#tl;dr touya is EXTREMELY unwell as usual
okay I have organized my thoughts a little so I can talk about this
hex fic spoilers/discussion under the cut
1. In real life, you were adopted by a villain family when you were around the same age as Touya when he died (there’s gonna be a lot of implied discussions about how you were loved and cherished but were raised as a villain and how he was neglected and unwanted but was raised to be a hero, but more on that at a later date)
2. You are from the States and only moved overseas because you left your family’s villain life and have been trying to start over as a civilian. You don’t like to talk about the reason why, which leaves Touya to project his own reasonings based on the literal TWO random encounters he’s had with some of your family and WILDLY misinterprets the situation
3. On top of all your disabilities, you are quirkless. It is very clear Touya thinks this is the worse condition of the two.
Your villain parents set you up with everything they can to make sure you can live as independently and safely as possible on your own. You have numerous adaptive items, equipment, an assist pet with a quirk, etc that you would not have otherwise. You mention more than once that your life got a lot better after they took you in.
And the first thing Touya does in this little fantasy of his is erase all of them from your life, keeps you with your abusive biological family, and gives you a relatively powerful quirk but you get extremely bullied for it, so he is literally your only comfort and protection from everyone else.
He very much believes this is the better option. He pretty much sums up your life as ‘If you had a quirk of your own and could’ve made something of yourself on your own, you wouldn’t have been stuck with villains’. Y’know, just like him!!!!!!!!!!!!
So in this last chapter, there’s this moment, when he’s isolated you from every one you love and inadvertently made it so you have less independence and agency in your life, leaving only him for you to rely on, and you somehow start getting worse than you are in real life even with a powerful quirk that the two of you get to train together with, he can’t comprehend why. He’s literally the Eric Andre meme.
-literally snipes your entire character- Wait why are you getting worse? What could I possibly be doing wrong?
He refuses to believe a good quirk won’t make everything better and is sacrificing your character because of it.
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