#toilet-bound hanako-kun dub transcripts
Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun Episode #1: Hanako-san of the Bathroom Transcript
This episode has Nene meeting Hanako-kun.
Female student: Hey, come here! Have you heard the rumors? About the school's Seven Wonders?
{Ornament #1: One}
{Ornament #2: Two}
{Ornament #3: Three}
{Ornament #4: Four}
{Ornament #5: Five}
{Ornament #6: Six}
{Ornament #7: Seven}
Female student: You really haven’t? Oh my gosh, well, where do I start? I’ll tell you the most famous one first.
{Lit ornament: Seven}
Female student: It’s the seventh of the Seven Wonders…Hanako, the Bathroom Ghost. She’s on the third floor of the old building, in the third stall in the girls’ bathroom.  
{Sign: Girls’ Bathroom}
Female student: You can go there and summon her right now if you want! She’ll grant you any wish no matter what it is, but she’ll take something precious from you in exchange, and you won’t know what it is until it’s too late.
Nene: Eumph…
Female student: To call her, knock three times…
Nene’s hand: Knock, knock, knock!
Female student: …and then say…
Nene: Hanako, Hanako, Hanako…are you in there? Eum…eum… 
Hanako-kun: Helllllloooooo…
(Nene: Huah! Heum…)
Nene: Eaum…huah. Okay, hearing things.
Hanako-kun: You summoned me?
Nene: Dueah! Eheauheah, heah! Eueum…HAH! AAAHH! NO!
Hanako-kun: Snerk! Hehehehehehahahahahahaha!
Nene’s thoughts: That sounds like a boy.
Hanako-kun: What’s the matter with you?
Nene: AAH!
Nene’s thoughts: I can see right through him. Such an old uniform…those look like orbs…
Nene: Are…are you a ghost?
Hanako-kun: I prefer “apparition”…or the seventh of the Seven Wonders of the school: Hanako the Bathroom Ghost. I’m delighted to meet you.   
{Caption: Apparition 1: Hanako-san of the Bathroom}
{Sign: Girls’ Bathroom}
Nene: Wait, are you saying you’re Hanako?
Hanako-kun: Yeah. You rang? 
Nene: I’m not stupid! And where’s your bob haircut and red jumpskirt?! 
Hanako-kun: Well, uh, that’s not really the look I’m into these days. 
Hanako-kun: Anyway, mind telling me who you are?
Nene: I don’t understand; you look like a boy.
Hanako-kun: That’s because I am a boy. Believe me, I’m just as bothered about that inaccuracy as you are, but the rest of what you’ve heard is true.
Nene: Euauhm…
Hanako-kun: I will grant your wish and collect a payment that I see as fit. So what is your wish? Please don’t tell me you came here unprepared. 
Nene: Why are you in here? What kind of pervy ghost chooses to haunt the girls’ bathroom?
Hanako-kun: Okay, we’re done.
Hanako-kun: You think I’m…cool? In that case, tell me your name and what it is you wish!
Nene’s thoughts: He got over that fast.
Nene: My name’s Yashiro Nene! And I’m a first year in Class A! My wish is that the guy I’m crushing on will like me back as much as I like him! 
{Text in Hanako’s notebook: YASHIRO: LOVE}
Hanako-kun: Hm, Yashiro. Got it, and you’re asking for your love to be returned. What’s the guy’s name?
Nene: Everybody calls him Minamoto. He’s a second year and way smart. He’s that guy who’s so cool but still nice to everyone! One time, I dropped my pencil case and he picked it up for me!
Hanako-kun: I see…
{Caption: Stare}
Hanako-kun: Easy enough!
(Nene: Huah?)
Hanako-kun: Consider your wish granted!
Nene: Are you serious?! Wait, how does the wish granting thing work from the toilet stall?
{Text on banner: Success}
Nene: Do you use a special item or something?
Hanako-kun: I do. The one I carry works wonders.
Nene: Will you show it to me?
Hanako-kun: Hmhmhm! Voila!
{Text on book: 100 Methods of Love: This Is Love}
{Caption: A how-to book}
{Caption: NO}
Nene: Nuh-uh.
Hanako-kun: Ehuh, hear me out! If I use my power to help you, we’ll have to do an equivalent exchange, and if I’m making a human heart do something that’s not natural, the price is going to reflect that. Trust me, this is much safer. 
Nene: Hold on. What if I’m okay with any price?
Hanako-kun: Oh, are you? I’d say, “Sorry, I don’t have tools that advanced”.
Nene: You were bluffing?!
Nene’s thoughts: But…maybe I should try it.
{Caption: High hopes}
Nene’s thoughts: I mean, he’s a ghost who grants wishes. He must know some tricks. I can’t be the first person to ask for help in the love department. 
Hanako-kun [reading from book]: Method #78: Find creative ways to impress them with your skills. 
Hanako-kun: Let’s show you off! What are your talents?
Hanako-kun: Where are we?
Nene: The best place I could think of to show what I can do: the school student garden! NEAH!
{Caption: TA-DA}
Nene: I’m a garden club superstar!
{Caption: Dirt…}
Nene: Why are you looking at me like that?!
(Hanako-kun: Neah…)
Nene: I can grow flowers too, you know! I’M FEMININE AND DELICATE!
Nene: That’s why I joined. A boy I once liked said he was only attracted to girly girls and I noticed there were lots of ‘em in the garden club. I was also learning how to cook and sew at the same time. I figured once I mastered all three skills, I’d tell him how I felt.    
Hanako-kun: How long did you like him?
Nene: Since right after I started junior high. I only told him how I felt last month. It took me three years to do it, but… 
Nene’s former crush [flashback]: Hold on. You’re saying you like me? Do I even know you?
{Caption: SHOCK}
Nene [flashback]: Neauheauh!
Nene’s former crush [flashback]: Creepy. Sorry, you’re just not my type. I’m not into thick daikon legs.
{Caption: Daikon legs…}
Nene’s thoughts [flashback]: Daikon legs…daikon…daikon.
(Daikon: Radish → Japanese)
Nene: That was a month ago! I’m completely over it and I’m a completely different person now!
Hanako-kun: I don't believe you.
Nene: Well, you should! I am totally obsessed with someone else now. Once that guy sees that someone like Minamoto loves me back, he’ll regret ever turning me down!  
Hanako-kun: Is that so?
(Nene: Huah!)  
Hanako-kun: So anyone’d do?
Nene: Huh? No, Mr. Smarty Pants. I want Minamoto. Don’t pull any funny stuff!
Hanako-kun: You sure? Because something tells me you don’t know very much about this guy. 
Nene: Yes, I do.
Hanako-kun: Then answer this question: what’s his full name? 
Sound effects: Bonk. bonk, bonk, ding!
Nene: Oh, look how big this worm is. Bet Mr. Carp would like to eat that.  
Hanako-kun: That’s what I thought. Huah…here.
Nene: Huah? A blank gift tag?
{Text on heart: Love}
Hanako-kun: Yep! Write a sweet message, then give it to your boy with something you grew! I call this move Operation Present!
Nene’s thoughts: Creative title.
Nene: I’ve tried things like this before; I need magic!
Hanako-kun: But you haven’t tried exactly this on this day, have you? Make the most of what you have now. Let your hard work work for you.
(Nene: Huah?)
Nene: That makes sense. Euahm…okay! Let Operation Present begin!
Hanako-kun: Yaaaay! 
Nene’s thoughts: I still think writing down everything I feel would be too much. 
Minamoto [flashback]: Hey, I think you dropped your pencils.
Nene’s thoughts: I’ll tell him thank you for picking up my pencil box the other day. He cares about me!
Hanako-kun: He’s going to love it! So what type of plants did you grow this season?
Nene: Over there.
Hanako-kun: Other side. Euah…
Hanako-kun: Well…that’s…fun.
(Minamoto: Hey)
Minamoto: What’s going on? Why the excitement?
Boy #1: Dude, you tell us. Come here! Someone left produce on your desk with a thank you note.
{Text on note: Thank you for the other day}
{Caption #1: TOMATO}
{Caption #2: KYU-RI}
(KYU-RI: CUCUMBER → Japanese)
Minamoto: Euhn…euahn…
Boy #1: Did you help a vegan cross the street yesterday or something?
Minamoto: Huh? No… 
Hanako-kun: What fun.
Nene: How did this turn into some weird mystery?
{Text on card: Mermaid}
Hanako-kun: I’m changing the name to Operation Vegetables. Congrats, they’re all talking about it!
Nene: I know they are! Everyone thinks some grateful vegan broke into the school!
Hanako-kun: Or a grateful daikon.
Nene: Huaeah!
Dream daikon: For you!
(Daikon: Radish → Japanese)
Nene: Nawahwahwahwahwahwah!
(Hanako-kun: Hahahahahaha!)
Girl #1: Oh my gosh, she’s screaming at the ceiling!
(Nene: Nawahwahwah!)
(Hanako-kun: Hahahaha!)
(Boys: Ewuah?)
Girl #2: I’ve seen her talking to herself all day.
(Nene: Nawahwahwahwahwahwah!)
(Hanako-kun: Hahahahahaha!)
Nene: I’m so embarrassed. I have to drop gardening club.
Hanako-kun: That’s a little extreme, isn’t it? You have other talents and interests. We’ll try something new!
Nene: Yay…
(Hanako-kun: Yay!)
Nene’s thoughts: I can’t contain my enthusiasm.
{Caption: Operation: Button of Love}
Minamoto: They say he lives under the stairs…
Girl #3: Oh…
Minamoto: …but I’ve never seen anything.
Hanako-kun: Score! I got one! Now’s your chance! Go sew his button of love! 
Nene: I’m on it! Hey, Minamoto!
Girl #3: Looks like you’re missing a button.
Minamoto: Weird; it wasn’t like that earlier.
(Girl #3: Don’t worry, I’ll save you!)
Girl #3: Use mine!
Girl #4: No, use mine!
(Boy #2: No, take mine!)
Nene: Oah…
(Hanako-kun: Hehehehe…)
(Girl #3, Girl #4, Boy #2: Pick me! I wanna be Minamoto’s button!)
{Caption: Failure…}
Nene: I failed.
(Hanako-kun: Hehehe!)
{Caption: Operation: Boxed Lunch}
Hanako-kun: How about using the vegetables to make him a boxed lunch? You can keep it exciting by making them look like cute animals!
Nene: Uh-huh!
{Caption #1: Chop, chop}
{Caption #2: Sizzle}
Boy #1: Nice wrap! You got a girl makin’ you lunch now?
Minamoto: I don’t know who it could be. 
Woman’s voice: AAAAAHHHH!
(Minamoto: Huah! Dueah…)
Minamoto: I think someone forgot this. I’ll take it to the lost and found. 
{Caption: Failure…}
Nene: Another failure.
{Caption: Operation: Corner of Love}
Nene: Nom!
Hanako-kun: Put this toast in your mouth and then bump into him as he turns a corner. Dash out there when I give the signal. 
Nene: Uh-huh!
Hanako-kun: TIME TO RUN! 
Nene: Hm!
Hanako-kun: Will be the signal for you to go. Uah! Deah!
Minamoto: Kou? KOU!
(Hanako-kun: Eh, huah…)
Boy #3: Look, someone just flew at them!
(Hanako-kun: Eh, auah…)
Boy #4: He fell down those stairs! Is he okay?
(Hanako-kun: Ah, ah…ehehe…)
Nene: What? I think I may have run into the wrong person! WAAAAAHHHH!
(Hanako-kun: Oh…oohueah…woaeuh…)
Boy #3: Don’t just stand there! Call an ambulance!
(Nene: I’m so sorry!)
(Hanako-kun: Uah…uh, uh…)
{Sign: Girls’ Bathroom}
Nene: Owauh…none of these things are working, none! And how is running with toast in my mouth supposed to make him want me? 
Hanako-kun: Ehehe!
Nene: Ehehe, NOT FUNNY! Now he seems more confused than ever!
Hanako-kun: Yeah…ooh, I know! Why don’t you just tell him?
Nene: Owah? I can’t! 
Hanako-kun: Come on! I’m running out of ideas! This is all so…new to me.
Nene: Eum? What do you mean, “new”?!
Hanako-kun: Eheh! Not many people know how to summon me, so I’m not as experienced as you think.
Nene: I knew something was off! All these fluffy, wholesome attacks are not what ghosts are usually about! 
Hanako-kun: Except for me! Just call me wholesome Hanako!
{Caption: Grrrrr}
Hanako-kun: I have items that are a little darker too! If you want! Let’s see, where is it? Found it! Here!
Nene: What is this?
Hanako-kun: Kokeshi doll.
Nene: So?
Hanako-kun: It’s kinda sexy.
Nene: HUEH!
(Hanako-kun: AAAAAAAHHHHH!)
Nene: Hueauh!
Nene’s thoughts: I really believed he was going to grant my wish.
Hanako-kun: Note to self: don’t show them the dolls in front of an open window. 
{Text on bag: Seal}
Nene’s thoughts: Is this Hanako’s? Did he mean to drop it?
Hanako-kun: Oweah…
Nene: Hey, Hanako…what are these?
Hanako-kun: Oh. Those are for matchmaking.
Nene: Matchmaking?!
Hanako-kun: No! DON’T TOUCH! Give it to me! I’m serious!
(Nene: Ewuah!)
Nene: Aaaahhh…nom!
Nene: If you don’t want me to swallow it, you’d better explain right now!
Hanako-kun: Euh! Okay, okay, I will! Those are clusters of mermaid scales. Anyone who swallows them will be cursed. Part of that curse is a bond with another who made the same unfortunate---
Nene: Gulp!
{Caption: Gulp} 
Hanako-kun: AIYEE, YASHIRO!
{Caption: Panic, panic}
Nene: I don’t mind!
Hanako-kun: Uah!
Nene: If Minamoto will like me back, then I don’t care if I’m cursed! You had the right items the entire time! Hanako, you…YOU’RE NOTHING BUT AN EVIL LIAR!
Hanako: Ehuheum…
Nene: Heum…ehem!
Hanako-kun: Ohueaum…
Nene: Awah…euh!
Nene’s thoughts: There he is! Finally! But…who’s that girl?
{Caption: Slender legs}  
Girl #3: I, um…
{Caption: Blushing}
Girl #3: I’m sorry, this is hard. Okay. I’ve had a crush on you ever since first year! 
Nene’s thoughts: AAAAHHHHHOWAH!
Minamoto: Oh…
Nene’s thoughts: No, don’t! Don’t say it, please! You can’t like her back! I…I was so close.
Minamoto: Look, I…
Nene: Huah!
Minamoto: Thank you for telling me, but I like someone else. I’ve liked her for a long time, and I hope to be with her someday. I know that’s hard to hear. I’m sorry.
Nene’s thoughts: So that’s it. He likes someone else. But now that I have this, I guess it doesn’t matter.
Hanako-kun [flashback]: Anyone’d do?
Nene: It’s not the same. Hm…neah! My arms! What the…? No!
Nene’s thoughts: I don’t get it. Why is this happening to me? You worked so hard to show him…no, that’s not true. I barely even talk to him at school. It’s my own fault that he doesn’t know my name.
Hanako-kun [flashback]: Let your hard work work for you.
Nene’s thoughts: But what was I working toward? Did I think we would live happily ever after? Or did I just want someone to like me so I’d feel better about myself? Did I swallow this thing to feed my ego? Am I really that selfish? If so…it serves me right. All of it.  
Hanako-kun: There you go!
Nene: Am I in…water?
Hanako-kun: And good thing you are. You were about to dry out.
Nene: Hanako?
Hanako-kun: I’ve got everything ready for you. Hope you like it.
Nene: Hope I like what? What happened to me? 
Hanako-kun: Ta-da!
(Hanako-kun: Hm…) 
Hanako-kun: Oh good, I knew she would love it!
Nene: I DON’T!
Hanako-kun: I tried to tell you; there’s a price for everything. Eating the scales put you under the mermaid’s curse. All the fish are her servants, so that explains your look. And the fact that only you ate one; if you had convinced someone else to swallow a scale with you, then the curse would’ve been split between the two of you. Most people under her spell aren’t turned into fish completely. You still would have had some fish-like traits, however.
Nene: Uhnh!
{Caption: Ugh…}
Hanako-kun: The thing is…only the person who consumes the mermaid scale is affected. The reason they’re called “matchmaking charms” is because people under the same curse will share a special bond with one another. You didn’t give this to him. Why not?
Nene: When I thought about what love means, I realized that’s not how I felt about Minamoto. You were right. I wanted someone like him to want me back, but it could’ve been anyone. I just wanted love. I didn’t realize it until now, after I’ve caused all this trouble. I’m the worst. 
Mermaid: Well, well…
Nene: Aah!
Mermaid: …isn’t that tragic?
Nene: What’s happening?!
Mermaid: Humans truly are the most foolish creatures. But I’ve brought you a reason to celebrate. From this moment on, you will be serving me! I’ll be so good to you. You don’t need anyone else!  
Hanako-kun: Look who’s here. Hello.
Mermaid: Hahahahahaha!
Hanako-kun: That fish is the mermaid, and it looks like she’s ready to collect you as her servant. But I’m not done with you. So she’ll have to wait. 
Nene: Hanako!
Mermaid: How adorably pathetic! The little School Wonder boy thought he could best my powers and millenia of experience.  
Nene: AAH! 
Mermaid: Come to Mommy!
Hanako-kun: Please hold on a second. 
Mermaid: Hm?
Hanako-kun: I haven’t had the chance to grant the girl’s wish for summoning me. Let me finish my work. I’ll then leave you to yours.  
Mermaid: Silence! Don’t you dare presume to command me!
Hanako-kun: I didn’t. I asked. But now…I have no choice but to use force.
Nene: Awaueh! 
Mermaid: SUCH A DISH FOR ME! Aweuagh! I’ve been hit, and by a feeble apparition barely a few decades old? Curse you, School Wonder! 
Hanako-kun: Score! Catch of the day!
Hanako-kun: She’s gone back to her realm for now. She’s pretty persistent though, so we’ll see her again. But at least we’ve bought ourselves some time to plan our next move. 
Nene: I don’t wanna go through that again! Can you keep her away? I just can’t spend my life with that awful, angry sea-witch! This is all because I wanted a boy to like me.  
Hanako-kun: Hmhmhmhm! Humans love ghost stories, but they don’t take them seriously until someone gets cursed. You think every spell will work in your favor. I begged you not to eat that scale, didn’t I? You. Did it. Anyway.  
Nene: Newauh!
Hanako-kun: I also urged you not to use this on your crush. You listened, which means I can still grant you a wish.  
Nene: Awauh?
Hanako-kun: Do you want to be human again? If that’s your wish, I’ll grant it, although there will still be a price.  
Nene: Oh…what kind of price?
Hanako-kun: Well, you know I can’t say until it’s done, but I will keep your life as normal as possible. Do you want to risk it?
Nene: Yes! Please turn me back! I wish to be human again! I understand there’s a price, just get me out of here as soon as possible!
Hanako-kun: You got it. It’s done. As for how you’ll be paying me back…you’ll use your body.  
Nene: What? Awah! 
Hanako-kun: Gulp! 
Nene: WAAAAAHHHH! Uweah…
Hanako-kun: As promised, I’ll minimize the curse’s effects on you. You and I have now been linked across the border between this life and the next.  
Nene: Awah!
Hanako-kun: It’s time to pay.
(Nene: Neah!)  
Hanako-kun: I want…a solid work ethic!
Nene: Huh?
Hanako-kun: Oh wow, what a relief! I was just thinking this would be so much easier if I had a human assistant.  
Nene: Hehehehehe!
(Hanako-kun: Hahahahaha!)
Hanako-kun: What’d you think I meant?
Nene: Eheueaheah…
Hanako-kun: Yashiro, you dirty daikon!
(Daikon: Radish → Japanese) 
Hanako-kun: Aah, heauh! Oh, duoh…
Nene: You’re hurt? I’m not supposed to be able to touch you.
Hanako-kun: We share a bond now and therefore we’re linked, like I said. You know, the least you could do was go easy on me after I granted you an additional wish.   
Nene: Hm? What extra wish?
Hanako-kun: You did say that you wanted somebody to share your feelings, didn’t you?
Nene: Ahuah…
Hanako-kun: Well, now that we’ve entered into a bond, I’m sure we’ll share all sorts of things. 
Nene: Um, that’s kind of stretching it.  
Nene [narrating]: That’s how we met, and where it all began. I became friends with a ghost boy in an empty classroom, as he held my hands by the red rays of twilight.
Hanako-kun: Oh, by the way…you should let those dry. The moisture makes them flare. 
Nene: Huh? 
{Caption: Scales}
Radio announcer: Do you ever wonder where the things we’ve forgotten end up, forgotten moments or souls? If we don’t remember them, does that mean they’re gone? Or are they still here in a new form, desperate for us to notice them? Has anyone out there heard this story? The one about Yousei? 
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catboysghost · 6 months
hello!!! so im planning a hanako-kun fandub of the anime and im looking for the scripts of the episodes😓i just found the first one but i REALLY need the scripts of all episodes.
this is the episode i have (1) and its kinda how i need the others to be. i need the script for all episodes of the anime REALLY
id appreciate it!! if u want, you can also be featured in the discord server for helpin!!! (the server is still not ready so i wont share it)
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My Fandoms and Side Blogs
I just wanted to make a list for people seeing this blog of fandoms that I am in, that way there's at least some sort of template for content on this blog besides the random daily life posts. And also so people in these fandoms know that they can talk to me about fandom stuff :)
*This list is subject to additions/deletions*
Fandoms I Am Officially In:
Star Wars
Some of the Riordanverse (Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus, and Magnus Chase)
The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings
Grand Blue Dreaming
The Devil is a Part-Timer!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Spongebob Squarepants
Night Court
30 Rock
King of the Hill
Phineas and Ferb
Princess Bride
Pride and Prejudice
South Park
Mythology (I know the most about Greek/Roman and Norse)
Great Pretender
Pearls Before Swine
Akudama Drive
Jujutsu Kaisen
The Way of the Househusband
Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun
Ace Attorney
Bungou Stray Dogs
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
Genshin Impact
Ouran High School Host Club
Spy x Family
Assassination Classroom
Tears of Themis
Twisted Wonderland
Mo Dao Zu Shi/Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation/Founder of Diabolism
I also know some stuff about the actors/voice actors in these fandoms, although I don't want to put myself in a specific actor/voice actor fandom.
Transcript Account:
Fanfiction Quotes Account:
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Introduction and Links to Masterlists
Hello! As the title of this blog indicates, you'll find fan-made transcripts for the dubbed episodes of anime series here.
As noted in the description, these series do not belong to me. They belong to their respective owners.
If you have any questions about an episode/series, a correction for a transcript, a request for a series, or just want to say something about your favorite show(s), please click the "Questions and Corrections" link above and put it in there.
If you want to translate these into a language other than English, please go ahead! Just share it with me once you're done so I can put it here!
Main is @random-musings-of-life.
Quick notes on my transcript notation:
(Character name: Dialogue) --- this dialogue is being said at the same time as the line above it; characters are talking over each other
Character, Character #2, Character #3, etc.: Dialogue --- two or more characters are saying the same thing at the same time
{Description of location: Text} --- this text isn't spoken, but appears on screen as a caption, on a sign, on a piece of paper, etc.
(Term/Phrase: Translation -> Language) --- translation of a non-English word/phrase and the language it's from
🎵Text🎵 --- singing or music
Dotted lines --- separation of scenes
Ultimate Masterlist
Ace Attorney
Akudama Drive
Assassination Classroom
Bungou Stray Dogs
Bungou Stray Dogs Wan!
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba
Hetalia Part 1 (Season 1, 2, 3 and most of 4)
Hetalia Part 2 (Rest of Season 4, 5, 6, 7, and the movie Paint It White)
I Got A Cheat Skill In Another World And Became Unrivalled In The Real World Too
In Another World With My Smartphone *Coming Soon!*
Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War *Coming Soon!*
Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan
Ouran High School Host Club
Rurouni Kenshin (2023) *Coming Soon!*
Sasaki and Miyano *Coming Soon!*
Solo Leveling *Coming Soon!*
Spy x Family
Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun
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