#ask lots of questions meme thing
gible-love-nibles · 21 days
🥀 Wilted with you and either Des or Scara!!
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The first thing that came to mind with angst for Clare and Des was when they got separated at the end of A.zran L.egacy. They come in a set; do not separate.
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Ask Game
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kimquatz · 8 months
for the weirdly specific artist ask game-- 14?
14. Any favorite motifs?
I am a HUGE sucker for flower motifs, honestly, i LOVE flower symbolism.
I wonder if this counts too, but I also love drawing motifs about eyes as well. The way "eyes are like windows to soul" and how eyes have a lot to do about perception, etc. I'm always fascinated by it!
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whentherewerebicycles · 11 months
in my dream job era
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thegreatyin · 22 days
Spaghetti emoji for whoever you feel like
🍝 - What is your OC's favorite food?
The Bandaged Scoundrel opens their mouth-
And The Doomed Scientist pushes his way into the room before they can speak so much as a word, blood-soaked coat fluttering in his wake. "Frost-Moths. Usually alive. Or at minimum recently deceased. They prefer it that way."
The Scoundrel, to their credit, only takes half a minute of floundering before they pull the fragile seams of their composure back into place and retort with a hiss just barely too loud for human ears. "I most certainly do not."
"Really," The Scientist hums doubtfully, "and I shall presume, then, that you keep a jar from the tomb colonies for aesthetics?"
The Scoundrel opens their mouth. The Scoundrel closes their mouth.
Two sets of eyes flicker to the fourth wall.
A chair is upended. A scientist quickly flees the scene. The metaphorical camera mercifully cuts out right before the Scoundrel flees in a flurry of teeth and protests and frenzied oaths of utilizing every form of blackmail imaginable to ruin the lives of everyone involved in this accursed questionnaire.
(The Doomed Scientist would like to go on record stating that he regrets absolutely nothing and he would do this exact sequence of events again if he could.)
(The Bandaged Scoundrel would like to go on record stating that it hates him. So much.)
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I'm not even surprised.
I think I mentioned this one to you guys in the server before, but yeah I got inspired by a bunch of prompts and decided to go ham and give Natsu a real existential E.N.D. realization via Kyoka trying to mold him into their collective expectation of him, which is not, obviously, what Natsu really is. (Because you can't tell me that Zeref made a demon who could enhance and alter people without making a Super Demon Soldier *cough Natsu cough* in mind.)
Anyway it's working real title is Unmade and the goal is bully Natsu and make him question everything and challenge his autonomy as a human being until the gang gets him out, via Gray using his demon slayer magic for some demon saving.
I was in the mood for Violence and some real dark stuff when I made the concept. It's not a super active as a wip but I am still thinking about it.
Wrote a little too. Here's a snippet from the beginning, at the start of breaking this poor boi
The last thing he remembered was just going out to buy food for dinner. In Magnolia. Where all of his friends were, so really, it didn’t make sense for this to happen. Whatever…this was. Crazy stuff didn’t happen on lazy days when it was just him and Happy at home, keeping away from the on-and-off rain. But, this did happen, and now Natsu had to consider that if something bad happened to him in Magnolia, then something bad happened to all of Magnolia and all of the guild, and that was, well, very bad. Or it was just him, and buying food was simply the last thing he remembered. After all, he was alone in the cell. Very alone. Not even the sicko who put him in there was showing up—even after numerous attempts on Natsu’s part to call them out. It was hella’ annoying, really. (And a little unnerving.) “What do you want from me?!” he shouted for the umpteenth time, his voice finally starting to get raw from it. More silence.
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shhh-secret-time · 2 months
10, 26, and 27 please!!! 🧡🧡
Ahhhh! Yay! Thanks anon you're the best!
10) Pick an element for them! What is it?
For Jean, that's kind of a tough one but it'd probably be lightning! It's quick and flashy! I think she'd like the feeling of the crackle too! Plus she wouldn't need an Amp anymore! She would be the Amp!
26) What are their loved/liked gifts?
Oh! This isn't something I've thought a lot about! So thanks for asking this one!
Loved: Honey, pins and patches, stupid stickers, anything she can wear that will remind her of you, home cooked meals! (She cannot cook for shit, please help her.),
If you give her cds and records, she's on one knee with a ring out. Congratulations.
Liked: Any cool rock you find, plants (the only reason this isn't love, is because she's afraid she'll kill it and it'll make her sad), guitar picks, and energy drinks!
27) What are their hated/disliked gifts?
Again! Not something I thought about! This one is gonna be tricky Jean's not usually a picky person! She's just happy you thought of her.
Hated: anything too expensive - she's not a fan of people spending too much money on her, money (she'd rather you just keep it and use it on yourself)
Oh! Nuts! She's allergic! So she'll die. (Because that stupid ass will want to eat them very badly.)
Dislikes: Most gems (again, it's a bit too much. It's not that she doesn't appreciate it. It's just..not her style). Books (again, not that she doesn't appreciate it, she just won't have the time to read it.) She can't read.
And then probably things like mugs? She's never home so again it's another gift that will just collect dust.
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friendshipgun · 10 months
🥰& 🤗
How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
oh yes, definitely! i'm always happy to talk about my fics c: i'd honestly probably ramble forever about them if i didn't think it'd bore people lol What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
general writing advice that i stand by is: read a whole heck of a lot. keep reading. read different genres and writing styles. for fic in specific i'd say: write what you yourself want to read. if you're engaged in what you're doing your readers will be too c: (plus you'll just be having a better time lol) also kind of more general advice but: write a lot. keep practicing and trying out new things (writing from different characters' povs; writing things you feel you're not great at--i see a lot of fic authors say they're not great at action scenes, for example; trying out a different tense or perspective than you usually use; etc etc.) but really, the more you practice the better you'll get, like that's incredibly basic advice but it's true lol. also bonus general advice that i personally think is helpful but ymmv: read poetry. try to write poetry if you don't already. there's so much you can learn about rhythm, word choice, imagery, etc etc that will really enrich your prose. it's actually something that i lowkey kind of keep regretting, that i stopped writing poetry, but i also think that it helped my prose TREMENDOUSLY, can't recommend it enough. (all of this is kind of general writing advice actually uh. i guess something concrete that is fic specific: if you're concerned with character voice, pay very close attention to how the character speaks in the source material. word choice, formality, sense of humor (do they have one lol), do they use expletives, are they verbose or not, etc etc. there's an additional dimension of: would they have knowledge about XYZ? is having that character make certain pop culture references going to seem natural or out of place? do they have expertise in a certain area that is going to come up in their speech (using jargon a lot, for example)? do they LACK knowledge of certain things that would make itself known in conversation with other characters? etc etc.) tho tbh i think that translates well to thinking about consistent characterization and character voice in original writing too, can't get away from general advice lol.
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paimonial-rage · 11 months
Character Analysis Ask Meme
Feel free to send in an ask with a character and a number! If there is a question you are curious about that isn't listed, feel free to send that in too.
How did they become how they are like today?
What were they like as a child?
What is their mbti/enneagram?
What are their strengths?
What are their flaws?
What is their biggest insecurity?
What is their moral compass/alignment like?
What are their pet peeves?
What can't you trust them with?
Will they try to fix you?
Will they let you fix them?
What is their love language?
What are they like in a relationship?
Would they be honest with you?
Do they prefer to pursue or be pursued?
What's the best way to win their heart?
What are their strengths in a relationship?
What are their weaknesses in a relationship?
Are they prone to jealousy?
What irritates them in a relationship?
What is their breaking point in a relationship?
Why do they __?
Do you have any headcanons about them?
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“What’s the strangest ship you’ve ever seen?” *my brain actively avoiding twilight/mordecai* “idk man, there’s a lot”
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gible-love-nibles · 5 months
1 and 5 with starlo for the selfship couple ask game!!
~ @carrotscorner
Hello there!! Thank you for the ask!
1. Do you get jealous or protective over your partner?
"Jealous? Nah, I've gotten better than that. But protective? 'Course I do! No one's hurtin' my deputy on my watch!"
"No for both. Star doesn't need it; I trust him."
"…Well darlin', when you say that, it makes me sound overprotective…"
5. Do you like cuddling? Why or why not?
"I like it just fine! Not as much as Ms. Cuddlebug over there, but no one really can."
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rosyjuly · 2 years
Top 5 lewis outfits?
WHEW okay alright let's go!!!! most of these are recent-ish because he's just constantly outdoing himself
WSJ cover photoshoot
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like you can't expect me not to be feral over this, it's literally checking all of my boxes. the tulle/mesh material? the accentuated waist? the monochrome fit? the pants hugging him perfectly and the - we're being honest here so - the bulge??? i only wish he was wearing golden jewellery but other than that this is a gift to mankind.
2. saudi arabia '22
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this is sooooo god oh my god. the ferrari red? it's beautiful on him, the top that has the little half-glove thing going on? i don't know what to call it but you get me. THE PURSE. literally only he and zhou are bold enough to wear a purse with their outfits.
3. miami '22
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do i even need to say it. he's giving us chest, he's giving us face, the effortless sweep... the rings... the perfect little bow on the string... you know everyone had trouble looking into his eyes that day and he was perfectly content with that. every outfit that shows us the compass is a good outfit.
4. paris, '22
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lolll i'm a one trick pony as we all know but a monochrome outfit with the waist clinched and my favorite colorful pearl necklace...
5. silvestone '22
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maybe from a fashion sense not too groundbreaking but he looks so cozy and he's glowing and roscoe's harness matches his jacket!! and he was so happy on that stage!! also i want that jacket but obviously i don't have 3k lying around lollllll
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muninnhuginn · 9 months
Anime op/Ed: 4
Thanks for asking!
4. Most visually beautiful op/ed
I managed to narrow this down to three in the end. I may have gotten distracted along the way but I think these three fit the bill.
This is from 'Spare Me, Great Lord!' which is a donghua I'm probably not going to watch given the few bits and pieces I've heard about it ngl. The opening is so gorgeous though and just a total visual spectacle.
Link Click second opening. This one has the visuals in reverse and the music backwards and then they switch places, but the entire part with the falling and the reflection breaking and the transitions between the different people??? Also I'm cheating here by adding a bonus but there are alternate visuals for this opening which have this beautiful shot of an hourglass in (I'll rereblog the gifset with it in after this).
I wasn't sure whether to put this one at first because I wasn't sure if I was picking it more for the emotions it evoked rather than the visuals (especially considering it plays pretty fast with chara designs in service of the animation) but I kept it in the end. This is the opening for Heavenly Delusion, a show which I watched part of and had to quit because my tolerance for certain anime tendencies has been entirely lost (tldr; there was some fanservice stuff with teens that made me uncomfortable) and I got spoilt about a few plot points. The mystery aspects of the show itself were super intriguing though, I'll give it that. Anyway, the use of light and "camera" angles (idk the actual term) really elevate the opening for me.
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lvebug · 8 months
hello good morning dash! i hope everyone has a fun weekend! i will miss all of you lovely people while i am gone mwah!
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sysig · 10 months
An ask! Idk what to talk abt though. How are you? What you want more asks abt? Characters? Life? Some other obscure interest?
(In reference to this I think hehe)
I'm doing well, thank you! I hope the same for you!
As for asks I'd like, I'm up for pretty much anything! If there's something that piques your interest - a take I put out but didn't elaborate on, "Defend that argument!" Lol ♪ I've also had people ask how I do certain things which is always fun to explain :D
Emoji gifts/silly back-and-forths are always fun to doodle to as well! ♫
Or if there's a fandom I haven't posted in a while and you miss it - I have no idea how many fandom transitions people here have hung with! Even if it's been a while, I still love my blorbos hehe ♥
Becoming a psuedo-ask blog with my characters answering directly is still totallly on the table btw :) Something remind you of me/them? Interest!
And while it's not quite Requestober-time-of-year again, next month is the start of when you should be thinking up what you might want 👀
I'd just like to chat! :) Asks are such a casual way of interacting, I like them :D
#Basically you have a lot of options lol#The fun of freeform interaction haha#And if none of these appeal to you but something else does I mean - it acting as a feedback box works just as well for me lol#I'd like to hear from you! Part of the fun of tumblr culture is that we're all weirdos inhabiting the same space#So while yes there are like mutuals and favourite Likers/Rebloggers like - you can just Become that at any point lol#PvP (woe friend be upon ye) enabled >:3c Lol#Anyway do you like my minefield of links haha#A lot of these asks are fond little memory nuggets :D I haven't posted a Scribble in a heck-while - since Spamton I think?#Might be fun to do again :0#He was also the last vector ask-response wasn't he lol Spamton! Get outta there! Haha#But anyway yes - it all comes down to what sounds fun! Does [question] spark joy? Would love to hear it lol#It also helps with worldbuilding/character development if you're interested in my characters so like if you wanted to 👉👈 Lol#A lot of the stuff I used to see back in the day - and even contributed to! :D - was Yes-And-ing whatever the OP was currently working on#Things like ''What if this happened'' or ''What kind of dynamic do these two have'' - those are also popular in things like shipping memes#Most of my ask games are on my reblog-blog but there's no time limit - if you specify which one we can play whenever lol#Free and breezy uwu#Granted my backlog tends to get in my own way a lot lol but! Things like the Addispam kiss ask? (Which I still want to get to hhhh)#They can be fun jumping off points :3c
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more-than-a-princess · 7 months
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Questions for the Mun meme - Accepting!
💙 - Are there any muses you’ve been considering trying out?
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Not too many, especially where anime/manga muses are concerned. Because I've been roleplaying for as long as I have, I'm old, and I'm not really current with what the Popular Fandoms are (I think the only current shows with big fandoms I'm familiar with are Spy x Family and Tokyo Revengers (next on my list are two newer Gundam shows! I need to catch up on Iron-Blooded Orphans and Witch From Mercury), not counting older shows that are ongoing or have reboots), I've written most of the anime/manga muses I enjoy writing for. That said, Fujiko Mine is usually sequestered in my brain somewhere. She's pretty much the only one I've retained over the years from my pre-Sonia writing days.
That said, if I felt more at ease writing fantasy content, I'd probably try Nesta Archeron and Elain Archeron from A Court of Thorns and Roses, and Bryce Quinlan from Crescent City. If I found the right muns/historical muses for her, I'd probably give Francesca Bridgerton from Bridgerton a try, though I could probably be talked into Penelope Featherington as well. I read and watch a lot more live action stuff than anime these days, honestly: I feel like it's difficult to get into most of the popular anime/manga series nowadays. I keep being nostalgic for older series.
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you guys love to joke about [x arcana character] not being able to cook but tbh i think they can all cook to at least some degree except for maybe nadia & even then that’s just because she’s never needed to learn. they are all at least in theory good cooks. in my brain.
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