#tma x jse
kalcifers-blog 4 months
Do you have TMA JSEgos ideas for all the egos?
Affiliation with The Eye, in terms that he'd make a good Eye Avatar as well as the fact that he'd be a victim of it as well, everything that was shown in AF:CB was so unbelievably Eye Coded its unreal. I do think there would be some connection that could be made with The Lonely (for obvious reasons) The Buried (the idea of him being confined to a small room for days on end, and how suffocating it must feel to be in his position) and also The Desolation- with his greatest pain at the moment is him still actively grieving the loss of his family and how his life has been destroyed because of it.
This mother fucker is so Web coded it's unreal. We have no idea what role JJ plays, whether he's a puppet or puppet master or both, and part of me thinks that JJ likes to keep it that way. I can see JJ being manipulative in the same way Martin is? It's all through surface level kindness, people pleasing and hiding his true feelings on a person, whether or not this is intentional is something I think should be completely left ambiguous.
Marvin -
Similar to Chase, I think Marvin has the potential for being extremely Eye Coded, but he goes about it in a very different way. Arguably he's more Eye Coded than Chase is in some ways- But I do also think that it could be a thing that he's equal parts Desolation and Eye, maybe with elements of The Hunt. He will hunt down the answers he craves that he's almost hungry for- and it will destroy him in the process, but he can't turn away from it.
Jackie -
This may be a teeny bit controversial since I've seen a few people say Jackie would be The Hunt or The Desolation- (which I don't entirely disagree with) but I think Jackie would be The Lonely and The Vast by far. The work of a hero is inherently an isolating one, there's no one Jackie can really go too for advice or who would understand even without the whole "needing to keep a secret identity" thing- and that's not even including that it doesn't really seem Jackie has too many people he can rely on ? Jackie's story also features space and the universe a lot and it's clear that he's very interested in it, he doesn't fear heights or falling, he embraces it even. Honestly, if he weren't poor he'd be prime for being a Fairchild.
Henrik -
I have so many different takes on what Henrik could be it's kinda insane but fuck it we ball. So first thing that comes to mind is The Spiral, due to the whole Mad Scientist trope Henrik seems to be based on and the whole Wonderland episode (iykyk) is very Henrik coded imo. However, there are also elements of The Corruption here? Where Henrik's manifestation of Anti could be a growing sickness - but this seems more like Henrik would be a victim of it than being an Avatar. Also I hear you out when it comes to Henrik being Not!Themed and I love the idea so fucking much like I really do and I can fully see that being a thing.
So my general idea is that Henrik had elements of The Spiral, maybe was affected by it in some way and maybe had a run in or two with The Corruption, before ultimately dying and being replaced by The Not!Them, leaving us as the viewers being the only ones noticing the change but not being able to do anything about it.
Anti -
I have a love-hate relationship when talking about Anti in terms of TMA avatar for him. But my general idea is that he is all of them. He's the manifestation of fear and can shift and change himself to whatever he's targeting to affect them in the worst way possible. I guess naturally he'll have more connection with the Eye to be able to do that but yeah.
I do have more thoughts which I might put in a reblog but I can't lie it's 4.33 AM and I am not thinking cohesively so I hope this works for the time being
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kalcifers-blog 7 months
AND I AM BACK AGAIN, YOU ASKED FOR MORE ASKS IN YOUR INBOX, SO I SHALL DELIVER! ... The worst asks, but y'know it's not much but it's honest work THAT SAID, I'VE BEEN PRETTY MUCH DEAD FOR A LONG TIME, BUT NOW I'M BACK AND SOMEWHAT READY TO BE AN ANNOYANCE TO YOUR DAY! /hj Okay okay skimming past all that, I was thinking about ego aus and stuff like that because I am working on a few, so I thought I'd ask you I know you do have aus, but did you ever scrap some ego (or even TMA) au ideas and if so, what were they before they were trashed? If you didn't have any scrapped aus or just wanna include this, what were some ego au (or headcanon) ideas that you never made/got to make? Or if you just want to, you can say smthing about your current aus too! I'm aLL EARS ABT WHAT YOU GOT TO SAY AND MEANWHILE I'LL BE MUNCHING ON YOUR ART WITH HOW ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS AND GORGEOUS IT IS I KNOW THIS IS COMPLETELY UNRELATED BUT I JUST HAD TO MENTION IT HJHHGJHjSK ^^ BUT ANYWAY, WITH THAT, I AM BLASTING OFF AGAIN! 馃弮馃挜 - 馃獝 (fun fact: I had to scroll so far back that it made my finger hurt because I forgot what sign off I used, I blame this on my dumbahhsery 馃槶)
I have had a few AUs before I've had to scrap only because I've not had the time to do them because of Uni. The one that pops in my mind is that I had plans/ideas to make a Fantasy AU for the Egos mostly because I really wanted an excuse to draw Chase as a Teifling and I kinda just threw the rest of the Egos in there but never actually thought about them
Also theres the obligatory TMA x JSE Ego Crossover AU which I personally don't consider scraped? It's more dormant personally, I'll probably continue working on it loosely over time whenever I remember it's a thing I've made. With that one tho it was almost always a way for me to explore horror with the Egos that was heavily inspired by TMA. But also I do like the idea of in the future making a more direct crossover fic or something.
I've currently been shouting ideas for a potential Vampire AU with a mutual (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE /AFF) which I may or may not talk more about in the future, it depends how insane I'll get due to my current workload in uni, and also if it's something that people are actually interested in!!!!!
For now tho I'm probably just going to focus on drawing for Septicart Party and doing uni work so unfortunately I won't be working on AUs for a bit </333
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kalcifers-blog 1 year
MAG 114209: The IRIS of The Eye
A JSE Ego x TMA Crossover fanfic
Content Warning!! Discussions of violence, self inflicted injury and insinuation of suicidal behaviour. Nothing is in graphic detail, but please stay safe while reading!!
[Tape Recorder clicks]
The Archivist: (sighs) Alright, let's try this again shall we-
Chase Brody: oh for fu- is that really necessary? Why do you people all insist on recording people??
The Archivist: oh- sorry this is just- procedure. It's kind of my job to make sure statements are recorded properly- unless you don't- want- to make a statement?
Chase: (interrupted the last sentence) No- no. I'm sorry- I just- I need to do this I think. I'm not exactly sure what this place is but... I think- somethin' tells me that this is the place to get this out there somehow
The Archivist: I see.. well. Whenever you're ready, we can begin
Chase: (deep breath) okay. Yeah I'm ready.
The Archivist: Alright. Statement of Chase Brody regarding the entity referred to as ALTR 114209. Statement taken directly from sub- from Mr. Brody himself. Statement overseen and recorded by Jonathan Sims. The Archivist. Statement begins:
Chase: [statement]
I feel like I can't really talk about this without some context first? I grew up in Ireland- you- you probably already guessed that because of the accent- but yeah. I'm from Ireland. My life there was miserable. I grew up in a small town. One of those classic "everyone knows everyone" schticks. Mostly because my Ma insisted on going to the local church to do all her socialising- I went there too consistently 'til she passed. I was 15 at the time.
Before she did I was convinced I wanted her out of my life, we never got along- I'm not saying that I completely change my mind now it's just- when someone like that leaves your life forever you start thinking about "what could have been" far more often. When she did pass I knew I wanted out- I needed to get away so I saved up my scraps of money to go to college in Britain. Maybe I wanted to get away or run from my feelings- I just. The way everyone would look at me, knowing what I was going through, giving me these- disgusting looks of pity- I needed out. I needed a get away.
So I moved. My Father didn't care too much, the man was out half the time for work and when he wasn't his hand was glued to his ale. I told myself I wouldn't end up like that- miserable sack of shit but- (chuckles sadly) I- I guess things don't always go to plan, huh?
Anyway- My life did start turnin' around when I got to the UK. The college I went too was pretty mediocre but the people I met were some of the most incredible- the person who changed my life forever in ways I couldn't have ever imagined was Jack.
Jack was my first friend- after realising we where both Irish and kinda had a really uncanny similarity to us, everyone always joked that we had to be twins because of how similar we looked. Despite the fact I'm nearly four years older than him- anyway uh- he got me into gaming.
I'd played games before of course but, this was the first time I played proper video games, especially the horror games, my Ma tried convincin me anything to do with horror was born out of evil and well- actually playing them for the first time was really eye opening as to how stupid that idea was.
I know this all sounds like useless information but I promise it's important- what you need to know is that Jack was my best friend. He introduced me to things that would be some of my favourite things ever, he was there when I got with and broke up with my first boyfriend and through everything, all of those disgusting sides of how bad my mental health got, Jack was one of the only ones who stuck by my side. So when he asked me to be his editor when his YouTube career took off I didn't think twice about saying yes.
I don't think I need to tell you about the successful YouTuber Jacksepticeye- and how he's the largest ever YouTuber from Ireland- how he managed to accumulate millions of subscribers before his disappearance on Halloween of 2016.
Of course, now I know that video that was put up on his channel that wasn't uploaded by me or him and definitely wasn't edited by myself wasn't actually a fake.
No one knew what to make of "Say Goodbye" when it first released. For me I was confused- Jack obviously can edit videos on his own, in fact its pretty common for him to do so- but he always lets me know if he does. There's never been an occasion in which he didn't in the entire time I was working for him. So when that video dropped with no warning I immediately felt off about it.
I won't tell you what happened in that video. You don't need to hear the details of Jack seemingly hurting himself to the point that he was placed in a medically induced coma- I was watching the video itself when I got the call- his doctor- German if I had to guess from his accent, calling me to let me know and to ask me some questions, due to the nature of his injury.
I don't care who comes in to tell you. Jack did not try to kill himself. I refuse to believe he ever would. Jack like I mentioned, was more than my boss, he was my closest friend and we told each other everything. There was just. Nothing. Not a single thing to indicate in his life that he would ever want to hurt himself like that.
I ended up staying in contact with the German doctor, his name's Henrik Schneeplestien- really nice actually. And it was talking to him that I got an email from Jack's account. Not his business "Jacksepticeye" account- his personal one, the one I knew he used exclusively for things that where for his personal life.
When I got that email my blood froze over. It was a video. It was that video. But it was longer. There was more to it. Instead of Jack's body lying there- lifeless and bleeding out. It jerked. It jerked upwards- like his muscles and joints where all connected to strings and being hoisted up against his will, like a fucking puppet.
The thing wearing Jacks dying body laughed. It laughed tormenting us- Henrik started believeing me after watching it with me the first time.
I'll spare you the details of how my life derailed after that. The months of waiting for Jack to wake up. Of Henrik losing his mind trying to understand what's going on. The disappearance of both Jack's body and Henrik himself. Me finding the most beautiful woman on the planet and finally feeling like a person again with her. Only for her and our child to be ripped away from me by that fucking thing that insisted on destroying everything in my life that gave living meaning.
Every time something bad happened it was there, still wearing Jack's face. Puppeting him around with this wicked smirk it had some crude inside joke I wasn't apart of.
I lost everything. My friend was gone, my wife and child where dead, the only person who ever cared to hear me out was missing and to top it all off I had some demon wannabe kicking my skull into rock bottom. Just so I knew that my misery wasn't over.
I had enough. I drove myself to a forest, it was our favourite place to go to as a family in the short 3 years we got to be a family. I wasn't planning on leaving that day. I decided then and there that I wasn't having it anymore. I was done. That thing won. I gave in and I just wanted it to be over.
I still can't tell you what happened to me. But I was in the forest one second and the next I was on top of a parking garage miles away. Whatever happened to me, I knew it was the only weird thing that wasn't brought to me because of that fucking monster. I still don't know what- but I just. I just KNOW alright. I just. Know.
Anyway, not long after that I'm detained by IRIS. Your institute already have all the information you need on that fucking place. I was there for questioning about what happened to me that day. And my experiences with the thing thats been destroying my life. There wasn't anything more to say other than what I've already told you.
They where about to put me under "special containment" dragging me against my will further in the building. The whole building felt like it was screaming at me to leave- that something bad was going to happen- I wished I was wrong.
That thing came back. It was still wearing my friends face and it killed any and all workers that came close to it. All it said to me was "hello, Chase" before I blacked out. I don't remember how I somehow managed to wake up in London- or how this nagging voice in my brain told me to come here. I don't know what "ALTR 114209" is, why it decided I was going to be it's plaything or what it even is. I just....
I just need someone to know that this thing is out there and more people will die if IRIS continues the way it has done for years now.
[Statement Ends]
Chase: (deep sigh) Jesus- I- How'd you- how did you get me to do that-
The Archivist: trust me, that's a long story- I just. I'm sorry are you insinuating that IRIS is somehow- responsible? For the actions of this entity?
Chase: yeah I thought I made that pretty fucking obvious man. IRIS has done nothing but hide the truth from me, borderline torture me and do absolute jack shit when something bad happens to anyone- including their own workers mind you.
The Archivist: Okay well... Fair enough. But please be cautious, if IRIS is behind all of this. You don't want to talk about it here, not in a place like this
Chase: oh just because your boss is watching doesn't mean I have to worry about him snitching to the SCP ripoff
The Archivist: wait- what did you jus- how did you- do you. (Whispering) Do you know that Elias Bouchard is listening and can see everyone in the building- there's no way for you to of....
The Archivist: Oh..... I see.. Chase I- I think I know why you might be a target-
Chase: (quietly) wh.. what- what do you mean by that..?
The Archivist: let me get you a drink. This will take a long time to explain.
[Tape Recorder clicks off]
That's all!! Thank you SM if you read through this, I'm very new to writing fanfic so I hope that this is alright!! A lot of people really liked the idea of a crossover between JSE lore and TMA so of course I had to write up how I imagine Chase Brody's Statement.
Again thank you SM for all the support and I hope to get some more drawing/writing done soon!! <333
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