#tlou starter
Open Starter | Jupiter | Grieving
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After finding a hide out on their way, Jupiter separated from Joel and Ellie, finding a room to cry herself to sleep in. Tess just died and she hadn't been able to let herself grieve for her older sister.
She found a room upstairs and closed the door, but instead of sitting on the bed, she slid down the wall and sat on the floor, curled up so she hugged her knees to her chest.
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deadprompts · 7 months
content warning applies. change any pronouns / wording if necessary.
you're either with us or you ain't.
you do the same damn stink eye as your dad
i'm not saving you anymore.
you should be dead.
i love a gal that takes me to dinner and doesn’t expect me to put out.
you're sitting over there talking outside both sides of your mouth.
i know i had to make a pretty strong first impression.
you’re lucky. don’t forget.
i just bent over backwards to show you how reasonable i am.
it's gonna be dark soon.
did you just threaten me?
you see, now i just think you're lying.
kid. i ain't gonna lie. you scare the shit out of me.
are you kiddin' me?
do soy sauce packets count as food?
i'm dealing in certainties, and i'm doing my part to give them what they want.
what'd he have? a knife?
i get why you did it.
i would not have messed with that guy!
hot diggity dog! this place is magnificent!
i don’t give a shit if you think you’ve found the secret to life.
if you keep thinking everyone's an enemy, then enemies are all you're gonna find.
let me give you some advice.
you should go before you find out how dangerous we really are.
that takes guts... and then there's you.
people want someone to follow.
same goes for you too right?
little pig, little pig, let me in!
i want you to think about what could've happened, think about what happened, and think about what can still happen.
don’t pretend you don’t know the score.
anyone wanna finish the game? come on! i was winning!
it ain’t just about getting by here. it’s about getting it all.
people can try and you set you in the right direction, but they can’t show you the way.
listen, i like you, so i don't want to go hard proving a point here.
we'll win. but we need to wait for the right moment.
i hear your concern. i'm not insensitive to it.
people say i have an expressive face.
i always found it hard getting close to anyone.
that remind you of anyone you know?
if you knew us, if you knew anything, you would kill us.
well pardon me.
look, just put it down...
we need to talk.
hope you're not trying to hide stuff from us 'cause that generally doesn't go over very well.
i feel like i ought to give you a signing bonus.
you bunch of pussies!
nobody's evil. they just decide to forget who they are.
i think i've made my position very clear.
i'm serious. do you want me to prove how serious?
bet you thought you were all gonna grow old together.
whatever you had going for you... that is over now.
what's about to happen is gonna be hard to watch.
if you're having problems of that nature, come to see me.
some people are evil. i've seen it.
i was gifted these pickles.
how about a "thank you?"
i can't be the only one to notice that you got a fat lady in charge of keeping track of rations, can i?
he's an idiot.
you'll get yourself killed.
you should know, there is no door number four. this is it. this is the only way.
speak when you're spoken too.
in case you haven't caught on, i just slipped my dick down your throat, and you thanked me for it.
i can see this is hard on you guys.
we provide security for others. we bring civilization back to this world.
you guys have a barbecue or something and not invite us?
i'll find you.
you were thinking about someone else.
my apologies for leaving the place a bit of a mess, but we got a litany of other shit to attend to!
you like ice cream? we have ice cream.
me? i ain't doing shit.
you got your friend killed.
not making a decision is a big decision.
drink from the well, replenish the well.
suck my nuts.
he's a coward. they're more dangerous.
don't be rude.
this must be hard for you right?
no matter how things go down, i got your back.
we'll crack open some tequila, we'll talk, we'll work it out.
you don't have to do this.
your people are making me lose my voice doing all this yelling.
i'd like to take it back to awkward silence now.
i mean, you have been king shit for so long.
we made it. we can make it. we can.
you're not me.
it’s because you got no guts.
was the joke that bad?
is that you? underneath all that man bush?
thanks for saving my life before. and other time. oh, and the other time.
get on your knees.
you really want to see all these people die? you will.
i am indeed a smarty pants.
what the hell, man?
we're the ones who live.
don't wander around here on your own.
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rpstartersinc · 1 year
* 𝐇𝐁𝐎'𝐒  𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓  𝐎𝐅  𝐔𝐒  /  𝐄𝐏  𝟑,  𝟒  &  𝟓.
feel free to change pronouns / wording!
“ want your jacket back? ”
“ never been in the woods. more bugs than i thought. ”
“ i don’t want your sorries. ”
“ i wasn’t gonna say i’m sorry. ”
“ nobody made you go along with this plan. ”
“ don’t blame me for something that isn’t my fault. ”
“ what are you looking out for? ”
“ is it something lame, like you fell down the stairs or something? ”
“ someone shot at me and missed. ”
“ i gotta grab some stuff i stashed. ”
“ you ask a lot of goddamn questions. ”
“ i had a friend who knew everything about this game. ”
“ there’s this one character named mileena who takes off her mask and she has monster teeth and then she swallows you whole and barfs out your bones! ”
“ ah, getting funnier. ”
“ dude, you got to go up in the sky! ”
“ so everything came crashing down in one day? ”
“ if you have to get bit to be infected, then who bit the first person? ”
“ there’s stuff up there you shouldn’t see. ”
“ well now i have to see. ”
“ whatever it was, think it’s gone. ”
“ dead people can’t be infected. ”
��� it doesn’t get old. ”
“ i’m not infected! ”
“ why did you take that long to answer? ”
“ i thought about lying for some reason, but the reason didn’t come. ”
“ i’m letting you go, so go. ”
“ if i feed you, then every bum you talk to about it is gonna show up here looking for a free lunch. ”
“ you already know i’m bad at lying. ”
“ everything tastes good when you’re starving. ”
“ i know i don’t seem like the type. ”
“ would you stop!? ”
“ paying attention to things, it’s how we show love. ”
“ there are no friends to be had. ”
“ i’ve actually been talking to a nice woman on the radio. ”
“ aren’t i the lucky one? ”
“ i got something to show you. ”
“ i like you older. older means we’re still here. ”
“ i was never afraid before you showed up. ”
“ took most of the night. i’m exhausted. ”
“ i’ve had more good days with you than with anyone else. ”
“ i should be furious. ”
“ you hear anything, you see anything, yell. ”
“ so they’re dead? ”
“ i used to hate the world, and i was happy when everyone died. but i was wrong, because there was one person worth saving. ”
“ we have a job to do, and god help any motherfuckers who stand in our way. ”
“ we can just keep our histories to ourselves. ”
“ you do what i say when i say it. ”
“ they have hot water! i’m taking a shower, and then you’re showering, because seriously - pffff. ”
“ well don’t you look pretty. ”
“ it’s like a spaceship. ”
“ gas breaks down over time, this stuff’s almost water. ”
“ it doesn’t matter how much you push the envelope, it’ll still be stationary. ”
“ what did the mermaid wear to her math class? an algae bra. ”
“ i stayed up all night wondering where the sun went, and then it dawned on me. ”
“ this make you all nostalgic? ”
“ hold your horses, i wanna see what all the fuss is about. ”
“ why are all these pages stuck together? ”
“ can we start a fire? i’m freezing. ”
“ no one’s gonna find us. ”
“ if you don’t think there’s hope for the world, why bother going on? ”
“ i’m not even tired. ”
“ i’m all turned around. ”
“ this is my second day in a fucking car, man! ”
“ you’re not hurt? ”
“ you don’t come out until i say, okay? ”
“ my mom isn’t far, if you could get me to her. ”
“ you can have it. ”
“ you don’t have to! ”
“ i can’t fit through. ”
“ i was alone. ”
“ you were wronged, and i’m sorry. ”
“ they put a gun to my head! ”
“ have i satisfied the necessary conditions for you to talk? ”
“ you think i won’t do it? ”
“ i didn’t hear that guy coming. ”
“ you’re just a kid. ”
“ i know what it’s like, the first time that you hurt someone like that. ”
“ i’m not good at this. ”
“ you shouldn’t have had to, and i’m sorry. ”
“ it wasn’t my first time. ”
“ you put it in your pack, you’ll shoot your damn ass off. ”
“ we’ll get through this. ”
“ let’s just handle what we have to handle. we can deal with this after. ”
“ where would you be without me, huh? ”
“ how did you know it was an ambush? ”
“ i’ve been on both sides. ”
“ we did what we needed to survive. ”
“ did you kill innocent people? ”
“ i don’t want someone sneaking up on us while we’re sleeping. ”
“ i don’t wanna talk about it. ”
“ so it gets easier when you get older? ”
“ did you know diarrhoea is hereditary? yeah, it runs in your jeans. ”
“ you laughed, motherfucker! ”
“ look at me, not at that. ”  
“ i used to be so scared of these people. ”  
“ did it make you feel safe? ”  
“ how does it make you feel now? ”  
“ i swear, i’ve told you everything i know. ”  
“ he won’t be talking. ”  
“ why go to the trouble? you can kill yourself right here. ”
“ do i look scared? ”  
“ i’ve been watching them, i know their patterns. ”  
“ we don’t wanna hurt you, we wanna help you. ”  
“ if i lower my gun, we didn’t hurt you, so you don’t hurt us, right? ”
“ that’s a weird fucking tone, man. ”  
“ that’s just the way he sounds, he has an asshole voice. ”
“ i’m gonna trust you. ��  
“ you know what happens when you do that to people? the moment they get a chance, they do it right back to you. ”
“ never killed anyone. ”  
“ pointing an unloaded gun at you was the closest i’ve ever come to being violent. ”
“ that’s my dicey-as-fuck plan. ”  
“ your dad’s kind of a pessimist. ”  
“ he’s not my dad. ”  
“ i’m not her dad. ”  
“ endure and survive. ”  
“ i wasn’t exactly telling you the truth, before. ”  
“ i am the bad guy because i did a bad guy thing. ”  
“ we’re not doing so good. ”  
“ have you been back to the room you grew up in? ”  
“ he would be horrified by the things i’ve done. ”  
“ this is what happens when you fuck with fate. ”  
“ are you ever scared? ”  
“ i’m scared all the time. ”  
“ i’m scared of ending up alone. ”  
“ if you turn into a monster, is it still you inside? ”  
“ stay awake with me. ”  
“ gimme the gun. ”  
“ what did i do? ”  
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amourrs · 2 months
look i agree with you but these people who write and read it aren’t gonna give a fuck about any of your guys posts being concerned. just block and move on like they do. all of your posts about it aren’t going to change anything😭😭
sweetmourninglambie (a huge culprit in these weird fics) either deactivated or privated her blog so these posts clearly do something even if it’s just publicly shaming these authors to the point that they log off and stop posting that shit. and also i don’t really care even if they don’t change anything— i just want to let these people know they’re fucking freaks who glamorise pedophilic behaviour whether they care about it or not. my blog my opinions and my opinion is that we should bring back stoning in the town square
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abysscs · 3 months
OPEN TO: M / F / NB - preferably someone a little softer / less confrontational than him! premise: approx. 4 years into the apocalypse and reuven has just raided a home he believed to be empty, used the shower (how the hell was there hot water? hes not questioning it too hard) and has now just helped himself to the food in the cupboards. he also used your muse's soap and some cologne he found in the bedroom (could be your muse's or someone that lived with them ) if you'd like to start out with a fight, i'm totally down! i just ask that you don't godmod :)
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There was the chirping of the morning dove, and the groaning floorboards against wind too eager, and man, disheveled, feral, standing beneath the warm cascade of shower for the first time in four years. To Reuven, this felt like some sort of spiritual experience. A rapture. He did not believe in a god anymore, but he believed in this. In the water, and how it washed his body clean, of roaming undead and guttural screams and violence so wretched it rung against eardrums hours after the fact.
This could have been the first time he'd ever felt the steam lift from his worn and tired muscles in his life, if he hadn't had memory of it. His groan was that of pure relief; of some euphoria that had been lost to him so long ago, one that could only be summoned by creature comforts. And his nails scratched at his filthy skin, embedding the soap into his pores, until the water ran brown, then red, then pink, and then clear. His bloodied and dirty clothes lay in some stinking heap on the floor beside the tub, and when the shower halted with a squeak, Reuven took a long and purposeful step over them, wrapping towel around his torso to go exploring the home. He found photos and bed sheets and, in the far closet of the master bedroom, a clean shirt and shorts. As though it were all untouched by the hands of time. And if he were any less starved, he might have stopped to think—think why? Why did this place appear to be so untouched? Had it truly not seen the horrors that awaited outside its walls, or had there been someone inside of it? Tending to its scars? But he was not any less starved. He was dazed and out-of-body, and carried his black, bloodied carbine with him as he spritzed some half-filled cologne into his neckline. Creature comforts.
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And then heavy footsteps fell upon each stair, slow, taking his time, in the pursuit of kitchen. Where was it? Such a strange home, to be built upon the face of a hill, where entrance opened to the second level and the kitchen, apparently, was where he expected a basement to be. His forefinger dragged along the drywall as he went, slowly, not because he didn't care to get there any faster, but because he was so damned tired. He ached from the inside out, and when he finally reached that kitchen chair, his form fell into it with another groan, a thud, a creak. This was the first time he'd sat on anything comfortable in a long time. Dinner first, then he'd take advantage of that mattress upstairs. It had looked so inviting, for a moment Reuven wasn't sure which starvation mattered more to him: sleep or hunger? But he knew he'd sleep better with a full stomach, and to his slight surprise and whole relief, there was food. Cupboards of food. Full cupboards. He stared at the shelves, eyes glossed over with his starvation, almost unable to believe his sight. And then he began eating, right there, over the sink. He began shoveling anything chewable into his mouth and ate like ravenous dog, hardly chewing, shaking. Rapture.
His body knew before his mind did. The goosebumps ripped up his shoulders into his neck, where hairs raised, and he spun around, dark eyes wild and vicious, ready to kill. How long had they been watching him? How long had he been vulnerable?
"You got a death wish?" he called, as if it were the most natural question to ask the owner of the home he was intruding in.
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assholevoice · 1 year
open starter;
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“Ugh” Joel groaned as he turned over on the hard ground. The sleeping bag kept him warm but it didn’t protect him from the hard lumpy ground. No matter where he slept he managed to find a bump even if the ground appeared to be as smooth as he could find. He hoped he could at least get a better night’s sleep when they hit the city. As much as he loved the outdoors, especially the forest, at 57 his body was really starting to miss a mattress.
He had somehow managed to turn onto his good ear while he slept and now turning back over the sound of the morning chorus of birds rang in his ears. It was nice. While he closed his eyes, he could almost feel normal. As normal as he could after 20 years living in a post-apocalyptic hell. Nature had never stopped thriving, in fact it seemed to be doing better now that human civilisation had gone up in smoke.
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killerharvey · 1 month
[ 𝑰 . . . ] @fortrauma
. . . "We've all done terrible things to survive," Harvey mutters, his fingers trembling as he raises the cigarette to his lips. It's a precious commodity, one he'd managed to steal and hoard for months, saving it for a moment of celebration or a glimmer of hope. But now, faced with the harsh reality of their situation, he can't find any solace in it. His gaze drifts downward to the remnants of the horror they'd narrowly evaded, the distant sounds of clickers serving as a chilling reminder of what he could wake up to if dare to sleep.
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thedesolated · 8 months
open to: m/f/anyone plot: Cristine & your muse met on unexpectedly while checking out a ransacked convenience store & are having a little stand-off. The undead broke in or appeared from a back loading dock, chasing the two into a barricaded location where they're trying to wait it out a bit to see if things will calm down or they can escape in another way. you can hmu if you'd like to plot! connection: another survivor location: convenience store back room or storage closet.
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Her back was against the wall, arms resting loosely atop her denim covered knees as Cris listened to the low moan and grunts of the undead on the other side of the wall she sat against. The door was jammed shut with a solid barrier in front of it but the only problem was that they couldn't get out that way, brown eyes snapped up to the other person sharing the small space with Cristine and the woman sized them up silently before she filled her lungs with a big inhale and exhale through her nose. With a little wave of her hand Cris tried to get their attention before she offered a somewhat lame but still pretty friendly smile, given their circumstances she had no right to make demands or even ask for anything but Cristine hated the tension in the silence between them.
"You wouldn't happen to have a fucking cigarette, would you?" She asked, mostly mouthing the words but what voice could be heard was certainly in a whisper. Cris didn't want to alert the dead to their presence but fuck did she need a cigarette, that was why she'd gone into this damn store in the first place. Since being separated from her younger brother and sister, Cristine had been trying to fill the emptiness she felt inside her chest every waking moment. Cigarette's always had been a vice of hers but the scarce resource had evaded her while she used it to distract her from the probability that her siblings were dead. "-- or a joint?" Cris added a little excitedly, brows arching in mild expectation even though she knew that likelihood would be less than the other having a cigarette.
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aintashes · 3 months
@serpcntes said: ‘ the guest bedroom is all yours. ’ — from joel.
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there's a nagging feeling in daryl's gut that makes it difficult for him to follow joel into the house. this kind of courtesy without an ulterior motive is something daryl was convinced escaped people a long time ago. but even if he wanted to just move on, he really doesn't have a choice: he's injured. maybe normally he would rough it out there, take his chances with the dead, but he can barely walk. he needs time, and joel is offering that to him.
the jury's still out on whether or not that time will end up having a price attached to it. joel doesn't seem half bad, all things considered, but daryl remains wary even as the door to the guest room swings open for him.
his eyes land on the bed first. one good night's rest on an actual mattress might just be worth whatever joel could possibly ask him for in return. he doesn't know when the last time was that he even saw a clean bed. stepping inside the room slowly, daryl takes a cursory look around before turning back to his current accommodator.
‘ thanks, ’ he mutters, his chin dipping to his chest as he gives a grateful little nod. daryl's bow and the bag on his back are shrugged unceremoniously to the floor as he finally lowers himself down to sit in a nearby chair, a quiet grunt of pain rumbling in his throat.
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crimsontrxcks · 3 months
>> OPEN STARTER [ Setting: Zombie apocalypse, The walking dead, The last of us. . . ]
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❝ There is no where to go but through them. ❞ jerking the head towards the horde of infected flesh eaters who were bending the iron fence more and more with their weight, ruby haired woman gritted the snow-white teeth. ❝ I've told you not to fucking come. ❞ the guilty conscience was visible on the sharp features of the face, laced with anger that came from a place of concern and regret. Soft digits grazing the jagged blade, focus on the drooling jaws of the undead reaching for them. ❝ I don't care what you believe in, what you think you need to do. . . when we go out there, you will fucking run and not turn back. Do you understand? ❞ Fault was her own, allowing the person to join despite her better judgment. Now, it was Clare's obligation to get them out of here. . .no matter the cost.
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fireflics · 1 year
open starter // retorno da patrulha (tarde)
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o violão repousava contra o corpo de lina, falanges calejadas dedilhavam a melodia antiga -- fragmentos de outro mundo, o toca discos na pequena garagem que habita parecia ar fresco ao inundar os sentidos desta. isso não vai durar. as orbes escuras e cansadas pairaram as feições de muse, nunca fora boa consolando pessoas. a tragédia entrelaçava-se a jackson e aceitar dois turnos de patrulha fora a úncia reação de lina. " algum pedido? " o sentimento de perda parecia anestesiado pelos anos de trauma e tragédia. parte desta convencida que jackson iria ruir, pensava num plano b. às vezes lina questionava a razão de sobreviver, o porquê da mordida não tâ-la transformado. " ou vamos ficar aqui nesse silêncio constrangedor e melancólico? pelo menos me passe um pouco de bebida. "
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deadprompts · 3 months
content warning applies. change any pronouns / wording if necessary.
i’d like to think that you knew me better than anybody else.
what if i give up too soon?
i don't know what i heard.
there is a crow that i can see on my street almost every day.
what's a word for lonely that doesn't mean alone?
you're all that i've got to lose.
i saw the end of the world last night.
you were mad at the whole world.
you think you look older, i think you look alive.
i don't wanna need anything.
it didn't save me like i thought it would.
if i loved you at the start then i would love you at the end.
i don't wanna die anymore.
am i brave if the noise doesn't scare me?
i’d stay but i don't wanna bore you.
i have more than enough
i can't fix all the things that you couldn't.
and it's a damn shame you're good at winning.
bury me under gravel just deep enough so nobody finds me.
mark my words, there's a thousand things that don't wash out with anything.
i have to find it and cut it out.
now you're taller than you've ever been.
your costume's in the basement at the bottom of a shelf.
and just like that, we’re starting over.
well i have more than enough for the both of us.
i keep you clean.
was it just like you had before?
there isn't really much to say.
i know it's not what you thought i'd say.
i love you carefully.
i know you're probably standing there wishing that i wasn't here.
i'm sure that someone will draw a new one and cover it before they leave.
i know you don't like the sound.
i can still hear the sound of you laughing all the way down.
does it get too hard being a good person every day of your life?
sometimes i'm scared that i'll only ever feel everything once.
you were angry it didn't stop when you did.
i can't handle when the fight runs out.
i'd do anything but ask for your help.
living takes more than to just survive.
it's gonna rain soon.
i can never feel the same thing cause i change too much.
would i have to forgive you still?
some part of me had to care for you.
pretty soon i'm gonna say something that i’ll eventually regret.
will you still walk me home?
just because she told you so it doesn't mеan that she's right.
you still have more fight in you than you ever really did when you were young.
what would it take for me to be cared for, too?
look at us, carefree.
i'm hardly brave, i know.
did you want to be something more?
i act like i'm dumb for my age.
what you tell her, she will take to her grave.
there is no reason to be someone else.
do you still want me here?
don't worry now, it's already dead.
i would've died for it.
i can hear her disappointment from here.
there's a mark on the wall, you see.
you wouldn't talk even when somebody was listening.
i'll show you how.
something is rotten inside of me.
aren't you tired?
he lets me watch him there as long as i stand far away and as long as i am quiet.
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rpstartersinc · 1 year
* 𝐇𝐁𝐎'𝐒  𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓  𝐎𝐅  𝐔𝐒  /  𝐄𝐏  𝟏  &  𝟐.
feel free to change pronouns / wording!
“ and that’s your biggest worry? ”  
“ i presume the prospect of a viral pandemic keeps you up at night as well? ”
“ you like saying no. ”  
“ billions of puppets with poisoned minds. ”  
“ i was gonna make you birthday pancakes. ”  
“ how old are you again? ”  
“ gonna have to wear diapers soon. ”  
“ you’re still alive, you old fucker. ”  
“ your t-shirt’s inside out. ”  
“ can’t tell you how exciting it was listening to that fucking conversation. ”
“ i was gettin’ worried. ”  
“ i was thinkin’ we’d make some cookies. ”  
“ i don’t know why i talk to her. ”  
“ you locked the door for once, good job. ”
“ you got me a present? ”  
“ i don’t hear anything. ”  
“ that was lame. ”  
“ i put the change back because i’m an honest thief. ”
“ it’s the thought that counts. ”  
“ don’t fall asleep. ”  
“ wasn’t my fault this time. ”  
“ help me. ”  
“ get in the truck! ”  
“ you killed her. ”  
“ we’re gonna be brave, and we’re gonna get outta this. ”
“ are we sick? ”  
“ there’s nowhere to fucking go! ”  
“ i got you. ”  
“ can you run? ”  
“ you keep your eyes on me. ”  
“ we’re gonna get you somewhere safe first. ”  
“ hey! no one told you to move. ”  
“ are you alone? ”  
“ how did you get this? ”  
“ it’s okay. you’re safe. ”  
“ well, the more you shoot people, the harder it is to sleep, i guess. ”
“ you want ‘em or not? ”  
“ fucking fireflies been blowing shit up all week. ”
“ it’s easy to make a mistake in the dark. ”  
“ i’m not asking you to say anything. ”  
“ how about we just let it go? ”  
“ you gonna keep me here? kill me? ”  
“ i give you my word that he won’t hurt you. ”  
“ i’d like to go home and drink ‘til my face stops hurting. ”
“ they’re shooting at us. ”  
“ i’m not a firefly! ”  
“ people are gonna come looking for me. ”  
“ let me out or you’re gonna pay, motherfuckers! ”  
“ i’m not supposed to be here! ”  
“ you can’t be serious. ”  
“ there are worse things than infected out there. ”
“ i got jumped by a couple guys. ”  
“ it’s a miracle you’re alive. ”  
“ it’s a miracle any of us are alive. ”  
“ i was in fedra lockup all day. ”  
“ i need you to take a breath. ”  
“ we’re gonna find out, quietly. understand? ”  
“ i would very much like for you to hurt him. ”  
“ our people are asking what’s going on, and i don’t know what to tell them. ”
“ rebellion takes time. ”  
“ is this real? ”  
“ keep it quiet. ”  
“ you tell me to ‘look for the light’ and i’ll break your jaw. ”
“ you’re not scared. ”  
“ why did you stop them? ”  
“ i won’t tell anyone about any of this, i swear. ”
“ you were safe there until you decided to sneak out. ”
“ why won’t you let me go home? ”  
“ i wasn’t expecting it. ”  
“ you can’t be stupid like this. ”  
“ obviously didn’t take ‘fuck off’ for an answer. ”
“ gimme my knife. ”  
“ it’s our business to know things. ”  
“ you’re the cause of it. ”  
“ we don’t smuggle people, sorry. ”  
“ i know what’s out there. ”  
“ what are they capable of? ”  
“ you trust her? ”  
“ your watch is broken. ”  
“ you mumble in your sleep. ”  
“ i’ve never been on the other side of the wall. ”
“ look how dark it is. ”  
“ but you know where to go, so we’re gonna be okay. ”
“ holy shit, i’m actually outside! ”  
“ you stay close, and you follow my lead. ”  
“ i’m not sick! ”  
“ i should fucking kill you! ”  
“ i apologise about your lunch. ”  
“ is this bite from a human? ”  
“ so they’re still out there... ”  
“ i have spent my life studying these things. ”  
“ i’m not infected. ”  
“ i think what really impressed them was the fact that i didn’t turn into a fucking monster. ”
“ there’s not gonna be anything bad in here? ”
“ better them than us. ”  
“ i’m gonna talk to you like you’re an adult. ”  
“ fuck you, man, i didn’t ask for this. ”  
“ can i have a gun? ”  
“ i’ll have to thrown a fucking sandwich at them. ”
“ they hit most of the big cities like this, they had to slow the spread somehow. ”
“ whatever, i snuck in. ”  
“ you got some balls on you, sister. ”  
“ people like to tell stories. ”  
“ have you heard of books? ”  
“ i don’t know how i was supposed to know that. ”
“ you’re a weird kid. ”  
“ you try climbing ten fucking floors with our knees, see how you feel. ”
“ where’d you learn to do that? ”  
“ no more questions about me. ”  
“ was it hard? like, knowing they were people once. ”
“ you step on a patch of cordyceps in one place, and you can wake a dozen infected from somewhere else. now they know where you are, now they come. ”
“ you’re not immune from being ripped apart. ”
“ from this point forward, we are silent. ”  
“ well, i didn’t shit my pants, so... ”  
“ how about you just take the good news? ”  
“ is it everything you hoped for? ”  
“ our luck had to run out sooner or later. ”  
“ i never ask you for anything. ”  
“ save who you can save. ”  
“ i’m not going with you! ”
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justa-teacup · 4 months
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Please LIKE and I will go through your open starters and reply! Mutuals and Non-Mutuals welcomed!
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pleinsdemuses · 1 year
Open starter: open to mutuals and non-mutuals | @indiestarter
Muse: Judith Grimes (adult)
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A faint smell of burnt wood floated in the air, their small campfire barely emitting any heat as they were curled up into their sleeping bags . They had to camp further in the woods to not be spotted, they couldn't afford to be taken by surprise in the middle of the night. Always on edge and alert, Judith woke up to the sound of cracking wood, as if someone was watching them. “/name..../ wake up!" she whispered harshly, shaking them as she tried to be as quiet as possible to not draw attention to them.
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infected-immunity · 1 year
🏹 Hunger Pangs 🏹
They hadn’t travelled far before everything went to shit. 
In the days that followed Dan and Amber being torn apart, Ellie couldn’t quite shake the sounds out of her head. It turned out the outside world was just as cutthroat as everyone said. Great. Fucking fantastic. Way to kill the novelty of it all. 
The real issue had been figuring out what to do next. Running seemed like a good plan at first. Away from man-made structures. Away from houses, sewers, roads, abandoned cars- away from all of it. In the brief terror-infused aftermath, it was easier to wish to never see another person again. Dan had been carrying the pack with the map and most of their food. There was no way in hell she was going back to see what was left of him, or what he’d turned into. Screw that. So, what next? 
Which way was home? 
Hell, it wasn’t even like walking to any other city settlement would be safe. The guards would do their obligatory ‘Are You Infected’ check and it would be game over. 
The woodland had been cool when she’d first stumbled across it. The ground was spongey. It smelled different to the sanitised concrete of the Boston QZ. There were bugs and green for as far as the eye could see. And then it got dark. The woods were much less cool in the dark. The noises they contained felt worse when you couldn’t see the small forest creature they belonged to. It was hard to sleep out in the open, under a poorly constructed canopy of sticks. Staying in the woods felt pretty useless. There was only food out there if you knew how to hunt- a skill that Dan and Amber hadn’t exactly been forthcoming with when it came to teaching. 
And so, Ellie resorted to wandering further, feeling the growing bite of hunger with every passing day and hour. Eventually, the hunger fuelled a bold decision to creep out of cover to where the old signs of human life were. At least roads were everywhere, right? And roads had signs! That seemed like the best way to figure out where to go next. Roads were also littered with the husks of long-dead vehicles. Maybe, just maybe, they weren’t all picked clean. Maybe one of them, just one, would have some expired snacks buried in a glove compartment or a back seat pocket. 
It couldn’t hurt to try. 
Pocket knife in hand, Ellie ventured out of the overgrown thicket, cursing to herself as a bramble caught on her sleeve. Past the road and over a steep ledge of dirt and shingle was a huge expanse of water. Ellie paused, feeling her eyes widen. 
That was the sea, right?! There was no way this was a lake. If it was a lake, it was a fucking big one. If it was a lake, she’d be able to drink from it. There was even a boat out there! Cool. Ellie paused, wondering idly to herself whether it was possible for the infected to be stranded on boats. There had to be, she decided after not much thought. Perhaps that meant there were entire cruise ships, floating lost in the ocean with infected staggering around the deck. Her lip twitched as she contemplated whether the idea was sad or funny. 
Her stomach growled again, stirring Ellie back into motion. With her knife, she began prying windows down, taking every effort to be as quiet as possible. After checking three cars, it was beginning to get frustrating. As it turned out, people mostly left trash in their vehicles. Disheartened but hungry enough to keep trying, Ellie turned her sights onto a truck. Truck drivers needed food, right? With a grunt, Ellie finally convinced the window to lower. Straining to reach, her fingers curled around the door handle and pulled before clambering inside to rummage. 
Another growl. 
This time, not from her stomach. 
Ellie froze, scanning the road. Stalking through the cars was an infected. Instinctively, Ellie’s grip tightened around her knife as she watched infected begin to tumble and crawl out of vehicles, stirred by the movement of prey. 
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!
Was it better to hide in the back of the truck, or make a break for it whilst they were still at a bit of a distance? If the infected were staying inside some of the cars, waiting felt like delaying the inevitable. 
Running, then. 
Marlene’s reminder swam to the forefront of Ellie’s mind.
‘Being immune won’t stop them from tearing you apart.’
Geez, thanks brain. 
Where was safe to run, anyway? The woods were too far now, and climbing a tree (although cool in theory) had proven way too difficult when she’d given it a shot. The road was out in the open. What about the water? Would that slow them down? It felt like the best option. With a breath, Ellie collected herself, counting down in her head before opening the door and bolting. 
She didn’t need to check over her shoulder to know they’d seen. A vicious screech from the nearest infected alerted the others. Ragged, hungry breaths sounded at her back. Were they getting closer, or just louder? The ground beneath her feet changed from tarmac to shingle. The water was close. The boat was close too. Were there infected on the boat? 
A bleak, amused part of Ellie wondered if they were enjoying the show. Would they try to paddle ashore to chew on her too? 
Ellie’s stomach lurched as her ankle buckled, sending her crashing into the ground. A wheeze sounded from above, and the closest infected dropped. With a shriek, Ellie scrambled away, convinced it had descended to sink its teeth into her until she saw it twitch and fall motionless, an arrow jutting out from its head. 
“Oh, shit.” Disbelief escaped Ellie in a single shaky breath as she picked herself up in an attempt to reach the water before the other infected closed the distance. 
The shape on the boat moved. But it wasn’t jerking around like an infected. Had they shot the arrow?
“Hey!” Now felt like a good time to start shouting. 
“I’m not sick!” Arms waved in the air desperately as Ellie made her best effort to wade into the icy water. Shit, it hadn’t looked that cold! Grimacing, Ellie fought the water, reaching her waist before hesitating. Drowning was preferable to being torn apart. Would the infected follow her in here? Could she reach the boat without swimming?
“Don’t shoot that fucking thing at me! Shoot at them! I can’t even fucking swim, what the fuck!”
(( Starter for @1womanarmy ))
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