#today on details no one will notice: why in gods name did i put so much effort into drawing the joker card on his hat
theradicalace · 1 year
Shifty with a4 for the expression meme please?
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uh oh shifty got a lil scratch
10 notes · View notes
hyunnieshannie · 9 months
Suspended | KSM
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🖤: Seungmin x AFAB Reader 🖊️: 10k 🖼️: Check out the Mood Board! 🚨: Teacher AU, unprotected sex, use of sextoys, bdsm themes - rope play/impact play/blindfolds/handcuffs, choking, edging (so much edging i practically edged myself while writing the smut-K), cumming multiple times, pet names (angel/pup & sir), sexual harassment in the workplace, use of light system (reader uses: yellow), crying (from overwhelming amounts of pleasure *wink wonk*), corruption kink if you squint - methinks that's it, if we missed anything please let us know- If you think we proofread this, no we didn't - M ♡: I hope you all know this took us SEVEN MONTHS to write- WHY did it take us Seven months? WHO KNOWS?? But it did. LIKE LOOK AT THIS SCREENSHOT THAT WAS WHEN WE STARTED THIS. anyways We hope you enjoy our little teacher Seungmin one shot. Please Reblog and let us know what you thought <3
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There's something both satisfying and annoying about teaching and shaping the young minds of the new generation. Sure, you’re someone who most kids look up to. You have the honor of making an impact on their lives. Maybe they'll remember you in the future, maybe not. Either way, you're ultimately the one who helped prepare them for life outside of these high school walls you teach within. As much as you revel in this fact now, high school was a place you never wanted to return to. Within the walls of the high school live rowdy, unhinged, chaotic minds mixed with a splash of calm, put-together minds; and that only explains the student body. 
The staff on the other hand, well they’re on another level of unhinged and chaotic, though somehow put together enough to be able to contain themselves and careful to never unleash those thoughts on another member of staff- for obvious reasons. Sexual harassment claims, being fired over the smallest of flirting, let alone the fact that if anything escalated beyond such, you could expect the cops to parade you through the halls, with the curious eyes of the students all watching as you’re taken away. In any case, it was always best to stay away from any sort of relationship with a coworker. No matter what. 
Students, on the other side of the spectrum, never hid their relationships. You couldn’t count how many times you’d found students making out against their hallway lockers, running off to do god-knows-what in the staircase at the back of the school- or worse, when you’d be called to explain why student A and student B are being suspended, after being caught having sex in the washroom. Unfortunately for you, today was one of those days. 
The two students sitting directly in front of you seemed to show zero hint of remorse,  for, quite literally, being caught in the act during the middle of second period. Could they really not wait until after classes? It wasn’t until both sets of parents had filed into the room that the students began to look embarrassed. “Welcome,” you sighed as you arose from your seat to shake the parents' hands. They were agitated, clearly disappointed and rightfully so. You didn’t get too graphic about the details of the suspension, as the printed notice would detail everything anyway. The parents read over everything carefully.
The father of student A scowled at his son. “I’m sorry for the actions of my son,” He muttered, as he ripped his son from the chair he sat on. “This is beyond unacceptable and we will make sure he has learned his lesson.” Their verbal assault launched as your student was dragged through the somewhat empty school and you just barely caught the words "embarrassment" and "disgrace" as their voices faded down the halls. Student B sat quietly as she watched her mother read through the printout. Signing her name and passing the flimsy sheet of paper to her daughter to sign, in acknowledgement for her wrongdoings, they spoke not a word, but the anger radiating from them was enough indication that she would receive a thorough talking once out of the eyes of the school's principal and yourself. 
It was, undoubtedly, one of the longest days of the year. Not that there was any reasonable explanation, such as a time change or anything. No- it was simply just a day full of students who had decided that this particular day would be the best to ‘act up’. You often wondered why students who were caught by you seemed to think they would magically get away with their actions. Why your students lacked basic respect for you until the moment you smacked down the hammer, clearly marking the line between friendship and an authority figure. Sure, you’re one of the younger teachers in the school, but none of the others seemed to have this issue with their students. Hell, even the two students from just now thought they were merely getting a slap on the wrist for their actions- never expecting you to follow through with your threat of calling their parents in. Did they truly not expect you to do so? Could they really have thought you’d just speak to them, and tell them a small ‘Don’t do it again’? 
As you meandered through the empty halls of the school, you wondered why you had even taken up this job. You had barely finished your degree and mostly hoped to be working with children of elementary age. Children, though energetic and clumsy, still seemed like less work than a class full of twenty-eight, moody teenagers all in the age range of fifteen to sixteen. Somehow an elementary school still seemed like it would have more order than this mess of a high school. You know the curriculum, you’re a good teacher- Credit where credit is due, and surely you deserved it. When your students did in fact listen- instead of making snarky remarks about you that they thought you wouldn’t hear- they would pass tests and exams with flying colors. So what was it you were doing oh-so-wrong to deserve passing comments such as ‘Can I get your number?’  or the boy's new favorite ‘Mommy? Sorry. Mommy?’
The moment you reached the faculty room, you threw yourself on the couch face first, thinking you were completely alone as you’d seen no one when you walked in, you let out the loudest scream your lungs could manage into one of the throw pillows. “WHY” you wailed, allowing the pillow to muffle your desperate cries for answers. 
“Rough day?” a voice says with a light chuckle. Slowly you lift your head to see another staff member standing alone by the coffee maker. You drop your head in embarrassment as you have now learned, you were indeed not alone when you let out that blood-curdling scream. “Miss. Y/L/N. Are you alright?” He said as he approached you. Leave it to one bad day, for you to not be fully aware of your surroundings and to let out such a scream in front of the ‘most perfect’ teacher this school has ever had. He’s a very intelligent man, there has never been a problem that he couldn’t fix. He’s polite, well-spoken and could practically substitute for any teacher in the school. He had a teaching degree, as well as a few others that he had picked up ‘for fun’. Not only was he all of that and more, but of course he also happened to be around your age, perfect. He made everyone else, including senior staff, look like they had done nothing productive with themselves. You let out a soft laugh into the pillow, as the realization that he had caught you in a mental war finally began to sink in. 
“Mr. Kim,” you say as you hastily sit up to save what little pride you had left. To be laying on the couch would be one thing- but the way you were planted with your head buried in a pillow was another. How embarrassing. “What are you still doing here? It’s well past school hours.” He smirks as he lifts his coffee cup in the air as if to say ‘Cheers’ 
“Had a few tests to grade,” he chuckles, bringing his mug to his lips and taking a sip of the steaming coffee. Your gaze settles on his hands wrapped around the mug, the mug looking small in his hands. You watch as he sips on the liquid and swallows it, making his Adam's apple bob up and down again. God, he’s stupidly beautiful. “And how about yourself Miss. Y/L/N, what are you doing here well past school hours?” He repeats the words back to you, raising a brow in a teasing manner. 
“Caught two students again,” you sigh, “I can’t even think of one good reason for them to be doing such things in the washroom, during school hours much less.” You slump further into the couch, rubbing your temples in annoyance. 
“You tend to draw the short straw every time huh?” Seungmin chuckles as he sips some more of his coffee. He keeps his eyes trained on you as you close your eyes, rubbing your head. He smirks to himself as he approaches you cautiously. 
“Unfortunately.” You groan, rubbing your hands over your face and leaning forward, elbows resting on your knees. 
“Would you like to talk about it?” He pulls a chair up as he gets closer, swiftly shifting the chair so he can sit on it backwards, taking another sip of his damn coffee. Fuck, the bare minimum and its too motherfucking sexy. 
“Don’t you have papers to grade?” You eye him unsure if you really want to waste his time complaining if he has more important things to do. You’re also not entirely sure you want to talk about the whole thing anyway. 
“They can wait, you on the other hand look stressed.” 
“I don’t know Mr. Kim, I think it’s a bit beyond stress if you ask me.” You sigh again. “I think- I’m just tired and frustrated?” 
“Tired and frustrated, heavy combination.” he nods in understanding. “I feel as if catching students in the act isn’t what’s making you so tired and confused though.” 
“No, I mean yes- but not really.” You admit and Seungmin gives you a questioning look. You again sigh, “It’s the disrespect I receive, Mr. Kim. It’s overwhelming, and to be quite frank - annoying.” 
“I mean yes, doing such a thing on school grounds is disrespectful, but I wouldn’t take it personally Miss. Y/L/N.” Seungmin says as he takes another sip from his mug. 
“I don’t take that kind of thing personally Mr. Kim,” you laugh lightly. “I am genuinely constantly disrespected by my students, your students - at some points it feels like it’s the whole school.” You sigh in defeat. Seungmin is now sitting up straighter, he’s got a look of surprise. He seems genuinely confused at your statement. 
“How have they been disrespecting you?” He asks in concern. He desperately needs to know what the fuck the students have been saying about you. “Have they said something to you? Done something? Anything my students have done Miss. Y/L/N, I must know in order to speak to them accordingly.” You let out a light chuckle, shaking your head, and resting your chin on your palms. 
“Where do I start Mr. Kim? Would you like the comments on my body or should I tell you which students have attempted at grabbing my-” You stop yourself before finishing that thought, laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation. “In all honesty Mr. Kim, it doesn’t matter to me anymore. Perhaps after this year, I’ll resign.” At this point, you are so done with this school and you are so ready to quit and leave this school, it isn't doing your mental health any justice. As you are contemplating your future, Seungmin is reeling, he doesn't understand how his students have been saying such horrible things to you.  
“You can’t resign Y/N-” Seungmin says quickly, almost jumping out of his chair. He shocks himself from his sudden outburst, clearing his throat and smoothing his tie. Why would he drop the niceties? “I mean-” He runs his hand through his hair. “Miss. Y/L/N, the school would suffer a great loss if you were to resign.”
“How do you figure Mr. Kim?” you give him a questioning look. You truthfully thought that no one would really miss you, so why is he so adamant that you stay?
“Well, for one your students tend to have the highest grades in the school, which is no easy task.” He looks around the room as if to find the answer to your question written on the walls. “And from what I have always seen, all of our students absolutely adore you. The staff loves you, and I’m sure you’re on track for a few awards this year as well.” 
“You flatter me, but is it worth the verbal harassment from the students?” 
“You never told me what they’d been saying,” Seungmin mumbles through the pout of his lips. Fuck, I’m not strong enough for this. 
“The comments are different every day, from asking me on dates to calling me” you gesture air quotes, “Mommy. In the middle of class.” Seungmin’s jaw basically drops to the floor in complete shock. 
“Have-” he says cautiously as he picks his jaw up off the floor. “Have any of my boys said these things? If they have, I’d like names Y/N. Truthfully I’d like the names of all the boys who’ve made such inappropriate comments. ” He says sweetly but his jaw is set in anger, you can tell by the vein that is pulsing on his neck. 
“Mr. Kim-” 
“Please, call me Seungmin. I don’t see why we insist on speaking to each other as if we were students.” He smiles kindly at you.
“Seungmin.” Fuck, his name is so pretty. “It would be easier to list off the names of those who do not make such comments.” Seungmin looks immensely disgusted. 
Since the evening you spent speaking to Seungmin, he had begun loitering in your hallway. In the mornings, as students raced to get to class on time he would stand at your classroom door next to you, greeting students as they came in. During the lunch period, he would make his way into your classroom, and insist on spending the time with you- and if he had any sort of free period, he would keep a close watch on your class- well out of both you and the student's sight. 
He wanted to see with his own eyes, his students acting out. He wanted to be able to hear the disgusting comments himself. He thought surely it wouldn’t happen every day, right? Wrong. On the first day, he had heard the alleged Mommy comment at least four times. On the second day, he watched as a student attempted to smack your ass, only for you to turn around instantly and scold him yourself before sending him to class right after. 
Disgusted, was an understatement. Seungmin was livid. How could the students be this sick? He wondered. He would not allow this to continue. On the third day, he had finally had enough. After hearing passing comments about you in his own classroom, he’d immediately excused himself and marched his way down to the principal's office. 
“Sir,” Seungmin says as he enters the principal’s office. He’s fuming, barely holding himself together. 
“Mr. Kim, how can I help you?” The principal asks from his chair, motioning for Seungmin to enter the room.
“It seems we have an issue.” 
“Miss. Y/L/N, and our students,” Seungmin announces, expecting the principal to be concerned, however, that wasn’t really the case.
“Ahh, Miss. Y/L/N again?” The principal tuts. Seungmin is shocked. Again? What does that mean? Has she already brought up the issue? 
“Ah, so you’ve heard-” Seungmin sighs calmly, and the principal nods. “To be absolutely truthful with you sir, this sort of behavior is absolutely-” The principal cuts him off before he finishes. 
“I don’t see why she’s so dramatic, I’ll have to have another talk with her.” The principal announces, picking up his office phone to get a hold of you.
“I’m sorry sir?” Seungmin asks, confused. Why would he have a talk with you?
“I don’t see why a woman like her would wear such clothes and later complain about boys being boys.” The principal sighs in annoyance. “I mean one look at her and any man would want a piece.” Seungmin wraps his hands in a tight fist at his side. He really wishes he didn't walk into this room.
“Sir, that is wildly inappropriate to say about a member of staff.” Seungmin seethes. This is not how a supervisor should be treating a subordinate, this isn't how you should treat another human being, especially one that is trying to do her job. How can someone have the audacity to say that openly? “She is-”
“A woman, Mr. Kim. She is a woman, and women, especially women like her, should dress according to their bodies. Wearing such tight clothing around boys who are barely getting their hormones in check is just asking for-” 
“She wears dress pants, sir? She is always professional in her clothing. I don’t see how this constitutes harassment.” The principal attempts to interrupt but Seungmin continues. “To say a woman is ‘asking’ for sexual harassment from students, or men in general for what they wear is absurd. It is her body, she may do with it as she pleases so as long as it is school appropriate. She is not asking for anything but the bare minimum!” The principal rolls his eyes at Seungmin’s statement. “She deserves the respect any of the other teachers receive!” 
“Well, she isn’t like the other teachers now is she?” 
“What does that mean sir.” He fists his hands even tighter if that was even humanly possible. 
“She’s different- she’s more of a looker. Please, Mr. Kim, don’t act like you don’t know what I mean. The entirety of the faculty knows you’ve had the same thoughts as the rest of us.” Seungmin can feel his blood boiling, if he could, he would launch himself at the principal and punch him out for the shit that was coming out of his mouth. The principal admitted to thinking of you grossly and has now accused him of the same. Sure, he had thought you beautiful, intelligent, and funny but to mentally undress you was something he never did. No. He respected you far too much for that. 
“I do not appreciate you painting me as a predator.” Seungmin grits his teeth, tightening his jaw. 
“Seungmin, go back to your class. There are more important things to deal with.” The principal waves him off in annoyance. “I should have gotten rid of that woman after the third time she brought this issue up, if it was so bad she would have changed her appearance.” 
“Her looks should never have been a problem in the first place!” Seungmin yells at the steaming pile of shit in front of him. “How dare you speak about her as if she was nothing more than some sort of-” he struggles to find the right word. “Doll!” 
“Mr. Kim.” the principal warns in annoyance.
“She is much more than that! An intelligent woman who has put up with this for far too long! If you do not wish to punish the students for their actions sir, I will have no choice but to email the board.” Seungmin glares at the principal. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife. 
“I will be putting you on suspension, Mr. Kim. Think about what you really want to do here. Go. I’ll have someone cover your class. Get out of my sight.” Seungmin leaves the office in a huff, walking aggressively back as he internally thinks about how he will absolutely fuck that mans career. He walks past your class and you notice that he's pissed, you race out to see him.
“Mr. Kim!” Seungmin stops in his tracks and looks at you. You let the door close to your classroom behind you to have a more private conversation with him. His attitude changed when he saw you but he was still tense. You notice his knuckles are white, his hands tightly fisted at his sides. “Will I see you for lunch again?” 
“No.” He says angrily. He never misses lunch with you. Why is this time different? What made him so angry? 
“Are you alright Mr. Kim?” You ask cautiously. He looks around the hallway and sighs. 
“Miss. Y/L/N, it seems in attempting to do what was right, I have been suspended. My apologies, but I will not be staying for lunch.” 
“Suspended?! For what?!” You yelp in shock. Seungmin is the most perfect teacher at this school, how in the world did he get suspended?
“It seems harassment in this school goes unpunished.” You look at him confused. What the hell is he talking about? “I will also be considering my position here. Perhaps I will join you in resigning.” You’re stupidly confused. What brought all of this up? Did he say something about the harassment you faced daily?  You should have warned him that you brought this issue up to the principal in the past only to be ignored every single time. 
“Mr. Kim, I’m- I’m so sorry. I should have told you not to bring it up-” you stutter as you’re finding it increasingly difficult to look him in the eyes for feeling guilty that your problem had caused him to be suspended. He shouldn't be suspended. 
“Y/N.” Seungmin sighs and softly brushes his hand against yours to gain your attention again. “It’s not your fault that the people who are supposed to stand by your side haven’t. My suspension only opened my eyes to the massive flaw we have within the school. I intend to either fix it or remove myself from the equation.” Seungmin bows to you lightly and walks away, thinking about every way he could get the principal fired. He would have to email the school board. You stand in the hallway completely flabbergasted by what just happened. The bell rings stealing your attention from him, as you turn back to call for him, he’s gone.
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You hear a knock at your door. You quickly run into your bathroom to make sure you look presentable after slaving over dinner prep. You run to the door and open it quickly. Seungmin is standing there dressed casually, not in his usual slacks and button-downs, with a bottle of wine in his hand. You beam a smile at him. “Welcome!” You motion for him to enter your home. 
“Thank you,” he smiles back. The atmosphere in the apartment is so heavy with awkwardness. He looks down at his hands and realizes he still has the bottle of wine in his hands. “Oh, I- uh, brought this for you- I mean us,” he says as he holds the bottle out for you. You take it with a small thank you and make your way to the kitchen. This is the first time the two of you have hung out outside of work so it’s bound to be a little awkward… right? You can't help but sneak glances at him. He looks handsome even in mundane clothes. He stares at all the food you prepared in awe, “Seriously, you didn’t have to do all of this?” 
“I felt like it,” you chuckle lightly. You’re incredibly nervous for him to taste your food. You very rarely cook for anyone and especially since it’s him you kind of went a little overboard. “Anyways, sit or-”
“Where’s your corkscrew?” He asks politely as he makes his way into your kitchen. “I find a bit of wine is always a welcomed relaxant.” You laugh and point to the drawer. You take out a few wine glasses while he struggles to pull the cork out of the bottle, making the both of you laugh, and breaking some of the unnecessary tension. You both sit down to enjoy the meal and the wine, the conversations flowing smoothly. 
“Oh please Mr. Kim-” you laugh, your cheeks tinted pink from drinking so much. Seungmin’s mind is reeling, he thinks you’re absolutely adorable, but in a corruptible way. Wait, did I just think that? Do I want to corrupt her?? No… I’d be no better than those fuckers at school… but she looks so pretty right now, her eyes glossed over, cheeks pink… fuck.
“I told you, call me Seungmin, we’re not in school,” he chuckles lightly, helping you out of the chair at the table and taking your hand to lead you to the couch.
“Sorry, old habits,” you frown. “I’m sorry you got suspended… because of me.” You sniffle a little as you finish your sentence. He was the only person who treated you decently at that hell hole, of course, you’re upset he's gone. And he’s also the only eye candy at that school and you can no longer ogle over him from down the hall.
“Hey, I told you, I got suspended because I couldn't keep my mouth shut about what was going on at the school. It was in no way your fault.” He said softly as he brushed a piece of hair behind your ear, wiping away a single tear that ran down your cheek.
“I just feel like I didn’t do enough to make it up to you,” you say softly as you play with the hem of his shirt. He watches your hands carefully, studying the curve of your fingers, wondering what they’d feel wrapped around his- no- stop. Don’t think like that… Seungmin quickly shakes the thought out of his head, but he couldn’t help but admire you. So sweet, so sickeningly innocent. The way you look up at him with those eyes, like a siren beckoning him to kiss you, god how badly he wanted to kiss you, touch you, make you, his- only his. 
He shouldn’t be thinking these things, he shouldn’t want you as badly as he does but as he looks at you- shying away from him all he can think about is how he could ruin that innocence you seem to unknowingly have, he wants to hear the sinful noises he just knows you’d be capable of making at his command. Fuck-  oh fuck, the ways he could ruin you. I really am no better than the rest of them… 
“Well, there is something that we could do to make it up to both of us,” he said carefully, tracing his fingers over your knuckles, a shiver running down your spine.
“What do you have to make up for?” you ask softly, looking at his eyes for the first time since you sat on the couch. His pupils have blown out, a slight blush to his cheeks, his ears red.
“For the thoughts, I’ve been having all night,” he admits, ghosting his fingers further up your forearm, tracing over every blemish on your skin.
“O-oh? What k-kind of thoughts?” you ask shyly as another shiver runs down your spine from his gentle touches.
“I’ve been thinking about how much I want to corrupt you, how I want to wrap you up in a bow like a fucking Christmas present begging to be opened, how I want to see you writhe beneath me as I fuck you hard and rough until you’re screaming my name.” 
You moan at his words as he rests his hands on your thighs, gripping them tightly in his hands. “What… what’s been stopping you?” You close your eyes as he massages your thighs, slowly running his fingers up under the hem of your skirt.
“I…” Seungmin pauses as he slowly removes his hands from your legs, suddenly feeling guilty at his actions. “I don’t want you to think I’m just another sleazy guy.” You immediately shake your head vigorously.
“I don’t think you're sleazy. At all.” You say, shocked at the confidence in your voice. “I… you’re the only person that has stood up for me… cared about me.” You trace your fingers over his knuckles. “And…” you’re not sure if it was the atmosphere or the alcohol that gave you the confidence but you blurted out without even a second thought, “I also think you’re incredibly handsome, Seungmin.”
Without a second further, Seungmin lunges forward and crashes his lips to yours in a hot, wet, steamy kiss. He licks into your mouth and quickly dominates the kiss, guiding you to match his rhythm. His hands glide further up your legs, under your skirt again and his fingers brush along the gusset of your panties. 
“Already so wet for me, angel?”
You whine into his mouth and grip the hem of his shirt tighter, trying to pull him closer to you. He wraps his hands around your wrists and yanks them away from him as he smirks into the kiss. 
“When did I say you could touch, angel?” He asks darkly, his tone firm, demanding. He held your hands down to your sides as he peppered kisses along your jaw. “Be a good girl and stay still for me.” You felt your body shiver and a high whine escaped your lips. You wiggled slightly, the need between your legs growing to be unbearable.
“Stop moving or I’m going to have to tie you down, angel.” Seungmin teases but pauses at the immediate blush that flashed across your cheeks.  “Oh, you like that don’t you.” Seungmin chuckles as he bites at your chin. “I don’t have anything to tie you up, angel, maybe next time.”
You squirm underneath him, desperate to get his attention since your words seemed to have been caught in your throat. “S-Seung-”
He stops sucking on your neck to allow you some space. “What is it, angel? Are you ok?” He looks so concerned as he looks over your face for any discomfort.
“‘M ok.” You say breathlessly. “H-have rope.” Seungmin stops and stares down at you, his eyes darkening.
“Oh, my naughty, naughty girl. You have rope? Who’s tied you up before, angel? Hmm? Tell me.” Seungmin seethes as he grips your wrists tighter, feeling incredibly possessive over you all of a sudden.
“N-no one. I s-swear. N-never tried it.” You begin to cry, not wanting him to run away from you, disgusted by your desires. Seungmin lets go of your wrists to wipe away your tears, kissing your cheeks and then your nose.
“Ok, angel. I believe you, don’t cry just yet.” Seungmin runs his hands down your cheek, down the column of your neck, through the valley between your breasts, across your stomach, and ghosting his fingertips across the hem of your skirt. “Why don’t we take this to your bedroom then so we can use that rope of yours.” He holds his hand out to help you up off the couch. You take his hand and rush toward your bedroom and close the door behind both of you. You go to your bedside and pull out a box from under your bed.
“I know it’s cliche to have a box of toys under the bed, please don’t judge me.” You say shyly as you stay knelt on the ground with the closed box in front of you. Seungmin slowly walks up to you and runs his fingers through your hair as you lean into his touch.
“So obedient,” Seungmin chuckles. He leans down and opens the lid to the box and inspects the toys inside. “Which one’s are your favorite?” He looks at you when you don’t respond and he chuckles lightly again. “You have permission to speak, angel.”
You point to a black bullet vibrator that sat atop all of the other items in the box and a clear silicone dildo sat right next to it. “These two,” you whisper quietly.
Seungmin huffs and takes the two toys out and tosses them on the floor next to you and continues to examine the other toys in the box. There's a pair of handcuffs, a blindfold, rope, a thick veiny long lifelike dildo, and a curved vibrator - the type that has internal and external stimuli. “Have you ever used any of these?”
You shake your head no. 
“I want you to speak when I ask you a question,” Seungmin says in a demanding tone, making a shiver run down your spine.
“N-no, I haven’t used them.” You respond shyly, keeping your eyes focused on your hands folded in your lap.
“No, what?” Seungmin says as he lifts your head up with his fingers pressed under your chin. “What do you call me, angel? You get to decide.”
“N-no, I haven’t u-used them, sir.” You say as a blush creeps across your cheeks and you feel more wet between your folds. You see Seungmin shiver when the title rolls off your tongue, but he still keeps his cool.
“Why haven’t you used them? You bought them, you should use them, no?” Seungmin says as he begins removing each item from the box and placing them carefully in between the two of you.
“I-I never had the opportunity, sir.” You say as you look away from him. He tuts and guides you to look at him again. He’s giving you a knowing look like he knows that’s not the entire truth. Fuck, was I always this easy to read? “I-I’m scared, sir.” You say quietly, the confession making you feel more shy than you already were. You’ve never shown anyone your treasure chest before and the fact that you were showing Mr. Kim, the man you’ve had a crush on for AGES, was fucking with your brain more than you would’ve liked. You wanted to do anything, everything he asked. Wanted to be good for him. Wanted to show him that you’d do whatever he wanted. Seungmin’s gaze softens and he brushes his fingers across your cheek, you lean into the touch, desperate to feel his warmth again.
“You’re scared of the toys? Hmm, my poor angel isn’t very heavenly if she has all of these naughty toys, right?” Seungmin asks and he sees the panic flicker in your eyes. “Shh, angel it’s ok. I like your naughty desires, but it makes me want to corrupt you even more. Would you like that? Can I teach you?”
You nod your head excitedly. “Yes, yes. Want you to teach me. Show me, sir.” 
Seungmin shivers in excitement. He pets your cheek gently. “Anything for you my angel. Get on the bed on your knees for me.”
You do as he says and place yourself at the center of the bed, carefully tucking your knees beneath you and placing your hands in your lap, awaiting his instructions. He smiles when you’re settled and stands at the end of the bed, looking over your body as if you were a piece of art in a museum. 
“Such an obedient little thing aren’t you.” Seungmin praises, you feel a satisfied shiver run down your spine. “Now, I want you to be a good girl and take your clothes off for me, and when you’re done, get back into that position. Understood, pup?”
“Y-yes sir.” You carefully remove your shirt, trying your best to make your movements as sexy as possible. You lean back and remove your skirt and panties, tossing them onto the floor next to your discarded shirt. You prop yourself back up on your knees and slowly reach back to unclasp your bra, suddenly feeling all too shy to be so naked in front of him. Seungmin walks to the side of the bed and sits down beside you when he notices your hesitation. He carefully tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. He runs his fingers down your cheek to your chin and tilts your head towards him.
“You don’t need to be shy, pup. You’re so beautiful.” He whispers, his fingers running up and down your arm. “Let me see all of you.”
You nod your head, unclasp your bra, and let it drop to your lap. Seungmin picks it up and tosses it over his shoulder as he stares at you. He looks you up and down, briefly licking his lips when his gaze locks on your lips. He gets up from beside you and stands at the foot of the bed again right in front of your box of goodies.
“What shall we do first pup?” Seungmin looks down at the box and a small smirk dances across his lips. He pulls out the silky black blindfold, “Shall we start with this?”
He walks over to the side of the bed again and places his hands on your shoulder, lightly pushing you down so you’d lay flat on the bed. He pushes the hair out of your face and places the silky material over your eyes. “I’m gonna need you to tell me if you ever feel uncomfortable, ok pup? You know the stop light system?”
“Y-yes sir,” you mumble breathlessly. The removal of sight has already heightened your other senses. His voice was caramel sweet to your ears and you wanted.. no.. needed more.
“Good girl.” You feel the bed lift beside you as Seungmin begins to walk away from you. “Stay just like that.”  You hear him moving around the room and the rustling of the items in your box until you hear him gasp. “Ohh fuck.” You hear him whisper probably to himself so you stay silent. “You really are a pup aren’t you?” You hear a chain clanging against itself as seungmin removes whatever it is from the box. “Sit up.” Seungmins words are commanding and you obey immediately. You listen as the chain and inevitably Seungmin approaches you again. He grabs your jaw and leans in close to your ear. “I can’t wait to see you in this pup. And I swear to god, if you disobey me I will not go easy on you. You’ve been such a good pet so far, let’s not make it go to waste huh?” You shudder and nod as best as you could within his grasp.
“Y-yes sir, I’ll be a good pup, I swear.” You want to please him, you want him to praise you again and call you a good girl. You wanna be so so so good for him.
He chuckles in your ear and he moves his hand down from your chin and rests it around your throat. You keen at the motion and lean into his hand, wanting so desperately for him to squeeze. “Oh, it’s a good thing you like things wrapped around your neck pup.” Seungmin teases as he tightens and loosens his hold on your neck in quick succession. You whine and buck your hips up at nothing, the need between your legs starting to become unbearable. 
Seungmin removes his hand from your throat and you let out a desperate whine. “Shh, pup, be patient.” You suddenly feel cold, rough material tightening around your neck. Seungmins face is so close to yours, you can feel his breath on your cheek. You want to turn your head and kiss him but you want to be good. Need to be good. So you stay still and wait for his instructions. Once he latches the material together you feel the cold metal chain drape across your chest and down the valley of your breasts. “Go ahead, pup, feel it.” You reach up to your neck and feel at the material that was placed around your throat and you gasp at the realization. The studded collar you bought a few months ago, was now sat prettily around your neck, the leash dangling down the front of your body. 
“Oh,” you whisper breathlessly as you run your fingers up and down the cold metal leash. You suddenly feel incredibly self conscious. You’ve never been in a position like this with any of your previous partners, most of them finding your desires to be too much. Your breath hitches as you sit in the silence. You can’t tell if Seungmin moved away from you or where he may be. Does he also find you undesirable? Is he disgusted by your wants? You drop your hands to the bed and feel around for him. “S-seungmin..” you whine as you’re worriedly searching for him. You start breathing heavier as you’re stressing over not being able to see him, hear him, or feel him.
You feel warm hands wrap around yours. “Hey, I’m right here pup.” You whimper as he places a chaste kiss to your cheek. “Do you want me to take the blindfold off?”
“No!” You reply a little too quickly. You shake your head. “N-no, I wanna keep it on… a-at least for a little while.”
He chuckles and kisses your cheek again. “Ok, pup. For a little while.” He begins to pull his hand away from you but you quickly chase after it and pull him back to you. “Pup.” Seungmin sits beside you on the bed and lifts the blindfold off from your eyes. “Look at me,” he says in a soft but demanding tone. Your eyes take a minute to adjust to the light but you look directly in front of you and see Seungmin sitting inches from you, his face a whisper away from yours. He looks at your eyes and it feels like he’s searching for something in them. “Listen to me pup. You’ve been so good so far, such a good girl. I’m gonna make you feel so good, but I need you to trust me.” He gently runs his finger across your cheek. “I’m not gonna leave you. I’ll be right here and if you want me to stop at any time just say ‘red’ and I’ll stop immediately.” His gaze softens as he notices the slight quiver in your lips. “You really are new to this aren’t you pup?”
You nod your head. Seungmin carefully watches you as you open and close your mouth, trying to find the words you want to say. “Y-yes. Wanted to try, b-but no one…” you trail off as you feel his fingers intertwined with yours. “No one’s wanted to d-do this with me.”
Seungmins gaze darkens slightly and he looks away from you, his jaw firmly set. You reach your hand up and guide him to look at you again.
“Please teach me.” You whisper as you touch your forehead against his. “I trust you Seungmin,” you say in a featherlight voice, closing your eyes and bringing the blindfold back over your eyes.
Seungmin is perfectly still as he watches you in awe. His precious pup is gaining some confidence, you saying you trust him, you wanting him to teach you. He’s not sure he’s ready for it himself. He feels the tent in his pants tightening. “Of course I’ll teach you pup,” you feel the bed lift from in front of you and feel a searing smack against your ass. You whimper at the pain, feeling a hand smoothing over the red mark that was most definitely left behind. “Firstly, you called me the wrong name, pup, and for that, you need to be punished.”
“I-I’m sorry, sir. It won’t happen again.” You say breathless as Seungmin nips at your neck.
“You better hope it doesn’t.” There’s another slap on your ass. “I want you to count, pup. Starting now.” He lands another smack and you start counting in your head. Seungmin yanks you by your hair and forces you to lean against his chest, his voice seething and close to your ear. “Out loud pup.”
“O-one.” You say with a shaky breath.
“Good girl.” Seungmin praises as he pushes you back down on your hands and knees. You keen at the praise and you push your ass backwards awaiting the next round of slaps.
You count out loud for each slap across your ass. “Eighteen.” Slap. “N-nineteen.” Slap. “Twenty.” Seungmin rubs soothing circles on your ass as the sting subsides.
“Well done pup. You did a good job.” Seungmin guides you to lay down on your back. He gives you a few gentle pecks on your lips as he runs his fingers across your tummy. “I’m gonna tie you up, okay pup? Can you tell me your color?”
“Green, sir. P-please keep going.” You say as you try to reach for his hands. Seungmin chuckles and kisses your knuckles.
“Ok pup, I’ll keep going.” Seungmin kisses your forehead and walks towards the end of the bed. You hear him rummaging through the box and he slowly approaches you again. “Lift your hands.” 
You slowly lift your hands up and Seungmin places the toy in your hands. You wrap your fingers around the material and feel the coarse threads of the rope you had inside your box. “Can you tell me what it is, pup?”
“Rope, sir.” You say as you run your fingers over the rope. You know the rope is a deep crimson, a color you thought would look stunning against your skin. You were so nervous to proceed, but you wanted to trust Seungmin. He’d take care of you.
“That's very good. Very good girl.” Seungmin praises and takes the rope from your hands and helps you sit up. “Listen to me carefully. I am going to tie you up. The rope is going to be nice and tight around your skin. It’ll feel good, but if it's too tight or you're having a hard time breathing or you're nervous, you tell me immediately and I’ll cut you free. Do you understand?”
You smiled towards the direction of his face and nodded lightly. “I understand, sir.” You feel him run the rough material over your skin. You shudder at the feeling, goosebumps rising over your arms as the rope is wrapped around your body. Seungmin tightens the rope every so often around your chest, your hips, your thighs. You feel the wetness pooling between your legs as he continues slowly. He traces your skin before the rope tracks over the same space. You suddenly feel incredibly overwhelmed by the intimacy of this type of play. Something you’ve never experienced before. Something you weren't prepared to feel. You noticed that Seungmin stopped his movements. “Pup.” Seungmin whispers, his lips grazing your shoulder as he places light kisses over the skin. He pulls your blindfold off and throws it off the bed. He’s looking at you with so much care in his eyes, but there's an underlying lust that he was holding back. “Don’t cry. Not yet.”
You didn’t even realize you were crying and you try to reach up to wipe the tears away quickly realizing that your arms are tied tightly to your sides. You start to fluster and your breathing picks up. “I-I’m sorry…” You start but Seungmin quickly places his hands on each side of your face and looks at you deeply.
“Hey, you’re ok. I’m right here. Color?”
“Y-yellow. Yellow, sir.” You say as you close your eyes feeling the tears pooling behind your eyes. Seungmin moves closer to you and places your forehead on his shoulder as he runs soothing lines up and down your spine and pats your head with his other hand. You two sit like that for a few moments, your breathing coming back to normal. “G-green.” 
Seungmin lightly pushes you back to sitting up. He smiles at you and grabs the rope again. He goes slower this time and finishes wrapping the rope around your body. He sits in front of you as you wiggle slightly as he asks if it's too tight. You promise him that you’re ok and he carefully lays you down on the bed again. He moves back to the box and pulls out the vibrator and the dildo. He returns to your side and traces the vibrator over the rope. You nod at him to continue and Seungmin smirks at you. He climbs on the bed and sits between your legs. He runs his hands up and down your soft skin as he turns the vibrator on.
He traces the vibrator over the rope and runs it along your arms. He slowly drags the vibrator between the valley of your breasts, making direct eye contact with you as he puts the device straight onto your nipple. You arch your back into the sensation and whine high as the vibrations send a wave of warmth down to your core. Seungmin spits into his hand and grabs the dildo, bringing it to your core and running it up and down your lips. You thrash at the feeling, bucking your hips to try to relieve the tension that's been building up between your legs since you and Seungmin were making out on your couch.
He teases the dildo against your entrance, slowly pushing the tip between your lips and quickly retreating, repeating the motion over and over again as he quickens the vibrations on your nipples.
“S-sir, please,” you plead, you need so much more than he’s giving you.
“Okay, pup, I’ll give it to you,” Seungmin says sweetly as he forces the dildo into your core in one swift push. Your breath catches in your throat at the sensation, your walls pulse around the toy. He pulls the dildo out entirely and pushes it all the way in once again. There's a teasing smile on his lips as he pumped the toy deep into your cunt. 
“F-feels s-so good,” you whine as you roll your hips in rhythm with his thrusts. “W-want you, s-sir,” you say with a stroke of confidence. He slowed his pace and he looked at you carefully. Something flashes across his face for a brief moment, his dominant persona being replaced by something else, something more desperate. He shook his head and his dominant persona was back. He removed the dildo from your cunt and turned off the vibrator, tossing it to the floor. He leaves you alone on the bed as you watch him remove his clothes, the waistband of his underwear catching on his hard cock, releasing it to let it slap against his stomach. You watch him in awe as he pumps his cock a few times, running a hand through his hair pushing it back, giving you the most exquisite view you've ever seen. Seungmin pauses his movements and smirks down at you.
“Would you like to stay tied up or do you want your hands?” Seungmin looks down at you cautiously but still with a fire behind his eyes that makes you want to hide behind your hands… if they were free.
“I’d like to stay t-tied please,” you say quietly, wiggling on the bed. Seungmin nods and crawls over you, running a finger down your cheek to your chin. He places a feather-light kiss on your nose and continues his light kisses down your neck as he lines himself up to your entrance. He pushes his tip in slowly and harshly snaps his hips into yours, punching the breath out of you. Seungmin stills as he places gentle kisses along your collarbone, snaking his hand up to gently hold your neck.
“Breathe, pup,” Seungmin whispers as he begins to thrust into you at a slow but calculated pace. There isn't any rhythm to his thrusts but the depth that he's reaching inside you already has you seeing stars. You let out shaky breaths, trying your best to focus on Seungmin’s piercing gaze. He’s staring down at you, taking in every single twitch and hitch in your breathing. He’s analyzing what feels good, gauging your reactions to each thrust, each touch. 
After a particularly pointed thrust you let out a high-pitched whimper and Seungmin’s gaze darkens. He starts thrusting in a steady rhythm now, hitting that spot that made you see stars, forcing high needy whimpers from your puffy lips. His hand on your neck tightens and his other hand finds your sweet little bundle of nerves. He lightly runs his finger over the bud and you attempt to reach down and pull his hand away from you, but your hands stay where they are, tied to your sides. You try to wiggle away from him but with his hand around your throat and his cock pressing deep inside your wet cunt you’re not entirely successful. Seungmin chuckles cynically at your attempt and he flicks his fingers over your clit repeatedly, watching as you hold back your moans with your lips pulled between your teeth and he watches your eyes roll to the back of your head.
“Feel good, pup?” You whine in response, unable to form coherent words at the amount of pleasure you’re feeling. You think for a brief moment that Seungmin will punish you for not answering his question with words, but apparently, he doesn't mind this time and continues his assault on your clit. After a rough thrust, you muffle another moan. Seungmin slaps your messy cunt harshly before soothing his hands over the area. “Don’t hold back your pretty moans, pup. Lemme hear how loud you can be for me.”
You're a writhing mess below him. Moans, ragged breaths, and skin slapping against skin is all that can be heard in your small bedroom. You felt like you could've come at least 10 times already but this time, you can feel it’s different. You want to touch him, pull him close to you, kiss him as you come. “M-min, pl-please stop,” you ask breathlessly.
It takes him a moment to pause his movements before he's looking down at you attentively, searching your features for any discomfort. “Did it hurt? Are you ok? Did I go too rough?” he asks calmly, but there is concern written all over his face. You wiggle your hands that are still bound to your sides and look down at them and look back up to him quickly. 
“Wan my hands,” you say quickly, adding an almost forgotten ‘please’ at the end. Seungmin looks down at your hands and quickly pulls at the knots, releasing your tired limbs from their hold, and resumes his previous pace before you have the time to recover. You yelp at the sudden movements and quickly wrap your arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer to you. “S-seungmin~” you whimper, “G-gonna, w-wanna cum.” 
Seungmin must be close as his grunting has gotten louder since you wrapped yourself around him. “Cum when you’re ready pup, getting close.” Seungmin pushes his nose into your neck, lapping his tongue along your skin, pressing messy kisses here and there as he moans into you.
You feel something deep in your stomach begin to tighten. You dig your nails into Seungmin’s back as your moans get higher in pitch. You babble incoherent phrases as you wrap your legs around his body, trying to pull him impossibly closer to you. Seungmin quickened his fingers against your clit, sliding his fingers into your tight cunt with his palm resting on your puffy (and incredibly abused) clit. The additional intrusion was enough to push you over. You muttered out an incoherent sound along with a breathless, “c-cuhm”, as your body shudders and your cunt pulses around Seungmins cock and fingers. A loud shriek pushes past your lips as your climax rushes through you. Seungmin mumbles encouragements into your skin, kissing your ear, chin, and neck. “That’s it pup, wan you to feel so good. Such a good pup, my good pup.” 
You feel like you're floating as Seungmins pace begins to get more sloppy. He grinds into you as he groans more praises into your ear. “Good pup, so good for me. My good girl. Good pup, making me feel so good.” He curls his fingers up into your cunt adding pressure once again as he pushes in deeper, his tip kissing your cervix. “Cumin, pup, cuming,” he mumbles as he releases deep inside of you. The pressure of his fingers, his cock pushing against your cervix, and his cum filling you has another orgasm racing through you. You dig your nails into his back as you soundlessly cum again. Seungmin collapses on top of you, his breathing harsh as he softly rocks into you, riding out the last of both of your orgasms.
After a few moments, he pushes himself up to look down at you. He places a light kiss on your nose as he carefully removes himself from you. “Stay right there,” he whispers as he moves towards the bathroom. While he’s gone you catch your breath, stuck in a semi-trance. He’s back in a few moments with what looks like lotion and a towel. Seungmin makes quick and gentle work to wipe you down, rubbing lotion along your skin, all the while he's whispering sweet words to you. You feel so warm, so cared for, so wanted. He has you take a few sips of water before he pulls you into bed, letting you cuddle into his chest as he wraps his arms around you. As you slowly drift off to sleep, you can't help but feel so loved, so safe.
The weekend passes by quickly, Seungmin leaving only to gather some clothes from his house. He spends the weekends exploring you, learning your inner workings, how your mind ticks and functions, how your body reacts to the things he does, and how his mind and body react to you. He also spends a portion of the weekend sending emails which he tells you are simply to figure out when his suspension ends. On Monday Seungmin will return to school, and though it has only been three days, getting used to calling him Mr. Kim in school again seems daunting with you now being used to simply calling him Seungmin. 
“What if I just quit and go to another school?” You whisper as Seungmin parks the car in the school lot, Seungmin takes your hand softly, giving you a small smile before speaking. 
“Everything will be fine, Miss Y/L/N. No more harassment from students, or staff.” 
“How’d you know about the staff-” 
“I just know my love, but I promise you, no more.” You’re not sure how Seungmin can make such a promise but still. You make your way into your classroom, your students all waiting attentively for you to start your lesson. The few typical troublemakers in the back sit unusually silent as you begin. A knock on your door causes you to stop your slideshow as a woman you haven’t seen before walks in, followed by Seungmin directly behind her. He closes the door and waits patiently for the woman to speak. 
“Good morning students,” she starts, “Miss. Y/L/N.” she nods to you, “My name is Mrs. Im, as some of you may know,” she says as she stares to the back of the class where the usual group of boys sit up straight, some with their heads hung down. “I am your school's new principal. I’ve come to introduce myself. Miss. Y/L/N may I speak to you in the hallway quickly?” You nod as you follow her and Seungmin out into the hall. Your heart racing from not knowing what any of this was about. 
“Mr. Kim, Mrs. Im. What is this about?” 
“Miss. Y/L/N, I’ll need you to give me a list of the staff who have harassed you. I apologize for this being so sudden, but I’d like to rid my school of such behavior immediately.” Seungmin stands proud beside Mrs. Im as she speaks, “Though for now, I can only offer a suspension as we await investigation but I hope this helps you feel a bit safer within your workspace.” You nod softly as she smiles and walks away, leaving you alone for a moment with Seungmin.
“See my love? I told you. No more.” He smiles at you as he takes your hand gently in his, tracing his fingers across your digits and placing a soft and quick kiss on your fingertip. “Nothing bad's gonna happen to you anymore, not when I can help.” You can’t help the blush that dusts across your cheeks.
“I- uh, gotta get back to my class,” you say sheepishly as you slowly back towards your classroom. 
“I’ll meet you at the car after school?” He asks cooly as he tucks his hands into his pockets, smirking at you.
“Of course, Mr. Kim,” you sing-song back to him as you walk into your classroom. Seungmin stands in the hallway for a beat before he turns around, kicking his feet, and lightly chucking to himself. 
“My lovely little pup,” he whispers with a smile on his face as he walks down the hall, planning how he is going to have his way with you later this evening. 
Tags @chanlixiiee @amalieworldidk @jaebaebaegot7 @maeleelee @iadorethemskz @maenijw @hangin-out-with-the-street-rats @jinniespuppy @painstakingly-juno @lethallyprotected @elizalabs3 @jisungsbff01 @seungminslittlepup @lieghscloud @foxinnie8 @scarletbedlam @kpoppin-to-the-beat @stay-berry @bbymatz @kurxxmi @skzstaykatsy
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creative-kny-fics · 2 months
can you make Lee Muichiro and ler inosuke? Thank you bro there no Fics of them
The “We Are Not Girls” duo
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Ler: Inosuke Hashibira
Lee: Muichiro Tokito
'Why do you look like a woman...?'
'Why are you screaming like one?', ugh, bad start.
Well my dear readers, here we are again with the adventures of little fog, a.k.a Muichiro, let's see what is planned for today...
'Tokito-San, I am so happy that you have started to improve with your memory problems and now you act like a child according to your age'
'Thank you very much Shinobu-San, but I notice you are worried, why?'
'Well, I understand that you're a pillar and you have responsibilities and so on, but I'm worried that you don't have friends or talk to kids your age. Living with other people is not bad, try to have friends. Maybe Tanjiro's friends are a good choice, they're kind of funny and you'll never get bored with them around!'
Well, with the beginning we already know who was the first one he decided to go with, and if not, it was with Zenitsu.
Although he didn't really want to talk to him, he wanted to talk to Nezuko since she was more his age and he had already talked to her a little after she recovered, plus she was Tanjiro's sister and Muichiro adored Tanjiro.
'This thing about making friends is difficult, why isn't everyone like Tanjiro? I think Shinobu-San was wrong, I don't find their adventures funny. First of all, how does Tanjiro put up with them? That blonde boy acts like a baby and is very loud, poor ears...', oh well, there are still more options little fog! Keep trying!
He was finally able to talk to Nezuko, although she only referred to Muichiro as "Inosuke", he didn't care, he believed it was because that was the name Nezuko heard the most.
'Nezuko, do you have friends?'
'In-Inosuke! Zeni-Zenitsu! Gi-Girls! Kot-Kotes-Kotetsu! Senju-Senjuro! Ka-Kanao! Ai-Aoi! Muic-Muichiro! Ge-Genya!' 'Woah, you really have talent when it comes to making friends... How do you do it? The people I know look at me with a bad face...', maybe it's the other way around, Mui...
Well, he remembered Senjuro, but he couldn't say that he was his friend or anything similar because they only spent time together and he couldn't consider it your friend, or is he?
And with Nezuko, well, he didn't know, he wasn't able to define who was his friend and who was just his "playmate." 'NATZEKO! LET'S FIGHT!'
'Inosuke!' 'Oh, so you're Inosuke? Wow, Tanjiro really has loud and weird friends...'
Another bad start, although it seemed that Inosuke would connect better with Muichiro than he thought, or maybe not.
We all have a different way of making friends and Inosuke's was to challenge people to fight to prove their strength and so on, so...
'HOW DID YOU BEAT ME?!' 'You let your guard down too many times, it wasn't difficult to find your moment of weakness. Do me a favor and train more because then you won't go far', oh man, here we go again...
Although here is a small detail, a detail that she wears a kimono, a bow on her head and recently conquered the sun, besides that is a demon, or a human, or whatever you like to believe.
Nezuko approached to scold Muichiro, but she didn't do it with words, she put her hands on his ribs and gave a light squeeze. Before that, Muichiro stuck his arms to her ribs and pushed the little girl away from him.
'What did you do?! I want to do it too!' 'Come closer and you will see that I turn you into pork slices...'
Muichiro sighed, put away his katana and walked away, this was definitely not his thing, maybe his only friends could only be people older than him or maybe he just couldn't or wasn't meant to have real friends.
How deep he must have been in his thoughts that he didn't notice when Inosuke ran up to do a pig attack and knocked him down while laughing and telling him to admit defeat.
'Mwahahahaha! Surrender before the great god of the mountain! You have no chance to escape!'
'Actually I have it. I'm not even going to bother with you, because I think you have a nut on the brain. I don't think it's a good idea for you... Eeeeh!', again he forgot that little detail...
Nezuko had stood next to him and started using her finger while saying "tsun-tsun" and poking his cheeks, that reminds you to someone?
Inosuke did the same but on his sides, although Muichiro did not allow him to do it, he got angry and did it harder and it hurt. 'Hey hey! That hurts you stupid boar!'
'WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!' 'Stupid wild boar'
I WON'T EVEN SAY IT, anyway, Inosuke crooked his fingers and applied what Tanjiro had taught him, he didn't use as much force this time and not only used one finger, but several to start raising and lowering them like spiders from his hips to his armpits, but he stayed there because, out of defense, Muichiro stuck his arms to his ribs and hugged himself, trapping Inosuke's fingers.
'HEY! 'LET GO OF MY FINGERS!!', Muichiro denied while smiling, he couldn't resist it any longer, but if he raised his arms, would it be worse or not?
Inosuke frowned and dug harder than before, laughing when Muichiro arched his back and started laughing in earnest.
Worst? Nezuko was laughing with him and kept repeating "cute!", making Muichiro cover his blushing face as he rolled over. 'Stohohohop!! I'm too fluhuhusterehehed for thihihis!!'
'Mwahahaha! I have beaten you! Admit it! The great king of the mountain has once again won!'
'Yohohou ha-havehehehen't won! I-it wahahahas just luhuhuhuck!'
Inosuke gasped, how dare he?! But how could I make him admit defeat?!
Well, his only option was to continue until he admitted it, he couldn't think of any other way.
'Come on! Accept defeat! Isn't that a lot for you?!' 'It fehehehels gohohohod! I-It dohohehesn't bother me thahahahat ahahahaha muhuhuhuch!'
'Damn! That doesn't make sense! I guess I'll let you this time... But next time I'll ask Kentaro for help to make you beg for mercy before my greatness!', and he finally stopped.
Muichiro wasn't really upset and sat down when Inosuke got off of him and sat on the side crossing his arms.
It seemed like Shinobu was right about something, you never got bored with them.
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omg-hellgirl · 15 days
I’m glad there is some level of awareness of Angie’s contributions (creative and otherwise) to David Bowie’s success & legacy. For a man who was a god to the “freaks” of the 1970s, especially during the glam rock / glitter rock era of the 70s, I perceive his dynamic with Angie as a mirror of the corporate world / sexism in the corporate world (and in society in general) where women are exploited for their brilliant ideas and/or have credit taken from them by men. Like, absolutely love David Bowie’s music… so, so much. Just an infuriating analogy I’ve noticed. Sick of women being exploited in general but especially for their intelligence and creativity.
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hey anon, thank you for saying that. Angie Bowie was part of David Bowie's story and actively contributed to it, mainly by encouraging him towards the glam rock path that EVERYONE appreciates him for. Not taking away his merit as a good singer and performer, but there is more than one account of Angie pushing him in that direction and supporting him; she was a force in his early career. It's absolutely frustrating that David (according to Angie HERSELF) and his fans have always tried to erase her.
For those who don't know (most of them): Angie studied in Switzerland and had and theatrical experience — years of it! And unlike David and his friends/associates, including the people in charge of managing and promoting him, she had nine-tenths of a degree in marketing.
Angie was very popular with Bowie fans in the 70s and was very kind to them. She spent hours answering fan letters and even wrote to them from JAPAN. She fought in Japan with the local police to defend them. After the divorce, David's attitude changed and over the years his fans became what they are today.
It's a shame that many fail to recognize the extremely sexist and absurd attitudes he had towards Angie just because they don't like her. Ask any of them why they don't like her and you will get an unsatisfactory answer either because David himself didn't like her or because she said something about David in public that they didn't like.
I won't put it all here — there is all the content on my blog under the Angie Bowie tag — but in her book it is implied that he even used photos of her in sexual moments with other people to put her at a disadvantage in court. Would this be acceptable by today's standards, or any standards? Do we have a name for men who do this nowadays? Also:
Angie attempted suicide in Switzerland at Christmas time in 1977, when she arrived and found out that Zowie, contrary to her expectations, was in Berlin with David.
He put a gag clause in the divorce to force her to keep quiet. Not very feminist or cool, right? Not very liberal. Wearing skirts and makeup and all the gender revolution didn't help him be a better human being with Angie.
Is there anything to be called besides Parental Alienation for a mother who in 2016, even after David's death, needs to send messages to her own son via Twitter?
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How many years of being away from his mother and knowing about her only through David's distorted words did it take so that even after David's death they didn't have a mother-son relationship again.
No one has the right to disrupt a mother-son or father-son relationship, and that's what he did. His fans still won't admit it.
Anita Pallenberg, Yoko Ono, and Angie Bowie are demonized while fans can forgive paternal neglect, domestic assault, hard drugs, underage girls, and the parental alienation of several rock stars. I'm definitely aware of and recognize the sexism and, dare I say, misogyny of some fandoms.
Thanks again for this, anon. These aren't even all the sordid details of the pain David Bowie inflicted on his first wife. It's also not possible to describe all my sadness about this situation — I could spend hours talking and crying about it. I'll keep posting about Angie in the hopes that one day the blindfold will fall off people's faces.
‼️and shout out to Keith Richards who never belittled the role and influence that Anita Pallenberg had on him and in the whole rock history even though she hurt him badly; he was always FAIR and respectful to the mother of his three children‼️
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WINGLEADER: A Xaden Riorson POV Fanfiction
I wake up even more on edge than I was yesterday. 
Last night was…bad. A quiet weapons run turned into utter chaos.
My eyes ache from exhaustion and the sunlight blaring through my window is enough to turn my stomach.
I slide my hands down my face in an effort to ease the subtle pounding in my head that started sometime on the flight back to the citadel.
Last night.
Two minutes. I’ll lay here for two minutes and then I’ll start this Gods forsaken day. 
My skin feels tight, like all the anxiety from yesterday is trying to punch its way out of my body. Seeing Violet yesterday, putting my arms around Liam, the panic from last night. All of it is taking its toll. 
My two minutes are up, and I exhale the breath I’ve been holding before I heave myself out of bed and pad over to the shower.
I turn the water to scalding, tilting my face up, letting the steady stream soothe the ache that has now wormed its way into my temples.
“You’re going to be late.” Sgaeyl gruffs in my mind.
I sigh inwardly, “Hear me out, what if we just went out flying today?”
“I am not the one in need of convincing. My studious rider is the one who will need the convincing
I give her a short, tired laugh.
Stepping out of the shower is a feat of pure willpower, but I manage to leave the comfort of the warm water. I quickly towel off and tug my uniform on. I’ve taken more time than I have this morning. 
Standing in the mirror, I smooth my hair back and check each detail of my appearance. Another weapon in my Arsenal. Another lesson from my father. I examine my flight leathers. My jacket is mostly bare, just the two pins denoting my rank and wing. Anything else feels unnecessary. Strategy comes most often from secrecy. From keeping things close to the chest. 
I give myself one last look over. I feel a hell of a lot more like myself than I did last night.
I pull open the door and walk down the hallway towards the staircase that leads to the Rotunda.
Garrick and Imogen are standing at the bottom of the steps talking. Imogen stops mid sentence and tilts her head up towards me with a mischievous grin and says, “Hey Riorson, running a little behind this morning.” Another smirk, “Anyone, I mean, anything bothering you this morning?
Have I been that obvious?
Yea. Yea I have.
“Hey Imogen, running your mouth a bit extra this morning?” I bite back, but my mouth quirks to the side as she lets out a laugh. The disaster of last night tucked away.
We fall in line together, and Garrick and Imogen carry on their earlier discussion about…I listen for about five seconds and roll my eyes
Dagger pommels. 
“The pommel itself is more important than the blade, every hand, every arm is different so the pommel has to be the foundation for that extension you know?” Imogen says animatedly, her hands moving wildly as she talks.
Who in Malek’s name talks about dagger pommels at seven in the morning?
I throw an assessing look their way and I wonder, as I always do when they’re together, why Garrick won’t let her in. 
But I know why he doesn’t. You can’t let yourself fall in love like that. 
Lust? Sure. 
Sex is easy, it’s quick. It satiates something akin to companionship.
But love requires time, and the always looming threat of death makes it hard to make time for anything else. 
Certainly not the potential grief that comes with love. Grief is dangerous.
We meet Quinn and Arvel in the gathering hall. We fill the seats next to them, and everyone begins their usual early morning chatter.
If any of my friends notice the distracted silence I’ve fallen into, they don’t say anything.
I sit in that silence, mind elsewhere, until Garrick bumps my shoulder and says, “We gotta get to Carr’s class early, I don’t feel like dealing with his glares all morning.”
“You wouldn’t get glared at if you got there on time” I mutter under my breath.
Garrick scoffs and looks pointedly at Imogen, “He really is in a foul mood today.
Imogen smiles and gives us a lazy wave, but her eyes linger a little too long on Garrick’s face. 
The headache I woke up with has returned and each step I take is accompanied by a spark of pain behind my eyes. 
Garrick takes a look around as we walk down the pillared hall, “This is a ruthless batch of first years.” All of the first years are typically blood-thirsty, and desperate to prove themselves, but Garrick’s right, this year there is something far more electric in the air.
Bodhi is leaning against the wall, the picture of boredom when we exit the gathering hall.
“Good morning, brothers.” He says cheerfully, clapping Garrick and I both on the back.
Garrick and Bodhi immediately start chatting behind me.
Garrick’s right, I am in a foul mood. Their chipper attitudes normally wouldn’t bother me, but right now I need a breather.
I turn away from both of them and my eyes dip below to the swarm of cadets making their way to morning classes. 
I let my shadows wander, snaking their way around the large building. 
I’m trying to tell myself it’s just to blow off some steam, let my power run free for a minute, but somewhere in the back of my mind, those same shadows whisper her name. Seconds later I feel them twist up my neck and around my ears, and my eyes snap to a corner of the rotunda.
Where Violet is edging her way around one of the large pillars. I watch as she walks toward the center of the room.
The skin behind my neck prickles and I have to repress the shudder that courses its way through me as Violet looks up and meets my eyes. I can’t look away. 
I can’t help myself. I need to know her, to understand her. 
It’s too strong for me to even try to hide it anymore. The only thing I can do now is hope that she misinterprets my curiosity for cruelty. 
An almost imperceivable movement behind Violet catches my attention and I see Dain emerge from behind the same pillar she just appeared from. 
At least I’m not the only person who’s having trouble being subtle.
My eyes find Violet’s again and I can't help the way my brow raises. 
Or the irritation that turns my throat dry. 
Aetos? Really? 
She turns to face him and the look that flits across her face is unmistakable.
Shit. That’s definitely jealousy making my stomach burn.
I call out to both of them, my voice projecting across the rotunda, “I already knew your parents are tight, but do you two have to be so fucking obvious?” I don’t even try to hide the smile on my face as I look between Violet’s wide eyes, and Dain’s flushed cheeks. Got him.
“Let me guess, childhood friends?” I’ve turned my irritation into arrogance, and that arrogance into a weapon, aimed at both of them “First loves, even?”
Violet turns her head back to Dain and begins whispering. 
The shadows at their feet feed me every whispered word, “He can’t hurt you without cause, right?”
Gods, I’m not about to throw down in the middle of the courtyard. 
The image that flashes across my mind of Dain, shadows curled around his neck, is only slightly appealing. 
More whispering from Violet, “Without cause and calling a quorum of wingleaders because you’re a squad leader. Article Four, Section Three.” 
Dain at least knows better than to whisper, “Correct.” He says it as a warning, “But you’re not.”
My annoyance sparks again at the implication in his voice, “I expected you to do a better job of hiding where your affections lie, Aetos.” 
I start down the steps toward the two of them. Aetos is going to cause problems if he can’t distance himself from Violet. She’s already a target.
Favoritism between lower years always creates an invitation for violence.
Dain’s command is crystal clear “Run, Violet,” The last word comes out sharp and definitive, “Now”
Aetos is a prick, and if he honestly thinks Violet’s best bet is to run in the face of conflict, he’ll get her killed before the end of the week.
I walk down and stand at the base of the steps, waiting for Dain to make his way through the crowd.
He stops in front of me, his back ramrod straight and jaw locked.
His self control is solid, I’ll give him that.
Because that is pure fury behind those eyes.
I raise both brows at him, a small smile playing on my lips, “Really Aetos?” I ask, noncommittally waving a hand in the direction that Violet ran.
“Don’t act like it was unwarranted to assume you might hurt her.” His voice is calm but I can see the way he grits his teeth when he’s done speaking.
“And you think making her run is going to stop me?”
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breezoreceiver · 2 years
There will be one post in these two days. I'm just feeling bad about the person who's translating all this
Few noticed, but in fact Stratos and Betrayus have almost the same mentality. Sometime I'll go in more details in order to explain it.
But today I'd like to talk about the family in general. Let's put 2 and 2 together, all things line up too perfectly.
Rotunda doesn't see Elli as her own granddaughter. Did you ever see anyone talking about Spheros Senior and the daughter he had with Rotunda? Why do the boys remember only the mother when the opportunity lets them? And why does Betrayus have such a terrible name? And no, it's not just a joke for the viewer — characters truly understand it's meaning as well as meanings of other names
So what's the deal?
It's so dumb, for god's sake
It's a divorce story
The family had two children, they devided them and cut all communications. And then Rotunda has a third one. Who's so reminiscent of the father and all the shit in her life, that she shoves him to the back burner, providing him with everything but maternal love and affection
No matter how much he's burdened with resentment, he always remembers her when his life takes a turn downward. And doesn't his egocentrism and wish to better than anyone else come out of him wanting to be noticed by at least someone? I am once again reminding of The Great Chase episode. Oh yeah, the ultimate fire ghost as he refers to himself, asks one who can't stand him for forgiveness although he could've just casted a few fireballs in her face. And who is supposed to beg for forgiveness here...?
And what if the reason to great war was disagreement of the younger brother with his elder being elected as a president of the planet? The rivalry between the boys is no joke. But in the big picture it never was there. Remember the episode about re-election. Mister peas has been sitting on the throne 15 years ago, and he's there today too, and judging by that statue he's here for a hundred more
Moment worth mentioning. In the last episode it turns out that brothers knew their sister and her husband. What's interesting is when did that happen? Did it become known accidentally? Was one of the elder's idea? Or just another plothole?
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canirove · 2 years
Professor Rice | Chapter 1
Summary: It is Veronica’s last year at uni. After partying maybe a bit too much the previous one, she wants to be focused and not struggle again. Especially not when to finish her major, she will be needed the credits from one of her most hated subjets: Science. But because that wasn’t enough already, her professor happens to be one of the most handsome men she has ever seen. Professor Rice.
"What are you looking at..." Madisson stopped mid-sentence to look at the door. "Oh my sweet baby Jesus!"
"Can he be my lab partner? I promise to be good" I laughed.
"Babe, that's not a classmate. That's our professor."
The professor... that's our professor. I'm screwed!
Author’s note: This story is a very special one, because I didn’t write it, a friend of mine did. It was my birthday present from her a couple of years ago, and that’s why the main character was named after me 😁 She got inspired because when we saw the photo of Declan that I’m using on this chapter’s header, I told her that with the glasses he looked like an university teacher 😅
If you’ve read any of my other stories, you’ll probably notice that our writing style is a bit different, but I hope you still enjoy it as much as I did. Thank you for reading! 💜
Next chapter
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Veronica's POV
On my first day back at uni, I woke up feeling like an anxious mess. I was in need of one of Jo's pep talks.
After I showered and got dressed, I went into the kitchen to find my best friend cooking my favourite breakfast: banana pancakes with chocolate chips. I don't deserve her.
"Good morning, gorgeous. I made you some breakfast" Jo said while placing my plate and my cup of tea in front of me.
"Have I ever told you that you are my favourite person in the whole wide world?"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah" Jo said, rolling her eyes. But I could see a little smirk on her face. Josephine knew this was the only way to get me to eat something before class on my first day, so she woke up extra early to get everything ready.
"You ready for this, V? I know you worry too much, but this year you have fewer classes and it shouldn't be as stressful as last year, ok?"
"I guess... I do have some classes that I can't keep avoiding. Like Science. Ugh, I hate Science" I groaned. Why do I have to take more Science classes?
"Veronica, don't be silly. I'm great at Science, I'll help you out if you need it." Of course, Jo to the rescue.
"I know. I just don't want a repeat of last year".
The end of my second year in Uni was a rollercoaster. I might have enjoyed my party time a bit too much, and when it was time to catch up on everything that I had to study... well, saying that it wasn't fun was an understatement.
Jo and I spent multiple nights awake studying, and I managed to get good enough grades to keep my scholarship. I’d liked to think I've learnt from those mistakes. But Jo and I had already been invited to three parties, and we still haven't found a way to say no.
"Veronica!" Jo screamed.
"What?" I said, covering my ears. She knew I didn't like loud noises so early in the morning.
"Stop daydreaming, peach. We need to go. Oh God! You've barely eaten." She immediately grabbed a napkin and put two more pancakes on it. "You can eat this on the way to your first class. Have fun. Love you!"
"Yes, mum. Bye, mum." I couldn't help but tease her as I left to go to hell. I mean, today's classes.
These next 9 months are going to be the worst of my life...
Two classes down, two to go. And it was finally time for the worst of them: Science. I knew I had to get these credits from this Science class to finish my major, but I also knew I didn't have to be excited about it.
My least favourite part of first days was teachers making a big deal out of everything. As if university wasn't overwhelming enough. They felt the need to talk about every single detail of everything we'll be doing for the next few months, and I always left feeling just a bit dumber than before that class started.
As I made my way to my seat, I saw Maddison was already there. Maddie and I were good friends but had never been in a class together. She was also very good at Science, so being next to her in this class sounded even better than it normally would.
"Hi Maddie" I said while sitting next to her.
"Hi Nica! We finally get to be together in a class. Only took us three years" she laughed.
Maddison always called me Nica. Apparently, there was a singing contest she watched as a kid with her mum, who is from Spain, and her favourite contestant's nickname was Nika. So she couldn't help but call me Nica. It was cute, to be honest.
"So," Madisson started, "have you heard about the new professor?"
"New professor? What do you mean?"
"Well, there was this two hundred-year-old man who has been teaching this class since before dinosaurs went extinct, but he finally retired and we are supposed to be getting a new professor who is a hottie. At least according to some classmates of mine that had him in their first class today." Madisson, of course, started to wiggle her eyebrows while telling me the story.
"A hot professor?" I laughed. "Not in this class, please. I struggle with concentrating enough as it is."
"Oh, c'mon. A bit of eye candy never hurt nobody."
The class was about to start when the most beautiful man I've ever seen in my life walked through the door.
"What are you looking at..." Madisson stopped mid-sentence to look at the door. "Oh my sweet baby Jesus!"
"Can he be my lab partner? I promise to be good" I laughed.
"Babe, that's not a classmate. That's our professor."
The professor... that's our professor. I'm screwed!
Declan's POV
Why is teaching a class in front of one hundred students more daunting than being in front of thirty thousand people at a football pitch?
"Hello class. I'm Professor Rice, and I'll be teaching this course now that Professor Richards has retired. Now, I don't want to overwhelm you on the first day talking about everything you're supposed to do in the next few months, but I do want to talk about how I plan on organizing these first weeks of classes. So pay attention, I don't like repeating myself".
Did that sound confident? I bet they can all see how much I'm sweating underneath this suit. Why did I wear a suit in August? God! I'm a mess.
"So, next week we'll do a small test." I could hear complaints already. "Relax, this won't count for your final grades. I just want to know how to organize the study groups and to check who might need more help. My office is always open for anyone who has questions, ok?"
I then wrote all the topics that will be covered on the test on the board. My handwriting was worse than usual because I was trying not to show how nervous I was.
All for nothing, because the day had been going really well so far. All the students in the first two classes seemed excited to have a younger teacher in their class. Even a couple of girls asked me where my office was. I didn't expect that.
You can do this, Declan. You can do this!
"So, any questions?" I asked, and then saw a couple of hands being raised.
Once I answered the questions, I kept on explaining how the course was going to work. It's not that I didn't want to be a harsh teacher, but I was in their place only a couple of years ago and I felt like I got how they felt better than a sixty-year-old professor could.
Also, I really wanted them to like me. The footballer in me craved that praise and love. It's not easy retiring when you are eighteen while your best friend goes onto winning all the trophies. But hey, this was a good job, and I would make the best out of it.
While the students left the class, I noticed many of them staring at me. Including a cute redhead who blushed when our eyes met. Wait, why was I thinking about one of my students as cute? I had actually noticed her during class, she kept on frowning at most of the things I said. And she was constantly asking her friend questions. Why didn't she ask me those questions? And why did I care so much?
I looked down at my backpack and started to pack all my things.
I need to talk to Mason.
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1095: Sunflower Trio (Persona 5 x Mother 3 X SSBU)
12:10 p.m. at Ann and Shiho's Apartment............
Lucas: (Brushes One Side Ann's Hair) You're going to participate in the upcoming runway show in the next few weeks, Ann?
Ann: (Happily Nodded) Yep-yep. Its gonna be my very first debut as a rookie model and my once and a lifetime chance to leave a lasting impression tofrw of the biggest names in the modeling scene, so.....no pressure! (Chuckles Lightly as it Starts to Noticeably Slow Down and Turns into a Nervous One)
Lucas: (Gives Ann a Reassuring Smile on his Face) I'm sure you'll do great out there. You are the second prettiest girl I know after all.
Ann: Awwwwww- Wait. Second? (Raises an Eyebrow at Lucas) Who's the first?
Lucas: (Smiles Brightly and Proudly) My girlfriend Ashley!~
Ann: ('Sigh') Of course.
Meanwhile at the Smash Mansion's Living Room..........
Penny: (Sitting Next to a Reluctant Ashley While Talking)...So I believe the closest method into creating a black hole according to my many, many research-
Ashley: (Suddenly Felt Something in her Heart as She Clenches her Chest) ('Ngh') Not again!
Penny: ('Gasps') Ashley! (Quickly Scooches Over to her Best Friend's Side) What's wrong? Are you having chest pain? Heart burns? A potential stroke!!?
Ashley: ('Sigh') No. I just felt a disturbance is all. (Starts Blushing) A sweet, complimentary disturbance.
Penny: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) You're overreacting to someone complimenting you out of nowhere?
Ashley: (Quickly Glares at her Friend) It's not JUST any compliment, Penny! (Looks Up at the Ceiling as Ger Eyes Begins to Sparkle) It's a compliment given to be by my darling Lucas~
Penny: (Puts on a Deadpinned Look on her Face) Why do I feel like I'm not surprised by that answer to detail?
Back at the Apartment
Ann: (Raised an Eyebrow at her Little Sunflower) So your witch girlfriend's prettier than me, huh?
Lucas: (Smiles Dreamingly at the Thought of Ashley) Yeah......(Immediately Comes Back to Reality) No! Yes! I-I mean, at least to me, she is. (Frantically Starts Flailing his Hands Side to Side) B-But I still think you way prettier than every runway models I can think! Honest!
Ann: Hmmmmmmm..... (Stares at Lucas for a Brief Second Before Sighing in Defeat) Alright, I'll take your word for it. (Forms a Playful Grin on her Face Before Tickling Lucas) But ONLY because you're the most precious Little Sunflower ever!~ Yes you are!~
Lucas: (Giggles Ticklishly by Ann's Playful Attack) HeheheAnn!~ Quit ithehehe!~
'Door Open'
?????: I'm hoooooome!
Lucas/Ann: (Stops Everything They Were Doing and Looks Up at the Familiar Face of.....) Shiho!~
Ann: Welcome home, babe!~
Shiho: Yeah. (Closes the Door Behind Her Before Letting Out a Sigh and Making her Way to the Living) It's good be back home..(Sits and Slouches Down on the Middle of the Sofa While Letting Out an Exhausted Groan) Sooooooooo glad......
Ann: I take it your day at the gym was less than desirable today.
Shiho: (Turns to Ann) Ohhh you have no idea...There was this girl I was assigned to train and all she did throughout the whole session was complain about how hard our exercises, even the very simple ones, and kept getting on her phone when I specifically told her NOT to! Like, I get it! Workouts are a challenge and they're not for everyone, but for God sake! The least you can do is try putting some actual EFFORT towards our routine instead of sitting there whine every five seconds. You did hired me to TRAIN YOU after all! I'm not here to waste TIME, ya know!? (Stops Herself from Ranting Some More Before Taking a Very Deep Breath) But even still, I digress....I guess.
Lucas: (Frowns at Shiho as He Gives her a Hug on one Side) We're sorry you had a rough time, Shiho.
Ann: (Hugs her Girlfriend on the Other Side) Yeah, that girl sounds like a real pain in the neck to deal with.
Shiho: ('Sigh') Tell me about it. (Smiles Softly as She Places her Arms Around Ann and Lucas's Shoulders) But at the very least, I now get to spend the rest of the day with my two favorite people in the world.
Ann: (Smiles Brightly) You hear that, Lucas? We're her two favorite people in the globe.
Lucas: (Happily Snuggles onto Shiho) I know, I'm so honored~
Lucas felt his phone buzzing at the inside of his pants pocket as he pulls away fromShiho, takes it out of his pocket, and checks out the recent message he received before letting out a short gasps
Lucas: It's here!.....(Quickly Gets Up From his Seat) I-I have to get going!
Ann: (Raised an Eyebrow in Confusion) To where exactly?
Shiho: Is everything okay, sweetie?
Lucas: Yeah, I'm okay. Great even! (Takes Out a Dimension Ring and Toss it Behind Him to Expand into a Giant One) I-I just have to get something right quick is all. Be right back! (Quickly Runs into the Giant Ring)
Ann/Shiho: Okay, be careful! (Watches the Ring Disappears in Thin Air)
Shiho: (Turns to Ann) He'll be done on his own, right?
Ann: Oh yeah, our Little Sunflower's a Trooper!.....Buuuut if he doesn't come back here in the next few minutes or so, THEN we'll go after him, just in case.
Shiho: (Nodded in Agreement) Right.
Meanwhile at Tazmily Village: Duster's Home.......
Duster: (Gives Lucas a Bonquet of Flowers) Here you go, son. Freshly grown sunflowers ready to be given.
Lucas: (Smiles Brightly) I can't thank you enough for this, dad. These look so pretty!
Duster: (Smiles Back at his Son) Hey, it's the least I can do for my own boy. I reckon they're for those two sisters you've been telling me about?
Lucas: (Happily Nodded) Yep! Ann and Shiho. I really wish you have the time to met them in person, they're both amazing.
Duster: I bet they are. But unfortunately, I've gotten lot more busy as of late, looking after the village and whatnot. It'll take a while, but I'll find a free day for us to properly meet.
Lucas: (Nodded in Understanding) Take all the time you need. I know how this village means to you.
Duster: You're right 'bout that. It's been my home since the day i first came into this world. (Smiles Down at his Son) But even still, you're a lot more important to me than all the stars combined.
Lucas: (Heart Begins to Melt as He Hugs his Father) Thank, dad. You're important to me.
Duster: (Gently Ruffles the Top of Lucas's Hair) You're welcome, son. Now, I do hope you're not planning on keeping those sisters of yours waiting.
Lucas: Right! I have to get going! (Quickly Pulls Away from his Embrace and Tosses the Ring onto the Ground, Expanding to it's Giant Size Before Running Towards and Waving Goodbye) Take care, dad!!
Duster: (Waves Back to his Son as the Giant Ring Begins to Disappear in Thin Air Again) You too, son. You too.
Back at Ann and Shiho's Apartment
Ann: (Already up from the Sofa) Alright, you got everything you need?
Shiho: Pepper spray in my pocket. (Holds Up the Fighting Gloves She's Wearing on Both her Hands) And combat gloves put on.
Ann: (Simply Nodded) Good. Now let's go out there and bring our boy back hom- (Suddenly Sees Lucas Lucaa Running Out of the Giant Ring While Holding Something in his Hand)
Lucas: I'm back- W-Woah! (Accidentally Trips Himself Towards the Ground) Ow.
Ann/Shiho: Lucas! (Quickly Rushes Towards the Boy's Side)
Ann: You okay, kiddo?
Lucas: (Gets Himself Up While Sighing) Yeah. I think I'll be fine. I-In the meantime....(Presents the Couple Their Gift) Surprise!!
Shiho: (Gasps along with Ann) Lucas.....you went out of your way to get us a bonquet of flowers?~
Lucas: It's a bonquet of sunflowers actually and my dad helped grew and took care of them for me. (Smiles a Bit Shyly While Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) I noticed you two have been taking a liking to them as of late, so I figured I give a few of them to you as of token of our bond together and how glad i am to have you two in my life. I-I hope you like them.......
Ann: Like them? (Smiles Brightly ) Lucas, we love them already!~ Picks Lucas Up and Twirls Him Around Before Hugging Him Very Lovingly) And we love you so freaking much too!~ (Starts Giving a Barrage of Kisses on his Cheek)
Lucas: (Giggles Ticklishly Once More) A-Ann!~ Why do you always have to find ways to tickling mehehehehehe!~
Shiho: (Smiles Sheepishly) She isn't called the "Tickling Queen" for a reason, you know? (Smile Turns into a Softly) But still, we can't thank you for this, Lucas. You mean the world to us too.
Lucas: Y-Your welcome!~ Hehehehe I'm glad hehehe you liked it!~
Shiho: We love it as much as we love you, sweetie (Forms a Playful, Slightly Evil Smirk on her Face) Now let me show you how much in this tickling-kiss fest~
Ann: Atta girl, Shiho-Kins!~ (Continues Kissing Lucas's Cheeks)
Lucas: Noooo!~ I'm out numbered! No faheheheirrr!~ (Gets Even More Ticklish with Shiho Joining in on the Kiss Fest)
Shiho: (Giggles Softly) Sorry, Lucas~ Life isn't quite fair when love and affection is involved~
Ann: Best you can do now is give in and embrace it~
Lucas: (Ease Down on the Giggling For Now) I'm a PSI Fghter!....A Sunflower Trooper!....(Wipe a Tear Off From his Eyes) I'm not giving up without a fight, so do your worst!
Ann and Shiho looks at each other for a brief second before turning back to Lucas with playful, mischievous smirks on both of their faces..
Ann: If you insist~
Shiho: Don't say we didn't warn you~
Lucas: (Raises his Fists Up into the Air) SUNFLOWER TROOPERRRRhehehehehehehe!~
Lucas's giggles begins to escape his mouth once more as his two big sister figures, Ann and Shiho, continues to tickle him effortlessly with their barrage of kisses and cuddles, not that he mind it truly. His love fand care for the both of them has gotten a lot stronger than even he could realize
They may not be related by blood, but he still considers them and everyone else in his life as his very own family. A family whom he will love and cherish for as long as he shall continue to live in this world.
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lemonmatronics · 1 year
I unfollowed an ex moot awhile ago after he started putting an rp on my timeline a lot, at first I just kinda ignored it but it got really annoying really fast.
I’d see some bits of it, and was honestly just laughing at it mostly. Then one of them brought in gross stuff, and I’ll say one word to hint at what it was. Laxatives.
At that point I blocked the person I wasn’t moots with to try and keep the rp off the tl, but that didn’t work.
Eventually I’d unfollow my old moot after he made some odd comments about a nonbinary character coming in, specifically a baby. As someone under the nonbinary umbrella, yeah no I’m not a fan of that for obvious reasons.
After that I obviously stopped seeing the rp on my dash and somewhat forgot about it for awhile. I got a notification from him earlier liking one of my posts so I decided to check on the acc.
Oh my fucking god.
I feel like at this point I should clarify that this rp, is being done with Care Bears characters. The canon thrown in being Share while the rest are sonas and ocs. I feel like y’all just gotta know that to understand how I felt seeing what I saw next.
I look at his page and the first thing I see is that the rp is still going, and overly detailed descriptions of babies shitting themselves. To the point where it was clearly meant to be fetishy, especially with the context of this not being the first shitting scene that happened. With BABY characters. I scroll down past that and then see mentions of condoms and sex, and clarifications that Share and his sona did it earlier in the rp. Lucky for me I didn’t see that bit.
Earlier today I blocked him, I think you can tell why. I’m venting about this hear because when I first unfollowed him, it discouraged me from posting a lot cause I didn’t want him to interact with me. Especially with his comments on my ocs. Now that I’ve blocked him I wanna post more again and I’m hoping actually saying that will encourage me to do that.
Additionally, I know he has other accounts. And I know it’s possible he’ll notice I blocked him. So if you’re reading this, you know who you are, and you’re gross. You and your friend are ABSOLUTELY nasty, and idc if you’re on an alt to not interact with me in any way.
neways sorry for the rant vent thing, if you wanna block the acc priv message me and I’ll tell you the acc name. And sorry for being quiet with actual posts from me, again I wanna post more now too
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lifesidefun · 1 year
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exploring-the-inner · 2 years
Gratitude, Guilt and Grit
Lord and savior,
Recent weeks have been pretty positive and for that, I’m so grateful! I’ve gone from 5 scheduled hours per day to 7. And thanks to Qasim’s unfortunate departure, Bryan has come on board full throttle with a pocket full of measures to make things run much more smoothly. Rather than stretching myself thin doing scheduling, chasing fill, QA, training and more… Loretta and I have help in the form of a lovely young lady named Jackie. I’m still staying late every now and then (without pay) and this really upsets my husband. But I don’t foresee the unpaid overtime being nearly as wild as it once was.
I feel quite guilty as I haven’t been as tuned into you, God. Bible study, praise and worship and our little moments like this have been few and far between. Please forgive me. I think about you all day long and love you more than my mind can comprehend. I apologize for spending my time elsewhere instead of with you. I must admit, work still drains me so much mentally I even feel physically tired after work. The weekends should be when I find time to really spend with you, but this past weekend I put family time and mental rest over you and that was not ok. I’m so sorry.
As for the third and final “G” / grit - I pray that you continue to help me prove myself as a more than capable part of my work team and not as its weakest link. I pray that Loretta isn’t bad mouthing me to Bryan or Steph. I pray that I’m not making mistake after mistake. I pray that my overall speed and precision make noticeable improvements.
I’m down on myself today because I was slow to submit one of today’s inspection forms and overlooked a crucial bedding issue on that form. The funny thing is, I nailed making sure I had the right info for the bed but got yanked by Loretta and overlooked adding the info to the form. I was in the middle doing its QA when she flew back into Zoom seeming super irritated, drilled me about a number of things in efforts to catch up (and perhaps to ever so passively imply that I was dropping the ball?) I purposely projected an upbeat, unaffected demeanor but it really did throw me. Next, Steph asked me about my Monday hours. It was a serious decision I had to make and I gave that some time and ran it by Oscar. Next, I called the partner about an issue with the Wifi box and before I knew it, Bryan was asking why the form had not been submitted and why it was taking so long. After having to publically explain myself about that, I didn’t feel right for the rest of the shift but continued to work like nothing was wrong. Then came the bedding issue was brought to my attention by the client. Wasn’t a huge thing at all, but the whole time I was praying that Bryan didn’t notice since bedding is one of the core things we cannot get wrong with the inspection. Perhaps to some, I may appear to be overreacting, but overall, I need you, Lord. Qasim knew I was great at my job. Bryan, Jackie, even Loretta. They haven’t spent enough time with me to know that I’m one of thee best that my company has to offer.
I shared with Oscar today, for no particular reason: “I am thee only black person on my POD.” Does that have any real meaning? Not truly. Besides, I’m a conservative after all so I’m definatley not one to cry racism and play the black card. But I’m my heart I know that I must work harder and be better than the rest of my colleagues to be recognized as completely capable. My mistakes MAY be weighted with heavier implications simply due to my being a minority. If I were the only white in an all black office for a black organization the same would be true. My mistakes might be more noticable and people might say, “That while girl is a problem.” I pray that will never be the case for me here. I want my superiors to have complete confidence in me. Without that, without YOU, I wouldn’t be able to help my husband pay our bills. I pray for intelligence and for near superhuman attention to detail. I pray for the ability to flawlessly and quickly execute every task that hits my eyeballs. Please let Bryan like me. Please help me to achieve a sterlingly spotless reputation. Help me to quit having to EDIT my errors out. Help me do well despite Roman and my other family duties. I know I’m going on and on but Jesus. I need you so much. *Gasp*
I heard you:
“If you need me so much, you should seek me so much, you  should study me so much and absorb me so much and I will take care of the rest." I love you so much Lord God!!
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e-munson666 · 2 years
Let me Brand You
+++Eddie Munson x F!Reader+++
WARNING: 18+ ⚠️
XxReally FLUFFY Smut with plot. Not giving away all the juicy sexual details beforehand (not sorry?) Language, drug use, name calling, branding, consent is givenxX
(Slight continuation from my blurb (("Secretly Braiding Eddies Hair")) and him pining for you since. He catches you alone and things get.......steamy)
[a/n: never written anything like this before so I really hope you guys like it. Its definitely a softer take on smut, not super detailed but I am still happy with it for it being my first one lol.]
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Eddie couldn't stop thinking about you since lunch. The sweet wide smile on your face as he found the beaded braid you had put into his hair, (he presumes in first period while he was asleep) he'd liked you long before today, but became smitten when he saw you giggling at him, fingers twiddling your own identical braid. Now he just needed to find an opportunity to talk to you. He almost gave up hope for the day until he walked into the woods behind the school and saw you sitting, alone, at his usual bench.
You were sitting quietly, drawing the landscape when you heard twigs breaking and you whip around quickly. Eddie Munson was slowly walking closer to where you sat. "Whoa hey, I'm sorry sweetheart, I didn't mean to scare you" he says low and calm, hands in the air like he was surrendering.
"What are you doing out here Munson?" You ask cooly, trying to hide that he'd nearly scared you to death. "I could ask you the same thing, why are you all the way out here alone?" He questions, while slowly taking a seat right next to you. He notices your sketch and his eyes go wide with interest.
"I didn't know you were an artist" he says, pointing at your notebook. "Artist? Hardly. I just sketch every now and then. Helps keep the bad thoughts away." You smile. You had just noticed how close he was when he leaned over to see your sketchbook. "I" you cough "I actually have a sketch of you in here from one of your bands recent shows" you looked up and your eyes met his, seeing the intrigue and excitement on his face.
"Wait, are you serious?! You've seen us play?!" Eddie beams, completely stunned. His heart is beating so fast he swears you feel it on your shoulder. "Can I see it?!" He blurts out excitedly.
"Of course I've seen Corroded Coffin! You guys are awesome." You blush, flipping through the notebook. You stop on the designated page and nervously hand it to Eddie. His face fills with joy as he stares down at the drawn picture of him. He was on stage with the band, guitar in hand, singing into the microphone, hair bushy and wild. It was the single greatest thing he had ever seen. He couldn't break his gaze from it until he felt you shift in your seat next to him, brushing his leg.
"This might be the coolest thing I have ever seen in my LIFE" he says confidently. "Can I, can I keep this, please?" He asked behind his brown puppy eyes. You couldn't hide the shock on your face as he spoke. *He liked it!!??! He not only liked it, he was asking for you to give it to him! You gotta keep your cool, don't seem too eager.* "Whoa Munson, I'm not just gonna off and give away my masterpiece for FREE" you joked, turning to him and touching his arm.
Eddie blushed heavily. "Oh, no, no of course not" he stumbled over his words. "I definitely didn't mean...." "Im sorry...." he scrambles before hearing you chuckle. "Oh my God, chill Munson I am just giving you shit. Of course you can have it" you wink at him before putting your hand on his leg. It was just a reflex, you didn't even realize you did it at first, until you felt his leg twitch. You look up at him and he is still blushing at you hard, with a huge grin on his face. "How 'bout this, as payment for this amazing work of art" he says, waving the drawing above him "you let me take you back to my place and we can smoke a joint?" He asks getting up and bowing before you, hand outstretched.
"Oh um," you take his hand nervously "Eddie are you sure, I was just kidding, you don't have to do anything for me in exchange." He squeezes your hand in reassurance, "Please, I'd really like it if you came and hungout, for my sake, Its boring smoking by myself" he jokes. You smile and nod at him and he slowly leads you out of the woods back to his van. He firmly grips your waist to stabilize you several times in the uneven terrain, and you feel like you are about to crumble underneath him every time he pulled you closer.
Before you know it your are back in the school parking lot next to Eddies van. He quickly opens the passenger door for you and gestures "M'lady" he giggles, taking your hand again to help you into the vehicle. He shuts the door and hurriedly walks to the drivers side. He slides in and takes a long breath. "To Castle Munson" he jokes before starting the engine and driving off.
You pull up to the trailer park entrance and you can see Eddie tense in his seat. "So, its not so much a castle" he tries to joke, a nervous tone in his voice. "Eddie," you start, placing your hand on top of his on the shifter knob, "I live in the trailer park on the other side of town, no need to feel embarrassed" you reassure him, squeezing his hand. He smiles wide as he pulls up in front of his trailer. He quickly exits so he can rush to your side and open the door for you again. You sweetly thank him and kiss his cheek as he helps you up the steps to his front door.
At this point Eddies body is completely on fire. He had caught you humming along to his mix tape on the way over, could feel you staring at him, and noticed your hand linger on his when he put the car in park. If he wasn't smitten before the ride over here, he certainly was now. He didn't want to waste his chance to make a move tonight, he just had to be sure you felt the same and he wasn't hallucinating.
He leads you inside, still visibly nervous. "Sorry its so messy, its just me and my uncle living here and as you can tell, the maid took the week off" he joked, trying to scramble and pick up any trash lying around. "Is, is your uncle here?" You ask nervously, not sure what prompted the question. "No, he works nights, so it's just us sweetheart" Eddie says warmly, walking up to you. "So if your cool with it, I usually smoke weed in my room, helps keep Wayne off my back about the smell." Eddie says quietly, trying to gage your reaction. "Lead the way good sir" you tease, bowing slightly like he had done to you earlier. Before you know it he scoops you up by the legs and carries you to his room. "You know, its really not nice to tease" he chuckles before setting you down on your feet in the middle of his room. He looks up to see you giggling and blushing at him.
He plops down on his bed and pats the mattress next to him, "come sit." You sit cross legged next to him, knees brushing against his. You watched in awe as his fingers worked delicately to roll a joint on the magazine in his lap. He looks up at you several times and smirks. "You ok over there sweetheart," he teases, eyebrow raised. "I, I'm just, I've never been able to do that," you point at the joint, "and you make it look so easy." You smile at him as he places the joint between his lips to light it.
"Ah well thank you, one of the Munson family names many trademark skills." He says while he inhales a large drag. He reaches forward to pass it to you, but not before quickly brushing some of your hair out of your face, and delicately placing it behind your ear. You look up at him as you exhale, face hot. He takes the joint after your second puff and turns around quickly to find an ashtray. He heard you quietly giggle.
"Whats so funny?" He asks over his shoulder, confused. "You uh.....still have the braid in your hair," you point out, still giggling sweetly. "Oh I know I do." He says as he turns back towards you. "Been wearing this baby with pride all day sweetheart" He confesses confidently as he passes the joint to you again. His eyes catch yours as your fingers touch during the exchange. *its now or never* he thought to himself. He sweetly takes the small remains of the joint from your fingers, stubbing it out carefully before placing the ashtray on his table.
Eddie turns back to you and slowly places one hand on your waist, and the other on the back of your neck, pulling you closer to him. He leans into your lips and whispers "Stop me if I've got the wrong idea here" before slowly pressing his lips into yours. He can feel you wrap your arms around his shoulders, and pulls you in for a deeper, more desperate kiss.
He breaks away from you long enough to quickly remove his jacket and shirt, his pants tightening around his boner as he turns around. You were now sat on the edge of his bed, chest bare, shirt and bra discarded below you. Round beautiful breasts perched delicately onto your body. Eddie swears he was looking at an angel, seeing how the low light of his lamp danced off your porcelain skin.
He was perched over you within seconds, kicking your legs apart to slide closer to you, bending over, kissing you fiercely. You could feel his warm calloused hand grab your breast as his other hand gripped into you hair, pulling your face up at him. You moaned as his fingers circled your nipple and Eddie growled into your mouth. He pulled away from you for a moment. About to speak before you stopped him.
"I want this Eddie, please" you say, panting into his chest. "Thats all I needed to hear princess," he replied, swiftly removing his belt and pants. He saw you start tugging at the hem of your skirt before he stopped you. "Oh no, leave that on baby girl" he says into your neck. A light shiver goes down your spine and your thighs tighten. Eddie notices your reaction and nearly short circuits.
Eddie reaches under your skirt and yanks your tiny, lace panties down your legs. You hear him groan at the sight of them. He tosses them aside and looks up at your face again. Beautiful, blushing, needy, ready....for him. He slightly picks you up and scoots you to a better position on the bed. His hands slowly trace down your body in awe. He'd only ever imagined what your (almost) naked body would look like, and he couldn't believe he was seeing it, touching it. He was in heaven.
He slowly moved his hands up your skirt and saw your pussy for the first time. He swears he died and went to heaven twice in that exact moment. He quickly perches himself above you again. "God you are so beautiful" he cooed, stroking your hair as he lined himself up with your entrance.
He waited for your reassuring nod before slowly pushing himself into you. You both moaned loudly as he bottomed out. He looked into your eyes hungerly, before crashing into your lips, thrusting fast, and deep into you. He was completely pussy drunk the moment he entered your small, tight vagina. He could barely keep from cumming as he felt you flutter around him, the intense feeling around his dick was driving him insane. He grabbed your throat and planted more deep, starved kisses on your lips.
The next 30 minutes were filled with lip biting, back scratching, hair pulling pleasure. Your bodies moved and intertwined with each like two puzzle pieces finding their mate. He slowed and quickened his movements at all the right moments, sending your body overboard with stimulation.
You quickly felt your orgasm rising in your core and you were moaning hopelessly, and loud. Eddie covered your mouth with his hand, shushing you while maintaining his pace. He felt you tighten around him, slickening his dick with cum, and he blew his load inside of you right at that second. He twitched a few times before pulling out of you, arms shaking to keep him up, breath hitched. He collapsed beside you and pulled you close. You laid in his arms for a few minutes while he stroked your hair.
"You know, I think this makes us official" you half joke, cocking your head to look at his reaction. A shit eating grin appears on his face before he springs up. "Uh hey, Munson, I'm sorry" you nervously spit out. He pulls up his boxers before quickly rummaging through a drawer. He grabbed a small torch and turned back to you, smile turning dark as he steps forward.
He slides next to you on the bed, not breaking eye contact. "Eddie?" You ask nervously as he takes off one of his rings. Eyes widening as he pulls up your skirt again slightly. "What, what are you doing?" You finally manage to choke out.
"Making it official." He smirks, lighting the torch near the prominent design of the ring he removed. As the metal turns cherry red he looks over at you, saying calmly "you're gonna want to hold really still sweetheart" stroking your cheek before putting his hand firmly on your back to steady you.
The next thing you felt was white hot metal making contact with your upper thigh. You squealed in pain but Eddies firm hand kept you secure, gently rubbing up your back as he cooed and shushed you. A few seconds later he removed the ring and examined the distinct brand he had left in your skin. He grinned at himself as he looked up at you, eyes a teary and wide. "Are you ok princess" he whispers, wiping your eye. You look down at Eddies brand mark and can't help but smile, "Ya.......Ya Eddie I'm ok" you whisper back at him, kissing his nose. "Thats my girl" he says softly. "Now let me go get you some ice for that" smiling wildly as he shuffled out of the room into the kitchen.
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babblydrabbly · 3 years
Distracted (Peacemaker x Reader) Smut
Pairing(s): Peacemaker x F!Reader; Brief Javelin x Reader
Characters: Peacemaker/Christopher Smith, Amanda Waller, Javelin
Rating: M
Word Count: 3.5k+
Warning(s): Smut, language, mentions of blood/violence. Choking, cream pie, semi-rough sex.
Summary: Out on a Task Force X mission, Peacemaker notices you're acting... different. He generously offers to help with what's distracting you. Asshole.
A/N: What's this? Baby's first Peacemaker fic? Takes place before The Suicide Squad (2021). Metahuman!Reader has super strength/speed abilities. Also, what kind of vanilla name is Chris Smith.
Amanda Waller arched a brow at your perturbed expression.
"My apologies." She droned. "Am I not stimulating you with enough variety, [L/n]?"
You scoffed, folding your arms in deference. It wasn't about that— It was about the deliberately repeated pairings with Christopher Smith. The dynamic that was becoming a pattern. You never would have worked with someone like Peacemaker on the outside. As much as you appreciated the job always getting done with him, you still bumped heads with him too much on the way to the finish line. He was frustratingly serious and flippant at the same time.
You decided to shut your trap before Waller decided she didn't need you anymore.
"You've got one skillset useful to me, [L/n]. I suggest you get used to the prospect of being paired up with Smith on a regular basis— While you're still around."
You nodded when she dismissed you. You had gotten used to it. You were seeing so much of Peacekeeper you were practically partners.
So, you pointedly sat to next the one called Javelin on the helicopter out of Belle Reve, as far away from Smith as possible. You were about to spend over twelve hours with him— It didn't have to start right away. While Colonel Flag gave you all the spiel on the mission, you glanced over and saw Javelin toss you a nod.
"You're Team B," The thrower noted over the whir of the helicopter. "[L/n], yes?"
"Yeah," you said. Your eyes flitted over the muscular squad member. He looked more like a superhero in his light blue and yellow get-up than the rest of you. You personally kept the lower half of your face covered with a black hard shell mask— Your armor from before you were incarcerated (Yes, you've heard the 'Baby Bane' jokes from the others). Even if you had to get used to working with a bunch of weirdos, you could at least conceal your face from them while you did it.
"You move very swiftly." He complimented, and you didn’t know how you were supposed to take that.
"Thanks," You tried, "I like your... weapon of choice?"
Javelin held his namesake in his arms, his legs spread wide to accommodate it as he rested it against his inner thigh. The innuendo normally would have had you rolling your eyes, but today they lingered, and you wondered if he still looked as broad and muscular without the suit on.
You frowned. Without the suit on?
Were you still staring down at his thighs?
You supposed he was a goddamn Olympic athlete at one point. And prison didn't seem to stop him from his regimen. —There it was again. You blinked and looked away, thankful nobody seemed to notice. Javelin seemed content with the brief introduction, so you left it at that.
Okay, so maybe it had been awhile since you...
You reprimanded yourself. These were not recreational outings. As much as you liked feeling free every once in awhile, you were never in a position to consider doing something so stupid. The last few missions were some of the closest calls you had while on the task force, but now that your job today was more about recon, you could at least let your mind wander to the less... imperative things. You crossed your legs at the ankles in front of you and let mind drift for the rest of the trip.
But christ had prison been rough. And a little boring. You didn’t have to think about Javelin moving closer to you for long— Pressing up flush against you— Before you were imagining yourself against a wall— Hell, right here on this bench— hooking your legs around his waist as he thrusted into you. You pictured him going for two, three rounds, that stupid suit lying on the floor with your back on top of it. You pictured him going down on you too, a handful of his wavy blonde hair in your grasp as you pressed your thighs around his ears. You swallowed behind the mask, glad it was there to hide your face.
You get dropped off an isolated point a few klicks outside the target area, the rest of the team traveling further in to handle the bulk of the mission. You lug some extra equipment in a canvas bag— Guns, surveillance tech— already annoyed by the heat.
The heat of the jungle. Definitely not the heat you'd been feeling in the helicopter. You walked a half mile in total silence just trying to focus on the mission again.
"What's got your tactical suit in a twist?" Smith finally uttered as you got to your destination. You almost forgot he had dropped down the rope onto the ground after you. He stood out against the green around you in his obnoxious red shirt and white pants.
"Nothing." You lied, and you could tell from under his helmet that Peacemaker thought you were full of shit today. Great.
You set up inside a small building— An outpost long abandoned. Whatever organization you were taking down for Waller, they clearly had to downsize over the years. You kicked open the metal door, sending it flying off its hinges. Smith entered first, clearing all the rooms before you joined him. Upstairs, you begin setting up the equipment together. Peacemaker started with standing up a rifle by the window, aiming it at the road below.
You fiddled with a tablet; You went downstairs to put a sensor on the door frame and on the rusted gate blocking the road outside. They were supposed to warn you when any vehicles were approaching, but when you came back up, it lost signal. You did this twice; You batted at the little screen, vexed. There were probably signal jammers over at the main compound that could still reach all the way out here. You thought about how Team A was doing— So inevitably, your thoughts drifted back to the damn Javelin guy.
"Jesus!" You snapped. You were grateful when you didn't break the small screen in half with your strength.
"Okay. What the fuck is wrong." Came Peacemaker's voice from across the room. You stood there without turning around. You took a breath, tossed the tablet onto the bag at your feet.
"Nothing is wrong, Smith. Fuck off." You said. You reached up and unclipped your vest. Beneath it, you felt the cool air of the shelter hit your jumpsuit. You tossed the vest on the floor, then turned around. "When are they supposed to get here?"
He quirked a brow, as if proving his point. Since when didn't you remember the mission details? Rather than give him the satisfaction of thinking you were slipping you waved your own question away.
"God, never mind."
He scoffed. You watched him remove his helmet and gloves, setting them down carefully next to his own pack. He'd made his own area across the room from yours, another tablet showing him a view of the road propped up against the wall. Smith took a seat on the floor; The two of you were going to have to play the waiting game now.
In silence. The thought made you pinch the bridge of your nose right above where your mask stopped.
"You know, I've been at Belle Reve for four years now." You finally relented. You leaned back against your wall, folding your arms over your chest.
"Yeah? So?" Smith retorted. You rolled your eyes.
"So," God— You were really confiding in Christopher Smith. That's what it was coming down to. "I haven't had sex in four years. It's... not a big deal— Nothing's wrong. That's just what I was annoyed about earlier, you know? Consider me over it."
"That why you were ogling the Javelin in the copter today?"
Shit. Shit!
You dropped your arms. "You piece of garbage. You saw that?"
"I'm garbage? You're the one sexually harassing our fellow teammates with your eyes."
"I was not sexually— Nope. I'm done. You're ridiculous." You said. You reached down and went back to your tablet, busying yourself with it idly.
Peacemaker did the same. From the corner of your eye, you just knew he was doing it smugly.
"You know," He said after a few minutes, "If that's all you're bitching about, we can just get it over with."
"Excuse me?"
"You and me. Target's not coming in for another six hours, by the way. You don't need that much time do you, 'four-years-dry'?"
You stared at him from across the room. When you didn't reply, Peacemaker set his screen down so damn casually you consider just shooting yourself in the head.
"You're off your game. I'm not going to let you compromise our objective."
You threw your hands up. "There it is. You're like a broken record."
"What? Am I fucking wrong?"
"No, you're fucking crazy."
"Get over here." Smith instructed in a low voice.
The words shot up your spine, sending a very mixed signal to your brain. Directly across from you, Peacemaker was pinning you with an expectant look— One that was clearly a challenge. It pissed you off.
It was the look he used when he said you couldn't rip a guy's spine right out of his back— It dared you. And when you did succeed, you would shoot him an equally smug look in return. Your back and forths were always crass, always a test of who would back down.
You weren't normally so brutal when you worked alone, but something about Peacemaker brought it out of you. Whenever you were paired together, it was like your powers weren't something you had to hold back. They were something he was always prodding you to embrace. The jabs, the snark— It made you want to punch him in the face.
Standing up, you crossed the room. Smith didn't move as you stepped over his legs, as you leaned down to straddle his waiting lap. He simply watched you shift around until you're comfortably seated, your hands resting on his shoulders. He moved to place his own on your thighs but didn't do anything more.
"Well?" You said.
He shrugged, "Your call."
"What am I gonna do? Dry hump you?"
"Hey, if that's what it takes."
You sighed, running a hand through your hair. "Fuck."
Finally, you reached up, unclipping the back of your mask.
"Whoa, wait—" He started, finally reacting to this ridiculous situation, but you already had it off, in your hand.
"I—" He stared at you. You shifted, feeling nervous as you stared back. It occurred to you that you'd never seen him shocked before.
He blinked. "I've never seen your whole face before."
That wasn't true— was it? You tried to think. "What about in Cuba? We camped out for like three days. I had to take it off to eat at least."
"I didn't look."
"You didn't look."
"I don't fucking know! You wear that fucking thing everywhere. When you took it off to eat I assumed you didn't want me looking."
"Wow. How courteous."
"Fuck you."
"Well, isn't that what we're doing here?" You said, putting your hands on your hips stubbornly. Smith's were still resting on your splayed thighs.
"I can't wear this when we— How am I supposed to...?"
He snorted softly, "Don't tell me you're a romantic, [L/n]."
Nothing about this seemed romantic. Least of all with him. Still, if you were going to take the opportunity, you were going to do it your way. You looked him over.
He had a few tufts sticking out from wearing his damn helmet earlier. You reached up and brushed some of it back into place at his temple first. Smith blinked up at you, his brows pinching together.
"This okay?" You heard yourself asking him. He eventually nodded once, watching you as you placed your palm on the side of his face. Finally, you leaned down and caught his lips with yours in a long kiss. You squeezed your eyes shut, not wanting to know his reaction.
But you felt him return it. Slowly at first— Then he was kissing you back. You moaned somewhere in the back of your throat as he ran his large hands up and down your legs, his fingers folding to grip your ass tightly. You were already reacting, already so touched starved. His lips parted, and you felt him swipe his tongue across your bottom lip, over the front of your teeth. You opened for him, your tongue darting out to meet his hungrily.
You tugged at the front of his uniform. Without a word he reached down to pull it up over his head, the fabric dropping off somewhere beside you. You glanced down at his bare chest. You ran your hands over it, dragged your nails down his pecs experimentally. When you looked back up he was still watching you.
Your mouths crashed to meet again, this time with a fervor that threatened to split your bottom lip with every bruising kiss. You felt his hands on you again, pressing into your sides, your waist. He didn't move to take off your clothes, so you drew your hands to your own chest, pulled the zipper of your suit all the way down to your stomach.
He took the invitation, and you gasped when he roughly reaches in and cups a hand around your breast; He kneaded it, brushing his thumb over your nipple. His other hand worked at your shoulder, yanking the rest of your suit off of you. You reached back and tugged the sleeves off, finally exposing your upper body.
You felt the clasp at your back come undone, and Smith was tearing your bra off next. A muscular arm came around to scoop you up by the waist, bringing your chest closer to him. He leaned down, took one of your nipples into his mouth.
"Smith—" He bit you roughly, and it sent a shock of electricity up you. He palmed your other breast again, tweaked at your nipple until your back was arching into his touch. You squeezed your thighs around him.
Then he was back in your face again, bruising a kiss against your lips as you took a breath. Your eyes flew open when you felt the press of his fingers to your mouth. You shot a look at him, but didn't object when he pushed his index and middle fingers past your lips. You sucked them hungrily, your eyes fluttering shut again.
"Fuck," Peacemaker murmured, feeling your tongue swirl around the digits. You slurped sloppily until they were soaked, until he was pulling them back out with a light pop. He brought his hand down to the base of your suit, where the zipper stopped just above your pelvis. A pair of black panties peaked out from the V shape there, the same shade and material as your bra. You gasped when Smith finally pushed down past the layer of cotton, gripped his bare shoulders when you felt his wet fingers dip right into your cunt.
"Fuck," He said again, because you didn't need any help down there. "You're so fucking wet."
You expected to feel humiliation— To hear a joke about how it really had been while. But all you felt were his warm, thick fingers; He ran them up and down your slit, pressed them in small circles around the peak of you a few times. You cursed, your head falling back. Smith leaned up to kiss your throat, teeth dragging across the base of your collarbone. He bit you some more, daring to take your meta-human skin between his teeth. You cried out, your arm reaching to wrap around his head in pleasure.
Smith slid his fingers up into your pussy. He crooked them, scissoring them inside you. Your hips bucked, unable to resist meeting his short thrusts. You felt him grin against your neck. "Damn, baby."
"Shut up." You whispered, letting your hips rolling down to fuck yourself on his fingers some more. When he slipped in a third you moan loudly.
"Fuck! Fuck me." You demanded, yanking the short hair at the back of his head. A groan left Smith's lips, his head jerking back. Quickly, he removed his hand from your suit, pulling the rest of your clothes further down your waist. You lifted yourself off him, but Smith didn't wait. He picked you up and lifted you both off the floor. You grabbed at him as he laid you down on your back, his body between your legs. Then he was ripping off the last of your suit, tearing your boots off.
"Watch it," You snapped— If he fucking ripped anything you—
"Oh please." He huffed, and your thoughts stopped in their tracks as you watched him lean back on his knees above you, undoing his white pants. His cock sprang free from a pair of just as white underwear, his arousal already thick and ready. You stopped yourself from expressing how the sight of him made you even wetter.
He took a moment to drink in your face, a hint of that smug smirk forming. You growled, pulling him down by the neck again before he ruined the moment with speaking. Smith caught your lips again, his hand running down your naked body. He gripped one of your legs and nudges them apart, planting his knees between you.
Despite his earlier preparation, it was nothing compared to the feeling of his cock pushing inside you. You groaned as he entered you, your walls stretching around his length. Your back arched as you took him in, eyes rolling a little into the back of your head.
"Fuck— Chris—" You shuttered. His hands squeezed your thighs at the sound of his name leaving you. You heard his breath shake, his hips remaining utterly still as you got used to the size of him. Opening your eyes, you looked up to see him waiting for you; You nodded once, another moaning already escaping in anticipation.
It was like a brick wall knocking into you. Smith didn't hold back as he began fucking you— Knew you could take it— what with your powers and all. The idea seemed to drive him, and he began hammering into you, his hands moving to bracket your hips so he could fuck you better. Faster. Your legs wrapped around his waist.
Fuck— You couldn't think. You arched up off of the floor as you rolled your hips to meet Smith's. It felt like he could keep up this pace forever the way he wasn't stopping. Your breathing turned to panting, a high whine escaping you when he shifts just right— he picked you up again. You arched up into his arms, holding yourself up from around his neck as he fucked up into your soaking cunt. You bounced on his cock, a sheen of sweat blooming across your skin.
When you opened your eyes, Smith was still watching you intently— witnessing every little expression on your face while he fucked you. You could hardly discern what he was thinking. All you could focus on was him ramming you, the feeling of his cock hitting and stretching you out.
“Choke me.” He said, and you have just enough wherewithal to oblige. You wrapped your hand around his throat, pressing firmly on either side. You felt the tightness of his skin shifting under your touch. His pulse beat a fast rhythm in time with his rough thrusts. The strength of your grip was a little vice tipping Smith over the edge.
The look on his face, his eyes closed as he tried to control his breathing sends a jolt up you. You used your other hand to slip two fingers down between your folds. They found your clit, making quick work of bringing you to close to climaxing. You shuttered as you felt the tight coil of it building. Finally, with a cry you were coming, squeezing your legs around him as your hips rolling through every wave of it. Smith groaned, picking up the pace, fucking you through your orgasm until your walls were fluttering from the unrelenting stimulation.
“Going to—“ He warned, and you squeezed the hand around his throat harder, making his eyes roll up. You whimpered as you feel the hot spurt of him fill you, his hips finally locking as he pumped you with his cum.
You both took a moment to catch your breath, your hand releasing from Smith’s neck so he could take in a long gasp. His skin was reddened along his throat and chest. You saw the beginnings of your handprint bruising around his Adam's apple, your fingers a mark on his skin. You hung onto him like that, your arms back around his shoulders for balance.
“Fuck.” You finally said. Out of habit, you checked your watch to assess where you were on the mission. He took your chin in his hand, drawing your eyes back up to him. You saw that his hair had fallen back into his eyes, his face glistening with sweat.
“I’m not done with you.” He said. It sent a shiver through you. You felt your walls flutter again, some of his cum leaking out with his half-hard cock still firm inside you. You gasped as he pulled you off of him, guiding you down until you were turning around on all fours on the floor. You glanced over your shoulder, already craving the feeling of him filling you up with his cock again.
And fuck it, you two do take the whole six hours.
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nastybuckybarnes · 4 years
Training Wheels  -  One
Pairing: Dark!Step-Brother!Steve Rogers X Innocent!Reader
Summary: Your stepbrother would do anything for you. And he’s more than happy to prove that over and over and over again until you believe him. No matter what it takes. 
Warnings: Language, Sexual Harassment, Smut, Manipulation, Loss of Virginity, Sex between Step-siblings, bit of a size kink, 
Word Count: 3.7K
A/n: I have many parts of this planned but not written, and the taglist is open. Also, incase y’all forgot: I don’t talk politics on my blog. I’ve made it clear where I stand on certain things already and I want to keep my blog as an escape from reality for myself and others. 
A/n 2: I’m fucking tired so I’ll reply to asks and stuff probably tomorrow
“Hey, did (Y/n) get a new skirt?” At the sound of your name being mentioned, Steve snaps his head up, following his best friend’s gaze until it finally lands on you.
You’re walking across the campus courtyard towards the two of them, a smile on your face as you talk animatedly with Natasha and Wanda.
Sure enough, a new mini skirt is decorating your pretty legs. It flows with the breeze, almost getting blown up enough to see your panties.
“Jesus, that kid’s got some legs,” Bucky says, eyes roaming over your figure. Steve shoves his friend’s shoulder, giving him a hard glare.
“That’s my fucking sister you’re talking about. What would Nat think if she heard that?” Bucky rolls his eyes, grinning as his favourite redhead blows him a kiss.
“God, what I wouldn’t do to have those legs wrapped around my head.” You shudder in disgust, yelping as a hard hand comes down on your ass.
“Hey!” You exclaim, turning around and covering your butt while looking at the man.
“C’mon sweetheart. What’d you expect when you’re dressed like that?”
Steve’s on his feet, rushing over to you as you glare at your assailant.
“Maybe some fucking decency?! Leave me alone! I’m not a fucking object, dick-wad.”
“Rumlow!” Upon hearing your step-brother’s voice, Rumlow takes a step back.
“C’mon Rogers! There’s no harm in playful flirting. You of all people should know that.” Steve glares at him, his arm coming protectively over your shoulders, pulling you against his side and further away from the man.
“Yeah, but there’s shit wrong with touching people when they don’t want to be fucking touched.” Brock rolls his eyes and saunters away, shooting you a wink over his shoulder.
“I had it handled,” you grumble, walking with Steve’s arm over your shoulders towards the tree where he and Bucky were sitting.
“Yeah, really looked like it. A ‘thank you’ would be nice.” You roll your eyes and glare up at your step-brother.
“How do you expect me to defend myself if you jump in all the time?”
He shakes his head, a soft look on his face that has you dropping your guard for a moment.
“As long as I’m around, you shouldn’t have to defend yourself. That’s what I’m here for. I’m always gonna have your back, bunny. No matter what.” You smile at him, your heart warming at his words before Nat gets your attention.
You sit down next to her, Steve next to you with his arm still over your shoulders.
You and Wanda are quickly engaged in another conversation and Steve finds himself staring at you, a small smile on your face.
“You’re drooling, Steve,” Nat whispers, toes nudging his thigh. He glances over at the redhead and flips her off.
“C’mon. We should get going. I wanna beat the rush.” You nod at Steve, grabbing your bag and bidding your friends goodbye.
Bucky gives Steve a knowing look and the blond glares at his friend.
The two of you make your way to the parking lot together, him asking you about your day and you launching into a detailed description of everything you did.
As you’re heading to his car you pass by Brock and his group of friends. You quiet down immediately, slouching in on yourself.
Steve glares at the guys, his arm coming protectively around your waist as they ogle you.
You let out a big breath when you’re sitting in Steve’s car, groaning at the fact that you were harassed today.
“Why are guys stupid?” You ask, looking over at your step-brother as he starts driving.
“I wish I knew. You just gotta get lucky and find someone who’s mature and has respect for women, not a douchebag like Rumlow.” You nod, kicking your shoes off and putting your feet up on the dashboard.
“Hey, feet down.” You look over at him and stick your tongue out, keeping your feet up and wiggling your toes.
“What are you gonna do? You gonna make me?” He glances at you out of the corner of his eye and then one of his hands is on your thigh, squeezing the flesh hard and making you squirm, laughter bubbling out of you.
“Stop!” He doesn’t. If anything, it spurs him on and he tickles your thigh more.
“Feet down!” He shouts playfully, loving the sound of your laughter.
“Okay fine!” You finally pull your feet down and he smiles, fingers splaying on your bare thigh. He keeps his hand there for the rest of the drive, blood slowly moving south as he realizes what he's doing and the fact that you haven’t said anything about it.
It feels nice to have his hand on you. You hate that you like it but you do.
When you finally get home, your mom and his dad are pulling out of the driveway.
Steve rolls down his window and you unbuckle your seatbelt, climbing over his lap to stick your head out the window. Steve hits the brakes harder than intended and you fall forward, one hand bracing yourself on his thigh while your skirt flies up, your ass on full display.
“Jesus, Steve. You trying to kill me?” You ask before turning to the window.
“Where are you guys going?” You ask, confused. Your mom raises her eyebrows. “We’ve only been talking about our trip to Vegas for the past four months! We talked about it this morning too!” Realization hits you and you giggle. “Sorry! I hope you guys have fun! But not too much fun. One step-sibling is enough, I don’t need any more.” Steve’s dad laughs, shaking his head at you.
“You kids behave. Don’t throw any parties or anything. The neighbours know we’re gone so if you do anything we’ll know.”
“I don’t have enough friends to throw a party anyway. And Steve is a social outcast so you don’t need to worry about him.” Your mother gives you a look and you raise your eyebrows innocently.
“Be nice to your brother. We’ve gotta get going before we miss our flight. But I’ll talk to you when we land."
They start pulling away again and you stick your head further out the window, kneeling between Steve’s legs as he grabs your waist.
“He’s my Stepbrother!”
They drive off, your mom waving until they’re out of sight, and you sigh, climbing back into the car and looking at Steve.
His hands are still on your waist and he’s got a soft look in his eyes.
“Steve?” He hums, clenching his jaw as you shift on his lap to get comfortable, your thighs spreading as you straddle him.
“Do you think your dad’s gonna get my mom pregnant?” He groans, closing his eyes and shaking his head.
“God no. I don’t even wanna think about that but even if they... you know... my dad got a vasectomy a while ago.” You nod, hands on his shoulders as you purse your lips.
His eyes are focused so intently on them that he doesn’t notice when you open the door.
“First person inside picks dinner! Loser has to pay!” You jump out of the car and sprint inside, leaving Steve stunned and horny in his car.
The two of you sit on the couch watching movies, Steve with his arm thrown over the back of the couch.
“Hey Steve... can I ask you something?” He looks over at you, nodding and waiting for you to ask whatever’s on your mind.
“Is... do... does...” You groan, shaking your head, beyond embarrassed with yourself.
“C’mon bunny. You can ask me anything and I won’t judge you. You know that.” One of his hands comes to your knee, rubbing gently.
You nod, taking a deep breath before speaking.
“Do guys actually prefer when a girl is experienced? Does it... does it matter to them?” Whatever he thought you were going to ask... it certainly wasn’t this.
He raises his eyebrows and blows a breath out through his mouth.
“Some guys, yeah. I mean, it puts a lot of pressure on them to make sure your first time is good. Which is hard cause each girl cums differently and finds different things good so it’s hard to tell. Some guys like virgins but I think a lot like it if they aren’t a girl’s first just so they don’t have to live up to whatever expectations she may have.” He’s being honest with you and you value that, but it doesn’t exactly make you feel better about your situation.
You sit up and turn to him fully, a frown on your face.
“How do I find someone who’s willing to be my first so I can get it out of the way?” He inhales deeply, trying to take advantage of the situation in a way that won’t clue you into his true intentions. He wants you, but he wants you to think that he’s just helping you.
“You’ve gotta find someone you trust to do something like that, bunny. Someone who’s gonna be gentle with you because it’s gonna hurt a bit.” You frown, scooting closer and leaning your head against his shoulder.
“Where am I supposed to find someone who’s gonna be gentle with me like that? The only guys who even look at me are gross guys like Brock and I don't want someone like him to touch me.”
He brings one hand up to your head, smoothing your hair away from your face.
“I mean... I think I could find someone who would be willing to help you out. Show you the ropes just so you’re not totally inexperienced,” he murmurs, eyes focused on you as you look up at him slowly.
“Who?” His eyes flash down to your lips then back up to your eyes and you inhale sharply, realizing what he’s implying.
He doesn’t give you a second to object before he leans down and presses his lips against yours, making you gasp. He takes advantage of your parted lips and lets his tongue explore your mouth.
It takes a moment but you give in, kissing him back. One of your hands finds his hair, fingers tangling in the blond strands.
He shifts onto his side for a moment, hand grabbing your waist and pulling you forward until you’re straddling his lap.
The ball is in your court and you know you should stop but it feels so right. It’s something so unlike anything you’ve ever felt before and you wanna see where it will go. How it’ll feel to be touched by a man.
You finally pull away, panting hard with your eyes closed.
His hands grip your hips tightly and rock you forward, making you gasp as his hard length rubs against you through the material of your sweatpants.
“Steve wait,” you murmur, head falling back as he attacks your neck with kisses.
“Lemme teach you, Bunny. I’ll take good care of you, show you how it feels to be fucked properly. Please. I don’t wanna see you getting hurt by a guy who doesn’t care about your feelings. I’ll treat you so nice, Bunny, I swear.” His sweet words and the way he feels underneath you is enough to have you nodding.
He grins, one hand wrapping around your back as he quickly flips you onto your back. You gasp, arms wrapping around his shoulders to pull you tight against him.
He grinds against you for a moment longer before slowly pressing kisses down your neck and chest. He pulls away for a moment, just long enough to tear your shirt clean off your body, your bra following soon after.
His mouth kisses your breasts, giving each nipple far more attention than you thought he would. Your fingers are tangled in his hair, lips parted and heavy breaths falling from your mouth as a new type of pleasure builds inside of you.
“You like that?” He asks, eyes dark as he gazes up at you. You nod, bottom lip tucked between your teeth as he uses his thumb and index finger to tweak at your other nipple.
“Steve,” you whisper, arching your back and pushing your chest against his face. His kisses slowly move further down your body, lips leaving a wet trail over your stomach and past your navel.
His eyes are locked on yours as his fingers tug at the waistband of your sweatpants.
You raise your hips without hesitation, nervous but excited.
He’s your step-brother, and it’s wrong, but he’s so sweet to you. If there was one person on the planet who you trust to take your virginity and teach you about sex it’s him.
Your eyes fall closed, partly out of embarrassment as he lays between your naked legs, eyes on your centre.
He hoists your legs over his shoulders and, after making sure you’re eyes are closed, grabs your discarded panties and presses them to his nose. He takes a long inhale and groans, intoxicated by the scent of you.
He tucks them into his pocket then reaches over your hips.
His thumbs spread your folds and you want to close your legs, but he makes it impossible. His tongue darts out and licks a thick stripe from your entrance to your clit.
The sensation makes you jolt and Steve chuckles softly.
“Tell me what you like, Bunny. It won’t offend me. I wanna make you feel good.” You nod, grinding your teeth together and trying to clear the thoughts from your mind and focus on what he’s doing.
He finds your clit surprisingly easily, and you moan when he focuses his tongue on it.
“J-just like that... please...” He complies, working his tongue over the little bundle of nerves while two of his fingers slowly press into your heat.
You groan at the feeling, it being unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. His fingers fill you up more than ever, and he works them inside of you until he hits a spot that has you jolting up, right hand grabbing a handful of his hair.
“Oh fuck,” you whimper, eyes screwed shut as he massages that spot inside of you.
It’s all too much, and in a few moments, you’re cumming all over his face and his fingers.
“Holy fuck. Holy fuck. Oh my god.” Steve’s eyes find your face and he nearly cums in his pants.
The look of pure pleasure on your features is something he wishes he could take a picture of.
You look so fucking pretty when you cum.
He gently works you through your orgasm, pulling away only when your thighs start trembling. You open your eyes after a few more moments only to find him seated between your legs, pink lips glistening as he sucks your nectar off of his fingers.
“Holy fuck,” you repeat, one hand coming to your chest as you slowly catch your breath.
He chuckles softly, leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss to your lips.
“C’mon. M’gonna fuck you on a bed, not on a couch.” He scoops you up in his arms and you wrap your legs around his waist, arms tightly wound around his neck as he carries you up the stairs to his bedroom.
It’s wrong. So fucking wrong, but it feels so good and you trust him so much.
You’re carefully laid on your back on his bed, the blankets cool against your hot skin. Steve kneels between your legs, hands resting on your hips while his eyes devour this image.
You bring your hands up to cover your chest, feeling nervous about being naked beneath him, but he shakes his head and gently takes your hands.
“Don’t hide from me, Bunny. You’re beautiful. Any man who gets to see you like this... is a fucking lucky one.” His eyes trace over your body, his words having lit a fire in his gut.
No other man is ever going to see you like this. He’ll make sure of that.
“C-can you take your clothes off? Please? I feel...” you trail off, embarrassed of both your nudity and your request.
“Of course, Bunny.” He leans back on his haunches and pulls his shirt over his head, giving you a glorious view of his rippling muscles.
Your stepbrother has an amazing body. That much you learned the very first time he took his shirt off to go swimming with you.
He climbs off the bed for a moment, just long enough to kick off his sweatpants and his boxers, and then he’s between your legs again.
You inhale sharply when your eyes find his cock, fear and arousal filling you.
“A-am I... do you want me to...” Your eyes don’t leave his length and he chuckles, one of his hands moving down to slowly stroke himself.
“I just want you to lay back and feel good, okay? It’s gonna hurt a bit, but you gotta relax. I’ll go slow.” You nod, hands instinctively coming to his shoulders as he scoots closer.
“If you’re really curious, I’ll teach you how to give head another day. But today is all about this.” The hot tip presses against your folds and you jump, wide eyes staring up at your step-brother.
“Now, when anyone else ever fucks you, make sure they wear a condom. But for your first time, I want you to get the full experience. It’ll feel better for you this way.” You nod, gripping his strong shoulders tightly as he leans down, hands pressing into the mattress on either side of your torso.
He slides his cock through your folds, watching intently as your eyelids drop and your mouth falls open.
“Feels nice, Bunny? Nice and warm?” You nod, a whimper falling from your lips as his cock rubs against your swollen clit.
He pulls back after a moment more to align himself, then slowly pushes his cock into you.
Your face scrunches up in pain and he stops immediately, pulling back and leaning down until his face is above your heat.
You hear him spit a moment before you feel the liquid splatter against you. He does it a few times and you feel slightly mortified.
“Don’t be shy, Bunny. I just gotta make sure you’re nice and wet. It’ll stop it from hurting as much.” You nod, keeping your eyes closed as he hovers over you again.
This time when he pushes in it doesn’t hurt nearly as much.
He pushes in slowly, his eyes focused on your face as he meets the band of resistance he was waiting for. He slowly pushes further, frowning when you wince and inhale sharply.
He doesn’t want to hurt you, but he has to.
When he’s finally bottomed out inside of you, you let out a big breath.
“Look, Bunny.” You open your eyes and follow his gaze down to where the two of you are connected, your pussy fluttering around him at the sight.
He’s fully sheathed inside of you, and your lower abdomen bulges slightly because of it.
“You’ve got all of my big cock in you. Your pretty pussy is taking me like a champ.” You stare down at where his cock disappears inside of you, a gasp falling from your lips when he pulls out a few inches, only to push it right back in.
“Once I start moving it’ll feel better. Whenever you’re ready, let me know.” You nod, closing your eyes and basking in the feeling of fulness. It’s like you’re finally getting something you didn’t know you needed.
He feels so hot and heavy inside of you, you want to keep him exactly where he is forever.
After a few more moments of adjusting to the intrusion, you open your eyes and lift one hand to cup his jaw.
His eyes snap to yours, a soft admiration clouding his beautiful blues.
You pucker your lips and he smiles, dropping his head and pressing a soft kiss to your lips while slowly starting to thrust.
His pace is slow and steady, pulling out nearly all the way then slowly pushing back in, each thrust stretching your walls further than the last.
“Fuck... you’re so fucking tight... feel so good, bunny.” Your nails dig into his shoulders as he gradually speeds up, each drag against your walls bringing you a type of pleasure you’ve only dreamed of.
“S-steve... feels... feels nice... so big...” You’re hardly making any sense but you speak anyway, toes curling as he speeds up even more.
His lips find your throat and you whine loudly, nails raking down his back.
“M’gonna go harder and faster, okay Bunny? You ready?” You nod, mouth dropping open as he hammers his hips forward, cock hitting places inside of you that make you see stars.
The noises coming from you nearly have him cumming hard, but he grinds his teeth together. He’s determined to make you cum first.
One of his hands darts between your legs, finding your clit and rubbing circles on it.
Your back arches hard, chest pressed tight against his as your eyes roll back into your head, an orgasm racing down your spine and exploding in your stomach.
Every nerve in your body is on fire, stars dance behind your eyes, and your cunt clamps down hard on Steve's cock.
The blond groans lowly, eyes squeezed shut as he falls into his own climax.
He fills you, white painting your walls and warming you from the inside.
The two of you stay like that, you trembling on the bed and Steve slowly starting to shake above you as his muscles threaten to give out.
After a moment he rolls onto his side, pulling you close to him to keep his cock locked inside of you.
His fingers trace along your spine, rubbing up and down so gently that it nearly lulls you to sleep.
“Fucking hell, bunny.” He presses his lips against your forehead, beyond satisfied with what just happened. You hum softly, nuzzling deeper against his chest.
He kicks the blankets up until they’re around his knees then pulls them up to cover the two of you.
You’re snuggled up against him, one of your legs tossed over his hip as his cock sits nice and snug inside of you.
“Thank you, Steve.” He’s quiet for a moment before hugging you tightly.
“Anything for you, Bunny.”
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wholesomeivygreen · 3 years
Sukuna never had a problem getting himself off. He had multiple people to pleasure him ofcourse. It was always one needy whore after another, girl or boy, man or woman. They all wanted to be beside him and praise him.
All untill you. You and your innocent little joy of life.
The day he saw you he was raptured by your sweet smile and blinding beauty. Ofcourse sukuna being the king of curses wanted a taste of you and he knew that once you got a taste of him, you would be on your knees ready to serve him, or so he thought.
To lure you in he disguised himself as a commoner. As much as he hated it that was the only way he could get you to sleep with him. And so there he was standing in front of you- hand in hand...and in a date? He didnt quite understand the concept of dating. It was bizzare and quite complex.. I mean why spend time talking about interests and giving information about oneself that can be used in battles when you could indulge in worldly pleasures lusting over him.
But when he stood there, next to your smiling figure that was failing to get the toy out of the mysterious box of gifts and treasures or as you called it a claw crane.
He didn't understand how small things like those could excite you, he knew he could get you better toys, gifts unfathomable to human kind. Gifts and treasures that only the richest-
"Hehe look isnt this one adorable" you swirled your arm into his pulling him close to hear your heavenly laughter more clearly making him twinge with goosebumps.
As you continued to adore the little ball of cotton he made it his mission to buy the biggest toy there was. Huffing his chest when making the promise only to find you laughing and telling him that it was late and you both needed to catch the last bus.
Scoffing he agreed but somehow the walk back to the station made his way with talks and taunts that somehow made the curse laugh with genuine joy and peace.
Sometimes he found himself smiling and bit too fondly and having to remind himself that he was the kind of curses, devil reincarnated, a powerful curse who once ravaged the earth making thousands tremble-
Disturbed from his thoughts you pulled him down to land the lightest kiss on his cheekbone making him stare at you in wonder.
"Good night sukuna" ofcourse he told you his name....well he wanted to tell you his actual form too but after tonight...god what if he would scare you? What if you didnt want to be with him...wait be with him? Why would he be worried if you wanted to be with him or not?
Laughing he questioned his thoughts making him talk to himself in the dark way back home
'Yea right. Me the powerful sukuna..wanting a woman like her to be with me' what rubbish he thought while having the slightest tinge of red coat his ears.
As a couple weeks went by you both got closer and closer. The more you grew closer you more flustered you got, and ofcourse he wouldnt miss any tiny detail. Everytime he did something to mess with you he would await to see your lovely flustered reaction.
When he would lean down to brush his lips on yours ever so slightly teasing every inch of your tiny self he found himself filled with eagerness and desperation to get closer and make you his. But oh dear god the way you would whimper and sound off his reactions sending blood straight to his dick.
When he found out you reacted like that, whimpering and trembling at his arms sensitive to his touch he found himself repeating it over and over again.
Only to break apart one day and found himself pinning you to the floor as he floated on top of you lips inches apart, eyes fumbling between his and his lips as though signaling to wanting more.
"You look so fucking pretty like this" he said cupping your tiny face with his big hand bringing it closer to a heated kiss, tongue swirling into your own only making you groan into the kiss. With every sound you made, every trace of your small fingers on his body he only was tempted more, tempted to rip off every piece of clothing your body dared to hold.
He wanted to leave marks all over your body, emotion of jealousy and possessiveness taking over him as he left dark red kisses onto your soft skin.
When he raised his head he found you looking at him with a shock.
"Wha- who are you?"
Confusion evidenton his face he jerked back "Huh doll what are you talking about? I'm sukuna"
"No..sukuna doesnt look like this" you said backing off to a corner and as he noted his tatto on his wrists he realised, he changed back to his form. A form he grew when in lust or holding a desire to monopolize something.
"Sweetheart. It's me.. I was just-" he knew no words put together would explain who he was and the grew a bit angry when he saw your face holding disgust or so he thought.
Huffing he sat down explaining the most he could. Leaving out parts where he would continue on another day but today he needed you, he needed to feel you, to hear your sweet sultry voice begging him to make you cum.
To his shock you werent afraid, hurting he didnt tell you before this but as you scoped closer cupping his face clearly way too big for your tiny hand
"I just wish youd told me sooner. I dont care where you're from and what you did. As long as we are together I dont want to worry about that."
Sukuna never knew words could turn him on the way it did right now. Pouncing on you continuing where he left off he was quick to remove all your clothing.
As he removed his he noted the way you stared into his chest eyeing his every feature. As though you wanted to eat him up. As he removed his underwear your mouth fell wide.
There was no way that would fit you. No way
As though he could read your mind he came to kiss you deeply
"Dont worry brat, I'll make sure to stretch you wide enough to take me. Hmm? I know my princess will do that for me wont ya?" Nodding he smacked one hand on your cunt he trailed his fingers that were so big you worried about them fitting too.
As he rubbed circles on your clit enjoying every sound that poured out from your sweet lips. As he traced the lining of your dripping pussy he collected some of your juices in his fingers before bringing them to his mouth sucking on them
"Fuck you taste so good. Cant wait to fill you with my cum."
With the end of that sentence he entered your tight hole. Fingering you slowly at first so you got used to his huge fingers. He pumped you in and out observing every twitch and shiver you showed. He sucked onto one of your breasts and the other hand rubbed deep circles on your clit and massaged your folds.
The way he fingered you were sinful, every turn and pull making you moan in delight. As he swirled his index and pointing finger to pump more juices from your dripping cunt he came down to suck on your sensitive clit flicking it with his tongue. He continued his ministrations ramming his fingers into your twitching hole.
He was observant, learning your every reaction as he curled up his fingers to reach a spot so sensitive earning a Yelp and you scurrying away from his touch only for him to pull you back with his nails digging into the soft of your thighs. Kissing you thighs biting the inner side of them.
"Did I tell you could move away from my touch brat? The next time you scurry away and I wont let you cum. Okay? and be a good little whore and lemme stretch you" his words leaving a harsh warning into your brain you knew not to move. Rather you pushed your hips to match his pace as he fingered you to your orgasm.
As you felt a gush of water on your inner thighs you were left heaving and trying to make sense of reality when he came forward lining himself towards your entrance collecting the juices your dripping pussy let out.
"Hmm..and what should I do next princess?? Hmm?"
"Please- I.. want you in me" you said nervously fidgeting with you arms as you let you arms hang on his broad shoulders. He kissed the side of your ears whispering in an octave deeper than usual
"Want what?" He teasing and licking your ears, he knew it was your sensitive spot
"I want your huge cock. Please sukuna"
"Say it clearly brat" he said slapping your boobs before sucking and nibbling your tip
"I want ...want your big dick in me.. please sukuna"
"That's it..that's all I wanted to hear my sweet whore"
As words left your mouth you felt a stretch in your tiny pussy earning a groan from the great king himself before sinking in to reach the deepest part of you that no one ever could
"Fuck you're so fucking tight" he said ramming himself into you obliterating your sweet cunt. His thrusts never slowed down only growing stronger and a tad bit faster so that you were getting accustomed to him. The stretch was so much, too much for you to handle as you felt tears spilling from your reddened cheeks you held onto him hoping you make it out out this alive because the way he was making a mess out of you you werent sure.
He continued and on noticing your tears he kissed your cheeks and lips asking if you were okay. The great king reduced to asking whether you were okay or not..times had truly changed
"Go- go a bit slower.. you're...to..too big unnhhh" you said leaving nail marks on his back earning a hiss from him and that sentence just drove him over the cliff.
Realization hit and he slowed down not so much just a bit so that his arms were on either side of you, mouth kissing your cry of pleasure away.
Soon his arms held your waist in a way to slightly hold you up and he angled himself to curve himself into you. You gasped into the air, breath leaving your lungs for a second as he smirked with the power that only he had. To make such a face out of you.
Hair messed up, body sweating and mouth left gaping open for him to steal open mouthed kisses anytime he wants. As he pulled you closer every inch of his dick now entering your tight cunny you felt your stomach bulging a bit and on looking down you found a bump of his tip. Smirking he massaged the area
"Is my dick too big for you tight cunny hm?" He said but the sight of you fucked up like this only drove him nuts making him turn your insides violently making you scream.
"Yes..you're so big. So fucking biggg...fuck su...I'm.. I'm so.."
Circling your sensitive clit he groaned into the sensation of you tightening on him "I know princess. Fuck I'm close too"
As you felt white run out you jerked your hips to match his brutal pace whimpering about how big he was and how hes ruining you.
With every thrust he grew closer to his unbecoming as he let out white strings of hot cum into your tight sweet cunny.
The sight etched into his memory, you laid out in front of him bare and vulnerable with dark marks all over your body, cunt leaking out his cum and sheets soaked with both your fluids.
This was a sight he would never forget as he laid next to you bringing you on top of him you rubbed circles on his tattooed chest admiring his chiseled body.
He brought your face up to kiss him sweetly, as though he was scared he would break you.
You fell into a deep slumber while the curse stayed awake..wondering what to be done of his new pet.
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h34rtizuku · 3 years
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༺♡༻ if ur under 18, dni ✧ luv u tho
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୨୧ izuku is a pro hero with a 6 year old kid and it’s not mf easy
୨୧ while he’s at work, inko will watch over the child but he feels bad for putting all that burden on her so he decides to hire a nanny
୨୧ while he’s at work, inko will watch over the child but he feels bad for putting all that burden on her so he decides to hire a nanny
୨୧ while he’s at work, inko will watch over the child but he feels bad for putting all that burden on her so he decides to hire a nanny
୨୧ you're not too big on kids but you're good with them and that he experiences first hand ~
୨୧ he’s at the store one weekend with kiddo and he’s in the chip aisle looking for which type he wants to get
୨୧ mumbling to himself about which type he’s craving now but what if that craving changes later and he wants a different flavor instead
୨୧ he lets go of the little one’s hand for a split second to get the bag off the shelf and once the grocery is in his arms he turns to his side to grab the little one’s hand once more, only to find him not there
୨୧ he looks up and down the aisle - no kid
୨୧ he goes to the neighboring aisles - not there
୨୧ he goes all around the store, nervously sweating, muttering insults to himself that he lost his only kid - how stupid and unfit of a parent he was
୨୧ until he comes upon an aisle and hears the sniffles of a small child the child took a bit after him when he was a kid, a bit of a crybaby
୨୧ but he sees you
୨୧ calmly reassuring the child, patting his back, telling him to calm down and not to worry that you’ll go look for his father together
୨୧ he doesn’t know why but the sight tugs at his heart, there is something so pure and natural about how you are treating his child
୨୧ but he’s breaking up the sweet moment with a call of his child’s name causing the little boy to turn around and rush into izuku’s large warm arms
୨୧ you’re standing there a little shocked because omg that’s pro hero deku in the mf flesh
୨୧ but you're also happy that the lost boy has been reunited with his father
୨୧ you're about to walk off with a smile when he stops you
୨୧ he thanks you profusely for your help and you’re shyly like ‘it’s no biggie’ with blushed cheeks
୨୧ he asks if he can properly thank you and you’re like dude it’s really no problem
୨୧ he really is thankful but there is also something deep inside him that doesn’t quite want to let you go
୨୧ so he’s like let me buy your groceries and take you out for coffee
୨୧ and you’re about to refuse but you’re a poor college student so getting this weeks groceries for free was one thing
୨୧ but also how are you gonna pass up having coffee with the number one hero and his cute little mini-me ???
୨୧ so yall are at a cute lil cafe where he learns that you're a college student and looking for a partime job over the summer
୨୧ he’s like, you know what, why don’t i hire you as my nanny
୨୧ you’re like i’m not sure, i’m not really a kid person
୨୧ he’s like, i saw you with him, you’ll be just fine - besides he’s a good kid, he just needs someone to watch over him and feed him
୨୧ also i pay really well
୨୧ so you’re like … say less
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
୨୧ so the first day on the job you arrive at like 8 am, he gave you the code to his door so you just let yourself in
୨୧ you see kiddo at the kitchen table just eating his cheerios or whatever but no sign of izuku
୨୧ so you just go over and take a seat next to the kid and make small talk with him
୨୧ then you hear some shuffling coming from behind you causing you to turn around and investigate
୨୧ lo and behold you see a shirtless izuku with nothing but gray sweatpants hanging low on his wide hips
୨୧ he’s got a towel across his broad shoulders that he’s using to dry the jade curls that haven’t been shaved off as a part of his undercut
୨୧ you follow the droplets of water as they slide down the crevices of his pectorals and abdomen, drifting down his v line and the small tuft of hair leading down from his belly button and melting into the waistline of his pants
୨୧ you’re trying not to salivate at the sight but you also can’t bring yourself to look away just yet wanting to memorize and study the location of every scar and freckle littering his muscular torso
୨୧ he stops drying his hair for a minute and finally sees you like ‘oh great you’re here - how was the trip over here? it wasn’t too hard to find right?’
୨୧ and you’re burning eyes finally tear away from caramel torso and you’re like ‘nope, i found it just fine’ ahaha
୨୧ he gives you a little low down on like, what kid likes to eat, what he doesn’t, what he likes to do, when he goes down for a nap … all that good babysitting stuff
୨୧ after he’s dressed in his hero outfit, he’s kissing his lil nugget goodbye, telling him to treat you nicely, and with several final thank you’s he’s out the door
୨୧ and that’s the start of your job nannying the kid of the number one hero
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
୨୧ he was right, the kid is a really easy kid
୨୧ he goes down easy for his nap, he’s potty trained, inko raised him like she did izuku so he’s basically the perfect kid, he’s really sweet and will sit down and watch movies with you or he plays really easy by himself playing with his deku, all might, and dynamite action figures
୨୧ and if how easy a job it was, or the smoking hot employer wasn’t enough, the first time you got your paycheck was
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
୨୧ one day, there was a sudden summer storm that hit right as you reached your stop on the bus
୨୧ you didn’t have an umbrella, forcing you to run to izuku’s house in the pouring rain
୨୧ you show up through the front door and he comes in to greet you only to see you drenched and shivering due to the ac in his home
୨୧ he’s like, “hey y/n how- oh my god, you’re soaked.”
୨୧ and you’re rubbing at your arm awkwardly and trying to create any sort of warmth as you tell him how you got in this mess
୨୧ he’s taking in your soaked form and suddenly his worrying eyes turn into curious ones as he watches a droplet slide from your chin, down your neck, and down your chest to fall between the top alley of your breasts due to the first few buttons of your top being opened
୨୧ the white top you decided today was the perfect day to wear, and without a bra no less
୨୧ but in your shivering and embarrassment you forgot all about that minor detail
୨୧ oh but izuku didn’t forget it
୨୧ he imagined that water droplet sliding down the valley of your breasts underneath your blouse and gliding over your stomach, almost getting lost in your belly button, only to disappear under your waistband
୨୧ he imagined what it would be like to lick the droplets off your hot skin
୨୧ he scanned back up and noticed the tight see-through material of your shirt hugging your tits, dipping into every crevice leaving nothing to the imagination
୨୧ he sees the dark hue of your nipples from behind the cloth, along with the 2 little peaks your buds have made due to the cold air circulating in his house bonus points if you have your nipples pierced, i’m jealous of you
୨୧ he pulls his gaze away when he sees a violent shiver rack your body
୨୧ he leaves for a moment and comes back with a warm towel, almost sad to see the sight of your tits gone but your comfort and warmth was more important to him
୨୧ he tells you to dry off a bit as he goes and gets the shower started for you
୨୧ you’re thanking him yet apologizing for the trouble as you’re gonna make him late for work
୨୧ and he’s denying any negative comments coming out your mouth saying that he technically is at work as helping people is his job and he wouldn’t be a good hero if he didn’t help someone right in front of him
୨୧ he tells you to take as long as you need getting washed up and getting the temperature back in your body
୨୧ he doesn’t have time to think about how you’re just a few feet and a closed bathroom door away from him, naked ~ as he picks out the smallest pieces of clothing he has in his closet
୨୧ he finds an old t-shirt and shorts from his high school days and lays them on his bed telling you through the door that when you’re done he has clothes waiting for you
୨୧ you don’t take too long getting washed up as you know he needs to get to work so only about 10 minutes later you’re walking into the living to izuku sitting on the couch watching the movie his kid wanted to put on
୨୧ he sees you come in from his peripherals as his heart damn near stops seeing you in his clothes
୨୧ the clothes were so small they couldn’t fit him any longer, not after getting a post-high school growth spurt and getting broader due to his hero work
୨୧ but the fact that his already small clothes were swallowing you just did something to him
୨୧ blame it on his size kink he don’t know he has quite yet
୨୧ he pulls himself together to tell you that he threw your soiled clothes in the wash before he says his good byes to his kiddo
୨୧ he’s heading out the door while you and his son are telling him to be safe out there when just as he’s about to leave you call out to him
୨୧ he’s turning around maybe a lil too fast, but he sees you with an umbrella in your hand telling him that you ‘wouldn’t want him to make the same mistake you did’ with a cute bashful smile on your face that almost made him call in sick to work
୨୧ but he knew he couldn’t do that
୨୧ screw being number one hero and all that
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
୨୧ a few weeks later he comes home from work, tired af as one would
୨୧ but he gets to the door and sees you and his kiddo waiting for him inside
୨୧ you have a cake in your hands and his little one pops one of those little confetti canons at his father with a loud “happy birthday”
୨୧ he’s a lil shocked, a lil surprised, but in a good way
୨୧ he looks at you
୨୧ “well kiddo told me it was your birthday and with a quick little google search i confirmed it to be true. and i felt bad that you had to work on your birthday so we decided to bake you a cake while you were gone and wait for you to get home.” you said softly
୨୧ he had totally forgotten it was his birthday but if it being his birthday meant that he could see you in a little apron waiting for him to come in the door …
୨୧ damn he wished it was his birthday everyday
୨୧ y’all move into the kitchen to start cutting the cake and as you’re plating slices you lean down to the little one and tell him to ‘go get the birthday card he made for daddy’
୨୧ and izuku who wasn’t quite paying attention is like “hmm?” and you just like look at him
୨୧ and he’s like, “oh i thought- you were calling for me-“
୨୧ and you’re like mf, i don’t call you daddy yet
୨୧ but yall just kinda like awkwardly get past it and move on when the child comes running in with his folded construction paper with a green stick figure on the front labeled ‘dad’
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
୨୧ it all leads up to the day about a month later when you arrive at their home to no sign of the kid
୨୧ and you’re like ~ wtf? he always comes to greet me at the door with a hug and he’s not doing that
୨୧ and you’re looking in the kitchen and the living room to see no sign of the child
୨୧ when you’re about to head into his room to see if he somehow decided to sleep in today, izuku comes out his room
୨୧ and you’re like, where’s the kid?
୨୧ and he’s like, oh, i meant to tell you that my mom came by just a few minutes ago and decided to take him out for the day
୨୧ so you’re like, okay, should i just go home then?
୨୧ and he’s like, you could but i just so happen to have the day off and i think it would be nice if we got to spend some time together, without the kid around
୨୧ and you’re like, what am i gonna do ?? say no ?!
୨୧ so y’all go out for coffee, take a walk around the park, and then go out for lunch before going back to his house to watch like a movie or whatever
୨୧ y’all get back home and he sits on the couch scrolling through streaming sites looking for a movie and you’re coming back from the bathroom
୨୧ when you’re walking to the couch, your foot catches one of the kid’s toys that was lying on the floor causing you to trip and stumble forward
୨୧ izuku moves to catch you causing you to fall into his chest and practically on top his lap
୨୧ you’re out of breath from the sudden adrenaline spike but the close proximity between the two of you isn’t making it any easier to catch said breath
୨୧ neither of y’all are moving, just staring into each others eyes as he quietly asks “are you alright?”
୨୧ his warm breath dancing across your face as you give him a light nod
୨୧ his eyes suddenly move to your lips and out of his mouth comes the words you thought you’d never hear
୨୧ “can i kiss you?”
୨୧ and with a split glance to his lips you’re nodding fervently
୨୧ not soon enough his lips are on yours : plump, warm, and soft ~ tasting of the coffee and the mint gum he chewed after lunch
୨୧ you two pull apart reluctantly but he sets his forehead against yours as he catches his breath
୨୧ “please tell me you feel the same way for me as i do for you?” he whispers
୨୧ you bite your lip, “and how do you feel about me?”
୨୧ “like i want to hold you. kiss you. and come home to you everyday. not just as a babysitter.”
୨୧ “is that all?” you ask
୨୧ “i have a few other things i feel about you but i think it’s too early to tell you.”
୨୧ you link your arms around his neck and play with the stubble of emerald that is his undercut, “i wanna know.” you whisper.
୨୧ he’s like, are you sure…. you won’t think it’s inappropriate ?
୨୧ and you reassure him cuz little does he know of the countless nights you laid with your hand between your thighs imagining it was him getting you off
୨୧ “well uh- i-i really wanna fuck you.” he quietly admits
୨୧ you readjust your position to straddle his lap, your legs on either side of his thighs
୨୧ “how?” you ask
୨୧ “how what?” he replies as he tentatively places his hands lightly on your waist
୨୧ “how,” you start, leaning down to ghost your lips atop his, “do you wanna fuck me?”
୨୧ his breath stutters, something about those words coming out of your mouth
୨୧ he’s quiet for longer than you would like, “c’mon tell me” you whine, moving your lips from his mouth, down his jaw, and along his neck
୨୧ his breath quickens, soon letting out a low groan when you stumble upon his sweet spot
୨୧ you pull away causing him to almost whine, “start talking ~ tell me how you wanna fuck me.”
୨୧ “well f-first i wanna kiss all over you. your cheeks. your neck. your hands. i w-wanna feel your warm soft skin under my lips.”
୨୧ he pauses a bit but you urge him to continue
୨୧ “i wanna play with your tits. i wanna suck on your nipples. i’ve wanted to ever since you came in soaked by the rain that day.”
୨୧ as he gets more confident, his voice gets deeper, raspier, laced with lust
୨୧ “i wanna kiss all the way down your body until i reach that sweet pussy of yours, i’ve been dying to get a taste.
୨୧ you let out a low moan into his collar bone, “and then what?”
୨୧ “then after i’ve made you come on my tongue a few times, i wanna stuff you full of my cock. not stopping until i breed you. gave you a baby of your own since you’re so perfect with kiddo already.”
୨୧ “i wanna make you a mommy.”
୨୧ you gasp, your breaths coming out in short hurried puffs as you come up from sucking on his neck
୨୧ “so why don’t you?”
୨୧ he’s frozen
୨୧ “why don’t you fuck your child in me, daddy?”
୨୧ and just like that whatever submissive izuku moment you had going on, is gone
୨୧ he’s on top of you in seconds, squishing you into the couch cushions beneath you as he does just what he said he would do, and then some
yoooooo, happy belated birthday to the actual love of my life. i cried like three times over him yesterday. i hope he’s doing good.
also i’m not gonna sit here & pretend i know anything about how the japanese choose to name their offspring so that’s why kiddo is nameless
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