#time to read fanfictions where naruto has a happy sweet family and still has a normal hairline GOODFUCKINGBYE
sanjiaftersex · 4 months
no matter how many years pass i can never come to terms with the amount of pain and anguish the konoha mfs put naruto through i wish he blew that shitty place up
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dayseternal-blog · 3 years
What are the fanfics you keep going back to again and again when looking for something comforting and familiar to read (shamelessly stolen for Waterrolls’ Anon, sorry bro)?
For fics that are comforting and familiar, tbh I usually just reread my own stuff 😄
But when I want familiarity from writing that’s not my own, these are the fics I turn to!!!!!
What these all have in common is....culture.  Fanfics where the characters are decidedly Japanese, and so they’re quite literally familiar and comfortable for me.  All the rest of the people who’ve been asked this and then equate comforting with AnGSt,,, I really don’t get them.
“Unless the World Were to End” by @bunny-hoodlum - Rated E for smut, Modern AU, One-shot.  Anonymous internet friends decide to meet up IRL and give each other their first times.
I’ve said this before, but it’s worth saying again and again!!  This fic (along with Torch Song below) really opened my eyes to the potential of Alternate Universe.  Bunny made Naruto and Hinata exactly in Tokyo, referencing real life places I’ve been to, as if Naruto and Hinata could be real life people.  I hadn’t read any fanfic like it before.  And despite the giddy premise, she took her time with the smut.  It’s full of awkwardness, sweetness, hesitation, and joy.  Overall, just a very tender fic.  Like any of her other fics, the details stay with me (Naruto shouting “I’m a god!” when Hinata squirts, Naruto shuffling Hinata off to another hotel, Hinata’s face as she gets overwhelmed, Naruto paying for both of them on accident, etc. etc. etc.)
This is one of my major writing inspirations!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️  21 Days giving the full background to the title of this one-shot was just 🙌🏼
“Komorebi” by CuriouslyCunning (Dizzydodo) - Rated E, Demons/Soulmates Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Hinata wakes up from a fever-dream, finding herself married to a nine-tailed fox that claims they are destined for each other. If he can convince her of it by the first day of Autumn, then she will take her place as his bride. If not, he must return her to her family and release her from her vows.
I don’t know what’s not to love about this fic!  Classic Japanese mythology with the red thread of fate and the fox impersonating a human into a marriage.  When he goes to meet her in the middle of the night, I feel like I’m reading something out of a Ghibli film, like the arrival of the spirits from the ferry in Spirited Away or when the cats greet Haru in front of her home in The Cat Returns.  The writer really nailed the otherworldly/dreamlike feeling throughout the marriage, and then again during the rain scene.  Overall, the fic has a really enjoyable, relaxing tone.
“Torch Song” by @mmmbuttery​ - Rated T, College/Pre-War/Historical AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. "You're my girl, Hinata. Promise you'll write." "I-I promise, Naruto." How could she say no to a man going off to war?
I mean this is it.  This is what inspired me to start writing my own fics.  You mean Naruto and Hinata can be exactly like me??  I can have romance stories for free about people like me??  My grandfather grew up on the sugar plantations on the Big Island during WWII, met and courted my grandmother on Oahu during college at UH Mānoa.  Finding “Torch Song” was just crazy to me.  The last time I read a published book about people exactly like me was in 5th Grade (Under the Blood Red Sun), and literally I can’t think of any other books.  Representation matters, and this story opened my eyes to the power that fanfiction can have.  It can be an avenue for minority voices and little known experiences.  Some of my favorite fics are the ones that lean heavy into culture.  It’s unique and personal, and I learn!!!!  at the same time!!  I love social studies, so fics that teach me about other cultures are some of my faves.  “Come and Find Me When the Weather is Fine” and “A Shirt, A Neckerchief, and my Bag on my Shoulders” by @badluckbrebis are a couple of recent faves for me because of the fascinating bits of French culture Imanga naturally folds into the stories.  “August - Cultures/Around the World” from “Still Falling for You” by @chloelapomme is another recent fave because when have you ever read a love story about Hmong people????  A minority among minorities!!  And interracial love, too???!!
Since reading “Torch Song,” I decided I would put a personal bit of myself in almost every fic I write 💝 and I would love it if more poc and ELL writers wrote NaruHina AUs with bits of personal culture.
“Lady Usagi” by @mmmbuttery​ - Rated G, Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. A quiet girl working in an inn meets a noisy young lord, but all is not what it seems.
Okay, I just love this so much, it feels like I’m reading some kind of Japanese historical romance drama a la Atsu Hime style.  Again, same as my other faves, I had never read any NaruHina fic quite like this before.  Also, it’s short and easily digestible, which I prefer over long fics.
“Master Servant AU” from “Tales of Two Ninjas” by @magmawrites - Rated M, Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. Some relationships are forbidden but there are no rules when it comes to love.
Another super well-balanced story!  It has everything.  Action, smut, pining, jealousy, Neji, arranged marriage trope, bodyguard trope, a happy ending...!!!!!  This story is just nice to read.  I read it and relax because it’s perfect.
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uchihasakurawrites · 4 years
A Lesson in Practicality (1)
Rating: T for language & depictions of violence
Summary: It takes a near-death experience in Yukigakure for Sakura to realize that Sasuke has her back in more ways than one.
Word Count: 3,154
A/N: This idea was going to be a short drabble, but the storyline ended up going in a direction that I didn’t initially plan for. There will be a Part Two (of 2). Part One has more implied SasuSaku - Sasuke will play a much more significant role in the next part! There’s a very high chance that this is going to be a prequel for the longer SasuSaku fic I’m currently working on. 
Let me know what you think, please!! Thank you to everyone who has left feedback on my work thus far~ 
Cross-posted on AO3 and Fanfiction
Sakura had heard enough stories from her fellow kunoichi about birthday gifts from their boyfriends to know that Sasuke’s definition of a gift was unique, to say the least.
Sai’s most recent gift to Ino was simple - a modest bouquet of flowers, carefully cultivated to convey a special message, a basket of cherry tomatoes from his personal garden, and a painting of the two of them on what Ino later told Sakura was their engagement day. Naruto once took Hinata on a two-week getaway to the hot spring resorts of Yugakure for her first birthday after they became official (though Hinata later let it slip that Naruto hadn’t informed Hiashi of their vacation and was subsequently banned from the Hyuuga compound for the foreseeable future). Chouji hosted a surprise birthday party for Karui just a few months after she migrated to Konoha, complete with her closest friends from Kumogakure and a home-cooked buffet. Even Shikamaru had stepped up his game with a private couple’s cooking class at Amaguriama, knowing that Temari would punt him to Suna if he showed up with just the personalized shogi piece he had originally planned on giving to her.
Temari had still barely let him escape, fully aware that Shikamaru had organized the class in hopes of never having to go out of his way to buy her favorite sweets again if she could just make them herself. Watching him burn three batches of roasted chestnuts was enough of a gift in itself.
Sasuke hadn’t been in the village for any of Sakura’s birthdays since before his defection back in their genin days. Even then, she couldn’t remember him going out of his way to give her a gift beyond grumbling out a low “Happy Birthday” if team training happened to coincide with her birthday.
To say that Sakura was shocked when she awoke to the tap tap tap of a messenger bird at her window before dawn on her nineteenth birthday was an understatement. Her grumbles at being awakened at such an hour on a day Ino had explicitly banned Sakura from working stopped the second she recognized the bird as Sasuke’s hawk. After fumbling with the latch on her window for a moment - she swore that the hawk gave her some serious side-eye when it took her three tries to get the latch to unstick - she held out her wrist for the bird. It left in the next breath, right after Sakura untied the scroll it was carrying. Sakura frowned at the hawk’s manners as she hadn’t even gotten to send a reply but realized she shouldn’t expect much. Of course Sasuke’s summons would take on his taciturn attitude.
The note tied to the scroll was simple: A last resort.
Huffing a laugh at the note, which was so very Sasuke, Sakura made quick work of the scroll’s seal. She immediately recognized the script as a summoning scroll, though she couldn’t parse out exactly what the summons was. Most likely one of Sasuke’s if he had sent it to her - a hawk or a snake. She sincerely hoped for the former.
Her first Chunin exams had effectively wrecked snakes for her.
Sakura resealed the scroll with a small smile. She had learned what she was getting into quite quickly when she first realized her love for Sasuke ran deeper than a surface-level crush. Any relationship she had with him wouldn’t be normal, be it romantic or platonic. Sasuke’s definition of a relationship was understandably different than most others; she had to learn how to read into the small gestures and unspoken words he left between them - the forehead pokes, the thank you’s, and the occasional mumbled annoying. There would be no typical gifts, no grand romantic gestures, and she was okay with that.
She had hardly expected a congratulatory note for her birthday, let alone a physical gift. Sure, a summoning scroll might not be the most conventional gift, but Sakura figured the practicality of it summed up Sasuke’s approach to relationships perfectly: securing the safety of those closest to him. This particular gesture meant she was at least somewhere on his (very short) list of valuable people in his life.  
So when she tucked the scroll away, she did so with a smile, knowing that the added weight next to her medical supplies was a comfort that Sasuke had her back no matter where he was.
                                                 *   *   *   *   *
Sakura discovered that sentiment was far more literal than she had initially thought as she fled the scene of an assassination mission gone wrong in Yukigakure. Eliminating the target - a noble displaced by the war who sought to sow seeds of discontent against the ruling family - was fairly straightforward. A quick henge, a few unconscious guards, and a convenient chakra-induced heart attack left no trace to Konoha or the royal family.
The bounty hunters on her tail were decidedly less straightforward.
Since the end of the war, Sakura’s field mission count had dropped drastically. With Tsunade out of the village, rebuilding and strengthening Konoha’s medical system fell squarely on her shoulders. Ino’s support with the Children’s Mental Health Clinic left some room in her schedule for diplomatic medical missions to neighboring villages as a show of goodwill after the Allied Shinobi Forces dissolved, but she was rarely included in combat units. Kakashi had only assigned her to this solo mission as a favor to Koyuki since she was already familiar with Sakura from her genin days. Relations between Konoha and Iwagakure had been steady enough after the war, but Kakashi couldn’t risk instability in a country so close to Iwa.
While Sakura had kept up with her combat skills as well as she could through spars and periodic demonstrations at the Academy, she could feel the rust in her reaction times as she adjusted her own fighting style to the unfamiliar terrain. Snow meant additional chakra expenditure to maintain body temperature and keep her feet planted firmly on the ground; it took her the first few moments of the pursuit just to adjust her fighting style so that she wouldn’t go skidding across ice when she followed through on her punches.
It was the split second of hesitation between her noticing the first hunter rapidly approaching from behind and actually lunging to the left to avoid his attack that cost her a kunai to the thigh. The wound was deep, but Sakura was less concerned about the fact that she could clearly see the muscle fibers in her leg and more concerned about neutralizing the unknown poison that was trying to spread from it. Sewing the skin together enough to stop the bleeding was second nature; it was maintaining a chakra net around the wound to contain the poison that required a bit more focus.
Based on both their speed and specialized jutsu, Sakura guessed the hunters were at least jounin-level. Ten to twelve  total based on a quick extension of her sensory jutsu. Had this been a different situation, Sakura would have been flattered that someone thought she was dangerous enough to send so many high-level shinobi to ambush her. She made a quick mental note to thank Karin for training her in a variant of the Kagura Shingan jutsu.
Running forever wasn’t an option, especially at the pace she was being forced to keep. She needed to start picking these guys off - she figured she had faced far worse odds and won.
Sakura slid to a stop and waited precisely six seconds for about half of the hunters to catch up before she drove her fist into the ground. Unsteady ground and low visibility from the snow she had loosened caught the two closest hunters off guard, and she pressed her advantage to neatly slice their jugulars open with chakra scalpels. She took note of their appearance, standard shinobi gear in shades of white and grey and curiously blank hitai-ates linked around both of their necks, and paused just long enough to snatch one of the headbands for later inspection. She tucked it into her medical pouch before rounding to face the next wave of hunters.
Most of the remaining nin were smart enough to keep their distance; they must have done enough research on her to know that engaging her in close-combat was the fastest way to lose. The nin fell into a loose semicircle formation around her, half close enough for mid-range attacks and half further back. If they were Iwa or Yuki missing nin, she could expect mostly Water and Earth-style jutsu - the same affinities she had, but probably much more practiced.
Keeping a firm hold on her Kagura Shingan to track her opponents, Sakura quickly formed the seals for Suiton: Kiri Shikaku she had picked up during a brief stay in Kiri and saw an immediate improvement in her vision. She caught four hunters in her visual range and charged forward, hoping to close the distance between them fast enough for her to get a clean hit. All four flew through the same familiar sequence of hand signs she had seen from Iwa nin during the war, and a solid rock wall about ten feet high erupted in her path.
Not deterred in the slightest by the barrier, Sakura augmented her speed with chakra and drove a fist into the wall. The rock gave more resistance to her wrist than normal, so she quickly adjusted the chakra concentration in her knuckles to absorb the additional force. The hunters, she guessed, had infused their chakra into the wall in hopes that the reinforcement would injure her wrist or at least slow her down.
Sakura smirked as her fist drove clean through the wall and followed her punch up with a roundhouse to shatter it. Their chakra control was good if they could spread it so finely across the surface of the wall - but hers was better.
She darted towards the closest target and delivered a punch to his gut that snapped his spine clean in half. His partner appeared at her side in the next breath, driving his katana towards her neck and forcing her to drop to her knees to dodge. Sakura swept her leg underneath the nin’s feet, ignoring the stinging sensation of the snow on her skin as she followed the nin’s dodge up with a well-aimed kunai. The weapon landed squarely in the back of his dominant hand and forced him to change grips on his katana.
A small part of Sakura’s mind was immediately suspicious when the two other nin closest to them chose to charge her head-on instead of retreating. Perhaps she had given them too much credit if they were reckless enough to rush into a taijutsu battle with her just because she had taken a few of them out.
It made more sense when chains of water shot out from the ground to bind her ankles and wrists firmly to the ground - the work of the long-range nins’ combined Suiton: Suikusari no Jutsu. They must have been watching for an opening to slow her down long enough for the mid-range hunters to close in on her and deliver a killing blow.
The chains were sturdier than any suiton she had faced in the past, no doubt due to the number of hunters who were focused on restraining her. Sakura channeled a burst of pure chakra to the surface of the skin on her wrists, ankles, and torso; anywhere the chains touched, she honed in on. She could either drive her chakra into the chains, slow down the water molecules in them so that they turned to ice, and shatter them, or push her chakra directly outwards to free herself long enough to move away from the chains.
The first option would have been a more permanent solution, but the breath of a hunter nin on her neck forced Sakura into the second. With a shannaro! Sakura willfully tore her body out of the chains, redirected the chakra to her feet, and used the closest nin’s chest as a platform to fling herself over the chains and out of reach. She shoved one foot into the woman’s chest and used the other to bat a kunai with an explosive tag away from them both.
What Sakura didn’t account for was the nin she had planted her foot on reacting quickly enough to snag her ankle and drag her to the ground with her. She used the momentum of her fall to slide further away from the chains and twisted her ankle to free herself. Ice-covered rocks sliced at her forearms and stomach, but she drove her fingers into the ground to lever herself forward.
Crippling pain radiated from her ankle as soon as she was free, drawing a hoarse cry from her throat. She hadn’t seen a weapon in the nin’s hand, and there was no open wound. A second wave of searing pain nearly brought Sakura to her knees yet again, and she reached out for her medical chakra to send to inspect the area as she narrowly vaulted over a windmill shuriken -
Only to find that summoning her chakra felt like pulling a viscous liquid through a fine sieve. The chakra that had been isolating the poison around her wounds only stayed in place from sheer force of will. She spared a quick glance at her ankle, eyes widening at the black seal branded onto her skin.
Sakura didn’t recognize the seal and didn’t have time to inspect it further. Water chains exploded from the ground beneath her just as four hunters lunged at her from each direction. She jumped into the air, twisting to narrowly avoid a series of kunai. A loose shuriken lodged into her calf. Sakura immediately recognized the signs of poison digging into her system; she also recognized with a growing trepidation that it took far more of her concentration than she could spare to dredge up the medical chakra necessary to isolate it.
Whatever seal the hunters had placed on her was blocking her chakra flow, but not in a way she had experienced before. Training with Shizune’s poisons and Hinata’s tenketsu blocks hadn’t prepared her for this. Her chakra wasn’t completely inaccessible, but it was as though a fine mesh had settled over each of her chakra points. It was as though the hunters hoped she would continue trying to mold her chakra, exhausting herself enough in the process that they could take her out.
Her dread grew when she reached out for her Byakugo only to feel the same fine mesh blocking her access. She could still feel the mass of chakra settled behind her forehead, but she doubted she could summon enough of it fast enough to make a significant difference in this fight.
Sakura had a sinking feeling that this seal, which she hadn’t even come across in the Uzumaki fuinjutsu scrolls Naruto had lent to her, was designed specifically to hinder ninja with her level of chakra control and reserves. It didn’t matter how much control she had if it took her six times as long to drag her chakra to a specific point. Keeping the poison in her system at bay occupied enough of her attention at the moment. Evading the seemingly endless water chains that followed her and the four nins on her tail only added to her exhaustion.
One of the hunters managed to land a kick squarely on her side, cracking at least two ribs. Sakura took another blow to her back, and she twisted to catch the nin’s ankle. She snapped it cleanly in two, baring her teeth as she drove a kunai into the kunoichi’s neck before she could finish the seals for an Earth-style jutsu.
She managed to keep with this rhythm long enough to incapacitate another two nin but knew that she was reaching her limit. She took a half dozen more hits from the closest hunters and a particularly nasty cut from a katana before she pulled back, focused on her seal, and pushed. Black lines twisted down her face and startled the hunters long enough for her to shunt what chakra she could get ahold of to the soles of her boots. The force of the chakra from her seal was enough to push what little she needed through.
Sakura took off at a sprint, running as far and as fast as she could in the opposite direction of the hunters who immediately followed suit. Knowing her options were limited, Sakura scrambled behind the first large boulder she could find and snapped the highest level genjutsu she could manage over the surrounding area. Her jaw clenched to choke off a scream at the fire that lanced through her chakra network as she forced her chakra into the jutsu.
Her chakra control, it seemed, was not better than whichever nin had developed this seal.
She quickly surveyed her condition - several lacerations, at least two cracked ribs, and more poison in her system than she could afford to isolate at once - and realized that the seal on her ankle was not only making it more difficult to mold chakra but also draining it. Sakura immediately withdrew her own chakra, slamming her Yin seal down before the hunter’s seal could touch her reserves. Without her Byakugo, Sakura figured she barely had enough chakra to maintain her genjutsu and keep the poison around her major wounds locked in place. Healing herself would do nothing but leave her drained and vulnerable when the hunter nins eventually found her.
Her genjutsu skills had improved drastically under Kurenai’s tutelage, but the hunter nins would eventually figure out what she had done and double back to find her. They knew as well as she did that she wasn’t in a condition to flee very far.
Without hesitation, Sakura withdrew the summoning scroll Sasuke had given her from a pouch at her hip and snapped it open. She didn’t have enough chakra to summon enough of Katsuyu to be useful, and Sakura would be long dead before reinforcements came even if she did ask Katsuyu to send a message to Konoha.
As much as she hated snakes, Sakura desperately hoped for Aoda as she drew a bloodied thumb across the parchment (though the rational part of her brain noted she probably didn’t have the chakra to handle that level of summons either). She blanched at the strain the summons put on her chakra network and wondered belatedly if she had overestimated how much of what little chakra she had left she could actually direct towards the summons. Slamming her eyes shut with a choked cry, Sakura visualized grabbing onto the thin trails of chakra that creaked through her veins and pulled.
If she’d had the energy for it, Sakura is certain she would have screamed when it was neither a hawk nor a snake that appeared before her - but rather, Sasuke Uchiha himself.
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naruthings · 5 years
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oh, anon, the lack of nejiten fics thrive in the hearts of many… i may have similar experiences myself……………
but fear not, i have searched far and wide and i have returned and came back stronger than ever before!!! after re-reading every single nejiten fic i have on my favorites… handpicked the best ones and returned with even more fic recs!!! so ladies and gentlemen, i present to you, only THE BEST NEJITEN FICS YOU WILL READ ON FANFICTION DOT NET. HERE WE GO!!!
THE BEST one-shots you will find on the site. Some are fluffy, some are sad, some will make you want to rip your heart out. But rest assured that without a doubt these fics are the absolute frivvy. These will not disappoint!
Tier 1: Spring — Here we appreciate the beauty of simplicity. Fics full of fluff and spunk that end in one and will make you end up feeling peppy and happy afterwards. A refreshing break from the complexities of life, short and sweet but nicely written, representing everything bright and new and blossoming, but most importantly, pure. So, friends, get your toothbrushes ready, because you are in for a sweet ride!
Tags: fluff, romance, humor, family, friendship
1. The Kissing Booth by BrownEyedHoneyBadger
— “ Lee was already reaching for a dollar inside his pocket. Mentally, Tenten began to scream. No. No. NO. This could not be happening. She should get up and run. Screw charity work. She was not kissing the guy whose eyebrows were furrier than the school mascot.”
Comments: A great start into the journey. NEJI IS SO GODDAMN SMOOTH. basically this fic is incredibly witty and genius. ugh!!
2. Psst! by Arkana
— “Lee finds out about Neji and Tenten’s relationship the hard way. The VERY hard way. “
3. Conversations: Somniloquy by Mendori-chan
— “Neji. Your spit is warm.“
Comments: A storytelling all in dialogue. The perfect reenactment of something supposed to be short and sweet. I loved the dialogue and continue to love it!!
4. Godiva by Toboe Lonewolf
— “Neji had broken one of the most hallowed rules known to woman. ‘Thou shalt not steal her chocolate.’ Tenten’s going to make sure he never does it again. At least, not without her permission.”
Comments: just the fluffiest fluff out there!!
5. Screw Chivalry by Hearts and Stuff
—  “Tenten didn’t want to do it. Really. But Neji shouldn’t have been such a butt.”  
Comments: FUNNY AND HUMOROUS. I loved this so much! Has one of my favorite dialogue in any fic, really. PROBABLY REREAD THIS LIKE 100 TIMES IN 7TH GRADE
6. Hindsight by YamiPaladinofChaos
— “Sasuke and Tenten, on a date? Neji is not happy, not in the least. And of course, it’s all Naruto’s fault. No, really. It is.”
Comments: Okay, THIS SHIT WAS HILARIOUS. OH MY GOD. THANK U FOR THIS WONDERFUL AND FUNNY ASS FIC. kinda gets weird tho but i guess it’s part of the appeal.
7. I’m a Kunoichi, But by notesonlife
— “Tenten and Neji read a feminist book. And of course, trouble ensues, as Neji becomes increasingly aware that Tenten is currently, and may have always been, a girl.”
Comments: So, guys, notesonlife has always been one of my favorite authors early on my nejiten phase, and this is one of my favorites. please read their other stories as well!
8. The Problem with Hats by Aquarius Galuxy
— “Broken a/c, a tipped-over Weinermobile, and a girl who can’t seem to stop bugging him. It seems as if Neji’s day can’t get any worse than this.”
Comments: A sweet, well written fic by one of the writing senpais herself, @aquariusgaluxy ! I love both Neji and Tenten here so much!! NEJI IS SO FCKN CUTE HERE!! AND CHEEKY TENTEN!!!! AAA
9. Mission: Reverse Nejiten by Adelle-chan
— “Tired of all the failed attempts, Naruto uses Lee’s beliefs to get the two together. Or sort of.”
Comments: HOLY CRAP THIS WAS GREAT AND FUNNY AS HELL. Characterization is on point. This is my definition of a perfect naruto fic — where the other characters interact with the ship and the dynamic is great, like it’s part of the main story all along. i fucking love this one.
10. Truth Be Told by Mistress of Sarcasm
— “Hyuuga Neji falls for Tenten the day she almost broke his nose. Tenten doesn’t think of Hyuuga Neji as boyfriend material until an hour before he confesses.”
Comments: Holy crap! this was sweet as fuck! also one of the OG fics I want you all to read. Please give it a try!
11. Fifty Winks by Sandataba
— “Oversleeping is sometimes a good thing.”
Comments: Nice and Fluffy. shit u want to eat. I found the last part super cute!!!!! STILL think abt this fic from time to time.
12. Boxers by notesonlife
— “In which Tenten reorganizes Neji’s underwear drawer, and Neji decides to propose.”
13. Rush Hour by Poisoned Scarlet
—  “It was during one of those days; when the crowd was at it’s fullest, that he strolled into the shop and inadvertently humiliated her.”
Comments: Heehee. this one was cute.
14. Actions Speak Louder by Lotos-Eater
— “Short oneshot containing a dangerous amount of fluffiness. The surgeon general recommends you brush your teeth immediately after reading.”
15. Keeping Up Appearances by 716799
— “Them? Caught in the act? NEVER.”
Comments: okay, at first i was a little hesitant to add this fic but THOUGHT IT WAS THE PERFECT ENDING!! SO SWEET N FLUFFY!!!
Tier 2: Summer — Stories serving as a reminder of our lazy, hazy days of summer — complete with all the thrumming romance, sexual tension, and  drama that reflect easily so on those summery teenage memories. They’re sweet, spicy, sometimes heavy, but have all the ingredients you need for the perfect sunset fics. Read with passion! Let’s go!!
tags: romance, drama, lime, spicy
1. a memory stick filled with myspace friends by straw8erries
— “fake facebook dating: it’s really cute, she swears.”
Comments: Funny, spicy, a little heavy, but nonetheless hot, what other story to start off this tier? It’s a college AU , maybe not with the closure that you would expect from something like a summer romance, but it has these moments that shine.
2. Singing Sirens by 716799
— “Everything about this says that it’s not going to work. But Tenten has always specialised in disasters, and nothing in their world is a coincidence.”
Comments: Sooooooo hot. I love the goddamn dialogue, the characters feel so fresh and new but so true to heart at the same time. Please give it a try!
3. In Coffee City, We Borrowed Heaven by Aquarius Galuxy
— “It wasn’t as if he wanted to take this class, anyway. Reproductive Health 1101 was for people who couldn’t look up information on Google. Or someone who needed a science module to fit in his already-packed schedule. Hyuuga Neji belonged to the latter group of students, and he was in no mood to explain himself.“
Comments: As always, @aquariusgaluxy never fails. This was equally hot and equally clever, and you can’t help but with it were longer, but isn’t that the point??? sometimes ambiguity is also magical
4. Sixth Time’s the Charm by thedarkangel22
— "Gosh, Neji, where’s your sense of adventure, huh?” “I managed to lose it somewhere between the third and fourth time we were caught with your hand down my pants.” Where Tenten and Neji can’t seem to resist one another.
Comments: I remember reading this fic over and over again because I couldn’t get over how nicely written it was. Great plot, set up, dialogue, seeks excitement throughout the whole fic. Exhilarating. Pls read.
5. Revolver by Scintazzle
— “’You’d better not get in my way, incompetent novice.’ Tenten just got a new partner in crime. Unfortunately, he’d like nothing better than to work alone.”
Comments: Holy holy shitttttt, what is it with nejiten and agent cop AUs? They’re so goddamn hot. This one is no exception.
6. Recess by NessieGG
— “Tenten gets stuck on desk duty, but it’s a kind she’s not used to. 'Neji, I’m not going to have a make out session with you in a broom closet.'”
Comment: One comment: hehehehHHEHEHEHEHEHE
7. Eggnog by iflip4dolphins
— “She had slept with her worst enemy, and now she was trying to remember what had happened.”
Comments: OH MY GOD, this fic has such a good writing style. And such a great composition too. I just love everything about this fic. More love for this fic please. i super love it. I REREAD IT ALL THE TIME. IT’S LIKE MY GO-TO FOR PERFECT NEJITEN CHARACTERIZATION AND FLUFF. You will too!
8. Tension by Interim
— “Tension mounts when Tenten finds a surprise in her shower.”
9. I Swear I’m not Drunk Officer by fanfictioner22
— “The title says it all.”
Comments: THIS WAS FUNNY OK. and it had that spicy tinge to it that makes u wanna go mmmmf. MOTHERFUCKER!!
10. Airless by NessieGG
— “This was not the type of assignment that Team Gai specialized in. 'There’s something else you should know about the Grass nin…'”
Comments: OH MY GOD, this fic is all sorts of special! The drama, the tension…. the best resolution ever. written impeccably by the ever-talented nessiegg too. god i love this fic. it rlly has it all. v captivating!
11. In Men’s Clothing by voidforrent
—  “It wasn’t that Neji didn’t find Tenten’s breasts attractive; he was just trying to be respectful.”
Comments: Oooowee, I remember not liking this fic the first time i read it. but as i grew older i realized HOW FUCKING HOT THIS FIC ACTUALLY IS. I AM NOT EXAGGERATING. IT WILL MAKE YOU SWEAT!!
12. Racetrack to My Heart by Aquarius Galuxy
— “Ino takes Tenten to a blind date - except it’s not quite blind, and not quite what the latter expects.”
Tier 3: Autumn — Stories with pain, stories with substance. Stories that have something to say, making our hearts hurt, breaking them. Stories that are subtle, with some sort of comfort in the air. Bittersweet. A lot to take in. Stories that speak to the mind and soul. Stories with words and feelings as vivid as the warm colors of autumn, as the seasons prepare for the occurrence of death, and the winter to come.
tags: drama, hurt/comfort, romance, angst
1. Little Feet Working the Machine by pusa-is-me
— “There is a reason why Team Gai is not sent on seduction missions.”
Comments: This is, I think, the perfect fic to describe this tier. Painful and subtle. Plays with your feelings. Raw & powerful. Again, one of the first few things I ever read about nejiten. still think abt it from time to time.
2. Christmas, 1944 by Giada Luna
—  “Not all of the War Efforts were 'Over There.’ Tenten comes home froma long shift at the factory to an empty home, Bing crooning on the radio, and dreams of a Christmas with him back home.”
Comments: sad sad sad. then happy happy happy. cries and smiles. LOVED IT.
3. 13 Unmentionables by pusa-is-me
— “This is not a love story. At least not yet.”
4. Mindless Perversions of Love and Life by voidforrent
— “There were times when she couldn’t help but wonder why.”
Comments: (we’ve won, but at what cost?) :(
5. Birds by Snowshinobi
— “Birds fill his lungs, his throat, but still, not one reaches his mouth.”
Comments: Okay, okay. Tbh i rlly don’t know how to categorize this fic. did it break my heart? did it make me squeal? but something in my heart told me to categorize it as autumn. pls have fun because this is beautiful.
6. Certain the Journey by NessieGG
— “He made her understand that, to him, her love was absolutely worthless.”
Comments: Omg :(((( okay but this was beautiful as well.
7. fragmented dreams by Seynee
— “She has loved everything about him that hurts.”
Comments: so fucking beautiful. almost perfect. loved it.
8. Stitch my heart back together again by SaturnXK
—  “There is nothing I don’t love about you, Tenten,” Neji says softly. And Tenten wants to cry because it isn’t true. There are too many things wrong with her, and Neji is a liar.
Comments: OH MY GOD, this one attacked me right in the heart. it just… please just read it. it’s so pretty.
9. Mine for the Night by syaoran no hime
— “For this whole night, she will close her eyes and pretend that he is hers, his glacial heart and all. For tomorrow, she can never have the same liberty again.”
Comments: AHAHAHAH i remember reading because of this one. this author is just so og and so good :’)
10. Since Spring by NessieGG
— “Neji is driven to the brink of his sanity when his teammate disappears and is given an option. 'I can use a technique that will allow you to forget every memory you have of Tenten.'”
Comments: raw. powerful. ugh. a lot of feelings in this one, wrapped under beautifully written strings.
11. Those Old Feelings Again by Poisoned Scarlet
— “It wasn’t that they weren’t aware of their attraction for one another… it was just that one was good at burying it, and the other was too stubborn to admit it.”
Comments: :( and then :)
12. Bergeron Falls by Goldberry
— “It’s been five days since they’ve seen the sun and everything is water.”
Comments: oh, thank god i recommended a goldberry fic or else i’d never be able to forgive myself. yes this is very beautiful as always :)
13. Lotus by memory’s marionette
— “Even if I now saw you only once, I would long for you through worlds, worlds.“ Because one life is not enough for love, and the past forever bleeds into the future.
Comments: SUCHHHH a beautiful fic. oh my god. i almost want to highlight this and show it to the world because that’s just how good it is. reincarnation done and written perfectly. i love love love this fic~~~
14. Right Before His Eyes by NessieGG
— “There has been a change in Tenten that Neji does not understand. 'You’re leaving the team.'”
Comments: classic nessiegg :)
15. Falling Flight by Toboe Lonewolf
— “When Tenten falls, she falls hard. And right now, she’s falling hard…for him.”
Comments: OKAY, well honestly, I WAS SO EXCITED TO FINALLY RECOMMEND THIS. i know this isn’t drana/angst but it just felt right for me to recommend this under autumn. plsplspls enjoy!!
Tier 4: Winter — The end of the year, the end of an era. Bonds strengthened and broken. Friendships were made. Read as the branches of winter fill up with snow, trees of knowledge that have been through the seasons, preparing to die with everything they have with them. Stories about growing up. Stories about family. The beginning and the end. This is their outcome.
tags: family, hurt/comfort, angst, romance, friendship, fluff. basically all the tags. if you’d notice they’re all growing up fics with exceptions to some but i think you’ll understand :) this tier is more assorted but the feels speak the same
1. She Was There by Ally1313
— “She was there. She was always there.”
Comments: I don’t know why, but something about this fic always makes me want to cry. It has a very special place in my heart. I first read this when I was 12, and I loved it so goddamn much. THIS FIC, IT CHANGED MY LIFE. IT INSPIRED ME TO LOVE NEJITEN MORE THAN EVER. SO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ENJOY IT!! OH GOD I LOVE IT SO MUCH. WHAT A GREAT WAY TO START OFF WINTER.
2. Chichue by keroRiBBIT
— "I’m nervous,” Neji said. Hizashi smiled at him, “There’s nothing to be nervous about.” “You said that before too.” “Have I ever been wrong?” Neji growing up in Hizashi’s care.
3. coda in d minor by metaphorically-blue
—  “She doesn’t look like her father. /And children can’t recognize grief./”
Comments: this fic has been recommended to be by someone on tumblr before. needless to say, it broke my heart. a short angst break :’)
4. Fate by Silverlight
— “The first date, the first kiss, the first time he asked her to marry him.”
Comments: cute cute cute cute!!
5. 20truths: Neji and Tenten by Cyberwolf
— “The longest conversation the two have in school is when Tenten explains the advantage of titanium shurikens over plain steel ones to Neji, then wishes him luck in the target range.”
Comments: Of course, this winter growing-up-fic collection wouldn’t be complete without a 20truths!!
6. Only You by Byakuxhisa4eva
— “There are very few things he would ever deny her.“ Even at his cruelest, he had always been kind to her.”
Comments: okay, now this one is a classic :)
7. Shadows of the sun by withered
— “Death changes nothing, even when Neji is gone; Tenten is still trying to reach him.”
Comments: another short but necessary angst break :’)
8. A Series of Indecent Proposals by Pleasantries and the Aftermath
— “The first time he kissed her, she slapped him so hard, she left a welt.”
Comments: very very cute. they are just so. goddamn cute. very well written and nice characterization.
9. Drifting by Ariel32
— “They were drifting down a river, and the only thing that mattered was that they were driting together. You can’t help being in love.”
Comments: AAAAAAAAAAAAA this was so pretty!!!
10. Twenty Truths About Team Guy by RennaV
— “Twenty Truths about Team Guy the rest of Konoha doesn’t know. Mostly comedy and focusing on the relationships of the members of Team Guy. It does end kind of sadly. Sorry.”
Comments: OK THIS IS A BIG ONE. A BIGBIGBIG ONE. I REMEMBER reading this and wailing like a little baby. i really cried a lot. this one built up my heart and shattered it to pieces. beautiful.
11. Soul-Marks by fanfictioner22
— “The soulmate!AU Nejiten style.”
Comments: this one was so clever and thoughtful. so goddamn funny and full of substance. LOVED IT.
12. Irresistible by MyFallenAngel
— “The fact that Hyuuga Neji was irresistibly irresistible was undeniable.”
Comments: This was one of the fics I read earlier on, and it was SO CUTE. Everything was just so pure, so undeniably Nejiten. Please, give it a read!
13. Papercranes by Bloody Angels
— “The paper cranes have always been a part of her life and perhaps, they always will be.”
Comments: CAN YOU HEAR IT???!? MY HEART ROSE AND FELL. SO PRETTY. SO BEAUTIFUL!! broke it too. cried like a little bitch.
14. Blind by Midnight Insomniac
— “She is sixteen and in love.”
15. Chance Encounters by Scintazzle
— “That humiliating moment where Tenten grabs the shoulder of a person who she thinks she knows, turns him around, and doesn’t recognize him. At all. And things just go downhill from there.”
16. Severing Ties by fanfictioner22
— “Some ties are better severed and Tenten learns it the hard way.”
Comments: angst breakkkkk but it was v beautiful :’)
17. Truth Be Told by MistressofSarcasm
— “Hyuuga Neji falls for Tenten the day she almost broke his nose. Tenten doesn’t think of Hyuuga Neji as boyfriend material until an hour before he confesses.”
18. The Seasons by sotto.voce88
— “Love was never seasonal.”
Comments: v beautiful :)
19. Patchwork by NessieGG
—  “When she thought he was sleeping, he saw her get scissors and snip off a section of the yellow sheet beneath their intertwined bodies.”
Comments: I remember always avoiding this fic no matter how much times it popped up on my feed. I remember it was because I was very scared of how heavy this fic would be. I was right. It’s too beautiful for words. I CRIED AGAIN. JESUS I RLLY CRIED WITH THIS ONE. Just really the perfect way to end this tier, please read Patchwork!! (classic nessiegg, always beautiful :(()
Okay, now that concludes my oneshots recommendations!! I get to breathe a little now :)) please read all of them. they really are the best of the best. Now moving on…
nejiten oneshots/ficlets written in the perspective of the konoha 13!! pls enjoy these for they are genius :)
1. The Lost Things by pusa-is-me
— “Where Shikamaru realizes that the Hyuuga Neji does know how to get jealous, and that for all her intelligence, Tenten was pretty oblivious.”
Comments: A little ShikaTen is always cute for me. I love shikamaru and love it when he appears in nejiten fanfictions because he of all people know how oblivious those two are to one another :))
2. No Competition Here by carved in the sand
— “You think your man has anything on mine?”
Comments: Pure crack-ish fluff and humor
3. Replacements by 716799
— “Nothing is ever as good as the real thing. (One day, she will ask him to henge.)”
4. Exchange by Wielder of Paperclips
— “In a short exchange of words, Shikamaru enlightens Tenten. “
5. Princess by insert cliche
— “One of the biggest reasons why Uchiha Sasuke hates Hyuuga Neji is also the most unknown.”
Comments: vv cute!! a stoke of genius
6. Bad Dog, No Biscuit by Lotos-Eater
— “Or, Inuzuka Kiba’s Even Longer Day. Kiba is not quite the player he thinks he is. Will there be anyone to appreciate his animal magnetism and rugged charm?”
7. Inner Light by NessieGG
— “She had heard the rumors. But she had never gone so far as to assume that they might be true.”
Comments: OMG. THIS WAS BEAUTIFUL. I really just like anything to do with Sakura. She’s so ugh here you really really feel her. Beautifulll
8. Sempiternal by saccharinely
— “In which she sends the letters left unsent. She needs closure. He gives it to her.”
Comments: A really beautiful SasuTen fic. Somehow it should be triggering but it all makes sense to me :)
a.k.a.: stories that are too long to be oneshots but are too short to be actual fanfics. usually around 2-3 chapters but wouldn’t have been done any better :))
1. On Sex by Lotos-Eater
— “With titles like this, who needs summaries?”
Comments: Really, it seems shallow, but it’s truly one of the best-written, most beautiful and introspective things I have ever read. it really grew on me and I love it so goddamn much!! IM SERIOUS I RLLY LOVE THIS ONE ITS ONE OF MY GO-TOs
2. Goldilocks by a Different Name by Aquarius Galixy
— “Tenten discovers that someone has been living in her apartment when she goes away on long missions.”
Comments: vv cute fic with very witty dialogue :) neji is cute
3. Call Your Manager by Clementive
— “Tenten’s feelings for her English project partner are as complicated as his coffee order.”
Comments: another really cute fic. Tenten is a legend!!
4. Heatwave by Yahboohbeh
— “When she found her breath again it was ragged. Only one thought tore through her mind: Consume me. The Suna sun wasn’t the only reason their faces burned.”
Comments: very very hot n spicy like the title and caption suggesttttS
5. Perchance by KNO
— "Wow, what are the odds we’re both at the same party AGAIN?”
Comments: ONE OF MY FAVORITE NEJITEN FICS OF ALL TIME. i love this one so much. so witty and smart, especially all the expressions and dialogue. Super cute too!!
6. Four Conversations on the Subject of Flight by wildcatt
— “Flying is not as perfect as you imagine it to be, you know. Flying is just falling up.”
Comments: So fucking affecting all the time, I sweat. For some reason I always remember this fic when i think of nejiten :0 PLSPLS READ THIS ONE!!
7. Confessions by Cyberwolf
— “Tenten is trying to tell Neji something. He’s not quite getting it.”
8. The Only Alliance by notesonlife
— “A black leather bound sketchbook binds her to him, and breaks her against him.”
a recommendation panel of the best one-shot collections you will ever find on the site!! as if a single one-shot was enough… :”)
1. Vicissitude by KNO
— “A collection of drabbles and one shots. Neji and TenTen pairing. Contains regular appearances of other characters.”
Comments: THIS. THIS IS PROBABLY MY FAVORITE. EVERY frickn oneshot in here is a gem and i treasure all of them in my heart. genius, too. In here stems a lot of my favorite nejiten oneshots ever. PLEASE GIVE IT A TRY!!
2. The Path to Ashes by notesonlife
— “Neji says it’s their fate. Tenten shows him nothing is secure like that. NejiTen. 017: Naruto’s smirk reached ear to ear. “Next, whoever both gets twelve will kiss.”
3. One shots: Neji and Tenten by I-Heart-Hatake-Kakashi
— “100 Nejiten oneshots. Chapter 100 - Happy Birthday Neji!”
Comments: okay, when in your entire life do you get to say: “I WROTE 100 ONESHOTS FOR NEJITEN” ever???!?!? well, this author can! they actually wrote 100 nejiten oneshots and all of them were so unique and affecting and had this certain continuity to it that left me in tears when I finished.
4. Shades of Konoha: Dragon and Phoenix by Giada Luna
— “Series of oneshots featuring Neji and Tenten. Chapter 32: NejiTen Month 2019: Body/Cursed * They tell him he is born to bound - and he believes them.”
Comments: I have only recently discovered this collection and have been loving it so far. Props to Giada Luna for all the times I smiled bc of these!!
6. Right, Wrong and What Falls Between by Aquarius Galuxy
— “What is, what was, what may have been. (Part 34: Three feet away, Neji continues to read his papers, as if ignorant of what she’s doing.)”
Comments: ANOTHER ONE OF MY FAVORITES. God I really love these. There are some real gems in this collection. Genius fics. PLEASE READ THIS ALONG WITH POSTCARDS. THEY ARE BOTH QUITE GENIUS.
7. Untouched by MakeYouSmile
— “Why are you doing this to me?“ Tenten asked quietly. Neji did not give her the pleasure of responding. "After all that’s happened, you’re still standing in the same place.” –A collection of Neji/Tenten shorts.
Comments: A lot of beautifully written Romance/Angst on this one. Really heavy n affecting!!
8. Perks and Pains by keroRiBBIT
— “There are pros and cons in every situation. Most of the time, one just outweighs the other. Ch. 3: A lover with such long hair. Perks: It comes in handy when you desperately want to hold on to something. Pains: It tends to get messy in the morning.”
9. Careless Whispering by misspandalily
— “17: Neji, Tenten and Lee are fairies who run a catering business together. Mostly AU oneshots.”
Comments: VERY CUTE FIC COLLECTION by one of my closest nt authors!! pls give it a try!!
10. Lotus Blossoms and Other Musings by Yahboohbeh
— “Collection of one-shots. Part 28: Her eyes were nothing like his.”
Comments: Very sweet collection :))
okay, okay, i gotta admit, i’m not particularly the strongest in this department. yes, I am quite knowledgeable on nejiten one-shots, but unfortunately i have not read a lot of the longer ones. but the ones here… they’re really good. so with those words, i hope and trust that you will enjoy these :)
1. Manager and Other Side Jobs by Scintazzle
— “Accepting the shady job offer wasn’t really one of her best choices…but discovering she threw up on her future boss was even worse. Tenten’s new relationship brings a whole new meaning to complete and utter servitude.”
Comments: THIS FIC. I have so much feelings with this fic. Scintazzle’s writing is one of the few that I can actually follow through. Very interesting plot and a lot of sexual tension. !!!
2. Eyes Like Pale Thistle by Aquarius Galuxy
— “She crawled beneath his skin and questioned the way he saw life. Perhaps all he’d wanted, really, was a little bit of control.”
Comments: I REALLY REALLY LOVE THIS ONE. Was super hot but had a lot of substance and a lot to say. Had moments of brilliance that I really appreciate!
3. Neji Gaiden by Levi Ackerman
— “Inspired by recent omake - if Neji wants a gaiden, Neji will get a gaiden! This story chronicles Neji’s life with his team starting from their graduation from the Academy. Follows canon with extra details.”
Comments: NEJI GAIDEN! HOLY HOLY SHIT PLEASE READ THIS ONE. DEFINITELY A MUST-READ. Since it follows canon it really gives it more points because IT GETS NEJI AND TENTEN’S CHARACTERIZATION REALLY ON POINT. AND EVERYTHING MAKES SENSE WHICH IS SUPER CUTE. PLEASE OH GOD READ THIS ONE. IT’S QUITE GENIUS AND IS VERY WELL WRITTEN. the author really knows the characters she’s writing about and UGHHH JUST PLEASE. It’s a shame it isn’t finished tho, but otherwise IT’S WORTH IT!!
4. like paper dolls and little notes by Seynee
— ”It’s not that Tenten hates flying. In fact, she kind of likes it. Especially when she gets free cocktails. Especially when she’s sitting next to a handsome stranger. Especially when she gets to talk to him. This is going to be good.”
Comments: nawwww this one was a classic. really hesitant to finish this before but the ending is totally worth it. made me cryy :”)
5. The Fat and Pretty of Art School by Paper Lanterns and Yoghurt
— “We’ll laugh and we’ll sing (poorly) but whatever happens we’re in it together babe.”
Comments: OMG. I LOVE THIS ONE SO MUCH. BASICALLY THE ULTIMATE HEADCANON TO THE NEJITEN HIJINKS. It’s super super cute and the characters are really on-point. had some really funny and endearing moments too. love Tenten’s friendship with shika and sasuke here. SUPER COOL YOU FEEL LIKE A COOL KID WHILE READING THIS.
6. Rapunzel by wildcatt
— “And she leads the blind prince home.”
Comments: It is quite short, but it is REALLY REALLY BEAUTIFUL. I WAS SOBBING, COMPLETELY IN TEARS during mass as I read this fic. Everything is written with so much heart and pain. pls give this one a try.
6. Complexities of Blackmail by Aquarius Galuxy
— “[Everything in the world is about sex, except sex. Sex is about power.] Lieutenant Tenten finds herself caught in a web of blackmail when Lt Hyuuga Neji stumbles upon her doing what she shouldn’t have been. Mere rivalry between old teammates turns into something deeper, much to Tenten’s horror and bewilderment.”
Comments: Ohhhh, blackmail, blackmail, blackmail. Of course. This is the god of all nejiten fics. It’s so fucking beautiful. Every time I go back to this in every chapter is just something so beautiful and bewildering it warms my heart. DEFINITELY A MUST-READ. Blackmail just sticks. Left me as a sobbing mess at the end. Very raw and very powerful.
7. Crossing the Middle Line by Scintazzle
— “You know you’re screwed when your ex-girlfriend becomes your new secretary…and you’re falling in love with her all over again.”
Comments: OH MY GOd this FIC THIS FUCKING FIC. very hot. sweet n spicy. short and cute. quite hilarious at times. loved it!!
8. Right Kind of Wrong by Nokito-chan
— “She yanked him out of his comfort zone. He made her want things she tried to guard against. Somewhere in the middle … hell broke loose.”
Comments: OMG. THIS FIC WAS EVERYTHING. super hot as well and was a really fun time. tenten’s bond with konohamaru was really sweet :)
9. The Twelve Days of Christmas by Giada Luna
—  A quirk of fate turns Tenten into a modern day Snow White and tosses her into the lives of the Huyga-Uzumaki family right at Christmas. However, she has her own problems, and not time for 'Prince Not-So-Charming’ or anything else to get in her way.”
Comments: a very cute and light read that is perfect for the seasons! giada is such a talented writer; her words flow and make sense. everything is as it should be :)
10. Scars and Stitches by pusa-is-me
— “A love triangle of Gai-stronomic proportions.”
Comments: THIS. THIS. I hate this fic. I love it to death. So much conflicting emotions here, but left me at tears as always. Really just one of the best nejiten fics i’ve ever read out there, and the perfect last recommendation. I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO SAY. WHAT A WAY TO END THIS CHAPTER
So that concludes my masterlist! What do you think? It was a long-term project I started in march? and have finally finished in time for the holidays!
I’m 100% sure that there are some brilliant fics I missed along the way, and I apologise if I haven’t added them. Please give me more recommendations so I may add them. And Please treasure all these fics as I have.
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! I hope these keep you covered for the rest of your breaks :)
Pls also check out the authors here on tumblr for they are still active :)
@iridescentirises @aquariusgaluxy @misspandalily @giada-luna @fanfictioner22 @zealousheart
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lovestruckay · 7 years
WIP Game
Talk about the WIPs you’re intending to work on this year.
I was tagged by @crimsonriley and this looks like a good opportunity to taunt all my readers lot of fun!
I’m going to tag @vesperlionheart, @shyyynobi, and @beyondthemoor to join in on the fun. And, because I absolutely count WIPs as including art, I’m going to tag @yomi-gaeru, @byelawliet, and @maybe-please! <3
I have a number of WIPs (over a dozen) but there are only a few that are going to be actively worked on this coming year.
MadaSaku, Time Travel AU, Eventually Mature
[FF - AO3]
This is my most popular fic and my main focus as a writer. It’s an AU where Sakura is thrown backwards in time during the battle between Danzo and Sasuke. The majority of the story so far is her amassing a reputation as a miracle healer and as an incredibly powerful kunoichi. I thought it would be more realistic for Sakura to have to survive and eventually thrive in the past before she came across one of the major clans (well, except for the poor Fuma clan). 
The story has already gotten to the point where she meets Madara and Izuna (in a pretty flashy way). This is my pride and joy and it’s a fic I’m very happy to write. I love writing Sakura as this incredibly powerful and indomitable woman who demands respect wherever she goes while simultaneously being this sweet, openhearted healer and friend. And I love writing Madara as being this powerful, intelligent and calculating, yet kind man who people have to work to earn a way into his heart. I always envisioned Madara as being a man who needed a indomitable woman like Sakura to make him happy. A woman who could challenge him yet encourage him at the same time. And this woman would certainly be Sakura.
“But you have blood on you,” she pointed out, taking a step towards him and reaching forward to touch a splatter of blood on the neck of his high collared shirt.
He nearly shivered as her fingertips brushed his clothed collar bone, his sharingan flickering on of its own accord. The world around him became sharp and crisp and the sight of her reaching out to touch him embedded in his mind before his sharingan returned to inactivity in the span of a heartbeat.
“It’s not mine,” he muttered in a tone deeper than normal as he stared at her concerned expression.
He turned his head to face her and could feel heat rising to his cheeks as he noticed how close they were, their noses nearly touching. All he could see of her was her half lidded eyes and her dilated pupils, the black heavily encroaching on the sea green of her irises. She stared right back into his lazily spinning sharingan, her own cheeks taking a red hue.
Uchiha MC
MadaSaku, Outlaw Biker AU, Mature
[FF - AO3]
This fic was actually the beginning of me rejoining the fanfiction world. I had written a couple fics but this was the first one I actually went out and posted. It started as a oneshot but I combined it with a couple other WIPs I had and created this awesome story that I was just giddy to write. It has turned out a long longer than I had anticipated although it has been so much fun to write.
It has just begun to rapidly escalate. The story is a little more than halfway done but there is going to be a lot of incredibly intense and “holy shit” moments coming up that are going to keep everyone on their toes! The story is really at a pivotal moment right now so any snippets will give away what’s going to happen. Sorry!
Untitled ObiSaku
[FF - AO3]
ObiSaku, AU where Obito comes back to the village, non-massacre, Mature
EDIT: I posted this fic while I was doing Sakura Week 2018. It didn’t turn out as absolutely filthy as I had previously planned as another fic (a MadaSaku fic - FF, AO3) I wrote decided to take the whole choking kink. While this fic is still smut, it’s not as dirty as I had originally planned.
This fic is one purely written out of spite. Some random user on AO3 was talking poorly about one of my MadaSaku fics and asked if I was going to do an ObiSaku fic too (because that’s soooooo ridiculous). So I replied with a “you better fucking believe it” and put together an outline for this pure filth with a heaping of fluff and plot.
Some aspects of this fic: Rin will be alive but her, Obito, and Kakashi will be non-romantic best friends. How Kushina and Minato will live and how Minato be Obito’s mentor as he trains him to take over as Hokage. Kakashi will still become the sensei for Team 7 and how Team 7 will split up to train individually, Sakura and Naruto going on journey’s with Tsunade and Jiraiya respectively and Sasuke going with Shisui to train with the Military Police. There will be a lot of self hate, kink self-shame, angst, and a wide age difference.
MadaSaku, alpha omega beta AU, founders era, Mature
This fic was entirely inspired by the “nesting” phenomenon in ABO fics. And the fact I very much wanted to write a MadaSaku ABO fic.
Sakura is the leader of the famous clan of healers, the Haruno clan. The Harunos are close allies of the Uzumaki clan, hailing from the same region, and Sakura and Mito are such close friends they consider each other sisters. It is because of Sakura’s influence that Hashirama puts fourth a peace treaty in exchange for him healing Izuna (much to Tobirama’s horror). When the village if finally founded, there is a meeting where all of the clan leaders that are allies of the Hidden Leaf join together to discuss the future. And this is where Madara and Sakura finally meet and everyone makes the catastrophic (at least for a city block) decision of trying to drag them apart.
There will of course be ABO smut with mating bites, pupping, womb sex, etc. But a huge aspect of it will be Sakura and her “nesting” behavior as she chooses a place to make her nest and have her pup. Very sweet and fluffy.
[FF - AO3]
ShisuiSaku, soulmarks AU, Mature
A cute and kind of funny little one shot made because there is a drastic shortage of ShisuiSakura fics. Depending on how long it turns out being I might break it up into smaller bites. It’ll be a non massacre fic with a healthy amount of angst, some super bad first impressions, some happy endings, Sakura being a badass, Team 7 being bffs, and Hokage Itachi.
Here are a coupe snippets although they are very rough because they are part of the outline and not actual written material.
Shisui didn’t get his soul mark until March 28th when he was eight years old.
He had gone to bed that night with clear skin and woke up that morning with his soul mark written across his left pectoral in a flowing, feminine script. He was excited to learn that he did in fact have a soulmate but the fact that the phrase now inked across his chest was the most random, nonsensical bullshit he had ever read in his short life dampened the feeling. Was his red string connecting him to a psychopath?
He couldn’t think of any other reason as to why someone’s first words to him would be “Pants are not ripe water grass bastard”.
What in the hell does that even mean? Was it some sort of secret code? Was she going to be drunk? Was she insane?
Sakura has had her soul mark since she was born although she didn’t learn this until she was a young girl.
When she had asked her parents why she didn’t have one, at the tender age of five after her friend Ino had shown off hers, her parents had laughed with mirth, given her a hand mirror, and told her to find it. After a solid fifteen minutes of searching and acts of stretching that contortionists would be proud of, she located her soul mark printed in a small, professional script in the crook where her inner thigh met her hip. While part of her had been disappointed it was in a very personal place, a spot she could never show up, she had been overwhelmingly satisfied with the words on her soulmark.
I didn’t know angels had pink hair”.
Other Fics (may or may not get written)
Broken Trust
ObiSaku, Uchiha MC branch off, lots of angst
MadaSaku fic where Impure World Reincarnation is never outlawed and instead becomes a technique for raising “Guardians” to protect the village. Izuna becomes the first guardian and leads to the formation of the village. Madara, Hashirama, Tobirama, all the hokages, Itachi, etc become Guardians and never technically die, instead being treated as well respected protectors
Fighting Dreamers
MadaSaku MMA AU, Sakura “Cherry Bomb” Haruno and Madara “Wildfire” Uchiha
The Chances
MadaSaku soulmark AU, takes place during the war
Three Rejects
NaruSakuSasu, dark fic where the trio runs away from Konoha after suffering through years of abuse and neglect. Sakura is an orphan, stolen from her clan of incredible healers following the massacre of her family. They can only trust each other and only love each other, ends in tragedy for the rest of the world but bliss for them
Wake Up
MadaSaku fic where Sakura, Madara’s wife, is in a coma in the Warring States Era and imagining her life in the future
Like the Ocean
IndraSaku fic where Indra goes on his journey to help the distant village to determine if he would become the next leader of his village and comes across a strange woman on the beach, part of an even stranger clan of healers and mystics who live on the ocean’s edge
I have a new wig from Shippuden Sakura that I’m very excited to try out. I even got a pair of customized boots that are pretty incredible! I even met a Sasuke cosplayer who is so incredibly sweet and is just as into cosplay and Naruto as I am! So you may or may not see me and Sasuke at Anime Matsuri in Houston, TX this year.
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faintblueivy · 6 years
Is she beautiful? Chapter 4 - Chocolates and Flowers (A Borusara Fanfiction)
Hello everyone! First of all my apologies for not updating sooner but I've been away from my hometown for my internship so...you know. I now have to work on two reports and two research papers so please wish me luck!
And lots of love for everyone who's reviewed, faved and followed this story. Thank you for your encouragement! I deeply appreciate it!
This chapter was beta-read by @roopshasil
Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Naruto/Boruto franchise.
Chapter - 4
Chocolates and Flowers
Boruto Uzumaki sat at the dining table of his home, ready to gulp down whatever delicious breakfast his mother has prepared. A yawn escaped his mouth, a simple result of not having a proper sleep, thanks to a particular midnight adventure of his.
And that's when a troublesome situation arose.
Hinata stood in front of him, arms crossed and the veins around her eyes protruding. Her Byakugan was activated as she stared down at him. If there was anything that the gentle natured Hinata emphasized enough to use occasional threats, it was discipline. She would never allow her children to go astray. Yes, she loved them to death, was even a doting parent or even more, but her upbringing and behaviour as a mother revolved around this virtue heavily.
"M-mom? Boruto stuttered, fearing for his safety and missions, lest his mother decided to ground him for decades.
"Where were you last night?" Even though her voice was sweet, it sent a chill down his spine.
"Um…I? Ah, well…I..." He shivered fearing his mother's wrath.
"He was with me!" A familiar voice reached them, diverting his mom's attention off him. His dad looked at the two of them with a goofy smile, trying his best to convince his wife. Still, Hinata looked sceptically at the father-son duo before Himawari bounced down the stairs and greeted them all brightly like the bright sunflower that she is.
A few minutes later, after a happy family breakfast, Boruto along with his father left the house.
"Thanks Dad! You saved me!" Boruto exclaimed with a touch of gratitude in his voice.
"Eh…of course I did! I know how scary your mother can be when she wants." Naruto smiled down on his son.
As the father-son duo walk through the streets of Konoha, Naruto did not fail to notice the alternating admiring as well as scornful looks and awed as well as harsh whispers directed at his son. Neither did he ignore the brave front that his child is trying to put up. A sharp sting of pain shot through his consciousness because he's no stranger to neither the suffering caused by such hatred nor the discomfort caused by such admiration.
But sadly, even as a father, Naruto cannot do anything but stand beside him and tell him that his father loves him very much. So, he slowly inched towards Boruto, trying to shield him from the fickle and judgemental gaze of the inhabitants of Konoha. They walk side by side to the Hokage tower. Once they reach their destination, Naruto put his arm around his son's shoulder and gently squeezed his side to him. Boruto visibly brightened up at this and Naruto grinned, noticing that the reason of his boy's happiness was the presence of his team beneath the Hokage tower.
After all, the power of love and support from your team can do wonders. He knew that better than anyone else.
Boruto worked diligently without complaining. Sarada couldn't help but observe with her deep onyx eyes. They would flick towards her blonde teammate every once in a while. Their current mission was to repair the destroyed arena and nearby surroundings. The rest of the teams including herself and Mitsuki had to work only till noon but Boruto was forced to work till six in the evening as a part of his punishment.
Sarada wanted to think that she liked this serious Boruto but a part of her definitely missed his whining. He now had this sharp and mature look in his eyes but she wanted to search for a little playfulness in them as well.
Because being childish and playful makes him who he is.
And she didn't want him let go of that part of himself.
Mitsuki's eyes are as sharp as ever. He had been keeping an eye on some of Sarada's fanboys who've been assigned to the same area to rebuild. So, it did not escape Mitsuki's eyes when they deliberately tried to enter Sarada's designated area of work or create a scene and even talk loudly to attract Sarada's attention.
Mitsuki found this very amusing, especially when he could see that Sarada had been distracted for the entire span of time by Boruto's presence. It was really mirthful to watch them dance around each other but still try to refrain themselves from attempting to initiate any meaningful conversations that could ease the tension between them. They did nothing more than make small necessary awkward talk which was even more hilarious.
He shakes his head at their antics, hoping that things get solved despite their current plight being a interesting source of his personal entertainment.
It was when they decided to take a break for fifteen minutes, one of the Sarada's admirer decided to become a daredevil and approach her. Boruto's blue eyes burnt with an expression he does not bother to decipher at the moment because the boy offered Sarada a beautiful bouquet of pink roses. She looked startled for a second before smiling at him.
Boruto felt his fist tightening. He has known Sarada for so long that he immediately realised that the 'smile' was guarded. The tight twisting feeling in his chest went even deeper because he doesn't like it when she's uncomfortable. He wanted to intervene but willed himself not to because he knew this better than anyone that Sarada can definitely take care of herself.
And to his relief, it did not take much time for the guy's face to be etched with a heartbroken expression and he left Sarada alone with the flowers still in his hands…unaccepted.
The call of her name from an unfamiliar voice startled her. She turned around to come face to face with a beautiful and huge bouquet of lovely pink roses. She tilted her head to the side to have a look at the person who was presenting her this gift and found herself trying to recall the name of the guy because she had definitely seen him before – once or twice in the academy.
"Is this for me?" she asked, trying to hide the displeasure in her voice when she noticed a slight blush on his cheeks.
What's going on? This is the fourth time in a single week that I'm encountering this situation! Why is suddenly everyone after me?
"Yes! You're amazing! I've always admired you. Please accept them!" the boy exclaimed.
She tried to give him a smile. After properly formulating a few sentences in her mind, she said, "As much as I appreciate your thoughts and affections, I would like to say that these beautiful flowers would be better off if you offer them to a sick child at the hospital or an old woman. I'm sure it will make their day. Please offer it to them! Bringing smiles on the faces of other people is something I deeply admire. And I really thank you for your kind words."
She slightly tensed at his look of disappointment but ignored it for the sake of her own sanity.
When she returned to her team, they shared looks with each other.
"Are you okay?" Boruto asked her, a twinge of concern evident in his voice.
"I am." she told him softly.
She tried to distract herself by throwing herself into work to avoid any more unnecessary stray thoughts, unaware of the glares that her best friend had sent towards the guy.
Boruto found himself further astonished when he realised that Mitsuki and Sarada still hadn't left even after their shift being over.
"Oye! You two, why are you two still here? Your shift is over right?"
Sarada simply gives him a small smile and Mitsuki laughs.
"What kind of team mates we would be if we leave now?"
It was overwhelming. To see them both standing there with him, helping and providing support, Boruto realised that there are a few people you could always rely upon.
Another braveheart attempted to win Sarada's heart with a box full of chocolates. They were heart shaped, beautifully wrapped up in a golden and decorated wrapper with a pink bow. It was definitely an offering with romantic intentions at its core.
Boruto found himself becoming even further irritated. After all, he wanted nothing more than to enjoy burgers at his favourite shop in peace following a hard day at work along with the two people he deeply adored. That's why his anger and frustration knew no bounds when people decided to deliberately interrupt his time with them for these silly reasons.
Although, he did feel gleeful when Sarada politely smiled and suggested the boy to take those chocolates to the Konoha orphanage because she believed the chocolates will surely bring happiness to the kids. The boy left with a furious look on his face.
And Boruto simply didn't care.
But sometimes, he did wonder that when the hell he turned so mean?
As the sun set down, the sky looked like nothing but a dark blanket illuminated by thousands of stars above. Boruto and Sarada moved together on the road towards Uchiha home. Unknowingly, each of their steps are synchronised, falling on the road in a perfect isochronic pattern.
"And why are you following me?" Sarada's voice had a sharp edge to it.
Boruto narrowed his eyes at her.
"I'm not following you! Don't make me sound like a stalker. I'm just accompanying you, silly girl."
Sarada rolled her eyes.
"Fine! Do whatever you want. I don't care."
Although her words were supposed to be harsh, they lacked heat which made Boruto realise that she was actually grateful for his company, even if it was a just little bit. So, he assured her that he won't be leaving anytime soon by closing the distance between them. Their shoulders touched and occasionally bumped each other but he was slightly relieved when he felt her becominging relaxed.
The silence between them soon became companionable.
It took a while after that but Sarada opened up, "I'm mad, very mad." She told him, glaring at the road. "It's not fair. I've no idea why this is happening? The boys around me have been turning more and more stupid lately and I can't understand why!"
Boruto's lips curved into a ghost of a smile because it was not everyday that you would hear the usually composed Uchiha Sarada rant about boys like an ordinary girl of her age.
"They've been offering me chocolates and flowers and I'm having a hard time dealing with them. And can you believe it? A few of them even ran off crying when I refused to accept their gifts, making a scene in public as if I'm the bad person. It's…it's very tiring." Her voice wavered at the last bit. Boruto immediately understood that this situation was troubling her much more than she let on.
An odd sensation rose up his chest which suddenly raised a thought inside his conscience.
I will protect you.
"Tiring? Whoa! Sarada, you can simply punch one of them and they'll run away! Or maybe take their chocolates and feed them to some dogs?" He knew that his ideas were stupid but he'll do anything to make that sad look on her face vanish.
Nevertheless, it worked. She laughed out loudly, "That's very mean, Boruto!"
He grinned, "I know but then you can actually become a mean person rather than be mistaken for one!"
She stared at him as though he was the most horrendously ridiculous thing she's ever seen and demanded, "Well, how does that help me?"
"Um, I dunno?"
"Argh! You're really an idiot!"
"Tell me something new Sarada. Me being an idiot has grown old!"
When Sarada laughed again, Boruto felt a sweet warm sensation engulfing his entire self.
I want you to always keep smiling.
Midst walking and talking they don't even realise that the distance has been covered and they were now standing in front of the Uchiha home.
"Hey…good night and thank you for walking me." Sarada waved her hand hesitantly but the small smile on her face was so cute that Boruto unconsciously returned it.
"Bye! And good night!" He brightly smiled and turned around to leave. Although, he could definitely feel the weight of her dark and warm gaze at his back which made him grin stupidly. The cold night wind blew, tousling is golden hair as he hums a happy tune wondering what would be in today's dinner at home.
So, did you guys enjoyed this chapter? Please don't hesitate to tell me your thoughts!
Thank you!
See you again!
You can read my other stories here.
My ffnet and ao3 accounts are here!
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raendown · 7 years
Naruto Tag
It took me a couple days to get around to this, sorry! I was tagged by @moonfox22​ and @dimancheetoile​. Thanks guys!
Top 5 characters
1. Kakashi 2. Tobirama 3. Minato 4. Sakura 5. Obito
A character you’ve been disappointed in their development and why
This might be unpopular but Iruka. Don’t get me wrong, I still love my sweet little sensei. But I really don’t like the way he was portrayed in Road to Ninja or the wedding arc at the end of the anime. At the beginning of the show he is built up to be this kind man who learns to understand Naruto and care for him despite the demon fox inside the boy. I took from those things that he was the kind of person who was willing to listen to your problems.
But in Road to Ninja he just flat out yells at Naruto for being sad that his father is dead? He doesn’t even listen to Naruto or try to talk to him about these feelings? Like, yeah at the end of the movie they have that cute scene where Iruka shows up with a cake and that’s nice and all. But I don’t agree with the way they portrayed that conversation at the ramen stand.
Same thing with the very last episode of the anime. Naruto comes over to visit him before his wedding and Iruka screams at him for neglecting her? And he says something like “there are things I failed to teach you about being a human” as if Naruto is doing something wrong just by visiting someone that is supposed to be precious to him? They’re supposed to view each other as brothers, what is supposed to be wrong with Naruto visiting him?
I dunno, it just bothered me that they seem to jump Iruka’s personality around from caring to careless whenever they need a convenient plot disturbance.
A character you wish had more panel/screen time
I wish we could have seen Ino actually doing something. We saw her flitting about Konoha and she appeared in some battles but usually did very little. I would have loved to see some of her actually being the bad ass I know she can be. I wanted to see her working in the Intelligence division like her father before her or destroying minds with her jutsu.
Favourite arc
Kakashi Gaiden. The whole thing. Hands down. Not only was the story line centered entirely around my ultimate fav, but it was a good story line. It showed Kakashi growing and changing, learning new things and letting that new knowledge change him as a person. We got to see the cold cruel beginning but also the moments of mercy and the proof that his humanity was still there. Knowing what he went through when he was younger changed everything about how I watched his older self interact with the people and events around him.
Favourite antagonist and why
I think a toss-up between Pein and Kisame. Neither of them were inherently evil but they were pushed towards evil acts by their disillusionment with the world around them. Pein as Nagato was such a little cinnamon roll who just wanted to make the world a better place and protect his friends. Then when he lost the most important person in his world he thought “fuck you I will force the world to be better”. Kisame was similar; he was just trying to do what he was told and be an obedient shinobi. When he questioned how actually fucked up the things he was asked to do were, he was punished for it. He joined the Akatsuki because they were trying to build a perfect world and, being really disillusioned with reality, he was happy to help with that plan. Not to mention - and yes I am this petty - Kisame is kinda hot!
Thoughts on Akatsuki and its evolution in the plot
The characters were very different from each other and very interesting. I liked the strange thing they had going on where they were fighting for world peace by murdering everyone. xD It was just kind of unique to me that their end goal was the perfect world that would make everyone happy, but of course they’re ruthless and willing to make sacrifices to achieve that goal.
By the end though I was more in to the individual characters than the Akatsuki as a whole because the organization got weird and messy and not written very well plot-wise. I wish we had more arcs on those characters, where they came from and what they had gone through while in this organization.
Choose a fixed point in the manga, alter it and give me your canon divergence
Instead of just leaving Obito’s body behind, Minato and his two surviving students wait for the earthquake to settle then go about retrieving their fallen friend. Oh, hey, surprise! Obito isn’t dead! They bring him back to the Leaf and he receives mass amounts of healing. They are able to save his organs but his arm and leg are fitted for prosthetics. Kakashi keeps the eye. They train together and become the single most terrifying duo you will ever face on any battlefield ever. Maybe fall in love along the way *winkwink*. Madara might find someone else to try and help with his plans but they fail as soon as they try and all of my precious babies live happily ever after. U.U
A canon ship that didn’t disappoint (hard, I know)
Can I use a FRIENDship instead of a relationship? Does that count? Because Kakashi and Gai are BroTP forever. These two idiots have literally never let each other down. They will fight for each other and believe in each other until they have both dragged in their dying breath.
Favourite rare pair/crack ship
Fav crack pairing will always be MadaKaka xD
A piece of fanart you love and wish to promote the artist
Uhhhh everything that anyone has ever drawn for me? 
@syndellwins has done so many pieces for me and they are all wonderful. Hard to choose between them but I think this one of one of my KakaHana sequels might still be my fav.
@mrsvasiliev has gifted me the world’s best Kaka-butt more than once, starting with this glorious piece, also of one of my KakaHana soulmate au’s. 
@thetoxicstrawberry knows exactly what she’s done. Of the ones on tumblr I would have to say my fav from her art is Madara in gotdamn footie pajamas! Drawn for a small MadaKaka piece written by me. 
And most recently but certainly not least @redhothollyberries has created some beautiful art for the MadaTobi sequel I am almost half done. I might still be drooling on this. *shhhh*
You are all incredible and amazing people! I bow to your talents!
Top 5 Naruto fanfictions you even read
Hnnngggg uhm there are way too many. I’m just going to list the first ones that I can think of.
(Force) Trick or Treat by  Hiruma_Musouka Pairing: MadaraTobirama Summary: Uchiha Tajima has developed a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy regarding his sons' social lives since Madara and Izuna met the Senju family. This is because whenever Izuna tells him things, he generally regrets asking. (Or: The only thing more ridiculous than Uchiha and Senju in proximity to one another are Uchiha and Senju in proximity to Halloween parties.) "
As Is The Sea Marvelous by blackkat Pairing: MadaraTobirama Summary: Tobirama is willing to give absolutely anything for Hashirama and his dream.
Your Most Important Person by Yunyu Pairing: KakashiSakura Summary: Some people got their soulmarks on their arms or faces or some other place that was more difficult to hide. He remembered how Minato-sensei’s hair would sometimes be lifted by the wind enough to reveal “Uzumaki Kushina dattebane!” written boldly across the back of his neck in crimson. His teacher had sometimes laughed in his gentle way about it, saying that fate was determined to make things easy for him.
The Nature Of Water Is To Find Another Path by Aesolucian Pairing: TobiramaIzuna Summary: This is a story about how a cat drastically changed the course of history. This is a story about trying not to be human. This is a story about Senju Tobirama and his family.
The Bijozakura Seal by megyal Pairing: KakashiIruka Summary: Kakashi and Iruka are bonded together, entirely against their wishes. While Iruka begins to deal with it, Kakashi still has... doubts.
The More We Get Together by KakashiSauce Pairing: KakashiTenzou Summary: Tenzou has been accepted into ANBU and is looking forward to his new life, with what he hopes will be his new friends. His vision of a harmonious team dynamic is shattered when his captain is introduced to him; and makes it quite clear from the start that he is NOT going to make things easy for Tenzou. The more we get together, the happier we'll be.
Okay I did six, so sue me. There are so many favs and I wanted to put them all in.
What is your opinion on the last arc, Kaguya and the whole “children of the Sage, destined to fight, blablabla”
That’s it. That’s the whole opinion.
Your fondest memory while reading/watching Naruto
Uhhhhh…I don’t know. Every time one of the main characters accomplishes something I’m just bawling like a proud mama.
When you started Naruto, what was the arc? What made you want to read/watch more?
The very first episode just had me, you know? xD This little boy who no one liked and was always mean to found out why and found a person to love him. The anger on his face when he told Mizuki to never lay a hand on his sensei again was just *clutches heart* sign me up for more.
If Kishimoto gave you a chance to write a filler, what would it be about?
The adults! I would see what Minato got up to during his childhood or maybe an episode about Sakumo and Kakashi’s mom. If not them then possibly Genma and Raidou? I just want to know everything about everyone, okay???
I’m not tagging anyone because I am super late with this and I don’t know who all has done it. If you haven’t done it yet feel free to and tag me so I can read your responses!
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