#tim tends to get tunnel vision and he doesn't really enjoy having to lie about his alter ego so jason is a mild inconvenience to him
ferrouswheel11 · 8 months
One of those AUs where Jason is adopted later than canon, except Jack Drake is still alive therefore Tim is not a Wayne.
Jason meets Bruce Wayne when he's about 16, and next thing he knows he's living in none other than Wayne Manor.
It's just Jason, Bruce, and Alfred most of the time, but a week or so after Jason moved in Dick Grayson turns up. Jason isn't exactly one to keep up with the latest on Gotham's elite — he'd forgotten Bruce Wayne even had a ward until he wakes up one morning and finds Dick perched on the kitchen counter with a bowl of cornflakes.
Dick is nice enough. He drops in every few weeks, always asks Jason about his hobbies and how school is going. There's obviously some tension between him and Bruce, but messy families are nothing new to Jason.
That doesn't explain Tim Drake, though.
He's definitely not a Wayne — a quick internet search confirmed that. In fact, Jason is pretty sure he has his own family. He doesn't have a room in the Manor, as far as Jason knows. Alfred doesn't drive him to school like he does Jason, and Tim doesn't join them at mealtimes except when Dick or Alfred ask him to.
But somehow, Tim is always underfoot. He lurks around the Manor at all hours, giving Jason a heart attack every time he rounds a corner to find those icy gray eyes leveled at him. He's polite in the same way that Bruce sometimes is: posh pleasantries and a bright smile, then a vague excuse about needing to find Bruce or Dick and a disappearing act that would make Houdini jealous.
Jason tries prying Alfred about the kid's deal — Tim's the neighbor boy, he's told. Jason calls bullshit on that — he's already snuck up to the roof of the Manor, and there's not another house around as far as the eye can see. For that matter, there's only one road leading to the Manor, and Jason could count on one hand the number of times he's see Tim pull up on a bike, or a skateboard, or in Alfred's car. Can Tim teleport? Is he secretly living in the basement, scavenging table scraps for food? Is he Bruce’s illegitimate son? His underage personal assistant? A demon bound to do his bidding?
Who the fuck is Tim Drake?
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