#todays john browns birthday btw
gtbutterfly · 4 months
my view of giant characters in pet trope stories:
doesn't do anything about the tinies being sold as pets: bad
buys a tiny as a pet to own them as a pet: evil
buys a tiny as a pet to free them and be nice to them: okish, (i mean, you still gave money to the human traffickers. they're still gonna but and sell more tinys, you haven't really done anything to stop them)
beats the living hell out of the guy selling sentient beings and frees all of them: good, epic, amazing, based
(should probably make a post about my over all thoughts on the pet trope soon)
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dasenergi-diary · 2 years
First I binge watched all of 30 Rock. (I say "binge watch." I generally average about one episode a day while eating breakfast or lunch.)
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Then I binge watched all of Community. I just finished the sixth season this week. The finale totally made me cry. (Yes, I know the movie is coming soon on Peacock. Yay!) #sixseasonsandamovie
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And now today I've started watching one of my childhood favorites, Soap.
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As I was watching the first episode this morning I was noticing how old Katherine Helmond, Richard Mulligan, and the other "adults" looked. So I got online. Katherine Helmond (Jessica Tate) was 51 years old. Cathryn Damon (Mary Campbell) was 45 years old, Robert Mandan (Chester Tate) was 46 years old, and Richard Mulligan (Burt Campbell) was 45 years old. Even Robert Guillaume (Benson) was only 49!
I'm 52 years old! Older than them all! Who am I to say they're looking old?? Look in the mirror, Dave!
BTW: I'm older than Jon Hamm by ONE DAY! I think that means I'm as handsome as him, except one day older.
Note: I know that's not Robert Guillaume in the cast photo. When Robert Guillaume left Soap for the spin-off show "Benson," Roscoe Lee Browne ("Box" from Logan's Run - yes, I'm a nerd) was brought in as the new butler.
And completely tangential - John Houseman and Roscoe Lee Browne are in my heart forever!
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And for those who might not be familiar with Logan's Run, here is "Box" with a frozen walrus. It's cold down there.
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And for those who ARE familiar with Logan's Run - on my 30th birthday I totally went to carousel. There's a carousel on the pier in Santa Monica, and I worked just down the street from it. Lunch time birthday party! I also have a Logan's Run poster, t-shirt, all the books, and I got to meet the author before he died and we had a very lovely conversation. (Except it was kind of sad because I was the only one who knew who he was, and he looked so lonely! This was at the UCLA Festival of Books, where I also met Neil Gaiman before he became the star he is now and he didn't have a line either!)
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Survey #189
“why are the children all marching into the desert to die?”
What does your trick-or-treat bag or pail look like? Pretty sure mine was usually just a plastic orange pumpkin. How old will you turn on your next birthday? 23, wow-ie. What are your plans to celebrate? Dinner with the fam, and I don't think I could possibly pass a birthday without getting a tattoo. :') Which X Factor audition(s) was/were your favorite? Don't watch it. Were you a straight A student in spelling and grammar? Yes. Were you a straight A student in math? No, I got Bs sometimes. Were you abused or do you know anyone who was abused? I know people who were. What is the name of your favorite coffee shop in your town? N/A What is fall weather usually like where you live? Usually warmish and breezy, but sometimes super cold. Do you think you have an accent? Very slightly. Do you use plastic, wooden, or wire hangers? Plastic. What is your favorite shade of yellow? Pastel. Are there any shades of blue that you don’t like? If so, which ones? No. Are you afraid of getting yelled at? YES YES YES YES I WILL CRY PLEASE DON'T Who has the best-decorated house in your town? *shrugs* What is your favorite part of Halloween? Dressing up. Is there a cemetery in your backyard? No. Did you decorate a pumpkin this year? No. ;_; What are some fall activities you would do with your kids? If I actually wanted them, take them on a hay ride (spooky one if they're older and want to), decorate pumpkins together, obviously go trick-or-treating, let 'em play in leaf piles. Have you ever seen a fox? Yes. What color are the squirrels where you live? Brown. Is there anything about Halloween you find offensive? Um no. What do the trees look like where you live? There's basically a shitload of pine trees, some dogwoods in spring (which fucking stink, btw), and then there's other trees idk the name of. Did you like field trips when you were a kid? YESSSSSSSSSSSS Do you find museums boring or interesting? Interesting! What was your school’s rival team’s mascot? Uhhhhh idr. What are three issues you are passionate about? Gay rights, gun control, and immigration. Would you ever wear a shirt with your country’s flag on it? I mean if I had to? What’s a medicine that makes you sleepy? Klonopin, back when I had to take two a day. I was just barely able to function at all on three. Do you like bath bombs? Never used one, but sure. What was your favorite girl group when you were growing up? Pussycat Dolls lmaoooooooo Do you like Disney movies? Only heathens don't. In what type of area was your first sexual encounter? A house. What do you occupy your time with on flights? Listen to my iPod. Do you ever realize how ridiculous you’re being yet continue on anyway? Sometimes in anxiety-type situations. Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else’s property? No. Have you ever been punched? No. What do you usually order from Olive Garden?
 Spicy shrimp fritas oh my gaaaaaaaaaaaah How do you like your steak cooked?
 Medium well. How do you feel about bats? I'm love them. Is anyone in your family artistic? Me. Have you ever suspected anyone of cheating on you? No. Are you emo/gothic/punk? I AM the Thicc Goth GF in my head. I'm just too poor and lazy for the wardrobe. :^) Would you date someone 20 years older than you? Nooooooooooo that's way too big a difference for me. What is your father’s middle name? John. What was the last food you got a random craving for? Sour gummy worms lmao. What is something you enjoy doing, but aren’t good at? Singing, sometimes. Name some healthy foods that you enjoy eating. Strawberries, apples, peaches, corn, cucumbers, green beans, bananas... What is your favorite Studio Ghibli film? Don't think I've watched any. If your best friend was a fictional character, who would he/she be? Why? This requires too much thinking. What was the last song you listened to? Does it mean anything to you? Ninja Sex Party's cover of "Africa" is on now. No. What flavor was the last cupcake you ate? Chocolate. When was the last time you complimented a stranger? Idk. Do you know how to text without looking? Not well. What about typing without looking? Yup. Have you ever thrown rocks at a girl/guy’s window? No. When was the last time you bought a bathing suit? Like, a year back? Do you like eggnog? NOOOOOOOOOOO. How often do you see your mother? Every day. When was the last time your living room furniture was rearranged? Long time ago. When you were little, did you like watching Cartoon Network, Disney or Nickelodeon more? Disney. When is the last time that you experienced rejection–literal or imagined? By no means /serious/ rejection, but I suppose it fits the definition. Asked the tat/piercing parlor I go to about working there at the desk (the place isn't busy and I'm v comfortable there, so I think I easily could), but they let me know they currently didn't need anyone. When you are feeling down are you more likely to cheer yourself up by shopping, eating, or drinking? I've gotten loads better about it, but eating. Do you think there will be a time when our current age of rapid innovation comes to a standstill? What do you think is the limit of human technological advancement? No, honestly. It may stall, but I don't see it stopping any time soon. In hindsight, what was the most misguided/unhelpful assignment you had to do in school or college? Uhhhh idk. On any blogs or social media you may have, do you try to maintain a certain aesthetic or persona? Is this consistent across platforms or just specific to one? Not really. My less-appropriate sense of humor comes out more on Tumblr, and in some areas I type in all lowercase because I find it more aesthetically pleasing. Is there an artist or celebrity whom you admire for their craft but take issue with their personality or politics? Marilyn Manson, very easily. He's talented and unapologetically unique as all hell, but I do noooot like him as a person from what I know. What is the last party or event you were invited to but declined? Why? Are there certain events that you might be invited to which you are likely to decline? An old friend's Thanksgiving-ish friends party. I was tempted, but it was explicitly stated to BYOB and weed and I just didn't want to be in an environment where there was lots of drinking and smoking something that's still illegal in the state. I was already uncomfortable enough last time I went to a party at her house and there was so much smoking. You were also supposed to bring a piece of Thanksgiving food to contribute, but I can't cook and I didn't wanna bother Mom about it. For the last question, it's just about a "never" situation where I'm invited to a real event besides family birthday parties or meet-ups with Dad and his wife. Off the top of my head, I'd never go to a club if I was invited. Imagine your life three years from now as if things have gone perfectly, better than you would typically predict. What do you see? Living with a happy Sara in the mountains, very successful in photography and thus financially stable (or hopefully a bit beyond that), excelling in school, back to my healthy weight, my mental health is great and I'm on way fewer meds, Sara's able to breed snakes and write as a real career, COVER ME IN TATS BITCH, more piercings, a treatment/medication for hypotonia has been discovered, my niece and nephew have met Sara and been taught our relationship is not wrong (I doubt it though :x), I'm happy, it'd be nice to write with more people, I have at least one poem published, Teddy, Venus, Kaiju, Roman, Mitsu (now totally comfortable being held), and Sara's babies are still alive and kickin', Venus and Crowley have had a clutch, Sara's PMDD is under control, Dad's stopped smoking, Mom is in a healthy, fulfilling relationship, both Mom and Sara are at the weights they aim for, Nicole is with a guy she truly loves and he reciprocates properly, Mom has been treated for depression and has forgiven Dad... Man, lots of things. This question really made me look forward to creating this future. What about your personality makes you good at your job? Alternatively, why do you find yourself uniquely suited for or drawn to your ideal career path? No job, so I'll just respond to the second. Photography is pretty surprising as it requires serious communication, which y'all know isn't my forte in the least. However, I'm so passionate about it and feel knowledgeable enough on it to be confident. Plus I just love showing how beautiful the world is capable of being. Do you find it valuable or important to respect those in positions of authority simply because of their position? Does this vary based on what that position is? Nope. I'm not gonna respect an absolute asshole just because you're of a high position. It doesn't vary to me, either. Do you find that you often desire and/or enjoy sex? If not, why not and how do you negotiate those feelings with your partner? If so, what is it that you enjoy about it in particular? I'd say I desire it to a normal degree, and yeah, I enjoy it. Why, #1, it's such a passionate and intimate way to communicate how much you love and trust your partner. Then I mean it feels good so. How many times have you seriously injured yourself? Idk. Seriously... three? When was the last time you were a passenger in a car and sat in the back? In the back, idk. Did you attend Sunday School as a child? Yes. Are/were you in the school band, and if so, what instrument did you play? Yes, flute. What is the best thing you’ve ever bought at a thrift shop? This cool crashed ship lamp! It's beside my bed. Have you ever ordered an unusual drink at a bar? No. What is your favorite thing about summer? Swimming. That's it. When was the last time you went to your local library? Whew, years. Can you do a proper cartwheel? No. Have you ever been pulled aside by security at the airport? No. Are you a fast-thinker or a slow-thinker? Slow. If you were to donate to charity today, what would you donate to? The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention or The Trevor Project. What is your favorite card game and when was the last time you played it? Magic: The Gathering and not since my PS3 broke (I had the Duel of the Planeswalkers store game on there and I WANT IT BACK). Who was the last person you cuddled with? Sara. Did you ever go to summer camp when you were younger? No. What is your favorite seasonal candy? (only available at certain times) Gingerbread men!! Are there any television shows you own in entirety on DVD or VHS? Meerkat Manor. How far away from your house is the nearest gas station? Like, two minutes. Do you know anyone who is fluent in a second-tongue? Yeah. What is the scariest movie you’ve ever seen and who did you watch it with? The Rite, but only because the whole "raped and impregnated by a demon" shtick is a fuck to the no from me. Watched it with my younger sis years ago. When was the last time you had a bubble bath? A looooooooong time ago, I don't like baths. What was the last strong scent you smelled? Poop. Good job, Bentley. What did you buy the last time you went shopping for new clothes? A bra, I think? How did you discover your favorite band? Mom's CDs. When I was getting into my rock and metal love, I went through them and listened to albums with cool covers or bands I knew she loved, and the first happened to be Ozzy. :') Does the weather affect your mood? If so, in what ways? Yes. I have a greater tendency to feel down when it's real cloudy and sometimes rainy. If it's really hot, I'm in a worse/cranky mood. When are you most likely to be bored? Late afternoon/evening. What was the last big decision you made? Hmmm. Going back to school, maybe? Where was the last place you traveled to, and what did you do while there? Illinois. Hang out with my bby. :') What is your favorite thing to go shopping for? Clothes at Hot Topic ahhhhh. What was the last thing you received in the mail? Something for VR. What is one of your wildest dreams or ambitions? Become a well-known photographer. When was the last time you performed in front of a group of people? Years ago for dance. Who was the last person to upset you? How about the last person to cheer you up? Mom; Sara. Is there anything or anyone you’re trying to get over or let go of? No. What was the subject of your last phone conversation? Uhhh something short with Ma that I don't remember. How close do you have to be with someone before you’ll consider them a friend? I have to feel decently comfortable around them. How do you feel when a mostly unheard of band (or tv show, movie, etc.) that you love suddenly starts to gain popularity? I'm happy for them! I just hope they don't change. When was the last time you listened to new music? Uhhh recently. Do you think it is strange when a couple says “we are pregnant” rather than “I am pregnant” or “my girlfriend is pregnant”? No, I actually prefer it. You're in that shit together. Do you ever feel like you were born in the wrong era? What decade would you most like to have grown up in? No. I'm good with the '90s. What was your most memorable concert experience? Only been to one. :| But Alice was great. If you have any, are you close with your sibling(s)? Has it always been that way? Not very, and no, at least with my younger sister. We were pretty close. Do you require “closure” after things like break-ups or do you move on easily? I. Need. Closure. How long does it take for someone to earn your trust? Good luck. Do you like peanut butter? Yesssss. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school? Do/did you prefer wearing it than regular clothes? In middle school. Hell no. What’s the last thing you got really excited over? Going to Sara's. Is there a genre of movie that you just can’t watch? Action-y. What was the last song to give you nostalgia? "Holiday" by Green Day. Do you have a certain color grape you like the most? Purple. What’s your signature thing you do when drinking that will make your friends say, “Alright, they’re drunk”? N/A Have you ever been on a hot air balloon? No. What’s your definition of weird? I try to keep the mindset that "weird" doesn't exist as I'm not one to talk about things being so, yet I'm hypocritical about it and do find some things, ex. fetishes, extremely weird. Do you use shaving cream? For my legs. When was the last time you cleaned your room? Is your room clean? I dusted my whole room a while back. I need to vacuum baaadly, but ours is broken. ;-; Have you ever personally known any girl who shaved their head? Yes. Have you ever known anyone who committed suicide? Sadly. Have you ever tried to commit suicide? Yes. Have you ever coughed up blood? No. How do you wish you could die? Surrounded by family and painless. Do you have any apps on your Facebook? If so, what? No. What kind of mouse pad do you have? Don't have one. What color is your mouse? Pink. Do you know any who might be anorexic? Do you know anyone who has bulimia? Maybe? Did you ever want a pony when you were little? Idr. What’s your favorite dessert food? Ice cream. What is the closest thing to you right now that is alive? My dog. Do you exercise? I'm starting to again. Do you dislike writing school essays? Not if it's a subject I like. Are you a very open-minded person? Yes. Are you modest? I believe I am. Do you skate? No. Are you in a band? No. If you were to make it big with your own band, what would its name be? *shrugs* It depends on the members. Would you rather a friend come over to your house or you go over there? I go over there. Have you ever had rabies? No. Do you know anyone who ever had to get a rabies shot? Idk. Have you ever gone hunting? No, never would. Ever eaten deer? Duck? Squirrel? How about lamb? No. Have you ever received a note in your locker? I think once from Aaron?
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silver--mornings · 6 years
I was tagged by @whenever-they-go, thank you! sorry for the late reply btw
— What was your last…
1. Drink: water
2. Phone call: my best friend
3. Text message: my mom informing me there was chocolate
4. Song you listened to: 3x5 Live in Ohio - John Mayer
5. Time you cried: ummm two weeks ago? maybe three
6. Dated someone twice: never
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nope
8. Been cheated on: no
9. Lost someone special: not really
10. Been depressed: no
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope, thank god
— Fave colours
12. green
13. brown
14. white
— in the last year have you…
15. Made new friends: soooo many
16. Fallen out of love: don’t think so
17. Laughed until you cried: yeah
18. Found out someone was talking about you: yep
19. Met someone who changed you: yes
20. Found out who your friends are: no?
21. Kissed someone on your facebook friends list: yeah
— General
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know irl: 99%of them tbh
23. Do you have any pets: a dog, a cat, three birds and a hamster
24. Do you want to change your name: nop, i secretly like it
25. What did you do for your last birthday: went on a school trip and walked 20km... (it was awesome tho)
26. What time did you wake up today: don’t think i even went to sleep hahahhah
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: at a party, probably avoiding the dance floor
28. What is something you can’t wait for: this summerrrr
30. What are you listening to right now: spotify as always
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: not that i know of no
32. Something that’s getting on your nerves: not knowing AnYthINg hahahhah
33. Most visited website: youtube probably
34. Hair colour: light brown/auburn
35. Long or short hair: love both of them tbh
36. Do you have a crush on someone: yeah
37. What do you like about yourself: hmmmm... my talent for music?
38. Want any piercings: not sure yet
39. Blood type: no clue hahaha (i should probably change that)
40. Nicknames: Carol, Caroline
41. Relationship status: single
42. Sign: Taurus
43. Pronouns: she/her
44. Fave tv show: rn would probably be how to get away with murder
45. Tattoos: love them, will most likely get some
46. Right or left handed: right handed
47: Ever had surgery: yup, got my apendix removed
48. Piercings: didnt i answer this already?
49. Sport: basketball kinda
50. Vacation: really want to go on a roadtrip soonn
— More general
52. Eating: chocolate
53. Drinking: water
54. I’m about to watch: probably youtube videos
55. Waiting for: a text message
56. Want: some actual answers for a change
57. Get married: most likely
58. Career: no idea yet
— Which is better
59. Hugs or kisses: hugs
60. Lips or eyes: hummmm lips?
61. Shorter or taller: taller
62. Older or younger: older
63. Nice arms or stomach: stomach definitely
64. Hookup or relationships: depends
65. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
— Have you ever
66. Kissed a stranger: nah
67. Drank hard liquor: kinda
68.Turned someone down: yep
69. Sex on first date: personally, no
70: Broken someone’s heart: don’t think so
71. Had your heart broken: not really
72. Been arrested: no
73. Cried when someone died: yes
74. Fallen for a friend: never that hard
— Do you believe in
75. Yourself: most days
76. Miracles: prob not
77. Love at first sight: *lust at first sight
78. Santa Claus: no
79. Angels: nop
— Misc
80. Eye colour: dark brown
81. Best friends name: too manyy
82. Favourite movie: spirit: stallion of the cimarron
83. Favourite actor: none atm
84. Favourite cartoon: no clue
85. Favourite teacher’s name: not sure if i have one honestly
Tag 20 people: hahahha nope, here's 8: @iamjg-arc-world @th2c-9 @someethingg-beauttiful @cathedralofpines @sunflowersontheroadside @lazulieh @violetsareviolette @deadrainbow21
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bofursunboundbraids · 6 years
85 Statements
I was tagged by @catthefearless Thank you!!
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people
1. drink - Sparkling water.
2. phone call - Ummm...probably ordering dinner to go from Giovanni’s last week.
3. text message - My mama asking if I want to check out a new coffee place when she gets off work. (Answer: Fuck yeah!)
4. song you listened to - “Wrong Crowd” by my beautiful child Tom Odell
5. time you cried - Uh...last week after my employment counselor appointment. Cuz insecurity is a mutha!
6. dated someone twice? - Yes, because young and stupid/insecure (see a pattern forming?)
7. kissed someone and regretted it - There are a couple I side-eye, but regret? No.
8. been cheated on - Yes, but I’ve also cheated.
9. lost someone special - Yes.
10. been depressed - I experience bouts of frustration and disappointment, with and in life in general.
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - A number of times. I can no longer drink rum.
12. Midnight blue
13. Emerald green.
14. Lavender.
15. made new friends - Yes! Thank you tumblr!
16. fallen out of love - No.
17. laughed until you cried - Maybe?
18. found out someone was talking about you - No.
19. met someone who changed you - No.
20. found out who your friends are - Yes.
21. kissed someone on your Facebook friends list - No.
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life? - Most of them, I think. I’m still waiting for the day the website, along with Mark Zuckerberg, gets shot into the sun.
23. do you have any pets - My genday conure Butchie my Buddy bird.
24. do you want to change your name - I dumped my last name last fall for my maternal grandfather’s birth name. My first name is 500% me.
25. what did you do for your last birthday - Got the slip-on checker board vans I’ve wanted since junior high and had dinner with my mom and nephew at Cracker Barrel cuz that shit is my JAM!
26. what time did you wake up today - 8am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - Reading “Kidnapped by the Pirate” by Keira Andrews, a most excellent mlm historical romance.
28. what is something you can’t wait for - To be employed, earning decent money, so I can FINALLY GO TO NEW ZEALAND FFS!
30. what are you listening to right now - I’m watching “It Came from Outer Space” (1953)
31. have you ever talked to a person named Tom - This is funny, because I was recently trying to remember when the last time I knew someone named Tom was. Junior High maybe?
32. something that’s getting on your nerves - I haven’t been to New Zealand yet, which is really starting to piss me off.
33. most visited website - Tumblr, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube.
34. hair color - Currently John Frieda’s Brilliant Brunette (3N) which is a wonderful deep chocolate brown, what I call Arwen/Frodo brown. It’s dark without making me look washed out. Perfect.
35. long or short hair - It’s a toss up between a Louise Brooks bob and mid-neck length. Anything longer, on me, is pointless.
36. do you have a crush on someone - I’m kinda torn between Martin Freeman, Jack White, and NY attorney general Eric Schneiderman.
37. what do you like about yourself- I can’t give up and I will never settle.
38. want any piercings? - No.
39. blood type - O negative. I’m UNIVERSAL BABY!
40. nicknames - Steesh, Bobeesh
41. relationship status - happily single.
42. zodiac - Pisces
43. pronouns - she/her
44. fave TV shows - Hawaii 5-0 (original), Wild Wild West, Route 66, Perry Mason, X-Files, Twin Peaks, Hannibal, Streets of San Francisco, WKRP in Cincinnati, Unsolved Mysteries...
45. tattoos - No, but I have a list of the ones I want.
46. right or left handed - right
47. ever had surgery - I had an emergency appendectomy right before my 13th birday.
48. piercings - 2
49. sport - my ex was an Aikido instructor, so I have a brown belt, but I gaven’t trained in a really long time.
50. vacation - About a year and half ago, Mum and I went to Boise, Idaho to check it out as a possible place to move to. It was nice, but we’ve scratched it off the list. Now we’re looking at Virginia.
51. trainers - since Nike bought Converse (fuck you very much), I am now a 500% Vans girl.
52. eating - The last thing I ate was chicken shawarma with basmati rice and hummus. So freaking good.
53. drinking - I’m a coffee girl and I love a good lavender mocha.
54. I’m about to watch - it’s bed time. Gotta do my Italian (Duolingo) then reading.
55. waiting for - me to be at a point where I can start being paid for building freaking websites so I can go to freaking New Zealand!
56. want - To be paid.
57. get married - I’ve never believed in the institution.
58. career - I wanna make pretty, responsive web sites that achieve high seo rankings - AND GET PAID!
59. hugs or kisses - I like them both, as long as it’s someone I want to be doing it with. I would kind of like to kiss a boy whose name I don’t know and then never see him again.
60. lips or eyes - For me it’s the holy trinity; eyes, nose, lower lip.
61. shorter or taller - At 5’7” I feel taller than most other women. If we’re talking guys...I’ve had both, but prefer taller.
62. older or younger - Age is irrelevant, unless they’re really young. I abide by the equation (half your age plus 7)
63. nice arms or stomach - How about hands?
64. hookup or relationship - I’ve never experienced a hookup, but I never say never.
65. troublemaker or hesitant - I’m game as long as no one is getting hurt and no laws are being broken and no assholery is being committed.
66. kissed a stranger - once, a long time ago.
67. drank hard liquor - Yup.
68. lost glasses - Sunnies? Yes. Readers? Between Mum and I, there are like twenty pairs floating around the house, so that’s a big no. Have broken quite a few, however.
70. sex on the first date - Ewww, no! Unless...
71. broken someone’s heart - Yes. My one big regret.
72. had your heart broke - Yes, but no.
73. been arrested - No
74. cried when someone died - No
75. fallen for a friend - Yes
76. yourself - Fuck yeah!
77. miracles - No.
78. love at first sight - I believe in the chemical reaction that happens in the brain when physical attraction occurs.
79. santa claus - Fuck yeah Santa RULES!
80. kiss on a first date - Yes.
81. angels - No.
82. best friend’s name - Her name’s Shannon and she’s my mom.
83. eye color - Green.
84. fave movie - The Three Musketeers (1973), The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit (Jackson), Casablanca, Jaws, Dracula (1931), The Big Sleep, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. I’d also like to give a big shout out to the entire genre of 40s/50s Film Noir as well as 1950s SciFi and teen exploitation films, that shit gives me life!
85. fave actor - Humphrey Bogart, Raymond Burr, Jack Lord, Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe, Katherine Hepburn, Cate Blanchett, Mads Mikkelsen, Peter Lorre, Bela Lugosi, Jack Lemmon, Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage, Laird Creager (btw...if you don’t know who that is, Google him! He was a queer actor who died way too young, right before his career was on the verge of really taking off. Some say his would’ve been not unlike that of Vincent Price, another one of my most very favorites. Check out “The Lodger” from 1944. It’s a take on Jack the Ripper and he is BRILLIANT! It also stars George Sanders and Merle Oberon.)
I’m not tagging anyone specifically, therefore I tag EVERYONE! Let us know who you are, and please tag me if you do!😍
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