#timeline: 2043
nobodys-saviour · 4 months
Li Shen ❄️ Pre-Main Story Timeline 🤗
5 September, Autumn 🍂 — 1) birth
(12/13 yo) 1) Chronorift Catastrophe
(13/14 yo) Autumn 🍂— 1) Started his studies in the Department of Clinical Medicine of Skywalk/Skyhaven* University Medical School. 2) Met his senior Wei Tingjun (William) and his teacher, Head Doctor Fang (Doctor Noah)
(21 yo) Spring 🌱 1) Finishes his Bachelor's, PhD, MD and residency 2) Starts working in the Division of Cardiac Surgery at Linkon Central Hospital
(21/22 yo) 1) Became an attending surgeon and the chief medical officer 2) Accident on Mt Eternal with Wei Tingjun and Doctor Fang present. 3) Presumably the time he cuts off contact with MC, Zhang Su (Grandma Josephine), and Xia Yizhou (Caleb)
(24/25 yo) - Receives the Starcatcher and Linde Award
(27yo) 1) replaced Doctor Fang as the chief cardiologist in Akso hospital. Doctor Fang moves to the arctic 2) established the EVOL-Cardiac Medical Laboratory in Akso 3) Met Zhang Su in the hospital 4) Met MC again and became her primary healthcare physician
*translation inconsistencies
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exactlycleverpirate · 4 months
Rafayel's Timeline Redux Part 4
Spoilers below.
See Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7.
2043-2047 Rafayel's Anecdote 2 takes place sometime in this timeframe while MC is at University of Linkon. 
Rafayel comes onto the scene in Linkon city with the release of his masterpiece Illusion (in the summer). His popularity as an artist skyrockets. He is staying in a hotel at this time and doesn't have his studio yet. 
In late summer, Rafayel receives an email informing him that MC is attending University of Linkon. He takes a position as a special lecturer there. He is then invited to remain as a visiting professor for a year.
He meets with someone at The Nest who provides him with more information about MC. Rafayel learns that people are watching MC, some for years, and are about to set something into motion. The man says Rafayel is getting into the game late, but Rafayel knows he's been in it since the beginning. The man doesn't have more information about who else is after her. The man gives Rafayel a distant photo of MC. Rafayel takes the photo, then burns the file and other pictures, telling the person that if he does anything unnecessary he'll never be able to work with anyone else again. 
Rafayel believes she is being surrounded by dangerous entities, some of whom may possibly be trying to use her to trap him. He describes her as bait. This is part of why he doesn’t approach her at this time. He decides he can afford to take his time and make his moves carefully.
Thinking about her brings him deep pain. He describes his feelings for MC as akin to a spice, painful and addictive and indicates he is prepared to be with her for the rest of his life, but also wants to “settle the score, bit by bit, slowly and steadily”.
He sees a picture of her on campus and learns where her major usually has classes. He recognizes her pictures right away, despite it being many years since he last saw her. He notes that she is older now, but still has the same mirth in her eyes. Rafayel acknowledges that “he has taken the bait she used once before”.
He sees MC again, talking to some of her classmates. He is confused that she doesn’t seem to know anything about Lemuria. (Anecdote 2)
Rafayel hires Thomas to be his agent. (Anecdote 1)
Thomas learns about business management to be a better agent for Rafayel. (Anecdote 1)
2047-2048 MC graduates. (School year usually ends June-July)
2048 Pregame
The month before the main story, Rafayel's art broke the record for the highest selling art at Lizio Auctions. 
At the start of the year, (per Main Story chpt 2.6) Rafayel returns to the country from overseas. He is known for spending six months painting in his studio, then traveling the world for inspiration/materials for the other 6 months.
2048 Main Story begins. MC (age 21-22) begins work as a Deepspace Hunter. MC and Rafayel are reunited, though MC does not remember Rafayel. Rafayel’s home is called Mo Art Studio.
Rafayel acquires a red Flamula from Lemuria the first time he reintroduces himself to MC. She gives it to him to take home. She later names it Reddie.
Continue to Part 5.
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amphiptere-art · 1 month
This is the timeline of a stardust arcade for you all. This time not hidden under an entire explanation.
2030- Security breach comes out and nearly sentient animatronics are created.
2033- Nova is probably created around this time. This year or older is when Eclipse and Jack-o-Moon are created.
2035- Lots of animatronics start to act very sentient. But are still not considered as such since they thrive in certain programmed professions.
2036- Pluto is probably created around this time.
2037- Black Star Is probably created around this time.
2038- Animatronics from this era and ahead are considered sentient to the ones who started the revolution.
2039- Blood Moon is probably created.
2040- Animatronics are clearly sentient. Revolution starts. Sun and Moon are probably created around this time.
2043- Revolution ends. Animatronics gain basic rights. Planet is probably created.
2045- Current year.
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blake-arachne · 3 months
The timeline of this AU would be like this.
June 4, 1980: Yugi Muto is Born
April 1996: Yugi finishes the Millenium Puzzle and is bestowed with Shadow Magic
Fall 1996: Yugi Vs Yami Bakura, and Yugi wins defeating Bakura, who loses his body in the process.
Feb 2001: Anzu and Yugi’s honeymoon and the return of Bakura. Yugi dies with Bakura taking over his body but goes into the sarcophagus to lay down.
Nov 2001: The Child of Yugi and Anzu is born
August 31, 2027: Judai Yuki is born
April 2043-March 2046: Judai Yuki’s era
2050: Judai and Asuka Marry
2051: The Daughter of Judai and Asuka is born
2076: The Daughter meets Dr. Fudo and fell in love.
July 7, 2078: Yusei Fudo is born
2079: Zero Reverse happens when Dr Fudo and the Goodwin Twins discover the Sarcophagus of Yami Bakura. Judai loses his wife, Daughter and son in law. Judai and a baby Yusei land in Satellite
2092: Judai meets Mira Tsukomo and have one night stand.
2093: Yuma Tsukomo is born
2094: Yuya Sasaki is born from Yami Bakura and Yoko Sasaki, trough technically he would be Yugi’s son. Bakura will also have other children born aeound these dates
2096: Yusei’s aventure begins.
2102: Yusaku Fudo is born from Yusei Fudo and Aki Izayoi
2106: Yusei meets Yuma
2108: Yuya’s adventure begins
2118: Yusaku adventure begins
So yeah Thats how things will be in the AU. Yusaku is a girl in case anyone is wondering. Yusei could be the Creator of the XYZ system as alternative for Syncho Summoning, It was Anzu who have winged Kuriboh to Judai instead of Yugi. Also yes Joey/Jonouichi becomes filthy rich during the GX Era having his company known as The Wheeler Foundation, a comtemporany/rival of Kaiba Corp.
Also the AU has a name now; Heritage of Darkness (Yami No Heritage)
Well that’s all for today, i hope you guys like it
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wonderbutch · 1 year
the year is 2043. supercorp is on the cover of dc pride, its lex and clark. we are in the bad timeline.
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tanadrin · 1 year
Timeline of the near-to-mid future
FTL and false Rare Earth hypothesis edition
50,000 YA: apparent emergence of “behavioral modernity” among humans
25,000 YA: Flourishing of the last common ancestor of the Delta Pavonis clade[1]
22,000 YA: Final breakup of the Delta Pavonis clade
13,000 YA: Settlement of Kraithong[2] by the ancient Chalawani
9,000 YA: Settlement of Tigurinus by the ancient Helvetosians
6,000 YA: Saffarid civilization creates the offshoot Titawinese civilization.[3]
3,000 YA: first urban human civilizations emerge in the Fertile Crescent
2,100 YA: Re-establishment of contact between the Helvetosians and Chalawani.
1684: Chalawani make first contact with the Titawinese.
1957: Launch of Sputnik 1; beginning of the First Space Race
1961: First human spaceflight
1969: First spaceflight landing on Earth’s moon
2043-2058: First crewed missions to Mars
2112: First commercial asteroid capture and mining missions; approximate beginning of the Second Space Race
2164: Permanent human presence established in the outer Solar System
2187: First colonization mission to another star launched, the Terranova expedition to Alpha Centauri. Contact lost two years later; crew presumed deceased.
2223: First successful colonization mission to another star launched; the Heilongjiang arrives in the Alpha Centauri system. The crew reports the first discovery of plant and animal life beyond the Solar System, putting the final nail in the coffin of the so-called Rare Earth hypothesis.
2256: Hsieh Hsiu-Ying, Marchioness of Shensi, develops the first faster-than-light drive. Her vessel, the Nomad, vanishes during the test, and is presumed destroyed for the next 98 years.
2263: Founding of the Renewalist movement in Indonesia
2297: Renewalist settlement of Mars
2335: Outbreak of the Solar Fitna.
2336: The Younger Nomad, designed on the same principles as Hsieh’s Nomad, is launched from Tarqeq under fire. Later that year, the Younger Nomad recovers the Nomad, and Hsieh’s remains, in orbit of Vega.
2357: Alamgir Thrice-Gloried marshals his forces for the final conquest of the Earth, intending to build an empire that spans the entire Solar System. On August 24th, the Younger Nomad returns at the head of an FTL fleet dispatched by Earth’s nearest colonies, credibly threatening to continue the war from outside the Solar System. Alamgir’s supporters desert him, and his coalition collapses. The Second Renaissance begins.
2371: The first FTL exploration ship, Earendil, is launched from the Solar System.
2374: Second Treaty of San Francisco officially ends the last unresolved conflicts of the Fitna; Part 2 of the Univeral Declaration of Human Rights promulgated; Control established as the universal enforcement body for human rights.
2383: The so-called Proxima Framework is established to govern interstellar relations between polities of the Solar System, the Alpha Centauri system, Barnard’s Star, Luhman 16, Wolf 359, and Luyten 726-8. If not dated from the events of 2357, or the launch of Earendil in 2371, the Third Space Race is generally reckoned to begin at about this date.
2481: Humans establish a permanent presence in the Groombridge 1618 system, including on the world later named Osmia; humans fail to recognize the native Osmians as fellow sentients, and cause severe damage to the planet’s environment as a byproduct of industrial activities, leading to the so-called Great Mistake.
2503: Recognition of Osmian sentience causes one of the first large-scale interventions by Control outside the Solar System. Osmia is evacuated of all human presence, and the first contact process begins.
2619: Survey ship Zakynthos encounters the Helvetosians in orbit of Dimidium (51 Pegasi b), marking first contact with an advanced alien civilization. Communication proves far more difficult than it was even with the Osmians, due to fundamental differences in human and Helvetosian language-processing and cognition.
2624: Helvetosians facilitate first contact with the Chalawani.
2670: Human first contact with the Titawinese.
2690-2720: Ongoing difficulties with diplomacy and communication, especially caused by the “Earth civilization” (as the alien polities tend to term it) being in a particularly expansionist phase, lead to discussions of a formal set of institutions through which to transact interstellar diplomacy. The particularly fragmentary nature of human politics stalls development of these institutions until the creation of the Teegarden System, which incorporates almost all large human polities, including those with interstellar capabilities.
2720-2717: Negotiations finally produce the so-called “Primary Accord,” a set of treaties which provides foundations for international, interspecies, and interstellar law; the humans of the Teegarden System, their Osmian clients, the Helvetosians, the Titawinese, and the Chalawani are the initial members. A small secessionist group of humans explicitly renounces the Accord, and departs for space beyond the Local Bubble.
2724-2733: The Machine War is waged among the artificial intelligences of Luhman 16 and nearby systems. Taking place primarily in brown dwarf star systems not desirable to other species, and for reasons which are deeply unclear (but ripe for speculation) to outside observers, the history of this war, including its causes and outcome, remains largely obscure. It seems to have been triggered in part by philosophical disagreements over the implications of the Primary Accord, though no faction which clearly opposes the Accord can be identified.
2730: An alliance of human, Helvetosian, and Titawinese scientific organizations found the Accord space exploration service, Frontier.
2780-2800: The process of political union in signatory worlds leads to the first informal references to the “Foundation,” a kind of supranational interstellar entity within an eclectic, harmonized legal framework. At first the term only covers certain core worlds with a high degree of participation in Accord institutions.
2801: The Sahul civilization joins the Accord. Their twin/cousin civilization, the Sunda, remain apart but on friendly terms.
2818: The Carcosan civilization joins the Accord.
2860: By this time, “the Foundation” is loosely synonymous with “Accord signatories,” though with an identifiable fringe of polities (not all of them physically remote from the core worlds of the Local Bubble) who participate less fully in Accord institutions.
2880-2890: Frontier reestablishes contact with the splinter human faction beyond the Local Bubble; though disunited, these groups all share a deep distrust of the Foundation, of the human worlds of the Teegarden System, and of Control. Owing to distance, contact remains intermittent for many years after.
2924: A large portion of the Elymite civilization joins the Accord.
2929: Political fallout from the Elymite accession sparks the Foundation-Sicani War, with the latter refusing to accept Elymite accession, regarding the Elymite worlds as permanently subordinate clients. The war concludes in 2933, only because the Sicani are no longer physically capable of prosecuting it, and the Foundation is unwilling to invade core Sicani worlds to force capitulation. Repeated minor conflicts flare up throughout the 30th century as a result of this war’s indecisive outcome.
2940: The DSEV Soliton is launched, the first of many multi-year missions of exploration of the further galaxy.
2950-3200: The First Golden Age of the Foundation. Many worlds join the Accord, including some fringe worlds of species already long represented in its ranks; major scientific advancements greatly improve lifespans and standards of living across the entire Foundation, and hundreds of new worlds are terraformed and colonized. In the 3100s, Control attempts to infiltrate some of the fringe human worlds beyond the Local Bubble, both as an exercise in intelligence gathering and in an attempt to restrain what they see as increasingly dangerous and militaristic/authoritarian behavior in those worlds’ governments. This infiltration largely fails, but what information is gathered is greatly disturbing to Foundation leadership.
3250-3275: Philosophical and artistic confllicts cause a major political shift within the Titawinese; polities representing more than 85% of the Titawinese population abruptly secede from the Foundation, and the Titawinese Civil War breaks out as a result. Although the Foundation is officially neutral, minor outbreaks of violence occur within Foundation jurisdiction, especially in those Titawinese polities which remain members. Despite efforts at mediation, the war becomes increasingly bloody, and billions of Titawinese are killed, with billions more becoming refugees. Ultimately, a large fraction of the Titawinese flee the Local Sector, and the remaining survivors gradually rejoin the Foundation. Never the most numerous species, the numbers of the Titawinese on Foundation worlds are considerably reduced.
3291-3318: Renewed attempts at infiltration by Control trigger small-scale armed conflict with the outlander worlds; several major human polities escalate these conflicts, determined to rein in the tyrannical and inhumane practices which flourish on planets beyond Control’s reach. In this, they are only weakly successful; ultimately, however, they only drive further militarization of the outlander worlds.
3325: In retaliation, an outlander faction launches a relativistic weapon that destroys the core world of Kildara. Six billion are killed immediately; millions more in the star system die in the aftermath, as relief efforts are insufficient to supply populations on the outer planets. The Foundation is deeply split on the response; finally, a separate coalition launches a punitive expedition against the outlander polities deemed most responsible for the attack. The Kildaran Expedition lasts until 3348, and while it easily occupies over a dozen outlander worlds, they return quickly to the political status quo when it departs.
3350-3450: A quiescent period within the Foundation itself; at the edges, private exploratory and colonization efforts greatly expand the limits of known space.
3461: A hegemonizing swarm centered on Rastaban (β Draconis), modeled on ancient feudal empires, arises in the outlander worlds spinward of the Local Bubble. The Foundation declines to intervene.
3485: The Rastaban empire, a human supremacist state now incorporating many worlds and other species (including Titawinese who fled the Bubble in the 33rd century) launches a major invasion of the outer Foundation worlds. This attack takes the Foundation by surprise, and marks the beginning of a long and highly destructive war.
3534: The Fifty Years’ War concludes with the final dissolution of the Rastaban empire. Many former Foundation worlds who felt insufficiently defended during the war (human and non-human alike) break away to form the Thalian Alliance, a smaller and more centralized union that maintains a permanent space navy. From this period on, the Foundation does not ever contain more than a plurality of the human or human-descended population.
3550-3950: The Grand Expansion, sometimes called the Fourth Space Race. The Local Bubble civilizations continue to explore and settle the nearby galaxy; in this time, more than thirty separate worlds or civilizations join the Foundation.
5th millennium: This period is, broadly, one of increasing localism; although formally united, the Foundation now encompasses many hundreds of star systems, and the limitations on warp drive speeds, and consequently both travel and communications, means that distant regions of the Foundation have little or nothing to do with one another. Crises, both internal and external, are now dealt with by smaller coalitions of worlds, at first on an ad-hoc basis; later, they are formally recognized. Lifespans for most species, at least, are very long, and people remain strongly attached to the idea of the Foundation, even if in practical terms it is increasingly seen to be more a symbolic association than anything else. As local coalitions take institutional precedence, even formal membership for colonies or newly-contacted worlds comes to be seen as superfluous.
6th millennium: Localism soon gives way to fragmentation; ideological divergence between different groups within the Foundation paralyzes its formal institutions. Vast sections of the Foundation secede--not so much by formal declaration, as by simply ceasing to consider themselves part of the organization. Yet on the ancient core worlds, like Earth and Tigurinus, you would hardly know that this is any kind of age of collapse: these planets are still impossibly prosperous by our own standards, and have a strong sense of unity with one another.
Late 6th millennium and 7th millennium: A major period of renewal. A new, leaner Foundation--now simply terming itself the Core--emerges from the sclerotic husk of the old one. The Core is a little more high-handed in its dealings with surrounding polities, but at the same time, its relative position is weaker: there are now dozens of interstellar polities as wealthy and populous as it, with histories nearly as long. The Core has, like its neighbors, thoroughly streamlined its organizational structures--the administrative borders of Earth would be unrecognizable to us now, but not because of wars or revolutions, but because all the old nation-states and supranational unions have mostly withered away. Successive centuries of legal reforms mean that many old foundational treaties and organizations, like the UN, the Teegarden System, or the Archipelago Treaty are no longer in force, but they are remembered as important historical predecessors of the current system, both in the Core, and among its siblings. Breakthroughs in warp drive technology drastically contract interstellar distances once again.
8th millennium: The Core now controls outposts as far as five thousand light-years away; the furthest human worlds are well beyond even this frontier. Long lifespans and fast warp drives mean exploratory missions to nearby dwarf galaxies are a possibility, but more than 95% of the Milky Way remains unsurveyed by most estimates. Interstellar warfare is still rare, but not unheard of--and when it does occur, it can be devastating. Planet-killers are a reliable way to get every polity that knows you exist to declare war on you instantly, but major conflicts can easily kill millions even without such weapons.
9th millennium: By this point, old distinctions of species have begun to seem rather antiquated: ultra-advanced biomedical technology and mind uploading technology means even the biological/mechanical distinction is pretty flexible. There are synthetic sophonts who can credibly claim to be equal parts human and Chalawani, despite their totally incompatible physiologies (they don’t even use the same genetic molecule); at the same time, pinning down a definition of “human,” given the dizzying array of descendants of that clade, would be pretty difficult. The span of lifestyle for individuals within the Core ranges from modosophonts who live much as you or I do, to sprawling collective intelligences or artificial superminds. By the close of this period, even the Core is not really a thing anymore (it had a good run--almost three thousand years). Archailects with even a passing interest in economics and sociology can help any society self-organize into a post-scarcity utopia. On the distant frontier, things might be different, but if you are strolling through the shining cities of Earth, that might as well be another universe.
[1] Delta Pavonis d was home to an advanced technological civilization (fl. 15,000-12,000 YBP) ancestral to both the Helvetosians (aka the Dimidians or Pegasids) and the Chalawani (aka Taphaon), as well as several other minor civilizations in the Local Bubble. But the so-called Delta Pavonis clade, named for this star system, encompasses a much broader category of civilizations, including the Delta Pavonis d civilization, the Helvetosians, the Chalawani, several civilizations well outside the Local Bubble, and their last common ancestor. The ultimate origin of the Delta Pavonis clade lies at least a thousand light-years away, in the direction of the constellation Taurus.
[2] Kraithong, like Tigurinus, is a human coinage, in this case a name derived from the same folklore that furnished the name of Chalawan (47 Ursae Majoris). Helvetosian and Chalawani vocal tracts do not resemble the human vocal tract, and the native names of these planets cannot be adequately transcribed using any human writing system.
[3] Note that alien civilizations have historically been named for the location of first contact, not their planet of origin or their name for themselves, which may not be ascertained for some time. The Titawinese or Samhese are indeed native to the Titawin system, though, originating on the moons around the second planet (catalogued on Earth as Samh, or υ Andromedae c). Their progenitors, the Saffarids, are named for the spectacular ruins they left in orbit of Saffar (υ Andromedae b)
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tmnt-event-blog · 7 months
Listen, im going to make a Comic about This and post it on my main, but I need to fuckin ramble about this idea to my fellow tmnt people. I’m going fuckin crazy about it, and I know I’m gonna explode before the Comic is finished.
I am on the Side That Casey Jr was a dumpster baby.
Keyword “was” because I’m not gonna talk about the apocalypse, oh no. I’m gonna talk about Future Boy in the Good Timeline.
Picture this: you’re parents get together, get married, and they have a family. You, Casey Jr., are Part of That Family. Hell, Your Name isn’t even Casey Jr. Your name in this Timeline is now Xander Quill. And you don’t remember a single thing about what you went through.
You live with your family in Salt Lake, Oregon. You’re a young Teen still growing into the world. You have the most loving family you could ask for. The most you know about the mutant ninja turtles is that they’re heroes of the world. They stopped an entire kraang invasion with the help of a Time traveler the People know as “The Lost Warrior.” You’re Life is as normal as it gets in the year 2043.
But, considering that you altered time, the People who work under the Time and Space Continuum would have to do something to make you pay for your actions. So what Happens? You remember what you went through. From the very early memory you have of the apocalypse to being sent to the past to being forcefully sent back to the future. You remember all of that on your 15th birthday.
At First it seems like a weird dream/nightmare, but soon you figure out that it was never a dream. All of it was real. All of it happened to you. And ya know, when you learn that it’s true, it’s a lot to wrap your head around. There’s so much emotion within that.
But then you realized.
In the apocalypse, you were an only child. Now, you have siblings. An older sibling, a twin sister, and a baby brother.
And you can’t help but think about what happened in the apocalypse.
Your older sibling, two years older, was born first. He probably been in the apocalypse longer than you have. But that also depends on what had happened to him. He wasnt there when you were found. He could have been dead, kraangified, probably a wandering survivor. You wouldn’t know, and That’s terrifying.
And then your twin sister. She also wasn’t there when you were found. You’ve been told you were the only baby in the dumpster. So what happened to her? Did she get separated? Did she die or get kraangified? Did someone else find her? What happened to her.
And then Your baby Brother. He is seven years old, you are fifteen. There is no way he could have even existed. Your bio parents were gone at this point. And it was rare for a child to exist that late into an apocalypse. He never got to experience the horrors you went through.
And the terrible thought lingers in your mind. The anxiety that makes you want to protect your family to the point of dying for them. Because not only are the only one who remembers the apocalypse
You were most likely the last family member to exist in it
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kaijuboarcreations · 1 year
Into the Andersonverse: A full timeline of events for the confirmed continuity of Gerry Anderson Supermarionation shows (Fireball XL5 to Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons)
(Disclaimer*: i actually opted to follow Thunderbirds are Go canon for ages *don't ask me why it's a process plus the actual ages and birth order for the boys is heavily debated in both the og series and are go so don't at me* Also yes I took a few creative liberties to fill in some blanks they are marked by ** so you know what isn't canon, and yes it doesn't always make sense *aka how Venus is a war orphan if the war ended before she was born* but you can't blame me for that, that's just how it was written)
Anyways yall better love me for this it took me three days to make
1988: Sally "Grandma" Tracy is born (maiden name unknown)
2012: Professor Mathew Matic is born in Britain -Aloysius "Nosey" Parker is born - Jeff Tracy is born in Kansas to Grant and Sally Tracy**
2015: Commander Sam Shore (real name Samuel Arthur)is born in Kansas
2017: Charles Grey (Colonel White) is born in England
2028: European Atomic War and Mass Riots in France
2029: Conrad Turner (Captain Black) is born in Manchester, England
2030: Steve Zodiac is born on Mars -Sam Shore leaves home to join the navy
2031: Edward Wilkie (Dr Fawn) is born in Yalumba, Australia
2033: Professor Matic graduates with 22 degrees in astrophysics, robotic, and astronomy, and becomes a navigator for Zero-X interplanetary missions -Sam Shore is given command of a World Security Service submarine -Bradley Holden (Captain Gray) is born in Chicago
2034: Sam Shore befriends Admiral Jack Denver -Patrick Donaghue (Captain Magenta) is born in Dublin Bay, Ireland -The European Atomic War ends (the war left Venus and Conrad Turner orphaned)
2035: Venus is born in Paris -George Lee "Phones" Sheridan is born in South Carolina -Adam Svenson (Captain Blue) is born in Boston -Richard Fraiser (Captain Ochre) is born in Detroit
2036: Paul Metcalfe (Captain Scarlet) is born in Hampshire, England
2037: Jeff Tracy becomes a Colonel for the US Air Force and later transfers to the Space Agency -Patrick Donaghue and his parents immigrate to the US, living in poverty in Manhattan
2038: Troy Tempest is born in New York City -Jeff Tracy marries Lucielle** -Charles Grey graduates from the University of East Angila -Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward is born to Sir Hugh and Lady Amelia**
2040: War damage fixed -Sam Shore marries Elaine MacDonald -Scott Tracy is born**
-"Brains" is born -The Southeast Asia revolts -Juliette Pontoin (Destiny Angel) is born in Paris
2041: Atlanta Shore is born from Elaine and Sam in California -Seymour Griffiths (Lieutenant Green) is born in Trinidad
2042: John Tracy is born** -The Iceland Dispute -The Panama-Ithsmus rebellion begins -Karen Wainwright (Symphony Angel) is born in Cedar Rapids -Chan Kwan (Harmony Angel) is born in Tokyo
2043: The Panama-Ithsmus rebellion ends -Magnolia Jones (Melody Angel) is born in Atlanta -Dianne Simms (Rhapsody Angel) is born in London
2044: Virgil Tracy is born**
2045: Professor Matic takes the role as a professor for Universe University -Conrad Turner joins the British Air Force
2046: Marina is born -Gordon Tracy is born** -Charles Grey moves up to the rank of 'Captain' -The British Civil War begins (during which Conrad Turner is badly wounded)
2047: Steve Zodiac joints WSP Academy -Tanusha "Kayo" Kyrano/Tintin Kyrano is born** -Britain joins the World Government -Charles Grey becomes Admiral while commanding the World Navy Destroyer fleet -Conrad Turner joins the World Air Force
2048: Charles Grey joins the Universal Secret Service and marries his field partner Elizabeth Sonmers -Edward Wilkie starts medical school in Brisbane
2049: the British sector of the USS is reorganized by Charles Grey
2050: Professor Matic designs and builds the world's first Nutomic Hyperdrive Motor and is given an honorary position as Major while heading the XL project -Alan Tracy is born** -Charles Grey is promoted to the head of the USS British sector
2051: Steve Zodiac becomes an astronaut and sub-lieutenant at Space City -Prototypes of the XL project are debuted including XL1 Alpha -Adam Svenson receives a full ride scholarship to Harvard University at age 16
2052: the Anti-Bereznik Riots (of which Patrick Donaghue was involved where he was later arrested and imprisoned for 90 days)
2053: Steve Zodiac befriends space explorer Jim Ireland who sets off on a 10 year voyage -Seymour Griffiths loses his parents in an air disaster
2054: Richard Fraiser joins the World Government Police Corps after being rejected from university and the Air Force -Bradley Holden graduates from the World Navy Academy in San Diego immediately enlisting in the World Navy submarine service
2055: Steve is promoted to captain and is assigned to co-pilot Fireball XL5 -Conrad Turner joins the World Space Patrol and mans Fireball XL3 -Adam Svenson joins the World Aeronautic Society as a test pilot -Patrick Donaghue finishes his studies and graduates from Yale University with degrees in physics, electrical engineering, and technology and he takes a job as a computer programmer for a firm in Brooklyn but soon quit for a life of crime -Edward Wilkie graduates from Brisbane with degrees in medicine and biology and joins the Australian sector of the World Medical Organization as assistant medical controler. Later that same year he is promoted to health controller of the Scandinavian sector.
2056: Venus joins the World Space Patrol -Colonel Grange suffers a mental breakdown while piloting Fireball XL5 leaving Steve to bring them to safety -Marina's mother dies -Troy Tempest joins the World Navy Academy in San Diego -Lucielle Tracy passes away
2057: All Fireball XL ships are outfitted with the Nutomic Hyperdrive Motor -Paul Metcalfe graduates from Winchester University with degrees in History, Technology, and Mathematics -Adam Svenson is promoted to active field agent for WAS -Patrick Donaghue becomes a kingpin for organized crime in New York due to his leadership over several gangs and hacking abilities -Edward Wilkie revolutionizes the WMO's medical technology through robots which places him in the position of Administrator for Advancements in Medicine and Medical Science -Juliette Pontoin attends University in Rome
2058: Elaine Shore suffers a heart attack and passes away -Phones takes on work as a mercenary -Karen Wainwright attends Yale University at age 16
-Lady Penelope becomes chief operative of the Federal Agents Beareu where she meets Jeff Tracy (wait...... F.A.B..... so that's what that stands for....)
2059: Paul Metcalf begins study at West Point Military University in New York -Richard Fraiser transfers to Chicago and takes on one of the toughest crime syndicates in the country
2060: An attack on his vessel causes Sam Shore to lose use of his legs. He and Atlanta move to Marineville to command the World Aquanaut Security Patrol (which is newly established)
-Gordon Tracy interns with WASP** -Troy Tempest is captured on a failed mission and is rescued by Phones who he convinces to join the navy -Troy Tempest arrives at WASP Marineville -Juliette Pontoin joins the World Army Air Force and is transferred to the Intelligence Corps where she hones her skills as a pilot, leads the Woman's Fighter Squadron
2061: Magnolia Jones joins the World Army Airforce at age 18
-Gordon Tracy suffers an accident while working with a high speed hydrofoil**
2062: the start of the events of Fireball XL5 -Jeff Tracy establishes International Rescue -Seymour Griffiths graduates University in Kingston Jamaica with degrees in telecommunications, technology, and music and joins WASP as a junior hydrophone operator (his brothers followed but were killed in an accident which Seymour transferred as a telecommunications operator at Marineville) -Bradley Holden joins WASP as the Lieutenant commander security chief and takes the role of piloting Stingray in her prototype years -Karen Wainwright becomes a full fledged field agent for Universal Secret Service after several years of training -Magnolia Jones becomes lost while taking the XKF 115 aircraft on a test flight and loses contact with control -Chan Kwan graduates University and is determined to fly solo around the world
2063: Venus earns a degree in Space Psychology -Steve Zodiac is awarded Astronaut of the Year -Paul Metcalfe graduates from West Point and joins the World Air Force -Juliette Pontoin leaves WAAF to start her own pilot contracting firm -Magnolia Jones returns after being lost for almost a year after rebuilding her craft from the wreckage. She shortly leaves to focus on flying and setting up a freelance air taxi service -Dianne Simms meets Lady Penelope and is offered a position in the FAB to train as an agent
2064: Bradley Holden receives a severe back injury taking him out of the line to duty and landing him a desk job at Marineville -Troy Tempest becomes captain of Stingray and takes on Phones as his co-pilot -Chan Kwan attempts her voyage around the world but stops to answer a distress call to rescue a group of men from a burning tanker ship in the Pacific. Six months later she tries again and succeeds
2065: the events of Thunderbirds begins -the Spectrum Organization is established and Charles Grey turns down the position of Supreme Commander of the USS to take on his role as "Colonel White" for Spectrum under the Spectrum Selection Committee -Seymour Griffiths joins Spectrum under the codename "Lieutenant Green" -Conrad Turner joins Spectrum under the codename "Captain Black" and quickly climbs the ranks as Spectrum's top agent -Paul Metcalfe joins Spectrum under the code name "Captain Scarlet" (thanks to recommendation from Conrad) -Adam Svenson joins Spectrum under the code name "Captain Blue" -Patrick Donaghue is pardoned for his crimes and is offered a position as an agent of Spectrum under the code name "Captain Magenta" -Dr Edward Wilkie is approached by Spectrum to become the Supreme Medical Commander of Cloudbase and given the codename "Doctor Fawn" -Juliette Pontoin is approached to join Spectrum's squadron of fighter pilots and is given the codename "Destiny Angel" -Magnolia Jones is selected by Spectrum as a fighter pilot and is given the codename "Melody Angel" -Lady Penelope quits her role in the FAB to focus on her work with International Rescue. The FAB dissolves soon after. -Dianne Simms is forced to leave the FAB and becomes a chief security officer for the Euro-Charter Airline company -Chan Kwan's father dies and she takes over the family air taxi company 2066: Richard Fraiser fakes assassination and joins Spectrum under the code name "Captain Ochre" -Bradley Holden clears a health check under Spectrum and is recruited as an agent under the codename "Captain Gray"
-Karen Wainwright quits her work with the USS to become a pilot full time. Shortly after she passes her exam to join Spectrum and joins the Angel squadron under the codename "Symphony Angel" -Dianne Simms is approached by Spectrum to join the Angel squadron and is given the codename "Rhapsody Angel"
-Chan Kwan is approached by the Spectrum Selection Committee to become an Angel pilot, in which she is accepted and given the codename "Harmony Angel"
2068: the events of Thunderbirds end and the events of Captain Scarlet begin (the Mysterons declare war on Earth after the Zero X Mars expedition comes across their settlement and attacks)
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f0point5 · 7 months
idk if this is wrong of me but i kinda dont want max and y/n to get together??
((which ik defeats the purpose and also given the latest update might be a bit late but))
just smth smth “if u love them set them free…” idk i just feel like they’ve never really been free from each other. ((im envisioning like SLOW slow burn two divorces later kinda vibes 💀💀💀))
Well Imma just dip and come back to this fic in 2043 then 😂😂😂
I get what you mean, but tbf they were free of each other for 19 years. I feel like 6 years is a pretty slow burn idk
I get your vibe though they could be the Nicholas sparks couple where you do the flashback and then the current timeline where they’re old lol I see you
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dizzyingdazzle · 2 years
Ok hi call of duty tumblr! I wanted to put my idea for what the black ops timeline looks like because I'm bored and I just finished the vangaurd campaign.
So I'm going to go off of what we know and add my little parts to it!
Also please feel free to correct my dates or give your own opinions on my timeline!
This does obviously contain spoilers!
World at war, this would be somewhere between 1940 and 1945 if I'm not wrong?
Victor reznov BO1 Mission
At the same time as this, Vangaurd would have taken place, (I link Vangaurd to the black ops timeline because they found the nova files on the plane!) And this is also round about 1940 to 1945?
Black ops 1, we jump forward in time on this one, so about 1963 to 1980? Somthing like that.
Black ops declassified, yes this is here, and it takes place 1975 to 1979, it fills in the blanks.
All the black ops 2 flash back missions with Frank, Hudson and Mason
Cold war (my personal favourite), I put this here because hudson hasn't died yet and Frank woods is no longer missing.
That BO2 Mission where hudson dies :(
The rest of Black ops 2, so things such as David and Harper saving the day and what not.
Woods and Mason die. What it was bound to happen!
Black ops 4 is next! It takes place in the year 2043.
Black ops 3 is last on our list, this game takes place so far from the original timeline, 2065, a whole 40 years after the original game!
So thats what I think,
I'd love to hear what you all may think about my timeline!
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nobodys-saviour · 3 months
UPDATED!!! Li Shen ❄️ Pre-Main Story Timeline 🤗
5 September, Autumn 🍂 — 1) birth
(13/14 yo) — 1) Chronorift Catastrophe
(13/14 yo) — 1) met MC at some point
(14 yo), 1 January, Winter ☃️ — 1) Establishment of the Hunter's Association
(14/15 yo) Autumn 🍂 — 1) Started his studies in the Department of Clinical Medicine of Skyhaven University Medical School. 2) Attended the 35th First Year Medical Student Oath Ceremony 3) Met Chief Doctor Fang (Doctor Noah) 4) Was introduced by Dr Fang to Wei Tingjun (William) and Yi Chu (Carter)
(19/20 yo) — 1) Deleted his former reports and theses, prompting the Dean to be rather frustrated with him.
(22 yo) Spring 🌱 — 1) Finishes his Bachelor's, PhD, MD and residency 2) Starts working in the Division of Cardiac Surgery at Linkon Central Hospital. (22/23 yo) — 1) Became an attending surgeon and the chief medical officer 2) Accident on Mt Eternal with Wei Tingjun and Doctor Fang present. 3) Presumably the time he cuts off contact with MC
(25/26 yo) — 1) Receives the Starcatcher and Linde Award
(26/27 yo) Autumn 🍂 — 1) Attended the 47th First Year Medical Student Oath Ceremony in his Alma Mater with Doctor Fang
(27yo) January-June, Winter ☃️-Summer 🌞 — 1) replaced Doctor Fang as the chief cardiologist in Akso hospital. Doctor Fang moves to the arctic 2) Doctor Fang's patients are transferred to him 3) established the EVOL-Cardiac Medical Laboratory in Akso 4) Met Zhang Su in the hospital (27 yo) last week of June, Summer 🌞 — 1) start of main story
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kasszuberi · 1 year
New World AU timeline: Kass Zuberi
2030: The hack allow for the supernatural communities to come out into the open. Kass wasn’t as positive as others, having always been paranoid by nature. His mother’s optimism makes him want to be optimistic too and he tries to be a good member of the community. 
2043: Kassandros’s uncle returns to Vievecor City. He murders Kass’s father and Kass and his mother go into hiding. In two years time, the coven is disbanded anyway. Kass decides to stay in nature with some elves, using his plant magic and newly learned Psychic magic to keep people clear of their area. It creates a small safe space for elves and witches of Dunisami. 
2058: Kass is staying with his friend, Artus and the other elves that remain. While it is safe there, he knows his mother’s time is almost up and he is trying to keep the world around her safe and calm so she may pass in peace. 
Magic: In the past years, Kassandros has mastered blood magic as well as Psychic magic. He’s chosen this as defensive magics, knowing he’d have to protect his mother in her final years. 
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xu-ying-feng · 1 year
New World Bio: Theodore Xu
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Theodore has a complicated relationship with humans. He admires and adores them for their tenacity and curious nature but knows first-hand how can go to satisfy their wants. At the start of the hack, once revealed to be an elf, he continued teaching at the Westwood School for Arts.. It did not impact his life. He did not make any mistakes. Though he remained cautious for the first decade, he soon began befriending mankind.
He advised strongly against giving humans access to techno-magic. After all, it was not meant to be. Let supernatural beings sort out their own messes; let them not bring complicated outsiders in. As time went by, as supernaturals and humans became accustomed to each other, things in his little world began to change, to his dismay. His student, Nana, went missing right before graduating. His house was broken into, and his talisman, which gave the tree in his house the spirit of a dryad he had accompanied long ago, was stolen. The ancient being died a few days after. 
Grief-stricken, seeing that tree was his confidant and guardian for almost half of his life, Theodore wallowed in his house. The quiet, the silence, with only his faint breathing breaking it, allowed Theodore to notice what was appearing within him. A piercing pain rang through his skull, for the Earth seemed to be channelling all its mind into his mind. His body was tired and sluggish, more than usual, and he slept for so, so long.  He sought out other elves who had this same problem and found that his troubles were because of the unbalance in the world. 
When things inevitably worsened, he opened his doors to running supernaturals and housed a few Dumisami witches. He stood as long as he could in the human community, but after his magic was temporarily disabled, he no longer felt safe. The world was crumbling. He felt brash. He felt bitter, filled with the same kind of hatred he had so many years ago. This time, there is no witch is save him, and he must crawl out himself.
Elf Elders Wren and Artus offered him refuge with the remaining elves and he accepted. Wren and Artus had offered him refuge with the remaining elves, and he slipped in. His house, in return, encased itself in a ball of foliage, something out of a fairytale. When a few teenagers finally broke in, they found it empty, as if no one had ever lived there. Though he has disappeared as Theodore Xu, he occasionally slips out from hiding, to check on the world.
Year 2030:
Initially, Theodore is incredibly paranoid considering the revealment of the supernatural community. The last time supernaturals and humans were vaguely aware of one another, it ended with the death of someone very dear to him and his imprisonment.
He continues to teach at the Westwood School for Arts. 
Year 2035: 
Theodore Xu is now an elf elder, reaching the age of 650.
His general distrust in humankind has lessened, seeing how fascinated they are by his species. He has befriended a mortal blogger. 
Year 2040: 
Two years ago, he befriended a traveling reporter.
Once the Effendi Plaza is reclaimed, he feels a sense of dread. It does not belong to them. It belongs to the witches. Curiosity and greed are the roots of humans, and that scares him. He remains cordial to hum
During autumn, Theodore receives a letter from the government to request his abilities in an experiment. He accepts. 
Year 2041:
He visits the laboratory as requested but leaves before he is called to be interviewed. 
Theodore keeps in touch with his human friends. 
His headaches relapse. 
Year 2043:
Vegetation around Theodore’s house begin to grow inwards.
One of his students, a werewolf named Nana, goes missing. Her family moves away from Vievecor. 
Year 2045:
While playing at a venue, Theodore’s house is broken into. A four-hundred-year-old Bocote carving is stolen.
His student, Nana, reappears as a human. 
Extra defense measures are taken to protect his living quarters. He has 
His migraines have increased, and he has sought out elf elder Wren for medicinal help. 
He has joined a "resistance" of sorts.
Year 2048
His migraines have increased but are dulled by Wren’s potions. 
Theodore continues teaching Music Theory until the autumn of ‘49.
His house has been completely covered in vegetation. Passerbys akin it to a shield of sorts.
Year 2050:
Theodore has stopped appearing in public and goes out only in a fully magiced disguise.
The unbalance in the world affects him moderately (headaches, bouts of weakness/unsteadiness, etc.) He can function fully, none the less. 
He has begun meeting with the elves in hiding.  
Year 2051: 
Theodore Xu has gone into hiding with the remaining elves 
Before meeting at the hideout, he is attacked by a startled human with the P.S Group’s newest weapon. She appears not to mean him harm and apologizes. 
He retains no magic for three months. 
Year 2058: 
Theodore is asked by Wren to take care of Artus and the other elves. 
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vievecorcityevents · 1 year
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The year is 2058 and things are very different in Vievecor City...
It is now over 35 years after the NoRex hack that did not take place.
Two months after the hack, the supernaturals saw more similar attempts at hacking take place in places other than Vievecor City and to pre-empt this, some deities in Vievecor City and even around the world were convinced to undo this hack before it became too serious a problem. Once they used order magic to ‘fix’ things a new reality came into being...
In this reality, the NoRex hack and the actions of those connected to it were wiped from existence and new events and new players emerged in place.
The following is a timeline of events leading up to the year 2058.
Year 2023:
The NoRex hack did not take place in February of this year and the supernatural world lived as normal until...
Year 2030:
A large coordinated hack took place in February that simultaneously took down supernatural run servers in Vievecor City and several other major cities around the world. 
With this much revealed about the supernatural world globally, the different species were at odds as to how to handle it. The deities absolutely refused to perform order magic at such a scale as they feared that an equal and opposing force would come back to put things in balance again.
Surprisingly, the supernaturals were cautiously welcomed by humans for a number of years as they were fascinated by anything and everything that they could do. 
A treaty is enacted for everyone to live together harmoniously for the next decade.
Species like witches, elves and werewolves were more liked for their friendlier natures. Vampires were also fascinating but treated with caution depending on where in the world they were. The confirmation of the existence of demons, deities and spirits caused waves in religious communities and they were either loved or loathed over time.
Year 2035:
By this year, the Remington Coven have already to share magic and technomagic with the humans in the hopes of working together for a better world. 
Year 2040: 
Effendi Plaza is reclaimed by the city in 2040. The Effendi witches foresaw something and decided to separate to keep themselves safe. The witches from this coven started assimilating with the humans the earliest and most of them, including Divya Effendi still remain in hiding. This is the first supernatural-owned building that was reclaimed by the human government.
Magic technology that can enhance human lifespans have also been created with the help of a Vievecor City tech company called P.S. Group headed by a man named Park Sung Joon that would eventually become the biggest manufacturer of magic technology.
Whispered reports of supernaturals going missing start to emerge.
Year 2041:
Reports start popping up on the internet showing footage of various species of supernaturals harming humans. This begins to disrupt the ties between them and the humans begin to see supernaturals in a different light. Spirits, demons and vampires are discriminated against first.
The P.S. Group develops a piece of technology that can depower any supernatural being for time spanning a few weeks to a couple of months. Being hit by one shot of this weapon will completely cut them off from a supernatural’s magic and magically enhanced physiologies, rendering them only about a physically as strong as humans. EFFECTS for the different species are akin to the inhibitor collars used at Zamok. They market this as technology for self defence. 
Incidents of humans killing vampires and werewolves emerge and both species do not take kindly to it. The vampires are the first to start retaliating against humans.
Year 2043:
The Shard that once belonged to the Rosu Clan is reclaimed by the city this year after the death of Vicente Guerra in a violent clash between humans and vampires in the middle of Dymock.
Year 2045:
The vampire population is drastically reduced with humans claiming self defence against attacking vampires.
While all this is happening, news outlets have continued to report on supernaturals as a whole being an increasing danger to the human race.
More weapons have also been developed by P.S. Group under the guise of friendly relations between humans and witches. Disguised as weapons for war that are not to be used against supernaturals, these creations are able to completely destroy a spirit and depower demons and deities for up to a year at a time. 
The supernaturals are divided. Some (mostly witches, deities) still believe that they can work to repair their relations with the humans, while others (mostly elves, demons, spirits, vampires, werewolves) believe otherwise. They begin to fight amongst themselves.
The Dumisani Building is reclaimed by the city in this year after the Dumisani coven was dissolved and the witches were driven into hiding. A lot of the Dumisani witches found it difficult fending off the humans and a majority of them were caught and thrown into Zamok Penitentiary.
Year 2048
Sipho Dumisani was captured and killed after a dark witch tipped off the authorities as to his whereabouts in The Shipyard district.
Sizani Dumisani is still in hiding.
Year 2050:
A piece of magic technology from P.S. Group that is able to kill creatures as strong as vampires and werewolves is developed and revealed to the world. It is touted as the pinnacle of what humans can use for self-defense.
Supernatural numbers have reduced even more by this point with many gone missing, especially demons and deities. 
By this year, a majority of the remaining elves in the world have passed on due to how highly unnatural everything has become and a good number of deities have chosen to cease.
The Natural History Museum that was once overseen by the deities on Holy Island is reclaimed by the city in the year 2050 after deity elder Domiel disappeared one day, leaving the museum unprotected. 
Year 2051: 
The head of the P.S. Group, Park Sung-joon is assassinated by a group of supernaturals consisting of a witch ( @lillian--reed ), a werewolf ( @eduardofaukes ), a vampire ( @isabellelaurent ), a deity ( @elio-del-vecchio ) and a demon ( @matthew-alexander ). They are apprehended and publicly tried and were to be executed for their crimes but the witch, werewolf and demon managed to escape with the help of other supernaturals. The vampire and deity are thought to be executed.
His son, Park Siwoo (age 26) takes over the P.S. Group.
The public sentiment has completely turned against all supernaturals. 
All supernaturals are seen as would-be criminals and the authorities would not hesitate throwing anyone they catch toeing the line into Zamok. Witches who work with humans are less discriminated against, but are still treated with disdain and derision.
Year 2053:
The Hereafter is partially destroyed when humans set a devastating magic technology bomb in the basement. All the residents, including demon elder Matthew Alexander, were driven out after and had to seek shelter elsewhere on the island. It was reclaimed by the city in that same year and repurposed to test new P.S. Group technology.
Year 2056:
Under Siwoo’s leadership, the P.S. Group becomes more vocal and outspoken against supernaturals. 
By this point, only power hungry witches, malevolent spirits and demons who revel the chaos are still aligning themselves with the P.S. Group and humans. 
A large portion of the supernaturals around the world have been depowered and have been forced to live in supernatural-only zones in the poorest parts of the city or are driven into hiding.
Year 2057: 
Park Siwoo runs and is elected the youngest President of the most powerful nation in the world at the age of 34. 
He pushes through a bill to have every supernatural being depowered and begins to lead the charge in coming down hard on supernaturals with the intention to eradicate them from the face of the earth.
Year 2058: 
Present year.
This is Vievecor City RP’s first AU event and we hope you all have fun with it! Your characters will be living in a world set 35 years in the future. Please familiarize yourself with the timeline detailed in this post when completing this task. 
The task is to write a brief bio of what your character has done and who they have become in the 35 years leading up to this point in the event. We encourage you to be creative and go wild with your bios and even include things like character deaths, species changes and alliance changes depending on how you wish to play your character in this event. Using the events detailed in this post would be a great starting point for your character bios.
Your character’s bio should either be in point form (with a minimum of 5 bullet points) or paragraph form (at least two paragraphs) detailing this future version of himself, whether they are still alive, what they did in the 35 years and where they are now. 
Players can claim the roles of any species singled out in the timeline above. (e.g. anyone in the group who assassinates Park Sung Joon in Year 2051) Please approach the admin to claim one of these roles and plot with other players if needed. Only one role per player is allowed.
Only certain characters will remember everything that happened in this alternate reality and other characters will have means to find out should they wish. More details about this will be revealed at the end of the event.
Players should post these bios to their blogs and tag it with #vievecorcityevent #vievecorcitytask #vcnewworldevent. 
Please ensure that these bios are written and posted to your blog before the start of the event on Mar 20th. Players do not need to send these bios into the main. If you have any questions about this event, please feel free to drop us a line on the main or in the OOC discord and we will be more than happy to help out.
OOC Info:
The event will run for two weeks starting on March 20th, 12pm EST until April 3rd, 12pm EST. We will not be accepting new applications during this event.
In-game, this event will last for a week. Please keep an eye on this event blog for further plot drops during the week.
Due to the nature of this event, some plot drops and event interactions can lead to character deaths. Players are encouraged to discuss with others and play out these deaths as they see fit. They will not be permanent and characters will come back to life after the event is over.
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Lost in the Middle ‘Verse Timeline
Summer 2005-Part 1 of “Five Times...”
Fall 2008-Part 2
Spring 2010-Part 3
January/February 2011-Of Crash Mats and Calamity
Summer 2012-Part 4
Winter 2012-Part 5
Late Summer 2013-Part 6/+1/Natalie
Christmas 2013-Christmas with Nat
July 2015-Sister Night
Late April-Late July 2017-The events of Lost in the Middle
September 2017-The Ropes
Mid-October 2017-A Football Game
Late October 2017-Early February 2018-Even When You’re Gone
Summer 2018-At the Drive-In
March 2020-Back Off
Fall 2022-Moving In
Summer 2023-Baryshnikov
August/September 2023-3 Months & Not Yet
November 2023-American Thanksgiving
August 2024-I’m Coming Out
September-December 2028-The Nutcracker
December 2028-Christmas at Home
2035/2036 (I’ll eventually narrow this down)-Piper
September/October 2038-Halloween!
August 2042-We Built a House!
September 2042-Movie Night
Summer 2043-James
June 2046-Jess
September 2046-RJ
October 2049-Wren
Early 2050-Noah
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Papa!Michae AU Basic Timeline
It's time I finally posted this so:
1964 - William Afton and Evalynne Schmidt are married
1969 - Michael Afton is born
1971 - William Afton and Henry Emily open Fredbear's Family Diner
1973 - Evan Afton is born
1975 - Elizabeth Afton is born
1977 - Evalynne Afton dies of heart cancer
1980 - Michael meets his friends and they all wear masks to symbolize their friendship
1981 - William Afton opens Circus Baby's Pizzeria where Elizabeth Afton is grabbed into Circus Baby's storage tank where she dies of hypothermia and suffocation, closing the Pizzeria the same day it opened.
1982 - Evan asks Michael and his Friends to help him get braver by randomly scaring him. Michael's friends plan a prank to put Evan's head in Fredbear's Mouth. William Afton and Henry Emily form Fazbear Entertainment and open Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria and Fazbear Jr's
1983 - Evan Afton loses his life in a prank gone wrong that crushes his entire skull, decommissioning the Spring-Lock Animatronics. Later that same year, Charlotte Emily is killed outside Fredbear's Family Diner which ends up closing the restaurant.
1985 - The first Missing Children incident occurs, causing Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria to close, the animatronics are then shipped off to Fazbear Jr's for spare parts.
1987 - Jeremy Fitzgerald has his frontal lobe bitten off by Mangle and Michael Afton works as a nightguard for a single night under the name Fritz Smith, the old animatronics are then moved to the old location to hopefully reopen.
1988 - William goes to dismantle the old animatronics to free the souls within, causing his death in a Spring-Lock "accident" within the saferoom, which is later sealed up and the animatronics are rebuilt.
1990 - Michael Afton works at CBER where he dies from having his organs scooped out by the Scooper.
1993 - Henry Emily goes missing
2003 - Michael Afton works as a nightguard at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza under the name Mike Schmidt.
2019 - Fazbear Entertainment "Shuts Down" due to negative rep.
2025 - Michel Afton has recurring nightmares of when he killed his brother.
2032 - Fazbear Frights begins construction
2033 - Michael Afton works at Fazbear Frights and eventually burns it down in hopes to release his father's soul from the animatronic within and finally end the madness.
2041 - Michael Afton and Henry Emily lure the remaining animatronics with souls to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place to burn them and release the souls within.
2043 - Michael Afton is named the successor of Fazbear Entertainment and adopts the missing children, including his brother.
2045 - Charlotte Emily, her soul now in the robotic body her father built her, comes to live with Michael and the MC
2046 - Michael rebuilds the Funtimes after learning that his sister and mother sill possess Circus Baby and Balora
2048 - Michael Afton and Charlotte Emily are Married
Current Timeline - Michael Afton's left leg and right arm have fully rotted off and been replaced with robotic limbs. Henry is working on a new robot body for Michael similar to Charlie's robot body.
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