#tiny iván
pannypunkpanda · 2 years
Tiny Witch Iván is going to lay out some charm spells — October 23
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moodysullie · 1 year
Sullie! What do you think each Danny character smells like?
Love your gifs as always😍Have a nice day!💓
(Sorry in advance for 1) VERY late replying & 2) lack of words because English is not my mother language and I don't use them in my daily life, combined with tiredness makes my brain not generate words as it should.)
"Smell" as in any kind of scent or which bottle of perfume they used? If it's the latter then I cannot answer because I don't really have knowledge in that field.
Gosh, I never thought about it at all. I'm really not someone who thinks about how any character smells.
How would I do this?
Let's start with the first thing when you are near Baron Zemo would be a hint of very expensive perfume, and I don't mean just the price but the kind that you can smell. He would smell very neat & sophisticated (if you get what I mean.) A mild calming earthy tone, not-too-sweet kind of fruit, with a tiny hint of spices, not piercing, but strong enough to make people wonder what he wears because it's so unique, or even tailor-made. When you get close enough, the scent of smoke will rise and seep into your senses. Not from a cigarette, but gunpowder and metallic scent (either from the weapon or cell bars), and before you realize it, they are already overwhelming you, and you can't turn back now.
I would like to think Laszlo Kreizler would have masked himself in a floral aroma mixed with the smell of leather. However, in the back of my mind, I doubt he ever used any cologne, but he's an alienist which equals to a psychiatrist in the present day means he might wear something that could ease his patients and children at the institute to make them more relaxed. (Also he appeared to be snobbish in some way so yeah he might wear perfume :|) On the other hand, all the musty, damp stench from *working* and investigating in different places would definitely stink and stick on his clothes, and his skin.
For our maître d' Tony Balerdi, I don't think he would (or could) wear anything since he works in a fine-dining restaurant and any strong fragrance could contaminate or affect dishes and drinks to those who are very sensitive to the smell. (even though Adam & Helena did smoke while working, which is something that bothers me when I watch this film), but I'd like to think that his choice of perfume outside of work would still be pure, fresh & clean, nothing artificial. I doubt he ever used something oceanic, maybe on some occasion when he wants to rest his mind, but it must not be salty, more like fresh water from the waterfall.
The salty, breezy, very oceanic goes to Andrea Marowski, our baby. I mean before he was saved by the sisters he was on a ship, on his journey, then he spent quite a certain amount of time near the beach and I do think there will be lots of journeys for him to take in the future. However, he's a violinist, I believe he must have that woody piney scent from rosin that used to take care of his violin.
You know who's the easiest for this ask? The red flag walking, Thomas Lang. That man will either be soaked in cologne or none. If he wears something, it would be very masculine, very clean & crisp, probably that top-3-bottles-for-men-that-are-head-turner kind of thing. If he doesn't wear anything, the air around him is filled with odors of smoke, booze, and definitely stinks of sweat because he's either too drunk or too far out to shower, or maybe from having nightmares. (NSFW-ish thought though he would defo have that smell of those womanizers who had quite a number of sex because that man is good for just one night and when the morning comes you better kick him out of your life real quick.)
I have no idea about other characters. I mean, obviously, Niki and Iván would have that faint machine oil smell, although I don't think I can smell anything but burnt cigarettes from Iván. (my god he smokes like there's no tomorrow it's quite concerning for those who don't smoke like me.)
I don't think you can smell anything from Schmidt though, except the scent of shaving cream?
I'm suck at this and I'm sooo lack of imagination 😢
Still, thanks for your message. I hope you have a wonderful day, month, year, and so on. ❤️
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luly-sims · 1 year
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Some more of these fellas! Lucia (Laurent), Iván (Moyer), Carlos (Bjergsen) and Javier (Silversweater).
Third one is of my favorites because his outfit was literally the jacket he's wearing and a tiny pair of white underwear. Truly following his dad's steps of being a whore.
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lisagarlandd · 3 years
I finished my re watch of the show and realized even more things and paid attention to every details (I mean this show is intense as heck so the first time is wild 😂) and it's always satisfying to see people punch Mateo 😌 I loved Germán having pics of his kid in his locker, Iván's interactions with Óscar, Hugo and Triana struggling but communicating and making efforts and learning to trust e/o endlessly, Jairo's behaviour after The Fuck Up and how much he cried like 🥺😭 Carlo's an amazing actor! I do hope Andrea will go to therapy or a hospital a few times a day if no full-time hospitalisation cause he still needs it badly, he won't heal overnight, he won't heal just because Jairo is back, I really look forward to what they'll do for him in S2 😶 but damn the ending of S1 just, it's so fucked up 💀
Also the ending ending happens 6 weeks later so that's like almost 2 months of Andrea believing Jairo is dead? What happened? Imagine it could've been his first happy birthday in years 😭
Oh I wrote a lot 😂
Omg yes It Is Intense
But you know what
I need more Macarena and Maria moments
CUZ THEY R SO CUTEEEEE together hehhe
U remember Jairo's spit right into Mateo's face 😂😂😂 it was very satisfying.
And like I always say
The boy is already traumatized and just when he started to get better
Jairo fucked up! I'm so angry with him . Even if he cried
I'm not ready to forgive him, yet.
I feel for oscar ,he's tiny 🤧 and his first experience with dat lady 🤧
Hugo has the Shitiest luck on planet.
Also creepy borja hehe
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theindiegamereview · 3 years
Meet the creative team: “Spellstone”
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Are you a collectible card game (CCG) fan? If so, read on, because this week we spoke to the makers of Spellstone, a free-to-play (F2P) casual story-based fantasy card game that features vibrant, colourful, hand-drawn art on hundreds of beautiful cards that you can acquire and use in battle, both against the computer and other players!
TIGR: PABLO and DUSTIN are artists who have worked on Spellstone's art, helping create some of the iconic characters Spellstone fans know and love. We asked them how they came to work on the game, as well as what intrigued them about this project.
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DUSTIN: I was working as a contract artist when I was asked to create some sample cards for a potential CCG, which is something I'd always wanted to do. The samples I submitted eventually led to me getting a contract to create the initial art for Spellstone. After about four months, I was offered a full-time position. I had such a great experience working with the team that I jumped at the opportunity!
PABLO: Prior to starting work on Spellstone, I remember doing an art piece to test my skills. I greatly enjoyed that because I particularly liked this game's art style - which is actually similar to my own! There were still slight differences though, so I've had to adapt a little. Blending my own personal style into an existing one was challenging. But something that intrigued me about Spellstone was the variety of factions in the game. Each and every one opens up a big array of possibilities when it comes to creating a character. I felt my options were unlimited and I loved it!
TIGR: Spellstone features many different cards and characters. We wanted to know who conceptualises all this, and how much creative licence artists get when crafting a character. FERNANDO, currently the main artist for the game, gave us more insight.
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FERNANDO:  That Spellstone has such an immense variety of characters means it's a complete and delightful dish for artists. It's hugely gratifying to find such visual diversity with which to play with. You're completely free to create, as long as you respect the game's universe and visual language.
As for the process, the concept of what a card must look like and how it must be functional in terms of gameplay comes from the guys in the game design department. Very creative people... sorcerers maybe? I don't know. Haha!
From a brief but concise description they give me, I can get a sense of what kind of character and action they want to see in a card. Once I have all the information I need to start sketching, my favourite hour finally begins: creative hour!
If the card description involves an existing type of character, like a goblin, part of the fun has to do with the way you depict that character, situation, action and specific emotion. There's also some freedom to create from scratch if needed - that's exciting and challenging! Sometimes the ideas come from a mix of characters, and that's when the laboratory inside my mind starts working: I press a button and something cool, spooky or funny comes out - whatever the game requires. Other times, new concepts require that I look for approximate references of what's needed, so that serves as the starting point. No matter what, it's always a very enjoyable process. Sometimes we have to make corrections, that's true. But as with everything in life, this is necessary for things to work properly. You may have to redraw stuff, but finally the card is done - it works, it delivers and it entertains!
  TIGR: In Spellstone, cards can be upgraded from a single to a dual to a quad, and we really like that this sometimes tells a "mini story" of of sorts through the artwork. Some are funny (we just love Honeycomb Lobber!), some cute (Bomb Spirit is soooo adorable when he’s angry!), some uplifting (Aurora Shaver ranks among our favourites), and some, um, a bit disturbing, to be honest (Cleaverstorm Hunter, anyone?!)! And some are just sad - we can't help but feel sorry for the poor li'l forest furries that presumably got devoured by Alphamech Stalker! We asked the team how they came up with ideas for all these tiny narratives, and MELINDA, one of the game designers, told us more.
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MELINDA: When I was younger, there were a few creatures in video games that terrified me. One of those I remembered most was Medusa, an air jellyfish from Ecco: The Tides of Time. While traversing through a water pathway in the sky, Medusa would try to pick up Ecco the dolphin and fling him off the path. Tetraspout's concept came from that, and you can even see poor little dolphins getting swept up in its attack!
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  TIGR: We asked the team if there were any cards they particularly liked creating, or found challenging to conceptualise. IVÁN, a colorist who worked briefly on the game, chipped in, as did TONY and RHADA, two of Spellstone's game designers.
DUSTIN: I loved working on the goblin cards! You could get silly with them. Frogs were a lot of fun too - the variety of colours made them interesting. For me, the water cards were challenging but I grew to love working on them.
PABLO: My favourite characters are Goblins! You can play around with them, making them look funny even when the card is telling a dark story, like a massacre. All of the cards were challenging to create!
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IVÁN: I enjoyed working on Hedron The Critical Threat, Zyd The Unhinged, and some awesome Insect cards that have yet to be released (as of the time of this interview). I mostly liked them because of their cool concepts and Fernando's awesome sketches. Hedron in particular was a technical painting challenge, as it has textures, transparencies and glow!
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TONY: As something of an artist myself (/sarcasm), the card I am most proud of has to be Dinged Waptor. Or really any of the cards I did for the April Fool's event, which is about the only time the art team lets me anywhere near card art. :) For April Fool's, I decided it would be funny to try my hand at drawing some cards I felt players would enjoy. So the first year I drew some original characters that consisted of a few stick figures, a chicken, and a bomb. The response was good, so the following year I continued the tradition, eventually going through and tracing some famous cards like Winged Raptor. My one rule while making these cards was that I could not erase what I did!
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RHADA: We used to sell boxes that contained two new premium cards instead of one. We thought of making both cards in the box thematically linked. At the same time, while brainstorming concepts for dragons, I thought we could try to make cards that formed a bigger picture on the battlefield when placed consecutively, side by side. The initial idea was a serpent whose artwork overflowed into a second card, and after some iteration, we stumbled upon the idea of a dragon dance. The result was very cool!
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TIGR: With the Spellstone story campaign recently concluded, we asked what was next in store for Spellstone fans. Would there be anymore new characters and amazing art to look forward to?
TONY: Absolutely! While the main story has come to a close, we still look forward to adding new characters, cards, and art to the game that lets our artists have fun and shows off the world of Spellstone.
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TIGR: And finally, the most important question of all: would real-life Spellstone merchandise ever be made available for fans of the game? We really want a plushie of the adorable Bomb Spirit (complete with detachable bombs, perhaps?), as well as his angry counterpart, Firebomb Spirit! Also for Quetee Que and Adorabilis, please! And would there ever be any actual physical Spellstone cards produced for collectors?
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TONY: I would personally love to see real-life merchandise, but we currently do not have the means to take on such an endeavour. Maybe one day we can strike a partnership with a team that can make this happen!
We thank the Spellstone team for their time and all the wonderful art assets that accompany this interview! Check out the game here on Kongregate, on Steam, or on mobile - three different ways you can enjoy this fun, cheeky and adorable CCG!
P.S. We just had to include our favourite card: Darkwater Adonis - don’t be fooled by his charms!
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I dont wanna miss a thing-Aerosmith
Let her go- Passenger
November rain - Guns N’ roses
I’ve got you - Mc fly
Love of my life - Queen
Ángel - Aerosmith
You are my life - Michael Jackson
Darlin’ - The beach Boys
Never let you go - Justin Bieber
Lo más lindo - LPDA
El avión - Salamandra
Un lugar - Salamandra
Llegaste tú- Sin bandera
Sabes - Reik
ABC - Sin bandera
All that matters - Justin Bieber
All of me - John Legend
Te sigo esperando- Iván Zavala
Por fin te encontré - Cali y el Dandee ft Sebastian Yatra
Una vida para recordar - Piso 21 ft Myke towers
Te encontré - El vega
Tattoo - Rauw Alejandro
Crazy - Aerosmith
Always - Bon Jovi
Te necesito - Luis Miguel
Tanta falta - Bryant Myers
Mi religión -
I was made for loving you - Kiss
Te regalo -Iván Zavala
Te voy a enamorar - Jaycob Duque
Una lady como tu - Manuel Turizo
Mi vida eres tú - El dragón
Tus ojos - La beriso
Déjame - La beriso
Indeciso - Reik ftJ Balvin Lalo Ebratt
Can’t help falling in love - Elvis Presley
Jugando - Callejeros
Más allá - Callejeros
Me rehuso - danny ocean
no sales de mi mente -Yandel
pierdo la cabeza remix -Zion y lenon
Si supieras -Daddy yankee
Colgando en tus manos -Carlos baute
What’s make you beautiful-one direction
Little thing -One direction
Fall -Justin Bieber
Boyfriend -Justin Bieber
Te amo - Alexander Acha
Te amo - Il divo
Bendita tu luz - Maná
Wonderwall - Oasis
The scientist - Coldplay
All you need is love - The Beatles
Sweet child of mine - Guns n’ roses
Everything I do - Bryan Adams
All for love - Bryan Adams
I will always love you - Whitney Houston
Nothing Else matters - Metallica
Will you still love me tomorrow - Amy Winehouse
a song for you - Amy Winehouse
Solo para ti - Camila
Hasta el fin del mundo - Jennifer Peña
una flor - juanes
tus ojos -Humbertiko y urbanos
É o amor - Zeze di Camargo
We belong - Pat benatar
Locket out heaven- Bruno Mars
Por ti - Nicolás Mayorca ft Alkilados
princesa - LPDA
Labios compartidos - MANÁ
Más allá - callejeros
Princesa - Ken Y
jugando - Callejeros
Fly me to the moon - Frank Sinatra
I was made for loving you- KISS
Gotas de agua dulce - Juanes
Cuando me enamoro -Juan luis guerra
Lo que me gusta de ti - Salamandra
Anillo de cristal - Salamandra
You’re beautiful- James Blunt
You before me -Hoobastank
tuyo siempre- Andrés calamaro
sonreír - Kurt
more than words - Extreme
kanye west- devil in a new dress
at last-Etta james
crush - beautiful
the way you make me feel - michael jackson
you are not alone - michael jackson
glory of love -peter cetera
bob dylan - i'll be your baby tonight
wanderlust - the weeknd
lost in the wild- walk the moon
ADMV -Maluma
¿Qué Dirías?. -Mau y ricky
por primera vez-Camilo y Evaluna
me enamoré-Jay Wheeler
no hay nadie más-Sebastián Yatra
Come around me - Justin Bieber
That’s what love is - Justin Bieber
be alright -Justin bieber
I’ll never loved again - Lady Gaga
we are young - fun
i do - colbie caillat
marry you - bruno mars
teenage dream - Katy perry
love & marriage - Frank Sinatra
I have nothing - Whitney Houston
tiny dancer - elton jhon
Cada una es una canción para vos ♥️
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radiomashupok · 5 years
Premios Gardel 2019
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La entrega se realizará el próximo 14 de mayo en Mendoza.
Lista de nominados
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Album del Año:
Prender un Fuego, de Marilina Bertoldi.
Cargar la suerte, de Andrés Calamaro.
Fiesta Nacional MTV Unplugged, de Los Auténticos Decadentes.
Studio 2, de Escalandrum.
Discutible, de Babasónicos.
Canción del año:
La Pregunta, de Babasónicos.
Verdades Afiladas, de Andrés Calamaro.
Fumar de día, de Marilina Bertoldi.
Vámonos de viaje, de Bandalos Chinos.
Sin querer queriendo, de Lali.
Grabación del Año:
Productor: Andrés Mayo / Mariano Agustín Fernández e Ingeniero: Mariano Agustín Fernández por “Sonido Subtropical” por La Delio Valdez.
Productor: Geiser Discos. Ingeniero: Nico Cotton, Rafael Arcaute por “Best Seller” Juan Inagaramo.
Productor: Escalandrum y Horacio Sarria. Ingeniero: Facundo Rodríguez por “Studio 2” Escalandrum.
Productor: Babasónicos / Gustavo Iglesias. Ingeniero: Gustavo Iglesias / Greg Calbi por “Discutible”, por Babasónicos.
Productor: Eruca Sativa. Ingeniero: Gabriel Pedernera por “Amor Ausente” Eruca Sativa Con Abel Pintos.
Ingeniería de Grabación:
Mariano Agustín Fernández por “Sonido Subtropical” La Delio Valdez.
Brian Taylor por “Prender un fuego”, Marilina Bertoldi
Nico Cotton por “Fobia”, Juan Ingaramo / Dakillah & Ca7riel
Facundo Rodríguez por “Studio 2” Escalandrum.
Hector Castillo y Luciano Lucerna por “Physical” Octafonic.
Mejor Álbum Artista Canción De Autor:
Constelaciones en el Luna Park, de Lisandro Aristimuño
40 Años, de Leo Maslíah
Carrousel, de Silvina Garré
La huella en el cemento, de Sofía Viola
Instrucciones para madurar, de Roque Narvaja
Mejor Álbum Artista de Cuarteto:
Ulises en Vivo Con Amigos, de Ulises Bueno
Vigencia, de Negro Videla
25, de Damián Córdoba
Estamos todos de Fiesta, de Cuarteto Retro
Éxitos de Oro, de Nolberto Al K La.
Mejor Álbum Artista Femenina de Folklore:
Jallalla, de Micaela Chauque
Jaaukanigás, de Patricia Gómez
Convicción, de Rocío Araujo
Poder Decir, de Ceci Mendez
Canto Soy, de Eli Fernández
Mejor Álbum Artista Femenina de Rock:
Prender un Fuego, de Marilina Bertoldi
La Génesis, de Hilda Lizarazu
Heidi, de Militta Bora
Umbral, de Noe Terceros
Del Otro Lado, de Intérpretes Varios
Mejor Álbum Artista Femenina de Tango:
Puñal de sombra, de Lidia Borda
Martingala, de Julieta Laso
Argentígena, de María Laura Antonelli
Azsulado, de Alicia Vignola
En la boca del león, de Eva Fiori Orquesta
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Mejor Álbum Artista Femenina Pop:
Brava, de Lali.
Solo Sé, de Victoria Bernardi
Quiero Volver, de Tini
Un té de tilo por favor, de Natalie Perez
Popular, de María Campos
Mejor Álbum Artista Femenina Tropical:
La Voz de los Barrios, de Rocío Quiroz
Inigualable, de Dalila
No Te Confundas, de Eugenia Quevedo
#ATR, de Jackita
Dos Infieles, de Lumila
Mejor Álbum Artista Masculino de Folklore:
A fin de cuentas, de Facundo Saravia
Violeta Azul, de Abi González
Mi Cantar, de Jorge Rojas
Canto a Rosario, de Enrique Llopis
Coplas del violinero, de Néstor Garnica
Mejor Álbum Artista Masculino de Rock:
Cargar la suerte, de Andrés Calamaro
El Vuelo del Dragón, Pt 1, de Palo Pandolfo,
Naranja Persa 2, de Ciro y Los Persas
Fervor, de Rocco Posca
Sombras en el Cielo, de Raúl Porchetto
Mejor Álbum Artista Masculino de Tango:
Tango Cosmopolita, de Omar Mollo
Pasional, de Jorge Vazquez
70 años de Tango, de Roberto Siri
Roto, de Enrique Campos
Todo es Amor, de Cristian Chinellato
Mejor Álbum Artista Masculino Pop:
La Familia Festeja Fuerte (En Vivo Estadio River Plate), de Abel Pintos
El Otro, de Chano
La Bestia de la Energía, de Mauro Conforti & La Vida Marciana
Dada, de Soy Rada & The Colibriquis
Mejor Álbum Artista Masculino Tropical:
En el Gran Rex, de Néstor en bloque
Íntimo (En Vivo), de Rodrigo Tapari
Barrios De Mi Tierra (Canciones De Rubén Blades), de Iván Barrios
En vivo, de Daniel Cardozo
Mario Luis, de Mario Luis
Mejor Álbum Artista Romántico – Melódico:
Porque Yo Te Amo, de Gerónimo Rauch
Románticos 60’s, de Palito Ortega
Con buena Compañía, de Dany Martin
Heliotrópico, de Manuel Moreira
Celebrando a una Leyenda (En Vivo), de Leo Dan
Mejor Álbum Banda de Sonido de Cine/Televisión:
Un Gallo para Esculapio (Original Soundtrack), de Pablo Borghi
Notas de Paso 2, de Ernesto Snajer
Caminante del Amor, de Leo Sujatovich & Mateo Sujatovich
El Potro, Lo Mejor del Amor (Banda de Sonido Original de la Película) Rodrigo Romero
Camino Sinuos, de Fito Páez
Mejor Álbum Conceptual:
Carlos Villalba, Mariana Isla, Nahuel Carfi por el álbum “Canción Sobre Canción” Liliana Herrero.
Coti Sorokin por el álbum “Coti Sorokin y los brillantes en el Teatro Colón”, de Coti Sorokin
Esteban Sehinkman por el álbum “Línea de Tiempo”, de Ensamble Real Book Argentina.
Lito Vitale por el álbum “Ave Fénix 2”, de Lito Vitale y Varios Artistas
Virginia Innocenti y Sergio Zabala por el álbum “En la luna”, de Virginia Innocenti
Mejor Álbum de Chamamé:
Cocomarola en Guitarras, de Rudi Flores y las Guitarras
Franco, de Lucas Monzón
Grandes Éxitos, de Ernestito Montiel y su cuarteto Santa Ana
En dos hileras, de Julio Ramírez
Ñande Poetas: Homenaje a Luis Landriscina Juan Pablo Barebrán / Tajy
Mejor Álbum de Jazz:
Studio 2, Escalandrum
Love, Ligia Piro
Nude, Inés Estévez
Danza, Mariano Otero
Lentes, Juan Cruz de Urquiza
Mejor Álbum de Música Clásica:
Horacio Lavandera – Ludwig Van Beethoven, deHoracio Lavandera
Sola Flauta Sola, de Beatriz Plana
Schubert: Mass in G Major, D. 167, de Estudio Coral de Buenos Aires
Piezas para piano de Saúl Cosentino, de Diana Lopszyc
Bajo templado, de Sebastián Tozzola & Anaïs Crepes
Mejor Álbum de Reggae / Ska:
Caminarás Caminos, de Dread Mar I
Neighborhood Rules, de Hugo Lobo
Runfla Calavera, de Mamita Peyote
Semillas de Paz, de Vero y Pablo
Amanecido, de Leonchalon
Mejor Álbum de Rock Pesado / Punk:
Una Razón para Seguir, de A.N.I.M.A.L
Gritando Verdades, de Horcas
Ruta Hotel, de Playa Nudista
Sentimiento, de Intérpretes Varios
Teoría del caos, de Deja Vu
Mejor Álbum Folklore Alternativo:
Trino, de Aca Seca Trío.
Canción Sobre Canción, de Liliana Herrero.
Ese Amigo del Alma – 30 años, de Lito Vitale Quinteto y Orquesta Sinfónica de la Universidad Nacional de San Juan.
Tierra sin mal, de Silvia Iriondo.
Canciones de Tucumán a Rosario, de Leopoldo Deza y Litto Nebbia.
Mejor Álbum Grupo de Cuarteto:
Obsesión, de La Barra
Aquellas Canciones Inolvidables, de Sabroso
Animate!, de Q’ Lokura
20 AÑOS, de La banda al rojo vivo
Mejor Álbum Grupo de Folklore:
Patio, de Juan Quintero, Santiago Segret
Instinto, de Destino San Javier
Atemporales, de Las Hermanas Abraham
Un lugar antes de la lluvia, de La Llave
Perspectiva Interior, de Los Chaza
Mejor Álbum Grupo de Rock:
Discutible, de Babasónicos
Haciendo cosas raras, de Divididos
Fiesta Nacional MTV Unplugged, de Los Auténticos Decadentes
20 Años Celebrando, de La Beriso
Vanthra, de Vanthra
Mejor Álbum Grupo Pop:
Bach, Bandalos Chinos
Criaturas, Ser
SMS, Salvapantallas
Clásico, Hipnótica
Un regalo tuyo, Rayos Laser
Mejor Álbum Grupo Tropical :
Sonido Subtropical, La Delio Valdez
Viru Kumbieron, Viru Kumbieron
La vuelta, Volcán / Roberto Edgar
¡Echale Soda!, Orquesta Plazoleta All Stars
G.Y.L.D.A, Intérpretes Varios
Mejor Álbum Infantil:
Magia todo el día, Luis Pescetti y amigos
Firmamento, Dúo Karma
Barcos y Mariposas Vol 5, Mariana Baggio
Simona, Varios Artistas
Minimalitos, Magdalena Fleitas
Mejor Álbum Instrumental-Fusión-World Music:
Posdata, Ensamble Chancho a Cuerda
Todos los nombres, Todos los cielos, Ignacio Montoya Carlotto Trío
En la montaña, Obi Homer
Adivino del Tiempo, Marcelo Torres
Mejor Álbum Música Electrónica:
Universo Paralelo, Las Rositas
Superbrillantes, Flavio Etcheto
Rapsodia, Mistol Team
Universal, Brijow
Sangre o Saliva, Lola Granillo
Mejor Álbum Orquesta Y/o Grupo De Tango Y/o Instrumental:
Tanguera, Diego Schissi Quinteto
Ahora y siempre, Orquesta Típica Fernández Fierro
Tangos de la posverdad, Juan Pablo Navarro Sexteto
Cruces Urbanos, Quinteto Negro La Boca
Atípico, Bernardo Monk Orquesta
Mejor Álbum Pop Alternativo:
Best Seller, Juan Ingaramo
Enchastre, Louta
Animal, Ainda Dúo
Conociendo Rusia, Conociendo Rusia
Nene mimado, Nahuel Briones
Mejor Álbum Rock Alternativo:
Historias de pescadores y ladrones de La Pampa Argentina, Gabo Ferro y Sergio Chotsourián
Matrioska, Mariana Bianchini
20 años – El show más feliz del mundo, Los Caligaris
Vanthra, Vanthra
Unisex, Zerokill
Mejor Canción / Álbum de Música Urbana / Trap
En Espiral, Lo’ Pibitos
Tres Mil Millones de Años Luz, Emanero
Fama de Puta, Naomi Preizler
Dímelo, Paulo Londra
Cuando Te Besé, Becky G & Paulo Londra
Adán y Eva, Paulo Londra
Si Te Sentís Sola, DUKI
Me Doy Cuenta, Valen Etchegoyen
Chica Paranormal, Paulo Londra
Oro Negro, Dakillah
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Mejor Canción de Dueto / Colaboración:
AMOR, Los Auténticos Decadentes / Mon Laferte
Amor Ausente, Eruca Sativa Con Abel Pintos
No Es No, Axel & Soledad
Un Poquito, Diego Torres & Carlos Vives
Cuando Te Besé, Becky G & Paulo Londra
Mejor Colaboración De Música Urbana / Trap:
Tres Mil Millones de Años Luz, Emanero
Cuando Te Besé, Becky G & Paulo Londra
Antireversa, Sol Pereyra y Mula
Sin Culpa, DUKI feat. Drefquila
De Gira, Naomi Preizler & Under MC
Mejor Colección de Catálogo:
Satélite, Gustavo Cerati
Fuiste Mía un Verano (Edición 50 Aniversario), Leonardo Favio
Ave Fénix 2, Lito Vitale y Varios Artistas
El Gusanito en Persona, Jorge De La Vega
80 años – Jazztaríaenbaterita, Néstor Astarita
Mejor Diseño de Portada:
Molokid por el álbum “Brava”, Lali
Alejandro Ros por el álbum “Satélite”, Gustavo Cerati
Gastón Garriga Lacaze por el álbum “Un té de tilo por favor”, Natalie Perez
Franco Ferrari por el álbum “Best Seller”, Juan Ingaramo
Anabella Cartolano por el álbum “Fuego Artificial” Las Ligas Menores
Mejor Nuevo Artista:
Enchastre, Louta
Escenas de la nada mirar, Noelia Sinkunas
Conociendo Rusia, Conociendo Rusia
Clásico, Hipnótica
Bach, Bandalos Chinos
Instinto, Destino San Javier
Adán y Eva, Paulo Londra
Nos Vamos a Morir de Hacer Estrategias de Amor, Los Rusos Hijos de Puta
SMS, Salvapantallas
Teoría Espacial, Barbi Recanati
Mejor Video Clip Corto:
Juan Cabral por el video clip “La Pregunta”, Babasónicos
Milagros Morcella por el video clip “La Espesura”, Paula Maffía
Daniel Ortega y Gabriel Nicoli por el video clip “Paren de Matarnos”, Miss Bolivia
Diego Latorre por el video clip “Chica Feliz”, Ser
Agustín Nuñez y Luciana D’Attoma por el video clip “Amor Ausente”, Eruca Sativa con Abel Pintos
Mejor Video Clip Largo:
Fernando Emiliozzi por el video clip “Fiesta Nacional MTV Unplugged”, Los Auténticos Decadentes
Diego Alvarez por el video clip “La familia festeja fuerte”, Abel Pintos
Norberto Hegoburu por el video clip “El Vuelo del Dragón Pt.1”, Palo Pandolfo
Coti Sorokin y Agustina Taset por el video clip “Coti Sorokin y los brillantes en el Teatro Colón”, de Coti Sorokin
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Arremangados presentó a nuestros nuevos directores de cara al carnaval de Santa Cruz de Tenerife 2022 y queremos darle las gracias por el trabajo que están haciendo Iván Morales y David Pérez El nuevo tándem al frente de Murga Los Arremangados, será el tercer relevo que tendrá al frente la murga de Tini Expósito y […]
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jeremiahingham · 4 years
Best of YouTube: Is Success Luck or Hard Work? | In a competitive world, tiny advantages can make all the difference. Get 10% off Snatoms with code 'giveluck' in the US: https://ve42.co/USA or International: https://snatoms.com If you would like to receive Snatoms, submit the form here: https://ve42.co/getluck Snatoms are also available on Amazon Prime in the US but with no discount code: https://ift.tt/3lCiG8a Huge thanks to Gene and Sam from Potato Jet for filming with me: https://ift.tt/2ENuKlK This video was inspired by and draws examples from the book "Success and Luck: Good Fortune and the Myth of Meritocracy" by Robert H. Frank Special thanks to Patreon supporters (and to everyone who commented on an earlier version of this video): Marc Forand, Robert Dickerson, Christian Stauffer, LoadTooSlow, Vincent, Lyvann Ferrusca, DALE HORNE, Alfred Wallace, Kevin Beavers, Arjun Chakroborty, Joar Wandborg, Clayton Greenwell, Michael Krugman, Ron Neal, Donal Botkin Animations by Iván Tello
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pannypunkpanda · 2 years
Happy New Years everyone! Best wishes from all the Tiny Brühlies, they’re having a New Year’s party XD jfjdkdkdkd — December 31
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List of Brühlies (please refer to December 22 post to see the number references)
1. Paul Krantz - Love in Thoughts
2. Lt Horstmayer - Joyeux Noël
3. Matthias Erzberger - all quiet on the western front
4. Tonda - Krabat
5. István Thurzó - The Countess
6. Checo - Schlaraffenland/Paradise mall
7. Jan - Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei/The Edukators
8. Father Antonio - The Intruders
9. Other Dirk - All together
10. David Kern - Lila Lila
11. Daniel Weltz - Nebenan
12. Niki Lauda - Rush
13. Sebastian Zöllner - Ich und Kaminski
14. Konrad Koch - Der ganz große Traum
15. Alex Kerner - Goodbye Lenin
16. Andrea - Ladies in lavender
17. Daniel - Colonia
18. Hans Krämer - Die kommenden Tage
19. Wilfried Böse - 7 days in Entebbe
20. Ernst Schmidt - The Cloverfield Paradox
21. Iván Pelayos - The Pelayos
22. Dr Laszlo Kreizlier - the Alienist
23. Daniel Berg - the fifth estate
24. Alex Garel - Eva
25. Thomas Lang - The face of an Angel
26. Lukas - das weiße rauschen/The white sound
27. Dirk Brûlée - Everything at once
28. Hubertus Czernin - Woman in Gold
29. Marko - Elefantenherz
30. Baron Zemo - Marvel
31. Tony Balerdi - Burnt
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mr-waifus · 4 years
Beastars: a fantastically underrated show.
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Based on writer and illustrator Paru Itagaki's award-winning manga,  follows Legosi, a shy, timid and sheepish gray wolf. A member of the drama club at Cherryton High School, Legoshi has spent much of his life playing the weakling, doing everything he can to avoid conflict. Suddenly he meets a tiny bunny, Haru, with which Legosi falls in love.
Beastars was announced at early 2019 as a netflix exclusive anime. Though it had a single thing that set the internet on fire: The animation was entirely on 3D.
This was subject of massive controversy, since 3D animation, specially in anime, tends to be... not really good, to say the least.
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So is it any good? Of course it is. In fact, is one of the most successful animes of the decade!
Beastars is an amazing show, and its beautifuly animated as well. The work studio Orange has done with the source material is really good and defenitely worth a watch!
By: Iván Luna
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michaelfallcon · 5 years
It’s Time To Regulate The Coffee Market
As of writing this, the price of Arabica coffee on the commodities market has dipped back under a dollar. There was a time not so long ago that the price of coffee being less than 100 pennies per pound felt like earth-shattering news; now, for us not in producing countries, those disconnected from the true hardships these numbers represent, this once nadir feels more like, “yep, that still sucks.” We’ve become used to it, like the no-longer-shocking racist tweets of a certain leader of the free world; it’s par for the course at this point.
As the first world becomes inured with finding new depths, the immediacy of the pricing crisis remains on the front of mind for those experiencing the devastating effects. And now, leaders of some of the world’s largest producing countries are banding together to protest at the next United Nations general assembly to “demand higher prices from the world’s coffee roasters.”
According to Bloomberg, the next UN general assembly takes place in September. There, per the head of Colombia’s coffee growing federation Roberto Velez, Brazilian president Jair Bolsanaro will join Colombia’s president Iván Duque to seek higher prices for their countries’ farmers.
“It is not just farmers but also their governments that are complaining to the coffee-roasting industry,” Velez said in an interview in his Bogota office.
Pleas for higher coffee prices are not new at this point, but what is new is that this appears to be the first comment from high-level officials directed at coffee roasting companies. In the past, statements have been made about the unsustainability of the coffee price in general, or there have been calls for enforcing a minimum per-pound amount. This, as best we can tell, is the first time a specific sector of the coffee industry has been targeted as the problem.
And Velez et al. aren’t wrong. Many coffee companies, especially the larger ones focused on commodities, aren’t paying a sustainable price for coffee. But this is more calling out the symptom rather than going after the disease. The real issue here, and it’s a big one, is global capitalism of the more unfettered ilk, plain and simple.
So long as coffee is treated like a commodity and traded on the futures market, things won’t get better. Without some sort of regulation—the free market capitalist’s bogeyman—to rectify the artificially low price, the bottom will continue to bottom out, and our tragedy of the commons will continue unfettered, to the detriment of millions invested in the coffee trade worldwide.
In general, meritocracies—which capitalism is supposed to be—don’t always work for those in need; folks who are starving can’t sit around wait for the free market to pay them what they are worth. If they stick to their principles, they will be buried underneath them. In the Bloomberg article, Starbucks states they pay growers “above and beyond the commodity market price.” Which they do, though it is still generally below what would be considered a sustainable amount. Thus, Starbucks has shielded themselves, at least partially, from criticism. So long as they’ve got someone or something else to point to as the problem, they’ve got plausible deniability.
In a request for comment from Bloomberg, Nestle stated “the present period of historically low Arabica prices due to a record Brazilian crop is causing hardship for many coffee farmers. It is not sustainable for the coffee sector in the medium term. We strongly believe that coffee farmers should earn a sufficient income to cover production costs and maintain a decent standard of living.” This is probably a statement that Nestle believes, but unless someone makes them act upon it, the company is not going to pay a fair price and cut into their own profits. If they were, they’d just, you know, pay more.
But Nestle and Starbucks can’t lose market share, or they’re beholden to stockholders, or any other number of businessy-sounding reasons for why they will continue to exploit immoral prices while releasing statements about how they vehemently disagree with them. No one commodity coffee buyer is going to put their neck out for the little guy, either in fear of it getting lopped off by the great golden axe of capitalism or because they simply don’t want to. All these scaled companies will have pay more or none of them will, starting with the biggest commodity purchasers. And the only way to make them act in a way counter to their financial interests—a way they claim to agree with—is to make them.
And that means regulation.
Those with money and/or power are not quick to give up either. Change is going to have to come from the top down, and consumers will need to understand why this is happening as it happens through measured, non-partisan reporting and analysis. Make coffee drinkers understand that either we regulate coffee now, or in 50 years—perhaps sooner—the coffee trade will be incalculably fucked. Stuff like this transparency pledge and voluntary paying of higher rates and institutional fair practices are a good start. Not for nothing, it honestly says a whole lot about the soul and purpose of specialty coffee as a cultural phenomenon that comparatively tiny companies like Counter Culture, Onyx Coffee Lab, Coffee Collective, Tim Wendelboe, Junior’s Roasted Coffee, and Seven Seeds are leading the charge.
But it’s only a start. The presidents of Brazil and Colombia aren’t wrong to blame coffee roasters. But don’t just blame them, make them change. Regulate the coffee market.
Zac Cadwalader is the managing editor at Sprudge Media Network and a staff writer based in Dallas. Read more Zac Cadwalader on Sprudge.
Top image by Bruno Lavorato in Using Fermentation To Take Coffee To New Heights At Sítio Santa Rita In Brazil
The post It’s Time To Regulate The Coffee Market appeared first on Sprudge.
It’s Time To Regulate The Coffee Market published first on https://medium.com/@LinLinCoffee
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shebreathesslowly · 5 years
It’s Time To Regulate The Coffee Market
As of writing this, the price of Arabica coffee on the commodities market has dipped back under a dollar. There was a time not so long ago that the price of coffee being less than 100 pennies per pound felt like earth-shattering news; now, for us not in producing countries, those disconnected from the true hardships these numbers represent, this once nadir feels more like, “yep, that still sucks.” We’ve become used to it, like the no-longer-shocking racist tweets of a certain leader of the free world; it’s par for the course at this point.
As the first world becomes inured with finding new depths, the immediacy of the pricing crisis remains on the front of mind for those experiencing the devastating effects. And now, leaders of some of the world’s largest producing countries are banding together to protest at the next United Nations general assembly to “demand higher prices from the world’s coffee roasters.”
According to Bloomberg, the next UN general assembly takes place in September. There, per the head of Colombia’s coffee growing federation Roberto Velez, Brazilian president Jair Bolsanaro will join Colombia’s president Iván Duque to seek higher prices for their countries’ farmers.
“It is not just farmers but also their governments that are complaining to the coffee-roasting industry,” Velez said in an interview in his Bogota office.
Pleas for higher coffee prices are not new at this point, but what is new is that this appears to be the first comment from high-level officials directed at coffee roasting companies. In the past, statements have been made about the unsustainability of the coffee price in general, or there have been calls for enforcing a minimum per-pound amount. This, as best we can tell, is the first time a specific sector of the coffee industry has been targeted as the problem.
And Velez et al. aren’t wrong. Many coffee companies, especially the larger ones focused on commodities, aren’t paying a sustainable price for coffee. But this is more calling out the symptom rather than going after the disease. The real issue here, and it’s a big one, is global capitalism of the more unfettered ilk, plain and simple.
So long as coffee is treated like a commodity and traded on the futures market, things won’t get better. Without some sort of regulation—the free market capitalist’s bogeyman—to rectify the artificially low price, the bottom will continue to bottom out, and our tragedy of the commons will continue unfettered, to the detriment of millions invested in the coffee trade worldwide.
In general, meritocracies—which capitalism is supposed to be—don’t always work for those in need; folks who are starving can’t sit around wait for the free market to pay them what they are worth. If they stick to their principles, they will be buried underneath them. In the Bloomberg article, Starbucks states they pay growers “above and beyond the commodity market price.” Which they do, though it is still generally below what would be considered a sustainable amount. Thus, Starbucks has shielded themselves, at least partially, from criticism. So long as they’ve got someone or something else to point to as the problem, they’ve got plausible deniability.
In a request for comment from Bloomberg, Nestle stated “the present period of historically low Arabica prices due to a record Brazilian crop is causing hardship for many coffee farmers. It is not sustainable for the coffee sector in the medium term. We strongly believe that coffee farmers should earn a sufficient income to cover production costs and maintain a decent standard of living.” This is probably a statement that Nestle believes, but unless someone makes them act upon it, the company is not going to pay a fair price and cut into their own profits. If they were, they’d just, you know, pay more.
But Nestle and Starbucks can’t lose market share, or they’re beholden to stockholders, or any other number of businessy-sounding reasons for why they will continue to exploit immoral prices while releasing statements about how they vehemently disagree with them. No one commodity coffee buyer is going to put their neck out for the little guy, either in fear of it getting lopped off by the great golden axe of capitalism or because they simply don’t want to. All these scaled companies will have pay more or none of them will, starting with the biggest commodity purchasers. And the only way to make them act in a way counter to their financial interests—a way they claim to agree with—is to make them.
And that means regulation.
Those with money and/or power are not quick to give up either. Change is going to have to come from the top down, and consumers will need to understand why this is happening as it happens through measured, non-partisan reporting and analysis. Make coffee drinkers understand that either we regulate coffee now, or in 50 years—perhaps sooner—the coffee trade will be incalculably fucked. Stuff like this transparency pledge and voluntary paying of higher rates and institutional fair practices are a good start. Not for nothing, it honestly says a whole lot about the soul and purpose of specialty coffee as a cultural phenomenon that comparatively tiny companies like Counter Culture, Onyx Coffee Lab, Coffee Collective, Tim Wendelboe, Junior’s Roasted Coffee, and Seven Seeds are leading the charge.
But it’s only a start. The presidents of Brazil and Colombia aren’t wrong to blame coffee roasters. But don’t just blame them, make them change. Regulate the coffee market.
Zac Cadwalader is the managing editor at Sprudge Media Network and a staff writer based in Dallas. Read more Zac Cadwalader on Sprudge.
Top image by Bruno Lavorato in Using Fermentation To Take Coffee To New Heights At Sítio Santa Rita In Brazil
The post It’s Time To Regulate The Coffee Market appeared first on Sprudge.
from Sprudge https://ift.tt/2ynJgdM
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tshirtfashiontrend · 5 years
The tiny humans stole my sanity shirt
Link Buys Now: https://kingteeshops.com/product/the-tiny-humans-stole-my-sanity-shirt/
The tiny humans stole my sanity shirt
No one understands The tiny humans stole my sanity shirt . the power of camp quite like Lady Gaga. Though the Oscar winner switches her style at the drop of a pink-brimmed hat, many of her greatest moments on the red carpet have involved deliberately tongue-in-cheek fashion. As one of the hosts of this year’s Costume Institute gala, Gaga can be expected to arrive at the Metropolitan Museum of Art on Monday night wearing something that pushes beyond the boundaries of good taste. But she’s had years of practice making the runway’s campiest creations work.Once you’ve worn meat dresses and steampunk goggles, nothing is off-limits. Yet Gaga has managed to make even the most outlandish outfits feel approachable. Sure, her legions of Little Monsters may not run out and dress in head-to-toe Gareth Pugh or custom Moschino, but seeing her at her kookiest serves as an inspiration for all.
The tiny humans stole my sanity shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
The tiny humans stole my sanity Classic Ladies
The tiny humans stole my sanity Hoodie
The tiny humans stole my sanity LongSleeve
The tiny humans stole my sanity Sweatshirt
The tiny humans stole my sanity Unisex
Responsible for pushing the needle when it comes to what pop stars dare to wear—check the pre- and post-The Fame outfits of your favorite musicians to understand the impact of her influence—she continues to excel at pulling off the impossible The tiny humans stole my sanity shirt .She may have toned things down slightly now that she’s an Academy Award winner, but a look back at her camp best proves she’s still the star to beat when it comes to audacious fashion.Suki Waterhouse has a secret weapon when it comes to preparing for the red carpet. There’s hair and makeup magic involved, sure, but there’s also her adorable dog, Chili, who stays by her side and calms her nerves ahead of any event that involves stepping in front of the cameras. Last night in New York, Waterhouse did just that for the premiere of her new film Pokémon Detective Pikachu and Chili was, once again, with her during the prep process at the Bowery Hotel. Also soothing: the fact that she had a spectacular dress to wear, one designed by Richard Quinn. Of the full-skirted floral gown embellished with a giant black bow, Waterhouse explained that she “had Pokemon in mind,” when choosing the ensemble. “Bellsprout of the Ball,” she says jokingly, referring to the globular-shaped flower creature from the Pokémon franchise. “I also love wearing British designers too,” the London native added. “I’ve been wanting to wear Richard Quinn for ages.”In the days leading up to the premiere, Waterhouse says that she “had an Iván Pol Beauty Sandwich facial,” and “spent a couple of hours in the bath watching Mubi and drinking hot chocolate right before getting dressed.” Her routine also included a hair scrub, courtesy of Davines, as well as a Barbara Sturm mask. Between the beauty regimen and playtime with Chili, Waterhouse managed to snag a moment of peace before the chaos of the big night. She notes that she tends to get anxious on the red carpet and will start singing or “doing a nervous laugh.” By the looks of her laid-back getting-ready routine, however, you’d never know it. Above, Waterhouse shares images from last night’s premiere: pup, Richard Quinn gown, and all. You Can See More Product: https://kingteeshops.com/product-category/trending/
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kingteeshops · 5 years
The tiny humans stole my sanity shirt
Link Buys Now: https://kingteeshops.com/product/the-tiny-humans-stole-my-sanity-shirt/
The tiny humans stole my sanity shirt
No one understands The tiny humans stole my sanity shirt . the power of camp quite like Lady Gaga. Though the Oscar winner switches her style at the drop of a pink-brimmed hat, many of her greatest moments on the red carpet have involved deliberately tongue-in-cheek fashion. As one of the hosts of this year’s Costume Institute gala, Gaga can be expected to arrive at the Metropolitan Museum of Art on Monday night wearing something that pushes beyond the boundaries of good taste. But she’s had years of practice making the runway’s campiest creations work.Once you’ve worn meat dresses and steampunk goggles, nothing is off-limits. Yet Gaga has managed to make even the most outlandish outfits feel approachable. Sure, her legions of Little Monsters may not run out and dress in head-to-toe Gareth Pugh or custom Moschino, but seeing her at her kookiest serves as an inspiration for all.
The tiny humans stole my sanity shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
The tiny humans stole my sanity Classic Ladies
The tiny humans stole my sanity Hoodie
The tiny humans stole my sanity LongSleeve
The tiny humans stole my sanity Sweatshirt
The tiny humans stole my sanity Unisex
Responsible for pushing the needle when it comes to what pop stars dare to wear—check the pre- and post-The Fame outfits of your favorite musicians to understand the impact of her influence—she continues to excel at pulling off the impossible The tiny humans stole my sanity shirt .She may have toned things down slightly now that she’s an Academy Award winner, but a look back at her camp best proves she’s still the star to beat when it comes to audacious fashion.Suki Waterhouse has a secret weapon when it comes to preparing for the red carpet. There’s hair and makeup magic involved, sure, but there’s also her adorable dog, Chili, who stays by her side and calms her nerves ahead of any event that involves stepping in front of the cameras. Last night in New York, Waterhouse did just that for the premiere of her new film Pokémon Detective Pikachu and Chili was, once again, with her during the prep process at the Bowery Hotel. Also soothing: the fact that she had a spectacular dress to wear, one designed by Richard Quinn. Of the full-skirted floral gown embellished with a giant black bow, Waterhouse explained that she “had Pokemon in mind,” when choosing the ensemble. “Bellsprout of the Ball,” she says jokingly, referring to the globular-shaped flower creature from the Pokémon franchise. “I also love wearing British designers too,” the London native added. “I’ve been wanting to wear Richard Quinn for ages.”In the days leading up to the premiere, Waterhouse says that she “had an Iván Pol Beauty Sandwich facial,” and “spent a couple of hours in the bath watching Mubi and drinking hot chocolate right before getting dressed.” Her routine also included a hair scrub, courtesy of Davines, as well as a Barbara Sturm mask. Between the beauty regimen and playtime with Chili, Waterhouse managed to snag a moment of peace before the chaos of the big night. She notes that she tends to get anxious on the red carpet and will start singing or “doing a nervous laugh.” By the looks of her laid-back getting-ready routine, however, you’d never know it. Above, Waterhouse shares images from last night’s premiere: pup, Richard Quinn gown, and all. You Can See More Product: https://kingteeshops.com/product-category/trending/
0 notes
androidmaniaco · 4 years
Los iPhone 12 Pro mejoran su accesibilidad gracias al LiDAR: detectan a qué distancia están otras personas
Los iPhone 12 Pro mejoran su accesibilidad gracias al LiDAR: detectan a qué distancia están otras personas
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Una de las sorpresas de los iPhone 12 de este año era la inclusión de un escáner LiDAR entre las cámaras de los modelos Pro. Su uso va desde ayudar a tomar mejores fotos hasta cosas más mundanas, como medir la altura de una persona. También tendrá aplicaciones en el terreno de la accesibilidad.
Gracias a la información del LiDAR, un iPhone 12 Pro podrá informar a personas con problemas de visión de a qué distancia se encuentran otras personas, combinando la información de dicho LiDAR con la imagen capturada por el gran angular.
Detección de personas en los iPhone 12 Pro
La novedad llega de la mano de iOS 14.2 beta y se trata básicamente de un detector de personas, integrado en la app de la lupa. En el siguiente vídeo puedes ver cómo funciona, detectando personas en el rango de visión del teléfono e incluyendo la distancia a la que se encuentran.
Here’s how people detection works in iOS 14.2 beta - the voiceover support is a tiny bit buggy but still super cool https://t.co/vCyX2wYfx3 pic.twitter.com/e8V4zMeC5C
— Matthew Panzarino (@panzer) October 31, 2020
Esta información estará disponible para personas con problemas de visión de distintas maneras. Para empezar, se indica con un sonido en estéreo en qué dirección se encuentra la persona que se ha detectado. Además, se puede configurar que se usen distintos tonos según a qué distancia se encuentra una persona.
Por ejemplo, se puede configurar un tono para cuando se detecta a una persona a 2 metros de distancia, lo cual puede tener una aplicación especialmente importante durante este 2020: poder seguir el distanciamiento social. Un usuario con problemas de audición puede recibir la información sobre a qué distancia se encuentra la persona detectada mediante vibraciones en el móvil, que se hacen más fuerte cuanto más cerca se encuentra la persona.
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En Xataka Móvil
11 apps que le sacan todo el partido a la realidad aumentada en tu móvil
Para funcionar, el sistema usa el escáner LiDar de los iPhone 12 Pro en conjunción con la lente con gran angular, de modo que no funcionará correctamente en lugares en total oscuridad. La novedad forma parte de la beta 14.2 de iOS y está accesible en la aplicación Lupa.
Vía | TechCrunch
- La noticia Los iPhone 12 Pro mejoran su accesibilidad gracias al LiDAR: detectan a qué distancia están otras personas fue publicada originalmente en Xataka Móvil por Iván Ramírez .
Xataka Móvil https://ift.tt/3jQ6UF2
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