#toh reeve
A b o y ✨️ ✨️✨️
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His name is Reeve and he's going to adopt Hunter as a brother. A lil baby brother.
Age: 18 (s1), 19 (s2)
Position: Captain
Gender: Male (🏳️‍⚧️)
Links: Curse, 1600s, Wifey
-He doesn't get much sleep at night due to the curse in his family's bloodline. TLDR, the moon's presence in any phase (except New) rots the Bile and it has to be expelled...and in true to fashion Boiling Isles manner, it's very gruesome. The stuff leaks out of his skin and burns/tears up stuff along the way.
-He and Hunter shit talk the Coven Heads behind their backs. Two teens in high positions that are never taken seriously. What else is new in the Emperor's Coven?
-Reeve is actually the "cool Captain". He takes care of his crew and tries to subtly get younger Witches and Demons to wait a while before jumping into the EC. He managed to graduate early and joined at 16-17 but knows a lot of kids won't wait.
-He has to drink Regen Agents in the morning to both regenerate Bile and fix the minor damage expelling the rotted Bile did. He mixes it with coffee. Reeve is pretty grumpy in the morning until he's had his "meds", but only because he's in legitimate pain.
-While Reeve did in fact take one look at Hunter and said "free baby brother?", Belos actually had more of a slow burn attachment to him. If you're familiar with my blog, you know where I'm going with this. Belos sees Reeve as a little brother, but more obsessively- he reminds him of Caleb before his "corruption", especially when seeing him interact with Hunter. Gets a little more involved as time goes on, including giving him "bribes" for taking naps when his work allows it.
-Reeve just wants to keep Hunter happy, honestly, and doesn't quite agree with him practically being pushed into the Emperor's Coven (and later the Coven Head) at such a young age.
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feasibilities · 1 year
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Tenoch Huerta giving diva energy in Assembled-The Making of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2023)
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kermit-coded · 1 month
watcher alternatives
in honor of steven and the ghoul boys shitting the proverbial bed, here's some of my favorite youtube channels/podcasts with similar vibes!
michael reeves: an extremely unhinged youtuber who makes robots! he only posts once or twice a year, but his videos are super worth it!
sorta stupid: my favorite reaction channel. these guys are super chill and funny, and they are the ultimate allies (go check out their toh series if you wanna see them be huge lumity shippers!)
microwave society: they also do reactions, but they specialize in shitty kids movies (and the occasional classic like megamind or shrek). check out their veggietales videos if you want to laugh until you puke.
max0r: does unhinged video game reviews that are like crack for people with adhd.
anthpo: he's not making videos anymore, but all his stuff is up on youtube and he perfectly balances feel-good and funny.
cryptid keeper podcast: this podcast has major early-unsolved vibes and they somewhat have the skeptic/believer dynamic as well.
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yenzibenji · 2 years
I feel like rottmnt is ALOT like the MCU’s Spider-Man
Hear me out:
They were both criticised for not
-being serious enough (VERRYYY quippy n lighthearted fun)
-changes from the source material (aunt may’s age, raph being leader)
-the protags having it too easy (Peter being handed things by Tony, the turtles using magic)
But after Far From Home everyone realised that we missed the point of the two movies prior, the home trilogy was SETTING UP Spider-Man to become ‘THE’ Spider-Man. We had to get used to the ‘heheh funny lighthearted everything comes easy’ so when we’re pulled out of that (which would be far from home) it’s more impactful. The trilogy was in fact an origin story and now we have ‘THE’ Spider-Man, he’s the underdog, he’s alone, he has to take responsibility.
We had to stick through the ‘worse’ parts in the beginning to get that sweet sweet payoff in the end (like how u had to watch Arcane until ep 3, or we have to wait until Matt Reeve’s Batman evolves into ‘THE’ Batman that is widely known, or need to watch until the end of Moral Orel)
It’s playing the long game but our patience is awarded and everything is just so much better in retrospect
Now as for rottmnt, we can see the same thing happening. Season 1 was almost purely good lighthearted fun, season 2 leant more into plot, the movie… BOYYYY the movie-EMOTIONAL TRAUMA??? In season 1 raph was the leader and they used different weapons but at the end of season 2 Leo became leader again and they started using their usual weapons in other iterations (nun-chucks and all). They were becoming ‘THE’ teenage mutant ninja turtles
HELL the name ‘Mad Dogs’ is a still being workshopped? What if the moment they truly evolve into the usual tmnt they start actually calling themselves ‘THE’ Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles? What if like the home trilogy, the earlier seasons of rottmnt was more of an origin story to become the more like the widely accepted incarnations (granted, 2 seasons IS a lot to play the waiting game but TOH also really only GETS GOING after season 1. Maybe it’s a ‘kids’ show’ thing)
We can also see people appreciating season 1 and season 2 more for the seeds it planted (Leo being self sacrificing, bur it was played more for laughs before) which become better in hindsight like how the home trilogy has become better in hindsight
I just hope that the series gets at least one more chance because I’m afraid that they’re getting cut before they truly start
Anyways here’s some screenshots I took:
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siladydiana · 1 year
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So, few days ago, i went to the cinema and watched this movie for chapter 4 to see the end of the stories about John Wick and his revenge.  So many languages, actors, and actions in one movie.
John Wick tetralogy never disapointed me.
Sedari awal memang tidak mencari tau siapa saja yang main kali ini. Gue pengen dibikin terkejut sama filmnya. Donnie Yen pun ketauan karena gue kena spoiled sebelumnya, tapi ya sudah..
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Meski begitu, aksi Donnie Yen disini yang terbaik. Keanu Reeves gak masuk hitungan ya karena Baba Yaga kan karakter utama notabene dibuat sesulit mungkin dihabisi dan dibuat se-epik mungkin aksinya (walaupun akhirnya JW4 ini merupakan akhir nyawanya. Iya, dia mati juga disini, at last) disamping ada Hiroyuki Sanada juga (coba bayangin tiga aktor besar itu bertarung bareng). Namun begitu, Baba Yaga tetap dihati.
“Meski sudah bapack-bapack dan berjari sembilan.”
Gak percuma Ip Man tetralogy juga gue sikat habis karena aksi bela dirinya Donnie Yen ya memang bagus. Eh tapi, dia disini kan emang second lead jadi ya wajar kalau dibuat bagus..wkwk
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Ada adegan lucu disini yang mengingatkan gue sama JW1 sekaligus awal mula sebab musabab pertarungan ini semua terjadi. Balas dendam karena anjing piaraannya mati.
Lagi-lagi di JW kedatangan karakter baru. Seekor anjing. Yang ceritanya partner tokoh baru, Mr Nobody alias Tracker. Dan iya, Baba Yaga ketemu anjing, jiwa animal lovernya ditampilkan lagi. Adegan waktu Tracker berjibaku sama Baba Yaga, Baba Yaga dihadapi dua pilihan: nembak Tracker (yang memburu doi) atau nembak musuh Russian (yang juga memburu doi) tapi sedang berhadapan sama anjingnya Tracker. Si Russian yang akhirnya ditembak Baba Yaga demi menyelamatkan si anjing.
Gak kaleng-kaleng nih jiwa dog lover-nya.
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Bukan Baba Yaga namanya kalau gak bertarung dengan benda-benda yang tak biasa dijadikan senjata. Kalau sebelum-sebelumnya pensil dan buku jadi senjata, kali ini sebuah kartu remi jadi senjata melawan musuh. Kayak,
“lo kapan belajarnya sih berantem kayak gitu?”
Bukan Baba Yaga juga kalau gak ada adegan berantem di dalam area yang sama dengan durasi panjang. Yang kali ini adegan di hotel Continental Osaka. Baba Yaga vs anak buah The High Table dan Caine. Terasa gak sudah-sudah seperti pertarungan Baba Yaga dengan para Shinobi Assassin. Saking lama durasinya sampe iklan jam Bucherer The Monero nongol mulu.
“Menang banyak!”
Tapi gara-gara Baba Yaga, gue nyoba pake jam tangan terbalik. Kayaknya lebih efektif dan efisien. Cepet liatnya.
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Ya kan, kayaknya ringkes gitu ngintipnya..
Intinya semua pemain disini (terutama si tiga aktor beda negara) bagus-bagus mainnya. Pas tampilan karakternya. Overall, semua chapter John Wick gak ada yang mengecewakan. Cuma satu yang gue sesalin, gue gak liat credit scenya-nya. Meski saat gue cari tahu, untungnya gak begitu penting karena cuma melibatkan Caine dengan Akira, yang kesimpulannya sepertinya si Akira menaruh dendam atas kematian anaknya. Toh emang ditungguin juga sama Caine. Tapi rumornya, John Wick 5 gak akan ada alias gak digarap karena John Wicknya kan sudah meningsoy menjadi “Lovely Husband”.
Intinya, John Wick: Chapter 4 bagus sebagai penutup perjalanan hidup dan mati John Wick. Bravo!
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cripingtelo · 5 years
Ayah, Kenapa Kami Berbeda?
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Tema : Generasi ke Generasi
Generasi Milenial adalah angkatan yang paling banyak dibicarakan. Terlebih didunia kerja. Entah sebagai alasan menasihati secara halus. Pun jadi alibi untuk menyalahkan kami terkait attitude, pola pikir, cara berpakaian dan sebagainya. Tingkah laku sepertinya jadi hal yang paling disorot dari angkatan kami. Tunggu, ada baiknya kita bahas dulu apa itu generasi milenial, kategori, bagaimana awal mula terbentuknya penggolongan bertittle generasi, hingga wajah dunia dan alam semesta ini jika dipimpin atau digerakkan oleh setiap generasi.
Awal mula adanya pembagian generasi adalah ke ingintahuan para pakar pengaruh tekhnologi terhadap masyarakat yang hidup dimasa munculnya tekhnologi tersebut. Sampailah pada kesimpulan bahwa tekhnologi melahirkan sebuah era. Setiap era diisi karakteristik masing- masing. Dari situlah nama generasi muncul, masyarakat tradisional, baby boomer, generasi x,y,z.
Generasi yang saat ini jadi mayoritas adalah generasi X dan Y, generasi tradisional (1900- 1945 umur paling muda di generasi ini adalah 69 tahun, tersisa sekitar 5,9% dari seluruh populasi dunia, babyboomer (1946- 1964) kisaran umur 50- 68, 15,3%, The Xs (1965-1979) rentang umur 35-49, 19,8%, The Ys mereka yang berumur 34- 20 tahun (1980-1994) tinggal 23,9%,. The Zs (1995-2020) jumlahnya masih terus dipelajari hingga hari ini.
Generasi Tradisional ialah mereka yang hidup dizaman perang dunia 1 dan 2. Di era ini tekhnologi masih belum berkembang. Banyak sekali peperangan yang juga mengakibatkan perekonimian tidak stabil. Wajar jika kepribadian masyarakat yang terbentuk adalah pekerja keras karena jika tidak kerja mereka mati, slogan kerja jaman ini adalah work to life
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Selanjutnya ada Babyboomer atau me generation, digenerasi terbesar setelah perang dunia kedua ini kehidupan sudah berlangsung semestinya, tanpa perang dan ekonomi berjalan cukup stabil. Generasi ini disebut- sebut sebagai pembentuk dunia setelah perang. Tekhnologi mulai bermunculan, yang merupakan efek dari kebutuhan akan dunia yang lebih baik. Live to work adalah slogan kerja babyboomer. Mereka tak lagi bekerja untuk hidup melainkan untuk mencapai pangkat tertinggi dalam hidup. Kekayaan yang sebanyak- banyaknya adalah tujuan hidup generasi ini. Hal tersebut dimungkinkan karena merekalah yang merasakan efek perang dunia dan tak ingin anak cucunya merasakan kerusakan yang sama. Babyboomer punya workaholic movement yang efeknya sampai saat ini masih kita rasakan.
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Generasi pendahulu yang masih eksis hingga saat ini salah satunya adalah The Xs. Masa transisi dari kejayaan di generasi babyboomer sangat dirasakan di era ini. Banyak tekhnologi lama yang mulai ditinggalkan oleh The Xs. Kegiatan berkirim surat misalnya sudah banyak digantikan dengan email. Generasi ini juga sering disinggung karena dianggap generasi penerus baby boomer, sang pelopor. Generasi yang menurut reeves & oh adalah generasi penyuka perbedaan dan bekerja serta berpikir global ini, sangat meghargai kebebasan, ‘forget the rules and do it yourself’ freedom at work. The Xs tidak menghasilkan peningkatan ekonomi sesignifikan generasi babyboomer, cenderung stagnan. Hal tersebut dikarenakan motivasi untuk memperbaiki dunia tidak sebesar era baby boomer ungkap Karp & Fuller & Sirias. Namun dari generasi ini kerja dengan standar global, kerja dan berprestasi di negeri orang mulai jadi tren.
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Selain Generasi X, Generasi Y adalah angkatan yang saat ini mengisi dunia. Yap, Generasi saya The Ys generasi yang tumbuh seutuhnya beringan dengan globalisasi dan tekhnologi. generasi tekhnoligi terbaik yang hidupnya dari orang tua sebagai helikopter yang membebaskan anak- anaknya dengan pengawasan dari atas (Fleschner 2007 ). Mereka tumbuh dengan pendidikan sebagai kunci utama dalam hidup. Oleh karenanya generasi ini sangat mentoleransi berbedaan, mulai dari gender, ras dan budaya. Gen Y, Millennials, Generation Next, Digital Generation, Nexters, Echo Boomers, Trophy Kids, Generation www, Net Generation, Gen N (Jain & Pant, 2012) adalah sebutan bagi generasi ini. 
Bekerja bukan lagi untuk uang namun hanya untuk kebebasan diri sendiri yang mayoritas aktivitas generasi ini adalah di internet. Oleh karenanya generasi kami dituntut cepat, tidak banyak basa- basi, menulis jadi media berkomunikasi yang paling familiar dalam kehidupan kami. generasi kami tidak suka kemonotonan, karena fleksibilitas dapat melahirkan kebiasaan baru yang mungkin lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Mencoba dan melakukan hal baru adalah rekreasi untuk memberi makan otak milenial kami. Pun kadang jadi penghargaan untuk diri sendiri yang lebih penting jika dibanding bayaran dan pujian bahkan jaminan masa tua.
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generasi z belum terjadi hehe, jadi kita tunggu saja. 
Sampailah kita pada kesimpulan bahwa generasi X dan y adalah generasi yang saat ini hidup berdampingan. Setiap generasi punya keunikannya masing- masing. Yang namanya keunikan mungkin bisa mendapat tanggapan yang berbeda- beda, diterima atau tidak jadi hak masing- masing. 
Koreksi kami jika kami tidak berperilaku sesuai tata krama, menyakiti hati dan salah, namun jangan tak sukai kami hanya karena tidak sama dengan anda. Berhenti mencurigai kami yang milenial, toh kami bukan dari dunia lain, kami bertumbuh ditemani generasi x pula. Perbedaan akan indah jika kita bekerja dengan cara dan proporsi masing- masing dengan tujuan yang tetap sama. Berhenti menyalahkan generasi dan membicarakan kekurangan (beberapa dari) kami dalam forum. Saya kira menyebut- nyebut jenis generasi akan secara otomatis membangun tembok penegas perbedaan antar generasi. Diblurkan sajalah biar mudah. 
Semoga setelah ini saya nda dengar lagi generasi milenial disebut- sebut kekurangannya dalam forum. Sudah nda jaman, jamannya kita duduk bersama dan saling tukar informasi agar ibu pertiwi bangga atas prestasi kedua generasi.
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Voice Ideas for Shadow in Sonic Movie 3
Fun fact: I like doing voice ideas. I don���t know why but it is so much fun for me and lets me think of so many voices and how they might sound for the character. This is my top 5 ideas for who should take on the role of Shadow. I will be doing one for Amy too sometime this week.
1) Jason Griffith
-  Griffith has been the voice of both Sonic and Shadow since 2003, across multiple games and series, and there's something to be said for going with the character's most well-known and iconic voice. They brought Colleen back so who’s to say this is impossible.
2) Zeno Robinson
- He’s Hunter, Remy, Goh, and recently provided the voice of a young King Andrias. Originally, he and Griffith are in number one in my mind. Zeno playing a hedgehog prodigy would be AWESOME!! For those who haven’t watched TOH or Big City Greens, or Pokemon Journeys, please watch and listen to Zeno’s voice.
3) Keanu Reeves
-  What makes Shadow such a perfect role for Reeves is that the dark hedgehog/alien hybrid could be played similarly to one of his live-action roles, such as John Wick. The 2005 Shadow the Hedgehog game proved the Ultimate Life Form is no stranger to using various firearms — what this means is the third Sonic film could take the videogames dark tone.
4) Robert Patterson
- I mean come on, he just made a big break in playing Batman, and a lot of Twilight fans know him as Edward Collin. Also, if anyone knows Harry Potter, he was Cedric Diggory. 
5) Sam Witwer
-  He is best known as the voice of Darth Vader's secret apprentice, Starkiller, in the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed games as well as the voice of Darth Maul in Star Wars animated series. So he can compare to Shadow
What do you guys think? Let me know if you have any comments or ideas of your own for who should take on the role of Shadow. 
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Reeve and his Dragon lady gf/mate/wife kiss kiss-
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She's feared on the Isles and is actually scary, but she's soft for her twunk boy. They met when she saved him and his squad from freezing to death on the Knee.
Esther lives on the upright shin of the Titan. She can hold Reeve at night despite the rotted Bile seeping out due to an immunity to it.
Beloa despises that she's "stealing Reeve from him" tbh.
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Reeve in 1600s clothes:
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Belos kept him in the castle to "rest" in the weeks leading up to the DoU. "What are big brothers for?", is what he'd say when Reeve asks why he's so worried about lil ol him, when he could be helping to get Hunter back. At one point Philip "jokingly" has him try on these clothes.
Then Reeve is put to sleep for the final few days before the Day of Unity, with his Sigil removed. Philip is taking his little brother with him, his second chance and only way to redeem himself for murdering his brother- he will not lose this opportunity, and he will not lose Reeve.
Hunter, in his head, has a choice: die or return to his "family", himself and Reeve. Of course, things don't go that way. Anyways, in the S2 Finale Reeve has his normal haircut, this one is in s3. Ponytail Reeve.
(Not me experimenting with different coloring styles)
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Reeve's family calls him at nights because they know he's in pain, and the ones that have the curse also need the distraction. Everyone in that pool needs someone to chat to while rotted Bile literally expells out of their bodies and they like to keep in touch.
It's not like any of them are getting sleep anyways. Just soft family trying their best to get each other through the night. Actually, it's no wonder Reeve looked at Hunter and immediately saw him as a little brother. That boy is in a different kind of pain, but pain nonetheless.
Also don't think about Hunter and Gus bringing him coffee/ regen agent at 10am (letting him sleep some) in s3 because the Human Realm moon does the fucking same. Poor man sleeps in Camilla's shed because the curse makes a literal biohazard mess and he doesn't want her to have to clean it up.
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