#toa Blinky
azuldoodles · 7 months
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Blinky !!
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peapeapeapa · 8 months
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Just some gay trolls gaying you wouldn't understand😊🤭 (Blinky x Aaarrrgghh)
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zabel-does-things · 12 days
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doodles from screenshots from trollhunters
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arcadian-socks · 8 months
Claire, hoarsely: Is everyone okay?
Jim, covered in blood and debris: Yeah.
Toby, muffled and unseen: Doing awesome.
Blinky, looking down on them: Hey, that almost went exactly to plan!
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gentleeclipsey · 12 days
How about Jackie with Blinky and Aaarrrgghh? :)
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Cuddle buds qwq she's basically Blinky's purring couch and Arrrgh's snuggly pillow, also yes I drew Arrrgh with whiskers he deserves them
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az-daniels-yeeter · 9 months
Arcadiatober 2023 #6:
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dandelion-blues · 2 months
Tales of Arcadia One-shot
A Precious Youngling
Also, on Ao3
Jim cooked and spiced a meal as much to perfection as much he could make it with the materials he had available on this cross-country trip to New Jersey. It should have smelled divine, especially when he hasn't eaten much today, but instead, it smelled unimaginably gross like moldy trash was thrown in and burnt, but no trash actually smelt good now to Jim.
Ugh, Jim hated this. He was supposed to be a chef, and now he couldn't even taste what he was making. Heck, he could barely stand to be in the vicinity when he was cooking, but he wanted to surprise his girlfriend, Claire. In any case, he did it. He just hoped it tasted alright.
Jim carefully picked up the dish that he made using an extra pan that he brought with him as the plate, being careful not to stumble with his longer legs since he's been doing an awful lot of that and made his way towards Claire.
He was greeted by friendly smiles and a sense of community that he didn't feel before when he was just human. Jim didn't know if it was the fact that he was a troll now (or well half), or that he helped save them from their greatest enemy, or most likely a combination of the two, but trolls were a lot more accepting of Jim now. In fact, they were more than accommodating and would even go out of their way to help him out in some way whether that was by giving him pointers or even hunting for forks (his favorite and practically only food he likes to eat now). It was really nice, as it was weird.
Jim was just at his ends wit with the trolls dancing around him and being so nice. Like he was suddenly so different. He was though, he wasn't human anymore. He didn’t even look or act like a human anymore. He just wanted them to act normal around him, not like he was made of glass.
Jim just wished he knew why there was a sudden change. Was it because he looked like a troll now? Did they really dislike him that much because he was a human? He wasn't even a proper troll though, his mentality seemed to switch at random, one moment he was acting like he used to then the next his troll instincts took over and he was growling at something. It was just so tiresome; he didn't understand any of this. He didn't even want to mention his looks. The few times he glimpsed himself in a reflective surface, his appearance had him scrambling back. He just couldn't bring himself to look at himself anymore.
Jim shook his head. He was going to spend this night with his girlfriend and not worry about his problems right now.
Luckily, despite not being able to taste the food that he made, Claire loved it, and she said it tasted amazing. The buzzing in his mind finally fully calmed down, and he was able to just relax with his girlfriend. They hung out all day (night whatever, since sunlight kills trolls. Will kill him). They talked for hours and dueled and he just got to enjoy being in Claire’s company. However, Claire started to yawn. The dark blue of the night started to lighten, indicating that the day was about to begin, and their new sleep schedule of sleeping in the daytime was about to begin.
“I’m so glad that we finally just got to relax and hang out today,” Claire said, stretching, “But now I’m going to pass out.” Claire smiles at him, her brown eyes filled with affection.
“Yeah, sounds good.” Jim nodded in affirmation but was still feeling restless.
“Also, don’t stay up too long,” Claire scolded, “You need your sleep too, even if you need less.”
“Yes ma’am,” Jim saluted.
Claire chuckles. Then grabs his hands in hers and looks lovingly into his eyes, “I love you, Jim.”
Jim gets a soft smile on his face, “I love you too. And have a good ni- sleep, Claire.” Jim rubs the back of his neck awkwardly at his slip-up.
“I will,” and pulls Jim down to give him a soft kiss and walks away.
Jim sighs happily, all his worries from earlier gone. However, as the morning ticks closer and more and more trolls are starting to hide away in the dark. Jim is once again left to his own thoughts and makes sure that everyone gets hidden away before the sun comes out.
However, before he could spiral into thinking about, well everything, a tall orange troll came up to him. His tan horns framed his mossy colored hair, “Now Trollhunter, I know it’s your duty to protect us, but a youngling such as yourself needs rest too. Why don’t you go to your guardian Blinkous and get some rest now.”
Jim is bewildered but says, “No it’s alright, I’m simply doing rounds to make sure everyone gets in the dark safely.”
The troll has this stern look in his eyes, “Now Trollhunter, a youngling like yourself needs more sleep than us older trolls, and it’s dangerous to still be out when the sunlight is approaching us quickly.”
Jim raises his hands up placating, “I know, I know. However, as a Trollhunter I need to make sure everyone is safe. Besides, I handled Gunmar, I can handle a little sunburn if it comes to it.” Jim tries to joke about the concern by stating that he can handle himself.
However, this doesn’t work as the large troll gasps in horror, “I know younglings are reckless, but not this! I am taking you to your guardian right this instant. There will be no risking your life, young troll.”
“W-what?!” Jim shrieks as the troll picks Jim up like a sack of potatoes and carries him over his shoulders. Jim tries fighting back, but the troll's grip remains strong. Jim eventually gives up, his face burning lavender. Jim’s grateful, though, that most trolls are already inside and are not seeing this embarrassment of Jim’s defeat. A few minutes later, after going across the whole camp, the troll finds the cave that Blinky was in and plops Jim gently down in the cave like he was handling a teddy bear. Jim sighs with relief and proceeds to flop down on the floor, covering his face in embarrassment, not even looking at Blinky.
“Tell your youngling that playing in the sun is no joke. His life is more important than patrolling around the camp when dawn is approaching.” The troll demands of Blinky.
Jim sputtered and shouted out a muffled “Hey!” with his covered face.
However, Jim gets cut off when the larger troll says, “Hush, the adults are talking now.” The troll continues with a glare at Blinky “I expect that our young Trollhunter will know the dangers of the sun when I see him next Blinkous Galadrigal.”
Blinky, bewildered by the whole encounter, concedes, “Of course, Heilad.”
The orange troll then huffs and leaves.
“Well, what is this I hear about playing in the sun, Master Jim?” Blinky says sternly but secretly smiles since Jim can’t see Blinky.
Jim mutters something incorrigible.
“What was that?” Blinky raises his eyebrow.
Jim sighs and uncovers his face, and glares at his mentor, his dad, “I was just going on patrols to make sure everyone was inside and protected from the sun, and just made a joke that since I beat Gunmar I could handle a little sunburn, and then that troll just dragged me here!”
Blinky six eyes go large, “Jim going in the sunlight would kill you! I know that you haven’t been a troll for that long, but it would be much worse than a sunburn.The sun is completely deadly to us!” Then Blinky starts to catastrophize and mutters to himself, “Oh dear, I’ve failed you as your troll guardian in informing you about what you need to know as a troll! I know that I’ve been busy as the leader, but that’s no excuse. I need-”
“Blinky!” Jim shouts. Blinky stops pacing and muttering. Jim breathes out, “I know the sunlight is dangerous to trolls. The first night when I became a troll, I burned myself.”
Blinky takes a moment to process what Jim says, then shouts, “YOU WHAT?!”
Blinky goes over to Jim, who is still on the ground, and frantically looks over him to see if he has any injuries. Once again, infinitely thankful that the armor wasn’t permanently stuck on his son and that now he was dressed in a shirt and shorts.
“Blinky,” Jim tries to get his dad’s attention, but Blinky is too focused on looking at his son for his injury.
“Blinky!” Again nothing.
“DAD!” Jim yells.
Blinky looks startled at his son, as Jim waves frantically at him. Except Blinky zeroes in on Jim’s hand, and specifically the darker splotch on Jim’s left hand.
“Your hand!” Blinky shouts and grabs Jim’s hand and inspects it.
“It’s fine, it barely hurt.” Jim says, looking away.
Jim thinks about that interaction with that troll earlier, Heilad? Then asks out loud, "Why are the trolls treating me so differently now? I can't be that different, can I?!" Then Jim growls and yells, "I'm still me!" And his free hand flings to his mouth, horrified that he growled at his mentor and father figure, and his ears subconsciously droop down.
Blinky looks wide-eyed at Jim and squeezes his hand assured that the hand wasn’t impairing and hurting Jim and reassures him, "Oh Master Jim. Yes, you will always be you. The trolls just now see how truly young you've always been, and younglings like yourself are a precious commodity since Gumm-Gumms have stolen our young, so the trolls are simply treating you like they would any other youngling and are worried for you."
Then Blinky continues, "But Jim, even if you are now half-troll, you still have your heart. A heart far better than mine. You're still a sensational chef. A wondrous friend. The most prodigious Trollhunter." Blinky smiles, his speech growing sincerity with every word and gently grabs Jim's other hand from his face with his left lower arm, and his other lower arm still holds Jim's other hand. Then Blinky forces Jim to look in his eyes with his upper arm by holding Jim's face. "A magnificent son. You may not be fully human anymore, and you may not be fully troll, but you will always be Master Jim to me, and no growls or angry outbursts will stop you from being you, or me from loving my son."
Jim burst into tears, needing to hear those comforting words from Blinky, from his dad.
"Oh, master Jim, it's alright, come here." And Blinky takes Jim in his arms and hugs and comforts him.
Jim cries and cries and eventually a high pitch whine escapes him when he thinks of all the horrible things that have just piled up after he turned into a half-troll, and he whimpers, not liking the new sounds that escape him and keens for his dad. Jim's scared and vulnerable and oh so new to his troll instincts that he doesn't know what to do.
Luckily, Blinky and Jim were already settled on the soft moss-filled ground because as soon after Jim began sobbing, Blinky knew that Jim would want to be held and comforted in his dad's embrace.
"Oh son," Blinky whispers to himself, his heart breaking at Jim's desperate keen, and takes Jim up in his arms cradling him close to his own hearthstone (what would be considered the troll equivalent to a heart) and murmurs sweet reassurances to Jim in both English and Trollish, and runs his fingers through Jim hair to calm him down. Jim holds tightly onto Blinky's suspender strap and sinks into Blinky's hold.
Eventually, Jim's crying subsides, and while his breath still hitches, he looks up into Blinky's six eyes with his sky blues and whispers, "I'm s-sorry." Jim clings shakily on Blinky's suspender and buries his face into his father's torso.
Blinky whispers, "There's nothing to be sorry for," and Jim seems to relax a little, his breath calming down as Blinky continues to card his fingers through Jim's hair and holds Jim. Jim smiles into Blinky’s chest, and mumbles, “Thanks.” Jim’s eyes droop, exhausted from crying and the long day, and falls asleep, feeling warm and protected in his father’s embrace.
Blinky smiles sadly at Jim and states, "I wish I could take away your fears and worries." Blinky sighs, "Even when I said before, "fear is but the precursor of valor.' Your valor, your valor exceeds anyone's, and I am so proud of you, and you can rest, you were victorious. You fought valiantly! I am just so proud to call you my son, and you deserve to have peace and rest as much, if not more than the rest of us. Even if it means telling a certain wizard to take a hike, I'll do my best to ensure your happiness, my son, and I'll always be here for you." Blinky promises.
Just wanted to have this out fully on Tumblr. Enjoy!
Next TOA One-shot
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What would be Blinkys and Arrggghhs reaction be to Y/N putting string/jewelry across their horns?
Trolls instintually like being pampered. It's a bonding activity amongst their kind after battle and it's how mates and loved ones show they care. Mom's lick and preen whelps hair, battlemates and spar partners patch wounds and clean armor, and mates, mates show the utmost care and affection while taking care of their partner.
Perhaps its because they've been at war for so long and forgot many of the old ways or perhaps its because its fun and reminds them of better times but if you give a troll a spa day they'd become very happy and lethargic. Even Gunmar couldn't resist something every troll has experienced and craves.
Now one doesn't simply put jewellery on a troll. No, no, no there are many steps to it Blinky explains as you walk in on him grooming Aarrrgh and ask to help. First you have to scrub and file their horns til their sharp and clean. Second you have to wash and brush out their manes. And its a whole long process that takes all night for them to complete. Or maybe Blinky lied to get some cuddle time and gentle pampering from his favorite human and beloved mate. Who knows?
As you finished tying Aarrghs mossy hair into neat little braids he nuzzled into you gently, rumbles coming deep from his chest sending vibrations through your very being. As you gave him snout and horn scratches he was in heaven making pleased noises. The little beads braided into his once messy mane tinkle against each other and he clearly enjoys the sound as he shakes his head a bit to listen. Gold rings with emeralds are placed on his horns as well. Blinky sweet as he is, can be prone to jealously. He smirks and pulls you into his embrace stealing you away.
Aarrrgh makes a whining sound and Blinky smiles mischeviously. He pats the bed so Aarrrgh will follow and you can all cuddle.
Smiling up at them happy their happy Blinky kisses you as Aarrrgh continues to nuzzle against you making you smell like him. Two of Blinkies hands weave through your hair as two more massage you. Aarrrggs arms encircle you both so your all cuddled together and warm in your shared bed.
"Thankyou love." Blinky hums silver shifting on his horns as he leans in to be closer to you. You smile in response humming as your nuzzled and kissed and pampered just as much as you pampered them.
"My pleasure." You respond beaming in joy at this new experience and the bonding that comes with it.
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blinday · 11 months
I can't believe. I actually made more than 6 paragraphs of a fic in a sitting. To think it was all powered by my need to express my headcanons post-wizards.
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lex-crow · 12 days
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Trying to draw blinky, I don’t like the colors
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Krel: My hungry ass could never be a brain surgeon
Steve: What do you mean
Jim: Dude what?
Blinky: An explanation is necessary
Merlin from beyond the grave: What the hell?
Douxie: Mood.
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azure-za-raid · 1 year
Blinkous Galadrigal
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Blinky’s Story
Blinkous “Blinky” Galadrigal, brother to Dictatious Galadrigal
Blinky is the right hand man and student to Vendel, leader of the supernatural tribe that was organized by Merlin. At the suggestion of Vendel and the orders of Merlin, Blinky was put in charge of Jim, helping him to grow as a warrior in hopes to thwart Morgana.
As the two spend more time together, they develop a strong bond, akin to that of a father and son.
Blinky in the reimagine is a creature known as a Capra Demon (technically a goat-man). Similar to canon Blinky, he’s a bookworm and human technology, especially automobiles.
He still retains his four arms albeit them being at the shoulder instead of the stomach.
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sonicasura · 2 months
In the Kajudo: Rise of the Duel Masters X Trollhunters Crossover, what's Blinkys reaction if he found a tribe if Condrum like him in the Nature Realm? His species have only been at a handful on Earth but here in the Veil there are so many more who welcom him as their "Veiless Brother".
He would definitely be shocked to say the least. Until now, no one knew how their taken kin were doing in the Veil as there was no way to establish any communication. So seeing the Condrum had actually flourish in their banishment was a positive sign that the others could be doing well too.
Blinky definitely documented everything he could learn from them. Even taking letters to bring back to the Trolls in Trollmarket. It definitely encouraged both sides to find ways to communicate with each other.
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zabel-does-things · 14 days
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my first attempt at drawing blinky from trollhunters, tales of arcadia
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arcadian-socks · 9 months
Jim: Can I keep the night light on?
Blinky: And provide the monsters with a beacon to your location? Use your head Master Jim!
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gentleeclipsey · 10 months
Is it okay if you tell us more about Dicta? I’m very interested!
Yes I can tell you more! :)
Dicta is older than Blinky, equated to human years Dicta was basically a 7 year old when Blinky was born.
When their parents died, Dicta was basically 15 and Blinky only basically 8 himself, so Dicta raised his brother after that.
Dicta's sword handle is made from the horn of the troll who outed their village to Orlagk to be raided, the raid led to the death of the boys' parents.
Dicta is very loyal, and calm under pressure, he's also a great strategist.
If having to choose between Gunmar or Blinky, Dicta would try to do his best to placate both, as he viewed Gunmar as the hero of troll-kind but now knows he's gone corrupt, but Blinky is his only family though now he hates Dicta not understanding his views.
Dicta sided with Gunmar originally because he wanted a better world for his little brother, a world where no whelps would lose their families like they did.
Dicta can have a very kind heart once someone gets beneath his scarred hide, he'd probably become a weird sort of tough uncle to Jim wanting the boy to be the best he could be.
Blinky would be the one to say, "We never saw eye to eye on anything" and Dicta would respond, "Because you're short!" Blinky is the only one Dicta would crack jokes and puns to.
Aside from family, Dicta can come off as scary, uncaring, and cold to others, in reality he doesn't realize what centuries of fighting has done to him and that he's got a death glare.
Dicta actually taught Bular some of the swordwork he uses in everyday battle, Dicta was somewhat of an extra parental figure to Bular because he'd been around since Bular was born.
Dicta doesn't like human meat.
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