nytehavyn-circle · 1 month
(Closed starter for @blackwidowandco - for Rogue)
Tolaas had finished helping the X-Men with a small mission and decided he was headed to one of his ranches for the next few days. He'd invited a few of them to come with, but most of them either were going to stay at the mansion or going off to do their own thing. Rogue accepted, though.
This made Tolaas rather happy. Rogue was one hell of a badass, and he had a thing for strong women. So he was happy to have her company.
When they arrived at his ranch in Colorado a couple of days later, he parked and got out of the truck. His ranchhands had been keeping up the place well.
"So, whaddya think?" he asked her. "There's the house," he gestured. It was a white, two-story country home in style, with both a front and back covered porch.
He gestured out to the pasture. "The horses er out grazin' an' runnin' right now, stretchin' their legs. The crops er back there," he pointed. "An' then we got cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, yanno, the usual," he laughed.
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openingadoor · 24 days
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Berlin, City Smell Research. Sissel Tolaas (Norwegian, born 1962) 2004.
Glass and smell simulation
Each bottle: 5 7/8 x 7 1/16 x 2 3/8" (15 x 18 x 6 cm)
“Smell immediately locates you in a space,” says artist, designer, chemist, and odor theorist Sissel Tolaas. “It gives you new tools to perceive your surroundings.” Throughout her career Tolaas has worked provocatively with smell, applying headspace technology—used in the perfume industry to capture and synthesize natural scents—to render essences ranging from the objectionable (sweat, rotten fish, dog feces) to the everyday (fresh laundry, kebabs, shoe shop) and put them into an archive of more than seven thousand scents. From this archive she has created fragrances that do not adhere to the usual definitions of what smells good or desirable; instead, her aim is to stimulate emotional responses, evoke memories, and recreate places in all their chaos and specificity. While conducting her City Smell Research, which was presented at the Berlin Biennale in 2004, Tolaasworked in various Berlin districts to distill an essential scent for each one, creating an olfactory map of the city. The scents are contained in bottles that physically recall the city map and compass points. This work is not simply the charting of a landscape of smell; it also explores the potential of smell as information that enhances and subverts the physical and symbolic boundaries of the urban ecosystem.
found via Talk to Me curated by Paola Antonelli
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lilahemorgan · 4 days
Lilah spent the next few hours talking and reconnecting with Lindsey. It was morning when she returned to the castle. She dropped her things off at her room and then went to Tolass’s room. She knocked on his door.
@nytehavyn-circle (Tolass)
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Closed starter with: @nytehavyn-circle
Rebecca was in trouble and she knew it, blood dripped from the various wounds on her body. Her eye was swollen shut and it was getting hard to breathe, she had managed to take out almost all of her attackers but a few had escaped and were currently chasing her. Stopping around a corner she managed to pull her phone out, she hesitated slightly calling him. She hated to be a burden to him but she was in dire need of help, and she had nobody else to call.Taking a deep breath she dialed his number and heard it ring a couple of times “Please pick up” she mumbled softly. Hearing gunshots she stashed her phone in her pocket and took off again “Fucking assholes just let me leave!” A stray bullet hits her arm and she screams “Son of a bitch,couldn’t you at least have bad aim?!” 
Hearing voices coming closer, she tried to use her powers making one of the men shoot the other. Her arm drips blood and she feels woozy, unsure if her phone is still working she talks loud enough in case the call went through “Handsome, uh hi its Rebecca. I need your help badly got caught up in something and it’s not going well at all, I feel like a pin cushion except add bullet holes and various wounds” Coughing slightly she winces hearing a wheeze, closing her eyes she starts to slump down the wall before everything goes dark.
Groaning she wakes slightly, her eye is fully swelled shut, going to move her arms she quickly realizes that she is zip tied to a chair. Three men smirk at her and hold up knives “You hurt ours now we get to hurt you” Rolling her eyes she tries to use her powers and is met with a blinding headache complete with nosebleed “Fucking assholes! What the hell did you do?” Wincing she feels a sharp pain to her face “I’m going to kill you if or should I say when I get free!” The men laugh “Nobody is coming to save you Pandora” Wincing at the use of her other name she struggles “I’ll kill you!” She hoped her phone had worked, she needed help and now.
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Sissel Tolaas, RE_________, 2022. 
Installation view, Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania.
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casualscx · 4 days
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joe manjello & samara weaving manip ♡
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lizpurr · 1 year
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Sissel Tolaas
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naughtynecromancer · 2 years
Tolaas lovingly brushed his thumb along Mori's cheek, brought her lips towards his, and whispered, "Good girl," against them.
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Humming softly at the kiss, she leaned into it, her lashes fluttering, completely melting against him, a little moan escaping her lips. He knew what those words did to her. Kissing him eagerly, she whined, a hand sliding into his hair, nibbling his bottom lip gently. @nytehavyn-circle
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imxthexhandler · 1 year
⭐️ (Tolaas)
Send in ⭐️ for a headcanon about our muses! -------------------------------
( @nytehavyn-circle)
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After their relationship became intimate, whenever Amelia would ask him to come over, she would specify ahead of time with Tolaas if she truly wanted to watch something (no distractions) or if she was in the mood for smexy times.
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 year
Advent Calendar: Day 16 @nytehavyn-circle​
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When Beth asked Tolaas if he’d come and sing carols with her at the park, she hadn’t expected him to really say yes. He’s so much of an enigma to him as far as new friends go. Sometimes she wonders if he’s real or not. And to someone like her that isn’t insignificant. When she allows her awareness to blossom and reach out, she feels a sense of life shining through him and reaching back. Sometimes though there are parts of him and places that she can only describe as dark or empty, devoid of any sort of connection  She’s only brushed against that feeling once before in a Kindred friend of hers, one of the dead who still walks. Maybe a part of her is afraid to ask because she doesn’t want to know the answer. One of her sacred duties is to foster life wherever she can, to live within the laws of nature, and another is to fight against what is wrong or evil within those laws. So instead she tends to ask him other things. If he’d like to take in a movie ~and sometimes, explain what she missed through the dialogue when she doesn’t hear things right~ or if he wants to meet at the park and spend time with her by the lake, taking in the air of the Ramble, and the sunshine. Watch the ducks and the swans swim by. Not something that they can do in winter when ice begins to glaze the waters. Sometimes he agrees and brings his guitar. Sometimes Tolaas will sing. A comforting thing, one that reminds her of her brother, even if that’s almost as far as the resemblance goes. The other thing she hesitates on is the weapons. She’s keen eyed enough to make note of where he keeps his knives and the like, just as she’s sure he knows she keeps her athame ~her bone dagger~ against her thigh beneath her skirts. But yule celebrations, the solstice or winter holidays, are a time to rest and to treat one another with peace and kindness. She honours that by leaving hers at home, and watching him get ready, she doesn’t complain. Merely lifts a brow when it seems like he’s contemplating some far more serious hardware. After all, the worst possible case being around Sleepers is that maybe someone calls the cops, and things get dramatically out of hand from there. Alternatively, some other source of law enforcement ~the kind that come with mirror shades and trenchcoats~ decide to sanitise most of the park. And while Beth could absolutely bail him out in the first case, she’d really rather not risk the second. There’s rules, after all. And things only work out when everyone plays by them. Still, as they walk across the park, she winds an arm around his, pulling at one of the gloves she’s encouraged him to wear against the cold higher up on his wrist. “Mahalo for comin’ out wi’ me li’dis. Was a small kine surprise you said yes, but I’m really glad. Hopefully we don’ get snowed out tonight, yeah? What’s your favourite carol, ya t’ink?”
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higherentity · 2 years
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nytehavyn-circle · 1 month
(Closed starter for @frombehindpaleeyes)
It had been a couple of days since Tolaas and Anne talked. After she had woken up that moring a few days past, she had decided to go home for a bit.
Tolaas hadn't bothered he because he believed she had some stuff she had to deal with, come to terms with and work out in her head.
He picked up his phone and brought up her number to text.
[TEXT: Anne - Unrequited?] Hey. I know it's been a couple of days, but I need to know... are you okay?
He hesitated a moment, two, three, then hit send and waited with anticipation and trepidation for the answer.
If she would even text back.
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ayakoito · 7 hours
“May I ask yer advice on somethin'?” he asked the woman sitting on the bench in the park.
Ayako raised her head when she heard the stranger's voice, scrutinizing him for a moment. She had been engrossed in her phone, so she hadn't noticed him at first.
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"Um… yeah… sure! What's it about?" Aya lowered her phone, keeping it in her lap and giving the stranger her full attention.
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lilahemorgan · 16 days
Tolaas knocked on Lilah's room door a bit harder and longer than he probably should have. But he was mad. Not at Lilah, but at Lindsey. More like whatever god or gods felt he needed to be resurrected.
He knocked on her door again, and when she answered he glared at her and stepped inside of her room. "Sorry, ain't mad at you," he said, making sure she didn't think his ire was directed at her.
Out of one pocket, he produced a crumpled piece of paper. "Yer Golden Boy friend is back," he said, handing her the paper, on which she would find his number written.
"Not too happy with whatever deity thought it would be funny ta bring his ass back. But he wants ya ta call 'im," he said, gesturing to the paper she now held.
Lilah looked at the paper with the number on it then her gaze turned back to Tolass. “I’m sorry what?” She asked him. She took the paper and set it down on the coffee table. She was still a little stunned by the news.
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“Wait.. you know each other? You actually talked to him?”
@nytehavyn-circle (tolass)
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strathshepard · 1 month
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‘Everything Is About Chemistry’—Sissel Tolaas on Her Mission to Understand Smell at The Met and Beyond
Above, a Philip Treacy hat and dresses (from left) by Valentino, Yves Saint Laurent, and Dolce & Gabbana, near Tolaas’s tube installation
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zeller2004 · 3 months
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Victoria Eikremsvik-Tolaas
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