#tm 1x16
wardrobemoments · 2 years
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Jane in s1e16, Bloodshot
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robntunney · 6 months
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@tmlisbons: it's just so incredibly funny
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mah-o-daryaa · 8 months
Aang should've struggled with waterbending.
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OK! OK! OK! I get why you're upset, just hear me out first! (Also I'm a teenage girl, not an old man.)
Now, if we remember the whole system with the four elements, fire is the element of power, earth is the element of substance, air is the element of freedom, and water is the element of change. And each Avatar has an element that they struggle with because its principles conflict with their personality.
That's why Aang struggled to earthbend, its mindset of facing conflict head-on contrasted with his avoidance of conflict. Similarly, Korra struggled to airbend because its mindset of avoiding conflict contradicted with her hot-headedness and brash attitude.
However, the problem is that while Korra (realistically) spends the entire first season learning to airbend (but this isn't about her though, this is about Aang), Aang struggles with earthbending for just one episode and then instantly grasps the concept and become really proficient (hey, maybe Toph's just a really good teacher).
This is the problem. The writers wanted Aang to struggle, so they gave them challenges that clashed with Aang's character traits, but then as soon as the episode ends, he's automatically succeeded in the given task. It's really annoying how Bryke especially don't want Aang to learn from his mistakes and grow as a person, because Raava forbid their Pwecious Boi(TM) is ever in the wrong!
Another element he struggled with is firebending, but not so much with the element itself as with the application of firebending. In The Deserter (1x16), Aang is given the opportunity to learn how to firebend under the tutelage of Jeong Jeong, but over time Aang becomes careless until he accidentally burns Katara while playing around. The episode ends with Aang swearing to never firebend again, and he stays true to his word until The Firebending Masters (3x13), when he and Zuko relearn firebending from the titular masters, Ran and Shaw. This episode ends with them learning that fire isn't an element of destruction, but rather one of life, warmth, and light, and thus becoming more confident in their firebending abilities.
Then there's waterbending, which is the only element besides air that Aang did not struggle with (apparently it was because Aang was quickly able to grasp the mindset of water), but he somehow managed to be a better waterbender than Katara? "Hard to believe" is how I'd put it. I really think there's a missed opportunity to have Aang struggle with the element, and here's why.
The world has changed a lot during the hundred years Aang was trapped in the iceberg. As Katara put it best, "Everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked." Aang had just found out that every single one of his people were exterminated by the Fire Nation, and the rest of the world was caught in a brutal war that lasted an entire century. Worse, in The Northern Air Temple (1x17), Aang discovers that a group of refugees have moved into the Northern Air Temple and almost completely renovated the interior for their own needs (this is a really grey area of morality, I personally believe that the Mechanist was wrong for destroying what was already there in the temple, but Aang was acting on borderline supremacist behaviour throughout the episode. Plus the Mechanist and Teo especially were genuinely interested in Air Nomad culture and wanted the best for their community).
That's why I believe that Aang should have had a mini-arc about waterbending throughout Book 1 (like how he did with learning earthbending and later firebending in the later seasons), which would be about realizing that the world has changed so much during the last century. The Gaang still steals the waterbending scroll, but this time around, instead of getting it right first try, Aang would struggle terribly the first few times because he's still in denial that he's the Avatar and truly the last of his kind.
This would be explored at the Northern Air Temple, which would still new development. He'd have a talk with Teo who reminds him of his people, and that they would never leave him, and that they would live on in his heart. (I personally think it was a missed opportunity that Teo didn't become one of the Air Acolytes. He'd do great improving the standard of living by inventing new machines that would be a benefit, not a detriment, to the new Air Nation and to everyone who is part of it. That's for another time, though.)
Then at the North Pole the whole deal with Pakku would still be there, but this time Aang would still lag behind Katara, this time not because of his laziness, but rather because he still doesn't understand the change. Then with a little help from Katara and Yue, Aang would finally understand that the world has changed, nothing will be the same, but he can face this. With a little help from Water Tribe philosophy, Aang would realize during the finale that what makes the Water Tribe strong is their ability to work with adversity, rather than resisting or fleeing, and their strong bonds with family that can hold them through anything. Also can we please please please have more Water Tribe Aang? The Gaang spent most of Book 1: Water in the Earth Kingdom!
And there you have it. My argument for why Aang should have struggled with waterbending. You can agree or disagree (you are, after all, entitled to your own opinion), but please don't be rude about it, and try to consider my perspective too.
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inthiswhisper · 4 years
the brother codependency thing is really kicking in now. dean wanting the family together while sam wants to live his own life.
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channelrat · 5 years
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I’m not kidding
this is all Kollok is
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mangeur-detoiles · 3 years
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Whistler's awkwardness TM
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dumbasserydistilled · 3 years
I’m working on the “Henry Blake Bisexual compilation” and lmao, there are so many options to choose from.
1x4 “Chief Surgeon Who?”
BARKER: Do you realise you've a man on guard duty who's wearing a skirt? 
HENRY: Yeah, well, luckily he's got the legs for it. (21:30) HB*/MK*
1x9    "Henry, Please Come Home"
HAWKEYE [to Henry]: Can I buy you a drink, big boy-san? 
[Henry opens his mouth to protest then smiles and accepts] (24:35) HB*/HP*
1x11    "Germ Warfare"
HENRY [referring to Frank]: If I didn't know better, I'd say the guy was my wife in Army drag. (4:35) FB*/HB*
1x16    “The Ringbanger”
BRIGHTON [to Henry, about Frank]: Colonel, I'm sorry.  I didn't know he was your girl. (12:07) FB*/HB*
1x17    "Sometimes You Hear the Bullet"
TOMMY: Henry, you're a beautiful sight! [Kisses him on the lips] (07:59) HB*/TG*
TOMMY: Oh. Say goodbye to Henry for me. He'll understand. (10:32) HB*/TG*
1x18 “Dear Dad, Again”
RADAR: Well... It's final week...
HENRY: And you want me to take you to the senior prom, right?? (25:36) HB*/RO*
2x01    "Divided We Stand"
HENRY: Klinger!  I told you to get out of those clothes.  
KLINGER: Not till I'm discharged, sir. (6:06) HB*/MK*
2x03    "Radar's Report"
HENRY: I'll admit, he's no Lana Turner.
KLINGER: I don't usually wear floor-length during the day.
HENRY [Interested]: Oh? (12:09) HB*/MK*
HENRY: Did you see that number Klinger was wearing in the mess tent this morning? The tight little green satin job?
RADAR: I must have missed it.
HENRY: Whew. It was a headsnapper. (24:52) HB*/MK* 
2x04    "For the Good of the Outfit"
HENRY: Well, the corporal's been thoroughly cleared. I did it myself. [clears throat] (9:20) 
STONER: Uh, are you cleared, Colonel?
HENRY [to Radar]: Uh, well, didn't we clear each other?
[Radar looks faintly scandalized.] (9:40) HB*/RO*
2x08    "The Trial of Henry Blake"
OFFICER: Charge three states you have a noncom who is a transvestite.
HENRY: Well, I don't pry into a man's religion, sir. HB*/MK* (9:39)
[Klinger hands Henry a bouquet of flowers and curtsies] (24:55) HB*/MK*
2x09 "Dear Dad... Three"
HENRY: She was with Buzz Wilensky, captain of the football team.  Big, handsome son of a gun, Buzz. (11:10) HB*
TRAPPER: Great looking legs, though, Henry.
HAWKEYE: You've been over here too long. (13:00) HB*/TM*
[Henry, in the home movie, kisses Milt Jaffe on the lips] (13:55) HB*
HAWKEYE: Tell me one thing. Did you and Milt ever get married? (14:25) HB*
2x10 “The Sniper”
[Gun goes off and Radar and Henry hug each other] (8:38) HB*/RO*
FRANK: Col. Blake, our commander, is missing in action.
NURSE: He's trapped in the shower with Radar.
HAWKEYE: What a way to go. HP*/RO*,  HB*/RO*
2x11    "Carry On, Hawkeye"
HAWKEYE [to Henry] He's most dangerous when he's on his back. (3:15) HB*/HP*
2x12    "The Incubator"
HENRY: Well, that only leaves sex.  Afraid we can't help you there. (10:41) HB*
2x15 "Officers Only"
[Henry lighting Klinger’s cigar ] (4:35) HB*/MK* 
2x17 "For Want of a Boot"
HAWKEYE: It never fails. One hand washes the other.
HENRY: You fix that sweetheart, and I'll give you a bath.
HAWKEYE: That part of our relationship is over, Henry. (11:05) HB*/HP*
2x21    “Crisis”
HENRY: Well, if it gets too bad, just do what my wife does.
HAWKEYE: What's that?
HENRY: Hold me close. (14:25) HB*/HP* 
2x22    “George”
FRANK: [being homophobic] HENRY: [annoyed] Frank, why are you telling me this? (16:45) HB*
[Henry is on a chair with a towel over his eyes while a nurse sits next to him holding his hand. Hawkeye and Trapper sneak in and Hawkeye carefully takers her place.]
HENRY: Look, let's skip the manicure. [He leans in to where he thinks the nurse is]
HAWKEYE [leans in close and pulls off the towel] Voila! El Finko himself. (19:44) HB*/HP* 
2x23 “Mail Call”
RADAR: Sir, Corporal Klinger wants to see you.
HENRY: Oh, no, not Klinger. Not today. 
RADAR: I think you should see him, sir. He's got a new dress.  
HENRY [intrigued] If he's fussed, OK (8:29) HB*/MK* 
3x05 “O.R.” 
HENRY: Klinger, take that dress off at once.
HAWKEYE: Not in front of Trapper. He's a married man. (3:30) HB*/MK* MK*/TM*
3x06 “Springtime”
KLINGER: Colonel, I could kiss you.!
HENRY: You do, and I'll chin myself on your nose. (13:40) HB*/MK*
HENRY: fLook, lady, I'm a doctor trying to marry a soldier in the middle of a war.  
LADY ON RADIO: That's sick! (21:10)  HB*/MK* 
3x07    "Check-Up
NURSE: I don't go out with married men, Colonel.
HENRY: Well, neither do I. (19:35) HB*
3x21    “Big Mac”
HENRY: Uh, Klinger, about that getup. 
KLINGER: You don't like it? Don't be afraid to tell me. I can take criticism.  
HENRY: No, it's not the outfit, per se wise.
KLINGER: It's the pedicure. A little naughty? [puts his stocking clad leg up on the chair and Henry stares at it] (14:50) HB*/MK* 
3x22 “Payday”
KLINGER: Colonel, I got a proposition to make.
HENRY: Forget it. We'd regret it the rest of our lives. (13:30) HB*/MK*
3x22 “Payday”
KLINGER: Then run away with me, sir. Together. (14:30) HB*/MK*
3x23    "Abyssinia, Henry"
HAWKEYE: I'm afraid just a handshake won't do it, Henry. (19:22) HB*/HP* 
KLINGER [referring to his dress]: I was in such a big hurry, I didn't get the back zipped up.
HENRY: I'll do it.
KLINGER: Up, sir. (20:15)  HB*/MK* 
3x23    "Abyssinia, Henry"
KLINGER: Sir, I have a picture of me. Would you carry it in your wallet?
HENRY: Your pink evening gown.
KLINGER: I knew it was your favorite, sir. (20:30) HB*/MK*
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bammtoris · 4 years
rules: pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. don’t cheat. tag some people.
I was tagged by @lostinthespeedforce
1. Prodigal son
2. Daredevil
3. Broadchurch
4. Supernatural
5. SKAM france
Tagging: @procrastinatingsab @paranoid-peaches @malclombright @malcolmwhumply @thatsmytrope @prodigal-shakyhands
Who is your favorite character in 2?
Matt murdock!! i love my dumbass dork
Who is your least favorite character in 1?
Eve blanchard tbh, imagine ghosting someone for about 3 months and then leaving them when they weren’t useful anymore
What is your favorite episode of 4?
i LOVE 7x17 born Again identity!! i love the Sam whump sm in this one and DESTIEL
What's your favorite season of 5?
What's your favorite couple in 3?
Millardy!! Alec Hardyx Ellie Miller
Who's your favorite couple in 2?
Mattelktra!! i love them sm
What is your favorite episode of 1?
What is your favorite episode of 5?
i  love the episode in season five where they all go roadtrip to Basile’s uncle cottage, and ELLIOT SHOWS FIFI TO LUCAS ASKING HIM IF THEY COULD ADOPT IT AHH sooft
What's your favorite season of 2?
oof i looove season 3 tbh it was amazing all the matt whump in the beginning im thriving
How long have you been watching 1?
Since day one :)  i watched the pilot live 
How did you become interested in 3?
I think it was because i was still super sad about dvid tennant leaving doctor who, so i followed him to broadchurch lmaoo
Who is your favorite actor in 4?
Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
oh god a hard one tbh i adore PRODIGAL SON AND IS THE ONLY THING IM FIXATED ON but i also adore SKAM FRANCE a lot so thats a close race
Which have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
well Broadchurch had 3 seasons so i guess that one
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
OOf i would love to be an Angel lmao so Gabriel
Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
I don’t think so lmaooo like just Alec hardy being all spicy about the winchesters
pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
Martin whitly and John watkins LMAO murder daddies
overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
aghhh idkk honestly im going with SKAM FRANCE cuz i love all the explorations they give to each season, Broadchurch last season was dissapointment tm
Who has better music, 2 or 4
LMAO OBS SUPERNATURAL, burning heart, and can´t fight this feeling anymore are songs that SLAP and also CARRY ON WAYWARD SON 
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wardrobemoments · 2 years
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The team <3 (s1e16, Bloodshot)
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wardrobemoments · 2 years
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Lisbon in s1e16, Bloodshot
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wardrobemoments · 2 years
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Lisbon in s1e16, Bloodshot
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wardrobemoments · 2 years
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s1e16, Bloodshot
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wardrobemoments · 2 years
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Cho in s1e16, Bloodshot
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wardrobemoments · 2 years
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Tell Us More, Mr. Mentalist (s1e16, Bloodshot)
Did my best to transcribe the newspaper article "Red John Strikes Again, Psychic's Family Brutally Murdered." The others were too small to be legible.
Police aren't releasing any details of the double homicide reported in Malibu last night. Rumors swarm around the "psychic paranormal detective" who has been helping the police track a serial killer.
It is reported that Patrick Jane returned home to find his wife and daughter killed in his Southern California home. This comes on the heels of his most recent television appearance on the Davis and Kelly show.
After releasing details of a serial killer Jane has been profiling for the police, his family was reported murdered. Due to the special circumstances of this crime, the police are not releasing any details other than the fact that they suspect it was [an elusive] serial killer they refer to as "Red John."
Jane denounced Red John on his recent appearance on the morning show. This most likely upset the killer who has been [known] for several [?] killings in the past few years.
So far, "Red John" has evaded police capture. Local Law Enforcement had no comment as well as the California Bureau of Investigation.
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wardrobemoments · 2 years
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Jane in s1e16, Bloodshot
How rare to see Jane in a tie!
Every aspect of these suits is an elevated version of what he wears in the present. Imagine the dark blue or the charcoal pinstripe suit he frequently dons. Now, here, it is immaculately pressed, he's forgone a vest and added a silky tie with a subtle pattern; the fabric of his suit glistens under the light instead of absorbing it; his collar and cuffs are perfectly straight and tidy.
It is the showman's suit, and it describes a man in perfect control of his image -- or desperately trying to be.
Some details: here, he wears peak lapels and french cuffs and what looks like a spread collar. Present-day, he wears square single-button cuffs (possibly round, it's hard to tell in some scenes) with notch lapels and (again, hard to tell, but looks like) straight collars. Basically, after Red John, he "dressed down" every detail of his wardrobe to a more informal version of his former self.
By the way, I tried to do a little math. Jane's birthday is supposedly in 1974, and this flashback took place around 2001. That would make him about 27 or so. Opinions: can he pass for a 27 year old?
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robntunney · 2 years
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@lovelydrusilla : when someone wakes up after being hurt and the camera is blurry only to then focus on someone they love smiling at them...... that's my shit right there
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