#tmnt Hun
justmaiidraws · 2 months
Hun is such a silly guy, he just wants the chickens to defend themselves…
(We ignore him beating Raph with a brick…)
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atlantian-kong · 1 month
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"This is my baby! I'm not leaving it outside! Crime around here is crazy! We're literally in a warehouse full of criminals!"-Angelina
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tmntkiseki · 8 months
Things that are official TMNT 2003 canon
Leonardo has the longest list of favorite foods, including rice, fish, salads, apples, and pizza (funnily enough, the list doesn't include sushi, although Donatello says in his profile that it's one of his favorites, alongside pizza)
Leonardo hangs Japanese lanterns in his room to make it more relaxing. He's also the only turtle to sleep in a traditional Japanese futon.
Raphael is the only turtle who doesn't have pizza listed as one of/his favorite food. (His favorite food is cereal.)
He also insists that the original Jurassic Park book is better than the movie. (I mean isn't the book always better than the movie?)
Raphael sleeps in a hammock because "sleeping on a mattress is for wimps." It should be noted that there are pillows beneath it, meaning he probably falls out of it on a regular basis.
One of Donatello's nicknames is actually spelled "Donny," not "Donnie" as it tends to be within the fanbase.
Donatello keeps a photo of April in his room, stating "she's kinda nice to have around." (I don't ship 03 Apriltello for obvious reasons, but there's no denying he had a puppy crush on her.)
Michelangelo is a Jimmy Buffet fan while Donatello is stated to enjoy The Roches.
Michelangelo has a drum set in his room that he plays "all night." He also has a working jukebox.
April likes most music. Except opera. She doesn't like opera.
April's hobbies include antiquing, martial arts, reading, and "talking to interesting people."
Casey likes Mexican and Italian food, along with pretzels and... beverages. He was definitely going to say beer.
Casey also apparently likes Mike Hammer books.
Shredder's favorite colors, in his own words: "Purple, the color of royalty, as it befits me. Black, the color of the void that only I can fill. Red, as it flows from the lifeless bodies of my enemies!"
Oroku "Food is a disease" Saki
Either Hun has a sweet tooth or there's a big pun going on here because his favorite food? Pound cake. (He also wants you to just call him "sir.")
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turtlesntrenchcoats · 4 months
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The 40th anniversary comic looks like it picks off right where we left the 2k3 Turtles! Mutated Hun from Turtles Forver is in the preview images.
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nightwatcherraph · 1 month
If you had told me this guy
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Would turn into this guy
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I would have thought you were joking. Grown man who wanted to kill a 15 year old turned into a guy who just loves chickens I love it.
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lesbianardoo · 2 months
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tottmnt nation how we feel in with clips being dropped almost every day and the series like 10 days away..
hun is sooo me. autisticmchicken mom i love you
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 month
I think Tales of the TMNT's version of Hun is my favorite version of Hun.
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redstringraven · 10 months
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i binged some of jack's amoogus vids semi-recently and decided, yet again, to draw something that's only funny to me. but i needed it to exist, so here we are.
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davinnschi · 5 months
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Day 3: Fav henchman
Hun(thinking): What is bro yappin' about?
Honorable mentions to many other henchman in 2003 because that show just knew how to write the villians. I specifically love the main four under Shredder (Hun, Baxter, Karai, Chaplin) because they can be seen as parallels to the turtles if they were under an evil master and never got to have a good relationship with each other.
(God this show is so nuanced I could do rants about it tbh)
Karai is saved for another day and Chaplin needed more screentime tbh so that leaves Hun and Baxter for the spotlight :D
Hun is just a powerhouse and I would feel dread for the turtles whenever he would show up. I have mad respect for Baxter Stockman never losing his arrogance no matter what he went through. And boi did he go though a lot. I'm glad he got a redemption at the end :,)
TMayNT prompt under the cut:
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acidichcl · 9 days
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Irma's boyfren
He's very manly. Raph can only wish he was him. But instead, raph's very turtley 💔
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taringill · 2 months
The second part is about Nori. Read the first part if you haven't read it.
Вторая часть про Нори. Прочтите первую часть, если не читали.
Continue... After Nori mutated, she wandered the streets for several weeks (about a month). She didn't dare approach people for help because she scared a couple of people with her appearance. And what to do with this appearance? In general, Nori didn't know what to do. She stole food and things to hide. And after a while she got into the Karate Dragon gang (the original name, I know💅). No, but what? Housing, food, clothes, that is, you will not die, they teach martial arts, and you just need to obey orders implicitly. Normal. Nori had no other choice. What can she do?
Продолжим... После того как Нори мутировала, она в течении нескольких недель (около месяца) скиталась по улицам. Она не решалась подойти к людям за помощью, потому что своим видом она напугала пару человек. Да и, что делать вот с этой внешностью? В общем, Нори не знала, что делать. Воровала еду, вещи, чтобы укрыться. И спустя время она попала в банду Каратэ Драконов (оригинальное название, я знаю💅). Не, ну а чё? Жильё, еда, одежда, то есть ты не сдохнешь, учат боевому искусству, а тебе всего лишь нужно беспрекословно выполнять приказы. Нормально. У Нори не было другого выхода. Что поделать?
The leader of the gang is Hun. This is my rise version of Hun. Google it if you don't know such a character. He first appeared in the tmnt 2003 TV series, and this character is also in the tmnt 2012 TV series. But there he's boring, and in the 2003 version he's an interesting character. He is the adopted son of Kristoff Van Bradford. Yes. This man, in case you forgot.
Лидером банды является Хан. Это моя rise версия Хана. Погуглите, если не знаете такого персонажа. Впервые он появился в сериале чн 2003 года, также этот персонаж есть в сериале чн 2012 года. Но там он скучный, а в версии 2003 года он интересный персонаж. Это приёмный сын Кристоффа Ван Брэдфорда. Да. Вот этот мужик, если забыли.
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And here's Hun.
А вот и Хан.
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His tattoo shows who's in charge here (it sounds a bit cringe, but I don't care). Why didn't he show up? Well, he's an adult, independent. Criminal activity will not happen by itself, training is needed. Well, you know, you know.
Его тату показывает кто тут главный (звучит немного кринжово, но мне пофиг). Почему он не появлялся? Ну, он же взрослый, самостоятельный. Преступная деятельность сама по себе не случится, тренировки нужны. Ну, понимаете, понимаете.
Kristoff sheltered Khan when he was about 8 years old. Hun is the successor to Kristoff's case. So he adjusted Hun to himself as much as possible. He was quite strict in his upbringing. There was no love there. Hun is as negative as possible, nasty. Well, Kristoff did his best. Hun likes to manipulate, build everyone up for himself, command (he's not all at home, he has problems with his head), intimidate with words and force (he likes the latter more). And he replaced a former gang member with Nori. He saw that Nori was in a desperate and vulnerable position, she had no one, no one would help her (so far🙃). As you understand, Nori agreed and decided to be in this gang for the time being, in order to somehow survive until there is a better option.
Кристофф приютил Хана, когда тому было лет 8. Хан - это продолжатель дела Кристоффа. Так что он максимально подстроил Хана под себя. Был довольно строгим в воспитании. Никакой любви там не было. Хан чел максимально негативный, противный. Ну, Кристофф постарался. Хан любит манипулировать, строить всех под себя, командовать (у него не все дома, с башкой проблемс), запугивать и словами и силой (второе больше любит). И по сути Викой он заменил бывшего члена банды. Он увидел, что Нори в безвыходном и уязвимом положении, у неё никого нет, ей никто не поможет (пока что🙃). Как вы поняли, Нори согласилась и решила до поры до времени быть в этой банде, чтобы хоть как-то выжить, пока не найдётся варианта получше.
As you can see, I changed my headcanon. Nori is no longer from the Foot clan! That's it, it's no longer a canon for my au. Forget it. That's why there was another redesign (🙄). And all these ideas came to my mind at night, as they always do. Well, holy shit, fuck... It doesn't matter. In fact, everything remains unchanged, except for Nori's membership in the Foot clan.
Как вы поняли я поменяла свой хэдканон. Нори больше не из клана Фут! Всё, это больше не канон для моей ау. Забыли. А потому произошёл очередной редизайн (🙄). И все эти идеи пришли мне в голову ночью, как и всегда. Ну, ёпт твою мать блять... Неважно. По сути всё остаётся неизменным, кроме принадлежности Нори к клану Фут.
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Nori really learned from Hun. But the training was, of course, very difficult, especially for Nori. Hun is quite tough and manipulative. Nori had to live with it.
Нори действительно научилась у Хана. Но тренировки были, конечно, очень тяжёлыми, особенно для Нори. Хан довольно жёсткий и манипулятор. Нори пришлось с этим жить.
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The period from mutation to Nori's transition to the Hamato clan remains unchanged, 2 years. At the age of 14, she mutates, at the same age goes into a gang, but leaves at the age of 16.
Срок от мутации до перехода Нори в клан Хамато остаётся неизменным, 2 года. В 14 лет она мутирует, в этом же возрасте переходит в банду, но в 16 лет уходит от туда.
Well, those who are in the know know what will happen next. If you don't know, here's a more recent post. There's more details there.
Ну, те кто шарят знают, что будет дальше. Если вы вдруг не знаете, вот вам более давний пост. Там поподробнее.
Nori and Leo's first meeting😙
Первая встреча Нори и Лео😙
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And a small redesign of Nori, but already from the Hamato clan.
И ещё небольшой редизайн Нори, но уже из клана Хамато.
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It was Splinter who gave kunais to Nora. Although... It depends on when the action of the official comic "Farewell" takes place... It is necessary that Splinter HAS TIME to give her a weapon.
Именно Сплинтер подарил кунаи Норе. Хотя... зависит от того, когда происходит действия официального комикса "Прощание"... Надо, чтобы Сплинтер УСПЕЛ подарить ей оружие.
After Nori met Leo (he was the first one she met), it took about 5 months (maybe less, but no more) before she joined the Hamato clan.
После знакомства Нори с Лео (он первый с кем она познакомилась) прошло около 5 месяцев (может меньше, но не больше), прежде чем она перешла в клан Хамато.
Nori got her scar when Han wanted to attack Leo so that he wouldn't stop him from killing Nori. Khan considered Nori a traitor, as she, not only left the gang, she did not properly follow orders.
Нори получила свой шрам, когда Хан хотел напасть на Лео, чтобы тот не помешал ему убить Нори. Хан посчитал Нори предательницей, так как она, мало того, что ушла из банды, она должным образом не выполняла приказы.
So, Nori joined the Hamato clan. Immediately she became friends with Mona Lisa, they became best friends. Even as sisters. Mona mostly gave advice to Nori. Mona became like an older sister to her. After all, Mona is older than Nori. The girls became friends when Mona Lisa was 17 and Nori was 16. But after Nori's transition, her psychological problems did not go away. She considered herself unworthy of Leo, believed that he deserved more. After all, the humiliation and dislike of parents did their job. This is a low self-esteem that had to be fought. But Nori loved Leo and wanted to be with him. Because, thanks to him, she got her taste for life back, she felt happier. She was pleased to realize that she was finally needed and loved by someone. It will take some time before Nori's self-esteem becomes stable.
Итак, Нори перешла в клан Хамато. Сразу же она подружилась с Моной Лизой, они стали лучшими подружками. Даже как сёстры. В основном Мона давала советы Нори. Мона стала как бы старшей сестрой для неё. Всё-таки Мона старше Нори. Девочки подружились, когда Моне Лизе было 17 лет, а Нори 16. Но после перехода Нори её психологические проблемы никуда не делись. Она считала себя недостойной Лео, считала, что он заслуживает большего. Всё-таки унижения и нелюбовь родителей сделали своё дело. Это низкая самооценка, с которой пришлось бороться. Но Нори любила Лео и хотела быть с ним. Поскольку, благодаря нему, у неё вернулся вкус к жизни, она почувствовала себя более счастливой. Ей было приятно осознавать, что она наконец кому-то нужна и её кто-то любит. Понадобится некоторое время, прежде чем самооценка Нори станет стабильной.
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tmntkiseki · 8 months
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003) Concept Art Special: The Peter Laird Files
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snappedsky · 2 months
ROTTMNT: Retired Leo AU
When old enemies team up, it spells bad news for the turtles.
If you like, please reblog!
The Purple Foot
Leonardo, Raph, Leo, Donnie, and Mikey finish up their dinner at Run of the Mill Pizza, wishing Señor Hueso a good night as they head out. They step through the wall out into the alley, chatting happily amongst themselves.
It’s late in the night, the quiet city roads lit only by their streetlamps, as the turtles start walking home. Everything’s chill and peaceful, but only for a moment.
Leonardo suddenly flinches and looks around, suspiciously eyeing the rooftops. The boys stop and look at him curiously.
“What’s wrong?” Leo asks.
“Something’s....watching us,” Leonardo growls, his eyes darting around.
“What?” Mikey asks fearfully.
“Not sure,” he replies, “Leo, make us a portal home.”
“Yeah, alright,” the younger turtle nods and reaches for his katana on his back. But as soon as his fingers wrap around the hilt, something flies down towards them from the sky.
The turtles huddle back to back as they’re surrounded by four small, metallic pylons that pop open and begin firing tiny needles at them. Before Leo can unsheathe his sword, he’s hit in the chest and immediately falls unconscious. Mikey gets one in the neck and goes limp before collapsing. Raph blocks his face with his arms and gets hit with nearly half a dozen before he finally falls.
When the needles started firing, Leonardo teleported away to dodge. But as they fly at Donnie, Leonardo teleports back and covers him, wincing slightly as the shots ping off his scarred shell.
“Donnie, send out an SOS signal!” he orders.
“I’m on it,” Donnie replies, tapping on his gauntlet.
“I don’t suppose you can see who’s causing this,” Leonardo suggests.
Donnie lowers his goggles and looks around. “I can see a drone above us, but I can’t see who’s controlling it.”
“A drone, huh...”
“Wait, it’s dropping something!” Donnie exclaims.
Leonardo looks up and sees, out of the darkness, a small, metal ball fall. It explodes just above them, releasing a light purple gas.
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nightwatcherraph · 2 months
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hermit-searching · 4 months
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@tmaynt Days 29-31. I did it. I finished the challenge.
day 29: the trenchcoat is a classic
day 30: Hun is built like a Dorito. I love the Yo Mama scene
Day 31: I love the animation in Rise. I started drawing this Mikey a while ago but got distracted. He's my boi
I think after this I need a break from drawing turtles, and TMNT content in general for a while lol. This was fun, don't get me wrong. But I'm tired lol. I yearn to draw humans. Especially my girl Kohammy and the Zooker.
To my followers, new and otherwise Turtles will be back eventually.
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nixariel · 5 months
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