#to learn Raja Yoga
jothishi · 1 year
Learn Astrology 62 | Neechbhanga Raja Yoga @Jothishi
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santoschristos · 2 months
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Vivekananda: Sexual Force
Kundalini: Realise the soul not as matter, but as it is. We are thinking of the soul as body, but we must separate it from sense and thought. Then alone can we know we are immortal. Change implies the duality of cause and effect, and all that changes must be mortal. This proves that the body cannot be immortal, nor can the mind, because both are constantly changing. Only the unchangeable can be immortal, because there is nothing to act upon it.
We do not become it, we are it; but we have to clear away the veil of ignorance that hides the truth from us. The body is objectified thought. The "sun" and "moon" currents bring energy to all parts of the body. The surplus energy is stored at certain points (plexuses) along the spinal column commonly known as nerve centres.
These currents are not to be found in dead bodies and can only be traced in a healthy organism.
The Yogi has an advantage; for he is able not only to feel them, but actually to see them. They are luminous in his life, and so are the great nerve centres.
There is conscious as well as unconscious action. The Yogis possess a third kind, the superconscious, which in all countries and
in all ages has been the source of all religious knowledge. The superconscious state makes no mistakes, but whereas the action of the instinct would be purely mechanical, the former is beyond
It has been called inspiration, but the Yogi says, “This faculty is in
every human being, and eventually all will enjoy it.”
We must give a new direction to the “sun” and “moon” currents and open for them a new passage through the centre of the spinal cord. When we succeed in bringing the currents through this
passage called “Sushumnâ”, up to the brain, we are for the time being separated entirely from the body.
The nerve centre at the base of the spine near the sacrum is most important. It is the seat of the generative substance of the sexual
energy and is symbolized by the Yogi as a triangle containing a tiny serpent coiled up in it. This sleeping serpent is called Kundalini, and to raise this Kundalini is the whole object of Raja-Yoga.
The great sexual force, raised from animal action and sent upward to the great dynamo of the human system, the brain, and there stored up, becomes Ojas or spiritual force. All good thought, all prayer, resolves a part of that animal energy into Ojas and helps to give us spiritual power. This Ojas is the real man and in human beings alone is it possible for this storage of Ojas to be accomplished. One in whom the whole animal sex force has been transformed into Ojas is a god. He speaks with power, and his words regenerate the world.
The Yogi pictures this serpent as being slowly lifted from stage to stage until the highest, the pineal gland, is reached. No man or woman can be really spiritual until the sexual energy, the highest
power possessed by man, has been converted into Ojas.
No force can be created; it can only be directed. Therefore we must learn to control the grand powers that are already in our hands and by will power make them spiritual instead of merely
animal. Thus it is clearly seen that chastity is the corner-stone of all morality and of all religion. In Raja-Yoga especially, absolute chastity in thought, word, and deed is a sine qua non. The same laws apply to the married and the single. If one wastes the most potent forces of one's being, one cannot become spiritual. – Swami Vivekananda, Lessons on Raja Yoga
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cosmicpuzzle · 2 years
5th House Lord in Houses -BPHS
The lord of Offspring abiding in the Lagna – the one born is knowledgeable, endowed with pleasurable children, a miser, crooked minded and one who takes other’s property.
The lord of Offspring abiding in Wealth – the one born will possess many children and wealth and be the supporter of the family. Being very famous in the world, one is esteemed and dear to woman.
The lord of Offspring abiding in the Sibling – the one born is dear to their siblings, treacherous/slanderous and miserly, and always intent upon his own enterprises.
The lord of Offspring standing in the Happy Bhava – a happy one, endowed with maternal happiness, joined to Lakshmi, of wise understanding and either a king, minister or guru.
The lord of Offspring standing in the Offspring Bhava – joining a Subha, the person will have children. Joining a Paapa, one will be wanting in children, though endowed with good qualities and devoted to friends.
The lord of Offspring standing in the Rogue Bhava – causes children like enemies, or else dead/useless offspring, or else the one born is granted a purchased child.
The lord of Offspring in the Seventh – esteemed, endowed with all Dharma, joined with happiness from children, and so on, and fond of helping others.
The lord of Offspring standing in the Cavity Bhava – endowed with only little happiness from children, joined with cough along with asthma, angry and deprived of happiness.
The lord of Offspring abiding in Fortune – children, a lustrous lord or like that or an author of one’s one accord, famous and illuminating the family.
The lord of Offspring standing in the Royal Bhava – brings Raja Yoga to the one born, the enjoyment of many comforts and mentioned as celebrated among men
The lord of Offspring abiding in Gain – the one born is learned, beloved by the people, an author, of great expertise and endowed with many children and much wealth.
The lord of Offspring standing in the Bhava of Loss – the one born is abandoned by the happiness of children or joined with a given child or else possessed of a purchased child.
*BPHS -Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra is a classical text compiled by father of Vedic Astrology - Rishi Parashara (Seer).
There is no separate BPHS chart. you just apply the results to your chart.
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ndbookstudy · 1 year
lester levenson, keys to the ultimate freedom, session 1.
part 2
Alright if you understand it intellectually and you are not able to use it, it's because you're not looking at yourself honestly, truthfully, with deep desire to see your Self, in the process of which you have set up as the subconscious mind all the things you will not look at. However, it's not necessary to dig up this unconscious mind, in fact it's much better to try to quiet the mind. When we're able to get the mind totally quiet, what's left over is the infinite Self. Every thought is a thing of limitation. Therefore when we quiet the mind, we still these limiting thoughts and this infinite Being that we are becomes self-obvious to us. The Self is then not occluded by the limiting thoughts! We see It, we recognize that we never were that mind, that body, and from that moment on, the mind and body have no influence upon us. We determine for the body as we would a puppet and it has no effect upon us, as a puppet that we would be controlling would have no effect upon us.
So the very best method of all methods is to quiet the mind to see the Being that you are. Pose the question: “Who am I?” and if other thoughts come in, ask, “To whom are these thoughts?” The answer is “To me.” “Well, who am I?” and you're back on the track, seeking to see your Self. ''Who am I?” is the final question that everyone answers, so why not begin with the final question? If you can, all good, all wonderful. But there are very few of us who are capable of using this method of just holding onto “Who am I?” and rejecting all other thoughts that come in. We have gotten ourselves so involved with thoughts that we cannot let go of them and therefore we need other methods, other aids.
The other major methods are called in the East, Jnana Yoga, Raja or Kriya Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga.
I think we are all familiar with those various paths. So if we cannot use the Self-enquiry, “Who am I?” we use the one that suits us best. The path that we like now is the very path that we have been on formerly in prior lives. The path that is best for you is the one that you like best. Now each path includes all the other paths. The only difference is the emphasis. If we are intellectual we emphasize the Jnana Path, the path of intellect and wisdom. If we are devotional, then we emphasize the Bhakti path of love and devotion to God. If we like to be of service to mankind we use the Karma Yoga path. Each path leads to the quieting enough of the mind so that we may see the infinite Being that we are.
Raja or Kriya Yoga is a complete and integral path that suits the greatest number of people today. It is a path of doingness in eight steps, with each step leading to the next step after it. I think you are all familiar with the eight steps. If you are not, you can get it from a book. The first two steps are the moral and ethical ones, the do's, the don'ts. The third is posture and body exercise. The fourth step is learning to control the breath and life force. The fifth is letting go of the external world, interiorizing by disconnecting the sense telephones and turning one's attention within. The sixth is concentrating the mind, getting it quiet, holding one thought to the exclusion of other thoughts. The seventh step is meditation, one-pointed meditation, and one-pointed meditation leads into the eighth step, or the top state called samadhi. So this Raja or Kriya Yoga path is one of step-by-step doingness that everyone can use. We happen to be in an era that is in relatively low vibration. That's the reason why we find the way difficult, and that's the reason why we need this Raja or Kriya Yoga, a gradient and a most integral path.
There are two ways of growing:
one is what I call the negative way,
eliminating the negative, going into the mind, seeing the cause of the problem that originated in a thought some time in the past. When we see this thought, when we bring it up into consciousness, we naturally let go of it. We see how silly it is to hold onto it and therefore correct that thought and behavior.
However, the other way is the better. It is the positive way.
Quiet the mind and see who and what you really are, the infinite Self.
In the over all, there's really only two ways: eliminating the negative and the better, putting in the positive, “I am that I am,” “I am He.” The latter is by far the faster.
Let's now take a look at this so- called apparency, the world. The world is only an illusion that we created mentally. It is not external but in reality within us, within our mind. Someday you'll discover that you created this entire universe that you see. The method of creating is by first creating what we call a mind. We create our mind, which is nothing but a composite of all our thoughts, conscious and subconscious, and the thoughts create the material world. Every little thing that happens to each and everyone of us is created in our thinking. We mentally set up a thing called time which makes it even more difficult to see things because we think now and things happen years later. But the only creator there is, is the mind, your mind. Is God a creator? Yes, because you are. Thou are That! You set up a mind and through the mind create.
It is necessary and good to discover that everything happening is caused by our thinking. Everything that happens to us is created in our thought. It's a stepping stone toward realizing and recognizing that we are the creators. First you discover that you created your trouble, then you discover that you can create anything you desire. After you discover that there is nothing that you cannot create, you're still unhappy. The reason is that you have separated yourself from the Infinity. Only on recognizing your Infinity are you perfectly satisfied.
So if there are any problems that remain, they only remain because you are holding onto them in thought. The moment you let go of them, they are gone! If you tell me that isn't so for you, that isn't true. The truth is you're still holding onto them, telling me that it doesn't work. Now trying to get rid of a problem is holding onto it. Anything we try to get rid of we are holding in mind and thereby sustaining that problem. So the only way to correct a problem is to let go of it. See not the problem, see only what you want. If you would only from this moment on see what you want that is all that you would get, i.e., what you want. But you hold in mind the things you do not want. You struggle to eliminate the things you don't want, thereby sustaining them. So it's necessary to let go of the negative and put in the positive if you want a positive, happy life.
This subject cannot be learned intellectually, it cannot be learned through the mind because it's perceived just behind the mind. We can use the mind to gradually undo the limitations enough so that we can get behind the mind by getting it quieter. If it were possible to get this subject through the mind intellectually, all we would need to do is to read the books on it and we would have it. But it doesn't work that way. We have to very concentratedly dwell upon our Self that is just behind the mind. Turn the mind back upon the mind to discover what the mind is, and then go be yond the mind to the Self. So to get this subject, each one must experience it, realize it, make it real by going to the place just behind the mind and perceiving it there.
Now the very highest state is simply Beingness, and if we could only be, just be, we could see our Infinity. We would see that there are no limitations. We would see that we are the All. We would be in a perfectly satiated, permanent, changeless state. And it is not a nothingness, it is not a boredom, it is an Allness, an Everythingness, a Total Satiation that is eternal. You will never, never lose your individuality. The word “I” as you use it to mean your individuality will never ever leave you. It expands. What happens as you re-remember what you are is that you'll begin to see that others are you, that you are me, that you are now and always have been gloriously Infinite.
Look at your mind. That in itself is a good practice. It puts you apart from it. You are looking at it. Watch your thoughts. It's a wonderful practice. If you examine thoroughly the mind, you will discover that it isn't, it's an illusion. Let it go it's way, just watch the mind. The ultimate witness is the Self. It's a tremendous thing to watch the mind. Not only does it quiet it, it makes the mind not you. If you trace the source of the mind, you find it is nothingness. This whole world is a dream illusion, which means that it isn't.
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moonchild033 · 1 year
Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga😌❤
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This Yoga can be quite confusing to newbies but i'll try to make it easier to understand.
Neecha= Debilitation
Bhanga=Cancellation of that Debilitation
Raja yoga= An auspicious yoga caused by the cancellation of a debilitated planet
Neecha Bhanga Raja yoga can be divided into two parts, where only the Debilitation of a planet is cancelled (1) and where that cancelled Debilitation also confers to an upliftment in the native's life by giving birth to a rajayoga (2). 🌙
Some of the most difficult placements to have in birth charts are planets in debilitated signs. Planets go into Debilitation when the nature of the house is completely opposite to the nature of the planet.
Here's an example of the most talked debilitated planet, Moon. Moon is at it's weakest when it's in Scorpio. Debilitation of moon is more talked about in the astrological community than any other planets as moon signifies our emotional stability and everything connected to our psyche. 🦂🌕
Some general rules applied to this yoga include:
Presence of parivartana yoga. Parivartana yoga is exchange of planets. Ex: Moon's Debilitation gets cancelled if mars is in cancer. Scorpio moon and cancer mars are an example of parivartana yoga as the lords of the houses exchange between themselves.
When the house lord is conjunct with the debilitated planet or has positive aspects. Ex:If Mars is conjunct with scorpio moon or aspects it.
The abovementioned conjunction of house lord with debilitated planet also satisfies another rule, where the Debilitation is cancelled if the weakened planet is present with another exalted planet. Every planet is stronger in their own house and can be considered exalted along with their exaltation sign.
These are some of the most common and less complicated rules but there are some more rules that apply to a cancellation of debilitated planet in a birth chart.
This comes to the second part of forming the rajayoga:
Neecha Bhanga raja yoga is formed when the cancellation of debilitated planet happens following the above rules, while being placed in the kendra houses (ie. 1,4,7 or 10) from either the ascendant or the moon. 🌕
A question may arise, whether to consider the ascendant or moon while calculating the kendra houses in the above paragraph. The answer is, we should consider the stronger one. For most part, ascendant is considered but the position of moon can be counted as the first house if the native's ascendant is very much weakened. 🙋🏻‍♀️
This is just a pinch of a complex yoga. I've taken the Scorpio moon as an example of a debilitated planet to explain this yoga for the sake of convenience.
The working efficiency of a debilitated planet can either be more depleted or somewhat increased by the conjunction/aspects of other planets.💪
Note: Kindly refer Vedic birth charts to interpret these informations.
Let's learn and grow together! 💋🫂
With Love-Yashi ❤⚡
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acupuncture08831 · 1 year
Acupuncture KYI
"Acupuncture 1989 Englishtown Rd Monroe Township NJ 08831" "Acupuncture for Lower Back Pain Monroe NJ" "Acupuncture for Stress Anxiety Monroe NJ" . How my Yoga & Meditation experience helps me to fill the Qi? My yoga and meditation personal practice starts at 1978 in USSR when I was i high school. Today in 2023 its 45 years if practice. My teaching Raja yoga and Meditation experience starts at 1986. Today in 2023 its 37 years of experience. 3000 yoga students in 18 post USSR Cities (1986-1998). Today (2023) I have on my two Russian Edition YouTube channel's: Level-1: 1950 students and Level-2: 320 students.
I start learning Acupuncture with MD, Ph.D. professor Yarotskaya in 1996. Formal Acupuncture education 2006-2009 in Eastern School of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine (NJ USA). Acupuncture school Clinic starts in 2008. Means, today (2023) - 15 years of Acupuncture experience.
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blessed1neha · 1 year
The Gaja Kesari Yoga
It is covered separately to highlight the methodology used to analyse any yoga in a horoscope chart.
The terms "Gaja-Kesari" are a combination of the words "elephant" and "lion," respectively. The goal of this yoga is to give the local person the power of a lion and the significance of an elephant. Having the ability to ride a lion or an elephant also denotes extreme power and high prestige.
When Jupiter is in a Kendra's (i.e., the first, fourth, seventh, or tenth) house with respect to the Moon, a gaja-kesari yoga is created.
This Raja (royal) yoga, which is one of many types of yoga, is significant.
- According to Jataka Parijata, the resulting yoga belongs to Gaja-Kesari if the Moon is aspected by benefic planets (Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus), and if the participants are not burned or incapacitated.
Brihat Parashar According to the Hora Shastra, this yoga arises when Jupiter is in a Kendra from the Moon or Lagna.
Additionally, Jupiter must not be burnt, debilitated, or in the sixth house and must be aspected or conjoined with benefic planets.
- It is clear from the foregoing that, in addition to the Moon and Jupiter's mutual placement in the Kendra houses, which forms Gaja-Kesari yoga, there are other positive influences on the outcome of yoga.
The horoscope frequently contains this yoga, which needs cautious interpretation.
A person with Gaja Kesari Yoga will be well-known, successful, moral, wealthy, intellectual, and learned. They will also have royal manners and enjoy ongoing fame.
The monarch is meant to be introduced to the world through Gaja Kesari yoga.
This form of yoga results in the creation of the man who changes the course of history and helps confer fame that lasts forever.
The world will be ruled by monarchs if this is literally true.
This yoga is found in the extremely common horoscopes of persons who live in obscurity and poverty, as will be evident in practise.
This implies that the outcomes suggested for this yoga in the traditional texts need to be applied with the utmost care.
When the Moon and Jupiter are in the same Kendra, the Gaja Kesari Yoga is created.
Four different yoga styles are possible in this situation:
Moon-Jupiter Conjunction
Jupiter and the Moon are conjunct, and yoga is created in all signs and houses where Jupiter and the Moon are present. Jupiter is in the house along Moon.
Different outcomes are produced by this compound's presence in different houses:
- The first house.
attractive, fortunate to have friends, a wife, and children.
The native will be strong, honourable, and impressive when the benefic planets and the potent yoga they make are in the lagna.
When Jupiter, the best benefic planet, and Moon, the planet of beauty, are aligned in the lagna, they might increase a person's benevolence (generosity).
– The fourth house.
comparable to a minister, scientist, or king.
The Moon-Jupiter conjunction in the fourth house indicates a lot of familial comfort.
A contemporary democracy's parliament is also indicated by this house.
– The seventh house.
affluent, educated, skilled, and a merchant.
The seventh-house Moon-Jupiter conjunction is favourable for a happy marriage.
Trade and partnerships are also related to the seventh house; the Gaja-Kesari yoga that forms here brings prosperity through partnerships.
The ninth house.
renowned, successful, wealthy, and content.
The ninth house is concerned with the individual's fortune as well as virtue and spiritual endeavours.
Finding the Moon-Jupiter conjunction in this house is particularly fortunate.
10th house.
scholarly, wealthy, haughty, and respectable.
The Moon-Jupiter conjunction occurring in this house is very beneficial for future job opportunities, high social prestige, and financial security.
Moon in the fourth house with Jupiter
Issues with the mother and marital contentment are shown in the fourth house.
Comfort for the family will often be favourable.
Manasagari claims that this combination, however, robs one of the comforts of home, causes issues with mother respect, and places the burden of work on others.
Moon in the seventh house with Jupiter 
This combination grants respect among family members, longevity, good health, and a propensity for frugal spending.
Manasagari adds that the individual develops importance and experiences partiality.
The texts' formal language has to be given more latitude.
In general, marital peace benefits from Jupiter's placement in the seventh house, whether it be from the lagna or the moon.
Jupiter opposite the Moon in the tenth house
Generally speaking, this is a good combo for a career.
Manasagari asserts that a person with this mix of traits abandons his or her spouse and children and lives as a hermit.
Karma or personal functions are shown in the tenth house (from the lagna or the moon).
Jupiter's placement in this house imparts merit and goodness to a person's actions or karma.
Indifference to material things increases when Jupiter is strongly positioned.
This combination is excellent for spiritual endeavours.
Jupiter, the symbol of money, can sometimes bring a wave of self-earned prosperity to the tenth house.
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astronidan1 · 1 month
From Stars to Riches: How Wealth Yogas in Astrology Shape Destiny
Have we ever considered whether the stars hold secrets behind our financial fate? According to Vedic astrology, yoga affects almost all sorts of life matters; one of them could be wealth and prosperity. Those wealthy yogas assume paramount importance in changing destiny by turning that indented cosmic script into a story of riches and success. The next portion of the course is the world of these yogas—a veritable source of how they could mould your march towards prosperity.
Introduction to Wealth Yogas
Wealth yogas in Vedic astrology are more or less like hidden treasures within your birth chart. These planetary combinations can hint at financial success and material wealth. But how do these yogas work, and can they influence your destiny?
What Are Wealth Yogas?
Those unique combinations that indicate prosperity and financial gain are called wealth yogas. The strength of these yogas may increase with the placement or aspects of the planets concerned. You can liken your birth chart to a treasure map where the wealth yogas demarcate the spots where fortunes may lie. 
The Importance of Wealth Yogas 
Wealth yogas are significant in that they point to the potential financial gain of an individual and may bring into focus opportunities for the creation of wealth. Those yogas, after understanding, can help you become more conscious on your journey in finance and make informed decisions accordingly, in tune with your cosmic blueprint. 
Types of Wealth Yogas in Vedic Astrology:
There are different yogas for wealth according to Vedic astrology, each of which affects your financial karma. Let's deal with some of the most prominent ones.
Dhana Yoga: A Financial Blessing
Dhana Yoga is powerful and wealthy in Vedic astrology. It is formed when particular planets in a horoscope's 2nd, 5th, 9th, or 11th houses indicate wealth and prosperity. You may be interested in amassing money if you have Dhana Yoga in your chart.
Lakshmi Yoga: Blessings of the Goddess
It is thus named after the Hindu goddess of wealth, Lakshmi. This yoga occurs when Venus is in a strong position and related to the houses of wealth. Lakshmi Yoga can bestow with financial stability and prosperity.
Chandra-Mangal Yoga: Moon and Mars Magic
Chandra-Mangal Yoga is the conjunction of the Moon with Mars. This yoga provides wealth and success in business. People born with Chandra-Mangal Yoga will have a strong urge to succeed and be not afraid to take risks.
Raja Yoga: Royal Wealth
Raja Yoga tells us about someone's power, authority, and riches. Indeed, the association of some planets in certain houses does form Raja Yoga to associate with high status or financial success. People having Raja Yoga in their charts find themselves in influential positions with substantial wealth.
How to Identify Wealth Yogas
In search of wealth yogas in your horoscope, much attention must be paid to planetary positions and their interaction. The help of an experienced Vedic astrologer will ensure that you discover such yogas and learn what they mean about your future in terms of finance. 
Planets Influencing Wealth Yogas
Some planets primarily constitute wealth yogas. Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon are associated with financial prosperity. Knowing how they are working in your chart will further enlighten you about your wealth potential.
Houses and Their Role in Wealth
In Vedic astrology, the 2nd, 5th, 9th, and 11th houses are considered when looking at yogas for wealth. The second house indicates personal finances, the fifth investments, the ninth fortune or luck, and the eleventh gains. The placement and condition of planets in these houses may greatly influence your financial status.
Wealth Yogas: Real-Life Examples
Many wealthy and successful people have strong wealth yogas in their horoscopes. Business tycoons, celebrities, and influential leaders in society have strong Dhana Yogas or Raja Yogas, which causes them to become wealthy. Observing these practical cases will further clarify how the wealth yogas manifest.
Remedies for Weak Wealth Yogas
Vedic astrology has prescribed remedial measures if your horoscope depicts weak wealth yogas. These might be a specific mantra, rituals, or gemstones to promote or enhance benefic planets and pacify malefic planets.
A Modern Interpretation of Wealth Yogas
Therefore, modern wealth yogas are interpreted to include a gamut of today's financially successful indicators. However, even with the modernity of astrology today, career and vocational opportunities, market trends, and individual skills have a place when analysing one's wealth potential. 
The Wealth Yogas of Vedic Astrology gives an intriguingly accurate view into the cosmic influence of your financial destiny. In so many ways, knowing these planetary combinations will provide you with an even better understanding of your Prosperity Potential and how best to align your actions with the stars. Whether you are looking to increase your wealth or to understand your path to financial well-being, the secrets of the stars await your presence.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is a wealth yoga in Vedic astrology?
Wealth yoga combines planets in a horoscope, indicating potential for financial success and prosperity.
2. Do wealth yogas guarantee riches?
Though wealth yogas indicate one's potential for financial success, actual results depend on individual effort, choice, and other external factors.
3. How can I know whether I have wealth yogas in my chart?
Consult a Vedic astrologer with the skills to read your birth chart to identify the yogas for wealth you are born with.
4. Do remedies exist for weak-wealth yogas?
Vedic astrology has several remedies, from mantras to rituals, including using gemstones to activate weak wealth yogas.
5. Can wealth yogas change over time?
The strength and influence of the yogas change depending on planetary transits and periods, but the fundamental yogas in your birth chart don't.
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astro-nidan · 2 months
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maashaktiyogbali · 2 months
Explore the rich history and deep philosophy of yoga with Maa Shakti Yog Bali. Discover how ancient wisdom can transform your practice and your life
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The History and Philosophy of Yoga: A Journey Through Time at Maa Shakti Yog Bali
Welcome to the Heart of Yoga’s Rich Legacy
Yoga is so much more than just a series of postures or breathing exercises—it’s a way of life that connects us deeply with our true selves. Here at Maa Shakti Yog Bali, we’re passionate about sharing the incredible history and philosophy behind yoga, so you can fully appreciate and integrate its wisdom into your life. Whether you're new to yoga or have been practicing for years, understanding its roots can deepen your experience and enrich your journey.
The Ancient Beginnings: Where It All Started
Can you imagine a time over 5,000 years ago, where the earliest seeds of yoga were being planted in the ancient Indus Valley? It’s amazing to think that the practices we love today have such deep roots. The word "yoga" itself means to unite—bringing together the mind, body, and spirit into a harmonious whole. Early glimpses of yoga can be found in the Vedas, ancient texts that laid the foundation for so many spiritual traditions in India.
As the centuries passed, the Upanishads—another set of sacred texts—began to shape the philosophical side of yoga. They explored big questions about the nature of the self, the universe, and the connection between the two. This was the beginning of yoga as a spiritual practice, not just a physical one.
Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras: The Blueprint of Yoga
Fast forward to around 400 CE, and we meet Patanjali, the wise sage who compiled the Yoga Sutras—a text that’s still incredibly relevant today. Patanjali laid out what we now call the Eightfold Path of Yoga (or Ashtanga Yoga), which offers a roadmap for living a meaningful and purposeful life. These eight limbs guide us through everything from ethical living (like practicing kindness and honesty) to mastering our breath, focusing our minds, and ultimately reaching a state of deep inner peace.
Hatha Yoga: The Physical Practice We Know Today
As time went on, yoga continued to evolve. By the 9th to 15th centuries, Hatha Yoga emerged, bringing a stronger focus on the physical aspects of the practice. This is where we get many of the postures and breathing techniques that are so popular in modern yoga. The goal of Hatha Yoga was to prepare the body for deeper spiritual practices, and it’s the foundation of many styles of yoga that we practice today.
Yoga’s Journey to the World: A Global Embrace
Yoga’s wisdom couldn’t be contained within India’s borders for long. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, visionaries like Swami Vivekananda and T. Krishnamacharya began sharing yoga with the world. They taught that yoga wasn’t just for ascetics or hermits—it was for everyone. Thanks to them and their students, yoga has blossomed into a global phenomenon, with styles like Ashtanga, Vinyasa, and Iyengar Yoga becoming household names.
The Deeper Meaning: Yoga’s Philosophy in Daily Life
At its heart, yoga is a way of understanding and navigating life. It teaches us that beneath all the noise and chaos, our true self is pure and peaceful. But to connect with that true self, we need to quiet the mind and look inward. That’s where the practice comes in.
Yoga offers several paths to help us on this journey:
Karma Yoga: The path of selfless action, where we do good without expecting anything in return.
Bhakti Yoga: The path of love and devotion, where we open our hearts to something greater than ourselves.
Jnana Yoga: The path of knowledge, where we seek to understand the deeper truths of existence.
Raja Yoga: The path of meditation, where we learn to focus and calm the mind.
Bringing It All Together at Maa Shakti Yog Bali
Here at Maa Shakti Yog Bali, we believe that yoga is a lifelong journey of growth, discovery, and connection. Whether you’re here for a Yoga Teacher Training course or simply looking to deepen your practice, we’re here to support you every step of the way. We honor the rich history and philosophy of yoga in everything we do, ensuring that you not only learn the physical aspects but also the deeper spiritual wisdom that makes yoga so transformative.
We invite you to join us in exploring the profound legacy of yoga. Together, let’s uncover the timeless wisdom that can bring peace, purpose, and joy into our lives.
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subir-astrologer · 2 months
Finding Raj yoga in vedic astrology is not enough to be happy that one will have 100% bright future.
No no no, it is not true. One may come across many people in our society who have Raj Yoga in their horoscope but still live a life of crisis.
So, one need to understand the astrology deeper. Only having Raj Yoga in a horoscope is not enough, one need to learn also when it is getting activated in one’s life.
There are conditions when in-spite of Raj Yoga in horoscope, an individual is not benefitted from it :
Raj yoga getting activated when the native was very young and since the native is dependent on parent the activated Raj Yoga period go waste for the native.
2. Raj Yoga getting activated in the old age or after retirement. Here also the raj yoga goes waste as the native in his old age do not have enough strength and energy to work and make fortunes.
Raj Yoga always gives good results when a person is in his youth stage. This is the period when a person can work hard to make his fortune and Raj Yoga getting activated during this period is like hitting jack pot in life.
There can be many astrology software which will reflect many Yogas in a horoscope, but it will fail to tell when this yoga will give their results in the life of the native.
In other word the astrology software can only do the mathematical calculations only but can not do the prediction part. Not even the AI ( artificial Intelligence ) in the software can do it.
What one sees in texted form are all general and common write up stored in the memory of the software.
In a nutshell finding Raj yoga from the astrology software in not enough, knowing its activation period is also very important.
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jothishi · 1 year
Learn Astrology 55 | What is Dharma, Karma Adhipathi Raja Yoga @Jothishi
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divyaastro-ashram · 4 months
Guide to Different Types of Shubh Yogas
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Unlocking the mysteries of Shubh Yogas in Jyotish, or Vedic astrology, illuminates pathways to success and fulfillment in life. These auspicious planetary combinations offer profound insights into the potentials and possibilities encoded within individual birth charts. From Raj Yogas promising leadership and wealth to other auspicious yogas fostering wisdom and intellect, understanding these cosmic configurations empowers individuals to navigate their life journeys with clarity and purpose. Let's embark on a journey to explore the diverse types of Shubh Yogas and how they shape destinies according to the celestial rhythms of the universe.
What Is A Shubh Yog?
A Shubh Yog refers to an auspicious combination of planets in a birth chart that signifies favourable outcomes and blessings in various aspects of life. These yogas indicate the potential for success, prosperity, and overall well-being for the individual. Shubh Yogas can manifest in different forms, such as Raj Yogas, Dhana Yogas, and Raja Dhana Yogas, each offering unique blessings related to leadership, wealth, and power. These yogas are analyzed by Vedic astrologers to provide insights into the individual's destiny and to guide them towards maximizing their potential for a fulfilling life journey.
Raj Yogas
Raj Yogas are potent combinations involving benefic planets in specific houses, indicating leadership, wealth, and recognition.
Gaja Kesari Yoga
This yoga forms when Jupiter (Guru) and Moon (Chandra) are in Kendra (quadrant) from each other or when Jupiter is in Kendra from the Ascendant or Moon. It brings immense wealth, fame, and prosperity to the natives. Individuals blessed with Gaja Kesari Yoga exhibit strong leadership qualities, wisdom, and compassionate nature, attracting success and admiration from others.
Dhana Yoga
Dhana Yoga occurs when the lords of the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 9th, or 11th houses form a relationship, typically through conjunction, mutual aspect, or exchange of signs. This yoga signifies financial abundance, wealth accumulation, and material prosperity. Those with Dhana Yoga in their charts tend to enjoy luxurious lifestyles, financial stability, and opportunities for wealth creation through their talents and endeavours.
Ruchaka Yoga
Ruchaka Yoga is formed when Mars (Mangal) is placed in its own sign or exalted sign and occupies a Kendra (quadrant) or Trikona (trine) house. It confers the native with courage, vitality, and a commanding presence. Individuals with Ruchaka Yoga possess strong determination, physical strength, and the ability to overcome obstacles, making them natural leaders and achievers in their respective fields.
Other Auspicious Yogas
Apart from Raj Yogas, several other auspicious yogas contribute to a harmonious and successful life journey.
Guru-Chandrama Yoga
Jupiter and Moon together bestow wisdom, good character, and emotional stability upon the individual. This yoga fosters a deep sense of spirituality and inner peace, guiding the native towards righteous living. Guru-Chandrama Yoga also indicates a compassionate nature, leading individuals to serve others selflessly and make a positive impact on society.
Hans Yoga
Hans Yoga, formed by benefic planets in specific houses, signifies a strong intellect, eloquence, and potential for scholarly pursuits. Individuals with Hans Yoga excel in fields that require analytical thinking, creativity, and effective communication. This yoga also fosters a love for learning and intellectual curiosity, driving individuals to seek knowledge and expand their horizons.
Malavya Yoga
Associated with leadership qualities, sharp intellect, and the ability to influence others, Malavya Yoga empowers individuals to command respect and admiration. This yoga enhances artistic talents, diplomatic skills, and social grace. Additionally, Malavya Yoga indicates a refined taste and appreciation for beauty, leading individuals to seek harmony and elegance in their surroundings.
Hamsa Yoga
Hamsa Yoga occurs when Jupiter is in a Kendra (quadrant) from the Moon without any malefic influence. This yoga bestows intelligence, wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment upon the native. Individuals with Hamsa Yoga possess a noble character, a compassionate nature, and a deep understanding of philosophical truths, leading them to pursue higher knowledge and spiritual growth.
Bhadra Yoga
Bhadra Yoga occurs when Mercury is in its own sign, exalted, or in a friendly sign and occupies a Kendra (quadrant) or Trikona (trine) house. It enhances intelligence, communication skills, and business acumen. Individuals with Bhadra Yoga excel in fields related to communication, commerce, and education, demonstrating sharp wit, analytical thinking, and the ability to articulate ideas effectively.
Identifying Shubh Yogas
To identify Shubh Yogas in a birth chart, a qualified Vedic astrologer considers various factors.
Planetary Placements
Analyzing the specific houses and signs where the planets reside provides insights into the potential Shubh Yogas present. Planets in exalted or friendly signs strengthen the yoga, while those in debilitation or enemy signs may weaken it. Additionally, the strength and dignity of the yoga-forming planets play a crucial role in determining the yoga's effectiveness.
The interactions between planets through aspects influence the strength and effects of Shubh Yogas. Favourable aspects enhance yoga's potency, while malefic aspects may obstruct its manifestation. Additionally, the mutual aspects between yoga-forming planets and other significant planets in the chart can modify the yoga's outcomes.
Yogakaraka Planets
Planets like Jupiter and Venus, known for their beneficent influence, play a crucial role in shaping Shubh Yogas. Their placement and strength in the chart significantly impact the yoga's outcomes. Yogakaraka planets contribute to the overall auspiciousness of the chart and play a pivotal role in determining the individual's destiny.
● Jupiter (Guru): Known as the most auspicious planet in Vedic astrology, Jupiter serves as the significator of wisdom, knowledge, and spirituality. Depending on its placement in the birth chart, Jupiter can act as a Yogakaraka planet for specific ascendants, blessing individuals with abundant opportunities for growth, prosperity, and spiritual enlightenment.
● Venus (Shukra): Venus governs love, beauty, harmony, and material abundance in astrology. When positioned as the Yogakaraka planet for certain ascendants, Venus bestows creative talents, luxurious lifestyles, and fulfilling relationships upon the natives, fostering happiness and contentment in life.
● Mars (Mangal): Mars signifies energy, courage, determination, and drive in astrology. As a Yogakaraka planet for select ascendants, Mars empowers individuals with leadership abilities, physical strength, and the courage to overcome obstacles, enabling them to achieve their goals with resilience and determination.
Strength of the Yoga
The overall strength of the yoga depends on factors such as the number of involved planets, their mutual placements, and any afflictions present. A well-formed yoga with supportive planetary configurations indicates a stronger potential for auspicious outcomes. Additionally, the presence of multiple auspicious yogas in the chart enhances the individual's overall fortune and success in life.
Beyond the Yogas
While Shubh Yogas offer promise and potential, they are not guarantees of success. Hard work, dedication, and positive karma are essential for realizing the benefits indicated by the yogas. Individuals must actively pursue their goals and make conscious efforts to manifest the favourable influences revealed in their birth charts. By aligning their actions with the cosmic energies indicated by the yogas, individuals can maximize their potential and achieve their life's objectives.
Importance Of Identifying Your Shubh Yog
● Maximizing Potential: Identifying your Shubh Yogas enables you to understand your inherent strengths and potentials as indicated by your birth chart. By recognizing these auspicious combinations, you can focus your efforts on areas where you are likely to excel, thus maximizing your chances of success and fulfilment in life.
● Navigating Challenges: Shubh Yogas not only highlights your positive attributes but also provides insights into how you can overcome obstacles and challenges indicated by malefic influences in your chart. Understanding your auspicious yogas empowers you to devise strategies to mitigate negative effects and navigate life's ups and downs with resilience and confidence.
● Making Informed Decisions: Armed with knowledge about your Shubh Yogas, you can make informed decisions regarding various aspects of your life, such as career choices, relationships, and personal growth endeavours. By aligning your actions with the cosmic energies indicated by your yogas, you can steer your life towards greater success, happiness, and fulfilment.
Exploring Further
Jyotish encompasses numerous Shubh Yogas, each with its unique characteristics and influences. Consulting a knowledgeable Vedic astrologer can provide a deeper understanding of the specific yogas present in your birth chart and their implications
The Bottom Line
In the intricate tapestry of existence, Shubh Yogas serve as guiding stars, illuminating the paths to prosperity, wisdom, and fulfilment. While these auspicious planetary combinations offer glimpses into the realm of possibilities, their realization requires a harmonious blend of effort, intention, and cosmic alignment. By embracing the wisdom of Jyotish and delving deeper into the nuances of Shubh Yogas, individuals can unlock the hidden potentials within their birth charts and harness the transformative power of celestial energies on their journey towards self-discovery and success.
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crookedyolk · 6 months
How to master your mind and body with Yoga
Yoga is system of physical and mental exercise that enables a person's consciousness to synchronize with the spirit of universal consciousness. The origin of yoga can be traced five thousand years back. The desire of a healthy life, personal and spiritual freedom gave birth to the yoga practice. Since then, yoga has click here to learn more evolved to be the medium by which one can master his mind, body and soul. The practice of yoga leads a practitioner to experience a harmony between the body and mind.
The term Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word 'Yuj', which means to integrate. Thus, yoga refers to uniting of the body of an individual with the mind and his mind with the soul. Yoga practice, known as Sadhana, is an art which connects the practitioner (sadhak) to the ultimate whole of creation. Practice (abhyasa) of Vairagya (non-grasping) and Meditation (dhyana) are keys to Yoga. There are different kinds of yoga like Hatha yoga, Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Gnana Yoga and each of these forms of the yoga are merely ways of attaining a common spiritual goal and physical healthiness.
With the passing years, yoga has become an integral part in everyone's life. With its vast benefits and usages, it has become an inseparable entity of human life. The yoga exercises have the power to prevent and improve the physical conditions of human body. Yoga helps in ailment of many chronic diseases like Arthritis, back pain, Indigestion, Diabetes, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia and many more. Practice of yoga is the perfect antidote to stress, anxiety and nervous breakdown. Yoga asanas, coupled with the proper breathing practice and meditation intensifies the stamina, vitality and zest for life. The proper breathing practice in yoga is known as Pranayama. Pranayama in yoga aims at bringing the involuntary functions of the respiratory mechanism within human control. Pranayama practice offers a good appetite, strength, a high standard of health, vigor and vitality. With the proper inhaling and exhaling procedure, pranayama keeps the individual balanced in all the conditions and situations. The intellect is developed and results in an enhanced will power. With practice of Pranayama, mind is drawn into a definite spiritual activity. It prepares the individual for inner calmness and stillness and presets the mind for the practice of meditation.
Meditation means a state of consciousness, when the mind is free of scattered and wandering thoughts. As a part of yoga, meditation helps the practitioner to relax and eventually drives his consciousness to a deeper insight. The meditative state of mind results in spiritual benefit and the practitioner experiences supreme bliss and enlightenment. Meditation does not necessarily relates to only spiritual practice, but also has many health benefits.  From the perspective of the physical well being of an individual, meditation aids in treatment of many diseases. Meditation helps in reducing anxiety attacks by lowering the levels of blood lactate. It leads to a deeper level of relaxation and reduces the level of stress and anxiety.
Music and yoga practice is intrinsically connected to each other. Since the time immemorial, music has aptly complemented yoga and meditation. Soothing music can help to keep your mind focused and remove distractions of mind. Music ensures a way for enjoying lasting peace and harmony of the mind. Right kind of Yoga music helps break stiff constraints of mind and connects the yogi with his divinity within. The power of the meditation music have beneficial effects in stimulating and revitalizing the entire immune system of the body and deepen the healing process of the mind. Since recent past, the yoga DVDs and CDs have become the bestseller of many record label companies. There are different genre of music that may accompany you in your daily yoga session. It can be a New Age Celtic Music or Native American music, High range Yoga Grooves or even some chants, hymns and mantras. Even, the sounds of gongs, bells and bowls can accelerate your daily yoga practice.
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gautam-101 · 6 months
Unveiling the Cosmic Blueprint: Yogas for Success and Happiness
In the grand tapestry of the cosmos, astrology serves as a map guiding us through the intricate pathways of life. Within its realms lie the profound Yogas, celestial configurations that weave the fabric of success and happiness into our existence. These Yogas, derived from the alignment of planets and stars at the moment of our birth, hold the keys to unlocking our potential and shaping our destiny.
Embarking on a journey through the mystical realms of astrology, we delve deep into the essence of Yogas for success and happiness. From ancient Vedic scriptures to modern interpretations, we explore the cosmic symphony that orchestrates the harmony of our lives. Join us as we unravel the secrets of the universe and discover how these Yogas can illuminate the path to fulfillment and joy.
Also read - Exploring the Intriguing Connection: Numerology and Astrology
I. Understanding Yogas: A Cosmic Blueprint
A. Exploring the Origins of Yogas
B. The Essence of Cosmic Configurations
C. Types of Yogas: Beneficence and Maleficence
D. The Interplay of Planetary Energies
II. Yogas for Material Success
A. Dhana Yoga: Wealth and Prosperity
B. Raja Yoga: Royal Status and Authority
C. Sasa Yoga: Leadership and Power
D. Gaja Kesari Yoga: Wisdom and Intellect
E. Adhi Yoga: Influence and Recognition
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III. Yogas for Inner Fulfillment
A. Hamsa Yoga: Spiritual Wisdom and Enlightenment
B. Maha Bhagya Yoga: Auspiciousness and Blessings
C. Parijata Yoga: Fulfillment of Desires
D. Vasumati Yoga: Inner Harmony and Contentment
E. Brahma Yoga: Creativity and Self-Realization
IV. Navigating Challenges: Remedies and Mitigations
A. Pacifying Malefic Yogas
B. Strengthening Benefic Yogas
C. Astrological Remedies and Rituals
D. Spiritual Practices for Alignment
V. Case Studies: Celestial Stories of Success and Happiness
A. Chart Analysis of Notable Personalities
B. Insights into Yogas Manifestation
C. Lessons Learned from Celestial Patterns
VI. Embracing the Cosmic Dance: Integrating Yogas into Life
A. Cultivating Awareness and Mindfulness
B. Aligning with Cosmic Rhythms
C. Harnessing Yogas for Personal Growth
D. Embracing the Journey of Self-Discovery
As we conclude our voyage through the mystical realms of Yogas for success and happiness, we are reminded of the profound interconnectedness between the celestial and the terrestrial. Within the cosmic dance of planets and stars lies the blueprint of our destiny, guiding us towards fulfillment and joy.
Through understanding and embracing Yogas, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Whether seeking material success or inner fulfillment, the cosmic energies offer us guidance and support along the way. As we align with the rhythms of the universe, we awaken to the boundless possibilities that await us, unlocking the doors to a life of abundance and happiness.
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girish-jha · 6 months
Discover Inner Peace and Clarity with the Best Books on Mindfulness and Meditation at the Best Price from Girish Jha
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In today's fast-paced world, finding moments of calm and clarity has become essential for our well-being. Mindfulness and meditation provide a pathway to achieve this tranquility and connect with our inner selves. If you're looking to delve deeper into mindfulness and meditation, Girish Jha offers a collection of the Best Books on Mindfulness and Meditation. In this article, we will explore these insightful books that can guide you on your journey towards a more mindful and balanced life.
1. "Awakening Your Inner Self" by Girish Jha: Girish Jha, a renowned expert in mindfulness and meditation, shares his wisdom in "Awakening Your Inner Self." This book offers a profound understanding of the transformative power of meditation and provides practical techniques to cultivate mindfulness in daily life. With clarity and compassion, Jha invites readers to embark on a spiritual journey that leads to inner peace, happiness, and self-awareness.
2. "Mind to mindfulness to awakening: The book is written by a great master more than 2000 years ago. It deals with the mind, cause of suffering, tools to manage stress and suffering. This book ( Mind to mindfulness to awakening ) has less than 25 verses. When one learns, contemplates, and do simple practices, one enters into a deep meditative state that reveals inner peace and happiness. There are three main topics covered in this text. The first topics are about mind, Life Coaching Program, and state of meditation of mindfulness. The second topic is what happens when awakening takes place. The third topic explains what is enlightenment.
3. "Hatha Yoga in questions and answers: Hatha Yoga is practiced everywhere in the world, the most popular but completely misunderstood path. There are many styles of Hatha Yoga, commonly taken as Patanjali Raja Yoga. Many masters in the Himalayas who I met say that misunderstanding and confusion are due to a lack of proper study under master-disciple tradition. One master who lived in the Himalayas taught me Hatha Yoga from two popular texts, Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Gherand Samhita. He also referred to other texts, Goraksh Rahasyam and Dattatreya Yoga Sastra. Later, EMPLOYEE COACHING Program another great master, Swami Anant Bharati of Himalayan tradition, guided important aspects of Hatha Yoga.
4. "Happiness and Wisdom Speak: A master in Eastern Wisdom is called a Guru. The word ‘Guru’ means moving from ignorance to knowledge. What is ignorance and knowledge in the word Guru? We are ignorant about our real nature. The real nature, according to Eastern Wisdom, is SatChitAnanda (the absolute existence, consciousness, and bliss). We experience that we are stressed, we are suffering, RELATIONSHIP COACHING Program and we believe we are worthy of suffering. The knowledge is about knowledge of self that declares we are not worthy of suffering. In reality we are peace, happiness, truth, love, and wisdom.
The path of mindfulness and meditation can lead to self-discovery, inner peace, and a greater connection with the world around us. Girish Jha's collection of the Best Books on Mindfulness and Meditation at the best price provides a valuable resource for anyone seeking to cultivate mindfulness in their lives. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, these books offer profound insights and practical tools to embark on a transformative journey towards a more balanced and mindful existence.
Contact Us Visit :- https://girishjha.org/ Mobile :- +1 609 447 5421 Email :- [email protected] Address :- 7304 S Stuart Ave, Gilbert, AZ 85298
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