#tim the rookie imagine
newobsessionweekly · 1 month
Main masterlist | The Rookie masterlist Tim Bradford x fem!cop!reader
Fandom: The Rookie
Summary: Ever since you've known Tim, you turned everything into a competition, including hiding your feelings. More than a decade later, you finally let your feelings loose with a bit of help.
Warnings: don't think so, pure fluff if u can believe that
Flufff Requested: Yes Words: 3.2k
GIF not mine, credits to the owner.
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When you and Tim arrive at the station in the early morning, almost simultaneously, the air tingles with excitement.
Your arms are loaded with coffee cups, and as you struggle with the door, Tim effortlessly steps forward, his hand finding its place on the small of your back as he holds the door open, guiding you inside and allowing you to score another point.
A rush of warmth floods through you at his touch, but you quickly push the feeling aside, burying it beneath layers of familiarity and friendship. With a proud smile, you stride inside, leading the way.
You and Tim go way back—to those academy days when the competition between you two was as fierce as it was playful. That bond has stuck like glue through all the twists and turns of life, making you each other's ride-or-die. But to everyone else, it's crystal clear there's more brewing between you two than just a regular friendship.
Angela, Lucy, and Nolan greeted you with warm smiles as you approached, carefully balancing the steaming morning fuel. Tim lingered close behind, his grumpiness belying the playful twinkle in his eyes.
You handed out the coffees, your smile widening as Tim stepped forward to claim his cup. But before he could reach for it, you pulled it back with a mischievous grin.
"You're late, Bradford," you teased.
Tim's lips quirked into a half-smile as he reached for the cup, his fingers brushing against yours for a fraction of a second longer than necessary.
"62 to 58, you're getting lazy," you added.
"I'm not lazy," he retorted, his tone playful but firm. "I got stuck in traffic."
You rolled your eyes at his excuse, but the warmth in your chest told you that you wouldn't have it any other way.
Tim's got this tough-guy act going on, but deep down, he's got a soft spot for your sunshine personality, that smile of yours that could light up a room, and how you're always there for everyone. He won't come out and say it, claiming he's a man and men don't have BFFs, but deep down, you mean the world to him. He'd take a bullet for you in a heartbeat, no questions asked.
Whenever you're around, Tim's whole attitude changes. That grumpy exterior melts away, replaced by this warmth in his eyes that's just for you. You bring out a side of him that most people never see, and he treasures every moment he gets to spend with you. He might not say it out loud, but his actions scream it - you're not just his friend or colleague; you're everything to him.
When Tim glanced at his coffee cup and spotted the name Loser,he couldn't help but suppress a chuckle behind a façade of annoyance. "Seriously?" he grumbled, holding the cup up for you to see.
You just flashed him an innocent smile, grabbing his arm and guiding him towards the locker room to get ready for the shift.
"You and I, Bradford, we'll have so much fun together at the spa," you teased.
"Don't get your hopes up, Bug," Tim retorted, though there was a hint of fondness in his tone.
As you both walked away, Angela watched with a knowing smile. She had seen firsthand how your friendship with Tim had evolved over the years, and she knew there was something more between you two. She had watched as you both danced around your feelings, too afraid and too proud to admit the truth.
Angela turned to Lucy and Nolan, curiosity gleaming in her eyes. "What's the score?" she inquired, eager to know the latest update on the ongoing competition.
Lucy shrugged, "I'm not sure. Lost count at 45 to 53."
"It's not that bad in 12 years," he remarked, his eyebrows shot up in surprise.
Angela's lips curved into a mischievous smile. "Try 4 days," she enjoyed the shock that spread across John's face at her revelation.
"What could possibly be the prize?" Lucy's eyes widened in disbelief.
"Tickets to the season end game for Tim and a spa day at Four Seasons for Y/N."
Lucy's jaw dropped, "That's pretty expensive."
"Yeah, they had 10 years to level up the game. Five more and the loser is gonna pay for the wedding," Angela teased, nodding in agreement.
Lucy's mind started to race, a hint of speculation in her voice. "Wait, their wedding?" she paused, her expression thoughtful. "You don't think...?"
Angela rolled her eyes, dismissing Lucy's suggestion with a sarcastic tone. "That they're both stupid and love each other? No," she retorted, making it clear that the reality was far simpler. "They are going together either to the game or spa."
Lucy nodded in understanding, piecing together the situation. "Obviously it's a date but can't decide where to go."
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As the day stretches on, the radio comes to life once again, dispatcher's voice cutting through the quiet of the shop.
"Attention all units in the area, we have a report of a stolen vehicle in progress. Last seen heading east on 5th Street. Suspect described as male wearing a red hoodie, driving a black sedan. License plate 7-Mike-India-John-2-5-9."
Nolan's eyes meet yours, both of you immediately springing into action. "You heard the lady," you say, already reaching for the radio to confirm your response. "Let's go, Nolan. We've got a car to find."
 With Nolan at the wheel, you scan the streets, eyes darting from one alley to the next, searching for any sign of the stolen car. Tim's shop trails closely behind, the tension palpable as you both race against the clock.
"Two points for the first one to get the suspect in custody," Tim challenges through the radio.
You can't help but fire back, a smirk evident in your tone. "Afraid you're gonna lose the football game, Bradford?"
Suddenly, you spot the stolen car ahead, "There it is!" you exclaim, urgency lacing your voice as you urge Nolan to step on the gas.
"Go, go, go! We've got 'em!" you exclaim, your heart pounding with adrenaline as Nolan accelerates, closing the distance between you and the suspect.
"Take the next left. We can cut them off at the intersection!" you shout, your voice filled with adrenaline-fueled excitement.
Nolan follows your instructions without hesitation, the shop skidding around the corner with precision as you close in on the stolen vehicle. With a burst of speed, you pull up alongside the suspect's car, effectively blocking their path and forcing them to come to a halt.
With adrenaline coursing through your veins, you swiftly exit the shop as Tim parks his car behind the stolen vehicle and sprints towards the suspect, but you're already a step ahead.
You draw your gun and level it at the suspect. "LAPD! Hands where I can see them!"
But then, you turn to Nolan with a knowing smile. "Officer Nolan, you have the honor," you declare, your tone proud as you watch him take charge.
Your rookie approaches the stolen car, his gun held steady as he orders the suspect out of the vehicle. "Get out. Put your hands on the hood."
With Nolan taking control of the situation, you turn your attention back to Tim, who's watching you from a few feet away. As your eyes meet, a sense of satisfaction washes over you, knowing that you've once again proven yourself in front of Tim.
"64, Bradford," you call out, "Start to think you really want that spa day."
Tim chuckles, a grin spreading across his face as he closes the distance between you.
"Don't get too cocky, Bug," he replies, "Day's not over yet."
You hold your head up high, meeting Tim's gaze with a determined look of your own as you watch Nolan take the suspect in custody.
"You're slipping, Bradford," you tease, your voice laced with amusement. "Better step up your game if you want to win those tickets."
Tim chuckles, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he leans in closer. "Careful, Bug." he murmurs, "Wouldn't want to get too comfortable in first place."
You raise an eyebrow, a smirk playing at the corners of your lips. "Oh, I don't know," you shoot back, "I'm starting to think you enjoy being one step behind."
Tim's grin widens, his gaze never leaving yours as he leans against the patrol car. "Maybe I just like the view from back here."
You can feel your cheeks flush at his words, a soft laugh escaping your lips as you playfully shove his shoulder. "Smooth, Bradford."
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Sergeant Grey lays down the rules at the Shadow Hills Shooting Range and you can feel the tension crackling in the air, mingling with the smell of gunpowder and sweat. Tim's presence beside you only adds to the intensity, his handsome, serious face and confident attitude drawing your attention like a magnet. You silently scold yourself for those thoughts. The earlier banter and Tim's remark about liking the view from behind made you question — again, after a long time of pushing down the feelings that blossomed for him — whether it can be something more between the two of you.
As Officer Dixon explains the rules, your eyes meet Tim's, a silent challenge passing between you. The competition is on, and neither of you is willing to back down.
With your heart pounding in your chest, you take aim at the target, your fingers steady on the trigger. But as you line up your shot, you can't help but steal a glance at Tim, his muscles flexing beneath the fabric of his uniform, his eyes focused and intense.
For a moment, you're distracted by the sight of him, the raw power and masculinity emanating from his every move. But then, you shake off the momentary lapse in focus, reminding yourself of the task at hand.
As the shots ring out, you and Tim fire with precision, each round hitting its mark with deadly accuracy. The tension between you is palpable, a silent battle of wills playing out on the firing range.
And when the last shot is fired and the smoke clears, you can't help but smirk triumphantly at Tim, your cocky grin mirroring his own. Despite the intensity of the competition, there's an undeniable attraction simmering beneath the surface—a spark of something more that threatens to ignite with every passing moment.
"Not bad, Bradford," you tease, "But I think I've got you beat this time."
But as Tim catches your gaze, his eyes lingering on you for a moment too long, you quickly compose yourself, the thrill of the competition still coursing through your veins.
"Care to make it interesting?" he murmurs, "20 bucks and 6 points if your Boot makes it out on top?"
Sergeant Grey calls the rookies to the firing line and Tim leans in close, his breath warm against your ear as he whispers teasingly. A shiver runs down your spine at the intimate contact, but you push it aside one more time. You can't resist the challenge, a grin tugging at the corners of your lips as you accept.
"I'll take that bet."
"Me too," Angela chimes in.
With the bet made, the three rookies take their positions and prepare to fire. Officer Dixon gives the signal, and they begin shooting at the targets.
But just as the competition heats up, Nolan's attention wavers, distracted by something in his peripheral vision. He stops shooting, his gaze fixed on whatever has caught his eye, and Grey barks at him to focus.
You shake your head in disbelief, frustration bubbling up as you realize your chance of winning the bet slipping away because of your rookie's distraction. Glancing over at Tim, you can't help but feel a pang of disappointment, knowing that this time, luck might not be on your side.
As Grey announces the results, everyone is waiting with bated breath to hear who will come out on top.
"So, finishing first with the most hits, fastest time, and tightest grouping... Officer Chen. Congrats. You are the new Mid-Wilshire champ," Grey declares, the sound of cheers and applause filling the air as Lucy accepts her victory.
Tim smirks as he collects his winnings from you and Angela, a playful glint in his eyes as he leans in closer, his lips dangerously close to yours and you can't help but hold your breath, aware of the eyes watching your every move.
"Looks like we're going to the game," Tim murmurs, his voice low and intimate.
You meet his gaze, a smirk playing at the corners of your lips. "Uh-huh, Bradford. We're tied. Spa still has a chance," you retort, your tone teasing despite the flutter of anticipation in your chest.
Grey's voice cuts through the air, bringing your attention back to the present. "Bradford, Y/L/N, you both tied for second," he announces, his words punctuating the moment with a sense of finality.
You can't help but groan in mock frustration, shooting Tim a playful glare. "I don't know what I hate more—tying for second with you or losing to a rookie."
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As the weekend arrives, you and Tim find yourselves honoring the bet. With the score tied, you decide to indulge in both activities—starting with a relaxing day at the spa and ending with watching the big end-season game at Tim's place.
The scent of lavender filled the air as you and Tim relaxed in plush robes, sipping on refreshing cucumber water and enjoying the soothing ambiance of the spa. With each gentle stroke of the masseuse's hands, you found yourself drifting into a state of bliss, the worries of the week melting away.
After the spa, you and Tim retreated to his apartment, settling in for a cozy evening. Beers in hand, you lounged on the couch, the warmth of Tim's presence beside you sending a pleasant tingle down your spine.
But just as you start to enjoy the easy rhythm of the evening, there's a knock on the door, interrupting the peace.
Tim's expression darkens as he goes to answer it, clearly not pleased by the unexpected visitor. To his surprise—and evident displeasure—it's Lucy.
But despite his less-than-enthusiastic reaction, you quickly stand up, putting on a welcoming smile as you greet Lucy and invite her in. "Hey, Lucy! Come on in," you say, motioning for her to join you on the couch. "Want a beer?"
Tim's annoyance is palpable as he glances between you and Lucy, clearly not pleased by her unexpected visit. But you ignore his displeasure, focusing instead on making Lucy feel welcome and enjoy the football game.
“Hey, did you see—?”
Tim turns his head to make a comment about the play, but Lucy suddenly moves beside you, forcing you to shift quickly. Unaware of the short distance between you and Tim, you find yourself turning your head towards him, trying to give him your undivided attention.
Your faces are mere inches apart—lips almost touching, gazes locked in a heated exchange. Time seems to stand still as you linger in the charged silence, the air thick with anticipation and unspoken desire.
In that fleeting moment, every nerve in your body is alive, your heart pounding in your chest as you drown in the intensity of Tim's gaze.
His eyes seem to search yours, as if seeking permission to bridge the small gap that separates you. And for a heartbeat, you entertain the possibility—allowing yourself to imagine what it would feel like to lean in and capture his lips with your own.
But just as quickly as the thought crosses your mind, reality comes crashing back, and you pull away, retreating into the safety of your own space.
“More beer?”
Lucy makes her way to fetch more drinks, handing the popcorn to Tim. You seize the opportunity to lean back on the couch as you inch closer to the bowl in Tim's lap.
His hand instinctively wraps around you, pulling you close and your head finds its way to his shoulder, the warmth of his body seeping into your own. Tim's gaze falls upon you, his eyes softening as he takes in your closeness.
For a brief moment, you allow yourself to revel in the intimacy of the gesture, the world falling away as you lose yourself in the warmth of Tim's embrace. But as quickly as the moment began, it shatters, broken by the sound of Tim clearing his throat and shifting away, placing the popcorn bowl between you. creating a physical barrier.
When the final buzzer sounds, signaling the victory of your favorite team, you and Tim shoot up from the couch in excitement. Turning to each other, your eyes meet in a silent exchange, the unspoken tension between you crackling in the air. And then, without a word, Tim pulls you into his arms, the heat of his body searing against your own as you melt into his embrace.
In that moment, nothing else matters—not the game, not the world outside—only the two of you, wrapped up in each other's arms. For a split second, you allow yourself to surrender to the intoxicating rush of desire, the walls around your heart crumbling in the face of the overwhelming connection between you.
But as quickly as it began, the moment passes, and you find yourselves pulling away, the weight of your unspoken feelings hanging heavy in the air.
Lucy watched with growing frustration, unable to bear witness to your dance of denial any longer. With a determined glint in her eye, she finally snaps, her frustration boiling over into a burst of blunt honesty.
"Okay, I'm sick of this," she begins, "You're so blind and stubborn."
You and Tim both turn to her with confusion, unsure of what she's getting at. But before either of you can respond, Lucy cuts through the tension.
"Just kiss already, you stupid," she exclaims, her frustration bubbling over into exasperation.
And in that moment, something shifts. Tim's resolve crumbles, his feelings finally breaking free from the confines of his heart. Without hesitation, he leans in and captures your lips in a searing kiss.
It's everything you've ever imagined—and more. His lips are warm and soft against yours, fitting perfectly as if they were always meant to be there. Every touch, every caress sends sparks flying, igniting a firestorm of passion that threatens to consume you both.
You pull away quickly when you realized the kiss was evolving into something that shouldn't be happening in front of Lucy. With a smirk playing at the corners of your lips, you tease Tim.
"Was about time, Bradford," you quip, "Took you more than a decade to kiss me."
Tim, caught off guard by your boldness, can only manage a sheepish grin in response.
"Didn't know you wanted me to do that," he admits, his eyebrows rising with surprise.
"Yes! Mom and dad are finally together," she cheers, her eyes shining with excitement and a proud smile spreading across her face as she revels in the success of her matchmaking efforts.
But Tim's grumpiness returned in an instant as he realizes Lucy was watching their intimate moment.
"Chen, get out," he grumbles as he gestured toward the door.
Undeterred, Lucy flashes a teasing smile at both of you before opening the front door of Tim's house. "Yes, sir," she teases, her playful tone undercutting the seriousness of Tim's command. Before disappearing behind the closed door, she offers one last remark.
"Be safe," Lucy calls out.
"Fifty pushups before every call tomorrow!" Tim declares, his attempt to regain control of the situation falling flat in the wake of Lucy's teasing.
With a pleading look, Lucy turns to you, her eyes silently begging for your intervention. "Mom?"
You meet her gaze with a reassuring smile, knowing that you can't save her from Tim's grumpiness but offering a comforting presence nonetheless. "Good night, Lucy," you say gently.
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chiefdirector · 4 months
Crash | Tim Bradford | The Rookie
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“Where is she?” Sargent Tim Bradford demanded as soon as he stepped off the elevator and into the reception area of the Hospital. Chen was behind him, trying to keep up as he weaved his way through the crowd towards the desk.
There had been a pile up on the freeway. Multiple casualties and even more injuries. In the rubble, Detective (Y/N) Bradford’s car lay. She had been on the radio to Tim and Sargent Grey when her car had been smashed into. He listened as she screamed and went silent.
When he and Chen arrived at the scene, she had already been carted away in an ambulance, with the firefighters and emergency rescue teams unsure whether or not she had been one of those to leave in a body bag.
“Where is she?!” He repeated as he got to the desk, ignoring the groaning and complaints of the people she shoved past. He barely clocked onto the bewildered expression of the receptionist as he spoke.”
“Sir, if this is about the accident you will have-“
“If you tell me to wait, I will have you arrested for obstruction of justice,” he snapped. Chen tried to pull him away and calm him down but he stood strong. “Where is (Y/N) Bradford. She should’ve been here.”
The receptionist looked quite shaken by his request but she still searched the name, hands trembling as she typed. “There is a (Y/N) Bradford but I don’t have a status on her condition. I can tell you when I get the report in. You’ll be the first to know.”
“Fine,” he snapped, moving away from the desk before he worked himself up anymore.
Five hours had passed before he had heard anything.
Watching the waiting room clear out, he felt like he was going to lose his mind. One by one he saw happy reunion or heartbreak for everybody around him. The longer the Tim passed, the worse the outcome in the bottom of his stomach felt.
It was as if he couldn’t breathe. Not knowing if she was okay or not. So when the small receptionist approach him, it was as if air had been restored.
“Excuse me, officer.” She said, trying to keep her voice steady. “I have an update on (Y/N) Bradford.”
Tim whipped around immediately, pouring all of his focus into her words. “What? Where is she? Is she-“
“Ms. Bradford is currently being treated in the Trauma Unit. She had sustained severe injuries to her left arm. She had surgery to place some bolts to help align the bone.”
“She’ll be okay?” He breathed.
“Yes.” The receptionist paused, looking at the foreboding Sargent, recognising the look of love and worry in his eyes. “She’ll be okay. She’s been asking for someone named Tim. I’m assuming that’s you.”
“Yeah,” he said, voice wavering for the first time as the rush of relief flowed through him. Although he wouldn’t truly relax until he saw her. “Can I go see her?”
“Like I said, she’s been asking for you.”
Despite being told she was awake doing well, Tim almost sprinted to her bedside, not believing anything until he saw her himself. It took every ounce of will power not to burst through the door. Stopping directly outside, he took a deep breath before entering.
Despite all the tubes, cannulas, and bandages, she still looked ethereal. He swore that even an angel couldn’t have looked as beautiful as her.
“Hi,” he breathed out, slowing making his way to her bedside. Once she was in reach, he leaned across to brush some hair out of her face. “How you doing sweetheart?”
“Sore.” She said, voice croaking from sleep. With much effort, she shuffled across the bed to beckon him to lay with her.
“I bet. I was real worried about you.”
She cooed slightly at his words. “Here I was thinking that the Sargent Tim Bradford was some unfeeling monster.”
“Not for you sweetheart. Not for you.”
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xxchumanixx · 4 months
Nothing at all
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Tim Bradford x reader
Warnings: 18+, mdni!, smut, secret relationship
Word Count: 751
Authors Note: Helloooo, I'm currently obsessing over Tim Bradford. I just recently started the rookie, and I love it already.
Anyways, have fun!
"He shouldn't have attacked you." Tim murmured, still looking forward as you waited for the captain to continue.
Rolling your eyes you looked at him through your peripheral vision. "I can defend myself." you gave back, straightening your back slightly.
A possible murderer had attacked you when you wanted to handcuff him. Your head still hurt a little from him smacking his against yours.
"I know." he returned. "Otherwise you wouldn’t have been able to defeat me in training yesterday."
The memory made you smile to yourself. Though you were still a rookie, you had managed to defeat him in yesterday's training.
"There's definitely something going on between them."
Though Lucy tried to whisper, you still heard her from your spot. They stood a few feet away, curiously watching.
Barely holding back from rolling your eyes again you rocked on your heel. How long would it take for them to make a decision?
"Takeout tonight?" Tim wanted to know quietly, his thumbs hooked in the waistband of his slacks.
Nodding you agreed. "Your treat?" Sighing he nodded as well. "Why not."
Grinning to yourself you contemplated what to eat, when the captain and Grey left the captains office. "Your dismissed." she said, nodding to you two.
Thanking her you separated, as you walked towards Lucy, Jack and John.
"It's not." you told Lucy, to what she looked at you questioningly. "There's nothing going on between officer Bradford and me."
He smiled devilishly, as he pushed you against your apartments door, his breath fanning over your face as his lips met yours.
"Yeah, tell that the looks he's giving you." Lucy returned, cocking one eyebrow. "You're like an old married couple."
Shaking your head you huffed.
"No, you know that it wouldn't be allowed." you spoke, well knowing what happened between her and John - only a fool wouldn't see.
Stumbling towards your bedroom his lips never left yours, only as he pulled your shirt over your head, discarding it on the floor, joining his.
"I don't think that Bradford would be her type." Jackson said like you weren't there, shaking his head. "He's married." you gave back, your brows knitted together.
"The divorce is almost done with." Lucy threw in, shrugging her shoulders. "No, guys, there is nothing going on." you insisted, eyes widening slightly. "Nothing at all."
You moaned loudly, as he fucked you into the mattress. The power he pounded into you with matched the one in training. He was relentless. His lips kissed down your throat, as you exposed it when your head tilted backwards from the pleasure he brought to you.
John only smiled slightly at your conversation, having his fair share with what you were talking about.
"But it just-" Lucy was searching for the right words, her hands gesturing wildly. "You guys just seem so close!"
Cocking a brow you looked at her, contemplating if you should shake her to make her forget that thought.
You had to be more careful, if you wanted to keep things hidden.
Moaning his name you came, hard. He followed closely behind you, face buried in your neck. Breathing heavily you felt the weight of his body above you, it's heat radiating off of it.
His familiar cologne mixed with sweat, his hair faintly smelling of shampoo. You came to love it over the past few months of your arrangement.
"Can we talk about something else?" you almost pleaded, done with them snooping in your private life.
Huffing, Lucy shook her head. "I will be on the lookout." she warned, smiling to herself. "I will find out whatever it is you two are hiding."
Smiling back at her you tilted your head. "What makes you think you will find something?" you asked her, silently hoping she wouldn't find anything.
"Nah, I still don't believe there is something going on." Jackson cut in, before Lucy could reply. You almost chuckled at his naivety.
Still breathing heavily you lay beside Tim, not ready to get back up yet. "What do you say-" he started, sitting more upright to look at you. "about a round two after dinner?"
Chuckling you rolled your eyes, his grin sending goosebumps up you bare arms. "Only if I get dessert afterwards." Shaking his head he huffed. "And here I thought I was the dessert."
"Rookies!" Grey shouted, making you flinch. "Are you getting payed for gossiping? Get back to work!"
You all nodded, mumbling a "yes, sir.", before scurrying in different directions.
If they only knew.
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fluentmoviequoter · 2 months
Mom and Dad are Fighting Again
Requested Here!
Part 2 Here! (#the Bradfords🩶🚓)
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!cop!wife!reader
Summary: You and Tim become Lucy's station parents, and you show your care for her in different ways.
Warnings: fluff, brief angst, grumpy!Tim to softie!Tim, "mom and dad are fighting again" is a Castle reference
Word Count: 2.5k+ words
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“Bradford!” Wade calls.
“Which one?” you and Tim ask together.
Wade sighs, and Angela adds, “He’s tired just thinking about the conversation. That means he needs Tim.”
“Tim,” Wade clarifies. “Let the other Bradford help Chen prep the shop. I need to talk to you about something.”
“Ooh,” Angela and Lucy taunt.
You roll your eyes, but it is a bit like being called into the principal’s office. Luckily, Tim and Wade get along well. You tap Lucy’s shoulder and wave for her to follow you. After you sign for your gear, Lucy gets hers and Tim’s. Once you’re in the garage and your bag is in your shop, Lucy turns to you with a pout.
“If a Bradford had to be my TO, why couldn’t it have been you?” she asks.
“Tim is the best there is, Luce. I know he can be grumpy and push a little too hard, but I promise learning from him is worth it,” you reply.
“At least I have you to stand up for me.”
“Ah, so that’s why you wanted to be my friend.”
“We’re cops, not friends,” Tim interjects as he walks out of the doorway behind you. “Let’s go, boot.”
“We’re not friends,” Lucy murmurs under her breath. “Says the guy who’s married to another cop.”
“What was that?” Tim asks.
“Tim,” you warn gently.
You shake your head, and he takes a deep breath before getting in the driver’s seat. As you climb into your shop beside him, Lucy rolls her window down and gestures for you to do the same.
“Dad says he loves you,” she says with a wide smile.
“Chen!” Tim yells.
“I love him too. Be safe, both of you,” you call before pulling out.
“We need to talk about boundaries, Chen,” Tim grumbles.
“Better than not talking,” she argues.
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Tim leans against the side of the shop and stares straight ahead. It’s an interesting situation, but no matter how long he looks, he can’t decide what the best approach is. Lucy has spouted numerous ideas, and he’s vetoed each one.
“We could call for a lift truck,” she suggests as she paces on the sidewalk.
“Can’t get close enough,” Tim replies.
“Then you know what we have to do.”
Tim looks at Lucy, who now has her hands on her hips and a determined look.
“We have to call smarter reinforcements. Call Bradford,” she demands.
“I’m not calling my wife because we can’t- how could she even help?”
“She’s brilliant. You of all people have to know that.”
“Sounds like you should be running her fan club,” Tim complains.
“Having a hero isn’t wrong. If you don’t call her, I will.”
“And I’ll write you up.”
Lucy sighs and turns to look at the scene again. Tim runs through a few more ideas in his mind, but they all end in a worse situation than the current one. He sighs as he pulls his phone out of his pocket.
“Hey,” he greets when you answer.
Lucy turns around quickly and claps quietly. Tim glares at her, but her excitement doesn’t diminish as he continues talking to you.
“Are you busy?” he asks.
“Just tell her we need help!” Lucy implores.
“Yeah, that’s Chen. And we do need help.”
Lucy pumps a fist over her head in victory. When Tim ends the call, though, she steps back and quiets.
A few minutes later, you park beside Tim’s shop and exit your car with a smile.
“Someone called for the cavalry?” you joke. “So, what’s so strange Tim Bradford had to call for backup?”
Tim doesn’t answer but grabs your waist and leads you to stand between him and Lucy. He points up through a gap in the trees and you follow his finger. Your responding “huh” does little to make Tim think you’ll have an easier time solving the problem.
“What am I supposed to do about it?” you ask.
Tim turns to glare at Lucy again, and she ducks behind you. You look at Tim from the corner of your eye and he accepts your silent reprimand and gives Lucy some space.
“Did you try to get up there?” you ask.
“No. There’s no good approach,” Tim answers.
“I thought we could climb onto the roof beside it for recon and find a way to reach it,” Lucy says. “Or maybe get a ladder truck in the yard.”
“Roof recon isn’t a terrible idea,” you agree. “Why didn’t you do that?”
“Because I don’t agree that it would get us any more information than we can get from the ground,” Tim explains.
“We can’t get to it from here, though,” Lucy argues. “This park is protected, and we can’t bring CSU out here to traipse all over it. That house is our best bet.”
“Chen, you are not in charge,” Tim snaps.
“Tim,” you warn softly. “Just hear her out.”
“She’s my rookie. I don’t have to do anything she says.”
“I’m not saying to do exactly what she says, but you’re training her, not dictating her. Give her a chance to work this.”
Tim clenches his jaw and breathes out of his nose. The situation is stressful, you know, because every element of being a cop is. But Tim arguing with Lucy will only delay the inevitable.
“Please?” you add. “If her plan to scout from the roof doesn’t work, then I will call the park service and tell them to deal with it.”
“We don’t even know who owns that house.”
“One way to find out,” Lucy says.
You let Lucy take the lead and stand beside Tim on the porch as she talks to the owner of the home. He doesn’t seem inclined to let three police officers climb onto his roof to deal with something that he can’t see.
“I’m done talkin’ to ya,” he says before slamming the door in Lucy’s face. It opens a moment later and he adds, “One more thing.”
You can tell he’s prepared to do something stupid and pull Lucy back quickly. His fist misses her face by an inch, and you move her toward Tim before turning toward the homeowner. His second hit is luckier and lands against the side of your nose, but he’s not trained like you are. When you hit him in the same spot, he goes down hard and fast. You raise your hand to your face and immediately feel blood coming from your nose. There’s likely no real damage, just a busted blood vessel or two.
Lucy begins apologizing as Tim calls for backup and another unit to deal with the issue in the park. He returns his radio to his belt and lays his hands on your shoulders to look at you.
“We’re going back to the shop. Stay with him until backup gets here, Chen,” he commands.
“Yes, sir,” she answers quietly. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault, Lucy,” you offer.
“We’ll discuss that later,” Tim interjects. “Let’s go.”
Tim keeps a hand on you during every step of the short walk back to the shop. He presses a wad of gauze under your nose and uses his other hand to tip your head slightly forward. When the top of your head hits his chest, you feel him sigh.
“What would you have done? If Chen wasn’t here?” he asks.
“I don’t know, Tim. A huge, gaudy murder confession nailed to a tree in a park is a new one. Park department wouldn’t have been much help, so it may have been one to pass off. Or trespass.”
Tim looks away from you when Lucy returns. You cover his hand to pull the gauze from your face, and when you see there’s no fresh blood, you pull an antiseptic wipe from the first aid kit and clean the dried blood from your chin and Tim’s hand. Lucy waits silently, and now she looks like the one waiting to be called to see the principal.
“What were you thinking?” Tim demands when you release his hand. “You never just stand in front of someone’s door. If we hadn’t been there, or if he had opened the door with a knife, what would have happened, Chen?”
“It won’t happen again, sir.”
“You’re right it won’t! I don’t know why you refuse to listen to me or remember basic, common procedures, but it will get you killed, and I’m not going to let that happen. I will take your badge if this is the kind of police work you’ll do once you’re out on your own!”
“Tim!” you interrupt. “She messed up. We all have. Maybe let her prove that she learned something before you threaten her career.”
“No! I don’t want her on the streets alone. I don’t want to imagine what I’d hear if she was partnered with you someday.”
“Drop it,” you demand as you stand.
Your chest presses against Tim’s, and his eyes bore into yours. Lucy watches on with her hands pulled tightly behind her back and guilt in her eyes.
“Or what?” Tim asks.
“You’re making it about me. But you’re done yelling at Chen. Lucy, get in my shop, we’re all going back to the station.”
“For what?” Tim scoffs.
“To learn some human decency, apparently. And if you’re still acting like this when we get back, I’m taking Chen for the rest of the week.”
Tim watches you toss the keys to Lucy before she walks away. His brow furrows and you realize he thought you were leaving him to drive back with Lucy.
“You trust her to drive your shop?” he asks.
“What is this about?” you counter. “Because she was just in a bad place, which is the best that could have happened.”
“She doesn’t apply what she knows. Lucy is smart and she’s got instincts, but she gets excited and jumps too soon.”
“Then walk her through everything. Standing back and being a drill sergeant is only going to make her rush more.”
“When did you become an expert on being a TO?”
Tim smiles softly at you, and you pat his chest.
“Guess you’re teaching me, too.”
“Bradford,” Wade calls over the radio. “The guy you booked for assault on an officer is claiming that Chen harassed him. I need your body cams as soon as you return.”
Tim pulls the seatbelt too hard and locks it. You answer Wade that you’ll all be back with your cams shortly. After replacing the radio on the dash, you lay a hand on Tim’s arm and encourage him to take a deep breath.
“That’s not Lucy’s fault,” you remind Tim.
“It was her plan,” Tim responds.
“I agreed with it. Does that make me a terrible cop?”
“Of course it doesn’t, but this isn’t about you!”
“Then what’s it about?” you ask, your voice raising to meet his.
“I feel like I’m failing her and that’s why we keep ending up here!”
Tim huffs as he finishes, and you watch him carefully. His shoulders drop, and you want to hug him but know better than to try while he’s driving.
“You’re not failing her. But there is always room for improvement. Being a teacher doesn’t mean you can’t learn, too.”
“How do you trust her like this?”
“You said it yourself. She’s smart and has good instincts, but she needs a bit of room to learn and hone those skills without feeling pressured to be perfect.”
Tim nods, and you whisper an apology for yelling at him. He shakes his head, and you agree that he doesn’t need to apologize either.
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When you exit Wade’s office after surrendering your body cam and making your statement, you hear Angela ask Lucy where you and Tim are. Or, as you’re referred to at the station, The Bradfords.
“Oh, Mom and Dad are fighting again,” Lucy jokes.
“About you?” Angela asks, playing along but aware that Lucy isn’t completely wrong in her phrasing.
“What else?” Lucy counters.
“Chen, a word?” Tim asks as he moves around you.
You watch as he apologizes, and smile to yourself. Angela winks at you as she passes, and you join Tim and Lucy.
“Wade said I could stay with you two for the rest of shift. What are we up to?”
“We still have to deal with the murder confession in the trees,” Tim groans. “Hey, Nolan, have you dealt with a murder confession yet?”
Nolan shakes his head, and Tim looks around for Bishop. When he sees that she’s not close, Tim steps into Wade’s office and asks him to transfer the call to Nolan.
“Thanks, Officer Bradford!” Nolan replies happily.
“No problem,” Tim says.
Lucy hides her smile as she walks beside you. Every moment spent with her requires a level of parenting, and though you’re relatively close in age, you and Tim feel responsible for Lucy. As more than a cop. You show it in your own ways, but she knows how much she means to you and Tim and feels the same.
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During one of your very few days off, you want to surprise Tim with dinner. The recipe that you want has seemingly disappeared, though, and you’ll have to call Lucy to get it again. 
When her phone rings, and she answers, “Hey, Mom,” Tim shakes his head.
“No personal calls in my shop,” Tim says.
“You answer for her.”
Tim’s brows furrow until he realizes Lucy isn’t talking to her biological mom, but her station mom. He nods to let her know she can continue talking to you.
“Dad says hi,” she says, just to bother Tim.
“Dad says he needs a day off, too,” Tim grumbles.
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“Don’t you dare answer that,” Tim says against your lips. “Date night, not LAPD night.”
“It’s Luce,” you argue as you reach for your phone.
Tim catches your wrist and brings it to his lips to distract you. Your phone rings again, though, and Tim’s chimes with an incoming text. He releases your arm hesitantly and pulls you so he can lay his head against your shoulder.
“Hi, Luce,” you answer.
“Put me on speaker!” she requests happily.
“Alright. Tim and I are both here.”
“I passed my rookie exam! I know you’re both off today, but Sergeant Grey knew we couldn’t wait to hear the results. Thank you, both of you, so much!”
“Congratulations!” you and Tim say together.
“We’ll celebrate when we get back,” you add.
“I knew you could do it,” Tim says. “Good job, Lucy.”
“Okay, okay, I need to call my mom and tell her that she was wrong. Enjoy the rest of your time off.”
The line beeps as she ends the call, and you and Tim lock eyes.
“She called us first, didn’t she?” you ask.
“We really are turning into her parents,” Tim says with an exaggerated shudder.
“You look pretty good for a dad,” you tease. “And you care about Lucy no matter how much you pretend not to.”
Tim looks at you for a moment before asking, “You know Lucy’s real parents set the bar low, right?”
“Let me have this. She’s my daughter and she’s no longer a boot.”
Tim groans, but before you can tease him again, he pulls you down to continue kissing you. Until your phone begins buzzing nonstop with excited texts from Lucy, at least.
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goaways-stuff · 6 months
Sunshine's Baked Goods
Tim Bradford x gn!baker!reader
Summary: Long shifts rarely end in such wonderful things
Rating: PG, but I'm an 18+ page
Warnings: none! fluff. No physical descriptions of reader, just that they like pink.
a/n: requested! To the person who requested, I'm so sorry, tumblr deleted my og post & I lost the request & user. Please comment & I'll tag you!! Briefly looked over, but not Beta'd
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It was the morning after a long night shift, and all Tim wanted to do was go home and crash on the closest soft surface, but his stomach was ravenous for a bite to eat first. He tried to ignore it as he packed his stuff to go home, though he knew he would need something. 
It was still pretty early, the sun had barely risen, and not many places were open yet as he drove around, looking for something to eat. His stomach rumbled as he finally saw an open sign lit up. A small bakery right outside of town. His eyes were heavy as he stepped out, his senses overwhelmed with the sweet scent of fresh baked goods and…coffee? Oh, he had hit the jackpot. Definitely not his normal post shift snack choice, with the pink decor looking like a barbie puked on it, but it was open, and it smelled good.
The store was barren as he stepped in, the only sound was the little bell attached to the door, alerting you that a customer had come in. You furrowed your brows and looked up at the clock on the wall. Just past 6 in the morning. Yeah, you were open, but you never got customers this early. You just came in early to get a headstart on baking and decorating cakes. You wiped your hands, though you were sure you still had frosting stains somewhere on your body as you went out to the front with your signature customer service smile. 
“Good morning, what can I-” You were awestruck by the man standing in front of the counter. Tall, muscular, a hunk of a man. “...do for you.” You finished quickly, trying not to ogle. 
Tim looked over the small menu above you, seeing the variety of baked goods available. He looked in the glass, settling on a plain donut and black coffee. As you got a second look at him, you noticed the bags under his eyes and the look of exhaustion on his face and in his body.
“Do you want me to make that an espresso for you?” You asked as you rang him up.
“Not this time, thanks. ‘Bout to head home and crash.” He chuckled, the small smile lighting up the whole room, causing your heart to speed up. 
“Professionalism!” You reminded yourself as you nodded, ringing in the coffee as a water. It was your business, after all. A little discount for a nice customer every once in a while is just good customer service.  
You turned around, pouring a cup of the freshly brewed coffee and making sure to grab the best-looking donut. 
Tim swore to himself he saw you glancing at him. He tried to convince himself that he was just tired, and the attractive person behind the counter was just being polite. He couldn't help but glance back as he watched you make the coffee. And when he finally took the first sip, he swore you had to have put something extra in there. Perfectly brewed, smooth, not too bitter. The donut was soft and melted in his mouth. He thanked you and went on his way, sure that he was just so sleep deprived that he was imagining things. Imagining a connection.
But that didn't stop him from coming back. It became a regular thing after, especially long shifts. You always greeted him with a smile, but he swore again that there was an extra sparkle that wasn't there with other customers. The hot, grumpy man is what he became to you. All your employees made sure to get you when he came around. Though he was never rude, just quiet and to the point. 
You always made sure he had the freshest brew of coffee and the best donut, even if that meant going to the back to the warmer to get one. His order was so simple, yet perfection every single time. 
It was another late night, and you were getting ready to close shop when he came in. You smiled. It was easy to get annoyed when customers came in so close to closing, but you didn't care for him. He looked especially tired, so you brewed him a fresh coffee since you had already discarded the batch that had been sitting for a while. You took care to warm the donut up as something in your body pulled you to take a risk. As he sat down, you wrote your number down on the receipt, at the very bottom. You had to take a chance at some point.
You handed him his food. He always stayed to eat, though it never took him more than ten minutes. You went to the back to finish closing, not wanting to admit to yourself that you were too much of a coward to face him. He left as normal, and you were a little disheartened. Maybe he just didn't see it yet, you told yourself. Or maybe he's taken. Or maybe he just doesn't like you. You tried to calm your spiraling thoughts as you closed, turning off the pink neon open sign. 
You tried not to, but you checked your phone far too often that night, hoping for a text. It wasn't until the next afternoon when you got a text from a new number. You were over the moon, clutching the phone to your chest as your life played out like a movie. The chat ended with a date at a higher end restaurant across town that weekend. It was all you could think about that week. You hummed love songs and made more couple's themed cakes than normal. 
Even at the station, Tim's coworkers noticed his good mood. A little less harsh on all the “Tim Tests,” a little less snappy with his orders. It was the talk between all of his coworkers. 
Date night came, and you scrambled to pit yourself together. Everything about you had to be perfect. Pink accents complimented your outfit. He was even coming to pick you up like a true gentleman, a bouquet of pink roses in hand. So he picked up on that. 
You gracefully took his arm as he led you to his car, his hand right above your knee the whole way. Protective but gentle, not wanting to push any boundaries. He smiled the whole time, more than you had ever seen him before. 
And, of course, the night went great, starting off with the essentials of getting to know each other, but diving a little deeper into what the both of you are looking for in a relationship. He had you giddy the whole night, drowning you in compliments, giving a pink flush to your face. You were no stranger to the flirtations either, compliments flowing about his suit, his freshly cut hair, and how it enhanced his sharp features. 
Your heart fluttered from the butterflies flying in your stomach the whole night, and a longing for more had already set in before the night had ended. He drove you home, walking you to your door step.
“So, next Friday?” He smiled, wanting to hear the reassurance for the next date.
“Yep.” You responded, hearts for eyes. He looked at you, his eyes soft, flashing to your lips, plush and strawberry tinted. It aas a moment of silence, but not the awkward kind. It was filled with tension, begging for one of you to break it. Ultimately, he brought a hand to your face, rough and calloused with a gentle touch, bring you to him as he connected his lips to yours. For such a brooding guy, his lips were soft as ever, lovingly exploring yours. You hands wrapped around his neck as his other hand made it to your waist. It lasted forever but not long enough as you had to pull away for a breath of hair. He followed up with a small peck to the lips and a confident smile. 
“I'll see you then,” He said, though you both knew he'd be coming to the shop before then. 
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callsign-dexter · 4 months
Love in the Moonlight 18+
Request: Hiya ❤️ hope you don't mind me sending in a Tim Bradford idea 😊 I thought about something where they're colleagues and close friends (with crushes) but she distances from him as he starts going out for dates. He notices that and one night comes to her apartment to confront her. But as he sees her in her nightgown he can't resist and kisses her, making love to her, and she never stops him. Afterwards they cuddle and he admits that he just went on dates to get rid of the feelings he has towards her, but now all he wants is her to be his girl, which she happily accepts. Thank you in advance sweetheart 💋 you're the best !
Pairings: Tim Bradford x Police Officer!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, swearing, smut
A/N: @talesofreading and @imagine-all-the-fandoms Tim smut for ya hope you're prepared....
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Love can make you do some crazy things. Love could make you jealous to the point of doing something you regret. Love can make you think of nobody else besides that person. Love is just unpredictable. Love is something you want with Tim but it seems like you were the only one that wants that. Tim doesn’t even seem that interested in you and you hated that. Every time you saw Tim you fell further in love but he just seems to see you as one of the guys and that kills you. What you didn’t know was that he loved you too but was too afraid to show. Every date you went on made him jealous and every date he went on shattered your heart a little more each time. You wanted that to be you. You wanted to be the one wrapped in his coat on a windy night or under his arm sleeping in his bed. 
Tim and you were very close and the crush started when you both got out of the academy and then when you both got accepted at the same precinct. Where he became a TO you just became a regular officer and you loved it. You and Tim did everything together from texting each other 24/7, eating lunch together, having each other over at each other’s apartments, crashing at each other places when one became too drunk, even to the point of going to the movies together. You both had everything from bathroom necessities to both of your favorite types of coffee at each other’s apartments.  How were you not supposed to fall in love with the man you hang out with all the time? 
The only people that knew of this crush was your two best friends Angela and Talia who had sworn to secrecy not to say anything. You had girls’ night often and you would rant and rave about it and they would sympathize with you. You even talked to them about maybe transferring to another unit or taking the offer that the FBI that you kept getting offers from. Currently you were out with the girls, that included Lucy now, at a bar that you visited frequently. Everyone was a few drinks in but you were further into them and feeling it. “I just don’t know what to do anymore. Clearly, he doesn’t like me like that and he only sees me as one of his guy friends. I can’t keep going on with this burning aching feeling of love for him. It’s to the point that I’m considering taking that offer that the FBI has been sending me. I would be in Quantico, VA and far away from him.” You said taking a drink of your beer that had been freshly poured. 
“Oh honey, he feels so much more towards you.” Lucy said and you scuffed.
“Bullshit. He has a funny way of showing it.” You said. You were definitely drunk. “I just want to have hot crazy sex with him.” You said and everyone chuckled.
“Ok, that is enough for you.” Angela said “I’m gonna call Tim to come and get you.” She said and you looked at her horrified. You all had taken a cab to the bar since you all were drinking and then you had planned for Nolan or Jackson to come and get you all. You had taken one earlier to secure a spot and started drinking about 3 minutes before them starting with the hard stuff aka Fireball. 
“Nooooo, you can’t do that.” You said beginning to slur. That was the thing about you two, the both of you would drop everything to come to each other aid no matter what and no matter where.
“Yes, I’m calling him.” Angela said and pulled out her phone and dialed his number in. “I’m also calling Nolan afterwards to come and get us. We’re calling it a night.” She said and then Tim answered she started talking to him. 
Tim was out having a date with Teresa and was not having a good time. He really wished that he was with you at the moment with you cuddled in his arms. Tim was bored. She was going on about something that happened at work and he was halfway paying attention to her. Suddenly he heard his phone ringing and he mentally sighed in relief, he pulled it out and saw that it was Angela calling and he frowned, a million questions ran through his head: ‘Did something happen?’, ‘Were you alright?’. He answered it without hesitation.
“Angela, is everything ok?” He asked right out of the gate.
“Tim, hi. I know you’re on a date right now but Y/N is absolutely hammered. Can you come and get her?” She asked
“Of course. Is she ok?” He asked, reaching for his wallet.
“If you would consider her about to get into a bar fight with a guy that touched her ass, then yeah.” She said and that made his eyes widened in panic.
“I’ll be there soon. Just keep her contained. I’m 5 minutes away.” He said
“We’ll try our best. But you know your girl is strong as hell.” She said and his heart skipped a beat when she said that. “Just hurry.” She said and then hung up and so did he.
Teresa was looking at him as he finished the call. “Let me guess you need to go.” She said and he nodded.
“I’m sorry.” He said and she smiled.
“It’s ok. Raincheck?” She said and he nodded. He got in and started the trip to the bar that was only 5 minutes away. He was quick to spot you and Angela outside and you were sitting on the curb looking drunk as all get out and he knew you would be feeling it in the morning. 
Angela saw the lights of his truck and sighed in relief. “Y/N, your knight in shining armor has arrived.” She said with a smirk and you looked at her.
“No, he is not. He doesn’t love me like that.” You slurred and she shook her head. Tim parked the truck and got out and walked over to you.
“How much did she have to drink?” He asked and you looked up at hearing his voice.
“Timothy!” You slurred and tried to stand up but fell and he sighed but helped you stand up. 
“I think she started drinking before we arrived.” Angela said and Tim turned toward you.
“Y/N how much have you had to drink?” He asked using his cop voice and you looked at him and started thinking.
“Like 6 shots of Fireball, several glasses of beer, and lots and lots of shots. Speaking of shots, can we go in and get more?” You asked, already starting to turn towards the bar.
“Nope as a friend, I’m cutting you off.” He said and that sent a pang of hurt through your chest.
“Right friend.” You said and let him help you get in his truck. He turned to Angela who was walking with you both and she was opening the door since he was pretty much holding you up. He guided you up into the truck and made sure you were buckled in and then shut the door and turned to Angela. 
“I shouldn’t be telling you this but that girl has had a crush on you since you both got out of the academy. She literally would drop everything for you and you know it and I know you too. It hurts her every time you go out with someone because she wishes that it was her.” She said and he shook his head.
“That’s not true.” He said and she shook her head. “No, she doesn’t. We’re just very good friends.” He said and she shook her head.
“Whatever, just get her home safely.” Angela said and turned back and walked back into the bar. 
Tim got into the truck. He looked over at you and you were sound asleep and he smiled. He put the truck into drive and headed to your apartment. It was a silent ride to your apartment and when he got there. He pulled into a parking spot next to your car and got the truck parked and killed the engine. Then he was walking over to the passenger’s and opened it and unbuckled your seatbelt and gently got you and carried you. When he got to the front door, he grabbed his keys and found your key and unlocked the door. Yes, he had a key to your place and you had a key to his place. He unlocked the door and shut it going straight to your bedroom. He gently laid you down and pulled off your shoes and then covered you up. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed some Tylenol and a bottle of Gatorade and then walked into your office and wrote a note then, he walked it to your room and sat it on the nightstand. He grabbed your phone and plugged it in and then left.
The next morning you woke up to your phone alarm blaring and your head was pounding and you were hung over. You turned over to shut it off and then noticed the note along with the Gatorade and Tylenol. 
Take these and drink all of the Gatorade. It’ll help.
You smiled and took the Tylenol and drank the Gatorade as you got ready for the day. By the time you were leaving all of it was gone and you were feeling better. You walked out to your car and got into your car and then you were off to work. You saw Tim’s truck and smiled but then you decided to park next to Nolan’s and got you and walked into the precinct. You greeted everyone and headed to the locker room where you quickly got changed and then walked into the briefing room, it was mostly full and few seats left. Tim noticed you walked in and smiled and motioned to the open seat next to him but you bowed your head and decided to sit next to Smitty of all people and that made him frown, you always sat beside him. Sergeant Grey walked in and started the briefing and then when he was done you shot out of there in a hurry before Tim had even gotten a chance to come and say hi or ask you how you were feeling. 
Lately you had noticed him going on more dates and being happy and that was killing you on the inside. So, you started to distance yourself from him. At first it was making excuses when he asked to hang out and then not answering his every phone call, or hardly texting him and when you text back you would send a short or one worded answer. You even started to take separate lunches or take yours to go. It saddened him that you were pulling away but he didn’t let it show and that upset you, it was like he didn’t even care. 
Lucy and he did catch up to you when you were getting your bags and stuff “Hey, Y/N.” Tim said and you tensed and turned to him.
“Oh, hey.” You said 
“How are you feeling?” He asked
“Fine.” You said and then grabbed your stuff and you were heading to your shop. 
“Hey, are you free tonight? There is a movie out that I thought we could see together.” Tim asked 
“No, sorry. I have plans.” You said and then you were gone before he could get another word out. 
Once you were alone out on the streets you were fine and actually happy. You answered calls here and there and they were mostly easy. There were a few that you had to take in and there were a few traffic stops. It was nearing lunch time and you dreaded it. You pulled over into a parking lot when you saw your phone light up and buzz. You looked at it and saw a few missed calls from Tim but you were busy during that time and a few texts from him. You sighed and debated if you wanted lunch but then your stomach growled and you groaned and put your shop into drive and headed to the usual lunch place. You parked and got out and headed that way you saw Tim and smiled but it quickly faded when a girl came up to him and kissed him. You caught the eye of Angela and Talia when Tim broke apart from the girl, he followed their eyes and saw you and his heart sank. Lunch be damned, you would eat later, you need to talk to Wade. You turned back to your shop and was off before he could even get up or say anything. 
You arrived back at the precinct and parked your shop in the bay and then you were walking into the building and heading to Wade’s office. When you got there you knocked on the door and he looked up and waved you in “Officer Y/L/N, what can I do for you?” He asked and you sighed.
“You know that I’ve been getting offers from the FBI in Quantico, VA specifically from the BAU.” You said and he nodded.
“I do. What is this about?” He asked 
“As much as this pains me to say, I want to take their offer and transfer.” You said and he nodded.
“Are you for sure you want to do this?” He asked and you nodded.
“Very sure, sir.” You said and your phone started buzzing but you ignored it.
“Do you want to get that?” He asked and you shook your head.
“No, sir. It can wait.” You said and he nodded.
“I’ll start putting the request in. I’ll be sad when you leave, you’re one of my best officers. I just want you to know that if you ever want to come back you always have a place right here with us.” He said and you nodded smiling.
“Thank you, sir.” You said and he smiled and you left his office running into Angela.
“Hey, what were you talking to Wade about?” She asked
“I asked for the transfer.” You said and she was shocked.
“Seriously?” She asked and you nodded.
“I need to get out of here.” You said and she nodded.
“Is this about Tim?” She asked and you didn’t say anything but she knew her answer and smiled “I get it. I’m gonna miss you when you go.” She said and she laughed but hugged you.
“I’m gonna miss you too.” You said and then you broke apart and then you saw Tim and he was looking at you but you said nothing and walked back to your shop to continue your shift.
This was the right move for you and your career. Right?
The end of everyone’s shift was nearing and everyone couldn’t wait to be home. There was something that Sergeant Grey was needing to talk to Tim about and requested him to meet in his office. So that was where he was going now. He knocked on the door and was waved in. “Officer Bradford, I want to talk about you taking the sergeants exam.” Wade said and Tim nodded.
“Yes, I’ve been studying for it.” He said and Wade nodded. Tim was looking at him and then something caught his eye. Something that had your name on it. He focused on it more and saw it was a transfer request to the FBI and his heart sank. He knew that you had been getting offers but didn’t actually think you would take it. They finished their talk but all he could think about was those transfer papers and why he didn’t hear about it from you. Wade dismissed him and he left. As he was leaving, he ran into Talia. 
“You got any plans for tonight?” She asked
“Yea, I have another date.” Tim said not knowing you had heard him and not knowing how bad your heart was breaking. He did have a date but now he wanted to go to your place and find out why you were transferring. The shift ended and everyone got changed and was heading out the precinct he caught you walking with Nolan and laughing with him and his heart pinged with jealousy. Then he noticed that your car wasn’t near his when it normally was. Something was wrong and he was going to find out. 
He did end up going on the date but that transfer request was just burning in his mind. He apologized to Teresa and she asked if she would be seeing him again and he said no and then he was off heading to your apartment. He drove like mad until he reached your place and parked in a parking spot, once he killed the engine he was storming up to the apartment and knocking.
Knocking is what woke you up and you groaned but got up and grabbed a silk robe and slipped it over your silk nightgown. “Hold on, I’m coming.” You said but the knocking persisted. “Hold on, geez.” You said unlocking the door and opening “What-” You began but saw it was Tim “Tim? It’s late. What are you doing here?” You asked.
“You’re transferring?” He asked in a stern slightly higher pitched voice.
“What are you talking about?” You asked, still half asleep.
“Your transfer request to the FBI. I saw it on Sergeant Wade’s desk. Why?” He asked
“You.” You said
“Me?” He asked
“Yes you. Damn it can’t you see? I’m in love with you! I have been ever since we got out of the academy together. Then you go off and date and it kills me. I know it’s selfish but I couldn’t stand for you to be happy with anyone else but me.” You said and he didn’t say anything instead he crashed his lips into yours and kissed you fiercely. He backed you into the apartment and shut the door and then turned you until your back hit the door. You two broke apart when air was needed. 
“I’ve wanted to do that ever since I met you.” He said and then crashed lips into yours and then he was slipping your silk robe off your shoulders revealing your very revealing nightgown he broke the kiss and looked down “Damn you are sexy.” He said and was tapping your thighs and you jumped up and wrapped your legs around him and then he was taking you both to your bedroom. He gently laid you down and quickly got rid of his shirt. He grabbed the hem of your nightgown and looked at you and you nodded and he was slowly peeling it off of you until it was off revealing you weren’t wearing a bra and that made him moan. Your nipples got hard as rocks when air hit them, he admired them and then he was taking a nipple into his mouth and sucking on it, making you mona. His right hand came up to play with your other breast and his left hand was caressing your side. Once he was satisfied with the treatment of your left breast and nipple, he popped off of it and gave your other breast the same attention. Again, once he was satisfied, he popped off of it and then was standing up and getting rid of his jeans and boxers and his hard length came up and slapped him in the stomach.
“I need you.” You said and he nodded and was crawling back up to you and slowly taking your underwear off and adding it to the pile of clothing already growing. He moved in between your thighs and licked a broad strip up your folds and you jumped but moaned. 
“So wet for me and I hardly did anything.” He said, smirking.
“Need you now.” You moaned and looked as he did it again and bit your clit.
“You got it, Baby.” He said and moved up to where he was now face to face with you and kissed you. You could taste yourself on him and you could feel him at the entrance. He grabbed his cock and looked you in the eyes “You ready? Tell me to stop if you need to.” He asked and you nodded and he pushed himself into you and you both moaned.
“Oh, Tim!” You moaned out not even trying to be quiet, neighbors be damned.
“So tight. It was like you were made for me.” He moaned out and started to thrust in and out of you. He stretched you in all the right places and hit you places that you didn’t know that could be hit. He hit you g-spot just right.
“Faster, Baby. Faster.” You moaned out and he nodded and did as he was told and it just brought another wave of pleasure to you. “So good.” You moaned out and his face went into the crook of his neck and he attacked it with kisses and sucked on it. His arms caged you in and your ankles locked behind him making him go deeper. Your hands went to his shoulder blades and your fingers dug into them and then he hit your g-spot and bit your pulse point. Your nails raked down his back leaving long angry red scratch marks in their wake. He hissed into your neck but he did not let up. “‘M close.” You said and he brought his head up from your neck.
“Me too, Baby. Me too.” He said and that just spurred him on to go faster. One hand went down to your clit and started to rub it, getting you closer to your climax. “Cum with me.” He said and then he pinched your clit and then that rubber band snapped and you came hard. You squeezed him and that made his thrusts irregular and the snapping of his hips into your hips came to a halt as you both moaned and he painted your walls white. 
After you both came down from your high you unlocked your ankles and he fell to the side of you onto his back. You ended up lying on his chest tracing shapes and he cuddled you close to him as he covered you both up. “Don’t leave.” He said and you looked up at him.
“Hmm?” You asked in confusion.
“The transfer, cancel it. You belong here with me. I only went on those dates to get rid of my feelings for you and each time I went on them I wished it was you. I love you and have loved you since we graduated from the academy together. I was too stupid to see what it was doing to you and I’m sorry for that.” He said and you smiled.
“I’ll cancel the request to transfer.” You said 
“I want you to be my girl and my only girl. What I’m asking is will you be my girlfriend?” He asked and you smiled and looked up at him.
“I thought you would never ask. Of course I’ll be your girlfriend.” You said and he smiled “I love you.” You added.
“I love you too.” He said and you both kissed each other and then you resumed your position and you both fell asleep with a smile on your face. 
Both of you were happy and finally got what you wanted and that was each other. 
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gemstone-roses · 10 months
Attitude adjustment
Summary: Tim is sick of your attitude.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+. Praise, eventual smut (not in this part) teasing.
Note: ah I love Tim bradford okay that's all. Likes comments and reblogs much appreciated , please be kind this is my first fic for weeks.
There will be a part 2 coming soon! 👀
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It's ridiculous, you long graduated from being a rookie and Tim still treats you like he did your first year on the job.
Only difference is now, you give as good as you get.
And Tim? He's sick of it
Every time you open that pretty mouth of yours and respond with that teasing tone, that small smile that knows he can't get rid of you now, his cock strains in his pants. The way you stick your tongue between your teeth after you've talked back to him makes him think so many sinful things he struggles to reign in his composure. His knuckles turn white around the steering wheel, because of course he's not letting you drive.
He corners you in the locker room, both hands on either side of you, trapping you.
"You, are driving me nuts" he sneers, taking a deep breath.
Your heart thumps in your chest.
"You have a bad attitude, boot"
"Im not your boot anymore"
"Yeah? You should be, thought I did a pretty good job of snuffing out that little bit of defiance, I guess not" he runs his thumb across your lip as he speaks.
His eyes bore into you, watching, waiting, he doesn't miss the way your eyes go wide with lust at his actions.
"You like them fiesty, officer bradford" you sneer out the last part, or try to, but you are far too turned on for it to sound mean at all.
Tim leans in, places his forehead on yours.
"I am going to fuck that attitude out of you" he whispers.
Arousal pools between your legs at his words.
"That's what you need? Isn't it?" His hand grips your jaw.
You nod.
"No, I need words" he states softly, his finger tracing your jawline as he waits for your consent.
"Yes" you say firmly
"I want this- I need this, need you" you continue.
Tim smiles, moving his hand to the back of your neck.
"God, I was hoping you'd say that" he tightens his grip on your neck before crashing his lips into yours.
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girl-of-many-fandoms · 6 months
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Pairing: Tim Bradford x Reader
Summary: Y/N has a lot to say about her lovely T.O.
Warnings: none
"Hey sunshine, haven't seen you since roll call." Y/N shot daggers at her friend as she plopped down into her seat.
"I have had a long morning and that infuriating thing of a man didn't make it any easier." Nolan, Chen and West couldn't help but laugh at their friend's misery. They all had the pleasure of working with officer Bradford one on one so they knew the hell he was giving the rookie.
"I honestly don't know how you all put up with him and his method of training. I swear to God that man is half robot, half man. He's insufferable!"
While she was busy ranting about Tim, she failed to notice her friends were no longer snickering at her rant, smiles long gone frome their face as Tim stood silently behind her hearing every word from her mouth.
"I'll add that right to the list of names I've been called, Boot." Y/N felt all the colour drain from her face hearing Tim's voice directly behind her. She stood up and turned to face him.
"Sir I'm sorry-"
"Save it, let's go." Tim stormed off towards their patrol vehicle, not interested in hearing a thing she had to say.
"Someone's in trouble."
"It was nice knowing you."
"I hate you all." Y/N managed to take a bite out of her sandwich and a large gulp of her soda before trailing behind her clearly ticked off T.O.
Tim sat in the driver's seat, watching her drag her feet back to the car. She wouldn't admit it but the officer scared her even more in this moment as he watched her like a hawk.
He watched silently as she got in and buckled up. With a shake of his head he started the vehicle and pulled away from the curb. He drove past three blocks before he finally said something.
"If you think that I have been hard on you these past couple months, I am about to make your remaining months as a rookie even more insufferable. I could easily make this your last day but that would be me being nice."
Y/N wished that she could've disappeared at this very moment so she wouldn't have to deal with whatever hell Tim was surely going to put her through.
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The Longest Night (Tim Bradford X Foster!Teen!Reader)
The Rookie Masterlist
Word Count: 3,832
Warnings: Mentions of death and blood
Summary: It's towards the end of Tim's shift when he gets a call on the radio about a nearby car accident, but when he arrives, he doesn't expect his world to turn upside down.
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The day began like any other, Tim got up before sunrise and prepped a quick breakfast before getting himself ready. By then y/n was up and dressed and eating her breakfast. Over the past two years, they had a routine that they strictly followed. At first, the life of fostering a young teen was challenging for Tim, especially with his schedule but he was determined to help the young teen. He saw so much of himself within her. 
Getting y/n to open up to him was another challenge. It took a while, but eventually, she learned how to trust Tim and now she felt like Tim was the father she never had. There were times when she had to stop herself from calling him ‘dad,’ even though she knew he wouldn’t mind. She felt like it wasn’t appropriate since she knew that one day she would only be a distant memory. 
Towards the end of his shift, Tim was over it. He was ready to go home and start his weekend. More importantly, he was excited to go to y/n’s soccer game tonight. He knew he was going to be the loudest one in the crowd, cheering you on as you gave it your all in the field. 
He loved watching you play, loved seeing the passion you had for the game and if he could, he would do anything so you could play whenever you pleased, but the world didn’t work that way. 
The plan was for you to drive to the field with some friends after school, you would grab something to eat with them on the way there. Fortunately for you, you were able to get out of class early to grab a bite and head over to the field. Later on in the evening, Tim, Lucy, and Angela will meet you at the game. 
“All units,” the voice came over the radio, “we have a major collision at the intersection of Sepulveda and Fifth. Possible fatalities. Paramedics en route.” 
Tim’s heart quickened, something about this call felt different from the others. A chill ran down his spine, he knew that intersection too well. It was one of the intersections he passed on the way to drop y/n off at school.
“Dispatch, show 7-Adam-100 responding,” Tim announced on the radio as he drove off from where he was parked. The scene of the accident wasn’t too far, it was only ten minutes away, but with the way Tim was driving, he made it there in five. 
When he arrived, paramedics were already at the scene, a couple of paramedics were assisting some firemen help get a passenger out of one of the cars. Just with one look at the scene, Tim already knew that the impact of some of these cars was deadly. 
“Tim,” Lucy hurried towards him, she had arrived at the same time as the paramedics. 
Tim was too distracted by the scene of the wreckage in front of him to even notice the look on Lucy’s face, “Jesus, what was the cause of this?” he asked. 
Lucy’s expression was tense, her eyes had widened with something more than just professional concern, “T-Tim,” she whispered, a hand gently touching his arm. 
Tim quickly diverted his attention towards Lucy, taking in the expression she was giving him, “What’s going on?” His voice is tight with worry. 
Lucy hesitated, she had no idea how to tell the man she loved, the man who was standing right in front of him the news that could cause his whole world to come crashing down. Her gaze flickered over his shoulder to where the paramedics were working frantically on someone who was lying on the pavement. “I need you to promise me you’ll stay calm,” she began. 
There was that feeling again, the one Tim felt when he heard the call over the radio, “What is it?” 
Lucy took in a shaky breath, “It’s y/n,” she said softly. Her mouth quivered, she rose her hand up to her mouth quickly before putting her hand back down and continued, “The way the car hit– She–” She let out a small sob. 
“Where is she?” Tim felt a cold knot of dread forming in his stomach, “Where is my daughter, Lucy!?” 
“The paramedics are doing everything they can,” She managed to choke out. 
Tim felt as if the ground beneath him had been pulled out from under him, he followed Lucy’s gaze behind him, his whole world narrowed to the sight of the paramedics working on his daughter. His heart sunk at their grim faces as they focused at the task at hand. He pushed past Lucy, any call for him went in through one ear and out the other as he rushed to Y/n’s side. 
“No, no, no,” Tim shouted, his voice breaking as he took in her pale and bloodied face. “Come on, baby, you got to wake up,” he cried as he knelt beside her, gently holding her head in his hands. 
“Clear!” A paramedic warned as he held the defibrillator paddles in his hands, Tim quickly let go of y/n, his eyes darting to the small portable screen beside them. The paramedic let out a small groan as he continued to administer CPR, “Another round of EPI!” The paramedic ordered. 
Tim’s heart shattered with every single millisecond that passed. Reaching out with a trembling hand, he brushed a strand of hair from y/n’s forehead, “Please,” he begged, “Don’t take her from me.”
Lucy knelt beside Tim, offering anything she could to support him. 
“Clear!” The paramedic announced again. 
“Come on, baby girl,” Tim whispered as he lifted his hands up, allowing the paramedic to use the paddles on y/n. 
Tim waited, watching the straight lines on the defibrillator, “Come on!” He shouted, tears streaming down his cheek. 
“We got a pulse!” The paramedic called out as a small pulse showed itself on the small screen in front of him. Tim let out a breath of relief, overwhelmed with a wave of emotions, Y/N was alive, but barely. 
“You can meet us at the hospital,” the paramedic informed Tim as they loaded Y/n onto a stretcher. 
Tim watched as they wheeled her into the ambulance, His attention was directed to another stretcher that was covered with a sheet. His heart sank as he noticed a familiar charm bracelet that was barely showing through the sheet. He quickly stopped the paramedics from moving the stretcher. 
Tim glanced over at Lucy, she gave him a nod, confirming his fear without words. 
“Fuck!” He exclaimed as he took in a shaky breath. 
“I was on my way to inform her parents.” 
Tim shook his head, “No, let me.” 
“But y/n.” 
“Y/N would want me to tell her best friend's parents that their daughter… she would want me to do this.” 
Lucy nodded, “I can go with you if you would like,” she suggested. 
He gave her a small nod. Lucy followed Tim in her patrol car, to the small house that was only a few blocks down.
Tim dreaded giving the news of the death of a loved one, but this was different. A knot of anxiety turned in Tim’s stomach as he knocked on the door with shaky hands. Mrs. Garcia, Jenna’s mother, answered the door with a beaming smile, but it was short-lived once she saw the look on Tim’s face. Her smile quickly faded into concern.
“Tim? What’s wrong?” She asked, her voice laced with concern. 
“Can we come in?” Tim asked gently. Mrs. Garcia’s eyes darted between him and Lucy before she gave him a small nod and stepped aside. Her eyes widened with worry. 
“Heeey, Tim!” Mr. Garcia sung as he watched Tim walk into the living room, “Ready for that game tonight? Don’t tell me one of the girls called you to come grab something,” he rambled on, “Leave it to our girls to always forget something.” His voice slowly faltered as he noticed the look on his wife’s face. 
“Tim has– Um, he’s here because of work,” Mrs. Garcia stuttered as she sat beside her husband on the couch. The look on Mr. Garcia’s face now mirrored his wife’s as they looked at Tim. 
Tim took in a deep breath, his mind searching for the right words today, but he knew there were none. For a moment, he wanted them to take in these last moments, the last moments of them being oblivious to what was going on. The last moments of them believing that their daughter was still alive and with them in this world. 
Tears began to well up in his eyes, “There was an accident,” he began. “Y/N and Jenna were involved.” 
Mr. Garcia let out a small chuckle out of disbelief, “But they’re okay, right?” 
Tim felt his stomach turn as he continued, “Y/N is on the way to the hospital, they were able to resuscitate her.” 
Mrs. Garcia gasped, as Mr. Garcia took his wife’s hand, “and my Jenna?” His voice shaking as he asked. 
Tim could feel the tears in his eyes threatening to make themselves known, “I’m so sorry,” he said with a shaky voice, “Jenna didn’t make it.” 
Mrs. Garcia shook her head, “No, no, no! Not my baby!” She yelled as she collapsed into her husband’s arm, her body wracked with sobs. Mr. Garcia held her tightly as tears fell from his eyes. Tim felt helpless as he stood there, wishing there was something he could do to ease their pain, but he knew there wasn’t. 
“I’m so sorry,” Tim repeated, “Jenna was more than just Y/n’s friend. They were like sisters. You guys were–are like family to us.” 
Mr. Garcia looked up towards Tim, his eyes red and overwhelmed with grief, “Can we see her? Can we see our baby girl?” 
Tim nodded, “I’ll take you to her. I’ll be with you every step of the way.” 
The Garcia’s followed Tim’s patrol car to the hospital. Tim felt like he could understand the pain they were going through, seeing as he had just seen his own daughter almost be taken from him, but he knew his pain couldn’t compare to the pain they were about to face. 
He guided them through the quiet halls, it was a part of the hospital Tim rarely went through. A part of the hospital not a lot of people wished to see. The room in which Jenna’s body was in was filled with an overwhelming aura of sadness. It’s like the walls knew the pain of those who held her close. Tim stood at the door as he watched them walk up to the bed where their daughter lay motionless. 
In the midst of it all, Tim felt guilt. Guilt that his daughter lived and theirs didn’t and mixed in with all the guilt, he felt angry. 
He wasn’t sure if he was more angry towards the drunk driver or god himself for taking Jenna away from her parents. 
Lucy walked up to Tim, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, “Hey,” she whispered, gesturing for him to follow her. 
He let out a deep breath, following Lucy down the hall. 
“They’re wheeling Y/N into surgery now, they’re saying it was touch and go there for a while, which is why it took them a while to get her stable enough to go into surgery,” Lucy explained. Her eyes gazed towards the door at the end of the hall, “How are they holding up?” 
Tim shook his head as tears quickly welled up in his eyes, Lucy didn’t hesitate to pull Tim into an embrace, “I almost lost her and I was a mess, I can’t imagine the pain they are going through,” he said shakily as he returned Lucy’s embrace. 
“I know,” Lucy whispered. 
“I almost lost her,” Tim repeated. Taking in the words he had just said. 
“But you didn’t,” Lucy said as she let go of the embrace and held Tim’s head in her hands. “She’s alive and she needs you right now, she needs you more than ever.” 
Tim nodded, “I don’t know what I would do if I lost her.” 
“You didn’t lose her, Tim.” 
“I can’t lose her,” he repeated. 
“You won’t.” 
“But I still can,” tears welled up in his eyes, “they can take her away as easily as they brought her into my life and I can’t bear to lose her. She’s my kid.” 
Lucy couldn’t help but smile, “So, what are you saying?” 
“I’m saying that I want to adopt her. I need to.” 
Lucy beamed, “About time.” 
Tim and Lucy stayed in the hall, while the Garcia’s said goodbye to their daughter. A small amount of words were exchanged as Tim watched the Garcias walk out of the hospital, he promised them that Y/N would come over from time to time, but they still wanted her presence around even if their daughter wasn’t there. He knew it was because their home would be missing that light their daughter gave off, the light that y/n gave off when she came into any room. 
Tim let out a deep sigh as he moved in his seat for the hundredth time, “would you quit it?” Lucy asked. 
“My belt is beginning to become uncomfortable,” Tim commented. 
“I know,” Lucy said as she looked up from her phone, “that’s why I called Angela to bring us some spare clothes from our lockers,” she said just as Angela walked out of the elevator. 
“How’s our girl doing?” Angela asked as soon as she walked over to Lucy and Tim. 
“The doctors came about an hour ago to update us, it was touch and go then,” Tim said. 
“Fuck,” Angela sighed as she took a seat beside them, handing off the bag of clothes to Lucy. 
Lucy quickly stood up, “I’m gonna go change,” she said as she grabbed her clothes from the bag before handing it off to Tim. 
Tim watched as Lucy walked away to the bathroom, “How are you holding up?” 
“I just wish I could get to the part where this is all over with and Y/n is back home and she’s safe and healthy.” 
“Don’t we all,” Angela whispered. 
The sound of the corridor doors opening caught Tim’s attention, his eyes diverting to the doctor who rushed through the doors and was walking towards him. Tim instantly recognized him as he stood up, “How is she?” 
“She’s stable,” Tim let out a breath of relief, “she did sustain significant injuries and the road to recovery will be a long one, but what’s important is that she is stable for now. We want to keep her in the ICU until she’s off the ventilator.” 
“But she’s okay,” Angela reassured. 
“She’s stable,” the doctor repeated. “I would count that as a win.” 
Tim nodded, “Can I see her?” 
“Of course, I’ll take you up there myself.” 
Tim glanced at Angela, “Go! I’ll let Lucy know.” 
Tim nodded, grabbing his bag of spare clothes before following the doctor to the elevator. 
“I do want to warn you, that what Y/N endured is traumatic. She had multiple fractures, extensive bruising, and some severe lacerations,” Tim was aware, but when he saw her, all he noticed was his little girl. He saw the blood, but only kept his eyes on her face, taking it in as much as he could. 
“She will be swollen and it may look scary along with all the bandages and lacerations,” the doctor continued. 
Tim swallowed hard, “I just want to see her,” he whispered as he tried hard to maintain his composure. 
“And you will, I just want you to keep in mind that it may look bad, but trust me, it will heal and she will recover,” the doctor turns to face Tim, “your daughter is lucky to be alive considering the damage.” 
The doctor stepped out of the elevator once it had stopped, and Tim followed him to one of the rooms in the ICU. “Let us know if you need anything,” the doctor said before leaving to give Tim some space. 
Tim paused outside the door for a second, taking in a deep breath he walked into the room. The sight in front of him was worse than he had imagined, taking in a shaky breath, Tim hurried to the y/n’s side. He took in all the bandages and wires that were connected to her body, the tube that was coming out of her mouth that was to help her breath. 
He gently took her hand in his, “I’m here,” he whispered as he placed a gentle kiss on her hand, “dad’s here,” he whispered again. 
Days went by and Tim remained by y/n’s side. His anxiety was getting the best of him every day that passed, especially since there was no change. Things weren’t getting worse, but they weren’t getting better either. Every day the doctors and nurses came in to check on y/n Tim was hopeful that there would be some change or something new for them to say, but it all remained the same. 
But today felt different. While Tim was holding y/n’s hand, he felt a small movement. He could have swore that she tightened her grip, he took that hope and ran with it. Getting any nurse that was available to show them what he saw. The doctor was quick to run some tests.
One of those tests in particular came back with new results, “It’s a risk,” the doctor commented. 
“But there’s a possibility?” Tim asked. The doctor nodded, “Then let’s do it.” 
Tim sat by as the doctors removed the ventilator, it was a risk. There was a percentage that Y/N could breathe on her own without it and that’s why she’s beginning to show movement, but then there could be a possibility in which she can’t yet breathe with out it. It was all risky, but Tim was willing to take the risk if it meant him knowing where she is on the road of recovery. 
They waited for a few minutes, watching the machines carefully as the ventilator was now completely out.
“Is this good?” Tim asked. 
“So far,” One of the doctors commented. “It looks like she is breathing on her on, we’ll continue to keep an eye on her.” 
Slowly the few nurses and doctors that were in the room began to file out, leaving Tim alone with Y/n. He watched throughout the day as y/n breathed on her own. He took it all as a good sign. 
Soon Tim felt his eyes growing heavy as he let the darkness consume him allowing sleep to enter his body. It was hours later when Tim heard was awakened by a soft groan. 
At first, Tim didn’t quiet understand where it was coming from, his sleep overtaking him again and ignoring the groans. When he kept hearing them, his body quickly reacted, sitting up in his seat, his heart pounding as he looked over at y/n. Her eyes squinting from the brightness of the room, she groaned again. 
“Hey, hey,” Tim rushed to her side.
“It hurts,” she groaned. 
“I know, I know,” Tim softly said as he pressed the button near the bed, alerting the nurses. 
It wasn’t long until a few of the nurses came rushing into the room, examining Y/N and giving her more pain medication. One of the doctors was alerted, he quickly came and ordered some tests before leaving. 
“How are you feeling?” Tim asked as soon as they were alone. 
“Like shit,” Y/N responded.
Tim chuckled, brushing a strand of hair away from her face, “you were out for a week,” he commented. 
“I barely remember anything,” She confessed. 
Tim sighed, “It was bad,” he began. 
“I just remember… I remember hearing screams.” 
Tim nodded, “Joey and Lisa made it out with a couple of broken bones. The people in the other car only had a couple of scratches.” He let out a deep sigh, “the driver that caused everything died upon impact.” 
“And Jenna?” 
Tim didn’t know how to muster up the words to tell y/n. He wish he could say that within the past week he figured the words but he didn’t. 
Y/N didn’t like the silence she was receiving, “Tim, what about Jenna?” she asked again.
“They did everything they could,” Tim began to say, tears welling up in her eyes. 
Y/N shook her head, “No.” 
“Y/N, honey, I know-” 
“It should’ve been me,” She cried out. 
“Don’t say that,” Tim raised his voice. 
“Her parents,” She cried, “It should’ve been me.” 
Tim let in a deep breath, “I almost lost you too, Y/n,” letting out a shaky breath, “I had to watch the paramedics bring you back to life. There was no saving Jenna when they arrived, but they were able to save you.” 
Tears welled up in y/n’s eyes as she watched Tim break down in front of her, “I know that’s not what you want to hear and I am sorry about Jenna, she meant everything to our little family, but seeing you lifeless on the floor… It broke me. I don’t think I could ever recover from that.” 
Y/n never imagined to hear those words come from Tim, she knew he cared for her, but she didn’t imagine that he truly cared enough that if she were gone he would miss her. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. 
Tim mustered up a smile, “No, I’m sorry, this was a experience I wished you never had to experience, but I am here for you. We’re going to get through this together, okay?” 
She gave him a small nod, Tim sniffles, “I wanted to wait until the paperwork came in, but I think you need to hear this now.” 
Y/n gave Tim a confused expression. 
Tim sighed before he continued, “I want to adopt you.” 
“What? Are you serious?” She asked with a surprised expression. 
“As serious as I ever could be, you have been my daughter since the day I took you in, there is no changing that, So what do you think? Want to officially become a Bradford?” 
Tears began to well up in y/n’s eyes, “You want to adopt me?” She asked. 
Tim chuckled, “Of course, I do.”
“Then I guess I should start calling you dad now, huh?” 
Tim smiled, placing a small kiss on y/n’s forehead, “that’s up to you, hon.” Tim knew that the road from here on out wasn’t going to be easy. It was long and bumpy, but he knew that he could take the challenge one day at a time, especially since the risk of loosing you wasn’t as high as it was before. That’s all that mattered to Tim. 
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new-fandom-scene · 28 days
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Lucy “Freak in the Sheets” Chen
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newobsessionweekly · 2 months
Long sleeves
Main masterlist | The Rookie masterlist Tim Bradford x rookie!reader Fandom: The Rookie
Summary: Tim is replacing your TO for the day, and he doesn't hesitate giving you a hard time. And, in the end it's worth it.
Fluff Warnings: none, I guess. Not proofread yet Requested: yes - here Words: 2.4k GIF not mine, credits to the owner.
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Six months now as a rookie and you know is not what you've expected. The blood, the lose and the deafening sound of the gunshots, no one can prepare you for that and you can't get them off your mind.
You're seated in the first row amongst the other rookies, tapping your foot nervously against the floor, waiting for the briefing to start and face another shift. You've come a long way since joining the force, each day pushing harder to prove your worth and dedication to the job. Suddenly, the murmurs and laughter fade into the air as Tim Bradford, the rookie sergeant wearing a commanding posture, and Sergeant Grey takes their spots at the front of the room.
The briefing starts, but your mind wanders as the Sergeant Bradford, under the guidance of Grey, discuss the day's agenda. You catch snatches of their conversation—the usual updates on recent incidents, reminders about protocol—but your attention keeps drifting back to Tim.
Tim's rugged features catch your eye immediately, igniting a warmth in your chest that you quickly try to suppress. You've always admired him from afar, but lately, there's been something more—an undeniable attraction that you can't seem to shake.
Then, to your surprise, Tim looks up and catches your eye. There's a flicker of something in his gaze—recognition, perhaps, or maybe just curiosity—as he nods in your direction.
"Officer Y/L/N" Tim's voice cuts through the silence, his tone firm and commanding. "Nolan's out today, dealing with some personal stuff," he continues, his tone businesslike yet tinged with a hint of something else. "Which means," he pauses, locking eyes with you, "you'll be riding with me."
Your heart skips a beat at the mention of Tim as your temporary TO. You've heard the rumors about his legendary Tim Tests and his grumpy attitude, and the thought of riding with him sends a wave of nervousness coursing through you.
Glancing over at Tim, you can't help but notice the toughness of his aspect, the way his uniform fits perfectly against his body. Despite his severe exterior, there's an undeniable magnetism about him that draws you in, stirring up a flurry of conflicting emotions within you.
Tim can't deny the surge of expectation that courses through him as he watches you. There's something about the way you carry yourself, a determination in your eyes that sets you apart from the other rookies. And if he's being honest with himself, he can't help but notice how damn attractive you are.
But beneath the surface, there's something else brewing—a tension that Tim can't quite put his finger on. He's caught himself stealing glances at you more than once, admiring the way you handle yourself under pressure. And lately, he's found himself wondering what it would be like to see you in a different light.
As Tim finishes the briefing, he offers a nod to the room, "Be safe out there." Then, he makes his way over to you with long, decisive steps, his gaze lingering on your uniform.
"What are you wearing, Boot?" Tim's voice is low, his eyes flicking over your body.
You straighten up, a proud smile tugging at your lips. "Short sleeves. Got the highest score on my exam," you reply confidently, hoping to impress him.
But instead of returning your smile, Tim's expression remains serious and professional. "Go change. You can wear short sleeves when you prove me you're worthy of them," he instructs, his tone leaving no room for argument.
Your heart sinks at his words, the excitement of earning your short sleeves fading as quickly as it had come. Swallowing your disappointment, you nod silently and hurry off to change into the long sleeves uniform.
As you slip into the familiar fabric, Lucy approaches you in the locker room, a sympathetic look in her eyes. "Don't forget the tie," she reminds you gently, her voice filled with understanding.
You offer her a grateful smile, though you can't help but feel a twinge of frustration at having to cover up your hard-earned accomplishment. "Thanks, Lucy," you murmur, grateful for her support.
As you adjust your tie, Lucy leans in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Listen, Y/N," she begins, her tone carrying the weight of experience. "I've been in your shoes before. Tim can be a hardass, but he's also one of the best. He'll push you because he believes in you, but don't let his grumpiness get under your skin."
You nod, hanging onto every word Lucy says. "Got it." you reply, determined to heed her advice.
"And one more thing," Lucy adds, her voice softening slightly. "Don't take it personally if he's tough on you. It's just his way of pushing you to be your best."
With a reassuring pat on the shoulder, Lucy leans in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "You'll survive him for a day," she assures you, a hint of mischief in her eyes.
You can't help but chuckle at her words, knowing all too well the reputation Tim has earned as a tough and demanding Training Officer. But deep down, you can't shake the feeling that today will be different—that maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to prove yourself to Tim in ways he never expected.
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The shop is slicing through LA's mid-day traffic and the tension between you and Tim is palpable. He read some impressive reviews about you from Nolan, but knowing well the TO, Tim is afraid John is going too soft on you. His eyes flicker over to you, his expression unreadable as he silently enjoys the day on patrol. Since he became a Sergeant, Tim misses the action from the streets more than anything.
Suddenly, the crackle of the radio breaks the silence, dispatching you to a domestic disturbance call. Tim's jaw tightens as he steers the car towards the address, his mind already in cop mode.
"Dispatch, this is 7-Adam-100, show us responding." Tim grunts, his voice clipped and authoritative. "Boot, what's the first thing you do when responding to a domestic disturbance?"
You don't miss a beat, drawing on your training as you recite the correct procedure straight from the rookie book. "First priority is ensuring the safety of everyone involved, sir," you respond confidently, your tone unwavering despite Tim's rough attitude.
Tim nods approvingly, a hint of pride flickering in his eyes. When you arrive at the scene, tension is running high as you step out of the shop. Tim takes the lead, barking out orders with authority as you assess the situation and intervene to de-escalate the conflict, ensuring everyone's safety.
Back in the shop, Tim turns his attention back to you. "Alright, Boot. What's the procedure for conducting a field sobriety test?"
You take a moment to think before answering confidently, "First, observe the suspect's behavior and look for signs of impairment. Then, administer a series of tests, such as the walk-and-turn and one-leg stand."
Tim nods approvingly, a hint of pride flickering in his eyes. "Not bad, Boot."
He can't tear his gaze away from you, your beauty captivating him in a way he can't quite explain. There's something about you that draws him in, igniting a fire deep within him that he struggles to control. Tim can't help but imagine what it would be like to have you in his bed, to explore every inch of your body and lose himself in your embrace.
As much as Tim tries to push aside his carnal desires, they only seem to grow stronger with each passing moment. He can feel the heat of your gaze on him, your unholy thoughts mirroring his own as the day slowly turns into night.
You are consumed by your own forbidden desires for Tim. You can't stop the flood of sinful images that race through your mind whenever he's near, igniting a fire within you that you struggles to contain. His rugged good looks and commanding presence awaken something primal within you, stirring a desire you can't ignore.
You two share a rare moment of quiet in the shop and you can't help but steal glances at Tim, your heart pounding with longing. You imagine what it would be like to feel his touch, to experience the raw passion that simmers beneath his tough exterior.
But despite the undeniable attraction that simmers between you, you know that giving in to temptation would only complicate things further. Tim may be your sergeant, but he's also your forbidden desire, a fantasy that can never be reality.
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Just as you start to relax and head towards lunch, another call comes in—a suspect fleeing on foot. Without hesitation, you and Tim leap into action, chasing the suspect through alleyways and side streets until, finally, you manages to tackle them to the ground, bringing the suspect into custody.
Lunch break unfolded pretty quickly, the time spent apart from Tim was too short. You missed Nolan more than you want to admit, there's a bond that formed between you, his talkative personality matching yours. But with Tim, knowing he's a Sergeant and plus his grumpiness that never fails to resurface, you have your own restrictions.
Back in the shop, you didn't dare to start a conversation with him. You wished to talk about anything else but work and the rookie book, to ease your mind and relax, enjoy the job, but Tim is nothing like that.
"What's the standard protocol for approaching a suspect who may be armed?"
"Um, well..." you begin, your voice uncertain as you struggle to recall the answer from the rookie book. "I think... we're supposed to maintain a safe distance and try to de-escalate the situation verbally before resorting to force?"
Tim's expression remains impassive as he waits for you to finish, but when you hesitate, he interrupts, his voice sharp. "You think? Or are you sure?"
You swallow hard, your confidence faltering under Tim's intense gaze. "I'm sure," you replied, trying to sound more confident than you feel.
But Tim shakes his head, disappointment evident in his eyes. "You think too much," he says curtly. "The suspect is firing at you and the civilians. We're dead, and he's running away."
As you drive in silence after the tense exchange, you can't shake the feeling of disappointment and anxiety gnawing at you. You replay the scenario in your mind, berating yourself for not being able to answer Tim's question correctly.
Before you can voice your concerns, Tim's sharp voice cuts through the silence, snapping you back to reality. "Suspicious vehicle ahead. What do you do, Boot?" he asks, his tone expectant.
Heart pounding, you respond without hesitation. "I'll pull them over," you declare, taking action and flicking on the lights and siren.
The shop pulls up behind the vehicle, and as you both step out of the car, Tim nods towards you, silently indicating for you to take the lead. With a deep breath, you approach the driver's side, your hand resting on your holster, ready for anything.
But as you reach the window, your blood runs cold. The driver pulls a gun, aiming it directly at you. Frozen in fear, your mind goes blank, unable to process the gravity of the situation.
In an instant, Tim is by your side, his voice steady and commanding as he diffuses the tense standoff. With precision and skill, he disarms the suspect and secures the scene, all while keeping a watchful eye on you.
His expression is stern as you approach the shop, "You froze back there, Boot." he scolds, his disappointment evident in his voice. "In this line of work, split-second decisions can mean the difference between life and death. If you waste time thinking what you should do in this situation and don't act quickly, you're not ready for short sleeves."
You hang your head, chastened by Tim's words. You know he's right—you can't afford to freeze up when lives are on the line. But, when the tension between you and him reaches a fever pitch, the air is thick with frustration and unspoken desires. You can feel your heart racing as you meet Tim's intense gaze, a mixture of defiance and attraction swirling in your chest.
"I had everything under control," you insist, trying to stand your ground against Tim's scolding, but your voice betrays the hint of uncertainty that lingers beneath the surface.
Beneath your bravado, Tim senses the fear lurking just beneath the surface, and it ignites a fierce protectiveness within him. "If you hesitated one more second, you'd be dead right now, Officer Y/L/N" he snaps back, the urgency in his voice betraying the depth of his concern for your safety.
Tim wants to push you, to test your limits and see what you're truly capable of. But as he reaches for his weapon, a part of him hesitates, a flicker of doubt crossing his mind. His eyes lock onto yours with a challenge, and you can't help but feel a surge of adrenaline course through your veins.
"I'm an armed suspect. Show me what you've got. Take me into custody," he commands, the teasing edge to his voice doing little to mask the underlying tension between you.
But before you can second-guess yourself any further, you square your jaw and cross your arms in defiance. "Make me," you retort, voice laced with a mix of sass and annoyance at Tim's constant tests.
A smirk tugs at the corners of Tim's lips as he steps closer, the intensity of his gaze sending a shiver down your spine. Despite the danger, despite the risks, he can't deny the thrill of the challenge, the electric spark of attraction that crackles between you.
"I'll show you tonight how to properly use the handcuffs. What do you say?" he teases, the words slipping from his lips before he can stop them, fueled by a potent mix of desire and adrenaline.
Your breath catches in her throat, your cheeks flushing with heat as you meet Tim's gaze head-on. "After dinner. And that's on you," you replied, your tone leaving no room for argument as you holds his gaze with unwavering determination.
"Deal," Tim concedes, a playful glint in his eye as he leans in closer, the promise of what's to come hanging between you like a tangible force.
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chiefdirector · 4 months
Can you do one with Tim Bradford and reader where they are married. His wife is a well known officer in the K-9 unit with a German shepherd that does great work catching suspects. Maybe they had to call her in for an assignment..
Dog Days | Tim Bradford | The Rookie
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"You have got to be kidding me," Tim groaned as he heard the call go out of the radio.
Normally, he would be happier that the K-9 unit had been called in, even if it meant that the current case was somewhat out of their depth. He would never complain about working with his wife, except from today.
"What's wrong?" Chen asked, shooting a confused look over to her Training Officer.
"Nothing, Boot." He snapped, keeping his eyes on the road as he pulled off the freeway. "Don't be nosy."
"I'm not- it's not important. When are the K-9 unit meeting us?"
"Whenever she can be bothered." He muttered under his breath.
Chen looked over to Bradford incredulously "What?"
"Blue, sit." Officer Bradford said, calling her dog to her heel. Blue had been assigned to her care for the last three years. They ate together, exercised together, Blue slept at the end of her bed; where (Y/N) Bradford went, Blue was never too far behind. "Good boy."
Once Blue was settled, Officer Bradford reached across for her radio on her belt, lifting it up. "Control, this is Officer (Y/N) Bradford. When is patrol getting here?"
"Patrol is arriving now." The radio buzzed, causing (Y/N) to look down the road where she saw a shop approaching. It only took a few moments for two officers, one she recognised and one she didn't. to clamber on out. SHe moved, beckoning Blue to come too, to meet her collegues.
(Y/N) kept her attention on the younger officer, paying no mind to the TO next to her. "Hi, you must be Chen. Control said you were coming. I'm ready to get started when you are."
"Sure," Chen smiled, before pointing to Tim, "and this is officer Bradford."
(Y/N) cast a side to the male officer, noticing that he was doing the same. "We've... met. Let's go, we're losing daylight."
Chen was quickly losing her temper with the two senior officers as the three of them, four including Blue, searched through the overgrown garden for any sign of buried narcotics. Tim had decided to only communicate with (Y/N) through snide remarks, and (Y/N) only talked to Tim through Lucy.
"Thats it!" she snapped, causing the two senior officers to stop in their tracks and turn to her. "I don't know why you two don't like each other, but you need to stop acting like children and be professional."
"The only childish one here is-" Tim tried to defend, only to be cut of by (Y/N).
"Oh please, you started it."
"I did not!"
"Oh yeah?" (Y/N) asked incredulously, her focus zeroing in on the man, "You lied, Tim. You broke my trust!"
"It was Monopoly!"
"And you CHEATED."
"I did not!" Tim sighed.
He tried to walk away, only to be stopped by Lucy calling him back. "You guys know each other?"
Instead of responding, both of the senior officers raised their left hands, showing of their wedding bands. Chen nodded in recognition, before profusely apologising for her outburst, knowing that she would suffer the wrath of a Tim Test for this entire interaction.
(Y/N) went to make another remark when Blue started tugging on his lead, pulling her due east. Tim and Lucy followed after her at a quick pace, the childish bickering forgotten, at least for now.
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xxchumanixx · 3 months
heyy can you do a tim bradford x fem reader where she is like his girlfriend or even fiancé and she gets arrested because she got in a physical fight with some other woman and when tim saw her handcuffed and brought into the station he told the officer who brought her in something like “i will handle it from here” or something like that. hope that makes sense
Double the ring
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Tim Bradford x fem!reader
Warnings/Tags: language, fluff, mentions of violence (only if you squint real hard)
Word count: 776
Authors Note: Hey love, thanks for the request! I had a lot of fun writing it and I hope you'll like it!
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"You're fucking kidding me..." Tim mumbled as he saw you - handcuffed, a bruise on your cheek.
An officer brought you in, walking you to the cells. Tim followed, jogging to catch up with you.
You heard him, before you saw him. "Y/N!" he called after you, worry lacing his voice though he tried to hide it, as the officer told you to sit down on a bench.
You did as you were told, looking up at your fiancé, who stopped right in front of you, as the other officer cuffed one hand to the bench.
Shaking his head slightly Tim looked at the other officer. "I'll handle it from here." he told her, to which she nodded, before she left.
When she was out of sight he crouched down, carefully inspecting the bruise on your face. "What the hell happened?" he wanted to know, brows furrowed.
You weren't one to do something criminal or even illegal - hell you apologized when someone knocked you over - so he couldn't place what caused you to end up being arrested.
"When I was at the mall there was a woman who wanted to have the shoes I just bought - high heels. She tried to rip them from my hands, as one of them slipped and hit her straight in the face. She thought I attacked her, so she hit me - thus the bruise. Someone called the cops, she's at the hospital right now - caused a scene that she could have internal bleeding - from a hit in her face!"
Sighing, he tried to stifle a laugh, causing you to roll your eyes, as you slightly pushed him. Trying to keep his balance he narrowed his eyes at you.
"Did you just attack a police officer?" he wanted to know, chin held high. Rolling your eyes again you smiled. "Am I double arrested now?"
He huffed, shaking his head at your antics.
"I need you to take off your shoes, socks and jewelry." he explained. Wiggling your fingers in front of him you grinned. "You mean this one?"
Your engagement ring glittered in the ceiling light, causing him to smile proudly, as his eyes fixed on it.
"Nah, keep it on there." he told you, pointing at your other hand, that was cuffed to the bench. "Look, now you have two rings."
Huffing, you shook your head. "Yeah, double the ring, double the luck."
Chuckling to himself he took your things, before doing the necessary paperwork.
"How long am I going to be in here?" you wanted to know, sighing. Your day couldn't have gotten any worse.
He snorted, cocking a brow at your words.
"My fiancé isn't going into a cell." he declared, shaking his head as he scribbled something down. "They have the report, your statement and evidence. There is nothing that should have even led to you being arrested. You're going home."
You looked at him in utter confusion, hoping he didn't do anything stupid like messing with the papers.
Then he gave you your belongings back, nodding to himself, as you slipped back into your socks and shoes. "I'm going to have a chat with that officer." he told you, biting his cheek. "No one falsely arrests my fiancé and gets away with it."
Eyes widening you looked at him in shock.
"Tim, no!" you stopped him, before he could have get that officer fired. "It's okay - she just did her job."
Staring at you he tilted his head. "Then she did it poorly." he argumented, looking at you like you were out of your mind. "She shouldn't have arrested you, no matter if you're my fiancé or not. I'm gonna talk to her."
Rolling your eyes you tugged at the handcuff still on your wrist. Mumbling something to himself he freed you, helping you stand up.
"Listen, baby, I know that you're angry at her, but please try and be gentle - don't get her fired immediately." you tried to reason, looking up at him, though he didn't meet your eyes.
"Timothy Brad-" He cut you off, eyes widening as he finally looked at you. "Okay, okay!"
Chuckling, you shook your head. He hated it when you called him by his full name.
"I'll try." he assured you, before putting his hand on your lower back, directing you back to the lobby. "And next time someone wants to arrest you, call me."
Cocking a brow you looked up at him, when you halted in the lobby. "There'll be no next time." Huffing he shook his head, a smile on his lips, before he kissed you.
"Never say never, baby."
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fluentmoviequoter · 2 months
My Wife
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!secret wife!reader
Summary: While you're out running errands, a man takes a special interest in you. When he grabs you and thanks a police officer for finding you, his wife, he doesn't expect it to be your husband.
Warnings: angst?, stalking, non-consensual touching (not sexual), protective and angry Tim Bradford, fluff
Word Count: 2.2k+ words
Picture from Pinterest (the req said 😑 but this is 😐)
Masterlist Directory | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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The small band on your left ring finger is the only evidence that you are married. Your husband doesn’t talk about you, yet it is clear that he loves you. When you wake up and find yourself alone in bed, you aren’t surprised. There’s a jewelry box on your nightstand with only one piece of jewelry in it, and you smile when you see there is a piece of paper lying across it.
Meet me at noon.
Tim Bradford is a man of few words, you know that well, but the idea of seeing him during a workday excites you. His secrecy regarding you and your relationship is understandable, but that doesn’t make it easier or help you miss him less. With the prospect of lunch with your husband to look forward to, you happily get out of your warm bed and begin getting ready for the day. You have several errands to run today, but you hope the morning goes quickly. Tim’s note is just as short as most of his speech, but you know exactly where you’re supposed to meet him.
While Tim leaves the station to go on patrol, you leave your house to go to your first stop. The store is nearly empty this early on a weekday, but you enjoy being able to browse without a rush. After finding everything you need, plus a few more items, you head toward the front of the store to pay for the items. In all the time you’ve spent moving through the store, you haven’t noticed one other customer.
From the moment you walked in, a man lurking in the center aisle took a special interest in you. He stayed back far enough that you wouldn’t get suspicious. When you pass him on your way to the checkout area, he decides that following you around the store isn’t enough, he wants to know where you go next and if the ring on your finger is worth anything. Monetary value or sentimental value, he doesn’t care, he just can’t let you out of his sight.
While loading your purchases into your car, you feel the unmistakable sensation of eyes on you. The area is growing busier, however, so you brush it off as someone trying to decide if they recognize you or are zoned out. Tim wouldn’t be happy about the lack of situational awareness, but he also knows what it is like to have people stare shamelessly at him.
The man drives his unassuming sedan two cars behind you and follows you to your next stop. It’s clear that you are shopping for a man, now, and the creep behind you is getting jealous. Your thoughts are completely consumed by Tim and what you are getting for him, so you don’t take notice of any of the men in the store. When you unlock your phone to check your list, you sigh at the time. 10:58 a.m. Noon is taking forever, and you are ready to see Tim.
With time for another stop or two, you leave, once again oblivious to the man following you. The pet store isn’t on your list, but when you see a sign for a buy one, get one sale on dog treats and toys, you make a sudden decision to get Kojo a few things as well. His dad can’t have all the attention, after all. In his car behind you, the man curses at your sudden turn and finds another entrance into the parking lot. Rather than following you in and risking losing you, he parks down the row from your car and waits for you to exit. You have two overflowing bags in your hands, and he considers for a moment jumping out and offering to help, but you stop by your car and set a bag down to open the door. It’s clear that you can take care of yourself, but you seem prone to having lapses in attention and failing to take in your surroundings, so the man decides to wait for a better opportunity to make something of you and the ring on your finger.
You are giddy with anticipation of presenting Kojo with all of his gifts. Now that you have more for him than you’ve purchased for you or Tim, you get back to your planned errands. There’s one store close to the place where you’re supposed to meet Tim, and with half an hour to spare, you decide to browse there. At ten ‘til noon, you park beside the small circle of food trucks. Living in Los Angeles has taught you never to leave anything visible in your car and the trunk liner Tim installed to hide your belongings is properly concealing your innumerable bags. Confident that everything is secure, you lock your car and walk toward Tim’s favorite truck. You’re early, so you take a seat and wait for him.
The man from the first store orders something from a food truck to blend in and sits almost directly behind you. He can tell that you are waiting for someone, but when he sees a cop approaching, he has a brilliant and devious idea. You stand as the police officer – your police officer - enters the dining area, and the man stands immediately after.
“Hey,” Tim greets with a smile. His smile drops as he watches a man move behind you, and his face remains impassive as he begins speaking.
“Officer,” the man behind you says. He releases an overly dramatic sigh as his hand wraps around your upper arm. His thumb digs into your skin, and your eyes widen slightly as you watch Tim. “Thank you for finding my wife, Officer… Bradford. She wanders off sometimes. What have I told you about paying attention, pretty girl?”
Tim’s face hasn’t changed since the man stood, and anger flares in his eyes. You watch as his jaw clenches, anticipating what he is going to do.
“Get your hand off my wife,” Tim demands lowly.
The hand around your arm tightens harshly, and he jerks you backward in his anger. He’s also confused because all of his hard work is slipping away; he doesn’t believe that a cop’s wife would be as careless as you and miss someone following her. So, he pulls you back as he moves and prepares to say more.
Tim expected a similar reaction, and the moment you step to the side to catch yourself, he surges forward and shoves the man off of you. When the creep hits the concrete, Tim rolls him onto his stomach and plants his knee directly between his kidneys. As the man groans in pain, Tim secures his handcuffs on his wrists and quickly recites his Miranda rights before calling for backup. Tim stands and you move to press a hand against his back. It’s a reminder that you are there, and that you’re safe because of him.
“Tim,” you begin quietly. “Do you want me to leave before everyone gets here? Or give them my maiden name?”
Tim shakes his head, but his eyes remain on the cuffed man writing in pain below him. “No. You’re my wife,” he answers.
You smile, and when Tim turns to check on you, some of the tension drains away. He moves a hand to your shoulder, and you know what he’s saying without speaking. You nod, a confirmation that you love him too.
“Bradford,” Nolan calls as he exits the shop. “What can we do?”
“Someone get him to booking, and we need statements,” Tim answers, effortlessly shifting into cop mode rather than husband mode. “Charge him with assault.”
“And stalking,” you add. “He’s been following me all morning.”
“You knew?” Tim and the man ask together.
“Suspected it after the second store, and I have a picture of him watching me when I left the pet store,” you explain.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Tim asks.
“I was going to, but he beat me to it.”
Nolan asks you to step to the side with him and give him your statement. Tim nods to remind you that you can tell the truth. The secrecy is to keep you safe from people who would hurt you, not other cops.
“Can I get your name first? And any ID you have?” Nolan begins kindly.
You say your name and pass your driver’s license to him.
“Bradford?” Nolan asks. His shock is evident, and you press your tongue to your cheek, so you don’t laugh.
“Yes, sir. Where should I start my statement?”
“Uh, at- at the beginning. Just run me through your day.”
Nolan clearly has trouble listening, but he powers through the distraction and takes thorough notes. When Tim moves to your side and says he’ll bring you by to sign it later, Nolan wants to ask countless questions.
“So, that guy said he was your husband to your husband?” Nolan clarifies.
“Yep,” you answer.
Nolan turns to Tim and lowers his voice to ask, “You have a wife?”
“And I’m sure you will tell everyone,” Tim replies. “Just go file the report and we’ll be by in a bit.”
Nolan nods and rushes back to the shop. Tim waits until the other officers pull away to wrap his arms around you. Safe against Tim’s chest, you move your arms to circle his waist and sigh against him.
“Thank you,” you whisper. “I love you.”
“I love you,” he replies without hesitation. “Are you okay? How’s your arm?”
“I’m okay,” you promise.
“What’d you get at the pet store?” he asks with a smile.
“Too much.”
“Kojo will be a happy boy.”
“What now?”
Tim leads you to your car and tells you to drive home. He follows you in his shop to take you back to the station. The moment you walk in with him, someone throws a handful of rice.
“Great,” Tim grumbles. “I didn’t think he’d start blabbing this soon.”
“I kinda like this,” you say. “About time I get to show you off.”
Tim rolls his eyes but lays a gentle hand on your lower back to lead you through the station. He introduces you to several people and endures jokes and teasing from each of them. If he wasn’t so grateful that you’re safe and uninjured, he’d put an end to the comments from his fellow officers, but he’s too distracted by you at his side to care much.
“So, you’re the secret wife that got assaulted while standing with your cop husband,” Wade muses.
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” you ask.
He shrugs and pulls you into a quick hug. Lucy and Nolan gasp from beside him.
“You knew?” they ask loudly.
“Course I did. I was at the wedding.”
“I was too,” Angela adds from her desk. “It’s nothing personal, you know. Tim just doesn’t like you as much.”
Tim shakes his head before asking everyone to be quiet. He stays by your side until you finish signing your statement.
“I’m not end of watch yet,” he says as he returns to the shop. “But I can try to leave early.”
“It’s fine- I’m fine, Tim,” you promise. “Just be careful and come home to me when you can, okay?”
Tim promises to do just that. When he does finally get home, though, you can see that he is still tense. He pulls you into a warm hug, but his shoulders are rigid, and his grip is that of a man who is guilty of something that isn’t his fault. You slide your hands up to his shoulders and rub gently.
“Hey, do you want a fashion show?” you murmur. “I bought some clothes today.”
Tim pulls back and smiles. He kisses you deeply to show you just how glad he is to be back in your arms. Your safety is one of the most important things to Tim, and you know it.
“Wait,” Tim says against your lips.
You are breathing heavily when you pull back and look into his eyes.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
Tim’s fingers move gently up your arm and his grip is the complete opposite of what you felt earlier. He looks at you for permission, and when you nod, he pushes your shirt out of the way to look at your upper arm. There’s a red mark surrounding it, and Tim’s brows crease when he sees it.
“I’m fine,” you promise quietly. “Thanks to you. I don’t want to imagine what would’ve happened if he’d done something sooner, but I know I’ll never have to with you around.”
Tim’s hand slides away from your arm, opting to hold your waist instead.
“You’re going to lock me in the house, now, aren’t you? Secret wife will take on a whole new meaning.”
Tim chuckles, and your eyes brighten at the sound. He kisses you again, not as slow or long, but just as impactful. You grip his shirt before leaning against him again.
“Did you give Kojo his new toys yet?” Tim asks.
“No. I was waiting for you.”
Tim rubs his hand along your back before whispering, “Was the fashion show a serious offer?”
You tilt your head back and laugh. “As if you’d sit through a fashion show, Tim Bradford.”
He leans in like he’s going to kiss you again, but instead says, “Try me.”
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 month
"You brought me lunch?" For tim Bradford x chef male reader.
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Tim Bradford x Male!reader
Stressed was an understatement for how Tim was feeling right now after being deemed the temporary watch commander while Sergeant Gray was visiting his daughter in New York. 
He looked at the clock to see it was a little past noon which meant he could go on his much needed lunch break where in the refrigerator was a delicious meal waiting for him prepared by his professional chef boyfriend. 
When he reaches the break room he looks inside the fridge to see his lunch was nowhere to be found. 
“Smitty you better not have taken my lunch again,” he huffs, glaring at his co-worker who looked like a deer caught in headlines with a mouth full of food.
“Don't look at me this is Nolan's,” Smitty replies defending himself, “I didn't even see you put a lunch in there this morning, if I had I totally would have taken it though, Y/N cooks so much better than Nolan.” 
That's when it hits him, he left his lunch on the kitchen counter. 
“Crap,” he mutters to himself. 
“Bradford you got a visitor at the front desk,” he then hears over his radio.
He sulks up to the front desk but his demeanor immediately changes when he sees you waiting for him.
“Forget something?” You tease, holding his lunch up for him.
“You came all the way down here on your day off to bring my lunch?” He smiles, kissing your cheek. 
“I know how hard you've been working while Gray is gone so I didn't want you to suffer with a vending machine lunch,” you joke, “plus I need you to taste test this new tiramisu recipe I'm trying for the restaurants dessert menu.” 
“You don't need to ask me twice,” he laughs.
The two of you go outside and find an empty bench to have yourselves a little lunch date, Tim giving your cooking endless praise as always. 
When it comes time for dessert you're feeding Tim the tiramisu when you hear a, “get a room,” from a laughing Nolan who had returned from patrol for his own break.
“You're just jealous Nolan,” Tim cracks back, “by the way Smitty is eating your lunch.” 
“Smitty!” Nolan yells heading right towards the station doors.
“I should probably get back to work soon,” Tim chuckles, “but you definitely need to add this to the menu.” 
“Duly noted,” you smile, “and we need to have lunch dates like this more often.”
“I second that,” he says leaning in for a quick kiss. 
All it took was a nice lunch with you and Tim was no longer stressed. 
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callsign-dexter · 4 months
Love's Wake-Up Call
Request: GREAT NEWS !! Sooo then I'll be the first sending in an idea hehe 🤭🫣 as we all love some angsty shit, I'll think about where she's also a trainer and Tim and her are crushing but he ignores it as he wants to stay professional. But during one dangerous call, she gets there for support and saves his life by taking some bullets and Tim forgets everything professional immediately pleading her to not die until they have a at least one date. Later at the hospital he's there when you wake up and after he lectured you, he finally asks you out?
Pairings: Tim Bradford x Police Officer!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff
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For as long as you could remember you had been in love with Tim Bradford. You two went through the academy together and became great friends. With your friendship came along a major crush on your male friend. Tim would never admit it but he was in love with you too but he pushed his feelings down whereas you tried to hide yours but it was too much so they stayed surfaced. Everyone knew that you both had a crush on each other but Tim was just too stubborn to say anything and you didn't want to get rejected. 
Your alarm is what woke you up early in the morning. You sighed and rolled over and turned it off. You laid there for a few minutes until you got the energy to get up. When you did you went into the bathroom and got in the shower and then brushed your teeth getting ready to start the long shift with Tim. Like him you were a training officer and you loved it and wouldn’t change it for the world. You loved the trainee that you had. He was smart, resourceful, loves the law and follows it, and is easy to get along with. His name was Luke Winters and he has a boyfriend but he is planning on proposing to him they also had a kid together.
When you had finished getting ready and packed a bag with extra clothing you set out to the kitchen and made yourself a cup of coffee, after it was done you put it in a thermos and you were off. You walked out of the house and turned back to lock the door. When you made sure it was locked and secure you walked over to your royal blue Jeep and got in and started it. Your Bluetooth automatically connected to the car and started playing music. You smiled and started your journey to work.
It didn’t take long for you to get to work and when you pulled in you saw Tim’s truck and parked next to it smiling. He must’ve just gotten there because he was getting out while you parked. You quickly killed the engine and got out as well. You grabbed your bag “Good morning.” Tim said as you rounded the front of your Jeep.
“Good morning, Tim.” You said and he smiled and you two walked towards the station. 
“Have a good night?” He asked and you nodded.
“I did nothing special. How about you?” You asked
“It was ok. Have any plans for when you’re off?” He asked and you thought about saying something that involved him but refrained from doing so.
“Nope.” You said and he nodded and then he was opening the door for you and you smiled and walked in. 
“Good morning, Officer Bradford and Officer Y/L/N.” The person at the front desk said and you smiled at her and then walked through the doors towards the locker rooms. 
“You know I was thinking after shift maybe we could go and grab something to eat.” You said nervously and he didn’t reply but, on the inside, he was excited but he was at work so he had to keep it professional.
“We’ll see.” He said and then went into the locker room to change leaving you standing there and you frowned but did the same thing. You were quick to change and head into the briefing room. You saw him sitting there talking with Angela and Talia smiling and laughing and that made you smile but it quickly faded when he looked over at you. You turned your gaze away from him and quickly went and sat down next to Angela instead of next to him and he frowned but you didn’t see it. Sergeant Grey walked in and the day began. The Rookies quickly got with their TOs and then everyone was going to get their bags and guns. 
“Are you ok?” Luke asked and you looked at him.
“Yea, I’m ok. Just didn’t have the best night last night.” You said and he nodded.
“It wasn’t the best for us either. Cody got sick in the middle of the night and it was just a huge mess.” Luke said
“Is he ok? Is Dakota staying with him?” You asked as he loaded the bags and guns into the trunk and then shutting it and then getting into the shop.
“Yes, he has a doctor’s appointment today. So, I hope it is alright that I’m on my phone.” He said looking a little nervous.
“Don’t worry about it. I understand. Family comes first.” You said and he smiled.
“Thank you.” He said and you smiled and nodded at him. 
The morning was nothing interesting or eventful but you got all the calls that you needed Luke to get to get him to pass his training. Before you knew it, it was lunch time. You pulled into the usual hang out place for you guys. You had been coming here for as long as you could remember. You pulled up and killed the engine and then the both of you were getting out. “Hey, Officer Y/L/N!” Nolan said and you smiled.
“Good afternoon, Officer Nolan.” You said “You guys having a good morning?” You asked, he nodded.
“Yea, nothing too interesting. How about you both?” He asked and you nodded.
“Pretty much the same thing.” You said and then you all ordered and waited for your food and it was out in no time. You all grabbed yours and headed to the two tables that everyone sat at. 
“Hey guys.” You said and they smiled. A collective of ‘hey’s were said.
“Hello Officer Y/L/N.” Tim said being professional and you smiled but a pang of sadness went through you but you didn’t let it show. Lunch was uneventful and nothing interesting was talked about. You really just wanted to get back out on the road. You weren’t really paying attention to the topic or what was being said just enough to put your input in. Your mind was mostly on Tim and how you would love to be with him but he doesn’t seem to act like he cares or likes you. A call came in and you answered it.
“Officer Winters! Let’s go!” You yelled out and Luke was up and out of this seat and heading towards you and the shop. You threw away your trash and so did he. What you didn’t see was Tim looking at you with eyes that only screamed love but you didn’t even give him a glance as you pulled out of the parking lot. 
“You love her, don’t you?” Angela asked with a smirk and he looked over at her.
“No.” He said with a higher pitched voice.
“Oh, you do! You can’t deny it.” Talia said and he rolled his eyes and then a call came in and he was quick to jump to it and calling Lucy over and they were off.
“He is so in love.” Angela said and the girls nodded.
“Yes, he is and so is she.” Talia said and they nodded.
“We knew she was in love because she doesn’t hold it back and because we have a discussion about it. He just needs to come to his senses.” Angela said and Talia nodded.
“I have a feeling he will get that chance soon.” Talia said boy did they know she was right.
While your call was quick and simple you were now driving around looking for anything suspicious. Luke was multitasking looking out and on his phone. “Everything ok?” You asked him and he looked up sheepishly nodded.
“Cody has the flu and a double ear infection.” Luke said
“Oh no. Do you need to go home?” You asked and he shook his head.
“No, I asked Dakota and he said no and to finish up the shift.” He said and you smiled and nodded. It was silent for a few more minutes until the radio went off and it was Tim’s voice.
“7-Adam-19 requesting back up.” Tim said and you nodded at Luke who was looking at you.
“7- Adam-20 responding.” Luke said and you were off to their location. Your lights and sirens were flashing and that helped clear the road and you were there in no time. When Tim heard that you were responding his heart sank but he didn’t let it show he was keeping it professional. 
You got there and quickly parked, shutting the sirens off and both you and Luke were jumping out and heading over to Lucy and Tim. “What’s going on?” You asked, trying not to show how happy you were with standing so close to him.
“We got here about 20 minutes ago due to a call of disturbance and at first everything was going smoothly and then he started to get agitated. He has not barricaded himself in his house and won’t come out.” Lucy said and you nodded.
“What is the plan?” You asked
“Initially we were going to just storm in there but he pulled out a gun and started to become a danger to himself and others around him.” Tim said and you nodded. 
“Have you tried to talk to him again?” You asked and he shook his head.
“No, we figured he wouldn’t want to talk to us.” Lucy said and you nodded.
“Ok, we’ll go try. Maybe a new set of people will help.” You said and they nodded. You and Luke started your way up to the house. You and Luke got up to the door and knocked on the door “Mr. Duncan, I’m Officer Y/L/N and I have Officer Winters with me. Would you please come to the door and we can talk about this?” You asked.
“Are the other officers gone?” He asked and you looked at Luke and he nodded.
“Yes, they are.” You said, you hated lying but it was the only way to hopefully get him out. There was a sound of shouting and things being knocked over and then the door started to unlock and it slowly opened and you took a quick look back at Tim and saw him smile but it was small. “Good afternoon, Mr. Duncan. We were called here for a disturbance.” You said he walked outside “Can you come out further onto the grass?” You asked and he hesitated but nodded and did so. 
“I don't know why you guys are here. I wasn’t even playing my music too loud and the screaming was from a movie.” He said and you nodded trying to keep him on his good side. Nothing seemed dangerous but you knew that could quickly change in a heartbeat. You looked him over and then noticed his bloody knuckles.
“Sir, are you ok? Is someone in the house with you?” You asked and he shook his head getting defensive.
“No, it’s just me. I got mad earlier and punched the wall.” He said but you noticed the scratches on his neck. Just then a woman came running out.
“Help me! He has kidnapped me!” She yelled and before she could get to you, he had grabbed her and brought out a gun putting it at her head. You drew your gun and so did the others. He slowly backed up and that gave you and Luke time to back up until you were with Tim and Lucy. 
“What is your plan?” You asked
“Call for back-up.” Tim said and you nodded and then started for your radio in your car but the sound of a gun went off and you froze. You looked up and saw that Duncan had turned to point the gun at the 4 of you. 
“Don’t you move!” He shouted and you brought your hands up in surrender. You needed to get to the radio. You slowly started to back up again and he sent a warning shot your way but it had grazed you and you hissed and that got Tim’s attention. “Don’t move!” He yelled out.
Tim looked over at you and noticed the blood “Are you ok?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yea, I’m good.” You said and then something clicked in Duncan’s mind and he started to shoot off bullets and that caused you to fire back. Gunfire was becoming more frequent and that was concerning. Shop doors were opened and everyone was ducking behind them. “Are you good?” You asked Tim and he didn’t respond but he stood up and shot off a shot and then ducked down again.
“Yea, I’m good. I’m gonna move to get better access.” He said and you nodded.
“I’m going with you.” You said and he looked at you.
“No.” He said and you looked at him.
“This is not up for discussion.” You said and he groaned but started the move. You kept an eye on Duncan and as you started to move, he saw you and aimed his gun at you and Tim, he was right in the crossfire and you couldn’t have him getting shot. “Tim!” You shouted when you saw Duncan pull the trigger and pushed him out of the way. The bullet connected with your neck and then another shot popped off and it had entered your chest right below your ribcage and you froze. Gun fire ceased and Duncan was taken down and the woman was saved but now you were standing there shell shocked. Tim had gotten up and his eyes widened. 
“Y/N.” He said, stunned and you looked over at him and then your knees buckled. “No no no no.” He said and then moved to grab you as you slowly fell.
“Tim-” You started but he cut you off. 
“Don’t try to talk. Save your energy.” He said and you coughed and some blood came up with it. He reached for his radio with his bloody hand “Shots fired; shots fired. Officer down, I repeat officer down.” He said into his radio. You felt your eyes start to close and he noticed this and put his hand back on the bleeding shoulder wound. “Hey hey keep those eyes open. You can’t die. I still need to take you on our first date.” He said and that would’ve surprised you if you weren’t losing blood and fighting for your life. Lucy and Luke had arrested the man and saved the woman.
 By now more units were arriving and that meant Angela, Jackson, Taila, and Nolan were showing up. They rushed over to you and Tim “What can we do?” Nolan asked.
“Make room for the ambulance and get them over her fast.” Tim said looking at him, he nodded and was off and looked back down at you and noticed your eyes were closed. “Hey, Y/N. Open those eyes for me.” He said and got no response. He could feel your pulse on your neck but it was slow and that worried him. “You can’t do this to me.” He said. 
The ambulance was quick to get there and made their way over to you and got you up on the stretcher and moved to the ambulance. He moved with them and got in and nobody argued with him. Once everyone was in, they were off heading to the hospital. He was beating himself up for hiding his feelings for you and not making them known earlier because now he was here with you as you were fighting for your life. They arrived at the hospital in no time and they were rushing you back and away from him. He went and sat in the waiting room to wait. He doesn’t know how long he was sitting there but Angela, Jackson, Talia, Nolan, Luke, and Lucy all showed up. “Any news?” Lucy asked and he shook his head.
“No.” He said looking down at his bloodied hands, bloodied with your blood.
“How long since they took her back?” Luke worried for his TO and his friend.
“30 minutes.” He said and they nodded and everyone sat down waiting for good news. 14 minutes and Grace was coming out with bloodied scrubs and Tim was the first one up. “How is she?” He asked not to hold back his emotions.
“She’s pulled through.” She said and everyone sighed in relief “However we did lose her 2 times on the operating table but got her back each time. I want to keep her under for a few days to let her rest.” She said and everyone nodded.
“Are we able to see her?” Angela asked and she nodded.
“Right this way.” She said and they followed her. When they got to your room, they could see all the wires connected to you and that you were sleeping. “Anything happens, let me know.” She said and they nodded. Tim was the first one to move and sit down next to you. Wade had also shown up at some point and walked into the room and his heart sank, you were like a daughter to him and you actually cared for him, he hated seeing you like this. Nothing was said between them and that was ok. Although the others wanted to stay, they knew they couldn’t and they went back to work but Tim protested and wasn’t going to leave your side. Wade wasn’t going to fight him on it so he allowed him to stay. When their shift was over Luke had come back with your bag and Tim’s bag. Tim thanked him and they sat there talking for a little bit about you and then Luke had to leave. 
Tim hated waiting. You shouldn’t be lying there connected to all the wires fighting for your life. If he hadn’t moved then you wouldn’t be in this situation and he hated that. It was leading into day 6 and you had yet to wake up and it was driving him mad. He barely moved, he only moved when he needed to eat, sometimes he didn’t do that unless it was someone bringing it to him, and he only took a shower at the hospital and brushed his teeth there. Grace and Gio were in and out checking on you and your wounds, they had taken you off sedation and now it was up to you. 
10 days and you were still asleep and it was driving Tim mad. He kept thinking about that it was all his fault for moving and not making you stay. He was thinking about how stupid it was that he didn’t tell you how he really felt about you. Really, he was just beating himself up. He needed you to wake up so he could tell you that he was in love with you and that he wanted to be with you and only you.
It was during the night and he was sleeping when you started to wake up. You first opened your eyes and the room was darkened so it was easy on your eyes and then you felt a warm hand in yours and you looked down and saw it was connected to the man you loved, then the pain hit and you tensed up. Tim must’ve felt you tense up because he was jolting awake and scooting his chair back. “Y/N.” He said your name and you were breathing through the pain. After it passed you opened your eyes and looked at him.
“Tim?” You said in a hoarse voice “What?” You said but couldn’t get anything else out.
“You were shot covering me. What were you thinking? I told you not and yet you still did. Do you know how stupid that was? You were shot twice and almost didn’t make it. You know how heartbroken I would’ve been if you hadn’t had made it? I was kneeling there watching the love of my life slowly slipping away from me. You’ve been here for 2 weeks and those 2 weeks have been so painful and nerve wracking for me. If it weren’t for the others bringing food or had brought our bags I wouldn’t have moved from that spot. I was so scared that you weren’t going to make it.” He said coming to the end of his speech. You just stared at him and a smile crept up to your face. “What are you smiling about?” He asked, trying to stay mad.
“You love me?” You asked and he rolled his eyes.
“All of that lecturing and that is what you take away from this?” He asked but an actual smile appeared on his face. “Yes, I love you. As soon as you're out of here and feeling up to it, would you like to go on a date with me?” He asked.
“Yes, I would love that.” You said and smiled and leaned down and kissed your forehead.
“Good.” He said when he pulled away “I’m going to go and get Grace and Gio.” He added and started to get up.
“Oh, and Tim?” You said and that had him stopping and looking at you with a raised eyebrow. “I love you too.” You said and that made him smile and walk back over and kissed you on the lips and you returned it. When he pulled away, he brought his hand gently up to your face and caressed it.
“I love you too. I’ll be right back.” He said and you nodded and he left. You brought your hand up to where his hand was and smiled. You both loved each other and this was going to be a wonderful start to a wonderful relationship and you couldn’t wait and neither could Tim. All it took was for you to get shot, of course that sucked but you got the man you loved and you couldn’t be any happier. 
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