#to clarify i DO believe there are american supporters of israel that think noah is amazing and love his silly goofy slogan
titsthedamnseason · 11 months
to clarify i DO NOT support zionism in any way, shape, or form like at all so this isn’t meant to be a defense for zionists and honestly i could be wrong but i do feel like all the stuff with noah schnapp is extra weird because i’m not sure a lot of actual hardcore zionists would even like what he’s saying? i go to a university with a pretty high jewish population and while obviously i recognize that not every jewish person supports israel, i know a very good number of “zionist and proud” students that i am either friends with (prior to knowing they were zionists. quite frankly maybe even prior to THEM knowing that they are zionists) or just have to interact with because of work and class. and to many people you might see my continued conversations with them as problematic and not at all nuanced which is super fine that’s your choice but personally i have found it really interesting because in the past i’ve been much more of the “politics in a bubble” kind of person where i only care to interact with people that subscribe to my beliefs and avoid others at all costs but i’ve been able to have a lot of really interesting conversations around this issue and speak my piece in very civil settings which i’ve really valued.
anyway, all this is to say that while i haven’t asked (yet), i’m pretty sure the phrase “zionism is sexy” wouldn’t be seen as support to them and might even be considered offensive? like the israel supporters that i DO know take it very seriously and are very convinced in their minds that israel is a victim in this situation and that israelis and jews are facing very real, immediate, and large-scale danger. just to imagine on the flip side if someone was saying “free palestine is sexy” or “supporting palestine is sexy” it would really put a bad taste in my mouth because it’s trivializing something that is such a serious issue/conflict. there’s a time and place for joking / simplifying politics and this international humanitarian crisis is NOT one of them. to summarize, i think noah schnapp sucks from literally all angles and maybe this issue can temporarily unite our divide if we can all just agree to make sure this man never works again and then all go back to hating each other !
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eddieydewr · 1 year
I just read a post from a byler fan saying Noah fucked up his whole career and won’t get work now from that post. Like… most of hollywood and even non hollywood businesses, and governments, are openly supporting Israel and even Shawn Levy is supporting Noah(and not to play into stereotypes but they do realize a lot of jewish americans work in the entertainment biz??? hello? lol) so are these people just young and stupid cause I am like… bruh lmao. They are all omg he needs to clarify that palestine is not hamas or he’s not against palestine or whatever they said blah blah and im like … he did? IF YOU HAVE READING COMPREHENSION he was pretty clear he was not condemning the palestinian people? he literally said as much. BC HAMAS IS NOT THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE. like unless you are stupid af or you openly support a terrorist group, how is that confusing to you? how can the same people who can pick apart the subtext of byler be so willfully stupid in this regard? I can’t take them seriously. To believe he ruined his whole career for not denouncing Isreal and cheering on Palestine the second after hamas slaughtered hundreds of Jews in a place he has ties to. Do they stop to even think about what they are saying?????? I hope for their sake these people grow up and gain a few brain cells
lmao! antis have wanted noah to flop for a long time and expect him to be jobless after stranger things. he will be just fine, even if he decides to take a break from acting. some people also want season five to be cancelled because there are “too many zionists” in the cast and crew 😭 truly dense. there are genuinely horrible people who still work in hollywood and the entertainment industry but they want noah and people with similar views gone just because they condemn terrorism? btw angry people reading this, i’m referring to hamas.
it is indeed ironic that bylers are able to analyse and pick up subtext but struggle to comprehend what noah said. i’m sure if you said the weather is wonderful in israel, you’re a zionist or islamophobic! israel is a negative buzzword atp. for good reasons, yeah. but it’s not black and white. social media would be a lot more tolerable in general if people were able to read and not jump the gun if they see buzzwords or don’t understand the context.
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pinktwingirl · 10 months
Hi everyone. I wanted to make this post clarifying a few things since I have been on the receiving end of a lot of anger and frustration for defending Susan Sarandon. I have stated before that I believe a lot of people’s assessments of her controversial statement are an incorrect interpretation of what she meant. I don’t believe she was saying that Jewish Americans are “privileged” or have never faced any kind of discrimination; anyone with half a brain cell knows that’s not true. Instead, I believe what she was insinuating was that Jewish Americans have not faced the same level or amount of discrimination that Muslims have. Now, let me be clear on this: while I myself am not religious, I do come from a Muslim family and I have been on the receiving end of Islamophobic and racist harassment before. So when I see people being blacklisted for supporting Palestine while Amy Schumer and Noah Schnapp can make Islamophobic jokes and call all people in Gaza rapists with no repercussions, I can understand why someone might come to the conclusion that Muslims are the ones that “have it worse” in this country. However, I reject this assessment for two reasons: Firstly, I really don’t think Ms. Sarandon is in any position to be determining which group faces “more discrimination” given that she is neither Jewish nor Muslim herself and therefore has no personal experience with receiving either type of bigotry. Furthermore, (and I truly hope that Ms. Sarandon realizes this as well), the argument of “which group has it worse” is a pointless conversation anyway. At the end of the day, bigotry is bigotry, regardless of who is on the receiving end of it, and all forms of bigotry are interconnected. You cannot fight antisemitism without also fighting Islamophobia and vice versa. So I agree that her comment was invalidating to the pain that Jewish Americans have suffered and it was not something she should have said. However, being making one insensitive and ignorant comment is not the same thing as being antisemitic. I have looked at her history of activism, and the ADL has unfairly labeled her as an antisemite for years simply for speaking out against Israel, when she has not done or said anything that I think warrants that accusation. She has made her stance against antisemitism clear and has worked with many Jewish peace activists as well. There is also no doubt in my mind that the reason she was dropped is because she made the remark at a pro-Palestinian protest and not because some people found it offensive. There are plenty of Zionists who are also Christian nationalists and have said INSANELY antisemitic things, but as long as they support Israel, nobody bats an eye at it. I understand not everyone will agree with me on this, nor do I expect them to. But at the very least, I think people should have an accurate understanding of what she was trying to say before forming an opinion. Thanks for taking time to read this and I hope you guys are taking care of yourselves in these difficult times.
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