#tikal x chaos
itz-pandora · 13 days
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Might I offer some Tichaos in this trying time
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knucklesnendo · 2 months
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Thought I found some treasure. Maybe something burried deep by the ancient peoples of this island. A momento from the past? Nope. It was a ring that somehow got buried. I'm not sure how. it looked almost intentional. Maybe a Ricky or something buried it. They're always up to something. Anyways. Keepin' the ring. Could come in handy later!
- Knuckles the Investor
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chaoswithcausation · 5 months
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when she’s literally the prettiest character in the entire franchise
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galaxylover06 · 2 years
Soft shadikal for your soft shadikal needs! 🌼🤍
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I've been having so much fun with the garden pieces I just HAD to make one for the two cuties (and friends ofc)
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mirersc · 1 year
What's the result?
A chaotic AU with the most unbearable slow burn of all ages.
Yep, we're doing this. Or at least we will talk about it, because I need to share it with someone. Anyone.
Warning: contains spoilers of MLB movie
So ever since the new movie of MLB came out -btw you should go see it, it's pretty light-hearted and adorable- my head is spinning and thinking what would happen if our two hedgehogs had been instead on the main characters' place, but with their own personalities.
Sonic would take Marinette's role, I haven't thought of a backstory yet, -and no he is not shy and without confidence, he is sly and cocky as ever- but he lives with Tails -when he isn't on one of his trips- and together they attend Chaos High on Green Hill -I'm still planning the settings and the names in my head-
On the other hand, Shadow takes Adrien's role, but unlike him, he's actually moving from his home in Station Square to go live with his best friend, Rouge, for a while, who miraculously lives in Green Hill as the others. And surprise, surprise, Gerald is alive! Does that mean that he is Hawk Moth and that Maria is Emily? To be honest, I'm still debating if Gerald is the real villain, because I want to include GUN in the game as well, but oh man, stuff like that takes time.
For sure though Maria takes Emily's place.
There's a high possibility though that she isn't dead. Just pretty sick. For now at least ;) *cough* I meant, she will be fine!
Tikal is the guardian so she takes the place of Master Fu and there are no kwamies. Yes, that's right. Instead of kwamies -do I even spell that right?- we have chaos, thus and why Tikal is the guardian of them. And instead of having a plethora of them there are only seven of them, each of them bearing a chaos emerald.
So skipping into the plot we have first day of a new year with everyone knowing everyone and Shadow being the new transfer student, who clings to Rouge's side and his personal robotic assistant Omega -yeah we're bringing him because we stan Team Dark!-
Introductions are made and oops, the two hedgies make a brief eye contact while at class. Neither of them shows any interest. Ouch I know, but wait, we have track. That's right. And where Sonic believes that his only rival is Jet here comes Shadow to steal the spotlight with his AIR SHOES, even if Sonic deems them rocket shoes. And just like that the blue blur finally pays attention to the stoic new student. Not as if he's fallen in love, but he is intrigued by him! I mean, have you seen any other running as fast as him?
Note; there are no super powers in this world, but Tails still is the smartest of the group, lol. That's just his nature. However he doesn't know that he can fly with his second tail. That's something that he'll discover later.
Anyways moving on, Hawk Moth -or however I'll remain the character later, because I'm not keeping those names for copyright issues- suddenly awakens the purple emerald, thus and the chao with it that have been lost in the fight that have broke between the echidna race and Tikal is forced to call upon the chaos of the dark blue and red chaos emeralds, named -that's actually a good question, I'm debating on Azul and Shade, but that's just basic? Or nah- Anyways, both chaos don't go well with each other and decide like in the movie to select on their own their champions.
Long story short, because there's no way I'm revealing everything, Azul ends up with Sonic and Shade with Shadow and they both activate their powers -after a lot of convincing by both ends, I know surprise for a specific blue hedgehog but sus- I was thinking that the could say, “Chaos Activate” with their respective chao on the start of the sentence, but working on it. Oh they are on their super forms, when powers activated, because I couldn't think of something better and thus their original abilities are unlocked, a.k.a Sonic's speed and Shadow's manipulation over chaos energy.
So the heroes meet while trying to discover where the corrupted with dark chaos energy is -yep, no akumas either- and they do not get along. Shadow having thought of it more, had already picked a name for his secret identity, named -I'm bad at names, but I was thinking something to do with Chaos, like Chaos Controller, but that's just too big so I'll think of something better-. Sonic soon realises that he still haven't thought of his own name, but then the corrupted arrives and interrupts them.
So they fight, they banter, Sonic haves a panic attack, Shadow almost loses his emerald, but they work it out. But like in the series they forget to cleanse the dark chaos energy something that BOTH Sonic and Shadow are able to do with the power of the chaos emerald.
They both find their way after that, working together, learning from their mistakes. Surprisingly, it is Shadow that finds a name for Sonic. Without even thinking of it too hard. He just calls him something and Sonic likes it so he keeps it.
And here's the moment that you all waited for.
The love matter.
Which takes a LOT OF TIME to finally come.
So to put it simple.
Sonic loves Shadow.
Shadow loves Super Sonic.
-this is where you all start clapping and fangirling-
There I said it. You can all just toy with the idea now, if you haven't thought of this already. And oh they both get refused by the other like the movie. But first is Shadow who declines Sonic and then Super Sonic who declines Super Shadow. Why? Because one thing led to another and Sonic accidentally reveals his like to the other hedgehog. Shadow of course is taken aback, because he didn't expect Sonic to like him. Not that Sonic would like to change anything in their current relationship, because it's perfect as it is. He just wishes to know if Shadow would like to keep it like that and after graduation. Shadow, however, likes Super Sonic and thus declines Sonic. Of course he doesn't express this in a harsh manner. He is considerate of the other's feelings. But Sonic of course is hurting. So imagine the SAME time in the evening to getting asked by Super Shadow, if he would like for their relationship to grow into something more. Sonic just can't and he leaves immediately like he'd done a prior hours ago.
Of course I'm not telling you how they get together or how they overcome this, because where's the fun in that? Don't know, if I'll make it into a fic this idea yet, but feel free to send me asks, if you have any questions.
Furthermore you can even take this idea and turn it into something unique. Just be sure to let me know so I can keep an eye out of it. I wouldn't mind reading an AU like this or seeing art of it.
Thank you for managing to come this far. I am super grateful and hopefully my next posts will not be as big as this one. Be safe and be happy! Gotta love our two hogs.
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pansexualkiba · 5 months
part two of personic! let's get into it because this is where things get Hot.
So we open up with Sonic (Persona: The Fool Idaten), Tails (Persona: The Magician Hephaestus), and Amy (Persona: The Lovers Eurydice) discussing what the hell all that was. If you don't recall, Tails had previously been kidnapped by Sonic's excised Shadow, which raises an incredible question: how is it possible that Sonic has a Shadow TO remove when he'd already awakened his Persona prior to the events of the AU? Don't- Don't worry about that.
Anyways, we're pretty much up to a new school week! Of course, we're not anywhere closer to figuring out the main plot point of the AU (for those unaware, a strange virus has been going around, putting people in comas if it progresses too far), but we now get to meet a few people around the school! For example, Sonic's classmate, Gadget the Wolf! He's also a member of the Robotics Club, and figures that, hey, if Sonic's such good friends with Tails, Sonic's a good friend of Gadget. Gadget is often seen hanging out with Zero the Jackal. Don't worry about that! Gadget is mainly here to tinker around with items and make weapons. Don't - Don't worry - You don't gotta worry about - (The Justice: Unlocked)
We also have access to the Fishing Club! Big the Cat is the only member of the Fishing Club! He's literally just here to be a friend! :) (The Strength: Unlocked).
You'll also find around school Espio the Chameleon and Blaze the Cat, but you won't be able to talk to them yet.
Enough of talking like this is a regular game! Eventually, Sonic returns to the hotel he's staying at, only to find that there's been a strange note left for him - from a mysterious person known as "Knuckles". It challenges him to a fight that weekend, in the gardens on the school rooftop.
Not really finding a reason not to answer it, Sonic goes to the rooftop, offhandedly mentioning he lives in a hotel to Tails and Amy, who get worried and go after him. There, we find Knuckles the Echidna, calmly interacting with Cosmo, the president of the gardening club. Apparently, Knuckles's cousin is interested in medicinal herbs, but before he can explain why, he notices that Sonic is there, and he re-instates his challenge - but not "here". Sonic understands what he means.
They enter the Reverie Zone once Cosmo's far enough away, and Knuckles reveals his own Persona: The Chariot Nacon. It's a hard-fought battle, especially since Nacon is particularly versed in Earth and Physical skills, but Sonic and party eventually knock down Knuckles. Knuckles then reveals that there's a particular reason he was fighting Sonic and friends - he wanted to test their strength.
Apparently, his cousin's friend had fallen into one of the strange comas, and since she's particularly attuned to the supernatural, she was able to determine something was seriously strange. With this being their only lead, the Sonic team agree to help.
On the way out, Cosmo notices that Tails got hurt "somehow", and gives him a homemade salve that's really good for scrapes and bruises. She offers to sell them to Sonic, however - getting them for free is only a Tails thing. (The Sun: Unlocked).
Knuckles leads them to his place, where we meet his cousin Tikal, their grandpa Pachacamac, and the comatose body of Tikal's friend. Apparently, he and Tikal were hanging out one day when he sort-of fell completely unconscious. He's been getting paler every day, to the point where his skin seems completely translucent. Tikal urges Sonic to help Knuckles, to which Sonic's like "I already agreed to this! Don't worry, Knux is in good hands!" Tikal immediately begins teasing Knuckles over already "moving on to the nickname stage". Knuckles gets flustered. (The Priestess: Unlocked).
Eventually, Tails manages to use Tikal's knowledge of meta-energy fields to make a small tracker - however, the tracker can only work with someone they know is in a coma. They move out, Knuckles joining the party here, eventually finding the Sky Altar Zone. They keep seeing strange shapes wandering around - not attacking, just... Wandering. Eventually, they all seem to be gathering at the epicenter of the Zone - a floating altar in the sky, hence the name.
They make it there. There's a giant gemstone at the center of the altar. Also there is Shadow Sonic, along with someone they've never seen before. She introduces herself as Rouge, and declares that the Reverie Zone's treasures are all hers. Shadow Sonic is here for the ride, because apparently theft is what he's decided is going to be his trait that stands apart from regular Sonic... Apparently. He's still deciding on that.
There's a boss battle, but in the process, the Sky Altar's Emerald shatters, which, being a matter of cognition, doesn't really matter... Except for the fact that apparently, this was keeping a strange being completely dormant. A blob that looks to be made of water oozes out of the altar, coalescing into the form of... Tikal's friend.
Knuckles tries to speak to him, but all he can verbalize is gutteral growling and gargling gesticulations... Until, finally, it announces it is Chaos. It morphs its body into an enormous dragon's head, and attacks.
Chaos is eventually beaten off, and regresses back into the semi-familiar form. Knuckles tries once more to speak to him, and Chaos eventually mutters something about being "broken and put together", and "many in one". Apparently, Shadow Sonic can perfectly understand Chaos's murmurings, and translates that, just as he's Sonic's Shadow having been sloughed off, Chaos is Tikal's friend's Shadow having been removed... Except, apparently, Chaos is more than that. Apparently, multiple Shadows from many different people have been combined into one being, all stitched into Chaos's own Shadow body and transforming him from one into many... Which is why he identifies as "Chaos".
Chaos makes more noises, and Shadow Sonic says that Chaos wishes he could return to who he used to be, but he doesn't even remember that... And then points out that maybe people also don't remember Chaos's original name, which is why Tikal has to care for his body in the real world. Really, as of now, there's nothing anyone can really do.
With that information, everyone leaves Chaos to the Sky Altar Zone, which remains intact due to Chaos staying behind. When they leave, however, Sonic notes that Shadow Sonic and Rouge didn't exit with them - meaning they know other ways around the Reverie Zone.
Out of sight, a figure notes that "Project Legion has ended in a strange success: now it has been noted that many Shadows can be combined into one Greater Shadow, with only a 60% loss in individuality."
(Since you can make return trips to Sky Altar Zone, you can interact with Chaos, unlocking The Hierophant. Eventually, Chaos can leave the Sky Altar Zone entirely, merging back with his original body... Although the fused Shadows also end up leeching onto his form, causing him to retain his liquid properties in real life. Tikal is more than understanding, really.)
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flingmetothemoon · 10 months
Idk if this video was already uploaded onto Tumblr yet or not or if the post no longer exists, but I'll still put it up here to be safe, this video is made by KeyBlack, AKA "The Artist Formerly Known as SquigglyDigg.".
-Genuinely unpopular opinion: I prefer the idea of Maria being Sonic's close friend in the past than Shadow's. Why? Simple. The idea of Shadow wanting to avenge the death of someone who loves earth and wants him to help humans BY hating humans and wanting to destroy their world not only makes zero sense, but it makes him come off as a manchild (or I should say "Hedgechild") who throws tantrums way out of disproportion even though he's supposed to be a sympathetic character. If Maria survived (she didn't, just saying if), how would she feel if someone who is like a brother to her came back to hate the very thing she loves and completely went against her wish? Sonic being friends with her makes PERFECT sense. It'll explain why he loves nature and exploring. Fans complain about his more relaxed and aloof sides in Sonic X (half of season 2 were anime adaptations of the Sonic Adventure games) but it makes sense to me because even when he doesn't directly remember the trauma, his body that grew up with wanting to be on earth still gives him an instinct to go off on his own and appreciate beauty and his brain might be telling him to isolate himself in case if he ever were to draw too close to people, the tragedy could possibly repeat itself. Poor Blue Blur, someone give him a hug! :C
Headcanon fuel time
-Sonic was a young hoglet when Gerald took him in to use him as a base for an Ultimate Lifeform. Gerald was busy working half the time, so Sonic spent more time with his granddaughter Maria. Sonic and Maria were each other's first close childhood friends (close enough that they considered each other siblings). One of their favorite games to play was tag because it was the best way to use up energy and bond. Gerald taught Maria how to invent so one day, Maria invented Sonic his own socks and red shoes when his preteen stage finished.
-About 50 years later, Eggman found a deep-frozen body of Sonic in the deep depths of an -0 degree ocean and took him to South Island to thaw in hopes to find an opportunity to take his powers for world domination.
-When Sonic woke up from cryonics, he got amnesia and had to learn life skills again. Although he won't admit it, Sonic has self identity issues because he can't remember where he came from.
-Sonic regains his memories of his past in Space Colony ARK after the events of Sonic Adventure 2. When he gains memories of Maria, he becomes unusually depressed to the point that even his friends notice it (they're used to the upbeat and positive Sonic). He took the death of her very hard since losing Maria is like losing his sister.
And with that backstory in mind, maybe Shadow was actually Sonic's unborn brother/cousin! :O
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cynicallyscorned · 1 year
the reason cynic will never get a light super form... while it has a lot to do with the fact that he’s just that torn up inside and it’s not something so easily remedied, it’s also because i think that him learning to come to terms with who he is and finding PEACE with it is a lot more meaningful than rewarding him with a normal super state. his super form is part of his identity! it may be scary and destructive, it may be sad... but that’s still a part of him. and it’s still a part of sonic. him learning to sit with those awful feelings he experiences when he’s in this state... and learning to go ‘it’s okay. it’s okay that i’m like this. and this time, i won’t hurt anyone because of it.’ is so!!! bark bark bark bark.
he can learn to control it.... he can learn to be okay with it! he can learn to be okay with himself. 
but, it will take a lot of work.
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Low effort doodling had revitalized my will to draw. Does it look perfect? Absolutely not. Keep it. These are all characters from me and my girlfriend's unhinged sonic rps. (They're actually morel ike furry melodramas with a sonic coat of paint but what can ya do)
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The original meaning of the term "Final Girl," from 1987's "Her Body, Himself: Gender in the Slasher Film" by Carol J. Clover, was "a woman who is a sole survivor of a group who are chased by the villain, and who gets the final confrontation with said villain [whether she wins or not is not considered] because of some implied moral superiority." As an example, Jamie Lee Curtis's character of Laurie Strode in 1978's Halloween is the sole survivor of the teenagers that Michael Myers hunts, and gets the climactic scene with him, though she's not the one who defeats him. Her character is the only one of her friend group who does not (onscreen at least) partake in drugs, alcohol or sexual activity.
The term "final girl" has expanded over the years, often losing the moral superiority clause (see: Sidney Prescott in Scream, Maxine in X) or having other survivor(s) so long as the girl gets the final confrontation (the sisters in the recent Scream movies, Dana Polk in Cabin in the Woods). The most common deviation is losing the moral superiority clause, with the characters either being just as moral as their group or even being morally in the wrong but still surviving as a subversion or deconstruction of the trope. A common addition is a prior connection to the villain, though this is not necessary.
With all that being said,
As always, Girl is a gender-neutral term when it comes to having fun. I decided not to count Knuckles because we don't know his full backstory in-game and the word-of-god answer is that his species died of disease, and also because he'd be the funny answer everyone would pick immediately so that doesn't count guys.
Important Notes to Consider:
Last Survivor: Somewhat. Other echidnas seem to have survived Chaos's attack, but Tikal was the last character alive shown onscreen, and the only other named characters in her time period did not survive.
Final Confrontation: Applies. She is the one to seal Chaos into the Master Emerald.
Moral Superiority: Applies. She's the only one in her tribe willing to stand up to her warmongering dad.
Last Survivor: Applies. While some people seem to have escaped the ARK massacre (like the Commander), all other named characters are either killed or captured and killed afterwards.
Final Confrontation: Debatable. There isn't actually a singular monster attacking the ARK, instead it's the entire military. Shadow however does get a confrontation with the Biolizard and later with Black Doom. Do they count for this though? You decide.
Moral Superiority: Not Applicable. Shadow isn't inherently morally above or below the other people on the ARK who died.
Last Survivor: Mostly Applies. She is the last survivor specifically of her species. Everyone else in the Sonic Crew survives to the final confrontation, but her species is toast.
Final Confrontation: Applies. Cosmo is the last to interact with Dark Oak in the initial genocide, and the one to eventually defeat him (along with Tails, but really it was Cosmo's sacrifice that actually killed him).
Moral Superiority: Not Applicable. The rest of her species are portrayed as innocent and undeserving of their fate, and her survival was purely due to her fear making her accept a deal with Dark Oak and the implication that he's her father.
Last Survivor: Mostly Applies. He and Blaze are the only seen survivors of Iblis's assault. Blaze absorbs Iblis and dips, but Silver does have a fight with Solaris in the final ending.
Final Confrontation: Somewhat. Blaze and Silver both boss fight Iblis, and Blaze gets the final confrontation and defeat. However, Silver partakes in the defeat of Solaris, who technically is Iblis.
Moral Superiority: Not Applicable. Silver isn't given moral superiority towards anyone who dies.
Sonic Forces Avatar:
Last Survivor: Somewhat. Avatar is the last survivor of their village due to them fleeing from Infinite. They join up with a group following this and assist Sonic in defeating Infinite.
Final Confrontation: Somewhat. Sonic is also there.
Moral Superiority: Debatable. Like Cosmo, the other civilians are portrayed as innocent and Avatar only escapes due to their perceived cowardice. They are shown to be Extra Special Besties with Sonic which helps them defeat Infinite through the power of Love, so that may count?
Last Survivor: Mostly Applies. Whisper is the last Diamond Cutter after Mimic kills her entire squad and betrays them. She goes solo until eventually confronting Mimic and then helping found a reformed Diamond Cutters.
Final Confrontation: Debatable. Mimic is still an active threat in the comics, but Whisper did get a climactic confrontation with him in Tangle & Whisper.
Moral Superiority: Not Applicable. Whisper only survived because Claire requested she stay behind due to her intuition.
Sonic in '06 specifically:
Last Survivor: Mostly Applies. Sonic is the only character who remembers that the '06 timeline occurred, making him the technical only survivor of its events. Ignore the fact he died at one point, he got better.
Final Confrontation: Mostly Applies. Sonic leads the attack against Solaris in the Final Boss fight, but Elise is the one to blow out the candle and reset the timeline.
Moral Superiority: Debatable. All the other characters are "heroes" but Sonic is the Biggest Best Hero Of Them All That The Chaos Emeralds Love Soooo Much, and he also is the one to selflessly insist on the timeline reset so that the whole Solaris Destruction Thing never happens.
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speeps-highway · 1 year
hiya speeps! love your mods and videos, they have fueled my sonic hyperfixations very well! anyway, in one of your older videos you briefly mentioned how sa1 having cutscenes play over top of gameplay was why characters could "make faces" in that game but not sa2. could you go into more detail as to why this is?
In SA1 the cutscenes are done like an RPGMaker event, it has a library of event-specific functions to control characters/objects etc. and forms a list of them as one big script.
Here's an example from one of Sonic's events:
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Here's what a few of them do:
EV_MovePoint2: Move a character to coordinates with specified speed and acceleration. There's also a simpler, less used version called EV_MovePoint that does the same thing but at a fixed speed.
EV_SetAction: Give an object an action (Model+Animation) and textures. You can also specify the speed of the animation, whether it loops and (if another EV_SetAction is playing) how many frames to interpolate to this animation from the previous one. (Think every time Sonic moves his hands around while he says "Ah Yeah this is Happenin'", that uses it)
EV_SetFace: Give a character a list of preset facial animations to do (Each letter in the string corresponds to one) . It only works on Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Tikal - no other character has faces. (Except for Big, but the game will do an out of bounds crash since he only has 6 faces instead of 20)
EV _Wait: Pause the event thread for X frames.
Here's some others that aren't in that image:
EV_CreateObject: Creates a blank object, usually used for props by giving them an appearance with EV_SetAction.
EV_PlayPad: Plays back recorded user input, Sonic Team used this whenever they wanted Sonic to jump or do a spindash.
While this way can make everything look stiff at times, it's pretty flexible and easy to play with in a mod. It's also why the game has 8 character slots and why Eggman, Tikal and event ZERO are technically player characters.
The best part about it is that the two aren't mutually exclusive, you can call anything from an event in during gameplay and vice versa, the game does this itself a few times too, like setting a flag that keeps the hint monitors active for the Twinkle Park scene.
The faces are part of the characters themselves and they'll switch to them at any time if the relevant values are changed, so I managed to figure out how to do it in the Dreamcast version in 2017. (Funnily enough, also August).
As I said above with EV_SetFace, there's only 20 faces to hold up the entire game's dialogue with (even fewer in actuality given the ones either reserved for blinking or unused) and they seem to be focused more on expression than speaking, at least for Sonic and Knuckles, which is why a lot of people find them goofy.
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There's only one situation the game uses the animations for outside cutscenes - when the player gets hurt, they'll do one of their screaming animations for a few frames. (There's also a funny issue where Sonic does it after hitting Knuckles in his boss fight)
Anyway, you can call any event animation, any face and even spawn event objects (such as Chaos event actors) whenever you want in that game. Usually the only thing they need is their textures loaded.
Here's a few things I did when I first figured out how to do it:
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SA2's cutscenes are full 3D animations (like Blender) in the game's event folder, everything in them is entirely separate to the gameplay stuff, so the in-game characters have no mouths or cutscene-specific animations to play around with.
It meant they didn't need to deal with gameplay limitations (like player physics) and were easier for them to test as they have a fixed timeline rather than relying on in-game sequences to fall into place.
They also had much greater control over character expressions. The mouth and head are separated and they aren't limited to the list of 20 faces. Here's a bunch I dug out a few years ago for Amy's brow alone:
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They used to be really annoying to edit (I had to use a Hex Editor) but I think the SA2 Modding community has had breakthroughs since. Still, I suck at 3D modelling so I prefer SA1's.
I decompiled all of SADX PC's event scripts a few years ago so if you want to learn exactly what they do (and change them, as it's in mod form) take a look:
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crim50n-r8er · 2 months
Hmm…I guess with myself talking about Sonic from my Fursona. I think I should let you all know about an AU I made for it while I was gone.
The AU is called “Blockbuster,” and no, it has nothing to deal with the Sonic movie, given that term is normally used for such things. No, Blockbuster is a roleswap AU. I’ll write down the premise of it in a new paragraph.
Blockbuster is a roleswap for all the Echidnas being swapped with the Hedgehogs (Sonic and Knuckles, Amy and Tikal, Silver with Shade, and Shadow with Imperator Ix) along with other swaps and some symbolism and inspiration over cults, religions, and mythologies
If you wish to know what I swapped with what. I shall post them under the cut.
Sonic 🔁 Knuckles
Everything’s the same for Knuckles, but he doesn’t have the aspects of his personality that were due to being reclusive all his life, that being a bit shy and socially awkward…at least I think that’s something that would be caused by being a recluse.
Sonic is the same, but due to being the ME Guardian, he can’t leave the island for adventure. So he explores every nook and cranny on Angel island until Towers arrives, meaning anything from the future games such as the Ancients with their cyberspace portals, he has knowledge of that from the get-go.
Eggman role = G.U.N. Commander Towers
G.U.N. Commander Towers Role = Maria Robotnik
Maria Robotnik Role: Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik
Commsnder Abraham Towers goes by Commander Noah and wants to be dictator of the world as he sees it as too corrupt and sinful.
Maria in this AU no longer has NIDS and is able to live to the age of 62 (yes, going by Sonic X ages, sue me). Maria is very caring for her troops, even with a militaristic discipline, and she would be smart enough not to blame Knuckles in the events of my SA2 adaption.
You see that correctly. Eggman is now the one with NIDS and is the one to hang aboard the ARK with his grandfather to find a cure through “The Chaos Cure Project” (I would acronym this, but I don’t think that would be wise as it could get confused with a…party of sorts.) He would also meet the same fate as Maria in canon, that being shot down by G.U.N. Agents while saving Ix, all at the age of 9 years old.
Tails 🔁 Ray
Ray: Ray is the sidekick to Knuckles, but he’s not a mechanic, so the two would meet by Ray finding Knuckles gliding across West-side Island and admiring his gliding skills.
Tails: Due to Ray going silent after SegaSonic and Knuckles Chaotix, I had to improvise with Tails, so I decided on him being a nurtured and/or brainwashed personal scientist and researcher for Commander Noah, giving him all his mechs, robots, and studies into ancient history.
Vector 🔁 Vanilla
I only swapped the two to have Vanilla simp for Vector like how the latter does to the former in Sonic X lol
Vanilla is a member of the “Chaotix Adventure Group” (the CAG for short) along with her daughter, Cream, and their leader, Mighty.
Vector is just a calm, cottagecore man living out in the wilderness with his found family younger daughter, Marine the Raccoon.
Espio 🔁 Mighty
Mighty: Due to not being trained in stealth like Espio, The Chaotix would now be the an exploration group instead of a detective agency. He would behave like normal as he adopts Knuckles’s hat from the OVA and uses a reusable warp ring that can duplicate itself for great blitzing in his ball form.
Espio: He will just be a normal dude on the sidelines until the events of Heroes where he gets killed by Neo Mecha Knuckles for his camouflage bio-data.
Amy Rose 🔁 Tikal
Tikal: A more mellow fan of Knuckles and his accomplishments as a hero, but still finds her way to Little Planet to be kidnapped by Mecha Knuckles. She has a crush on him as well but is a bit more mellow about it. She also wields a giant Kendama instead of Amy’s Piko-Piko Hammer
Amy is now the daughter of Pachacamac (yes he still exists. I just changed him from an echidna to a hedgehog) and is the one who guides Knuckles and friends through the events of my SA1 adaptation. She still keeps her personality, so things might get a bit hectic between her and her father, probably a fight, even.
Metal Sonic 🔁 Mecha Knuckles
I don’t think I need to explain this 😅
I’m not sure if I want to put ALLL of my swaps into one post, so I’ll split it into parts to make it more…digestible, I guess. So I’ll be back in a bit with a few more. I won’t say that it’ll be the rest of them, but it will be a significant portion.
Anyway. Have a good morning everyone!
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
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skrooy · 6 months
Sonic Crack Ships
So lately I've been going through a Sonic phase though its mostly a Tails phase if im being honest with myself. I've been trying to watch all the Sonic media and read all the Sonic comics that I can while playing a few Sonic games here and there. So my messed up brain came up with this stupid idea. What if I put every version of every canon Sonic characters from all Sonic media into multiple rounds of the hunger games simulator until only ones left. So I did that and even though I literally did it yesterday I already forgot who won I just remember it was something stupid. I also did it with all the diffrent canon and AU versions of Tails I could find and the winner was actually Tails from Sonic Boom. But anyways im getting off track where im going with this is that today while I was doing nothing lying in bed my brain came up with an even more messed up idea. What if I put all the Sonic characters not including the humans into a random wheel picker on Google to form a bunch of crack ships. So I did it for every character on the wheel. I now have a list. And I have decided to post this list because I find it funny. And I dare people to draw a couple from this list together or make a short cute crack story about one of these ships. And if you do please send a link to me. Ill die laughing if anyone does this. Sorry if I misspelled some names. P.S. I tried to put pictures on here for each character but I couldn't figure out how. I already have a part 2 for this in the works with even more characters.
Rosy the Rascal x Dark Doom
Scourge the Hedgehog x Trip the Sungazer
Mephiles the Dark x Silver Sonic
Ray the flying Squirrel x Rouge the Bat
Espio the Chameleon x Whisper the Wolf
Sage x Metal Amy
Storm Beard x Tumble the Skunk
Tiara Boobowski x Duck Bill Platypus
Cat (from Sonic Freedom Fighters) x Sonar the Fennec Fox
Hangry x Johnny Lightfoot
Gaia (Light, Dark, or both) x Megan Acorn
Tangle the Lemur x Silver the Hedgehog
Thrash the Tasmanian Devil x Sails
Thorn Rose x Vector the Crocodile
Monkey Khan x Fang the Jerboa
Jack x Tikal the Echidna
Prim x Chip
Werehog Sonic x Blaze the Cat
Nicole the Holo Lynx x Catfish
Knuckles the Dread x Sonic the Hedgehog
Zector the Zone Cop x Metal Tails
Wave the Swallow x Morian Blackthorn
Infinite the Jackal x Mighty the Armadillo
Vermin the Cybernik x Super Mecha Sonic
Porker Lewis x Zails the Zone Cop
Geoffrey St. John x Nazo the Hedgehog
Metal Sonic 3.0 x Manic the Hedgehog
Rocket the Sloth x Eclipse the Darkling
Marine the raccoon x Metal Scourge
Sonia the Hedgehog x Red
Black Rose x Dingo
Metal Knuckles x Nine
Charmy Bee x Neo Metal Sonic
Zknuckles the Zone Cop x Knuckles
Vanilla the Rabbit x Ebony the Cat
Rusty Rose x Perci
Mecha Sonic x Jet the Hawk
Bark the Polar Bear x Emperor Metallix
Mangy x Amy Rose
Sally Acorn x Griff
Fleetway Sonic x Tails the Fox
Bean the Dynamite x Zonic the Zone cop
Nasty Hyenas (the whole group) x Sticks the Badger
Metal Sonic x Stripes the Tiger
Batten x Storm the Albatross
Fiona the Fox x Cream the Rabbit
Anti Tails x Shade the Echidna
Bunnie Rabat x Shadow the Hedgehog
Antoine x Zooey the Fox
Sonic.exe x Jules (yes I know this is Sonics dad in the comics)
Ifrit x MinaMongoose
Rocket Metal Sonic x Tekno the Canary
Avatar x Big the Cat
Zantoine the Zone Cop x Gnarly
Chaos x Rotor the Walrus
Bunny Bones x Anti Sally
Zouge the Zone Cop x Zespio the Zone Cop
Denizen 1998 x Tails Doll
Mecha Knuckles x Honey the Cat
Rebel x Sleet
Knucks x Pseudo Sonic
Solaris x Zally
Nack the Weasel x Athair
Ball Hog x Carrotia
Grand Battle Kuku 15th x Lupe the wolf
Roxy the waiter x Lien-Da
Number 16 Speedy x Alicia Acorn
King Max Acorn x Bearenger
Lawrence x Burning Blaze
Elias Acorn x Fiest the Panda
Ari x Roller
Sallybot x Queen Aleena
Da Bearz (both of them) x Fockewulf
Julie-Su x Dr. Finitevus
Ms. Possum x Catty Carlisle
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squeiky · 5 months
More Metaos interactions (Metal Sonic x Chaos0 )
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I like to think that when Chaos is more "solid" hes just very squishy, like jello and Metal likes to poke and prod him because the squishyness is so amusing to it. (If Chaos is annoyed he just puts his weight on Metal like those cats in funny videos who just sit on the other cats and turns them into a pillow cushion for a few minutes)
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Also this is just a continuation of the top one, as i think Metal Sonic gives really quick, rapid "pecks on the cheek" juxtasposed to Chaos's more slower, big ol' wet smackers.
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I had a scene in my fanfic, where they were dancing. I wanted to think of what they would wear, so i made some outifts for them.
+obligatory metal sonic photo op (more designs) because of course its going to have 100+ outfits because why not?!
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Cant help the fact i cannot unsee Chaos as the yippie autism creature. Also metal sonic, by default, is autistic to me. No reason, it just is.
Also theyre both trans in a weird, very strange way. (I say this cause by default chaos are kinda.. genderless? And sexless?? So i like to think that Chaos is just the "one with blue hair and pronouns" type thing going on because im pretty sure Tikal just wipped out the "he" and i like to think Chaos just went with it. )
(they are yuri to me.)
Small little comic strip below the cut:
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Btw, "Talon" is the nickname Chaos gave to Metal Sonic. It combines the "Tal" in "meTAL" and "on" in "sONic". Its because Metal Sonic reminds Chaos of a bird, and its hands are sharp like a bird's claws or "talons".
On a personal note, i dont like writing just "Metal" as metal sonic isnt just a peice of "metal" but nor is it just "Sonic". Metal Sonic is its name, because it is its own individual being. Thus, a shortend version would incoorperate both sides of its name, hence "Talon".
(Plus they hold hands a lot, so it makes sense Chaos would notice. Also, i doubt Chaos is incredibly familar with the innerworkings of robots or machines, so the closest comparision is a bird.)
(In that case, Chaos's nickname would probably be something cute. Though i haven't thought of one yet.)
(P.S. it meant eat as in literally eat. Consume. Devour. Dine on. Chew. Yknow, that kind. Thats why this is funny to me.)
(P.P.S. this is a continuation of my headcannon that chao (and by proxy, Chaos), "eat" the animal freinds and gain their abilities. Chaos and Metal are very alike in this sense as they both "copy" others "biodata" and apply it to themselves (think Chaos turning into a frog bcs he swallowed Froggy), the only difference is that while Chaos "eats" them to gain their ability and looks, Metal sonic does not. )
Bonus zoomins of my favorite doodles:
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beevean · 1 year
I'm interested in your views on Sonic as a character. Which games or other media stay true to his core character?
Sonic is cool :)
And I don't mean just cool in a "totally radical" way, or in a "look how awesome his feats are!" way. It's just... he's a friend. He's supportive and optimistic and a full believe in the Superpower of Teamwork™, cocky yet polite, helping others because that's just what he wants to do. Sonic has no moral code, he doesn't operate on hero logic: he does good because he wants to do good, it ain't that deep fam. This is why IDW's portrayal of his as someone who has strong principles about freedom is just OOC - it's not a principle! It's not something that holds him back! He will kick your ass and imprison you in a lamp for all eternity if you proved yourself to be unredeemable! But then you contrast this with how he rejects Tikal's plan of sealing Chaos in the Master Emerald again because that won't make its anger vanish. giving him a super lobotomy to calm it down worked, though
Secret Rings, Black Knight and Unleashed have probably my favorite portrayal of Sonic. The first one shows well his friendship with Shahra, how he put himself in harm's way for her as soon as he met her and got cursed on her behalf, how he could empathize with her and her ambiguous history with Erazor Djinn and didn't hold it against her for not being able to let go of him; the second one is nearly unanimously considered to be the best Sonic of all time, because it actually shows the freedom and strong will of his character, how he's willing to be "the bad guy" in a story if that means doing what he thinks is right, and his surprisingly poignant views on mortality; and as for the third one, his line "Do I need a reason to help out a friend?" is just him in a nutshell :)
Also, I'm still not fond of how they relegated him to wooden secondary character in '06, but I can't deny his relationship with Elise is cute for what little we see - he meets this girl who has been forced into the role of the reserved queen since she was 7 and he teaches her how to have fun and let go of her worries! And Elise is so inspired that at one point she jumps out of Eggman's Egg Mobile to get away from him! Sonic is just this strong positive influence on other people and it's just. ugh. he's so friend shaped <3
Of all adaptations, Sonic X is the one who got the closest to capture this - not surprising, since it's the only Japanese adaptation we have so far and it was the most closely supervised by Sonic Team. It's not perfect, it has its weird moments like Sonic manipulating his friends because he really wanted to get off a boat, but he's overall nice and supportive as he should be. Episode 14 is a must watch to get Sonic.
The OVA is nice too? A bit more dated, and Sonic is just a little more prickly, but other than that I have no issue with his character - the ending is a standout.
Anyway. Sonic is the character of all time. I love my boy so much, I've loved him since 2004. I will protect him against adaptations who think he has to be an arrogant jerkass or a funny little penis man to give him "depth" and "appeal".
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cometcrystal · 1 year
Sonic the Hedgehog. One of the greatest and most attractive characters ever thought up. He can run at sound speed, take out enemies in a flash, and best of all, he's blue colored and knows how to handle the females. Speaking of females, the Sonic universe might also be classified as "Hot Chick Heaven" because there's such a mess of very beautiful and tough women that it will make you love the franchise even more! And since Valentine's Day is around the corner, I've been inspired to make a top 10 list of the most beautiful female Sonic characters. Grab yourself a snack and a glass of orange juice, and try not to reach through the screen because HERE WE GO!
10: Try this question on for size. Who chases and hugs Sonic all the time and wields a powerful hammer? Why it's Amy Rose of course! Though more of a cutie than a hottie, you can't deny the fact that she's still attractive. Two things that make her attractive are the fact that she wears a dress, and when have you ever seen 3 big, very smooth arcs of hair sticking out of a person's forehead? I haven't! So once again, Amy Rose is lovely; that is until she goes berserk and starts hitting stuff with her hammer.
Who's at number 9? It's this alien plant girl from a distant planet. Cosmo, from Sonic X. She arrived on the character's planet to deliver a message saying that the galaxy was under attack by a force called the Metarex. She doesn't do much except tell people to stop fighting and focus on the real matter at hand. The real reason she lands at the #9 is that she becomes Miles "Tails" Prower's sweetheart, something Tails needed for a long while.
Numero Ocho. Cream the Rabbit's mother, Vanilla. She's attractive and the size of an average human mother. What really surprises me about her is that the leader of Team Chaotix, Vector the Crocodile, falls in love with her. Kinda silly, don't you think? She's another character that doesn't do much, but in a season 3 episode of Sonic X, she helps Chris Thorndyke get into space to fight the Metarex along with Sonic and friends.
What number's next? Seven, of course. Wave the Swallow from Sonic Riders. People always root for the good guys, but sometimes, the bad guys steal the show. Her mechanical IQ is equal to Tails. She also happens to be the smartest member of the Babylon Rogues. I wonder why she isn't the leader. Like Jet the Hawk and Storm the Albatross, her specialty is riding the air-boards called "Extreme Gear". With two very long and smooth feathers extending from her head to her calves and droopy eyes, Wave will rock your socks. If only we could see her take wing.
Numero Six. Tikal the Echidna from Sonic Adventure 1. Named after an ancient Mayan city of the same name, Tikal is the daughter of Chief Pachacamac. She's yet another character that hardly does a thing except beg her father to stop being so greedy. She also traps herself inside the Master Emerald so that the water god Chaos doesn't reign terror upon the land. When you're the daughter of a person in the highest power, you need to look your best and Tikal delivers perfectly. That's why she's #6.
Number #1, #2, #3, #4, #5! Ah-Ah-Ahhh! Mina Mongoose from the Sonic Archie comics. How could you go wrong with a girl that looks like this? She can run nearly as fast as Sonic and she went from being a Freedom Fighter to being a popstar singer. Next to Princess Sally she looks more humanoid than the other characters. Who could top someone who has long (some French word I don't know) hair?
This female standing at number 4: Blaze the Cat. One word: Pyrokinesis. How would you like to have that superpower? I mean Blaze could play around in the Himalayas for hours and she would be perfectly fine! Also, 45 degree ponytail makes her look like a Native American. I really like the fact that her love interest is the telekinetic hedgehog Silver. The combination of mind-moving and fire superpowers make these two a reliable couple. But what really lands Blaze in the #4 spot is that her attitudes apparently more different from the other females.
Next up is #3. What's better than having a female with cascading quills? How about a female with cascading quills and hair? Julie-Su the Echidna, another Archie comic exclusive has that feature. She's smart, knows exactly what to do as a freedom fighter, and even trained Amy once. She's also the girl of Knuckles' dreams. Heh, lucky him. Her older self in the series Mobius: X Years Later is just downright hot! Just look at that long ponytail! Now we're talkin'!
1, 2, button my shoe! Princess Sally Acorn. There's a lot to say about this character. She's the heir to the throne, Sonic's first official romance, the only character that used to not wear clothes, brave and athletic, the most humanoid character, and is like a mother to Tails. In the TV show, Sonic SatAM, one Freedom Fighter, the cowardly Antoine constantly tries to woo Sally, but doesn't succeed because... he's a coward! The Princess is also a semi-perfect example of an excellent love interest, although there were a couple of times when she really snapped and acted like a lunatic; in the comics, that is. But overall, Sally Acorn really stands out amongst the slew of females not just because she's Sonic's first official love interest, or because she's the only one who didn't wear clothes, but because in the comics, she grew very long hair, and married Sonic in the future, becoming the Queen.
So, you've seen a pyrokinetic Cat, a swallow, two gorgeous echidnas, and even a princess! Who could possibly top those kinds of females? Well, get ready folks; this is the #1 hottest Sonic the Hedgehog female character. Rouge the Bat. If anybody denies it, how dare you? This woman can fly, she's as strong as Knuckles, and is a femme fatale, seducing other characters into getting what she wants. Instead of having one love interest, she has two! Knuckles, and Shadow the Hedgehog. Being a treasure thief, she's only interested in one object set; jewels, especially the Chaos Emeralds. There actually have been situations where Rouge's cleavage has been exposed, but it eventually got censored. What a price to pay. I think the best part about this beauty is that she wears three different outfits unlike the other female characters. And who wouldn't want to fly across the landscape via strong as Shawn Johnson, and flirt with any male, anytime, anywhere. These three traits make Rouge the Bat triumph over all of the Sonic the Hedgehog females. My hat goes off to you Sonic Team USA. You oughta be proud.
There ya have it folks. Those were the hottest female chicks in the Sonic universe. I hope you enjoyed it, happy Valentine's Day, and I'll see you later.
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