#time to play more totk lol see ya
feral-gaming · 1 year
May 18th Log-in
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kuriboo · 3 months
hey have you seen the Nintendo direct today & if so how ya feelin
I saw some tweets earlier so I knew a bit of what I was getting into but I just watched it and HOLY FUCK MAN.................
under the cut i'll scream about everything i'm excited about! but this is one of the best directs of all time! this is SUPER long sorry but please know i am SO HAPPY this is one of hte best directs of all time i think
I WAS SO WORRIED MARIO AND LUIGI AS A SERIES WAS DEAD ;; I'M SO HAPPY IT'S COMING BACK!!! IT LOOKS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!! THE ART STYLE, THE GAMEPLAY! IT'S MARIO AND LUIGI!!!! I'm SO EXCITED!!! I'm behind on this series I still need to play dream team (I should probably start it over at this point, I have this digitally it came on my original 3ds and I've transferred it between systems twice now) and paper jam (I OWN THIS SOMEWHERE but my stuff is in disarray from room renovations...I'll find it some day) but I'M SO EXCITED! FOR BROTHERHOOD!
I'm more excited for the Dragon Quest remakes than I thought I'd be! I saw they were being remade and I was like okay yeah sure...this already was released on switch my brother already owns these...but this remake actually looks way better than the previous release on switch! I'm into this! I'm down for this!! It looks a lot better! I beat dq1 a while back, I need to restart dq2 because I haven't played it in so long... and I was just told I should've started with dq3, which I haven't played, LMAO so
Super Mario Party Jamboree...a third Mario Party on Switch! I'm excited for the return of Western Land, I'm excited for another Mario Party, I love Mario Party it's a longtime family favorite (though we barely played any between 3 and super, we have super and superstar on switch though) so anytime there's new Mario Party content I'm happy! I think I would've preferred an update/dlc of superstars, but...I can see why it's not! I'd like to play this online with family! I'm just a little scared at the possibility of not being able to play with pro controllers again...joy con exclusive gameplay is scary
ECHOES OF WISDOM! FEMINISM WINS! I saw screenshots of this on twitter but oh the trailer has me so hyped.... ZELDA SAVING LINK LETS GO........ I LOVE ZELDA'S OUTFIT AND HER FAIRY COMPANION AND MAGIC LOOK SO COOL! This is gonna be so fun to play. And I'll probably be a lot less anxious playing this than botw/totk since there shouldn't be weapon durability? so this might end up being my favorite switch zelda pretty easily lol. I'VE WANTED PLAYABLE ZELDA FOR SO LONG I LOVE THIS
Hello Kitty game I might pick up depending on the price.... it looks cute!
The Looney Tunes game looks so funny I kinda wanna play it SPACE JAM!!!!!!!!!
I'm probably not gonna get Luigi's Mansion 2 HD anytime soon but I LOVE LUIGI HE'S MY GUY HE'S THE DREAMBOAT THE GOAT THE DREAMGOAT.... I've never played any Luigi's Mansions though! I think I have 2 on 3ds but again, I'm not sure where it is.... Idr if we have 3 or not? We might? I'd like to play a Luigi's Mansion game someday but it's not my biiiiiggest priority. As much as I love Luigi, I love him so so so so much, but without ever having played it, I have this nervousness that I might not like the Mansion series...
I have been screaming about the ace attorney investigations collection ALL DAY dude. This games have SUCH a good story (I've only watched playthroughs) so I'm excited to play them myself!!! The fantranslation has definitely impacted a bit of my excitement though. The name changes in particular... Verity Galile is honestly a good name, Eustace Winner is growing on me (I'm worried what they're changing Blaise to...), but Eddie Fender............I'm sorry but that is RAYMOND SHIELDS i DO NOT like the name eddie fender i CANNOT get behind it sorry.... BUT THE STORY OF THESE GAMES MAN I'M SO EXCITED!!! I JUST GOT THE APOLLO JUSTICE TRILOGY FOR MY BIRTHDAY (a couple of months late, but, uh, extenuating circumstances led to my dad keeping forgetting to order it, i am not mad) so i wanna play that before AAI and I STILL NEED TO PLAY THE GREAT ACE ATTORNEY COLLECTION TOO..... BUT MAN I LOVE ACE ATTORNEY I'M SO EXCITED I WANTED TO CRY
metroid prime 4! i still need to get into the metroid series (i need to give it another try, i haven't been able to get myself to really enjoy it yet) but i'm excited for metroid fans! this is such a long time coming...and now it's so close! the graphics look really good! i don't have much else to say about this one.
PHANTOM BRAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PHANTOM BRAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NEW PHANTOM BRAVE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PHANTOM BRAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
idk about the mech part that's gonna have to grow on me but YOU CAN FUSE CHARACTERS WITH MARONA AND GIVE HER CUTE NEW OUTFITS???????????????????????????
when this came up in the direct i literally could not stop stimming and shaking i SCREAMED i am SO SO HAPPY
i think i'm more excited for htis game than anyone else because literally no one that i've seen is talking about it but!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PHANTOM BRAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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jennilah · 1 year
personal rambling in public again
hey how ya doin
just kinda thinkin bout stuff and my year so far
i made a promise to fill this year with just as much events and exciting things as last year and I am making well on that so far, just not really in the way i expected!
i swear i came back from my easter vacation different
i came back from vacation to find out that many of my friends and coworkers were laid off (public news, i wont be getting into detail) and that really bummed me tf out. that was the start of my vibes being thrown off. theres been a kind of aura of sadness in the office ever since, to me at least.
my parents also very suddenly decided to sell the house, the one i grew up in. something thats bittersweet, but generally just another big change that was making me feel weird
then my rebellious phase really began
first, became a true stoner, and got my first tattoo. which quickly became planning my second tattoo (booked next month!)
yes, theres been many jokes about me entering my true form as an artist with the weed and the body art and all
and then, the biggest of all, i decided to say goodbye to my current studio and sign a contract with a new one.
this is the first time im leaving a studio by my own volition and not because i myself was laid off. (its a rough industry lol) its definitely different. a lot more emotional. my current studio is a place ive called home for many years and I really had an amazing time there, and ive made so many best friends and connections there. (its the first studio i worked for! after my brief stints at other studios i managed to end up right back where i started after a company merge lmfao)
i think i was non stop crying for five days straight last week, in utter turmoil deciding if i should stay at my current studio where im highly regarded and my job is as secure as possible (bc of how unstable the industry is right now with the writers strike) and i work with people i adore, or explore whats out there and try something new, but risky.
i ultimately decided to take the risk, expand my brain and see how another studio operates and make new connections and friends. if something happens and im the first to arrive, first to get cut- then so be it. ill make that mistake, then.
once i made the decision i have only felt more and more confident every day in that choice, and excited to start something new. i realize this was probably the exact last change ive been needing. everything else around me was suddenly changing and throwing me off, now i get to be in the driver's seat for a bit. just go all in and really enter a new chapter in my life, as corny as it sounds
anyway next thursday will be a very tearful goodbye again, i think. handing in my resignation i was a MESS. but im also excited! They dont do as many films, but they do a lot of really interesting shows on streaming. and i get to FINALLY call myself a SENIOR ANIMATOR. i already was one, but that studio had their own unique title system, and so it was never really clear to other people in the industry wtf level I am, esp with my very small amount of years of experience. I am officially a Senior Animator. feels nice.
and i also get to have a nice month-long vacation between jobs ^^ gonna take full advantage of relaxation and having free time. gonna even be able to visit my parents this summer, something i didnt think id have time to do. (and see that new house!!) (AND do the convention! and Art Fight! and get my second tattoo! and get back into that slasher-watching and TOTK-playing!)
this was longer than i planned imma go eat wendy's
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magiccifi · 5 months
I just saw the new teaser that was released at some sort of convention and I’m not elated nor am I unhappy…I’m pleased to hear/see more tho!
Here are some things that I’m hoping with the reboot so far (or just simply thinking about):
Warning potential spoilers!!!
I hope that the animation gets polished a bit more; I’m very hopeful on this considering the show isn’t coming out til next year, and any sort of developing polishes a product as time goes on, even if the deadline is soon
I have already seen people be a bit concerned about the mention of social media, with I also am a bit; it’s important to remember that winx came out during a time in which MySpace was very popular and Facebook was both a rising platform and at some point in the winx running time THE social media to be on, which was not really that reflected in the show; so I’m hopeful that social media and it’s presence will either a) be limited to earth and magix/alfea doesn’t have much or b) the creators won’t lean to heavily into it but will be present in magix/alfea
I definitely can see the girls having their own social media accounts, but I don’t think that social media will be too heavily present considering the winx is all about being fairies and defeating evil with friends and you don’t have much time being an influencer doing all that
I do think we have to accept that social media overall has a much heavier presence in the life of people, inducing children (which I do think make up a core of the target demo of the show, accept it or not 🤷🏾‍♀️) compared to the 2000s; it makes sense that it will be at least mentioned here and there
if the reboot gets far, pls do not kill nabu 😫 I didn’t get that far into winx just yet, but I hate that he dies nevertheless
While I’m not the biggest fan or hater of the animation/style of the girls, idk how well it will look on the specialists…
I was very repulsed when bloom smiled at mitzi in the clip, did not like that at all; I pulled the same face when she smiled when I played totk and that one cutscene shows ganondorf’s big ass feet ew; that part of the animation is really off putting…so no more smiling!
I do like that it seems that bloom’s background as a normal girl will be shown before she learns about being a fairy; it also gives us a better idea of mitzi in terms of a school bully rather than some weirdo that is mean to some girl on the street lol
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look at it!!! (Got the pic from user @/wingsofthe on Twitter)
I saw the prototype of the same scene and have to say, prefer the prototype more but I’ll keep an open mind until the show is actually out; the hair is 100% an improvement tho
with the expectation that the reboot will be good and do well, I demand to have comics similar to manga volume style, not the small thin ones; imagine how beautiful they could be 😍
…someone on Twitter pointed out that Sirius black’s (ya know from Harry Potter) wanted poster can be seen in the background of the bathroom scene…they wildin’ in Italy 😀
Could be a little wink to the German dub referencing Harry Potter in season 1 lol
Someone on Twitter also made a point about Stella being the fairy of the sun AND THE MOON; hope the reboot focuses on Stella’s relationship with her mother and the adjunct powers in the same way they did with her and her father
Anyways the winx are back baby!!!
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bamteam2023 · 1 year
UPDATE!!!! - 21/08/2023
Hi! So... uh.... how's it goin?!
Right now I'm like in the other side of the pond, the You Ess Ayyy or how it's called in spanish "los Eh Eh Oo Oo... duuuuude", for family stuff and all that jazz! So that means I got busier! And I have to adjust to jet lag! And as such, art's slowin down for a bit. BUT I'M STILL WORKIN ON ART AS WE SPEAK!!!
THE SECOND PART - why did I decide to split these in par-
As I'm writing this, I am currently workin on a comm that I'm SUPER excited about!! Of which you'll probably see... in a bit :3
And speakin of comms, wow and I mean WOW that's been piling up! I was honestly shocked by how quickly the initial 10 slots were already sold out! And I recently opened up 5 extra slots and we're already down to 2 SLOTS!!!!! So if ya haven't gotten your slot yet...
In my spare time, if I'm not dealin with family or talkin to friends or the sort, I've been playing Bomb Rush Cyberfunk and MAN OH MAN OH MAN, THAT WAS WORTH THE 3 YEAR WAIT HUH. No spoilers (yet) please. I'm plannin on finishing Pikmin 4 after I'm done with BRC, and then FINALLY finish Zelda ToTK (i still didn't finish the main story lol) (then maybe i'll actually gain the courage to finish Pikmin 2) BUT WAIT, THERE'S SAMBA DE AMIGO ON THE HORIZON, IN LIKE, A WEEK OR SO, WOW... I... am not gonna be able to do that side project on time huh
So that kinda concludes the update! Just know that art is still cookin, just under a slightly slower pace! I'm sure you'll like what I'm cooking up! In the meantime, maybe I could write more blogs here more often! Maybe make a lil silly videogame discussion blog of some sorts IDK.
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