#tipsy elriel
lurkinggirlie · 5 months
This fanfic was inspired by a convo I had with @violetasteracademic about drunk elriel/club elriel sort of scenario.
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It’s not what I had in mind when I initially sat down to write it, but here’s a sneak peek below !! (I’ll post the ao3 link once I’m done writing it) I just needed motivation to finish it sooo yeah here’s the beginning.
“Then go off on adventures. Go drink and fuck strangers. But stay away from the Cauldron.” Nesta had told her.
It wasn’t that Elain wasn’t curious about those things, all three things to be exact. The drinking, the strangers and of course the cauldron. The latter while still being subject of intrigue was not her aim for the night as she got ready. She had never gotten drunk, tipsy yes. But that was usually her limit, she never pushed herself beyond it. And then there was the question of the strangers. The idea of it brought an involuntary blush to her cheeks, she wasn’t opposed to the idea. It was that she couldn’t imagine a stranger without her mind turning it into the face of a familiar someone. The hazel eyes, the full lips. She shut her eyes trying to shake the image of him.
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My little mischievous partner ~ part 2
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It felt all too slow. How Cassian opened his door, how he ran over to Rhys room on a mushy ground - where normaly cold,even marble should have met his naked feet.
With cold sweat cloaking his forehead and chest, he flung open the dooble door to Rhys and Feyres bedroom - locked it shut and jumped under the heavy blanket his brother slept under.
To Cassians luck was Feyre still out together with Mor and Amren. Just great, now they had to fight off Bryaxis on their own.
Cass would rather wait for Nesta than do this now. No hundred Illyrians could get him out there to this horrible creature.
Rhysand stired slowly awake by the constant shivering of his blanket. At first he had turned to his side and had hugged the round bundle, nuzzling into it as he mumbled “Oh, Feyre darling, you don’t need to purr for me.”
If the thing waiting outside the door wouldn’t have been Cassians worst nightmare he would have perhaps laughed, or thrown the blanket, over his together rolled form back. Making it obvious that he isn’t Feyre - but he was motionless. The shivers that wrecked through him already too much movement for him.
And so he wasn’t able to do anything as his brother pulled the heavy blanket aside. Rhys sleepy face was enlightened by the soft hue of moonlight as he looked down at him with a lust stretched smile and something dark welling in his violet eyes.
But all that was gone as he suddenly noticed the form of his shivering brother. A  yelp escaping him as he hurriedly skidded back to his side of the bed.
The soft midnight blue blanket between them a strained bundle, as both gripped onto one side of it.
“What in the mothers name are you doing here Cass!” The commander swallowed hard, not answering as he only asked “Can I please stay here? Feyre won’t be here before sunrise anyway. Like that you won’t be lonely.”
Rhys only glared at him before heaving a sigh, dragging a hand through his already sleep mussed hair “Fine. Just don’t tell Feyre of this - you know just as much as I do that she will not let us live this one down.”
Cassian only nodded - fine with whatever his brother wanted from him, if it prevented him from having to step out of the room.
For a long time there was only heared the rustling of the blanket, that shifted back and forth between the two of them until they settled. Both their naked backs turned at each other.
While Rhys closed his eyes again and his breathing started to even. Cassian was far away from finding sleep again. His heart still beating like a thunderstorm in his chest, his wings slowly closing in around him. Every movement outside, the sway of one of the trees, a bird or a bat fluttering past the window -every motion that caused the shadows to move made him shift. His nerves strained to the point of snapping at any moment.
The ticking of the grandfarther clock in the cornor had him wince with every tick. Still he managed to calm down, thinking that all the things he had seen in his room were probably just an imagination because of his drunken state.
Maybe it was just that.
Still with an unerving feeling in his guts, did he close his eyes. An exhaused sigh leaving his bloodless lips as he nuzzeled into the pillows.
The dancing shadows in the room, that had danced around his vision and had frightened him, were now a soothing black blanket behind his closed eyelids.
Sleep soon wanting to drag him down into its cloudy world - that was until he heared it again. That meatallic sound of a laugh.
His body moved on its own accord as it sat up straight. The sweat that had once vanished returned as his gaze hurried around the room. His brother was snorring beside him and everything seemed normal, that means almost normal.
There was a dark shadow, just by the door.
A pitch black clawing fog that swirled around aimlessly on the wooden double door.  
His heart beat spedup at the sight, the metallic laugh a screech in his ears he did never want to hear again. Cassians breathes came uneven as he shook his brother awake - this time not taking his plate wide eyes off of the shadow, that slowly started to take form.
Rhys growled as he was once again dragged out of sleep, but as his grumpy glare saw Cass ,almost porcelain white skin - he did not question his brother -that looked straight ahead.
With a tired puzzeled gaze did the High Lord follow the view of his Commander, after he sat up. His thick black eyebrow furrowed as the question was written all over his face. The clawing fog that now formed into the stature of two persons was not at all familiar with him. Wait a clawing fog?!
Rhys violet eyes slowly widened as he came to the realization - still he breathed to his brother “I’m pretty sure there is a reasonable reason behind this.” 
And it would most likely not the reason of a company searching Bryaxis, that had killed off dozens the last time they saw them.
Cassian only stared further at the fog, as the metallic laugh was heared again.
And the black mist started to lift. Strand for strand it unwrapped two persons. At the sight of those two pairs of legs, was Cassian glad - knowing it was not his worst nightmare, but who were then the intruders?
Rhys slowly scooched closer to his brother as he ,too, saw the two pairs of leggs. One pair, the more delicate and smaller one, covered in a pair of shiny grey harem’s pants. The tiny feet covered with a pair of silver ballerinas. While the other one seemed more masculine, a long turquoise sheet of fabric dangling over a pair of white pants.
And soon the two frightened brothers were greeted by their little angry, ancient friend. Amrens silver eyes swimming with an emotion both did not want to know what it promissed, while her blood red mouth formed into a twisted smirk as she looked up at Varian.
Varian beside her, was quiet as always. His face seeming a bit more grimm, but also lighter as a smirk, too, layed on his lips and he picked up the tiny female.
Her short legs wrapping around his middle imedeatly as his lips found purchase on her red painted ones. One of his large hands wound around her behind, to keep her steddy beside him - while the other tangeled and ruffeled her silky short black hair.
A growl escaping the two of them, while they did not seem as if they noticed the confused and quiet disturbed gazes of the two brothers, that were frightened for their life at the view.
They both were happy to call someone like Amren their family and that she found herself Varian, but both did never want to find out these specific things. Seeing how their chests pressed into one another, her hips grinding into his. There would have not even fit a sheet of paper between them. It seemed like as if the two wanted to become one right infront of Rhys and Cassian.
And it might have been that the two accted like little boys, that just had cought their parents in the middle of something, but they did not want to watch this unfold even more. A shiver running down both of their spines as they thought about it. And so Rhys took the bravery to clear his throat - loudly.
But the pants of the two were louder as they broke appart. Amrens arms wound thightly in Varians hair, their eyes only snapping away from each other as they heared Cass massive frame coliding with the floor.
The commander did not want to see this unfold any longer, but the blanket had cought his legs at the attempt to flee. All pairs of eyes on his form on the cold floor. Annoyed by the reason for his fall he snapped “You two having your fun?!”
Amren only smirked, as her whole body stayed wrapped against Varians. Her blood red lips one devils smirk as she answered: “Thank you very much Cassian, it is actually quiet fun for the both of us, yes.”
Varian had the decency to turn a bit red as he nudged his dark nose against her almost white cheek. But the smirk that formed on his lips as well, had the two brothers shaking.
Rhys slowly crawled to Cassian as to not caugh the attention of the two smirking lovers and leaned down to him. Freeing his brother all too slowly from the silky fetters around his ankels. “We run at three, got that?” Cassian only nodded. Bracing himself on his forearms as to slowly get up.
But before Rhys had even got the chance to say one, went Amrens attention back to them. That words that left her smirking mouth had them flying for the door behind them. “Would you like to join us?”
They both moved fast as lightning for the door. The heavy wood flinging wide open at the force Cass used to open it up with. This was worse than Bryaxis! decided Cassian for himself as he bolted down the hallway to the living room.
There was no way in hell he would open up that cursed chamber of his. Afterall they both had already been in his room. Oh gods he did not even want to think about that!
And while both, Cass and Rhys, ran down the stairs to sleep on the couch. They did not hear the metallic laugh that left Rhys and Feyres bedroom.
None of the two carred about the sound, as they both ran to get their eyes as far away, from the two, as possible. Rhys not carring at all that his bedroom was used for their fun.
There were plenty of rooms in the riverestate. He and Feyre could simply move into one of them, though the explanation might be a bit difficult.
Even though both Illyrians did not know why Amren showed up in the middle of Rhys bedroom - they were horrified. The few pictures that they had seen in the dimm hue of moonlight, enough for the rest of eternity.
The fire in the fireplace to source of warmth as they , both, layed under a pile of blankets on the couch. Sleep without a nightmare hard to find for the two of them.
As the two drunken and sleepy Illyrians stumbeled out the room, was the seer in need of biting her bottom lip -hard- to prevent herself from bursting out laughing.
And it seemed that even the stoic shadowsinger beside her, had to pull hard on his leash of restraint to not burst out lauging too.A light snicker escaping him.
Elain nudged his, brown painted, arm with hers. A smile on her lips as she gazed up at him. Him and his turquoise eyes.
She pounted.
Bold in her drunken state did words leave her mouth, she would have never said if she was sober - but that whole plan of hers was something she would have never done in a sober state.
“I like your hazel eyes better.” was all she mumbled
Azriel grew stiff for a moment at the comment, before he lifted his scarred hand and pulled the two contact lenses out. Revealing his hazel eyes onse again. The emotions inside of them, that made the green and brown appear like one swirl of color - as if they had been painted by Feyre herself with her oil paint, a true master piece. Making the seer lose her breath.
And so did the Shadowsinger as he heaved a sigh once the two foreign bodys were out of his eyes.
The kind smile he offered his friend was something breathtaking, but Elains breath was knocked out of her lungs for another reason.
Her still silver eyes widening at the red smeared lipstick on his sinfull lips.Those lips that had touched and caressed hers like a real lover, wrapping her soft cold lips into the warm blanket of his.
Even though the act, they just had put up, seemed wild and full of passion and like something that was clearly created by Amren and her lover.
But it wasn’t.
It was a song that was sung by the uniting bodys of the Shadowsinger and the seer. A symphony that only their soul and body could create, but that was something that could only be felt by the two of them.
Two drunken ones not even able to notice the difference between those who played infront of them and those which were the real ones.
The hight difference between ‘Amren’ and ‘Varian’ , that stood in the middle of Rhys and Feyres bedroom, gazing at each other with such warmth and intensity that could melt ice, was a lot lesser than the original one.
Something the make up skills of Elain could not make up for.
As well as the bulkier stature of ‘Varian’ and since it was dark, it was also not noticed that his entire backside was covered in shadows.
The black swirling whisps little snakes around Azriels wings, covering everything up like a cloak. Something he had already done many times - mostly durning spies and visits to the mortal lands after the war.
And Elain needed to admit, her eyes taking in every inch of Azriels disguised form, that she would never want anyone else besides the shadowsinger.
His tan, but not ebony skin. His hazel eyes - not quiet brown but also not grey or green either. His touseled soft black hair, instead of white flowing one.
Elain realized with shock, as she lifted her hand to cup the Shadowsingers brown cheek, that there would never be anyone as beautiful as Azriel for her.
Body and Soul. Of course did he have cracks and weired habits of his. Scars covering his body, his hands mostly, but also his heart. His kind heart that seemed for most cold, but was in truth the hearth of a fire to which, at least, sweet Elain wanted to come home forever.
Her pale hand that rested on his dark cheek and tried to smear away a bit of the color on his gods crafted face, did nothing. She only caressed his cheek. And the Shadowsinger could do nothing more than close his eyes - leaning in to the soft touch of hers.
A chuckle escaping his relaxed face as he realized what the intensing swipes with her thumb attemted to do. “You do remember, El, that you yourself had put smearproof make up all over my skin, right?”
Elains eyes widened slowly “Oh.”
Azriel burst out full laughing at her short memory, that usualy remembered everything from the start of her fae life, her tipsy state having clearly infected her a bit too much.
Both probably too tipsy at this point that they did not care at all, that they were laughing like maniacs in the middle of darkness. Bold words leaving their mouthes as a fire ignited between the two.
Elain innocent smile, seeming all weired and twisted in Amrens form. But Amrens looks fit her wicked tongue just right. 
A gleam in the silver contact lenses of hers. “Well I guess that I have to remove it all again then.”
Azriel did not know how he would have reacted if he had been sober, but all he remembered in his tipsy state, was that he closed the little distance between them. One of his scarred hands holding his lenses as the other lifted to the seers soft cheek. 
The distance between them, the distance that was barely there - was unbearable as Azriels already red smeared lips were only milimiters away from hers. A soft whisper of them and his words everything against them.
A few little words, a touch all it needed for Elain to shiver from delight. Gosepumps appearing all over her body. 
“You would not be capable of what you unleash, little seer.” 
Elains breath was cought in her lungs. There were only a few times were he called her with such names. She mostly knew in which situation he used which nickname for her, but with these she never knew. 
His gaze always holding, in such moments, a stronger intensity. 
“I think you’re underestimating me, Spymaster.” 
And just before she closed the milimeter between them, breathless words left her lungs. 
“Because I know I could handle you, Azriel. Forever.” 
Those were the words that unleashed the Shadowsinger. Never in his life had he heared such sweet words and for the first time of his life did he want to taste these sweet words on her lips.
Every mother damned syllable of them. 
A dance of soft lips fighting against each other, erupting in the soft hue of moon light before they were gone in a shadowy breeze.
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I am so fucking sick of the “just say you hate elain and go” argument . Like I know I shouldn’t let it get to me but whenever I see people comment that on legit thought out theories it makes me so angry - like e/riel want absolutely no growth or character development for elain outside her relationship with az... yet for some reason we are the misogynistic ones??? These people have wrapped their whole personality up in this one single ship and it’s exhausting to witness like aren’t they tired???
(this got really long and went in a completely different direction but I think it’s kind of entertaining so)
i’m with you babe. elriel, putting it nicely, sucks. elriel stans are a whole other level of awful. i’m pretty sure they are some of the most hypocritical people I have ever come across and that’s saying something.
im gonna say there is not one theory about elain, from them ofc, that doesn’t involve azriel. I mean anyone with half a brain can see how these two would destroy each other.
basically their relationship would go:
get together, sex and honeymoon phase,
oh what’s that uh oh looks like trouble in paradise, elain suffocating, azriel’s self hatred sky rocketing
lucien and gwyn are laughing from the sideline, look at these two idiots and what they could of had instead they’re miserable.
but because azriel thinks he should be happy and elain has no balls they’ll stay together until ultimately the ic has an intervention. but bc they are stubborn as fuck they will convince the ic they are fine.
then elain goes out because she has to get away from azriel. where does she find herself. a bar. who else is at said bar. lucien. it takes elain 3 shots before she goes up to him. he’s also a little tipsy but no where near as bad as she is. he’s a little hesitant of her but they end up having an amazing night and elain is smiling for the first time in like years.
she finds herself going out more and more. and she and lucien are hanging out all the time now. it’s been a few months and elains like shit he’s hot.
boom. hook up and some hot ex mate sex.
it’s the next morning elains like shit shouldn’t have done that, but then why did it feel so good
now on azriels side it doesn’t even occur to him that something could be going on with elain. he feels so much more relaxed now that she’s gone so often.
azriels at the house of wind hanging with nesta and cassian. feyre winnows in and azriel feels a strange pull and who does he see?!?
holy shit it’s gwyn. he hasn’t seen her in years and she looks absolutely radiant.
she’s been gone training females to become valkyries. her eyes are clearer and she has her broad smile but it seems easier.
their gazes lock and azriel feels a bolt of electricity go through him. he ignores it like an idiot and goes home
he and elain had another fight, he’s pissed and needs to work off his anger.
azriel goes to train at the house of wind and who does he see. that’s right gwyn. she’s like we have got to stop meeting like this. and for the first time in years azriel smiles.
gwyn would never admit it but when azriel and elain got married she felt this sudden urge to leave. she didn’t know why but she followed it and it took her all over the pyrithian, the other countries even the human lands.
but now she’s back and only plans to stay for a month. uh oh. rom-com much
suddenly they are having a conversation, azriel points out the constellations and they end up lying next to each other looking at the stars. you guessed it they fell asleep.
cough and woke up cuddling cough
but bestie vibes only right 😏
over the next month they are hanging with each other non stop. for the first time in so long azriel is having fun and looking forward to the next day.
but not tomorrow because gwyn is leaving. oh shit. what will happen to our favorite pyrithian love square
the day before gwyn leaves elain and az both say to each other “i’ve got something to tell you” but elain goes first and she says “I want a divorce” and azriel is stunned but she’s not done “i’m sorry but i’m in love with lucien” azriel expects to feel jealous but instead he feels light and he goes “i’m in love with gwyn”
oh my goodness gracious. and they both smile because they want the other to be happy. and so az says go get your read head and elain says go get yours.
love confessions. mating bonds. happiness everywhere. and yes hot fucking sex
they both end up with their respective redheads and all is right in the world. the end.
gwynriel and elucien are inevitable and elriel is just an obstacle in the way.
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elriell · 4 years
Any fun Elriel scenes you would want to see in the next book?
For me, it would be at some point Azriel not realizing he has a flower in his hair when around the IC. Maybe because of garden sex...
I would LOVE a drunk Elriel part. Where Azriel gets the hiccups haha I think a tipsy Elain would be cute.
Maybe a cute interaction between Nyx and Elriel.
Anything with Elriel laughing together.
All of those are great choices! Hmmm let me see, here are some HC
Elriel Kiss in the rain!!    (Nessian let me down with it so I need it now!)
Azriel brading her hair.
A conversation about his deep insecurities, and both of them accepting each other as they are. Which we know they do  but like I needddddd it in conversation.
I made a specific post about this but El sending him little people made of light and vice-versa with his shadows
Elain choosing him, a la sleeping beauty as I have said. Her going on a epic quest to save him, top tier
Elriel Forehead Kisses, Tip-toe Hugs, LITERALLY EVERYTHING.
A goddamn apology for giving the necklace to someone else. (He owes Gwyn one too while we are on that note.) 
FOR SURE NYX MOMENTS, either way around one of them just gazing adoringly at the other holding the precious bubba
More Spy!Elain and impressed Az
El tracing his scars absentmindedly while they do anything, in bed, in the gardens, under the table at dinner.
Elain randomly adopting progressively more aggressive looking or dangerous creatures because they love her (because she is a life goddess) and Az being equal parts adoring, amused and terrified of the wild beasts she brings home. +Bonus points if they chill with her in the garden or on walks and at some point protect her from danger.
A bathtub scene PLS  I love them
Elain finding out what happened with Rhys and asserting her own agency.
Azriel carrying something with him that reminds him of her when he is away
Elain, Nuala and Cerridwen ganging up on him
Elain stress baking and Azriel reaping the rewards
She casually steals/wears all his shirt because they smell like him and are massive on her because thats literally my fav thing to do with my bf even after all this time 
Them going on adventures and travels across the courts, seeing all the places they can. 
Az becoming more comfortable with showing his emotions and not needing his walls and shadows to protect him... 
I would kinda love for eventually after the initial awkwardness for him to be friends with Lucien. And the three of them all be on good terms.
Feel free to add on!
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maastrash · 4 years
Making it Official
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I am still not satisfied with this but oh well hope you enjoy anyways! based on the song boyfriend by ariana grande!
thanks to @verryberriess for help as usual hehe
“Another tequila please,” Elide drawled as she placed her elbows onto the bar, resting her pounding head on the cool surface.
The night had just begun and the dingy bar was already spinning thanks to her 5 other shots. It was Aelin’s 25th birthday and the whole group had come out to celebrate despite their busy work schedules. Elide barely had time to let loose, but when she could, she took full advantage of the situation. 
Lysandra was happily perched on Aedion’s lap sipping a neon green margarita and Aelin was already dragging a reluctant Rowan to the dimly lit dance floor. Fenrys and Connall even seemed to be having a good time flirting with 2 girls in the back corner. 
But that wasn’t really what Elide was focused on. No, all her attention was on Lorcan Salveterre, especially since a a tall blond -- who was practically Victoria Secret model material  -- flirtatiously placed a hand on his chest. 
She knew she had absolutely no right to be jealous. She wasn’t his girlfriend and he certainly wasn’t her boyfriend. 
But, it was complicated, to say the least.
A couple months ago at Lysandra’s birthday, Elide had gotten shitfaced. Lorcan, being the chivalrous guy he was, had walked her home. They’d been friends for years, but if Elide was being honest, she had always had a little crush on the broody man. 
That night the alcohol finally gave her the courage to make a move. And luckily, Lorcan being tipsy himself and had easily reciprocated. Reciprocated all night in fact.
After that, they had become friends with benefits of sorts. Nobody in the group knew about them. It was casual. 
Casual meant they were not exclusive in any way, but she still couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy when she saw Lorcan brush a stray hair behind the stranger’s ear. 
Gods above she truly was an absolute trainwreck. Elide quickly took her shot, embracing the burn of the tequila as it cascaded down her throat and warmed her stomach. She didn’t want to think about Lorcan since he clearly wasn’t thinking about her. 
It sucked being halfway with him, but she did it to herself. Now she wanted to be more than friends with someone who only saw her as an occasional fuck buddy. And there was no way she would ruin their friendship over her stupid feelings. Pathetic pining would have to do. 
Elide thought the alcohol take her mind off of everything, but instead, she was drowning herself in self pity. Seeing the girl brush a kiss to Lorcan’s cheek was just the icing on her miserable cake. It was too much. Before she knew what she was doing she was stumbling off the barstool and walking out into the cool night. 
She soon found herself sitting on the sidewalk, too unsteady to stand for long. She watched the city lights twinkle before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Gods knew she needed it. 
It had barely been 5 minutes before a familiar voice rang out. 
“Getting some fresh air?” Lorcan asked. 
“Something like that,” she answered, her eyes still closed. 
She felt Lorcan drape his warm leather jacket over her bare shoulders and slowly sit down beside her. 
When she turned to look at him he just shrugged. “You looked cold,” he said as if it was obvious. 
Him being such a good friend only made this harder for her. 
“Go inside,” she tried to say it firmly, but her voice was too quiet. 
Instead of listening, his 6’4 self, scooted, actually scooted to be closer to her. 
She might’ve laughed if she wasn’t so upset. “Damn it, Lorcan. I don’t want you here.”
She almost felt bad that the hurt flashing across his face brought her satisfaction. Almost. Maybe he deserved to feel the pain she constantly felt for once. 
“Elide did I do something?” He looked concerned and she absolutely hated it. He had no right. 
“No,” she said, crossing her arms and turning away from him. 
“Well you know you can tell me anything right.”
“No. I actually can’t.”
His brow furrowed in confusion. “Why not?”
Elide rolled her eyes. This man was so dense. “Because I am too drunk for this and I’ll definitely regret it.”
“That’s also what you said that night at your place,” he laughed softly, as he nudged her elbow, clearly trying to lighten the mood. 
Elide forced her cheeks not to flush at his suggestive words and instead made her voice ice cold as she said, “Well, maybe that was a mistake too.”
Lorcan’s smile quickly faded. “Seriously, Elide, what’s going on?”
Elide’s face heated. Whether it was from the alcohol or the frustration she couldn’t tell. All she knew was she couldn’t keep it in any longer. She had to tell him. “Fine,” she said, her voice deadly calm despite her thundering heart. “I thought I could be casual with you, Lorcan, but I can’t. It literally kills me seeing you with other girls. It is so unbearably hard being just your friend.”
Shock flashed across his face, but he quickly regained his composure. “Are you joking?”
Elide stood abruptly, his jacket falling from her shoulders and onto the sidewalk. “Seriously? I confess my feelings and you think I’m joking? Real nice of you,” she snapped before turning on her heel and walking away from him. 
She didn’t get far before Lorcan grabbed her hand. 
“Elide no that’s not what I meant.”
The desperation in his voice made her stop. 
“What the hell is ‘are you joking’ supposed to mean then?” 
“I was just surprised because,” he paused. “Because I love you Elide. I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember.” At her doubtful expression he added, “I literally lose my mind thinking about you. I really didn’t know you felt the same way. Trust me, if I had, I would’ve made a move a long time ago.”
Her gaze dropped to the floor as she shook her head in disbelief. “You’re just saying that.” 
He tilted her face gently so their eyes met. “I smile randomly thinking about you Elide. I’m never happier than when I’m with you and I can say with 100% confidence that I am in love with you.” 
She was unable to fight her smile. Lorcan loved her. He really loved her. 
“I know we’re not official and I’m not your boyfriend but - “
“But you could be,” she finished for him. “If you’d like that I mean,” she quickly corrected.
He smiled softly before pressing a soft kiss to her lips and pulling her closer. 
“I’d like that very much.” 
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tags:  @illyriangarbage // @court-of-fuck-me-daddy // @girlnovels // @julesherondalex // @ifangirlninja // @dreamerforever-5 // @queen-of-wings-and-fire // @rhysanoodle // @jemma-nessian-and-elriel // @books-and-words-addict  // @nightinshadow // @wolffrising // @the-regal-warrior // @dreamingofalba // @abillionlittlepieces // @alitzeldiaz // @kylizzles // @queenmaas // @illyrian-bookworm // @aspillofstars // @b00kworm // @tswaney17 // @girl-who-reads-the-books // @theshadowsinger-and-thefawn // // @perseusannabeth // @acourtofmarauders // @sweetlyvillainous // @awesomelena555 // @notyournymphetish // @ladywitchling // @aesthetics-11 // @sjmships // @iammissstark // @illyrianwitchling13 // @moondancer-204 // @sjm-things // @foolsinlovex // @sayosdreams // @welcometothespeaknowworldtour  // @stardelia // @julemmaes // @thewayshedreamed // @texas-shaped-waffle-maker // @keshavomit // @superspiritfestival // @wannawriteyouabook // @verryberriess // @courtofjurdan // @bookstantrash // @sannelovesreading // @ahappyhistorianreader // @cass-nes // @my-fan-side // @junsuichow // @sleeping-and-books // @yumna402 // @lordof-bloodshed // @emcarstairs578 // @gisellefigue08 // @maybekindasortaace // @starborn-faerie-queen​ // @empire-of-wildfire // @loveofbooksandwine // @sanakapoor // @silentquartz // @a-omgnaomithings-love // @aimee1602 // @jlinez // @creamcheesechicken // @steamedlattes // @sahsahprova //
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harmonyindark245 · 4 years
Secrets [7]
Summary: King's Archeron's kingdom is made up of secrets, which include both betrayal and treason. When the Prince of Velaris and his Inner Circle visit the kingdom, these secrets start revealing themselves. How will these affect the 3 Archeron Princesses, who themselves have a very deadly secret?
AN: All characters belong to Sarah J. Maas.
Warnings: Slight Mature Language
Word Count - 2.1k
Early update!
Elriel shippers, hope you enjoy it!
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Elain was ready much before time. She was wearing a dress that would be considered scandalous if she were to go somewhere other than Rita’s. She had a long overcoat hiding most of the bodice, only her sandals visible underneath.
The previous two days had not gone differently. After breakfast, she would meet up with Rhys and they would talk about their likes and dislikes, their kingdom and various other random topics. After lunch, she crossed paths with Azriel as both of them had to train at that time. 
Dinner would be a casual affair and after that she would spend most of the night dreaming of the man she had trained with. Seeing Azriel train shirtless from the past days, had only encouraged her fantasies.
She reached the main doorway only to find Azriel already prepared and waiting for others. She would not lie to herself and say that she was not glad that she would be able to get some time alone with him. As she moved closer to him, she cleared her throat, catching his attention.
He turned around and looked at her from up to down, eyeing her overcoat with much suspicion. “Why do I have a feeling that whatever you’re wearing underneath is bound to surprise me?”
Elain loved the way his hazel eyes had a glint of amusement in them. She imagined what they would look like after spending an entire night together, uncovering their secrets, one by one. 
Elain gave him a sly smirk as she said, “Why don’t you ask your spies?” 
Azriel’s expression faltered for a moment, before he regained his composure as he asked her, “I beg your pardon? I do not understand.”
“Well, you are the Spymaster. You obviously have spies to help you out, don’t you?” She said. Elain was feeling bolder than she usually was whenever she was around Azriel. There was something about him that made Elain a much better version of herself.
Then there was also the fact that his looks could literally kill. 
Azriel nodded. “Rhys just said that we were to be ready by sunset. Would you mind telling where we are going?” He questioned her.
“We are going to one of the best places to go in our kingdom.” Elain said. 
“A bit more information would help, you know.” Azriel said. She looked at him and smiled. He gave her a flustered look.
“Oh don’t worry, you’ll know soon enough, I’m sure.” With that she ended their conversation and the others started coming their way. 
Feyre was glad that they were all going to Rita’s. What better way to uncover one’s secret when one is drunk? Feyre figured she would easily get the Prince drunk and make him spill all of his intentions. Feyre knew she herself was in no state to drink again. At least not until a few years. She was shocked at Elain’s ability to remain calm after a night of heavy drinking. 
She had spent the past two days with  the General, Cassian. He had told her about his job and had also offered to train with her once she had expressed her interests in swordfighting. They had started training at 7 in the morning and she had to say, it was much better than training with Tamlin. 
Feyre wore one of her better dresses. She intended to get to know most of the guests that had come to visit. Especially the two females whom she had no interaction with yet. Underneath her dress, she also hid two daggers on each thigh, just in case they were required. 
There was a knock on her door when she had finished readying herself.  She expected it to be either of her sisters or Cassian. 
She did not expect, however, to come face to face with a blonde haired woman dressed completely in red. She recognised her as Morrigan, one of their guests.
“Hello!” She exclaimed. “My name is Morrigan, but call me Mor!” Feyre winced slightly as Mor’s voice echoed off the stone walls. 
Feyre clutched her dress as she said, “Princess Feyre Archeron.” 
Mor waved her hand. “Oh, I already know. Come on, let’s go. I thought it would be nice to come and meet you.” Before Feyre could say anything, she added, “And don’t worry, Rhys did not send me here.” She tangled her arm with Feyre’s as she said, “In all honesty, Rhys would bite off my head if he knew I was with you.” 
“Why is that?” Feyre found herself asking. 
Mor glanced towards her once and started moving forward, pulling Feyre along with her. “Well, that is something only he himself could tell you. Enough about my stupid cousin. Tell me about yourself. And where are we going? No one told me anything and it’s making me anxious.”
Feyre smiled to herself. She had not even known Mor for more than a minute and had already considered her a very nice person to be friends with. And she knew that she needed one of those.
Cassian knew he was taking a great risk by standing outside her chambers, waiting for her. He knew she would definitely castrate him once she saw him, but he found that he could not stay away from her. There was something about Princess Nesta. He was drawn to her like a moth to a flame. 
The door in front of opened and she stood before him, in a long overcoat. She settled her gaze on him and scowled.
Oh how he loved that scowl.
Cassian smirked at her. “Let’s go Princess, your sisters are waiting for you.” He held his hand out for her. She didn’t accept it just like he expected. 
“I was not aware that you were going to be here.” She said cautiously. 
“Well, then whom did you think was going to be here? Certainly not someone more handsome than what you got.” He remarked. 
She narrowed his eyes. “Actually, yes, I did. I had expected the spymaster to be here.” She simply said. Cassian couldn’t do anything about the small feeling of jealousy that piqued within him. 
He pushed it all aside and said, “Well, Azriel had to go do some other important stuff and I thought I could come here instead of wasting my time.”
At that, Nesta turned towards him abruptly and glared at him. “Being here is the equivalent of wasting your time?”
Shit. “No, that’s not what I meant Princess.” 
Nesta didn’t care to listen though. “Just keep quiet and let me go.” 
After that Cassian stayed silent the entire way till the entrance where everyone was already there, waiting for them. Rhys sent him a confused look and Cassian only gave him a look that said, I screwed up big time.
Rhysand spent 15 minutes in the carriage wondering one thing, Where the hell were they going? He sat beside Feyre who had unknowingly sat very close to him. He did not mind it all, though. He did mind that the entire journey, she did not pay him any attention. She was talking to everyone else, even Amren, but not him. 
When they finally reached their destination and got out of the carriage, Rhys found himself standing in front of a huge building from which lights were pouring out. It seemed more crowded than any normal place. As soon as he entered the building, he realised that Rita’s was a tavern. It was filled with a lot of men and very few women. 
Someone handed all of them a glass filled with drinks. Feyre turned around and looked at him for the first time that evening. “Don’t worry. Drink up. You’ll be needing it.” She smiled at him and turned around. He emptied his glass in one gulp and realised it was vodka mixed with some sweet juice.
The three sisters moved ahead together and removed their coats, revealing a short dress, reaching their mid thighs, and stuck very closely to their body. From beside him, Az started choking on his drink and Mor laughed loudly. Cassian patted him on the back until he stopped choking and all of them looked at the sisters with wide eyes. 
Feyre was wearing a dark blue shimmery dress. She looked marvelous.
The three of them walked up to the lady tending the bar and got three drinks for themselves. All three of them downed it in one gulp. 
Mor and Amren moved ahead and joined them, leaving behind the three males, dumbstruck.
Az tried his best to not stare. He really did. But he could not help whenever his gaze involuntarily shifted towards Elain. She was wearing a dark pink dress, covered in glitters and it reached her mid thigh. 
He was used to seeing females wear such dresses back in his kingdom but he had not expected to see Elain ever wearing something of such. In gowns, Elain looked pretty and beautiful, like a true princess, but at that moment, in that dress of hers and drinking down whiskey as if there was no tomorrow, she looked like a goddess. And Azriel would be damned if he said he didn’t want to spend every second of his life worshipping her. 
He didn’t know where he was getting these thoughts from. He was on a mission and he shouldn't be getting distracted by one princess. Unfortunately, he couldn’t convey the same message to his mind. 
She was sitting on a barstool, alone, nursing a drink. Her sisters were nowhere to be seen and he thought he should go sit with her, just in case she needed help. 
He slid onto the seat beside her. Without turning towards him she said, “If you care for your life, I suggest you go away this instant.” Az wouldn’t have felt threatened if it weren't for the little needle she had placed right near his inner thigh. 
He smiled and raised both his hands in surrender. “You have me defeated.” 
Elain turned and looked at him, her eyes lighting up as soon as she saw him. “Azzie! I didn’t see you there!” 
Az smiled at her. “You’re drunk.” He stated. 
She shook her head. “Nah. Just a little bit tipsy.” She said as she pinched two of her fingers together. “So, what do you think of the dress?” She asked him.
Az looked down at her once again. “Uh… You look nice.” He said hesitantly.
She shook her head in dismay. “The truth, Azzie.” She leaned towards him and whispered conspicuously. “There’s no one here to listen to our words and watch our actions.” 
Az found himself leaning towards her as well. “Actions, huh?” He whispered as well. 
They were very close to each other. He could feel her hot breath. “We could do whatever we want and there will be no one stopping us.” She leaned in closer, her gaze focussed on his lips.
“You look incredibly sexy.” He said as he finally closed the distance between them and touched his lips to hers. 
She instantly increased the pace. She grasped onto his forearm and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. Azriel moved his hand from her shoulder, down to her back, caressing her long, soft hair. He moved his other hand to cup her face. 
Everything around them ceased to exist. Az could barely taste alcohol on her lips. He knew from her bright eyes that she was completely in her senses. 
She raised her hands and held onto his shoulders. They broke apart slightly, both panting heavily. She looked into his eyes and opened her mouth to speak when she was interrupted by the barmaid. 
“Princess, you need to hide now.” She said urgently. Elain looked confused. She turned her gaze towards the entrance and widened her eyes in shock. She then grabbed Azriel and went in the opposite direction of the entrance.
Azriel glanced at the entrance, but couldn’t see much due to the crowd. All he could make out was a tall man with furious green eyes and golden hair. 
The man with golden hair stood in front of King Archeron, handing him a goblet filled with wine. 
“How was your journey, Captain?” The King asked as he took a sip of wine. The man did not reply, just sat in a chair in front of a fireplace. “Captain, I asked you something.” 
He just said, “King.” 
King Archeron looked at him with narrowed eyes. “What do you mean?” 
The Captain stretched his legs in front of him. “I am the King now.”
The King looked at him furiously. “What rubbish?!” Suddenly, the King felt unable to breathe. His throat felt parched and his mouth felt numb. 
His vision started darkening and he collapsed onto the floor. He saw the Captain move towards him and look down at him with a sneer on his face. 
“You will never succeed.” The King rasped.
The man just laughed wickedly. “Oh poor Archeron.” He moved towards the throne, gazing at the portrait of the King with his three daughters.  The King closed his eyes as he lost the fight within him. 
“I just did.”
An: It’ll probably have about 10 chapters, plus an epilogue.  
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
Tag list: @devilorfling​ @sleepyyhead21​  @b00kworm​ @s-atanism​ @eloeloeheheh @absolute-dissapointment​ @illyrianwitchling13​
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sarahjtrash · 7 years
A Court of Thorns and Roses
The Dreadful Dark
Potatoes of Passion
Secondhand Fear
La Vie en Rose
Like Real People Do
Washed Away
You Brute
I’m Here
Not That Religious
A New Lesson
The Floral Arrangement
Cornfield Contentment
Throne of Glass
Cookie Monster
The Folk of the Air
A Little Tipsy
Sleeping Beauty
Pregnancy Ask
An Untimely Admission
The Weight of the World
Snow-Crossed Love
Confusing Connections
Best Christmas Ever
Multi Chapter
Fight and Fight 
A Tune All Their Own
455 notes · View notes
proseandpeonies · 7 years
Halting Fears and Helping Hands. Elriel Oneshot
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Guess what? I’m not dead! Just busy and Stressed! Anyhow, here’s a oneshot I promised. 
Prompt: Azriel has a mission, and returns injured. 
Elain Archeron hated fear. Above all things, she hated fear. Especially when she was fearing for someone else. Especially when that someone was Azriel. 
He and Rhys stood as the edge of the balcony at the very top of the House of Wind. They spoke in hushed tones, probably about the mission Azriel was about to embark on. He’d told her that morning that he wouldn’t be in much danger, just another rouge bunch of Illyrians, nothing to worry about. But she was going to worry. Azriel knew, he could read her like an open book, something everyone else had trouble doing. 
Elain waited for Rhys to finish speaking to Az. Like hell was she letting him leave without saying goodbye.
She nearly shrieked as her sister appeared behind her. Elain hadn’t heard her come in.
“Have you come to say goodbye?”
Feyre was scanning her, like she thought she could see into her soul. Elain made sure the shields that Rhysand and Azriel had been showing her were put up. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust her sister, in fact there were only a few other people besides Feyre that she did trust. Rhysand was kind and wonderful, but too charming. Cassian was too wild for anyone but Nesta, and Mor was lovely, kind, but she had the tendency to be loud. She hadn’t been a fan of anything overtly loud since before the war.
 Elain felt guilty that she couldn’t always get along with the people who meant so much to her sister.
Elain tugged at the sleeve of her dress, meeting Feyre’s inquisitive gaze. “Yes, I suppose.”
Feyre looked as though she was about to say something, but then Rhysand was embracing Azriel and giving him a clap on the back and the High Lord was striding towards them. Rhysand gave them a dazzling grin as he entered, pausing to kiss Feyre’s brow. 
“My High Lady,” he murmured. Feyre smiled a smile that Elain only ever saw when she was with Rhys. For a second, she wanted to ask her sister if she’d made the right decision all those days ago, when she had told Lucien—
“Elain, you’d better go to Az.”
Elain found herself nodding, not really noticing who had said it. 
She slid out of the door, closing it behind her. It clicked shut, and as she approached him, the shadows that so often wreathed his body faded into nothing. A small smile brightened his handsome face and something inside Elain fluttered. The wind tousled his inky black hair and Elain found herself wishing she had Feyre’s ability to paint, if only so she could have the image of Azriel smiling like that forever.
He extended a scarred hand, which she took without hesitation. It was warm and dry, and Elain gave it a squeeze. “Be safe, Az, please.”
Her words were almost lost to the wind howling around them. 
“Of course, Elain,” he said quietly.
Elain took a step closer, another, until her chest was nearly pressed against him. Their hands still hung between them, his scarred thumb stroking the back of her hand. Elain felt her breath catch as Azriel glanced down at her lips. Elain glanced once towards the door, but it was too dark to see if Feyre and Rhys were lurking inside. 
“They went downstairs, if that’s what you’re wondering.” Azriel’s deep voice rumbled through her. “Good,” she said breathlessly.
Then she kissed him. 
Or he kissed her, or they both kissed each other. He was too tall, even if she stood on her tiptoes, for her to just kiss him. He had to duck down a bit, but it didn’t make it less enjoyable. She sighed against his mouth, sliding her hands up his chest and into his wind-tangled hair. He tasted like mint and coffee and she quickly got drunk off the feel of his soft lips moving against her own. Elain resisted her giggle when Azriel slid a hesitant hand around her waist. She knew he wanted to ask if it was okay; he never did anything without her permission, but Elain couldn’t bear the thought of breaking this kiss. 
Kissing Azriel was like drinking sparkling wine. It made her feel light and tipsy and she could never get enough. 
But, eventually they had to break the kiss. And when they did, both of them were panting, gasping for air. Azriel rested his brow against hers’ and Elain felt heat rise in her belly at the way his pupils were blown wide with desire.
“Promise me you’ll be alright, Az—,” her voice broke, and the hand on her waist tightened its’ grip. “Promise me.”
He nodded against her, his warm breath washing over her. 
“I swear on my High Lord I’ll be alright,” he kissed her brow. “Don’t worry, El.” She blushed at the name. “I’ll be just fine.”
Azriel gave her another sweet kiss on her lips, one that made her wish he’d never leave, and flared his mighty wings.
“I’ll see you soon.”
With that he walked towards the edge of the building and plummeted off.
 The next few days passed without incident, but on the third day of Azriel’s absence, Elain had an overwhelming sense of foreboding. Strangely, though, she had no visions. Which, she supposed, was good.
She lay in her bed in the townhouse for hours, waiting for sleep to come, but it evaded her. 
Some nights, she’d go with Az to his apartment at the edge of the city if she couldn’t sleep. They hadn’t done anything besides sleep when she went to his home. 
But, she’d found herself wishing in the time since their first kiss that sometimes those scarred hands that so often just held her would do something else. She had heard Feyre and Nesta talking quietly about some of the more explicit things they did with their mates, and she couldn’t help but be envious. It pained her to think about Grayson, but she thought back to him occasionally. They had been engaged, so it wasn’t as if they hadn’t done anything… interesting. It was more that it had been awkward and fumbling than exciting and pleasurable.  
Elain wondered for a moment what it would feel like for Azriel’s hands to go higher than her waist, for his long, scarred fingers to cup her breast. She wondered what it would feel like to have his soft lips anywhere else besides her lips or her knuckles. Elain blushed furiously at herself. He was her friend. A friend she had kissed more than once
Friend— but more. He was more, and even though it scared her, Elain was ready for them to become something else. She no longer felt guilty about wanting Az. She’d told Lucien weeks ago that she couldn’t accept their bond. The male, too, thought that perhaps the Cauldron had made a mistake. It had been hard to tell him, but afterwards, she’d felt… Free. Lighter and happier. 
Elain sighed, wrestling with her restless mind. She needed to sleep. It would be hot tomorrow, and she had a bunch of hollyhocks she wanted to plant, so she would have to get up early before the sun started baking anything in its path.
Elain flipped onto her back and stared up at the dark ceiling. She wondered how Azriel was fairing right now. 
He was probably glowering at the loud insanity of the llyrian’s. He often told her how strange it was for him to visit the camps. 
Elain nestled into the sheets and closed her eyes. It was always easier to sleep when she was with Azriel. That was why she had taken to creeping over to his apartment on the bad nights when the visions were relentless or when the nightmares kept sleep at bay. The first time she had shown up at his place in the middle of the night… That had also been the first time she had kissed him.       
Elain stared into the shadows of her room, imagining Azriel’s soft lips and scarred hands…
Sleep began to tug at her eyes and her body, and Elain sighed again. She was so tired…
Lucien Vanserra had needed a drink. He still needed a drink. But the most important thing on his mind at the moment was keeping the Shadowsinger alive. 
He grunted as Azriel swayed and let his full weight settle on Lucien. “How,” he said through clenched teeth, “in the hell did you end up this bad?”
Azriel groaned, and pressed the bandage that was currently attempting to keep his blood in harder against his chest. “Just… Rhys’s house, take me…”
Lucien swore again. “We’re almost there.”
They turned another corner and Lucien frowned as people caught sight of the huge Illyrian bleeding everywhere. Just a few more yards…
A lamp was lit on the porch of the townhouse, and Lucien realized Az must have reached out with his mind to Rhys. Then the door was flinging open and Rhys was dashing down the steps, half dressed in a pair of loose trousers. 
Rhys was there faster than he had a right to be, sliding his arm around Azriel’s waist and shouting at Feyre to retrieve Madja. Feyre was gone in an instant. Winnowing.
Lucien followed the Highlord silently, Azriel’s blood warm against his skin.
Elain had been sleeping soundly. That was until she heard the slam of a door, and the tang of blood met her nose. For a moment, she thought it was vision, because the room around her was dark, and the sound was muddled, but then as the sounds became sharper…
Male voices echoed through the house, panicked and hurried, and a pang of terror struck Elain’s heart. 
She scrambled out of bed and grabbed the pale pink silk robe that Feyre had bought her while visiting the Dawn Court. It was just a scrap of clothing that barely fell to her knees, and some human part of her cringed at the idea of having others see her in such revealing clothing, but when she heard someone swear loudly, Elain figured modesty could wait.
With her breath caught in her throat, Elain flung open her door and ran towards the stairs, taking the steps two at a time.
Silently, she prayed it wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be, but then she was at the landing. Then she was rounding the corner into the living room…
The world froze around her, the only sound her heart beat.
Before her lay Azriel, his leathers stripped from his body and blood oozing from a deep wound on his left pectoral. Rhysand knelt above him, his hands pressed against Azriel’s chest in an attempt to halt the blood flow. 
Azriel’s beautiful, elegant face was swollen and bloody, and several small lacerations marred his cheek bones. But it was the sight of his hands that made her body move, as if something was pulling her to him. 
His hands were… Elain didn’t have the words. The already scarred skin was split in more places than she cared to count. From fighting back, she supposed. 
She stumbled two steps, then crumpled to her knees beside the Shadowsinger. Elain was careful of the mighty wings that were spread across the floor. Those too, were covered in bruises and abrasions. He had to be in agony. 
Rhysand glanced up to meet her eyes, and in that depthless violet, Elain found pain— guilt. 
“How?” She gasped.
Rhysand swallowed once and shook his head. “I don’t know, Madja’s on her way with Feyre, as soon as she get’s here—”
Elain snarled—actually snarled— at the Highlord of the Night Court, and placed a hand on Azriel’s bare shoulder. 
“You are the Highlord! Why can’t you heal him?”
Rhysand opened his mouth, but then footsteps sounded in the hall, and Madja and Feyre hurried in, the healer ordering them away. 
But Elain stayed. She couldn’t move even if she wanted to.
The healer gave her a disapproving look and mumbled something under her breath, but didn't waste anytime trying to get her to move away. She set to work, applying something to the wound and waving her small hand over his chest.
It was when the flesh of Azriel’s chest began to knit together that Elain realized she was crying. 
Heavy, fat tears dropped onto her lap, and after a moment, her shoulder’s began to shake with the force of her sobs, but none of the others made a comment. Elain reined in her sobs enough that no one could hear, but she knew they could see. Not that she cared. Her only focus was Azriel. How the color seemed to bloom back into his golden brown skin with each passing moment, and how his eyes seemed to flicker behind their lids. 
Elain didn’t know how long they all sat there watching as Madja wrapped a thick bandage around his chest and cleaned each cut on his hands and wings. But she did know that when Azriel opened his eyes, the sun was rising. 
“Hey, Flower,” he murmured thickly. 
Elain felt the tears come back with a vengeance, and Azriel looked deeply confused when she began sobbing. 
He tried to sit up, but a sharp poke from Madja had him lying back down. Azriel did, however, raise an arm to grasp her shoulder. 
“I told you I wo- would be fine.” 
Elain only cried harder.
Feyre stood at the back of the room with Lucien, watching silently as Elain sobbed into Azriel’s shoulder. She wanted to go comfort her sister, but she knew that right now her sister had everything she needed, despite her tears. 
As soon as Azriel had woken up, Madja had signaled for Rhysand to join her in the hall to discuss Azriel’s healing. Now, it was just herself and Lucien. 
The male at her side look understandably morose at what he was watching. 
Feyre had thought that everyone had noticed how close her middle sister and the Shadowsinger had grown. Perhaps Lucien hadn’t. 
Elain hadn’t even noticed that the male she was mated to was in the room. Her eyes were for Azriel only.
A sudden movement from Lucien had Feyre bracing herself if the male got it in his mind to winnow away with her sister. 
But Lucien was making his way towards the door, and he caught the way Feyre had moved between him and her sister.
A deep frown settled on his face, and Feyre got the sickening feeling she had just kicked a male already down. 
“I am not going to harm her, Feyre. Or the Shadowsinger, for that matter.” Lucien sounded defeated and Feyre bit her lip. 
“Are…” She looked again towards her sister who was now brushing back Azriel’s hair as they talked quietly. 
“Are you alright, Lucien?”
Her friend shook his head. “I am… getting better.”
He turned his head, his unbound red hair swaying with the movement as he studied Elain from afar. “Those tears Elain is crying are for Azriel, Feyre, and I don’t think they ever could have been for me.” A grim laugh. “They deserve each other, Feyre. They deserve happiness. Elain and Azriel more than most.”
Feyre’s heart broke inside her chest and she placed a hand on his shoulder, squeezing lightly. 
“You deserve happiness too, Lucien. Do not forget that.”
The male only nodded. “I won’t.”
Azriel’s mind felt fuzzy. Like someone had shoved cotton inside him. 
He cracked open an eye and was nearly blinded by sunlight.
He sat up, and groaned at the pain in his chest. He vaguely remembered last night’s events; saying something that set off the Illyrian’s, then crashing into a street and having Vanserra carry him home, bloodied and broken. 
His tongue was paper dry, and he mumbled something unintelligible. His head hurt, along with nearly every other part of his body, but despite his pain, he turned towards the voice.
Elain sat at the edge of his bed— he supposed it was his— her golden-brown hair a fuzzy halo around her head, he tried not to look startled at the sight of her in a ridiculously short green silk nightgown that exposed much more skin than he knew she was comfortable with. He wondered why she had it. 
He stopped studying her and glanced back at himself. A white bandage splotched with blood was wrapped around his chest, and he felt the tell-tale signs of a bloodied lip. He knew for sure if he looked in a mirror, he’d see more.
The room around him was clean and neat, and the scent of earth and flowers flooded his senses. Familiar, but not his own— Elain’s, he realized after a moment. 
A hand was pressed against his belly and Azriel knew it was Elain beckoning him to lay back down. With a groan, he laid back against the bed, and Elain’s scent wrapped around him. Peonies and roses.
He rested his head against the pillows, meeting Elain’s gaze. Her hand still rested on his stomach, but he didn’t mention it. 
“You scared me, you know.” There was a barely noticeable tremor in her voice, but it still sent a pang of hurt through his chest. Elain didn’t flinch away when he reached for her hand.
Her hand was small and soft against his large one, her pale skin stark in contrast with his. Her small, clever fingers moved in soothing patterns over the back of his hand.
 He didn’t flinch as he once might have done had someone stroked those damn scars that mangled his hand. 
“I know I did, El,” he met her eyes. They were soft and warm, but they were also filled with fear.
“I’m so sorry, Elain.”
She stared at him for a long moment, and Azriel had the distinct feeling she was peeling him apart, each word and sentence and movement. Like she was trying to figure him out. 
Elain gave herself a shake and reached towards the little cherry-wood nightstand. He watched as she poured a glass of water. He liked watching her, whether she was in her gardens or buttoning her jacket.
All the females he knew moved with grace and elegance, each movement demanding to be seen, but not Elain. All her movements were quiet, but strong— steady. She reminded him of his shadows, but lighter. 
“Sol Trabem.”
Elain raised a brow as she handed him the glass. She helped him slide up into a half-sitting position. “Illyrian?” 
He nodded and ran his free hand through his hair. It was surprisingly clean of any twigs or blood. He had the distinct memory of falling into some mud as well…
He hoped, for her sake, that Elain hadn’t been the one to clean him up.
Elain fluffed his pillows as he took a sip of water, and he kept his eyes from betraying him when her little top dipped down to reveal—
“What does it mean?”
A blush rose on his cheeks, and he saw his shadows emerge, but he forced them away. He didn’t need to hide from her. 
“It means ‘Sun Beam’.”
Elain paused her fussing to look down at him. “Sol Trabem,” she said, testing the words out on her tongue. “I… Like it.”
He grinned and she leaned down to study his face. Her large brown eyes seemed to consume him, the rich chocolate color flecked with black was something he could lose himself in any time.
 She brushed back the hair on his brow, her gaze intense, but her voice soft as she asked, “How do you feel?” 
He smiled up at her, he had been doing a lot more smiling than he used to. He wondered if Elain knew it was because of her.
 “I feel fine. Sore and tired, but fine.”
Elain nodded and sat down, her weight barely shifting the mattress. She looked behind him, probably studying his wings. “Are they okay? Lucien told Rhys you sort of crashed into the street.”
Azriel shifted side to side, all he could do without sending a pang of hurt through the slash on his chest. “I think so.” 
He leaned back against the pillows and took another slow sip of water. Elain brushed her hair back with a hand, and it was then that Az noticed the purple bruises beneath her eyes. 
“Have you been having trouble sleeping?” 
Elain shrugged, “A little.”
He scooted over on the bed, smiling as cleared a space for her. Elain smiled sweetly and crawled up the bed, carefully lowering herself down at his side. 
“I can’t possibly allow my nurse to be sleep deprived,” he joked as she slipped under his arm. Her soft hair tickled his neck, and he planted a kiss on her brow. A delightful giggle slipped past her lips, and she turned her head to meet his gaze.
“It was primarily Madja that did anything, Az.” Her breath washed out over his collarbone and he couldn’t stop himself from drawing her closer.
“Maybe,” he sighed, “But you, Elain, you…”
Elain raised a brow, “I what?”
Had she not noticed the way his shadows disappeared in her presence? And how he could never quite banish his smile when she was near?
“You help.”
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crazysinnamon · 7 years
Deep Desires (Elriel fic)!NFSW!
All characters belong to Sarah J Maas @sjmaas, author of the “A Court of Thorns and Roses” series.
Thank you for the support, Stef @autumn03! Without you this fic wouldn’t be here!
Summary: Tipsy Elain has mischievous plans for Valentine’s day.
Elain’s pov
It was Valentine's day. I knew Azriel was up to something. He was out of our house the whole day. I didn't know what to do. I watered the flowers in our garden, made cupcakes, did the laundry… So I just went outside and bought something from the nearby restaurant for dinner. This particular place was known for its delicious food in entire Velaris. After that, I got a bath and relaxed for a couple of hours. I wanted to be perfect for him. He was away so frequently that I have forgotten his scent. I used the lotion he'd bought me and it smelled like vanilla with caramel (my favourite). I put on one of his shirts and read a book for a while.
Before the sun set, I’d prepared the table and the food I bought earlier, and made myself comfortable on one of the chairs. I wasn't wearing anything under the white shirt and was sure he would be surprised by that. Most of the time I was too insecure to seduce him but after two glasses of wine, I didn't care. After the third glass I heard him coming in and closing the door. I would never forget the expression on his face when he saw me. Pure shock appeared in his hazel eyes. All the shadows around him vanished. I had flushed because of the alcohol and two buttons of the shirt were unbuttoned, apparently  revealing too much skin for him. He was holding two big shopping bags in his hands. Both plain black.  He dropped them on the floor and started to walk towards me. Slowly. Very slowly. His wings were folded tightly and his shiny hair disheveled. I watched him without blinking, sure the lust was obvious on my face.
He came in front of me and said "I thought we can go out and celebrate but I see I can change the plans a little."
And with that his hands moved to his jacket. This was maybe the second or the third time I’d seen him wearing something different from his fighting leathers, though his siphons were on his hands, catching the light when he moved. After the jacket his shirt found its way to the floor, too. I was still observing him. His enormous wings, the toned torso, the beautiful abs, the strong arms, the sharp V line, and the line of hair going under his waistband. When my eyes met his I read different emotions there - hunger, want, adoration, all of them making my blood burn under my skin. He wanted me the same way I wanted him. I've never been so brave to say something like this, every time overthinking my words and in the end never let them out. But this time was different, the words were slipping so easily.
"My handsome spymaster, you still have too many clothes on. Do you think of doing something about that?"
His thick eyebrows rose and he smirked mischievously at me. "Why don't you do something about it, darling?"
My hands were rising on their own command. They got to his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. He kneeled before me, between my legs and deepen the kiss. I felt his mouth move around mine. Our tongues dancing their own dance. A dance of passion, and want, and need. I tangled my fingers in his hair, his soft silky hair. I tug it and heard him groan in my mouth. He bit on my lip showing me that he can also be rough. My hands began to roam his body. The perfect back muscles, the hands that were now gripping my thighs and going under the hem of my shirt, lifting it up. I hesitated to touch his wings. These strong huge beautiful wings. I’d flown so many times in his arms, but never had once touched them.
I pulled away and he went after me. He wanted more. So did I. I let him take out my shirt and drop it on the carpet. Now naked before him, I made my way to the bedroom. He was following me like a lost puppy. I felt him grab me before I reached the door and pin me to the wall. He growled deep in his throat which made me shiver. His leg was between mine, rubbing his knee in my core. It felt so freaking good.
"I realise you were waiting for me, Elain. I brought you something"
He let me go and took one of the bags on the floor. From there he pulled out a pretty red velvet box. He came next to me and opened it. There neatly laid down was the most amazing necklace I'd ever seen. The diamonds making stars which were sparkling in the dim light.
"When I make love to you tonight, I want you to wear only this necklace." With these words he put on the gorgeous jewelry around my neck.
"You are breathtaking, my love." He released the box and pinned my body with his.
"I am naked but you aren't. That's not fair." I said boldly. A grin spread on his face. He had other plans. Az crashed his mouth into mine and put his hands on my hips, griping and then massaging them. He caressed his hand up and cupped my breast, pushing a little on the nipple. I moaned and his knee went up again, rubbing my core. It was all to much. His mouth and tongue made their way to my nipple, tugging, licking, kissing. I gasped when he bit me.
"I know what kind of books you steal from Nesta’s bookshelves and how much you love them, so do you want me to do something to you from the stories you are reading?" Millions of thoughts and ideas ran through my mind.
"I want you to make me come just with your tongue and then with your cock." What the hell was happening to me? Just alcohol cannot make me so bold.
A satisfied grin appeared on his face. "Everything for my lady." My wonderful big illyrian licked my stomach to my clit and bit into it. I groaned and moved my hips towards his face, buried between my thighs. It didn't take him long to put his tongue inside me and work me like that. My moaning was loud enough for the neighbors to hear, but I didn't care. My lover was driving me crazy and all I could think about was his damned mouth, making me feel dizzy.
"How do you feel, Elain?" I could hear the male satisfaction in his voice.
"Don't stop!" was all I could master before his teeth on my apex made me come. The orgasm took me and I couldn't breathe. It felt too good and it was only the beginning.
His hands went up, gripping my ass and lifting me from the ground. After a second he placed me on the soft sheets and stood in front of me, tall and strikingly beautiful. The bulge in his trousers on my display. No shadows to be seen.
"You did this to me, darling. You will take responsibility." My mouth went dry.
"My beautiful Elain, I want you to unbutton my trousers and look at what you've done.” I did what he asked and my eyes were blessed with the sight of an incredible "wingspan". I wanted to stroke him and see if the mighty spymaster would do something. I put my hand around his member. He shivered and moaned. It was the sexiest thing my ears had heard. I stroked him faster and he put his hand around mine, showing me where he wanted me to push a little harder. I was too overwhelmed and confident to stop my mouth from locking around the head of his cock. He was surprised by my daring and tensed while I used my tongue to make him feel the same I felt not long ago.
"Please, Elain, stop. I am out of my mind. Your mouth feels ..." The last came out as a groan. I’d never believed the spymaster of the Night court would beg, let alone me. His breathing was uneven which made me proud of myself. I never knew I could have such an effect on him. I almost finished him and so I bit him not to hard but enough to make him come. His roar was loud and one of the most pleasurable sounds. I swallowed everything he released in my mouth. I looked up into his eyes. His scent thick in the room. I missed this. Sweat could be seen on his forehead.
"Aw, you beautiful wicked woman. Do you know what you did to me?" I smiled at him.
"I pleased you, didn't I?" I was not sure what was happening to me. Either was the alcohol or something else but I never say things like this. Never. He griped my chin and made me look at his filled with hunger eyes.
"I will tell you exactly what I'm going to do with you. I will push you into that mattress, I will fuck you like you've never felt me inside you and all I want in return is to hear your sweet voice." I couldn't breathe. He was always quiet. Never sharing his desires, not until now. Slowly he did just that and it swept me away.
"Aw, darling, you are so wet for me. Do you want me so much?" Yup, the dirty talk suited him. I nodded enthusiastically. And with one fast slide he was inside me. I can swear that I wanted to be like this with him all the time. I didn't keep my voice down, I wanted him, let him hear everything. We stared into each others eyes while he was sliding in and out of me.
“Your warm brown clever eyes feel like you're looking at my soul." I gasped at his words. He leaned kissing my lips, then my jaw, and then my neck. He bit some places making my moans even louder. My breathing uneven. All the time he didn't stop murmuring all the complements I could've imagine. I never thought he’d cherished me so much. I gripped his back, nails in his skin. I couldn't contain myself. This male was going to be the end of me.
"I love you, Elain." His whispered words undid me. My climax shook me away. I was trembling in his arms. Pleasure overwhelming me. 
"I love you, too, Az." I whispered back after a few minutes. I was exhausted. But happy. So freaking happy. My fae - male hugged me tightly, shadows appeared, curling around us, making a little bubble. We stayed like that until sleep claimed us.
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My little mischivous partner ~ Part 3
Mild Elriel smut ahead (really mild, don’t know if you can still call it smut😅)
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Time seemed to have slown down as the shadowsinger shadow walked Elain into his bathroom. 
Nothing seemed normal about this evening as his lips continued chasing the seers soft red ones. A taste of cherry bloosoming on the taste cells of his tongue. 
The only thing this evening he had a problem with, was how they both looked. It was fun to pull that joke on his brothers, but now as he did not even spared a thought of parting with the seer, he whished to see her. 
Her doe eyes that swam in lust as they saw him, her honey curles that would get tangled between his scarred fingers. 
And so he groweled, as his own long white hair fell into his view - his contact lenses long forgoten on the floor beneith them, as he only parted with her lips for a brief moment.
Her delicate arms thightly wound around his neck as the Spymaster pressed her back further into the cold tiles of his bathroom wall. 
Ringing for air, did they both look at each other with hunger in their eyes. The moment they needed to catch for air too long for the taste of the two of them. 
But Elains rosy cheeks were a sight he would find for the rest of eternity more endearing than any priced rose. Not even if the mother demanded it from him would he give away this memory. This picture he had of her. 
Rosy cheeks and panting breathes as she looked up at him, with those silver eyes. He wanted to remove them, but he was afraid - that in his haze, his anticapption -he would hurt her. 
The sight still endearing and making him fall harder for her with every rise of her chest. Her delicate breasts pressing into his bulky chest as her lungs heaved for air. The cloth between them straining on their feverish skin.
He hated it. He wanted to get rid of his clothes - as well as hers.
But Elains cheery innocent smile was once again intoxicating, as her thightly shut lips almost touched his as she nuzzeled her nose with his. So many emotions laying in the sweet gesture of hers that his heart swelled.
The raging desire of feeling her naked skin on  his - of her body colliding with his, cooling down as the innocent whish of his heart, to cuddle her and breath in her flowery scent for the rest of the night, came to the surface. 
For his life even.
But his arms did something entirly different than his heart wanted. His heart wanted to cuddle her, but somehow his arms loosened around her. 
The thought in the back of his mind seemingly stronger than he expected it to be. The always suffocating thought that he would only pull her down, that if they were to become something more than friends - he would only pull her down in the dark abbys of this world, together with him.
He would only be a brick wall attatched to her ankle. Bruising it and hurting it until she would take a hammer and get him off of her. 
And he realized that this would be exactly what she would be in the need to do, if she ever wanted him gone. His skin that fared itself from hers singing with need as he nuzzeled her nose back.
A giggle escaping her, as he too, pressed his smiling lips against hers. 
And as he closed his eyes, he would have not been in the need to be a seer - did not whish to be one, as a view unfolded itself behind his closed eyelids he wished to never forget. 
The vision of a bright smiling seer, dancing infront of Azriel through a field full of wildflowers. A morning robe everything that hid her naked skin from prying eyes, but next to him - there was no one. 
No one that disturbed them as he placed mark for mark on her in the fields. 
And she in return. 
Shadows, Daisys, red poppys, corn flowers, dandelions, the sun above and the earth below them - the only witnessers to their claiming. 
Elains giggle always a repeating tingle in his ears. 
Never in his life would he feel that joyes from anything, but her laugh. The warm sound vibraiting through his veins as he kept her steady in his arms, that closed around her once again. 
But he wanted to see her. His hazel eyes wanting to find her doe ones, but they were silver. His hands searching for liquid honey but found nothing but cold black coal. 
Not able to take it anymore, he ripped the wig off of Elains head. The little black net everything that stood between her hair and his scarred hands, that wanted to get lost in those soft curles of hers. 
A sigh, but also a giggle escaping her as he slowly pryed that thing off of her. The preasure of the bond around her head gone in an instant. 
And finally did liquid honey ran down the white tiles. Shadows and his hands imideatly weaving black strands of mist in her hair. Messing around with it quiet alot.  
Still with their noses nuzzeled together, a chuckle and a giggle escaping both of their lips with a blinding smile. 
But Azriel knew that perhaps Elain would not remember this tomrrow, he knew he should probably stopp at this point, but his body was souring. His skin alight where she touched him. 
She was like a tornado that had him pulling towards her and yet, he never quiet reached her center as he circeled around in the wind like a leafe. The innerest part of her mind, seeable but, still far away from him. Informations, memorys and more, what he wanted to find there, good and bad ones. And if there was a trauma - he would try to help her the best he could.
But he didn’t reach her deepest dephts . Which was why he had no real clue how well she handeled alcohol. All he knew was, that she had been out drinking with the Inner Circle a couple of times already, but never did she get that tipsy - or drunk, he didn’t know- as that she would turn that mischievous. 
But from the plan she had told him - he did not quiet believe that she only planed it this evening, let alone tipsy. Her plan was well organized and it seemed like as if she had been waiting for the right time to ask her friend for help with it - the costumes already organised and the exact go of the plan already predicted. 
It was like as if she knew of his help in her wicked plan.
But something had him wondering. And in his tipsy state he was not able to hide the little jealousy in his voice as he asked, his mental walls not even able to hold the question back.
“Would you have went with your plan like this if anyone else, than me, would have helped you?”
At first Elains eyes widened at the silly question. He already draded that she would say yes, but as she pulled her head back, her warm embrace slowly leaving him as she rested herself against the cold wall. 
His body missing the lost warmth of her in an instant, but even though she pulled back - it was only for a few inches. Her arms still wound around his neck as their breathes mixed in the air between them.  
The seers puzzeled look turning soft, as she saw the anxiety written on his face.
Azriel knew that she could point out which emotion was displayed on his face so clearly. Most would have mistaken his grimmace as disgust maybe even anger, but Elain saw the fear in his eyes. 
And their eyes were most often the only way how they communicated.
And so she let one arm around his neck lose. Using the index finger of her hand to plop his nose - the soft smile on her lips never leaving her face, as her warm eyes, even in silver, made his heart warm.
“My sweet Shadowsinger. I thought you were the clever one of our family.” 
Azriel did not know how to react to this, but his breathed words, slipped past his plush lips faster than the leash he kept thight on himself, were definetly not his entire first choice.
“Not when it comes to you.” 
The seer hadn’t thought of it as possible, but her smile grew. 
More and more even, as she closed the distance between them again. An hurting centemeter all that was between their reddened lips meeting again. The honesty in Azriels hazel eyes still written all around in his irisis, as he glanced down on her and their still parted lips.
“Why do you think did I envolve a plan that contained so much help from the shadows?” 
And as soon as those sweet words left her mouth, was his on hers again. 
A wild chase of lips and togues erupting again. 
The heat between them rising as they moved closer with every brush of their tongues. Their lust filled eyes, both, closed as they enjoyed the sensation of the other. 
Not daring to show the burning lust  to the other one.
The undenying need of being close with the other one was strong. Too strong
Elain didn’t know why she did it, or when or even how exactly - all she knew was that it was easy. 
The little embarressment she felt from before, as she grinded against him, all gone. It felt all too natural to rub her throbbing core on his rising length. 
A lust filled moan escaping her as his plush lips bruised the right cornor of hers. Moving all too slowly down to the nape of her neck. A wet trail of kisses marking his way there, as he set her skin on fire.
Her legs rising to wrap around his middle imedeatly, as the need to feel him even closer, even more, rose and washed over her like a hot wave. 
And Azriel - oh sweet caring Azriel- read her like a book. Like always paying close attention to her needs - to her whishes and pressed her even more into the wall one of his scarred hands grabbing her behind. A growl escaping her as she wished to feel his rough skin on hers. But their clothes was still between them.
A dark chuckle against her skin was all she got from him, as his own prove of lust and desire pressed further into her. A loud gasp escaping her as she threw her head back, his length felt  sharp against her. Lust fogging both of their visions as they grinded against each other. 
The spymaster only had eyes for the skin of the seer. His eyes roaming around it to find the next part of her flesh he would set on fire with a wet lick of his tongue, while Elain slowly saw stars as she gripped his head and pressed his wicked tongue closer to her skin.
Her hands getting lost in the tangled mass of white hair, the pull on them making the wig slightly slip from his head. Dark curles peaking out from underneith it. 
Azriels strong body against her and his warm arms around her were everything that held her together as fire threatened to burst from her skin. 
The feeling she had before - as they acted it- paled in comprassion to this. 
The feeling of his sharp canine teeth on the soft skin at the nap of her neck, had her pressing herself closer into the wall. Stretching her throat, as to offer him and his wild lips better acces to her flaming skin.  
A lust filled scream threatening to burts from her lungs as her pores were full of it - to the point of bursting. 
She had to remind herself a dozen times that this was no dream as Azriel continued his wicked play on her skin. This sinful tongue of his liking her flesh like an ice cream, setting her on fire with each strand of his salvia that was left on her skin. Slowly melting her away.
It was no use. Elain was completly lost to his touch and soft minustrations. Her body one hot inferno against his as she feeled like as if the wall on her back was going to flame up any moment. 
Everything felt too much as her breathing came in pants, crimson rose color covering her cheeks as she heared her own noises. 
Azriel only smiled wickedly against her pale skin as he slowly duged deeper into her skin with his canine teeth. Elains eyes widened, it was still only a light scratch to her skin - but it had her screaming out his name.
Her trembling, lust filled body moved on its own accord. Her own teeth raming into his, still brown, painted skin as she thought of it the only way to muffle her scream.
As much as she wanted to scream her roared lust out loud for him - and let all of Velaris know of the feelings the Shadowsinger had caused her, as much did she wanted to avoid Cassian and Rhys suddenly standing in the middle of something they both sure had enough seen of today.
And she would also rather keep this moment to herself. 
This moment were she was wrapped against him, this moment were her hands weaved through the white wig and finally pulled it off - dark fluffy curles underneith a soft cloud, which her fingers found imideatly purchase in. Their lusted heat pooling between them as her tongue tasted the sweet taste of his blood.
The taste of it burning itself trough her entire body and into her brain. 
A shiver wrecking both of their bodys as her teeth dug deeper into his flesh. A deep moan escaping him as he let his own teeth graze down to her collar. Burrying his nose deep in the nap of her neck as he took heaving breathes.
An elecrefying feeling cruising through his veins as he tried to keep standing,the heavy wings on his back sinking more and more, with every breath, down on the cold floor.
His legs wanting to give in to the overwhelming feeling of her lips on his skin, of her teeth in his skin, to the smell of her against him - to the arrousel that coated her scent just like his.
Azriel could not contain himself. 
Moan after moan escaping him as Elains sweet tongue licked up every drop of blood that escaped from his wound. Her hands pulling and caressing his soft hair.
Mother damn him! This was not how it should have went. He should have stopped while it was possible, but now since his body knew how her teeth felt like in his skin, it was hard to not give in and just bite her in return. 
His every instinkt screaming at him to just return her favour. 
“Do you even know what you just did, little wicked flower?”
The seer did not know what the shadowsinger ment and could only lean back against the wall as her, still in silver covered, eyes searched his. Uneven pants escaping her as she saw his hazel eyes looking into hers.
Fire burning within them as they brimmed with emotions. The hazel burning like a warm flame as it set the specks of pine green on fire. A forest of pine trees swallowed up by the lick of flames.
A pure wildfire raging in his eyes.
Elain only shook her head at the question of her friend. A dry laugh escaping him as he bend his head down again.
Breathing in her flowery, lust coated scent as he nuzzeled his straight nose into the nap of her neck, rubbing it against her feverishly as he tried to calm himself down.
Which he found out, was not possible while he was like that. Her scent a toxic smell in his nosethrils as he breathed - driving him crazy. His voice already feeling like a rasp in his throat. 
His voice not utering a word until he knew it was at least abit steady and strong. 
“You marked me.”
His words were a mere whisper against her skin, a whisper that send vibrations through her entire body, lust washing through her, like a wave. One after one hitting the shore. Her pointed ears were not able to make out the few words he whispered. 
Elains breathes a wild gasp - of someone who was drowning. Her lust threatening to swallow her up entirly as it grew, pulling her far under the surface of her selfrestrained. 
She could only breath out the question. Her eyes pressing thightly shut at the warm sensation of his soft nose against her smooth neck. 
Brown painted skin meetin her white one. 
The picture a stark contrast all in all. 
The withe skin on brown one. Pale, cold and yet still lust burning silver eyes hidden behind her eyelids while his warm, burning gaze roamed all around the skin on her throat. Wild pants against his steady breathing. 
Her gold curles spilling all over the wall while his black silky mass of hair was tangeled between her fingers. 
Azriel almost did not dare to speak as she bared her throat to him. His breath a cloud against the pale skin, his words a vibration through her entire body.
“You marked me.”
“And what does it mean?”
Was all she could breath as his lips closed around her bobbing adams apple - leaving her gaping with a shiver and a burning heat in her core. A smirk sensible against her flesh. His eyes not able to meet hers, afraid of the emotions he could find there if he spilled the truth.
His own throat bobbing at words that were stuck there.
“It means that I belong to you now. It means that from now on, as long as you life, any male and female is going to smell you on me. Is going to see that you have already chosen me.” 
Elain could only smile at Azriels words. It made a great wave of pride wash over her as she got the meaning of his words.
No one was going to take him away from her. No one was able to claim him without getting past her.
And it might have been selfish, but she very much loved that. 
“I like that.” 
At that Azriel drew back from her skin, his entire body still pressed against hers as she felt his tall frame shift. His back strightening as he looked down into her eyes - that were still closed. Lust swimming behind her eyelids, but as she opened them Azriels face was turned to the side. 
The soft hue of moonlight illuminating his gods crafted face, but sadness lined his features. His thick furrowed eyebrows as he looked onto the bathroom tiles, were his contact lenses and the black and the white wigs of them layed. 
A presure making his shoulders sagg. His mighty wings were put up in defence.
Something was horribly wrong as Elain took him in. This stance of him she knew all too well. 
It was the side of him he wanted everyone to believe him to be. But that long didn’t work on her anymore. 
For the first week he had this stance, she was frightened. It looked for her like her friend was gone, crushed under some words of a female.
The seer was afraid she had lost her friend to a stranger that was him, but she saw past his exterior. Saw the sadness that lined his eyes whenever he thought no one was looking. 
The fact that Lucien had visited her durning the week of his downfall and Feyre practically shoved her every morning towards him - didn’t make it better. 
Instead it had all become worse. Mor as well as Azriel not attending their dinners. 
Elain dosen’t really remember how she survived this week, with her heart still beating. The time she spend with Lucien was draining not so say tiring. Her body fought against her mind and heart each hour that past. A sore feeling an unwanted company throughout the week.
But it faded. As soon as she saw Azriel again. 
Azriel that didn’t quiet seem to be the one she knew. He wasn’t cold to her and if she remembered correctly he did not even wish to see her nor was it intended for her to see him. 
Feyre had thrown Lucien and her out in the morning - planning for them to make them stroll through Velaris the entire day, but that tiring feeling had Elains feet moving home just after lunch. Lucien finally having to go back to the mortal lands as well.
She just wanted to go to bed, but as she saw him standing in his fighting leathers in the door frame to the living room - she saw him. 
His proud lifted wings and the preasure that put his shoulders down. The cloud of shadows enveloping him in a black blanket. 
Just like now. And Elain hated to see him like that. 
“What is wrong, my dear?” was all she could ask as her hot hand touched his cold cheek. His jaw thigtened at the sensation and he already wanted to turn away from her, her and her knowing eyes - but the preasure on her hand kept him still.
Elain was rarely stubborn, but if he intended to leave her just like this -she would gladly be stubborn. Knowing that if she would let him go now, nothing would be the same between them anymore the next time they met. 
But Azriel did not seem to have the intention of answering her anytime soon. 
A sigh escaping her lips as she smiled sheepishly at him, the lust from before now somewhere burried in her thight core. 
“Lets get that color off of you. Shall we?” 
He only nodded and retreated from her, only able to make three steps away from her as Elain had taken his calloused hand and kissed it, a whisper of her words against the red skin “Don’t hide from me.” 
Again, all he could do was nod. It was not what his mind wanted to do. It was what his heart wanted him to do. 
He never wished to hide from her, but how could he not? Shadows always hid away from sunlight. How was he not able to hide frome her if she was sunshine incarnate? 
But worst of this scenario was the guilt inside of him as he bathed in her radiant sunshine. 
Most males - especially Illyrians - were mad at a female that claimed them without permission, but Azriel could have never been happier- if he wouldn’t have been in the shadows again. In the shadow of a radiant male. His whole appearance the opposite of his. 
Azriels bulky frame hidden in the shadow of Luciens slightly musceled body, the son of Autumn and day. The fire of the son his mother while his father was the light itself. Everything of him screaming to be the match to Elains beautiful sunshine. 
The spymaster knew that his thought of happines - that she claimed him- would only be the high before the fall. He knew it was wrong to think of it as right that she had claimed him - but he loved it. 
With every fiber of his being did he love the sound of being called hers. 
But that would always be a fantasy of his, just like it was with Mor. 
The only way to tune out his raging thoughts was the running water. The burning running water. 
A distant, almost cold look on his face, as he watched how the level of the water rose in the large white tube. Centemeter for centemeter. A cloud of steam erupting from the almost cooking water. 
There had been a time were he was afraid of such hot water. Of flames in general, that was a time were Elain wasn’t even a whisper in the world -not even her parents.
That would have almost been his death durning the blood rite - if he wouldn’t have found his brothers. The fear of seeing the orange flame licking at the wood reminded him too much of the one that tasted his skin.
It was still sometimes hard to light a fire, but today he would welcome the pain the water would cause. 
Already stripping down to nothing, but the white pants, he did ot notice how Elain returned to his bathing chamber. Not even realizing that she was gone. 
It felt like as if she was with him the entire time. The marking of her already burning when he looked at her. He didn’t know if it was because it was fresh, or if it already reacted to her presence. 
In the fae world it was rare to find a mate - that everyone knew. And for those who never found their mate, they could mark their partner. With a biting scar. 
Azriel never really knew how the marking worked, since always hoped for a mating bond - he did not get into the subject of marking that deep. All he knew was what he told Elain and the the biting mark would only stay if the one that bit cleaned it with their salvia. Which Elain had done. 
But as he looked at her, still in similar clothes to Amrens clad, he noticed the tug in his shoulder. The sting that dragged him towards her, but he resistet as he looked at her with this cold far distance. 
Elain smiled at him, before she realized with shock the fogging clouds of steam. The white fog covering up the black one of his shadows. He could not look Elain in the eyes as she jelped a bit in surprise.
The hand she had held in the water slightly reddened, as she turned the tempreture down. 
Azriel barely glanced at her as he fully undressed. Not caring that Elain would see him. Raised and in full naked glory as he sat down in the water.
A soothing warmth enveloping him as he braced his arms on his knees. 
Everything in him screamed to drage Elain into the water with him. To pollute it together with her as darkness and sunshine united. 
A wild picture running around in his mind as his shadows turned just as wild as his thoughts. Black little snakes weaving through the water as no picture wanted to leave his mind and just kept on replaying.
His body, a mother damned traitor as his member twitched in anticaption - wanting to let those fantasys become reality.  Making the water spill over the thick rimm of the tube as he took her. A moan escaping her with every thrust of his, the water a splashing waterfall over the rimm as scream after scream would erupt from her pleasured body. 
Her touch tender on his heated skin. 
And he would bite her - he would mark her. His name stumbling from her lips as he would do so. 
A grunt escaped him as he burried his face in his scarred hands. 
He was not allowed to have such fantasys! 
She marked him by accident! Who knew, if she even wanted him like that, if it had been the alcohol that made her react like this. 
Elain needed to watch with furrowed eyebrows how Azriel fought his inner tumult, not able to help him solve it. If she would touch him now, only a whisper of her skin on his - she knew he would break. He would crumble under thei weight of his feelings, of his thoughts and never return to her.
Azriel always thought of himself as unworthy for everything and everyone. But he wasn’t. 
In all her life - fae and mortal- did she never meet someone with a heart as great as his. The love he felt for his family drowning him as he tried his best to make them happy, to protect them. 
Elain knew of his unspoken wish. Of the wish for his family to finally be happy. The wounds of the war healed and scarred. She knew that a mental wound could not heal without a little leftover of it. A scar on the heart the result. 
But if they simply vanished - they were one day to return. 
But with Azriel the only wounds that have ever scarred, were those on his bulky body. His, in black ink covered, chest decorated with dozens of thin markings. 
The thin stripes plastered all around on his chest some even going below the surface of the water. 
Heat enveloped Elains cheeks as she did not dare to look further into the water. Seeing things below the sureface that would invade his privacy. 
With a shake of her head and a crimson blush on her cheeks did she grab the bottle next to her kneeling form. A water Nuala and Cerridwen had gifted her last solestice. It was used to remove make up and just right for her task. 
With a steady arm she reached to pour the water over a soft pad and whiped at the brown skin of his arm. 
Azriel flinched and looked up into her eyes as she did so. A whirlwind flowing around in them. The dark fire of lust still licking at the specks of green. 
His eyes drawing hers into a sirens song. 
Her breath hitched at his next whispered words, seemingly just like his. 
“I love the color of your eyes.”
Hey everyone, so to be honest I actually planned to make this a one-shot. Well whoops looks like I am already writing on part 4. 
You have hit my creativ vein with your idea @tomtenadia​, thank you for that. Hope you and everyone have enjoyed it so far. 
I think the next part is really going to be the last one, but we’ll see about that ;)
Thanks for reading💚
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My little mischievous partner ~ Part 1
So before I start I just wanna point out that the main idea of this story came from @tomtenadia and I simply transformed it into a little Elriel ff with the IC. It was originally planed as only a one-shot, but it turned out way too long so I parted it.
And I just wanted to say @tomtenadia that I really am sorry that I post it this late, but anyway hope you enjoy. 
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It will be an peacefull evening they said. It will be relaxed they said. It will be fun they said. 
But all of this was the least from the situation right now.
Azriel, who had taken his first week off in decades, actually only wanted to spend some time with the seer. 
Just being around her and enjoy the last warm breathes of the summer air together with her, but of course did he get carried away as Mor and his brothers presured him into an evening with all of them. 
Instead of just him and Elain. 
And honestly Azriel didn’t know why he had agreed. Thinking for the fracture of a second that it was a good idea, but that thought had crossed his mind before his second glass of wine, or was it already the third? Maybe even the fourth? 
He honestly did not know how many it have been until now. 
The spymaster only learned that he would never trust his family when it came to peacefull evenings ever again. 
Knowing they would end up with two tipsy or drunken Illyrians, arguing over a topic they had been arguing over for the past five centuries. 
Their voices way too loud as to be tuned out as he continued listening to them. The warmth of the fire on his wings right now the only thing that kept him seated in the plush armchair.
“What do you mean by that you idiot?” roared Rhys, half slurring, at his brother, who had a smirk displayed on his face. “I mean by that, that Nesta would agree with my opinion.”
“You have no right to say that! Feyre knows I put best use to what I have!” 
Cass smirk grew at that. “I would say that too if had 10 inches to defend.”
Rhys huffed, chest puffed out as his violet eyes practically pierced his brother “Are you talking about yourself now or what?”
Azriel could only shake his head at the two Illyrians. Trying to tune out again, but the try was only of succes for a little amount of time, as suddenly a crash was heared. 
The lamp, that stood next to the seer that sat on the couch and absentmindly nibbled at one of her blueberry cookies, crashed to the floor. Causing the innocent fawn to almost jump to her feet. But that still didn’t change the fact that she chocked slightly on the cookie bites she chewed with such intesity that looking alone hurt. The intensness of her far away gaze prove that she, too, tried to stay with her mind as far away as possible from the arguing.
But that didn’t work as Rhys flared out his wings. Knocking over the lamp and almost hitting the innocent seer in her face. 
Elain, who already drank a good amount of wine too, dared to glare at Rhys back. A crack heared as she aggresivly bit off a piece of her cookie again. 
Azriel was amazed how the mood of the seer could change so easily. Normally all sweet and nice - even while she was drunk, but somehow she seemed allergic to loud bussy bodys. His two brothers shivering for the amount of a second, in which they had the full attention of an icy glare from the middle Archeron- that would have even made Amren proud. 
Causing him almost to laugh out loud and forget his aching skull. 
But his brothers were a literall pain in the neck. Their boaming voices a hammer to his head whenever they spoke. 
“Get a measuring stick and I will show you whos bigger! Or just ask Feyre!” 
Now Cassian was mocking him with a cooing voice “Do you really think you need a measuring stick? Don’t you think an ruler is more than enough for you?”
As Rhys loud voice already wanted to start arguing back - something in Azriel snapped. Causing him to jump to his feet, move swiftly past  the few couches in the sitting room and reach for his brothers. 
Taking each of their massive heads in his scarred hands as he clanked their heads together. Their skulls meeting with great force as a dull thud was heared. 
Both of his Illyrian brothers groaning as he let them go. Their hands rubbing the spots where they had collided with the head of  the other one just a moment ago. 
Cassian was the first to recover, still groaning as he rubbed his forehead “What the hell was that about?!” but his pissed tone soon vanished as he saw the fire flickering in Azriels eyes. 
Knowing even in his drunken state, to not piss off his brother further than here. 
The silence of his threats a cold blanket around them. 
Rhys was smart enough to keep quiet as well, hissing whispered curses of pain under his breath as he rubbed his forehead too. 
Everything felt right, now. Peace having settled, but only temporary. 
The strong head of the High Lord finding the better of his brother again, as he whispered to his comander, as they started to walk out the room, “I will still get the measureband!” 
Azriel sighed and lifted his hands in defeat. The seer, that had watched the scenario in quiet amazement, giggled at the silly gesture. Her tipsy state probably getting the better of her. 
Causing the pissed but tipsy Shadowsinger to smile genuinely at her, before he stormed up to his brothers. 
His cold presence in their backs making them turn around with their heads ducked in. Their hunched form remembering him of the time were Rhys mother had scolded the two of them for breaking her favourite vase. 
Azriel tried to cover them up back then, telling that one of his shadows had accidently knocked it over, but the Illyrian Lady of the Night court knew better. 
And right now Azriel would gladly be the one to scold the two, but his patience was already worn thin, so he quickened the whole process a bit. 
Pointing, with his scarred index finger, up the winged staircase. His voice not allowing any arguments “Go to your rooms! Both of you and I don’t wish to see any of  you two drunken idiots all night again! Got that!?” 
He grumbled at them. His brothers obbeying as they walked up with heavy steps the withe stairs up, Cassian not able to control his grumbling “Stupid mother hen! Always ruins the fun!” 
But the Spymaster only sighed. Trying his best to get the air out of his lungs.
Azriel was no speaker, that all of them knew, but sending a shadow to whack Cass at the back of his head was something he did with satisfaction. 
The head of the commander whiping around at the cool, stinging sensation on his skin. His fiery eyes widening in shock as he saw the cold promise that layed in Azriels pissed eyes, as he watched with crossed arms over his chest,  how his two brothers hurried up the stairs. 
A final sigh escaping the shadowsingers lips as he turned towards the sitting room again. Abondening the plush armchair and taking a seat beside the lovely flower grower instead. 
Her honey eyes glowed with something he had never seen before, as her normaly bright, head turning smile grew into a wide stretched smirk that made his heart shiver. “These two sure are a handfull.”
Azriel could only nod, rubbing his throbbing temples. 
This was clearly not the time of day he whished to put up with their nonsense, but they never seemed to have mercy with him. Mor,Amren and Feyre the only ones that even tried to allow him some peace, next to Elain of course.
Never would he have guessed that even the friendly seer could give him a troubling time, but he clearly mistook her. 
Elain was a fae that could send his entire body, with a soft touch, soaring up into the sky far,far above them. Which she did. The brush of her soft fingers on the heated skin of his forearm, making goosebumps appear all over his body.
The warmth of the fireplace infront of him, once again, the only thing that kept him seated. But then again, was it the warmth that kept him still or the quiet michivous gleam in Elains knowing eyes? 
Those warm doe eyes that never seemed to miss a second of the day, those eyes which were a calming ancheror to his raging thoughts - were now gleaming of a dangerous dark brown. 
A wicked smile stretching her lips, as she flashed him her white theeth. 
The sight alone of her, making his heart stutter. 
Those warm eyes reflecting the fire, as her hair cought the hue of orange and gold. Those golden curles of hers, suddenly looking like an river made of fire. Elains softness seemingly all gone, as that wicked smile and the hand on Azriels forearm kept him still.
Making him take in the rare sight infront of him. 
But it seemed that the tipsy seer was full of surprises this evening. 
Her petite form leaning in to whisper, in a sinfull voice, in his rounded ear. That wicked smile on her lips spreading on his own like a wild fire, as she explained her plan to him. 
A plan he would truely have never expected of her, but that made the smirk grow even wider. 
The sight of the two smirking figures on the couch would have made even Amren shiver, as they discussed a plan, that would not be forgoten by the Inner Circle, for the next centurie at least.
“Az sure isn’t as fun as a centurie ago.” slured Cass at Rhys as they strode through the large hallway on the second floor. The white wall to the commanders right, a pleasent companion on the way to his chambers. 
His brother could only nod as he, too, made the way to his room on wobbly knees and legs. 
The two drunken Illyrians not carring at all that, below them, the Spymaster could still hear them.
But both did not have the braincells for the thougt of carring rigth now. It was already hard enough for the two to remember the way to their bedrooms. 
A turn of the hallway to the right was Cassians reminder of where his room was, sadly for him he noticed the turn too late. The reminder hiting him like cold marble - quiet literally, like he needed to find out. With a groan, escaping his dry throat, he rubbed one of his temples - where his stubborn skull hit the cold floor. 
Rhysand could only watch. The look on his face not clearly readable. It seemed like he was torn between lauhing like crazy and helping Cassian get up. He decided for the first, as a howling laughter echoed through the empty white hallway. 
The sound too shrill, as the loud,booming midnight voice of his brother hit the commanders sensetiv ears. Making him cover them up with a light growel on his lips. 
He wasn’t quiet sure how long he sat there - or how long Rhysand laughed. But what he knew was that they both layed on their backs on the cold floor afterwards, probably because Rhys wasn’t able to hold his balance as he reached for Cass.
 The flickering faerie lights only a dimmed hue.
Weird. Hadn’t they been brigther before? Like really bright. Cassian remembered, that when they reached the top of the stairs and the light turned imideatly on, that it hurt his eyes so much he had to close them. 
The commander only shrugged as he looked into the hallway infront of him with furrowed eyebrows. Maybe he had just imagined the light so bright, since the light downstairs was even more dimmed.
But the temptation of giving in to this thought was taken away from him, as he saw the shadow. A shadow that looked like a pillow of needles. Sharp claws looking like cresent moons that wanted to slice the Commander and the High lord open. The high Lord that hadn’t even noticed the shadow behind him, since he was on all four trying to get up on wobbly feet - his back turned to the shadow. 
A cold shiver ran down Cassians spine as he noticed the twisting silhouette of claws and sharp teeth. Suddenly not so sure if it was just a shadow or the cloud of black  mist that was the creatures body.
With plate wide eyes fixed on the twisting thing on the wall - he shook his brother, that almost made it to stand, but was dragged down again as Cassian shook one of his wobbly legs. Making him fall with a loud thud as the commander  hissed at him “Rhys! Look behind you!” The high lord only threw daggers at his brother as his tan face colided with the white floor again. His cheek flat against the cold stone. “What is it Cass!” 
Cass had only looked for a moment at Rhys when he fell, but now - as he gestured to the wall. Everything was normall. His eyebrows furrowed as he mumbled to himself “I could swear I saw something ...” as Rhys crawled on all four to the next wall - so that he could get up safely- he only grumbled “Yeah sure.” 
Cassian could only shake his pounding head. The drunkness suddenly lifted by the shock, but as he turned his back to the white long wall opposite him - he could have sworn to have heared a hissing laugh. A sound that came close to swords clanking together. 
He shivered again, but got up on wobbly feet. His chamber was only afew steps away and Rhysand already started to walk to his own chamber, so there was probably no reason to be worried at all. 
“Night Brother.” was Cass last good night. Rhys grumbled as he took the way, closest to one of the walls , back into the main hallway “Night, short inch.” at that Cassian needed to laugh as he, too, made the short way to his door in a far too long time “You wish. We both know it’s not true.” 
The only answer was a slammed door and Cassian was left alone in the hallway his heavy hand already on the doorknob to his room as a cold breeze turned off all the faerie lights. Making him blink in the dark.
“Hihihihi.” There! Again that sudden laugh. Louder and clearly audible, as if someone was next to him. A cold breath on his cheek strengthening his theory. 
Cassian was never one to run away, but if that laugh belonged to the one he suspected. He would feel no shame tomorrow for having swung his door open and having stumbled into it. The door, that flung wide open at the force of stregth that was used on it, seemed to close itself again as the commander fell onto all four again. 
Slightly panting in fear, he turned on the dimm lights and only saw a black mist lick at the side of the lock, before it fell shut. 
The shiver increased as he felt his face go chalk white. The louring sound of sleep now the only thing that could make him forget abou these incidents. 
And so he went to bed. The thick blanket, that normally suffocated him, now too cold for him.
Cassian didn’t know how long it was what he slept, but all he knew was the reason why he woke up. The sticky warm breath on his cheeks the complete opposite to the cold licking at his feet. Shivers waving through his paralyzed body, as he oh so slowly - turned on his back to look at the source of all this. 
Sharp yellowish teeth gleaming at him, as his eyes looked into the dark. The fullmoon light coming in through his window making his fears only worse as they made the thin yellow teeth look like little sharp knives. 
And for one of the few times of his life, did Cassian feel afraid of knives. 
But as he layed there - motionless- his brain started to catch up on him. A roaring scream escaping his lungs as he shoot up - hitting his head on the dark creature he so feared. His clumsy feet hurrying to get out from beneith the blanket.
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