#tierno posting
mamasplat · 5 months
i was on vacation- the aggression chart???? lmao
nicee 👍👍 loving the work
also the themed playthroughs seem fun :)
Oh I’m having a great time with my true calem run, just got through shalour city
And while I’ve yet to piece together the aggression chart I will use this as an opening to break down the relationship chart that started as an unholy consequence of me trying to fit calem into anime plots
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Starting from the top:
Shauna having feelings for Calem is something that is laid on very thick in the firework scene. Anime wise I almost linked Shauna to Serena too but I ended up backing off the idea because I was lacking evidence.
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Tierno, i don’t think i need to explain this much if you’ve watched the anime, his crush on Serena was something he was very open about.
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Miette, I actually don’t think she had a thing for Ash, like at all, she does not try to pursue him at all in the anime she just likes to talk about it, it’s a tool to get under Serena’s skin. But that alone would make her a valued piece of the unholy love triangle amalgamation so I added her to the chart.
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Calem, specifically, Rival Calem: okay I think I need to explain this one a little more blatantly. Calem’s character arc cannot exist without Serena. His entire journey is dedicated to her mere existence, and pokemon masters really hammers home how important she is to him. She is the blueprint to his every move and step forward because in his mind she deserves better than he can offer so he will fight to be better. The way he talks about her when she isn’t around is unapologetic admiration and I cannot ignore the writing on the wall. He likes her. He’s got it bad.
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Serena, specifically anime Serena of course. Her emotional attachment to Ash isn’t just surface level like Tiernos attraction to her, being around Ash gave her the courage to be herself, to stand up to her mom and make her own future, to keep going even when she’s lost and lost hard. She used Ash as a moral compass to keep her head in the game and that only strengthened her connection to him. The end of the series kiss scene was far from unwelcomed, it was over due.
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Ash….this boy is oblivious as shit. I’m sorry Serena was not sly nor slick she fumbled at every turn and you STILL didn’t know??? I and from what I can see, many other fans, have come to the only conclusion that Ash just doesn’t do romance. He has ignored so many clear cut love interests and left them one sided because he doesn’t recognize or want romance. He just wants to be the best like no one ever was, love isn’t on his mind, therefore he is clueless to the love induced war going on around him. He is an unintentional ladies man.
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And ALLLL of that is just the information i collected from rewatching the whole of X&Y while also replaying through pokemon X and ALSO going through pokemas events. Its all connected, i haven’t done anything else with my free time, its all kalos baby. ALL KALOS.
Blame Pokemon ZA being announced (I say as if I hadn’t started this before that)
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microwave-core · 10 months
Listen, I hate to cringepost on main, but I really want to talk about the XY rivals because they have SO much potential and I love them and I will not rest until I spread my obsessive thoughts with others so I'm gonna talk about how I would change this stupid friend group.
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Just to set a standard, I'm gonna write this with the female protag in mind because I always pick her but also so I don't have to constantly bounce between saying Calem (or Serena if you pick the male protag) because that would gonna get annoying real quick. So assume whenever I say Calem you could switch in Serena.
SO. Starting off, I think the core of the rivalship should be between the protag, Calem, and Shaunna, reminiscent of the BW rivals. Calem, in general, is fine. He's the rival who wants to become the champion and is the strongest in the group, other then the protag. Personally, I would probably change his team comp a bit to reflect this, but that would be for a separate post. I do think he could use a bit more pizazz, though, because as is he's a little bland. Also, give him his hat back. He looks so naked and cursed without it.
Then there's Shaunna, aka the original gay bitch. Shaunna doesn't care about becoming champion or fighting gym leaders, instead opting to get stronger at her own pace while focusing on the cute little side activities, and it's all good and fun for awhile, but she starts to get more insecure as things start getting real with Team Flare. She starts feeling like she's fallen far behind everyone else in terms of strength and like she can't really do anything to help in a dire situation, despite actually being helpful in her own way (getting the grunt blocking the entrance of the pokeball factory to move, bringing in a machine from Clemont to get further in Team Flare's base, etc). This isn't really any different from how she already is, but I think there could be a heavier emphasis on her feeling insecure about this, but also give her the change to gradually overcome that insecurity. Also, bring back contests, because she's clearly made for them and it could be, like, her main thing she gets really good at.
Then there's Trevor and Tierno, and I think they should be more like friends rather then rivals. Have them be assistants for Sycamore or something (since Trevor really cares about the pokedex and Tierno brings you your starter). Let them be rivals towards each other rather than rivals with the protag. Let them kiss, I don't fucking care. This is the gay friend group featuring Calem as the one straight friend, and it's perfect.
I really like the idea of Trevor, since he cares about completing the pokedex, which makes him a stand out from other rivals in the series. I'm pretty sure whenever you compare dexs in game he always loses, though, which I think is lame. Let him have a certain amount of pokemon he's caught instead and make it an actual comparison. You could do some fun stuff with him, too, like have him tell the player about rare pokemon in an area or strange evolution methods to help fill in their pokedex, since he has pokemon like that on his team (orange Florges which only has a 1% encounter rate in flowers and Goodra who needs to evolve in the rain).
Tierno is another example of why contests should be brought back, because he's, like, a performer. Again, let him be more of a friend then a rival, who's just here to hang out and have fun. Actually, I think he could be kind of like a foil to Shaunna, in that he cares about the cute little side actives while getting stronger at his own pace rather then collecting gym badges, but have him embrace that. Have him be the one to help Shaunna overcome her own insecurities, and then THEY can become contest rivals. And if the player did high ranking contests, they could face off against them. It would be cute damnit, let me have this.
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somena-libra-dawn · 2 years
Appreciation for PokeAni characters who are based on Rivals from various Pokemon games.
(Game protags ver.)
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(Sorry for not splitting it from 'normal appearance' to 'cameo')
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BOYS! Pokespe Edit
I love them lol. 
Characters in order: Tierno, Emerald, Sun, Blake, Red, Pearl, Sou, X, Diamond, Archie, Blue Oak, Silver, Black, Gold, Ruby, Kellyn, Lunick, Lance, Hop, Wally 
Song: BOYS by LIZZO 
Program used: Capcut 
Characters and art: Pokemon Adventures / Pokemon Special / Pokespe
(If anyone wants the thumbnail, it’s below the cut.)
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hermywolf · 2 years
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i don’t care that his favorite pastime is trying to break people’s legs okay. he’s my babygirl. in fact i think he should get to break more legs
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moondogss · 1 year
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i still can't believe this was the official photo when the president of argentina signed a decree to include nb gender (x) on our national identity document, like it's so silly (appreciative) to me that they posed in an X lmao
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pigeon-wizard · 6 months
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chaserainbows · 2 years
Also hot take we should allow Trevor to be a judgmental little prick like he is in canon
Like there's room for development (exploring how he feels the need to defend his interests because he thinks people don't really care even if he has to put others down) and let's be real the reason why Trevor's fanon stereotype outside of the 🤓 emoji is being this super sweet non-confrontational supportive character that has no negative traits is because he's skinny and white
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tuesdayscanons · 2 years
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{¤} "TREVSIES!!! It's so great to see you! Do you want to see what I've caught while I was waiting for you to get here?" {¤}
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pkmnomegaverse · 6 months
Been listing to my playlist for the canon characters while working on background pages for this blog (once again, highly recommend making playlists for your AUs. Works great as a motivation thing to just turn it on and get in the vibe) and figured I should throw some songs out I haven’t posted yet. So just some random characters songs from the list.
November Corrosion by Ashbury Heights - This is very much me channeling how Morty has more in common with Lonan than I tend to talk about. Lonan’s visions and sleep issues aren’t from being a Faller after all, he gets it from his dad. To me, this song is about Morty’s visions and also how, in some sense, Morty has a curse that follows him around. Not in a literal sense but there’s a lingering something there. I’ve alluded to this before, that it’s something about Morty that brings misfortune to the family, but it’s related to his affinity for ghosts combined with his clairvoyance. Attracts things. But I also like the “embrace the break of day” line that repeats in this song despite the dour lyrics throughout the rest of it. Cause that’s how I see Morty approaching things. Tries to move forward and not let hardships drag him down. Again, Lonan and Morty are fairly similar in how they deal with situations (something something even without memories of his parents, Lonan still carries parts of them around with him).
Masque by Ashbury Heights - Very much related to him being part of the Shadow Triad and raised by Ghetsis. And all the baggage that brings him. My take on Cilan is while Chili is probably the most well adjusted of the brothers and Cress is the least well adjusted (but just kinda embraces and runs with it), Cilan is about as ill-adjusted as Cress but hides it much better. Comes across as a normal dude but if he ever flipped…he’s still got that Shadow Triad edge in him.
Settle For Satin by Alkaline Trio - Another Shadow Triad themed song. Really just this and the previous song are a good tell on how I tend to characterize Cilan. My unconventional take on his true personality.
Coco Jamboo by Mr. President - Ending with something light hearted! Really just this song is a vibe for Tierno to me, vs the lyrics fitting super well. The main chorus as least fits him I feel.
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mamasplat · 4 months
I switched my playlist icon theme from black and white to actual colors which means I have a bunch of icons to dump somewhere
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iruludavare · 2 years
“i’ve got your back, okay?” (from Tierno)
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     How she has grown to loathe that statement.
     To say that the heroine believes it to be a malicious choice in words would be a lie of the harshest degree. Tierno is not a person of ill-will, nor one who could possibly be privy to how much Serena desires to never hear what he has chosen to say spat at her ever again. It is a false promise. Pretty words that have been gutted and rendered as nothing more than hollow sounds. A verbal smokescreen drawn from the wisps of misplaced and blind trust. There is an inherent distrust that festers in the pit of her stomach the moment that the ‘okay’ hits Serena’s ears—the urge to speak up, to say that he does not and to spare her the lies, held back by knowing he means no harm and comes from an honest place. It is a promise that steeps itself in past betrayal not caused by his own hands, but by those once close to them both.
     It had been the exact same thing Calem and Shauna had said on that fateful day.
     How had it turned out in the end? What transpired when the heroine needed their help the most—when she stood before a handful of admins ready to do what it took to stop her, blocking the way to that horrific machine? They had not stayed by her side, no. She recalls the moment Shauna had turned tail and ran off, the way that her heart sunk at the display and further still when Calem had chosen to follow. The feeling of being so utterly alone, faced with a task almost too monumental. Placing the fate of the world upon already crumbling and weakening shoulders with the assumption made too many times throughout the young woman’s journey—that Serena will be just fine; she always is. She remembers how tempting it was, perhaps out of heartache or spite, to take the hand offered to the heroine by Lysandre after his own remarks on the matter. Of tuts and a knowing sigh, how no-one truly cares unless it benefits them, how friendships like that were made from the start to blind one to the self-serving nature of others. Statements so blatantly untrue, and yet at that moment, deserted and hurt, Serena had considered them to be true.
     How could she not, when the two had practically left her to suffer and die all on the trainer’s lonesome?
     What she offers Tierno is a rehearsed smile, perfected from years of classes and the desire to sell a character on the stage. Light, carefree and soft. He cannot know. To cause rifts in any of their bonds would not be fair. It is far easier, she thinks, to simply hold onto the memories of that day and let none know how much they shattered her reality so.
          “Thank you,”
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missvalentine142 · 4 months
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🧡May Collection: Kirari 🧡
 Oh dear Japan! 
Japan is a wonderful country where you find amazing food, music and especially fashion. Personally I have always liked the street fashion from Japan, from sweet to the crazy harajuku style Japan has it all, so for this month I took inspiration from this beautiful country. 
Kirari is composed of colors and shapes of streetwear with twists that make them unique. The name is inspired by the song of the same name from Fujii Kaze 
Kirari brings you:
9 Total pieces 3 Exclusive ones (Tier TL) attach to a different post
2 F. Tops / 1  Skirt / 1 M. Top / 1 F. Pants / 1 M. Pants Exclusive: 1 Dress / 1 Top / 1 Shoes
You can download everything in the link below!
¡Oh querido Japón!
Japón es un país maravilloso donde encuentras comida, música y especialmente moda increíble. Personalmente siempre me ha gustado la moda callejera de Japón, desde lo tierno hasta el loco estilo harajuku. Japón lo tiene todo, así que para este mes me inspiré en este hermoso país.
Kirari se compone de colores y formas de streetwear con detalles que los hacen únicos. El nombre está inspirado en la canción homónima de Fujii Kaze.
Kirari te trae:
9 piezas en total 3 exclusivas (Nivel TL) adjuntar a una publicación diferente 2 F. Tops / 1 Falda / 1 M. Top / 1 F. Pantalones / 1 M. Pantalones
Exclusivo: 1 Vestido / 1 Top / 1 Zapatos
Puedes descargar todo en el sigiente link!
Patreon Full Collection
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insecateur · 23 days
i forgot to post about it yesterday but here's the fic i wrote for @ficwip5k ! it's a post pokémon xy story where augustine is called to alola during the rainbow rocket events of USUM and meets the other lysandre. i'm actually contemplating writing more in this verse but in the meantime... you can read exactly 5000 words of this:
here's an excerpt, for a little large sampling taste:
It was all done under the pretense that they needed his opinion or his expertise on this or that, but they all knew that they were calling to see if he was doing alright. He was. The long, bedridden days spent drinking cheap wine and staring at the ceiling were behind him, for the most part. Seeing the children thrive had helped: Serena was on her way to becoming a powerful mega-evolution expert, and Calem had held up his own against the league masterfully. Trevor was coming to the lab almost every day, joking that he was training for his internship, and Shauna had finally worked up the courage to ask Serena. Tierno had left them to go study new, exciting dance moves in Unova. The world had to keep on turning: the future was still there to be believed in, to be built upon. There was no time to waste clinging to negativity. No body had been found in the remains of Lysandre's self-made catacombs. For a few months, after he'd gone through his belongings, Augustine had kept seeing him everywhere. Some of it was just running into things that triggered painful memories: gifts he'd been given, notes left behind on his desk, pictures they'd taken together. On a day when he'd felt mostly like himself, he'd rummaged through the storage and found a box of pastries that must have been misplaced, and proceeded to have a breakdown braced against a shelf. Some of it – a lot of it, if he had to be honest with himself – was plainly and simply seeing things. Someone's red hair would catch the sun in the street, and he'd turn around, his heart beating hard enough to hurt, only to find he was once again chasing a ghost. He'd see him in store windows showing off nicely cut suits. He'd see him after hearing a stranger let out a low, throaty laugh not unlike a roar. Worst of all, he'd see him when he was trying to forget him in other people's beds, in other people's hearts. He'd close his eyes and for a few seconds the hands touching his chest would be his hands, the lips searching his would be his lips. Over time, it had become an even more insidious addiction than the wine had been, and he'd stopped completely. At least if he thought of Lysandre while touching himself, only one person was getting hurt.
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hermywolf · 1 year
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pokepollsters · 7 months
Best Pokémon Rival Tournament- Stats Breakdown!
This tournament has been pretty wild- easily the most popular on the blog so far, and very interesting from a stats perspective! So if you wanna know some of the nitty gritty, take a look at this post for details on how everyone did.
Otherwise, stayed tuned for more details on the Best Protagonist Tournament coming soon, and don't forget to check out some of the polls regarding the format of it.
Click the read more for the numbers!
As I said, this tournament was the most popular on the blog so far, with a much higher overall vote total- the combined number of votes was 20,353 (the previous most voted on tournament had 13,981). With a total of 28 matches, this means the average number of votes per match was 727- again, higher than any other tournament before it!
But let's now take a look at individual contestants- here's how everyone stacks up in terms of their average vote total per match.
Hop- 687 (687 votes in 1 match)
N- 669 (3344 votes across 5 matches)
Kieran- 538 (538 votes in 1 match)
Nemona- 536 (2681 votes across 5 matches)
Wally- 485 (970 votes across 2 matches)
Arven- 435 (2177 votes across 5 matches)
Marnie- 426 (1278 across 3 matches)
Blue- 355 (1774 votes across 5 matches)
Gladion- 346 (1039 across 3 matches)
Cheren- 335 (335 votes in 1 match)
Silver- 322 (967 votes across 3 matches)
Carmine- 321 (642 votes across 2 matches)
Penny- 316 (631 votes across 2 matches)
Bianca- 291 (582 votes across 2 matches)
Hugh- 270 (270 votes in 1 match)
Hau- 241 (241 votes in 1 match)
Shauna- 204 (204 votes in 1 match)
Brendan- 202 (404 votes across 2 matches)
Serena- 187 (187 votes in 1 match)
Barry- 184 (184 votes in 1 match)
Avery- 178 (355 votes across 2 matches)
May- 174 (174 votes in 1 match)
Bede- 150 (150 votes in 1 match)
Tierno- 138 (138 votes in 1 match)
Klara- 134 (134 votes in 1 match)
Trevor- 115 (115 votes in 1 match)
Calem- 110 (110 votes in 1 match)
Trace- 41 (41 votes in 1 match)
So as you can see, there's a much wider range than we're used to seeing in the average vote totals, and perhaps most surprising is how different the rankings are when you compare them to our winners, or just which contestants made it the later rounds.
Poor Trace ends up at the bottom with only 41 votes in the whole competition, but Hop has the highest average of 687- though this pales in comparison to the 3,344 total votes N got!
These rankings will be influenced by the relative popularity of the matches that each contestant got to participate in, so another way of ranking is by the average % vote share, which is as follows:
N- 68.5%
Marnie- 65.8%
Penny- 58.5%
Gladion- 58.3%
Silver- 57.5%
Arven- 56.9%
Nemona- 56.5%
Bianca- 55.8%
Carmine- 54.3%
Brendan- 49%
Blue- 48.3%
Hop- 46.9%
Avery- 45.9%
Hau- 45.8%
Kieran & Hugh- 43.8%
Wally- 41.4%
Barry- 37.3%
Shauna- 35.6%
Cheren- 33.5%
Bede- 33.3%
Serena- 32.5%
Tierno- 32.4%
Trevor- 30.3%
May- 29.5%
Klara- 25%
Calem- 18%
Trace- 6.9%
So as you can see, it's another very different set of results! N sits on top this time, but neither of our second or third place winners get into the top five! But, by looking at both lists, you can start to get an idea of the overall rankings of which rivals are more popular than others.
Less indicative of ranking, but still interesting, is the fraction of each contestant's votes out of the total across the competition. It's probably easiest to see the disparity in graph form:
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Finally, let's look at individual matches.
This time round we saw a first for the blog- matches with over 1,000 votes. Not just one, but 4 of them! The most voted on poll was the finals, another first for the blog, with 2,379 votes. Second place goes to Round 1: Match 4, Wally vs Hop. This close race had 1,465 votes.
On the other end of the spectrum, the least voted on match was Round 1: Match 11, Avery vs Trevor, with only 379 votes. Narrowly beating it was Round 2: Match 5, Bianca vs Brendan, with 383. These two matches were the only ones not to break 400 votes.
Individual contestants though? The person who earned the most votes in a single match was our champion, N, who got a huge 1,446 votes in the finals! On the other end though, Trace got only 41 votes in his only match, Round 1: Match 6.
The last thing to look at is margins! The closest matches came down to just a 2.6% margin, or 26 votes, in the case of Round 3: Match 1, or a 2.8% margin (20 votes) in the case of Round 4: Match 2. Not the closest matches we've ever had, but still a nail biter!
And finally, the award for the biggest sweep. While N won a 513 vote majority in the finals, for this? We're looking at the percentages. Who swept the competition like no one else? In this tournament, in was Gladion! He beat Trace by an astounding 86.2% margin, leaving the poor kid wondering what happened. This almost matched N's vote margin, with a 509 vote difference.
And that about wraps it up! Let me know if I missed anything, and I hope you found this interesting! Stick around for more match ups and stats as we head into the new tournament soon!
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