#cupcake analyses things
moonywiitch · 4 months
Pick a pile 🤍
💕 By analysing the pictures only
( pls let me know if it resonated as this is my first time 💗) ( please take this with a grain of salt ) 💋 xoxo
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Pile 1 ❤️-
They both are looking at the sunset 🌇It appears like it's the ending of something ( not the relationship necessarily) but something is ending and also they are looking relaxed also I think there is some foot fetish there 👀 like the masculine wants to touch her feet 🐾, I'm getting really soft love vibes 💘 and it feels like the masculine is a secretive person or is just not good at showing emotions and the feminine have this airy energy to her , also I'm seeing a heart in the cloudes with orange 🧡 and yellow 💛 shades it feels like a love which beautiful , which makes you feel alive, it is strong like really strong with a lot of comfort in it like you have gone through a lot of things together!
Pile 2 -
They both look so much at comfort with each other , the guy have a playful childlike energy and the girl is also like that but more mature and they have a playful energy but they are mature in love ❤️, the guy is cunning though , also I feel like they are not very rich but happy , I'm getting gloomy vibes too lol , like you want to cherish each other forever ♾️, I'm getting a very mutual energy it's really sweet 🧁 I'm getting teary now !
Pile 3-
The first thing I saw was the light between their chests like the love is glowing inside them 💛🌸 aww it's beautiful, they are looking at each other with disbelief and so many questions in their head about the whole situation , I'm also getting how on earth I found you like they had lost all the hopes for love ❤️ the masculine gives sweet , 🧁 cupcake vibes and the girl appears to be a baddie to me , she's also stylish even the guy is ,also I feel like the guy wants to say something but the words are stucked in his Adam's apple like he's not being able to say anything , the girl wants to kiss him also he's looking at her very passionately , also there's so much pink energy that it feels like a new spark !
Please read this pretty💗💗 !!
( it is my first time 💗 doing a reading so please don't take this seriously at all , i just did this for fun and I wrote whatever came to my mind by seeing these pictures so that's that , but if it resonated please 🥺 let me know!)
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Our Guest Chapter 1
Vampire!Sun, Vampire!Moon, Vampire!Eclipse x Hunter Reader
(You arrive at a sinister and luxurious castle with the innocent intention of checking why its mysterious residents haven't been paying any taxes or utilities for the past several centuries. Very useful excuse for a vampire hunter to have when trying to do some good old infiltrating. The three vampire lords however, fully intend to capture and seduce you, but that is a bit difficult when you keep asking them about their financial books. Will they be able to make you theirs? Are they onto your little schemes and playing along? Will you finally get that plate of cupcakes? We'll find out)
“There is a beautiful and delicious darling waiting at our castle door, brothers.“
“This is practical, normally we have to go out and hunt for one of those. Apparently the whole process switched to free postal service.“
“I can taste the tantalizing sweetness in their veins even from here. All shall envy our fortune, no other lord of the night will ever have access to such nectar.“
Three vampiric aristocrats were huddling together behind the velvet curtains, trying to get a discreet peek at the unexpected visitor that had rung the castle doorbell, disturbing their nocturnal activities. The boys had been on their best behaviour. Trust them.
Prior to this, Marquis Moon had been composing a new sonata, writing notes in expert penmanship before playing the piece beautifully, but no beloved was there to hear it. Viscount Sun had just been in the middle of painting a new masterpiece, creating wonders with each stroke of his brush, but he had found himself in need of a model to pose for him.
Grand Duke Eclipse's craftsmanship was unmatched when it came to jewellery, his combinations and designs of precious stones and metals resembling physical manifestations of poetry, yet no beauty had been available to wear them, no delicate fingers to offer home for his rings nor lovely neck he could adorn with gold and rubies.
How convenient of you to come and solve their problems, dear Y/N!
You stood at the door, umbrella in hand, calm, smiling, without a care in the world. Possibly wondering why it was taking so long for someone to come to the door. Truth be told, it was a pretty big castle, maybe the residents just needed time to get from one side to the other, you never know.
The three brothers eyed you through the window with hunger, lust and curiosity. It was quite cold outside and your cheeks were red. You were doe-eyed, delectable, theirs for the taking.
Moon's preternatural senses were sharper than those of his brothers, capable of detecting even the smallest of details when it came to analysing a living creature, perfectly appropriate skills for a hunter of his calibre. He could hear the stable rhythm of your heart, memorising it as if it were a beat of a musical piece, something he should use in composing. He could make a whole symphony with your heartbeat as inspiration for tempo, the flow of your sweet blood serving as inspiration for the flow of his music.
Moon spoke, his voice almost a raspy whisper:
“Most unusual, not a single trace of fear in them. Posture almost immaculate, joy and confidence in their bearing, almost as if they just entered an amusement park. Shall we give them a little scare? The steady cadence of their heart could use some excitement, every calm melody needs a good crescendo from time to time.“
Viscount Sun huffed, disagreeing:
“Fear adds such a bitter taste and ruins both the palate and the palette. Various emotions change the chemical components of the nectar of life, different combinations create different flavours, similarly how different colours form various new shades on the canvas. Just look what a soft little thing they are. Such a delicate disposition, definitely not made for this type of weather nor your sadistic chasing games, Moonie.“
“Do not spoil my fun, Sunny.“
“Why chase when you can entice?“
“That is a very interesting way of admitting that you are tragically bad at tracking prey.“
“If only you were as good at throwing compliments as you were with throwing insults, you wouldn't have to chase anyone in the first place.“
Eclipse held up a red beryl gem and gazed at it, as if silently asking a question. A green mist appeared within, whispering to him in a language only he could understand. He listened intently, maroon circles appearing in his golden eyes for a swift moment, before disappearing. All in due time.
Sun and Moon were still having their little argument and he decided it was time to put an end to it:
“Enough, we cannot keep them waiting out there forever. They will freeze before any of you gets a chance to do anything at all. We should warm them up.“
As you were waiting for someone to finally deign to answer the door, you took your time to admire the castle's exterior. You were very fond of such aesthetic and your inner scholar felt like a cat that had fallen into a whole basket of catnip.
Even in the dark of the night and heavy rain, it was fairly easy to discern that it was a place of splendour, its design a combination of Renaissance and Gothic architecture. There was a wide variety of turrets and towers, marvellous rose windows, loggias and galleries, facade ornaments containing statues of figures from Classical antiquity.
Nevertheless, Beauty always had an interesting tendency of holding hands with the Grotesque. Therefore, something lugubrious reigned in the air, a perpetual feeling of gloom, as if there were an echo of forgotten funeral bells, suspended between reality and imagination. Life and Death, Luxury and Decay, all of it intertwined in a shameless orgy of contradictory concepts.
October rain was a perfect proverbial cherry on top. Honestly, there was no better time of the year to make a little detour at such a place. It just didn't hit the same if one were to visit a sinister chateau in June.
The season of Autumn had arrived like an old friend, having just gotten out of its elegant carriage, clad in russet cloaks and vermillion capes, bringing gifts, ripe grapes and apples, calling for harvest and summoning everyone to bask in the final rays of golden sunlight before stern Winter shrouds the land with snow.
However, your particular journey had a few setbacks, forcing you to use all of your negotiation skills to get a local taxi driver to get you to the desired address.
The aforementioned driver was currently sitting in the parked car, keeping the engine running, waiting for your further instructions. He was looking at the building's imposing structure with an expression of visceral fear and the only thing holding him from simply driving away was the suspiciously large amount of cash you had given him to bring you there in the first place.
How lovely, all of our main characters were so trustworthy.
Other than your sudden presence, all had seemed to be perfectly peaceful in our dear castle, not a creature stirred. The bats were napping, the owls nesting, the spiders were wondering whether they should protect their web designs in the central intellectual property system. All was calm. Well, a few poor fellows in the dungeons may not have been having the best time of their lives, but you can't make everyone happy.
You had gotten yourself well-acquainted with the names and ranks of your targets. Pardon, “auditees“. Although, considering the nature of your visit, both terms could equally apply, the revenue and audit business was a cruel one. You had done extensive reading on the subject of their suspicious “economic activities“, along with all the macabre phenomena that had been connected to them. You should be feeling some sort of anxiety over the whole task, but honestly, you were rather giddy. You loved a challenge. What a wonderful way to spend the spooky season.
The heavy door opened in front of you. You looked upwards at the looming shadowy figure, a pair of golden eyes glowing in the penumbra, a deep husky voice greeting you:
“Do my eyes deceive me? A bright morning star is visiting us, is it dawn already? Welcome, welcome, bringer of light.“
“Good evening, sir. Please accept my sincere apologies for disturbing your household so late. You are the Grand Duke, I presume?“
“What a polite little thing you are. Indeed, you presume correctly. Now, why are you here in the middle of nowhere at such an ungodly hour? Lost your way?“
The vampire lord was looking at you as if you were the last scrumptious morsel on that side of the known universe, which could be interpreted as both flattering and unnerving.
Before you could answer, you noticed that two additional figures appeared at his side, a gaze of menacing crimson and one of ardent blue. You spoke, tone chirpy and cheerful:
“The Marquis and the Viscount! What an honour, I only heard the best about your artistic talents.“
“Oh, did you come all the way here for an autograph, dearest? Or perhaps a private performance?“
You smiled at them, tilting your head like a kitten that was trying to charm its owner into getting treats.
“May I come in? I will make it quick, I promise.“
The three of them gave each other a look, grinning as if thoroughly amused.
“Interesting, usually we are the ones asking such a question. Come in, come in! Do tell us, are you a tourist? We love tourists that desperately need assistance with directions. Adore them, very much so.“
“You love to help them?“
“Hm? Ah, yes, yes. Definitely love to help them.“
“Actually, I have been sent by the Revenue and Audit Bureau, I am here on official business. The usual, suspected tax fraud, unpaid utilities and so on. “
They definitely didn't expect that. Oh, no, no. Confusion reigned for a solid minute, before you casually presented your very legitimate credentials, letting them read. Sun was the first to break the silence with a slightly hysterical laugh. He reached to give you a little pat on the head.
“Are you now, my pretty? We still love making new friends, even when they come from financial institutions!“
“The taxi is waiting for me with my baggage still, so I won't take long and will just ask you a few preliminary questions. This visit was really just intended for me to announce that I would be conducting this procedure in the following days. I will be making a few additional visits during the week just for the sake of the inspection, then I shall be on my merry way with the report.“
“Nonsense! We cannot let you go back on the road in this weather. Besides, the local hotel is more terrifying than a graveyard at the witching hour. Do stay with us, we have plenty of comfortable chambers, we cannot let you fly away like a little comet in the night.“
“Oh, you are very generous, but that won't be necessary. Business aside, it is still a great pleasure to make your acquiantance.“
You extended your hand to them, expecting a firm and professional handshake. What could possibly go wrong there?
Your eyes widened when the Grand Duke took your hand and kissed it, taking his sweet time. By the time he released it, your cheeks must have gone through several shades of red.
“The pleasure is all ours, morning star.“
As if that wasn't enough to make your heart skip a beat or ten, the Viscount and Marquis joined the fun, as well, each of them placing little kisses on your knuckles.
Alright, apparently neither side would be playing a fair game.
They knew exactly what they were doing. Their gestures and ministrations provided an excellent distraction, making you drop your mental defenses for a few precious seconds, enough for them to work their spell on you as you began to lose yourself in their eyes.
Several firm rules existed when it came to dealing with vampires and you just messed up the most crucial one: do not let yourself be mesmerized.
And yet.
Combine that with your natural curiosity and desire for knowledge, and there you have it, a freshly baked disaster, straight out of the oven.
Suppressing your fascination with the three of them had suddenly become a very difficult task. You had never seen such facial structures nor anatomy before. True, you had seen your fair share of weird things in your short little life, but you were still very much taken aback.
The three aristocrats possessed celestial features reminiscent of their heavenly namesakes, a perfect union of Beauty and the Grotesque, allowing such an appearance to be more alluring than simply awe-inspiring. The brothers were preternaturally handsome, of impressive height, wolfish grins always present, everything about them was perfectly tailored to entrap both willing and unwilling victims.
Sun's canines were discreet but still very sharp, appropriate for someone whose primary role was to lure and enchant. Moon's were far more prominent and intimidating, the rest of his teeth possessing a similar razor edge, fit for a predator meant to deliver efficient results. Eclipse's were the sharpest and most lethal, establishing his status of being the most formidable and terrifying member of the group.
Rich scents were lingering in the air around them, amber, vanilla, cardamom, rose oil, lovely, oh, so lovely.
It took you a solid several seconds to register the fact that you still had to use your words to speak, but the glow of their eyes was so magnificent, magnetic, such ethereal beauty, entire worlds were present in them, promising pleasures untold.
It was as if the concept of time had suddenly been shattered like a fairy tale mirror, seconds became centuries. How long had you been silent and simply standing there in pure adoration?
And yet, a certain part of you suddenly awakened, grasping the rest of your soul by the hand and pulling it out of the mindless haze, showing that it had power strong enough to escape the tendrils of darkness. You had a task, after all. Let's remain professional.
Unbeknownst to you, the brothers were somewhat shocked with your ability to get your mind back on track, even after direct exposure to the hypnotic power of all three of them. True, they had only been using a low level of their mind control magic, but it was still impressive, considering that most humans would simply choose to remain in the comforting embrace of oblivion. Why on earth would anyone choose to return to the cold fields of reality?
During all of that, your grip had slackened on the umbrella's handle and a suspiciously strong wind current blew it away right out of your hand before you even had time to realize what is going on, leaving you unprotected from the pouring rain.
By the time you had finally returned to your senses, you were partially soaked from the deluge and the wind was really not doing you any favours. You made a cute sneeze, followed by another.
“Pardon me. Now, as I was saying-“
Another adorable sneeze. You honestly hoped that this wouldn't make your reputation suffer one day.
Eclipse casually commented, smirking:
“You won't be able to last the drive to the hotel like that. Unless you are prepared to deal with potential pneumonia.“
Before you could protest, Sun eagerly trapped both your hands in his grasp, giving them a little squeeze and massaging them as if trying to warm you up. He didn't let go even when you tried to pull away.
“Goodness, darling comet, your hands are so cold. You will catch your death out there, we must insist that you stay here with us for the whole week. It is very cozy and comfy inside, we can build you a whole nest of blankets after a nice hot bath. Moonie, go get their things and give the good driver some extra compensation, will you?“
You blinked as Moon passed by with a speed that was certainly not normal by any means. You could have sworn that you felt the most tender of caresses along your cheek, a motion so swift that your eyes could barely catch it, but your nerves certainly did. It was difficult to supress a shudder.
Enthusiastic and almost mad with glee, Moon got all of your things from the car, hastily throwing a bag full of jewels in the taxi driver's face as additional payment, ignoring the man's muffled yelp, before dashing right back at the door, carrying your baggage as if it weighed nothing.
A few moments later the only thing that was heard was the rain falling and the sound of the car tires shrieking as it drove off, leaving you alone with your eager and enamoured hosts.
You made a little squeak of surprise as you were suddenly pulled inside, the door closing and making a dramatic echo in the stormy night.
A few words were in order regarding the noble residence. The whole castle served both as a comfortable home and as a convenient trap for newcomers. It was true that the classical process of hunting provided a wonderful thrill, a tingle so exquisite that nothing could compare. Chasing and tracking chosen prey, what a delight, sensing the beating heart, the warmth of blood, bliss beyond description. However, there were times when it seemed appropriate to play a more elegant game, inviting and letting the victims enter the web willingly.
Therefore, our handsome vampire lords had a habit of organizing ostentatious dance parties, having a very strict dress code where all the guests had to dress in accordance with the fashion of the late 18th century. A grand feast would be prepared, fireworks, concerts, luxuries that would place kings to shame, a decadent display of wealth and desire. The celestial vampires would then proceed to charm and seduce their victims, one by one, all of them giving themselves, mind, body and soul.
If all went well, and usually it did, the experience could be pleasurable for all those involved. One drinking from the neck, the other two relishing the sweetness on the pulsating wrist arteries. If things were a bit more amorous, all of them would nibble and drink the precious blood from the inner thigh area.
Sharing was caring, after all.
There was something beautifully intimate about the whole process. Drinking life. Hungry licks and bites, gestures of both a lover and a murderer. For an enemy, tearing out the heart and drinking from the source seemed like a worthy way of evening an old score, but for allies it would always be a pleasant little bite and a quick drink, leaving the victim alive and well.
They harboured a heightened appreciation of the human body. Flesh was aesthetically pleasing, beautiful, pulsing with life, warmth, all those wonderful things that were ready to be stolen. Blood illuminated by moonlight, blood illuminated by early rays of dawn. Art, it was pure art.
Furthermore, the brothers had additional powers conveniently associated with their artistic skills. Temporary enthrallment was a wonderful tool, but they created their own ways of ensuring a more permanent bond with those they allowed to live, assuring that no matter where they run, they could always be called upon and summoned like obedient pets.
Sun would sometimes use some of the precious blood as an additional pigment ingredient for his paintings, no different from Moon at times combining it with ink to write musical notes as he composed. It served as a type entrapment of the person's mind, having a part of them forever bound to them, their soul captured in their art, their music.
If Moon were to play a piece written with the blood of one person, they would immediately succumb to the pull, making haste to heed their master's call no matter what. Similarly, if Sun were to paint with that specific colour containing the blood pigment, he could make the person do whatever the picture was showing in that current moment.
Eclipse's ability was the most potent, he was capable of trapping the entire soul of a person in jewels, ensuring absolute control over their mind and heart whenever he wished. In death they would remain his prisoners, their spirits and energy his to use as he pleased.
Such magic was terrifying even in the world of vampires and therefore a majority of them had acknowledged the celestial brothers as royalty among immortals.
Now, let us return to your fun little predicament with those very sane individuals that certainly only had your best interests at heart.
Moon made haste to bolt the doors as soon as you were inside, of course. Sun's giggle was slightly maniacal as he winked at you.
“Security reasons, my pretty. You never know what beasts are lurking out there, dangerous times we live in.“
You pouted, removing your soaked coat and trying to get your hair to somewhat dry by combing your fingers through it.
“Oh, yes, that is quite true that one can never be too careful, my dear sir. In fact, I think I saw a few life insurance agents on my way here. Truly frightening creatures, the lot of them, wouldn't recommend meeting them in a dark alley under any circumstance whatsoever.“
Moon's voice was close once more, it seemed almost as if he moved as swiftly as a shadow, one could miss him within a single blink.
“There could be some other monsters wandering around, shining comet.“
“Such as?“
“Do you happen to know which creature of the Night feeds on the essence of the living, stalking and doing all it can to attract prey?“
“The HR department?“
Ignoring his confusion, your focus shifted to the grandeur of the interior. They weren't lying, it was undoubtedly cozy and wonderful to behold. Comforting heat was coming from the fireplace. Thick carpets with elaborate patterns were present all over the hardwood flooring. Walls were decorated with intricate tapestries and paintings, golden sconces, cabinets containing Venetian glass and crystal figurines, not a single surface was left bare. Vaulted ceilings, frescoes painted in each available bit of space, creating a wonderful effect that only a mad artist could concoct in a fever dream of divine inspiration.
Which is probably what had happened, considering Sun's habits.
However, elements of the supernatural and macabre continued to linger. Some paintings had eyes that seemed a bit too alive, while others would become more and more disturbing the longer you looked at them. Statues appeared to be capable of changing their pose at a whim and it was easy to miss the motion itself within a mere blink. Shadows cast from the fireplace were not following any law of physics, undulating and writhing on the floor as they please, sometimes creating monstrous shapes.
Marvellous. Beyond description, fascinating. Had it not been for your task, you would have gladly spent a whole eternity studying the components and properties of the whole structure.
You were brought back to reality when you realized that you were still very much shivering and that you really needed to get your hair properly dried.
You gasped as you suddenly felt Eclipse wrap his cloak around you from behind, pulling you closer to his form, his strong arms wrapping around your waist. Goodness gracious, was that a secret additional pair of arms he had?
“There was no time to fetch you a blanket, consider this an urgent alternative.“
“Don't you think this is a bit of a compromising position?“
“Preposterous, that must be the feverish delirium talking. This cruel weather is detrimental for soft flowers such as yourself.“
“I suppose by this logic it must the delirium that is squeezing my hips right now?“
He purred in your ear:
“Relax, morning star, you need warmth, we cannot allow you to get ill under our care.“
“I think I am very warm now, though.“
“Hush, be still, let us take care of you.“
Viscount Sun made sure to get your attention once more.
“You know, sweetness, many have pursued us for various reasons, but tax evasion was never one of them. This is going to be a fun new experience for all of us.“
It was perfectly within your right to struggle and act indignant in order to free yourself, but you were aware that you had to be diplomatic and collected for the moment. Antagonizing your hosts would yield no results and would certainly make your job far more difficult than it needed to be.
You had to remain professional, it was a task like any other. Yes, your hosts were not really the best examples of sanity nor did they seem to be aware of the concept of personal space, but you couldn't let that distract you from your duties. Someone had to be mature in the whole situation, after all. You cleared your throat, trying to appear as dignified as possible in your current position.
Adjusting a bit, ignoring the fact that you were still being held tightly by four arms, you managed to reach for your pocket to get a little notepad and a pencil. It was a rather comical scene to behold, since you had limited options and an even more limited space to maneuver in, but by some miracle you were able to make a few scribbles on the paper. Such an action required the same skill level one usually achieves when trying to get work done with one cat asleep on their computer and five additional cats on their lap and head.
Sun was very much offended with you playing with the paper and pencil instead of letting him warm your hands. You spoke:
“Alright, I will need some basic information for now, such as source of income, registered businesses, unregistered activities that may go under the radar of the government. You do realize that there is an unusually large cemetery on the way here that is not even on the map?“
“I can answer all of those for you. Accumulated heirloom. Pleasure is our only business and business is doing well! As for the final one, well, it is such a tragedy how incompetent cartographers are these days, my dear.“
“Regardless, I still have to conduct a thorough investigation and write a report, it is a formal requirement. Also, it will be necessary that I take a tour around the place simply to inspect the installations. Since none of the utilities are being paid for either, I must see whether you have self-sufficient power sources.“
“Now, now, you can't explore all on your own, that would be against our rules. And you don't want to be a little rulebreaker. You cannot enter certain rooms or parts of the castle without our permission.“
“Understandable. You three can guide me during my stay, then.“
“Moreover, communication with the outside world is highly discouraged. So discouraged, that it is forbidden, actually.“
“May I ask why?“
“You may! We won't answer, but you definitely may ask regardless, your voice is so pleasant to listen to. Do you sing?“
“I am still processing the “no communication with the outside world with no explanation whatsoever as to why“ part, give me a moment. I think I need ibuprofen.“
“Oh, we do have that!“
Soft cloth suddenly fell on your head and you realized it was a towel. You slowly looked upwards, finding yourself face to face with Moon who was now shamelessly hanging upside down from a cord, crimson eyes as menacing as ever and grin impossibly wide.
You spoke, unsure how to even react properly:
“What on earth are you doing?“
“I was feeling excluded. And you needed something to get your hair dry.“
“How did you even get up there? You were at the door barely a few seconds ago.“
“In a very clandestine and stealthy manner, as is currently being demonstrated. Impressed?“
“Fine, yes. Happy?“
Moon giggled like a wicked imp, relishing the situation. Teasing you was slowly becoming his new favourite activity.
“Are you good at playing hide and seek, my everlasting aurora?“
To his surprise, you actually did ponder the answer to his question for a few moments. Finally, you smiled at him:
“The classical game has a predictable pattern, so I actually did invent my own twist once. I would count, the other person would hide, and then I would simply proceed to steal cookies from the kitchen without anyone knowing. Really practical. Free sweets, nobody knows who the culprit is, perfect cost-benefit analysis.“
Oh, he loved that. Moon definitely appreciated some good old-fashioned mischief and he felt an even greater desire to discover what made you tick. He reached with his hand, tracing along your jawline with his claws, before pressing the palm of his hand to your cheek, his wicked eyes never leaving yours.
“Naughty, naughty. You must be punished.“
“With interest.“
“Good luck with calculating all of that. If you start early, you should be done by the next decade, give or take a year or two.“
Moon's mind was already imagining all sorts of scenarios that he had every intention of bringing into reality.
What a delight it would be to have you, play with you, chase you, catch you, taste you, forever and ever. Your blood was tormenting him, you were the golden apple stolen from a magical garden, ripe and delicious. He did not care how many pomegranate seeds it would take to ensnare you and chain you to his world.
One had to admire the dedication, at least.
He was familiar with that sly streak. Finally, a kindred spirit. You had something guileful within you, as if a joyful scherzo were constantly playing in your soul, lively and vivid, truly akin to an ethereal aurora borealis in the night sky, teasing mortals with its unreachable beauty.
Needless to say that Sun was simply not having this and he had to ruin the moment by intervening in the most mature way possible: by taking your pencil away.
“What is this I see? A hawthorn pencil? Quite sharp, I see. No, no, we can't have such a vile thing as hawthorn wood here, absolutely not, in the trash it goes where it belongs.“
You had every intention of arguing with him, but you were once again distracted with the fact that Eclipse was now diligently getting your hair dried with the towel as if you were a kitten they had found outside or something. Goodybe reputation, it was nice knowing you, write a postcard.
“I must say, nobody ever insulted my pencils before.“
Sun went over to the nearby desk, fiddling with some parchment until he found what he was looking for, returning with a triumphant grin on his face and a quill feather in his hand.
“You shall write with one of these.“
“I don't even know how to write with ink without making a mess.“
“Come now, I am sure you are a fast learner.“
You shuddered as he teasingly slid the feather along your cheek and neck.
“Oh, stop.“
We were all familiar with the saying about everything being about the journey and not the destination itself. Perhaps you could allow yourself some enjoyment in the whole affair. In all technicality, you did manage to get in the castle, so it was going well for now. Moon summoned a few ghostly servants to command them to get a comfy chamber prepared for you, as well as some dinner. You were rather tired and hungry, after all.
Eclipse gave your shoulder a little squeeze to get your attention.
“Now, morning star, since you are already here, could I interest you in some pretty necklaces you may like?“
You pondered his offer for a few moments, before shrugging, letting yourself relax.
“You know what? Sure.“
(continuation also on AO3)
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sepublic · 1 year
Anyhow, I want people to understand the significance of me crying over TOH ending because. I generally do not cry. It’s hard for me to cry, I feel sadness and grief sure! But tears themselves are difficult. And as much as I love media, it’s very rare and hard for it to make me genuinely cry. Other cartoons and shows I’ve gotten into haven’t done it, but...
The Owl House genuinely made me cry. After the grief of Agony of a Witch, the lonely despair of King’s Tide, and so many other painful moments. The Owl House finally made me sob, genuinely, wails I had to cover up, hot tears, sore eyes and a dripping nose. I heaved and made myself cry even more, because goddamn is there such a relief in the catharsis of feeling this pain, and knowing it means you’ve felt something, you’ve felt happiness to begin with.
So yeah. The Owl House has always been pretty special to me. But I think this expression of how I felt was low key what I was waiting for, working towards, after the finale. The absence hurts, but it makes me appreciate all the more the presence it entails for TOH in my life. For the community, for the experiences, the analyses, the genuine fun and laughter and speculation! The hype and friends I’ve made along the way, me building up my own skills as a reader thanks to this show!
I remember being enamored by The Owl House’s first announcement in February 2018, the first ever, possible public reveal of that show; You could’ve only known it beforehand if you worked at Disney and/or were one of Dana’s friends. Something about Luz, about Eda, about King... The very premise itself, the magic. Something about this show felt special to me, I had a really good feeling about it I couldn’t explain.
I ended up checking Dana’s Twitter obsessively for updates, was excited when she posted this one art of Luz and King having an ice cream run, while Eda was displeased with a little demon trying to get her dessert. I expected mostly casual things, but something about the vibes, the magic and wonder experienced through the lens of Luz... It got to me in a legitimately depressive state of my life.
Because I was depressed. Suicidal, even. It was perhaps the worst phase of my life ever, and I hope it’ll stay that way. The beginning of 2018 felt like me finally getting over the big hurdle, that enormous halfway point at the top, and how it was all relatively smooth, downhill sailing from here. So it feels fitting that it was the beginning of the easier part that TOH was announced for me. All I knew were Luz, Eda, and King; I eventually gave up checking Dana’s accounts for art, because I was SO excited and impatient for this show, inexplicably.
That’s probably why I missed Dana’s little sneak peek of Amity Blight, haha... But anyhow, TOH gave me something to look forward to. Something to live for. And when I finally got a shot of Eda throwing treats to Luz and King, the former taken aback by the eyeball, the latter having it bounce off his skull. It didn’t make it to the final cut obviously, but it was my first glimpse of how the show itself would look.
I was in despair when The Owl House was delayed to 2020; I had to wait another whole year for it! And going from 2018 to 2019 was painful enough as is! But man... Was it worth it. The first teaser, the mystery and wonder it promised. My Bionicle brain freaking out over the reveal of the Boiling Isles as a giant corpse. 
And then the theme song. Me learning Luz’s VA, scouring very obscure media to get an idea of how she might sound like. And finally I heard it, we got other announcements; Eda by Wendie Malick, who made perfect sense, and King by Alex Hirsch, cue those obnoxious Bill Cipher theories I still hate to this day! 
Some crew members announced cupcakes they made, complete with banners like “Drinkers Coven” and I got hyped for this little content. I wanted to try cashew meringues because of it, and later recognized the repurposed frames of Luz, Eda, and King in actual episodes. I saw some concept art and expressions removed from the show, and was glad to recognize them later, as I did a frame-in-process of Luz wondering about her magical destiny.
I checked Tumblr but it seemed like I was the only person actively anticipating, and not just including TOH as part of a larger collection of media posts. I wanted TOH for itself, someone was curious if it had owls, I scoured the first teaser for a screenshot to satisfy them! I wanted more people in on it! I saw some clips, figured out Luz’s ethnicity from her squealing “Ay que lindo!” in response to King.
I made a few ancient posts, my first TOH post was me admitting I was excited and wondering if anyone else was. It got NO traction, at least not until much, much later... But that didn’t stop me! I had a dream where Luz was revealed to be disabled, her legs were prosthetics and Eda ended up giving her new magic prosthetics styled after owl feet. This would prove weirdly prophetic... Less so, my dream about Luz being the Anti-Christ (this was framed as a good thing), hence why she found the isles.
I speculated Luz was an orphan who had nobody, hence why she found the isles; But then an article mentioned her mother Camila. I went with that spelling until some end credits confused me with a typo that gave us Camilia, which led to a big fandom debate later until Dana clarified.
I analyzed the trailers, trying to figure out the plot and trajectory, wasn’t quite right there. I was happy to see TOH would have full 22-minute episodes, allowing them to get nitty gritty and elaborated, instead of truncated into 11-minute segments. Boy did that pay off, and looking back I can appreciate what a rarity that was, an achievement. People pointed out the anagram for me... 
I speculated on the titles, confused bits from Covention with scenes from the first episode, wondered if Escape of the Palisman referred to the tower. And in the end, the first episode finally came out, after I was enjoying Infinity Train Book 2, and I was enamored. It was wonderful, it utterly blew me away and was all I wanted and more. I had to get more! The moment Luz spoke of liking editing anime clips into AMVs and all that other stuff, I felt seen, and that was just the beginning.
I spoke my praises, but alas there was no fandom. The next week, I was surprised to find posts for the next episodes so early, and learned the episode was released ahead of time on DisneyNOW, so I immediately subscribed. I was excited to meet Amity Blight, Willow and Gus; And I was caught by surprise by how openly mean Amity was when she debuted! But I analyzed the sub-text of her actions and dialogue, and was vindicated. 
Amity was such a fun and interesting character because she really felt like a puzzle that we unlocked more and more pieces of, to better understand her. And I really got the sense of TOH’s re-contextualization and surprising character continuity, such as when King’s B-plot in one episode actually became the focus of the very next! You could tell the writers really cared about making a deeper story for kids and teenagers. 
One nice memory was when I wrote a post appreciating Willow and Luz’s friendship, the idea of Willuz as a ship; I took a shower and went back to check afterwards, and got notes! I analyzed the mechanics of glyphs deeply when they were first revealed, getting nitty-gritty; I remember the events of a few nights and what happened around me writing a post, comparing glyph magic to artificial replication of dragon breath!
I looked for crew art, which alerted me ahead of time to the existence of Emira and Edric, thought I didn’t know their names, and was delighted to learn Amity had older siblings!!! They were hers! Shoutout to @anistarrose who was one of the few people in the tag at this time. I really appreciate that post where you called out people constantly trying to make King into Bill Cipher in a serious manner, and the annoying implications of it. And how you realized a tweet poem by Dana foreshadowed Warden Wrath and the Emperor’s Coven... AND THE CODES TOO!!!
I distinctly remember this one meme video in the tags, a song singing “This girl is a lesbian” as Amity showed up as the punchline. I thought it was cute and loved the idea, I had no clue...! I even tried to analyze the dates on her diary entries because I was so obsessed with the show and wanted more, trying to see if I could figure out a calendar...
Spoiler alert, I didn’t. but it was FUN trying! Putting in all of this unnecessary effort for a detail nobody cared much for, because you could tell the crew were people who did the same, Dana even confirmed it later for herself! I remember being shocked about Eda having a curse, that one theory it was a Blight who did it. I suggested King being the Boiling Isles Titan, some Youtube channel even asked permission to use my post in discussing that theory! I was skeptical but checked and it was legit, and was pleased.
I went through that godforsaken Witch’s Apprentice game, realized too late the artifacts represented each episode and gave hints to the rest of 1A. I watched Look Hoo’s Talking, with Owlyvia and Horus, shout out to those who remember! I was amazed by Eda’s self-awareness in deciding things for Luz, especially after Luz briefly called it out in Covention. I found myself so ATTACHED to the characters, which makes sense since I hyped myself from the start!
I remember being surprised to see King wasn’t an overlord... Or was he? The original 2018 announcement suggested as such, but the way the show played around even after the premiere seemingly disproved it was fun. I speculated on what Luz’s magic track would be, enjoyed fanart of her in Potions as Eda was. Seeing Young Eda was a blast, and I remember being so distraught at the idea of her being cursed! I made a post wailing about it and Cat-Harman Mitchell commented LOL as I ranted about taking vengeance on the curser. Little did I know...!
I was afraid of a cliffhanger with Season 1A, but nope! Eda made it out despite the demon hunters! With a hiatus, I was left impatient and needing more. I scoured crew art, speculated on what Emperor Bellows would be like; Covention’s subtitles mispelled him as such, and Dana had to clarify in a tweet when 1B’s trailer released! I got into deep discussion with @fermented-writers-block about the show, about the mysterious owl mural.
I guess TOH was my first start at really analyzing a show from the start, especially since nobody else was around to do it for me. And coming fresh from reading the meta of those who did inspire me, I went HARD, reasoning that even if it was disproven, the process was fun! I analyzed snake motifs, the mysterious green hand that stole King’s crown. I made a whole diagram about parallels between Luz, between King and the Gildersnake, between ‘human counterparts’ to Amity and Willow and Gus. This definitely fed the revelation of Creepy Luz later on...
But yeah. To think the snakes did pay off with Luz’s palisman Stringbean; Back then people speculated as such with the title’s design, and I’m so happy to see it came through! I speculated on lore, wrote my first TOH fics, The Bile Coven and Amity’s Diary Entries, the latter of which I feel particular pride for since it was a character study of her that proved rather on the spot!
I was obsessed with the worldbuilding, came up with my own ideas. Imagined what Bellows and Kikimora were like. I waited IMPATIENTLY, and even had a dream where Eda was captured by Lilith, Kikimora, and Wrath, as well as some covenscouts... But then it was revealed her curse was a result of possession by the creature depicted on the mural; And it progressed to the next stage of converting her body to its own as she got more feral and escaped on her own!
The airship used by the Emperor’s Coven proved prophetic. And after 1B seemingly disproved this idea, 2A brought it back after all and I was delighted! TOH was and is a show that keeps giving for me, makes me feel rewarded for engaging with it, and is grateful even when I’m wrong, as Any Sport in a Storm’s B-plot attests. I made jokes about King being Mata Nui because I was a Bionicle fan. Someone saw a Grom poster in the background of a shot and suggested Lumity, but I didn’t get my hopes up... Hah.
There was a trailer that alluded to an episode of Luz and Eda in a snowy place; I knew of an article on TOH that mentioned a ‘Witch’s Arena’ at the Knee and guessed this was it. I liked the song that played because I associated it with TOH, found out for myself.
Rebecca Rose, shout out to one of the OGs talking about the show on Youtube! She made a wonderful video discussing Amity’s development and potential, speculating on her, and I felt SOOOO vindicated and followed her for it! As you know, she became THE fan channel for TOH, and was eventually ascended to a full-on crew member for it. We’d all watch her reactions and discussions afterwards.
Adventures in the Elements leaked, I correctly guessed it wasn’t the next episode but the one after it. I was delighted to see the twins be good siblings, and Amity’s casual outfit... Before that, I read a fic during the hiatus of Lilith adopting Amity from abuse (Remember when we thought she was that functional?), and it understandably depicted the twins as mean-spirited and basically apathetic. It was a good fic.
I remember joke-speculating that Bellows would be short, because I was projecting analyses of the Pale King from Hollow Knight onto him! I considered making an animatic of Farquaad’s reveal from Shrek but with Bellows, but alas I’d never actually done an animatic and had zero clue lol. I had another dream about Bellows coming in with the Emperor’s Coven to apprehend Eda, who became an even larger version of her Owl Beast form in response.
Then Summer 2020 came around. What a wonderful time of my life... New fans came in when they saw the possibility of canon sapphics with Lumity, and I was exhilarated! So careful not to get my hopes up, but look now... I was hyped to see Belos’ appearance. I analyzed the 1B trailer, took screenshots and organized them to guess which episodes they were. Rebecca Rose found foreign titles of 1B and translated them, and I did note how translations could skew the intended anagram. I remember “Mini-Problems” being an episode title...
You can probably guess the rest from here, since this was about when the fandom really kicked off. And boy did people stick around for it all. I felt delight in knowing Grom was sooner, due to Understanding Willow being paired with Really Small Problems on the same day! Two episodes at once, instead of the original plan for the last two episodes of the season together! I ended up regretting that low-key with the angst and pain of Agony of a Witch, which made me realize how much I cared for Luz, Eda, and King, and made me the closest to crying from the show.
I felt vindicated to see a popular artist like MoringMark begin making fan comics, I had no idea that’d be THE thing he’d be known for, after I knew him as the Gravity Falls guy. I followed Matthieu Cousin on Tumblr, got excited for that trend of dressing up TOH characters for Grom and sending in your designs, with a winner announced! I don’t think that ever happened. Anamanaguchi’s Prom Night became a thing thanks to a crew member, and who can forget Little Miss Perfect? Kwame rolled with the success and I was glad for him. Eda’s gray eye appearing after the season finale in the end credits shocked me.
There was the Reddit AMA, where I prepared lore questions afterwards and had none of mine answered, but we learned a good deal! Especially the telling “Clawthornes are a bird motif” from Dana, her being put into a headlock by a nun. Amity and Lilith weren’t close but as I mentioned a while back, Dana expressed that she also made connections with cartoons as a kid. Odalia liking her kids color-coded, hence Amity’s hair, and Alador being interesting. Which led to a bunch of fanart that proved off the mark but also not? Alador wasn’t THAT well-put but otherwise...
And that stream! That wonderful stream! I contemplated spending so much money via donation to get something. Eda drinking Apple Blood, Spencer Wan almost spoiling Lilith having a Raven form. Our first sneak peek at Hunter’s face, not counting his appearance as the Golden Guard in S1; We all guessed he and the Golden Guard, or “Owl Mask” were the same. I was stumped and baffled how he fit into Belos’ dynamic... Hoo boy. And we all thought Hunter was an adult, even Alador at first, because of those eye bags!
I wanted to see the coven heads, based on their banners we saw; I liked the Potion Head especially and even when his design proved different than I expected, it was still my favorite! I thought Darius might be a Blight grandfather and he DID have a connection... I had a dream of the twins working for Osran at a library and messing with him, recognized Mason from Covention, and dreamed Terra was named Botanica.
Christmas art of the cast came out, I was happy to see Emira and Edric happy there, after being saddened by Dana’s Grom art of them and even writing a whole fic about it, which I’m chuffed about! She also drew Mattholomule... I recall in the wait for Season 1B, she did some art of the characters. Gus playing games, Mattholomule losing to him; King despairing over stubby thumbs.
Fanart of the kids in quarantine, Amity declaring it’d be easy to stay away from Luz, to Luz’s sadness; Boscha being mad because she couldn’t talk to her friends. Remember when Boschlow was a big thing, until Understanding Willow killed off some of the hype? And confirmation that Willow worked out, which we saw come to fruition in Season 2; People were surprised but I wasn’t! And of course, Frewin being his own entity from Bump, and not Bump himself.
But back to chronology, I guess this is where I should end off. Sorry, this ended up being MUCH longer than I intended, and really you could write a book about my experience with TOH and the journey on a meta level. But those were interesting times, those beginning eras. Back when I didn’t feel the need to always add screenshots to posts unless necessary. And it’s making me nostalgic. It’s making me appreciate everything we’ve been through, the roots of my hyperfixation. And how it all led to me finally crying, because I really did build up THAT much of a love for the show.
I found my first fandom I really felt a part of, found so many people who enjoyed my meta and validated me for it! I feel I’ve grown so much as a person because of TOH. And as I nostalgically reminisce on how different the show was then, I appreciate all the more how far we’ve come, and what it is now. Snapping back to the present does make me sad over how much has passed and changed, but I also appreciate it while remembering the ideas I once had.
I’ll miss that era, and TOH as a whole. And boy do I associate that classic ending theme, how I loved the melancholy of those end credits, speculated on them paying off in the finale. And they did...! It feels good to hear it one last time after a year without it, due to the end credits being removed or redone. There was something so idyllic and dreamlike about that original sequence, capturing the feeling of coming home, and I’m glad TOH did that once more with it.
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poshpunkqueen · 5 months
I've been listening to Taylor Swift since the debut. I'm not one of those listeners that believe Taylor is a Princess, wholly innocent, 24/7 victim but at the same time I don't believe she's a Villain. She's made mistakes.
I'm not one of those listeners that has the time and immoral capacity to sit on the Internet to committ Cyber crimes nor am I willing to put my health on the line to see her live. There should be boundaries.
The transfer from Teenhood to Adulthood for Taylor...I could tell ..she's still unravelling. Its okay to be in your 30s and still finding yourself. Hopefully there is an expiry date.
I'm not trying to be funny but I believe Taylor needs therapy. There are some unresolved things: fame, dealing with the industry and the media has definitely affected her. I don't think she's quite shake off alot stuff. It's passivity with a cupcake appearance of happiness.
Her patterns and methodology when it comes to music....mmmh the adults are taking a step back and analysing 😄. Writing those songs and knowing the effects will eventually become a "Here we go again" Moment. Everyone will move on and she will remain.Therapy is needed.The pride comes before the fall.
I say this because when Tortured Poets Project was announced I was unsure about it. I've never been unsure about a Taylor album. But then again I'm aware of the Taylor Formula. Not sure if she can carry this formula into her 40s and 50s 😄 but we will see. But I listen for listening sake..I'm listening to everyone this year.
TTPD Album: I had to stop half way because its the typical Taylor album...same note 🙆🏻‍♂️ same storyline... lol no doubt she's a good songwriter. Not sure how to feel about missiles being sent to someone who struggled or struggling with Depression. NOPE.
Emotional cheating is interesting lol We had this before 👀. Alcoholism and the talks about drugs is interesting too. Blurring the lines between two men. One you barely bedded to be in this deep. This seems like a tactic for writing material. Calculated PR stunts. I said this last year...she knows what she's doing...she dated him purposely ...she knew what to expect and Matty knew what to expect ...I'm disappointed in Matty selling out ...and acting out for attention..he needs to grow up too....he knows better. He made the whole band look bad...(I'm George fan btw)
Meathead guys years ago like Travis Kelce were saying they wanted to date Taylor for fame and songs. Sadly I'm starting to see it. Travis is a big time user. However we live and learn 😆
Idk I don't get it. If people pay attention to her lyrics not just on this album but previous albums, she tells on herself alot lol. We will have this again 2026.
Being Human isn't without flaws and wrong paths but it seems people only see it with Taylor Swift. .they don't see it with others 🫡 Others would would be stamped with cancellation. The Devil.
Taylor is in her 30s and I hope she figures out what she wants personally and professionally. It doesn't make sense moving from person to person then writing these songs. This is why therapy is important.
A few weeks ago, we heard Beyoncé album and I'm not the biggest Bey fan but we heard her different layers vocally and with the blending of genres. While I'm aware Taylor isn't a vocalist...I want to hear her do other genres.
Honestly I liked Midnights and reputation better.
Here are the songs I might listen to again:
✨️ Fortnight
✨️Down Bad
✨️So Long London
✨️The Prophecy
⛔️Florida...but it's meh...Florence was downplayed...similar to Snow on the Beach with Lana.
The other songs were...okay....
I support Joe. I don't think Joe deserves this...I'm not gonna defend wrong actions even if I like your songs...
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strelitzia-mystery1097 · 11 months
MCI portrayals *spoilers*
So in Fnaf we now have 3 different ways the MCI kids are portrayed and it's kinda neat to analyse it.
The Games- They attack any adult wearing the Fazbear security guard outfit and stuff them into a suit. Apart from IT'S ME and I guess the 5th night phone call the kids do not try to contact/talk with the guard. After the Animatronics are destroyed they go full ghost and scare William into going into a Springlocl suit which immediately fails on him due to the leaking roof and the fact that it's an old suit.
The Silver Eyes Trilogy- They are chill for a few nights with the exception of trying to contact/talk to Jason via drawings and potential hallucinations(?). Jason is also the only kid in the book apart from the dead ones. Once William kidnaps Carlton via Springtrap suit the Animatronics are hostile and attack the teens. William explains that the MCI kids think that they are adults and are trying to ruin their happiest day. William also believes that he's safe from them because he's like one of them or something. Foxy even tries to save Jason from the 'adults' by dragging him to Pirates Cove. Otherwise the Animatronics try to kill all of them. The exception being Golden Freddy who sits with Carlton and later on stops the Animatronics from attacking and uses his ghostly powers to give answers/exposition right at the end. Charlie gets attacked by Springtrap but with her knowledge she managed to set off William's suit and he has a Springlock failure and the Animatronics drag him off. Then in 3rd book William's melts them all together and uses their remnant to make the Funtimes. Carlton gets injected with remnant and it's get trippy. But it's like this mindscape thing where the kids are trying to put the drawings back together and try to remember and also be whole? Carlton realises that they control the Funtimes and following William's orders cuz they don't remember that he killed them. Carlton helps them by drawing the truth on the drawing and they remember and turn on William and kill him.
The movie- The Animatronics are somewhat chill. They still kill night guards but not immediately. Vanessa explains that William has twisted them and has some kind of control over them. They can also affect dreams? The MCI kids go into Mike's dream and Abby has seen them too and draws them and Garrett's disappearance from Mike's dream. Golden Freddy (I think) kid offers an ultimatum to Mike. He can have the perfect dream of Garrett and family being okay every night and in return they get Abby. The Animatronics try to stuff Abby into a suit, the cupcake can attack people, and they can attack Mike in the dream and he wakes up with the injuries. Abby does the thing Carlton does and draws the bloody truth and then William's control is broken and they cause him to have a springlock failure and drag him off.
Is there anything important I missed?
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kquil · 1 year
🧁: cupcake
tell me about yourself, as much or as little as possible and i will ship you with whichever marauder i think you will go well with!
first time requesting(??) ! but: dark hair, blue eyes, about 5’7 (sob). super super introverted, and i really like being left alone!! a bit touch starved + touch averse, so im kinda guarded until a barrier is broken and then im.. sorta sensitive infront of the right ppl!! music <3 and i love random little history facts. i could stare at a painting in a museum for hours, i love analysing the teenie little brush strokes and thinking about just how old it is
hehehe~ im matching you with Sirius Black!
i. at first, he was a tease because he just couldn’t believe how shy you were and he loved your reactions. some people, like remus and peter and some of your close friends, thought he was being too cruel with you, especially when, if they asked him why he did it, he didn’t even know why. over time, it became clearer and clearer (in sirius’s mind only) that he liked to tease you because he loved how you reacted to him — he thought you were cute and sweet and oh so loveable. after he realised that, he was even harder for him to leave you alone. 
ii. even though sirius adored annoying you and teasing you, you never were truly able to push him away or tell him off properly to really get him to leave you alone. however, you were soon able to admit to yourself that it’s because you quite liked having his arm around your shoulders, you liked having him teasingly inch his face closer and closer to you, you liked having his attention and you liked when he holds your hand and pulls you in close. sirius liked all of those things just as much as you did too but if you weren’t admitting anything, he wasn’t admitting anything either. 
iii. there was this one time where you were very much engrossed in a wizarding history book, storing bits and pieces of information as little facts in your head. you were so absorbed in the book that you didn’t catch sirius's whining for attention beside you until he snatched the book from you arms and pulled you in close, ‘aren’t i more interesting than this history book, doll?’ he asks, frowning at the book cover while you huff and fold your arms, ‘its very much more interesting than you sirius,’. you two got into a little argument over the topic that eventually lead to some type of tension building up and soon enough the two of you were cuddling on the sofa together with shy looks on your faces. 
iv. you have a habit of interacting with paintings more than the average witch or wizard and sirius can’t understand why until he observes the adorable look on your face when you squint at the finer details of a painting, as if you were trying to decipher one of the world’s greatest mysteries. it was then, when you were staring at the painting that sirius leans down and captures your lips in a sweet kiss, his hands in his pockets, leant over to your height as your eyes bulge and gradually soften to kiss back slowly.
v. it was after that when the two of you learn to be vulnerable to each other, soft and sweet, trusting and always cuddling up close to each other. sirius loves being the big spoon but he also craves being the little spoon and you’re more than happy to oblige as you stroke his hair lovingly. often that’s how the marauders would see you on sirius’s bed, cuddled together with your limbs being an unsolvable tangled puzzle that they wouldn’t dare interfere with. at least you two looked cute together and seemed like a pretty cute match, especially when you both seem to bring out the best in each other, sirius urged you to be more outgoing, a little more fearless while you taught sirius caution and patience. 
vi. honourable mention, i also, lowkey ship you with James Potter! it would take a lot longer for you two to get together but it’s only because he never noticed you until you were paired together for an assignment on history of magic. it was a boring topic to james but you made it bearable, interesting, even. He found it adorable that you’d say a random history fact out of nowhere with the most adorable look on your face. Even after the paired assignment, james would actively search for you in the halls, in classes and anywhere else on school grounds; he was drawn to you now and you being oblivious to his intentions and, therefore, unaffected by his romantic advances made you his ideal type ;)
1k milestone event | navi.
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deltadex · 1 year
#yeah i think caitlyn might also be thinking “who am I to ask you to stay” this a THOUSAND percent. i wish i could put screenshots in asks lol but the expression on her face when vi looks up at her while hugging ekko screams to me that she wants so badly to say something to protest against her leaving but she doesn't think she has the right. this is vi's sister they're talking about, while caitlyn only met vi a few days ago.
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like this is not JUST sadness. this is caitlyn's "i want to say something but i don't know what" face. and she's so respectful of vi's wishes that she just keeps quiet and hugs her instead of saying anything, and even then she hesitates like she's not totally sure if she's allowed to do it, or if she's supposed to be feeling this way after such a short time.
anyway i'm gonna die thank you for indulging my brain dump in your ask box, i just loved your tags on my post so much
Honestly, this scene was handled so masterfully! And at this point, the only thing Caitlyn knows about Jinx is that she works for Silco and was the one to steal the hexcrystal before almost blowing her up (unknowingly, for the second time). Yet she doesn't make a comment about Jinx like Ekko does. Caitlyn doesn't tell Vi that she should give up on her sister because she's become a hardened criminal. She lets Vi be because she can see how much she loves her sister. And she's not going to hold her back because of feelings she's only recently developed. It wouldn't be right of her to expect Vi to choose her over Powder. Not now.
That's why she's slightly hesitant to hug Vi and reveal any of those feelings. But then, unexpectadly for Caitlyn, Vi shows that she reciprocates those feelings (with "It's been real, Cupcake" and the cheek touch). In light of this newfound mutuality, they both let their gaurd down a little, and let any words they're not able to say seep into each other by hugging even tighter.
Anyways, thanks so much for the brain dump (It fueled this brain dump of mine lol). Always love your CaitVi analyses!
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My Personal Ranking of Arcane CaitVi Moments + Poll for their Best Moment
This was harder than it should’ve been
1. Council Meeting + Oil and Water: There’s just something about the last episodes that have me in a chokehold. Them standing with each other, fighting for each other, Cassandra’s approval to go after Vi, then they break up even though they were never dating ????? My heart belongs to them. They’re just so attached to each other and it’s way more than "they have romantic feelings for each other and kinda wanna get it on," but they’re dedicated to each other. Full on respect and appreciation. Vi thinking this is her protecting the two of them and Caitlyn wanting nothing more than for Vi to stay but she makes the decision and leaves anyway, UGHHHHH
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2. Everything after Oil and Water: Again, the last episodes. The one thing that finally tied the two of them together, a unique bond. They’ve been through so much together after such a short amount of time and they have to be each other’s solid rock. Jinx calling Caitlyn Vi’s girlfriend then Vi being scared Caitlyn’s head is on that platter, then Vi not being able to let Jinx kill Caitlyn even though Jinx has been her motivating force throughout her ENTIRE LIFE. Don’t even get me STARTED ON THAT FRICKING SHOWER. They’re so in love. ALSO, their final shot of Vi holding onto Caitlyn and supporting and protecting her (plus the fact that she doesn't use her gauntlet hand for it). So good.
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3. Brothel Scenes + Saviour Caitlyn: One word: iconic. Vi is such a mess but Caitlyn will always be there to pick the pieces up. Their banter and them disliking each other but finally learning to trust each other is complete gold. PLUS: YOU'RE SO SWEET, LIKE A CUPCAKE!!!!
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4. Bridge Scenes: THAT HUG, THAT KNEE PAT, ALL THE FACE TOUCHES, CONCERNED VI, VI RUNNING INTO THE MESS FOR CAITLYN, CAITLYN GOING IN TO PROTECT VI FROM THE SHOTS UNTIL SHE (VI) PUSHED HER (CAITLYN) AWAY SO SHE DOESNT GET HURT!!!!! No words, they’re just in love. The way these scenes just show their growing connection and need is simply so important to me.
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5. Tie between Firelight Hideout Scenes and Caitlyn Releasing Vi from Prison + Everything After: Firelight Hideout scenes showed us more of their banter, Caitlyn’s amazing line, “this city needs healing,” and Vi gazing at Caitlyn like she was in love. Them in the sunlight is actually just gorgeous, but the fact that Ekko says “Vi says I can trust at you,” and Cait before that going, “It’s me you want,” just tops that. I don’t think Vi said this (Caitlyn can be trusted) because she fell for Caitlyn at that point, but because she knew that Caitlyn wasn’t on the side she was fighting against. She was practically harmless to her and, if anything, very useful. This is where I believe Vi starts appreciating Cait. Then, Caitlyn releasing Vi from prison then the wild goose chase that follows is just so fun. Vi’s new jacket and Cait’s new fit, Jericho’s food stand (they’re so annoying to each other at first, it’s amazing), it’s all so great. But… I cringe every time I hear Caitlyn go, “That place looks like it has bodies in the basement.” I know she was making a silly joke but it irks me knowing Vi’s history and reaction. Makes me scared and nervous that they wouldn't be able to move past that not so harmless joke (even though I know they do) and really shows you the differences they have to overcome.
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6. Tie between Vi’s Old Home and Bedroom Scenes: Okay, so this is, like, ridiculously low. I love these scenes a ton, but their thing is that they’re the least subtle. It doesn’t feel like total yearning it just feels like a relationship (WHICH ISNT A BAD THING). Caitlyn didn't seem like she was pulling away from Vi because she was questioning how she feels for her (or her breath stank), but because Vi was out of her mind. Again, not a bad thing and these scenes are fantastic. This might be so low because I’ve read so many fics and analyses about them that they’re just there to me. UGH BUT I LOVE THEM. Them climbing into Caitlyn’s window, Cassandra and Tobias busting in, them breaking down the sign, those FACE TOUCHES. Caitlyn giving up her prized possession for this hot criminal she hardly knows???? Gosh, I can’t deal. (Should I switch this 5th and 6th 😭).
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7. Mini Caitlyn and Vi being connected without them knowing: Threw this in here for fun. I love the idea of Mini CaitVi interacting, they’d be the absolute cutest. This just adds layers to their relationship. As if they were destined to be together. Like the world has been pushing them together for so long without them even knowing.
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1d-trashcan · 1 year
PSA: not a larrie
I feel like I might have some chill larrie moots and in case they aren’t chill it’s only right that I tell you that I’m a pretty chill anti. I mean chill in the sense that I used to be extremely vocal about it, but now I just view it as a black and blue/white and gold dress situation. We view it differently.
I personally don’t think anyone has any business assigning someone a sexuality, never mind assigning a whole ass closeted relationship to two people. Louis was very vocal about Larry in his tweet in 2012 and I know there’s a theory about that tweet and whatnot, but for me it went like this:
I entered the fandom in 2011 and my friend (who was an x factor fan) basically introduced me like “This is Zayn, he’s vain and mysterious, this is Liam, he’s a cupcake, he’s afraid of spoons and he’s the dad of the group, this is Niall, he loves food, especially Nando’s, this is Harry, he’s really cheeky, this is Louis and he’s mischievous and Harry and Louis are our resident homosexuals. (Did I, at one point have the “I’m in love with five homosexuals that can’t dance” type blog? Yes. Carrot memories are super cringey and don’t define me, please and thank you).
Did I think Larry was a thing during the X factor and when they lived together? Yeah, a little bit. Then Harry started dating Caroline and Louis started dating Eleanor and I was like “ok maybe not”. I’m reticent to dig deeper and analyse it too much because it’s a private thing. Do I think Harry and Louis joked a lot about it because it was everywhere? Absolutely. Do I think management closeted them? No, I always thought that was a decision they made because it was upsetting to Eleanor, and Louis is extremely protective. It would not shock me if the reason Harry and Louis stopped being best friends was because Harry was ready to ride it out but Louis couldn’t stand having someone he was in a relationship with/loved was being hurt, because of how protective he is. But again, I’m super reticent to dig too deep.
Because of Tiktok and Twitter not really being very blacklist/filter friendly I’ve accidentally viewed a lot of Larry content and suffice it so say that, no I don’t think they know about green/blue etc etc. I absolutely don’t think the checkered clothing this was a “clue” because it was literally a fashion trend at the time. Absolutely unfollow me if you don’t think Freddie is Louis’ son.  
I don’t think they’re gonna speak out, because the situation is infected. When Louis tweeted “Larry is the biggest bullshit” people were threatening suicide and all kinds of things. Imagine knowing that if you speak out against Larry, people will threaten suicide. Imagine, hypothetically that they are in a closeted relationship and decide to come out, knowing that a portion of the dark larries will send death threats to antis. AND the thing is - they could speak out, and someone would find an angle. There’s always an “it’s management” angle with Larries. If they ever spoke out about it properly I would actually shit myself because it’s not exactly a high reward situation.
There are a lot of layers to this, and I’ve had a lot of interesting conversations with larries that turned antis etc and viewed it as a cult-like environment. My ask is open for people who wanna talk about how they feel about the discourse and to discuss how they feel about being larries/antis. 
My ask is not open for Larries that want to “prove me right”. I’ve seen everything, I’ve read everything, you will not change my mind. This is not a hateful statement, and it is not a homo/biphobic statement, it is a “this is how i view the facts at a surface level” statement. They do not owe us anything below the surface. It. Is. Not. For. Us.
In summation: their PRIVATE lives are not for us. Their sexualities are not for us. They are not Taylor Swift, who readily welcomes and even now sometimes weaponizes who her songs are about. We get glimpses and we can interpret them and relate to them, but at no point have we been invited to poke and prod a relationship people have projected onto them. That is why I sometimes have beef with larries.
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waitmyturtles · 2 years
So I wrote last Friday about a few shows I’m watching/catching up on, and yet I feel like the pull of the Cherry Magic movie keeps bringing me back and demanding that I write more about it, which, like, I’m not sure how much more of me the tag can handle, lol, but besides that --
It’s gotten me wondering over the weekend, what is it about certain shows that I can’t shake off for days, even weeks?
The last time I felt this way was when Old Fashion Cupcake ended, and I warned my partner at the time -- I will literally be checked out during the last episode and for a few days after. (And he was SO SUPPORTIVE, THANK GOD, because he sees me get dizzy with art sometimes.)
And I’m wondering, so OFC, and now CM. What’s happening here?
It might be a couple things for me regarding Cherry Magic (and I think this’ll be my last meta on this, because, like Kurosawa, I don’t know how much more of these analyses my heart can take, ha). 
I wrote last week that for me, the movie CENTERS on the development of family between Adachi and Kurosawa. I can say for certain that doramas that center family -- particularly in the context of non-het relationships, or other scenarios that challenge the majority cishet mindset and societal structures -- are probably my favorite types of shows to watch overall. 
I think that’s because, in part, when you’re either creating family in a dorama/drama, or facing/challenging family, the characters we’re watching are forced to face a kind of internal and external examination of their own intimate interactions with the world that, as viewers, in our daily lives, we might not be inclined to face. As human beings, many of us aren’t CHALLENGED on a daily basis to simply exist -- likely because the majority of us also belong to the majority cishet population, which doesn’t face the kind of pressures that minority populations face. 
However, even despite being a part of a cishet majority population, life is not easy for so many of us. I’ve hinted before in previous posts about the difficulties I’ve had with my non-chosen family that raised me. I’m as “normal” as they come -- cishet, employed, parent, etc. And yet I was considered a black sheep for not subscribing to a cultural flow and mindset of how to VIEW the world while I was growing up.
So, just watching the challenges that minority characters, in Asian dramas, have to face, in their Asian families and societies, and to see these characters either act out and/or verbalize their processing of these moments -- it gives me so much lift. And I think that’s specifically because, especially when I was growing up, those intimate internal and external processing moments were just beyond me. I knew I was going through them as a child and a young adult. But I couldn’t have ever processed this kind of GROWTH with my own family, or even with the friends I had at the time. 
And that’s probably why I connect with material like Cherry Magic -- and even Old Fashion Cupcake, which didn’t center family in the actual series, but had a character in Togawa who was a DEEPLY processing character that helped Nozue frame out his internal struggles with tremendous eloquence. 
Two scenes I keep thinking back to in the Cherry Magic movie are the chess scene with Kurosawa and Adachi’s father -- and then I jump to the beach scene after the guys have met with Kurosawa’s parents.
The chess scene ends with Adachi looking at his dad and Kurosawa. 
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The beach scene begins with the guys walking from a pulled-out camera shot. To me, the sound of their voices and their gaits make it seem like they’re almost limping out of the moment with Kurosawa’s family. And while the chess scene really focused on happiness, the beach scene was focused first on processing fear. 
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Like I said in my last meta about family -- if you’re not Asian, you may not grasp how HUGELY significant these scenes are to an Asian audience. If Adachi were a real person, watching his father play chess with his same-sex partner, with his father blessing their union, thanking Kurosawa for choosing Adachi -- it might seem a bit more than unreal to your average cishet viewer in Asia. If I’m channeling Adachi in that moment, I might be thinking -- HOLY SHIT, IS THIS REAL? IS THIS HAPPENING?
The beach scene, on the other hand, begins more realistically for me. The guys were shot through with fear. They talk about how shaky Adachi was, how he was glad he didn’t have the magic anymore as a crutch. Kurosawa says he was panicked about his mother and the cake. 
I think these two scenes are big examples of why I’m not letting the movie go from my heart quite yet. On the one hand, the beach scene just takes me BACK to so many moments in my life where I had to stand up to my nuclear family, just to get torn down -- simply for wanting to live a life that seemed “normal” in Western society, such as wanting to date or wanting to marry the partner I chose, or wanting to be a working mom (instead of staying at home with the kids).
On the other hand, the chess scene gives me so much hope -- hope that I can be a parent like Adachi’s parents, and give my own kids the calm comfort of acceptance as I never had growing up.
I think that’s why, as I untwist this in meditation, I have a hard time letting go of gorgeous content like this. When you see GROWTH happening in the context of potentially oppressive and submissive contexts -- and you see BELOVED CHARACTERS just work through that shit, together, in love, in partnership -- it’s really overwhelming. And especially if you know the ins and outs of intricate and demanding cultures like those in Asia, and you see characters work together to blast through stereotypes and conflicts -- it just gives me a lot of hope in global humanity that these messages in these shows we love are being heard. 
What so lifted me about Old Fashion Cupcake was that Togawa was the conduit through which Nozue was able to find himself, breaking out of the “ojisan” shell that Nozue had built around himself. What lifts me about Cherry Magic is that Adachi is the conduit through which Kurosawa can explore his weaknesses; and that Kurosawa is the conduit through which Adachi can realize what value he brings into the world. 
All of that intimacy, being unwound before our eyes, complicated emotions and revealing processing -- that’s what ties me to these specific shows, and the quiet nature of this emotional processing is exactly what calms my heart when I keep coming back to them.
Okay, I think that’s IT for my Cherry Magic meta. Seriously, though, bless Toyota Yu-sensei for taking me to places in my heart and mind that I didn’t know existed. 
AND: final ep of Kabe Koji tonight. I might not be ready -- which may also explain this continued foggy brainspace!
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ivyial · 1 year
hii, how are you? I stumbled upon your page and I started to check it out, upon doing that I came across one of your eagleone posts, and how you view the ship or how you view people who dislike the shop entirely for no reason at all. and to be honest I couldn't agree more. your choice of words and how you describe just makes my heart feel hope again. hope that there's actual human beings that are using a gift called a brain for once.
it honestly drives me crazy to see people literally sending death threats and literal racism to those who ship a ship that isn't quite popular. another account just a few days ago that speaks alot about eagleone and analyses their scenes and dialogues, got literal death threats that would me a grown adult puke from how disgusting to know such human beings exist.
( didn't realize to be that long LMAO )
anyway I just wanted to say that I absolutely love all your eagleone content literally makes my day <3
i- 🥺🥺❤❤ omg thank you so much anon
i've never been one for ship wars. what bothers me the most about the eagleone discourse (and the current cleon discourse on twitter as well) is how likening characters to siblings (eagleone) or saying one views the other as a kid (cleon - insane take but anyway) eventually becomes "these characters are LITERALLY siblings, they are so sibling coded to me that it essentially makes them actual siblings" and creates a breeding ground for harassment and accusations of proshipping.
shipping has always been a matter of personal taste, and it's one of those few things in fandoms where there's no need to debate about conflicting ships. in the end, you can just agree to disagree. i like X for those reasons and you like Y for those. that's it. ships are usually better enjoyed with fellow shippers. it only risks becoming an echochamber when people start to take it so seriously that their group of shippers decides to hate on everyone else, and eventually, to harass them.
which is unfortunately what is happening right now. i'm very aware of the death threats and everything else, and it's sad and infuriating to realise that fandoms will never change. idk how old you are anon, or if you were around on tumblr when it happened, but a few years ago, the voltron fandom was a big thing around here (i apologise in advance to everyone who had to live through that lmfao). klance was arguably the biggest ship in the fandom (keith x lance), so the shippers were actively campaigning for it to become canon. it got to the point where klance shippers sent the show creators cupcakes filled with glass shards to convince them to canonise the ship. I WISH I WAS FUCKING KIDDING
this stuff's not new, bullying fellow fans isn't new unfortunately, and bullying actors or producers isn't either. if i remember correctly, when supernatural s4-5 (i guess) were airing back in the 2000s, dean's love interest jo was removed from the show supposedly because fangirls lost their shit and sent hate mail to producers. but that's all speculation, i can't find a reliable source for that.
i wish people would stop taking everything so seriously and get this nasty over fiction. however, it's unlikely that it will happen, because fandoms are filled with kids who don't know any better, are sometimes fully raised by the internet and then turn into immature adults. it's rare to find spaces in fandoms were you can genuinely have fun and create content without being policed by 12 year olds, but when you can, it makes the fandom experience a lot better.
i don't put much content out there, but i'm glad to see that the few posts i write are appreciated!! i'm working on an eagleone fic rn so it definitely makes me want to keep working on it regularly and create more content 😭
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faithdeans · 2 years
well if you say you love me and i’m your best friend then i have no choice but to cry (<- creaturegirl who’s fully having a mental breakdown rn lol but loves you so fucking much and wants to watch sitcoms with you and go shopping for silly things like crafting supplies we’ll never use and bake cupcakes with the little buttercream hats)
RAIN 😭😭 i love you so much my wonderful friend and i feel like we've become a lot closer over the past couple months and i'm so grateful for that 💘
DUDE YEAH. and we can have dance parties while we bake and over-analyse spn while we sit in a blanket fort 😊 we are actually gonna do all that this summer i have decided
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dokries · 3 months
sweetest thing
pairing: chwe hansol (vernon) x gender neutral reader
genre: fluff, strangers/uni classmates to lovers, bakery worker!reader x window shopper!vernon
word count: 7.5k
warnings: lots of food mentions, mutual pining, vernon is down bad, emergency room/hospital visit for an injury (don’t worry, it’s not super bad!), seokmin and seungkwan best wingmen, forehead kiss near the end, let me know if i need to add more!
when you finally find out the name of the cute regular who never buys anything, you don’t expect to get to know him better…or for him to be so sweet.
author note: yeah i really have no idea how i wrote so much 😭 my first vernon fic, and it’s a huge one…anyway, this fic wouldn’t be possible without seungkwan so everyone say thank you seungkwan 🫶 lots of love, and i hope you enjoy reading ♡
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running a small business is hard.
you know this from experience, seeing your boss run pang! sweets all by himself before you came along—mingyu’s a strong one, that’s for sure. well, he’s strong literally as well; he’s always at the gym if he’s not checking in on the bakery. 
though you only started at pang! for the money—you’re a university student; there’s always something you have to pay for—you have to admit you’ve gotten a bit attached to your part time job, finding solace in the arms of the small lot mingyu rents out. 
and that love for your job is exactly why your eye is twitching and your voice is strained as you talk to the regular customer in front of you—well, he would be, if he actually bought anything the bakery offers. “do you need any assistance?”
the man in front of you raises his head to look at you before shaking his head, turning his attention back to the croissant in front of him. 
yes, he’s cute and seems to be around your age but he also comes in every morning and buys absolutely nothing. he stands there in front of the display stand, and analyses every single detail in the cinnamon rolls you make early in the morning on the weekends, as well as the assorted pastries mingyu bakes up. 
you turn and walk in to mingyu singing along to the radio as he finishes up decorating his third batch of cupcakes for the day. in signature mingyu style, there’s frosting everywhere; he may be a good baker but he’s a messy one.
he grins at you, wiping frosting off his cheek before tilting his head and frowning at your stiff expression. “is something wrong?” 
“the window shopper’s back,” you simply say, gritting your teeth and biting the inside of your cheek so you don’t end up yelling in frustration.
mingyu sighs before wiping his hands on a nearby towel and fixing his posture, slapping his biceps to seem bulkier than he already is. “okay then. it’s time for operation scarecrow, isn’t it?” 
you nod at him seriously before holding the curtain separating the kitchen and the front open for him, giving a clear view of the opposite light pink wall. (mingyu always corrects you when you call it that, saying “it’s rose quartz, for god’s sake!”)
mingyu walks by you with the scariest expression he can muster and falters as he takes a step out, looking out to the front door. he turns back to you, confused. “there’s no one here. i guess he left.”
you go out to join your boss, and let out a silent scream at the lack of customers, annoyed at the fact that he got away again.
operation scarecrow hasn’t worked yet—a fancy way of saying that mingyu intimidates the window shopper to get the hell out of his shop—because the damn guy never stays around long enough. 
mingyu rolls his eyes in amusement before coming over and patting your head, getting leftover frosting on you. “it’s okay! we’ll get him next time, partner.” 
you can’t help but huff out a breath to calm yourself down at mingyu’s smile. “wait, did you get frosting on me? mingyu! what—” you’re cut off when mingyu races into the back, and holds the curtains closed so you can’t tell him off. 
“mingyu! this isn’t fair!”
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you’re running late, and barely surviving on two coffees since you woke up in a rush after helping mingyu the night before finish up a huge order for, funnily enough, the university you’re making your way hurriedly to now. 
you get in the lecture hall just as the professor makes his way up to the podium, and pick a random seat in the middle to get comfortable in, the class already starting; professor kim has a habit of droning on and on about things that appear on his tests, according to the school forums, so you can’t miss anything he says.
you don’t notice the people next to you until the professor tells everyone to take a break after he goes through the first set of slides, and you look up to see a red haired man beside you and next to him is…oh my god. it’s the damn guy you’ve been looking for, peering over his glasses down at his laptop.
 you smile politely at the guy closest to you first, introducing yourself. thankfully, your excitement at finding the window shopper is disguised as one stemming from potentially making a new friend. he grins at you before fixing his sweatband. “i’m seungkwan! and this is my friend,” he leans back so you can see the man beside him properly, “hansol.”
“you can call me vernon though,” hansol—vernon, you suppose—says without looking up from the screen in front of him. 
you stare at him for a second, giddy on the inside because you finally have a name to the face you’ve seen way too often in the past weeks. since vernon hasn’t looked up, you’re guessing he doesn’t know it’s you yet, and you’re thankful for that—you can’t have him running off on you before exacting revenge, can you?
you excuse yourself from talking about the course work with your new acquaintances, and pull out your phone to text mingyu excitedly.
you ❙
i found him. 
mingoowner ❙
not the full name lol
you ❙
mingoowner ❙
OH that’s great!
lmk details when you come for your shift later
oh also where’d you put the egg substitute? i can’t find it 😭
you ❙
should be in the second cupboard to the left of the sink
mingoowner ❙
okay found it thanks
i’ll see you later ;)
you put your phone on top of your notebook, and notice seungkwan staring at you with a smirk on his face. “ohohoho, does our new friend have a partner?” he says, singing the last word. 
vernon pauses as he types, giving seungkwan a weird look before finally noticing you.
he blinks at you, the same expression on his face as always, as if he’s daydreaming all the time. he breaks eye contact, putting a hand on his best friend’s shoulder, causing seungkwan to jump a little at the contact. “it’s not our place to ask that seungkwan, we just met them.” 
huh. you suppose he’s a decent guy after all—or at least abides by social norms. 
seungkwan grumbles under his breath about vernon being no fun, and smiles at you sheepishly. “sorry if that was too much. you are cute though, so i wouldn’t be surprised if you did have a partner! right, vernon?” seungkwan nudges his friend, who’s already back to his work. 
vernon nods without looking up, but his face seems brighter than before. eh, it’s probably just the blue light emitting from the screen he’s staring lasers into. (when did blue light turn someone’s face more red though?)
you laugh and shake your head, your attention back to seungkwan—you don’t notice how vernon looks at you through the corner of his eye, and that his eyes crinkle a little when yours do.
“no, i don’t have a partner. i was just texting…” you shoot a cautious glance at vernon before mumbling, “my boss at the bakery i work at.” 
vernon tenses slightly as seungkwan looks at you in admiration, and claps you on the back in approval. “wow, you’ve got a job at a bakery? that’s so cool!” seungkwan winks at you, continuing. “you should let us have a discount because we’re your friends, right?”
you look at the red haired man in front of you in astonishment. you just met each other? why is he…so friendly already, as if you’ve known each other for ages? you're not lonely at school; you have friends from other classes but…maybe being friends with seungkwan won’t hurt, especially because he seems to be besties with the guy you’ve been hunting for the past month or so.
you roll your eyes before nodding, looking pointedly at vernon. “yeah, if you guys come by and actually buy things, i’ll give you a discount!”
vernon flinches slightly at your words, caught off guard. seungkwan looks at vernon before he seems to realize something, his hand hitting his friend’s shoulder excitedly. 
“OH MY GOD, IS THIS—” seungkwan only goes so far before vernon cuts him off with a slap over his mouth with an apologetic expression on his face—wow, this is the most expressive you’ve seen him.
“sorry, he can be a bit…loud at times,” vernon says in your direction before glaring subtly at seungkwan, telling him to shut up before he spills too much. 
you see them exchange another look before seungkwan pulls vernon’s hand away from his face, and smiles at you knowingly. “hey, do you work at pang! sweets?”
you nod, and vernon mumbles a few curses under his breath before pinching seungkwan’s thigh desperately, whose grin only becomes bigger. 
“i’ll make sure i visit then!” seungkwan says. when the man beside him clears his throat, seungkwan adds on with a smirk, “well, with vernon, of course. he would hate me if i didn’t take him with me because he has such a huge—” 
“sweet tooth!” vernon yells, not letting seungkwan finish his sentence, his exclamation catching the attention of everyone in the hall. 
“well, vernon, is it? it’s…nice to know your preference in food but we really should be covering this next topic instead,” professor kim says with a raised eyebrow, moving back to the front and putting the next set of slides on the screen for everyone—right, you’re still in class.
seungkwan giggles under his breath as vernon rolls his eyes at his friend’s antics. he glances over at you, analyzing your confused expression before letting out a breath in relief. you don’t know anything, do you? he prefers it that way, at least until he’s ready.
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“hey, seokmin! what’ll you have today?” you ask the regular in front of you, now at your second home. 
“oh, just my usual, thanks!” seokmin smiles at you brightly as he slides a crisp bill over to pay. 
despite only knowing him through mingyu, you clicked with seokmin easily when you first met, and have since made sure to remember his order, considering he visits quite often.
you ring him up, pull out a pizza bun from the display case in front of him, and give it to seokmin with extra napkins, like always. you call out to mingyu in the back when you take inventory of what’s left to be displayed. “gyu, we got any more croissants? there’s only three outside.”
mingyu brushes aside the curtains with a flourish as he walks to where you are. you wait patiently to make his way to you as he waves to his imaginary fans, even though there’s no one to wave to other than you and seokmin—tuesday afternoons aren’t usually busy. you’re used to his dramatics, having worked with him for a while now but seokmin still claps in admiration, as if he isn’t a musical actor himself. 
mingyu brushes his bangs back before smiling when he’s in front of you. “you called?”
you stare at him silently, pointing to the croissants on display. “we need more, your highness.”
mingyu scoffs before going into the back once more and bringing out a tray of fresh ones, and he squats down to place them meticulously on the wooden tray for displaying, relying on seokmin to tell him if he’s doing it right.
mingyu doesn’t look at you when he speaks, focusing on placing a chocolate croissant on top of another. “so, you never explained what’s up with finding the window shopper.”
you snap your fingers, suddenly remembering that you forgot to tell him, and start talking rapidly. “okay so basically, it turns out he’s in my class? like the one with professor kim, and he looks like some sort of nerd with his glasses on? like it’s cute but i didn’t expect that from him.” 
mingyu and seokmin exchange a look through the glass separating them, and seokmin advises mingyu to sprinkle sugar on the pastry on the edge on the tray eventually, and mingyu agrees before they nod in unison for you to continue.
“and so i made a new friend i guess? his name is seungkwan, he’s sweet and i think they’re besties? they gave off that vibe, and to be honest…the guy, vernon—or hansol, or whatever! he seems like a nice enough guy? i mean, he was decent and maybe…he’s just really indecisive or something.”
seokmin laughs wholeheartedly at your conclusion—he’s filled in on the drama, of course; you always complain about this mystery guy whenever he comes by—and mingyu gets up, putting the now empty tray onto the counter, making you groan at how you’ll have to clean it up later. 
“i—i thought you hated this guy?” mingyu says your name in disbelief, holding your shoulders and staring into your eyes. “have you fallen in love or something and that’s why you’re switching sides so fast? cause this is…not very normal of you.”
you stare at him, pushing his hands off you lightly before laughing, and the two guys in the shop join you before they get weirded out by how long you continue. seokmin says your name uncertainly before stage whispering to mingyu, “i think they’ve gone mad!”
you stop laughing maniacally at this before gasping loudly at your friend’s accusation. “no, i haven’t! i haven’t fallen in love or anything either lol.”
your friends look at each other slowly and mingyu stutters on his words, as he puts his hand on your shoulder again, mostly to ground himself as seokmin looks on with horror. “did you…did you just say lol out loud? like—like the letters out loud?” 
you pause, realizing you’ve slipped up, and maybe your friends are right. you’ve gone mad, lost your sanity even. over a man? you put your head in your hands, trying to figure out where it all went wrong. when vernon first came into the bakery, four monday mornings ago, with his leather jacket and pushed back hair? was it when you saw him wearing a varsity jacket earlier, his glasses perched on his nose as if they’d been made to fit him? you have no idea.
seokmin looks down at his cold bun and then at the two of you, this time not even trying to soften his words. “yup, they’ve gone mad.”
“oh also, can one of you warm this up once they’re done with their mental breakdown? it’s cold,” seokmin adds on, pouting when mingyu shoots him a sharp glare. 
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after your…madness the other day, you can’t even look at vernon for more than a few seconds.
seungkwan definitely knows something is up; you’ve only known each other for a little bit but he’s in tune with your body language already, which is why he invited you to get coffee with him in class earlier. of course, he had invited his best friend but vernon had declined, saying something about how he needed to finish an assignment—even though he’d never say it, he was slightly disappointed that he couldn’t spend time with you outside of class for once. 
seungkwan animatedly recounts his day to you as you walk to the coffee shop together, and you order quickly. he insists on paying for you and you relent when his whines cause the other customers to look at the two of you in confusion. you’re about to sit down at a small table inside the falling for u cafe when your phone dings multiple times. 
pizza bun ❙
ummm mingyu did something weird…
he told me to text you cause he says that only you know how to tame the oven?? whatever that means 😭
you ❙
pizza bun ❙
you hurriedly put your phone in your pocket before explaining quickly. “my boss is gonna set the bakery on fire, i have to go, i’m so sorry!”
you run to pang! which is thankfully only half a block away, leaving a dazed seungkwan behind.
“KIM MINGYU WHEN I FIND YOU—oh,” you yell as you walk in, quieting with an apology when you find startled customers sitting at the tables inside. 
seokmin peeks his head out when your voice echoes off the walls, and waves you in quickly, updating you on what exactly happened. “so basically, i think he accidentally whacked the side of the oven with his whisk while he was trying to make meringue, and then he got water in his meringue bowl, so now he’s…” seokmin gestures towards the bakery owner as you draw closer, who’s crouching on the ground, a mixing bowl held protectively in his hands. “he’s like this.”
mingyu looks up when he notices the two of you, and pouts. “i made a dent in the oven…”
you close your eyes, trying to control the urge to tell mingyu off. 
“mingyu,” you start, leaning down to give him a hand so he can get up and face you at his full height. “you are a strong, wonderful man but OH MY GOD GYU, I TOLD YOU TO BE CAREFUL AFTER LAST TIME!” you yell, reaching up to pull his ear down as you scold him. 
“last time” was when mingyu had somehow dented the old oven, and you had to replace it because it was just that bad—somehow all the buttons stopped working when you pressed them, and he had to pay for a new one, which you had now. 
mingyu yelps out in pain as you pull him down more, and calls out to seokmin for help, not realizing that his so-called friend went back to his table to finish up his pizza bun for the day.
you let go of his ear when you realize the customers may be able to hear you and speak in an authoritative whisper. “you will not touch anything for the time being. i’ll call up the repair people because someone,” you give him a look, making the bakery owner flinch, “has made sure that they know pang! sweets on a first name basis.”
you turn and walk out without looking at the pitiful man behind you, plastering a smile so the customers don’t think anything is wrong—the walls are thin; the couple near the counter heard everything and were trying to keep from laughing. 
after a short call to the repairperson from last time, you look out to the sunny street and the people walking along the sidewalk, a familiar redhead in the mix—wait, is that seungkwan?
you squint to make sure, and the familiar figure waves through the window, dragging along…oh my god, he’s brought the window shopper.
a familiar twinkling from the bell attached to the door accompanies the two as they walk in, and seokmin gets up to greet them warmly, giving seungkwan a hug and a soft smile to vernon. he drags them over to where you are, and when you look at him confused, he explains. “oh, i know these two from before! i’m really close with seungkwan because the two of us and soonyoung—well, you wouldn’t know him because he’s always in his practice room but i’ll bring him over sometime—are best friends!”
seungkwan nods as vernon looks at you and waves, as if he hasn’t seen you for multiple weeks at this exact same spot—though he hasn't been coming ever since you formally met him. “hey.”
“…hey,” you reply, and seokmin and seungkwan exchange a wince at the awkward air surrounding the four of you—mingyu’s still sitting on the kitchen floor in timeout. 
you busy yourself with making sure the counter is clean, inspecting the marble as if you hadn’t just cleaned it mindlessly while on call with the repair place as the three men talk.
“oh, isn’t it your birthday soon?” seungkwan says to vernon, loud enough for you to hear, and quickly corrects himself when seokmin clears his throat. “and yours too, of course, minnie.”
you raise an eyebrow. “they share a birthday?” seokmin nods and you continue. “that’s pretty cool actually! seokmin, you should’ve told me.”
seokmin only shrugs before grinning. “wait, you’re baking something for me like you did last year, right?” he lowers his voice to a whisper as he continues. “i know i’ve known mingyu for longer and should technically trust him more but like, i feel like your baking is a lot more…clean compared to his, you know?” 
you nod before staring at vernon, who’s back to talking to seungkwan on the side about…bears? you don’t even know, and frankly, you’re not sure if you want to know.
maybe you should make something for him too, considering it’s his birthday and you know, you’re making something for seokmin anyway.
seokmin smirks as he follows your line of vision and moves to join his friends. “he’s allergic to peanuts by the way,” he nonchalantly says on his way, shooting you a wink before he drapes an arm over seungkwan’s shoulder. 
well, one thing’s for sure: you’re not planning on making peanut butter cookies for the eighteenth.
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mingyu would’ve been mad at you for sitting at the counter if you hadn’t closed already, it being past nine pm—actually, he couldn’t be mad at you anyway, considering how much you do for him.
he walks over to you scribbling ideas down in your notebook and crossing them out right after. well, so much for keeping his gift to you aesthetic. 
so far, you had thought of nothing for vernon’s—and seokmin’s, of course—birthday gift. even though you don’t know him that well, you want to see him happy with a huge grin on his face like when he was talking to seungkwan in professor kim’s about chan, their friend, and smacked his best friend's shoulder, to seungkwan’s annoyance. you groan as you straighten your back, your spine aching from bending over to write. 
mingyu pats your shoulder from behind and looks over at your list. “need any help?”
you turn to look at him, sighing deeply. “yeah. do you think i should text seungkwan to see if he knows anything?”
“seungkwan knows everything, trust me. but yeah, i think you should. maybe then you’ll be able to notice the cookies i baked just for you, my favourite worker.” mingyu teasingly says, giving you a wink before pulling out the small container of your favourite cookies, fresh from the oven that apparently, had nothing wrong with it despite the dent made on the outside.
you take a huge bite out of the one he hands you before taking out your phone to text the friend who’s on your mind—okay, maybe his friend is the one on your mind.
you ❙
hey kwannie <33
um do you know what kind of cookies vernon likes? 
or like any type of treat at all that i can make at the bakery
kwannie 🍊 ❙
someone’s got a crushhh
you ❙
i’m just asking in advance just in case he comes by !! and actually wants to buy things lol
kwannie 🍊 ❙
anyway he likes choco cake and cheesecake 
always see him munching on them after finals
oh he’s allergic to peanuts btw so be careful
wouldn’t want to hurt your bf before you’re official am i right 😓
you ❙
kwannie 🍊 ❙
yes this is he
you ❙
…no comment.
seokmin alr told me about the peanuts thing 🙏
okay thanks for the info ily <3
you put your phone down before sighing. you know what, that made sense; vernon always used to pay extra attention to mingyu’s phenomenal cheesecake and chocolate cake slices out front, as if he needed to memorize the placement of each particle on the wooden trays. 
mingyu looks at you curiously and you show him seungkwan’s messages. “oh yeah, that makes sense. i say make chocolate cake cause seokmin will like it too! that way you’re only using one recipe—i'll lend you my book so you can look through it.” 
okay, chocolate cake. you can do that. right?
you take a look at the time, and realize that it’s probably a good idea to go home, considering how late it is. you pack up your stuff quickly, and wave to mingyu as he locks up the shop. 
“i’ll see you day after tomorrow, gyu! be safe!” you call out as you walk backwards towards the way home, and turn to face the lit up sidewalk…and the slightly menacing person walking towards you, with an all black outfit and hood up, a mask covering most of their face (also black of course, they have a theme going on). 
you’re not too scared though because they’re walking normally—although a bit…uniformly, hands not moving from their position by their hips—and don’t seem to be under any influence, at least from what you can see. they also seem distracted by their phone and you can see their headphones on. 
that doesn’t mean you don’t walk quickly, suddenly remembering all the stories of ghosts of previous university students haunting the grounds they stayed at before their passing.
 as you pass them and let out a breath you had been holding before feeling a soft tap on your shoulder. you turn to face the person you saw before, and you see yourself stare back in their big brown eyes—wow, those are some nice eyelashes. 
“hey, i didn’t know you were gonna be here,” they say, muffled enough by their mask so you can’t recognize their voice. you take a step back from them, clutching the straps of your work bag on your shoulder. 
“i’m sorry, do i know you?” you say confused, taking another step back, and the person in front of you chuckles, taking off their mask. 
oh god, of course it’s the man who’s been plaguing your thoughts. you smile awkwardly and wave. “oh…hi vernon.”
he raises his eyebrow as he smiles back, his voice soft as he calls your name. “hi…did you really think i was gonna hurt you or something?”
you nod your head seriously before gesturing to your surroundings: a barely lit entrance to the alleyway that leads to a small neighbourhood before you hands end up pointing at his mask. “have you seen where we are right now? also, this is an awfully suspicious get up, dude…i was kinda scared.” 
vernon’s hands go back to the nape of his neck as he chuckles, embarrassed. “sorry ‘bout that. i just—i didn’t see you until you passed by because of the…” he trails off, realizing that what he was distracted by is a little too cute for the image he’s trying to build up to impress you. 
you frown, and he finds you adorable as he clears his throat and mumbles, “cat videos i was watching.” 
you sputter, moving forward to leave a hand on vernon’s shoulder to ground yourself as you laugh lightheartedly. “you—why are you so embarrassed by that?” 
your eyes shine in the dim light the streetlamp over the two of you provides, and he can’t help but appreciate them for a few seconds before he looks away, his hand automatically going back up to his neck. 
vernon laughs awkwardly before responding. “well, uh…i was worried it would ruin the whole ‘cool guy’ thing i’ve got going on, according to seungkwan.” 
you raise your eyebrows before chuckling and vernon finds himself joining in, the two of you smiling at each other softly before you break eye contact and look away, the yellow light from above doing little to hide the red creeping up both your faces. 
his phone dings multiple times before he takes it out of his jacket pocket and he sighs, showing you the contact name. “speak of the devil.”
you shrug before giving him a sneaky look. “well, you can’t keep him waiting, can you?” 
vernon nods before he smiles at you shyly, clearing his throat. “hey, would you want to come over? we’re having a little get together actually.” he shakes the plastic bag in his other hand to bring attention to it—huh, you hadn’t noticed it before. “we’re having ice cream…” he sings, looking at you expectantly. 
you yawn involuntarily and give vernon an apologetic look. “i think i’ll have to pass, sorry. i should probably go home and knock out for the rest of the night, it’s been a long day.”
he agrees with you, nodding even though you can see how his face falls slightly—is this just because you’re paying way too much attention to the way his eyes smile more than his actual mouth? maybe. 
vernon sends you on your way home with a promise to text him, and inputs his number into your phone so you can actually contact him (he hopes you don’t notice his hands trembling just the slightest bit). 
as soon as you enter the doorway of home sweet home, you toss your things to the side and grab your phone, sitting down on the couch in the living room giddily. you smile at his name in your contacts before debating on what to text him. you decide to introduce yourself first, making sure he can save your name as well.
you ❙
i made it home! 
vernon ❙
we have an early class tomorrow so sleep well
i’ll see you in kim’s
you ❙
see you then vernon! 
oh dear god, you feel so awkward. however, just the fact that he responded (and wished you a good sleep!) is enough to make you weak in the knees, and get up to your kitchen, texting mingyu for the recipes he mentioned earlier. as you look at the measuring equipment spread neatly on the counter, you take in a deep breath. 
time to make the best chocolate cake vernon’s ever had in his life. (and seokmin!)
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at first, he only wanted to see the selection of the fairly new bakery near campus.
it had good reviews online, and vernon expected it to be nice—which it is; his opinion isn’t different from the online forums he read in advance—and was pleasantly surprised by how much he could buy, considering that it was fairly priced as well. 
he was leaning down to see the cinnamon rolls (maybe he could get one for seungkwan…he should ask) when he heard your voice for the first time. “do you need any help?”
he looked up and had to do a double take, disguising it as him seemingly making sure nothing was on his sleeve. 
were all bakery workers supposed to be this cute? 
vernon couldn’t help but freeze under your warm stare, and even though he knew you had a customer service smile on, he wanted to know what your real smile was like. 
you had giggled awkwardly when he didn’t respond and he immediately stood up properly, hand rubbing the back of his scalp—seungkwan says it’s a habit vernon does when he’s nervous, and he’s probably right. 
“oh, uh…i’m good, thanks,” he says quietly, looking at the floor instead of your face, which was suddenly too bright to look at. 
thankfully—well…vernon did want to look at your face more but it was probably better when you moved away from him, satisfied with his response, and started to wipe the counter, making sure the slightly dirty spots were clear enough to see your face in—the same face he was staring way too much at. 
vernon brought his attention back to the pastries in front of him but his mind quickly wandered to…well, you. 
oh my god, is this what they call love at first sight or something? he shook his head, and your head snapped up at the motion to look at him. 
he mumbled under his breath, “no, no, it’s probably just being attracted or something, that’s all.”
so why did he keep coming back into the shop…just to see you? 
“and that’s how vernon fell in love,” seungkwan says, giggling as vernon finishes telling his story of how he met you to seokmin.
“wow.” seokmin’s hands go up to cover his mouth as he gasps, surprised by vernon’s words. “that’s pretty romantic actually…”
seungkwan agrees, almost jumping up and down as they stand around seokmin’s kitchen island, where the small birthday party for seokmin and vernon—affectionately called the 218 bros—is being held.
vernon sighs, his face red, not being able to lie to his friends. “yeah, yeah…whatever seungkwan said.”
seokmin takes out his phone, looking at it thoughtfully before at vernon. “should i call mingyu to tell him to close the bakery earlier so they can be here before we cut the cake?” 
“no need. they’re not working today, so i think they’re just a little late,” vernon says, shaking his head.
and he’s completely right because you’re rushing to pack the treat you’ve made him in time to leave with mingyu, who swears he’ll leave you behind if you take more than five more minutes. 
“but gyu!” you whine, balancing your phone in between your ear and your shoulder before making sure you don’t get frosting all over your clothes. “you can’t leave me, i’m your only employee!”
mingyu sighs over the phone before pausing. “hey, do you think i should hire seungkwan instead of you? that’d be a nice change.”
you snort, taking the two large boxes in your hands and putting them down so you can lock your door. “you could never replace me, and you know it.”
mingyu hangs up as you make your way to his backseat to deposit your gifts and grins when you settle into the passenger seat beside him. 
“yeah, yeah…” he rolls your eyes as you put your phone into your pocket, pausing when you see a notification from one of the men of the hour. 
vernon ❙
hey are you on your way?
we’re gonna cut cake soon
wait nvm we don’t have the cake
you ❙
yeah i’m almost there! 
just got a little late, me and mingyu are on our way
vernon ❙
sweet me and seokmin will meet you out front if you need help ?
apparently the cake is with you guys 
you ❙
yeah sure! thanks :D
vernon ❙
of course :)
you squeal, clutching mingyu’s arm as he looks at you before back at the road immediately. “hey, i’m driving here!”
you apologize, and grin when you pull up to seokmin’s home. mingyu gets out and opens the backseat door as you wave to vernon, who’s out waiting for you on the lawn. 
vernon moves to help mingyu with the boxes but the other man only winks as he carries the two cakes in his hands easily.
you smile as you join vernon on the grass and start to go in for a hug before pausing and patting him on the shoulder awkwardly. “happy birthday, vernon!”
he raises an eyebrow before patting your back in a similar way to mock you, and smiles. “thanks.” vernon gestures towards the front door. “should we go in?”
you’re greeted with a big hug from both seokmin and seungkwan as you enter, and vernon smiles at your excitement to see your friends before immediately deadpanning. he can’t get caught, especially not by seungkwan—he would be teased forever.
seungkwan casually wraps an arm around your shoulder and smirks at vernon’s slightly clenched fist before saying your name loudly. “did you really make the cakes all by yourself? wow, that’s so impressive, they look so good!” 
you nod sheepishly, a small blush forming on your cheeks as vernon blinks and claps you on the back, subtly replacing seungkwan’s position beside you. “wow, that’s really cool of you. i appreciate it a lot, dude.”
you grin at him, and vernon doesn’t even notice how his friends scooch away to marvel at your sweet creations in the kitchen because he’s too busy focused on the way your eyes are somehow brighter in the lit entryway of his friend’s home. 
“vernon?” you call out concerned, waving a hand in front of his face. “you there?”
he blinks, and his hand goes back up to the spot on his neck that it always does. “uh, yeah, i’m here.”
you smile at him again, and he’s entranced. “right, so the cakes have a ton of chocolate, and i didn’t know what you and seokmin liked best so—!” 
vernon immediately puts his hand around your back, shocked at how you almost fell while taking a step towards him. you wince, and he looks up, locking eyes with mingyu before he looks down at you, calling your name in a panic. “are you alright? did—did you twist your ankle?”
you groan, gripping onto vernon’s arm as you pull yourself up to stand on your right foot, as putting pressure on your left hurts. 
you breathe heavily and look down at your foot, already seeing an angry red forming as your ankle swells underneath your sneaker. 
“okay, okay, uh…” vernon thinks out loud for a second before calling over mingyu and telling him to start his car. he squeezes the arm he’s still holding, and gives you a nervous smile. “you’re gonna be alright, okay? um—i’m gonna take you to the hospital and we’ll be with mingyu and—”
he gets interrupted by seungkwan grabbing your other arm so they can help you walk out the door, and onto the lawn. seungkwan looks at you concerned as he helps you into the backseat of mingyu’s car, and to your surprise, vernon sits down in the seat beside you. 
you’re not the only one surprised, as mingyu gapes at vernon through the rearview mirror. 
“what?” vernon looks at the both of you weirdly before sighing. “come on, mingyu, we need to hurry!”
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as mingyu pulls out of seokmin’s neighbourhood, you think you’re going mad, just like he said you were only a few weeks ago. you start to giggle incessantly, unable to stop even when vernon glances at you worriedly and pulls you into his shoulder so you’re supported. 
“i—i’m so sorry,” vernon says suddenly, his knee bouncing up and down as he frowns at you. “this is all my fault.”
you stop giggling and frown as well, groaning in pain as you shift to face vernon better—god, this hurts. 
“what are you talking about?” you ask vernon before another giggling fit comes on, and you manage to squeeze out, “i’m the one who went whoops! and fell down, not you!” 
vernon stares at you, realizing that this…is probably just your body’s way of distracting yourself from the throbbing of your ankle, and he moves to remove your sneaker so that the nurses don’t struggle with it later.
you giggle again, and you try to push the wrinkle in between his eyebrows away, the adrenaline getting to you and making sure you have no self control at all. “the only thing you did to make me fall was stand there with your beautiful face—oh, and your long eyelashes and nice voice!”
vernon’s eyes widen and you can count every vein in them, coursing with the same liquid that’s now flooding his cheeks. “uh—i…”
your moment is ruined as mingyu sputters, trying to hold back his laughter, and vernon goes to look at him as he fails. wiping his tears, mingyu gestures to the building on the left, not trusting himself to speak just yet, and—oh, you’re at the hospital already. 
to be completely honest, vernon doesn’t know what he’s doing here, sitting in the chair beside you, and listening to the person on the other side of the thin screen separating the beds in the emergency room. all he can do is stare at your intertwined hands as you sleep, the adrenaline high from before wearing off—thank god, because he doesn’t think he could take more of the cheesy pick up lines you’ve thrown at him.
he still can’t believe you said he was so beautiful, you fell for him—quite literally, as your swollen ankle shows it.
mingyu comes back, the necessary paperwork in his hands and pauses, raising an eyebrow in concern. “vernon? you’re really red, do you need to get checked out too?”
vernon raises the hand that’s not being held tightly by yours to his cheek, and realizes that his friend is right—he’s burning up, but he’s pretty sure that’s an after effect of your words, and not because he has a fever.
he shakes his head at mingyu, and the other man excuses himself to make a call to seokmin to explain, and vernon can hear seokmin and seungkwan screaming at mingyu through his phone speaker to the point where his friend’s phone is a good few inches away from his ear. 
vernon squeezes your hand, and pushes a stray strand of hair back from your forehead to plant a soft kiss—hopefully, that would speed up your recovery and wake up sooner, like his own version of sleeping beauty.
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it’s been a few weeks since you twisted your ankle—and basically ruined seokmin and vernon’s birthday party, though both of them don’t blame you for it—and you’re finally back at work, actually feeling useful for the first time since you got back from the hospital. 
of course, mingyu’s a good boss, and a caring friend but that should be common knowledge, and he just about tied you down to the rolling chair he forced you into at the beginning of your shift, and he now makes sure to watch you so you don’t get up, not even once. 
you sigh, cleaning the counter without thinking and wonder what the hell vernon thinks of you now.
apparently, according to mingyu at least, you were flirting with him on the way to the hospital, and vernon didn’t know how to respond at all. you groan, putting your head into your hands before the bell at the door tinkles, signalling a new customer.
“hi there, what can i—” you falter when you see…of course, it’s vernon. “hi!”
he nods at you in greeting, holding a bag in his hand as he comes up to the counter. “hi.”
you raise an eyebrow at vernon with a chuckle. “are you actually going to buy something for once, vernon?”
when he nods again, you’re surprised. does he mean he’ll no longer be a window shopper and actually contribute to the bakery?
he sputters, unable to hold his laugh in. “you…you have such a shocked look on your face, i’m sorry.”
embarrassed, you compose yourself, clearing your throat. “well, i didn’t expect you to upgrade from window shopper to actual shopper anytime soon, so i’m pleasantly surprised.”
“well…for that i have to make a purchase, right?” he smiles at you softly. “can i have a slice of cheesecake, please?” 
you nod eagerly, and roll to where the slices are kept, taking one out carefully. as you put it in a paper bag for him, vernon fidgets nervously with the handles of the bag he’s holding, and you ring him up.
he pays with his card—and tips you generously; you shoot him a grateful smile. vernon puts the bag he brought earlier down on the counter to grab the one with the cheesecake and wipes his free palm on his jeans. “uh, that—that’s for you.”
you put your hand in the bag carefully and pull out a small box, opening it carefully as vernon watches you. 
it’s a…cupcake? you pull a cupcake that’s a bit flat, and has something written on it with frosting.  though you can’t tell what it says exactly, you make out a question mark at the end and look up at vernon. “uh…thank you? sorry, i can’t read what it says.”
vernon’s mouth turns into an o as his cheeks heat up, and now you’re even more confused. 
“i um…” vernon says quietly before he blurts the rest of his sentence out. “i’m asking you on a date.” 
your jaw drops open as he continues and by now, you both are a deeper shade of pink than the walls surrounding you.
“i’ve actually liked you for a while now.” vernon continues nervously with a chuckle, rubbing the nape of his neck as he looks down at his sneakers. “that’s why i kept coming back here, even though i couldn’t afford to buy anything—i was here for you.”
“i really like you too, vernon.” he looks up and smiles nervously at you, and you can’t help but grin. “and i’m happy we both feel the same way.”
vernon pretends to wipe sweat from his forehead, saying, “phew, i’m glad that’s over with.”
he folds the top of the paper bag holding his cheesecake and bites back another grin. “so…wednesday at six? i’ll pick you up if you’re working from here, and we can watch shrek or something at my place, so you can sit comfortably.”
you grin, taking vernon’s hand in yours gently. “i would love that.”
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a/n (again): thank you for reading! i hope you enjoyed and if you did, please tell me :D i would love to know <3 lots of love, moon.
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thattimdrakeguy · 2 years
(Gives You a Big Virtual Hug)
You ain’t Dumb to Me, Buddy
If all those past meta posts and analyses in the past are anything to go by, you’re insightful and passionate in your points and research
You’re pretty smart, that’s all I have to say ;-)
i don't mean to be rude, but reread the post slowly lmao
i think in most instances it's actually less of a case of being smart, and more just being simply competent
like there was a time when i was able to read people so well, that i'd know how a full 30 minute conversation would go off of two sentences, and in a pretty detailed way too, and i played the conversation like it was chess because i was a lonely internet fuck that found arguing to be too much fun
so i was still a bit of an idiot, but like, y'know, i'm like dumber now. can't do that now even when it could be used in a practical useful way
i also used to be able to give some actually good advice that'd work for people
and generally speaking be able to think in a strong competent manner that'd let me get to the point of things a lot faster without any "uh, uh, uh" moments so i was just more efficient
it doesn't sound that impressive without explaining a specific encounter in detail, because admittedly it's not that impressive
like i'm not about to talk about my days as a dick-headed internet turd (this is pre-tumblr by the way, so it wasn't always out of good-hearted passion either, like i was a proper asshole) as if i'm some mega-genius
i'm not graduating with a doctorate within only two years or anything
i don't mean smart as in that type of smart
i just simply used to be more competent in areas that i could use more nowadays but now lack the ability
because back when i played conversations like chess, being even somewhat manipulative during stuff like that, it just made me a very easily frustrated, impatient, joyless person
but now i can't do shit at all to the point i fail in conversation because my brain won't even give me a response that sounds like i give a shit when i do very much genuinely give a shit
it probably has something to do with severe depression over intense crabbiness but i don't know
like i've never been good at normal conversation. again, i'm not claiming to be a mega genius
i could just really use some of those communication skills and thinking abilities nowadays, just hopefully in ways that won't make me a bitter, unhappy, friendless, buffoon, that spent my time feeling like i was better than everyone all because i could get people to clown themselves easily
i don't consider having endless trivia about stuff most people don't care about intelligence. i don't think most people do in regards to themselves
like i'm autistic, and i think a lot of people can relate to me in that regard. ya know like it's less intelligence, and more just an obsessive drive to learn about stuff we find interesting. so our brain sucks in all this useless info, but it doesn't make us by default necessarily intelligent per say (i never spell that right do i)
i have no valuable life skills, and i'll probably die from incompetence
i also got that 'gifted child' syndrome that i know people can relate to
i'm not a unique mister special cupcake or anything
doesn't make it any less hard to deal with, though.
thank you for allowing me to waste your time, and sorry for the dump
my therapist been on break, and my dad nearly died lately so i don't feel like dumping anything on him
sorry it all came out on you, though, but it was one of those burst moments
don't think i said anything too far, but, uh, my bad if i did
Long Story Short, I had some skills that weren't that special, realistically speaking, but I don't have them now, and they'd be useful. But I had them when I was a lowly bitter fuck. Now I'm a useless sad fuck. But I can at least laugh and smile so it's not as bad as it could be. Keep positive and your chin up and stuff and all that.
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storytellerpanic · 2 years
This extract I'm pretty happy with. For now.
Steven had always loved that tall woman with those smiling emerald eyes. So sophisticated, so sweet, so genuine. He loved her as soon as he met her, in that little café-bookshop of hers. The rest of his life, well, he couldn't remember that. That didn't matter. Only she mattered. 
The rest of his life was a haze. Sometimes it was excruciating. That didn't matter. Only she mattered.
It had been, what? Weeks? Months? Years? Since he last saw her. That didn't matter. He was patient. He would wait for her. When she comes, he can think again, move again, breathe again. She is his life force. Does she know that? He'd better not tell her, he didn't want to worry her.
He loved Cupcake. He adored her. He despised the fact he couldn't ever be able to show his affections for her. He'd never be able to surprise her, not when the world shifted away in her absence.
He awoke again, some footsteps echoing on those tiles alerting him to her presence. His subconscious flicked open his eyes, and then he became aware once more. He could not say a word, for his mouth was sewn shut, he could not raise his arms in a welcoming gesture, for they were shackled down, but that didn't matter. Only she mattered.
There was someone else there with her. Grasping her wrist so firmly. Was she okay? He had to protect her. How? He was powerless. Totally and utterly powerless. It never mattered before.
But then she was smiling. She was laughing at the stranger's efforts to intimidate her. Did she love them?
Jealousy bubbled over, searing Steven with pure, unfiltered anger. He tried to scream, but his vocal chords were slashed to pieces, he tried to punch, but he was bound down to that cold table. The stranger noticed. Approached him. Those cold, grey, ever-analysing eyes were the last thing Steven saw, as the tubes were wrenched from his body, and he died slowly, in agony.
But it didn't matter. Only she mattered.
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I've been struggling to really describe how different this recent lore feels to me, and I think it's coming down to this concept of change and growth.
People keep saying the season's theme is legacy, and I agree. Given Quackity's lore stream that's basically a given. But I think this growth concept is gonna be just as important.
Think about it from Tommy’s pov. Ever since day 1, since the Disc War started, Tommy has spent most of his time on the server just losing things he cares about. Whether it was a cow he named Henry, his house, the country he built with his friends, his closest friend, his sanity, or even his own, last life. He just kept losing. And losing. And losing.
That’s what Dream intended. Tommy, as we’ve learned, was a thorn in Dream’s side beyond just being “annoying at first”. He constantly tried to stand up to him, to refuse his control even with the knowledge that he was the server owner.
Dream tried to get rid of him in Exile and the little shit managed to escape and hide in the house of someone he considered a friendly acquaintance. Dream tried to take control of him at the end of the Final Disc War, but Tommy planned ahead, paid Punz more for his and the rest of the server’s assistance, and instead, Dream ended up locked away in the prison he designed.
It’s no wonder Dream’s obsessed with him. Tommy just doesn’t back down. He’s stubborn. Even when he got locked in prison with Dream on accident, when he was beaten to death and then forcefully revived, so traumatized he couldn’t stand taking damage from anything, he didn’t back down. He worked on his paranoia, forced himself to confront his own fears with the goal of finally killing Dream.
Tommy doesn’t give up. He just doesn’t know how to. It felt like the whole server was against him at one point and Tommy still didn’t give up. He couldn’t afford to.
And I think, over the months that Dream’s been locked up, some of that attitude’s kinda started to rub off on people.
With Dream out of control, there’s been no overarching threat of complete loss. Have people lost things? Yes, of course they have. But I think what’s changed is that people have had time to actually grow and rebuild, because there was no villain looming in the background, twisting strings in different directions to orchestrate chaos for his own entertainment. And while things haven’t been all sunshine and rainbows, because that’s not how things work, there's been a clear shift.
Nearly a year of changes have happened without Dream’s knowledge. Nearly a year of growth has happened on the smp that Dream had very little to no part in. And I think that's caused the resurfacing of something we haven't seen in ages: hope. Real hope. Hope for change, hope for the future, just...hope. Hoping even when things are going to absolute shit.
So it's no wonder that when Dream broke out, when he went after Tommy, people didn't just blame the kid for everything again. They've had time to reflect now, they've had time to think and change. The only one who isn't aware of all these changes is the one who would have done anything to prevent them from happening.
And if Quackity and Phil’s treatment of Tommy, as well as Techno and Sapnap’s treatment of Dream is anything to go by, then well-
I personally think these changes are gonna be a very rude awakening to him.
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