angelatmidnight1 · 1 year
Valkyrie Tickle Headcanons
A/N: As promised, here are the Valkyrie headcanons. I may come back and edit these at some point cause Valk's still tricky for me to write for, but I was determined to get these out today.
If Kairi finds out someone’s ticklish, chances are it was by accident. 
At the bar, she loves to have one hand around a good drink, and a pretty woman in the other. And if she gets clearance, Kairi is very hands on and likes to pull her dates close. 
Cue the ticklish squeal if her hands brush over a tickle spot or two. 
Unlike Loba, Valk has a more laid back approach towards tickling. She usually won’t pin her lees down and tickle them silly. 
Instead, she’ll casually mix it in her interactions. So Kairi usually only tickles those she’s closer with, and especially those she’s dating. 
Her favorite thing to do is pull her date on her lap and chat them up while she strokes their legs and torso. If they start giggling and squirming, Kairi gives them a smug smirk. “And just when I thought you couldn’t get any cuter.”
Kairi typically keeps her tickle attacks brief, just long enough to break the ice with her special someone. 
The only times she really goes after someone is when they swipe her food (be prepared for war), when she’s trying to persuade someone into doing something, or when she thinks someone needs to loosen up.
Kairi will also, depending on who it is, help in ganging up on someone to tickle them, OR help someone out of being tickled. Call it the wingman in her. 
She is a playful ‘ler and finds it more fun to let her lee squirm instead of pinning them down, unless she’s been ‘wronged’ somehow. Tickling Loba is an exception to this rule because the last time she didn’t pin her down, she got a black eye. 
When she does pin them down, she likes to restrain their arms over her lees’ head so she has full access to their torso. It’s also amusing for her to watch her lees kick around and squeal. 
She prefers to knead and squeeze over ticklish spots and, while she isn’t as teasy as Loba, she definitely likes to poke fun at her lee. This is especially true if her lee is batting at her hands while she’s tickling them.
Another thing she likes to do is pick up her lee out of nowhere if they’re trying to reach something on a high shelf, and squeeze their sides. She’s done this with Rampart more times than she can count, and gets a kick out of it every time. 
“Whoa, whoa! I’m just trying to help you. I totally wasn’t trying to tickle you. Totally.”
Valkyrie is the queen of the saying, “I’m not ticklish.”
This smooth talking pilot can get herself out of most ticklish situations. It’s more likely that she’ll turn the situation around in her favor. 
But when she can’t, Kairi channels her energy in giving minimal responses to pokes and squeezes. Most of the time, she’s successful. 
To a well-trained eye, it’s easy to detect her lie. And once the cat’s out of the bag, it’s difficult for Kairi to keep up her poker face. 
Smirks turn into grins, protests to gruff chuckles…and it gets worse if her ‘ler is calling her out at the same time they’re tickling her. She’s fighting a losing battle on both sides, and falling twice as fast.
The first person to discover it was technically Rampart, but the title officially goes to Loba. Ramya had only cracked the surface of how ticklish Kairi was, and once Kairi caught on, she made sure to stay far out of reach. 
It was a quiet evening after the Games, and Loba and Valk had made a bet as to who’d get the most kills in a match. Winner would take the reins for the evening. 
Loba won by one point, but Kairi claims she let her. Either way, Loba was leading the makeout session, and Valk was happy to go along for the ride. 
That is, until Loba’s hands kept lovingly stroking over her torso, and it tickled…Kairi did her best to play it off, but she snorted. 
Loba asked what that sound was. Kairi acted as if she didn’t know what she was talking about. That response probably would’ve been fine for anyone else, but not Loba.
Loba was suspicious and became more deliberate in her touches, trying to see if she could get Kairi to make the sound again. When she did, and Loba knew why, Loba chuckled softly. “Well, isn’t this a precious discovery? And to think you were going to try and hide it from me…”
Kairi is a little bit more ticklish than Loba, and she is super, super giggly. Seriously, once she starts giggling, it’s virtually impossible to get her to stop.
 She also snorts, and she hates it. 
Her most ticklish spot is her stomach, and her frantic giggles turn into boisterous laughter if her ‘ler targets there. 
Instead of trying to stop her ‘ler, Kairi first opts for blocking access to her ticklish spots, and curls up into impossible positions to restrict access. 
Even while being tickled, Kairi is determined to talk her way out of it. She’ll cough out laughs and repeat, “Wahahait, wahahait! Let’s talk!” 
Poking her while she's flying will immediately put that individual on her no-fly list.
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skylertheminish · 4 months
Harper watched as Rampart casually walked up to the pair. What, uh...what were these two planning? Why was Rampart moving his hands like that? Why was Tublades making sure they couldn't move to squirm away?
Harper's eyes went wide as they realized just what these two were up to.
Oh no.
They broke out into loud, snorty laughter as Rampart tickled them all over. They had always hidden the fact that they were ticklish. Now the secret was out. Great.
Ironically, this situation started by Harper calling the brothers cute, but they were the one who looked cute now.
"OKAY! Okay! I'm-hehehehe!" Harper shook their head, nearly overcome with laughter. They managed to squeak out, "I'm sorry!!"
Once Harper announced their apology Rampart stopped his assault and gave Harper a gentle headpat before backing off. Tublades gently lowered Harper down. "That demonstration seems to have done the trick brother." Tublades commented.
"Indeed. Now to sort out the matter of the pizza" Rampart knelt down to Harper's eye level and yet again wrote out a message with psychic energy. It was a request for the same pizza he asked for last time.
' please may we have more pizza for dinner Harper? '
Although the brothers were willing to carry on with these shenanigans, they were growing rather hungry. But it seems one of brothers would have to go without. Tublades suddenly snapped to attention and looked around. He looked at Harper and Rampart before taking off. Now alone with Harper, Rampart had to find a way to explain how they felt Ryder's call.
' don't worry. He'll be fine. He'll be back here before nightfall ' Rampart wrote.
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the-spam-specialist · 5 months
Watch out Notch. The knight brothers Tublades and Rampart are plotting something. Is it a hug attack? Is it a tickle attack? Maybe its both! They're hiding somewhere. You'd think for Pokémon as tall as them they'd be easy to spot.
They're not.
What's worse is they may have treats for you! (Spoiler they do).
Notch sweated nervously, feeling like he was being watched. He knew that the other knights would most likely retaliate with their own surprise attacks. Hug attacks? He could live with that. Tickle attacks? That made him watch his back. He was very ticklish.
He slowly began walking away, keeping his eyes and ears out for anything amiss.
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arcstral · 4 years
☄ – A long hug
☄     //     a  long  hug  !!
               AS   THE   PARTICULAR   occasion seemingly demands, there are many students who have chosen to partake in an outspoken language of love. Exchanging sweet embraces with those of their fondest choosing, and indiscriminately at that with friends and lovers alike. The holiday is an endearing one but also a touch strange to the prince. Did he and his own loved ones ever require a formal reason to hold each other? Surely not if there are any number of such experiences that he can vividly remember..
               The smooth feeling of Caeda’s neatly combed head, otter-sleek, tucked beneath his chin comes to mind for one; the perfume on her neck rubbing faintly into his tunic. A protective squeeze of Elice’s embrace, or their lady mother’s before the war tore them apart, stroking over her young son’s hair by the hearth as they considered the castle ramparts cloaked by snow. Good old Merric as well, whose sensations varied in the cradle of his arms as he grew progressively older and taller. From a sickly-pale, spindly little thing that trembled at any grip of Marth’s fingers exceeding a certain force, to.. Well; now a comparatively sturdy young man.
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               The fog of reminiscence that has so nostalgically wrapped itself around the prince clears away, grounding him firmly in the mage’s present embrace as he rouses. “Mmm.. Forgive me, I was only just thinking that this moment reminds me of the past. Elice always did say we were inseparable, didn’t she? Clinging so insistently to one another 'like a pair of sea-monkeys'..” Laughing, he pulls his face away from the ticklish clumps of green hair but presses it into his friend’s shoulder. Soon closing his eyes in a moment of respite. Slumber, one might almost ascertain, at his peaceful expression and the long stretch of time for which they remained interlocked. “..It would be nice if we stayed like this. For just a little longer.”
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escaflowme · 5 years
Part 3: The Princess and the Knight
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Authors’ Notes: This is an English translation of the first chapter of Vol 4 of the Escaflowne NewType Novels, affectionately called “the Marlene Chapter”. Translation was done by Fayrinferno and scanning/beta reading/editing was done by Pikafwance (escaflowme).  Please note that the chapter will be posted in four parts between Escaflowme and Heavenlydragon. Please enjoy our hard work! The next day started off with rain. Marlene opened her eyes at the sounds of soft raindrops amplified by the gusts of wind.
It led only to a small rooftop, usually deserted. Ever since she was small, Marlene would climb to the rooftop whenever she wanted to be alone. There, amongst other things, she would read and hide small treasures from her little sisters.
Oh?! Someone was there.
In an instant, she felt like she always knew who she would find at that place. The golden color wasn’t even clouded by the screen of rain. Breath held, she made her way to him silently, the sound of her bare feet barely audible over the rain. Yet he turned around and faced Marlene as if he knew that she was coming.
“Ma-… milady…” His fine eyebrows knitted in a puzzled expression. Marlene approached him slowly and wordlessly.
“…You will catch a cold.” Allen muttered a bit dumbfounded.
“What about you?” Marlene put her hand on his shoulder. His golden hair clung like wet ribbons to his white shirt sleeve.
“Well,” she breathed out a laugh, “if you are alright, then so am I.” How long was this young knight standing here, Marlene wondered. A ticklish sensation inside her chest made her amused.
“Please return to your room,” Allen said dryly.
“No,” she said clearly, smiling as she looked into his shocked face. “Not until I have an answer.”
Confused and speechless, the knight did not know how to respond.
“What answer… you may want to ask, right?” Marlene said and looked straight at Allen.
His features relaxed as he responded. “Yes.”
“I ask myself, if I was maybe waiting for you.” Allen watched her wordlessly.
Even though she was two years his elder, blood rose to her cheeks as she came to her senses a bit. “I am sorry. I am bothering you.”
“No.” Allen leaned down and lifted his hands to brush the water off Marlene’s shoulder.
“I always wanted to know…” Marlene said, looking down. “What does it mean to be alive?”
The knight removed his uniform vest and placed it on her shoulders carefully. [1] The rain became a drizzle and whirled around the two like a thick haze.
“Do you honestly think I could answer that?” Allen said, almost in a whisper.
“I believe you are the only one who can,” Marlene smiled, looking into his eyes that were the color of a bright night sky. The deep feeling in her chest could not stop throbbing. The ever-present sweet pain traveled up her throat, and welled up in her eyes.
“If I don’t hear an answer, I feel like I can’t live anymore.” Upon hearing that, a sad smile appeared on Allen’s face for the first time.
“You mustn’t talk like that.”
“It’s the truth, though.” Marlene moved to separate herself from the knight. Allen’s arm held her back before she could disappear within the whirling mist.
He was so tall.
The firm arm that pulled her back revealed that its owner was a strong man. Marlene’s body froze.
“Please return to your room.”
“No.” Marlene heard her own voice tremble. Even with her freezing bare feet, her body did not feel cold. Why she was not shivering at all, she did not know.
“Eh?” At hearing Allen mutter something unintelligible, Marlene’s face rose up. Her eyes met with his.
Before either knew what was happening, the two were tightly embracing.
Allen remained silent but Marlene felt as if she had obtained her answer, cheek pressed against his chest. “I am alive,” she murmured as they continued to embrace wordlessly.
“You don’t seem to sigh so much anymore these days,” Ditoa said, clearing the breakfast tray away.
“Seems like it,” Marlene said cheerfully, standing up. “Did I really look that worried?”
Ditoa seemed to be looking for an answer, but then nodded. “A while ago, you seemed to have been tired of having nothing to do. You looked bored.”
“Ah,” Marlene said, “it was really just that, I was bored.”
Ditoa let out a big sigh, spreading her arms. “Whenever Her Highness is like that, the festivities tend to be sullied by the end. In fact, I found myself dozing off as well.”
“Hahaha, come now,” Marlene said, laughing, and exited the room.
“Oh, by the way, Your Highness, this afternoon, we host the envoy from Freid. Please return in time for the preparations.”
“Understood!” Marlene called back to Ditoa who ran out after her as she hurried down the corridor.
Through the courtyard and past the ramparts, she entered the grounds behind the castle.
Facing the thick, dark forest on the hillside, she looked around a bit before entering without hesitation. Stepping onto the forest undergrowth, she shed the sandals she had been wearing and continued barefoot. One step after another, she relished the feeling of soft grass under her bare feet.
The light shining through the leaves drew arabesques on the forest carpet; the voice of birds and occasional rustling wind tickled her ears.
Stepping around the tree trunk, she entered deeper into the woods.
Finally, she reached a spring in the deep, dark parts of the forest. The only source of light was the rays of sun reflected within the lake’s surface, creating a kaleidoscope-like effect on the surrounding forest. Marlene looked around, standing by the bank of the spring. Here, even the rustling of leaves and calls of birds grew faint. Those who made it all the way to this place could feel the presence of times long past.
Marlene sat down and dipped her hot feet in the water. She let out a happy sigh. Narrowing her eyes, she watched the water glimmer with the small splashes she created.
“Kya!” Marlene shrieked as her view was suddenly obstructed. Long fingers pressed on her eyelids gently and the sound of stifling laughter was heard above her head…
“Allen?” In a flash, she pushed the hands away and threw a fistful of water at him.
The waterdrops intermingled with blonde hair, dazzling. Laughing, they both collapsed onto the grass. For a short while they continued chuckling until their breaths calmed down and they embraced, looking up to the sky through the treetops. When the clouds started appearing in the sky, they finally rose.
“You’re late.”
“I rushed here as soon as I could.” Allen made a worried face at the pouting Marlene.
“It’s alright. As long as you come,” Marlene put her hand on Allen’s cheek and brought him closer, “even waiting is fun.”
“Really?” Allen asked tenderly.
“Have I ever lied to you?” Marlene said, sulking a bit.
Allen leaned over her with a smile, covered her hands with his and brought his lips closer to hers.
During their long, silent kiss, the stillness seemed even more than usual. As their lips joined, Marlene fell back onto the soft grass while Allen’s kisses proceeded down from the ridge of her lips to her jaw and then her neck.
“Ah…” A husky breath left her throat and her exposed ivory shoulder shone with dew. Her thin arms embraced the wide back and entangled in his long blonde hair.
“If only we could stay like this forever,” Marlene murmured, lying on her side in Allen’s arms. Her heated, moist eyes gazed towards the water’s surface.
Allen said nothing as he hid his face in her blonde waves.
“Father will surely forgive you,” Marlene said as if to reassure herself more than him. “He would do anything I’d ask of him.”
“Lady Marlene…” Allen did not seem convinced. “Don’t say such things…”
“But…” Marlene hung her head, on the verge of tears. Why did King Aston seem blind to Allen’s excellent work? Even though he seemed to have accepted Allen as one of them, there was no special treatment compared to the knights from other clans.
This exclusion was something even Marlene felt, and the true shape of Aston’s values seemed to uncover before her. If Marlene had never met Allen, perhaps she would have never gotten to see this side of him… But now, fully aware, she felt disgust and repulsion towards her own father. The respect and love she had always felt for him put her in a difficult position. The relationship between Allen and her father was already paper-thin. If he knew of this, it would tear, she was certain.
The only thing Marlene could do was to keep her meetings with Allen secret from her father’s eyes. She could not, did not want to think of anything else to do right now.
It is not the time to think about this yet.
Marlene continued to tell that to herself.
“We have to go now,” Allen said, which made Marlene shake her head in denial. He wrapped his arms around her full breasts as if to hide them, embracing her with gentle strength.
“I want to stay like this forever…” she pinned his arms down with hers. Like this, their beings could melt into one. Even though she did not say it, she still strongly hoped it would happen.
The wheel of fortune turned still, regardless of anyone’s wishes. Before the moon had even turned, Marlene received a sentence from King Aston.
“Me? Why am I to go to Freid?”
Aston shook his head amiably. “I thought this decision would make you happy? After all, a women’s happiness lies within marriage. Especially since it’s His Excellency, the world-renowned Duke of Freid…”
“I haven’t even met that person before!” Marlene said with a dejected face.
“But I have,” Aston said, full of himself, “You could not find such a man even if you searched. What’s more, this royal marriage will strengthen the alliance of both countries and will give way to a prosperous future the likes of which Asturia has never seen before!
It’s certainly not just my happiness that father is concerned about, Marlene thought silently.
She did not want anything else but peace and prosperity for Asturia herself. Still, the modest happiness she now had was more important to her than that great cause.
“Am I no longer obliged to stay in Asturia, to serve the country?” Marlene tried, well aware that once her father made up his mind, his resolve was unbending.
“No need to worry about that,” Aston replied immediately. “If it’s the succession you are worried about, you have no obligations. There’s still Eries and Millerna. Especially since Duke Freid specifically asked for your hand. That is beyond fortunate.”
Marlene bit her lip.
“Don’t make such a long face,” said Aston gently, as expected, when he caught Marlene’s clouded expression. “I know it feels lonely to leave your family, but your presence in Freid would prove far more helpful than merely staying here. I may be deep in your debt, soon.”
Marlene hung her head wordlessly.
“Your Highness? ”Ditoa’s voice gently probed the dark room. “Why are you staying in the dark?”
Marlene did not answer, sitting limply on a chair near the window. Instead, she chose to face the night sky with hollow eyes. Warm light entered the room, causing a dim reflection in her pupils.
“Your Highness, I heard the news about the wedding,” she came to Marlene’s side and curtsied, taking her skirt in her hands. “Congratulations.”
“Does this really deserve a congratulation?” Marlene said defeatedly, unmoving.
“Eh?” Ditoa looked at her, perplexed. “I thought this was a happy occasion.”
“Is it, now?”
Ditoa stroked Marlene’s hand calmingly. “Perhaps you are just anxious? I was shocked myself when I heard the sudden news.”
Ditoa’s plump hand stayed gently on Marlene’s. “If it’s that person, you have nothing to worry about. His Majesty, Duke of Freid, is said to be unparalleled among the men of Gaea for his virtue [2] and selflessness [3].”
A small smile curled Marlene’s lips. “If he is really like that, perhaps he should have chosen a finer princess.”
“What are you saying?” Ditoa’s voice gained a slightly angry tone. “Where would he find a better noble daughter than Her Highness? For me, you are the first among Gaean princesses. If he chose you then it is clear that Duke Freid is a man of fine tastes… if I do say so myself.”
“You and your grand words again,” Marlene smiled wryly. “I am just a child who has never even left this country, lucky to be born as the king’s daughter.”
“No,” Ditoa shook her head resolutely. “You were meant to be born to a royal family. I feel that you have the power of destiny on your side.”
“Destiny…?” Marlene turned to the handmaiden. “Are you really saying I have that kind of power?”
Ditoa smiled sweetly. “Why else would all of this happen?”
Thinking of the kindness of this good and honest handmaiden, Marlene barely suppressed the urge to tell her the truth. After preparing her bed, Ditoa had left Marlene to herself and the dim light again.
If I had the power to change my destiny…
I wouldn’t have stayed silent when my father told me what to do, she stood up, shaking her head.
I don’t have that kind of power. Not on my own.
She threw on her light shawl and her feet led her to the balcony.
The cool blue light of the twin moons illuminated the area. The light shoes made of thin soft leather made no sound as she climbed the stairs up to the rooftop.
“Lady Marlene?”
“Allen!” She did not know he would be there but instinctively jumped to his arms with no hesitation.
Allen held her form without words. They embraced motionlessly for a while, still like statues. Then, as if waking from a daze, Marlene found the strength to voice her worries, still pressed against Allen’s chest.
“Did you hear already…?”
Allen nodded above her and softly said, “Congratulations, Lady Marlene.”
Marlene raised her head as soon as she heard that.
“I don’t want to go to Freid.” Was that anguish that passed over Allen’s face?
“Why do I have to leave with someone I don’t even know?” Marlene felt the world blur before her. “You are the only one I want to be with. If you were to go with me…” Marlene swallowed down her words.
What am I saying… that I could bear becoming Duke Freid’s wife if Allen went with me?
She quickly averted her blushing face. Whether the knight caught her words or not, she did not know, but he watched her intently.
What can I ask of Allen…?
The level-headed thinking she obtained as a princess kicked in immediately. She could not forget that Allen had his own circumstances. She regarded him with her tear-filled eyes.
She observed his tall, slender, yet finely sculpted figure, his handsome, mature expression… yet she knew his impulsive boyishness peeked through at times, which did not take away from his charms.
The knight was younger than herself. To make his debut at such a young age was thanks to his prowess with the sword. It was a feat that proved unmatched amongst his peers. Bearing his family circumstances, he had only started on his journey to wash away the stigma left by his father, which led him up to this point. Losing his future because of an affair, that would be unforgivable.
If Allen himself wanted that…
Marlene examined his expression. He looked as if he was resigned to any conclusion, staring back at her.
Without realizing, Marlene shook her head slightly.
Allen would never make that decision himself.
If Marlene wanted, he would throw everything away for her, but she herself had too much to lose.
This is the fate of a woman born into a royal family, and of a knight.
She was well aware that for the future of a commercial country of the likes of Asturia, an alliance with a military power such as Freid was vital.
If I tried to cling to the love I have with Allen…
In truth, she may not be able to protect his safety from Father’s wrath, they would both have to flee the country and what’s more, the crack in the relations with Freid would seem unavoidable. In such case, Father may offer Eries in Marlene’s stead. Maybe Duke Freid asked for her hand, but her father could possibly make him change his mind, and for King Aston, it did not really matter which daughter would be married off.
Marlene bit her lip.
I don’t want my little sisters to end up in a situation like mine.  One or the other, they are too young to be married off to a foreign family.
I am the only one who must be burdened with this harsh fate, Marlene thought.
“Allen.” Marlene brushed away the tears from her lashes and looked straight at him.
“Lady Marlene.” For the first time, Allen’s expression became somewhat pained as he looked at her.
Marlene smiled gently at him. “By meeting you, I really got to know what it means to be alive. It is thanks to you that I can go on living.”
“My life will always belong to you as well,” he said in a low voice.
“Thank you.” Marlene smiled, barely holding back her tears. “I guess it’s time to go now.” Allen softly pulled her towards him and stopped moving. “I’ll see you off.”  The deep blue of Allen’s eyes as he stared at her seemed to burn itself into her memory.
If she would say anything more, she felt as if her tears would overflow again, and her resolve would crumble. So her lips stayed silent.
The bright shine of the double moons dimmed momentarily. Unconsciously trying to catch a glimpse of Allen’s shadowed expression, Marlene barely stopped herself from stepping towards him.
“Come now, you need to go,” even at Marlene’s words, Allen did not move.
How much time could have passed?  Was it just a dark cloud floating before the Moon, or did it make a full turn? When the moonlight hit the scene again, there was only a flutter of blonde hair.
She all but stopped herself from chasing after him desperately, and just watched his retreating figure. With the last glimpse of gold, her physical strength finally left her and she collapsed. The dam was broken and tears overflowed, clouding her vision.
She pushed her fists against the stone floor.
Allen, I love you so much!
The wind got stronger, comforting her tear-stricken cheeks coldly.
[1]  Original sentence: “Allen brushed the water off her other shoulder softly.” We have taken the liberty to change this part as it flowed better and corresponded with the illustration of this scene in the novel.
[2]  noble; lofty; high-minded; virtuous; upright
[3]  honesty; integrity; purity and unselfishness
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Conversations with a FireBird
Another short based on Limbo by the always amazing @naiyabladesinger. My darling Savrog.  no warnings just a bit of general reflection from the royal birdie. Masterlist
Sadie couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t the first time but tonight hot milk wasn’t helping so she picked up one of the many books she had in her room and glanced over the index. Something popped out at her and grabbed her attention. ‘Phoenix - Firebird’. She smiled as she thought of her adopted Sister and her Soul bird. Turning the tomb to the page in question it was a very beautiful illustration of a Phoenix.
A Phoenix is a elemental creature from the planes of fire. They were once abundant but became a rare sight in recent times. They read, write and speak in Ignan but while that is their mother tongue they are also said to able to understand and speak other languages. They have been around for a long time after all.
The documented fate of the species cuts out at a set point in time and was not well documented to begin with. What is certain is that a Phoenix is a righteous bird. It literally burns away the cruelty and corruption around it with its light and fire. Rebirth is triggered during death when it is reborn from the ashes. There are times rebirth will not be possible and at that point death is all that awaits.
Other references referring to Phoenix include twin flames, striking an accord with fire creatures and how to keep your Phoenix happy. See other books by same author or seek a local creature expert.
“Well i don’t know about creature experts but i know where i can find the right bird to find out more.” Sadie put the book to one side and powered by her own curiosity went in search of their usually friendly resident firebird. “I may just take him some Marshmallows just in case.”
He was sitting on a gargoyle on one of the castle ramparts in the east wing. If it wasn’t for his burning light he might even have managed to pass as one of the statues. He heard Sadie approach and turned to her. He was polite enough not to ignore a visitor even if they weren’t invited.
“Hello Princess.” The Firebirds voice was quiet but held heat to it. It was like conversing with a campfire.
“Hello Savrog. When will you stop calling me that?” Sadie smiled despite feeling slightly awkward. Precious few people close to her called her by her title using it as a title.
“It is your title i would not wish to call you less than you are and cause offence.” Savrog gave a little inclination of his head, his beak dropping a little in her direction. He looked regal in his relaxed state it reminded her of how Nobunaga reclined in his seat at council meetings.
“It doesn’t cause me offence to be referred to as Sadie. The formality of titles and everything makes me feel ticklish so if you can would you call me Sadie?” She implored him as nicely as she could. It wouldn’t do to annoy him without Aerion around to calm him he could set light to the entire East wing.
“I will consider it.” Savrog climbed down with a light plop to stand next to her and Sadie smiled. He was warm. It was little wonder that Mitsuhide had taken to asking if he would spend time in his office with him when he was working particularly hard. It was one of the few rooms in the castle where there was no risk of fire damage. Mitsuhide often incinerated anything of importance anyway so his room was already Phoenix proofed.
“So what brings you to the roof?” He was curious.
“I couldn’t sleep and i found a old tomb that spoke of your ancestry.” Sadie spoke honestly there was no need to lie.
“It couldn’t have been a very large book. My kind didn’t document things well. Something about stacks of parchment and birds made of fire… hazardous.” The way Savrog spoke reminded her of a late night intro to a twilight zone episode it made her giggle.
“Well it was more a few paragraphs IN a book. But it sparked my interest and i thought the best creature to answer that was you. If you would be so kind as to tell me of course.” Sadie gave a little shrug.
“I have no plans for the evening save contemplating memories of the past. I should be happy to allay your curiosity.” Savrog settled into a comfortable position next to her tucking his wings in and giving himself a light preen as he arranged some feathers.
“Thank you. I did bring you a gift.” Sadie conjured up a seat next to him and offered him the plate of marshmallows she had taken from the kitchen on the way there.
“You intended to bribe me to get information if i was unwilling to talk?” If it was possible to wrinkle a beak in an expression of mild disdain she was sure that Savrog would have managed it. He was a straight forward just like Aerion both prefered honesty anything that felt like a dirty trick ruffled their feathers.
“No i would have given them to you freely whether you chose to talk to me or not. I only hoped you would be willing to have a conversation.” Sadie kept eye contact with him while he seemed to be rolling through his own list of checks in his head as to if he should trust her or not.
“Then i thank you for you kindness. Now sit and tell me what you wish to know.” Savrog plucked up on square lump from the plate a twinkle in his eyes as he pinched it in his talons watching its plyable sugary form before popping it in his beak. A small content ‘mmm’ rumbling from his mouth as he enjoyed the treat.
Sadie smiled and had to suppress a loud laugh as Savrog’s feathers bristled in happiness making it look like he had puffed up, before they settled once more into a smooth sleek appearance. It was nice to see him like this normally you wouldn’t see him so relaxed except with Aerion.
"Well all the texts i can find on your species say you are born again from ashes and restart life all over.”
"Rebirth, that is correct. We also retain memories of our past. It is both a blessing and a curse." Savrog had a nostalgic look in his eye as he answered.
"So can you explain a bit more about your kind? The texts said that you became a rare sight so there must have been a time when that wasn’t the case."
"I am the first and possibly the last of my kind. I was not joking and i did not use any falsehood when i said that i am a god of flame. That was my kinds title for the prime recarnates.There was a time when phoenix could be found all over the eternal fire plane we were a common and majestic sight.” Savrog pulled himself up and puffed out his chest proudly.
“Prime recarnates?”
“I suppose the closest translation would be royal family. The first of our kind in creation.” Slumping back into a relaxed pose Savrog popped another marshmallow into his beak.
“So you are what something like a Prince?” Sadie leaned forward like a child being read a fascinating story.
“Something like that. Anyway to answer your question as to what happened to our numbers over the centuries. It started a long time ago, we were hunted. It is the sad fate of a lot of living creatures. people believed we could regenerate the dead and thought we were the key for immortality. it was a stupid idea but once a idea reaches a large number of minds collectively it becomes more than just a stupid idea. it becomes a death sentence, at least for us." his face pulled in a wince as he recalled the past.
"But rebirth, you can regenerate yourselves from ashes. I am a little confused as to how you can be part of Aerion. I mean you didn’t come from ashes you came from her."
"Again correct. You are familiar with the need to adapt in order to survive Princess? That is what happened. A twin flame, it was a gift of salvation granted to us. Only a small number of us were given it.”
“Where did the twin flame come from? You talked about it at the awakening but I’m afraid i still don’t understand.”
“Don’t worry you are young. I would be concerned if you prefer to remain in ignorance rather than seek knowledge. The mark of a true and competent leader is to seek truth and apply it to their current situations. The gift of twin flame was granted to us after we approached one of the 12 in search of aid to save ourselves. We were told that our salvation depended on the ability to find our match.”
“Well that is nice and vague. I suppose they have always been cryptic in their descriptions.” Sadie frowned.
“Exactly and their prophecies are as just as difficult to read and understand.”
“There’s a couple of visiting Arch angels that would agree with you completely on that one.” The both chuckled at that
“Anyway the twin flame was a stage that was similar to standard rebirth. When we die and turn to ash we can be reborn from that ash when we die and twin flame is activated we are placed into a new form.”
“New form?” “A new vassel. I think it is easier to grasp if you think of pouring one bowl into another.”
“So when you die you have to find a new bowl to pour yourself into? Like a possession.”
“I wouldn’t call it possession but you aren’t entirely wrong. You are smart Princess. The select few Phoenix gifted with the twin flame were both blessed and cursed. The salvation of our kind was put in the hands of fate that day. In order to continue to survive we had to find a matching soul in another being. It isn’t the same as possession or as others have once said being a parasite. It is deeper and stronger it is a bond in the fabric of two beings woven together. Our souls were split and scattered among the sands of time, set to be bestowed on the new creations of life at some point in the future. Most of the select few could not find the other half of themselves and without being able to connect to it they eventually dwindled and faded away. The failed hosts were destroyed in the fire as the flames died.”
"So the “ashes” are the ones that failed before."
"Yes the ashes are the past failures."
"What happens now if something happens to Aerion?"
"Good question. It has never happened before to me so i can only speculate but. I am currently whole. My other half has been found and we are connected. While she lives so do i i might even be able to do a successful rebirth.”
“And if she is dead?”
“Then with my match already having been found, both she and I would cease to exist.”
It was a solemn declaration and Sadie did not miss the look of remorse on Savrog’s face as he bent his head and a small puff of steam appeared near his eye. Was he crying? Sadie stood and moved to the birds side and gave him a hug. He stiffened at first before raising one front foot and returning the sentiment. There was no judgement there just basic understanding.
He loved Aerion she was both part of him and herself all in one. She was happy with Uriel and content. Savrog wanted her happiness and her joy was also his. It was a strange love triangle but this sometimes jealous, hotheaded, sarcastic firebird was as hot as blazing sun but also as soft and sweet as his favorite treat.
It made Sadie smile as she thought of all the things he had said and done. She had been right, he was a good bird. Not that anything that was part of Aerion could have been anything different. Their combined light and power was blinding and a bond like that was special in its own right. Pulling away from the Phoenix when she felt him relax a bit more and stop trembling she felt very tired all of a sudden. It was a lot of information to digest and anything else she wished to ask could wait for another night.
“I had better return to my chambers before Hideyoshi starts panicking.” Sadie bowed to Savrog lightly as she bid him good night. “Good night Savrog. Thank you for the company and conversation.” she turned to walk away and as she reached the door for the spiral staircase she heard him speak.
“Sweet dreams … Sadie.”
She smiled as she descended from the roof quietly thinking of a way to possibly build something on the roof by way of a shelter for him. He should have his own room.
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angelatmidnight1 · 2 years
Rampart Tickle Headcanons
I decided to scrap the old tickle headcanons for Rampart and Mirage cause I wasn’t feeling them. I like these a lot better, hope you guys like them too!
Pushing an 8/10 for how ticklish she is, but she won’t be easy to get to.
It’s more likely that she’ll turn the tables on whoever is trying to tickle her.
The other option is that she’ll try to take the person’s head off.
“Ey, you lookin to keep yer hands? Best keep ‘em to yourself then.”
Tickling her isn’t for the weak; she’s the type to throw hands until she’s pinned down.
She has to be pinned down for her ler’s safety.
Worst spot are her ribs, and she’s most susceptible to gentle tickles.
If you knead the spaces between the ribs or, better yet, the fleshy part just underneath, she’ll snort.
She will threaten her ler the entire time, but it’s hard to take her seriously with how hard she’s laughing. 
As a ler, she dishes out teases like it’s going out of style. As a lee, it gets her flustered almost immediately.
So if you call her laughter cute (which it kinda is honestly), she’ll call you a bloody liar while laughing herself silly.
She’s as stubborn as she is ticklish, so if you’re trying to get her to do something, you’ll be there for a while.
But if you do manage to win the tickle fight, consider yourself among the elites.
…And look into new sleeping arrangements, because she’s coming for you.
Ramya’s a hellraiser, and the same holds true when it comes to tickling
She trash talks people for fun, so if she finds out you’re ticklish, that’s just another reason to do it.
She’s a menace and pushes people’s buttons, so it didn’t take her long to figure out how ticklish you are.
She’ll jokingly call you weak and jab you in the side to make a point, but she wasn’t counting on you to squeal.
“That hurt? I barely touched ya! Damn, they’ll let anyone compete nowadays, huh?”
She’ll poke you again, gentler this time, and everything clicks when you giggle.
If you weren’t afraid of her before, now you should be.
Ramya’s ruthless and will tickle you for any reason under the sun.
If you don’t give her what she wants, she’ll tickle you.
If you do give her what she wants, she’ll tickle you anyway cause she’s bored.
She’s not afraid to scrap with anyone, so she has no problem wrestling you down.
Rougher tickles are normally her jam, but she’s not picky, as long as her victim is in stitches.
She’ll make fun of you as she’s wrecking you.
“Aw, ya ain’t gonna cry for yer mum, are ya? We’re just havin’ a good time! ...Well, I am, anyway.”
When she stops, she’ll say something like “Yeesh, you look like crap. Go fix yourself up...maybe brush your teeth while you’re at it.”
Don’t sass her unless you think you can take her on, or she’ll have you crying laughing.
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angelatmidnight1 · 3 years
hey so earlier i made a rampart/ valk request, and later came across this post https://twitter.com/CaitySecret/status/1384677115132616706?s=19 and thought it would make for a better/ nicer prompt since mirage could easily overpower rampart and that could catch valk's attention sooo yeah ;) thnx :p
Put It On My Tab
After a rough match, Valkyrie’s jetpack is out of commission, so she takes it to Rampart’s workshop for repairs. She has some “frequent flyer miles” with the modder and normally gets the work done for little or no charge...until today, that is. Although Ramya doesn’t mind doing solids for her friends, she hasn’t received a dime from Kairi, and doesn’t want to give a pass this time. No amount of convincing and promises work this go round, so what’s a flightless pilot to do? Well, Kairi’s a woman of many talents, and one of those talents is charming women off their feet. She makes a comment that, surprisingly, makes Ramya blush. And when Mirage joins the fray, it all goes downhill from there, especially when Elliott reveals how ticklish she is.
“C’mon Ramya, just hear me out…”
Valkyrie tried to appeal to Rampart again, but the modder held up a hand to silence her. Her damaged jetpack sat in the center of a table in Ramya’s workshop, which the younger woman circled slowly. Rampart stuck her hand out and grabbed one of the wings, muttering to herself. Just touching it almost made it come off completely because of how bent it was. She tsked and shook her head, slipping the welder’s hood over her face.
“Oh, you wanna tell me how ya screwed the pooch here? Knock yourself out.” Ramya scoffed. She grabbed her welder from under the table, took the bent wing, and went to work. Kairi rolled her eyes and hopped into a nearby stool, putting her feet up on the accompanying table.
“Well, I do participate in a literal bloodsport. Things tend to get a little--” Another piece fell off the jetpack, and Ramya cursed under her breath. She raised the table higher. Valkyrie sighed. “...Things tend to get a little flash fried, from time to time. Kinda comes with the package.”
Ramya welded together what she could and turned it off. She lifted the hood off her face, spinning the jetpack around so the pilot could see the damage for herself. “Yep, but thrusters, fuel tanks, jets…’fraid that comes outta pocket, mate.”
Kairi looked at her, giving her a sheepish, but hopeful grin. “Good thing I have those frequent flyer miles, huh? From the Rampart herself?”
Surprisingly, Ramya shook her head. “Nope, this one’s on you.” She corrected, ducking underneath the table and fishing out a cold soda from her cooler. She popped it open and took a swig, plopping down next to the now-gaping Valkyrie.
“What?” The pilot spat, swinging her legs off the table. “Why? What happened to my tab?”
Ramya arched her brow, staring at her like she had two heads. “Hey, I put it on your tab the last time ya totaled this, and that was just a few weeks ago. This ain’t comin’ outta my pocket.”
“Ramyaaa…” Valkyrie whined, earning an exasperated look from the modder.
“I told you to buy the extended warranty. And what’d you say? Nah, it’s no big deal. I’ll take good care of her. Won’t even get a scratch.” Rampart made her voice a bit higher, mocking her, before taking another swig of her soda. “I guess you were right about one thing. Ya didn’t just get a scratch, you blew the bloody wings off, too.”
“Alright, alright.” Kairi threw her hands in the air, conceding. “You’re right. I shoulda listened to you and got the warranty. I got it. Just cover me this one last time, and I’ll make it up to you.”
Rampart sighed and shook her head. “I can’t, Kairi. You did a doozy on your baby here, and it’s gonna cost a lot to get it fixed. I’d help ya if I could, but you’re gonna have to eat this one.”
Valk groaned, snaking her fingers through her hair. “Well, can you at least tell me what the damage is?”
Ramya told her, and the pilot nearly fell out of her chair. “I don’t have that kind of money! Look, just put it on my tab, and I’ll pay ya back as soon as I’m able to.”
“Sorry, no can-do.” With that, the modder hopped off her stool. She downed the rest of her soda, tossed it in a trash bin, and immediately stuffed her face with some gum. “I wouldn’t worry too much about it.” She continued, half chewing with her back facing Kairi. “There aren’t any games for the next couple of days. You should be able to come up with something by then. Besides, a lil walkin’ never hurt anyone.”
“I’m a pilot. Pilots fly.” Kairi frowned. She climbed off her stool too and gently put her hand on her right shoulder, making her turn around. “Don’t make me beg, Ramya. You’re a businesswoman, and I wanna do business. Can’t we make a deal?”
It looked like Rampart was going to shrug her off, so Valk pressed on, slightly backing her towards the table. She brought her free hand up to put it on her other shoulder. “How about this: I give you half of what you need now, you start the repairs and…” She smiled, giving the modder a subtle once-over before gently squeezing her shoulders. Kairi wasn’t sure where she and Loba stood at the moment, so a little bit of flirting wouldn’t hurt, right? “Maybe I could take you out on the town tonight, show you a good time. I may not have my jetpack, but I think I could still take you to Cloud Nine.”
Now Ramya was convinced she was crazy. The absurdity of her offer made her burst out laughing, and she pushed the pilot away. “No way am I sleepin’ with you, Kairi. That ain’t the kind of business I run.” She snickered, wiping a tear from her eye. Valkyrie cocked her head to the side, giving the modder an amused look.
“...What’re you talking about?” Kairi chuckled. She crossed her arms against her chest and leaned back against the table, grinning. “Cloud Nine is the name of a bar, Ramya. And I normally get there by flying. I was talking about getting drinks.”
Ramya blinked, whirling around to face the grinning pilot. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. She never missed a beat in any of her conversations. Never! So, to make such a blunder left her speechless, and made her feel that much more embarrassed. “Well, why didn’t you just bloody say that!” She yelled, her face turning bright red. “I’ve never been there!”
“Clearly not.” Kairi laughed, side stepping the modder so she didn’t get punched. “Whoa, easy! I love a rough woman just as much as anyone, but we’ve gotta slow down.”
Rampart growled. “There ain’t no we, especially since I know you still have the hots for Loba.” She fired back. Valk narrowed her eyes, making Ramya smirk, but she quickly recovered.
“Aw, I didn’t take you for the jealous type. That’s kinda cute.” Kairi answered coyly, laughing as the modder lunged at her again. “Hey! What did I say?! If you’re this eager, maybe we should skip drinks and get a room, huh?”
Ramya shouted, making another swing at her, only to miss her by inches. Kairi was just as nimble on the ground as she was in the air, but Rampart was determined to take her down. She lunged again, but Kairi caught her wrists, so Ramya swept her leg over hers and tripped her. Valkyrie yelped, accidentally letting go of her, and fighting to get her off of her waist. So, when Mirage stepped into the workshop, wanting to bring her snacks while she worked, there was quite a scene in front of him. He blinked, closing the door behind him, and approached the feuding women.
“Sheesh, Ramya. You call that customer service?” Elliott chuckled. Valkyrie’s head popped up at the sound of his voice while she pushed at Ramya’s shoulders.
“Little help here?! She’s crazy!” Kairi yelped, having to bite her lip when Ramya prodded at her ribs. If she wanted a reason to laugh, Ramya was gonna give her one. Rampart perked up, noticing her expression, but Mirage had gotten behind her before she could push further.
“Pfft, don’t I know it. Come on, Ramps, leave her alone.” Elliot spoke, reaching under her arms to lift her up. “There’s no need to fight! Let’s just, ya know, talk it out.”
Rampart flinched and brought her arms down over his hands. Now, instead of trying to pummel Kairi, she had to fend him off. “No! You didn’t hear what she said!” She snapped. She squeezed her left arm against her side while batting at Witt’s arm. Problem was, Elliott had a hand on each of her armpits, and he didn’t need a reason to tickle her. Hell, he’d do it for free! Mirage smiled, winking at Valkyrie, before shrugging.
“Alright, you brought this on yourself.” He sighed, wiggling his fingernails against her armpits. Ramya squeaked, her eyes widening, and she hugged both arms against her sides.
“Nohoho!” Ramya yelled, her giggling growing louder and more prominent the faster he scratched. She swung her torso around and wildly flailed her arms. “Dahahahamn it! Geheheheht off mehehehe, Elliohohohott!”
Elliott laughed and kept on tickling, making her flop against the ground. That’s when he stopped and hooked his arms around her torso, pulling her backwards so that her back was flush against his chest. Rampart screamed and lurched forward, but the trickster pulled her back and held her wrists above her head. Valkyrie watched the scene with interest.
“Yikes, what’s up with her?” She asked, smirking. Kairi sat up and smiled at the modder, whose face was now red for an entirely different reason. Rampart fought against Mirage’s hold with all her strength, especially as Valk inched closer to them.
“Oh, you didn’t know?” Mirage grinned, putting both of her wrists in his left hand. Then, he squeezed at her side, earning some loud giggles. “Rami here is really ticklish. But don’t tell anyone! She hasn’t come to terms with it yet.” He continued, beaming down at his roommate. “Isn’t that right, Ramya?”
Rampart’s face burned red from exterion and embarrassment as she drummed her legs against the floor, shaking her head. “Nohohohoho! Gehehehet thehe hell off meehehehehehehe!” She repeated, bucking her hips when he poked her stomach. He poked a couple times before he vibrated his hand against her tummy, making her scream. “Stahahahahahah! I’m gohohohnna--gohohohohnna kill yohuhuhu--”
It was Kairi’s turn to laugh as she plopped down on top of the modder’s legs, further pinning her down. Rampart cursed and bucked her hips, trying to throw her off, so the pilot grabbed them and curiously drilled her fingers into the bones.
“GAH! Kahahahahari dohohohn’t yohuhuhu tohohouch mehehehehe!” Ramya squealed. The goal was to sound menacing, but she only sounded like an even gigglier schoolgirl. She threw her torso around, trying to pull away from her fingers, making Valk chuckle.
“Or what? You gonna laugh?” Kairi teased, squeezing her hips a few times before she trailed to her sides. Instead of wrecking her, she gently stroked and pinched them, drawing out another squeak and a fresh wave of giggles. “Whoa, you weren’t kidding, Elliott. Ya know, it’d be a real shame if I somehow found out where she’s most ticklish. For informational purposes, of course.”
Ramya’s head snapped up to Elliott, who’d stopped tickling her stomach, moreso focused on keeping her pinned down. He met her glare and smirked.
“Yeah, that’d be terrible, wouldn’t it? I’d hate to be in your shoes, Ramya, if Kairi here knew about--”
“DOHOHOHOHN’T!” The modder screamed all of a sudden when Kairi buried her fingers into her exposed armpits, scratching furiously. Her frantic giggling spiked up to laughter and she writhed in his hold. “DOHOHOHN’T SAHAHY IT, YAHA IHIHDIOT!”
Mirage playfully gasped, poking and scraping at her neck. Ramya sputtered and whipped her head around, laughing louder. “I mean, if you’re just gonna threaten me and call me names, then I think she has every right to know!”
With that, Elliot’s hand went from her neck to her ribs, prodding at the spaces between the bones. Ramya shrieked and howled with laughter. He didn’t stay there long; he only wanted to show Valk where to tickle. After jabbing between the bones, he ran his nails up and down the length of her rib cage, snickering at her panicked laughter and swearing.
“AAHAHAHAHAHA! NONONO! STAHAHAHAHAP IT!” Ramya yelled, unable to restrain the laughter that, quite literally, burst out of her. She repeatedly pulled down on her arms, but Mirage was much stronger than her, so they stayed above her head. Elliott tickled all the way back to her stomach, scribbling around her navel, earning another shout of laughter. “SEHEHERIOUSLY! STAHAHAHA!”
The trickster smiled and stopped tickling, but Kairi was still teasing her sides, so Ramya continued giggling. “Got all that?” He asked, poking a finger back into her ribs to make her laugh again. “She’s pretty much ticklish everywhere, but her ribs are her death spot.”
“Got it.” Valkyrie nodded. She raised her hands and tauntingly wiggled her fingers at the modder. Ramya breathed raggedly, watching and glaring at her to mask the unfamiliar, gnawing feeling of dread.
“Mate, unless you want to end up havin’ sugar in your fuel tanks, ya best let me up. Now.” She warned, visibly tensing up as the older woman lowered her hands. Valkyrie grinned.
“Funny you should mention that actually, cause I distinctly remember talking to you about some…repairs that I need done.” Kairi’s grin widened at the look of realization on her face. Her hands hovered above her rib cage, but didn’t touch, only clawing at the air above. Ramya’s breath hitched and she recoiled against Elliott’s chest, making him chuckle. “Unfortunately, I’m a little short right now. So, I was wondering if you’d do me a solid and put the bill on my tab.”
She tapped at her lower ribs, working her way up the rib cage. Ramya reeled forward, writhing and desperately trying to shield herself with her arms. She shook her head and grit her teeth.
“I alreheheady sahahaid nohoho!” She snapped, squealing loudly when Kairi swiped her nails against the bones. The pilot smiled, scritching up to the ribs in the center, and stroking them with her fingertips.
“I know. But like I said, you’re a businesswoman, and I wanna negotiate.” Kairi upped the tickling pace, scribbling up and down the center of her rib cage, making the modder thrash and cackle. “So, how about you put the bill on my tab, and we call it a day?”
“NOHOHOHOHOHO!” Ramya screamed, thumping her head against Mirage’s chest as Valk clawed at her ribs. She balled up her hands into fists, laughing harder. “PAHAHAHY IT YA DAHAHAHMN SEHEHEHEHLF!”
“Well I would, but I’m short on cash, remember?” Valkyrie repeated, reaching her uppermost ribs and gently kneading the bones. This prompted a stronger reaction, and Kairi had to squeeze her legs around Ramya’s thighs so she didn’t fall off. “Let me rephrase this: put it on my tab, or I’ll keep tickling you.”
“NAHAHA FAHAHACK OFF!” Rampart fired back, filling up the workshop with her hysterical laughter. The pilot smirked and kneaded back down her rib cage, pinching the two in the center, before giving her lower ribs the same treatment. It tickled so bad, Kairi could tell. If Mirage hadn’t been holding her arms, she was certain she’d end up with a black eye. Ramya hollered and continued laughing; she kept on struggling to free herself, but Witt held strong, and he was the only one she could appeal to. After all, the trickster was a big softy anyway, surely he’d feel bad and let her go, right?
“ELLIHOHOHOHTT!” The modder wailed and arched her back when Kairi poked at the fleshy area where her rib cage ended. That gnawing feeling of dread intensified; it was, by far, her worst spot. “LEHEHEHET GOHOHOHO OF MY FAHAHCKIN AHAHARMS!”
Mirage snickered, tilting his head up slightly so he didn’t get headbutted. “First of all, watch your language! And secondly, I think Kairi asked you to do something else.” He responded, gently fluttering his nails back into her armpits. “Oh! And thirdly, you totally deserve this! You think I forgot about last time?”
Ramya frantically shook her head, the panic settling in as Valkyrie kept poking and scribbling against the spot. Now, she wasn’t one to beg; she wouldn’t even dream of it. But, she’d put all of her energy into struggling, and four tickling hands was enough to make anyone abandon ship. She repeatedly thumped her head against Elliott’s chest, letting out a screaming laugh as the pilot made circular, scratching motions underneath her rib cage.
“K-KAHAHAHAHARI STAHAHAHAHAHA!” Rampart yelled. The ‘please’ was just at the tip of her tongue, but she choked it back. The very thought of the word was enough to make her gag. “I AHAHAHIN’T FIHIHIHXIN’ ANYTHIHIHIHIHNG!”
“Aw, c’mon, don’t be like that!” Kairi laughed, slowing down the tickling to give her a chance to breathe. She went back to gently stroking her ribs, reaching underneath her jacket for easier access. Ramya hiccuped and giggled heavily. “I’m not asking for much here. Just cut me some slack, and I’ll let you go.”
Ramya groaned, snorting when Kairi’s nails flicked against the bottom of her rib cage. As much as she wanted the tickling to stop, she was too proud to give into what she wanted. She bit her lip, suppressing the lingering giggles, before she finally spoke up. “Yohohu alrehehady gohoht an answer.” She insisted, yelping when Mirage poked back into her neck. “Bad enough that you’re grohounded, I didn’t take ya as a deaf plonker too.”
Mirage and Valkyrie both looked at her, their eyebrows raised. Then, without warning, she clawed along the length of her rib cage, paying special attention to the fleshy part underneath. Ramya’s energy returned and she screamed loudly, immediately falling back into hysterics because of how hypersensitive her ribs became. “NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!”
Mirage chuckled and went back to tickling her armpits. “Even I coulda told you that was a bad idea, Ramya.” He teased. He knew his next move was risky, but with Valkyrie still on top of her legs, he felt comfortable enough to do it. He released her arms and stuck his hands under them faster than she could bring them down, jabbing into both hollows. Ramya yelled and squeezed her arms against her sides, but it didn’t block the ticklish sensations.
“AAHAHAHAHAHA! STAHAHAHAHAHA!” Rampart screamed and batted at Valkyrie’s hands, going as far to grip onto them, but the pilot kept going. Valkyrie grinned and used her fingertips and knuckles to gently knead beneath the rib cage, snickering as she arched her back.
“Sorry, what? I couldn’t hear you, with me being deaf and all!” Kairi retorted, continuing to knead and scribble all along the bottom of her rib cage. “You’ll have to try again. But here’s a pro tip, start it with ‘Sure, Kairi. I’ll put it on your tab.’”
Ramya’s stubbornness was waning now, and Mirage tickling her armpits wasn’t helping. When she couldn’t pull Kairi’s wrists away, she went for him instead, trying to squeeze his hands off of the spot. She alternated between the two, howling with laughter, only to give in after another five minutes of nonstop tickling.
“ALRIHIHIHGHT!” The modder cried out, her stomach muscles aching from how hard she was laughing. “I’LL DOHOHOHOHO IT! I’LL DOHOHOHO IT! STAHAHAHAHAHAHP!”
Mirage had to admit, he was getting a little worried about her breathing, so he breathed a sigh of relief. Both he and Valkyrie stopped tickling her, and the pilot gave her a grateful, yet completely smug grin.
“Really? You’d put all that on my tab, just for me?” Kairi put her hand over her heart, her grin widening. “That’d be awesome! Thanks a bunch.”
Rampart laid her head back against Elliot’s chest, panting heavily. “Whatever...bloody moocher.” She grumbled, slowly looking up to the trickster. She glared at him, mouthing ‘you are dead’. Elliott blew her off, ignoring the dread eating at him.
“Well, I’m just glad you two could make a deal! But hey, I gotta ask, what did you say to Ramya anyway?” Mirage asked, pulling the modder into his arms and standing up with her. He quickly put her down to keep her from trying anything, subtly moving closer to Valkyrie. Kairi perked up, smirking at Ramya and putting her arm around her shoulders.
“Let’s just say she thought I was making an...indecent proposal.” She chuckled. Elliott initially looked confused, that is, until Valkyrie explained what she’d meant. That conversation ended up with the two of them laughing, and the trickster taking the ladies to the best bar in the Outlands: Paradise Lounge. Rampart went along too...even if Kairi had to carry her.
I hope this was to your liking anon! I had a ton of fun writing it, and used these voicelines to help me out. Valkyrie's surprisingly fun to write for.
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angelatmidnight1 · 4 years
hey there, if you're taking prompts, you could write something with rampart? thnx!
Hi, I’m so sorry this story is late! I was writing this while I was teaching so I didn’t have a chance to finish it like I wanted to. Thanks so much @caatnip for helping me out of my writer’s block! I couldn’t have finished this story without you. This story is a bit longer than my other ones but I figured it was okay since I’m making up for lost time ^^;. I really hope you like it!
Quit Bustin’ My Chops!
Rampart is one of the newest Legends to join the Apex Games and finds herself on the same team as the handsomest bachelor around: Elliot ‘Mirage’ Witt. The trickster takes it upon himself to show the new recruit the ropes, seeing as he is the best Legend to participate in the games, after all. Ramya not only takes his advice right to the scrap heap, but flirts with him at every chance she gets, effectively throwing off his game. Mirage is a natural flirt himself and can knock most women off their feet, but isn’t used to getting the same treatment back so readily. Putting the trickster in a tizzy only adds fuel to the fire; Rampart is the new self-proclaimed Apex Legend in the games and rubs it in Elliot’s face. Being the Kill Leader and the Apex Champion is the icing on the cake. Elliot may have lost the limelight in that match, but there’s one arena where is an unrivaled Champion: making people laugh.
“Okay, so this is a supply bin. These have all sorts of goodies in them that’ll help keep you alive. Maybe you need some bullets, or one of those sweet, sweet Phoenix kits. Or maybe–”
“Pipe down, Suzy. I get it. We’ve only run into ten other ones just like it on our way over here! I’m sprouting grey hairs here, Witt. I’m itchin’ for a fight, not a scavenger hunt.” Rampart whined to her teammate, Mirage, who led her over to the eleventh supply bin as they scrounged through The Epicenter. Mirage tutted softly as he rapped his fist against the bin to open it.
“Not so fast, rookie. I can’t have you run into your first fight empty handed. That’d make me a terrible teacher!” The trickster chuckled, hooking his arm around the modder’s shoulders to bring her over to the supplies. Ramya pursed her lips and shrugged Elliot’s arm off her shoulders.
“It can’t be that hard, mate. I mean, you’re here, after all.” The modder snickered, her snickers turning into full blown laughter when he gaped at her. 
“Hey!” Mirage pouted, which only made Rampart laugh some more. “I am a professional in the Apex Games. In fact, I’m the best Legend you could be on a team with! Cause, ya know, I’m just perfect.” The trickster retorted with a smirk, taking the time to strike a pose with his wingman in hand. “I mean this hair, this face...these guns?” Mirage flexed his muscles and chuckled. “I mean, come on, you see it. Anyways, back to business.”
Mirage turned to the open supply bin and gestured to its contents. “So you have an R-99, right? This supply bin has an extended heavy mag, an extenEEEE—” 
Mirage suddenly felt two hands squeeze his sides, making him jerk forward. He lurched away from the hands and spun around to face a grinning Rampart. “What was that for?”
“I’m getting antsy, Witt. All this talk without shooting any plonkers can really cramp up the hands,” Ramya answered slyly as she reached for his sides again. “I guess I’m lucky to have such a handsome lad nearby to squeeze~.”
Mirage sputtered and choked back a laugh, batting her hands away. “Hey, hey, easy! At least take me to dinner first.” He replied jokingly with the beginnings of a blush appearing on his cheeks. The trickster turned around to try and hide it but, before he could complete the turn, Rampart slid closer to him and smirked. 
“Aww, did I make you blush, Witt? Your widdle cheeks are going so wed!” Ramya cooed, reaching up to pinch his cheek. Elliot swatted her hands away for the second time before he fully turned around. 
“Nope! Nuh uh. Not me. Like I said, I’m incredibly good l-looking.” Mirage answered quickly with a very obvious voice crack. He mentally cursed himself; the trickster was a natural flirt and could knock most women off their feet with ease. But, he wasn’t used to receiving the same treatment. Especially not from a new Legend! The blush on Elliot’s face reached his ears as Rampart leaned against him with an amused smirk. 
“Anyways, like I was saying...” Elliot continued,  “You have an extended light mag, an extended heavy mag, and a shotgun bolt. Which attachment should you grab? I’ll give you a hint, since I’m such a nice guy. You want the one that goes with a light weapon.” Elliot smiled and looked at the modder expectantly. Ramya shot the trickster a look and slowly, begrudgingly, snatched the extended light mag from the bin. The trickster cheered rather loudly and gave her a gentle, friendly punch on the arm.
“I knew you could do it. You’re gonna be the next Apex predanor–predtator…ehm, predator in no time. All thanks to me, of course.” Mirage grinned, causing the modder to roll her eyes.
“Ooo, an Apex predator, you say? Well, I guess there’s only one way for me to do that, isn’t there?” Rampart countered wryly, returning the grin when the trickster raised an eyebrow. The modder reloaded her weapon and holstered it; there was only one gun she would ever need in the Apex Games. In one smooth motion, Rampart turned on her heel and scurried towards the distant sound of gunshots and grenades. “By shooting some bloody plonkers! I’m gonna go pick a fight. When you’re done yammering on about attachments, you should join me. I won’t get mad if you watch my back, though.” She called back to him, her grin widening as she gave him a little hip wiggle before finally leaving. Mirage sputtered and hurried after her. How could she move that fast with that mini gun on her back, anyway?
“By yourself? Hold up. You don’t even know where you’re going! You just got here…” Mirage yelled back to her, mumbling the last phrase to himself as he followed her to the fight.
Gunfire roared across the battlefield as the duo approached Fragment West. There were two squads fighting in the middle of the city: Bangalore and Bloodhound, and Revenant and Pathfinder. Pathfinder managed to down the hunter with an accurate Longbow shot, and the simulacrum was rushing in to attack the soldier. Bangalore popped some smoke to provide some cover to revive her teammate, but was also trying to actively listen for the approaching enemy. It was the perfect amount of chaos for Rampart and Mirage to join the fray. The modder skipped to a location not too far from where the two robots were set up. She quickly set up her amped cover before deploying Sheila, sighing happily.
 “Oh, Sheila. They’ve never seen a girl like you.” The modder purred before hopping onto the seat and revving up the gun. “Yo Witt, got a fool OT. Doesn’t look too scary, so you can come out of hiding.” Ramya snickered, looking over her shoulder to see Mirage finally bringing up the rear. The trickster panted and shook his immaculate locks out of his face so that he had a clearer view of the enemy.
“Nothing scares me, Rampart! Now, remember what your super awesome teacher showed you. You point your gun like this, you aim for the–” Mirage was cut off by Sheila coming to life as bullets rapidly fired from the minigun. 
“Ya see that? Haha! Just hit an enemy. Guess I’m a fast learner, eh?" Ramya laughed as she shot at Pathfinder. The modder’s shots connected with the robot’s back and by the time he took cover, he lost the majority of his shields. 
“More friends are coming to kill us. There’s another squad!” The robot called to the simulacrum, holstering his weapon so that he could use a shield battery. Revenant was just about to put his totem down so that he could attack Bangalore and Bloodhound, so he wasn’t thrilled about the sudden interruption. He growled and reluctantly rushed back over to his teammate, having to duck behind cover when Mirage also started shooting at him. Revenant placed his totem down and both he and Pathfinder activated it to advance on Mirage and Rampart.
Rampart fired more rounds at Pathfinder and Revenant once they emerged from their cover. She managed to send the angry murderbot back to the totem, but Pathfinder managed to grapple behind some more cover. This gave the happier robot the opportunity to close in on them. Mirage noticed the approaching enemy and went to meet the robot halfway. Right before the trickster poked his head out, he activated his Life of the Party ultimate. Mirage hoped to confuse Pathfinder so that he could attack from an unexpected angle. The decoys mirrored his movements and circled the robot; Pathfinder shot a few of the decoys before zoning in on the real trickster. Pathfinder nearly downed Mirage, but the trickster managed to fire one Mastiff shot to the torso to finally take him down.
“Sorry, Path! Don’t take this personally, it’s just business. Heh..personal business..” Mirage chuckled, shooting Pathfinder one more time to finish him off. He didn’t even want to think about how close the robot came to killing him. The trickster hurried over to a nearby corner and used a shield battery to heal up. While doing so, he caught a glimpse of his reflection in a nearby window and noticed that his hair was a mess!  He panicked and stopped healing himself to quickly fix it. Elliot teased out his curls and put some stray locks back in place, which gave a certain tall, angry murderbot plenty of time to sneak up on him. Revenant wasted no time in throwing a silence orb to keep Mirage from using his decoys to escape. The trickster dropped a high pitched scream and spun around, clumsily fishing for his Mastiff. 
“Oh shi-Revenant! Uh, h-hey, this isn’t a good ti--” Mirage yelped as Revenant began firing on him. The trickster did his best to return fire, but he hadn’t healed up before the simulacrum arrived. Needless to say, Revenant barely had to do anything to down the trickster.
“This part never gets old.” Revenant purred as he loomed over Mirage, grinning as he noticed the pure fear in his eyes. Elliot inched away from the murderbot, but he kept coming. The murderbot slowly raised his left hand so that the trickster could see it turn into a razor sharp blade. “I’m not gonna make it quick. That would spoil all the fun~.” He murmured in his deep, gravelly voice as he knelt down to finish him off. Mirage screamed again and put up his hands defensively. 
“NO, DON’T EAT ME!” Mirage wailed, shutting his eyes and waiting for the sharp pain to come. But nothing came. There was some more gunfire, a loud growl of “damn skinsuit”, and a mechanical sounding crash by the time the trickster found the courage to open his eyes. Mirage was shocked by what he saw: the boisterous, smirking modder, and Revenant’s death box. 
“No, don’t eat me~.” Ramya mocked in a squeaky, high-pitched before laughing and kneeling down to the trickster. “I thought you said nothing scared ya, Witt! I’ve never heard anything human scream like that~.” She teased,  pulling him to his feet after injecting the resuscitation serum into his body. Mirage grumbled and took out a Phoenix kit to fully heal up. 
“I wasn’t scared! I was distracting him so that you come and kill him. It was all a part of the plan.” Mirage insisted as he finally healed his shields and health. Rampart skeptically arched a brow while she was fishing through Revenant’s death box. 
“Uh huh. And, was crying like a baby a part of the plan too?” Rampart chuckled, grabbing plenty of ammo and improved attachments for her weapons. Mirage narrowed his eyes at her.
“No! I mean, yes! I mean...I didn’t, I wasn’t...I wasn’t crying like a baby!” Mirage did his damndest not to blush again and fished through what was left of Revenant’s supplies. Ramya stared at him and suddenly smirked, but he didn’t see it. She took a few steps away from him in the direction of Pathfinder’s deathbox; but then, out of nowhere, the modder yelled, which scared the hell out of Elliot. 
“WITT! I see someone!” 
Mirage jumped to his feet and immediately popped his ultimate again. He didn’t know who was coming or where they were coming from, so his decoys looked just as confused as he was. He ran over to Rampart with his weapon drawn. The modder wasn’t moving, but she did have her R-99 in hand. 
“Where?” Mirage spun in all sorts of directions in search of the enemy, but he didn’t see anyone. “Who? Who’s coming?”
Ramya wasn’t moving because she was trying to keep her composure. But, when the trickster ran up to her side with that half-frightened, half-confused look on his face, she lost it. “I see a plonker who’s convinced that he is a Legend. Yet he’s been duped by a rookie! Maybe the real Mirage is that you’re a Legend, eh?~.” Ramya laughed hard enough to snort and held an arm against her abdomen. The trickster stared at her in disbelief; did she seriously just pull a prank? On the holographic trickster?
“I….you--you almost gave me a heart attack!” Mirage finally managed to say before putting his Mastiff away. He put a hand on his chest and could feel his heart doing somersaults. “Seriously. That took a lot outta me...”
Ramya’s laughter calmed down to giggles and she wiped a tear from her eye. “Sorry mate. It’s just..you should’ve seen your face.” She snickered, strolling up to him and cradling the left side of his face. “Don’t worry your pretty little head, Witt. If anyone comes, Sheila and I will protect you. We won’t tell.”
Mirage grumbled and batted away her hand. “Yeah, whatever. Laugh it up, gearhead..” He muttered, his arm brushing against her side as he walked past her. When he did, Ramya flinched and accidentally dropped her weapon. The trickster gave her a strange look. “Rampart?”
Ramya waved him off and quickly gathered up her weapon. “I’m good, mate! Just a lil’ case of butterfingers.” She chuckled as she hurried past him to gather up some more loot. Mirage blinked and eyed her closely; he swore he could see the faintest, faintest shade of red on her face when she walked past. 
Rampart and Mirage came across Bangalore and Bloodhound later in the match, and the duo, mainly Rampart, took the two of them down with ease. 
“You get a bullet! And you get a bullet! Everyone gets a bullet! Hahaha!” Ramya cheered as she and Sheila blasted poor Bangalore and Bloodhound out of the game. Elliot would never admit it, but the modder was racking up kills faster than he thought she would, and her high kill count won her the glorious title of Kill Leader. Ramya beamed when she heard the announcement sound throughout the arena. 
“Hear that, Witt? You’re looking at the new Kill Leader! Not bad for a rookie, eh? Maybe you can learn a thing or two from a real Legend.” The modder grinned, having to revive the trickster again when he fell prey to the hunter and their Wingman. 
“Yeah, well I was Kill Leader in my first..thir--uh, eighth season! It’s beginner’s luck.” Elliot countered while he, yet again, used a Phoenix kit to fully heal himself up. 
“Heh...whatever helps you sleep at night.” Rampart shrugged and dug through the loot that was left behind. The duo made it to the top three and, after diving in to third party the last two squads, were named the Apex Champions. 
After the match, Elliot hung up his shiny new Apex Champion medal in his room. He already had plenty of cutouts and collectible figurines of himself, but he always had space for a new medal! He looped the medal around one of his mobile figurines and gently booped it, grinning as it swayed side to side. While he was admiring himself, Rampart skipped into his room with her own medal and plopped down onto the couch, startling the trickster. 
“So when are you taking me out for a drink, Witt? Think it’d be a fair trade for how much I carried you~.” Rampart smirked and swung her legs up onto the couch. Mirage turned to her and gave her a look. “Ya know just because you got three--eight--no, twelve kills last game doesn’t mean anything! It was your first game, maybe I decided to go easy on you.” Mirage argued matter-of-factly and put his hands on his hips. Ramya giggled and skipped over to him, playfully poking at his stomach. Mirage yelped and pushed her hand away, but she managed to sneak another poke to his side.
“Turn that frown upside down, mate! You’re just not as good as you think you are.” The modder teased as she kept making quick little jabs to his torso. A few giggles slipped out of the trickster while he tried and failed to grab her hands. 
“Yehehes I ahaham! Stop! Stop pohohking me!” Elliot whined and retreated to his couch with Ramya hot on his tail. He fell back onto the cushions with his arms against his torso; but, somehow, she managed to find a little bit of his stomach or side to poke. After a few more pokes, Rampart switched gears and suddenly reached under Mirage’s arms, raking her short nails against his armpits. This made the trickster scream and slam his arms against his sides. The frantic laughter came next. 
“STHOHOHP RAHAMYAHA!” Mirage yelled, his laughter growing in volume when she straddled his waist and went for his sides. 
“I don’t know who Rahamyaha is! Oh! Wait, is that the girl who got twelve kills in her first game? Maybe the greatest Legend there ever was?” Rampart grinned and started squeezing his sides, laughing when the trickster bucked his hips. 
“NOHOHOHOHOH! You-AH! YOOHOHU AREHEHAHAH NOHOHOHT!” Mirage squeaked and laughed harder when she stuck her hands under his shirt to squeeze his bare sides. 
“Wrong answer, Witt!” The modder chirped, scribbling her nails against his belly before returning to his sides. 
Mirage was going crazy; every time he hugged his arms to his sides or reached for her wrists, she attacked his armpits or belly instead. It wasn’t enough to be the Apex Champion or turn his face red; now, she was trying to tickle him to tears! In his haste to stop her, he grabbed her sides and squeezed them, drawing out an audible gasp. 
“Oi, watch it!” Rampart hissed and stopped tickling him to reel away from him. Mirage perked up and looked at the modder; although he had to recover from the sudden tickle attack, a sly grin popped up on his face. 
“What? That didn’t tickle, did it?” Mirage smirked, sitting up and advancing on the retreating modder. 
“No!” Rampart answered quickly and crossed her arms against her torso. “I just didn’t think you’d grab me so hard. I’m not that kind of girl, Witt.” The modder continued, grinning triumphantly when Elliot turned crimson.
Elliot, after stumbling over his words, suddenly launched himself towards Rampart and pinned her to the other side of the couch. Rampart screamed and struggled to knock him off of her, but he held strong and immediately started poking her sides. 
“Ah! Witt, geheht off of mehehe!” Ramya growled, a few stray giggles escaping her as she arched her body upwards. 
“I’m sorry, what was that?” Mirage chuckled and poked across her stomach, eliciting some more giggles. “I didn’t catch what you said. It’s almost like you laughed, which would be weird if you aren’t, ya know, ticklish or anything…” 
“I’m nohohohoht! Geheheht oohohohff MEHEHEHE!” Ramya squeaked and kicked her feet against the couch when he returned to her sides. The trickster spidered his fingers up and down a few times before kneading at the very top of her ribcage. Rampart yelped again and whipped her body around to try and dodge his fingers. Mirage easily kept up with her squirming and, as much as she tried not to, she finally gave in to the ticklish sensations and laughed. 
“EEHEHEHLIOT STAHAHAAHAH! I’M NAHAHT TIHIHIHICKLISHAHAH!” Ramya shrieked and bucked her hips when he gently scratched his fingers around her belly button. Mirage snickered and alternated between her sides, stomach, and her ribcage, which is where she seemed to be awfully ticklish. But, the trickster wasn’t ready to go for the kill just yet. 
“Oho, I’m Elliot now? Funny, I don’t think you’ve called me by name all day!” Mirage snuck his hands underneath her arms and laughed when she snorted. He wiggled his fingers in circular motions and jabbed at the spot right before her ribcage began. Ramya threw her head back and laughed louder, which only encouraged him to stay on the spot. “And call me crazy, but I think only ticklish people laugh when they’re tickled. So, I guess that makes you ticklish, huh?”
“NOHOHOHOHOH!” Rampart yelled and stubbornly shook her head, the laughter flowing freely as the trickster’s fingers found her neck. The modder made a weird sound that sounded like a cross between a squeak and a honk, sending Mirage into a fit of laughter. 
“Thahahaht’s nohohohohoht fuhuhuhnyhyhy!” Rampart protested, her laughter dying down to giggles as she whipped her head around. Mirage swiped his fingers along one side of her neck and gently prodded at the other. He finally noticed the blush on her face, causing him to grin widely. 
“It’s totally funny! Look at how wed your widdle cheeks are~.” Mirage cooed and laughed some more when Ramya glared at him. “You can’t be the greatest Legend in the games when you’re this tickle, tickle, ticklish~.”
Rampart giggled uncontrollably and tried to trap Elliot’s hands between her neck and shoulder. She succeeded, but it didn’t stop the tickles. “Ihihih’m gohohohohohnna kihihihill yohohohuhu! I swehehehehehear!” She snickered and continued to roll her head side to side. 
Mirage feigned offense and audibly gasped. “You’re gonna kill me?” He repeated, moving from her neck to the sides of her stomach. Ramya immediately dissolved back into laughter and struggled with a renewed vigor. “That’s not nice at all! In fact, that puts me on the defensive!”
With that, Elliot’s hands fell onto Rampart’s ribcage and gently squeezed at the bones. The modder screeched and cackled, kicking pillows off of the couch. “NOHAHAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAP IHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHT!”
Mirage gave her a mischievous grin and swiped his fingers along the length of her ribcage. It made her laughter rise in pitch, which only boosted his confidence. “Stop what?” He chuckled, gently tweaking two of her middle ribs. “I thought you said you weren’t ticklish! And that you were the best Legend around! Looks like you lied on two fronts, huh?”
Ramya cried out in protest and laughed even harder. During her struggle to free herself from Witt’s iron hold, her ponytail loosened, so much of her hair covered her eyes and face. Mirage could still see the huge grin on her face, though, which made his own grin soften a bit. It wasn’t like one of those teasing, cocky grins that she kept throwing his way when they were in the arena.
“IHIHIHIHIHI DIHIHIDN’T--AHAHAHAHAHA! DIHIHIHIHDN’T LIHIHIHEAHAHAHAH!” Ramya argued while Elliot’s fingers continued tweaking the middle of her rib cage. Elliot let out another dramatic gasp and kneaded his fingers into her uppermost ribs.
“There’s another lie! My goodness, you are just asking for it, huh?” Mirage teased, chuckling again when he made Rampart snort again.  “How about this, I’ll make you a deal. Say that I’m the best Legend hands down, no questions asked, and I’ll stop. I’ll even keep how ticklish you are a secret, so no one else will try to get ya in the ring! Whaddaya say?”
The trickster went back to gently tickling the sides of Ramya’s neck to give her a bit of a break. He went at short intervals, just giving each side a quick scribble here and there. Rampart snickered and brought her shoulders up again, taking the time to breathe where she could. Mirage slowed down even more and went to playfully boop her red cheeks and nose. 
“Heheheheh...I-Im thehehehe behehest Lehehehehegend, hahands dohohown…” 
“See, was that so hard?” Mirage didn’t realize what she had really said, so he happily let her up. Ramya breathed heavily and rubbed away the ticklish sensations from her ribcage. “I’m glad we can finally agree on something! Because believe me, you were this close to--”
The lightbulb just went off in the trickster’s head, and Rampart could see it. So, with what little energy she had left, she leapt from the couch and made a beeline for the door. She was laughing again, but this time, for a different reason. 
“Come back here!” Mirage yelled and got up to chase her. He caught up with her before she could get into the hallway and easily picked her up. 
“NO! Put me down, ya plonker! I said it!” Rampart insisted as she kicked around in his arms. She held one arm against her torso and, with her free hand, squeezed at Witt’s sides and hip. Mirage flinched and laughed, but he managed to get back to the couch before the tickling could really get to him. 
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it! So, let’s try again. Tell me that I, meaning me, am the best Legend, hands down, no questions asked.” Elliot demanded with a grin as he pushed her back down onto the cushions. This time, he held both of her wrists in one hand and used his leg to pin hers down. It became pretty clear to Rampart that she was screwed, but damn it, she wasn’t going to say it! 
Mirage narrowed his eyes at the modder when she didn’t say anything. Then, with a dramatic sigh, he used his free hand to poke up her ribcage. Ramya squealed and bit down on her lip to trap the incoming giggles. Mirage grinned at her and switched to kneading in between the bones after a few more pokes. 
“Coochie coochie coo~.” The trickster cooed, working his fingers up and down her ribcage. Rampart’s face went red again and, after another second or two, she burst out laughing. 
“I”M NAHAHAHAHAT SAHAHAHAHYING IHIHIHIHIHT YOHOHUH PL-AHAHAHAHAAHAHA!” Rampart shrieked and bucked when he kneaded his fingers faster between the bones. Her ribs were still sensitive from the previous tickle attack, so it didn’t take much to put the modder back into hysterics. “STAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!”
“Nope! Say it and I’ll stop.” Mirage was resolute and couldn’t help but to laugh along with her as he gently scratched up and down her ribcage. This made her arch her back and desperately twist around to try and dodge his tickling hands; but, this time, she wasn’t getting away so easily. 
“AHAHAHAHAHA WIHIHIHIHITT STAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Rampart yelled again and howled with laughter. Since he had her legs pinned down this time, the modder couldn’t even kick to try and alleviate the intense ticklish sensations. This only benefited the lone pillow that remained on the couch. Elliot was ruthless, but he did pause a few times just to see if she would say what he wanted to hear. She didn’t. The trickster tutted softly and gently scratched at the patch of skin where the ribcage ended. Rampart screamed and went ballistic with desperate laughter pouring out of her. 
Mirage initially flinched, not expecting the sudden roar of laughter. He let go of her wrists so that he could tickle the same spot on the other side of her ribcage. When he let go of her wrists, she immediately latched onto his and tried to pry them away from the spot. It didn’t work, but it didn’t stop her from trying, either. 
“Huh. Didn’t you have ribs here a second ago?” Mirage mused, still scratching away the spot. He shook off her hands and pinned them underneath his arms. “Maybe I miscounted them. Let’s see...one, two, three…
Ramya yelled one more time before her laughter went silent. She shut her eyes tight and shook her head as the trickster ‘counted’ her ribs. Mirage stopped tickling her when he didn’t hear the laughter anymore and let her go. The modder immediately turned onto her side, breathing raggedly. 
“Bloohohohoody hehehehell…” Ramya gasped after several minutes of trying to catch her breath. She hugged her arms tightly against her torso, still giggling from the lingering ticklish sensations. “I give, I’ll sahahay it…”
“Nah, don’t bother. Looks like you could use all the air you can get.” Mirage chuckled, not realizing that he was staring at her. Rampart’s face was bright red, her hair was a mess, and she was still grinning. “As the best Legend in the Apex Games, I’ll be nice and let you off the hook.”
Ramya rolled her eyes and propped herself up onto her elbows. “I guess I’m the luckiest girl in the world..” She quipped sarcastically, gathering her hair back into its ponytail. With her hair out of her face, the modder could clearly see that Mirage was staring at her. She arched a brow, giving him her sly, signature grin, which immediately snapped him out of his trance. 
“Uh, you wanna get that drink now? My treat, of course.” Mirage stammered and stood up, offering her his hand. Ramya nodded and took the hand, but pulled him down so that she could latch herself onto his back. 
“Wha-hey! Whahat are yohuhu--?!”
“What?” Rampart hooked her arms and legs around Elliot so that she could comfortably rest on his back. She didn’t even need to see his face to know that he turned crimson again. “You didn’t think I was actually going to walk to your bar, did you? Pfft..”
The modder tweaked his sides and giggled when he lurched forward. “Get a move on, Witt! I’m not getting any younger.” She demanded, continuing to gently prod his sides as he sputtered and hurried out of the room. 
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angelatmidnight1 · 2 years
Barked Up The Wrong Tree
A/N: This is part two to Let Sleeping Dogs Lie . I hope you like it.
No one disturbs Ole Fusey from his nap, and he’s out to teach Octane and Rampart a lesson. But, the pranksters’ alliance falls through; instead, both Walter and Ramya tickle Octavio.  
“Oho, man. That was awesome!”
Octane cheered, rounding just one more corner to make sure that he was far away from Fuse. Rampart brought up the rear, still laughing, and plopped down to the floor to catch her breath. 
“You’re tellin’ me. And here I thought Salvonians were known for kickin’ asses and takin’ names. Never thought that a lil’ tickling would have him bawlin for his mum.”
Octavio chuckled. “Think that’ll go down as the funnest prank I’ve pulled yet!” He continued, sprinting into Ramya’s workshop, which was their next destination. Since he didn’t have any games scheduled for a few days, Ramya offered to spruce up his legs a bit. Octane had so many cool mod ideas that he’d love to see on his legs; rockets, grenade launchers, maybe rockets and grenade launchers. 
It was even better that Ajay, who’d been scheduled for games the entire week, would be too busy to complain about what he added to his legs. He cared for his best friend deeply, but if he were being honest, she could be a real killjoy when she wanted to be. So, it felt really good that he could add some more pizazz to his babies without having to deal with her nagging. He was already yanking his left leg off when he noticed Rampart stopped in the doorway. Her brow was arched, and she had one hand on her hip.
“The best prank you pulled? I vaguely remember lendin’ you a hand…” She scoffed, heading to her workbench to gather the tools she needed. On her way over there, she snatched Octavio’s leg out of his hand. “I mean, let’s be real here, you would’ve mucked up the prank from here to Sunday if I didn’t help ya out.”
Octavio gave her an incredulous look before laughing. “Amiga, all you did was hold the feather! That’s not exactly what I’d call hard work.” He responded, preparing to pull his right leg off next. He was still riding high off of the adrenaline from pranking Fuse, so he had no issues in saying what he said next. “I guess I can see why it’d be a big deal to you, though. I know there ain’t much you do without Sheila.”
He heard Ramya drop something, most likely a wrench. His grin widened as she stared at him, dumbfounded. 
“What’d you say?”
The speedster snickered. “You heard me! I’m surprised you had the time to help out at all, since I know how much su bebé (your baby) keeps you busy.” He continued confidently. He knew he was headed into dangerous territory, but so what? What was she gonna do about it? If she grabbed Sheila to teach him a lesson, it’d prove his point. “Don’t get me wrong! Sheila is awesome. But pranks are where I shine, amiga. So you better not forget that.”
Ramya growled and marched from around her workbench, taking his leg along with her. “If that ain’t the biggest crock of shit I’ve heard--only thing you’re good at is running!” She argued. She got within a couple feet from him, ready to throttle him, but then she had a better idea. “...Which ya can’t do much of now, can ya?”
Octane gave her a bewildered look. But, before he could ask what she was talking about, she started to back away from him. And, he noticed, she moved his limb from one hand to the other. 
“Listen, mate. I don’t know what cliff ya dived off recently, but your leg here is banged up good. So, I’m just gonna hang onto it for, ya know…safe keepin’.”
Now Octavio wasn’t laughing. He quickly put his right leg back on and got up, albeit awkwardly. “Chill, Ramya. I need that!” He said, making a move to take the leg back. Rampart got out of the way, causing him to fall back down with a crash. She burst out laughing.
“Yikes, you’re quite the klutz, huh? Relax, I ain’t gonna keep it forever. Maybe just a few weeks?” Ramya grinned widely at the look on his face.
“Hell no! Give me my leg back!”
Now, Rampart wasn’t actually going to take his leg. She just wanted to keep it long enough until he offered her an apology, or until she laughed herself silly from watching him hobble around like a pirate. Ramya laughed hard enough to snort while he attempted to take his leg back. And each time, just before he could get a grip on it, Ramya would pull back and watch him tumble. Octane got tired of it and the next time he lunged, he went for her instead, which she wasn’t expecting. The modder didn’t move out of the way in time, so when his fingers jabbed into her ribs, she let out a loud scream. She dropped the leg, holding her arm against her side.
“Alright, alright, take your bloody leg back.” Ramya grumbled, rubbing where he’d poked. “I was just messin’ around.”
Octane put his leg back on and stared at her. He didn’t poke her that hard, so why’d she scream? The gears in his head turned as he poked her again, this time in her side, and she slapped his hands away. 
“I said I was joking, ya idiot.”
Octavio grinned. “I heard you. I was just thinkin’ how Elliott had mentioned how ticklish you were, but I didn’t believe him.” He explained. He hurried towards the modder to close the distance. “Thought he was just talkin’ loco. But it looks like he was right, huh?”
Rampart glowered and smacked his hands away again when he went to poke some more. “I couldn’t give a toss about what that plonker said! But you better quit pokin’ me, unless your mate can get you some new hands too…”
Octane paused, looking at both of his hands. He could have metal legs and hands? Why didn’t he think of that! He’d definitely have to blow his hands off next. But, for now, he was standing in front of a ticklish Legend who tried to steal his leg. A punishment was in order!
The speedster didn’t have the patience for a buildup, so he made yet another jab at her ribs. Rampart threw a hand up to stop him, just like he expected, which allowed him to grab her wrist. He held it away from her and, before she could block him with her other hand, he pinched at her lowermost rib. Ramya screamed, her face getting redder by the second, and she swatted at his hand multiple times. 
“Stohop! You prihick!” She gritted her teeth, trying not to laugh. She pushed her shoulder into his chest, wanting to push him over, but he wasn’t having it. He let go of her wrist so he could wrap both of his arms around her torso and scritch all over the length of her rib cage. The modder violently jolted and broke out into loud laughter. 
“YOHOUHUHU FFF--HAHAHAHAHA!” Ramya pounded on his hands, thrashing about in his hold. “LEHEHET GOHOHOHO!”
Octavio refused and, laughing, he pulled her down onto the ground with him. “Haha, I knew it!” He cheered. She’d swatted at his hands one too many times, so he gathered up her wrists in one hand, holding them above her head. “Elliott was right; you are crazy ticklish!”
Instead of staying on her sweet spot, he jumped to her side and kneaded along it. Then, he poked at her stomach, making her squeal, before his hand finally dug into her armpit. Ramya was cackling the entire time but, when he focused on her armpit, she giggled uncontrollably. It wasn’t as bad a spot as her ribs, but it was definitely sensitive. 
“I’m gohohohohnna kihihill yohohohohu!” She yelled, pulling against the speedster’s grip. “Juhust wahahait! I’ll kihihihck yohohour ahahahass wihihhth your own bloody lehehegs!”
Octane snickered and jabbed his nails into the center of her armpit, making her laugh harder. “Oh no, anything but that! Por favor!” He mocked, grinning. He took his thumbs and scratched at the hollows in circular motions. “And whatever you do, don’t sic Sheila on me! I know just how much you lean on her.”
Rampart yelled in protest as the speedster descended back into her ribs, tickling at the spaces between them. She thrashed against the ground, hollering with laughter. All of the commotion caught the attention of Fuse, who’d awoken from his nap a while ago, and was out to dole out some good ol’ Salvonian justice. He stepped into the workshop at a leisurely pace, smirking. Octavio was too invested in tickling Ramya to notice, but Ramya did. She fought against his grip, trying to warn him, but she fell into hysterics when he tickled even faster. 
Octavio snickered and dug his thumbs into the base of her ribs, making her laughter go silent. “Not so funny anymore, is it chica? That’s what you get for—”
He abruptly stopped talking, feeling a cold hand grip his arm. He was then lifted as if he were weightless. He yelped and struggled in the hold, moving to push at the arm, and that’s when he realized who it was. His eyes snapped up to Walter’s, and the Salvonian’s smirk only broadened. 
“G’day, mate. I was wonderin’ where you pups ran off to.” He said, easily scooping the speedster’s other arm within the same hand. “I hate to interrupt you kids’ fun, but I reckon we’ve got some unfinished business, ay?”
Octane immediately shook his head. He struggled to wrench his arm free out of Walter’s literal iron hold, but the explosives expert lifted him higher, so that he was dangling just above the ground. “Wait! Hold ohohohn!” He interjected, yelping when Fuse prodded at his sides. The severity of what was about to happen crashed into him, making him want to high tail it…but all his legs did was kick around in the air. 
“Nohoho! Dude, come ohohohon!” Octane tried to make his case, but Walter wasn’t hearing it. “It wahahas a johohohke! Whyhy cahahan’t yohuhu tahahake a JOHOHOKE—”
Fuse scratched at the speedster’s tummy, making him scream and arch his back. He chuckled. “I can take a joke just fine! What I can’t take is havin’ you lot botherin’ me while I’m gettin’ me beauty rest!” He retorted, pinching each of his hips before he returned to his stomach. Octavio cried out and sucked in his stomach to try and escape the tickling. 
“IT WAHAHAHSN’T JUHUHUHST MEHEHEHEHE!” He yelled, bucking his hips when Walter poked at his belly button. Walter smirked, wiggling his finger inside the spot some more, and he glanced at the recovering modder. 
“I know, I didn’t forget about your partner in crime. She’ll get what’s comin’ to her.” He answered. He continued scratching in and around his belly button, drawing out more panicked laughter from Octavio.
Rampart, however, had other plans. Once she caught her breath, she got off the floor and marched right up to the men. “Or, you can let me at this plonker right now.” She cut in, gripping Octavio’s sides and digging her thumbs into them. “For thinkin’ he can get one over on me.”
Octavio’s eyes snapped wide open and he yelled before laughing even louder. “NONONOHOHO! DOHOHON’T TOHOHOUCH MEHEHE, RAHAHAMYA!” He demanded. He twisted his torso around in Fuse’s hold, trying to shake her hands off, but she easily kept up with him. Fusey snickered; considering what he’d witnessed before he entered the scene, he wasn’t surprised that Rampart had a bone to pick with him. But, it was still amusing to watch their alliance crumple apart.
So, much to Octane’s shock, Walter didn’t stop her. He moved his hand up higher, poking between his ribs, while Ramya found every ticklish nerve along his sides. 
“Wahahahalter! Dohohohohn’t lehehehet hehehr dohohoho thihihihs!” He pleaded. He tested the man’s grip, a foolish thing to do with his metal arm, and was only answered with a smirk. 
“Nah, I feel she’s justified, mate.” Fuse chuckled, swiping all of his nails down his ribcage before he pinched at each one. “Sure ain’t off the hook, but I don’t blame her for wanting a lil revenge of her own.”
Octavio couldn’t believe what he was hearing; for starters, he didn’t act alone! But most importantly, Fuse didn’t even see what Ramya did before he got there. He opened his mouth to protest, but he let out a screaming laugh instead when the modder scribbled her fingers along his tummy. 
“Besides,” Ramya grinned, spidering her nails into the sides of his stomach, where he seemed to be especially ticklish. “The whole thing was your show anyway, right?”
All of a sudden, Fuse dragged him to the floor, with Rampart following immediately after. He did this for two reasons; one, to make it easier for Ramya to join in on the fun. And two, to make sure she didn’t get accidentally kicked. Octavio’s legs had been moving a mile a minute, maybe faster, and Walter knew for a fact that one blow from those could cause a serious injury. With Walter keeping Octavio’s arms pinned and Ramya taking a seat on his waist, the speedster was royally screwed. The explosives expert went back to pinching at each of his ribs, while Ramya honed in on the area just above his belly button.
“SAHAHAHAHA! SHEHE--SHEHEHE STAHAHARTED IHIHIHT!” Octane whined. He was referring to what happened before he’d tickled Ramya, but was laughing too hard to elaborate. And, he wasn’t even being tickled on his worst spot. Not yet, anyways. Ramya grinned a smug grin and wriggled a finger back into his belly button. 
“Pfft, don’t get shy now, mate! You were mouthin’ off about how great this prank of yours was.” She chided. She made sure to get in deep, twisting her finger around like a screwdriver, and the speedster howled with laughter. She glanced at Fuse, still grinning. “You shoulda heard him. He said, and I quote ‘that’ll go down as the best prank I’ve pulled! Hell, maybe the best one in the Outlands!’” 
Now she was twisting his words! Octavio’s legs drummed against the floor as he flopped against the floor. He felt Fuse getting closer to his armpits, and he felt a deep seated panic in the pit of his stomach.
“WAITWAITWAIT! POR FAHAHAVOR, WAHAHAIT!” He pleaded, his entire body tensing up. Fuse, and surprisingly Rampart, both obliged. He breathed heavily, still giggling, especially when Walter flexed his fingers just underneath where his armpits started. “Plehehease dohohn’t tickle my armpihihits. Ramya’s twisting what I said, but I prohohomise I wohohon’t dohoho it AGAHAHAIN---”
Rampart didn’t let him finish; she ducked and blew a raspberry right in the center of his stomach. Octavio shrieked, making both Ramya and Walter laugh, and Walter dug underneath his left arm anyway. 
“Oh, I doubt that very much.” Fuse smirked, spidering his nails from one side of his armpit to the other. “Especially comin’ from you. You’re the very essence of trouble.” 
“Sure is.” Rampart chimed in, blowing another raspberry over his belly button. Octavio’s cackles filled up the entire workshop. He writhed in Walter’s hold, and bucked his hips as Ramya kept on blowing on his stomach. But despite his struggling, he couldn’t move away from the tickles, and it really tickled. 
“NOHOHAHAHAHA! STAHAHAHAHAHAP!” He screeched, laughing even harder as Fuse dug deeper into his hollows. Now, he was focusing on the center of his armpits, while Ramya dug her thumbs into his hips and waist. “POHOHOHOR FAHAHAHAVOR! I WOHOHOHOHN’T DOHOHOHOHO IHIHIHT!”
“Nah, I’ll have to think it over. Your track record says otherwise.” Walter insisted. He jumped to the speedster’s right armpit, earning another squeal, and used two fingers to scritch along the length of the spot. Octavio threw his head back; his right armpit was more sensitive than his left one, and he strained to pull his arms down. 
“NONONOHOHOHOHO! I SWEHEHEHEHEAR!” He pleaded, struggling with a renewed sense of energy. Fuse arched a brow; this time, he wasn’t even tickling that hard, and it seemed like Octavio wanted to pull his arm out of its socket, if it meant it went down. 
“Oh, c’mon, I’m barely touchin’ ya!” Fuse scoffed, poking his uppermost rib before he returned to the armpit. Ramya looked up from what she was doing; she thought the plonker’s stomach was his worst spot, but it looked like she was missing out on the real action!
“Yeah, he’s really laughin' up a storm, ain’t he?” 
That’s all Octane heard before he felt Ramya scoot up his waist, and bury her fingers into his left armpit. This next scream left him hoarse, and after that, all he could do was laugh and laugh. One hand on his armpits was bad; two were arguably unbearable. 
“PLEHEHEHEHEASE! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!” Octavio’s pleading finally gave way to hysterics as he kicked his legs against the ground. Walter opted for light, quick scratching along his right armpit. But Ramya was jabbing and poking all over the left one, so he couldn’t get used to either sensation. The tickling went on for a good five minutes; after that, Walter decided to ease up on the kid. His laughter had gotten silent, and he didn’t wanna kill him. 
“Alright, let’s give him a breather, ay?” Fuse stopped tickling him and gently nudged Ramya’s hand away. Rampart pouted; she was having a blast, but air was kind of important, and it looked like Octane needed a bunch of it. 
“Fine. Can’t have people dyin’ in here anyways. It’s bad for business.” She responded, snickering. She lightly ran her nails down Octavio’s tummy a few times before climbing off of his legs. Octavio snickered and panted, his chest rising and falling with each breath he took. 
“Bohohohth of yohuhu suck…” He complained, moving to pull his arms down…only to realize that Fuse hadn’t let go. Fuse grinned and looked down at the still-pinned speedster.
“Oh, ya think so? That’s alright, cause I never said I was lettin’ you go just yet.” 
It didn’t take very long for Octane to regenerate stamina, but all of that air he worked to bring in left him in one loud gasp. 
“No, doOOOHN’T--”
Walter poked his side, making him yelp, and he chuckled. “Hey, I was crystal clear! I said a breather. What, you thought you’d get off that easy?” 
Rampart blinked, not expecting the turn of events, but she was more than happy to continue. She plopped back down onto his legs, pressing her fingertips into his ribs, and wiggled away. 
“Nohohoho guhuhuhys! I’m sohohohohorry!”
Octavio’s apology fell on deaf ears; ole Fusey was bright eyed and bushy tailed, so he wouldn’t be going anywhere anytime soon.
11 notes · View notes
angelatmidnight1 · 3 years
fuse as a lee PLEASE!! it’s too cute 😆😆
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
After a particularly bombastic match, Fuse treats himself to a cold beer, a grilled steak, and a well-deserved nap. Walter enjoys a good R and R session after a little mayhem, and today is no different. However, instead of enjoying that nap, a rather mischievous Legend crosses his path, and his name is Octavio Silva. It’s too tempting not to prank Walter as he slumbers, and the poor man is down for the count. Rampart joins him in the mischief and, much to his surprise, they discover that the explosives enthusiast is ticklish. Now, it’s time for the real fun to begin!
“Ahhh, that’s the stuff…”
Walter murmured aloud after he’d downed the rest of his beer. It’d been a long and trying day in the Apex Games; his squad never seemed to catch a break, and many of the fights just barely went in his favor. If it hadn’t been for the extra grenades in his pockets or picking the right time to drop his Mother Lode, the championship would’ve gone to someone else. But, alas, he and his squad managed to pull through and claim the crown for themselves. It was an exciting game, no doubt about it, and those were the kind of games ole Fusey couldn’t get enough of. They reminded him of being back on Salvo, back in the Bonecage, where he put many a bloke to sleep with his fists. He was in the prime of his life then and, like a fine wine, he only got better with age. Of course, he couldn’t spend all of his time raising hell, and there was nothing better than a cold beer and a grilled steak after a hard day. He was even lucky enough to have the entire common room to himself, since the rest of the Legends were all scattered throughout the dropship. After putting the empty bottle down on the table, the explosives enthusiast stretched out onto the couch. He decided to take off his metal arm to get more comfortable and put it next to the discarded bottle. Then, the tiredness finally catching up to him, Walter closed his eyes and dozed off shortly after.
What Fuse didn’t know was that Octavio was actually within the vicinity, wandering throughout the halls without anything to do. Normally, he would be hanging with Ajay or pulling off some sick stunts in his Gauntlet. Ajay, however, was busy working in the med bay and didn’t have time to deal with her hyperactive friend. And his Gauntlet, much to his dismay, was closed down for maintenance along with the entirety of King’s Canyon. The speedster never liked rules and tried to sneak in anyway, but he was caught and received a stern warning from the Games’ admins. Octane muttered some Spanish curses under his breath as he wandered into the common room. Maybe, he thought, he could put those thermites that he swiped on his way out to good use. He noticed Fuse on the couch and speeded over to him, grinning. If he was going to do anything with grenades, he’d definitely want the explosives enthusiast’s on his side. Since he was approaching from behind, he didn’t notice that the old man was sound asleep.
“Hey, amigo! I saw your last game, you were awesome!” he complimented. He climbed over the couch and plopped beside him. “You gotta show me how you pulled off that stick with the arc star. A collateral like that would look sick on my feed.”
When Walter didn’t respond, he arched a brow and turned to him. The explosives enthusiast was slightly slouched over, fast asleep, with his good arm draped over his stomach. Octavio blinked and leaned in to poke his shoulder, but he didn’t stir. The gears in his head turned and he grinned widely behind his mask. If he wasn’t able to pull some stunts or hang out with Ajay, he decided that he’d do something just as fun: pull a prank.
It took about ten minutes, but Octavio managed to dig up a can of shaving cream and a feather for a classic prank. He gave the room a quick once over to make sure no one was around to either distract him or wake the older man up. When he was certain that the coast was clear, he popped open the can and tipped over to Fuse. He slowly grabbed his hand and pried it off of his stomach so he could turn it over with the palm facing up. Every now and then he paused, looking for any signs that he might be waking up, but he didn’t give any. Lucky for Octavio, it seemed like Walter was a heavy sleeper. Octavio put a handful of shaving cream in the man’s palm and chuckled excitedly. Sure, this was a popular prank, but it was still funny.
Oh man, mis amigos are gonna love this.
Octane put the can down and put the feather between his index finger and thumb. He stepped closer to Fuse and took a breath, quickly fluttering it against his right cheek. At first, he didn’t give a reaction. But after a second try, Walter scrunched his nose and turned his head away. The speedster repeated the motion, flicking the feather back and forth, but the older man would just scrunch up his face and squirm away. There were a couple of times where it looked like Fuse was going to use his hand to brush his face, but he kept putting it down at the last minute, earning a groan from Octavio.
“Come on, just a lil bit higher…” he murmured, deciding to switch to his left cheek and increase his efforts. Footfalls sounded off behind the daredevil, but he didn’t notice, so the curious individual was able to walk up right beside him.
“Oi, what’cha doin’?” Came Rampart’s loud voice, which startled Octavio. His head snapped towards hers and he brought a finger to his lips.
“Shh! I’m trying to prank dormilón (sleepyhead) over here,” he whispered, gesturing to the shaving cream with the feather. “So don’t wake him up.”
Ramya’s eyebrows rose and she sat down at the opposite side of Walter. “Gramps is down for the count, huh? Guess he ain’t all that spry after all.” she snickered. She craned her head over to see the shaving cream in his hand and smirked. “Ooo, that’s a classic prank right there. Want some help? Bet I could dig up some markers.”
Octavio shook his head and waved her off with his free hand. “Nah, I’m good. Just need him to itch his face.” He explained, poking the feather into Fuse’s left cheek at random intervals. Walter stirred and grumbled, making the speedster retract his hand. It looked like he was going to wake up but, thankfully, he calmed back down and returned to sleep. Rampart rolled her eyes, leaning over Fuse to take the feather from Octavio.
“You’re doin’ it wrong. Watch.” The modder instructed, wiggling the feather against Fuse’s nose. Walter grumbled again and turned his face away, but Ramya was persistent. She propped herself up on her knees and crawled closer to him. She leaned forward, flicking the plume against his nose again. She balanced herself with her hand against his side, unconsciously gripping it when he fidgeted. Walter twitched and exhaled sharply through his nose. He leaned away from the invasive touch, this time curling against the arm of the couch, and sighed deeply. Ramya blinked and glanced over at Octavio. The speedster met her gaze and inched closer to Fuse, cocking his head to the side.
“Is he…?” Octane curiously poked at Walter’s ribcage, earning a grunt and a quiet, yet undeniable chuckle. The speedster’s eyes lit up with mischief and he grinned at his accomplice. “Mira, looks like tough guy’s ticklish.”
Ramya matched his grin and she walked two fingers along his side. Fuse squirmed and pushed himself further into the couch’s arm. He chuckled and murmured something indecipherable, a faint smirk appearing on his lips. “I think you’re onto somethin’, mate.” The modder answered, crossing over his stomach to repeat the same motion on his other side. “Never thought I’d meet a ticklish Salvonian. Now I’ve seen it all.”
Octane and Rampart’s poking and prodding stirred ole Fusey out of his nap, albeit slowly. What started off as quiet grunts and chuckles evolved into prominent giggles as the duo increased their efforts. By the time Walter was somewhat conscious, his nerves buzzed with the ticklish sensations, and he jolted awake.
“AH! Whahat---oh, it’s just you lot.” Walter breathed a sigh of relief, unaware of the situation that he’d found himself in. He was still groggy from being disturbed from his nap. “You pups need somethin’? Or can this old dog go back to--”
He paused, feeling something foamy in his hand. He glanced at his palm and his eyebrows furrowed. “The hell? What’s this doing in my hand?”
Walter shook the stuff off of him. He noticed the feather in Ramya’s hand and smirked, putting two and two together. “Oh, thought you could prank ole Fusey, did ya?”
“He did,” Rampart nodded to Octavio, earning a glare from the speedster. “But he’s a bloody amateur. Guess it’s for the best though, otherwise we wouldn’t know how ticklish you are.”
Fuse gave her a bewildered look. “What?” he spat, yelping when Octane jabbed him in the side. “Hey, knock it off!”
Octavio chuckled. “Didn’t peg you as the ticklish type, amigo. That must suck for you.” He teased, aiming another poke at his stomach. Walter batted him away with his good hand and scoffed.
“I reckon everyone’s ticklish to some extent, mate. What of it?” The explosives enthusiast responded, only to have the realization hit him seconds later. He was sandwiched between two of the most mischievous Legends in the Apex Games, and he’d taken off the only thing keeping him from being the target of their mischief: his metal arm. Granted, the metallic limb wasn’t that far away from where he was, but one of the pups had agility on his side. Walter’s had worse odds though, so he lurched forward to grab it.
Like clockwork, the two younger Legends jumped into action. Octane grabbed Walter’s arm and pulled him backwards, causing him to yelp. Ramya was quick to get up and push the table holding the metal arm further away from where they were. Somehow, Fuse managed to free himself of the speedster's hold and stand up.
“Yeah nah, you lot can have the bloody couch. I’m going to enjohohohy myhyhy--ah! Stohohop!”
While Walter was distracted, Rampart snuck up behind him and poked at his sides. The explosives enthusiast sputtered and snickered, turning to fend her off next. This gave Octavio the opportunity to seize his arm and pull him back on the couch. Fuse yelled again and tried to push him back, but it was difficult to do with one arm. The ticklish pokes were only making it that much harder. So, although Walter outmatched both of the Legends in terms of physical strength, Octane was able to get him down and hold his arm above his head.
“Hurry, chica! Get his legs and I’ll keep his arm down.” The speedster called over his shoulder, adding to the tickle attack by scratching along Walter's stomach. Fuse arched his back and fell into a deeper pool of laughter.
“Nohohoho! Blohohohoody hehehell, gehehehet ohohohff mehehehe!” Walter protested, struggling to propel himself upwards by digging his heels into the couch. Ramya grinned and straddled the man’s waist, effectively pinning him down.
“Aw, ya ain’t afraid of a little tickling, are ya mate?” The modder teased, digging her wiggling fingers into his sides. Fuse laughed even louder and twisted his torso side to side.
“I ahahahain’t afrahahahahid of ahahahnytHIHIHIHNG!” He fired back, his laughter jumping in pitch when Octavio poked into the sides of his stomach. The speedster was positioned above his head, holding his arm down with his knee, and grinning widely. He opted for using his thumbs to drill into the spot, snickering when he bucked his hips and swore.
“Oh yeah? Then tell us where you’re most ticklish.” He challenged, smirking when Fuse’s head snapped up to him.
Octavio laughed. “You heard me! Tell us where your worst spot is, and we’ll leave you alone.” He repeated, using all of his nails to torment Fuse’s stomach.
“Maybe.” Ramya chimed in, finding his hip bones and giving them some quick squeezes. The old man yelled and swore again as he tried to buck her off of him. He didn’t want to accidentally send her flying across the room, but he hadn’t been tickled since his younger days, and he’d forgotten just how ticklish he really was. Granted, most people he came across didn’t want to tickle a man who had a metal arm and wielded explosives, but these two pups weren’t deterred at all.
Walter’s laughter was only getting louder the more they tickled him. Octavio had gotten bored of sticking to one spot and started poking at his ribcage. He arched his back and cackled; his ribs were a very ticklish spot, coming just shy of being his worst one. For a moment, he considered telling the pups where that spot was, if it meant they’d stop pestering him. But, the thought was gone almost as soon as it came up. If Ole Fusey was anything, he was certainly stubborn.
“NOHOHOHOHO!” He yelled, bucking his hips again when the speedster increased his efforts. “COHOHOHME OHOHN! YOHOHOHU’VE HAHAHAD YOHOHOHUR FUHUHUN!”
Ramya scoffed and reached behind her to squeeze his knee. He responded by yelping and drumming his leg against the couch cushions. “I thought you said you weren’t scared,” she simpered, her nails dancing along the top of his knee and underneath it. “It must be a really bad spot if ya ain’t gonna tell us. Which isn’t the best idea, cause we’ll find out eventually.”
Fuse tugged as hard as he could at his pinned arm, trying to wench it free, but the speedster held strong. He laughed harder the higher up Octavio tickled, throwing his body around. Octane was trying to gage which ribs were the most sensitive; he raked his nails against the bones at a rapid pace and scribbled at the spaces between them. So far, they all seemed equal in sensitivity, but the speedster wasn’t ready to give up just yet.
“OKAHAHAY! OKAHAHAY WAHAHAIT!” Fuse screeched when the speedster lingered on his two centermost ribs. The younger Legends perked up, slowing the tickling down just enough to keep the poor man giggling.
“Yeah? Got something to say?” Octavio asked, rhythmically tapping against the fleshy part beneath his ribcage. Walter gasped and lost himself in heavy giggles before he was able to put some words together.
“Lehehehet’s….lehehehet’s mahahahke ahahaha deahahahal…” he tittered. Maybe while he bargained with them, he could keep them distracted long enough to pull his arm free. “Lehehehet mehehe up, let me get back to me nap. And I’ll tehehll ya whahat you wanna knohow after.”
Rampart arched a skeptic brow and gently skittered her fingertips over his stomach. Fuse flinched and sucked in his stomach, prompting the modder to apply a little more pressure. “How do we know ya won’t cut tail and run the second we let you go?”
“I wohohohn’t! Yohohur mahahate wohohould cahahatch up to mehehe! Cohohme ohohn…” Walter snickered when Ramya switched from the gentle touches to deliberate scratching. “Leheheht mehehe gohoho!”
Rampart looked up at Octavio while she circled one nail around the man’s navel. “I dunno...whaddaya think, mate? Should we let him go?”
Octane withdrew his hands and pretended to ponder the request. He was having fun; no, he was having a blast, and he wasn’t ready to stop any time soon! Fuse was one of the last people he’d ever thought to be ticklish, and he didn’t think this opportunity would present itself again. He gave the old man a brief moment to breathe before he dropped his hands back onto his ribcage. He prodded at the fleshy part beneath the ribcage and worked his way up the bones, earning a scream and loud fit of laughter. “Psh, no way! This is the least bored I’ve been all day.” He piped, laughing when Walter tried to roll away from him again.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHO YOHUHUHU BLOHOHOHOODY DROHOHONGOHOHO!” Fuse screamed and writhed when Octavio kneaded back into his centermost ribs. Ramya giggled and reached underneath his shirt, scribbling her fingertips against his bare sides and tummy. This prompted another scream and an even louder burst of laughter. “STAHAHAHAP TIHIHIHCKLING MEHEHE!”
“Nah, sorry mate. He’s my partner in crime, can’t let him down.” The modder quipped, gently pinching both sides of his abdomen. Walter almost threw her off of his waist and shook with raucous laughter.
The younger Legends were laughing almost as hard as he was and they picked up the tickling pace. “Ooo, I’m so scared.” Ramya snickered, circling her nails back around the man’s navel. Walter snorted and furiously kicked a pillow, sending it flying across the room. Octane momentarily stopped tickling him and threw his head back with laughter.
“Sí, you sound terrifying right now.” He added, smirking. He tickled up higher still, reaching his uppermost ribs, and scritched at them at a rapid pace.
Now, Walter wasn’t someone who was easily frightened, but the panic set in once the speedster attacked those ribs. He violently thrashed around with his laughter bordering on hysterics. If Octavio tickled any higher, he knew he wouldn’t last long.
“AHAHAHAHAHAH STHAHAHAHP! EHENOHOUGH ALREHEHEADY!” Fuse demanded through heavy fits of laughter. He arched his back when he alternated between the two ribs, rocking from one side to the other to try and avoid the tickles. His stubbornness was hanging by a thread now; maybe it would've been better for him to just come clean? Little did Walter know, neither Octane or Rampart were going to be as easily swayed now.
“Nope! You had your chance. And it looks like I found a good spot here.” The speedster answered with a grin, moving back down his rib cage to tickle each rib individually. Walter threw his head back and kicked another pillow off of the couch, his laughter taking on a desperate note. “Probably your worst one, right?”
Fuse frantically nodded. “YEHEHEHEHEHEHES! IHIHIHIHIHT IHIHIHIS! SOHOHO STOHOHOP!” He shouted, practically splitting his sides when he gently pinched the centermost ribs. His laughter took on different pitches depending on where Octavio tickled; poking beneath the rib cage made him giggle uncontrollably, tickling along the ribs themselves made him scream and roar with laughter. Rampart looked up at the two of them; she noticed that the higher up he tickled, the more the explosives enthusiast struggled. She grinned, reaching up to join Octane in tormenting his ribs by poking at his lowermost ones.
“You get his armpits yet? I think you’d wanna be thorough.” She offered, her grin widening when Fuse glared at her...or at least tried to. There was no way she could take him seriously with how hard he was laughing.
Octane glanced at her and chuckled. “No, don’t think I have. Are your armpits ticklish too, amigo?” He asked, slowly poking back up the man’s rib cage. He felt Walter stiffen and he beamed behind his mask.
“N-Nohohohoho! Thehehey’re nohohohot!” He lied; the unfamiliar feeling of panic eating at his nerves increased the closer his nails got to his armpits. Did ole Fusey’s voice crack when he told this lie? No, it didn’t! And he’d deny it for as long as it could...but that would just be another lie.
“No? Bummer.” Octavio bit back a smirk and sighed, leaving his hands resting on the top of the rib cage, just underneath where his armpits started. Ramya halted her tickling too and gave the speedster a questioning look. If he hadn’t been wearing the mask, she’d be able to see that mischief in his eyes was still going strong. Even Fuse, who was grateful for the break, was a tiny bit skeptical. He glanced at his hands and then at the kid’s face, breathing heavily. Was he really going to let him go, just like that?
Well, the short answer was no.
“Guess I’ll just have to forget about it and go see i--SIKE!”
Without warning, Octane buried his hands in Fuse’s armpits and wiggled his fingers around. The explosives enthusiast screamed and immediately dissolved into hysterical laughter. He didn’t even have a chance to fight it; the ticklish sensations came swift and sudden, and left him writhing on the couch. This time, he accidentally threw the modder off of him, and he could only pray that she wasn’t injured. Besides a yip of surprise and a few words of profanity, Ramya was perfectly fine.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP! BLOHOHOHOOHDY STAHAHAHAHA--” Walter’s demands were lost in his laughter as he dug his heels into the couch again. Since his arm was the only thing pinned down, he bucked himself forward to try and sit up. It didn’t work the first time, and it spurred Octavio to tickle him faster, drawing out more protests and wild laughter. He tried again, and again, and one more time after that, but the tickling had weakened him, and he didn’t pull his arm free before Ramya collected herself.
“Heh, well that looks like that was a lie, huh?” Rampart noted. Since she didn’t want to get thrown off again, she decided to sit next to the couch and poke at his ribs. Walter snorted again and laughed even harder, his legs flailing all over the place. “All the more reason to tickle you. Right mate?”
Octavio happily nodded and fluttered his nails along the length of Walter’s armpits. “Yup! You brought this on yourself, señor.” He grinned, going on a search for an even more ticklish spot along the armpits.
Meanwhile, Fuse was dying laughing. He did all he could to try and propel himself forward to escape, but Octavio’s knee kept his arm in place. The last thing he wanted to do was plead, but he was running out of options, and he only had so much oxygen. “OKAHAHAY! ALRIHIHIHGHT! I’M SOHOHOHRRY!” He yelped, thrashing violently when the speedster lingered on the lowermost areas of the armpits, just a hair away from the ribs. Whenever he stroked there, he twitched and absolutely howled with laughter. “PLEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAP!”
Ramya was the first to take notice; Walter didn’t seem like the type of guy to beg, so she assumed that they didn’t have a lot of time to keep on tickling him. She gently scratched at the ultra sensitive ribs that Octavio found: the uppermost and center most ones on each side of the rib cage. He desperately shook his head, attempting to dodge their hands, but they easily kept up with him. Thankfully, after a few more bouts of heavy laughter and intense struggling, Fuse finally pulled hard enough to get his arm free.
He immediately hopped to his feet and hurried towards his metal arm. The younger Legends blinked, surprised that he actually managed to get away, but it didn’t last long. They chased after him, laughing, and caught up with him before he could get a hold of his limb. Walter whirled around, extending his good arm out to defend himself, but it was too late. Both Octane and Rampart launched themselves towards the explosives enthusiast at the same time, each one burying a hand into an armpit. Fuse flinched and barked out some more protests mixed in with laughter, but ultimately, he ended up back on the floor in stitches.
“AHA! I GIHIHIHIHVE! I GIHIHIHIHVE! ENOHOHOHOUGH!” Walter yelled. He planted his hand on the floor and tried to use it as leverage to push himself up, but crashed back down when both Legends increased the tickling pace. At this point, poor Fusey was too tired to really try and get them to stop, so he could only shout another ‘plehehehehease’ before his laughter fell silent.
Rampart gradually halted the tickling and gently elbowed Octane. “Alright, alright. Let 's stop. Think grandpa is all tuckered out.” She chuckled, scooting back to give the man some room to recover. Octane pouted, but stopped shortly after Ramya did.
“Fine. Hey, no hard feelings, right amigo? I was super bored till you came along.” He added, heading over to where his metal arm was. He picked it up and handed it to Walter, who had to take a few extra minutes to catch his breath before he was able to grab it. He attached it back to his limb and exhaled. Fuse was still tired, but for a completely different reason now.
“...Glad I could be of service,” Walter quipped sarcastically. Octavio extended a hand to him to help him to his feet, and the older man accepted it gratefully. However, much to the speedster’s confusion, he didn’t release it right away. The speedster’s brows furrowed and he tried to tug his hand back to him, but when he looked into the man’s face, he saw a similar look of mischief in his eye. It made a shiver run down his spine. “But you do realize that disturbing me from my nap isn’t something I’m going to let slide, ay?”
Octane paled and only increased his efforts to yank his arm back to him. Thankfully, Rampart was still nearby, and she saved the day by giving the explosives expert another poke to the side. Walter yelped and jumped away from the touch, allowing both her and Octavio to scramble away. Fuse watched them go but, instead of chasing after them, he returned to his seat on the couch. He chuckled to himself; for now, he was going to return to his well deserved nap. But, when he woke up, ole Fusey was going to start some trouble...in more ways than one.
I was pretty nervous to post this since it's a little bit shorter than my usual fics, but the length of this one just felt 'right' when I finished writing and reread it. This is also my first time writing for Fuse and I'm still working on getting his character down, especially since this was kinda an impulse write :P. Anyways, I hope you liked the story.
22 notes · View notes
angelatmidnight1 · 3 years
i adored your recent fic! i was wondering if you’d do something similar to that. like rampart getting revenge (since she knows how ticklish he is now).
The Show Must Go On
A/N- The story is a little sad at first, but lightens up towards the end. I really hope you like it! I'll list what I was inspired by at the end.
It’s the second anniversary of the Apex Games and after eight successful seasons, news reporters everywhere are dying for the chance to have an interview with the Legends. A lucky reporter, Lisa Stone, gets the opportunity, but receives more than she bargained for: both Mirage and Rampart agree to appear on a Stories from the Outlands segment and, unbeknownst to them, are scheduled to appear at the same time. The fans are ecstatic: there are countless rumours circulating about the beloved trickster and modder, and the juicy gossip to come from the show is sure to be legendary. The first couple of questions are innocent enough, but everything takes a turn. Lisa asks about Elliot’s mom and resurfaces some unpleasant memories. Even Ramya thinks she’s crossed a line. Somehow, they finish the show, but Elliot is still upset. So, she steps in to get him laughing again.
Hey there! I’d give you three wishes but, let’s be honest, all three just came true. Wink, wink, and wink.
Mirage chuckled and set the golden action figure down on his table backstage. “Heheh, can’t get enough of this. Everyone should have one. Should be a law, actually.” he murmured fondly. He booped the figurine’s nose so that it swayed side to side. Behind him was a crate of boxes of signed replicas of his precious trophy, created as merchandise available for purchase for a meet and greet later on. He turned to face it and grinned. “Lucky for everyone, that’ll happen tonight.” 
He stood up and strutted over to the crate. He was decked out in his Center Stage outfit, which was quite fitting based on where he was. Sure, the trickster stole the show on a regular basis anyway, but today he was on the set for Stories from the Outlands. The show had been on a long hiatus since the unfortunate demise of Forge, so he was thrilled to be the first Legend to debut on its reboot! The excitement hung heavily in the air; the TV crew hustled down the hallways, the production team fiddled with the lighting and sound, and the excited chatter of the audience could be heard even from his dressing room. He picked up a box containing one of the action figures and brought it up to the light, marveling as it glimmered. 
“...A trophy for you! A trophy for you! Don’t worry, there’s plenty of me’s to go around.” Elliot rehearsed his little speech and pretended to hand it off to a fan. Unable to help himself, he reached under the box and pulled the string.
Aren’t I the best lookin’ action figure in the Outlands? Buy me now!
He bounced the little figurine along in the air to mimic walking. Before he could turn around and place the trophy back where it belonged, a certain someone came walking down the hallway. The individual casually slipped her hands into her pockets and, popping some bubble gum, parked herself in the trickster’s doorway. She leaned against the door frame, watching Elliot with an amused smirk. 
“Mate, don’t ya think you’re a bit old to be playing with toys?”
Mirage flinched and, accidentally dropping the action figure, spun around to face who it was. The action figure landed on the floor with a dull thud, and he scrambled to pick it up. When he stood back up, he blinked; it was Rampart. 
“Ramya?” he spat, bewildered. “What’re you doing here?” 
How did she manage to follow him onto the set? Better yet, how did she even know where he’d be? The questions spun around in his head and he shook his head, chuckling. “I mean, I know how lonely you get when I’m not around. But, there’s always a new hobby. Or making me a new mod...which you still haven’t given me, by the way.”
Ramya’s smirk faded and she leered at him. “Keep talkin’ like that and the only mod you’ll get is me welding your boots to your goggles,” she sassed, stepping further into the room. “And since you’re dyin’ to know, I was invited here, same as you. Sounds like we’ll be sharin’ the stage. ” The modder threw him a grin and pulled Sheila off her back, happily revving her up. “Heh, that is if me and Sheila here don’t steal the show.”
Mirage stared at her, waiting for her to laugh or otherwise show that she was pulling his leg...but she didn’t. “But...but this is my slot,” he argued, unable to wrap his head around what she was telling him. He's had to do PR events with other Legends, but he’d told everyone he knew that he was the first and only Legend to be invited here for an interview! So, something wasn’t adding up. 
“...You know what? I think you’re just making this up,” he came to the only conclusion he’d be willing to accept. He approached her, smirking. “Just admit it, Ramps. You missed me so much that you, somehow, followed me here so that you didn’t have to spend a lonely night in your shop! Don’t worry, I get it. I’m really good company.”
Ramya laughed a bit too hard for the trickster’s liking. “Oho, if that ain’t the best joke I’ve heard all day,” she snickered. “I guess you are good for something besides lookin’ pretty. But, no, I’m not making this up. Check it out.” After putting the minigun back in its holster, she handed him her pass. The trickster grabbed it, already convincing himself that it was forged or stolen...but it looked identical to the one he had. It felt like someone took a pin to his ego, and his shoulders slumped. 
“Seriously?” Elliot sighed and face palmed, begrudgingly handing the pass back to her. “You’ve gotta be kidding me. I mean, I know we’re roommates but we don’t have to be conjoined at the hip. This is so...so dumb...”
Ramya smirked. “Well, when you’re the best Legend to step foot in these games, invitations are just thrown at ya. They practically begged us to come along” she beamed, triumphantly crossing her arms against her chest. “But don’t worry, we’ll make some room at the top. We could always use a sidekick!” she teased further, pinching the trickster’s side. Mirage yelped and squirmed out of her reach. 
“No wahahy! ” he countered, having to smooth the creases he made in his jacket. “Only thing you need is a reality check. So here ya go: Sheila does all of the work for you, and I’m still better than you in every way.” he puffed out his chest, feeling proud of himself.  “You’re welcome.”
Ramya narrowed her eyes and, when he raised his arm to adjust the jacket, she dug wiggling nails into his armpit.  Elliot gasped and immediately brought the arm down, but all he did was trap her hand in place. He twisted away from her, the strained giggles pouring out faster than he could stop them. Unfortunately, she followed after him and continued tickling. 
“Hehehey! Knohohohohohck it ohohohohff!” he shouted, his giggles intensifying when she squeezed down to his ribs and sides. The trickster brought both of his arms against his sides and hunched over, but no matter how much he squirmed or pushed at her hands, he couldn’t shake her off. Elliot was sure that the TV set crew could hear him, and the thought made his cheeks flushed. After all, he had a reputation to uphold! “Cohohohme ohohohon! Thihihihs ihihihihs a nehehehehw ohohohutfihihihiht! Youhuhu’ll wrihihihnkle it!” he whined. 
“N’aww, well I’d hate to mess up your cute widdle outfit,” Ramya simpered, giving some firm, tickly squeezes to the spots just above his hip bones. This brought out the laughter she was looking for, in all of its goofy glory. “But I’d say you owe me an apology! It took a lot of elbow grease to make Sheila. Think I should get a cut of the credit.” 
Elliot refused to give her the satisfaction and kept trying to get a hold of her wrists. Sometimes he caught them, but just when he thought he had a good grip, she’d pull away and tickle his torso with a renewed vigor. The laughter and commotion caught the attention of a nearby set worker, who was coming to retrieve the Legends anyway. The woman rapped her knuckles against the door, causing both of their heads to pop up. Ramya continued to jab her fingers into Elliot’s sides, making the poor man bark out protests and giggles.
“Uh, hi. You can both head on the set,” The worker stated, giving the trickster a small smile before walking away. With Ramya distracted, Elliot managed to push her off of him, still plagued by giggles. 
“Ugh, you’re sohoho annoying.” he tittered, rubbing the ticklish sensations out of his sides. “Did you really have to do that here? Now?” 
“What? Don’t want your fans to know how ticklish you are?” Rampart snickered and stood up. She offered a hand to him and he took it, but didn’t immediately let go. 
“Well, if I remember correctly, I know a certain gearhead who’s pretty ticklish too.” Mirage fired back, smirking. He stood up with her help and loomed over her, still holding her hand. “I wonder who that could be?”
Stiffening, Ramya glared at the trickster and unconsciously held her free arm closer to her torso. The duo stared each other down for a few beats before, all of a sudden, Rampart wormed her hand free and jabbed him in the stomach. Elliot yelped and lurched away from her, bumping into a nearby table and knocking the contents off. 
“Heh, can’t say I know ‘em.” she responded, grinning as he begrudgingly returned everything to its proper place. “But I’m here for a show, Witt! So when you’re done, I promise to save you a seat...somewhere...in a chair. Definitely not on the floor or anything.” 
Ramya laughed and strolled out of the room. Mirage was quick to follow after her, greeting the pretty, bashful looking set crew on his way to catch up. Many of them never had the opportunity to brush elbows with the Legends, let alone the hottest one in the Outlands. Other workers were happy to fistbump with Rampart and admire the impressive craftsmanship that was Sheila. Hands free, of course. 
Elliot gently nudged Ramya to get her attention when they finished their respective interactions.  “Look, since we haven’t done anything together like this, make sure you follow my lead. I’ve been doing this for a really long time. I know how to keep these reporters hanging on every word,” he bragged, grinning. He hooked an arm around her shoulders. “They tend to ask a lot of questions, ya know, wanting to know how interesting our lives are outside of the arena. But, remember, you don’t have to answer everything! Sometimes you may wanna only give ‘em a little, keep them wanting more--.”
“So, like every bloody interview ever?” Rampart scoffed, shrugging his arm off her shoulders. “I got this, Witt. Sounds like you’re the only one sweatin’ it.” She stopped right before the turn leading to the stage, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Oh, are you worried that I’ll tell them about what happened that one time? At Paradise, remember?” The modder waggled her eyebrows, beaming at his look of realization. 
“Hey, I told you what happens in Paradise stays in Paradise, okay! You know that…” he shot back in a hushed voice. The trickster felt his stomach drop when she winked and walked ahead of him. “...Why’re you looking at me like that? Hey! Ramya!” He hurried after her, cursing his luck of having to share the limelight with the infamous, quick-witted modder. It was going to be a long night. 
Once both of the Legends stepped on the set, they were quickly ushered to their designated chairs positioned in the center of the room. The lights were bright, almost blinding, but it didn’t bother Mirage. Here, he was in his element. Lisa Stone strolled over to them shortly after they were settled in their seats with a big smile on her face. 
“Hello, Legends! Oh, you don’t know how excited I am to see you both in person! It’s been ages since I’ve done any interviews.” she gushed, extending a hand to give each of them a handshake. Ramya opted for a fist bump instead, but Elliot happily took her hand to shake it.
“Pleasure’s all mine! But call me Elliot,” he smiled and leaned towards the reporter. “All the pretty reporters do.” 
Lisa chuckled and politely squeezed his hand. “Oh no, I know how dangerous you are, Elliot. Have to be careful when you’re around!” she smirked, stepping back and releasing his hand to take her seat. Mirage glanced at Rampart and grinned, as if saying, see? Rampart just rolled her eyes. “You two ready?”
“Sure are, mate! Let’s get this thing started already. Sheila’s itchin’ to get into this bonanza.” Ramya piped, taking the mini gun off her back and leaning it against her chair. Lisa chuckled again and motioned for a worker to hand her her script, and signaled to another to get the cameras rolling.  After a brief delay, the camera man nodded to her; it was showtime.
“...We’re sitting here tonight with Elliot ‘Mirage’ Witt and Ramya ‘Rampart’ Parekh. It’s great to have both of you here. Never in the Stories from the Outlands history have we had two Legends on set!”
Mirage was the first to speak up with a huge smile on his face. “Of course! It’s an honor to be here. Great to see you and connect with all the fans out there.” he answered happily, throwing a wink and some finger guns to the crowd in front of him. The crowd responded with loud cheering, with someone even screaming we love you, Mirage! He smirked, his ego getting the best of him as he summoned a decoy and made it blow a kiss to that adoring fan. The cheers got louder and, in the back of his mind, he hoped he didn’t make that poor individual pass out. He fist bumped the decoy to make it disappear. “Moments like these are what I live for.”
Elliot wasn’t the only one having fun though. Rampart had riled up a crowd of her own and got out of her chair. She waved and pointed at them, grinning. 
“I don’t know, I think they could show a little more enthusiasm than that, right?” she chimed in, earning a collective roar from the crowd. The modder momentarily eyed Mirage with a smirk as she turned to gather up Sheila. She turned to the crowd again and revved it up; security made her unload bullets in the gun, but she didn’t need bullets to show her off. “Or maybe you’re waiting to see this beauty?”
Sheila joining the fray meant that the cheers not only shook the room, but also brought some fans out of their seats to give that awesome minigun a standing ovation. The sudden outburst made the trickster flinch a bit, though it didn’t seem like Ramya or even Lisa noticed. He mentally pouted. 
What? No standing ovation for me? The trickster wondered, shaking the thoughts out of his head once Rampart sat back down. No way was he going to give the gearhead the satisfaction of seeing him pout. Maybe, he thought, the fans were just being extra nice to her. After all, she did join the Apex Games after him, so maybe they were just trying to make her feel just as included. Elliot did steal the show no matter where he was, so anyone standing next to him must have felt a little small. Yeah. He liked that explanation. 
The crowd finally settled down enough for Lisa to continue with the show. “Well, we are so thankful that you were willing to spend some time with us. So! Elliot, I’m going to start with you.” The reporter pivoted so that she was facing him, rustling her script. “You’ve been participating in the Apex Games since its earliest stages, and have yet to miss out on being an Apex Champion! Tell me, are there any tips you’d like to share for the inspiring Legends out there?”
Mirage leaned back in his chair, thinking. “Yeah, I’d tell ‘em to find something that they love to do, something they’re good at. It can be anything. Shooting, running, carving pumpkins--”
He stopped himself before he walked himself down that rabbithole that he wasn’t really looking to revisit. “Well, maybe not carving pumpkins cause, ya know, that may not come to anything. Or, maybe it would! I mean, heh, I wouldn’t know anything about that..'' he corrected himself and waved his hands dismissively. “Basically, you want to start with one of your talents. Grow with it. Hone it. Love it. And, with a stroke of luck, you may find yourself in the arena with a gun in your hand and millions of people cheering your name. And if you run into me, well, I can’t say I’ll go easy on you. Gotta keep people on their toes, newbies included.”
Before Lisa could continue, Rampart hopped into the conversation. She turned to him with that signature, cocky grin. “Why don’t you tell them about that game we were in a while back? Cause if I remember correctly, it was me picking your sorry butt off the ground.” she jibed. The modder met his glare with a wider grin as she put a hand over her chest. “It was my first game ever in the Apex Games. I was a newbie myself. And I’ll tell ya, my back got one hell of a workout that day, carrying this plonker around.”
The crowd whooped and hollered, almost drowning out what Mirage had to say. 
“What? Ramya, you’re totally exact-egg-act---you’re laying it on thick!” Elliot argued. “What you’re talking about was a prime example of me giving you a chance to shine! I taught you everything I knew, and then I let you rack up a bunch of kills to give you a strong start. That’s the kind of person I am.”
Lisa decided that she didn’t want to leave this stone unturned. Her eyebrows rose with interest and she leaned towards them. “Well, what happened exactly? This is all new to us, so I’m sure we’d love to know.” The reporter questioned, her curious gaze shifting between one Legend to the other. If she’d known having two Legends on the show would be this exciting, she would’ve done it much earlier.
“Nothing hap--”
“Well, since you asked! Here’s what went down...” Ramya was happy to tell the story of how she saved Elliot from certain death against the angry killer robot. She didn’t leave a single detail out; how Revenant snuck up on him, his scream that shook the Outlands, and how she turned that psycho into scrap metal. The audience was riled up by the time she finished. 
“By the time I got to him, he was screaming, ‘No, Mr. Murderbot! Please don’t eat me! Anything but that!’” Ramya laughed, leaning over in her chair so that she could playfully nudge Elliot’s arm. “My fearless teacher, cowering in the corner. Heheh..it was priceless.” 
“Like I said, I was distracting him! It was a part of my plan,” Elliot defended over the audience’s yips of surprise and amusement. He was stewing; if it hadn’t been for him, they wouldn’t have won that fight! Sure, it was preferable to participate in the fight, but he still contributed! With all of the eyes on him, there was no way he’d let this gearhead drag him through the mud! He witnessed plenty of times where Rampart screwed up in a match. So, since they were sharing stories, he decided to give a little snippet of his own. “But while we’re on the topic, let’s talk about the many times where I, single handedly, saved you and Sheila from certain doom!”
Lisa was happy to let them talk. The crowd was going wild and, if they kept this up, the show’s ratings would be through the roof. But she noticed something between the Legends as they one-upped each other with their not-so-flattering stories. Some of the Legends were friends with each other, others rivals. But these two seemed a blend of both; cordial one minute, confrontational the next. It reminded her of what it was like growing up with her little sister. 
As much as she wanted the Legends to continue, she did have more questions she wanted to ask them. And, one in particular was practically jumping off her script. She threw up her hands when they started debating how exactly Ramya’s shoe got caught in a gully, which sent her tumbling off the map. “Whoa, whoa! Okay, it sounds like you two have spent a lot of time together. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were related.” she laughed. Both Legends made a similar expression of disgust, but the reporter spoke up before they could go at it again. “Let me ask you something else, Elliot. I hope you don’t mind, but I’m dying to know.”
“Ask me whatever you’d like,” he encouraged, comfortably leaning back in his seat. “I’m an open book.”
 “How is Mrs. Witt doing?”
Mirage’s breath hitched, as if someone just punched him in the gut. Of course, the sound system in the studio picked up everything, but he tried to play it off as if he was clearing his throat. “Sorry, what?”
“Well, you’re one of the few Legends with a living family member who’s contributed a great deal to the scientific community. I’m sure we’re all familiar with her work.” Lisa smiled at the crowd, earning collective nods. “But, we haven’t seen much of her lately. Not at all, actually. And I--well--”
Every muscle in Elliot’s body tightened.  He spoke to his mother just a few days ago, right before the anniversary. But, she didn’t remember him, and most of the conversation was him trying to help her remember that she was his mother. It didn’t go well, but he buried his sadness for another day. Now, this woman was not only reopening the wound, but dumping an entire box of salt on it. 
“Has she been feeling okay? According to my sources, it’s been...the opposite. So, I was wondering if you’d like to offer some clarity--”
“There’s nothing to clear up.” Came Elliot’s abrupt reply. The rational side of his mind was screaming at him to cool it, to just redirect the question towards a different topic. But this was his mother she was talking about, and there wasn’t a person living that he cared more about. “I don’t know what you heard, but it sounds like you’ve got your story all wrong! Totally wrong. My mother is just fine. She’s perfectly healthy! So, whatever you were thinking, just---don’t.” 
He’d unknowingly raised his voice, so it left feedback on the microphones. Rampart stared at him with her mouth agape. She never heard him raise his voice before. Clearly, Lisa struck a nerve. And, for whatever reason, she felt herself get angry too. 
“Oh, of course! Of course.” Lisa scrambled to reply and defensively put a hand up. “I didn’t mean anything by it. I’m just glad to hear she’s okay.” She smiled at the trickster, but he didn’t smile back. She fidgeted in her seat and turned to Ramya, hoping to salvage what was becoming an awkward, quiet studio. The modder met her gaze, fury in her eyes, but she knew how important appearances were to Elliot. So, for him, she hopped to her feet and picked up Sheila. 
“Yeesh. Thought you plonkers would never stop talking,” she jeered, pressing down on the trigger so the gun roared to life. “How about we listen to what Sheila has to say?” 
The audience perked up and chattered in approval. Somewhere, in the back of Mirage’s mind, he thanked her for the distraction.
The rest of the night went about as smooth as expected. Mirage still attended a meet n’ greet, surrounded by his adoring fans, but he just went through the motions. His smile didn’t reach his eyes, and his jokes were recycled. Rampart was set up not too far away from him, allowing fans to admire her gun up close. Whenever she was able to glance at him, it took all of her strength to keep from barging into wherever Lisa was and giving her a piece of her mind. It took a couple deep breaths, but Ramya ultimately decided that she’d find the trickster when they were all done. 
The first and only place she decided to go to was the Paradise Lounge. Mirage spent most, if not all of his time there. She walked up to the door and ignored the ‘closed’ sign, opening the door and walking right in. 
Elliot must not have heard the door open because he didn’t turn around. When Ramya walked further in, she noticed the phone tucked under his chin.
“...Well, if it isn’t the most beautiful woman in the world! I get my good looks from somewhere, right mom?” Mirage smiled. He was glad he didn’t have to leave a voicemail this time. There was a pause, and the smile faded almost immediately. “I--yeah. It’s Elliot, your son.” 
Ramya blinked and shuffled her feet. Lisa was right: Mrs. Witt wasn’t well. She felt like she should leave to give the man some privacy. But she stayed where she was.
“It’s the games’ second anniversary today. And, naturally, I’ve been winning as many games as I can. All for you. My biggest fan.” he continued softly, rubbing the back of his neck. “There’s not a day goes by that I don’t think of you. So, ya know, I just wanted to---to check up on you.” 
Rampart smiled a small, sad smile. She didn’t know the trickster had a tender side; it was easy to miss that when they spent most of the day at each other's throats. She wasn’t the emotional type, but it was endearing to see how deeply he cared about his mother. Before she could overhear anything else, though, she rapped her knuckles against the counter, making him turn around.
“Oh! Let me call you back, mom. I--yeah. Yeah! I’ll definitely call you back. Okay. Bye, love you.” Elliot slipped the phone back into his pocket and arched a brow at the modder. “Uh, hey. Didn’t you see the closed sign?” As usual, the trickster swept his feelings under the rug with humor. 
“Eh, I’m a regular here. Tend to let myself in.” Ramya chuckled, climbing into a seat in front of him. “I didn’t see you after the meet n’ greet, wanted to make sure you weren’t lost again.”
“Aw, you did miss me. I knew it.” he teased, a victorious smirk on his lips. He was going to say something else, but she was giving him this look that he couldn’t place. “...What?”
“I...heard everything ya talked about. You didn’t lock the door..” she explained softly. Mirage looked mortified, so she threw both of her hands up. “Sorry! I know I should’ve left. I know. I just didn’t ‘cause…” she trailed off, searching for the right words. “When Lisa brought up your mom, that was the first time I’ve seen ya get upset at something. I mean, really upset. So I just wanted to see how you were doing.” 
“I’m fine.” Mirage insisted. If he just kept telling himself that, he’d hopefully start to believe it.  “It’s just like I was saying before, you never know what reporters will ask! So, I--it’s just…” 
He tried to come up with something else to say. Something witty. Something funny. Anything that he could use to steer the conversation. But he didn’t have anything. He sighed deeply and shifted uncomfortably. The only other person who’d seen him like this was Wraith. 
Ramya was out of her element too. The best way she knew how to comfort someone was with a drink, or maybe a quick brawl to clear their head. Neither one seemed fitting. So, after an awkward moment of silence, she got out of the chair. “Look, mate. I’m not gonna make you talk about it if ya ain’t feelin’ up to it. But you know where to find me if you change your mind.”
The modder turned to leave, but paused when Elliot decided to speak. Normally he’d opt for speaking to Renee, but he didn’t know where she was, and he didn’t want to be alone with his thoughts.
“It just..hurts..” Came Elliot’s quiet reply. He walked around the bar and sat down, motioning for her to sit next to him. “...When someone in your family can’t remember you anymore.”
Ramya sat next to him and remained quiet, letting him speak. 
“I mean, you spend your whole life with your mom. You laugh with her,cry with her…make memories. And then, out of the blue, she gets sick and all of that is just...gone. Just like that.” Elliot snapped his fingers to illustrate his point, frowning. “My mom’s all I have. I talk to her everyday, trying to help her remember something small, like my name. But I’m losing her, Ramya. And without her I--I don’t have anyone else.” 
“Hey, what am I then? Chopped Leviathan meat?” Rampart responded without malice, gently pushing his arm. “I know it ain’t the same, but you have me. And Blasey. And Pathfinder. I know he’s your favorite.” The trickster rolled his eyes, making her grin.  “Hell, I’d say you have a lot of people you can count on.” 
“I guess..” Elliot muttered, putting his hands on the counter and casting his head down. “Just wish I could do more for her.”
“You can. It’s the best thing you can do.” Ramya scooted her chair closer to his and nudged him. When he looked up, his eyes were shining with tears. “Keep talking to her. Keep making her laugh. Keep bragging about how great you are. If ya keep her a part of your life, then she’ll never really be gone.” 
Elliot blinked and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. “Yeah. That makes sense...somehow.” 
She scoffed, “Course it does! I have my philosophical moments,” Ramya grinned and lightly elbowed his side. He jumped and leaned away from the touch, choking back a chuckle. The modder heard the sound and climbed out of the chair, positioning herself behind him. What kind of roommate would she be if didn’t cheer him up? “‘Ey, you aren’t cryin’, are you?”
“No. I just had something in my eyEEE--” Mirage cried out and flinched when she squeezed his sides. He shot out of the chair and reached for her wrists, but she moved them before he could grab them. She didn’t let up, either; her determined hands squeezed over every inch of his sides, paying special attention to the spots right above his hip bones.  The trickster threw his torso around when she got to those spots, laughing loud and hard. “I’M NOHOHT CRHYHYHYING! STOHOHOHP!”
“And leave ya here sulking? Forget it.” Ramya smirked and hopped up to reach his armpits. The trickster screamed and brought his arms down, sinking to the floor to try and evade her. Grinning, she followed him down and pushed him onto his back. “If there’s one thing I know how to do, it’s how to put a smile on your face.”
Mirage struggled to keep her at bay, opting to keep his left arm against his torso, the right one fending her off. “Nohohoho, cohohohme ohohohohn! Dohohohn’t dohohohoho thihihihihs!” he whined, still giggling from the residual ticklish sensations. Rampart tried to pry his arm off of his torso, but he wouldn’t budge. So, she decided to wrestle the flailing right arm down on the floor, settling her knee on top of it. 
“Why not? I’m really good at it. Gimme your arm,” The modder quipped, latching both of her hands onto the remaining arm. She sat down on his waist while she tried to get access to his torso. Elliot shook his head, yelping out a giggly protest and hugging his torso harder. 
“Oho, that was the wrong answer!” she sneered, raking her nails along his right side, just out of his reach. He yelped and arched his back, falling back into a laughing fit. 
“RAHAHAHAMYA! STAHAHAHAHA!” Elliot demanded, bucking his hips when she pressed her fingertips just above the bones. He thrashed underneath her, trying to throw her off, but she had Sheila on her back. The additional weight helped to keep him pinned, and helped her with her balance. “PLEHEHEHEASE DOHOHOHOHN’T!”
“Don’t what?” The modder chuckled, drilling her thumb into the spot. She alternated between jabbing and moving her thumb in quick circles, bringing about yelps and cackles. It was the oldest trick in the book, certainly he wouldn’t fall for--
Ramya stood corrected. Mirage realized what he said and frantically shook his head, even more so once she was able to free up his torso and pin his left arm down. 
“Wahahahahait! Waitwaitwait! Thahahat’s nohohoht whahaht I meheheHEHEHANT!” The trickster yelped again when she attacked both of his sides, jabbing into one, and squeezing the other. He desperately twisted his torso one way and another, trying to get her hands off even for a second, but she kept up with him with ease. “I DIHIHIHDN’T MEHEHEHEAN IHIHIHIHT!”
“You’re the one who said it, not me!” Rampart giggled, snaking her fingers over to his stomach. She gently kneaded random spots on his torso, having to open his jacket to give her better access. Mirage’s laughter dropped down to giggles and he sucked in his stomach, but it didn’t help. He especially giggled when she circled a nail around his navel and poked at the center of his tummy. 
“Yohohohohu trihihihicked mehehehehe!” he yelled. He drummed his feet against the floor and tried to sit up, with a tweak of his hips sending him back on the floor. “Thahahaht’s nahahahahat fahahahahahir!”
“I tricked you? Thought that was your department,” Ramya answered, giving the trickster a teasing smile when he glared at her...or at least tried to. She knew he was ticklish, but she’d barely done anything and he was already a giggly mess. She beamed at him, happy to see him smiling, and that smile turned insidious when an idea popped into her head. “...Can I say the line? The one you say in the games?”
Mirage shook his head and tried to squeeze his arms against his sides when she suddenly reached for his armpits. He sputtered, his giggles turning frantic as he struggled to yell out an answer. “Nohohoho! Dohohohohn’t yohohohu dahahAHAHAHARE!”
Ramya flicked her nails against his right armpit and gently stroked around his left one. The two different sensations were maddening, and he rocked side to side when one became more unbearable than the other. “Fine, I won’t say you got bamboozled...ah, damn.” she cursed and dropped her head, feigning guilt. The face-splitting grin blew her cover though. “Slipped out.” 
“Ahahahaha! I’m gohohohohnna kihihihihll yohohohohohu!” Elliot’s threat made Rampart crack up and rival his own laughter. For a moment, she stopped tickling him, giving him a moment to breathe. 
“Yohuhu should see your face,” Rampart cackled, bringing her hands up to tickle each side of the trickster’s neck. He gasped, dissolving back into giggles as he threw his head around to trap her hands. “Did I steal your line? I’m sowwy~.”
While she was tickling his neck, she freed up a hand to playfully poke and squeeze his cheeks. Elliot squeaked, his head shaking intensifying, which effectively messed up his hair. 
“Q-Quihihihihit ihihihihiht!” he snickered. Knowing that his hair was ruined broke his heart. It didn’t stop him from laughing, though. “Gehehehehehet off ohohohf mehehehehe ahahahalrehehady! I feehehehehel beehehehetter!”
Ramya pretended to think, wiggling her fingers in the air and lowering them towards his armpits. She’d get closer and reach under his arms, but didn’t tickle them.Elliot went rigid and threw his head back, the giggles pouring out of him. 
“Nohohohohoho! Cohohohohohme on! Ramya!”
“What? I’m not even touching you,” she laughed. She continued to tease the poor trickster by pretending she was going to attack his armpits, yet backed off each time. Then, she fluttered her fingers over his ribcage, gently digging into the spaces between the ribs. The ribs were a terrible spot for her, bad enough to make her knock over whatever unfortunate thing happened to be close by. For Elliot, it was very ticklish, but not quite unbearable. 
“Yehehehehes yohohohu ahahahahre! Stahahahahahahahap!” he fired back, bucking his hips when she prodded his lowermost ribs. The modder perked up and gently pinched those ribs, making him squeal. She giggled again and wiggled her fingers back up the ribcage, gauging each rib’s sensitivity. 
“Nope, not till you’re nothing but smiles and grins.” Ramya grinned and tweaked his center and uppermost ribs. Elliot arched his back whenever she brushed against a more sensitive rib, his protests drowned out by his frantic giggling. 
“I ahahahahahahaham! I’m okahahahahay! I prohohohohohmise!” he insisted, feeling the modder trail back to his sides. She stuck her hands underneath his shirt and attacked them with quick scribbles. His giggles spiked to desperate laughter as he writhed against the floor. The sides were such a ticklish spot for him, just shy of being his worst spot. “NOHOHOHOHO!” he cried out, twisting his torso around when she increased her efforts. Then came the squeezing, and Elliot bucked his hips so hard, he almost sent the modder flying.  “AHAHAHAHAHA! OKAHAHAHAY OKAHAHAY STAHAHAHAHAHAHP!”
Since Ramya almost went airborne, she reached behind her and gripped his thigh to steady herself. Elliot flinched, screaming, and violently kicked his legs against the floor. Panic colored his face when she looked at him with a huge, evil grin. 
“Well well, lookie at what I’ve found. This a bad spot for you, mate?” The modder wriggled her fingertips along the top of his thigh, stopping just above his knee. He shook his head hard enough to make his goggles crooked, laughing too hard to give her a coherent answer. Ramya chuckled; normally, Witt’s laughter was controlled, as if he practiced on getting it to sound a certain way. But the laughter that was pouring out of him this time was unfiltered, and awfully contagious. “No?” she laughed, holding her hand in the air and wiggling her fingers. “Well, then I guess this won’t bother you, right?”
She squeezed above his kneecap and laughed at the squeal it produced. If he wasn’t squirming before, he was really struggling now. Ramya somehow had to reposition herself so that it’d be easier to tickle his legs, without giving him the opportunity to escape. The gears in her head turned while she continued tickling him, raking her nails up and down the thigh when she got bored of squeezing. 
“NONOHOHOHOHOHOHO! PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE! I CAHAHAHAHAN’T!” he shrieked, throwing his head back and howling with laughter. Ramya cocked her head to the side. 
“Can’t what?”
While Elliot struggled to answer her, she momentarily released his arms so that she could turn towards his legs. It was a quick motion, fast enough to impress Octane, and it was over before Elliot could take advantage of the freedom. Now, re-pinning his hands underneath her knees, she had full access to his worst spot. Ramya wasted no time in kneading her fingertips into each thigh, sending ticklish jolts deep into the muscles. 
Mirage screamed again and kicked at the floor. He was able to buck his legs upwards, shoot them out to the side, even bounce them in place...but none of it deterred her. In fact, it encouraged her to tickle faster. “I CAHAHAHAHAHAN’T TAHAHAHAHAKE IHIHIHIHT! STAHAHAHAP TICKLING MEHEHE!”
“Aw, but you look like you’re having such a good time. I’m not gonna ruin that!” Ramya simpered. She lightly scratched underneath his knees before re-squeezing his thighs. The trickster arched his back and cackled, bringing his legs up to follow suit. Doing so made it possible for her to swipe her nails down the back of his thighs. His legs went crashing down to the floor, and Rampart had to narrowly dodge him to keep from getting kicked. 
Mirage lied. Although he couldn’t stand being tickled, laughing like this was making him feel better. It lifted the stress off his shoulders and made him forget his problems, even if just for a moment. Granted, he preferred making others laugh, but sometimes change was good. Maybe. He didn’t have time to think about it because he was convinced that he was going to laugh himself to death.
Rampart noticed that he laughed harder the longer she tickled around the knees. She raised a brow, switching the tickles up from quick scratching to deliberate poking.
“Heh, I’d believe you if you weren’t bustin’ a gut.” she retorted. She poked up a little bit higher, just above the knee, and felt him jolt. Bingo.
Mirage looked up, unable to see her face, but still trying to appeal to her anyway. 
“Rahahahamya…” he panted, unable to get the grin off his face. He was still in stitches, the ticklish sensations still wracking his legs, and it didn’t get any better when she rested a hand on the spot. “Dohohon’t dohoho ihihit…”
She looked over her shoulder at him. The trickster was breathing heavily and his hair was disheveled, but he was smiling. A genuine smile. Since she technically did her job, she should’ve just let him up, right?
Well, Ramya wasn’t satisfied with just doing a good job, and she didn’t need a reason to tickle him silly. It was too much fun! So without warning, she put a hand on each thigh and started scratching above his knees. Elliot screeched loudly, louder than he did when Revenant had startled him that one time, and he shook with deep, hysterical belly laughs. 
He wasn’t able to get a clear word out as she tickled there and occasionally underneath his knees. He threw his body around violently, not wanting to accidentally kick her, but not really in control of his flailing legs either. Ramya grinned and alternated the tickles, wanting to see if one leg was more ticklish than the other. It didn’t seem like there was much of a difference in sensitivity; so, she had to listen carefully for the slight rise in the pitch of his laughter when attacking the right leg.
“Aww, that tickle?” she sang, joining him in laughing when he nodded frantically. He bucked his legs repeatedly, desperate to get her hands off, but she had an iron grip. He came dangerously close to kicking her again when she used both hands to squeeze above his right knee. Ramya yipped in surprise and halted the tickling, now laughing almost as hard as he was. “Ehehy, if you kick me, you’re in for a world of hurt.” she threatened, smiling. She went right back to squeezing above his right knee; as much as she loved Witt’s laughter, she knew in the back of her mind that she’d have to stop soon. Including breaks, she’d been tickling him for almost two hours. 
“THEHEHEHEHEN STAHAHAHAHAHAP!” Mirage shouted. He almost threw her off again when she switched from squeezing to gentle scritches above the knee and along random spots on his thigh. “PLEHEHEASE! STAHAHAHA TIHIHCKLING MYHY LEHEHEHEGS!”
“Hmm...welll…” Ramya thoughtfully tapped on his leg, giving him a brief moment to collect himself, only to go back to scribbling above the right knee. “Nope! Don’t think I’m done with ya.” 
Mirage wailed and laughed hysterically, his knee finally making contact with her arm when she subjected his left leg to the same treatment. Thankfully, he didn’t kick her hard; he only surprised her. She knew he didn’t mean to do it, but she was a woman of her word. 
“Alright, that’s it!” she growled, turning around in one swift movement to re-straddle his waist. He yelped and managed to free his left hand when she moved, pushing at her shoulder. 
“NO! It was an accident! I’m SOHOHOHOHRRY!” 
The modder reached back under his shirt and scribbled her nails against his sides. Since he was still hypersensitive from her previous attack, it didn’t take much for him to fall back into a laughing fit. She wanted to tickle both of his sides, but him having a hand free was making it difficult to do so. So, she had to settle for holding his free hand away from him, and working her nails up and down his right side. 
“NOHOHAHAHAHA! I’M SOHOHOHRRY! RAHAHAYMA PLEHEHEASE--” The trickster finally dipped into silent laughter when Ramya alternated between scritching and squeezing his side. Rampart took that as her cue to stop and she climbed off of him. He rolled onto his side and brought his knees up towards his chest, the phantom tickles radiating all over his body. Elliot panted heavily and rubbed his legs, then his torso to chase the sensations away. 
Once he calmed himself enough to speak, he turned back over and glanced up at the smirking modder. “Yohohohu’re suhuhuhch a jeheherk..” he snickered. He was too tired to pull himself up into a seated position, so Ramya had to help prop him up. Elliot leaned back against the wall and shook the hair out of his eyes, sending the curls from one side of his head to the other. Rampart giggled. 
“Never said I wasn’t!  I take it you’re feelin’ better, though?” 
Mirage nodded and smiled a smile that reached his eyes. Sure, he was exhausted, but he was in much better spirits. “Yep. I’m feeling top-tip! Ti..tip-top! Yeah. That’s how you say it, right?” he chuckled. Ramya playfully hit his shoulder and sat beside him. 
“Don’t push it,” she laughed. The two of them sat in comfortable silence for a little under ten minutes until Mirage, who had been looking at the ceiling, sighed. 
“Thanks, Ramya.” he started, meeting her gaze with another soft smile. “For...ya know, being there. Not just here, but on stage too.”
Rampart smiled brightly and gave him a thumbs-up. “Hey, that’s what I’m here for! Crackin’ knuckles, crackin’ jokes...crackin’ open a few beers?” She waggled her eyebrows expectantly, earning a chuckle. 
“In the fridge behind the counter, on the right.” Mirage responded. He grinned at her as she jumped to her feet and hurried behind the bar. He stood up and climbed into a seat, giving Ramya’s advice some more thought. Calling and texting his mother was fine and all, but now that he thought about it...maybe it was time to bring her to the Paradise Lounge. After all, she had yet to meet Rampart.
I was inspired by a couple of things for this story: Forge’s interview , Mirage’s phone call to his mom , and some voicelines from Mirage’s heirloom and his interactions with Rampart. I think I listed everything but I’ll come back and edit if I missed something. I really hope you liked this and I apologize that I didn’t get it out when I said I would. :/ Next time I’ll try to get my stories out sooner. Please let me know what you think of this one- good or otherwise!
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angelatmidnight1 · 2 years
Who’s Laughing Now?
A/N: As promised, this story is a follow up to the matchup ask I answered yesterday. Again, I couldn’t decide between Fuse or Mirage, so I decided to post both stories. Maybe you’ll like this one better? I dunno, but either way, I hope you enjoyed one or the other!
Now that you’ve gotten more comfortable around the Legends, they’re not sure who’s more of a jokester: you, or Mirage. Both of you love one-upping each other with your jokes, so a competition was bound to happen. Mirage was on the road to victory until Rampart outed him for being ticklish, but Elliott isn’t going down without a fight!
A couple of months passed since you joined the Apex Games, and a lot has happened since then. For starters, you’ve gone from staying in your bubble to mingling with two other Legends: Mirage and, through him, Rampart. Any time a new Legend joined the Games, Elliott took it upon himself to introduce himself to them. He saw himself as the heart and soul of the games, so who wouldn’t want him as their new best friend? He was also friends with the majority of the other Legends, save for an angry robot or two, and he made sure you got a chance to talk with anyone you wanted. After all, what were new best friends for?
You came to realize that Elliott wore his Holographic Trickster moniker to a T.  If he wasn’t trying to bamboozle someone with his decoys, he was telling jokes to anyone within earshot. Some Legends thought he was funny, others…not so much. The last time he told Wraith a joke, she rolled her eyes so hard, you swore that they’d get stuck like that. 
But telling corny jokes was second nature to you, and something that helped your friendship with Elliott flourish. So here you were, in Paradise Lounge, with a cold soda in hand and a big grin on your face.
“Hey, hey Ramya…” 
At first, since you were so shy,  Rampart loved to pick on you. But now, you had her convinced that you were the first test subject of human cloning. Maybe you didn’t look like Mirage, but the personalities were pretty identical. She took a long swig of her drink; she knew by that silly grin on your face, she had to brace herself. 
“Mate, this’ll be a waste of a bloody good pint if ya say something stupid.” She warned. You grinned some more; there wasn’t any real malice in her voice, but you had your legs turned towards the side of the chair in case she made good on her promise. You were already giggling, so you had to take a breath to calm your laughter.
“You’ve heard people say ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’, right?”
Ramya leered at you, but didn’t move to chuck her drink at you…yet. “Uh huh…”
You snorted. “Well, I hate to tell you, but they’ve got it all wrong. Wanna know why?”
“Ugh, get on with it, (Y/N).”
“...Because all banks have branches.” 
Rampart buried her face into her hands and groaned. You, on the other hand, almost fell out of your chair laughing. 
“That was your worst one yet.” Ramya complained. She’d never admit it, but the joke wasn’t that bad. But, the last thing she was going to do was encourage your nonsense. 
“No it wasn’t! It was funny.” You argued, your eyes tearing up from how hard you were laughing. “It’s okay if it didn’t make any cents to you!” 
You heard Ramya’s chair skid against the floor, indicating she’d gotten up. You yelped and tumbled out of your chair, taking your soda with you. “No, no, no! I’m done, I’m done!”
“You sure are,” she agreed, marching up to you and grabbing the soda bottle. “No more of these for you. If Elliott ain’t gonna cut you off, I will.”
“What?” You spat, fighting against her grip. “It’s soda!”
“I don’t care what it is! You don’t need any more sugar!”  She yelled back, trying harder to wrench the bottle out of your hands. The commotion finally brought Mirage to the front of the bar. He wasn’t really that far away from you two, and every good bartender could hear arguing from miles away. 
“Sounds like someone needs a better sense of humor, huh Ramya?” Elliott chuckled. He put a new bottle of soda where you were sitting and winked at you. You smiled and let Ramya take the bottle you had, hurrying back to your barstool. Ramya scoffed. She threw the soda away and headed back to her own seat. She didn’t have to pass by you to get there, but she did…and you screamed bloody murder when you felt a cold finger poke the back of your neck. 
“Like hell,” Ramya countered. “If you’re going to tell a joke, you best make it a bloody good one. The ones you and (Y/N) tell are straight crap.” 
You put your hand over your heart, pretending to be offended. Mirage snickered. 
“Aw, don’t be like that! (Y/N)’s learned from the best.” Elliott’s smile widened as he leaned across the counter, nodding to you. “I don’t wanna brag, being the humble guy that I am, but they’ve come so far after watching me. Almost brings a tear to the eye…”
Your smile faded. “Elliott,” you said. “I’ve been telling jokes way before I met you. If anything, it’s you who learned from me.”
That wasn’t what Elliott wanted to hear, and it kicked off an argument. Rampart watched the two of you with amusement. She helped herself to another pint while you threw petty insults at each other. Then she put her hand up, silencing you both. 
“Alright, alright, before you plonkers say something you mean…” She drank half of her pint, smirking. “Let’s make this interestin’, yeah? Witt, try to make (Y/N) laugh. (Y/N), same thing. First one to crack loses.”
You and Mirage looked at each other. Then he grinned widely. 
“That’s a good idea, actually. You know, if you’re not scared or anything, (Y/N)...” Elliott drawled, coming around his bar to sit beside you. “I’ve been doing this for a long, long time. I’d hate to disade--dis--scare you off, before you even get started!”
“Save it, Elliott.” You leaned towards him, your eyes bright with determination. “I know you like to make speeches for everything. I can’t wait to hear the one to make when you lose~.”
“Hang on.” Ramya went behind the bar, popping back up with two water bottles. She put one down in front of you and Elliott, chuckling. “Gotta make this more fun to watch somehow. Drink some of this while you listen to the jokes. Loser’s gonna have a real fun time sloshin’ their way outta here.”
Mirage faltered; the jacket he was wearing wasn’t waterproof. But he had a reputation and a crown on the line, and he could always get a new jacket. He popped the cap off the bottle and nodded to you. 
“You first, buddy. Hit me with your best shot.” He paused right before he could sip the water. He smirked. “Try to make it something I haven’t heard before.”
You had plenty of jokes in your repertoire, but besides the occasional lip twitch, Elliott didn’t crack. Even with his cheeks full of water, he still managed to keep a smug impression. After one more joke, you threw up your hands. 
“Ugh, fine! Your turn.”
Mirage swallowed his water to tell some jokes of his own. And, you’d never admit it, but his were really funny. You pursed your lips tighter together, determined not to break. Ramya had fun watching you two for about ten minutes…but then she got bored. When you and Elliott switched again, she got up and positioned herself behind Elliott. The time for jokes was over, she thought. It was time to speed up the process. 
“Yo, (Y/N). Did you know that Elliott is ticklish?”
Elliott’s eyes widened and, feeling Ramya’s hands ghost over his sides, flew off of the barstool. He accidentally knocked it over in the process, and she came at him again, this time aiming for his ribs. He coughed, bringing his arms against his sides to stop her. He shook his head the whole time, grunting what you could only assume was him saying no. That didn’t stop you from climbing off of your barstool and approaching them. You looked Elliott dead in the eye and tauntingly wiggled your fingers. The trickster paled; he could take on Rampart with no problem, but two against one? That wasn’t fair!
Elliott could’ve used his ultimate to escape, but that meant freeing up his hands to activate it. And he was too preoccupied with keeping Ramya’s tickling hands at bay. He caught her wrists and held them away from him, giving you the opportunity to get closer and closer. His muffled protests grew louder, and he decided to use Ramya as a human shield. She laughed and squirmed in his hold, making it that much harder for him to hold her…and much easier for you to jab a finger into his ribs. 
The trickster jumped and, despite his best efforts, laughed. Both you and Ramya barely had enough time to avoid the stream of water that followed. 
“Youhuhu cheheheater!” Elliott whined. Ramya wrenched her hand free and jabbed him in the side, making him yelp again. “Thihihis isn’t whahaht we agreed tohohoho!”
You gulped down your water and grinned. “So? It got you to laugh!” You pointed out, poking his stomach. “Which means I win!”
“Nohoho yohuhuhu DOHOHN’T--” Elliott’s breath hitched when Rampart grazed over a particularly sensitive spot on his side. He gave up on holding onto Ramya’s wrist and wrapped both arms around his torso. “This prohohoves my pohohint! You’ve gohoht nothing on mehehe!”
You narrowed your eyes, glancing at Ramya. The modder returned your gaze and grinned. 
“Go left.”
You happily obliged, pouncing towards Mirage’s left side. Rampart leapt from the right. Mirage screamed, loudly, and used his ultimate before either of you could grab him. You stumbled forward, phasing through one of the decoys. One of the Mirages was sprinting to the door, and you frantically pointed at it. 
“There! He’s running out the door!” You yelled. Rampart turned and gave chase, with you bringing up the rear. The real Mirage watched from the back of the room, smirking. He waited until Ramya was long gone before he ran up behind you, tackling you to the floor. You screamed as you went down, catching yourself with your arms. Elliott turned you on your back, trying to get you pinned. 
“You thought I was gonna run out of my bar?” he laughed. He caught one of your flailing arms and pinned it to the floor, using his free hand to poke at random spots on your torso. “I don’t know what’s worse: you chasing an obvious decoy, or you thinking you’ve won by cheating!”
You squirmed, fighting against his grip while giggling. “I dihihihdn’t chehehehat!” you squealed. You batted at Elliott’s wrist with your free hand. “It mahahahde yohuhu lahahahugh!”
Elliott scoffed. “We were supposed to tell jokes! You know that! But if you’re not gonna play fair,” he smirked, seizing your other arm and holding it down with his knee. “Then I won’t either!”
The panicked giggles spilled out of you as he clawed at your side. You writhed, trying to get some leverage on your arm, but Elliott was stronger than you and kept you still. So instead, you called for help. 
“RAhahahahahamya!” You screamed, bucking your hips when he scribbled across your stomach to get to your other side. “Cohohohohme bahahahahck!”
Elliott snorted. “She’s probably still running after the decoy! I wish I could see the look on her face..” He laughed. He scratched up to your ribcage and kneaded in between the bones. You arched your back, giggling louder.
“N-Nohohohohohoho!” You whined. You flinched when he grazed over the more sensitive ribs. This encouraged him to tickle even faster. “Leheheheht gohohohoho of mehehehe, Elliott!”
“Oh sure, buddy. I’ll let you go,” he agreed, now gently pinching at each rib. Your eyes snapped up to his and he grinned widely. “Right after you admit that I’m funnier than you.”
You shook your head, screaming “NEHEHEHEVER!” Mirage laughed. 
“Terrrrible choice, (Y/N)! I thought we were friends!” He raked his nails up and down the length of your ribcage, snickering at your yelps and laughs. “We could’ve buried the hat--no, hatch? Hatchet! That’s the word. But fine, be that way!” He tickled even higher and stuck his hand under your arm. He drilled his thumb into your armpit, making you cackle. 
“YOHUHU’RE NAHAHAT FUHUHUHNNY!” You shrieked. Elliott jabbed around your armpit and your loud laughter filled up the room. “OHOHOHNLY YOHUHUHU THIHIHINK THAHAHAT!”
“I dunno. This is the hardest I’ve seen you laugh, and I haven’t even told a joke.” He answered, poking your ribs before returning to your armpit. “I must be pretty funny. The funniest, actually. Which you should say if you want me to stop.”
You were stubborn. Stubborn, and still hopeful that Rampart would come back and save you. So you didn’t want to give into Elliott’s demands. You wouldn’t! You drummed your legs against the floor, hoping to alleviate some of the ticklish sensations. 
Mirage sighed heavily, as if tickling you pained him. “Alright, you brought this on yourself.” He shrugged, suddenly releasing your arms. Before you could retaliate, he pushed a hand onto each of your armpits, digging all ten fingers into your skin. You shrieked with laughter and squeezed your arms against your sides, but it didn’t stop the tickling.
“STAHAHAHAHA!” You cried out. You bucked your hips, hoping it’d throw him off, but he stayed right over your waist. He shook his head. 
“Nope! You know what to say to make me stop.” He responded, continuing to wriggle his fingers along your armpits. He thought you would’ve given in by now, but he didn’t mind too much. He found your laughter adorable, albeit loud, and was happy to keep tickling you until he heard the magic words. But you were stronger than you looked, and you were clamping down on his hands pretty hard. So he pulled his hands out of your armpits, pinned your arms back down with his knees, and revisited your torso. This time, he used his knuckles to knead into your sides, bringing your laughter back down to frantic giggles. 
“Plehehehehease!” Elliott was a softie, you knew that much about him. If he wouldn’t stop tickling you on his own, maybe he’d just start to feel bad and let you go. But this time, you couldn’t be any more wrong. His pride was on the line, and he’d defend it with everything in him! He gripped onto your side and squeezed it repeatedly, making you snort. “Ellihohohohohtt!”
“Yeeeesss?” He sang, alternating between your sides and happily squeezing away. You tossed from one side to the other, trying to get a clear word out, and getting nothing but giggles. “You ready to say those magic words?”
Again, you shook your head. Elliott squeezed across your waist, ending at your belly, and your breath hitched. The trickster acted like he didn’t hear it, but he did. He tickled over to your other side and then doubled back, poking at your stomach again, again, and again. Each poke earned him a shout of laughter. 
“Last chance, (Y/N).” He warned, gently stroking your stomach with his fingertips. You gasped and threw your head back, pinching your eyes shut from the force of your laughter. “Just say I’m funnier, and I’ll let bygones be bygones!”
“Okahahahy! Okahahahy!” You squeaked. Elliott slowed down so you could speak. “Yohohohu’re funnier! Yohohohu ahahahre!”
“Yeah? You think so?” He asked, squeezing the side of your tummy before returning to the gentle stroking. You nodded repeatedly. 
“Yehehehehes! Yehehehehes! Nohohohohw stohohohohp!”
“Pfft, of course you think so! I am the funniest Legend out there, after all.” He smiled; now, he should have let you go, given that you said what he wanted. But he was having a lot of fun, and wasn’t ready to let you go just yet. “I’m glad you finally came to your senses. Now, say you’re sorry and I’ll let you go. Promise!”
You stared at the trickster in disbelief. That’s when the tickling pace quickened, and you sucked in your stomach. “I SAHahahahahaid it! Leheheheheht me gohohohohoho!”
“I will! After you apologize for cheating and for trying, and failing I should add, to tickle me.” Mirage’s tickling was getting faster, and you were teetering between wild giggles and hysterical laughter. “I’d expect that from Ramya, but not you. So you still owe me an apology!”
Somewhere, you found this surge of energy and renewed your struggling. “Nohohohow whohoho’s nohoht sticking tohohoho whahahat thehehy agrehehehed ON--”
Elliott decided to use both hands to tickle your tummy, squeezing and kneading over every inch of ticklish skin. He raised his voice over your cackling. “That’s a lot of words, buddy.” He chuckled, drilling his thumbs into both sides of your stomach. “I’m only looking for one, though! You know, starts with an s-, kinda rhymes with…uh…Mari?”
“NAHAHAHA! Gohohoho tohohoho hehehell!” You couldn’t help it. Elliott could be a real troll when he wanted to be. Elliott raised a brow and looked at you. You froze. 
“What did you say?” He asked, pushing his thumbs into your abdomen and tickling some more. You debated on repeating it, but ultimately decided against it and resumed shaking your head. Elliott smirked and leaned down towards you. 
“No, no. I just couldn’t hear you. Say it again, I’ll listen!” Then, without warning, Elliott tucked his head under yours, rubbing his stubble against your neck. You yelled and, with him still tickling your stomach, you fell into hysterics. 
The trickster snickered and pretended to still not hear you. “Hm, nope. Still can’t hear ya. Let me try this side!” He rubbed into the other side of your neck before you could bump his head away. You absolutely howled, and when Mirage moved his head to blow a raspberry into your belly, you fell into silent laughter. 
Finally, finally, he eased up on the tickling, leaving you in a puddle of giggles. He figured it was safe enough to let your arms go, but he stayed positioned over your waist just in case. 
“Sooo?” He smiled, gently tapping your belly. “Who’s the funniest Legend you know?”
“...You are…” You panted, still trying to catch your breath. He expectantly cocked his head to the side. 
You groaned, but otherwise complied. “I’m sorry for…you know, cheating.”
Elliott climbed off of you, his grin stretching from ear to ear. “See, was that so hard?” He teased, laughing as you sprawled out on the floor. He would’ve teased you more if he didn’t hear his front door open and slam shut. When he looked over his shoulder, an indignant Rampart stormed into the bar. Elliott laughed some more. “Man, you got duped.”
“Shut up, I don’t wanna talk about it.” Ramya growled. She came over to Elliott’s side and peered around him to see you still on the floor. Judging by your disheveled appearance, she had a pretty good idea of what happened. She clicked her teeth, kneeling over and offering a hand. “Oh, mate. Don’t tell me you got your arse handed to you by this plonker.”
You pushed yourself up into a sitting position and grabbed onto her hand, using it to pull yourself up. And you were still holding her hand when Elliott strolled over, draping his arm around your shoulders. 
“Hey, it happens to the best of us! But listen, if you think I’m sens--sen, well, you know. Which I’m not, because you uh, just surprised me.” He quickly corrected himself, gently squeezing your shoulders. “(Y/N) here is really ticklish. Probably the most ticklish legend in the Games…”
Your eyes widened and, before Ramya could tighten her grip on your hand, you let go and hurried to the door. You were still really tired, but hearing footfalls behind you gave you enough motivation to sprint…or at least try. Elliott followed after the two of you, putting his hands in his pockets. Sure, maybe ratting you out to Rampart was uncalled for, but at least you’d remember what would happen if you challenged him again. 
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angelatmidnight1 · 3 years
Could you do a mirage x reader?
Hi! I'm so sorry this is late. I hope you like it. It's based off of the first reader insert fic I did.
Made You Look
Mirage finds out that you’re ticklish through your interactions with Octane, and he’s the last person you’d want to know about it. You can’t shake his playful gaze, and it gets worse the more you try to ignore it. You’re smart enough to avoid getting caught alone with him. At least, you thought you were. The Mirage that you’re looking at is a decoy; the real one is behind you.
Hot pizzas and cold drinks were an awesome way to wind down after a long week. At least, that’s what Mirage thought. After giving the delivery driver a generous tip, he brought the food into the ship’s common room and set it down on the table. That’s when he heard it: a high pitched yelp, followed by a crash and more screaming. Usually, that wasn’t a concerning thing to hear on the ship. When chaotic Legends, like Octane, Rampart, or even Fuse were all put together in one space, loud noises became a regular occurrence. In a way, it became normal.
But the scream he heard wasn’t normal. It sounded like someone had fallen, or they were under attack. Elliott frowned; now that he thought about it, he hadn’t seen Revenant lately…
Taking a breath, he ventured towards the noise. What started off as screams actually ended up as laughter.
He raised a brow and poked his head into the next lounge room.“Look, I’m the last guy who’d wanna ruin anyone’s fun, but…WHOA!” Elliott jumped out of the way as you burst out of the room.
“MOVEMOVEMOVE!” You screamed as you dashed down the hallway.
You’d spent the last hour messing with Octavio, teasing him about losing his last game to you. The last thing you did set him off; you claimed that maybe he wasn’t as fast as he thought he was, threw his mask across the room, and booked it. Well, Octane had enough of your shenanigans, and he was next to come running out, hot on your heels. All Elliott saw was a green dash whiz past him.
“Get back here!” Octavio growled. He easily caught up with you and leapt forward, tackling you and sending both of you crashing to the ground. You screamed again, and Elliott hurried after the two of you.
“Hey, take it easy! Or, ya know, at least don’t kill each other!” He called, quickening his steps to catch up to you both. “We do enough of that in the…”
The trickster gaped at what he saw; you, pinned down under Octane, and him tickling the crap outta you. You beat at his hands as they danced all over your torso, filling up the hallway with your laughter.
“Still got jokes, amigo/a? Huh?” Octavio smirked, reaching underneath your arms and scratching away at your armpits. You arched your back, squealing.
“NOohohohohohohoho! Ah! Stahahahahahap!” You protested, further trapping his hands as you squeezed your arms against your sides. “It’s nohohohot a johohohke if it’s truhuhue!”
The speedster narrowed his eyes and pulled his hands free, trailing back down to your ribs and sides. You laughed even louder and writhed against the ground. “It’s not true, you had Che’s help! Too bad she’s not here to help you now, eh?” He answered, chuckling. He used his thumbs to knead at the spaces between the ribs and the fleshiest parts of your sides. You swatted at his hands again, cackling, and he pinned your wrists above your head. “Not that it would’ve mattered! You’re so slow, I could’ve walked and caught up to you.”
You pulled against his grip, your response lost within the laughter. If you hadn’t been laughing so hard, you would’ve noticed that Elliott was still standing there, now watching the scene with amusement. When he first met you, he flirted with you nonstop, claiming that he was simply giving you a warm welcome. But he had no idea that you were ticklish! He smiled and put his hands in his pockets, stepping over the two of you to get back to the main lounge.
“Ya know what, I’ll just let you two sort it out. Don’t take too long though! Pizza’ll get cold.”
Not even the promise of pizza was enough to quell Octane’s wrath. Your head snapped up to Elliott while you made futile attempts to free up your arms. “WAHAHAHAHAIT!” You screamed as Octavio clawed at your belly, making your laughter take on a desperate pitch. “DOHOHOHN’T LEHEHEAVE MEHEHE, ELLIHOHOHOHTT!”
“Huh?” Elliott turned around and cupped his ear, as if he couldn’t hear you. “What’d you say? Sorry, it’s hard to hear you over there, (Y/N). Tell me later!”
“NO—“ You called after him, but the trickster left, leaving you victim to Octavio’s tickle attack…
When you saw Mirage again, he had a steaming pizza in his hand, and you were red in the face from laughing so hard. Elliott leaned against the frame of the door, a smirk gracing his lips. “You kids having fun?”
Octane glanced up from what he was doing—presently going to town on your neck—and slapped on a massive smile, “Sí, and it seems like (Y/N) is having a blast too…” He drilled his thumb into your underarm, making you shriek.
Mirage set down the pizza and plopped down onto the couch, pulling free a slice and laying back and smiling at the scene. “I can tell! (Y/N) is being super loud!” He had to speak up to talk over your cackles.
Eventually, Octane released you and got up to join Elliott. He collapsed on the couch next to the trickster and snatched a piece of pizza from Mirage’s plate. The older man glared at the younger and turned his body to shield his food. You, on the other hand, were currently sprawled out on the floor, struggling to catch your breath. The smell of pizza was heavenly, but you could hardly move a muscle because you were so tired.
“Come on, compadre, get up!” Octane teased, stuffing his face with yet another piece—that was his fourth.
Thankfully, Elliott had made more than one and had gotten up to retrieve it when the daredevil ate half of the other one. Mirage got back from the kitchen and knelt beside you, poking you in the side. You violently twitched and curled into yourself, glaring daggers into the older man. He snickered and got back to his feet, returning to his spot on the couch.
“Just makin’ sure you’re still with us, buddy. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t check on you?” Elliott grinned. You scoffed and pushed yourself up into a sitting position. Maybe it was just you, but the trickster was giving you an awfully big smile. You’d even argue that it was too big.
“You’d be a better friend if you weren’t helping Octavio bully me.” You answered, giving Octane a side eye as you went to get some pizza. Octavio smirked and made a fake crying face at you, and you would’ve throttled him if you weren’t so tired. Mirage chuckled.
“I didn’t see any bullying! What I saw was perfectly innocent.” He argued. “Plus, it made you laugh.”
While you were getting your food, he swung his legs up on the couch. He elbowed Octavio. Octane flinched and gave him a strange look, watching him motion to you, to the couch, and then back to you. It took him a minute to realize what he wanted, but by the time you returned with your plate, Octavio had brought his legs up on the opposite side of the couch. Now, the only seat available to you was the one right next to Elliott.
Your eye twitched. You sat down beside the trickster, but leaned as far into the arm of the couch as possible. Maybe you’d be able to enjoy your food before it got cold. Well, Mirage left you alone for the first few bites. But then, he cozied up right next to you, trapping you between him and the couch. You peered wearily at him, taking small bites of your pizza. He didn’t do much, just sat there… smiling… watching… to say it made you slightly afraid is a monumental understatement. Eventually, you convinced yourself to just eat your food and ignore him, and you found yourself relaxing, just a smidge.
That’s all until you felt Elliott’s arm drape around your shoulders. You choked mid-chew and froze, staring up into that smug smile of his.
“So, (Y/N), when were you gonna tell me?” Elliott whispered into your ear, grinning wider as you fidgeted under his touch. By now, you were pretty much immune to the trickster’s charm, but that’s not why you were nervous. You knew what was coming, and everything about his actions told you that it was coming fast. Still, you were determined to play it cool. The other Legends hadn’t shown up for their pizza yet, so there was still hope.
“...Tell you what?���
You tried to appear uninterested while you took another bite of your pizza. But, Mirage was smarter than he let on. He moved his arm from your shoulders to your torso, squeezing your side. You yelped and went to jerk from the sensation, but Elliott held strong. Thankfully, Octavio had the tiniest attention span in the world, and was browsing his phone during the exchange.
“That you’re ticklish.” Elliott smirked. Instead of squeezing again, he gently stroked up your side, making you snicker. You held onto what was left of your food with one hand, trying to fend him off with the other one.
“I wahahsn’t gohohing to! Leheheave mehehe alohohne!” You whined. Mirage beamed and easily dodged your flailing hand, drumming his fingers at your rib cage.
“Nope! You can’t keep secrets from your greatest friend in the Outlands.” He laughed, jumping back to your side when you almost grabbed him. “It’s against the law. Should be, anyway.”
You squealed and sent the remnants of pizza flying, unable to successfully bat him away with one hand. The crust bounced off of Octavio’s head before it found the floor. Octane cringed and finally looked up from his phone. He glanced at the discarded pizza, then smirked at the scene beside him.
“Now you’re throwing food at me? That’s it!” Octane hopped across the couch so that you were now pinned between him and Mirage. You paled and went to push yourself off the couch.
“Nonono! I dihihidn’t---AH! ELLIOTT!”
The only response you got was a shit-eating grin as he jabbed you again in the rib. Then, while you were fighting off his hands, Octavio added to the chaos by squeezing your sides. Now you were really screwed. You screamed and shrieked, bucking around like a fish out of water. Both the boys couldn’t help but laugh; the sight of you thrashing around, making an assortment of sounds, was just too hilarious. Just before they could really tickle you, Pathfinder bounded into the lounge with Lifeline and D.O.C, bringing the tickle attack to a halt.
“Friends!” He greeted, cradling the drone like a baby. “I hope you saved enough pizza for us! I want to teach D.O.C. all about what my human friends eat so that he can grow up to be smart, like his daddy!”
Ajay let out an exasperated sigh. “Path, for the last time…D.O.C. ain’t ya kid. He’s mass produced…and ya ain’t gettin’ cheese all over my health drone!” She huffed, taking D.O.C. out of his arms. Path’s shoulders slouched and his monitor displayed a sad emoji; so, against her better judgment, she handed the drone back to him. “Ugh, fine…gwan get me a slice. But D.O.C. can only watch…understand?”
Path happily nodded and ran off to get the pizza. Ajay shook her head and finally turned to you, Mirage, and Octane. She blinked; you were still squished between them, and your face was red.
“(Y/N), ya alright?” The medic approached you, her eyebrows knit with concern. “Ya look…flustered.”
You nodded, still trying to catch your breath. The men dispersed with the biggest, smuggest grins on their faces, and it only made Che even more suspicious.
Lifeline’s presence made it possible for you to enjoy a full slice of pizza uninterrupted. Eventually, the other Legends poured into the room, drawn by the scent of food. Someone suggested turning on a movie. Surely with Ajay beside you, you’d be safe from Mirage and Octane’s antics, right?
Well, about halfway into the movie, Ajay excused herself to turn in for the night. The doctor was so tired from working in the medbay all day and couldn’t keep her eyes open. Octane, on the other hand, couldn’t sit still anymore and ran off to do something else. That left Mirage, Gibraltar, Horizon, and Wraith in your immediate vicinity. Dr. Somers was seated on your left and, because Lifeline left, there was a free seat to your right. You glanced at Mirage, hoping that he didn’t notice. But, not only did he notice, he gave you a cheeky grin as he got up and walked towards you.
You panicked, gathering the blanket Ajay had given you and bringing your legs up onto the couch. This didn’t deter the trickster, though; he marched right up to you and picked your legs up, moving them back onto the floor. You yelped in protest, earning a few stares, but Elliott just blinked at you innocently.
“What? This seat’s not taken, is it?” Elliott asked. He scooted as close as he could to you, going as far as pulling some of your blanket over himself. Now he was getting really cocky. You glared at him and wordlessly retreated towards Horizon. The last thing you wanted was to grace him with a response.
After that, it all went downhill. You weren’t even focusing on the movie anymore. All you could focus on was the slightest movement Elliott made as squeezed your knee underneath the blanket. You gasped and flinched.
“Stohop, Elliott!” You hissed between gritted teeth. You pressed a hand to your mouth, trying not to be loud, but the ticklish sensations along your knees made it extremely difficult. Elliott grinned and jumped to your hip, kneading the bone between his fingers.
“I’m not doing anything.” He whispered, extending his arm out to continue tickling as you squirmed away. You bit on your fingers, your snickers getting louder as you kicked at him. Wraith peered over at the two of you, distracted by the commotion, and she frowned.
“Elliott, (Y/N), knock it off.” She demanded. She sat up from her lounging position and glowered. “We can’t hear the movie with you making noise.”
You blushed and, after elbowing Mirage in the side, murmured an apology. You snatched the blanket away from him and laid against the astrophysicist’s arm. Dr. Somers looked at you and gave you a warm smile. She affectionately patted your hand and went back to watching the movie. There was a lull in the movie, and combined with the comforting presence of Horizon, you finally relaxed.
Unbeknownst to you, the trickster scooted back over to you ever so slowly, and snuck one hand underneath the blanket. One poke to your stomach made you scream, startling everyone in the room.
“...You good, bruddah?” Gibby asked, pausing the movie. All eyes were on you and you nodded frantically, blushing bright red.
“Y-Yeah! Sorry, I just…” You leered at the trickster and climbed off of the couch. “I, um…my leg’s cramping, that’s all. I’m just gonna get more popcorn.”
You retreated from the room as fast as you could. You hurried into the kitchen and buried your face into your hands.
Dammit, Elliott. You’re such an ass. You ran your hands through your hair a few times and took a deep breath. Then, as if the universe was against you, you heard footsteps behind you. You cringed; maybe it was Horizon? Wraith?
Nope, it was Elliott. At least, you thought it was. There was more than one way to get to the kitchen, and the trickster sent in a decoy after you.
“Hey, (Y/N)! Let me help you get the popcorn!” He offered. He stepped closer to you, smirking. “It’s on a high shelf, easier if I get it for you.”
An idea popped into your head; if he wanted to pester you so badly, maybe you could give him a taste of his own medicine! You stepped aside and gestured towards the cabinet containing the popcorn, “After you!”
The trickster flashed you a smile and strutted over. You waited for the perfect moment before launching an attack. You gleefully reached for his sides…only for your hands to phase through his torso. You stared in bewilderment; even as the decoy faded away from existence, you remained standing, staring at your hands. You were so enthralled with the notion of being bamboozled, you didn’t hear the rapid footsteps coming up behind it. It was the sensation of fingers squeezing your sides and the shriek leaving your throat that snapped you back to reality.
You lunged forward in an attempt to escape from Elliott. You whirled around, arms wrapped protectively around your torso. Mirage rapidly approached you, mirroring your retreating steps with his own. “You really thought you could pull a fast one on me?” He laughed. He extended his arms out and stretched them towards you with wiggling fingers. “ The good looking, perfectly handsome, king of bamboozles?”
You held up your own arms as a response, frantically looking around for an escape route. “Uh, you commented about your looks twice…” You mentioned, desperate not to get walked back into a corner.
Mirage grinned. “That’s because I’m that handsome. Anyway, back to you…” A mischievous smile spread across his face and, out of nowhere, he launched forward.
No amount of flailing or backpedaling away from him helped to protect you. He jabbed you in the ribs again, again, and again. Eventually, you were reduced to a squealing mess on the floor—your knees had given out, making you tumble to the ground. Mirage followed you to the ground, hovering over you, and pulled your arms off of your torso. He held them away from you with one hand, his other hand poking and prodding your stomach. You immediately burst out laughing, the ticklish jolts crashing onto you like a tidal wave.
“NOHOHOHOHO! GEHEHEHET OFF!” You screamed, not even caring if the others heard you at this point. Smirking, Mirage vibrated his hand across your stomach and ended up on your sides, where he repeatedly pinched them.
“Nope! There can only be one trickster around here, and that’s me.” He answered. You laughed even harder and arched your back, but Elliott easily stayed in place. “So I guess someone has to teach you a lesson! That someone being yours truly, of course.”
“WHAHAHAHAHAHT?!” You drummed your legs on the floor as he fluttered his nails against your rib cage. “Yohohuhu cahahn’t behehe seheherious! I dihihihdn’t dohohoho anythihihihng!”
Mirage joined in on your laughter. He slowed the tickling down to gentle strokes along each rib bone, giving you an opportunity to breathe.
“You totally did! First, you hid the super awesome secret that you’re ticklish from me. Me, of all people! And just now, you tried to bamboozle me!” He insisted, now poking at the spaces between each bone. You snickered and twisted your torso around. “That is unaccess—unac—I won’t stand for it!”
The trickster found a sensitive rib on each side of your rib cage, making you squeal. You pulled at your arms, testing his grip, but they didn’t move an inch. “Thahahat’s nohohot truhuhue!” You yelped. Although you were partially lying, you hadn’t been hiding anything! If anything, this was exactly why you didn’t tell him about how ticklish you were. “I wahahahasn’t—ah!”
Elliott suddenly jumped to the crook of your neck and scritched away. You sputtered and threw your head around, trying to trap his fingers, but all he had to do was switch to another side. You giggled madly and tried to protest, which only encouraged him to tickle even faster.
“Stahahahaha!” You whined. Mirage snickered, amused by your squirming, and he ducked his head down towards you.
“Aw, don’t you sound adorable! Try again, buddy, I don’t know what you’re saying!” He teased, beaming as your cheeks turned red. You glared at him, or at least tried to. Your eyes were tearing up from how hard you were laughing.
“Stahahahahap tihihihickling mehehehe!” You yelled, finally managing to squish his hand between your neck and shoulder. You panted, your eyes darting from him to his hands. Mirage made a dramatic look of realization while tapping his fingers against your neck.
“Oh, stop tickling you?” He repeated, wiggling his hand free from your neck. You didn’t answer, watching his hand slowly drop towards your torso. He rested a hand on your side and chuckled as you tensed up. “And miss out on these cute widdle giggles? No way!”
Instead of tickling your side, he walked his fingers across your stomach. You gasped loudly and arched your back, frantically pulling against his grip.
“NO! Ehehelliott, plehehease…” You pleaded. Elliott looked at you and gave a cheeky smile.
“Bad spot?” He asked, curiously pinching the side of your stomach. You responded by hollering and recoiling to the side. He did it again, just for fun, and laughed as you kicked at the ground. “Wow, I guess it is! Okay, (Y/N), since I’m the nicest guy in the Outlands…”
He held his hand just above the spot, wiggling his fingers in the air. You pinched your eyes shut, waiting for the inevitable…but nothing happened. It wasn’t until you opened your eyes and looked up at Elliott’s grin that filled you with dread.
“I’ll give it lots of tickles, just for you!”
The trickster released your arms and dug both of his hands into your tummy. You screamed out a laugh and flailed at his hands, unable to get a good grip on them. Although you were laughing hysterically, Elliott got tired of you grabbing his hands, so he scooped both of yours back into his own.
“Here, since you clearly wanna hold my hand..” He teased, putting them over your head as he continued his assault on your tummy. Your cheeks burned red as you threw your head back, howling.
“STAHAHAHAHAHA!” You yelled. You flopped against the floor in hysterics but, instead of stopping, Elliott went back to those dreaded pinches that drove you up the wall. By the time someone finally came into the kitchen, your laughter was silent.
“..I think they’ve had enough, Elliott.” Came Wraith’s voice from the kitchen’s entryway. She stepped further into the room and approached the two of you. Luckily, she didn’t seem as annoyed as before. Elliott looked up, slowing his attack back down to gentle stroking.
“Aw, c’mon, Renee! We’re having fun!” He replied, mixing in a couple of pinches along with the gentle tickles. You hiccuped and twitched, clearly exhausted. Renee now stood right next to you, nudging the trickster with her foot.
Elliott groaned and withdrew his hands. “Alright, alright! I’ll stop.” He conceded. He let your hands go and crawled away to give you some space. This seemed to satisfy Renee enough, so she left the room after Mirage gave no indication that he’d pounce again. After a good ten minutes, you finally pushed yourself up into a seated position.
“Ugh…you suck.” You groaned, cautiously taking his hand when he offered it to you. Mirage snickered.
“Hey, that’s what happens when you try to trick me! Oh, and keep secrets, can’t forget about that.” He grinned. “But look, I think we can put all of this behind us after I get you that popcorn! Whaddaya say?”
“...Extra butter and make it snappy.”
For once, Elliott listened, and he made a big bowl of popcorn for you to share. Horizon and Gibby gave you small, knowing smiles once you two returned to the room, but you were too tired to notice. You were also too tired to enjoy any of the popcorn, finding sleep a much more appealing option. And Mirage made certain that when you fell asleep, your head ended up on his shoulder.
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angelatmidnight1 · 2 years
Mirage Tickle Headcanons
I decided to scrap the old headcanons for Mirage and Rampart because I wasn’t feeling them. I like these better; hope you all like them too!
A solid 7.5/10 on the ticklish scale, but you’d never know it. 
He’ll play off the question with his flawless charm.
“Pfft, me? Ticklish? Buddy, if you just wanted an excuse to touch me, all ya had to do was ask.”
If you push on and try to poke him, he’ll catch your hands and hold them at bay.
“Whoa, easy! Okay new plan, at least take me to dinner first!”
He will continue to weasel his way out of the question until you corner him and start tickling.
His bargaining increased tenfold and even with the cat out of the bag, he’ll still deny being ticklish.
“Wait! Wahahahit! I cahahan explain!”
Most ticklish on his sides, with his ribs coming in as a close second.
If you tickle either of those spots, he’ll be laughing too hard to get a clear word out.
And it’s his real laugh, not the one he’s perfected for the cameras.
Once he is able to speak, the bargaining starts up again; this time, he’s trying the guilt trip card.
“(Y/N)! Come on! I thohohought we wehehere friends!”
Chances are, he’s done or said something to warrant the tickling, so don’t feel too bad.
Deep, deep down, he doesn’t always mind being tickled. But you didn’t hear that from me!
Rivals Wattson as the most playful ler in the Outlands.
He loves making people laugh, and jokes aren’t the only thing at his disposal.
If he is friends with you, he has no problem giving you a playful poke after he bamboozled you.
If you jump, squeal, or show any signs that it tickled, he’ll grin from ear to ear.
“Well well well, looks like someone’s ticklish, huh?”
Expect more tricks and tickles coming your way.
A lot more.
He will poke you, psych you out with his ultimate, and keep on poking until you’re on the floor laughing.
“Jeez, (Y/N). Am I really that funny? Ah who am I kidding, of course I am.”
He’s the best and he knows it, and he’ll want you to say it too.
So when he asks you who’s the funniest, best looking Legend you know, it’s a trick question with only one answer.
If you say anyone else but him, you’ll be laughing for quite a while.
Hope you didn’t have any plans.
…But if you did, there’s no better Legend to spend them with, right?
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angelatmidnight1 · 3 years
Where do you thing the legends are most ticklish?
Umm, I’m still on the fence about some Legends, but as of right now…
Lifeline- thighs.
Octane- underarms.
Mirage- sides, although initially I said thighs.
Bloodhound- hips.
Crypto- stomach.
Fuse- underarms.
Loba- hips.
Rampart- ribs.
Wraith- hips.
Wattson- underarms.
Horizon- ribs, because I love the head canon that an anon sent in a while ago.
If I didn’t include a Legend, it’s because I either haven’t decided yet or I don’t see them as ticklish.
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