#tobes domzalski
thewierdartist · 1 year
Omg I'm bawling my eyes out rn, I just finished all of the Trollhunters series
Stop here if u don't want any spoilers
I didn't think this show was gonna make me cry like this, I had tears streaming down my face for the last 30 minutes of Rise of Titans, fucking Toby dying killed me, I was sobbing, my heart hurts I love him so much
Him being the trollhunter this time is so good, he's gonna be great
God I love this series
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raidensharkgun · 9 months
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Gets crossovered!
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lovevalley45 · 3 months
i do not have an actual fic idea but i would like to challenge you to write trollhunters fic. alternatively a trollhunters/legends crossover fic bc now i’m thinking about nate and blinky and behrad and aaaargh
a/n: so i have a couple of disclaimers in that i stopped watching after wizards n do not care to know what happened in 'rise of the titans' so instead this is based off my TYLT canon and even that's not a guarantee they're completely in character. my second disclaimer is that this is like 3k words whoops. hope this met the challenge!
The summer sun was low in the sky as Toby Domzalski pulled up to The Stomping Ground. It must have been more impressive at night, but now, the closest punk bar to Heili Hjarta just seemed out of place. 
He stepped out of the car he’d rented and took a moment to stretch. After a long, queasy plane ride, he’d rather sit back and binge the Gun Robot movies as he caught up with his friends. But Jim and Claire had texted Toby to meet them here instead. It was too bad he didn’t want to wait a moment longer to see them again. 
His life had been hectic since the last time he’d visited. Finishing his last year of college, applying for masters’ programs, getting into said programs, graduation - and he thought the end of the world was stressful!
The bouncer at the door - though he doubted the bar needed one at 6 PM - let him in without much trouble. Toby contributed that to the fact that his stubble was obscuring the fact he hadn’t quite grown out of his babyface. Well, at least his Nana still thought it was cute. Inside, the bar was dimly lit, music pounding from the speakers. It wasn’t too crowded for a Saturday night. But he wouldn’t have minded the noise of a rowdy crowd. There was something about the privacy found in a sea of people. 
Finding Jim in the sparse crowd wasn’t difficult. He was sitting at the bar, arms folded against the counter as he looked around. Despite the heat, he wore a blue long-sleeved shirt that showed off the lean muscle he’d developed after years of swinging Daylight around. His dark hair was pulled into a stubby ponytail at the nape of his neck. He didn’t look like a warrior then, just a tired college student nursing a glass of water. Finally, he spotted Toby and his eyes lit up. 
“Jimbo!” Toby cried as he came over. 
“Hey, Tobes.” Jim stood up to give him a hug. He’d finally hit a growth spurt that brought him closer to his height, but Jim still had an inch or two on him. The dank, pleasant smell of earth and pine that came from spending too much time in Heili Hjarta still clung to him. 
As he pulled away, Toby gestured to the scruff along his jaw. “You’re growing a beard now?”
“Yeah, I’ll trying something new,” he said with a grin. 
“Ah, I guess those bone drugs are really working,” he teased. 
Jim raked his hand over his face. “God, I can’t believe you remember that.”
Toby sat down on the empty stool next to his. “How could I not? It may have been six years since we archived that group chat, but the jokes live on.” 
Even as he said it, it was hard to believe six years had passed. Six years since he and Jim had found that strange amulet in the empty canal they used as a shortcut. Six years since they discovered trolls existed. Six years since their worlds had been turned upside down forever. 
“Bone drugs was one we maybe should have let die,” Jim said. 
“No way!” he exclaimed.  
Behind the counter, the bartender cleared his throat. Toby hoped he just thought it was some weird meme and not revealing the existence of trollkind. “Can I get you anything?”
“Uh, yeah. Just a beer. Something cheap,” he told the bartender. 
He turned away with a grumble. A familiar voice repeated, “‘Something cheap’?”
Toby turned to see Claire coming towards them. She was dressed for her performance in a dark purple skull tank that showed the tattoo in Trollish runes on her right arm: KEEP OUT. The white streak in her black hair had been dyed a vibrant purple, though the white was already starting to show. 
“It’s expensive to fly from California to New Jersey. I’m trying to be a little thrifty,” he told her.
“You did sound like a high schooler trying to buy booze for the first time,” Jim agreed. 
He let out a sound that was somewhere between a scoff and a chuckle. “You two know better than anyone else that it is most definitely not.” Spending his 21st birthday in Atlantic City had been a great way to learn that trollish ancestors gave one somewhat of a high alcohol tolerance. 
Claire grinned. “Too bad Jim still has patrols tonight,” she said. “Otherwise, we could do take two on who can last the longest.” 
“Aw, really, Jimbo?” Toby asked. 
Jim shrugged sheepishly and lifted his glass of water. “Sorry, man. Work of a Trollhunter never ends.” 
He met eyes with Claire. “You down for a one-on-one?”
“After my set,” she said. “Which- I’m going to be on in like, five, so I should probably run.” She kissed Jim on the cheek and darted off with a quick, “See you.”
“Break a leg!” Toby called. “Do you say that before a punk band comes on?”
“Don’t ask me,” he said. 
The bartender sat a beer in front of him. 
“If you two get too wasted, you know I’m the one who’ll be stuck playing doctor, right?” Jim asked him as he took a sip.
“You can always make Blinky deal with us. Even if I think he’s not quite up to the task of human hangover cures. I don’t wanna know how trolls deal with their hangovers, if they even get them,” Toby joked. “How’re Blinky and AAARRGHHH!! doing?”
“They’re doing well. Blinky’s still working on rebuilding his library. He’s probably going to drag you into helping him out,” Jim answered. “And of course, AAARRGHHH!!’s been waiting to see his best buddy since I told them you were coming back for most of the summer.” 
“Oh, man, it feels like forever. It’ll be just like old times.” He shook his head. “Though I don’t know why a guy with six arms needs help with anything.” 
“Who knows? Maybe he’s priming you into being the next lore-keeper of Heili Hjarta.” Jim smiled, elbowing him. “Though I think he’s a little late for that.”
Toby grinned. “And here I was, thinking you’d forgotten to congratulate me.” 
“Oh shoot, I knew I was forgetting something. I’ll have to text Blinky and tell him to get on that surprise party.” He reached into the pocket of his jeans and took out a box. “Congrats.”
Toby’s eyes went wide. “I was joking about the congratulations, but what is this?” He took the box and opened it. Inside was a glittering piece of crystal. It was a dull orange, but it sparked to life just a little under his touch. 
“I had to beg to get it, but it’s a piece of the Heili Hjarta’s Heartstone. Figured it could be your first sample as the future Dr. Toby Domzalski.” 
He snickered. “Hate to tell you this, Jimbo, but they tend to withhold the title of ‘Dr.’ until you do a masters AND a PhD.” 
“Well, then you can dream big.” 
Toby slipped into the pocket of his jacket. “Thanks.” 
The ringing of feedback snapped his attention to the stage as Claire tilted the microphone towards her. Along with her, a blue-haired boy adjusted the bass slung on his shoulder while a pink-haired girl made herself comfortable at the drumset. 
“Woah. Hey.” She smiled sheepishly. “Hey, how’s everyone doing tonight? We’re Morgana’s Scorn. For, uh, all you Arthurian legend nerds out there.” 
“But those who know, know,” said the blue-haired bassist in a British accent. 
No one in the audience seemed to bat an eye. Although Heili Hjarta wasn’t right next door, Toby was sure the people who frequented the Stomping Ground were close enough to witness weirder shit. 
“This first song is a new one, in honor of an old friend coming to visit - Witch Please.” 
As the crowd erupted into excited chatter, the pink-haired drummer counted off, banging her drumsticks together. “One, two, a one, two, three-”
They jumped right into the song, a high-energy number that made Toby’s regrets about having to come here melt away. When he’d heard the title, he’d been expecting anger and resentment, the aftermath of Morgana’s possession and manipulations. But instead, the lyrics he could catch were playful shit-talking. 
Beside him, he caught Jim mouthing the words. Toby wondered if Claire had him serve as her test audience on all her new songs.
The next song shared the same brash, energetic sound. Her bassist took more of the lead on that one, which meant he understood even less of the lyrics. But he knew the final song was written by Claire - Mi Amor in the Moonlight. It was more of a ballad, though not too much slower. Toby nearly shook his head at how mushy the whole thing was. But it made him long for someone to fill the hole breaking off things with Darci had left in his heart.
By the time Claire took the seat on Jim’s other side, the next band had started to play. Their music wasn’t loud enough to drown them out completely, but Toby was sure it’d be hard to eavesdrop on some weird, unexplainable nonsense if it came up. 
“How’s Arcadia Oaks?” Claire asked. 
“It’s fine,” Toby answered. “No recent attempts to end the world. Oh, they’re trying to expand the theater program at Arcadia Oaks High. Ms. Janeth asked if you would be interested in taking over as a proper theater teacher.”
She smiled. “Wow. I didn’t think I left that much of an impression.”
“Well, you’re hard to beat. Though I was bummed she didn’t ask me first,” Toby said. 
Claire threw a napkin at him past Jim. Or tried. Jim batted it down without fanfare, before asking, “What about your Nana? She doing alright?”
The whole reason Toby hadn’t chosen to go to college closer to Heili Hjarta had been worrying about how she was doing. Though he knew she could handle herself, and that Dr. Lake was always there to check up on her, he’d still moved back to look after her. After all, it was the least he could do when she’d been the one to raise him. 
“She’s fine,” Toby said after a moment. “You know, she’s not as sharp as she was. But health-wise, other than her eyesight, she’s alright.”
Jim seemed relieved to hear it. “That’s good,” he muttered. He’d understood when he left, even if Toby had worried he would be upset. If something happened with his mother, he knew Jim would have dropped everything to be there for her. 
Which reminded him. “I made plans to visit my mom while I’m here too.” Things were… not great with his mortal mother. It was hard to really forge a strong bond with the boy who came to your day and announced he was your son from your possession by Morgana le Fay. But they were trying. Making time for lunch was one step closer to forging a family where he didn’t have much. 
Well, maybe that was untrue. His family was in New Jersey - sitting right here in this bar, or in Heili Hjarta beneath their feet. 
“Did you tell her you got accepted into grad school at UNLV yet?” Claire asked. 
“No. I was gonna tell her when I saw her.” Texting life updates was simply beyond the level they were on. If he was on Facebook - for whatever reason - maybe he would have posted about it for her to see. But they hardly messaged one another until it was to make plans. “I don’t think she’ll be too upset that I’m not moving any closer.” 
“Her loss,” Jim replied.
“Yeah, really,” he said. It stung, but not that much. “Have you seen Steve and Eli lately? Didn’t they come by here to do that video on the Jersey Devil?”
He laughed. “Oh, yeah. They did. I told the guy who keeps getting mistaken as that to stay in Heili Hjarta while they were here. But, you know, they’re doing fine.”
“Yeah, their Creepslayerz YouTube channel is getting really popular days,” Claire added. “They were even talking about making some kind of subscription service.”
Toby raised an eyebrow. “Really?”
Jim shrugged, making a slightly pained expression. “I don’t know how they’ll pull it off driving cross-country trying to find cryptids, but I didn’t ask.”
Claire leaned her shoulders on the counter, past Jim. “So, how are things romantically?”
He groaned. That was the most annoying part about his best friends being together since high school - they were more invested in his love life because theirs was settled. He’d get his revenge, though. “I’ve been too busy for dating. That’s why Darci and I broke up in the first place.” They’d gone strong, too - even made it work via long-distance. But they’d ended things mutually - although he was not above admitting he’d moped about it for about two weeks, involving many long, long phone calls with Jim. 
She grinned. “You know, Lily, my drummer is single. I can give you her number.”
“You know he’s not her type,” Jim said, then whispered loudly, “Not a furry.”
“Hey!” Toby elbowed him as he laughed. 
“Oh, yeah, right,” Claire said. “Sorry, Tobes. She might not have a chance with you.”
Although she knew she was joking - about him being a furry, no less - it filled him with confidence. He hadn’t magically become thin when he hit his belated growth spurt, though part of him wishes he had, but he felt like he’d had his glow-up in college. 
“I’ll wingwoman for you while you’re here,” she told him. 
“Thanks. I’ll just have to bring my hook-ups back to your sofa bed,” Toby said. 
“Please don’t,” Jim said. “We have to use that as a couch the other 10 months of the year.” 
“God, cockblock much?” he joked. 
Jim opened his mouth to argue back, but an alarm on his phone started to go off. He sighed and pulled it out of his pocket. “Duty calls. That’s last light.” He turned towards Toby, then Claire to shoot a wary look at both of them. “You two staying here?” 
“I’m kinda beat,” Toby admitted. “I might just pay for my cheap beers and find your hide-a-key.” 
Claire stood up with a sigh. “If you’re going, I don’t wanna drink alone. I think Douxie and Lily went to hit another place with more actual punks. I’ll let you in.”
He paid for his drinks and headed out with the two of them. Jim strapped on the helmet and climbed on his Vespa. It’d gone through a few upgrades over the year, more reminiscent of the Trollish artificing from his and Blinky’s handiwork. 
Jim started it up, the engine coming to life with a purr. Toby had joking suggested he should just level up to an actual motorcycle, but he did look cool on it. “See you two later?”
“Yeah. We’ll try not to party too hard,” Toby said. 
He chuckled nervously. “I hope you’re joking.”
Claire wrapped an arm around his shoulders. “Maybe.” 
Jim seemingly decided not to warrant that with a response before he tore off, down the road towards Heili Hjarta. 
Meanwhile, Toby turned to Claire. “My ride isn’t as cool as that.”
“I know. I think I’ll survive.” 
He led her to his rental car. It was still hot from sitting in the sun, so he turned the AC on. If he was gonna be stuck with it all summer, at least the AC worked well. 
As Claire got comfortable, Toby couldn’t help his Cheshire cat grin. “So, when is Jim gonna put a ring on it?”
She stilled. Toby thought she might have stopped breathing. Finally she asked, “Why not ask him?”
“Because it’s more fun to ask you.” 
“We’re barely in our twenties,” Claire said. 
“Right, but you have an apartment together, you have since you graduated, you stayed in New Jersey when really, New York City is right there-”
“Okay, I get it, I get it.” She sighed. “It’s not like we haven’t been thinking about it. Well, I’ve been thinking about it, I don’t know if he has. But we’re Trollhunters. That should make it more pressing, right? What if some Eye of Sauron shit appears in the Hudson river and we die before we tie the knot?”
“So why not?” he asked. 
“Well. You weren’t thinking of marrying Darci, right? We’re still young.” Toby bit his tongue on saying he had, a little. But it had been after he finished grad school. “We had to grow up too fast already. Jim had to and dragged us along for the ride.” 
It was hard to argue with that. “Alright. But you know he’s always gonna be crazy for you.”
“I know.” She smiled briefly, before turning back to him. “And why do you think he has to be the one to pop the question? It’s 2024, Tobes.” She slapped his shoulder with the back of her hand. 
“Ow! What, have you been training with AAARRRGHH!!!?” he asked, holding the spot where she’d hit him. 
“A little,” she said sweetly. 
“Well, if you pop the question, you gotta give me the heads up so I can be there for my best pal.” Toby took off the parking brake. “Now, how about we head back and you can tell me all about this Lily?”
Claire grinned. “Yes! Plan get Toby Domzalski to move back to New Jersey, in action!”
“What? Hey!”
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avirxy · 2 years
A few people were curious about what happens next, I was going to leave it as a one shot originally, because it was just an idea but I had some spare dialogue from the first part.
So here’s part 2, of what I guess I’m going dub ‘the someone follows Jim back in time au’
“Who are you!” Jim demands as he stands on the desolate street. He has no weapons, lest he use his bike as some sort of deterrent, but he stands no chance against Excalibur, even Jim can admit that.
It makes him realize how badly he longs for Daylight, for that familiar weight in his palms.
A sick, rueful laugh erupts from their helmet. “You’re nothing without your amulet. Aren’t you?”
He doesn’t recognize their voice, it’s too garbled and unfamiliar. But that could be done purposefully.
Jim shakes his head, that’s not true, it never was, he’s the Trollhunter amulet or not. He tries to calculate which direction they’re going to strike from, if they do strike at all.
But they keep switching their hold on Excalibur, so ambidextrous, great that helps nothing.
“You’re wrong.” He shoots back, swallowing tightly.
“Am I?” They mock. “You’re so reckless and immature, impulsive. A coward,” Each word grows more intense, angry. “a selfish coward at that.”
“All this,” An angry finger jabs in his direction. “for these people that have no idea what you’ve done.”
Jim isn’t deterred, he can’t be, if he keeps them talking maybe attack isn’t imminent, or do they know that? Based on their stance they seem to be calculating his moves, which direction he’d run.
How are they doing that?
“You have my amulet.” Jim says dryly.
“It’s mine now,” They spit back vindictively. “you left it behind. Then went and let Toby Domzalski of all people become the Trollhunter.”
“That wasn’t my choice,” Jim defends. “the amulet it-“
“You want to put your best friend through all that trauma? All that horror, at the expense of what?”
“No, no. I’d never do that to Tobes.” He wouldn’t, he was going to prevent that.
“You already did.” They accuse. “Too late now isn’t it?”
Jim grits his teeth, fingers clasping his bike handles tightly. “What do you want?”
They laugh, resting their weight on Excalibur.
“I’m not some enemy that’s hellbent on destroying the world if that’s what you’re asking, but I don’t really care what happens to it anymore.”
“Watching it burn once is show enough.” Their tone of voice, the mocking, jesting, reminds him faintly of Morgana and he shivers.
“It is a shame Toby’s gonna have to die again though.”
“Toby’s not going to die.” Jim snaps venomously, feeling something protective and defensive claw at his chest. “I’m not going to let that happen.”
“You’re so sure of that, I could kill you, and Toby so easily, and you couldn’t stop me if you tried.”
“What are you waiting for then!” Jim invokes. “Why draw it out?”
“Death,” Comes in a hiss. “is too much of a mercy for what you did, I want to make you suffer.”
“That’s why I came back,”
“You came back…” Jim repeats.
They say nothing, leaving him to put the pieces together.
“Who are you!” Jim demands more furiously.
This can’t be possible, there’s no way, his amulet, Excalibur, they’re from the future, another timeline.
His original timeline.
He can almost imagine the smile, he can feel it, as they stare at him beneath the helmet. “Why tell you? I could be anyone, any of your friends, your loved ones, and I’ll let you run in circles trying to figure it out.”
Excalibur clips onto their back effortlessly and they turn away, looking over their shoulder only once.
Their voice is musing, taunting. “Right? Jim?”
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badsongpetey · 3 years
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A couple months ago, I got an anon request for me to help them satisfy an obsession with a bearded, long-haired viking!Toby. And I don’t usually take requests, but, hey, I’m not gonna ignore a distress call...
HC: Perhaps it’s enhanced by having spent half his life exposed to magic, but somewhere around 30, Toby’s relationship to Stoick the Vast becomes glaringly obvious. Claire likes to tease him by sticking an insane amount of hair clips in his hair and beard. Toby, being quite literally the least insecure person in the world, will just walk around all day like that. Jim is, per usual, both amused and mortified.
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capsulect · 3 years
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underappreciated boi
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arcane-nari · 3 years
i like to self-indulgently imagine Toby and Jim have regular nights where they play tabletop games together, which grows to include claire and Darci as well. Douxie would probably love to get into it and a) critique the magic systems of the game and b) thoroughly love playing a bard. 
But one day they rope the arcane order into playing as well. Discuss.
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geekinator · 3 years
Just rewatched Tales of Arcadia Rise of the Titans. Still awful. But there is one thing that REALLY bothered me this time. Jim left Toby to find the amulet ALONE! WHAT HAPPENED TO WE DO EVERYTHING TOGETHER?! Jim turned into a selfish jerk and I hate it. Way to cheapen everyone’s sacrifice. Fuck you, Guillermo. Fuck. You.
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arrrghhhhhhhh · 3 years
Making me watch the death of a chubby 16 year old kid who was raised by his doting, unmarried nana was maybe a little much, Tales of Arcadia, if you were wondering.
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jlaire15 · 4 years
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Come on Toby!! Lol, love how he just realizes though and went “oh. Uh, sorry?” 😂
(In the epilogue of book 3 - Trollhunters: The Book of Ga-Huel)
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eurazba · 3 years
Every time I try to write “Toby/Tobes” for a fic my stupid Scooby Doo hands take over and puts “Roby/Robes”
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toaverse · 3 years
Jim: “Imagine your crush confessing to you, what do you do?”
Toby: “Reject her.”
Jim: “WHAT?! WHY?!?!”
Toby: “Can’t have someone with bad taste.”
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stix-n-bread · 4 years
Any Joby (Jim n Toby) love for a pair of dorks out there?
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all y’all joby dorks (me included) who need a bit of autumn Soft, come get your fix
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thatdrawdavid · 4 years
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A request I got from my TikTok of this sweet baby boy Toby Domzalski! I really love this series and drawing Toby was a whole lot of fun! 
I also have started a Redbubble account where you can buy this sweet baby boy on many items! The link is located where it says Redbubble! If it doesn’t work, please let me know!
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badsongpetey · 3 years
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Expanding my previous wip - 18 yo Tobes hamming it up. 
So in case you didn’t see my previous post, cuz why would you: My headcanon is Toby’s descended from Vikings, and grows to 5’10” during senior year. 
Expanded hc: Coach Lawrence tries to get Toby on the wrestling team, but it conflicts with Geology Club and Mistrial and Error, so he’s having none of it. With Jim and Claire away a lot, and Aja and Eli off-world, Toby and Steve go on bro adventures fighting monsters, like the Winchesters except without all the family drama.
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minimuii · 6 years
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last moments
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