misuanonimasu · 1 month
This summer sucked for me when it came to writing, I was mostly just depressed lying in bed and my routine got fucked up when I had to go on my summer break from work, even if I wanted to write there was no energy.
I started to feel better when I went to the movies and saw the new Deadpool movie and saw it again and again and agai...I fell down the Poolverine rabbit hole a little bit.
I've finished my summer break, so I'm working again, and I celebrated gay pride in my city 🏳️‍🌈
The creative juices in me are returning and I'm trying to get back into my writing, I'm mostly trying to finish my pug story, and then I want to put my foces back on my TimeTravellerLuffy fic
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entranquilidad · 10 years
-drops shyly the url because why-
Opinion on;
Character in general: meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, idiot, strong. And dont ever you harm his comrade, I warn you!
How they play them: Her idea about Luffy have such ability t' travel time is so creative--I wonder if Nami wanted his magic compass ha'ha. Anyway, my muse can meet hers even before he died...!!
The Mun: Dont be shy! I won't bite---but kiss you!!
Do I:
RP with them: We've plottedWant to RP with them: when do I say not?
What is my;
Overall Opinion:  I'm still looking forward of our IC interaction. But take your time.
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coolbutnastykenji · 10 years
timetravellerluffy replied to your post “It's finally over”
[ I hope your exams went well, if you drop by Tokyo, give a wave :D ]
// aww dammit I'm only visiting Hokkaido and Kyushu >.<
Btw what are you doing there? ^.^ I remember you mentioning something about Tokyo before.
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allseeingcaptain · 10 years
☮:Something you're confident about with your writing
☮ : Something you’re confident about with your writing
Well… the fact that I don’t stress too much over it anymore. I use to so bad! I feel a hell of a lot more confident with my writing then I’ve ever been, all though I have a tendency to overlook typos. I have severe ADD so my mind moves a lot faster so I write things different, and sometimes even miss words. 
But yeah… that’s probably about it. Just have fun with it and everything will be alright. It’s how I get by, and how I continue writing. People still wanna rp with me, so must mean I have some sort of skill, right? 
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ttart1st · 10 years
Θ My biggest pet peeve
//Since today longer term construction work started in my appartement building I have to say it’s most likely having strangers or people I dislike in places I consider “my/safe territory”. Even if the reasons are logically legit there are moments when i see someone on ‘my turf’ or only notice someones scent (I am massively sensitive to scents), that I am filled with a deep desire to get out my claws or snarl at that someone.
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sorrowfilledexistence · 10 years
"...Why you people keep showing up?!"
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ttart1st · 10 years
Say 10 things about yourself and then send this to your 10 favourite followers :)
//Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww you are a darling :)
- After a few months of living with a kitty I don’t wanna live without one
- I am gonna speak Japanese again for the first time in months on saturday
- This country is too fucking cold for me, I wanna live on a tropical island please
- I am currently looking for a flatmate - anyone interested? :D
- I should be writing so many things
- My head is completely empty though, so I’ll be most likely be useless tonight as well
- I really start to enjoy teaching German language and traditions
- My lap is filled with a purring, kneading ball of fluff right now
- The new OP Chapter destroyed me
- I am turning  24 in less than a month… i am getting oooooold X.x
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cxrazon-blog · 10 years
✿ , ✄ and ☂
✿ - laugh
Corazon has a loud, scratchy laugh. It starts off harsh but ends a little softer. He is kind of embarrassed by it.
✄ - nervous habits
He will drum his fingers, either against his arm or leg or against a tabletop.
☂ - sadness
When he is sad he usually suffers in silence. Though once in a while all his emotions will come to a head and he will lock himself in his room or go off away from everyone else and try to sort everything out.
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waywardswordsman · 10 years
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☻ , ☹ and ✖
☻: Person who could without a doubt make them happy.
Dragon, probably. Dragon knows Bunny the longest and probably even better than anybody else. He has also seen different sides of Bunny and knows what he shouldn’t do and what he should do around Bunny. As well as the things that upset him and the things that make him happy. 
☹: A thought that makes them sad.
Heavily based on a certain other headcanon
The thought that he wasn’t brave enough to help his parents when they needed it the most.
✖: A trait they despise in people.
Arrogance, probably.
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askku-chan · 10 years
Freeze! You’re under arrest for being so nice and cute. Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful ❤ (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*
When I saw it in my askbox, I thought "cześć, Eve", so... hi, Eve :)
Thank you!
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