#to be fair I have been w/out my meds bc of insurance shit so I know and this is the first time I’ve had a depression nest since starting so
sukunasstarlight · 1 year
“Damn fish you live like this??”
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chrishemswortth · 5 years
I'm not big on politics bc I'm a dumbass so I want your honest opinion on o'rourke vs Bernie vs pete
honestly pal there is a shit-ton to discuss and i don’t think a tumblr post will even remotely cover it. Know that there are MASSIVE differences between o’rourke/pete vs bernie, the former two are capitalists for starters while bernie is a dem socialist (while not completely abandoning capitalism, it deals w/ a lot of social programmes while massively reforming capitalism, giving power back to workers/lower and middle class etc). Secondly, someone like pete doesn’t believe in eliminating private insurance when talking about healthcare, while bernie believes in a single payer system (funded by the people so that drug companies can’t charge any price under the sun for meds, where people can go bankrupt paying for them!! You should see the massive debt people can accumulate as a result of the current healthcare system. Some of the costs aren’t even covered by insurance plans so you pay out of pocket. Even if you have insurance, you still have to pay high yearly premiums on them, which medicare for all will eliminate; medicare for all will mean not paying for your healthcare). Pete in my opinion is completely hawkish when it comes to foreign policy while bernie is a lot more measured. beto’s foreign policy is ????? 
( no more fucking wars!!!!!)
i think climate change is the biggest issue currently facing us and bernie’s 16 trillion dollar green new deal policy proposal is by far the most ambitious and actually deals with structural changes to the economy like creating 20 million jobs in the process, while transitioning away from fossil fuels/coals, and holding the execs of these companies accountable, while pete wants to invest about 2 tril and o’rourke about 5 tril; bernie wants to be climate neutral by 2030, while the other two talk about 2050; neither of the latter support a green new deal. For further comparisons read this. 
 Bernie also gets an A rating on climate plan from greenpeace while pete gets a B and Beto gets a B- ( b and b- is really not good enough)
Mayor Pete also has issues with what came up re: his time as a mayor and the southbend police department
Please watch Kyle’s videos on secular talk as he does a good job in breaking down policy positions 
here’s a list of vids where he talks about pete specifically
here’s a list for beto
I’d suggest just watching his political vids in general. I don’t necessarily agree with him 100% of the time, but Kyle does try to be fair and principled when discussing policy. 
bernie’s been on the right side of history when it comes to policy, whether it’s foreign policy and being anti-imperialist/ anti-interventionist (voting against iraq war, regime change etc), or rallying for medicare for all since the dawn of time, talking about eliminating medical and student loan debt, where other candidates have not, acknowledging climate change as a great threat. He’s one of the only politicians people actually trust whether or not they agree with him politically (from a fox news poll). 
He’s as anti-establishment as they come, and is for the working people. Billionaires hate him, the establishment machine is afraid of him, because they know they can’t buy him out because he is 100% grassroots funded, while most of the corporate dems running court big money donors. SO YOU KNOW you can trust bernie to do the right thing, and actually fight for change, rather than just buckle under the slightest bit of pressure from the establishment. That’s why outlets like cnn, msnbc, the ny times, washington post (owned by billionaire jeff bezos), spend most of their time running disingenuous hit pieces against him, because they know the threat that he poses to their lifestyles. He’s going to tax the millionaires and the billionaires and make sure they finally pay their fair share of taxes! (Amazon paid zero dollars in taxes last year!) 
Read this for a rundown of all his policies. 
This doesn’t even remotely cover everything, but it’s a start. 
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