#to be kind
gale-gentlepenguin · 5 months
Kindness is not weakness. Never mistake a kind soul for a weak one.
A kind soul is one that has seen the vileness of the world and despite the cruelty of the world. Chooses to be kind.
Kindness to those who you argue with you. Kindness to those that by all apparent logic should not deserve it. Kindness to your enemies. Kindness of that magnitude can alter history.
That Kindness is the greatest displays of strength.
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occasionallyprosie · 7 months
So, apparently there's some fandom discourse, and I just want to throw my two cents into the pile.
I get wanting things to lean more into canon, I do, but to shame or hate or talk down to others for not making things what you view as canon characterization is not okay.
This goes especially for fanfiction and fanart, because first of all, everyone's view of every character, every scene, every minuet detail, is different. Secondly, fanfics and fanart are 1) freely made, 2) freely given, and 3) the creator's work. They can do whatever they want because it's theirs, and you know what you as a reader/viewer/consumer can do?
You can read the fanfic. You can analyze the art. You can tell the creator what you enjoyed, and heck, if the creator has said they're okay with it, you can offer constructive criticism (I cannot emphasize the constructive part, or the part where they've said they're okay with it, enough).
However, you can not take this work that came from someone's heart, something they tore out of themselves and gave to you to view, and throw it on the ground. If you don’t like it, you "give it back," you walk away; you leave.
You. Do. Not. Tear. Them. Down.
You do not send hate, you do not demand change, you do not tell them they're wrong, what you do is walk away. Don't like, don’t read.
I do understand wanting to see your characters, that one comfort character, portrayed "correctly," but that Does Not Mean you can scream and yell at people who don’t fall into your category of correct.
If you’re that desperate, draw/write it yourself.
But no matter what: be nice, be kind, and if you don’t like a fic or you don’t like an artwork, there's this lovely feature called a back button, or the scroll feature. Tumblr also lets you block things, AO3 lets you filter stuff out. If you don’t like it that much, make it go away. Don’t make it someone's else's problem, especially not the creator's.
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disease · 1 year
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rastronomicals · 1 month
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3:30 PM EDT August 23, 2024:
Swans - "Kirsten Supine" From the album To Be Kind (May 12, 2014)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
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In times of distress @quiddie comes to me saying
"The Applebee's SoulCycle?"
And although it doesn't usually solve the problem at hand, it does make mak life just a bit more livable
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 8 days
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Name: Caoimhe Tabris
Age: 19 in Origins
Class: Sword and Shield Warrior.
Subclasses: Champion, Templar, Spirit Warrior
Fighting Style: Caoimhe is a tank. She can take a hit and keep swinging. Growing up keeping an eye out for humans who get to pushy, she’s honed her talent of hit hard, hit fast, take the blow and keep going. Becoming a Warden only enhanced this as she uses the skills taught, and later the power of blood, to be even better at what she does.
Personality: Caoimhe is a bundle of sunshine dedicated to being the kindest person she can. She’s empathetic, thoughtful and just a general sweetheart. She always goes for diplomatic before pulling her sword out to show why she’s known as being ‘actually terrifying’. She has her hard spots and can get very angry but she’s very much the kind of person who believes that it’s not healthy to hold that in. She may dislike certain people and enjoy fighting them when allowed (her glee at taking down slavers was noted by her companions) but she believes that kindness is truly what can change people. And if she’s wrong- she has a sword.
Best Friends: Leliana and Zevran. Shale to actually.
Romance: Alistair
Main Story Beats: Saved the Mages, Connor and Isolde are both alive, Werewolves and Elves made peace, Anvil destroyed with Bhelen on the throne, Ashes safe, Dragon dead, Dark Ritual done and Alistair is a warden with her. Amaranthine and the Keep saved. Architect dead.
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We have not touched the stars, nor are we forgiven, which brings us back to the hero's shoulders and a gentleness that comes, not from the absence of violence, but despite the abundance of it.
Richard Siken
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strixessabre · 8 months
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The Holy Father of Swans
( Strixes' Sabre )
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koreanaswego · 1 year
Korean Word of the Day
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Swans - To Be Kind (2014)
(requested by Facebook user Jack Mcguilicutty)
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alphie-in-the-sky · 1 year
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Perhaps a month alone in a log cabin would fix me.
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calmmyfears · 1 year
when people are unkind for no reason whatsoever, it can really upset me for days. even if none of it was directed at me. i just can't stand unfriendly behavior.
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rastronomicals · 6 months
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8:13 PM EDT March 28, 2024:
Swans - "Just A Little Boy (For Chester Burnett)" From the album To Be Kind (May 12, 2014)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
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theres-rue-for-you · 2 months
my brother works on a boat so when he rants about his job I can’t take it seriously because he keeps angrily referring to his boss as “captain”. like sorry ur having 19th century sailor problems my guy
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androgynealienfemme · 2 months
It didn’t hit me until recently that people genuinely think Kamala Harris was a police officer because of all the people who call her a cop online.
Like I think maybe it’s important people should know she was a prosecutor. She was once a district attorney and later an attorney general for the state of California. And we can discuss how related that is to police work and how tied she is to the carceral system etc etc (but for fairness would have to include her record of pushing for lowering incarceration rates through programs helping former prisoners + her office refusing to jail folks for low level weed offense). But she was never a police officer. Like people should get that clear. Kamala Harris was never a police officer. She was a district attorney. She was never a police officer.
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