#he paid so much attention to your details how cute!!!!!!!! he really loved you and just wants to have a cute life with you!!!!!!!
okay I have organized my thoughts a little so I can talk about this
hex fic spoilers/discussion under the cut
1. In real life, you were adopted by a villain family when you were around the same age as Touya when he died (there’s gonna be a lot of implied discussions about how you were loved and cherished but were raised as a villain and how he was neglected and unwanted but was raised to be a hero, but more on that at a later date)
2. You are from the States and only moved overseas because you left your family’s villain life and have been trying to start over as a civilian. You don’t like to talk about the reason why, which leaves Touya to project his own reasonings based on the literal TWO random encounters he’s had with some of your family and WILDLY misinterprets the situation
3. On top of all your disabilities, you are quirkless. It is very clear Touya thinks this is the worse condition of the two.
Your villain parents set you up with everything they can to make sure you can live as independently and safely as possible on your own. You have numerous adaptive items, equipment, an assist pet with a quirk, etc that you would not have otherwise. You mention more than once that your life got a lot better after they took you in.
And the first thing Touya does in this little fantasy of his is erase all of them from your life, keeps you with your abusive biological family, and gives you a relatively powerful quirk but you get extremely bullied for it, so he is literally your only comfort and protection from everyone else.
He very much believes this is the better option. He pretty much sums up your life as ‘If you had a quirk of your own and could’ve made something of yourself on your own, you wouldn’t have been stuck with villains’. Y’know, just like him!!!!!!!!!!!!
So in this last chapter, there’s this moment, when he’s isolated you from every one you love and inadvertently made it so you have less independence and agency in your life, leaving only him for you to rely on, and you somehow start getting worse than you are in real life even with a powerful quirk that the two of you get to train together with, he can’t comprehend why. He’s literally the Eric Andre meme.
-literally snipes your entire character- Wait why are you getting worse? What could I possibly be doing wrong?
He refuses to believe a good quirk won’t make everything better and is sacrificing your character because of it.
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nemesyaaa · 1 month
favorite crime // psycho!stalker!rafe x innocent!reader
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summary ; sometimes being the obsession of someone can turn really bad. sometimes being friend to someone doesn't mean that you really know this person, and mostly, that your kindness will be returned.
warnings : dark content. stalking. manipulation. crimes : murder/kidnapping. smut. sick, poker face, and insane behavior. toxic attitude. innocence kink. violence. dubcon. fear/vulnerability enthousiast. jealousy. dark!mean!rafe. corruption. abuse of power. creepy behavior. minors dni. as always, be careful with the warnings please. don't joke with it.
author's note : i really love how all my concepts with rafe are so fucked up. it's around 2,6k words.
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as a shy and innocent girl, too kind for your own good and too sweet to attract nice boys, you had always attracted rafe's attention. especially when you were the pretty employee at his favorite video game store. it was only for you that he spent hours in front of the cash register, trying to get to know you when in reality, he knew you by heart, every detail of your life. he was obsessed with you. he was already terribly sick, diving into your perfect kindness and purity.
you didn't understand why people were afraid of him or said bad things about him because you found him charming and lovely. that was the impression he forced himself to give you. he always had nicknames for you like pumpkin, doll, cupcake, sweet, pretty thing.
the first time he walked into the store, your store manager was yelling at you. and you felt so ashamed and small. there were customers and that made you nervous. you were already crying, impossible to contain your tears in the face of the excess anger you received from this man. it wasn't the first time he did this but maybe the last.
you quickly returned to work, still in tears facing the products on the shelves and the new customer came to you. with a box of donuts. strangely, you didn't know how he could know that you liked it and that it was your favorite. but the attention was touching, more important for you.
“i bought them especially for you. it would hurt my heart if you refused them.”
“you didn’t have to do that.” you replied politely and smiled.
“i know but i wanted to do it. someone has to pay attention to you, and check on your messy health, pumpkin.”
"oh my manager is usually nice. i don't know what's going on."
"you're lying. you're lying because you're too kind to say bad things about people when they're fucking assholes. but don't worry, it won't happen again."
“how can you be sure?”
“enjoy your donuts, don’t think about anything else. let me ease you, pretty thing. ”
the next day, your manager had never been so nice to you. and the other days too. and he always disappeared in rafe's presence. it brought you a lot closer together, because now he came every day. you didn't know if rafe HAD time, or he FOUND it just for you. all you knew was that he made your days in the store so much better.
by coming here, he had become a loyal customer but also someone you could talk to, and he pretended not to know every moment of your private life while he spied on you as soon as he left the store.
he could stay in his car for hours until you finished work. he wasn't just watching you, no, he had also hacked into the cameras at your workplace to be able to record, listen and follow everything you did. nothing escaped him.
he was a jealous person and above all someone who didn't like having his ego attacked. that meant he definitely wasn't going to put up with you having this cute and perfect attitude with the other customers. well, especially men.
you were only doing your job for which you were poorly paid. to avoid getting bored and because you were trying to work on your shyness, you tried to come out of your shell by talking with customers.
but you made a mistake today. you didn't know it yet but you were going to regret it deeply and learn it hard.
"i think you're really pretty and you're so interesting..." the boy began, stammering a little, his elbows resting on the checkout counter. "i mean, it's rare to find girls like you... would you go out with me... i mean tonight haha! we could play a game ? "
it wasn't the first time you'd been flirted with, but certainly the first time you'd accepted. you had never dated anyone, you had never been in a relationship, you didn't even know what it felt like to truly be in love, to feel something for someone. and even if you were, you were too shy to admit it. but it was different, you wanted to try. you didn't have a plan tonight.
"you don't have to accept but here's my number..." he wrote on a post-it and you smiled back. you put it in the back pocket of your jeans.
you were so deep in thought that you couldn't have seen that the minute your new friend left the store, rafe got out of his car. he doesn't entered yet, he had something to sort out first.
but when he went to the store, you felt him different. there were bruises on his face, as if he had been in a fight. “what happened? do you want me to call an ambulance? "
“it's alright, pumpkin. it's just a little blood.”
“do you want me to take care of that?”
"it would be bad of me to abuse your time and your kindness. i have better things to offer, how about I walk you home tonight? i know your work is not close to where you live and i have my car right here...'
you had been surprised that he knew information like this. “no, don’t worry. besides, i’m busy this evening. ”
rafe's jaw tensed and contracted. he gave a tense and forced smile.
“ let me do this for you. you must be tired. ”
“you don’t need to do this for me, although I truly appreciate it.”
“you're wrong, i need to do this for you, sweetheart. just like everything you do for me. ”
“if you insist, it can’t kill me!”
if only you knew…
“ you're really so nice, pumpkin..."
“is that a bad thing?”
he scratched his chin with a light but somewhat dramatic smile before looking into your eyes. you were in ambiguous proximity since you were both leaning over the counter. he was taller than you, so you looked up.
"to be kind? no, not at all, sweetheart. it's just dangerous for you not to know who you're nice to. not all people are that sweet. sometimes they're really mean.”
“ what do…”
“ anyways, don't make me wait later. and you know you look really pretty today, you should dress up for me more often.”
you smiled. you couldn't ignore how nice it felt to receive a compliment, and especially from a pretty handsome boy. in one day, everything had gone by so quickly. you had a date, and rafe was taking you home. your evening promised to be perfect and unforgettable. you couldn’t wait.
at the end of the day. you had cleaned, tidied up all the shelves, turned off all the consoles, counted your cash register then closed shop in a breath of glory. you could finally relax.
as promised, rafe was waiting for you. he was leaning against his car, hands in his pockets.
he had opened your car door in a relatively clever way and then stood inside. he had closed the doors. and he had started. except he wasn't going the way to your house, he was going in the opposite direction.
“rafe, it’s not towards my house…”
“ i know, sweetheart, since we’re not going to your house.”
“but you said you were taking me home?”
“pumpkin, i lie a lot too.”
"rafe, i want to go home... seriously, this isn't fun. i have to meet someone tonight and he's going to wait for me ! "
“trust me, he’s not waiting for you.”
you were starting to panic because this really wasn't the person you knew. this time he didn't seem to be playing a character to please you. he was natural. you looked at him with big eyes. fear gripped your stomach, because you didn't know where you were going and he could go anywhere. you were on the verge of exploding, you needed to get out of that car but he was driving too fast.
“slow down, rafe. please, slow down.”
"oh no sweet thing, i make the rules here. you can't beg because i absolutely don't want to hear anything from you, you understand? i want you to stay nice and quiet like you've always been."
“rafe, fucking stop that car. "
he stopped suddenly, your head had hit the dashboard badly. he had gently lifted your face, putting your hair back in place while you cried into his hands from the emotion and shock.
“see? what happens when you swear like that? do you understand why you have to be polite now? it's a waste for a pretty girl like you to have such vocabulary. ”
you felt the tips of his lips on your nose, they were cold but comforting. there was something so bitter and disturbing in his tenderness as if there was nothing good even in his kindness. that all this affection was manipulation.
“i really want to go home.”
“i have a surprise for you. can you be patient?”
“ rafe, what is wrong…?”
“i’m taking care of you right now.”
"it's a kidnapping! i'm going to call the police."
he smiled wickedly as he resumed driving. “in your place, i wouldn’t make a single move. ”
“why? are you going to kill me?”
" oh i could, pumpkin. for now, i like you alive but if you still want to play silly with me, i might really want to. no, i will. so stay still and don’t make me be mean to you, i’d hate to have to hurt you.”
“if you don’t like hurting me, why are you doing this to me?” your tears were hot, rivers shining down your eyes. he was cruel and insensitive there. it didn't matter to him.
“ i really hate you..."
" oh such a pleasure actually pumpkin. tell me how much you hate me with those pretty annoying crybaby tears on your face. and don't forget to tell me when you're dry, i will gladly make you cry again. “
your throat felt tight and you were desperate. you had a knot in your stomach, fear that made you even more stupid and lost than you already were. because certainly, there was hatred but a lot of fear. he drove quietly, but he was mean to you. he no longer had the kind words he had for you when he came to see you at work. it was as if he was mad at you for something.
“what can i do to get you to take me home? "
“i could make you do a lot of things, but under no circumstances will i take you home.”
“you want sex? "
"oh i'm not sure that the virgin that you are would be able to make me cum but you can always prove me wrong."
“are you really going to kill me?”
“the more you ask me, the more i have the impression that this is what you would like.”
“i want to stay alive and go home.”
"you had to think about that before flirting with that idiot."
he had parked in an abandoned place, on a completely deserted road. when he opened the doors, you took your chance.
what a stupid mistake.
he was much bigger and faster than you. he had caught up with you without even running out of breath. he pulled you by the waist, pinning his arm against your bare stomach. he was clearly abusing all of his power. you had bitten him and he had released you. you fell heavily to the ground, and he positioned himself on top of you, crushing you against the grass with his fully beefy weight.
“it’s not time to play yet. try to escape from me again sweet thing, and i promise you that i will make sure that you have no more energy to run, but especially to escape. ” he had grabbed your jaw with one hand, gripping his fingers tightly against your skin. “and even if you are innocent, pumpkin. you and i know very well that you are aware of what i mean by that.”
your heart rate had increased so quickly. you were trapped and vulnerable. you wanted to spit in his face but you weren’t that suicidal.
he took your hand and placed it on his bulge which literally distorted his pants. “that's all that your heartbeat and your accelerated breathing make me feel right now. is it big? yes, and believe me i can make this bigger and very painful for you. so, no more playing, pumpkin.”
you nodded and he kissed your forehead. “you got it well, sweetheart. don’t let me be mean to you again because you’re really going to hate it.”
he stood up and extended his hand towards you. his tenderness was so unhealthy. he had taken you to the car and pulled a tied up boy out of the trunk.
the one you were supposed to see this evening. you let out a huge cry, taking several steps back but rafe took your hand, wrapping it too tightly against your little wrist.
“why did you do that? please leave me alone. i don’t want to see that!”
"oh oh, you're not the one who makes the rules here. i’m the only one who makes the fucking rules, i'm the only one who decides and not only do i decide what happens but also what role you're going to play. you wanted to flirt with this guy, go on a date with him? you had to be smarter and not do it in front of my eyes now look what you did this poor man is going to die because of you.”
"are you serious? you can't kill an innocent person! he didn't do anything."
"pumpkin, my sweet pumpkin, for every word you say, for every tear you shed, he will take a bullet. so please continue to defend him. i think we are already more than twenty"
you wanted to stop crying but you couldn't because the situation was surreal, horrible and so crazy. you refused to believe that rafe cameron could be a man like that.
“almost fifty. you're really going to kill him, sweetheart. you could be nicer. "
he was so sick and bad. he was taking advantage of the situation. it was completely sadistic. “i beg you to spare him.”
"now you beg for him? pumpkin, i’m the only one you can and should beg for."
he had fired more than fifty bullets into this poor guy's body. without the slightest shame, the slightest remorse and the slightest guilt. he didn't really feel anything. as you collapsed, completely devastated and ruined by what he had just done to you.
he had just killed a man in front of your eyes.
people always said that a guy who killed for you was romantic. but you didn't find it romantic. on the contrary, it had downright tortured you. you were afraid of him. you didn't even know how you managed not to piss on yourself because clearly, he was so creepy.
" i think he's dead." it was ironic, but coming from rafe, it wasn't funny or reassuring.
"what's wrong with you? and what are you doing with a gun? all those video games that made you sick or those horror movies?"
“watch your tone. you see how i killed him? it could be your turn too. ”
“no, don’t kill me!”
he moved closer to you, a laugh passing his lips. he knelt down to caress your tears with his thumb.
“you see what happens when you want to please others? how are you going to fix this now? ”
“i beg you to not kill me. ” you couldn't even see the ground, you were crying so much. it was a traumatic scene.
“now it's time to play. maybe i should have waited before killing him. i mean i wish he could watch you get destroyed by my cock. get in the car, and don't try to escape from me. i can be even more cruel to you. ”
he was hot and cold. all the time. you went to the car while you guessed that he must bury or hide the body somewhere. it had seemed like an eternity before he came back but on the one hand, there was something comforting about the fact that you weren't alone in the forest and that there was someone. even if it was cool.
he had gotten into the car. and patted his thighs to signal you to come on top. you didn't argue and came on his legs. you immediately felt his erection against the fabric of your underwear. it could hardly be ignored because the bulge had literally made you a few centimeters taller.
“are you still crying? he was a poor guy. he had a fucking girlfriend. do you want to date a guy who cheats on you? it's not worth it. you are better than that, you deserve better than that. ”
“by better, does that mean you? ”
“it’s different...but sure i would treat you better.”
“you killed someone in front of my eyes!”
“see? anything i can do for you.”
"you're sick and you ruined my life!"
"i’m tired of all this hysteria. i was going to kindly offer to prepare you with lube, but since you're offering me these pretty tears, we'll make do with it..."
“oh no pumpkin. it’s not time to say my name yet.”
when he pushed himself inside you, the leaking tip slipped in your folds slick with a hard and brutal thrust. he made his way, watching his own cock stretching your cunt. you cried out from the pain, but you can't help but felt a little slight pleasure. “ if you're still crying for him, i swear i'm gonna fuck you until you're dry. ”
you started to bounce on him with your trembling legs, your ass slapping his thick thighs, your hair shaking on your shoulders, and your face ruined by your multiples and messy whining. you were tense as his girth splitted your sweet virgin cunt. he forced you to sped up the pace, smacking your butt every time you were too slow. his hands was big and strong, enough to feel the pain. especially, when the rings on his fingers left a mark on your poor skin. your tits were now on his hands, pressed firmly and your nipples on his mouth. he spat on them a couple of times. they were filled with spittles and marks, the succions noises in synchro with your rocking bodies. he was stuffed you with his hard dick. making you arched your back, and he placed his heavy hands on your waist, reaching your hips to help you go deeper, to fully take him, every inches.
“ it's like your pussy begging me to breed you…”
“ what…w-what is it ? ” you were too innocent to know those kinds of things.
you had the face and the attitude of an angel, too perfect, too pure, too delicate. “ maybe, it's better to show you, pumpkin. with that, you will be more able to learn the lesson and don't make me mad again. ”
“ what ? ” you gasped. you felt giddy but at the same time, curious.
“ m’ gonna make you so dirty, angel. tonight, you will lose your wings and purity for me. ”
“ please, don't hurt me ! ”
“ oh sweetheart, you're the only one to hurt me, the only one to make me do those kind of things..."
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tysm @ahhnini for the idea of psycho!stalker!rafe <33
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leonsgfpost · 23 days
note: hello, it's me again! This is the second part of my first post (you can find it on my profile). I'm sorry if this is too long or I made a mistake, I just lost my mind for Leon, you know? 🎀
tags: Leon RE2 x f!reader, smut, unprotected sex (please don't do it), creampie, oral (famele receiving), masturbation and more!
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Weeks went by and he finally did it, it was the most embarrassing moment of his life.
He had approached with two coffees in his hands and a packet of those sweets he saw you eat at every break. Because yes, he was very attentive. You like the pastries bought at the bakery down the street and the coffee you usually drink bitter to counteract the sweetness of the pastry. After making an effort and putting the most awkward smile on his face, he got up the courage to ask you if you wanted to hang out. And lucky for him, you accepted. That day of the date, he arrived an hour early, and had jotted down some questions on a crumpled piece of paper now inside his jacket. And just as he expected, you arrived with the cutest outfit he had ever seen. He knew you were the best, always wearing nice clothes that brought out all your features in just the right way. He felt like a fool for only wearing one of his blue shirts and the best pants he had found in his closet. But it had been a wonderful afternoon, he took you to a nice restaurant, moved the chair for you and paid the bills despite your complaints. Then, when the sun was going down he walked you home and you kissed his cheek so sweetly that he stood for ten minutes outside your door even after you closed it.
That night he couldn't sleep, because he realized that he really liked you, that you could stop his heart completely and not just his dick.
The two of you started to frequent each other more, started flirting at work, complicit glances and sloppy kisses in the lonely corners of the station. He didn't want to be a hormonal jerk, but the feeling of your mouth and tongue sliding past his lips fucked his brain. You were so pretty, so perfect that he had to have you, soul and body. He was determined to win you over. And so he was the most detail-oriented guy you ever met, bringing you nice flowers, chocolates, leaving you a coffee every morning on your desk and leaving you cute notes against it.
In no time you fell for it, because let's be honest, no one could resist.
The relationship was formalized, and you swore you never saw such a cute smile on someone's face after giving he a big "Yes." to his proposal. Leon felt like the luckiest guy on the planet, he had a cute, funny girl whom he loved madly because it didn't take you long to get into his heart. You came into his arms as if it was where you belonged, because it was, you belonged in his arms. Just like now, you're buried comfortably in his embrace and the television had been forgotten, you were both too busy devouring each other's mouths.
Leon's hands held each side of your cheeks, drawing your face towards him so he could keep pushing his lips against yours eagerly. It was a simple wet kiss, and he was already dripping inside his pants. And with every sweet sound that came from your lips, his mind was spinning. He wanted to put his hands on you, he wanted to bend your body and pin you so much against the couch that it was getting absolutely silly.
But he didn't want to push you, what if you felt obligated? What if you thought he was just a pervert? What if-
All those doubts were gone as quickly as they came as he felt you climb onto his lap, your arms around his neck and his hands instinctively squeezed your soft hips, pushing you down eagerly. He let out a deep moan as your fingers tugged his hair a little, pulling it away from your lips and he instinctively chased after you again. You had to hold back a laugh at how fucked up he looked from a simple wet kiss, how you could feel him so hard beneath you.
"Hey, Leon. Do you want to... Do you want to continue?" you ask sweetly, moving those pretty eyes of yours to his blue eyes that seemed to want to devour you completely. Before you could think anything else, he was already nodding eagerly.
"Yes, yes... Please." He murmured, his voice was hoarse and came out along with his heavy breaths. He cupped your face, pulling you into him. His lips moving hard against yours, the sloppy sound of the kiss echoing in his small living room. His hands moved down from your face to the sides of your shirt, pulling it up and he pulled away from your lips to lower his gaze to your chest. His breath caught in his throat, moving his hands to the clasps of your bra.
"Can I?" he asked looking at you, as if he wouldn't need to choke on your tits. After all, he was a gentleman.
And when you barely mumbled a small "yes" he removed the garment as if it had somehow insulted him. Your tits fell freely in front of his eyes and he swore that here he belonged. His mouth quickly catching one of your breasts, sucking like a hungry man. As he felt your fingers tugging at his hair and your moans echoing in the room, he had to restrain himself from rolling his eyes. He could cum from just sucking on your pretty tits.
For lack of air, he pulled away from your nipple watching with fascination the red mark left on your tender flesh. His eyes lifted to yours to push his mouth against yours again, one hand on your cheek and the other holding your hip.
"Lift your hips." He said between kisses, smiling as he felt you obediently follow his request. His hand moved to cup your pussy above your pants, feeling the wetness and heat radiating from your center. And as much as he wanted to bury his face between your legs, he wasn't sure how long he could hold back and not cum intact in his pants. He began to massage your center gently before he began to stroke you harder, his fingers searching for your clit above your clothes. When he decided you were both eager enough, he began to unzip your shorts. His heart (cock) was about to burst with joy as he saw more of your panties exposed to his hungry eyes. It didn't take him too long to slide your shorts down your luxurious thighs, gasping at the sight of the dark stain on your underwear.
"Babe-" You moaned almost shyly as you watched his eyes not move from between your legs. His eyes lifted to look at you again, letting out a low moan as he impacted your mouth. His hands gripped your hips, moving you as if you weighed nothing to place you on the couch.
"You're so cute like this..." He murmured, looking at you as if you were the brightest star to come down from the sky just for him.
"You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen." His voice sounded genuine, mesmerized by the sight of you lying beneath him as he had so often fantasized. So ready, so willing for him. His lips moving down to your neck, beginning to kiss the full expanse of your skin. His hands beginning to impatiently pull down his own pants and boxers, letting out a sigh as the cool air made contact with his raging erection. One of his hands reached down to slip inside your underwear, feeling like he was going to faint when his fingers made contact with your wet folds.
Were you that wet for him? Did he turn you on as much as you turned him on? This was paradise, paradise was between your legs and he was ready to drown himself in it. It didn't take him long to plunge a finger inside you, feeling your walls sucking him hard. He was letting out more moan than you, simply by touching you like this.
"Leon, I want you... I want you, please-" You asked more impatiently, grabbing his hand for him to finally give you his nice cock that you could see it quivering between his legs with excitement.
"I know, I know. I got you, pretty girl." He whispered against your skin, increasing the rhythm of his fingers and with his palm he pressed your clit in a way that made your legs tremble around his hand. When he decided he could take no more, he pulled down your underwear completely, fixing his eyes on your drooling center in a lewd way. For him.
His hands spread your thighs, trying to look away from your pussy, to look at your face, but damn, he was mesmerized. He really wanted this to have been something more romantic, maybe some wine and candles but all those thoughts vanished as he pressed his tip against you. His chest rose and fell, massaging your thighs with his gaze fixed on how the head of his dick was lost from his sight as it entered your warmth. His gaze lifted for the first time to see the expression that crossed your face as he began to fuck you with just his tip.
"D-Do you want more? Does it feel good, huh?" he asked awkwardly, because he's never been good at this 'dirty talk stuff', but he was trying for you. His face was red, slowly moving his hips and his thumb moving up to caress your clit.
"Leon, Come on-" You moaned impatiently in the sweetest way, lifting your hips to try to take him deeper. Your walls were sucking him hard, and he was weak so he started thrusting harder and harder, giving you time to get used to it. He took a shuddering breath, lifting one of your thighs so he could go deep and his head rolled back with ecstasy.
He was not going to last.
He wanted to go slow, to make love to you but quickly found himself fucking you like a repressed man. And his expression was the cutest, his brows furrowed with pleasure and his pink lips slightly parted. A thin layer of sweat was beginning to cover both of your bodies.
When he opened his eyes to look at you, he cursed under his breath. You looked just as he had imagined you all this time, the hottest expression on your face, your body jerking against the couch and your tits bouncing happily with each thrust. And he closed his eyes again because he felt his abdomen tightening from the familiar sensation of his orgasm building. His thumb started stroking you faster, trying desperately to get an orgasm out of you.
The sound of your skins colliding and your moans echoed off the walls, a sound so wet it was almost sinful. His hips began to move uncoordinated as fast as he felt your walls clenching around him tightly, and he knew it.
"Don't stop, Don't stop." You repeated over and over, your nails scraping the smooth skin of his back with ecstasy at the coil forming in your belly that was ready to explode. His cock was touching all the right spots inside you, his veins rubbing and molding your walls with need.
"I can't, I can't... I'm sorry, baby-" He apologized with a choked sob escaping his lips, as his cock contracted and began to shoot its load inside you. His mind went blank and his arms making an extra effort not to let himself fall on you. His face burned knowing he cum before you.
But his brain was too fucked up as he continued to slowly move his hips against yours. As his mind began to clear, he looked up at you with his eyes cloudy and his bangs sticking to his forehead from sweat.
"Let me, let me make it up to you..." He asked in that pathetic voice of his, getting out of you with his trembling body and moving backwards on the couch. He knelt between your legs, staring at the mess he had made in you. His sticky semen escaping from inside you, staining the couch cushions.
"Leon, Wait-" You murmured, tangling your fingers in his sweaty hair before he plunged his face between the piece of paradise he held for his own blessing. His pretty blue, misty eyes meeting yours, and he let you know he wouldn't let go until you were broken.
Because he was already crazy, there was no turning back from his addiction. Because you were a drug to him and this was just beginning.
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Thank u so much for supporting my previous post, I hope this one wasn't too long or boring for you 💕🫶🏻
Remember that you can read the first part on my profile, let me know if you liked this one too.
bye, bye (💌)
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pixiesholloworld · 1 month
synopsis⟿ after a heated argument with your boyfriend sukuna, he tries to smooth things out by treating you to something special…
not proofread and kinda shitty
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sukuna was really passionate about being with you.. like over the top passionate he fell for you almost instantly when he saw you for the first time at the grocery store, his eyes tracing your curves taking note on how they hugged up on your tube top and tiny little shorts. He tried to play it cool, not saying too much of anything, you thought he was kind of corny because of it but it was cute. so of course when you gave this mysterious beefcake a chance he wouldn't spare a single second not doting after you.
you heard the way he talked to others- how he spoke to them like they were below him, you knew how he pushed his way to the top of his job, selling drugs, guns, and many many other "services". he knew how to get his way with others whether it was by force or reason, more importantly how he wasn't ever up for being the bigger person— all that matters to him is being able to prove a point. sukuna wasn't one for high roads when it came to other people.. but you?
oh you had him whipped, its honestly a shock to anyone how a crybaby like you ended up with such a brute man. though anytime he did happen to upset you he immediately apologizes in his own aggressive yet gentle way, willing to go above and beyond just to get in your good graces again. its so out of character for him to care about a person this much, so much so that his friends are convinced you did some type of voodoo on him, forcing him to act right or else. so when you left to work in the midst of a heated argument you weren't surprised to see that he had — yet again — sent a bouquet of your favorite flowers with a note:
"take off and i’ll make it up to you doll
i pinky promise"
you scoff at his appealing message, moving the flowers to the backroom of your job. who does he think he is? sending you flowers when you're clearly upset with him, does ignoring his first 50 calls mean nothing? with his perfect handwriting and perfect attention to detail. i guess dating a jailbird had its perks..
"trouble in paradise again?" your coworker snickers.
you roll your eyes and stuff the note in your pocket, you had another 7 hours here and you weren't going to let sukuna seduce you out of a well earned paycheck.. even IF he would've paid you double the amount to go home to him. but if sukuna had to admit it that same level of pettiness is exactly why he's with a woman like you
later that night you drove home, exhausted, hungry and still angry, you turn the keys to your apartment to see sukuna pulling pizza out the oven, its almost as if he read your mind. you drag yourself over to your shared room plopping on the bed, trying to relax and push your angry thoughts down but it all washes away when a familiar warmth creeps upon your back "hey sweet lady" his husky voice cutting though the tension and shooting right through your heart. you hated being mad at him but you couldn't help it how could he forget about the ONE thing that upsets you the most?! you pull away from his touch curling up into a ball
"awh don't be like that doll"
"you yelled at me.." you mumble through a choked up throat. he curls up against you, his thumb circling your temple. You loved how warm he felt on your back and it was nice that he remembers your love language even if you are being a bit unreasonable. anytime sukuna raises his voice just a smidge you get all teary eyed "so that's what this is all about?" he hums, pulling you closer to him by your waist, "i'm sorry sweetie-"
you cut him off, just wanting to say what you didn't have the words to say earlier, "i just don't understand why you have to work so late," you pull his large hand off of your head and hold it in front of your face, tracing along the lines and calloses that scar his skin, "i just miss you s'all" he heard you loud and clear, "hey," he gently called, grabbing your face and turning it towards him so you can look him in the eyes while he says this, "i don't really like workin' that late either but money doesn't make itself". He pushes the strands of braids out our face so he can get a good look at you, grabbing your chin and rubbing his thumb against it, "i miss you when i'm gone too baby but we can make the most of our time right now"
you let out a relaxed sigh feeling a sense of relief now that you both know what you were trying to say, you look him in his crimson eyes and crack a soft smile. "so.. are we friends again?" he playfully asks, you shake your head yes and pull him in for a kiss. he returns the favor 10 fold of course. locking you in his arms as he peppers kisses in the crook of your neck and on your face until suddenly your eyes lock and for what feels like an eternity, the world stops. without a second thought the two of you started taking your clothes off exchanging kisses in between rushed breaths.
this wasn’t a normal thing for you two, you were never one to initiate makeup sex you’d rather cuddle and watch a movie. though sukuna admittedly has been dreaming of this moment, where he finally gets to show you how sorry he really is. he doesn’t spare a moment yanking your work clothes off of you, crashing his lips into yours he steals the taste he craved right out of your mouth. your lust filled whimpers were oh so sweet to him, you were practically begging him for more and he was gonna give you every. single. inch.
he pulls his mouth from yours watching how your your pleading eyes gloss over, you move a hand up to the nape of his neck before pulling his ear close to your mouth
"let me ride it"
though you were known as a crybaby to everyone sukuna knew the dirty girl that hid deep inside you, it was a side of you that only he could access and he loved every bit of that. due to this fact a wide smile creeps up on his face when you double down, "you heard me?"
"you didn't have to say nuthin' but a word princess"
he rolls over on his back pulling you right over him, your leaking entrance hanging right over his angry, pink tip begging to let it explore your insides. your eyes trail from sukuna's happy trail all the way up to his hungry eyes, he's not one to rush but you can tell he's growing impatient as his thumbs massage the sides of your plush hips
"enjoying the view?"
you suck your teeth and steady his head over your slit slowwwly pushing down until every inch of him fits snugly into your wet crevasse, you wince at the sudden stretching it's not something you're sure you'll ever get use to. you start slowly at first dragging yourself ever so slowly trying to get him all worked up, you can tell its working because of how intense his stare is.
his hands worked over to your tits squeezing and cupping them ever so gingerly,, he was trying to be patient,, his breath hitches a bit as you press your small hands on his chest. "been thinking of that pussy all day" he admits, one of his hands move under your ass squeezing the fat and lightly spanking it demanding a yelp out of you, "you get my gift?"
"mmhm~" you answer, picking up your pace just a bit more, he smiles at this and sneakily moves his other hand under your ass, spanking it again just so he can hear you yelp
"you like it?" he asks, eyes switching between watching your pussy swallow him whole and your cute little face. if your blush could be seen you're sure you'd look as red as a tomato by now, seeing him look at you so intently like this made you feel so dizzy. you move your head down to his ear once more
"i loved it"
unbeknownst to you this would be the final straw to push sukuna over the edge, he loves to be praised and he was gonna show you exactly what your words do to him. using the hands underneath your ass he tilts you towards his chest and immediately starts drilling into you, you can feel yourself clutching around his girth, deep groans escape his mouth as he fucks tiny whimpers and slutty squelches out of yours
you can feel sukuna's body temperature raise almost the instant your breasts are pressed against him, he thrusts faster, the sound of your bodies along with your desperate cries filled his ears, pap, pap, pap! he grew harder at the the thought that you could be heard in the surrounding rooms of your apartment though his main motivation was how loud he could make you scream his name. oh how he loved to make you scream, he’d feel you clawing at him as your broken up mewls fueled his boner it was almost like a reward and he knew exactly how to get more of what he was chasing after
he quickly pops his dick out and flips you on your back, "there's my pretty girl," he coos, "need to see that cock drunk face before i finish" he slams his lips into yours once more slipping his dick inside in the process. he places a hand on your stomach feeling how your soft pretty skin heats up to his touch he places another behind your head and starts up again. deep, drawn out thrusts just how his lady likes it, he felt how your gummy walls squeezed at the sudden change in tempo, making his stomach tense up and drill into you even deeper
"fuuckk, keep goin' woman," he buries his head into the crook of your neck, his thrusts becoming quicker and sloppier the more you called out his name, he looked down to see the concupiscent amounts of cream on his cock— so lewd, the sight of it made a muted whimper escape his lips. he was gonna blow soon and you could tell, "you feel so good mama" he breathes out, his voice so low yet wispy, it sent electric bolts straight to your clit. he doesn’t let up though, thrusting deeper as if he was trying to break through your cervix "'k-kuna~, 'kuna~" you manage to gasp out, you lock him in your gasp with your legs, "don't stop- god please don't stop!~" you felt breathless yet hot, your soft hands felt around his hardened body looking for something, anything to keep you grounded
"m'here baby, shit- m'gonna cum" he groans, lifting himself up to stare in your eyes before you both come to your inevitable finish. a hand reaches up to his face and another on his heartbeat, you felt how hard it was thumping, how hard his body was working in this moment. you could feel him working himself through your pussy until he hits that one spot, causing your mouth to drop right open. you start tearing up you and let out a loud scream, squirt uncontrollably splashes all over his pelvis making him give a loud, guttural groan
“i-i love you ‘kuna— fuuckk!~ iloveyou!” these were the last intelligible words spoken by you before the rest turned into a slurry mess, you babbled on and on repeating iterations of ‘i love you’. normally sukuna would stop and tease you for it but he was already about to blow
the best he can do is he let you ride out your orgasm, he moved his thumb down to your clit and started rubbing sensual circles over it, "give it all t'me" he commands still rolling his hips into your tight, swollen cunt. he watches as your facial expressions change. he loved how you’d squeeze your eyes so tightly and leave your mouth open nice and wide, "that's it,” he purrs “what a sweet girl", he bends down to kiss your forehead feeling how your body shakes beneath him, “you love me?”
“yes! yes!~”
“you’re not just sayin that ‘cause i fuck you good?”
“i love you ‘kuna” you breathe out between sobs, he wipes the tears from your eyes and shushes you, planting kisses on your face which to his surprise makes your pussy sieze up squirt a little again.
as he tries to drag himself out he finds that he can’t, he places his hands on the side of your head, feeling his legs begin to shake, he lets out a low, desperate grunt throwing his head back while thrusting until he fills you up to the brim with hot, thick spurts of cum. he watches how it combines with your juices, letting the feeling totally control him until finally his muscles relax and his body gives out
“i love you too woman” he breathes out
your legs fully give out at this point, tired from the sudden boost of serotonin, taking note of this he pulls out and lays next to you holding your hand and kissing on it
you both lie there speechless for a moment before he breaks the silence
“you like cold pizza?”
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pearlzier · 8 months
⭒ㅤ𓈒ㅤׂ 🐾 ★
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pairing : carmen berzatto x fem!reader
summary : carm is fucking flabbergasted to hear you've never had a proper valentine's day, let alone a special meal. so he has to rectify it as soon as possible.
word count : 2.28k
tags: the bear, jeremy allen white, fluff, valentine's day, carmen berzatto, carmy berzatto, established relationship, awkward carm <3, BEST MAN EVER.
a/n: got this idea from @aliaugustaa, i thought it was so cute so i just had to do it :3 who needs an irl valentines when u have ur little chef man, making sure u know u deserve the best amiright.
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it all started when carmen had overheard you, syd and tina talking. he'd been in his office, trying to get some work done with the door slightly ajar, considering the air conditioning in the room was shit, when the three of you had struck up a conversation. he hadn't paid much attention to it. he occasionally tuned into the sound of your voice, of course, but the details of the words you were saying remained mostly lost on him.
until he heard the mention of ‘valentine's day’ come from tina. fuck. if he had to be honest, it'd been years since he'd last.. celebrated? valentine's day? before you, he didn't actually have any reason to do anything for it. carmen avoided the day like the plague, actually, with the bare minimum being done in terms of heart themed menu times. but even he knew that you would've been expecting a valentine's gift from him, right? you two had been dating for what, nearly a year now, so he had to think of something.
that started his panic in terms of what he was going to get you. he had no fucking clue. but what took him out even more was your words, as you leant against the counter with your notepad: “valentine's day is so overrated,” okay.. “i haven't had a valentine since i was like, fifteen, and i'm perfectly fine.”
perfectly fine.
his blue eyes darted quickly to the calendar on his desk, fixing onto ‘february 14th’ almost instantly. he can't bite back a smile at the heart you'd drawn around the date, with ‘v-day’ scrawled messily on it. but all the cuteness aside, he had.. one week. he didn't need to do anything amazing for you, no, considering you did think the holiday was overrated, however he felt there was an unsworn duty for him to prove to you that you were special, and deserved the best.
he sorted the week that he had left into phases. there were four phases, all of them intricately, messily, planned to ensure you'd have a great day. and he'd managed to do all of it right under your nose.
of the four phases, first came the easiest one. slowly easing you into the idea of valentine's day. you weren't stupid, no, you were quiet observant and god knows you would've picked up on any new behaviours from your boyfriend, so he had to try to integrate the day of love into work first.
convincing everyone to mention valentine's day, not obsessively, but repetitively to try get it into your routine wasn't difficult. it was a restaurant, for god's sake, of course they'd have some sort of valentine's menu, right?
so he got marcus to start making some particularly love themed desserts — “uh, sure. don't mind it.” you hadn't seemed to pay much attention to the ginormous order of cupid stickers out back, which worked heavily in his favour.
“yo, cousin, don't worry. she'll be walkin’ ‘round with the whole ass arrow by the time i'm done,” — richie was just as eager to get you in a lovey-dovey mood, with his passing comments about how eva was a total bachelorette and that all the kids in her class were gonna be throwing presents onto her desk.
there was no way to tell whether that was true or not. no one really asked.
“hey, cool, i'm feeling it,” — tina was also happy to help, being overly lovey with you around the restaurant. it was quite unlike her, but still, you didn't mind the affection. little hugs, forehead kisses from dear aunt tina weren't that bad.
“she's gonna realise that we're going overboard,” — syd was the most reluctant. she'd have much rather told you about what they were doing, as opposed to keeping it a secret. however carm was good at convincing her, and it was for a good cause too. so, she let it slide, pushing the valentine's agenda with little doodles of cupids or hearts on her menu designs. you liked them.
so that was phase one done. pretty simple, if carmy says so himself. and you didn't mention anything about it. perfect. he felt a little weird keeping something from you, but, of course, it was a good cause, right?
with phase one completed, he had to move onto phase two. this one was probably his second favourite of all of them. bringing valentine's into the house. valentine's day was all about love. he loves you, of course. it was the reason why he was doing all of this in the first place. so he thought the best way to do this phase was to get you in the mood.
you were very clearly confused by the romcom that was playing on the tv screen when he ushered you into the living room, but you didn't ask many questions considering how tired you were. “carm,” you began, brow furrowing, before you shrugged, moving over to settle on the couch. tilting your head over to the direction of the kitchen, your eyes found carmy bringing over the chinese takeout. it'd been a while since you two had indulged in it, but he knew full well it was your favourite. “you're the best,” his smug little smile told you a lot, but not about his little scheme and its phases.
“i know, babe,” he hums, bringing over the tray and settling it onto the coffee table. carmen shuffled over, settling onto the couch beside you, gently lifting your box onto your lap before he took his own. it wasn't unlike him to take care of you like this, but there was something more tender in how he was helping you. sweet, yes, but it was making you a tad bit suspicious. “you okay?” he asked softly, voice gentle and low, as a small little smile played on his lips.
“mhm,” you nodded, just snuggling beside him with the takeout box in your grasp. you two usually didn't watch romcoms, usually finding a good drama or sitcom however you didn't mind it. this one in particular was quite good.
and besides, carmen having his arm slung around your waist as you two ate was a perfect feeling. so despite your suspicions, you let him have this moment without asking him.
that was phase two done. not too shabby, really. richie and, actually, literally everyone in the bear was a tad bit sick of carmen's rambling about how amazing you were. they literally all knew it, since you were their colleague, but god, could this man talk.
the third phase was one that carmy realised perhaps should've come earlier. it was just getting you things that you liked, without you realising. which was harder than it sounded, considering carmen was shit at keeping things from you, and you were usually the one who looked at orders to the apartment. so he needed the help of his sister, natalie. she was so eager to help that it was a little overwhelming. “so what do they like anyway?” natalie asked as she pushed the cart beside carmen, eyes flickering over to his in curiosity. “bear?”
he was uh, stressing. he loved you so much, and—well, “god, sugar, i love her—” he ran a hand through his curls, eyes widening as soon as he saw the giant valentine's day display in the store. a quiet groan slipped past his lips and he bit his knuckles for a moment, glancing desperately over at his sister. “peach deserves the fuckin’ world, y'know? just wan’ make it special for her,” the pity, and adoration, in natalie's gaze softened her eyes immediately and she gave him a quick pat on the back.
“right,” it was her personal mission now to ensure that you and her brother had a perfect day on valentine's. she was sure of it. a small little grin played on her lips as she ushered him over to the display, and she leant against the cart. “okay, what would she like? something lovey? sentimental?”
“don't fuckin’ know,” carmen muttered under his breath, rubbing his temple as he looked over the many valentine's themed things available. holy shit, this was harder than he thought. he knew you so well and yet, what you'd like evaded him.
“okay, well,” natalie picks up a random white teddy bear, brows raising in question as she offers it to her brother. he grabs at it, squeezes it perhaps a little too hard out of frustration but slowly relaxes his tight grip on it. “okay, that one's going in.”
the shopping trip continued like this, with natalie suggesting things that she thought you might like, with carmy giving his wordless responses. it was kind of therapeutic for nat, to be fair. and carmen was getting the stuff he needed for you. he'd have to thank natalie after, considering soon after he was done with phase three, he was into the final phase. the actual valentine's gift.
this was probably his favourite part. of course, carmen was a chef by nature. so he knew a valentine's dinner was in order. he was sort of sick of hearing anything related to the saint, however he could relax with this part. he'd made sure that syd would keep you out of the apartment for at least three hours. having even gone to the lengths of giving money for you guys to spend, he was clearly working hard. he knew your palette, so well in fact, that he didn't even think twice about what he was preparing.
from what you loved to eat, to what you despised, carmen knew it all. and he wanted to spoil you in terms of what he made, so he also gave sydney strict instructions that the two of you weren't allowed to get any food. hey, he wanted you to have enough room to eat.
he'd planned everything immaculately, of course, but when he heard you and syd at the door, he almost panicked. the table was laid out perfectly, all of your favourite foods available. a flush filled his cheeks at the thoughts of richie's previous words: “shit, cousin’, you a fuckin’ simp,” rang through his head and he scratched the back of his neck nervously, sitting at the table.
“thanks, syd,” your voice called from down the hall at the door, your smile evident in your voice. it made the butterflies in his stomach flutter, and he shifted where he sat. “m'back, carm!” you were making your way down the hall now, nearing the living room where you assumed he'd be. he was not. “carm—?”
your brow furrowed, since he'd have mentioned he'd be out if he was going to be. “carm,” you hummed as you wandered into the dining room area, not looking into the room until you did, and your lips parted into an expression of shock. “holy shit.”
you're surprised you didn't burst into literal tears seeing carmen sat at the table, wide blue eyes lifting to yours from the table cloth. his cheeks were rosey, a sheepish expression adorning his lips. “fuck, this is dumb,” he got up, scratching the back of his neck once more, “i know you don't—oh, shit, peach—”
his eyes widened as you barelled into him, wrapping your arms around his frame as his hands slid over your lower back. biting his bottom lip, he lifted a hand to your face, just to see your expression. “oh my god, carm,” tears threatened to spill from your eyes, bottom lip trembling. carmen's expression only softener, and grew a tad bit guilty.
“oh, no, baby, don't cry,” his thumb stroked over your jaw, brow furrowing. carmen soon pressed a peck to your forehead, his hand cupping your lower back and bringing you into his body. “can't eat ‘n’ cry at the same time,” he soothed with a soft chuckle whilst he cradled the back of your head.
“so this is what you were doin’?” your mumbly words come all soft, watery, glossy eyes lifting up to his as you frown. you may be about to cry, sure, but it's for a good reason. “all this time? oh my god, is it because of what i said to syd and tina?”
a sheepish nod followed, his hands brushing away your tears gently. he smiled, nuzzling your nose with his own as he brushed his lips with yours, squeezing you tight against his chest. “uh-huh,” he muttered, “didn't notice earlier?”
“nuh-uh,” god, you felt kinda dumb for not realising. but also glad you didn't, since you wouldn't be as overjoyed as you are right now. you squeeze tight around his waist once more before you drag him back into sitting down. hey, you were hungry considering his little scheme. “god, carm,” you bite your bottom lip, looking over all the food. not to mention the valentine's themes decorations.
“so everyone was in on it?” you lean against the table, watching as carmen dished out your plate for you, his blue eyes lingering on the food before they lifted to yours when he heard your question. he gives a little nod, pushing your plate towards you. then, he pours you a glass of wine, all smiles. “god, that's why—oh my god!”
giddy, absolutely giddy, would describe you right now. over the fucking moon.
“and when you and nat went out? you guys never go out, holy shit,” you grabbed your fork, leaning against the table with a little smile. that smile soon became the biggest grin he'd ever seen. “babe, this is too much,” you frowned, gaze all fond.
“wait till you see the gifts,” he mumbled around a spoonful of pasta, avoiding your gaze and focusing on his plate.
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creedslove · 4 months
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No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: the reason why I love Pedro so much is that he always makes me feel alive no matter how bad the situation is 💟
A/N #2: besties I'm so sorry about this Headcanon, I know it's sooooo bad, but I had the idea several weeks ago I think I don't really remember and I've been writing a little bit every day since but I went through a lot in a short time and I lost inspiration but at the same time it was really bothering me to see it lying in my drafts unfinished, I'm sorry it sucks, but I love you all 💕
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• you met Sarah Miller when she was only a freshman girl, completely lost in her first day of college after she was dropped off and looking like a scared little deer even if she tried assuring you she was alright
• you were a few years older than her and you'd been there, so you pretended to believe she was alright but still offered her some help to get her dorm organized and simply find herself around campus; she quickly accepted it and that was how your friendship had started
• during the semester, you became one of Sarah's best friends; as you were always there to help her out, advise her or simply offer her some company or comfort the days she felt lonely and missed her family too much - you knew she didn't know her mom and she was raised by her dad and her uncle which you thought it was pretty awesome of them, but other than that, you didn't actually hear much about them, as you both often talked about other stuff
• and so the years passed and soon enough Sarah was graduating and marrying her college sweetheart, Ben, who'd been introduced to her by you during a party, so it was more than exciting to be invited to that beautiful party
• so you packed your bags, got yourself a decent place on Airbnb and went to Austin, to celebrate the wedding of your beloved friend, due to conflicting schedules, you could only get there a few days before the wedding, which ruined your plans of meeting Sarah's family, having dinner together and getting to the city, since the most you were able to do was just handle the last adjustment and details for your dress, help Sarah with the arrangements for the party and of course, party hard in her bachelorette party
• the bachelorette party was partially organized by you, as you never really knew how those things were supposed to go, other than just the scenes you saw in several movies, should you go to a male strip club? Should there be men half naked rubbing themselves against you and your friends? You weren't so sure, so you talked to Sarah and you picked a nice nightclub to dance and drink
• so you and your group of friends hit the club, all in your best clothes, nice heels and Sarah wearing a cute little party veil so everyone would know she was the bride to be. The night was perfect and you danced and drank as much as you wanted, knowing you could just call yourself a Uber to go home
• you stayed until the end of the party, your group of friends had all left home in different Uber rides and Sarah was picked up by Ben just some moments ago, so you grabbed your purse, paid for your part of your check and went to the parking lot, since your uber wouldn't take much to get there
• and that was when you saw him: easily the most handsome man you'd ever seen, older than you of course, tall, broad, brown hair salt and peppered and leaning against his truck. He seemed to be waiting for someone, but his attention was immediately shifted towards you, and he couldn't pay attention to anything else
• you just caught Joel's attention as you walked out of that bar; you didn't seem drunk or wasted, but definitely a little tipsy and while he wasn't a creep - Sarah had accidentally called him and asked him to pick her up and there was no way in the world he wouldn't come for his little girl, even if she wasn't little anymore and was going to be a married girl in a couple of days
• and even when she explained to her dad that she didn't mean to call him and he didn't need to pick her up because she was already going home with Ben - clearly drunk, which bothered Joel but he couldn't actually do anything about it - he said he was just going back to sleep, omitting the fact he was already at the parking lot waiting for her. She wasn't a child anymore, but he really missed when she was one because then, she would still be his sweet little Sarah wearing her cute star PJs to bed, and not exiting the club completely drunk like she did a while ago
• but all that whining went away in the blink of an eye once Joel spotted you, because he couldn't recall seeing a better looking woman at a bar in so fucking long, that or it was because he hadn't gotten laid in so long, his balls might've been blue but he wasn't just gonna empty them on the first woman he saw, so he just kept using his hand for it
• but you... He swallowed hard and decided to take a few steps towards you, after all, it wouldn't hurt just to make sure you were doing okay and no creeps were bothering you, because he wasn't a creep, he just wanted to make sure you were alright
• and when you saw Joel walking towards you, you felt your breath caught in your chest. He was so freaking handsome, big and manly, the kind of man to put you on all fours and fuck you while he whispers into your ear what a good girl for him you really are
• and you didn't remember much of your interaction with him, when you realized what you were doing, you were pressed against the hood of his truck, kissing him hungrily while his strong hands squeezed your body and roamed all over you; your hands messing up with his curls, tugging at them slightly as you moaned into his mouth, against better judgement you could let yourself be fucked by him at that moment
• however, you didn't even know his name, it was a dangerous game your body begged you to play, but your rational side was still too alert for it, so when you managed to see your Uber had arrived, you found strength in yourself to get rid of his intoxicating touch in your body and simply run to the car, you should've asked his name, but you didn't
• and the following days after that night at the bar, as much as you tried thinking of something else, all you could focus on, was that handsome man and the way he held you, he gripped your body and kissed you; it was different from any kind of touch you'd experienced, that mysterious man seemed addictive to you
• but as the wedding approached, your lustful thoughts had to be placed aside so you could focus on all the tasks you had to do: help Sarah get ready, check the venue for her and so on, not to mention getting ready yourself for the event, being so busy you totally skipped the part where you'd meet her family
• as you waited in church for her with the rest of your friends, you couldn't help but being extremely shocked to see Sarah walking down the aisle by her father, whom you had never actually seen before that night at the bar, but he happened to be your mysterious fling from the parking lot
• Joel also couldn't believe the hot girl he'd made out with was his daughter's best friend, he knew he was older than you even if you both hadn't much time to talk, but he didn't expect that
• you two had to stop those feelings aside so you could focus on the ceremony, but the way Joel kept glancing at you, made it pretty obvious you'd have a very interesting wedding reception afterwards 😉
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kairismess · 10 months
HIHIII! ik i’ve requested like 300000 times but your works are just so amazing 😣😣 but i’ve always just associated Suna with the song Love Language by ariana grande (it’s quite apparent i love her) for some reason. the song is abt trying to learn your partner’s love language so we can love better and i just love picturing that with him😫 Maybe reader can have that mentality along with the end part of the song with “i’m not what you had before, your ex girlfriend don’t want no smoke… i’m just gon make you my home”. bye i just think it’s so cute lolol 😣😣😣
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rintaro's love language . . .
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🏐 genre: fluff ~ !
✒️ word count: 645
💭 summary: rintaro's been noticing how strange you've been acting lately around him... almost as if you were trying to get something out of him. he doesn't mind, though—he'd love to give you what you're looking for so badly.
🍥 author's note: OOOOOOOO THAT'S SUCH A CUTE IDEA !!! I LOVE IT !! i hope this is any good :'DD
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being seated on this boy's lap was the last thing you expected.
his mint green eyes stared into your own, balancing your weight on his string thigh, bouncing you up and down on it here and there to tease you a little. this is what you wanted though, right? to know what it really was that rintaro was into? to know what he loves to give you and take from you? well, you got it now—now you aren't leaving his lap no matter how much and how cutely you squirm and act all shy under his gaze.
for the past few weeks, rintaro noticed the sudden changes and the subtle glances and gestures you've been giving him; it wasn't so uncharacteristic of you, just a little... a little different. he didn't mind, he loved everything you did, even if it wasn't that obvious. he was a little curious every now and then why you were acting that way, but he figured instead of asking you, he'd beat you at your own game by observing you as you observed him.
you were always offering him some sweets in between breaks, and you always offered to walk home with him and hold his hand all sneakily—you were like a cunning little fox, and he oddly loved seeing you act like you weren't up to anything. he pretended not to notice and went with the flow as you kept showering him with affection, not realizing he had caught on long ago when he noticed your smile was laced with a few undertones of something mysterious. it didn't help your case when he had paid attention and remembered the details of the passing comments you made back then when talking to him, asking him if he had an ideal kind of affection he wanted you to give him.
he never understood what that meant, "a specific kind of affection"... until he caught a glance at your phone and realized what you meant. going on those love expert sites helped you get an idea of how to woo him over even more, but it also gave rintaro the idea that what you really wanted was to see what would make him melt... and fortunately, you hadn't figured it out yet. luckily for him, he was curious as to what your love language was, too—so in a bold gesture... he sat you down on his lap when no one was looking, and wrapped his lean but strong arm around your waist, bringing his face so close to you, that your noses were brushing against each other's.
he seemed so nonchalant about it, too... it was too much for you. your face burned and your lips quivered; you stuttered out questions, your mind ran a million miles an hour—but all rintaro did was peck a kiss on your cheekbone, placing his other arm around you, embracing you. "can i help that this is what i wanna do with you all along?" he murmurs as he gently caresses your waist, humming in lazy satisfaction, leaning his head down on your shoulder, closing his sharp eyes as he takes in the scent and feeling of being this close to you.
"y'know..." he murmurs as he runs his thumb over your tinier palm, pressing down on it gently. "...no one else has ever made me feel this way. i'm not really clingy, per se, but... i'd do anything to have you this close to me for a long, long while." he finished, planting a sweet kiss on your neck, not caring if the others came back to see this public display of his affection for you. he couldn't care less, all he cares about now is giving you what you want—and letting you know that he's more than willing to give you more of this than just this one occasion.
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xomakara · 1 year
Waiting For Your Love
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SUMMARY |   In which Mark is secretly your boyfriend, takes you to his place and wants to take your relationship to the next level PAIRINGS | Mark/Fem!Reader GENRE |  college au, non-idols, fluff, soft, smut RATING |  Mature LENGTH | 3,654 words AUTHOR’S NOTE |  I had this one-shot saved on my computer for awhile. So why not just post it? I will definitely be writing a chaptered/series of Mark though lol. Plus my title makes no sense in the story’s context but who gives a care. I hope you enjoy it!
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"Take it."
You blinked several times, looking at the notebook that was suddenly thrown on your desk. You looked up at the male who was the culprit, his dark hair framing against his forehead, his lips in a grimace.
What the hell was his problem? You continued to look at the notebook, wondering what in the world was in it. It wasn't yours, you knew that much. One of your friends perhaps? Maybe one of the other guys dropped it?
"Because you were sick the other day." Mark Lee softly said, your gaze going to his face. He noticed your hesitation and explained his actions. "I took notes and thought you might want them."
"Hey!" One of the male students yelled from across the room. "That was my job! You can't just take my job like that Mark! Gimme those notes."
Mark shook his head. "No can do. Y/N needs my notes, not yours."
"Why you little-" Renjun was held back by a few of the other males in the classroom.
You couldn't help but chuckle. Mark was sure concerned about your health. But why and how did he even know you were sick the other day? As far as you were concerned, Mark never paid you attention nor seemed somewhat interested in you.
But that was before.
Until you started dating each other for a good year.
Of course it was a secret to everyone in the classroom. Apart from two people that were Mark's roommates but you had to blackmail them to be quiet or hell would let loose. How would it sound if THE Mark Lee, the most popular underclassman at your college campus was dating a nobody?
You shook your head, brandishing that thought from your head.
You were somebody. Granted you didn’t hang out in Mark’s social circles but you had a few of your own. And you were widely popular within those circles.
You frowned, not showing that you were secretly happy that your boyfriend took notes for you. You shook your head and turned to your female friends as they barrage you for answers.
"I can't believe Mark gave you his notebook." Jaemi whispered, lightly giggling as she watched some of the males teasing Mark.
You didn't know that he could turn a slight shade of pink.
He never turned pink in front of you. It was kind of cute. He turned around slightly, giving you a small shy smile before returning to his desk. Suddenly plopping down on his chair, he placed his head on the table, no doubt trying to hide his embarrassed face.
"I can't believe he took notes." Sumin muttered in shock, as she poked at the book. It was labeled 'English', supposingly for English Literature since you both took that class. "That's a surprise right there."
"Well, Haechan has always told me that Mark is pretty smart." Rahee shrugged and gave Haechan a small wave. "Even though he doesn't show it."
"Really?" You asked Rahee. You knew your boyfriend was smart but you decided to play along. "He seems like a slacker to me."
"Despite what everyone may think, Mark is actually a pretty laid back guy." Rahee nodded her head and looked at the notebook. "But he's pretty considerate considering his reputation. He's not a bad boy, so you can relax Y/N."
"And you know how, Rahee?" Sumin nudged the girl. "From Haechan?"
"It's one of the perks of dating the underclassmen rep." Jaemi answered as she watched Rahee winking at Haechan. "She gets all the dirty details from him."
"But if Mark—" You never got to finish your question since Rahee disappeared. You noticed Rahee snaking her arms with Haechan and walked out of the classroom. No doubt trying to find a private place to make out. "That girl always runs off with him."
"What can you say?" Sumin laughed as she noticed your expression of disgust. "Is it that weird for Rahee and Haechan to be dating?"
"Not weird." You answered, suddenly looking down at the notebook again. You noticed Mark's doodles and had to suppress a chuckle. "More of 'I can't believe Rahee snagged a boyfriend before us.’ Why can't I get a boyfriend?"
"We have plenty of male classmates." Sumin chuckled. "One of them is bound to date you."
"No thanks." You shook your head. You already had a boyfriend but no one really knew that. "Xiaojun, Hendery and Yangyang already asked me and I turned them down."
"But there's still Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin, Chenle, Jisung, and all the other dudes." Jaemi listed out, the guys looking up from their classwork or conversation. Seeing as it wasn't important, they continued whatever they were doing. “Plus the upperclassmen like Jungwoo, Jaehyun and Winwin to name some.”
"You forgot Mark." Sumin muttered, looking at him as if he heard.
He was still asleep.
"No to all of them." You scoffed. You thought of your boyfriend and slightly turned pink. "Well maybe to some of them..."
Your other two friends started laughing. You had always believed that you'd be the first of your group of friends to get a boyfriend first. Rahee ruined it when she announced she was dating Haechan. You came second after Mark secretly confessed that he liked you and you two started secretly dating.
It was no secret that you were quite a good-looking girl. You had your share of admirers; from the bad boy greaseball Jaemin, heart throb Jeno, irritable Renjun amongst some. You turned them down all flat, none of them remotely interesting to you. You had high standards for a boyfriend, and sure the guys you turned down all met those standards but it just didn't feel right.
Until Mark swept you off your feet.
"Yo babe," Hendery slithered to your desk and sent you a flirtatious wink. "The boys and I are going to play basketball. Care to watch?"
"No, thank you Hendery." You refused. Sure you turned him down but Hendery still called you babe. He was one of the two boys you blackmailed. "Last time I went to watch a game, I got hit by the ball because Jisung wasn't looking at who he was passing the ball to."
"My bad!" Jisung called out, his hair sticking in odd places. "I thought I passed it to Chenle but he was too busy staring at Sumin."
"Yah! Are you saying it's my fault?" Chenle shouted. The boys shouted in unison that it was indeed his fault.
"That sucks. Maybe next time." Hendery muttered before moving on to your friend Sumin, who gave him the middle finger. He chuckled before waving and disappeared from the classroom with the boys in tow, Chenle whining on how his hyung just flirted with the pretty girl.
"Should we just go?" Jaemi asked as she looked around the classroom. It was empty apart from the three girls, Mark, Xiaojun and Yangyang. "They all left to play basketball."
"Let's go Y/N. Besides Rahee has some explaining to do." Sumin rose from her seat and went towards Xiaojun and Yangyang, both boys looking up from their books.
Suggesting they all go watch the game together, the two boys nodded their heads and shut their books. Since you were putting your things away, Xiaojun stopped before leaving the classroom, only to say, "Y/N. Can you wake Mark up before you leave?"
"Okay, Xiaojun." You nodded and gave him a thumbs up. Xiaojun was the other boy you had to blackmail. You actually threatened to get rid of his stuff if he spilt the beans.
Walking towards Mark, you couldn't help but stare at his sleeping face. His lashes were surprisingly long, his skin looked smooth, and his jawline looked absolutely chiseled. He was a handsome man and you always told him so. You shook him lightly, he rustled slightly.
"Mark?" You shook him again. "Mark, wake up."
"Hmm?" He groaned out, sleepily opening his eyes. Noticing it was you, he slowly smiled. "Well, hi there."
What was this sleepy smile about? He kind of took your breath away for a second. "Don't say hi to me like that. What if others saw?"
"Is there anyone else here?" He mumbled, lifting his head slowly to look around the room. Seeing as he was in the clear, he looked back at you. "It's just you and me."
When will he stop smiling like that?
"Mark, everyone is playing basketball." You let out, your voice somewhat small. "Did you want to go join them?"
"Do you?" He asked, his husky voice asked you.
Was his voice always this deep? You never noticed it before but his voice was definitely sexy and that was one of the top five traits you'd like in a man. You shook your head to stop thinking such inappropriate things but Mark took it as something else.
"Why don't we go to my place?" He suggested, standing up to grab his bag and then to take yours from your grasp. You tried to refuse him but he took it anyway. "Let me carry your things."
Walking side by side with your boyfriend had never been as exhilarating as walking home with Yangyang and Haechan. Mark made you swoon with his manly side and he would occasionally walk where the road met the sidewalk so you wouldn't get hurt.
He was caring and you fell for him hard.
You had to speak up. "Mark? Do you like me?"
"If I didn't, you wouldn't be my girlfriend right?" He replied back with a question. Stopping in front of the apartment he shared with Xiaojun and Hendery, he unlocked the door and ushered you in. Kicking off your shoes, you strolled into the surprisingly clean home and settled on the couch.
Mark followed after you.
"The guys will be back soon after the game." You whispered as Mark leaned towards you.
"They won't be here for a while." He whispered back before claiming your mouth.
Mark was kissing you.
The fullness of your lips pressing against his. He tasted the sweet flavors of your lips. He was fully aware that he was kissing you, but man, did your lips make him go crazy. One of his hands clutched your lower back whereas the other hand cupped the back of your head. Your hand rested on his shoulder as Mark's lips moved over yours.
At first it was an innocent touch of lips: gently, sweetly, and with an eye to innocence. But gradually the roaring in Mark's blood began to beat back the gentleman in him, and he started to taste you rather than kiss you. And tasting you was like an intoxication in which every touch made him hungrier. His fingers curled possessively into your sweet-smelling hair, and he bent his head, taking your mouth, that unbearably desirable mouth, with a growl that had nothing to do with gentlemanly behavior.
Your mind was drowning, whirling. His mouth was hot on yours- hot! How could it be hot? You felt as if all your most important senses were lost, whirling around so that all you could do was clutch his shoulders and hang on, fighting the strange sensations that kept sweeping over your body, making your knees tremble and an unwanted heat grow between your legs, and your forehead felt feverish.
In fact, your whole body felt feverish.
Mark pulled back. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."
"What?" You raised your eyebrows at him, your fingers coming to your lips.
"For kissing you." He clarified, his hand moving to cup your cheeks. "I just couldn't help myself. You look beautiful."
"Then don't stop." You muttered, looking into his eyes.
"If I don't stop then this will lead to things..." He stood up and walked a short distance to the kitchen.
You went after him and took his hands in yours. "Mark. I don't care if this leads to things. You want me and I want you."
"So just kiss me again. And whatever happens, let's just go with it."
Mark smiled, closing the distance between the two of you, as he settled his mouth over yours, felt you stiffen in a moment of surprise, then your hands crept up to his shoulders, slid gently around his neck, and you kissed him back. He could feel the rapid beating of your heart and the warmth of your small body pressing against him.
Mark tightened his hold against you, as he deepened the kiss, coaxing your lips apart, taking you with his tongue. His tongue touched yours and a jolt of heat went sliding through him.
He kissed the side of your neck, tasted the small shell-like rim of an ear, and kissed you again, cupping your ass and pulled you against his arousal. There was only an instant's hesitation before you melted against him, returning the kiss in full measure, your breasts brushing against the front of his shirt. He lifted you up and walked you to the kitchen counter.
Mark squeezed your ass and you yelped, his tongue sliding into your sweet wet cavern.
You writhed in his arms but had stopped when his hands covered your breast. You shivered in delight, the sensation new to you. You threw your arms around his neck, your fingers tangling in his dark thick locks of hair. He brought you closer, opening your legs so he could stand between them. His hands were under your skirt, slowly moving up your legs to your waist, to the sides of your upper body. He threw your shirt off only to reach behind and unhooked your bra, your breasts coming from its confinement.
You crossed your arms when you felt air hit your nipples. You didn't know why you were feeling the way you were feeling. You colored up again, crossing your legs from letting Mark remove your skirt.
"You sure the guys won't intrude?" You muttered as you bit your bottom lip. Damn, you looked really hot when you did that. You looked him in the eye and saw the intense look he was giving you. "I don't want them to start blabbering their mouths like they always do. Especially if we start to fuck."
"I'm sure they won't intrude." Mark sexily pouted, his body coming close to you and trying to pry your legs open again so he can stand between them. "Besides, Hendery told me that he and Sumin are currently seeing each other and that they're going on a date. Xiaojun is going over to hang out with Yangyang and Renjun."
"Is that why you asked me to come over?" You asked, surprised that Sumin didn't tell you that she was dating Hendery.
"Yeah." Mark brushed his lips against yours. "I. Want. You. Very badly."
"Me too." You muttered against his lips. But instead of backing away from him, you set your lips on his and boldly kissed him.
Mark was thrown off track. He grasped your hips and pulled you closer to him, your short skirt making way for him to stand between them. He brushed his fingers against your wet panties, knowing that you were undeniably wet and was going to writhe beneath him.
"Say you want it. Say you want me. And only me." Mark muttered against your lips.
You knew what you wanted. This feeling that he was making you feel bold. You felt your body go on fire, your cheeks red, your arms wrapping around his neck and clinging to him.
As if your life depended on it.
"I want you Mark." You pulled back slightly, breathing heavy. “I want you to fuck me.”
He chuckled. He slid his hands up your legs and grasped the inside of your thighs to part them for easier access to your panties. "I'll have you screaming my name, babe."
"Where did you learn to say that‒" Mark silenced you by kissing you again and again. One hand worked his way to cup your breast, kneading the soft globes and raking his nails against your nipples. The other hand slid your panties to the side, his fingers brushing against your slit. "Oh my god..."
"Baby, you know what's gonna happen right?" He asked, his voice husky against your ear. He pushed a finger into you, his long finger being buried into your wet heat as he kissed your earlobe and kissed your neck. "You are so wet and tight, Y/N."
"Ah...oh god.." You had tried to push your legs together from letting your boyfriend touch you in the most sacred of places, but he was already too fast as you felt his finger in your deep core, his thumb teasingly rubbing your clit. "Please, Mark..."
Mark bit your ear again, his tongue swirling around. The one hand on your breast was teasing, cupping, kneading, squeezing, brushing his thumb against your nipple. His other hand was still teasing you down there, his thumb rubbing ever so sweet, his finger pumping into you ever so soft and slow. "Y/N... You are beautiful in every way... You are just fuckable."
You shivered at his words. You never imagined that he would see you in this way, naked and in his arms. You never imagined him calling you beautiful and saying that you were 'fuckable'. Where did he learn that from? Did he hang out with Johnny, the upperclassman? Hell, you never imagined that you were about to have sex with him. Having sex this early in the relationship was a weird idea for you, but it just felt so....
"Y/N..." Mark kissed you again, his tongue plunging into your mouth as he grasped your wrists and led them to the front of his jeans. His tongue battled with yours, brushing against the roof of your mouth, your teeth, your own tongue. It was like a battle of dominance.
Your hands at the fly of his jeans, you blinked your eyes in a daze and pulled back slightly. "Mark?"
It was more of a question than a demand or anything. Your voice held uncertainty, confusion, or maybe you were asking permission to just push his jeans off. He gave you a soft smile. "Do it. It's okay, don't worry."
You fumbled with his jeans and freed him, noticing his bulge. Your eyes widened, not believing that he was large and...just large. "Mark, I don't think you'll fit..."
"Trust me baby. It’ll fit." He chuckled as you said those silly words. Mark rubbed your back as one of his hands slid your skirt and panties off until you were just as naked as him. "We'll fit perfectly. Y/N, you and I were made for each other."
You just nodded as he pulled you closer to his body, the kitchen seeming small. You could feel the cool countertops beneath your ass, aware that his body was pressed against yours, his skin so hot, his hair damp from his sweat. "Well, if you say so…"
"Trust me." He muttered before taking your lips in his. "Y/N, baby... help me."
You didn't know what he demanded of you. Chuckling, Mark grabbed one of your small hands and wrapped it around his large, bulging cock. "Put it in, babe."
"Where?" You teased him, lightly squeezing his cock.
He sighed and lifted your legs to wrap around his waist. The tip of him was at your entrance, teasingly rubbing up and down your slit. "In your sweet pussy, baby."
You bit your bottom lip. You reveled in the way his cock felt in your hand, your fingers curling around the rigid flesh. You slid the tip of him, just slightly, Mark taking charge instead. He kissed you deeply, to catch your cry as he buried himself to the hilt.
"Fuck!" You cried out into his mouth, your body feeling full. He moved into you, softly at first, letting you get used to the idea of him in you, of his large length. You clung on to him, breasts plastered to his chest, legs wrapped tightly around his waist as he continued to move within you.
"Baby, fuck..." He breathlessly moaned out, increasing the motion of his hips as he continued to move in you. He went fast and deep, suddenly taking you hard, the sweat covering your bodies, making him even more turned on. He pumped harder, hitting that one spot you so craved until you cried out in mere pleasure.
"Mark!" You cried out, your climax immense as you were surrounded by intense pleasure. He cried after you, spilling his juices within your small body as you sagged in his arms. You rested your cheek against his chest and lovingly placed a kiss on his shoulder. But upon looking at his face, you suddenly went shy. "Oh god…"
Mark looked at you, a small laugh coming from him. "Do I have to give you a big hickey on your neck that says you're mine?"
"But then everyone will know that we're dating." You whined, giving him an adorable pout. You shook your head, threw your arms around his neck and gave him a deep kiss. "It’s okay. Because I'm yours."
"Can we lay like this for a while?" You asked.
As if it was a cue of some sorts, Xiojun's voice could be heard outside of the front door as he informed Hendery on what had transpired. "They're doing hanky panky in the kitchen."
"How do you know?"
"I opened the door slightly and saw clothes everywhere."
"Should we bust the door open?" You heard Hendery chuckle.
In the heart of the moment, you and Mark scrambled from the kitchen counter, laughing as you both searched for your strewn clothes.
"I love you." Mark muttered as he kissed your forehead, after gathering clothes. "I really, really love you."
"I love you too, Mark." You wrapped your arms around him as lips met with his. "Now show me again why you love me~ But this time in your bed."
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jeonscatalyst · 1 month
Hey May, welcome back we missed you so much and I'm so happy you are back.
What are your thoughts about AYS so far? Loving it?
Hey anon, thank you so much and I missed y’all too so much.
I actually have alot of thoughts about AYS so far and I might be making a more detailed post later but if there is any particular thing you would like to get my thoughts on, you can shoot me an ask.
I think AYS so far has been amazing. The first two episodes gave a more calm and domestic vibe as we just got to watch Jimin and Jungkook go about normal daily activities as well as doing a few fun stuff like going camping, kayaking, yacht rides, motobike rides etc but I never thought i’d see the day where Jimin and Jungkook would head out to walmart to get a sponge to do dishes lol.
I think Episodes 1 and 2 gave us a closer look at what I always imagined Jimin and Jungkook’s off days would look like. By off days, I mean days where they weren’t working. I had mentioned before that one of the biggest things that convinced me about the possibility of Jikook being more than friends was how real they are. It’s the good, the bad and the ugly and the way their story so far with all it’s ups and downs makes perfect sense in the context of things.
While watching them, I couldn’t help but smile at how domestic and comfy they looked doing such simple everyday chores and activities. Getting out of bed, Jungkook immediately going to lay by Jimin’s side and just bask in his presence and company right before they start their day. It was also so refreshing to see how Jimin and Jungkook don’t necessarily need to be doing or saying alot to actually just enjoy being by each other’s side. I had mentioned this before in one of my post from my previous account. They have such an interesting dynamic and I would be lying if I said I don’t get fascinated at times.
I didn’t love the fact that Jimin was sick most of the time though but I thought it was so cute how Jungkook took care of him and how he also tried to make light of the situation by making jokes about it. Jungkook’s ability to tease Jimin in any and every situation is very telling of how comfortable he feels with Jimin. He doesn’t always have to try being the nicest or trying not to laugh in certain situations. The more you know someone and the more comfortable you are with someone, you show them more of the authentic you. You laugh when you find something funny without being too worried of how you might come off because you know that, that person knows YOU. It’s the same way your best friend would laugh at you after you fall before they think of helping you up while a friend or an acquaintance would help you and subdue the laughter for fear of upsetting you because they might not know how you would take it, while a bestfriend knows that sometimes that fun is better than feeling sorry for yourself. While some other people have shown concern about how Jk chose to handle certain things by claiming that he wasn’t careful enough, I think that is very on brand for Jikook and anyone who knows them, and has paid close attention to them all these years knows that.
Jk would scold Yoongi for teasing Jimin about saying “Sorry” at the UN and ask him to make Jimin feel better instead of teasing him, but will later tease Jimin about the same thing to make him laugh. It’s like he hates it when other people tease him but knows that he can because Jimin knows and he feels that his teasing makes things better for Jimin or atleast makes him laugh. I mean on rookie king, Jk told us that he teases Jimin alot because he like him so much and Jk had also admitted that he likes the reaction he gets when he teases Jimin. Need I say more? I honestly love how realistic Jikook feel.
I also noticed that Jimin really has a problem not helping when he sees someone else doing something even for him. At the camping site, Jungkook was in charge of cooking and all but Jimin just couldn’t sit still even though he had a stomach bug and went to go help in slicing the onions. In episode two, after they got back from walmart, Jimin again just couldn’t let Jk make the carbonara without helping in some way. He lingered around for a bit and then went to start cooking the kebab. Let’s not even talk about how he immediately jumped up to help the pregnant waitress at the first place they stopped to eat. He is the sweetest human alive.
Jungkook is not so different. I have always mentioned that Jungkook is the most sensitive and one of the most thoughtful people ever and it is kinda sad that many people misunderstand him because of his looks. The way he always thinks about the staff is so wholesome. The way he felt bad about the staff not having anything to eat and made sure he gave them something to eat was so beautiful.
As I said earlier, I have alot to say about AYS but will do that later. So generally, I think the first two episodes were absolutely amazing and just gave us a glimpse of domestic Jikook (we ofcourse should expect that things should be a little different when they are not being filmed) and it was just as I had imagined.
Episode 3 felt like a completely different show. While the first two episodes were more domestic and calm, episodes 3 felt more like run bts to me. I guess this was because of all the games they played and that fact that it just lacked that homely feel that episode 1 and 2 had but episode 3 was probably the most interesting to so many people for so many reasons.
There was a third member, there were more upbeat activities than just sailing on a yacht, cooking at home, cuddling in bed or going shopping. I also think Tae being around helped Jikook relax more. In the first two episodes, they seemed relaxed around each other but there was still this tense air that I could sense, you know that tense, awkward energy that Jikook always have around them when they are too aware of the cameras? Yes that one but with Tae in the mix, they had a buffer of sorts and someone else they could interact with to make things more “normal”. I think it was beautiful seeing Vminkook together just living. Jimin wasn’t feeling his best at the beginning but it seems like things got better before the day was over and I think with episodes 1,2 and 3 we could really see how different Jikook’s dynamic is when they are alone Vs when they are with another member (we ofcourse cannot get the full picture with them being filmed and everything but atleast we got an idea).
PS: Tae was an absolute ray of sunshine. I noticed that he seems to be back to his fun, chaotic, quirky and slightly weird self and I love that. I had missed that Tae so much.
Let me know if there anything else in particular you would like me to talk about.
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rallentando1011 · 8 months
Hello! Can I plz request the ROTTMNT turtles reacting to their s/o being girly? Their s/o is very hygienic, smells good all the time, their skin glows, their hair is always done perfectly, they wear beautiful and cute clothes, their nails are always done perfectly. They also love to collect plushies, bake and cook in their free time, and they also love donating to charities and shelters.
First request done! I really enjoyed this one, and hope you do, too! Thanks for the request <3
My guidelines for requests can be found here
ROTTMNT Turtles with a Feminine Reader
Word Count: 1410
Donnie is always one to appreciate when great levels of detail are paid attention to
With that in mind, he loves how on top of your game you are when it comes to which body washes and sprays you use i.e. how gosh dang delectable you smell
He would definitely probe about which products you use under the guise of an educational survey just in case he ever wants to try them out
Although he tries to remain vigilant, he takes a few days to notice when your nails change
Completely out of the blue, he takes your hand, examines your nails, gives them a nod of approval, just as abruptly goes back to whatever he was doing
Now, not to imply that he would ever condone stealing, but if you ever wear an extremely cute top or dangly jewelry, especially if it’s purple, the next time he’s at your place it’s definitely going missing
Some of your sprays also go missing
“Really? Your favorite spray and your favorite sweater went missing on the same day? While I was over? Nope. Drawing a blank. Must’ve been some other teenage mutant ninja Donnie.”
They’ll probably turn back up eventually
Initially, he’ll frequently yet quietly compliment your hair, but after a while of knowing you it’ll become commonplace for your hair to look amazing, his compliments more sparse
Doesn’t mean he’ll ever stop, though
Donnie doesn’t collect plushies, only having a few he’s gotten from his brothers over the years, but he does admire your tenacity
He also appreciates laying on your plushies if they happen to be bunched into a pile
If you’re baking with him in the room, it’ll be typical for you to be whipping something up and him to walk by and swipe some of it
Yes, it irks you, and yes, he’s tried to stop, but he subconsciously just snags some of whatever you’re making as he passes through
He likes measuring things out, however, so it’s not like he only taste-tests your food
He greatly appreciates when you bring him anything you make
It’s easy to lose track of time while working in the lab, so any confections you bring him are an excellent reprieve from whatever combination of energy drinks, tea, and snacks he’s been subsisting off of
Donnie is a highly ambitious person when it comes to his passions (e.g. inventing, conducting experiments, gaming), so when he hears about the time and money you donate to shelters and charities, he’s zealous to support you in it
Almost immediately he offers to accompany you  and help out in any way he can
Don’t expect him to pitch in monetarily, though; his money’s strictly committed to his scientific endeavors
That doesn’t mean he won’t make anything to help out
If you need anything donated or can think of a gadget that could help out, he’s your guy
At the end of the day, he’s just in awe of the awesome things you do and how amazing you are while doing them
Mikey is not a man to hold anything back
So you’d better be prepared for a barrage of compliments every time you see him
He’ll be giving you a simultaneously squishy and bone crushing hug while pouring over every detail of your outfit
“Ooh, you smell great! Is that vanilla? Ohmigosh, your hair! I love it! It’s so you- and your shirt! Where’d you get it?”
He could continue this for hours if you let him
Mikey is one to play with your hair if he is able to without messing up your hairstyle
It’s just so much fun for him to braid some strands, pull another into a bun, then take it all down, run his fingers through it, and do it all again
If you want, he’ll help you design and make clothing
Or, at the very least, paint on it
He loves using vibrant colors in his drawings and while spray painting graffiti around the sewers, so you can expect numerous colorful additions to your closet
He also pays attention to which outfits you wear most frequently and makes rubber band bracelets that coincide with them
Mikey can and will individually hug and nuzzle each of your plushies
That is a threat and a promise
As an avid baker and chef himself, this little guy is absolutely ecstatic that you enjoy it too!
You’re more experimental in your cooking endeavors? He’s down to clown and mess around with flavor combinations
You’re a little more technical with what you make? That’s great, too! He’s got croissant and baklava recipes he’s been dying to try out and would gladly accept the company
Whatever foundations or activities you’ve committed yourself to, be certain that he’ll join and/or support you in all of them
Leo notices anytime you switch which products or sprays you use, barely repressing the urge to comment on and compliment the delightful scent of each
Would it be weird to say you smell nice? Probably, he assumes
He’ll just keep that comment in his head
Leo asks you what your skin care routine is, compares it with his own, and takes notes
He’s got to make sure his stripes stay vibrant and glowing
When your hairstyle allows for it, he likes to play with your hair
Bro makes the worst braids you’ve ever seen in your life but at least he tried
He’s definitely a matching outfit coordinator
Your outfits are fly, his outfits are fly, why not put the two together?
He will compliment your nails, secretly hoping that you take the hint and offer to paint his the same way
“I like your nails.” 
“How do you think that pattern would look on three fingers?”
He recognizes that you might not want to mess up your nails while doing his, but he also really wants matching sets
At first when he sees your extensive plushie collection, he tries to act cool, nonchalant
However, if you have any unicorn ones by any chance, he automatically drops the act and is adopting that plush
It’s his child now. That’s just how it is
The extent of his baking assistance is as a taste-tester
Cooking, though, is another story
Want ingredients chopped or minced? He’ll have them ready in an unbelievably short amount of time
Mixing things? He loves it
Pretty much whatever you ask him to help with, he’s on it
Same goes for volunteering at organizations and charities
Whatever you need, be it assistance or just someone to chat with, he’s there for you
Raph gets very bashful when giving you compliments, but he does it anyway
It’s very obvious that you put a lot of energy into how you feel, how you look, and what you do, so it feels like his responsibility to show his admiration of your effort
Whether he’s pointing out how nice your hair looks or saying how pretty your outfit is, he’s scratching the back of his neck shyly and his face probably looks as red as his mask
“I- er, your, uh, you look really nice today… Not that you don’t every day! I- You understand what Raph’s tryna say here, right?”
He’s not used to receiving compliments, no less giving them, but as it was mentioned before, he pretty much has to
Self care days together sound great to Raph
Just you and him, putting on pajamas, wearing facemasks, painting your nails, preferably watching wrestling matches but animated, Jupiter Jim, or Lou Jitsu movies are also acceptable, seems like a dream to him
Being a plushie aficionado, Raph will eagerly ask for all of your stuffed animals’ names, backgrounds, anything, really, and will just as eagerly listen to you describe them
Ask him to have a plushie play date, and you’re done for
He will spontaneously combust (good connotation) and will show up with his collection of teddy bears
Though he’s not much of a baker himself, he will gladly accept any confections you make for him
Just don’t make him anything with peanuts
He is allergic, and he would be distraught to have to decline something you offer him because of his allergy
Raph values everything you do to promote a positive change in the world
It’s something he really cares about, one of the reasons he fights to stop crime in the first place, and he loves that you share that same spirit
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znitsamluv · 1 year
How would Baji,Chifuyu, Mitsuya react if they found out that their classmate (and Crush) is actually the boss/ Number two Boss of an enemy gang?
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Aw oh !
Note : I had so much fun writing this one so I hope you enjoyed it !
Warnings: some mentions of gang fights but nothing detailed
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Baji never really cared or paid attention to the other students with him in class well of course except for chifuyu .
Until that day he will never forget where you entered the classroom with that sweet smile you shined at everyone around you, Baji isn't the type to fall at first sight so it was lots of moments that made him set his heart on making you his , especially after that one time where peke j followed him to school and he didn't notice until he saw peke J in your arms as you cooed at the cute cat unknown to you that it belongs to Baji .
" I am telling you! She is an angel she looks like a beam of soft light !"
" are you sure it wasn't that big ass glasses you wear being fogged ?"
Chifuyu had to endure Baji talking about you most of the time that chifuyu already memorized your school routine from Baji's nonstop stories about you.
Baji saw you as a sweet girl who wouldn't hurt a fly so he almost passed out when he saw you in the front lines of the gang they were about to fight with, once the fight started his only goal was to find you first before another member does as the thought of someone hurting you made his jaw clench and blood boil , when he saw you in the field knocking toman members left and right he made his way to you, and you had the same reaction to seeing Baji as he did .
" Nerds can fight?"
The moment you said that you can see his soul leaving his body as he stared in disbelief, to his surprise you didn't hold back it was like a different person from the one he meets every morning.... he loved the contrast.
He lets you hit him as much as you want since he doesn't have the heart to hurt you and after the fight his face was all swollen and red from punches so chifuyu ran to him to make sure he was ok but felt weirded out when he saw a lovesick smile on His beaten up face .
" You ok ...? "
" She pulled my hair and I felt her soft hands from her punches"
" ??????"
The next morning at school you made your way to him and gave him a snack you had and left without saying anything, Baji understood you must have felt bad from hitting him yesterday and for the rest of the day he daydreamed about you, the snack you gave him is left untouched and taken care of on top of his bedroom drawer, he almost knocked chifuyu out cold for trying to eat it .
He first noticed you when you were reading the last released volume of the manga he likes and got out his own manga from his backpack and walked in front of you 5 times back and forth trying to make you notice him until you finally did the 6th time .
You were happy to have someone to talk to about that underrated manga and Chifuyu was happy to talk to you, he listened to you as you talked about your favorite character and agreed with you on your hatred for that one side character , you guys also found out you live a block away from each other so for the last week you two would go to school together and walk back home together.
Chifuyu was worried and anxious to tell you that he can't walk home today since toman has a fight but he was surprised when you told him you will be busy after school he wanted to ask what will you be doing but he didn't want to seem nosy.
The poor guy had a heart attack when he saw you standing between your gang members all high and mighty , you stared back at toman as your eyes scanned the members and Chifuyu can see your eyes softened once you saw him , once the fight began you two didn't see each other as you two were busy but from time to time you two would look at the other fighting to make sure the other wasn't hurt , Chifuyu also acted like he was going to fall and took a member with him as he met the ground as that member was going to hit you when you weren't looking it was a sneaky move to protect you.
After the fight and after every one left you both sat in silence on the pavement, you two were exhausted and in slight pain but chose to stay like this for a while , neither wanted to talk first just sat in silence watching the sunset and the orange gradient of the sky kissing your skin , despite everything chifuyu felt his heart flutter. In that moment both of your phones received a notification in the same time so you opened it and immediately you both stood up happily.
" The new volume is out ! "
" let's go buy it !"
The people in the mange store looked at you weirdly seeing two beaten up teenagers giggling happily as they talked about nothing and everything, but chifuyu didn't care about the stares how could he focus on anyone else when you are in front of him with that sweet smile .
Mitsuya is used to walking his little sisters to their kindergarten class even though it was far from the classroom building he attends but he wouldn't feel safe leaving them alone , the second his little sisters entered the class he turned his head once he heard a little girl call out his sister's name , he noticed you walking behind that little girl he assumes is your sister with a warm smile watching her interact with his sisters , you were wearing the same uniform as him so he walked to you to introduce himself, he was gentleman after all , he noticed the warm aura surrounding you, it was like a magnet attracting him the more he talked to you.
It all started as a friendship you joined the fashion club at school which mitsuya runs .
Mitsuya can't explain how he felt but the way his heart skips a beat when you compliment his work or the way his cheeks heat up when you lean closer to look at his designs , he loved watching you concentrate on your designs the way your eyes sparkle in passion and the way you hold your ground when receiving criticism, you were mature just like him .
It didn't take long for him to get attached to you , his day wasn't complete without you, he didn't even believe it was possible that he had come to hate the weekend because he couldn't see you , the way you move around the design studio, the way you insist on carrying the heavy fabrics around and the way you are sweet and kind to everyone made him love you more than he thought he was capable of .
Mitsuya came one day earlier than usual and saw you fixing a gang uniform, he asked you about it and you answered honestly, For the most part he was worried, he was worried you might get hurt but he knows you are capable of standing your ground.
It's your life and he can't pull you away from it just like you can't do to him , so you made a promise that what happens in the gang life stay there but outside of it they can do whatever they want .... in the end you were made for each other
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salty-croissants · 8 months
A male reader gets into a bar fight after someone insults bullfrog, the aftermath has the frog taking care of his bruises while worrying about his careless attitude towards his own life.
((Sorry, my first time ever requesting so a bit nervous. 😅))
Thank you for the request !
I gotta say , I really love this concept for a Bullfrog story : it’s just so neat and creative , so honestly thank you for sending this :D 
Hope it turned out okay ! 
Details : use of male reader ; 
established relationships ; 
presence of violence , mild swearing and blood 
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That night was supposed to be … well , like any other night , with you accompanying your boyfriend to one of his missions and waiting for him in a nearby bar .
Before he left , Bullfrog didn’t miss the opportunity to give you a goodbye kiss ( you had to get on your knees to allow him to do that , which never failed to make him adorably flustered ) , and as he gave you one last tender caress on your cheek he also left you with a reminder : 
< Please stay safe , mon choux !
 I should be back soon , if you need me don’t be afraid to call me , and make sure to - > 
< Hey , don’t worry , I’m gonna be careful … besides , you know I can handle myself just fine if something doesn’t go right . > 
< Je sais , je sais … still , I’ll be here as fast as I can : I did promise you we’d spend some time together when we get home , and let’s just say I’m really looking forward to it , my love ~ > 
You couldn’t help but smile while watching him rush off and quickly disappear in the darkness .
He was such a sweetheart , no one would’ve been able to guess how lethal he was on the job and how quickly he could end the lives of the targets unfortunate enough to meet him … 
As you sat on one of the bar’s chairs , lost in thought with a drink in your hand , time went by surprisingly quickly , and when you begun to glance at the door to see if Bullfrog had arrived you felt a presence next to you …
< Well hello there , good to see such a pretty face here at this hour … >
You turned around to find a … quite sketchy looking man staring at you :
since the place was pretty crowded you hadn’t paid much attention to him , but now it seemed like he had made the decision to engage in conversation … something that was a bit unsettling , given that he was a complete stranger trying to randomly flirt with you . 
< Uh … > 
You took a sip of what was left of your drink , making sure to avoid hehe contact to reinforce the fact that you weren’t interested . 
… but he didn’t seem to take the hint , and was it just your impression or did he move closer … ? 
Well , if he even dared to try anything you were more than ready to make good use of your fighting skills . 
After some more uncomfortable silence , the man spoke again , this time a clear disgust in his tone …
< Y’know , I’ve seen you talking to that … thing before you came in .
Honestly I can’t help but wonder how you can feel something positive for a hybrid :
I mean - they’re all such pathetic , worthless creatures , am I right ? > 
The more he talked , the more you felt your blood boil …
< I’ll have you know that that “thing” you’re referring to is my boyfriend . > 
, you coldly replied , giving him a warning glare .
< … 
Pfft - wait you’re serious ? Holy shit ! > 
He laughed loudly in response , causing some of the people around to give you both their attention .
The last thing you would’ve wanted was an audience … but you knew that you couldn’t let that massive douchebag get away with saying those things . There was no way you would let it slide .
< You - you mean to tell me that you’d rather be with a fucking frog than an actual person ? 
C’mon , don’t be ridiculous … that little monster doesn’t deserve a guy as cute as you , you can do so much better th - > 
It all happened in a few seconds … 
You suddenly stood up , and before you could even stop to think about what you were doing punched the man on the face hard enough to knock him down on the floor , the terrified and excited screams of the small crowd ringing in your head .
< Don’t you DARE say that shit about him ever fucking again , YOU HEAR ME !? > 
He slowly stood up , wiping a few drips of blood that had fallen from his nose after the impact , and the way he furiously looked at you made it clear that he was mad … very mad . 
< Gh … you … I’M GONNA KILL YOU !!! > 
Everyone who was left quickly fled from the bar , leaving you and him furiously fighting without giving the other a chance to breathe .
While you were definitely better trained , the man was unfortunately a lot bigger than you , and every successful hit he landed on you was starting to hurt … but you couldn’t give up , not after what you heard him say . 
Eventually , a well-directed punch in the stomach caused you to fall on your knees , the pain making your vision become blurry .
< Heh - that’s what you get you bitch !! > 
His eyes were clouded with a terrifying euphoria as he grabbed you by the hair …
< Oh I’m gonna enjoy this … > 
You shut your eyes , trying to prepare yourself to receive your worst beating in years … but that’s when you felt his grip loosening , letting you fall down on the floor . 
< y/n ! > 
That voice … could it really be … ? 
< B … Bullfrog … ? > 
You slowly opened your eyes again to find him on top of the man’s body , whose throat had been cut open by the assassin’s blades .
< I’m … *cough* …
I’m sorry … I know , this is a mess , but - agh — > 
< Careful - don’t stand up too fast … 
Here , let’s just … let’s just go . > 
Without another word , your boyfriend helped you up , and the two of you walked away as quickly as you could , the distant sound of sirens getting more and more far with each step .
Some time later …
< Now … can you tell me what happened back there , s'il te plaît ? > 
There it was … the question you knew would come sooner or later . 
You looked down , feeling Bullfrog’s eyes on you while he patched you up .
< I … that guy , he said such awful stuff about you while being a creep and trying to hit on me …
Called you a monster …
I just - I couldn’t let him get away with it so I … punched him . > 
You felt his hand gently lifting up your chin as he stared at you .
< y/n … I appreciate you wanting to defend me , but you know I don’t want you to get hurt because of me . We’ve talked about this . > 
< So what , I was supposed to just stand by and let that asshole call you names ?
How is that fair ? > 
< Non , it’s not fair , but almost getting yourself killed to prevent that won’t help .
Did you even stop to think about what could’ve happened to you ? 
What if I didn’t make it in time to stop him ? What if you died tonight ?
My chéri , my partner , the one I love most in the entire world … gone . > 
He wiped away some of the blood on your face , and you could feel his hand shake slightly as he did … a sign of how troubled he was while imagining that scenario .
< … Je … je ne peux pas … I just can’t afford to lose you , y/n . You’re too important to me . > 
The dark alleyway in which you were hiding remained completely silent after that , until you sighed while placing a kiss on his palm .
< Bullfrog … that’s not gonna happen , I promise . 
You’re right , I … really didn’t think this through . I just … every time I hear someone talking about you like that I lose it … > 
Bullfrog’s expression softened , and as he placed his forehead against yours all the bad experiences of that night seemed to vanish …
< I know … you’re always looking out for me mon amour , and I love you so much for that ~ 
… just , maybe next time don’t punch anyone , alright ? > 
< Heh … I’ll try not to . > 
He chuckled in response , while slowly getting back on his feet .
< Now then … as soon as you feel ready we can try to head back home : I think it’s safe to say it’s been quite a long night for both of us . > 
< Yeah , that sounds like a plan . 
… plus I do need to thank you properly for saving my life don’t I ? ~ > 
< Oh , you know you don’t have to thank me , my dear … but it would be crazy to pass up that offer ~ > 
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chocotonez · 2 years
txt reacting to s/o always giving them flowers
a/n: -and the s/o doesn’t like flowers very much but I didn’t really feel like putting the whole request into the title oops, anyways ilysm and thanks for such a good request <3
warnings/genre: fluff, reader can be a bit awkward in some but like not really tbh, lots of kisses and hugs from kai, reader can be carried around by the members but g/n and no other descriptions, lmk if anything else should be tagged!
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-junnie sent you a bouquet once, and you had to explain you’re aversion to flowers and he immediately took to substitute gifts!
-since you weren’t a fan of the whole floral arrangement thing, he never really expected you to send him flowers for his dance cover being released. but it was a celebratory thing and pretty major…so he just brushed it off!!
-but then you never missed a date, a successful training period, end/start of a tour, comeback announcements or promotions, you somehow always managed to send/give him flowers for any important event in his life, and even just knowing how much you paid attention to the details of his schedule made his heart <333
-it means a lot to him, not even because he loves flowers but just because he knows you’re not a flower person but!! here u r!! giving him flowers!!
-always gets so giggly and blushy, tries to act cool but fails miserably because he’s so whipped over you
-“ah, you got this for me?? I love you so much!!” and gives u a little kiss on the cheek while he’s just lovingly looking back at you and the flowers
-“you love me so much hehe~” and he’s grinning while you roll your eyes “yeah I do u dork”
-probably gets most of the flowers pressed so he can hang them up on his wall :>
-binnie isn’t that much of a flowers guy either, so he only knows that you aren’t a fan of flowers because of an incident in a grocery store at the floral section
-he doesn’t really mind, gift giving isn’t a major receiving love language for him, but feeling like his partner is listening to him in a relationship?!?!? good stuff
-one day he was just casually talking about an MC event he’s going to be at, and how it was going to be on a popular streaming service, and so a month later when he finished up that schedule and got home to a beautiful arrangement of flowers that read:
-“from y/n, good job today! love you more than words can say, I’m so proud <3”
-he was WHIPPED. immediately calls you at god knows what time he got home, “I thought you didn’t like flowers???”
-“yea but I wanted to support you and I thought you’d think they’re cute :3” and he’s clutching his heart and sobbing
-it becomes routine for you to brave the floral section to get him flowers, and he’s taken aback each time you do so, because not only are you willing to get him flowers, you’re being so attentive and supportive and he just OWEJAISISJ
-probably brags about u to his friends over text every single time you send him flowers lol
-he really loves feeling supported or heard in his relationships, so it’s less that you don’t like flowers but get him bouquets or arrangements anyways, but more you somehow remember every single event he tells you about
-he’s not super big on the traditional flower giving, so he only figures out your dislike of flowers after asking if he should reciprocate the flowers you got him for a concert
-doesn’t mind, but then he notices how you get him flowers for every single important event he tells you about and his heart is swelling
-he teases u sm he’s like “waoooo ur such a simp,,,saying you don’t even like flowers and getting me a whole garden,,,ur obsessed with me!!” and then writing seven pages about you in his little diary while kicking his legs
-goes a bit crazy every single time, and he always prepares himself for the day you forget but you never do, you always send him pretty flowers and he swoons into the arms of a staff member or yeonjun every time
-will tease u x2 if your dislike for flowers comes from a pollen allergy though, just because he thinks ur so cute when you get pouty or roll ur eyes
-picks u up and swings u around while cooing at you, “my little flower baby~~~” and ur just -_- but you love him so it’s ok <333
-I don’t really see him caring about flowers either, or whether or not you have a preference for them
-he’s not major on gift giving, but he likes the traditional aspect of it or at least giving you roses for a date night
-but when u tell him you don’t like flowers he doesn’t really care, nor does he care if he receives them
-but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care if he does receive them!! because he gets so flustered it’s adorable, the first time he’s so surprised because he vividly remembers you saying you don’t like flowers and you won’t go out of your way to get them, and here they are!! on his desk after a schedule!!
-asks you why you got them?? since yaknow?? and u just laugh and you’re like “well it was a special event, how could I not?”
-and somehow no matter how many times you get him flowers, he will always be ECSTATIC because he just feels so special knowing that you don’t like flowers yet here you are, spending so much on them just to congratulate him or reward him
-doesn’t even mind when he gets them, it’s just knowing the effort you put into making him happy is there, and he wants you to know he’ll do anything to make u happy too <3
-always sends a thank you note with a heart written on it, or even just a small text, he appreciates you so much
-“oh hyuka there’s a package left for you from y/n, they got you flowers for the comeback-“ “oh, that’s probably not from them, y/n said they didn’t like flowers” and then the staff member double checks the note and yup!! it’s from you!!
-loses his shit and practically SPRINTS to your place, kicks open the door (waving the coco) and just throws you onto the couch while peppering your face with kisses
-“did u really get flowers for me!! ur so cute <3” and he’s just nuzzling your cheek and giggling because u r so adorable!!
-every single time you get him flowers he falls even more in love with you, because every single time it surprises him, he doesn’t expect you to put up with something you don’t like just to make him happy or congratulate him
-sends massive gift boxes in thanks and you have to explain “it’s just flowers babe u don’t have to send me a six foot teddy bear and seven chocolate boxes”
-unlike beomgyu, he doesn’t really care about the frequency or you knowing his schedule, it’s just what ur willing to do for him
-he would eat a teaspoon of mustard for you, never forget that <3
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iamatinydinosaur · 8 months
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Arts and Crafts
You smiled walking over to Branch's bunker. Today was your first date. You havr no idea what you're doing, Branch just said wear something you don't mind getting dirty.
You walked into the bunker and took the lift down. "Branch I'm here!" You exclaimed getting closer to the bottom. "Hey baby." He said as you stepped off the elevator, kissing you softly. "So what are we doing?" You asked walking further into the room. "I thought we could do some pottery." Branch said, opening a curtain showing turntables. You smiled, you have always wanted to do something like this. You kissed Branch on the cheek and walked over.
You sat down at the turntable. You smiled and ran your hand over the material. You remembered you told Branch in the first week of you two becoming friends how much you wanted to learn how to make pottery. You heart swelled that he remembered something so minor. This was one of the things you loved about this Troll. He paid attention to the smallest details. It made you feel appreciated.
The next hour was spent with Branch telling you how to work the turntables. You had made a small bowl and mug. You sighed trying to make a big fruit bowl, but it just wasn't shaping. "Branch I can do it!" You whined pouting over at your boyfriend. He chuckled and walked behind you. He placed his arms around you.
You went bright red. "I was kinda hoping you wouldn't get a hang of it. I saw in a movie this sort of thing it was really romantic." He smiled using his hands to guide yours to shape the Clay. You blushed snuggled your back into his chest.
You soon made a bowl. You grinned up at Branch. "Thank you!" You exclaimed. You took one of your fingers and wiped a small line of Clay on his cheek, smiling innocently. Branch smiled and wiped his hand on your face. You gasped as Clay was wiped all over you. "Oh you wanna play that game!" You pounced on Branch wiping your hands all over his face. He laughed and flipped you over and carried wiping Clay over you. You giggled. Branch looked down at you fondly. He brushed his fingers over your cheek. You started to blush again. "Believe it or not you look cute covered in Clay." You giggled pulling Branch down for a kiss. He deepened the kiss, pulling you closer.
The date ended perfectly. You both knew you wanted to take this further. You both loved each other and wanted to show each other.
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A/N: not gonna lie not my best piece but I can imagine Branch doing something like this.
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i9messi · 1 year
Matching nails — Mason Mount
You and Mason paint each other’s nails and spend your day off together
Word count — 585
mason’s masterlist
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You and Mason had a day off, so you decided to spend time together doing silly things. You had reached a point in your relationship where you only needed each other’s company to know that everything was fine, even the silences were comfortable. You had already seen some movies and ate junk food, so you had the amazing idea to paint your nails.
What started as an individual activity ended with your boyfriend willing to do your nails. Mason smiled as never before and approached you, acting as if he had done it before, though in reality his knowledge was zero.
"Doing your nails? Of course. Sit, darling."
It was fun to see him focused and listening to the explanation about what each thing was used for. You gave him total freedom to choose the nail polish he wanted and to paint them as he wanted, that could be a terrible idea if you thought about it a lot. Mason paid attention to each nail polish carefully, until he picked his two favorites.
"Green or brown?
"But I like the brown one." He made a pot and waited for your answer.
You smiled at him and narrowed your eyes, "Okay, then brown."
"I have an idea." You waited for him to continue, but he decided to act mysterious. "You’ll see, trust me and trust the process. They’ll look beautiful on you."
While you were watching him work, he did a bunch of things to your nails because you let him. You had been stuck for hours while your boyfriend put it in different styles and added details and accessories as he pleased. He honestly had the best time of his life and would want to do it again. Once he finished with your nails, Mason looked at his work with pride. You gave a look at your nails and you really liked the result.
He had painted some of them brown and the others green, and had also drawn small hearts, making them look very beautiful. They had some imperfections, yes, but they had turned out quite well and you were grateful.
"They look so cute! Do you like it?" Mase asked you, honestly waiting for your answer.
"I love them, baby. Thank you."
"It's my job." Mason replied, passing his hand across his forehead and wiping away the fake sweat. You took the same nail polishes and you held your boyfriend’s hands in yours.
"Now is your turn."
"How about we get matching nails?"
The idea seemed right for him, you had the rest of the afternoon to do other things, and painting your nails the same colors would take you a good extra time. It was cute too, having the nails matching with your lovely boyfriend.
"Okay, but I don’t think they’ll look as pretty as the one I did."
"I did a great job, you have to accept it."
"Ok, cocky."
You took care of repeating the same design and pattern that Mason had made with your nails, so they were practically the same. Your boyfriend would help you and point out the right tones and patterns to follow, pretending to be a pro. You took less time than Mason did, so you smiled proud at the result. You joined your hands with his and saw your matching nails.
"We should do this more often." Mason proposed and you totally agreed.
It had been too much fun.
"We should."
"By the way, the ones I did are better."
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sugarpopss · 6 months
Twelve Years and Counting
So. I watched Wonka. And it awoke something within me. Like we all knew Keegan-Michael Key is hot but somehow. Seeing him in a pretty good fat suit made me insane. I want to be his wife.
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Warnings: it's porn and I love corrupt police (kidding)
Not tagging ANYONE bc who tf wants this. Hiiiii Wonka fandom how are ya'll. How ya'll doing. Actually no i gave @bucknastysbabe a play by play of this movie so. Also Hugh Grant killed a cleric I think??
You can’t be married to a man for twelve years without figuring out what he’ll do for some decent chocolate. 
And by god, you knew what your husband would do for chocolate. 
To be entirely fair, a lot of people would do a lot of things for chocolate; it practically ran the city. A truffle was far more powerful than a silver sovereign. 
Chocolate was exchanged and hidden and fought over in the halls of power all over the city, and the precinct was no exception. You’d known that for years. 
You also knew that the chief of police had been taking minor bribes from the chocolate magnates for years. The fine truffles and bon-bons didn’t just appear in the cupboards by magic. You’d never really had a problem with your husbands mild corruption, either. He sometimes saved the bon-bons filled with cherry or peach compote for you, and he wasn’t really hurting anyone. The chocolate magnates had the entire city in their pocket-what was one more official looking the other way? 
That was before, though. You were sure they had upped your husbands ‘payment’ or enlisted him in some new scheme, because the amount of chocolate boxes crowding your cupboards and counter had exploded. You knew they were in his car, too, because you’d seen the little paper wrappers littering the seats. 
The amount of payment wasn’t the only thing that had exploded recently, either. 
You loved your husband, truly and honestly-you would’ve married a politician or a restauranteur if you didn’t. But you couldn’t deny that his chocolate habit was finally beginning to have an effect. 
Well…’beginning’ was a bit of a misnomer. The effect was very clear-your beloved police chief had absolutely blown up. He had gone up two whole sizes-which you knew because you were the one who took his clothes to the laundry-and your poor bed frame creaked like an old dog toy when he laid down. You could hear the stairs creaking, too, ensuring that you’d never again sleep through your husband coming home late. 
You weren’t complaining. Oh, far from it, actually. You had no interest in knowing the details of this ‘blood chocolate’ he seemed to be receiving, and your husband was less than forthcoming with information. You like your plausible deniability very much, thank you. But you also rather liked the way the bribes showed up on him. 
The belly had come first, of course, straining the belt of his uniform and giving him a proper ‘policemans paunch’. You had thought it was cute and paid plenty of loving attention to your husbands little potbelly. The weight had absolutely not stopped there, though. From a little pudgy to properly fat in a startlingly short amount of time, and all because whatever scheme he was involved in evidently paid very well. Soon you were settling into bed next to a man double-maybe triple by now-his former weight, all soft flesh and radiating warmth. 
It wasn’t terrible at all. Your husband cleaned the chocolate stains off his hands before touching you, although he didn’t seem to notice his wedding ring digging into his thick finger. He remained intimate with you, so you weren’t at all concerned that he was unfaithful. If he was unfaithful as well as corrupt, he did an excellent job at hiding it. You finally understood why your friends had raved about sleeping with men so large-it was amazing. Watching your husband heave himself on top of you, feeling his weight and warmth nearly crushing the air out of your lungs. The sheer effort of fucking into you, his arms shaking from holding his weight up, sweat beading on his skin after a few thrusts, his soft lower belly completely covering your view of where the two of you were joined. You’d nearly climaxed on the spot just from watching him have to lift his belly to get his cock positioned. 
It was the very best sex you’d had in twelve years of marriage. You’d tried to wrap your legs around his waist, but any vestige of your husbands ‘waist’ was now long gone. The best you could do was press your knees into the thick rolls of fat on his sides, but it brought you a little closer nonetheless. What made him moan, though, was when you gently palmed his heavy chest, grown so fat you couldn’t even feel the bone of his sternum. You groped his breasts like he’d done to you so many times before, taking your cues from his blissful expression strained gasps. 
And it was almost as good after the climax, when your husband first collapsed on top of you, crushing the breath right out of you. He was sweaty and overheated and so heavy, and he seemed to realize your lungs were struggling with him on top of you fairly quickly. When he’d rolled off and settled into his significant dent in the mattress, caught his breath and popped a chocolate from the bedside drawer into his mouth, it was your turn to snuggle up. You pressed close to his side, though not quite as close as lovestick teens trying to crawl into each others skin may have. It was soothing in a way, the rhythm of your husbands breathing and the crinkle of chocolate wrappers. 
You knew that when you shimmied away to your side of the bed to sleep-a necessary thing to do, because of both the heat your husband radiated and the disturbance of him getting up in the middle of the night for his 3am bon-bons-he’d quickly fall asleep with both hands resting on the crest of his swollen belly, and snore like an engine to top it off. You’d learned to tune it out, along with the creaking of the mattress springs and bed frame when he shifted or got up. 
There were much worse habits for a man to be caught in-but chocolate seemed to be the most popular. You knew much more women whose husbands hid sweets in their offices or closets than who gambled or smoked. And the effects were certainly not unappreciated, at least not by you. 
A big, powerful man, and all yours. Surely nothing would ever spoil this.
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