#tldr I think it would be really cool if more people stood up to Dream after so long of being out of his control
a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
Okay, but Houndoom can mega evolve. So now I think Vaggie should get a pokemon that can also mega evolve, as a treat.
Basically I just think Vaggie having an Absol would really fit her. Not sure what second pokemon Charlie would have to even the numbers though.
No even numbers- Absol is THEIR shared custody pokemon child, started out as Charlie's ends up more firmly bonded to Vaggie but gods it took a while and
Ah. I've made this angsty with fluff somehow. and loooooong
tldr: AU where the absol is both the reason chaggie meet AND the forewarning of one of the worst days of their lives. It's also kinda the living representation of them and their dream of saving people who no one thinks can be saved, no matter how much ppl hate and put Chaggie down for it
Absol's disaster-sensing power horns and urge to warn ppl mean whenever a portal to hell opens up at least ONE of these usually flash-steps through while it's open. They end up gravitating to whatever lonely mountain-like places they can find in the rings of hell, BUT, each year they all try slipping in to Pride right before or during Extermination start so they can try warning the Sinner's there that something terrible is about to go down
Hellborn see them as guardians bc any hellborn still in Pride right before Extermination can catch an emergency ride out of there on any Absol who finds them-
buuuuuut Sinners, the ones the Absols are TRYING to help, hate them. The warning is useless since Sinners can't leave and they only ever see the mountain dwelling Absols in Pentagram city right before the worst day of anyone's lives start. Some Sinners take this anger out on the Absols if they can catch them- Lucifer's found the results a few times scattered along streets right before Extermination and every time he'd cry and rage and send what's left of the Absols to the Ars Goetia for burial somewhere nice while begging the Sins to guard the ways between the rings better so this doesn't happen. Some Absols still get through tho. Mainly the older and more experienced ones, wary ones who never tried helping directly and so never got grabbed and torn apart by furious, terrified Sinners
Charlie's always taken the hellborn view on Absols (cool protectors!) and loved seeing them in the city (so PRETTY and FLUFFY) even though she feels guilty about it, knowing what it means and how scared it makes her people in Pride (she's found the... remnants of some Absols too but... they came here to help, even though a city is a terrible place for them, and THAT'S what Chralie focuses on) (she does also try to shoo them out of Pride if she can though) (Sinners not letting her patch them up after surviving Extermination is bad enough, ending up bringing home a broken grey horn or scrap of bloody white fur on top of that...)
She gets it though. The whole thing is tragic but she gets why Sinners aren't happy seeing the Absols, she walks around seeing all the dead Sinners who maybe saw an Absol moments before getting killed and yeah, she gets it, if things were different... just another reason to figure out how to stop the Exterminations. Even if it means no more Absols have a reason to make the trip to Pride afterwards- she's rather never see another one again, no matter how beautiful they are or how seeing them come back year after year helps her grit her fangs and make her own trip onto hells streets too, picking up where they left off trying helping people.
Maybe she identifies with the Absols just a liiiiiiiiiittle bit and wishes one would stick around someday.
She was REALLY confused seeing one still in the city AFTER an extermination one year. Extra confused when it just stood there staring at her from the entrance of a random alleyway.
It looked old and grizzled, scarred horn and patches missing from it's fur probably from past attacks on it from Sinners, so it SHOULD have been really wary and run from her the moment Charlie got closer, but it didn't, it just stepped back (out of reach) and looked down into the alleyway and when Charlie looked too that's when SHE saw-
Charlie assumes Vaggie was on the point of dying or getting killed there in that alleyway and THAT'S why the Absol was hanging around. It's gone by the time Charlie comes back out supporting the injured Sinner dumpster lady, and Charlie doesn't think to mention it until a full year into knowing and living with Vaggie- not until the next extermination, when Charlie gets excited seeing the Absols (SHE OWES THEM SO MUCH NOW) (she has a FRIEND. and Vaggie is safe and healing and) (oh Charlie wishes she could meet that one scarred up Absol again and thank it)
Vaggie does NOT share Charlie's enthusiasm for the "disaster" pokemon
Which Charlie understands! Vaggie is a SINNER right? She says she saw an Absol right before her eye got cut out on Extermination day. It makes sense she wouldn't have good feelings for them! Charlie understands that!!!
Charlie has no idea. And Vaggie can't bring herself to explain
Exorcist usually never notice the Absols. Partly because most of the Absols are already out of Pride before Extermination starts, mostly bc the Exorcists are fully focused on gleefully exterminating as many Sinners as they can before time runs out, vying to top each other's kill counts and cut down the endless rising tide of hell to keep heaven safe for another year
But Vaggie noticed
Maybe she wouldn't if she was having more fun admiring her piles of dead, sinful souls, but she spent her time between kills looking for the next one and the next clean shot to take the Sinner out in one hit- Dragging things out was pointless and wasteful, it would just cut into her own kill count numbers and that's the only reason why she didn't main her prey first, she was just being Efficient- she felt like the damn Absols were always staring at her. Their white fur jumped out against the gory trash strewn dingy streets of hell and they didn't make sense next to all the city dwelling pokemon, the ones made or trash or feeding on electronic, ghost pokemon born from or haunting the Sinners in their afterlife, fighting types brought in as protection or to hunt other Sinners with, fire types that let an Exorcist know they were getting too close to residents of the rulers of hell and the threat of hellfire that settled around the Morningstars like mantling cloaks of danger and death- the odd normal urban pokemon, drawn to the most densely populated place in hell and a sign of the reason the Exorcist had to come down and soil their wings and blades here year after year
Vaggie had the time to spot the Absols and feel how WRONG it was seeing them there
The wrongness got even worse once she broke down and trying leaning about the pokemon back up in heaven- Because even though it's HEAVEN and every pokemon in creation can technically be found there, the Absols are RARE. Every time a portal to Earth opens up, a few of them slip through and escape to the mortal world. Why?
Finding out why made Vaggie's insides squirm. Absols sensed changes in the world around them- weather usually or earthquakes- and they didn't cause disasters but they felt compelled to WARN people of them, they left their mountain homes (or even the eternal perfection of heaven) to go where people were in danger (like Earth) and tried to give everyone there a chance to RUN, to escape, to save themselves
and what did it mean, then, that Vaggie was seeing them down in hell during Extermination?
Wiping out terrible evil souls wasn't... it wasn't the same thing as a storm or an earthquake or tsunami or flood. What Exorcists did was GOOD and RIGHT and JUST, they were protecting the souls up in heaven, they weren't, causing a disaster
The souls down in hell didn't count as people anymore. They didn't deserve mercy or a chance to save themselves from that one final death. So wHY were the Absols down there. Why were they watching her kill-
Vaggie does see an Absol right before her eye is cut out, but more honestly, she sees it right before she almost kills a crying cannibal child
She blames the damn scarred up Absol for that for a while. Her losing her eye and her wings and her halo and her spot up in heaven is all because that one stupid pokemon unsettled her and set her up to lose her nerve and everything else
If that's true tho, then it's also why she ended up meeting Charlie, and...
The Absol shows up again the day Vaggie decides to stay with Charlie for good, they day they really start planning the hotel together, the day so many things finally get set in motion and a little shiver runs through the crooked, off kilter foundations of creation
Charlie doesn't know she's got an Exorcist at her side, working to stop the Exterminations what used to be Vaggie's whole reason for being
All Charlie knows is that the scarred Absol who shows up looks SO much like Vaggie it makes Charlie SQUEAK while taking pictures, and the Absol doesn't run when she inches in closer (Vaggie talking her through it from a distance, just barely keeping Charlie's urge to rush in and hug the pokemon in check) (Vaggie who's helping her get close to the Absol even tho Vaggie still doesn't like them) (Vaggie, who Charlie's already had practice learning how to be patient and careful for, scarred up Vaggie who won't go into details about what she's been through but never stops showing just how much happier she is now with Charlie)
For the first time in her long long life Charlie gets to reach out and TOUCH an Absol. Carefully. Veeery slowly. The poor thing has clearly been through a lot but it looks at Charlie and holds still and Charlie tears up staring at this creature who's never stopped trying to help Charlie's people, no matter how much they hated it or hurt it
She gives the Absol a hug, and it's just as much for herself as for the Absol who stands there and let's her give it
When the Absol nuzzles Charlie's teary face Vaggie knows she's doomed. It's over. That damn pokemon who haunts her nightmares is gonna get led into Charlie's home and Charlie's life just like Vaggie was and Vaggie's gonna help with every step- from a DISTANCE- because anything that makes Charlie smile like that is worth every inch of pain it brings along the way
and okay yeah, maybe having an Absol around is soothing and satisfying to a woman like Vaggie who's always on the look out for problems BEFORE they happen and likes getting a heads up instead of blissfully running along until the problems smack them in the face (re: Charlie)
and alright FINE Vaggie and the stupid Absol DO look kinda alike now her hair is growing out, and Charlie getting an eyepatch matching Vaggie's for the Absol's also scarred and missing left eye is KINDA cute
and yes sure the Absol joins Vaggie on patrols of Charlie's home and then the hotel and is pretty much always sitting at her feet and Sinners shy away from her partly bc of it which she doesn't mind at all and she SHOULD bc Charlie sweetie this is the WORST pokemon to have hanging around if we're trying to get Sinners to come stay at the hotel the Absol makes it look like the hotel thing is DOOMED doesn't that bother you doesn't it ever both you having something (someone) around who keeps reminding you of how things will probably go bad (Vaggie at least tries to find ways to counter it but she has to say the bad out loud first) doesn't that wear you down or annoy you wouldn't this be easier without (Vaggie) a disaster pokemon looming over everything-
Whenever Vaggie brings these points up tho, Charlie just clings to her Absol and gets watery eyed and says it's NOT the Absol's FAULT if ppl don't understand it's way of trying to help them!! Pointing out disasters before they happen isn't the same as causing them!!!!
And Vaggie sighs (in relief) and reluctantly agrees (she's trying so hard the only way she can right now maybe that's good enough for now) and when the Absol sits next to her on the crows nest keeping watch over the hotel that night (keeping a watchful wary eye on heaven's light) maybe Vaggie reaches down to give the Absol some head and neck scratches and rub the old scars in a way Vaggie knows (from personal experience) helps them relax and feel a bit better for a while
They don't figure out WHY the Absol came to stay with them in the first place until years later.
They come back from that disaster meeting up in heaven and find out everyone at the hotel ALREADY knows something bad is coming, they've known since the moment Chaggie's Absol threw back it's head and started to mournfully sing, a sound even worse than the howling of Charlie's usually cheerful Houndoom who ends up shivering in a corner huddled under the protective tiny wings of its Pidove protector who keeps looking around frantically for The Danger and pecking frantically at everything else it can reach
(the hazbins know it's BAd when Charlie's Houndoom won't respond to Razzle and Dazzle smothering it with loving pets and Vaggie's Pidove ignores Razzle and Dazzle's desperately offered donut treats)
....in the rush to fortify the hotel and prepare for battle with heaven... with Vaggie busy doing weapon drills and Charlie beating hopeful songs of not dying into everyone's heads all hours of the day... no one notices the Absol follow Pentious and the Egg Bois around
(not until After, anyway)
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I've been struggling to really describe how different this recent lore feels to me, and I think it's coming down to this concept of change and growth.
People keep saying the season's theme is legacy, and I agree. Given Quackity's lore stream that's basically a given. But I think this growth concept is gonna be just as important.
Think about it from Tommy’s pov. Ever since day 1, since the Disc War started, Tommy has spent most of his time on the server just losing things he cares about. Whether it was a cow he named Henry, his house, the country he built with his friends, his closest friend, his sanity, or even his own, last life. He just kept losing. And losing. And losing.
That’s what Dream intended. Tommy, as we’ve learned, was a thorn in Dream’s side beyond just being “annoying at first”. He constantly tried to stand up to him, to refuse his control even with the knowledge that he was the server owner.
Dream tried to get rid of him in Exile and the little shit managed to escape and hide in the house of someone he considered a friendly acquaintance. Dream tried to take control of him at the end of the Final Disc War, but Tommy planned ahead, paid Punz more for his and the rest of the server’s assistance, and instead, Dream ended up locked away in the prison he designed.
It’s no wonder Dream’s obsessed with him. Tommy just doesn’t back down. He’s stubborn. Even when he got locked in prison with Dream on accident, when he was beaten to death and then forcefully revived, so traumatized he couldn’t stand taking damage from anything, he didn’t back down. He worked on his paranoia, forced himself to confront his own fears with the goal of finally killing Dream.
Tommy doesn’t give up. He just doesn’t know how to. It felt like the whole server was against him at one point and Tommy still didn’t give up. He couldn’t afford to.
And I think, over the months that Dream’s been locked up, some of that attitude’s kinda started to rub off on people.
With Dream out of control, there’s been no overarching threat of complete loss. Have people lost things? Yes, of course they have. But I think what’s changed is that people have had time to actually grow and rebuild, because there was no villain looming in the background, twisting strings in different directions to orchestrate chaos for his own entertainment. And while things haven’t been all sunshine and rainbows, because that’s not how things work, there's been a clear shift.
Nearly a year of changes have happened without Dream’s knowledge. Nearly a year of growth has happened on the smp that Dream had very little to no part in. And I think that's caused the resurfacing of something we haven't seen in ages: hope. Real hope. Hope for change, hope for the future, just...hope. Hoping even when things are going to absolute shit.
So it's no wonder that when Dream broke out, when he went after Tommy, people didn't just blame the kid for everything again. They've had time to reflect now, they've had time to think and change. The only one who isn't aware of all these changes is the one who would have done anything to prevent them from happening.
And if Quackity and Phil’s treatment of Tommy, as well as Techno and Sapnap’s treatment of Dream is anything to go by, then well-
I personally think these changes are gonna be a very rude awakening to him.
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Survey #188
“don’t you try to hide with those angel eyes.”
Would you rather take a walk in the cold rain, or in the blistering heat? Ha, the rain, any day. What is your favorite card game? Magic: The Gathering. If it were revealed that religion in its entirety did not actually exist, would your outlook on life be any different? No. If you had the chance to slip through a portal, despite being aware of any of effects and/or consequences, would you do it? No. Which parent was more strict when you were growing up? Mom. Worst facial hair, in your opinion: The pedo mustache. You know the one I'm talking about. Have you ever eaten dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets? Yes, I like, demanded we get those instead of regular as a kid lol. McDonalds, do you like it or does it disgust you? I honestly don't see why people hate it?? Do you like the state you live in? No. Did you ever own a Tamagotchi? I believe so. What do you hope you grow out of? The laziness I have with chores oops. What is the healthiest and unhealthiest thing you do on a regular basis? Healthiest, drink at least one bottle of water... even though I know that's nowhere near where I'm supposed to be lmao. Unhealthiest, drink soda. What is the most embarrassing thing you own? Ummmm idk. What is the strangest habit you have? I have to go use the bathroom literally right before I lay down for bed. Doesn't matter if I did ten minutes ago, I /have/ to go again because if I feel even a damn drop in my bladder, I can't sleep. What movie made you cry the most? The Notebook, probably. Titanic really got me, too. What was one of the happiest moments of your childhood? Getting my dog. What’s your favorite vacation memory from when you were a child? Watching the fireworks above the castle at Disney World. What impression do you try to give when you first meet someone? I try to be very polite. Who or what inspires you to be a better person? Mark. What’s the TLDR description of your last relationship? I didn't like him like that. If you found out your current life has been just a dream, would you choose to wake up? (You don’t know if your real life would be better or worse.) No. Well... do I ever wake up? If I was going to at some point, then I would, as I'd just be hurting myself by living in a word I would only leave. What dumb thing did you believe for a really long time? I'm not even remotely kidding, I didn't put together what "PMS" stood for and thought it was about mood swings 'n shit *during* your period until a few months ago. Where would you like to retire? I'm not thinking of that yet. What brings you the most joy in life? Talking/being with Sara. How many windows are on the upstairs part of your house? We don't have an upstairs. Do you own many hats? I have a Carolina Hurricanes one somewhere from going to a game with Dad, maybe two actually, but idr where they are or if I even still have them. When was the last time you were kept off school/work etc because of snow? I haven't been in school in a long time and I'm unemployed. Have you ever taken an underwater picture? No. Ever been on a ride and hated every second? Not seriously. I went on one I was terrified of (one of those circles that goes waaay up and then abruptly drops you) just to step out of my comfort zone, but I didn't hate it. Scared tho. What were an average day’s tasks at your favorite job you’ve had so far? I most certainly don't have a favorite. Does your car have a backup camera? I don't have my own car, but Mom's doesn't. Are you working on any goals? Yeah, not going well. :') Do you enjoy reading? Not particularly... I kinda just stopped enjoying it, but I also associate it with the hospital because that and coloring was all I ever did. The only thing I really *enjoy* reading is our RP because I'm so deeply invested in our characters, but even then, I procrastinate reading long posts. I'm genuinely trying to start reading again, though... I used to adore it. Are you interested in politics? No, though I should care. Did/Do you enjoy high school? Not usually 'cuz I was a depressed shit. Have you ever watched The Golden Girls? YES Ma and I love that shit. Did you ever like the Ninja Turtles? No. Ever been in a meaningless relationship? Tyler, yes. Does anything on your body hurt right now? Not at this very instant. Know anyone on birth control? Most girls I know + myself. Would you go swimming right now if you could? Yeah, that'd be nice. How long was your longest relationship? Over 3 1/2 years. What are you looking forward to in the next 3 months? My birthday. Have you ever gone frog hunting? No. Who’s the last person to seriously hurt you? Mom. Do you like getting dirty? NO. Are you a very flirty person? No. Who was your favorite babysitter? "Uncle" Donny. Do you swear? I think I make that pretty obvious. Are you gullible? Not usually. What is the last dream you remember? (describe) A nightmare with Dad that I don't really remember the details of. What is something that you fear will happen to you in the future? (Also why) I'll develop Alzheimer's. "Why" is obvious. Thankfully, it doesn't run in my family at all. Describe the best day that you can remember? First day at Sara's. Describe your worst day? The night of the breakup. What are some of your favorite songs right now? The SYN remix of Slipknot's "Psychosocial," "Incense and Iron" by Powerwolf, the "Closer" cover by Asking Alexandria, "Sex Metal Barbie" by In This Moment... I really have a lot rn. Do you ever have reoccurring nightmares? Describe? I've had four nightmares with my dad, all with horrible themes. I guess you could call that "reoccurring." Name a fictional place you would like to go? Take. Me. To. Azeroth bitch. Stormheim in specific, or Feralas. What criminal (dead or alive) would you like to sit down and talk to and why? None. If you read books, what are you reading now? I'm very, very slowly reading The Fault in Our Stars. Do you think that forgiveness is mandatory to move on from something? No. I still don't know if I forgive Jason, yet I'm over it. Do you believe in the death penalty? In extreme cases, yup. Some people have no right to life following some crimes. What is something you want to do but are scared of actually doing it? Ride a rollercoaster. Name three things you would buy if you had the money to buy them? A PS4, drawing tablet, another tat. Are you in a relationship right now? If so, do you think it’s a healthy one? Definitely! (Follow up) If it’s unhealthy, what makes it that way? N/A Would you ever date someone long distance? I am now. Name a person that you can’t stand and tell us why? My former best friend for a plethora of reasons. What group do you hate the most on Tumblr and why? SJWs. I'll stay away from "why" because I have extremely strong feelings and don't wanna offend anyone. What is the meanest thing you have ever done to someone, and why? Messaged Jason before leaving for the ER, directly blaming him. I mean the cause was what he did, but like... you don't fucking contact someone telling them "hey I'm off to the ER because I'm suicidal because of you." I don't care what I feel about him now, that was fucked up. Have you ever sent anon hate to someone? Nope. If you could write a book, what would it be about? I actually think it'd be pretty cool to create some sorta novel series involving all the RP stories, like divide the books into each mob's story... If you could make one rule that everyone had to follow, what would it be? Don't exhibit violence. If you could star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be? ONE W/ TIM BURTON. In your opinion what is something horrible everyone should try once? ?????????????????????????????? What is the hardest lesson that you have ever learned? Someone can fall out of love with you. What mistake do you keep making over and over again? Jumping to conclusions. If you could have a video of one event in your life, what would the video be? The moment Sara and I met. What is the most illegal thing you have ever done? Pirated a computer game I desperately wanted to play afsjjwoeuqowe I'm glad I don't have it anymore, that guilt. People in the past were buried with things that were important to them, what would you be buried with? The pebble from Holly Hill. What is something you are against, but find yourself doing anyway? Being sarcastic as hell when I'm mad. What was the last photo that you took? A leaf, I think. What are your favorite lyrics from a song? Probably "a bloody war behind my eyes; I'll come all right on the other side." Have you ever hit someone? Who and why? Nicole when we were little for making me mad over something I don't remember. What do you think they should teach in school that they don’t? Basic adult skills. What’s your favorite language? German. It sounds so powerful to me, especially in metal ajsfoawoejaw. What’s the most vivid dream you’ve ever had? I don't remember. Who’s your favorite celebrity? Korean Jesus. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Rebel's Market rip. Have you ever been in a beauty pageant? No, far from on my to-do list. I don't support them in the very least. How many tattoos do you have? Six. If you don't have any, have you ever thought of getting one? N/A When's the last time you ate a homegrown tomato? Like, '16 on a sandwich. Are you a good cook? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Do you know how to pump your own gas? No. What do you think about the most? The future. What do you do most when you are bored? Watch YouTube. Which came first: the chicken or the egg? Chicken. What kind of books do you like to read? Fantasy. How far away from your birthplace do you live now? Like, <10 minutes. Ever been stung by a jelly fish? No. Could you cope with the paparazzi if you were famous? FUCK NO SOMEONE WOULD GET KNOCKED OUT. Do you wear foundation? Veeeeery rarely. Would you ever adopt? If I actually wanted kids, sure. Are you sexually active? No. Last person you sang happy birthday to? Sara. <3 Was the last jacket you wore yours? No. Last thing you won? Uhhhh good question. What level of brightness do you usually keep your phone at? A bit above the middle. Have you ever attended a religious or private school? Well, I went to Sunday school. How many cars does your household own? One. What's your favorite meat? Ummmm pork or chicken. What's the best amusement park you've ever visited? Well, Disney World. How old were you when you got your first car? I still don't have one lol. Do you know anyone who's gotten pregnant over the age of 40? I don't think so? Who does most of the grocery shopping in your home? Mom. Are you listening to music right now? If so, what's the theme of the lyrics? "Adrenalize" by In This Moment. Sex, like it seems most of their songs are about lmao. What movie/game/etc. helps you calm down? Shadow of the Colossus. What does your room smell like? Dog, probably. Do you like to organize? Not particularly. What song is your aesthetic? "She" by Dodie is so Soft and Good. Do you believe in auras? Maybe? Idk. What do you wish you hated, but actually like? Blood On The Dance Floor. I've never really looked into the concrete facts, but I know supposedly they've been sexually involved with those underage. I like a good number of their songs, though. Is there someone you have mixed feelings towards? I'm sure there's someone. Do you prefer space or the ocean? Spaaaaace. What form of government do you like the most? (capitalism, socialism, etc.) Honestly? I don't know actually what they are and I don't care enough to research. What do you think our purpose is in the universe? Hell if I know. Is there a song you can’t handle listening to, even though you like it? "Stairway to Heaven." What ex do you miss the most, if you have one? I most miss who Jason was, not who he became at all. But it doesn't matter, I have someone way more important now. What is your favorite thing to learn about? Meerkats. What country’s history do you find the most interesting? Idk. What breakup was the hardest, if you had one? lol y'all know Do you have someone where you can’t decide if you like them romantically or just as a friend? Not anymore. Do you have any strange interests? RP. What is a topic you are uncomfortable with discussing with most people? Sex. What is something you dislike about the dating world? People don't seem to take love seriously. What gives you confidence? Feeling knowledgeable on the subject. Have you ever dated someone with very different sexual tastes than you? No. Well, not that I know of. I've only been sexual with one. Have you ever said anything you regretted while drunk? No. Has anyone ever been extremely jealous of you? Do you know why? Idk. What was the angriest your parents ever were at you? Dad, idk. Mom, probably when I said "fuck you." That was a night. Or when she tried to kick me out of the car for some argument I can't remember. What was the longest you stayed in your own home for? Weeks, I'm sure. Right now, what is your number one desire? Get a job. Do you feel as though someone ‘won’ in your last break up? No. Whatever happened to the first person you ever loved? I haven't spoke a word to him in almost two years, idk and idc really. Are you currently healthy? In some ways, but no in most. What is something most people are turned on by but you’re not? Extremely muscular men, like wrestlers. Has anyone in your life changed drastically (for better or worse) since you met them? How? Not that I can think of. What song reminds you of good times from high school? "All Signs Point to Lauderdale" by AD2R ironically lmao. Have you ever inherited something? What and from who? No. Who is the last baby that you held? Keegan. Do you know of any twins with rhyming names? No. Last time you saw fireworks? Long time ago. Do you have a black dog? Teddy has some black on him. Do you have a top price where ethics and morality are no longer an issue? No. Well, I guess it depends. What is the greatest physical challenge that you have accomplished? Losing ~60 lbs. Have you ever played naked Twister? No. If tattoos didn't hurt and you could get anything, what would it be? The #1 tat I want is dA's NukeRooster's painting "Denialism" (I got her permission), but I'm going to have to go to an extreme professional, and it's gonna be priiiiiiiceeeeeeey. Have you ever been ghosted before? No. Did you ever get caught watching porn? No, because I've never watched it. Were you ever the bully? No. What's the worst prank someone has ever done to you? Idk.
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