#to keep bots away
wispforever · 11 months
Step One
3k word fanfic. Since his father killed himself, Kakashi has wrestled with his own suicidality. These feelings threaten to overwhelm him from time to time as he gets older. Fortunately, he has the most annoying companion on the planet to pop up and interrupt at the best possible moment. Say what you will about Might Gai, but unlike Kakashi, he is always on time.
warning for suicide and suicidality, self-harm, OCD (obsessions and compulsions), pills, grief, death of a family member, death of a friend, blood (briefly), unreality, anxiety, and dissociation. canon character deaths do apply (Sakumo, Minato, Obito, and Rin, in this case).
Read it here
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debatablyspicydurian · 2 months
I know the full arsenal update is out and hype for that but I just found the gutterman's poem in 7-2 and I HAVE to type about it because its night where I am and I cant wake up my friends to rant about Ultrakill.
Anyway, absolutely indescribable how we have the thoughts of a machine just laid bear in a secret for the first and maybe last time. The fact that a machine made for merciless slaughter could not only feel sadness for the person powering it but also WRITE a POEM? A machine made art??? The knowledge that they understand how cruel it is to make a human a blood battery, recognize it as torture, but also feel gratitude for the life they've been given?? It was known that machines had a sense of aesthetic from Swordsmachine and Mindflayer's entries but. Goddamn. The gutterman refers to the human as their mother and it states it CRIED when it crushed her skull as it hoped it would redeem its life.
Also the excerpt, "I know I know you would hate me so, and mother of me, I do too." Does this mean the Gutterman hated itself as much as the human? Did it hate the human instead along with the feelings of love and gratitude? Probably the former. Gutterman angst is so in.
V2's mannerisms and Swordsmachine's data entry are intresting, but a gutterman's eulogy for its prisoner and its attempt at redemption is another level. Actual machine thought process recorded!! Sapient lifeform that knows only war and death! The fact that the gutterman crushing the human's skull seemed to be out of mercy. Ough.
Noone has to interact I havent proof read this I am just RANTING this is CRAZY HAKITA HOW COULD YOU AND THE TEAM DO THIS
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swedenis-h · 4 months
The bots found me again…
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homunculuslover · 1 month
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A little something I started this morning and finished tonight. I would love to maybe make this a sticker if possible. ^^
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rosey-rosey-rosey · 2 years
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thats him. the boy
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bethesdas · 3 months
idk why im getting so many men messaging me here asking me to be their sugar baby but i am not interested unless you are matthew mcconaughey as rust cohle
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#chattin#i am AWAKE from my nap. and i have thoughts#thinking of that damn 🍕head bc i keep seeing him in my dash…and people draw him w others so well….#i want him to be like just a silly guy#but a silly guy thats got something a little fucked up wrong w him#mentions of stalking and obsessive behavior ->#like i think i am going to settle w 🍕head being a bit (ALOT…AWFULLY ALOT) obsessed w peppino#like summing it up wo writing an essay;#he wanted peppinos shop and got rejected TWICE. he tried hiring peppino and got chased out of the shop#and it went from ‘i want the shop’ to ‘i want peppino’ to ‘if i cant have the shop neither can he’#to ‘if i cant have him…well actually thats not an issue at all’#imitation is the sincerest form of flattery yknow#the peppibots came first bc its like ‘okay i cant have the damn shop but i can just Make a shop w bots that work like him. that cant be too-#-hard RIGHT??’ but the bots are so volatile and unresponsive and they explode everything they touch#and pizzahead is like ‘no… :(‘ peppino looks so angry but makes his food w LOVE…he does NOT explode his food!!!#he doesnt want to scrap the idea but it Is a bit disheartening#and hes like OKAY. WHATEVER! WE ALWAYS HAVE OTHER PLANS….!#theres gotta be cloning labs right? no i dont care about the morality of that shit u sillywilly. FIND ME A LAB.#so now theres little peppino clones everywhere. and they look SO close to the real thing#and pizzahead is like. hol up. i think something is happening that i dont want to happen right now. but im going to put that away for now :)#by this point peppino has already relocated to his Current Spot bc theres literally NOTHING available 😭#‘enough. to the Woods with you’#and pizzahead is like there is no fucking way that chump that IDIOT that extremely handsome IDIOT took the damn plot next to the tower#and immediately is like ‘well if im already making the bots AND the clones then i really REALLY dont need u! at all! not even a little!-#-I dont care! i really dont! who needs a strong and smart and handsome man like u around???!!!!!!’#and pizzahead is like that fucking dumbass😏 watch that shit explode in 6 hours. only um. peppino is storming the tower#and hes like WAIT OH SHIT. KEYS. KEYS WHERW ARE THEY??? THE CLONES! WE AINT GOT NO TIME THE FAT MAN IS COMIN#YOU. ECCENTRIC ARTIST. FIGHT THAT MAN. ‘okay’ YOU WEIRD CHEESE MAN. SHOOT. ‘mkay’#like hes panicking and throwing shit in the air and running in circles in his little camera room#NOOO im at tag limit…pizzahead hates this man he loves this man he is obsessed and maybe wants him a little carnally. its all good okay bye
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skyartworkzzz · 4 months
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dragonairice · 2 months
This is so fucked up why do so many people use what is happening in Palestine to scam people out of their money
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definitelynotshouting · 6 months
HI i literally have never used tumblr before. I made an account specifically because of how mych I love your hunger au. Like actually dying over it.
Your fic is actually the best thing i’ve read. Pls. Lots of love
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cryptidkitty27 · 2 years
hey yall, internet fundraiser post for me and my toddler to cross country move in with my best friend, 1.2k needed
I'm trying to move out of a shitty living situation, and into an amazing one. I'm a single parent with a toddler and that makes moving alot harder. i have to rent a uhaul, and convince someone to drive me and it. thats approximately 1.2k dollars, as im moving across state lines. (im 21 but i don't know how to drive, bc the family i live with refuses to teach me.) it's impossible for me to get a job, both bc covid and bc single parent, and my family that i live with only gives me 120 a month. that makes saving up very hard. if they find out im planning to move, theyll probably stop giving me money entirely. i hope to move around February, but i can not move until i hit my save up goal. absolutely anything helps. reblogs, five dollars, anything. my c/sh/pp is $ alecfae27
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tiddie-taylor · 8 months
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I fucking hate bots lol
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porunareff · 2 years
i’ve been getting a lot of spam messages with weird porn attached tumblr please clean up your platform i’m so tired
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penwrythe · 11 months
After seeing the recent II episode, I've seen ND fans discussing how Cabby is treated in the episode. I also saw Justin comment his thoughts on the discussion as well.
Part of me want to share some insight into how I rewrote a scene in my script for Rise of Relics to remove an ableist implication of Nicodemus' behavior towards Nikey (see this post here about it). There's also another scene I plan to rewrite as well that has a few ableist implications and I want to show how to improve it with research and listening to those with physical disabilities.
I'm not sure if it's alright for me to share this, as some of the II fans have similar symptoms to Cabby's memory issues, I do not want to speak over them as I do not have any memory symptoms as they do. What I do have, in reference to the scene in Rise of Relics, is anxiety and (possible) undiagnosed OCD, and Nikey is written with the implication of having both of these. The other scene I want to later rewrite is also in reference to how Nikey finds comfort in others, sometimes invasively due to having poor coping skills, and Nicodemus is often the person who helps ground her.
I think it's best for me to listen to those who are most affected by the episode before I say anything. But, one thing I say is that condemning a character's aids and accommodations they use to cope with their symptoms is wrong. Showing unhealthy coping mechanisms is okay (carefully saying this while keeping in mind my own experience coping with anxiety), but I do think this episode should have been written with more care.
To Justin and the Inanimate Insanity team, please consult sensitivity readers for your scripts in the future, please.
#just reminded myself to also consult sensitivity readers as well#couldn't afford them a couple of months ago though; but still an important task before finally working on the actual pages for RFR#Back to Cabby when I first saw her in the first few episodes I just thought she was into writing or record-keeping because she uses folders#to keep a record of everyone she meets; either just in general or for the purpose of the game#But after the episode of her disability reveal when her record keeping was an aid for her to keep memories otherwise they fade away#It just feels like a throwaway gag#Admittedly I did not catch how odd that was until I started reading fan analyses of Cabby by disabled II fans and their concerns#of her representation as a disabled character in the series; along with her record keeping aid being presented as a negative trait#rather than something that helps her keep memories#Now the recent episode is even weirder of her throwing away her folders like it was holding her back which is eeeeeeh not great tbh#would it be better for Bot to work on a new folder with Cabby?#a mutual collaboration to understand each other with Bot respecting Cabby's aids and Bot allowing her to understand them?#it's rare I comment on things like this#but considering what I'm also writing I think it's important to learn how not to write representation#because bad representation with no research nor input can result in possible harm and alienating your audience#as well as perpetuating harmful stereotypes#inanimate insanity#critique#ii neg#ii negativity#tw discourse#objectshows#textposty
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haydenigmatic · 9 months
Just some positive critique. Your writing is really good I would say just maybe work on the transitioning between scenes/conversations to make it a little smoother.
Oh why thank you, and thanks for your input, I know it is one of my main headaches, that's why I'm rummaging trough all of the demo and trying to fix some.
I'm a highly visual person, so sometimes I seem to forgot to include it all I've see, so sorry guys for that, anyway, I am going to practice more on my new semester with this, I used to work with just scripts but now I'll have Russian literature so I' hope to get better.'ll actually will write stories and hope not to die.
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sanccharine · 1 year
update: i am alive :]
but a real update on hufflepuff!tzuyu, the second chapter suddenly went from 3k to 7k and i don't know what to do with it. i've added stuff which is good, but also thats not the word count i wanted. also it goes into dynamics thats not exclusively tzuyu and reader, so idk how people feel about that. so i was paralysed,,,,and then i left it and didn't come back to it. the chapter is written, i just have to edit and split the chapters,,,,,which is the most boring part of this hobby. i can't really promise when it will be posted bc im unreliable like that, but i am working on it again :]
sidenote: untitled blogs, please add your pronouns or reblog a jiu gif or just change untitled to momo's dog or whatever. i come here with around 10 follows only to find that all are them empty untitled blogs and thats an instant block from me. if you've posted or commented on my posts then you're fine, bc i can discern you're not a bot ·_·
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