, she hadn’t thought your shyness was due to anything other than your personality. She hadn’t considered you’d been hurt and that you were reluctant to trust people. Billie suddenly felt awful for somehow not realizing this sooner.
Billie sighs and you frown when you realize that she’s not cutting herself any slack. This is what you’d been worried about. You didn’t want Billie to beat herself up over this. She hadn’t done anything wrong.
“Just—please. If I ever do anything that’s out of line, let me know?”
You nod immediately before leaning forward to kiss Billie’s cheek. You smile, sincerely hoping that she catches a glimpse of it before you sigh and squeeze Billie’s hand tightly.
“You’ve been so sweet, and so considerate with me Billie. I feel so lucky and I know you may think it’s a big deal, but sometimes I’m okay with being bossed around. If it’s the right person and you’re kind, which you are.”
You stop rambling abruptly and take a deep breath before everything that you’d said registers. You’re slightly mortified by that last bit, but you don’t get a chance to think too much about it before Billie just laughs breathily and nods more to herself than to you. She leans in to kiss your forehead and then your nose before sighing in relief.
Okay, good. But, Y/N--.”
You already know what she’s going to say, so you cut her off with a kiss. You move closer to her so she can wrap her arms around your waist and pull you against her. You sigh in contentment before nodding with a small smile.
“Yes, I will tell you if I don’t like something, Billie. I promise.”
When you wake up the next morning, you forget where you are for just a second. Despite all of the convincing you’d done yesterday, mostly to yourself, you’d had a dream about Doug. You’d been in your apartment with Milo, and it had been a normal day. The dream had promptly ended when you’d woken up after answering the door to see Doug standing there with that same damn scowl of his.
You look around as you sit up with a groan. The bed is empty and you lie back down when your head pounds painfully. You’re parched and need to drink something, but you’re too lazy to get up. You settle back into bed, only having a few seconds to wonder where Billie is before the bedroom door opens.
You’re convinced that Billie is able to read your mind when you see that she’s brought two cups of something with her. You smile as you take the cup of coffee that is mostly milk, before kissing Billie in thanks. She smiles at you before moving to sit beside you. You sit up, careful not to spill before draining half the cup.
“You’re my favorite, did you know that?”
Billie laughs in response as she places her cup on the side table before scooting closer to you. She eyes you curiously but you miss it as you turn to put your cup down with a smile. You turn back to Billie when she places a hand on your thigh.
“Your favorite what?”
Your smile turns down slightly as you think about this, but it quickly widens as you shrug in faux disinterest. There’s a lot you could say but instead you decide to be sincere as you place a hand on top of Billie’s. You play with one of her rings before you meet her gaze with a smile.
“My favorite person, probably. You’ve been such a huge help and I’m just really grateful.”
You look away slightly embarrassed by what you say, but Billie stops you with a hand on your cheek. She’s smiling as she runs her fingers along you jaw before shaking her head.
“You deserve it, Y/N. I hope you know that.”
You roll your eyes, about to argue in some way but Billie cuts you off before you can even get a word out. You don’t feel like arguing once Billie’s lips touch yours and you sigh before leaning into the medium. Her hand moves to the back of your head to tangle in your hair as you kiss Billie harder. You groan as Billie tugs on your hair a little, and you turn so you’re closer to her. You don’t get a chance to reach out for her before Billie’s moving away from you.
You frown and you’re about to ask what’s wrong before Billie speaks up. Her hand falls from your hair and moves to your cheek again, Billie’s shooting you a concerned look as she runs her thumb along your bottom lip.
“How are you feeling?”
You smile slightly before your brow furrows in confusion. You’re used to Billie checking in with you, but it seems a little early for her. Usually she wouldn’t ask until you two got a little further along in what you were doing, but as you search Billie’s face for an explanation you realize that you are overlooking something that was fairly important.
“Um, I’m fine, how are you feeling?”
Billie realizes that you don’t really understand what she’s asking so she drops her hand into her lap.
“Your head, Y/N.”
Your eyes widen before you nod in confirmation. You smile before closing the gap between you and Billie again with another nod.
“Yes! It’s much better. I promise.”
You wait until Billie’s skeptical look disappears, and you smirk when she sighs in defeat. You move so you’re practically in Billie’s lap before she speaks up.
“You promise?”
You nod enthusiastically before leaning back in to kiss Billie. She doesn’t let you take lead for long and you just smile as she grabs your hips and pulls you into her lap. You resist the urge to groan as her fingernails dig into the sensitive skin at your waist. You sigh as Billie parts your lips and your hands immediately find her hair. You ignore the voice at the back of your mind telling you to take it easy. You’ve been here for three days and you and Billie hadn’t done more than kiss in passing.
You were recovering, sure, but that doesn’t stop your libido from rearing it’s head. In fact, it seems that spending time with Billie like this and getting to see her all the time has the opposite effect. Not that you expected anything else. You loved spending time with Billie, but you hated that you couldn’t do anything other than sit around.
You supposed this didn’t exactly count as just sitting around.
Your hold on Billie’s hair tightens as the blonde’s hands start to wander. You are too distracted by Billie’s hands sneaking under your shirt to hear Milo immediately. Billie just chooses to ignore him because he’s been fed and walked. All he really wants now is attention. You hiss at the feeling of Billie’s hands sliding up your back, but you jump when Milo stops whining and decides to scratch at the door.  You groan as you turn away from Billie to glare at the closed door. You don’t move because you’re not about to leave now. Milo can entertain himself for a while.
“Milo, no! Go away.”
Milo continues to scratch at the door, and you groan before shouting at him again. He stops but continues to whine, but you roll your eyes and just turn back to Billie. You smile before shifting your weight on Billie’s lap as you lean towards her again.
“He can take care of himself for a little bit.”
Milo sits at the door waiting for you to open it for a couple of minutes before giving up. Mostly, he is distracted by the sound of someone coming up the stairs. He turns and sees Bit grooming herself. The two of them had mostly avoided each other because Bit didn’t want anything to do with Milo. So she eyes him warily as she cleans her coat just down the hall from him. Since Milo didn’t have any luck with you, he decides to go see if Bit wants to play with him.
Once Milo left you and Billie alone, the two of you had picked up right where you left off. You’re shirtless and horizontal by the time that you hear Bit yowling and hissing from the hallway. You curse under your breath as you sit up quickly and hurry to jump off the bed. Billie is right behind you when you open the door to the sound of Bit hissing loudly at Milo who is crouched down in his play bow in front of the cat. Bit however, is having none of it, and she hisses at him as he tries to get closer to her.
“Milo! Hey, come here.”
You hurry to pull Milo away from Bit who has her back arched and looks like she wants to claw the shit out of him. Luckily, Milo turns to you when you call his name and he bounds over to you. He jumps scratching you and you yell at him before telling him to sit.
“Ow! Milo no! Sit down.”
Once Milo is out of the way Bit runs to the laundry room to escape. It’s not open so Billie goes to let her in while you take Milo back to Billie’s room. You tell him to sit as you find your shirt and get dressed. You don’t find it immediately, and Billie returns before you manage to pull it back on. You sigh once you’re finally dressed and you shoot Milo a glare before smiling at Billie.
“I guess I’m up now.”
It’s lunch time before you and Billie have a moment of peace. Milo has decided to be a demon today, and Billie got stuck on calls for work that she hadn’t been expecting. She didn’t have too much to do in terms of preparing for Friday. It was really just another couple of interviews, one in the morning and one late at night, if you understood correctly.
You didn’t have much to do either. You didn’t work until Monday, but Milo was causing you more trouble than usual. He was being a brat and not leaving you alone until you took him outside. After the third time you told him that he was staying put until after lunch. He did not like this and started whining loudly. You didn’t want him disturbing Billie so you cave and take him outside again. This time, you go to the backyard to get him to calm down and to get some fresh air. You’re surprised by how sunny it is outside until you remember that you had been wearing sunglasses for the last two times you walked Milo. Your headache had come back and the only way to make walking him tolerable was to wear them.
You let Milo wander around the yard while you lie down in one of the chairs on the deck. You watch Milo carefully, but he hasn’t shown much interest in going beyond Billie’s yard. Still, you call him over after a few minutes and he comes to lie down next to you after planting a messy kiss on your cheek. You groan before scratching his muzzle and then squishing his ears.
“Are you feeling better now? Less bratty?”
Milo only licks you again before resting his head on your stomach. It doesn’t look super comfortable how he’s sitting, but you don’t protest as you lie back and stretch out your legs with a yawn. You definitely could fall asleep here if you’re not careful.
Billie sighs as she finally hangs up the phone after almost an hour of talking to her producer. She hadn’t expected this call and she was a little ticked. She needed a break from work for a while to cool off. She looks at the clock and sees that it is almost 1. She didn’t realize how late it was and now she’s annoyed for another reason.
Billie had been planning on eating with you, maybe even going out, but she figured you already had lunch. It had been about an hour since she’d seen you last.
Billie sighs as she stands up to search for you, but once she steps into the kitchen, she immediately sees Milo on the deck. She walks towards the back door and finally sees you lying in one of the chairs. Your eyes are closed making Billie think that you are probably asleep, so she opens the door quietly.
Milo notices her first of course and his tail starts to wag as he stands up to greet her. Billie smiles reaching out for him as she sneaks a peek at you, confirming that you are definitely asleep. You look comfortable all stretched out and Billie was tempted to leave you to rest.
You woke up, unsurprisingly, when Milo whined from beside you. You groan softly as you open your eyes, quickly covering them when you realize you were still outside.
You turn suddenly at the sound of Billie’s voice, and you see her sitting in the chair next to you with Milo sitting between you. You smile before sitting up and shaking your head. Despite this, you yawn but ignore Billie’s look before asking how her calls went.
“Billie, hi. How did it go? Are you done?”
Billie sits up as well as she turns toward you with a sigh. She was tired, but she got most of the work she needed to do today done. You smile at this and you stand up and move to sit next to Billie. You consider sitting closer, but settle down beside her before responding.
“That’s great. So you have most of the afternoon off?”
You can’t help but smile widely as you ask this, and Billie of course, sees right through you. She laughs before pretending to think about this for a moment. She knows her answer already and is certain that you do too, but she looks to Milo briefly before making a contemplative noise.
“Hmm I’m not sure. I might be able to find more work to do.”
You pout at this and decide to see if you can convince Billie to find something better to do than work. You slide onto Billie’s lap and wrap your arms around her neck with a dramatic sigh.
“Billie, come onnn. There has to be something more exciting you can do. If you really don’t have to work…”
You shoot Billie a pleading look and the medium just smirks as she pulls you closer. You lean in to kiss her, but she turns away last minute making you pout yet again. You don’t frown for long though before Billie finally asks you what you had in mind.
“I guess I don’t have to, but what could possibly be more exciting than work?”
You kiss Billie’s cheek before looking around the backyard briefly. You weren’t too worried about being seen because Milo would probably warn you if you were no longer alone. So you just shrug before leaning in for a proper kiss. Your smile widens when Billie doesn’t turn away this time.
“I’m sure we can think of something.”
It was almost 3 pm before you and Billie got around to eating lunch. You were already thinking take out when Billie speaks up. She’s standing at the counter pouring the two of you glasses of water while you sit on the couch with Milo at your feet.
“What do you want to do for lunch? I was thinking we would go out, until we got sidetracked.”
You smile and turn to Billie as she says this. You thank her as you take one of the glasses before moving over so she can sit down. She smiles in thanks as you pick up your phone again to show Billie what you were looking at.
“Ah, right. Maybe we can just order in and go out another time?”
You turn to Billie who watches as you grab your phone before nodding. She thinks about when the best time for this would be. Given that she’s so busy tomorrow she doesn’t want to promise anything. However, she knows that she may need to destress after the interviews and her favorite way to relax was spending time with you.
“How about we go out tomorrow after I finish up working, if I’m not too exhausted?”
You turn to Billie with a surprised look. You are certain that you will be exhausted the time Billie finishes working tomorrow. One of her interviews was at night, and you liked staying up sometimes, but you’re not sure you want to stay up that late.
“Uhh, won’t you be working until midnight?”
Billie laughs at this before shaking her head. She now understands your bewildered look, but she just smiles before clarifying what tomorrow will look like.
“No, sweetheart. We’re filming that interview in the afternoon. It won’t really be live.”
You nod as realization dawns on you and you almost sigh in relief. You love spending time with Billie, but you’re not sure you could commit to anything after midnight.
“Okay. Well then sure. If you’re up to it.”
You both spend a few minutes talking about what to order for lunch before planning tomorrow night. Since you’re not sure if Billie is going to be in the mood to go out, you decide on a place that doesn’t require reservations. Billie asks you if there is anywhere you would like to go. You don’t know many places that you would want, and since Billie knows more about the area you suggest that she chooses.
“Well, we could go somewhere that allows dogs.”
You’re a little caught off guard by this and you shoot Billie a confused look. You turn to Milo before looking back to Billie with a small smile.
“You want Milo to come with us? On a date?”
Billie simply shrugs before saying why not. She likes Milo and has a feeling he’d be well behaved. Also, she didn’t want him staying at home alone with the cats for too long. When Billie says this, you smile in understanding before trying to think of a way that you could make him staying here work. Just in case Billie didn’t really want him tagging along. You of course thought of several reasons why having him would be beneficial, but you keep those to yourself for now.
“Are you sure, Billie? We can figure something else out.”
Billie just smiles again before shaking her head. She reaches out for your hand before glancing at Milo who is looking at you like he always is.
“I want you to be comfortable, Y/N, and I also don’t want you worrying about him. If that means we’re forced to have a handsome escort for our date, well, I think I can live with that.”
You laugh at this before shaking your head in disbelief. You’re not sure how you managed to get so lucky after your last relationship, and you don’t think you’ll ever stop wondering. You squeeze Billie’s hand before nodding in agreement. You’re sure you will enjoy it either way, but you are glad that Billie seems sincere when she says that she doesn’t mind the third wheel.
“Okay. Thank you, Billie.”
She just smiles before kissing you soundly. You eventually pull away when your phone buzzes, but you don’t bother looking at it as you turn to Milo with a smile. Billie just rolls her eyes with an amused chuckle before pulling you back towards her.
“Get cleaned up Milo, you need to look nice for our date tomorrow.”  
Part 18
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onlysarah235678 · 4 years
A Little Bit Part 3
Pairing: Billie Dean Howard x female reader
A/N:  So damn…this happened fast. I don’t really know what to say. Other than I’m obsessed with Billie Dean. Anyway, I hope you enjoy. This part has a lot more Billie in it so hopefully that’s a plus. ❤️
Warnings:  Brief mention of death. Otherwise, the normal gay panic and kitten cuteness.
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When Billie Dean realized that Bit wasn’t going to take care of Mickey beyond occasionally feeding him, she took it upon herself to keep him warm. She’d sent you an update a while ago, but hadn’t heard back, so she was keeping Mickey with her at all times.
She still had things to do today, so she’d changed into more comfortable clothes, she’d had to dig around her closet for a while to find something appropriate for carting Mickey around. She’d eventually settled on a hoodie she hadn’t remembered keeping and made her way downstairs to work some more with Mickey wrapped in a smaller blanket, in her pocket. It wasn’t ideal and she’d have to take him back up at some point to try and nurse more, but for now she had to figure out what her week was going to look like.
She had talked to her assistant, Michelle, about finding a more suitable pet sitter. She needed them to take care of Mickey like she was now. It was a pain, but she needed to find someone who would actually do it. She was willing to pay however much she needed to until he was out of the woods. Hopefully that wouldn’t be too long, but finding someone meant she could focus on work again.
She had just finished 2 months of filming in Europe for her show. She was tired and glad to be home. Luckily now that things had been finished up last week, she would have more free time. Still, she had a lot of promotional things to do such as interviews and she might have to rerecord some things. Honestly a lot of her responsibilities at this point just involved making decisions. That could mostly be done from home.
Most of it could be done by her assistant, but Billie was keeping Michelle busy with finding her a pet sitter. For this reason, she sat down in front of her computer and answered more emails than she had in a while. She sighed in relief when she was done and reached for a cigarette without thinking. It was already in her mouth when she looked down to Mickey who was sleeping in her pocket. She sighed in defeat before putting it down so she could check on him. He looked comfy so she didn’t want to bother him now. It had only been about an hour, but it was almost dinner time.
When Billie realized this, she reached for her phone to check and see if you responded. It had been a while and she wondered what you were up to. She really had no idea what you did in your free time, outside of watching movies.
Billie scrolled through her unread texts before she saw one from you that must have come in while she was on the phone earlier. She frowned at your first message because it confirmed what she feared. If Bit didn’t want to take care of Mickey that could mean that she might have to bottle feed him. That sounded like a giant pain. She decided not to worry about that until she had to.
The second message made her curious. She wondered who Milo was. Maybe a boyfriend? She disregarded the thought quickly because she was pretty sure that you were single. She had a feeling you wouldn’t have flirted with her, let alone asked her out without mentioning that you were dating someone.
Billie hadn’t been subtle when they’d met. She had been flirting and Y/N had flirted back. You didn’t strike her as the dense type, you were clearly smart, but she supposed she couldn’t know for sure. At least not until Saturday.
She considered the place they’d chosen for lunch. It was closer to her than the vet’s office which she was grateful for. She also knew that it wouldn’t really have mattered. She was eager to see you again, so much so that it should be embarrassing. She couldn’t really explain it. She just wanted to see what happened between you two.
Billie’s attention was pulled from her phone when Mickey shifted slightly in her pocket. She decided it was time to check on the other kittens, so she texted you back quickly before heading upstairs yet again.
Not a problem. Did you and Milo have a good time?
Milo was asleep on the couch when this text reached you and you laughed out loud as you looked to see how he was positioned. The dog was curled up on top of one of the throw pillows that was way too small for all of him to fit on. That said, the rest of him was slung over the armrest in what looked like the most uncomfortable position ever. You rolled your eyes before snapping a picture and sending it to Billie.
We did. He tired himself out.
You go to the kitchen to figure out dinner after sending the message. You don’t expect an answer quickly but only a few minutes later your phone buzzes from your pocket. You were in the middle of cooking, so you finished up before looking to see what Billie said.
He’s so adorable. Mickey and the other kittens are sleeping too.
You squint slightly at the picture that she sent you, trying to figure out where it was taken. It’s obviously Mickey sleeping somewhere dark, but it’s a weird angle and you’re at a loss. So you text her back asking where she’s keeping him. Hopefully she was taking your advice to heart and she was keeping a close eye on him.
Where’s Mickey sleeping?
In my pocket.
You laugh so loudly that you wake Milo up.
The next couple of days are a little less hectic for Billie Dean. Michelle found someone qualified to take care of Mickey and company, she needed to come up with names for the rest of them, while she was at the studio. They didn’t seem to have any troubles and they sent her text messages every so often which she appreciated.
It seemed ridiculous to be so nervous about these kittens, but she couldn’t help it. She wanted them to do well so they could go to good homes. She had decided that once they were old enough, she would take them to the clinic to be adopted out. She trusted you to send them to good homes. Even Bit who would definitely be fixed before going off to her next home. Hell, Billie might even have it done sooner. The idea of her getting out and doing this all over again made her physically and mentally exhausted.
You and Billie exchange text messages every day, but you’re back at work and busy for most of the day, so they’re pretty spotty. Once you get home, you barely have the energy to make yourself dinner, but you somehow manage to check in on Billie and the cats. So far, so good. They’re all getting bigger and one is close to opening their eyes according to Billie.
It isn’t until Friday night that you allow yourself to freak out about your lunch ‘date’ with Billie. You’ve been keeping yourself busy so that you’re not stressing too much. However, your method for keeping busy was watching her show after work, and even on lunch one day. Erin, who had helped you with Billie’s appointment, had actually caught you and you’d been able to play it off easily enough, but you’d been frazzled around her for the rest of the day. Erin had been glad that you were finally watching it because it was great and Billie was amazing and inspiring and the idea of seeing this woman, this celebrity again was growing more and more intimidating.
Sometimes you wished that you could just enjoy things and not stress about them up until they happened. Unfortunately, that wasn’t who you were, and you were still a little tense when you got in your car Saturday to meet her.
It was a pretty popular place that you two were meeting at, but it wasn’t hard to spot Billie once you realized where you should look. She was tucked away in a back corner outside. You stopped to talk to the hostess for a moment before you were pointed in the right direction. Not that you noticed.
You took a deep breath as you headed for Billie, watching as she noticed you from a couple tables away and stood up. You only had a moment to take in her appearance, a knee-length floral dress with heels that made her much taller than you.  You were a little surprised when she hugged you, but you didn’t complain when you recognized the same perfume she’d been wearing at her appointment. You don’t have time to question how you remembered that before Billie was speaking.
“Good to see you again, Y/N. Goodness you’re so tense.”
She chuckles under her breath while you blush slightly at the reminder about how you’d failed to calm down on the way here. You sit down across from the blonde before shrugging slightly. You looked down to where the medium’s nails-a different color this time-were fiddling with a cigarette.
“Yeah, sorry. I’m just a little—it’s good to see you too.”
You cut yourself off before you can say anything too embarrassing, but Billie Dean, clearly realizing what you were going to say, shoots you a questioning look. You watch as she brings her cigarette to her lips, a lighter not far behind it before shooting you a different kind of look.
“Do you mind, sweetheart?”
You usually don’t like it when people smoke around you, but you can’t bring yourself to say no to her. You shake your head before watching as she lights it and takes a drag. You know you’re staring, but you can’t help it. You never really saw smoking as attractive. Until now of course.
“You’re a little what?”
You pull your gaze away from the cigarette now over the ash tray between you before looking back to Billie’s face to see that look is still there. You shake your head remembering what she’d asked before shifting slightly in your seat.
“Um—nothing—nervous. Just a little.”
You take back the lie when Billie raises an eyebrow in disbelief at you, and you briefly wonder how anyone gets away with lying to this woman. She’s still eyeing you in a way that makes you feel like you’re under a microscope, so you look back to your hands that are fidgeting in your lap.
“Why are you nervous, sweetheart?”
Okay. You feel a blush rise to your cheeks at the question and the damn pet name again. You almost want to ask her to stop, but you’d never do that. You would never mean it. It was just damn distracting and you almost forgot to answer when Billie speaks up again.
“You don’t have to be nervous, Y/N.”
You nod to yourself and try to summon your courage as you sit up straighter. You open your mouth to agree and maybe apologize for being such a mess when the medium adds something that stops you cold.
“I won’t bite. Yet.”
You feel your brain short-circuit at the thought of biting-oh god and your face flushes as red as a tomato. You hear her chuckle, but you miss the almost apologetic look she shoots you as you shake your head to clear it of those thoughts.
“Right, uh. I guess I just didn’t know what to expect.”
Billie nods in understanding as she takes another drag before offering you a smile.
“I don’t expect anything from you, Y/N. I just wanted to get to know you a little better.”
Any response you were going to give was interrupted when your waiter, Rick, came to take your drink orders. You just ordered a soda before taking the menu handed to you. You missed what Billie ordered as you busied yourself with looking for something to get. Despite the fact that you’d looked at the menu beforehand and knew exactly what you were getting.
“Okay. I can do that.”
You smile shyly as you duck behind your menu when Billie laughs. She takes another drag of her cigarette before putting it out and moving the tray from between the two of you. You watch over your menu curiously before you hear her voice again and your attention snaps back to her face.
Her hair looks a lot like how it did when you first met. It looks so soft and you really want to run your fingers through it.
“How long ago did you move to L.A?”
This question surprises you a little bit and Billie just smiles as you put down your menu before answering. You smile slightly as you do the math in your head quickly.
“Almost 6 weeks.”
You pause before asking, “How did you know?”
Billie’s smile widens as she thought back to your conversation earlier this week. “You didn’t seem to realize that it doesn’t get very cold here.”
You laugh before nodding. That’s what you thought had tipped her off. That and the fact that you had no idea who she was. Not that you’d told her that yet, or planned to.
“That makes sense. All I really looked into when I got my job offer was housing. I figured the rest would sort itself out later.”
Billie waited until your waiter came back with your drinks before responding. When he asked if you were ready to order, Billie told you to go first and she watched you curiously as you spoke with Rick. She smiled when you turned to her once you’re finished and she orders before handing her menu off to Rick.
“Did you and Milo make the trip together?”
You smile at the mention of your dog. You had sent Billie at least three more pictures of him throughout the week since he was always with you. Even at work, there was a doggy daycare so he was hardly ever home alone. You hoped that he wasn’t ripping anything up as you speak.
“Yeah, we drove here since he would have lost his mind on a plane, but it was a nice, long trip.”
You told Billie about how the day after graduation, you packed up your car and drove cross country with your dog. It took you about a week because you stopped a lot to sightsee, but it was relaxing and you definitely were glad you did it. You didn’t mention any family, but Billie didn’t ask so you decided to save that for later.
“I’d lived there all my life, but L. A’s a nice change. Not that I’ve seen much of it.”
Billie smiles at this and she bites back a flirty comment as she watches something change in your expression. It’s gone so quickly that she doubts she even saw it before you shoot her a smile, your dimples making you look adorable.
“Enough about me. What about you Billie?”
Billie smiled before she shot you a surprised look. “You mean you didn’t Google me?”
She had been kidding, but when she saw you blush slightly, she was glad that she’d said it.
God you were adorable.
You searched for a distraction and settled for taking a sip of your drink as you tried to figure out what to say. The truth was embarrassing, but you didn’t really want to say anything else. So you sighed in defeat as you put your glass down, and met Billie’s smug smirk.
“I actually didn’t Google you until you agreed to lunch. I honestly…I didn’t know who you were until about ten minutes before you arrived at the clinic.”
This surprised Billie, but she didn’t say so because she didn’t want to sound like a narcissist. Instead, she decided to see what you were willing to tell her.
“Really? Well did you learn anything interesting?”
You laughed before shrugging in faux disinterest. You’d read a lot about Billie Dean, but that didn’t mean you were going to tell her that. You didn’t simply want to tell Billie her life story. You’d rather hear it from her.
“Nothing as interesting as what you could tell me, I’m sure.”
You smile as you watch Billie stop short of reaching for her cigarette. She turns to you looking faintly surprised before she just laughs.
“You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?”
Instead of offering a verbal response, you just smile widely only to break out into a laugh as Billie rolls her eyes at you.
“Well, I just got back from Europe last week. We’d been filming there for the past couple of months.”
This piqued your interest because you’d been to Europe a couple of years ago, but you hadn’t gone much further than Germany and Italy.
“Really? Where in Europe?”
Billie Dean spent up until your food came talking about the months she’d spent in Europe. She talked about what she’d seen and a little about the spirits she’d encountered. She made sure to check periodically to see if you were actually interested, but there was really no need. You were so invested in what the medium was saying that you didn’t pay your food any attention once it arrived. You were starving, but you didn’t want to miss anything that Billie said.
“I’m just glad that it wasn’t a complete waste of time. Sometimes that happens and it’s frustrating.”
You nod as you think about how this must work. You supposed that it was a common occurrence for Billie to run into stubborn souls who didn’t want anything to do with her. You had heard her say in one of her episodes that she could sense spirits without seeing them, and if they wanted to be seen they would reveal themselves. Otherwise, she was just talking to air and that was difficult to make entertaining.
“Can I ask a potentially dumb question?”
Billie nodded before she took a bite of her lunch. You watched as she swallowed before offering you an encouraging smile.
“Of course, Y/N.”
You nod before taking a moment to figure out how to best word this. It was bound to sound generic and like something she’d been asked a million times before, but you were genuinely curious. You knew very little about mediums. Unless the one or two episodes of Long Island Medium you’ve seen counted.
“Does it ever get difficult to tell who is a spirit and who isn’t? If they appear around you anywhere, how do you differentiate between them and just another person at this restaurant?”
You look around the crowded area as you say this, missing how Billie looks over your other shoulder instead. She takes a deep breath before closing her eyes briefly. She doesn’t notice that you’d turned back until she opens her eyes to see you looking at her curiously. Billie immediately shakes her head with a small smile despite her slight unease.
“It’s not a dumb question, honey. The best answer would be that it was confusing at first, but now that I’ve learned to pick up on their energies and hear their thoughts, it’s easier.”
You try to imagine this, but you fall short because how can you? The idea of living your everyday life and being able to feel and see dead people was overwhelming. You looked back to Billie to ask one final question when you notice she’d fiddling with the cigarette she put out a while ago.
“What’s your favorite part about your gift?”
This question is a little unexpected. Billie immediately stops fidgeting and smiles at you in admiration. Most people see her gift as a burden, or as a way to make money. Some even see it as an opportunity to exploit spirits for the sake of entertainment. She can see that you are truly just curious, and that you aren’t put off by the idea like a lot of people are initially. Or worse, fawning over it and asking her to sense the room or anything like that.
“I love when I can help people who don’t realize that their loved ones are still with them.”
Billie’s answer strikes a chord in you and you try to hide it, but you are a terrible liar. You knew you’d failed when you saw Billie frown slightly, but you spoke up quickly so you didn’t have to talk about that. You weren’t ready and the idea of doing so now, especially with someone you’d just met was terrifying.
“You must find that very rewarding.”
Billie doesn’t answer immediately, but you pretend not to notice as you busy yourself with your food. Billie can tell you don’t want to talk about it, so she just files your reaction away for another time before nodding in agreement.
The rest of lunch goes smoothly and by the time it’s over almost three hours have passed. It’s practically dinner time.
You don’t want to leave. You’ve enjoyed the time spent with Billie so much. She’s so easy to talk to, and you could honestly listen to her speak for hours and hours. It wasn’t until Billie looked at her watch that you realized she needed to go. You figured she had to get back to work, but she shook her head when you asked.
“Duty calls?”
Billie smiles before shaking her head. She’d finished all of her work this morning so she could spend as much time as possible with you. She hadn’t told you that and probably wasn’t going to, but she did need to get home.
“Not quite. I just need to check on the kittens soon.”
She watches you smile at this before sitting up slightly to lean in a bit in interest.
“Oh right. They’re still doing okay?”
Billie confirms that all of the kittens are doing well. They’re all growing and nursing and despite the extra attention that Mickey requires, he’s doing well too.
“They are. They’re getting so big. I swear they’ll probably be walking around soon.”
You laugh at this before trying to imagine 6 kittens wandering around Billie’s home. You picture all of them sitting on the medium and that’s just too adorable. You’re pulled from your daydream when Rick comes back with the check. You grab it before Billie can and smile victoriously when you see her pout.
“Sweetheart I was --.”
“Nope, I’ve got it!”
You quickly hand your card to Rick, trying not to freak out at the idea of him hearing Billie call you sweetheart. You feel your cheeks heating up so you just smile as you look back to Billie with a wave of your hand.
“Don’t worry about it. I asked you here after all, so my treat.”
Billie was still frowning as she shook her head and you opened your mouth to offer some sort of reassurance. You didn’t get a chance before she was smiling at you in a way that made you swoon.
“Alright, but next time, it’s on me.”
You can only nod dumbly as you try to process the fact that Billie Dean just implied that she wants to see you again. You barely notice Rick bring your card back as you frantically try to think of when you’ll be free next.
“Have a good rest of the day, ladies.”
You look up at that point a little caught off guard, but before you can stumble over a response Billie speaks for you both. You just focus on doing a little math and signing your name before putting your card back in your wallet.
“Ready to go, Y/N?”
You nod and stand-up following Billie’s lead out to the parking lot. You realize she’s just following you to your car, and you turn to ask her where she parked, but a hand on your lower back stops you.
“It’s okay, I’ll walk you to your car.”
You were so focused on just getting out of there with some semblance of your dignity that you hadn’t realized that people were taking notice of Billie. You just nod and start digging in your pocket for your keys. You unlock your car, leaning against it before you turn to Billie with a smile.
“It was good seeing you again, Billie. We should do this again sometime.”
You say this kiddingly, but at the same time you’re completely serious. Billie chuckles under her breath before nodding in agreement. She brushes some loose hair behind her ear and shoots you a dazzling smile.
“We should. When are you free next?”
You don’t even pretend like you hadn’t been thinking about it since the check came and responded immediately.
“My next days off are Thursday and Friday. What about you?”
Billie’s slightly disappointed that she’ll have to wait that long, you are too, but she mentions that her nights are pretty free next week. So you decide on dinner next Thursday night, since you work next weekend before you part ways.
Billie seems a little more on edge than she was when you arrived, and a quick glance around confirms why. Of course people will take notice of Billie Dean Howard. You just smile before reaching out to squeeze her hand.
“I’ll see you at some undisclosed location Thursday night?”
Billie insisted on surprising you for next time and you couldn’t help but find it both romantic and nerve-wracking. She merely nodded before letting you know that you’ll just have to be patient.
“I’ll let you know Wednesday, Y/N. Thank you for lunch.”
With one last squeeze, Billie released your hand and left you a little dazed. You watch her walk away until you realize you’re staring, so you quickly get in your car and shut the door. You take a deep breath before getting buckled and heading home.
You leave the parking lot and are a couple blocks away before you start screaming.
You have a date with Billie Dean.
You’re going on a date with Billie Dean Howard.
When you get home, you’re eternally grateful that Milo didn’t tear anything up. After a quick run through of the place to confirm this you retreat to your room to change clothes. You’re antsy all of a sudden, not that it takes a lot of thought to figure out why. You’re excited, terrified and you feel like crying a little which seems ridiculous. So instead of doing all of these things you decide to take Milo on a walk that will probably turn into a run to burn some energy and hopefully calm yourself down.
“Ready for a walk, Milo?”
As you predicted, your adorable dog runs to find his leash and bring it to you. You make sure you have your keys and phone safely tucked away before heading out.
You’re not typically someone who likes exercising in front of people, and if you didn’t have Milo you wouldn’t be going out for a run right now. Luckily your insecurities and paranoia are the last thing on your mind as you lock up and take off down the street, Milo right beside you.
You were too busy thinking about your date with Billie Dean.
Holy shit, what were you going to wear?
Part 4
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onlysarah235678 · 3 years
A Little Bit Part 9
Pairing: Billie Dean Howard x female reader
A/N: Finally dinner time, I’m starving! Just FYI, the next chapters will definitely take longer. Classes start tomorrow! As always thank you for reading, and thank you to illuminated-blue for her beautiful gifs. Enjoy!
Warnings: abundance of domestic fluff, brief mention of death, jealousy if you squint, and vague mention of domestic violence (only one sentence).
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You and Milo arrive at Billie’s a little before 8pm. You took him shopping with you because you didn’t want to waste time going back and forth. He just slept in the back seat while you practically ran up and down the aisles to get back to him. Of course, in your hurry, you forget something and have to run back inside. Milo didn’t seem to notice because he was still exhausted from the exciting day and his pain meds.
You lead Milo out of the car and to the front door, grocery bags on one arm, Milo’s leash wrapped around the other. You take a deep breath before ringing the doorbell and taking a small step back. You look down at your clothes that you’d grabbed after your shower and you were regretting your choice. You were going to be sweating by the time you finished making dinner.
You hear the faint sound of heels tapping against the hardwoods a few seconds later. You smile at the idea of seeing Billie after so long. Well at least it felt like a long time. Milo looks up too with his tail wagging as he prepares to explore a new place.
When Billie opens the door, she smiles at the sight of you and Milo looking cute as always. You’re fully loaded up with grocery bags, your dog, and flowers that you’re already handing to Billie with a shy smile. She smiles wider as she takes them from you with an appreciative smile, smelling them as she moves out of the way so you can step inside.
“For you. I know it’s kind of cheesy, and not as cool as what you gave me, but I saw them and thought of you.”
Billie’s appreciation just grows at your explanation of the roses that you’d brought her. As you walk through the front door, Billie tries to take some bags from you, but you hold them away from her with a smile. You just take off your shoes and Milo’s leash before telling him to stay as you move some things to your free hand.  You follow Billie through the house into the kitchen where you place all of the bags on the counter. You watch as Billie moves to find something to put the flowers in.
“You’re too sweet. I love them.”
You smile as you look behind you for Milo. You realize that you told him to stay and you call for him before turning back to Billie. You take a closer look at the medium as she’s pulling out a vase from one of the cabinets.
She’s wearing a white lace dress with her signature pearls, and upon closer look you realize that her dress is covered in flowers.  
“How do you always look so good?”
Billie’s response is to chuckle before she walks back over to you. She puts the vase and flowers down carefully before taking a good look at you. It makes you want to squirm, but you resist somehow before she’s meeting your gaze again with a smirk. You always look cute, but tonight she finds you irresistible. She says this to you, but before you can respond or rather argue, she’s leaning in to silence you with a kiss. You can’t find it in you to really care and you kiss back. When you break away, you’re smiling as you look around the kitchen while Billie puts the roses in the vase.
The kitchen is nice. You saw it the last time you were here, but you don’t remember it very well. You hadn’t exactly been paying attention to interior design the last time you were here. You quickly steer clear of those thoughts and hurry to turn back to Billie as you take off your coat and get to work on cooking.
“How was your day? Did you finish recording?”
Billie nodded as she finished up with the flowers before heading toward the fridge for drinks. She watched as Milo wandered around the living room nose to the ground as he went. She placed a bottle of wine she’d picked up for tonight on the counter near you before responding.
“We’re all done. The only thing left now is promotional interviews. Wine?”
You consider what Billie’s saying before you nod in agreement. You’re much more relaxed than the last time you were here, but you wouldn’t mind a little alcohol. You thank her as she pours you a glass before handing it to you.
“That’s great news. Congratulations.”
You keep an eye on Milo as you get everything together to start cooking. You practically ordered Billie to sit down and smiled when she just rolled her eyes and muttered a ‘yes ma’am’ under her breath. You could get used to bossing Billie Dean around, but you don’t dwell on that dangerous thought before you start chopping up the ingredients.
The way Billie’s kitchen was set up, you could stand by the stove and cook and be able to look up and see the blonde watching you. It made you feel nervous, but you focused on your conversation and the food. You’d made this dish dozens of times before.
“How are the kittens doing?”
You had to ask because well it was your job and two, you were surprised to not see at least Bit yet. A brief look to Milo reminded you that maybe she was staying away for a reason. You look back to Billie just in time to see her smiling as she thinks about how her gang of kittens is growing.
She still hasn’t named any of the others, and she probably wouldn’t at this point. She didn’t want to get any more attached to them than she already was because she couldn’t keep them all. She mostly just called them little one and mister (for the couple she decided were boys). She tells you this and you laugh before shaking your head.
“You have at least two boys, including Mickey.”
You say this with a shrug because you really can’t tell yet. Everything is so small it’s just guesswork. Billie knows this, but she also likes guessing with you based on what you’ve both observed. They were all developing their own personalities and it was adorable to watch them all interact. Bit mostly just supervised and she was spending more time away from the kittens now that they were on solid food and formula.
Billie briefly tells you about how that’s going before Milo walks into the kitchen to stand next to you. You don’t notice him immediately and you nearly trip on him when you move to grab your drink. He isn’t allowed to stand in the kitchen at home, but he often breaks that rule. You try to enforce that now see if you have any luck.
“Milo, no. Go sit over there.”
You point toward the edge of the kitchen, close to where Billie’s sitting and Milo just looks at you with his big eyes and whines. You stare at him and he stares back before you sigh in defeat. If you had been looking, you would have noticed Billie smirk at the fact that you were such a softy for your dog. You decide to try one more time and luckily Milo listens.
“Milo, go say hi to Billie. Say thank you for letting you visit.”
Milo finally retreats with a wag of his tail to go greet the medium. Billie just smiles as she holds out her hand for him to sniff before she pets him. He starts to pant after Billie begins scratching his ears and you laugh before speaking up.
“Thank you by the way. For letting me bring him.”
Billie just smiles before looking down to Milo’s tongue sticking out of his mouth as he pants happily. “It’s no problem at all. He’s sweet.”
You smile at this not having to agree with her before you finish up chopping the onions.
“So... a fence? Has he done anything like this before?”  
Billie’s question makes you groan before you admit that Milo has always been a little over enthusiastic at times. He forgets commonsense in the face of his favorite toys, specifically frisbees and any type of ball. A couple times when he was younger, he had run into multiple trees trying to chase down an errant tennis ball.
“It’s not his fault. He’s just so…”
You nod before looking back over to Milo who was now lying at Billie’s feet. You smile before you reach out for the next thing to cut. You don’t notice Billie frown as she sees the long scratch on the back of your hand.
“How’d that happen?”
You look up to see what Billie’s talking about, and you follow her gaze to your hand. You laugh slightly before you mention the cat and by association, the owner that you saw today.
“Oh, it was that cat I told you about. His owner’s the one who was bothering me.”
Billie’s frown deepens at this and she raises an eyebrow in question as she recalls what you’d told her this afternoon.
“The one you called a bitch? I thought you said it was fine?”
You pause, your silence deafening before you eventually try and shrug it off. You hadn’t counted on explaining the Claire situation to Billie Dean. You honestly had hoped that she wouldn’t ask about it because you didn’t want to explain why you couldn’t get someone who was barely drinking age to leave you alone.
“It was fine after she left, yeah.”
You sigh at your stupid answer before looking to Billie to see if maybe, just maybe it worked. The way that she’s eying you makes you realize that no, it did not work.
“What is it about her that bothers you?”
You sigh again before you look away from her briefly to try and locate a pan to start cooking in. You don’t want to just start opening things randomly so you ask, hoping to change the subject.
“She’s just very…suggestive. Where are your pans?”
Billie looks at you for a second before she gestures to the cupboards behind you. You find one and then a spatula with her instruction before you hurry to keep yourself busy. You don’t see Billie try to put together your meaning as you remind yourself of the recipe you knew by heart.
“Suggesting what, exactly?”
You try not to curse yourself, or look like you’re cursing yourself as you look back to Billie who’s watching you intently. She has a cigarette in her hand which she got from somewhere, but it’s not lit yet. She’s just holding it between her fingers, twirling it as she waits for your answer.
Whoops. You’d been staring longer than you thought when you manage to break your gaze away and back to Billie’s face. You don’t notice the slight worry in her eyes as you shrug again, but give a more acceptable answer this time.
“She just flirts with me all of the time, but I tell her no because well I don’t like her, she’s too young for me and well. You know…”
You trail off as you look Billie up and down again as if to make a point. Billie doesn’t say anything immediately. She just sighs as she puts down the cigarette that she was never going to light. She reached for it before remembering that Milo was here. She didn’t know if you’d want him around the smoke.
Finally, Billie nods before mentioning what she’d planned on waiting to discuss until at least dinner.
“Well, I guess that’s a good segue way to what I wanted to talk about tonight.”
You can’t help but stiffen at the way Billie says this. It doesn’t sound like good news. It sounds serious and you don’t like that. Billie must notice because she moves to stand up and walk over to where you’re becoming increasingly more anxious.
“Don’t worry, dear. It’s nothing bad. I was going to wait until dinner to mention it.”
You nod before mentioning that it will be done in about 15 minutes. You move to go grab ingredients for the next part, but Billie stops you. She’s holding your hand, and you instinctually squeeze hers before looking to her nervously.
“Y/N, it’s really not bad news. I just wanted to talk about an interview I have next week.”
You just nod as you think about what this means. You find your thoughts interrupted again when you feel Billie’s lips on your cheek.
“Trust me.”
It’s not a question but you nod because you do trust Billie. You trust her a lot and you allow your faith in this trust and her reassuring smile to calm you down.
“Of course.”
Billie smiles before kissing you one more time, this time at the corner of your mouth. She sees your cheeks darken and smirks at her success before she moves closer to you.
“So, how can I help?”
Bit doesn’t show up until you and Billie are sitting down to eat. You nearly trip on her before you see her tail disappear under the table. You look around for Milo who of course is sniffing around for her, but you stop him.
“Milo, wait! Don’t eat Bit, please.”
Billie turns when you say this and watches as you hold Milo back. She looks around for Bit before grabbing the cat from underneath the table. She protests of course with a loud meow that catches Milo’s attention. His head tilts to the side as he looks at the cat. You hold him back but let him sniff Bit from a distance. She hisses and Billie lowers her to the floor and watches as she runs away. You loosen your hold on Milo and he just turns his attention to your food instead.
He’s’ clearly more interested in your food, so you just tell him to sit in the other room when you and Billie sit down again.
“That could have gone worse.”
Billie just laughs as she nods in agreement. She’s honestly surprised that Milo didn’t really pay much attention to Bit. She would have thought that he’d try and chase after her, but then again if he goes to work with you every day he must be used to seeing cats. She asks this and watches as you go to nod but then change your mind last minute.
“Ah, I mean it depends. He’s very food motivated, but he also likes chasing rabbits. I don’t know if cats are the same, but as long as we have food to keep him here it should be fine.”
You both look to Milo who is just staring at the two of you, or rather your food. You just roll your eyes before shrugging and hopefully doing a better job of reassuring Billie.
“He’ll be fine. I promise.”
It’s almost half an hour before Billie brings up the interview again. She’s enjoying your company and doesn’t want to make you worried or ruin the mood by getting too serious. You had just been telling her about your high school graduation party, after a lot of coaxing, and she could tell you were still a little embarrassed. She didn’t want to make that worse.
“Is something wrong?”
Billie looks up in surprise at your question and then at the fact that you ‘re shooting her a worried look. She must not have been hiding her feelings as well as she’d hoped to. Billie just shakes her head before she smiles at you. You finish up your food as you watch her carefully, hoping that she’s not about to lie to you.
“Nothing’s wrong. I was just going to ask you something.”
You do your best to not show how tense you immediately become and just smile before nodding in response.
“Okay, what’s your question?”
Billie takes a second to look around the room before answering. Milo is sleeping and Bit has not come downstairs since her brief forced meeting with the dog. She sighs before looking back to where you’re waiting for her to ask whatever is on her mind. Billie tells you about the interview she has next week and how she’s kind of looking forward to it. She’s worked hard on this season and wanted to do it justice by making sure the word got out. Eventually she mentions what she expects to be asked.
“Since it is very likely that they will ask me about us, I wanted to ask you what I should say.”
You frown slightly as you consider this. You’d only been thinking about where this relationship was going and how long it would be just between the two of you since you met the medium. However, now you weren’t sure what to say. You wanted to say that you’d love for people to know. Well maybe not because with this came a lot more harassment, at least you assumed so. You really just meant that you’d love for people to know that you were lucky enough to be with Billie Dean Howard.
Sometimes you still wondered how this even happened to you.
You don’t realize how long you stay silent until you hear Billie sigh. You look just in time to see her frown disappear before you open your mouth to say something, anything that won’t make her think that you’re not ready for this. You are and you plan on telling her that, but Billie beats you to it.
“I don’t mean to put this all on you. I just wanted to make sure that you were, um sure about well--.”
Billie trails off as she becomes uncharacteristically flustered. She’s beginning to think that she’s jumped the gun and made you uncomfortable by bringing up the nature of your relationship too soon. Hell, it had only been a few weeks since she met you. Even though it felt like longer, Billie knew that it had been a very short time to have such a discussion. If she weren’t in the public eye, she doubted that they’d talk about this any time soon.
You came to Billie’s rescue after watching her second guess herself. You smiled and couldn’t help but feel a little surprised by the fact that Billie was stumbling over her words. Normally calm and collected Billie was worried.
“It’s okay. I know what you mean, and I’m sure if you are. I don’t mind people knowing how lucky I am.”
Billie nearly rolls her eyes at this but something catches her attention. She listens for a second before she’s leaning back in her chair and waiting for Bit to appear.
“You’re such a charmer, Y/N. I’m pretty sure I’m the lucky one.”
You smile widely but you’re prepared to argue when you hear a soft thud behind you. You miss Billie standing up as you turn to see that Bit is leaving a kitten that she’d just placed behind you. You frown as you watch Mickey squirm and react to his rude awakening.
“Bit, you little…”
You turn back to see that Billie’s already walking past you to retrieve the kitten. You’re about to stand up when you spot Milo out of the corner of your eye. He’s yawning cavernously before he sniffs the air around him. He looks up and sees Mickey lying in the middle of the floor in front of him and he’s already on his feet to investigate. He doesn’t make it before Billie swoops in and picks him up to check on him.
“Milo, sit down.”
Milo doesn’t listen immediately; he’s standing at Billie’s feet staring at the kitten in her hands. You reach out to get his attention and he turns as you scratch his head before sitting down. His tail is wagging but you don’t pay him any mind as you get to your feet to sneak a peek at the kitten.
“How is he?”
Billie just sighs before shrugging as she mentions how not much has changed since you saw him yesterday. He still hated his medicine, but luckily he took it without much struggle. He was spending more time away from his siblings when possible and he actually didn’t even sleep with them last night. You frown in confusion but don’t get a chance to ask before Billie explains with a slightly guilty expression.
“Well, I was worried about him being squished, so I let him sleep with me.”
You try to imagine how this worked without Mickey being in danger, but you weren’t as subtle as you thought and Billie just laughed.
“I had him wrapped up in his own bed on the ground. I didn’t want to risk him falling.”
You nod in approval as you think about this, and then you smile at the sight of Mickey on his back with his little legs outstretched. He looked completely at home in Billie’s arms and you loved it.
“Oh my gosh, I can’t get over how cute he is.”
Billie smiles as she watches you fawn over Mickey before turning to Milo. He was still focused on Mickey from where he sits beside you. You eventually notice where Billie is looking and you turn to Milo too before speaking up.
“Oh, Milo. Right. I can make him leave, if you’re worried he’ll-.”
Billie cuts you off with a shake of her head as she smiles before turning a little so Milo can get a good look at Mickey who is still sleeping. He perks up a little and his tail starts wagging faster as he stands up and moves forward to sniff the kitten. You grab his harness in case you need to pull him away quickly, but he just whines as he tries to get closer to Mickey.
“Milo, no, wait.”
You’re relieved when he sits back down and just shifts impatiently while Billie shifts Mickey so he’s in her hands. She holds him in front of Milo and you’re not super stressed at all as your dog leans forward to inspect the still-unaware Mickey.
When Milo just licks him once before turning to you to be let go you nearly sigh in relief. You loosen your grip on him to see what he plans to do, but Milo just turns away and heads to the table that you’ve abandoned in search of food. You hurry to grab him and steer him away from the table as Billie laughs at your dog’s lack of interest in Mickey. She decides that she needs to run him upstairs and put him back to bed. It’s getting late after all.
“I’m going to take him back upstairs, don’t touch anything. I’m cleaning.”
You stop short of picking up your plate as Billie says this and you turn to see her shooting you a serious look. You can’t help but argue, your damn need to clean up after yourself temporarily overriding your desire to just listen to whatever Billie tells you to do. You watch her start up the stairs before you manage to speak.
“But, I—you cooked I don’t mind! I like cleaning!”
This is kind of a lie, but it doesn’t matter anyway because when Billie turns around on the stairs and shoots you a look you give up. You just nod before deciding that you’re not going to risk disobeying. Milo paws at you and you realize that you have something else to do anyway.
“Don’t touch, I’m serious, Y/N.”
“Okay, I’ll just go…walk Milo really quick.”
You see Billie smile before she disappears and you just turn to Milo before heading toward the front door.
“Come on Milo. Walk.”
Of course he jumps up and runs to the door to grab his leash. You slip on your shoes before reaching for the doorknob. You pause as you think about the likelihood that you’d been followed here. You ignore Milo’s whines as you decide that it doesn’t matter. You’re serious about not feeling the need to hide anymore. Still you take a deep breath before you open the door and let Milo go out first. You look around quickly before just following Milo wherever he wants to go.
Billie Dean sighed as she watched Mickey get situated next to his siblings and Bit. Bit was grooming herself and not paying her any mind as she tried to figure out what to do next. She usually shut them in here for the night, but she didn’t want to do that yet, She hadn’t even medicated Mickey yet which of course she had remembered after getting him settled. She decided to go ahead and do that now since it was almost late enough.
It was nearing 11pm and although she knew that you had work tomorrow, she was trying to figure out how to drag this evening out. Billie had been thinking about how tonight would end ever since you agreed to come over. Honestly she’d been thinking about it for much longer than that, but she would never admit it. She didn’t want to rush you, but she definitely was ready to take the next step with you. Whatever that was.
Billie goes back downstairs and heads for the refrigerator to grab Mickey’s meds. Once she has them, she heads back upstairs and sneaks into the laundry room. She picks Mickey up again smiling sympathetically as he mewls at being disturbed before giving him his medication slowly. His face scrunches up and he makes a noise that is somewhere between a hiss and a whine and Billie’s heart melts. She kisses his head before putting him back with the other kittens. She is grateful that she only has to give this to him a few more times.
When Billie gets back downstairs, she grabs some of the dishes on the table and brings them to the kitchen. She is glad that you insisted on cleaning as you both cooked because now there were only a few things to clean up. Billie is still washing dishes when you and Milo come back. She doesn’t hear the door shut and she’s humming under her breath when you sneak up on her.
“Hey, did you know that--.”
You trail off when you see Billie jump and drop a fork in the sink. You open your mouth to apologize, but the medium is spinning around to shoot you a bewildered look.
“Y/N! Don’t sneak up on me like that!”
You raise your hands in surrender before attempting an apology. You smile slightly as you watch Billie shut off the faucet without looking away from you.
“I’m sorry! I wasn’t trying to sneak. I thought you heard me.”
It took Billie a few seconds to calm her racing heart, but once she saw your smile and flushed face her fear melts away. She sighed before she reached into the sink to grab the fork she dropped. She places it in the dishwasher before closing it and turning back to face you.
“You’re lucky I didn’t stab you.”
You just laugh before you reach out for her with a questioning look. Billie just sighs again before letting you pull her into a hug. You’re cold to the touch from being outside, but she only holds you closer as she starts rubbing her hands up and down your arms to warm you up.
“You’re so cold. How far did you go?”
You smile as you pull away slightly to look around for your dog. He’s sitting on the carpet again in the living room and you roll your eyes as you mention your little adventure around Billie’s neighborhood. She listens as you tell her about walking down toward the end of the street and then being dragged toward one of the biggest houses you’d ever seen. There had been a party going on apparently and the smell of food was all Milo needed to decide he wanted to go that way.
“I had to drag him back here, so now he’s mad at me.”
Billie laughs at this before she pulls you back towards her while you’re sneaking another peek at Milo who’s now licking his paws. You’re a little surprised and you let out a sound that makes Billie smirk as she shoots you a questioning look.
“You’re sure about this, Y/N? You’re okay with telling the greater LA area about us?”
You can’t help but laugh at this, not even thinking about how many people this includes as you nod in agreement. You don’t really care about any of that at the moment and Billie seems to realize this as you move your hands up to her shoulders. Since Billie’s taller than you, especially with her heels, you have to stand on your tiptoes to reach her lips. You feel Billie smile at this, but you ignore it as you hold on to her tighter.
Billie responds by digging her nails into your hips as she pushes you back against the counter. You groan and retaliate by tangling your hand in the medium’s hair and pulling. You can’t help but smile in victory as she hisses against your lips. However, Billie doesn’t let this bit of smugness slide, and she pushes her hips against yours as she kisses you harder.
You moan and roll your hips against Billie’s as her tongue slides against yours. She kisses you until you feel like your knees are going to buckle, but she pulls away before that can happen. That said, Billie’s mouth on your neck didn’t make you feel any more stable. You curse under your breath shivering as Billie’s nails scrape against your neck when she moves your hair. Now that it’s out of the way, Billie’s path down your neck was long and torturous. You didn’t realize that your grip on the medium’s hair had become painful until she hisses and bites down on your pulse point.
“I know you like my hair, but you’re going to pull it out if you’re not careful, dear.”
You let go of Billie’s hair like it burnt you before you apologize. You feel your face flush slightly at the fact that Billie of course knew you were obsessed with her hair. You weren’t exactly subtle, and her hair was just—you’d kill for it. You didn’t get far with your apology before Billie cut you off with a look that effectively shut you up.
“Oh god. I’m sorry, I was just--.”
“Y/N. You don’t have to apologize. I liked it, just maybe a little bit less.”
You blush harder before just nodding in agreement. You look back up to Billie to kiss her again, but you instead find yourself being lifted onto the counter. Your eyes widen as you look around for a split second to regain your bearings. You let out an impressed noise as you smile at Billie who is looking awfully smug. You choose not to comment on this for now and lean back in to meet her lips, but again you’re stopped. You barely hold back the annoyed whine when you see Billie moving away and turning to something else completely.
You turn to where Billie’s looking and immediately move to get off the counter. Milo’s moving towards you but he’s staring at Billie in a way that puts you on edge. It’s a little embarrassing and you don’t want to explain it, but you can’t just write this off. Can you? You sigh as you step around Billie to redirect Milo back to the living room. It’s not his fault that he’s so protective of you. He doesn’t know the difference between what your ex had done and what Billie just did.
“Hey, Milo. No, it’s fine. Go sit.”
You’re relieved that he listens to you and seems to relax as you scratch him behind his ears. He wags his tail before circling once and sitting back down on the rug. He’s still able to see you which makes you a little nervous, but you don’t get to say this before Billie speaks.
“Is everything okay?”
Now Billie’s never had a dog before, but she knows enough about their body language to realize what had just happened. She just wasn’t sure why. Milo hadn’t been anything but sweet and well-trained around her, but this was something completely different. This wasn’t something that just happened unprovoked.
Billie looks to you to see you smiling slightly, nervously. You don’t want to tell more than you have to at the moment. So you just nod and try not to blush too hard.
“Yeah, he’s fine. He just…didn’t know what we were doing.”
Billie watches you blush but doesn’t comment on it. She’s not sure she believes all of what you’re saying, but she doesn’t bring it up. She can tell how tense you already are, and she knows that she has nothing to do with it. She wants to continue what she’d just started, but she didn’t want to just pretend like this didn’t happen. She wanted you to make the choice.
“Well should we leave him be and take this somewhere else?”
You feel your heart start to race at the question and the possibilities. Of course. You want to say that, but you look back to Milo before trying not to sound too obvious.
“Is it okay for Milo to stay here? Any chocolate or onions lying around?”
Billie laughs before she shakes her head and takes a quick look around the room. She doesn’t spot anything that sticks out. She doesn’t have a lot of clutter around her house because she’s not really around long enough to accumulate it. She decides that things are safe enough down here, and the cats will be fine upstairs.
“Nothing of the sort. He should be fine.”
You nod before you reach out to grab Billie’s offered hand with a smile. You say goodbye to Milo watching as he just wags his tail before you follow Billie upstairs. You can already feel your heart rate begin to pick up again as you reach the top. You thought you hid your nerves well, but you should have known better. After all, Billie was very good at picking up on different energies. This thought reminds you of something you’d been meaning to ask her since it occurred to you during dinner.
You say her name as you follow her into her bedroom. It’s dark so you can’t really see anything but a bed in the middle. The room is illuminated when a lamp is switched on and you take a moment to glance around. It’s as tidy as you thought it would be and just from standing in it for five seconds you can tell it’s distinctly Billie. The way the room is decorated and the faint but familiar perfume lingering in the air has you smiling. You don’t realize you’re being watched until you hear Billie laugh.
“See something you like?”
You nearly laugh at this but instead just walk towards the blonde who’s already sitting on the bed. You shrug as you sit down next to her with a grin.
“Nothing more than you, Billie Dean.”
This makes Billie smile and you turn to her so when she reaches out for you, you’re already moving towards her. Your lips meet again and you quickly pick up where you left off downstairs. Your fingers are tangled in Billie’s hair and you gently tug her forward so you can feel her against you again. You groan as Billie practically pulls you into her lap before her hands fall to your hips. It isn’t until you feel Billie’s hands move between the two of you and to your shirt that you pull away.
You watch anxiously as Billie’s hands stop moving and she shoots you a concerned look. You’re tense again and she’s not sure what to make of it. She has her suspicions but she doesn’t say any of them as she waits for you to talk to her.
You shift slightly but don’t dare move as you sigh before looking to Billie with a frown.
“I have a potentially mood-killing question.”
Billie had been expecting you to ask something related to what you were doing. She knows you mentioned having an ex, but she didn’t know how far you may or may not have gotten with her. This is the last thing on Billie’s mind when you finally gather the courage to ask your question.
“Is he here?”
Billie frowns in confusion and her mouth is already opening to ask ‘who’ when it dawns on her. She feels you tense even more as you look around the room quickly. She sighs before she shakes her head. She’s telling the truth because she knew that the moment you got here that it was just you and Milo. She says this to you and expects you to visibly relax, but you don’t. You sigh before shaking your head at the nerve-wracking thought that keeps plaguing you.
Billie nods again before her hand comes up to your cheek. You sigh as you lean into her touch before frowning again.
“No, Y/N. He’s not. He hasn’t been all night.”
“You’re sure?”
“I’m sorry I had to ask. I’m just—still having trouble understanding this.”
Billie can only nod because she’s not sure how you’re dealing with what she’d told you. You hadn’t mentioned it since that first time and she didn’t want to push you. So the subject of your father had been tabled for now. Billie watches as you fail to come up with something to say.
“You don’t have to apologize, Y/N. This isn’t something that makes a lot of sense.”
You nod in agreement before doing your best to calm down. You focus on Billie’s touch again and move as close to her as possible. Her hand drops to your waist as you pull her into a hug. She frowns as she struggles to form a response. She doesn’t make it before you pull away with a smile.
“Thank you for understanding.”
You lean in and kiss her in thanks, but you get a little carried away. You’re very conscious of the fact that you’re surrounded by Billie, her touch, taste, her smell, and you can’t help but want more. You’ve only been waiting to have Billie Dean like this since your little encounter at work.
Just the thought of it makes you feel hotter and you shift impatiently on top of Billie. She can tell you’re getting worked up again and pulls away before things can go too far. She waits until she has your attention before asking.
“Are you sure you want to do this tonight, Y/N? We don’t have to.”
Your frown disappears and you sigh before nodding in answer. You’re very sure that you don’t want to wait anymore. You know that she doesn’t want to either, but she’s also more aware of your other emotions. You don’t want to think about those right now. You have the answer you needed to be comfortable enough to do this tonight, and you really, really want to do this tonight. Billie being so sweet and listening to you worry just makes the idea of waiting harder.
You nod again before kissing Billie once in thanks. You’re still so surprised by how Billie’s always so thoughtful and you appreciate that more than you can put into words. You just aren’t used to having someone take care of you like she does. You try to say this, but fall short as you squeeze her hand that’s still at your waist.
“Yes, I’m sure. You’re sweet, but I’ve been thinking about this too long to wait, Billie.”
Your smile turns into a smirk as you see Billie’s eyes widen slightly at your words. You hold back a laugh as the medium just nods before leaning in to kiss you once, twice.
“You’ll tell me if you change your mind?”
You just nod before meeting her lips again in an insistent kiss to tell her that you’re certain this is what you want. You feel her hands tug at your shirt again and you groan as she shoots you a smile.
“Okay, well let’s get this off of you, sweetheart.”
Part 10
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onlysarah235678 · 4 years
A Little Bit Part 4
Pairing: Billie Dean Howard x female reader
A/N: Wow this one is a lot longer. Sorry this one took a while. I’m back at work, and then I’ll be back in school. As always, enjoy :) Gif not mine!
Warnings: kitten angst, date fluff, and brief mention of dog distress.
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Thursday couldn’t come fast enough for either of you. Vet clinics were always busy during the summer no matter where in the country you were. People had more free time which they happened to spend outside with their pets. More people were bringing their dogs in for snake bites than you were used to back East. That said, you had never seen a dog or cat get bitten by a rattlesnake before, but you were already on your third one this week.
You were still texting Billie when you had the chance, but she was busier this week too so you didn’t usually hear back from her until after work. You were happy to hear that Mickey had been the first kitten to open his eyes on Tuesday and another couple had followed this morning. You were being bombarded with kitten pictures and questions as they got older, but you loved it. They looked so cute, and you were thrilled that Billie was enjoying their company.
She still had someone take care of them during the day, but at night you would usually get a kitten report and a picture of the entire family. Bit was being a little more receptive to taking care of Mickey again now that he was a little bigger, but she still didn’t pay him as much attention as the others. As soon as he was done nursing, he was usually moved meaning that Billie had to keep him around her a lot between feedings to keep him warm.
They didn’t have names yet, but Billie had told you she’d decide once they came in for their visit next week. Hopefully it would be a little easier to tell their sex at this point, but you weren’t optimistic since they would only be a little more than three weeks old. Usually you couldn’t do accurate sex determination until 5 weeks, but at the very least it would be another opportunity to see the kittens and Billie again.
Billie was just as busy as you were this week. Her producer had told her that she had a lot of ADR to do. A majority of her dialogue from the first few episodes needed to be recorded. These episodes had taken place in one of the noisiest buildings she’d ever filmed in. An old school for the mute ironically.
As a result, she’d been spending a lot of time running back and forth between the studio and home this week, and by the time Wednesday afternoon rolled around she was exhausted. She was excited for tomorrow night though. She’d already made a reservation at a restaurant she hoped you’d like. It was nicer than the café and definitely fitting for your first date because it was definitely a date.
Billie was distracted from her plans for tomorrow night by her assistant’s knock on the door. She had been taking her lunch break which was almost over when Michelle came to find her.
Billie turned with a smile assuming the blonde was just going to tell her it was time to get back to work. She hadn’t been expecting the stressed out look she wore. Billie hadn’t even considered what was actually wrong.
“What is it?”
Michelle shifted some of the things in her arms to one side so she could hold up her phone.
“Heather called. There’s been an accident with one of the kittens.”
You were just finishing lunch when Billie called you. You were sitting at your desk trying to finish up some records between eating when you hear your phone buzzing from under the pile of papers. When you realized that the continued buzzing meant someone’s trying to call you, the shifting of papers becomes slightly more frantic. You let most of them drop into your lap or on the floor before you manage to grab your phone. Seeing it’s Billie you smile before answering quickly.
“Hey, Billie, wh-?”
You don’t get to finish your sentence as Billie interrupts you in a frantic voice. You listen carefully while grabbing the nearest pen to take notes.
“Y/N, Heather called. Mickey fell from her pocket. She thinks he’s okay, but would you have time to see him?”
You don’t even bother looking at your schedule knowing that you’d make the time before telling Billie to bring him in. She hesitated slightly before mentioning that she couldn’t leave work and that Heather would be bringing him. You said that was fine before asking if she told you anything specifically about what had happened.
It sounded like he had been moving around more than expected and he’d just walked out of her pocket. She said it was only a few feet, but you said it was still a good idea to bring him in. You hung up with her after promising to give her a call once you took a look at him.
You quickly picked up your papers before putting Mickey on the schedule and heading downstairs to let someone know. Billie said that she was already on her way because she’d called from the car not sure of where to go, so she’d be here soon hopefully.
You get downstairs and see that most people are still on lunch. A few assistants are still on the clock, and the first one you see is on the phone. You go into the back and see that Erin is still eating lunch with another assistant, so you intend to continue your search for someone else when she sees you.
“Hey Dr. Y/L/N. What’s up?”
You decide to tell her because you have a feeling she wouldn’t mind cutting her lunch a little short. You’re not wrong and the brunette jumps up from her seat with a horrified look.
“What happened to the little Howard kitten?!”
You sigh as you explain the situation while Erin goes to the computer to clock back in. She then goes to the schedule and notices immediately that kitten 6 is now named.
“Aw his name’s Mickey. That’s so cute! So is she on her way?”
Erin follows you into the pharmacy as you nod in confirmation before you correct yourself.
“Actually, her pet sitter is bringing him in.”
You don’t miss how Erin visibly deflates at this news, and you feel bad for a second before she sighs in defeat.
“Aw well. They still have their regular kitten visits for me to fangirl over her.”
You barely hold back a laugh as you think about how Billie would respond to this. You have a feeling she’d like having a fan here at the office. Hell there are probably more.
“Have you watched any more of her show?”
The question surprises you but you try not to let it show as you mentally add up all the episodes of Billie’s show you’ve watched since your lunch on Saturday. You watched a couple a night if you weren’t too tired so that’s maybe 10 or so. You say this to Erin and she nods before asking a follow up question. You have no problem answering it because you have some time to kill, but you also don’t want to give anything away.
You hadn’t really considered how things would change at work if you started dating Billie. You doubted your paths would cross here other than when she brought her kittens. You didn’t expect random visits since this was a little out of her way, but you couldn’t be sure. You two hadn’t talked about that because well you hadn’t even gone on a real first date yet.
“Are you liking it? Have you seen the episode when she was in that asylum?”
You nod and open your mouth to respond when you hear the front door open. You hear a frantic voice and figure you know who it is. Erin picks up on this too and goes up front to go ahead and bring them to an exam room. She’d go in as soon as she did in case it was an emergency.
“Heather, can you tell me what happened?”
You felt bad for the younger woman. She was crying and barely calm enough to speak. You had a feeling she was terrified about getting fired or worse and unfortunately you couldn’t really reassure her of anything until you looked at Mickey.
The kitten was definitely bigger since you last saw him and that made you smile, but he was very sedate. He wasn’t bleeding and he had no obvious injuries, but as you carefully examined him, he definitely seemed off. You ignored the sound of Bit meowing from her carrier as Heather wipes her nose with a tissue before shaking her head.
“I was walking downstairs with him in my pocket like usual but before I got to the bottom of the stairs, I felt him fall out. I don’t—I don’t know how he did it, I didn’t feel him move or anything.”
You watch as the redhead begins to cry again and you rush to offer any reassurance you can at this point.
“Well he’s not bleeding so that’s a good sign. Do you know if he hit anything other than the ground? Did he roll down the stairs or anything like that?”
Heather shook her head before telling you that he’d just fallen out and then she saw him at the bottom of the stairs.
“He may have rolled down a few, I’m not sure. God is he going to be okay?”
You continue your exam not noting any abnormal heart rhythm or breathing patterns. You try to stand Mickey up but he definitely doesn’t want to do that. He whines slightly before falling back onto his stomach. You hear Heather mutter a curse before you come up with a plan.
“Has he nursed today, been normal otherwise?”
Heather just nods but she doesn’t look away from Mickey who is resting his head on the table, eyes closed.
“Yeah, completely normal.”
You nod before deciding to listen to him again, just to be sure. You take a minute, still not noticing anything abnormal before you share what you think.
“So the only thing I can appreciate on his exam is that he doesn’t want to stand up. His whining might be from pain, but it’s hard to tell. Does he usually make a lot of noise throughout the day?”
Heather just shakes her head and you nod before doing a couple of calculations in your head.
“Okay. Well there are a couple of things that we can do.”
You tell Heather that you can take x-rays to see if there is anything obviously broken from his fall. They could also just monitor him for the next few hours here before sending him home if nothing changes. The last and least favorable option would be to take him home and just see how he did.
Heather clearly didn’t want to do the last option as she shook her head and took a deep breath.
“No, I think I want to take x-rays to be sure, but I probably need to call Ms. Howard.”
You nod before mentioning that you promised to call her after the exam, and you don’t miss how Heather jumps on this opportunity. You don’t blame her for not wanting to talk to Billie right now. She’s probably upset and Heather’s clearly terrified. She’d buy Heather some time if that’s what she needed.
“You’ll call her?”
You nod before you look to the carrier that you assumed held all of the other kittens. That made sense. Leaving them home alone probably wouldn’t have been a good idea. God forbid something else happened.
“Of course. Just give me a few minutes and we’ll do whatever she wants. Erin’s going to take him back with us, you can wait in here if you like or the lobby.”
Heather just nods and thanks you before you retreat to the nearest phone. Erin is carefully cradling Mickey as she opens the door to the back to take him to treatment as you pick up the phone. You dial Billie’s number and wait for what feels like forever before someone you don’t recognize answers.
“Hello, this is Michelle, Ms. Howard’s assistant speaking.”
“Hi Michelle, I’m Dr. Y/L/N at Sunset clinic. I just finished looking at Mickey.”
You hear rustling in the background before hurried footsteps follow as Michelle quite possibly runs somewhere.
“Oh, you’re the vet! Great, just give me one second to find her.”
You just nod muttering ‘not a problem’ while you wait for Michelle to track Billie down. It doesn’t take long and you hear Michelle’s muffled voice saying that it’s you on the phone and Billie’s quick thank you before her voice is in your ear.
“Y/N, how is he?”
You relay what you’d told Heather to Billie and she is eerily quiet when you finish your explanation of the possible next steps. It isn’t until she speaks that you realized she jumped to worst case scenario.
“What will you have to do if he’s broken something?”
You try to figure out how to tell the most truth without getting into all of the possible complications.
“It would depend on what he broke, but I couldn’t get him to react to anything other than trying to make him stand. He was fine for everything else.”
Billie sighs and you swear you hear the flick of a lighter in the background. You don’t have to wait long for the medium to make her decision about what to do next. You’re not surprised by her decision at all. You know how much she adores Mickey.  
“Okay. You can go ahead and do x-rays, but is it possible for him to stay there for the rest of the day? I don’t want Heather to have to worry anymore about him.”
You nod because you were going to suggest keeping him here regardless. Not only was Heather really frazzled, but your techs here would be able to monitor him closely and bottle feed him.
“Of course, I’ll have my assistant take the x-rays while I go tell Heather.”
Billie sighs heavily before nodding in approval. “Thank you, Y/N.”
You smile briefly before hanging up and getting to work.  “Of course, Billie.”
Erin calls you into x-ray a couple of minutes later and you’re eternally grateful when you don’t see any broken bones. You look at the images taken thoroughly before you decide that there’s nothing concerning. Everything looks normal for a 2-week-old kitten. You’re relieved to get to tell Billie this, and you call her while holding Mickey in your lap.
“Hi, Y/N.”
“Hi Billie. So good news, I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary for him. No broken bones.”
Billie sighs in relief before taking a drag. “Thank goodness. You’ll still keep him there though?”
“Definitely. We’ll keep a close eye on him for you and you can pick him up at the end of the day.”
Billie doesn’t need to look at her schedule to know that it will be a long day, so she shakes her head.
“I’ll probably have Michelle pick him up. I’m going to be working late.”
After everything is arranged, you talk to Michelle again to get her information before hanging up. Lunch is officially over and your first afternoon appointment is here. You sigh before realizing that you need to get Mickey set up before talking to Heather. You suspect that Erin popped in and told her that everything was fine, so you take your time setting up a space for Mickey and talking to your techs about the plan.
Hopefully it will be an easy, uncomplicated afternoon for him.
Despite knowing that Mickey wasn’t in any immediate danger, it was difficult for Billie to concentrate for the rest of the afternoon. She’d called Heather to confirm that she was going home and would be able to stay late with the other kittens. She made sure to let her know that she wasn’t angry at her. Just thinking about how panicky she’d been during the conversation they’d had as she drove to the vet was enough to make Billie feel bad. Once she was satisfied that she’d calmed Heather’s nerves to the best of her ability, she tried to finish up everything that needed to be done today so she could go home and see Mickey.
She still had almost a full episode-worth of dialogue to record by the end of the day. Things were moving slowly because she had to rewatch all of the footage to time everything correctly. Billie supposed it wasn’t taking any more time than usual, she was just stressed.
Michelle had been nice enough to offer to call and check up on Mickey every so often, but you’d insisted that he would be fine. You’d promised to call if anything changed, so Billie tried to resist being an overbearing parent and refused to check in.
The blonde brought another cup of coffee into the recording booth Billie was in, and she shot the other woman a grateful look.
“Thank you, dear.”
Michelle just nodded with a small smile. “Of course. Is there anything else you need, Billie?”
The medium shakes her head before taking a long sip of coffee. She wished that she could have a cigarette, but that would have to wait until her next break. Which wasn’t going to be for a while.
“No, thank you, Michelle.”
The blonde leaves Billie alone in the booth for the next few minutes she has before she begins recording again. She takes a deep breath before looking back to the pages in front of her. This wouldn’t take too long, if she focused.
Billie didn’t even believe that lie by the time she started reading.
When you went to check on Mickey next, it was after your 3pm appointment. You’d gotten really busy and hadn’t been able to spare a glance at the kitten. You knew that your techs were taking good care of him, but you also felt obligated to watch over him as well. Not just because it was your job, but because you were worried. Mickey had a lot going against him. Being the runt, basically being rejected by Bit and now falling down the stairs.
He was a tough little guy for sure, but you just wanted to make sure that all of Billie’s love and attention wasn’t wasted. You had to make sure that this kitten made it. even if it meant checking on him every chance you got.
When you arrived to the back of treatment where he was being kept you smiled at the sight of him sleeping. He looked adorable.
“He’s pretty cute, isn’t he?”
You turn to see one of your techs watching you from where she’s cleaning instruments at the sink. You nod, not able to stop the smile on your face from growing wider as you watch him shift slightly in his sleep.
“He is. He’s gotten so big since I last saw him.”
Mina smiles as she finishes up what’s she doing before she comes over to stand next to you. You turn to her as she opens the door so you can get a good look at him.
“He’s been the perfect patient. He loved his formula and mostly just lies there. He was walking around a little while ago. If you can call it walking.”
You turn back to him with a smile glad to hear that he’s doing well. He opens his eyes a little at the sound of the door and makes the cutest mewling sound. As you watch him wake up more fully and wiggle around in his blankets you wonder how the hell Billie Dean is going to give him up.
“Here, doc. Did you want to feed him?”
Mina’s holding a small bottle filled with milk and you don’t hesitate to nod before taking it from her with a quiet thanks.
“He’s going to go fast if she brings him back here to be adopted out.”
You nod but otherwise say nothing because you have no doubt about this. Hell, if Billie doesn’t want him you’ll take him. Maybe.
You’re not sure Milo would like that.
After fawning over Mickey for a few minutes, you have to put him back in his bed when your next appointment arrives. You sigh as you look at the clock, it’s only 3:40. You’ve got almost three hours left of work at least. That doesn’t seem like much, but then you have the day off tomorrow and a whole day to prepare for your date with Billie.
As you make your way to the front of the clinic you remind yourself to figure out where you’ll be going sooner rather than later.
Billie Dean was finally done with work for the day. It was already 7 and getting home might take an hour with traffic. She was exhausted and ready to go home and sleep. Well first she had to check on the kittens of course. Mickey had been picked up and dropped off with Heather about 2 hours ago.
Michelle had called to tell her that Y/N had said that everything went well during his stay. He’d even walked around a little. Billie was thrilled to hear this and it took all of her self-control to not groan at the traffic she was already in.
While she sits stuck in traffic she thinks about your plans for tomorrow. Billie hadn’t told you where you were going yet, but she planned on calling you once she got home. Both to give you a heads up about tomorrow’s date but also to thank you. She was extremely grateful that you were able to see Mickey today and that you had been flexible. She knew it was your job, but she just felt better knowing that you were the one taking care of him. She knew that you wouldn’t lie to her.
By the time she got home, she was so tired she could fall asleep. She hadn’t realized how stressful it was dealing with work and worrying about the kittens until she stepped into her house and saw Heather sitting on the couch with Mickey in her lap.
“Ms. Howard.”
Billie just shook her head as she walked further into the room and gestured for the redhead to stand up. She did so, placing Mickey on the couch carefully—he was fast asleep before turning toward the older woman. She was ready to be yelled at, but when she was just pulled into a hug she was too stunned to react immediately. Eventually, when Billie squeezed a little harder, she realized that she had just been standing dumbly and finally hugged the medium back.
“Thank you for today. I’m sorry if you were worried about how I’d react.”
When Billie pulled away and immediately looked to Mickey, Heather moved out of the way so she could get to him. She was still a little on edge and felt like she at least needed to apologize again. She didn’t get very far though before Billie shook her head from where she was now sitting on the couch with Mickey on her lap.
“Still, I’m sorry I--.”
“Don’t apologize, sweetie. It’s okay, I know it wasn’t your fault.”
Heather sighs in defeat but doesn’t argue as she gathers her things to get ready to leave. She mentions how the other kittens are doing fine and she’d just seen them nursing. Billie smiles before she thanks Heather again and watches as she leaves through the front door.
Billie releases a sigh before she picks Mickey up carefully and inspects him. She didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. She smiled as he opened his eyes and made a small sound that made Billie want to crush him in a hug. She didn’t of course, and she just stood up and headed upstairs to change so she could carry him around with her to find some dinner.
You are still in the office when Billie Dean texts you. You got a little behind with records today and you had a few more to get to before you could head home. The buzzing of your phone pulls you from thoughts of skin allergies and you turn in your chair to look for the device. You stand up only for it to fall to the ground, having forgotten that you’d put it on your lap. You sigh before you bend over to pick it up along with some of the papers you have scattered on the floor.
You’re usually very organized, but this week has been a little crazy and staying on top of things has been difficult. It is especially difficult to concentrate when you always have a certain blonde and her kittens on your mind. You unlock your phone and see that Billie’s asking if you’re still at work.
You sigh again because unfortunately you are at least for the next 20 minutes. If you’re lucky. You have two more records to write up, and one of them was a little involved. You say something brief to this effect and continue typing while you wait for her response.
Billie is wondering if you usually stay at work this late. It was 8 o clock and she was barely hanging on to consciousness. She wouldn’t be awake if it weren’t for the glass of wine and the dinner she was forcing herself to eat. She sat with Mickey beside her on a makeshift bed as she looked through emails on her computer. It was late and she wasn’t answering any of them now. She was mostly being a little creepy and seeing what she could find out about you.
It only seemed fair since you’d Googled her.
That said, there was a lot less on you than there was on her. Billie was able to find out where you went to school, and she saw your graduation pictures, but you weren’t really on social media. Your Facebook hadn’t been updated in months and nothing she found really told her anything more than you had on Saturday.
Except one thing.
Billie didn’t read it though. Billie wanted to hear about Y/N from her instead of the internet or any other means. She closed her computer when her phone beeped and when she saw your message, she realized that almost half an hour had passed since you’d told her you were still working.
We’re leaving now.
Attached to the text was a picture of Milo jumping up from where he stood next to you. You were holding up something that must have been a treat because Milo’s mouth was wide opened and headed straight for your hand. Billie considered calling you now, but figured you shouldn’t be distracted when you drive. Instead she sent you a text.
Let me know when you’re home? I’ll tell you where we’re going tomorrow.
Billie sees that you’re typing, and once she gets an ‘ok’ in response she puts her phone down and heads upstairs. She needs to put Mickey with Bit for a while and see if he’ll nurse. She also needed a cigarette and really didn’t want to smoke around Mickey. All of the cats really, but only Mickey was ever in her pocket.
The other cats were all getting so big. They were still tiny, but they were much bigger than when she’d found them under the deck just a couple of weeks ago. All of them had opened their eyes at this point, and a lot of the time she sees them they’re trying to crawl around. She hasn’t seen that any of them leave the laundry room, but if they do, Bit herds them all back to bed so she’s none the wiser.
Once Mickey is settled with his brothers and sisters, Billie showers and is already in bed by the time you get home.
You let Milo run inside first before you head to the living room and collapse on the couch. You know that you need to eat dinner, but you’re so tired that you can’t even fathom getting up right now. You roll onto your back before digging your phone out of your pocket.
I’m home. Do I get to know where we’re going now?
Almost as if she wants to hold you in suspense, it takes Billie almost 10 minutes to respond. Little did you know she was just checking on the cats one last time before leaving them to sleep. Luckily Bit had allowed all of the kittens to stay in bed with her during the night. It was only during the day, according to Heather, that Bit tries to push Mickey out onto the floor, if not move him to a different room altogether.
She arrives back to her bedroom to see that you’ve texted her. She smiles at your question before she finally tells you where she’s made reservations for tomorrow night.
You stare at your phone before you go to Google to figure out what restaurant this is. You really need to get out more. You see that it’s literally the fanciest restaurant you’ve never been to. You look at the menu because you have to plan ahead, and your eyes widen at the prices you see next to the dishes you’re not sure you can pronounce.
You hadn’t been super stressed about this date, only moderately stressed, but this just changed that.  You had never been treated to something like this, and despite the fact that it made you feel all sorts of dizzy, you weren’t sure you deserved it. You wondered how you could put this when another text message came in as you were still staring blankly at the menu.
If you don’t want to go there, I can change the reservation.
You quickly open the text preparing to deny this, but you stop. It’s not that you don’t want to go there. Sure it’s a little intimidating and you feel like you’ll stick out like a sore thumb, but the idea of going there with Billie is a little…exhilarating. You briefly look to your closet trying to think of what you’d wear before you make your decision.
You’ve been telling yourself to go outside of your comfort zone since you’d moved here. Honestly you hated the idea of doing so, but having someone that you trust with you…You knew Billie would make sure you were comfortable. Clearly, since she was already checking in with you. Finally you sighed with a small smile. You were touched that she was being so thoughtful already and decided to take this chance. How bad could it be if Billie was with you?
Thursday night finally arrives and after spending a whole day lounging around and anticipating tonight’s date it’s finally time. Your first date with Billie. Since you plan things down to the minute, you arrived to the restaurant a little early. You were grateful since traffic had been, well L.A traffic. You honestly hadn’t lived in a big city before and you getting used to there being so much traffic all the time. You pulled into the parking lot only to be directed to the valet. Right. That happened here.
You get out of the car and sigh as the night air hits you. This is going to be fine. It will be fun damn it. It will be. You continue to tell yourself this as you make your way inside. You can’t help but look around at the predictably decorated interior. You don’t pay it much mind as you wait until the hostess is free and looks to you with a smile.
“Hi, how are you? Do you have a reservation?”
You smile as you nod and mention that you are supposed to be meeting Billie Dean Howard. She shoots you a curious look, but once you give your name she nods and leads you further into the restaurant.
You walk past a lot of people and you swear you see a celebrity or two, but you’re not here for them. You’re looking around in search of a familiar blonde when you spot her from over the hostess’s shoulder. You smile at the sight of Billie Dean sitting at a booth waiting for you.
She’s wearing another silk blouse, but this time she’s also wearing a string of pearls. You nearly run into the hostess you’re too busy staring at the medium’s hair that is styled a little differently, but luckily you stop just in time.
You wait until she turns to leave before you move to sit across from Billie. You smile as you get situated before looking to Billie again.
“I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long.”
Billie taps her fingernails on the table, smiling as she watches you look to them before shaking her head.
“Not at all. I was trying to get here before you after all.”
You don’t have time to think about why this could be before Billie tells you. She’s smirking at your confused look but it soon turns flustered when she explains.
“I wanted to be able to watch you walk in.”
You couldn’t help but blush slightly at this and you shoot her a curious, teasing look.
“Well, was it worth it?”
Billie’s eyes light up, and you swear she looks impressed as she nods and shoots you a dazzling smile.
“More than. You look stunning, Y/N.”
You smile before taking a second chance to look at Billie and you blush harder when you see that her smile has turned to a smirk again.
“You too, Billie. You always look beautiful though.”
The medium scoffs and mutters something about that being nonsense. You don’t get a chance to argue with her before your waitress shows up. The tall blonde smiles at the two of you before handing each of you a menu.
“Good evening. My name’s Taylor and I’ll be your server for tonight. Can I get you started with something to drink?”
You had completely neglected to look at the drink menu, so you let Billie go first while you frantically searched through the list of drinks. You’d already decided that you were going to get something with alcohol. You were still a little tense and you knew that drinking tended to help you with this. As long as you didn’t overdo it.
So you ordered your favorite drink that wouldn’t get you more than a little tipsy before looking back across the table at Billie. You tried not to stare, but you just couldn’t believe what you saw. Part of you believed that if you closed your eyes, you’d find yourself back at your apartment realizing that this was all a dream. You weren’t sure how you got so lucky to attract the attention of someone like Billie Dean.
You were just grateful for Bit and her kittens bringing Billie to the clinic and into your life.
You’re still admiring the woman across from you when Taylor walks away. She looked back to you feeling herself want to smile again at your adoring look. She was accustomed to attracting attention. It came with the territory of being on television. She was used to people staring at her, fawning over her, and sometimes leering at her.
This wasn’t that though. You were looking at her with something that resembled awe, and that made her feel appreciated in a way she hadn’t for a long time. You weren’t with her tonight because of her money or her fame. You were after something else that Billie was quickly realizing, she was all too willing to give.
“You’re staring, sweetheart.”
You snap out of your trance and shoot Billie a shamefaced look. You mutter an apology that you don’t really mean. Well you didn’t mean to stare, but you couldn’t bring yourself to feel bad for appreciating Billie Dean. You wanted to make sure that you never stopped doing that.
“Sorry, I—I don’t have a good excuse. I’m just—I really need to thank Bit for having her kittens under your house.”
Billie laughs at this as Taylor comes back to set your drinks down. You both need a little more time to look over the menu, so the blonde leaves as you start to look for the dish you’d seen earlier today.
When you watch Billie pick up her glass of wine but not take a sip you look up from your menu with a frown. She’s smiling at you as she looks between you and your glass, and you quickly take the hint. You grab your glass too and hold it up with a grin.
“To our second date.”
Your smile disappears as your brows furrow in confusion. Billie has to stop herself from mentioning how cute it looks.
Billie can’t stop herself from laughing; however, as she nods in confirmation. She could practically see your internal struggle and had to ask.
“Yes, did you not count Saturday?”
You flushed at the thought of Saturday being a date, meaning that this dinner was not your first date. You shook your head before shrugging at the realization that you were just dumb. You’d been so damned stressed with first date jitters only for this to be the second date.
You were a mess sometimes.
“I just—wasn’t sure, I guess. Am now though.”
Billie smiled at you again before she clinked your glasses together and took a sip of her wine. She didn’t break eye contact with you and you took a long sip of your drink to hide how her watching you made you feel all hot and bothered.
“Good. It’s settled then.”
You just nod dumbly before returning your attention to the menu in an attempt to calm your racing heart. You found the dish that you’d been eying earlier before turning to Billie. You plan to ask her if she’s been here before when she beats you to it.
“You can, by the way.”
Now you’re really confused. You must have missed something. What had you just been talking about?
The only response you had to what Billie Dean just said only made her smile wider. She shrugged as she opened her own menu, but didn’t really look at it. She was still watching you as she clarified her meaning.
“You can thank Bit, if you’d like. After this.”
Billie’s biting her lip to stop from laughing too loudly at how quickly your face turns red. She just can’t resist watching you flush so prettily at even the faintest suggestion. You just take a deep breath before muttering something that might be ‘dear god’ as you nod absentmindedly.
“Yeah, sure. Maybe—I mean—I haven’t seen the other kittens in forever.”
Billie Dean smiles victoriously before she decides to be merciful. She gives you a break as she changes the subject.
“Have you always wanted to be a vet?”
The abrupt change of subject surprises you despite how relieved you are. You’re not sure why you always act like such a prude around Billie. You’re not. It’s just the idea of that, doing any of that with the medium makes your head spin. If you think too much into it you might faint, so you are eager to answer Billie’s question and retreat from dangerous territory.
“No, definitely not. It wasn’t until the second year of college that I really committed to it.”  
Billie asks what influenced your decision, so you tried to explain it in the most concise way possible. You didn’t want to drone on or tell your entire life story. It’s just there wasn’t a one sentence answer to this. You’d gone from wanting to be a paleontologist to a marine biologist to a dentist (for the money), to a physical therapist before finally deciding on being a vet.
“When I was in high school, I went with my mom every weekend to visit my grandfather. I helped take care of him and everything and thought that’s what I wanted to do. It didn’t last too long though.”
You see from the way that Billie’s looking at you, that she has questions. You aren’t sure what she’s going to ask, but your waitress is back to take your orders before she gets the chance to. Billie fidgets slightly tapping her nails against the table while you order and it isn’t until you’re alone again that you consider what the cause might be.
Billie’s in the process of putting her hand back in her lap to stop herself from fidgeting when you speak up. You’re not sure you’re right, but you want to at least say this so Billie knows where you stand.
“Are you okay?”
Billie frowns in confusion not realizing that you’d caught onto her nervous tick until she sees how you’re studying her. Still she nods and tries to play it off, but you don’t let her dismiss you that easily.
“I’m fine, Y/N.”
You decide to take the risk.
“Are you sure because you look like you could use a cigarette, or at least a stronger drink. I wouldn’t mind either.”
Billie smiles wryly at this, laughing under her breath as she shakes her head. You just keep surprising her.
“Maybe, but I can only have one of those in here.”
That didn’t occur to you immediately, but a quick look around tells you that she’s probably right. You nod more to yourself than her before you take another sip of your drink.
You sit in silence for a while before you realize that you hadn’t returned Billie’s question. You are curious to know the answer because honestly, you’re not sure what you could see Billie doing, other than her current job of course. There were so many possibilities.
“What about you? What did pre-medium Billie Dean want to do?”
Billie frowns as she considers this and you almost become worried before the medium merely shrugs her shoulders in response.
“I wanted to play tennis, but then my calling…called.”
You remember what you’d read about Billie becoming a medium at the age of 25. Then you think about 25-year-old Billie playing tennis. You’d never been a fan of the sport because you were terrible at it, but you definitely wouldn’t say no to watching Billie play.
“You played tennis?”
You’re really just asking for elaboration, but when Billie just smiles, you prompted her.
“Were you any good?”
Whether she realizes it or not, Billie Dean sits up a little straighter practically preening before she shoots you a cocky smile.
“I was unbeatable for a while.”
There are so many ways you could respond to this, but you settle on the teasing response that comes to mind first. You secretly just want to know if Billie still plays and if she’s as competitive as you think.
“You mean you’re not anymore?”
Billie sighs at the thought because she hasn’t played competitively in years. She’s been a little busy getting her career off the ground. It had been difficult for many reasons. First of all no one believed that she had this gift of speaking to the dead. She was quickly written off as nuts and proving them wrong took a lot more work than it would have if she’d been a man.
Luckily most of those struggles were behind her, and the worst she had to deal with was people asking her too personal questions because for some reason they felt like they had a right to know.
“It’s been years since I’ve played.”
You laugh before nodding in understanding. You’re going to have to find out more about Billie playing tennis later. For now, you’re going to behave and just let your imagination run wild.
“Did you play any sports?”
You try not to laugh at the fact that yes, you did, and it was not only the most stereotypically lesbian sport, but you also weren’t good at it. You definitely weren’t unbeatable like Billie. You shrug your shoulders before trying not to make 6 years of softball seem like a big deal. It wasn’t really. The team needed people and then you realized you liked it.
You ironically didn’t realize you were gay until you started crushing on someone on your team, but there was no way you were telling Billie that.
“I wasn’t that good. I just ran fast and occasionally caught things.”
Billie asked what position you’d played and you mentioned that you’d been catcher for a couple of years before you were moved to outfield. It had been a good and bad move. Good because being catcher stressed you out, but bad because your ADHD made it easier to zone out while you were standing in the outfield.
“It was mostly just running. A lot of running.”
Billie smiled at this as she considered what you’d told her recently about your dislike of running, and exercise in general.
“Did you lose your taste for it back then?”
You nod because it’s true. You definitely dislike running, but sometimes it’s the only thing that you can do to destress. Also Milo would never let you stop completely. He liked it too much. You say this and this reminds Billie of something she’s been meaning to ask. You mention your dog a lot and she feels bad that she’s never asked more about him.
“I never asked. Have you had him since he was a puppy?”
Without realizing it, you finish up your drink and sigh at the seemingly simple question. You hadn’t ever mentioned having Milo as a puppy because then you’d have to explain how you got him. Or rather from whom. However, it seemed like you weren’t going to be able to avoid talking about this anymore, so you just decided to be as honest as possible. Just without revealing too much of your baggage.
“Yeah, I actually got him from my ex. Her parents bred German Shepherds, and they said they couldn’t sell Milo because he was too small and sick.”
Billie frowned at the idea of this for a couple of reasons. She decided to focus on Milo for now because she was hopeful she would hear more about your ex later if you ever opened up to her about your past. For now, she wondered how anyone could want to abandon a puppy.
“That’s horrible.”
You just nodded because you remember how horribly your ex had put it when she’d told you. She’d been so nonchalant as if this sort of thing happened all of the time and that it was okay. That wasn’t quite the end of your relationship, but it was very close to it. Things just went downhill from that point.
“Yeah, it was. He had gotten sick and as a result became blind in one eye. They were just going to—well I’m not sure exactly what they would have done with him, but I jumped on the chance to adopt him.”
Billie smiles as you say this because she can tell just by how you talk about him that he’s your whole world. He’s your baby. Like how Mickey’s become hers.
“How long ago was this?”
You spent way too long talking about your dog and how the past two years had been for you. Your meal came while you were telling Billie the story of how Milo had gotten his head stuck in a wall and you two could barely thank Taylor you were so close to crying you were laughing so hard.
“I had left him for maybe an hour to run an errand and I come back to hear him screaming bloody murder.”
It had been terrifying to open the door and immediately hear him screaming in distress. You had honestly thought that he had hurt himself somehow despite how careful you’d been with cleaning your room.
“I thought he was dying I was so freaked out, then I see that he’s literally chewed through the wall into the hallway, but he got stuck in the second layer of drywall.”
Billie was laughing so hard she could barely choke out the only three words that came to mind. “Oh my god.”
You nod before rolling your eyes at the thought of how much damage the puppy had caused. He’d only been 5 months old at the time.
“I know. He broke a tooth and had to get stitches from thrashing. It was a mess.”
Billie’s wiping the tears from her eyes as she shakes her head in disbelief. He sounds like a handful, but she can’t wait to meet him. She says this and you smile before agreeing quickly. You know that Milo will love Billie. He honestly loves most people, but you’ve learned that he is a good judge of character.
You both took a moment to taste your food. You hadn’t realized how hungry you were, and you had to force yourself not to stuff your face. You reach for your drink, only to realize it’s empty before you just grab your water. You’re not sure you want another one yet.
“So you never did tell me what it takes.”
Your attention returns to Billie who is shooting you a questioning look. You don’t realize what she’s talking about, but your frown of confusion prompts Billie to continue.
“You said that your belief in the supernatural depends on certain things. Do you care to elaborate on that?”
Your eyes light up in realization before you smile in response. Since you’d promised Billie that you’d explain this you’d been trying to figure out how to say it in a way that didn’t sound too generic. Sure you believed in the supernatural, but did you believe that contact with spirits was as common as it is portrayed in the media? Not at all.
You take another second to get your thoughts together before you tell Billie what you think. She just listens carefully nodding every now and then as you explain your views based on your limited understanding.
“I definitely believe, but—I don’t know. There are so many different representations of the supernatural that some of it seems farfetched. I guess, I just mean that if you told me that ghosts are around us all of the time, I’d need some proof before I believe you.”
Billie’s expression stayed neutral, but she mentally cursed herself for not wording this question better. She hadn’t anticipated you saying that because now what could she say in response? She didn’t want to tell you what she’d picked up on the first time she’d met you. That would certainly freak you out, and you didn’t want to get too personal too early into…whatever you two were heading towards.
Billie didn’t dwell on this too much fully realizing that she needed to respond to what you said. She wasn’t sure if you sensed her hesitation, but she just decided to default to her flirty nature.
“I’ll have to show you how it’s done sometime then.”
The innuendo is not wasted on you because Billie sees you flush slightly before nodding in agreement. You muttered something under your breath that resembled ‘sounds good’ before taking another bite of food. You may need that second drink after all.
About an hour later, you two had finished up dinner and dessert. Billie had kept her promise and paid before you could even open your mouth to argue. She hadn’t played fair because you’d been distracted and hadn’t noticed Taylor come up to the table with the check. Still, you didn’t get a chance to pout before Billie was shooting you a questioning look. It wasn’t teasing and you were a little surprised by this given what she asked. However, you had already made up your mind just moments after she’d asked you the first time.
“So, do you want to go see the kittens?”
Of course you did. You wanted to make sure that Mickey was okay, and check up on the other kittens as well. You wanted to check on Billie’s cats. That was the only reason why you wanted to go to her house. You had no ulterior motive whatsoever.
“Let’s do it.”
Part 5
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