#tma 139
kat-and-their-cats · 2 months
Favourite Episode Masterlist
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MAG 139 - Chosen
doodle 139/200; days left - 9/110 9/128
children are fucking brutal. and a magic fire child raised by a cult on top of that? no thanks
anyway, tried my hand at painting a face but uuuuhhhhhh i don't rlly vibe with this, it's just weird...
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rebeccasteventaylor · 5 months
Poor little Agnes Montague. Her story in 139 is so sad.
Jon is worrying about Martin. Sitting in his feelings. He needs to trust Martin. And then the line ‘I need him to be ok. I just do’ echoing a line Martin had said earlier about Jon.
Agnes’ seems to have triggered Jon to think about his own feelings of fear and friendship and love and loss.
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modest-starr · 6 months
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i keep putting this podcast on when i nap and then wake up to jon screaming ,,,
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sassyminnesotan · 2 years
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Cult of the Lightless Flame be like
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rose-kyuubi · 11 months
I find it so funny that when the rituals got introduced it was like this whole big thing, that all the avatars/beings are trying to do to fulfill these mission these eldritch being equivalent gods has task them with so they can bring them into the world and must be stopped at all cost, however then ep 139 comes along and just reveals that actually no they have no fucking clue what to do and the entities are in no help besides telling them to do the rituals. Because either the entity know and are just fucking with everyone and refusing to tell them or they literally don't know themselves and Idk what funnier granted idk if any of this is funnier then the Hunt considering it literally can't complete it ritual because it literally breaks it whole point of existing if it does yet it still trying to do one which is just perfect, I love that this podcast can just be so intentionally funny sometimes yet at the same time is still spooky and cool while it happening (mostly)
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a-mag-a-day · 1 year
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Jonny who gave you the RIGHT-
How dare you Jonny T_T
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pocket-goose · 2 months
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i’m about to be in pain aren’t i
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park-bench-poet · 2 years
Anges "fuck it, my wants come before the divine purpose you thrust upon me" Montague was such a real one for that. A role model even.
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Redemption Round 3 - Match 21
It's the rest of this batch of polls! First up today is cult central! We have Chosen, with 115 votes from last round, up against Love Bombing, which got 101 votes last round!
MAG 139 - Chosen | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Eugene Vanderstock, regarding the creation of Agnes Montague, her life, care and death.
MAG 153 - Love Bombing | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Barbara Mullen-Jones, regarding her nine months with the Divine Chain cult.
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oaxleaf · 1 year
mag 139 - chosen
you know, it kinda gets me that, at the end of the day, agnes not only agreed to her death, but was also the one to suggest it. despite how she seemed to love, or at least crave, a normal life, she was in the end still devoted to the desolation. and i guess that's not surprising. not only was she raised in it, she was the center point of it, and despite the fact that it isolated her and robbed her of personhood, she goes back to it. a common pattern amongst people who are just about to break out of the harmful circles they've been subjected to for a long time
that's not to say that agnes was some sort of saint. she was a victim, in the way that all of the avatars who never made an active choice to become such were, but it's not like she detested the desolation or didn't engage in it. like i've said before, she probably would not have kissed jack then, and here she is said to have found delight in the destruction and pain she caused. honestly i think that this episode, despite still being biased, shows what might be the most nuanced portrayal of her that we ever get. not because eugene is such a trust-worthy source, but maybe because he is in this situation where he dislikes her, but not enough to distort her actions too much. and, like i also said in my mag 67 post, agnes' actions are the only thing we can really base our perception of her on
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honeydoe12 · 2 years
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Agnes is probs my favorite nonmain character, her entire story is really interesting.
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lycanlovingvampyre · 1 year
MAG 139 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: taking a bubble bath^^
I've always had a hard time with this statement. Arthur's later (MAG 145) as well. I don't know what it is, I hear the words but I don't process them. Probably why Agnes' story never really gripped me, I'm missing a lot. I had no problem with MAG 8, MAG 59 or MAG 67. But those two statements in S4...
Hm, there is a very quiet... beep? at 6:11 (YT timestamp) at the word "sparkler". Confused me because I though my headphones beeped because of low battery, but I just charged them and then I remembered, I don't even wear the ones which make this specific beep sound xD
"We prayed, and sacrificed, and anointed her body with holy oil and a crown of kindling" Thinking they just doused her in fuel and made her a little crown out of matchsticks.
"We baptized her with the boiling water of Asag and named her Agnes, as had been her mother’s final request." Agnes derived from the Greek Ἁγνή Hagnḗ, meaning 'pure' or 'holy'. [...] The name is descended from the Proto-Indo-European *h₁yaǵ-, meaning 'to sacrifice; to worship.' (Just quickly copied that from Wikipedia. Fitting, I think.)
"She was quiet, considerate, but prone to fits of violent rage, which, while not unexpected given what burned inside her, still made living in a single location for any length of time untenable." Oh, that's not the Desolation, that's just children sometimes... But Eugene seemed to get that XD
"The Mother of Puppets has always suffered at our hand; all the manipulation and subtle venom in the world means nothing against a pure and unrestrained force of destruction and ruin." A Spider - Kill it!! Kill it with fireeee!! xD (I love that the Desolation is super effective against the Web, meme-worthy)
"I was… not one of those assigned to watch our chosen one, so I can’t say much about exactly what happened within the walls of that house, but it seems the fight scarred the place in a way far deeper than simple fire. A scar in reality, that I believe has since been compounded by the interferences of other powers." Oh wow, yeah, never caught that.
"Truth be told, I don’t know what you actually did do" Yeah, I don't know either, does it come up in MAG 145? Something about binding herself to Agnes with a little help from the Web.
"Eventually, enough of my superiors had suffered accidents or injuries that I had obtained a management position." Love that implication here as well... Sometimes I feel like you have to hurt other people to get to the top, you have be ruthless. That's why management often is so toxic, they don’t know it any other way.
"If we tried the ritual and failed, she said, it might be hundreds of years before we had the strength to try again. But if she ceased, not in culmination of fire, but in a cold and quiet death, perhaps her spark would return to the Lightless Flame and she could try again." None of those avatars have any idea what they're doing. It's all just guessing. Same with the waiting. They didn’t even know what they waited for...
"And so we hanged her, as she requested. All because of that most insidious of emotions: Hope." There is no great power of love or hope, but it still works to disrupt whatever fuckery the Fears are up to.
JON: "It’s not like I don’t have my own office politics to keep track of." Seriously I missed Jon's rambling about the others. All by himself, I mean, not in a dialogue.
JON: "I actually like Daisy now, which is a… really weird feeling." Same!
Jon contemplating about being chosen or having just stumbled into it. He says, he's full of doubt, so I guess he thinks he just stumbled into this? And in MAG 160 Jonah says Jon is simply one he chose. No bigger meaning. But then Jon finds out his whole life was a set-up to this by the Web and it tears him apart.
JON: "I’m just worried about Martin. (sigh, under his breath) Christ. (normal) Every other Avatar gets to have their feelings burned right out of them, but me? I’ve just got to sit in mine." I know a few people who say they totally didn't see Jonmartin coming and were super surprised in S5, but I mean THIS! There is sooo much pining in S4 in general!
JON: "I just – I need him to be okay; I just do." MAG 117 - MARTIN: "I need him to be okay."
Trying to Know the plan generally was a smart move and would have been kind of a plot hole if he didn't try. Very well handled here.
Gonna say again, that this is one of the only two episodes in S4 without any dialogue. Additionally, this one has only one voice appearing, all Jon! The other episode was MAG 137 and there we had at least Gertrude appearing on tape.
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portuguesedisaster · 3 months
Are we sure? Are we Jonny?
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unfortunatelyevent · 2 years
every time I relisten Jon's monologue in MAG 139 about them being chosen and not having his feelings for Martin go away like others avatars and the "I need him to be okay, I just do" I go a little bit more insane
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a-mag-a-day · 1 year
Jon: If I... Knew... what his plan was... if I knew what Peter was doing, if I just... can I? Me: Aaaaaaand Jon's on the floor again.
Seriously, I just picture that "E-end recording" coming from floor level, with Jon's hand groping over the edge of the desk for the Stop button. 😁
That is exactly how I picture it too
Sir collapsealot is at it again
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