randomlyhaphazard · 2 years
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randomlyhaphazard · 3 years
Daily Priorities
It can be hard to distinguish what needs to be done consistently on a regular basis in order to achieve your goals from the what needs to be done on this particular day in order to achieve other goals.
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randomlyhaphazard · 5 years
Productivity For Productivity's Sake
Productivity For Productivity’s Sake
I just spent 5 hours adding photo publications (mostly from my student newspaper days) to my CV/resume. It certainly felt good while I was doing it, but now that I’m done there is a sort of hollow feeling in my chest.
Of course, I don’t know whether this effort will bear any fruit or not, so there really isn’t a point in worrying about it now, but I do have a bad habit of spending way too much…
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randomlyhaphazard · 6 years
Not Enough Time
I thought it. As if by instinct the excuse popped up in my head as I wondered why I’ve been too busy to do my QT and WaniKani the last few days.
And then my more recent practice of self-awareness kicked in. I could pinpoint the moments where I had squandered time and let projects I could have easily completed lapse into oblivion.
It most definitely hasn’t been the worst lapse in discipline. It…
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randomlyhaphazard · 6 years
Self-Awareness + Honesty
There is an almost physical pain that comes with being self-aware and honest at the same time.
You catch yourself in the moment of weakness, but then you have to admit it. You can’t run away from the failure. You have to accept it into yourself, and only then can you release it.
Acknowledge, let go, then get back to work.
There is good work to be done and it isn’t going to wait while you ignore…
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randomlyhaphazard · 6 years
Everything's Good When You're Young
Everything’s Good When You’re Young
There seems to have been a proliferation of young, good-looking people getting tattoos all over their body. There are magazines, social media accounts, and even e-commerce sites specifically dedicated to photos of female models with tattoos.
The girls are hot, the boys are thirsty, and the money is flowing.
But what happens when these girls get older? The tattoos look great (most of the time) on…
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randomlyhaphazard · 6 years
Creature of Habit
Y    O     U
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randomlyhaphazard · 6 years
Don't Be A Beta-Orbiter
Don’t Be A Beta-Orbiter
It’s uncomfortably easy to become a beta-orbiter (women too).
This applies in love, friend groups, and professional networking as well.
We give, give, give hoping to one day be a special someone to that special somebody. Whether it’s a girl, the cool kid, or a very successful individual, we give up so much of ourselves to taste a morsel of what they have. To be in their presence is often enough…
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randomlyhaphazard · 6 years
In The Spirit Of
In The Spirit Of
I love to argue. The mental stimulation I get from engaging in verbal combat has often been my high of choice.
Besides the obvious tax on personal relationships, this has had an unintended side-effect on my process for self-improvement. When I attempt to cut back on a vice in order to prioritize long-term goals, my brain automatically comes up with 10 reasons why it’s okay to let myself give in…
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randomlyhaphazard · 6 years
Sisyphus and Social Media
Sisyphus and Social Media
I’m sure most people know the story of Sisyphus to some degree. The story of a trickster king who was forced to roll a boulder up a hill only to have to roll back down every time.
What if the “daily grind” that was so essential for the survival and flourishing of the human species is so strongly ingrained in our evolutionary biology that when a cultural generation replaces the daily grind with…
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randomlyhaphazard · 6 years
Impulse Buying and Lies I Tell Myself
Impulse Buying and Lies I Tell Myself
I have developed a very bad habit of purchasing online courses that I never complete. And spending A LOT of money in the process.
“I’ll make my money back with the skills I learn.”
“Knowledge is power.”
“There are worse things I could be spending money on.”
Too many excuses and not enough action.
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randomlyhaphazard · 6 years
I’ve been on the receiving end of a few phishing scams at this point. Yet for whatever reason, I continue to be innately hopeful of opportunities that seem to come my way out of nowhere.
I send my resume to anonymous businessesonline for jobs that seem too good to be true. These job boards obviously have an email obfuscating feature in place for a reason, but I naively bypass it for a potential…
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randomlyhaphazard · 6 years
Is The Universe Trying to Tell Me Something? | Baader-Meinhof and The Illusion of Frequency
Is The Universe Trying to Tell Me Something? | Baader-Meinhof and The Illusion of Frequency
If you have some connection to the Church, you might recognize that the season of Lent begins this week (tomorrow actually). A big part of Lent revolves around self-denial, whether that’s fasting or giving up a vice, and although the purpose is relational, the method is personal and behavioural: make the change within yourself.
I’m giving up watching Youtubefor Lent, so I’ve had more time to…
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randomlyhaphazard · 6 years
If Nothing Else I Sleep Earlier
If Nothing Else I Sleep Earlier
I got a decent amount of what I set out to do today done, and as it gets later in the evening I am struggling to decide what to do with my time. There are many projects I would like to start, but I don’t think I am mentally capable of handling another thing on my plate on top of my client work at the moment.
Because I stopped watching Youtube videos, I don’t have an endless supply of content to…
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randomlyhaphazard · 6 years
Fighting the Urge
I quit Youtube and Twitter at the beginning of the month. This also happens to line up nicely with the Lent season (lucky me).
Over the last 2 years, I’ve seen an erratic decline in my productivity. I surface from a stupor of Youtube videos to get a project done, only to fall back into the haze of visually stimulating content the moment I finish. I have had periods of self-improvement that I am…
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randomlyhaphazard · 6 years
So what is the inverse of a weeaboo?
Don’t let people make fun of you for liking japanese culture.
I am living in japan right now and let me tell ya:
There are people here who can’t speak or understand English who play nothing but Missy elliot and ludacris, even in businesses like housing offices and restaurants.
There are people who have cowboy hats and dead cow skulls in their home because they idolize what they assume American homes are like.
There are people who learn English strictly through music videos and American television shows.
There are entire karaoke bars with english songs often sung by people who have no idea what the lyrics mean.
Japan often takes American shows like the powerpuff girls and make japanese versions of them.
They often mistake common Americans for celebrities. I have been mistaken for Micheal jordan, tiger woods, Shaquille o'neal, Tyler perry, and saddest of all: queen latifa.
The act of sprinkling English into your japanese sentences is considered cute and cool and is popular with teenagers. Bonus points if you happen to use it correctly.
Japanese stores sell shirts with english on them and people buy them not knowing that most of those word combinations are nonsense.
Don’t let someone shame you for singing an anime opening, using japanese in your sentences, wearing clothing with japanese on it, ect. If anything, this is just one more thing that you have in common with them.
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randomlyhaphazard · 6 years
Skip rope compilation
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