#to you the reader not to rook suhdajudj i’d love to brainrot with him about neige though ngl 😳
arent-i-the-fairest · 2 years
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𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡-𝐡𝐨, 𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡-𝐡𝐨~
what’s it like with neige leblanche having a crush on you?
author’s note : uuuu i’m such a simp for him… (´;ω;`)
part 2 here!
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i’ll preface this by saying— he can’t hide his feelings for the life of him. he thinks he’s doing well keeping it a secret, but probably everyone knows about his crush on you. you included.
whenever you two are in the same vicinity, he tends to stare at you. not creepily, but like— it’s cute, it’s in an admiring kind of way! you’ll just be minding your own business and doing the most mundane of things, but he’ll be looking at you with hearts in his eyes.
with vdc up and coming, everyone was supposed to be practicing. but what was neige doing? daydreaming and staring at you, of course.
you were getting bored of standing around and watching the boys’ practice performances. their singing and dancing is amazing, no doubt, but you’ve seen and heard it for probably the hundredth time now. one more listen and you might just overblot.
aimlessly looking around to see if there was anything interesting happening, you caught neige looking right at you. now, that’s definitely interesting, isn’t it?
deciding to be a bit cheeky, you winked at him— you were sure it would fluster him, but didn’t expect for it to make him freak out as much as he did.
the boy squealed, clutching his heart. he was absolutely giddy, resisting the urge to spin and jump around from pure thrill. he grabbed onto his classmate’s sleeve and shook it excitedly. “t-they just winked at me!”
↑ overreacts at anything even slightly flirtatious ^ ^
you get to be good friends with all the dwarfs! well, all except for one. gran. the guy’s highly suspicious of you, which greatly saddens neige. no worries though! he’s sure to come around at some point after realizing you have no malicious intent (and with all the other dwarves nagging him).
you looked down at gran, who was glaring at you. you cleared your throat and gave him a smile. “hi there.. hmm, gran, was it? is there anything i can help you with?”
“no— just came to say i’ve got my eye on you!
neige came rushing to your side, apologizing for the dwarf’s behavior. “oh, gran, why are you like this towards them?” neige frowned, gently nudging him. “what will it take for you to see they’re a good person?”
“right~ y/n’s so nice~!” toby grinned. the others pitched in, expressing their agreement. except for shelpy, who was fast asleep. “they don’t look like they wanna hurt neige, or any of us for that matter, do they?” dominic asked, holding his hand out towards you.
you laughed, wrapping an arm around neige’s waist and pulling him towards you. “really, gran! you don’t have to worry! i’d never do a thing to hurt him— i love him!” neige’s heart skipped a beat. “we’re best friends!”
he shows up at ramshackle a minimum of three times a week, random days, random times, and no warning. he gets all sad when he hasn’t seen you in a while, and you don’t want a sad neige, so these visits are absolutely mandatory!
you’d recognize that cheerful voice anywhere. “hah! told’ya he’d show up today! you owe me a can of tuna!” “yeah, yeah.” after letting grim inside the dorm, you ran down to the gates to greet neige, who was carrying a bag of sweets.
“neige! back for another visit? you’ve been here nearly every day of the week!”
he giggled. “i can’t help it, i was just missing you so much! but anyways, here, i made these on my own! they’re just for you!” you took the bag from his hands and opened it, leaning in to smell them. “these look and smell incredible, you’ve really outdone yourself this time! how do i repay you?”
“oh, there’s no need!” he flashed an ever so precious smile at you. “c’mon~ i insist! you’ve been doing so much for me lately, i’d feel guilty if i didn’t do anything in return.”
“well in that case..” you watched as he played around with his hands. “how about giving me a hug? that should suffice, hehe!”
you get to read all the jealous, sometimes even angry comments towards you from his more.. obsessed fans whenever he posts a picture with you or even mentions you. funnily, neige is more bothered by them than you are.
“gyah! these are harsh!” grim flicked his tail around, annoyed. “how are you so unbothered by these, henchman?”
“i’ve been wondering the same thing, actually.” neige sighed as he removed the cruel comments one by one. “it’s admirable that you’re so calm about it, but…” you gently smiled at his part sad-part frustrated expression.
“i’m able to stay so cool cause neige is being upset on my behalf~” you teased. “jokes aside, i’m not sure— i guess i just find it better to laugh it off rather than be all mad over them.”
neige looked up at you when you ruffled his hair. “look. there’s, like, basically nothing we can do to stop these comments, so just laugh and brush ‘em off, okay? i hate seeing you so concerned over something as dumb as this.” he gave you a nod.
“just how am i gonna confess to them?” neige sighed. he looked down at all the scratched out options on his notebook. he was nearly at his wits end.
whenever he came up with an idea, there was something wrong with it— and him, wanting to give you a picture perfect romantic confession, rejected it.
“oh, this is all so difficult..” his grip on his pencil tightened and he went back to brainstorming.
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