a-side-of-ravioli · 2 years
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I have an art blog so I guess I should use it??
Fanart for the lovely @seekingseven's fic, "The Most Sincere Kind of Lie"! Featuring Legend and a creepy combo of two items that spirals everything out of control. I made this for the Seeking Appreciation Project!
Two colour variants bcs the dark one has better colour balance but I still like the orange one fjdkhdd. Sunsets are important in this fic.
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clori-eden · 3 years
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HEY SEEKING!!!!! @seekingseven Thank you for being such a wonderful person, making us all feel welcomed and appreciated in this project you worked so hard to host! Words cannot express the amount of Love and respect I have for you! Please enjoy this gift, I was hoping to finish this earlier and I was up all day since the launch working to finish this.
I know I'm not done reading this fic but I wanted to illustrate my favorite scene, You DESERVE IT!!! 🥰
Art based on The Most Sincere Kind of Lie
Seriously this Fic is good go read it!
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thedohnut · 3 years
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"He was right above me, frozen solid in the air, leg reared back as if he was going to kick off my head. And the look in his eyes; I swear, I've never seen it before. It was as if all of him was on fire, but from the inside. There was this green light flickering all over him. It almost looked like lightning. Maybe it was lightning, now that I think about it, but the only thing I know for sure is that his eyes were electric and that he looked like he was going to eat me alive. 
Time’s eye widened. Sky laughed, but it sounded a little more uneasy than times previous.  
“Obviously my instinct was to pull out my sword, but I didn’t have one, so I thrust out my arm and blasted him again. No magic came out. That electric-green look in his eyes grew brighter. The sheets of ice on his arms and legs began to steam, and the tip of his boot came to rest right under my chin. 
“‘You know that you can’t use a magician’s own spells against him, right?’
“That was the only thing he said before he blasted me across the theatre.”
Happy Birthday @seekingseven! As a little gift, I tried to recreate the Sky and Hyrule fight from Chapter 19 of The Most Sincere Kind of Lie. (I made one version with and one without the ice-effect on Hyrule)
You’re such an amazingly kind person who has gone above and beyond for others overseeing the massive LU Appreciation/Gift exchanges.
Hope you have an amazing day Seeking!
(And for everyone else, go check out The Most Sincere Kind of Lie if you haven’t yet! It’s fantastic and well worth your time.)
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kate-m-art · 3 years
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I had hoped to do a bit more with this, but I don’t know if I’ll have the time and I’d rather share now as a sketch than never at all because, guys if you haven’t read @seekingseven ‘s The Most Sincere Kind of Lie you need to! There are many really special moments in this fic, but one of my favorites was in Chapter 7, when Hyrule returns to a fairy fountain he accidentally destroyed to find nothing but unconditional love and forgiveness from the fairies there 🥺💕 This part touched me to tears, and I had to do something with those feelings 😅
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seekingseven · 2 years
TMSKOL Chapter 22
The climax of the story; please enjoy  💖 💖
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seekingseven · 3 years
TMSKOL Chapter 21 is out! 
I’m not sure if anyone here reads “The Most Sincere Kind of Lie,” but here’s a link to Chapter 21! 
I’ll probably go through and make a proper posting for all of TMSKoL’s chapters at some point, but for today here’s a really messy text post with a link xD 
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seekingseven · 2 years
The Most Sincere Kind of Lie: Chapter 24
Sorry to say that no character development has happened on my end and i still have not remembered how i used to format these posts, but i do have a new chapter of my fic out! it’s the second to last chapter, but in spirit it’s the actual last chapter. 
please enjoy!!! 
chapter 25 coming on friday! 
almost done...thanks to everyone who has been with me on this crazy journey. gonna have to spend the next week reflecting on how i want to properly thank everyone for the support...love you guys :’DD
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seekingseven · 3 years
to everyone wondering what happens to Hyrule in the next chapter of “The Most Sincere Kind of Lie,” all I can say is this 
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i hope you guys will like the next chapter! it’s probably going to be much, much shorter than the last installments (hopefully it can break 5k words HAHA) but thta’s because it is very focused on one or two events that I’ve been trying to hype up since Chapter 1...you guys get to decide if it was worth the wait! 
huge thanks to everyone who’s stuck with the fic so far, you guys are the best! 
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seekingseven · 3 years
TMSKoL Birthday Q&A!
I just realized that I missed the one-year anniversary of my longest Linked Universe fanfic, “The Most Sincere Kind of Lie,” by more than a month! Even though this is criminally tardy, I  wanted to take a moment to have a small little celebration for the occasion for myself and any tmskol readers that might follow me. As such, feel free to ask or tell me anything regarding the fic, including (but certainly not limited to) any of the following! 
Questions you have about the fic
Thoughts you have on the story/characters/etc! 
Ways you’ve seen the fic change 
Things you want to see in the story (headcanons, events, etc!) 
Concrit! I love to see it <3 
And anything else! 
No pressure to send anything in, of course! While I’m saving a proper thank-you post for when I post the last chapter of TMSKoL, I did want to take a moment to thank some incredible people who have encouraged me so far in the fic’s development. @/barbershop-fourtet @/genderfluid-puddle-of-soup @/kate-m-art and @/sky-squido are just a few of the incredible people I’ve had the honor of being able to entertain with my writing, and all of these wonderful people have encouraged me more than I could possibly imagine! It’s thanks to them that the story has gotten to where it is today, and for that I’m genuinely grateful. 
And to all my other wonderful wonderful tmskol readers, the story’s scheduled to climax...extremely soon, so I really hope you’ll continue to enjoy! 
Thank you so much for reading! And feel free to drop in those asks if you have any! 
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seekingseven · 3 years
Seeking ask games? Count me in! I remember TMSKoL being one of the first fics I found in the LU fandom, when there was only 2 chapters to it, and the way it was so beautifully written, fast paced, and filled with mystery that I kept coming back to find out what would happen! So, question 9 or 7 about TMSKoL? What's your future projects? Any new fandoms you plan to explore in fic, or old ones to continue with?
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Oh my word, you've absolutely made my day. You've been with TMSKoL since Chapter 2? My word!! I'm so grateful for you, and I'm so, so honored that you've stuck with it so long and that you've enjoyed it! I'm so grateful for your readership; you have no idea how much your kind words have touched me...wow, thank you!
And as for the asks...
7. What was your favorite part to write in TMSKoL?
It's actually a part that hasn't been published yet and is only in the very rough stages in development--but without spoiling anything, I'd say the entirety of Chapter 23! It's the first and only chapter in the story that'll be written almost entirely in first person, and I absolutely cannot wait to share it with you all. It's also the climax of the entire story, so...GOSH I can't wait! I hope you all will enjoy it!
9. What was the first idea or scene you thought of in regards to TMSKoL?
Oh man, this is such a good question! This is a scene that hasn't been written yet (also from Chapter 23!), but its ambience is something like this:
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(Image credit: The Bible Project, The Book of Job)
All of TMSKoL was actually inspired by the book of Job, specifically chapters 38 and onwards; the idea of being directly confronted by a divine power was one I found myself turning over and over and over in my head again...once more, I don't want to spoil anything, but I guess it's pretty easy to guess which divine figure will be doing the confronting, haha! I hope you guys will enjoy!
Future Projects
This is such a fun question! I'm not planning on starting any new stories until I finish "The Most Sincere Kind of Lie" and my current Initial D multichap, but once I finish both of those I think I'll have a lot more room to explore. There's a Golden Wind fic I've been considering writing out and some more Initial D stories I wanted to put to pen, and I've been considering writing a BoTW Link fanfic inspired by this -- right now, everything is up in the air, but we'll see!
Future Fandoms
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Initial D, and Death Note are all fandoms I've considered writing things for, but for now nothing is concrete! I have plans to continue writing LU fics as well. I don't know for sure, though! We'll see.
Anon, you made my day. Thank you for the wonderful asks, the incredible encouragement, and the opportunity you gave me to sit and my computer and reflect on my writing. I appreciate it more than you know! Feel free to DM or reach out to me at any time if you haven't already...aside from that, thank you again!!
💖💖 Have a lovely day!! 💖💖
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seekingseven · 4 years
tmskol in a nutshell
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This is the entire story guys that’s it that’s the plot
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seekingseven · 3 years
Bold of you to assume you would ever be able to let us down. We appreciate and love you too much ^u^
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Silver, you're so kind! Those words mean a lot more than you know. I really want the story to be as good as it can be, but sometimes I worry too much about it to the point that I'm too stressed to write. But with all the love I've been receiving lately, the idea of getting started on the next chapter isn't as daunting as it was before! Thank you so much, Silver!
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seekingseven · 4 years
a thing about tmskol that i keep thinking about- legend's actions paint a very different picture with the context that he didnt do any of the things warriors thought he did. like, for wars, all his actions would make sense with the context that he killed hyrule. the strange behaviors, the unexplained injuries, the certainty that they'd find hyrule in the next town, and especially what he said and did when wars was going to kill him. it seemed like he was trying to get out, pretending to be sorry and feel guilty, and then pretending to be clueless, before eventually accepting that there was nothing he could do. but with the knowledge that he literally didn't do anything he was being accused of? it comes with the slow realization of his actual thought process, that he genuinely thought he deserved to die, was genuinely shocked by the accusation, and then chose not to defend himself despite knowing it was all false. just like- the sudden change of context that flips a character's belief upside down and puts a situation in a whole different light is cool. this was kinda rambly and might not make sense but hh
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Oh my word??? I'm so so so so glad you liked that part!!! The Legend and Warriors confrontation required a ton of planning and I really really wanted to pull it off just right, so I'm just so so so so glad that it stuck with you and made you think.
And yes, the passage was very much intended to put Legend in a slightly different light. Even though he's making a lot of mistakes, his addiction embodies what I believe to be a very human trait -- obsession with things that make us feel safe/comfortable/in control. I noticed that a large portion of the audience was (rightfully) getting more and more irritated with Legend, and thus more emotionally detached from him. He has some very very intense scenes coming up, and I was worried that if the majority of the audience preferred that Legend get punished instead of redeemed, the story might be less entertaining/profound/etc for them. So I tried to use the emotional intensity of the confrontation to put Legend's plight in a new light and to let the audience know that Legend wants his punishment just as much as they do 😆 of course, I'm not relying on one scene to completely humanize Legend all over again, but it's a start. ;)
Anyway, thank you so much for dropping by and encouraging me with all your kind words. I appreciate it so so so much, and I truly hope that you'll enjoy where the story goes next.
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seekingseven · 4 years
3, 4, 5, and 7 from that fic ask post about TMSKoL? :D
Aiden! My goodness I’m so honored, aaaaah!! 🥺 I hope that these answers will suffice! Will put answers under the cut as soon as I get on desktop.
Based off of the fic ask meme 
(3) “What’s your favorite line of narration?” 
Ooh, this is a great question! Probably one of my favorite lines in the fic so far is the following: 
“The world was still, and the firefly light illuminated the tear tracks on Hyrule’s face.” 
This was actually one of the first scenes I envisioned before I even started to write the fic, and I was so happy to finally get it down on paper. It was unusually cinematic -- at least to me -- and I can’t get the image of Hyrule sitting on the bed, almost completely covered in shadow, crying silently as he shares the story of the firefly princess. 
Why is he crying? You don’t know, but I do. 
(4) “What’s your favorite line of dialogue?”  
From what’s in the fic so far, I think this excerpt ranks somewhere at the top: 
“We don’t have much else to hold on to, so when the goddesses send us a promise for better days, we cherish it.” 
And, from an upcoming chapter. 
“Hero of Hyrule, we’re simply monsters with the heart of men.”
The air was dead and empty. Hyrule said nothing as the taste of his failure burned in his lungs.
“Yes. And I’m a man with the heart of a monster.” 
(5) “What part was hardest to write?”
This is such an interesting question! I’d say practically everything in Chapter 9. Fight scenes are very difficult for me to write, and I cried multiple times trying to get the stupid. prose. to. flow! It launched me clear out of my comfort zone and left me to fend for myself, but I think I came out better from it. The respect I have for fight-scene writers like Train and Squido is almost incomprehensible. It’s so difficult to write these kind of scenes at all, even harder to do so well. But I’m glad I gave it a shot! Of course, there’s plenty of room for improvement, but I think that it came out much better than I expected it would! 
(7)  “Where did the title come from?” 
Well, the story revolves around a mirror that can show Legend an image of how each hero perceives himself. It’s not the truth, but it isn’t exactly an ill-intended lie. As I thought about the story more, I realized that self-perception is the most sincere kind of lie that we tell ourselves. We develop an internal monologue, a mental chatter, that molds the way we see ourselves. And oftentimes that mental voice can become extremely toxic, but how are you supposed to see the lies when you have no other voice in your ear? So I was thinking that a lot of our own misconceptions and misunderstandings and self-depreciation comes from a sincere belief in a lie we tell ourselves. So that’s why the story is called “The Most Sincere Kind of Lie!” 
I hope those answers were adequate! Feel free to ask me to elaborate or send in more questions, but you are not obligated to ever do so! I’m so honored and blessed that you stopped by, Aiden, even more so that you read the silly words that I slap onto a gdoc and occasionally post up on Ao3. It’s so tremendously encouraging to get this kind of support from writers like you. ❤ 🤍 💙
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seekingseven · 4 years
Hi seeking! So for Most Sincere Kind Of Lie, well first of all it's amazing & I'm gonna reread to be able to give you more thoughts/theories :D
But initial things - there's definitely going to be some fallout from last chapter with Warriors. I imagine more guilt for the captain, probably the others questioning him on what exactly he was thinking, moreso than they did in the last chapter.
Legend is spiralling down, I feel that either he's going to look at the remaining heroes in the mirror, or he's going to stop. The former is much more likely though. At this point, I'm not sure he's able to resist the urge to look in the mirror, even if he wanted to.
And then with Hyrule - I think he'll be tempted to wear the ring again, very tempted. But either he'll stop himself, or someone (like the lynel) will stop him. Just imagining 'Rule on the outskirts of battle, Legend is down and he's out of magic so he turns to the ring, but then the lynel runs in (scares the other Links) & stops Hyrule just in time. The heroes catch on, from the way 'Rule reacts, that this lynel is a friend not foe (because I like that lynel and don't want him to be hurt!)
Just some initial thoughts/ideas anyway, hope this was what you were looking for! I'll be back later with more thoughts hopefully!
REN!! First of all, I'm so sorry for the late response to this!!! I saw the notification but I forgot to check on it afterwards 🤦‍♀️
Ooh, Warriors spiraling down and Legend falling with him certainly makes a lot of sense 🍵. And Hyrule and the ring!!! It will indeed play a huge role in the chapters to come. I can't say anything in regards to how that will come about, but I'm going to do my best to make it as well written and entertaining as possible.
You're amazing and I'm just so beyond honored that you see my little story as worth your time. I hope it continues to entertain!!
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seekingseven · 4 years
Theory for TMSKoL: Legends body gets yoinked
:0 ... ;)
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But in all seriousness, I can't confirm or deny anything. I really hope you're enjoying the direction the story is taking so far!!! Thank you so so so much for supporting the story. It truly means the world a thousand times over to me.
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