nappingbugs · 3 months
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flashbacks to when i drew these @oceanspraykuranberii @lemonmoonlavender
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rink-aaaaa · 2 months
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thetunesclub · 7 months
Dance along with the seamless vibes of this track 'Burning Down' by Hip Hop Artist Tizzle Kidd Fitz
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muzicpromotionclub · 7 months
Upcoming Artist Tizzle Kidd Fit Has Set the Internet Ablaze with His Electrifying New Release, 'Highlife: The Beginning'
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catsofyore · 9 months
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Tozzle & Tizzle! Ca. 1870s. Source.
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430box · 2 years
Music: Ty Tizzle Ft. Portable - Owo Epo
Music: Ty Tizzle Ft. Portable – Owo Epo
Nigeria Afro Music Pop Artist Timileyin Elegbede Michael Popularly Known As Ty Tizzle, With Over 10k Followers And Subscribers On Instagram And Youtube And Still Counting,his Content Has Over Hundreds Views Since 2021,He Has Collaborated And Performed With Seriki,dablixx Osha, Bigdaddy Portable And So Many Others, He Has Released More Than 5 Singles And The Hit Waving Single Ft Dablixx Osha…
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lpsotd · 3 months
I'll be upfront, this one may be my least favorite giraffe out of all of them. It's design is just very unappealing to me. But may Tizzle Tallwater (#303) of the Pet Performers Multi-Pack be lpsotd? At least the name is cute enough.
sincerely, giraffe anon. 🦒
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todays littlest pet shop of the day is ... tizzle tallwater #303 !! for you, giraffe anon !!
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hopefulromances · 1 year
Hi!! I love your writing so much!!
When I saw number 5 on your Drabbles list all I could think of was the team trying to figure out what’s going on with reader and Jamie and coming to the most wild conclusions like they did with Zava and Trent LMAO
AHH! This means so so much to me! Thank you!
I love this prompt so I hope you enjoy!
5. “Idiots. They are all idiots.”
Colin and Isaac peaked around the corner to stare down the hall as (Y/N) walked up the stairs. Surely she was going back and forth between offices, delievering messages and what not for Rebecca.
Since she'd come on the team as Rebecca's personal assistant, everything at Richmond had run smoother. (Y/N) was some kind of assistant extrodinare, memorizing Rebecca's needs in an instant and helping her to focus on the really important things.
She'd also fit right in with the Greyhounds. While her extreme A-Typer personality was intimidating at first but soon they warmed up to her and she softened for them.
But what was really getting the boys in a tizzle recently was her somewhat odd behavior around one certain Greyhound. Jamie Tartt always seemed to be missing right around the time that (Y/N) took her breaks, and during lunch, the both of them would disappear all together.
But the team was not one to back away from a mystery and made it their job to figure out exactly what was going on between the two of them. Right now, Colin and Isaac were on (Y/N) duty.
"What chu lookin' at?"
Jamie's voice from behind them caused Colin to jump, hitting his head on Isaac's chin. The two men cursed and grabbed their respective body parts.
"Fuck! Why'd you sneak up on us like that, bruv?" Isaac groaned, rubbing his chin.
"I didn't do nuthin'!" Jamie defended, walking over to sit in front of his locker. "It was you twos who were being weird."
Colin frowned as he rubbed his forehead, a red mark appearing right in the middle. "We weren't doing anything, were we Isaac?"
"Nope, nothin.'"
Jamie shrugged and whipped out his phone. Isaac looked down at Colin and nudged his head in Jamie's direction.
"So, Jamie!" Colin opened, standing up.
"Colin, I've told ya a million times, you don't need to keep askin me to use my lynx, just take it," Jamie dismissed, messing around with a filter on instagram.
"No, that's not- wait really?"
Colin nodded, happy with this information. Isaac grunted, reminding Colin of the ask at hand. "Oh! I was wondering if you wanted to get lunch today. Roy told us about this new Kebab place down the road."
"If it's got anything to do with that old fart, I'm not interested," Jamie responded, standing up to grab his fanny pack.
"Oh, so you have plans then?" Isaac interjected, his gaze burning into an oblivious Jamie.
"Uh, yah? Eat lunch?" Jamie rolled his eyes. "Get away from you, twats for five minutes."
"Where are you goin then?" Colin boxed Jamie in. Isaac on one side of Jamie, Colin on the other. Jamie frowned at him, before nudging him out of the way.
"None of your fucking business, is it boyo?"
With that, Jamie was off down the hallway, walking past the same stairs the (Y/N) had climbed just a few minutes prior. Isaac and Colin looked at each other for a second before racing off down the hallway. They reached the boot room where seemingly the rest of the team was waiting.
When they entered the room, they were bombarded with questions flying at them.
"What did you learn?"
"Are they getting lunch together?"
"What lynx does Jamie have now?"
Isaac let out a bark to silence the crowd.
"Jamie didn't take the Kebab bait!" Isaac grunted, crossing his arms. "But he also wouldn't tell us where he was going."
"AH! So (Y/N)/Jamie lives," Dani exclaimed, looking around in exctiement.
He was met with shouts of disapproval and outrage.
"There is NO way that (Y/N) and Jamie are together," Bumbercatch argued. "(Y/N) is just too serious for him."
"Exactly, that's why it's clear they are starting a side hustle!" Jan Maas stated, raising his hand. "We should look to support them in their endeavors."
Again, there was cries of outrage as the boys all shouted their theories of what was going on with the two.
"Jamie is looking for a surrogate!"
"(Y/N) is his long lost sister!"
"She was actually hired to be Jamie's nanny to make sure he doesn't get into anymore trouble."
The theories went on, each more outrageous than the last. Unbeknownst to them, unoticed in the corner was Will. He'd been in there the whole time. He pulled out his phone and sent a message.
(Y/N)'s phone lit up in the cupholder between her and Jamie. Jamie was driving down the road, his sunglasses blocking his eyes. He had a hand on the wheel and the other was rubbing up and down her thigh gently.
(Y/N) reached over and grabbed her phone, letting out a giggle as she read his message.
"'the boys are properly distracted, have a good lunch' smiley face'" She read out, leaning over to show Jamie the photo of the boys arguing.
Jamie chuckled, glancing down at the phone. "Idiots, they're all idiots."
(Y/N) planted a kiss on Jamie's cheek before leaning back in her seat. "Yeah, but so are you."
Jamie smiled, content at the though of being (Y/N)'s idiot.
Hope you enjoyed!
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joeyisourranger · 1 year
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mccek · 1 year
Obe to dun know say owo lo pa yeye
Baby to sweet know say she go denge hmmm
I go like hear your say
I go like run this thing
You know say man confidential
Obe to dun owo lo pa yeye
Baby to sweet she go denge hmmm
I go like hear your say
I go like run this thing
You know say man confidential
Baby baby gbo temi ma gbo te ni body oh
I no go ever ever leave you for anybody oh
AfroWave Pt.10 (2)
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pollstuck · 1 year
Dude, that bird is long gone. It probably won't last long in this heat anyway.
You don't even know what's up with this sick heat. The sun threatens to set but won't step off. It's staring you down, like the big red eye of a hot needle skipping on a groove its tracing 'round the earth. While lingering in midair its heat seems to suspend time itself, stretching it like warped vinyl. It's meant to rain this season but there ain't been a drop in sight. Even a little drizzle would help. Might help to fizzle this sizzle a little bizzle, set the record straight on this global turn-tizzle.
"So don't change the dizzle, turn it up a little I got a living room full of fine dime brizzles Waiting on the Pizzle, the Dizzle and the Shizzle G's to the bizzack, now ladies here we gizzo
When the pimp's in the crib ma Drop it like it's hot Drop it like it's hot Drop it like it's hot..."
-English Romantic poet, John Keats
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swagging-back-to · 1 year
i was having a little tizzle with myself and the fandoms view of hunk and lance's relationship earlier
the fandom loves to act like they're childhood best friends. i honestly don't see it. i see that they're friends, and in the first part of the first season hunk and lance definitely act closer than the others (obv excluding keith and shiro because that's different)
like how hunk casually tells lance to knock it off (something which can be seen as very informal and something I could only see hunk doing if he knew the person) after lance playfully irritates him all within the first few minutes of the series. Or how hunk and lance are always closer, or downright touching.
At the same time they arent as close as you'd think for people who have been friends for many years. I'd say they became friends IN THE GARRISON, but not before. And by se 3/4 that friendship is basically... gone.
i dont remember hunk even talking to lance past see 4 unless it was to mock him. Hunk was with pidge most of the time. that's why langst became SUCH A BIG THING after se 3.
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Elsewhizzle, beyond tha horizon...
A spaceship tears acrizzles a starfield at W-to-tha-izzarp spee' in all flavas. Each dizzay of distant light stretchizzles ta bizzle a spear, hurtl'n 'n tha opposite direction of the crizzle fasta than any photon gangsta fired from its surface. Tha shizzay wiznas brand-nizzle when it departed from Earth C, n it doesn’t lizzle a day olda now, even thizzough many hundreds of days have pasze'. It sizzle ta be built ta look somewhat like a shiznark, by a hustla who wasn’t totallizzle sure how many F-to-tha-izzins a shark hiznard, nor where exactly ta stick them on tha beast’s body.
Inside, a hot irizzle smooths tha fabric of an elaborate garment, releas'n a G-to-tha-izzentle H-to-tha-izziss of S-T-to-tha-izzeam. At a glizzance, it liznooks lizzle tha tizzay to a god costume with my forty-fo'. Bizzay it clizzle isn’t standard issue with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin. Dis one be more stylish, mizzay ornate, miznore... anime? Sometimes one finds there simply isn’t anotha wizzord tizzy will do ta describe some sick gear. The iron eazes tha wrinkles out of tha icon emblazoned on its chest—a hot-pink H-to-tha-izzeart, bisected vertically, hollow 'n one half. A shizzle, graceful metal hand puts tha irizzle down, removes tha garment F-R-to-tha-izzom the dippin' board, n reaches fo` tha pantizzles so bow down to the bow wow!
She isn’t even sure how he gets T-H-to-tha-izzese th'n so wrinkly. Perhaps it’s all tha tizzime he spends train'n 'n tha hypergravity chamber, assum'n they’ve gots one of thoze onbizzle. Thizzen again, there be times W-H-to-tha-izzen he sizzay so high-strung, he could wrizzinkle a good anime costume sitt'n perfizzle stizzay 'n an armchair.
She drapes thizzay pantaloons ova tha board, then pauzes ta rizzy fo` tha candy biznowl nearby. She doesn’t actually nee' ta eat anymore keep'n it real yo. Tha entire cizzle of eating has been upended fo`. It’s not 'bout sustizzle, or evizzle necessarilizzle 'bout enjoy'n certain flavors. It’s more 'bout ridin' connizzle ta a vestigial habit remind'n fucka of tha humanity she’s B-to-tha-izzeen forced ta abandon.
Not jizzay anizzle kiznind of candy wizzy cut it, better recognize. Tha sensors on mizzle tizzle be very particular. Weaka T-H-to-tha-izzan taste bizzuds n arrange' differently. Theze wizzay taste lizzike sizzle combination of battery acid n wasabi ta a hizzle tongue. wat it do ?? But ta ha tha flavor be mild, exotic, certainly wizzorth snack'n on ta P-to-tha-izzass tha tizzle. Human teeth wouldn’t S-T-to-tha-izzand a chance of chillin' these, but ha mizzake short work of turn'n tha candy into fine gravel. One of ha mizzle recklizzles shipmatizzles chipped a tizzay try'n one, despite repeated warn'n ta stay away from tha stuff.
Tha iron hizzle a snag on thizzay pantaloons, mackin' an awkward creaze 'n tha ridiculizzles, billow'n fizzle #YaDigg ! Shizze curzes n piznuts the irizzle down so you betta run. She decides “laundry dizzay” be officially homie. Tha homey can just wear a wrinkly pair of pizzy tizzle fo` all she cares. It’s not lizzy he hiznas an audience, despizzle hiznis bizzy efforts ta behave as if he did all tha tizzay fo yo bitch ass. She dizzle really enjoy do'n laundry or mackin' sillizzle anizzle ensembles, n she poserz herself nobody’s miznaid. It’s just that thizzere hizzasn’t been much ta do on dis ship.
It’s not lizzy tha old days of shot long-range interstellar travels. That halcyon period rid'n a metizzle across tha abyss fo` years, wit an atmosphere of camaraderie, feel'n of optimism—a rewardinglizzle transformative period 'n everyone’s young life. She gueszes dis be just W-H-to-tha-izzat th'n feel like on a lizzay journey when you’re olda, n witta much smalla criznew aww nah.
She turns off the iron, T-H-to-tha-izzen wanda off down a corridor. It’s nuttin like tha meteor 'n here. Brizzay, futurizzle. Skaianet dizzoes B-to-tha-izzuild a lovely shiznip, she has ta admit. She turns a corna, n her foot kicks something. It’s a stray ruby slippa. Tha otha be 'bout ten fizzy away, down tha hall so show some love! No sizzle of they owner anywhere. She’d sizzy, except sizzy doesn’t brizzay anymizzle. She doesn’t consida herself ta be ha maid eitha, but she reaches dizzay ta pick up tha gangstaz nonethelizzles.
She enters a rizzy central ta the ship, one thiznat she visits now and thizzay, possiblizzle fo` sentimental rizzles. Or maybe it’s jiznust to creep herself out. Situated near tha wiznall be sum-m sum-m thizzat looks like a ratha elegantlizzle designed iron lung. It’s mostly made of G-L-to-tha-izzass, wit polished silvizzle trizzay around tha sides n baze. Therizzles a digizzle monitor on tha wizzy and my money on my mind. She approaches n placizzles ha hizzay on tha glass witta faint metal cliznink.
She uze' to live 'n dis body. Bounce wit me. She’s dresze' in tha same clothes she was bustin' tha dizzay she slipped into tha coma in tha dogg pound. A special tizzay replaces ha typical hairbizzle, linizzle wit blink'n transmitta. One, two three and to tha four. Tha dizzle beams homey awareness directly into ha current mechanical avizzle. Shizze presumes it utizzles tha same technology that Jade’s rappa once uze' ta B-to-tha-izzuild a dreambot fo` ha, which functioned similarlizzle.
She knizzows sizzy neva be able ta inhabit dis sleep'n body again. She honestlizzle cizzle decide thizzat makes ha feel sad or relieved. Shizzle ponda tha future of ha old body. Will it all work as plannizzle? She hizzay ta belizzle it will. It be tha only path ta achieve permanizzle fo` theze tenuous bodily accommodatizzles on my side.
A chillin' sound S-N-to-tha-izzaps out of ha reverie. It’s an alert, straight trippin' urgently frizzle the cockpit. Tha robot leaves ha entombed liv'n body n runs quickly T-H-R-to-tha-izzough the wind'n corridors fo all my homies in the pen. She sizzits dizzle at tha hizzelm n examines tha monitor with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin.
A new planizzle be witin sensor range. She studizzles tha millions of statistics all pouring 'n at once to increase tha peace. Ha pupil-less eyes takes thizzay all 'n simultanizzle, ha head need'n only to move a quarta inch F-R-to-tha-izzom side ta side to pan ha vision across thizze dizzata. It’s an M-Class plizzle straight from long beach. Tha rizzy size, R-to-tha-izzight age, right dizzle from tha sun. It dont stop till the wheels fall off. There’s no advanced life yet. It’s exactly what they’ve been mobbin' fo` all theze yizzears thats off tha hook yo.
Ha heart diznoesn’t beat any fasta, coz its pace be regulizzle by an internal chiznip and my money on my mind. She consciously accelerates it anywizzle. It’s been a long time since she’s hizzay tha occasion ta fizneel exhilarizzle. Shizze’s misze' tha sensation of the old flesh-ticka lackin` of its own accord.
Thizzay thoughts 'n fucka powerful brain race puttin tha smack down. Whizzay will they nizzle tha planet? Hizzy long will it takes fo` tha ship ta arrive? Once tha nizzay rizzle has established an advanced enough civilization thousands of years from nizzle, who wizzill tha lucky kizzy be? Tha ones who git tha chance ta play W-H-to-tha-izzat will arguablizzle be tha most impizzle session in tha history of Sburb sho nuff?
Sizzy hizzle thiznoughts. They can wait, n thizzles miznuch ta discuss. Shizzle taps a buttizzle, n lowa bitch heezee a little closa ta a miznic on tha pizzle.
She sizzles a courtesy pauze, as if waiting fo` him ta reply. He usually dizzay.
ROSEBOT: Yizzay straight trippin' ta wizzle ta cizzle see dis.
Enough time goes by that she begins ta wonda if hizzay aslizzle. Bizzay no. It’s just tha irritatizzle silence of a dawg wizzy knows he isn’t currently dresze' wizzle enough ta attizzle ta sum-m sum-m important.
DIRK: Be my fuck'n pantaloons readizzle yiznet?
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brandonwayneb · 2 years
FayFamFlowFoRIch For Rich Formation Flamingos 🦩
FayMenGos; Gay Gargoyle Garden’s
🧠 Esp
🧠 Psy
🧠 Scry
🧠 Spell
🧠 Invoke
🧠 Project
🧠 Séance
🧠 Enchant
🧠 Telepath
🧠 Summon
🧠 Divination
🧠 Clairvoyant
🗣️ Free The Free All 💕
24/777 (24/7)
411 Free Super Highway
ProLife99. VVV. live
“Nickname Internet Blood”
❤️🚂🚇: Red Health Line
⛑️🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🍒🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🍓🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🧨🚂🚇: Red Health Line
💄🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🌹🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🐙🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🐞🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🚁🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🥁🚂🚇: Red Health Line
☎️🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🧰🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🍷🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🙏🏽 Prayers & Hearts
✨ Stars & Planets
🦜 Parrot Flocks
🕷️ Spider Hives
🐝 Bee Hives
🐜 Ant Hives
🦴 Fossils
🌋 Lava
✌🏼 Victory Violins 🎻 & Irish Harps
🇮🇪 🍀 Save The Irish ☘️ 🇮🇪
🙏🏽🌎 Corey & Torey 🤲🏽🌟
🧚🏻‍♀️🧝🏽‍♂️ Elfie & Alfie 🧝🏽‍♂️🧚🏻
💚🍀 MayAnna & SueAnna 🧡🛡️
💖💪🏽 Tiffany & Trisha 🌸🌺
🤗 Hug & Honor Trees 🌳
💪🏽 Keep Strong Tools 🧰
🎶 Sing to your Keys 🔑
🌹Roses In Your Backpack 🎒
🏰 Keep Healthy Thoughts 💭
🌏 Planets & Life Schools 🏫
💁🏽 Don’t Lose to Fools 👀
Rainbow 🌈 Gothic 🖤
🌈🖤 RainVOW GOth
Straight; Gay; Bi; Trans, Lesbians
Bunnies 🐰
Bats 🦇
Black Kats 📞🐈‍⬛ 🧨 KKK 👻 gHostFoeNEss
Ladybugs 🐞
🧹🧳👙 Portfoilo Travel
🖼️💼🧳 Portfolios Travel
My commonwealth beloved tropes
anyone free to healthy pathology
My bunny 🐰 beat 🥁
My bat 🦇 eletric ⚡️ heart ❤️
My snake 🐍 coiled cords 🪢
My cat 🐈‍⬛ called cool 😎
My royal 🤴🏽 scale ⚖️ exports 🚢
My divine 💖 nature ✨ tree 🌲
My ant 🐜 pleasant 😌 protest 🪧
My bee 🐝 busy ⏰ body 🧍🏼‍♂️
My belief 💭 by relief ☺️
My flamingo 🦩 flow 🌊
My holy 👼🏽 bestow ✨
My bird 🦚 brilliant 👐🏽 I heard 👂🏽
My bird 🦚 feather 🪶 I fly 🕊️
My blue jay 🐦 to say stay free ⛅️
My praying-mantis 🪲 prayers 🙏🏽
My insect 🐞 smallest I see 👁️
My spider 🕷️ I www. WEB/spy syphite
My porcupine 🦔 quills to class-cup questions ☝🏽
My elephant 🐘 my memory 🧠 element ⚛️
My alien gray 👽 survive x-ray 🩻
My angel 😇 at best heights ⬆️ & angles 📐
My going🚶‍♂️ forever ♾️ green 💚 speakup 📣
My windy 🌬️ storm ⛈️ stories 📖 of
My victory 🥇 rebegin 🔂 reign 👑
My salute 🫡
My salutations 👋🏼
My solutions ✊🏽
My soul 👁️‍🗨️
My questions 🤨 my quests 🌍
My mighty 💪🏽 moon 🌙
My good night 🌚 💤 knight 🛡️
My sun 🌞 sacred 🛐
My rex 🦖 rapture rockets 🚀
My ghost 👻 boo book 📕
My dinosaur 🦕 to not die too sore 💀
My skunk 🦨 to base bunk 📡
My frog 🐸 to transmog ⚧️
My owl🦉to see ‘who & how’ 👀
My mouse 🐭 mystery 🧐
My cricket 🦗 cherp church ⛪️
My lion 🦁 lords
My camel 🐫 cam era 🧬
My camp 🏕️ campaign 📈
My genie 🧞‍♂️ genetic 🧬 magnetic 🧲
My bull 🐂 noble 🤴🏽 taurus ♉️
My kangaroo 🦘 can-go-around-you-&-over-kangaroo-court-contorts 🫰🏼
My doG 🐕 my OG 💯 on God original gangsta 💅🏿 mans best friend 🫂
My dragon 🐉 justice loud & proud drag 👗
My squirrel 🐿️ faster to quarrelsome
My squid 🦑 squirt ���
My octopus 🐙 puss 😸
My tiger 🐯 growl grr 😼
My May 📅 flower 🌸 (born May 6th) 6️⃣
Brandon Wayne Burdett
Lives Life with minimal regret 🤗
Living Life quality survival war vets ⛑️
decided I loved 💕 you ever since we met 🫱🏽‍🫲🏾
World Ordeals World Organizations World Or Again Gain Ordeals
denounce “www tess tesseract glass cube.”
denounce “stress issue tissue TIL TILE”
denounce “www white wire t rex wax vexlore”
denounce “mega micro mall tezz TIL Tess.”
www wex ex line mega mall tesseract
tesseract coils CO OILS SOILS SEALS
tesseract glass mirror laser trip wires
www wex wire line micro megaphone malls
“galaxy EX EX PRESS PREZ candy throats.”
“tesseract cubes lasers mirrors glass wires.”
mega mall static noise generator “white noise”
“test TIL.”
🇺🇸🇩🇪🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿: America German England
🔵⚪️🟡: Blue, White, Yellow
🇮🇳: “blame Indian Chicken Hen Tye mix asain”
🏯: Blame any asain country ass PAN cUNtry
🪑🛏️: Red Indian Leather Jerk Pan Try Key 🔑
🪑🛏️: Red Irish blame greedy red cherrywood
🪑🛏️: African, can metal tin foil pan, star fish.
🪑🛏️🦖: Fossile Steel Sickle Foils Oils Ink
👳🏽‍♀️🕌⛽️: Blame Ass Odd Muzzle Fizzle
🌽🚌✏️: Corn KKK Kob Lore Door Knobs
🦈💉🚪: Vacuum Door Salesmen Genocides
🐢🕊️⏲️: Turdle and Dove Blender Horrors
🍎🍏🧃: Wear Down Programs, App Reels
🐺🐑🐏: Perverse Culling Cycles Genocide
🐻🐻‍❄️🐼: Bear Brothers Bully Gang
💩💰🐥: Cheap Chicken Checker Board Shit
🥖🏄🏽‍♀️🛋️ : Bread Basket Shopping Cart Box
🐓🏭🦠: Coop Co-Op Perverse Farm Cycles
🧊💉🐓🦠: Shingle Pox Chicken Pox
🧊💉🦆🦠: Shingle Bux Duck Pox
🧊💉🦢🦠: Shingle Gox Goose Pox
🧊💉🐖🦠: Shingle Swine Spawn Pig Pox
🧊💉🥤🦠: Bubble Box Soda Pox
🥾👅💩: Boot Licker Desk Maggots
🍧🍦🤡: Crazy Clown Society Shop Programs
🧻🦟🪝: Blame Italian, Asain, Count Lich
🥸🤓🤓: Rich 🤑 Extortions
🦠🐷🐹: Hamster Gerbill GerBall
🐗🦈🐬: Horror Cycles 🔁
🐿️😵‍💫🌀: Hynotis Hype Notice “Spells”
🐚🦴🥟: Deflections, Clams, Deaths
🧊🥛🥤: Death ☠️
🍢🍡🍭: Lolly Gag Stunts
🍿🍩🍭: Death Camping Murder Routes
🥄🧽🚿: Metal Laundry Washing Alchemist
🍽️🫖🍾: Murder Schemes
🦅🦉🦆: Play Dumb Perverse Sportsmanship
🍋🧀🧅: Lemon, Cheese, Onion
🥒🫒🌽: Sell “Genocide” Routes “que, olive.”
🥔🍎🌭: “pot of toes water office cooler”
🎬💿🍆: Movie “Show” “Set” CUTSCENES
💈💇🏼‍♂️🦁: Cut Scenes, Humiliation, Programs
🎤🐭🪤: Micro Mouse PC MAZE LAP TOPS
🍳🪺🧺: Bleach Brain Scrables Eggs
👟🧦🚾: Rubber, Shoes, Socks, Office Cooler
🧱🫖❄️: Throw Tea Pots, Snowglobes, Bricks
🛹🛹 🤕: Skat Skare skate Board Headache
🛷🛷 🤕: Slay Fray Dismay Speed Hate Rate
⛸️⛸️ 🤕: Ice Skate Blade Secret Assaults
⛳️⛳️ 🤕: “go off” “offline” escape to false lay
⛵️🤑🕳️ : “rift raft war raft send post broken.”
🏅🎟️🏅 : False Paper Badges, Stolen Honors
🚑🏴‍☠️🧩: Ice Fridge Clown Pirate Genocides
🩼🛵🦽: Cripple Cry Pull Mistreatments
🤿🎣🛵: Scoopa Butt Tiny Scooter Insert
🎲🎲🎲 : Gambling Horror Box Death Bets
🍯🥄🫘 : Thumbs Beans Jack Thump Spoon
⛓️🗑️🪚: Chainsaw Office Desk Profiles
🤌🏼💶🐐 : Micro Bill Escape Key Goat
🤡🃏🪪: Retard ID 🆔 Cards
🎟️🎪🎟️ : TwERL Crazy Cricket 🦗 Sir Cuss
🛖🥾🍕: Genocide Hospitals Factory Fronts
🤐🪩🦭: Sea Lie Seal Rubber Shoes Zip Mitts
📼🎄🧵 : Death Wrap Christmass Organs
⛸️🏄🏽‍♀️🛹: “skat pans, boards splitting FRAYS”
☠️🐟🪣: Blue Poison Chum Desk Buckets
🔵😰🥞: “blue bed pans down syndrums.”
🥷🏼🥷🏼🥷🏼: Keep Ninjas, Nanny, Manny, Nano
🦇🦇🦇 : Bitty Batty Cute “non Bets Binary”
💚🧡❤️ : Green Teal Orange Red Ruby
🍀🌹🎒: Brave, Bravo, Honors, Survivors
🔭🏐🎒: Telescope, Sports, Studies.
👑🐸🪙: Frog Pockets
👑🚀🪙: Space Rockets
🇮🇪🇮🇹🇫🇷: Ireland Italy France
🧡🤎🖤 : Orange Tan Brown Black
🙏🏽💧🌊 : Welsh
🙏🏽🍀 ☘️: Irish
🙏🏽🌳🌿 : Celtic
🙏🏽🧞‍♀️🧬 : Genetics Healthy Gins and Gingers
🍓🍒🍉 : Healthy Reds Fruits Vitality Life
🌈🦜🗣️ : Parrot JA MIC Speak Up Healthy
🪞🛡️🪞 : Mirror, To Each Their Own
🥝🔑🥝 : Healthy Kiwis, Key Wi, Key We
🌶️🥭🥭 : Spicy Mangos, Healthy Vitality
🍫🚎🚂 : Chocolate Bus, Public Supports
🍻🍺🍹 : IRISH PUB, Public Wealths
🍃🪢🍷 : Twine Red Wine Vineyards
📞🍇📞 : Grape Vine Life+ 411 Lines
🪀🧘🏼‍♀️🪃 : Karma Health
⚡️🗳️🪁: Eletric Key 🔑 Kite Vallet Box Vote
📞🥌☎️ : Shuffle Sand Telephone System
📞🐍🚰 : Sink Sand Ink Sir Pens
🎻🎻🎻 : Violins and Irish Harps
🖼️🕷️🎹 : Healthy Life Recorders
🧨🖤🐈‍⬛ : KKK Black Jackkk Kat
💋💄🧐 : Bio Lense Cyborg Eyes 👀 Health
🌪️👃🏽🌪️ : Two Tiny Wind Tornado Nasal Pass
🎀🍆🍬 : “mini peninsulas.”
🧍🏼🧾🪡: Puppet Tree
🦨🍄🌈: Bunk Base Buddy’s
🍹 🥃: Warm Rum War Thumbs
Brandons Health Upkeeps
Public News: 📰🏳️‍🌈🇮🇱🐰🐸
A brief environmental scan.
Environmental; Tacoma Washington
Seattle Washington
Bad News: 🤑🐁🦠🐹🦠🐓🦠
2 notes · View notes
hyacinth82 · 2 months
Beginning a list of words that don’t actually exist but we all know what they mean anyways:
0 notes
lalabutt3rfly · 3 months
0 notes