nuzipilled · 25 days
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part 2 (another commission for @wayward-delver )
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trashyswitch · 1 year
Day 12: Bites/Nibbles
Elliot goes out for Spirit's Eve, dressed up as a classic vampire. After doing some Spirit Eve activities, he sits down and takes a rest. But someone comes up and surprises him! Who in the world could it be?!
FAHCK I'M LATE AGAIN. XD I hope you enjoy! Shoutout to Drew, who loves Stardew Valley! <3
Elliot was walking around in his Dracula costume, holding the cloak up to his face in signature Dracula fashion. He smirked from behind the cloak and did his own version of Dracula’s evil laugh in the mirror. Yes…this man is a bit obsessed with the novel Dracula by Bram Stoker. He had read the book countless times at this point, and had always aspired to dress himself as the legendary vampire. With the cloak over the suit and his hair slicked back with gel, he felt ready for this year's spirit’s eve. 
Besides the long hair, Elliot wanted to be true to the original Dracula. He had bought himself tons of black and red fabric earlier this fall, and had sewn together the cloak himself. The collar, and the shoulder cuts were sewn together with the help of the player’s sewing machine. It worked exceptionally well, and he ended up with a wonderful cloak he was oh so proud of. That cloak with the tuxedo he kept in his closet for ages, made the perfect costume. And of course, no dracula costume could be complete without his fake fangs! And for extra effect, Elliot had trimmed his nails into a pointy shape at the front and put clear nail polish on them a day prior. So even his nails were evil. 
At about 10pm, Elliot left his cottage with his black dress shoes in his hands. He did this because he didn’t want his good shoes to get covered in sand. He walked up the beach’s passage and headed up the bridge to the main town, where everything was covered in spooky things and pumpkin carving tables. 
He smiled brightly as he saw different people in different areas of the town. It was late at night with only the festival lanterns to light up part of the streets. It was cool to see, and it made Elliot more and more excited. 
Elliot walked around for a bit longer, and took the time to do some of the activities. He took some time to carve himself a pumpkin vampire friend, before putting it on display nearby. He took his shot at the haunted maze to get the golden pumpkin. But he only got halfway before needing to turn back. 
He also took the time to check out the shop. There, he could get a gravestone decoration, a jack-o-lantern, a jack-o-lantern recipe (He left this for the player to discover), and a witch-looking scarecrow. As much as he loved the witch scarecrow, he decided not to buy it due to how much space it would take up in his house if he tried to put it away. 
As he walked around, people complimented him on the costume. Abigail asked him to do the Dracula evil laugh, which he happily performed for her. Sebastian gave him a smile and a nod of approval as he passed him, and Penny playfully warned Jas and Vincent about the evil vampire that roamed the streets of Pelican Town on Spirit’s Eve. Elliot could not be more proud of himself for a job well done. 
Elliot sat himself down and sighed softly. He adjusted the cloak around his arms to keep himself warm in this cool weather, and looked around for a bit. It was already 10:45, and he still had more than an hour left to enjoy the evening. It was a half moon outside, meaning no one should turn into a wolf tonight. There were also some pretty bright stars out in the sky…to the point where if you tried hard enough, you could see one or two constellations. He spent a bit of time trying to find a constellation he recognized well. 
Suddenly, someone had grabbed his sides! “BOO!” 
Elliot jumped. “aaAH!” He yelled. 
But the surprise didn’t stop there…cause those same hands started fluttering and squeezing his sides and lower back. 
“HehEHE- GAHahaha!” He reached for the hands, but found that the cloak was preventing him from removing them. “Uhunhahahand meee!” He yelled. 
The mysterious tickler then brought itself up to his neck and started playfully nibbling on his neck. “Omnomnomnom.” They mumbled playfully. 
A few of the townsfolk turned around to see what was going on, but smiled when they saw who was causing all the commotion. A couple townsfolk even laughed at them. 
The mysterious tickler somehow managed to make the situation more evil by tickling his sides AND nibbling playfully on his neck. “Omnomnomnomnom.” The tickler nibbled. 
Trying to figure out who it was, he attempted to feel the person’s face. But the only thing Elliot was able to feel was hair and a pair of faux fluffy ears. Wait…Ears? He felt the fluffy ears a small bit more. They felt husky-esque. Was this person dressed as a wolf?! 
“Or what~?” The tickler asked, revealing themself through their voice. And this voice revealed itself to be a girl’s voice! “You’ll bite me?” She asked, digging her fingers into the sides of his back. “Suck my blood?” She asked next. “Turn me into a vampire-wolf?” She concluded. 
He arched his back for a moment, before doubling over and covered up his face. “THEHEHERE’S NOHO SUHUCH THIHIHING!” He yelled back through his hands. 
“Not yet, anyway~” She teased. 
“Is this a sign you two will marry and have children together?” One of the townsfolk asked. 
The female tickler paused her attack and looked around. “What?! No!” She yelled. “Who said that?” She asked.
A few townsfolk turned around and moved out of the way, to reveal the Mayor hiding within the crowd, covering up his smile with his hand. The Mayor waved his hand. “Sohorry, sorry. I couldn’t help myself. I crack myself up sometimes.” The Mayor admitted. 
When he felt physically recovered, Elliot turned around and finally got a good look at who the mysterious tickler was. And…It was Leah! And not only was Leah wearing a werewolf costume, but her face was painted into the colors of a werewolf too! And…It looked really nice, actually. 
“L-Leah?!” Elliot asked. 
Leah looked at Elliot, and blushed a bit. “H-Hi! Sorry Elliot.” She leaned on the bench. “I thought it was the perfect time of the year to play a practical joke on you.” She admitted. 
Elliot smiled a bit. “Well, you certainly made a fool of me.” Elliot admitted awkwardly. 
Leah widened her eyes. “I did?!” She reacted, suddenly showing immense guilt. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to embarrass you, I-” 
Elliot shook his head. “No no no, you did no such thing. You spooked me well, and I’m trying to congratulate you.” He told her. 
Though the words dismissed the rest of the townsfolk, Leah still looked guilty. So he took it upon himself to cheer her up a little. “Now: I suppose some tasteful revenge is in order?” He asked with a smirk. 
Leah widened her eyes and looked at him with sweat drops falling down her face. Two seconds, and she was already growing nervous. 
“But maybe later.” Elliot replied. When the townsfolk started to go back to their usual activities, Elliot brought his voice down to a whisper. “I think it’s better if the werewolf and the vampire commence such revenge in more of a private manner.” He admitted. 
Leah smiled and nodded her head before leaning in. “My cottage is always open.” She whispered. 
Elliot smiled and nodded his head. “That sounds suitable.” He replied. 
The two adults moved through the darkness and walked down south to Leah’s cottage. They met at the cottage in the pitch black, and Leah unlocked the door. She opened the door, turned on the lights while Elliot closed the door. 
With the door closed, Elliot snuck up to Leah and shoved his fingers into her armpits. “Peek-a-boo!” He declared, wiggling and digging his fingers in her underarms. 
“BahaHAHAHA! Rihihight ihinto it, ahahare wehehehe?” She asked. 
“You betcha!” He replied. “And I’m gonna make every little moment count.” Elliot declared before taking in a breath and beginning to nibble and nom at her neck like an evil vampire. 
Leah threw her head back and laughed gleefully. “HAHAhahahaha! Hehehehehe! Hehehehe- Nohohohoho!” She laughed, hugging her arms against her own chest. 
“‘No’? ‘No’ what, my little werewolf?” He asked in a teasy, dracula-esque voice. 
“Nohohoho nihibblehehes!” she said through her giggles. 
“No nibbles? No nom-nom-nommies?” Elliot asked with a smirk. 
“Shuhuhut uhuhuhup, yohohou ihidiot!” She reacted. 
Elliot gasped and placed his hand onto his own chest. “Did you just call THEE COUNT DRACULA…An Idiot?!” He reacted. 
“Yehehes! Whahatcha gohonna dohohohoho ahahabout ihihit?” She asked. 
“I’m gonna do this:” Elliot picked her up bridal style and blew a big raspberry onto her belly. 
She SCREAMED and cackled, wiggling in his grasp like a sunfish out of water. “NAHAHAT THAHAHAHAT!” She shouted. 
“Okay! Then I shall move on to my backup plan.” Elliot started nibbling and making om nom noises all over her belly and sides. “Om-nom-nom-nom-nom-nom-nom. Om-nom-nom-nom-nom. Such delicious blood from this gorgeous werewolf~!” He teased. 
“NAHAHAHAHAHA! HEHEHEHEhehehehe!” Leah continued to laugh. “Such a cute little werewolf. Makes me wanna keep you as my pampered pet.” He teased, putting her onto the couch and scratching her jawline like he would to a dog. 
She curled into the touch and giggled a little, finding his touches more tickly than soothing. When he brought his hand back, she playfully went for his finger, and tried to ‘bite’ him. But she intentionally missed his finger by a mile, showing she was playing by smirking and giggling at him. 
Elliot gave her the side eye, before chuckling with a smirk of his own. “Ah ah ah. Be nice.” He warned. 
She giggled and stuck her tongue out. “Nnnno.” She replied with a proud grin. 
He brought himself closer. “I’m sorry, what was that?” 
Leah giggled and covered her mouth. 
“I’m sorry, I still can’t hear you. What did you say?” He asked. 
Leah’s giggles turned to laughter as she uncovered her mouth and slapped her thigh. “Gohohohod dahammihihihit!” She reacted. 
“I still can’t quite hear you. What are you trying to tell me?” He asked, bringing his face way too close to hers. 
Leah was cackling by this point, and forcefully pushed his face away from hers. She clapped her hands together as she let herself laugh. She loved this feeling of just laughing for a while. It felt really good, and she wanted it to last for the rest of the night. 
After a couple hours, Elliot wished her well and left her for the night to walk back to his cottage. Leah got out of her costume, washed the paint off her face, showered, and went to bed listening to the crickets of the Spirit’s Evening night. 
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riisume · 1 year
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I was talking on twt about how Elliot's so ticklish that he can't even handle shoulder/back massages because they tickle him too much so...
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somethin-human · 1 year
Soft headcanons to help the mood a little
Huxley uses Damien as a heated weighted blanket literally all the time.
Milo and Lasko will talk every weekend to just catch up and see how each other is doing.
The mates (wolf boys/their mates/Sam+Darlin’) will plan at least one get together once every couple of weeks
Both Sam and Darlin’ are home bodies so for little date ideas, sometimes they’ll do something outside of the cabin like a little picnic in the field next to it or look up at the stars. Sometimes they’ll hang out in the rain too if it’s cloudy enough.
Anton and his partner are married. No matter what’s going on, they always celebrate their anniversary together.
David has a ticklish spot that only Angel knows about.
Starlight and Avior will hold hands no matter where they are. In the kitchen when they’re cooking, watching a movie, going out for a walk. Everywhere.
Ash and Babe have cried a while watching Up together.
Milo and Sweetheart have made playlists for each other.
Marie and Aggro cuddle together and Milo thinks it’s the most adorable thing.
Also Marie whole heartedly believes Aggro is her grandchild so whenever she comes to visit, she brings little gifts for him.
Darlin’ learned to love going outside for fun when they started living with Sam. Also since autumn is coming up, he’s super excited to show them what it’s like living in the forest around this time so he’s constantly checking to see if the leafs have changed colors yet to show them all the pretty colors.
Babe gives wolf!Asher baths and sometimes he likes to hop out of the tub still soapy and shakes his fur to mess with them.
William and Lovely are frickin’ besties.
Also William gives really nice hugs. They’re so gentle and soft and he’ll only tighten the hug if you do first.
Darlin’ HATES baths and showers so Sam will take them outside and spray them down with a hose. They love it, especially during hot nights.
Gavin and Freelancer will have bake-offs in the kitchen and have Caelum judge whatever they made.
Elliot and Sunshine will go on random road trips together. Just any random time and day, one of them will be like,”I’m bored, let’s drive somewhere.” Next thing you know, they’re in a motel somewhere, eating McDonald’s, watching old cartoons.
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abeinginsand · 5 months
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Elliot Spring reference (a twst oc)
Character info below
Elliot looks a bit grumpier then he acts, not much of an early morning person, but is open to conversation otherwise. He's always listening for gossip around campus and will spread rumors himself (of course feigning innocence later).
When taking shifts at the Lounge, often works in the kitchen. Sometimes makes minis for the gaming club via contracts with Azul.
Race: humanoid with bunny ears and tail Age: 17 Height: about 5’4 ft Homeland: Queendom of Roses
Dorm: Octavinelle Year: 2nd year, class 2-D (No. 24) Club: Spell Drive Club Unique Magic: A high jump spell, the ethereal outline of a bunny surrounds him when cast
Best subject: Animal linguistics Fav food: stuffed peppers, dumplings Least fav food: eggs
Hobby: Art (making miniatures) Talent: Cooking Pet Peeve: people poking or petting his ears (he is ticklish)
Friends: Floyd (frenemies, ‘can’t stand her to me and the bestie meme’), Epel, Kalim, Ace, Rook, Idia, Fidel (my friend cereal's oc!) Avoids:
Vil (hears about him from Rook so much, he’s decided he doesn’t need to meet him in person)
Lilia (due to the jump scare shenanigans)
Riddle (due to nullification magic....he's been caught before lol)
Highly Respects: Leona, Trey, Azul (sometimes)
Guest Room
Item(s): white shoe laces with black stripes
Themes: Basic, Unique
GR fight line 1: "Keep poking me and see what happens! Hmpf, don't interrupt me... I can handle this myself."
GR fight line 2: "What's up? We were only chatting, I promise."
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womanofwords · 2 years
Ghost Hunting
I’ve been wanting to write this for ages, and I’m sorry that I was too late for Halloween. All the characters belong to @shyticklemonster.
“Why are we doing this again? Irving Manor isn’t even haunted; it’s just old,” Keith replied, turning the torch over and over in his hands. “It’s not even Halloween anymore, so this ghost-hunting stuff feels out of season.”
“I was busy during Halloween!” Elliot whined. “And you said I just had to say the word and you’d be there!”
“I’m beginning to regret that I said that,” Keith muttered.
Elliott didn’t seem to have heard him. “I wonder what sort of ghost we’ll find here. Maybe it’s a wailing old lady, or a little kid!”
“Maybe it’s a ghost butler! And he’s just walking around with one of those large metal plate covers so he can serve ghostly food for someone that isn’t there!” Keith giggled.
The two laughed and chatted as they strolled up to the door to Irving Manor, completely unaware that they were being watched.
Sebastian watched the strange boys from the window of his mansion as they invited themselves in.
“Who are they? They have no right to be here! How dare they go into my illustrious home?” Sebastian hissed under his breath. Admittedly, his home wasn’t as illustrious and as polished as it was before, but it was still his home, and he had to defend it.
Nobody else could anymore.
“Where did you even get the ghost-hunting equipment? Is-is that a tiny radar thingy?” Keith asked, as he followed behind his friend.
“Yes, of course it is. I got it from Amazon,” Elliott replied serenely, as the screen flickered into life. “Now, let’s see what sort of horrible, ugly ghosts this little beauty picks up.”
Sebastian was incensed. Not only were these boys unwelcome in his home, one of them had even called him horrible and ugly! Now was the time for confrontation.
“Leave my home immediately!” he boomed, pointing at the door. Elliot dropped the ghost-finding radar, while Keith fumbled with the torch.
“This place is actually haunted?!” Keith yelped.
“Who are you, cursed spirit?” Elliott asked.
“Sebastian. Sebastian Irving,” Sebastian introduced, while glaring at the two intruders. Keith was still terrified, while Elliott was thrilled.
“My first ghost encounter! Oh, I have so many questions! First of all, is it possible to touch a ghost?” Elliott asked, sticking a hand through Sebastian’s side.
Sebastian squeaked and held still.
For just a few seconds, everything sat still.
Elliott looked at Sebastian.
Sebastian looked at Elliott.
Keith looked at Sebastian and Elliott.
“Are you ticklish, Sebastian?” Elliott asked, a curious smile on his face as he experimentally wiggled his fingers inside the ghost’s abdomen.
Sebastian fought to stop himself from giggling. How was this working on him? He wasn’t even alive anymore; why could he still feel things?
“This is actually pretty cute,” Keith mused, smiling. Sebastian would have glared at him if he could, but his face was forced into a wobbly smile. His hands gripped his sides uselessly as Keith got out his phone, one hand trying to get Elliott’s hand away from him, but his efforts were fruitless. Ghosts weren’t able to touch human bodies.
“This has got to be immortalized,” he grinned. “Also, I guess it counts a test to see if ghosts show up on camera.”
Wait, what’s a camera? Sebastian thought, as laughter burst out of his mouth. It probably had something to do with the odd rectangle in the hands of the pale boy with the shapeless hat on his head. This sounded like a way of showing Sebastian off to the world, and he didn’t want that
“ENOUGH!” Sebastian yelled, forcing himself out of Elliott’s grip. Composing himself, he looked between the two boys that had broken into his home. Both seemed off, but Elliott was clearly the more mischievous one.
Well, Sebastian could also be mischievous. He’d spent decades haunting his old home, after all. And he knew he could possess people for about an hour.
An hour was all he needed.
Keith yelled as he was possessed, Elliott watching on in horror. Besides, what could he do about possession?
“Keith? Keith, listen to me. Keith, say something!” Elliott shook his friend frantically. Eventually, Keith looked up at him with wide, glowing, blank eyes.
That wasn’t Keith that Elliott was talking to.
Shrieks of laughter rang out again from Irving Manor.
But this time, the person laughing was alive.
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shyticklemonster · 2 years
I need to write out all the thoughts about the ghost squad real quick, don’t mind me
Sebastian has spent hundreds of years keeping nosy kids out of his mansion, so long that he’s forgotten the sound of laughter and what it means to have friends. When these two kids waltz into his territory his only thought is to get rid of them as fast as possible. He does what he usually does and tries to scare them out. He’s done it a hundred times before and expects nothing will be different about these guys, and at first they react how everyone else reacts when they see him: with screams and fear in their eyes.
That’s when something unexpected happens. Elliot reached out to touch him. Of course his hand phases through, but it sends a sudden shiver through Sebastian. One he hadn’t felt even long before he died. It was so sudden that he could hardly comprehend what happened and why he gasped like that, until he remembered a word he hadn’t thought about in a long time: ticklish.
He hardly had any memories of this sensation, but enough to know what was in store for him as he saw the mischievous grins on Elliot and Keith’s faces. Then when Elliot tried really ticking him, he did something he hardly did when he was alive: he giggled
He giggled and squirmed, part of him wanting to float away but another part of him realizing how much he missed laughing. It was warm and fuzzy, unlike his usual cold and dreary afterlife. He knew he couldn’t let these brats get away with this though. After all, he still had his pride to worry about.
He usually only used possession as a last resort to scare off anyone too stubborn to run away, but this time he wanted to use it for a bit of his own fun. And when he possessed Keith to get back at Elliot, he realized that not only did he miss his own laughter, he missed the sound of other peoples laughter too.
When he thinks Elliot has learned his lesson, he finally lets him go and in-possesses Kieth. They ask him why he did that instead of trying to get them out, and Sebastian admits that he had forgotten what it was like for people not to be scared of him, and that it was rather fun being able to laugh again. He suddenly realized just how lonely he had been all this time.
Needless to say, Sebastian decided that guests in the old mansion might not be so bad, and Kieth and Elliot decide they should visit more often.
Amazing! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I really liked how you interpreted it. It's a cannon now!!💖
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You're amazing!!💖💖
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shelly-kitten · 1 year
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Shelly Kitten #6 - Ticklish
Summary: Monty tries a tickle attack, but soon learns about equivalent exchange
Support this series on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/shellykitten
Michelle Goff as Shelly
Twitter https://twitter.com/Shelly_Kitten_
Website https://michellegoffva.com/
Jacob Barrens as Monty 
Twitter https://twitter.com/JacobBarrens 
Website https://www.jacobbarrens.com/
Roanna Cruz as Jade
Twitter https://twitter.com/RCruzVO
Website https://rcruzvo.com/
Travis Carey as Elliot
Twitter https://twitter.com/TravisCareyPro
Art by @TheArtYoshi
Twitter https://twitter.com/TheArtYoshi
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/yoshiyoshi700
Title card designed by @_LuoLin
Twitter https://twitter.com/_LuoLin  
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covenofwives · 2 years
Your comment about the God siblings needing a big sleepover together made me slightly insane soo…a few concepts that I think would happen in a God sibling and dteam + punz sleepover🫠
HD has a godly amount of pillows and blankets- no one is going to be uncomfortable 
4K and Sap are the designated heaters, everyone just piles on top of them
pretty sure this isn’t cannon to the AU right now but…OP has wings. Big fluffy wing blankets that also tickle :)
XD and 4K are cuddlers and just wrap their arms around everyone
Dteam + punz end up (comfortably) squished in between the gods
HDs helper hands make sure everyone’s comfortable and he definitely didn’t tell them to do that
And when most of them are awake, they wake the others in the best way possible :)) sleepy tickles
Elliot if I could print out these words, turn them into liquid and inject this liquid into my veins I absolutely would. That is how much I love this.
Everything you have described here is perfect. I will happily go on to gush about each of these points
HD having the perfect pillow for everyone and every situation. You like firm pillows? He's got them. Soft squishy? Absolutely. You want a satin blanket or a fuzzy wool blanket? He's got a thousand of them. All in different colours so you can pick out your favourite. I imagine the start of the sleepover it's XD, 4K and OP going to collect their siblings and bring them to HD's place where he and George have set up the NEST and laid out everything to be picked out.
Absolute yes for the heaters and the best part is 4K is SO HUGE like he could hug all of the dteam and punz in his arms and it's not uncomfortable. He probably does, stealing them away from the others who go after and tickle him to release them (which was of course his plan) but he does and then it has to be decided that he and Sapnap are evenly spaced to give the most amount of heat to the nest.
The wiiiiings. The softest wings. And he has 6 of them! Six wonderful wings to absolutely blanket them all, and give soft tickles under everyone's chin and trace ever so lightly over their tummies. But it's also a risk because OP's wings are SO ticklish. If he pushes the tickles too far all anyone has to do is grab his wing and give him a good tickling to calm down. Which for sure happens.
XD and 4K being absolute cuddle monsters. I could see them trying to cuddle as many people as possible away from each other and then talk about trading between them ("I'll give you HD if you give me Sapnap." "Only if you'll trade me George for Dream then.") while everyone is trying to break free, giggling that their idiots and of course tickling their way to freedom but only to be snapped up by the other one. Eventually it's decided the cuddle/laying position has to have the dteam and punz in the middle so they're between all the Gods and XD and 4K can have equal cuddling shares.
The helper hands going above and beyond with the sleepover. Someone is thirsty? Here's a helper hand with some water for you. Thinking how a massage would feel right now? Here's a helper hand soothing out that muscle for you. HD is calling them annoying but his one thought is to make sure everyone is feeling safe and comfortable and cosy and the hands will make sure that happens.
The wake up omg We all know it's HD and George the last to wake. Maybe Sapnap and OP as well. Gentle coos lead to tickles under the chin and soft kneading into sides and bellies. 4K is running his tail up and down Sapnap's foot. Dream and Punz are tickling OP's back, especially at the base of his wings. XD using two hands on each, tickling HD and George's bellies.
Absolute perfection a 100000/10 sleepover
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fluffallamaful · 1 year
Hi :D I luv the pfp so much, the little blond are ready for the spooky season!
what about 13 and 14 for the fic asks?
from this post
thank you elliot!!! i also adore the pfp and i adore the talented owl that draw it 😖💞
13. which three fics did you enjoy writing the most?
ok wowee this is a super interesting one 🤔 interestingly enough my first thoughts are all wips :0 but i think Ticklish Dreams (and Georges) is definitely up there. i was so fumkin lee writing it 😵‍💫.
Tickle Hunt flowed so nicely I literally got it done in a night so that’s up there too, also the lines were fun to write.
and then i think Crying Giggling Obsidian pt.1 as well. it was just so fun to describe and it had no dialogue as well. so it was easy to flow
14. which three of your own fics do you re-read all the time? why?
funnnnn question 😍 it definitely depends what i’m craving. like i’ll read Some Well-Deserved Giggles if i’m craving adorable lee dream reactions, or Afternoon Discoveries pt.2 if i’m after anticipation stuffs
A Mickey Mouse Stream and Tickle Hunt pt.2 are both my go tos for storyline. like they’re less about tickles and more about the scenario (i know it’s 4 i’m sowwy)
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trashyswitch · 2 months
Shannon: I love the fanfic. I really like Alex and Elliot's interactions and Alex tickling Elliot's finger to get him to stop pointing was funny. It was nice of Alex to keep his secret.
Thanks Shannon! I know ticklish fingers is quite rare, but I wanted to incorporate it into this fanfic.
And yes, I think keeping secrets regardless of how little you know the person, is the respectable thing to do...until they share the secret with someone else...Then they can tease them about it.
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adventmiyu · 1 year
Harvesting Season if they became cats
@sk3tch404 I came up with this since there's stray cat's in my neighborhood that are adorable so I wrote this ! Let me know what you think
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Jayce would be a calico cat
-Is probably gonna knock stuff over since he's a attention whore
-Has a black collar with a star charm from his necklace and Jayce sewn into the leather
- Is a blonde cat with some black spots and one purple tuft of fur and adorable brown eyes and long whiskers
-Has a thing for taking naps on laps and purrs when his ears are scratched
-And he is one of those cats who wouldn't like to go in the bathtub he would literally give anyone a hard time who tries to bath him including scratching from the claws
-Other all he could be worse
-But he's mostly a chill cat
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Rory is a black cat who is also a vampire cat
-Has really fluffy black fur and cute brown eyes with fangs
-His collar matches along with Jayce being black with the moon charm from his necklace and his name sewn onto the collar
-He's a menace cat who will kinda stress you out and give you trouble
-Crawls around on the ceiling and knocks a lot of shit over
-Attention whore cat as well with him constantly wanting affection as him curling his tail around your leg or purring into your chest or meowing really loud whenever you're not there with him
-Just be there with him 24/7 and give him blood when he's hungry
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The Volkov twins are a scottish fold cat
-They have dark orange reddish fur with some white with there eyes being green
- Out of all them they are going to be the biggest pain in the ass and quite along being meanest ones
-Them coughing up hairballs are the worst since they do it randomly or at the least expected times
-Plus they'll bite , scratch and hiss at anyone who comes near there darling
-The literal definition of feral cats
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Elliot is a ragdoll cat with fluffy white fur and extra fluffy tail including long ticklish whiskers
-He doesn't have a collar but a cute scarf for him that even makes him look more adorable
-Out off all of them he would be the most chill but still a little shit prankster
-He would be one of those cats to plop onto your chest to wake you up and you waking up first thing to see a fluffy cat
-Cat Elliot is a sucker for headpats , bellyrubs , and anything for affection but he loves to play in the snow
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riisume · 6 months
Who's your most ticklish OC? :3
Hmm good question! It was my oc Elliot, but I haven't really been interested in him lately cuz I'm so focused on my fuzzy dudes (and Red)!
But out of those guys, it's probably either Nebo or Jericho!
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nvrcmplt · 15 days
elliot doesn't bother to hide the appreciate behind his lashes, following the path of his hands as he caresses a warm, unhurried path down yuriy's body. as an artist, there's nothing more precious than a muse, and gods, yuriy is his muse. more than that, the tiger is someone he's come to care for. that doesn't mean he'll ever skimp out on showing just how much he adores him ( and wants to touch him ). and so he does, mapping out every dip, every scar, everything worth putting his hands on.
he kisses, and nuzzles wherever his hands have trailed, soft words of praise that echo along fond sighs. glasses have been foregone, hands slipping over the muscles of yuriy's back, nails gently digging in with a groan, ❝ ━ gods, you're so perfect. ❞ stopping his nuzzling, the phoenix tips his head to look up at yuriy, a fond smile curling up one corner of his mouth, content in his daily appreciation, ❝ ━ will you tell me about the world you came from ? ❞
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It felt wonderful, as scars long healed from battle turned a touch mor ruby from the blood flow, his fur softened with this worlds cleaning products and brushing that removed years of knots and deshedding layers. His muscles were soft, tensing only slight when a ticklish spot from found by wondering fingers but none the less, the Pantherine beastman was a puddle of delight. Chest and throat rumbling with exhaled purrs, ears flat and relaxed as his lashes were wet with pleasure as they squint in slow blinks of adoration. Tail moved to a comfortable position to lazily flick over the cushioned bedding, the Tigeria was in a soft mood. Humming when addressed about his 'perfectness' and more.
"Mmrr?" Ears flicker, attention to the world reawakening in his element and he finds himself waking just a bit more to concertante enough to think about his home world, the horrors of it all and more included. "Where to start, Aaphrine… was a place of beauty. Elements that danced in the air, mountains as far as the eyes could see. Where the sea and sky met and dragons roamed the skies." He started, lowering his lashes and moving to gather his Phoenix in warm palms. "Plentiful of monsters to tame, feed, hunt… It was a place of harmony and living by the means." He missed it, a place to relax and train with the hopes of conversation taking over war but conflicts were a thing. Borders were rarely at complete peace but conflict would only bugger up the trading routes. So it was avoided at all costs.
"Flowers that tasted like meat, water that bubbled like your carbonated drinks here… Waterfalls that dragons lay their heads, ogres and orcs that fight in the woodland - winged boar and iron lizards to tests your strength upon." He chuckled at the memories of a happy world… but his smile soon dropped. "Then Sponsors came, beings of a power beyond Aaphrine's understanding - where mana corrupted the mind, where war became easier and easier to trigger. Regions of the world burned in nothing but violence and blood." How he loathed it. "Aaphrine was a place once loved and cherished but now it's a stain of ash on my mind, love. I feel like the war we were pulled from has shattered the good memories I had of it all."
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angelatmidnight1 · 3 years
i adored your recent fic! i was wondering if you’d do something similar to that. like rampart getting revenge (since she knows how ticklish he is now).
The Show Must Go On
A/N- The story is a little sad at first, but lightens up towards the end. I really hope you like it! I'll list what I was inspired by at the end.
It’s the second anniversary of the Apex Games and after eight successful seasons, news reporters everywhere are dying for the chance to have an interview with the Legends. A lucky reporter, Lisa Stone, gets the opportunity, but receives more than she bargained for: both Mirage and Rampart agree to appear on a Stories from the Outlands segment and, unbeknownst to them, are scheduled to appear at the same time. The fans are ecstatic: there are countless rumours circulating about the beloved trickster and modder, and the juicy gossip to come from the show is sure to be legendary. The first couple of questions are innocent enough, but everything takes a turn. Lisa asks about Elliot’s mom and resurfaces some unpleasant memories. Even Ramya thinks she’s crossed a line. Somehow, they finish the show, but Elliot is still upset. So, she steps in to get him laughing again.
Hey there! I’d give you three wishes but, let’s be honest, all three just came true. Wink, wink, and wink.
Mirage chuckled and set the golden action figure down on his table backstage. “Heheh, can’t get enough of this. Everyone should have one. Should be a law, actually.” he murmured fondly. He booped the figurine’s nose so that it swayed side to side. Behind him was a crate of boxes of signed replicas of his precious trophy, created as merchandise available for purchase for a meet and greet later on. He turned to face it and grinned. “Lucky for everyone, that’ll happen tonight.” 
He stood up and strutted over to the crate. He was decked out in his Center Stage outfit, which was quite fitting based on where he was. Sure, the trickster stole the show on a regular basis anyway, but today he was on the set for Stories from the Outlands. The show had been on a long hiatus since the unfortunate demise of Forge, so he was thrilled to be the first Legend to debut on its reboot! The excitement hung heavily in the air; the TV crew hustled down the hallways, the production team fiddled with the lighting and sound, and the excited chatter of the audience could be heard even from his dressing room. He picked up a box containing one of the action figures and brought it up to the light, marveling as it glimmered. 
“...A trophy for you! A trophy for you! Don’t worry, there’s plenty of me’s to go around.” Elliot rehearsed his little speech and pretended to hand it off to a fan. Unable to help himself, he reached under the box and pulled the string.
Aren’t I the best lookin’ action figure in the Outlands? Buy me now!
He bounced the little figurine along in the air to mimic walking. Before he could turn around and place the trophy back where it belonged, a certain someone came walking down the hallway. The individual casually slipped her hands into her pockets and, popping some bubble gum, parked herself in the trickster’s doorway. She leaned against the door frame, watching Elliot with an amused smirk. 
“Mate, don’t ya think you’re a bit old to be playing with toys?”
Mirage flinched and, accidentally dropping the action figure, spun around to face who it was. The action figure landed on the floor with a dull thud, and he scrambled to pick it up. When he stood back up, he blinked; it was Rampart. 
“Ramya?” he spat, bewildered. “What’re you doing here?” 
How did she manage to follow him onto the set? Better yet, how did she even know where he’d be? The questions spun around in his head and he shook his head, chuckling. “I mean, I know how lonely you get when I’m not around. But, there’s always a new hobby. Or making me a new mod...which you still haven’t given me, by the way.”
Ramya’s smirk faded and she leered at him. “Keep talkin’ like that and the only mod you’ll get is me welding your boots to your goggles,” she sassed, stepping further into the room. “And since you’re dyin’ to know, I was invited here, same as you. Sounds like we’ll be sharin’ the stage. ” The modder threw him a grin and pulled Sheila off her back, happily revving her up. “Heh, that is if me and Sheila here don’t steal the show.”
Mirage stared at her, waiting for her to laugh or otherwise show that she was pulling his leg...but she didn’t. “But...but this is my slot,” he argued, unable to wrap his head around what she was telling him. He's had to do PR events with other Legends, but he’d told everyone he knew that he was the first and only Legend to be invited here for an interview! So, something wasn’t adding up. 
“...You know what? I think you’re just making this up,” he came to the only conclusion he’d be willing to accept. He approached her, smirking. “Just admit it, Ramps. You missed me so much that you, somehow, followed me here so that you didn’t have to spend a lonely night in your shop! Don’t worry, I get it. I’m really good company.”
Ramya laughed a bit too hard for the trickster’s liking. “Oho, if that ain’t the best joke I’ve heard all day,” she snickered. “I guess you are good for something besides lookin’ pretty. But, no, I’m not making this up. Check it out.” After putting the minigun back in its holster, she handed him her pass. The trickster grabbed it, already convincing himself that it was forged or stolen...but it looked identical to the one he had. It felt like someone took a pin to his ego, and his shoulders slumped. 
“Seriously?” Elliot sighed and face palmed, begrudgingly handing the pass back to her. “You’ve gotta be kidding me. I mean, I know we’re roommates but we don’t have to be conjoined at the hip. This is so...so dumb...”
Ramya smirked. “Well, when you’re the best Legend to step foot in these games, invitations are just thrown at ya. They practically begged us to come along” she beamed, triumphantly crossing her arms against her chest. “But don’t worry, we’ll make some room at the top. We could always use a sidekick!” she teased further, pinching the trickster’s side. Mirage yelped and squirmed out of her reach. 
“No wahahy! ” he countered, having to smooth the creases he made in his jacket. “Only thing you need is a reality check. So here ya go: Sheila does all of the work for you, and I’m still better than you in every way.” he puffed out his chest, feeling proud of himself.  “You’re welcome.”
Ramya narrowed her eyes and, when he raised his arm to adjust the jacket, she dug wiggling nails into his armpit.  Elliot gasped and immediately brought the arm down, but all he did was trap her hand in place. He twisted away from her, the strained giggles pouring out faster than he could stop them. Unfortunately, she followed after him and continued tickling. 
“Hehehey! Knohohohohohck it ohohohohff!” he shouted, his giggles intensifying when she squeezed down to his ribs and sides. The trickster brought both of his arms against his sides and hunched over, but no matter how much he squirmed or pushed at her hands, he couldn’t shake her off. Elliot was sure that the TV set crew could hear him, and the thought made his cheeks flushed. After all, he had a reputation to uphold! “Cohohohme ohohohon! Thihihihs ihihihihs a nehehehehw ohohohutfihihihiht! Youhuhu’ll wrihihihnkle it!” he whined. 
“N’aww, well I’d hate to mess up your cute widdle outfit,” Ramya simpered, giving some firm, tickly squeezes to the spots just above his hip bones. This brought out the laughter she was looking for, in all of its goofy glory. “But I’d say you owe me an apology! It took a lot of elbow grease to make Sheila. Think I should get a cut of the credit.” 
Elliot refused to give her the satisfaction and kept trying to get a hold of her wrists. Sometimes he caught them, but just when he thought he had a good grip, she’d pull away and tickle his torso with a renewed vigor. The laughter and commotion caught the attention of a nearby set worker, who was coming to retrieve the Legends anyway. The woman rapped her knuckles against the door, causing both of their heads to pop up. Ramya continued to jab her fingers into Elliot’s sides, making the poor man bark out protests and giggles.
“Uh, hi. You can both head on the set,” The worker stated, giving the trickster a small smile before walking away. With Ramya distracted, Elliot managed to push her off of him, still plagued by giggles. 
“Ugh, you’re sohoho annoying.” he tittered, rubbing the ticklish sensations out of his sides. “Did you really have to do that here? Now?” 
“What? Don’t want your fans to know how ticklish you are?” Rampart snickered and stood up. She offered a hand to him and he took it, but didn’t immediately let go. 
“Well, if I remember correctly, I know a certain gearhead who’s pretty ticklish too.” Mirage fired back, smirking. He stood up with her help and loomed over her, still holding her hand. “I wonder who that could be?”
Stiffening, Ramya glared at the trickster and unconsciously held her free arm closer to her torso. The duo stared each other down for a few beats before, all of a sudden, Rampart wormed her hand free and jabbed him in the stomach. Elliot yelped and lurched away from her, bumping into a nearby table and knocking the contents off. 
“Heh, can’t say I know ‘em.” she responded, grinning as he begrudgingly returned everything to its proper place. “But I’m here for a show, Witt! So when you’re done, I promise to save you a seat...somewhere...in a chair. Definitely not on the floor or anything.” 
Ramya laughed and strolled out of the room. Mirage was quick to follow after her, greeting the pretty, bashful looking set crew on his way to catch up. Many of them never had the opportunity to brush elbows with the Legends, let alone the hottest one in the Outlands. Other workers were happy to fistbump with Rampart and admire the impressive craftsmanship that was Sheila. Hands free, of course. 
Elliot gently nudged Ramya to get her attention when they finished their respective interactions.  “Look, since we haven’t done anything together like this, make sure you follow my lead. I’ve been doing this for a really long time. I know how to keep these reporters hanging on every word,” he bragged, grinning. He hooked an arm around her shoulders. “They tend to ask a lot of questions, ya know, wanting to know how interesting our lives are outside of the arena. But, remember, you don’t have to answer everything! Sometimes you may wanna only give ‘em a little, keep them wanting more--.”
“So, like every bloody interview ever?” Rampart scoffed, shrugging his arm off her shoulders. “I got this, Witt. Sounds like you’re the only one sweatin’ it.” She stopped right before the turn leading to the stage, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Oh, are you worried that I’ll tell them about what happened that one time? At Paradise, remember?” The modder waggled her eyebrows, beaming at his look of realization. 
“Hey, I told you what happens in Paradise stays in Paradise, okay! You know that…” he shot back in a hushed voice. The trickster felt his stomach drop when she winked and walked ahead of him. “...Why’re you looking at me like that? Hey! Ramya!” He hurried after her, cursing his luck of having to share the limelight with the infamous, quick-witted modder. It was going to be a long night. 
Once both of the Legends stepped on the set, they were quickly ushered to their designated chairs positioned in the center of the room. The lights were bright, almost blinding, but it didn’t bother Mirage. Here, he was in his element. Lisa Stone strolled over to them shortly after they were settled in their seats with a big smile on her face. 
“Hello, Legends! Oh, you don’t know how excited I am to see you both in person! It’s been ages since I’ve done any interviews.” she gushed, extending a hand to give each of them a handshake. Ramya opted for a fist bump instead, but Elliot happily took her hand to shake it.
“Pleasure’s all mine! But call me Elliot,” he smiled and leaned towards the reporter. “All the pretty reporters do.” 
Lisa chuckled and politely squeezed his hand. “Oh no, I know how dangerous you are, Elliot. Have to be careful when you’re around!” she smirked, stepping back and releasing his hand to take her seat. Mirage glanced at Rampart and grinned, as if saying, see? Rampart just rolled her eyes. “You two ready?”
“Sure are, mate! Let’s get this thing started already. Sheila’s itchin’ to get into this bonanza.” Ramya piped, taking the mini gun off her back and leaning it against her chair. Lisa chuckled again and motioned for a worker to hand her her script, and signaled to another to get the cameras rolling.  After a brief delay, the camera man nodded to her; it was showtime.
“...We’re sitting here tonight with Elliot ‘Mirage’ Witt and Ramya ‘Rampart’ Parekh. It’s great to have both of you here. Never in the Stories from the Outlands history have we had two Legends on set!”
Mirage was the first to speak up with a huge smile on his face. “Of course! It’s an honor to be here. Great to see you and connect with all the fans out there.” he answered happily, throwing a wink and some finger guns to the crowd in front of him. The crowd responded with loud cheering, with someone even screaming we love you, Mirage! He smirked, his ego getting the best of him as he summoned a decoy and made it blow a kiss to that adoring fan. The cheers got louder and, in the back of his mind, he hoped he didn’t make that poor individual pass out. He fist bumped the decoy to make it disappear. “Moments like these are what I live for.”
Elliot wasn’t the only one having fun though. Rampart had riled up a crowd of her own and got out of her chair. She waved and pointed at them, grinning. 
“I don’t know, I think they could show a little more enthusiasm than that, right?” she chimed in, earning a collective roar from the crowd. The modder momentarily eyed Mirage with a smirk as she turned to gather up Sheila. She turned to the crowd again and revved it up; security made her unload bullets in the gun, but she didn’t need bullets to show her off. “Or maybe you’re waiting to see this beauty?”
Sheila joining the fray meant that the cheers not only shook the room, but also brought some fans out of their seats to give that awesome minigun a standing ovation. The sudden outburst made the trickster flinch a bit, though it didn’t seem like Ramya or even Lisa noticed. He mentally pouted. 
What? No standing ovation for me? The trickster wondered, shaking the thoughts out of his head once Rampart sat back down. No way was he going to give the gearhead the satisfaction of seeing him pout. Maybe, he thought, the fans were just being extra nice to her. After all, she did join the Apex Games after him, so maybe they were just trying to make her feel just as included. Elliot did steal the show no matter where he was, so anyone standing next to him must have felt a little small. Yeah. He liked that explanation. 
The crowd finally settled down enough for Lisa to continue with the show. “Well, we are so thankful that you were willing to spend some time with us. So! Elliot, I’m going to start with you.” The reporter pivoted so that she was facing him, rustling her script. “You’ve been participating in the Apex Games since its earliest stages, and have yet to miss out on being an Apex Champion! Tell me, are there any tips you’d like to share for the inspiring Legends out there?”
Mirage leaned back in his chair, thinking. “Yeah, I’d tell ‘em to find something that they love to do, something they’re good at. It can be anything. Shooting, running, carving pumpkins--”
He stopped himself before he walked himself down that rabbithole that he wasn’t really looking to revisit. “Well, maybe not carving pumpkins cause, ya know, that may not come to anything. Or, maybe it would! I mean, heh, I wouldn’t know anything about that..'' he corrected himself and waved his hands dismissively. “Basically, you want to start with one of your talents. Grow with it. Hone it. Love it. And, with a stroke of luck, you may find yourself in the arena with a gun in your hand and millions of people cheering your name. And if you run into me, well, I can’t say I’ll go easy on you. Gotta keep people on their toes, newbies included.”
Before Lisa could continue, Rampart hopped into the conversation. She turned to him with that signature, cocky grin. “Why don’t you tell them about that game we were in a while back? Cause if I remember correctly, it was me picking your sorry butt off the ground.” she jibed. The modder met his glare with a wider grin as she put a hand over her chest. “It was my first game ever in the Apex Games. I was a newbie myself. And I’ll tell ya, my back got one hell of a workout that day, carrying this plonker around.”
The crowd whooped and hollered, almost drowning out what Mirage had to say. 
“What? Ramya, you’re totally exact-egg-act---you’re laying it on thick!” Elliot argued. “What you’re talking about was a prime example of me giving you a chance to shine! I taught you everything I knew, and then I let you rack up a bunch of kills to give you a strong start. That’s the kind of person I am.”
Lisa decided that she didn’t want to leave this stone unturned. Her eyebrows rose with interest and she leaned towards them. “Well, what happened exactly? This is all new to us, so I’m sure we’d love to know.” The reporter questioned, her curious gaze shifting between one Legend to the other. If she’d known having two Legends on the show would be this exciting, she would’ve done it much earlier.
“Nothing hap--”
“Well, since you asked! Here’s what went down...” Ramya was happy to tell the story of how she saved Elliot from certain death against the angry killer robot. She didn’t leave a single detail out; how Revenant snuck up on him, his scream that shook the Outlands, and how she turned that psycho into scrap metal. The audience was riled up by the time she finished. 
“By the time I got to him, he was screaming, ‘No, Mr. Murderbot! Please don’t eat me! Anything but that!’” Ramya laughed, leaning over in her chair so that she could playfully nudge Elliot’s arm. “My fearless teacher, cowering in the corner. Heheh..it was priceless.” 
“Like I said, I was distracting him! It was a part of my plan,” Elliot defended over the audience’s yips of surprise and amusement. He was stewing; if it hadn’t been for him, they wouldn’t have won that fight! Sure, it was preferable to participate in the fight, but he still contributed! With all of the eyes on him, there was no way he’d let this gearhead drag him through the mud! He witnessed plenty of times where Rampart screwed up in a match. So, since they were sharing stories, he decided to give a little snippet of his own. “But while we’re on the topic, let’s talk about the many times where I, single handedly, saved you and Sheila from certain doom!”
Lisa was happy to let them talk. The crowd was going wild and, if they kept this up, the show’s ratings would be through the roof. But she noticed something between the Legends as they one-upped each other with their not-so-flattering stories. Some of the Legends were friends with each other, others rivals. But these two seemed a blend of both; cordial one minute, confrontational the next. It reminded her of what it was like growing up with her little sister. 
As much as she wanted the Legends to continue, she did have more questions she wanted to ask them. And, one in particular was practically jumping off her script. She threw up her hands when they started debating how exactly Ramya’s shoe got caught in a gully, which sent her tumbling off the map. “Whoa, whoa! Okay, it sounds like you two have spent a lot of time together. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were related.” she laughed. Both Legends made a similar expression of disgust, but the reporter spoke up before they could go at it again. “Let me ask you something else, Elliot. I hope you don’t mind, but I’m dying to know.”
“Ask me whatever you’d like,” he encouraged, comfortably leaning back in his seat. “I’m an open book.”
 “How is Mrs. Witt doing?”
Mirage’s breath hitched, as if someone just punched him in the gut. Of course, the sound system in the studio picked up everything, but he tried to play it off as if he was clearing his throat. “Sorry, what?”
“Well, you’re one of the few Legends with a living family member who’s contributed a great deal to the scientific community. I’m sure we’re all familiar with her work.” Lisa smiled at the crowd, earning collective nods. “But, we haven’t seen much of her lately. Not at all, actually. And I--well--”
Every muscle in Elliot’s body tightened.  He spoke to his mother just a few days ago, right before the anniversary. But, she didn’t remember him, and most of the conversation was him trying to help her remember that she was his mother. It didn’t go well, but he buried his sadness for another day. Now, this woman was not only reopening the wound, but dumping an entire box of salt on it. 
“Has she been feeling okay? According to my sources, it’s been...the opposite. So, I was wondering if you’d like to offer some clarity--”
“There’s nothing to clear up.” Came Elliot’s abrupt reply. The rational side of his mind was screaming at him to cool it, to just redirect the question towards a different topic. But this was his mother she was talking about, and there wasn’t a person living that he cared more about. “I don’t know what you heard, but it sounds like you’ve got your story all wrong! Totally wrong. My mother is just fine. She’s perfectly healthy! So, whatever you were thinking, just---don’t.” 
He’d unknowingly raised his voice, so it left feedback on the microphones. Rampart stared at him with her mouth agape. She never heard him raise his voice before. Clearly, Lisa struck a nerve. And, for whatever reason, she felt herself get angry too. 
“Oh, of course! Of course.” Lisa scrambled to reply and defensively put a hand up. “I didn’t mean anything by it. I’m just glad to hear she’s okay.” She smiled at the trickster, but he didn’t smile back. She fidgeted in her seat and turned to Ramya, hoping to salvage what was becoming an awkward, quiet studio. The modder met her gaze, fury in her eyes, but she knew how important appearances were to Elliot. So, for him, she hopped to her feet and picked up Sheila. 
“Yeesh. Thought you plonkers would never stop talking,” she jeered, pressing down on the trigger so the gun roared to life. “How about we listen to what Sheila has to say?” 
The audience perked up and chattered in approval. Somewhere, in the back of Mirage’s mind, he thanked her for the distraction.
The rest of the night went about as smooth as expected. Mirage still attended a meet n’ greet, surrounded by his adoring fans, but he just went through the motions. His smile didn’t reach his eyes, and his jokes were recycled. Rampart was set up not too far away from him, allowing fans to admire her gun up close. Whenever she was able to glance at him, it took all of her strength to keep from barging into wherever Lisa was and giving her a piece of her mind. It took a couple deep breaths, but Ramya ultimately decided that she’d find the trickster when they were all done. 
The first and only place she decided to go to was the Paradise Lounge. Mirage spent most, if not all of his time there. She walked up to the door and ignored the ‘closed’ sign, opening the door and walking right in. 
Elliot must not have heard the door open because he didn’t turn around. When Ramya walked further in, she noticed the phone tucked under his chin.
“...Well, if it isn’t the most beautiful woman in the world! I get my good looks from somewhere, right mom?” Mirage smiled. He was glad he didn’t have to leave a voicemail this time. There was a pause, and the smile faded almost immediately. “I--yeah. It’s Elliot, your son.” 
Ramya blinked and shuffled her feet. Lisa was right: Mrs. Witt wasn’t well. She felt like she should leave to give the man some privacy. But she stayed where she was.
“It’s the games’ second anniversary today. And, naturally, I’ve been winning as many games as I can. All for you. My biggest fan.” he continued softly, rubbing the back of his neck. “There’s not a day goes by that I don’t think of you. So, ya know, I just wanted to---to check up on you.” 
Rampart smiled a small, sad smile. She didn’t know the trickster had a tender side; it was easy to miss that when they spent most of the day at each other's throats. She wasn’t the emotional type, but it was endearing to see how deeply he cared about his mother. Before she could overhear anything else, though, she rapped her knuckles against the counter, making him turn around.
“Oh! Let me call you back, mom. I--yeah. Yeah! I’ll definitely call you back. Okay. Bye, love you.” Elliot slipped the phone back into his pocket and arched a brow at the modder. “Uh, hey. Didn’t you see the closed sign?” As usual, the trickster swept his feelings under the rug with humor. 
“Eh, I’m a regular here. Tend to let myself in.” Ramya chuckled, climbing into a seat in front of him. “I didn’t see you after the meet n’ greet, wanted to make sure you weren’t lost again.”
“Aw, you did miss me. I knew it.” he teased, a victorious smirk on his lips. He was going to say something else, but she was giving him this look that he couldn’t place. “...What?”
“I...heard everything ya talked about. You didn’t lock the door..” she explained softly. Mirage looked mortified, so she threw both of her hands up. “Sorry! I know I should’ve left. I know. I just didn’t ‘cause…” she trailed off, searching for the right words. “When Lisa brought up your mom, that was the first time I’ve seen ya get upset at something. I mean, really upset. So I just wanted to see how you were doing.” 
“I’m fine.” Mirage insisted. If he just kept telling himself that, he’d hopefully start to believe it.  “It’s just like I was saying before, you never know what reporters will ask! So, I--it’s just…” 
He tried to come up with something else to say. Something witty. Something funny. Anything that he could use to steer the conversation. But he didn’t have anything. He sighed deeply and shifted uncomfortably. The only other person who’d seen him like this was Wraith. 
Ramya was out of her element too. The best way she knew how to comfort someone was with a drink, or maybe a quick brawl to clear their head. Neither one seemed fitting. So, after an awkward moment of silence, she got out of the chair. “Look, mate. I’m not gonna make you talk about it if ya ain’t feelin’ up to it. But you know where to find me if you change your mind.”
The modder turned to leave, but paused when Elliot decided to speak. Normally he’d opt for speaking to Renee, but he didn’t know where she was, and he didn’t want to be alone with his thoughts.
“It just..hurts..” Came Elliot’s quiet reply. He walked around the bar and sat down, motioning for her to sit next to him. “...When someone in your family can’t remember you anymore.”
Ramya sat next to him and remained quiet, letting him speak. 
“I mean, you spend your whole life with your mom. You laugh with her,cry with her…make memories. And then, out of the blue, she gets sick and all of that is just...gone. Just like that.” Elliot snapped his fingers to illustrate his point, frowning. “My mom’s all I have. I talk to her everyday, trying to help her remember something small, like my name. But I’m losing her, Ramya. And without her I--I don’t have anyone else.” 
“Hey, what am I then? Chopped Leviathan meat?” Rampart responded without malice, gently pushing his arm. “I know it ain’t the same, but you have me. And Blasey. And Pathfinder. I know he’s your favorite.” The trickster rolled his eyes, making her grin.  “Hell, I’d say you have a lot of people you can count on.” 
“I guess..” Elliot muttered, putting his hands on the counter and casting his head down. “Just wish I could do more for her.”
“You can. It’s the best thing you can do.” Ramya scooted her chair closer to his and nudged him. When he looked up, his eyes were shining with tears. “Keep talking to her. Keep making her laugh. Keep bragging about how great you are. If ya keep her a part of your life, then she’ll never really be gone.” 
Elliot blinked and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. “Yeah. That makes sense...somehow.” 
She scoffed, “Course it does! I have my philosophical moments,” Ramya grinned and lightly elbowed his side. He jumped and leaned away from the touch, choking back a chuckle. The modder heard the sound and climbed out of the chair, positioning herself behind him. What kind of roommate would she be if didn’t cheer him up? “‘Ey, you aren’t cryin’, are you?”
“No. I just had something in my eyEEE--” Mirage cried out and flinched when she squeezed his sides. He shot out of the chair and reached for her wrists, but she moved them before he could grab them. She didn’t let up, either; her determined hands squeezed over every inch of his sides, paying special attention to the spots right above his hip bones.  The trickster threw his torso around when she got to those spots, laughing loud and hard. “I’M NOHOHT CRHYHYHYING! STOHOHOHP!”
“And leave ya here sulking? Forget it.” Ramya smirked and hopped up to reach his armpits. The trickster screamed and brought his arms down, sinking to the floor to try and evade her. Grinning, she followed him down and pushed him onto his back. “If there’s one thing I know how to do, it’s how to put a smile on your face.”
Mirage struggled to keep her at bay, opting to keep his left arm against his torso, the right one fending her off. “Nohohoho, cohohohme ohohohohn! Dohohohn’t dohohohoho thihihihihs!” he whined, still giggling from the residual ticklish sensations. Rampart tried to pry his arm off of his torso, but he wouldn’t budge. So, she decided to wrestle the flailing right arm down on the floor, settling her knee on top of it. 
“Why not? I’m really good at it. Gimme your arm,” The modder quipped, latching both of her hands onto the remaining arm. She sat down on his waist while she tried to get access to his torso. Elliot shook his head, yelping out a giggly protest and hugging his torso harder. 
“Oho, that was the wrong answer!” she sneered, raking her nails along his right side, just out of his reach. He yelped and arched his back, falling back into a laughing fit. 
“RAHAHAHAMYA! STAHAHAHAHA!” Elliot demanded, bucking his hips when she pressed her fingertips just above the bones. He thrashed underneath her, trying to throw her off, but she had Sheila on her back. The additional weight helped to keep him pinned, and helped her with her balance. “PLEHEHEHEASE DOHOHOHOHN’T!”
“Don’t what?” The modder chuckled, drilling her thumb into the spot. She alternated between jabbing and moving her thumb in quick circles, bringing about yelps and cackles. It was the oldest trick in the book, certainly he wouldn’t fall for--
Ramya stood corrected. Mirage realized what he said and frantically shook his head, even more so once she was able to free up his torso and pin his left arm down. 
“Wahahahahait! Waitwaitwait! Thahahat’s nohohoht whahaht I meheheHEHEHANT!” The trickster yelped again when she attacked both of his sides, jabbing into one, and squeezing the other. He desperately twisted his torso one way and another, trying to get her hands off even for a second, but she kept up with him with ease. “I DIHIHIHDN’T MEHEHEHEAN IHIHIHIHT!”
“You’re the one who said it, not me!” Rampart giggled, snaking her fingers over to his stomach. She gently kneaded random spots on his torso, having to open his jacket to give her better access. Mirage’s laughter dropped down to giggles and he sucked in his stomach, but it didn’t help. He especially giggled when she circled a nail around his navel and poked at the center of his tummy. 
“Yohohohohu trihihihicked mehehehehe!” he yelled. He drummed his feet against the floor and tried to sit up, with a tweak of his hips sending him back on the floor. “Thahahaht’s nahahahahat fahahahahahir!”
“I tricked you? Thought that was your department,” Ramya answered, giving the trickster a teasing smile when he glared at her...or at least tried to. She knew he was ticklish, but she’d barely done anything and he was already a giggly mess. She beamed at him, happy to see him smiling, and that smile turned insidious when an idea popped into her head. “...Can I say the line? The one you say in the games?”
Mirage shook his head and tried to squeeze his arms against his sides when she suddenly reached for his armpits. He sputtered, his giggles turning frantic as he struggled to yell out an answer. “Nohohoho! Dohohohohn’t yohohohu dahahAHAHAHARE!”
Ramya flicked her nails against his right armpit and gently stroked around his left one. The two different sensations were maddening, and he rocked side to side when one became more unbearable than the other. “Fine, I won’t say you got bamboozled...ah, damn.” she cursed and dropped her head, feigning guilt. The face-splitting grin blew her cover though. “Slipped out.” 
“Ahahahaha! I’m gohohohohnna kihihihihll yohohohohohu!” Elliot’s threat made Rampart crack up and rival his own laughter. For a moment, she stopped tickling him, giving him a moment to breathe. 
“Yohuhu should see your face,” Rampart cackled, bringing her hands up to tickle each side of the trickster’s neck. He gasped, dissolving back into giggles as he threw his head around to trap her hands. “Did I steal your line? I’m sowwy~.”
While she was tickling his neck, she freed up a hand to playfully poke and squeeze his cheeks. Elliot squeaked, his head shaking intensifying, which effectively messed up his hair. 
“Q-Quihihihihit ihihihihiht!” he snickered. Knowing that his hair was ruined broke his heart. It didn’t stop him from laughing, though. “Gehehehehehet off ohohohf mehehehehe ahahahalrehehady! I feehehehehel beehehehetter!”
Ramya pretended to think, wiggling her fingers in the air and lowering them towards his armpits. She’d get closer and reach under his arms, but didn’t tickle them.Elliot went rigid and threw his head back, the giggles pouring out of him. 
“Nohohohohoho! Cohohohohohme on! Ramya!”
“What? I’m not even touching you,” she laughed. She continued to tease the poor trickster by pretending she was going to attack his armpits, yet backed off each time. Then, she fluttered her fingers over his ribcage, gently digging into the spaces between the ribs. The ribs were a terrible spot for her, bad enough to make her knock over whatever unfortunate thing happened to be close by. For Elliot, it was very ticklish, but not quite unbearable. 
“Yehehehehes yohohohu ahahahahre! Stahahahahahahahap!” he fired back, bucking his hips when she prodded his lowermost ribs. The modder perked up and gently pinched those ribs, making him squeal. She giggled again and wiggled her fingers back up the ribcage, gauging each rib’s sensitivity. 
“Nope, not till you’re nothing but smiles and grins.” Ramya grinned and tweaked his center and uppermost ribs. Elliot arched his back whenever she brushed against a more sensitive rib, his protests drowned out by his frantic giggling. 
“I ahahahahahahaham! I’m okahahahahay! I prohohohohohmise!” he insisted, feeling the modder trail back to his sides. She stuck her hands underneath his shirt and attacked them with quick scribbles. His giggles spiked to desperate laughter as he writhed against the floor. The sides were such a ticklish spot for him, just shy of being his worst spot. “NOHOHOHOHO!” he cried out, twisting his torso around when she increased her efforts. Then came the squeezing, and Elliot bucked his hips so hard, he almost sent the modder flying.  “AHAHAHAHAHA! OKAHAHAHAY OKAHAHAY STAHAHAHAHAHAHP!”
Since Ramya almost went airborne, she reached behind her and gripped his thigh to steady herself. Elliot flinched, screaming, and violently kicked his legs against the floor. Panic colored his face when she looked at him with a huge, evil grin. 
“Well well, lookie at what I’ve found. This a bad spot for you, mate?” The modder wriggled her fingertips along the top of his thigh, stopping just above his knee. He shook his head hard enough to make his goggles crooked, laughing too hard to give her a coherent answer. Ramya chuckled; normally, Witt’s laughter was controlled, as if he practiced on getting it to sound a certain way. But the laughter that was pouring out of him this time was unfiltered, and awfully contagious. “No?” she laughed, holding her hand in the air and wiggling her fingers. “Well, then I guess this won’t bother you, right?”
She squeezed above his kneecap and laughed at the squeal it produced. If he wasn’t squirming before, he was really struggling now. Ramya somehow had to reposition herself so that it’d be easier to tickle his legs, without giving him the opportunity to escape. The gears in her head turned while she continued tickling him, raking her nails up and down the thigh when she got bored of squeezing. 
“NONOHOHOHOHOHOHO! PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE! I CAHAHAHAHAN’T!” he shrieked, throwing his head back and howling with laughter. Ramya cocked her head to the side. 
“Can’t what?”
While Elliot struggled to answer her, she momentarily released his arms so that she could turn towards his legs. It was a quick motion, fast enough to impress Octane, and it was over before Elliot could take advantage of the freedom. Now, re-pinning his hands underneath her knees, she had full access to his worst spot. Ramya wasted no time in kneading her fingertips into each thigh, sending ticklish jolts deep into the muscles. 
Mirage screamed again and kicked at the floor. He was able to buck his legs upwards, shoot them out to the side, even bounce them in place...but none of it deterred her. In fact, it encouraged her to tickle faster. “I CAHAHAHAHAHAN’T TAHAHAHAHAKE IHIHIHIHT! STAHAHAHAP TICKLING MEHEHE!”
“Aw, but you look like you’re having such a good time. I’m not gonna ruin that!” Ramya simpered. She lightly scratched underneath his knees before re-squeezing his thighs. The trickster arched his back and cackled, bringing his legs up to follow suit. Doing so made it possible for her to swipe her nails down the back of his thighs. His legs went crashing down to the floor, and Rampart had to narrowly dodge him to keep from getting kicked. 
Mirage lied. Although he couldn’t stand being tickled, laughing like this was making him feel better. It lifted the stress off his shoulders and made him forget his problems, even if just for a moment. Granted, he preferred making others laugh, but sometimes change was good. Maybe. He didn’t have time to think about it because he was convinced that he was going to laugh himself to death.
Rampart noticed that he laughed harder the longer she tickled around the knees. She raised a brow, switching the tickles up from quick scratching to deliberate poking.
“Heh, I’d believe you if you weren’t bustin’ a gut.” she retorted. She poked up a little bit higher, just above the knee, and felt him jolt. Bingo.
Mirage looked up, unable to see her face, but still trying to appeal to her anyway. 
“Rahahahamya…” he panted, unable to get the grin off his face. He was still in stitches, the ticklish sensations still wracking his legs, and it didn’t get any better when she rested a hand on the spot. “Dohohon’t dohoho ihihit…”
She looked over her shoulder at him. The trickster was breathing heavily and his hair was disheveled, but he was smiling. A genuine smile. Since she technically did her job, she should’ve just let him up, right?
Well, Ramya wasn’t satisfied with just doing a good job, and she didn’t need a reason to tickle him silly. It was too much fun! So without warning, she put a hand on each thigh and started scratching above his knees. Elliot screeched loudly, louder than he did when Revenant had startled him that one time, and he shook with deep, hysterical belly laughs. 
He wasn’t able to get a clear word out as she tickled there and occasionally underneath his knees. He threw his body around violently, not wanting to accidentally kick her, but not really in control of his flailing legs either. Ramya grinned and alternated the tickles, wanting to see if one leg was more ticklish than the other. It didn’t seem like there was much of a difference in sensitivity; so, she had to listen carefully for the slight rise in the pitch of his laughter when attacking the right leg.
“Aww, that tickle?” she sang, joining him in laughing when he nodded frantically. He bucked his legs repeatedly, desperate to get her hands off, but she had an iron grip. He came dangerously close to kicking her again when she used both hands to squeeze above his right knee. Ramya yipped in surprise and halted the tickling, now laughing almost as hard as he was. “Ehehy, if you kick me, you’re in for a world of hurt.” she threatened, smiling. She went right back to squeezing above his right knee; as much as she loved Witt’s laughter, she knew in the back of her mind that she’d have to stop soon. Including breaks, she’d been tickling him for almost two hours. 
“THEHEHEHEHEN STAHAHAHAHAHAP!” Mirage shouted. He almost threw her off again when she switched from squeezing to gentle scritches above the knee and along random spots on his thigh. “PLEHEHEASE! STAHAHAHA TIHIHCKLING MYHY LEHEHEHEGS!”
“Hmm...welll…” Ramya thoughtfully tapped on his leg, giving him a brief moment to collect himself, only to go back to scribbling above the right knee. “Nope! Don’t think I’m done with ya.” 
Mirage wailed and laughed hysterically, his knee finally making contact with her arm when she subjected his left leg to the same treatment. Thankfully, he didn’t kick her hard; he only surprised her. She knew he didn’t mean to do it, but she was a woman of her word. 
“Alright, that’s it!” she growled, turning around in one swift movement to re-straddle his waist. He yelped and managed to free his left hand when she moved, pushing at her shoulder. 
“NO! It was an accident! I’m SOHOHOHOHRRY!” 
The modder reached back under his shirt and scribbled her nails against his sides. Since he was still hypersensitive from her previous attack, it didn’t take much for him to fall back into a laughing fit. She wanted to tickle both of his sides, but him having a hand free was making it difficult to do so. So, she had to settle for holding his free hand away from him, and working her nails up and down his right side. 
“NOHOHAHAHAHA! I’M SOHOHOHRRY! RAHAHAYMA PLEHEHEASE--” The trickster finally dipped into silent laughter when Ramya alternated between scritching and squeezing his side. Rampart took that as her cue to stop and she climbed off of him. He rolled onto his side and brought his knees up towards his chest, the phantom tickles radiating all over his body. Elliot panted heavily and rubbed his legs, then his torso to chase the sensations away. 
Once he calmed himself enough to speak, he turned back over and glanced up at the smirking modder. “Yohohohu’re suhuhuhch a jeheherk..” he snickered. He was too tired to pull himself up into a seated position, so Ramya had to help prop him up. Elliot leaned back against the wall and shook the hair out of his eyes, sending the curls from one side of his head to the other. Rampart giggled. 
“Never said I wasn’t!  I take it you’re feelin’ better, though?” 
Mirage nodded and smiled a smile that reached his eyes. Sure, he was exhausted, but he was in much better spirits. “Yep. I’m feeling top-tip! Ti..tip-top! Yeah. That’s how you say it, right?” he chuckled. Ramya playfully hit his shoulder and sat beside him. 
“Don’t push it,” she laughed. The two of them sat in comfortable silence for a little under ten minutes until Mirage, who had been looking at the ceiling, sighed. 
“Thanks, Ramya.” he started, meeting her gaze with another soft smile. “For...ya know, being there. Not just here, but on stage too.”
Rampart smiled brightly and gave him a thumbs-up. “Hey, that’s what I’m here for! Crackin’ knuckles, crackin’ jokes...crackin’ open a few beers?” She waggled her eyebrows expectantly, earning a chuckle. 
“In the fridge behind the counter, on the right.” Mirage responded. He grinned at her as she jumped to her feet and hurried behind the bar. He stood up and climbed into a seat, giving Ramya’s advice some more thought. Calling and texting his mother was fine and all, but now that he thought about it...maybe it was time to bring her to the Paradise Lounge. After all, she had yet to meet Rampart.
I was inspired by a couple of things for this story: Forge’s interview , Mirage’s phone call to his mom , and some voicelines from Mirage’s heirloom and his interactions with Rampart. I think I listed everything but I’ll come back and edit if I missed something. I really hope you liked this and I apologize that I didn’t get it out when I said I would. :/ Next time I’ll try to get my stories out sooner. Please let me know what you think of this one- good or otherwise!
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toweroftickles · 3 years
Hey there! If it's not too much...could you please write some headcannons for a game called NiGHTS into/Journey of Dreams
Um HELL YES I CAN thank you so much for asking!!!! 😆
Tickle Headcanons: NiGHTS into Dreams
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Elliot Edwards
Most Ticklish Spots: Balls of Feet, Ribs
He’s secretly very ticklish and haaaaates being tickled.
Always fights to hold in his laughter. Grunts and wheezes a lot.
A struggler - squirms and kicks and will aggressively try to push his lers away.
He’s had nightmares before about being tied up and tickled. Not like a recurring thing, but it has happened before. (Obviously he’s never told anyone this.)
His teammates sometimes tickle him when they’re goofing around; they all know it’s his big weakness and tease him ruthlessly about it.
Claris Sinclair
Most Ticklish Spots: Feet, Armpits, Belly Button
Like Elliot, she can’t stand being tickled. It’s not her worst fear but it’s up there. XD
Goes into panic mode and starts stammering when threatened with tickles.
Fitting her lovely singing voice, she has a melodious, musical laugh that other people like listening to.
Sometimes tickles Elliot just to make him freak out, but she always regrets it once he dishes out some payback.
Very, very vulnerable to poking. She’ll scream if you poke her.
Tickling will make her either curl up into a helpless little ball on the floor or flail around like she’s being electrocuted. There’s not much middle ground.
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Will Taylor
Most Ticklish Spots: Everywhere, but his feet and stomach are the worst spots
Loves to be tickled! Especially on his tummy. (As long as it’s not too rough.) He just thinks it’s tons of fun and loves laughing more than anything.
Has a very bubbly giggle full of gasps and squeaks.
Gets tickled by his dad all the time. He kinda wishes his friends (and Helen) would pin him down and tickle him more often.
One of his favorite beach activities is burying people in sand. This has led to lots of tickling between him & friends.
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Helen Cartwright
Most Ticklish Spots: Arches, Ankles, Sides, Knees
Her opinion fluctuates wildly - sometimes she hates being tickled, sometimes it’s fun if a friend is doing it.
Not usually much of a tickler, but she does love playing with Will. ^^
Uses spidery finger movements.
She often laughs through closed lips instead of opening her mouth; very quiet and soft-sounding.
Claims that her violin bow tickles really bad if you use it for that.
When hanging around in Nightopia, or in a park when friends, she sometimes likes to pick blades of grass and playfully tickle with them.
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Side note: I understand that NiGHTS is technically “supposed” to be a genderless being, but…come on. Lol
Most Ticklish Spots: Sides/Hips, Feet
She loves tickle fights! Tickling, to NiGHTS, is a game…and a super-fun one! It’s all about messing with Visitors and seeing who will say “uncle” first.
Almost always wins, thanks to the whole “speed” and “flying” thing. Will dart around through the air and tickle all over until you’re on the ground.
As a prankster and mischief-maker, she’ll only stop tickling when it ceases to amuse her (unless you get really upset).
Has a laugh that’s just a tiny bit raspy and tomboyish. It’s cute.
She & Reala may be the Adam & Eve of the Nightmare world, but Reala isn’t ticklish at all. Which makes NiGHTS huffy to no end.
If a Visitor dualizes with NiGHTS, and someone tickles her, they’ll both feel it!
Be careful. She kicks.
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This terrifying demon of laughter relishes in the suffering of dreamers. With its long stretchy arms and snakelike fingers, it’s been known to torment Visitors in their nightmares with cruel, relentless tickling.
Ok but for real can we please have HD remakes of these games? Please?
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