#tolna reviews
tolnas-vault · 5 months
Fic Review: Respite
Reviewed: April 18 2024
Fic Data
Rating: E
Status: Complete
Word Count: 5840
Main Ship(s): Halsin/Zevlor
Side Ship(s): None
Other Side Character(s): None
Zevlor opened his mouth to reply, then closed it. He wanted to object that he hadn’t gotten much sleep lately and he was doing just fine. But he sensed something in the druid’s words. He was likely not that concerned with his circadian rhythm, actually. Was he… flirting? The possibility threw him for a loop. No, it was a silly notion. Make advances to someone like him? A broken paladin, a man who was still together only because he wasn’t allowed to fall to pieces, not at that time. No. Must have been his imagination.
- Halsin helps Zevlor relax a little during the celebration. He has a few ways to do so in mind
Ao3 Stats (As of April 18 2024)
Halsin/Zevlor on Ao3: 22
Halsin: 3853
Zevlor: 398
Review (Mild Spoilers Only, 18+ Only Under Cut)
Warnings: Drug use (Fantasy Pot), Shotgunning, Anal Sex
Favorite Quote:
"He wanted to object that he hadn’t gotten much sleep lately and he was doing just fine. But he sensed something in the druid’s words. He was likely not that concerned with his circadian rhythm, actually." 
Main POV: Zevlor
One props to this fic for a more subtle representation of someone's first time with pot.
Two I very much enjoyed Zevlor's perspective in this fic. The tension felt very really, and very relatable. You can see the build up to the man who would stumble in the Shadowlands.
Three I always love a fic that gets that exact balance of Halsin patiently asking for consent, while being very very excited to couple with his partner. I feel as though this gets to the overall appeal of Halsin, sex positive in a way that never feels like pressure.
A very hot read with some great character work on Zevlor's end.
Who I'd recommend this fic to: Fan of, what are the kids calling it nowadays? Old man yaoi? I also think this is a great fic for fans of Zevlor, particularly those who relate to his struggles. And those who wish Halsin would help them relax too.
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Minor Nobles & House of Wittelsbach: Baroness Marie Louise of Wallersee
Marie was born as the bastard daughter of Ludwig in Bavaria and actress Henriette Mendel. She received her mother’s last name at birth and her parents married a year later morganatically. 9 days before the wedding, Henriette had received the title of Baroness of Wallersee which could be inherited by her children. Ludwig had to give up his rights as a first-born son to marry Henriette.
Marie received a liberal education and experienced a relatively free childhood. Like her aunt Elisabeth “Sisi” of Austria, she was a talented rider but also fencer. When Elisabeth visited her brother and his family in 1869, she took a liking in Marie Louise and first invited her to Vienna. In 1876, she spent serveral months with her aunt in Hungary. She became a close companion of The Empress. This was seen as inappropriate since Marie was “only” the daughter of an actress. Among those critical was also Baroness Helene of Vetsera, the mother of the famous Mary Vetsera.
Countess Marie Festetics von Tolna, a lady-in-waiting of Elisabeth, was jealous of Marie as well and arranged a meeting of her with Count Larisch-Moennich. Pressured by her aunt, Marie agreed to marry him on October 20th, 1877. The couple moved to Slesia and had two children, Franz Joseph and Marie Valerie, in 1878 and 1879.
The marriage was not happy and since Marie regarded the marriage as forced upon her she did not feel obligated to be loyal to her husband. She began an affair with Heinrich Baltazzi, the brother of The Baroness of Vetsera, who most likely is also the father of her children Marie Henriette and Georg Heinrich. Although it was an open secret, her husband still aknowledged the children as his. But the birth of Friedrich Karl in 1894, whose father was Ernst von Otto-Kreckwitz, was the last straw. The couple no longer could keep up appearances as Marie lived in Bavaria and her husband in Slesia since 1889. They divorced in 1896.
Even before the divorce, the Count and Marie were not on good terms. He only gave her the bare minimum of financial aid, so she went into huge debts. They were often covered by her lover Baltazzi and her cousin Crown Prince Rudolf. Mary Vetsera, the niece of Balatazzi, had a crush on Rudolf and Marie introduced the young woman to her cousin. She also covered some of their meetings out of friendship to Mary and thankfulness to Rudolf for covering her bills. But after Mary Vetsera caused a scandal in the opera in 1888, Marie no longer arranged meetings. However this did not stop the couple from meeting which ended tragically in the Mayerling incident.
Rudolf had burned his own love letters to Mary but kept those of Mary and his cousin Marie Louise in his desk where they were found after his death. He actually hinted to those in his testament. One letter of Marie Louise was even found in his uniform jacket which was the cause that she became a persona non grata at Viennese court.
She married her second husband opera singer Otto Brucks in 1897. He lost his position at the Bavarian court out of solidarity with the Austrian royal house when he began a relationship with Marie. In every review of his performance, they hinted more to their scandalous relationship then they wrote about his actually singing. This led him to become an alcoholic. In 1899, Marie Louise bore her last child Otto Brucks jr. Since her husband lost his job, the family was having money issues which led Marie Louise to write a book about everything she knew about her royal relatives. Emperor Franz Joseph tried to stop the publishing of it by buying the manuscript and paying her a pension. Nevertheless, she came into contact with publisher again and again because she wanted to regain her reputation and because money was still tight. Her book My Past was ultimately published in Britain in 1913 and became an immediate bestseller. The book also came to Germany a year later as an illegal printing. Her husband died the same year from health issues regarding his drinking.
The following years, Marie Louise lived in poverty and even had to work as a household manager in Berlin. In 1920, she even starred in a silent movie about her aunt Elisabeth in which she played herself. In 1924, she wanted to escape poverty by emigrating to the US. A journalist wrote an article about her and her life which also included the offer that she would marry whoever payed her and her son’s travel expenses to the US. At the age of 66, she arrived and three days later she married William Henry Meyers who had actually hope to gain money and respect through the marriage. He mistreated her until she could flee to New Jersey in 1926 where she worked as a cook and maid.
Her misery would not end here. She told her life story to a German-American writer who wrote two embroidered books about her without sharing the profits. This damaged Marie’s reputation even more and she was seen as money-hungry and evil former countess that wanted to profit from her relatives. She moved back to Augsburg in 1929. She died 11 years later, dirt poor in a retirement home. After her death, a Gestapo member searched her room and found serveral manuscripts.
In her 1936 book My Royal Relatives, she claims to not actually have been the daughter of Ludwig in Bavaria and Henriette Mendel but actually the bastard daughter of her aunt Marie in Bavaria, The Queen of Two Sicilies and Count Armand de Lavaÿss. While Marie indeed had an unnamed illegitimate daughter, it is speculated that the father was an officer of the papal guard. My Royal Relatives is also the only source for this claim, so it should be taken with a grain of salt.
Marie’s last wish to have a tomb stone with her birth name on it was only fulfilled in 2012. She is buried next to her father and son Friedrich Karl in Munich.
// Julia Cencig as Marie Larisch in The Crown Prince (2006)
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tolnas-vault · 5 months
Fic Review: Breathe Easy
Reviewed: April 16 2024
Fic Data
Rating: T
Status: Complete
Word Count: 7829
Main Ship(s): Dame Aylin/Shadowheart/Isobel Thorm
Side Ship(s): None
Other Side Character(s): Shadowheart's Parents (Arnell and Emmeline)
For the first time in half a century, Shadowheart feels as if she truly tastes clean air.
There is pain. There is loss. There is guilt that will gnaw away at her all the rest of her days.
But so too is there hope.
Hope, reconciliation, and a chance at great love if only she has the tender strength to clasp this most fragile of states closer.
Ao3 Stats (As of April 16 2024)
Dame Aylin/Shadowheart/Isobel Thorm on Ao3: 30
Dame Aylin/Shadowheart works on Ao3: 7
Shadowheart/Isobel Thorm works on Ao3: 4
Dame Aylin/Isobel Thorm works on Ao3: 145
Dame Aylin: 336
Shadowheart works on Ao3: 5969
Isobel Thorm works on Ao3: 332
Review (Mild Spoilers Only)
Warnings: Deliberate scaring, mental breakdowns, some sexual humor.
Favorite Quote:
"Are you so eager to escape the consequences of your choices, little warrior, so afeared of the pain a life lived brings, that you would accuse mine and me of a murder never committed?" 
Main POV: Shadowheart
As demonstrated by the quote above, Dame Aylin is on point in this fic. But so are all the other characters. The author captures each character's voice perfectly.
This fic definitely explore's Shadowheart's more bitter, bratty side. Which I appreciate, it's one of my favorite parts about Shadowheart. But that doesn't mean I don't equally enjoy Isobel calling her out on it. And the way she just is so perfect. It shows a side to Isobel the game doesn't explore nearly enough. This woman is truly Ketheric Thorm's daughter.
I also appreciate how Scratch and Owlbear are developed in this screen. It's very in the background but I think it says a lot about the family unit that's starting to form.
Overall a great Shadowheart character piece with some great moments from both Isobel and Aylin.
Who I'd recommend this fic to: Shadowheart fans will of course love the introspection. But I think those who love the Moon Lesbians will appreciate the way their relationship, personalities, and dynamic are fleshed out in this fic.
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tolnas-vault · 5 months
Fic Review: Book, Singular
Reviewed: April 19 2024
Fic Data
Rating: G
Status: Complete
Word Count: 1959
Main Ship(s): Rolan & Cal & Lia
Side Ship(s): None
Other Side Character(s): None
A short backstory fic about how Rolan found Cal and Lia. I have a lot of feelings about them.
Ao3 Stats (As of April 18 2024)
Rolan & Cal & Lia on Ao3: 35
Rolan: 576
Cal: 203
Lia: 208
Review (Mild Spoilers Only)
Warnings: Child neglect.
Favorite Quote:
"The tiny little bed in the tiny little room in the tiny little shack was as uncomfortable as it had been every day of every year since he’d been brought here — but, today, it was even more ill-suited to reading than usual. "
Main POV: Rolan
A very sweet little fic about how Rolan, Cal, and Lia first met and became a family. I just adore these three as a found family. Even with the short word count each of their characters really shines through. You can see Rolan's ambition and ill temper, Lia's stumborness, and Cal's good nature. I just adore these three and this fic was such a perfect background for them.
Who I'd recommend this fic to: Anyone who wishes there were more sibling and family dynamics in BG3. This trio is truly one of the best.
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tolnas-vault · 5 months
Fic Review: the desperate work of loving
Reviewed: April 17 2024
Fic Data
Rating: G
Status: Complete
Word Count: 3186
Main Ship(s): Gale/Wyll
Side Ship(s): None
Other Side Character(s): None
‘Care for some company? Though of course, since you have sequestered yourself here, you probably wish to be alone at present.’
When Wyll turns to face Gale, he notes a slight nervousness in the other man’s expression, in the way he can’t quite hold his gaze, and for a bitter moment Wyll wonders if it’s because of the devil horns atop his head, or perhaps the warped ridges of the planes of his face. Or maybe it’s because his gaze is no longer his own, now that Mizora has claimed both of his eyes. Besides, if he cannot bear to look upon himself in a mirror, how can he begrudge when others feel the same revulsion?
During the tieflings' party, Wyll and Gale take a moment to reflect over the trauma of their pasts, and to find hope for their futures.
Ao3 Stats (As of April 17 2024)
Gale/Wyll on Ao3: 36
Gale works on Ao3: 336
Wyll works on Ao3: 4726
Gale works on Ao3: 8311
Review (Mild Spoilers Only)
Warnings: Wyll post-transformation body dysmorphia.
Favorite Quote:
"Your magic is so different to my own. Mine feels so… destructive. A weapon to be wielded in battle. But yours - it can create, as well as destroy."
Main POV: Wyll
I too saw Wyll the dancing man himself moping at the party and thought "Oh if only someone could cast disguise-self on him."
This is exactly the sort of chat I've always wanted to see out of Gale and Wyll too. Something philosophical that delves into power, and one's reasoning for pursuing it. They're both so sweet, and wholesome. But both have made dark choices for the sake of "betterment".
Also this is one of the most beautiful descriptions of Wyll coming to terms with his transformation. It really gets to the heart of how he ties it to his own identity.
Who I'd recommend this fic to: Bladeweave fans of course. But also Wyll fans who particularly relate to his struggle with body image and identity.
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tolnas-vault · 5 months
WIP to Watch Out For: The Red Harp
Reviewed: May 1 2024
Fic Data
Rating: E
Status: Incomplete
Publish Date: 2024-04-23
Last Update: 2024-04-24
Chapters: 2
Word Count: 10,639
Main Ship(s): Shadowheart/He Who Was
Side Ship(s): Geraldus/Rolan
Other Side Character(s): Jaheira, Aradin, Rugan, Minsc, Rion
This city is filled with demons; and as the constables track down those mortal evils, those murderers and thieves, behind the unassuming door of The Red Harp they hunt those evils existing in the space beyond. The High Harper's daughter has been taken. The medium and the thief stand at the docks, growing cold as they await the arrival of their newest recruit, the exorcist, ready to begin the work. (Victorian/Penny Dreadful style AU)
Ao3 Stats (As of May 1 2024)
Shadowheart/He Who Was works on Ao3: 2
He Who Was works on Ao3: 35
Shadowheart works on Ao3: 6219
Review (Mild Spoilers Only)
Warnings: Gore, body horror, parasites, ghosts.
Favorite Quote:
"Shadowheart’s eyes traced down, now, to the floor - where the girls purple gown was gathered about her, the crumpled material of her skirts forming pools all around her, which, now that she was looking at it from somewhere so close, she could see, were shifting slightly. The material almost looking as if it were … boiling?"
Main POV: Shadowheart and Geraldus
Oh this is a lovely gothic horror. Shadowheart and He Who Was slot perfectly into the rolls of medium and priest in this AU. And it's one of those AUs that weave the canon lore and AU lore together perfectly. Tieflings are still a thing, the Harpers and the Zhent are still a thing, but the technology and magic system have been adjusted for the setting.
The first two chapters offer a thrilling introduction to the world and this version of the characters. He Who Was, in all his creepy glory, gets a proper introduction from Shadowheart's pov, and we're then immediately flung into the action. And without spoiling what happens the action is absolutely amazing in this story. See the quote above for how evocative and uncanny the entities of this setting are, and how they're revealed to the audience through the dawning horror of the characters. I had chills during the first action scene.
And the action scenes also do an excellent job of character building. Each character's reaction to the monster of the scene reveals something about their character, and shows the author understands the NPCs they're working with.
And the author is also good at mixing up the horror as well. There's a solid combination of high intensity action, and unnerving suspense in just the first two chapters. I cannot wait to see where this story goes.
Who I'd recommend this fic to: This is the perfect fic for people people enjoy the goth aspects of both He Who Was and Shadowheart, and want to see the characters in a more classic horror setting, while not straying too far from the world of BG3.
How Unsatisfied Would I Be If This Never Updated Again?: Not too terribly. The first two chapters of this fic served as an excellent "pilot" episode for the premise. Which meant they of course set up the character relationships, mysteries, and plot threads that one would expect to be addressed over the course of the "season". But they were also their own self-contained story with a proper beginning, middle and end. A very classic "this is how the team gets together" pilot episode. Satisfying on its own, but leaving you wanting more.
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tolnas-vault · 5 months
Fic Review: My Best Friend is My Cat
Reviewed: April 21 2024
Fic Data
Rating: G
Status: Complete
Word Count: 1706
Main Ship(s): Gale & Tara
Side Ship(s): None
Other Side Character(s): None
Gale can barely take care of himself these days, but forgetting to take care of Tara? Well, that's just unthinkable. And yet...
Ao3 Stats (As of April 21 2024)
Gale & Tara works on Ao3: 40
Gale works on Ao3: 8415
Tara works on Ao3: 450
Review (Mild Spoilers Only)
Warnings: Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Mildly Disordered Eating.
Favorite Quote:
"You're being far too hard on yourself, Mr. Dekarios. I can survive if I don't get a home-cooked meal every night. I can more than survive, really – it was delightful to watch that little creature squirm."
Main POV: Gale
As demonstrated in the above quote, Tara is very much a cat in this fic. She deals with a depressed Gale in a very catlike way, which would be thoroughly hilarious/heartwarming if Gale's depression weren't so heartbreaking. As it is her actions serve to provide a bittersweet smile amidst the fog of Gale's depression.
This is a very realistic depiction of depression, particularly how it can impact sleep, dreams, and appetite. It's also an excellent depiction of where Gale's depression would lead him, as a man who very much defines himself by what he can do for others.
Who I'd recommend this fic to: Anyone who strongly relates to Gale's post-orb, pre-tadpole isolation and needs some hurt/comfort and/or whump.
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tolnas-vault · 5 months
Fic Review: Poetry and a Pounding
Reviewed: April 15 2024
Fic Data
Rating: E
Status: Complete
Word Count: 1943
Main Ship(s): Karlach/Wyll
Side Ship(s): None
Other Side Character(s): None
Look, fighting devils would make anyone horny. And clearly Karlach and Wyll hang out at Hope's newly renovated House of Hope after said devil fights. That's it. That's the fic. Well that and sex.
Ao3 Stats (As of April 15 2024)
Karlach/Wyll on Ao3: 239
Karlach/Wyll (otp:true) on Ao3: 42
Karlach works on Ao3: 5153
Wyll works on Ao3: 4705
Review (Mild Spoilers Only, 18+ Art Under Cut)
Warnings: Pegging, mild reference to blood (of the, we just finished a battle variety).
Favorite Quote:
“I can multitask. Poetry and a pounding,”
Main POV: Karlach
Fanart For Fic:
By @ponderosa121
You know what's nice about Wyllach? Their gender everything. Not just a subversion of gender roles, but a complete ignorance of them.
And this fic captures that so perfectly. And no I'm not just saying the cause Wyll gets pegged in this. I say that because he still plays the role of the classic prince charming while he gets pegged. He still recites poetry of his love for Karlach as she carries him to bed to be ravished.
And the two also take some time to tease each other during the act, a trope I'm always happy to see during my smut.
It's sex that feels very real and special to the pair while still being very very hot.
Who I'd recommend this fic to: Wyllach fans for certain. Just all Wyllach 18+ fans. This feels like quintessential smut for the pairing.
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tolnas-vault · 6 months
Fic Review: A Druid In The Shadows
Reviewed: April 12 2024
A note: y & x indicates a platonic relationship between characters, including familial bonds. y/x indicates romantic.
Fic Data
Rating: G
Status: Complete
Word Count: 8383
Main Relationship(s): Kagha & Arabella
Side Relationship(s): None
Other Side Character(s): Jaheira
Self-exiled from the Emerald Grove after the incident with the shadow druids, Kagha finds herself wandering the Shadow-Cursed Lands in wolf form. There she encounters a familiar little tiefling, one who has lost her parents somewhere in the dark.
A Kagha redemption story.
Ao3 Stats (As of April 12 2024)
Arabella works on Ao3: 113
Kagha works on Ao3: 60
Review (Mild Spoilers Only)
Warnings: References to canon child abuse. Canon typical violence. Sympathetic/Redeemed Villain
Favorite Quote: “For all Kagha had once railed against this child, calling for her imprisonment or death, it now seemed impossibly cruel to leave her in the woods fending for herself. "
Main POV: Kagha
This fic caught my eye while I was in the middle of creating my rare pairs and chars collection. Discovering the Shadow Druid side quest in my second playthrough was one of my favorite moments in all of Baldur's Gate 3, and I felt sad that Kagha's character was not explored further after that.
This fic really scratches that itch. Kagha's pride, and perhaps guilt over the shadow druids bringing her to the Shadowlands actually makes a lot of sense. That it leads her to Arabella makes for a brilliant redemption story.
The exploration of Arabella's powers in this story was very compelling. And the slow development of Kagha and Arabella's relationship into that of student and mentor was truly heartwarming.
I'd really love to read more of that dynamic. This was just the start of the relationship, Arabella's powers have a long way to go.
The dramatic irony and tension here is so good too. Wondering how Arabella would react when she discovered Kagha was her wolf guardian had me on the edge of my seat.
Overall a brilliant story that examines two of my favorite Baldur's Gate NPCs.
Who I'd recommend this fic to: If you completed Kagha's shadow druid questline and started wondering if there was more to the character than righteous isolationism this is the fic for you. Arabella fans will also enjoy an exploration of her powers and tenacity.
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tolnas-vault · 5 months
WIP to Watch Out For: Good Measures
Reviewed: May 2 2024
Fic Data
Rating: M
Status: Incomplete
Publish Date: 2024-03-18
Last Update: 2024-04-04
Chapters: 3
Word Count: 11,187
Main Ship(s): Barcus Wroot/Zanner Toobin
Side Ship(s): Barcus Wroot/Wulbren Bongle
Other Side Character(s): Wyll, Obelia Toobin
At the end of it all, outside the Steel Watch foundry, when they stood before each other for the final time, the hardest part for Barcus was not the physical cleaving of himself from Wulbren, as he was already so used to being pushed away. It was not that Wulbren would not see reason, or even that when passion finally flared in his eyes as he looked at Barcus, it was clear, virulent hatred.
No, the hardest part of all was turning away, only to be left with the simple fact of his loneliness. Without Wulbren, who was Barcus, after all? What life was left for him to live?
He did not know.
Nearly a year out from the fall of the Absolute, Barcus Wroot finds he has the strength in him for one more go at love, after all.
Tags and rating to change.
Ao3 Stats (As of May 2 2024)
Barcus Wroot/Zanner Toobin works on Ao3: 1
Barcus Wroot works on Ao3: 37
Zanner Toobin works on Ao3: 7
Review (Mild Spoilers Only)
Warnings: Wulbren Bongle style Abuse, anxiety inducing procrastination.
Favorite Quote:
"Barcus gave Wyll a look of sheer exhaustion. “…They sincerely want to meet at half eight in the morning? I hope they plan to come bearing breakfast.”
He was only halfway serious, of course, but serious nonetheless. Even surface-dwelling deep gnomes — more used to the sun though they were — remained naturally averse to pre-noon activities, especially when deprived of much needed breakfast and tea."
Main POV: Barcus
Barcus Wroot really shows off his Steampunk Bilbo Baggins side in this fic. To the pleasure of everyone but himself. His social anxiety in this fic is very real, and very relatable. There's a lot of secondhand stress to be had watching him get caught in the endless loop of anxiety and avoidance. He wants to do right by the Ironhands but he's struggling in his new leadership role.
Someone who's not struggling with their leadership role (or at least not obviously) Duke Wyll Ravengard! Who responds to Barcus' avoidance with delightfully cheery passive aggressiveness. I cannot emphasize how iconic he is in this fic. The patience with which he calls out Barcus' bad behavior while acting absolutely charming and accommodating the whole time. It was such a delight to read. And had me grinning from ear to ear even as Barcus shriveled in embarrassment. This is the Wyll and Barcus friendship I've been wanting.
As for this fic's primary ship. Zanner is so sweet in this fic. He's clearly very into Barcus from the get go. And poor Barcus is very overwhelmed by this fact. It's such a brilliant way to build up romantic and personal tension. It feels so bad when Barcus' anxiety and history with Wulbren gets in the way, but it also feels very understandable. Zanner is giving Barcus everything he ever wanted from Wulbren and after so many years of rejection, getting what he wants is absolutely terrifying for Barcus.
This fic so far was an absolute page turner, I couldn't put it down. The political and social tension in Barcus' life makes me want to keep reading. I cannot wait for the next chapter.
Who I'd recommend this fic to: Barcus Wroot fans, if you wanted more follow up on the Gondian-Ironhand relationship after Barcus took over, this is the fic for you.
How Unsatisfied Would I Be If This Never Updated Again?: I'll be honest here, this fic is on the hurt part of the hurt/comfort at the moment. The hurt is delicious, it's so true to the character and realistic. But it's currently left at the "awwww I'm disappointed in the character's actions, I want to see them do better" stage. It would be rough not knowing where this story goes, not gonna lie. But the set up so far is absolutely brilliant.
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tolnas-vault · 5 months
Fic Review: What Tomorrow May Bring
Reviewed: April 30 2024
Fic Data
Rating: G
Status: Complete
Word Count: 3652
Main Ship(s): Derryth Bonecloak & Figaro Pennygood & Victoria Onufrio
Side Ship(s): Derryth Bonecloak/Glumbo
Other Side Character(s): Astarion, Cazador, Violet, Leon
Figaro Pennygood has made good on his promise to Leon and helped Victoria escape the Crimson Palace before the Ascension Ritual. Now, he has a thirteen year old girl on his hands and he urgently needs to find her a home. Derryth Bonecloak is still missing her husband Baelen, in spite of everything he did to her. She has a cat now, but she is still lonely, if only she would admit it.
Ao3 Stats (As of April 30 2024)
Victoria Onufrio works on Ao3: 3
Derryth Bonecloak works on Ao3: 2
Figaro Pennygood works on Ao3: 3
Review (Mild Spoilers Only)
Warnings: Domestic Violence (past tense)
Favorite Quote:
"Is that who you are now, Derryth Bonecloak? An old hag who frightens children."
Main POV: Derryth Bonecloak
Ghibli. Everything about this fic just feels Ghibli. It has Ghibli themes, a Ghibli pacing, even a Ghibli aesthetic if one could call it that.
Victoria feels very much like a Ghibli protagonist in this fic. A young girl with a fraught relationship to magic. Who delights in simplicity, nature, and honest work.
Derryth is exactly the sort of character Victoria would charm in a Ghibli movie. An older woman, embittered by abuse and isolation, who certainly has her problems, but is ultimately a caring guardian despite herself.
Bigger things are happening in this fic, we're well aware of a larger narrative, but like a Ghibli movie it doesn't dwell on those parts. It dwells on the quieter moments, the simple moments of running a shop, getting a new dress, or petting a cat. The emotions and day to day are the important part, not the big world changing events.
An absolutely beautiful fic, I hope this will inspire more for all three characters.
Who I'd recommend this fic to: Fellow Baldur's Gate npc buffs and letter snoopers. There really are so many stories to dig up if you poke around in the right places, and this author uncovered a story waiting to be told in some very obscure letters.
Who Are These Characters? These characters are obscure and easily missable in Baldur's Gate 3. I will link to their wiki's here so you don't have to.
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tolnas-vault · 5 months
Fic Review: solitaire
Reviewed: April 23 2024
Fic Data
Rating: T
Status: Complete
Word Count: 3407
Main Ship(s): Alfira/Lakrissa
Side Ship(s): None
Other Side Character(s): Wyll, Lae'zel, other tieflings.
It was... bad, in there. Real bad.
Lakrissa, in and after Moonrise.
Ao3 Stats (As of April 23 2024)
Alfira/Lakrissa works on Ao3: 22
Alfira works on Ao3: 259
Lakrissa works on Ao3: 78
Review (Mild Spoilers Only)
Warnings: PTSD.
Favorite Quote:
"The inn is almost something out of a fairy tale: glowing silver, as creepy as it is gorgeous, a beacon of hope and safety in the middle of the swirling pitch."
Main POV: Lakrissa
As stated in the past, fics with Wyll as the "player character" are the absolute best. He felt particularly swoon worthy in this fic, where he easily read the relationships and tensions between the tieflings (particularly Lakrissa and Alfira) when reassuring the prison escapees. Such a romantic.
Of course, Wyll only played a minor role in this fic. Truly this was a character piece for Lakrissa. And what a character piece it was. Her personal struggle with her own emotional constipation is as frustrating to witness as it is satisfying to watch her overcome.
And it's not a smooth journey for her either, she has her ups and downs in this relatively short fic. Her attempts at vulnerability don't always "work" and her defense mechanisms often leave her feeling worse.
And her dynamic with Alfira, even before Alfira appears in the fic proper is just dripping with symbolism. The author does excellent work with descriptive language to highlight the contrast between the two. Alfira is always presented as clean and colorful, while Lakrissa is dirty and dull. And this really reflects Lakrissa's mindset during the fic. She wants to open up, but something keeps mucking it up, keeps stopping her from doing so.
The relationships between the side characters as well also serve as delightful contrasts to Lakrissa and Alfira.
Overall a wonderful character piece for Lakrissa.
Who I'd recommend this fic to: Lakrissa loves, Alfira lovers, and lovers of their relationship. They're such a sweet dynamic, with plenty of internal conflict for drama. Wyll fans might also love his brief appearance in this fic.
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tolnas-vault · 5 months
Fic Review: Pain and Penance
Reviewed: April 22 2024
Fic Data
Rating: E
Status: Complete
Word Count: 13,500
Main Ship(s): Abdirak/He Who Was
Side Ship(s): None
Other Side Character(s): Haarlep
Two strangers are brought together at an incubus's soiree, and find they have far more in common than they could have thought possible.
A Shadar Kai without a name, filled with the guilty memories of hundreds of souls in need of the absolution that only a just punishment can deliver - finally Loviatar's priest has found a soul that can accept every level of his Maiden's endless love.
Ao3 Stats (As of April 22 2024)
Abdirak/He Who Was works on Ao3: 11
Abdirak works on Ao3: 171
He Who Was works on Ao3: 34
Review (Mild Spoilers Only, 18+ Only Under Cut)
Warnings: Pain Play, Blood, Use of Torture Devices, Spiked Drinks. This fic does not back down. Do not read the rest of this review if those things bother you.
Favorite Quote:
"This was not always him, the Shadowlands changed him, and the He Who Was that came before lingered, a tiny smoulder in the ash, carrying the darkest shame for straying from the path he was meant for. "
Main POV: Abdirak and He Who Was
Not to repeat from the warnings, but this fic does not hold back. These two swap from torture device to torture device, each perfectly designed to maximize pain and "minimize" damage. Not only that but He Who Was does not relent as he brings forth every sinful soul inside him to experience the torture.
But He Who Was and Abdirak are a very poetic pair, and this fic is tempered by the prose that accompanies these acts. A lot of the more visceral scenes are tempered by poetic language, as each character's thoughts turn to this being an act of worship, or of justice.
It mixes the concepts of pain and pleasure just right.
Who I'd recommend this fic to: If the canon Abdirak scene titillated you, and He Who Was intrigued you, this is the fic for you.
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tolnas-vault · 5 months
Discord Announcement
Our discord is currently in "open beta" as it were. It's a recently set up community but please stop by and say hello!
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tolnas-vault · 5 months
Fic Review: Iron Flowers Never Wilt
Reviewed: April 15 2024
Fic Data
Rating: T
Status: Complete
Word Count: 7288
Main Ship(s): Barcus Wroot/Zevlor
Side Ship(s): Several hinted, none confirmed.
Other Side Character(s): Lae'zel, Karlach, Wyll, Dammon, Halsin, Shadowheart, Astarion, Withers, Gale
Barcus Wroot has a little problem. It has been a long time since he's thought about finding a new...friend...and now someone has caught his eye, he isn't exactly sure what he should be doing about it.
Lucky for him, he has had the good fortune to have met a certain group of misfits who all have their own idea of romance. Can they help him plan the perfect date for the one he wants to woo?...
Ao3 Stats (As of April 15 2024)
Barcus Wroot/Zevlor on Ao3: 1
Barcus Wroot works on Ao3: 34
Zevlor works on Ao3: 395
Review (Mild Spoilers Only)
Warnings: Oh the second hand embarrassment of asking for relationship advice. Especially with the main crew of BG3.
Favorite Quote:
"It seemed he was running out of luck again with a group that might as well be putting succubus saliva in their porridge."
Main POV: Barcus Wroot
This fic is wish fulfillment for myself and many other players, who just wished they could hook Barcus Wroot up with the sweet, caring partner he deserves.
As exemplified in the quote above, author Tavlia_Sin does an excellent job with Barcus' POV for this fic. If Barcus has been a companion the "Everyone's a bunch of weirdos" line would have been given to him not Astarion.
Each companion's romantic advice in this fic is so sweet and tailored to their story line and values. Each and everyone one of them is also absolutely hilarious, to the point of bordering on crack. A very careful balance has been struck here.
I won't spoil the actual advice, but special mention really should go to Lae'zel's advice. Which is actually very wholesome while also being extremely Lae'zel.
Note that Zevlor himself doesn't make much of an appearance in this fic, but is talked about plenty.
Who I'd recommend this fic to: Barcus fans. Particularly Barcus fans who wish he could have been a companion/romance option. This might be the closest we ever get to what his romance path banter might have looked like, and it is golden.
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tolnas-vault · 5 months
Series Review: Of Mushrooms and Mind Flayers
Reviewed: April 14 2024
Series Data
Fics: 2
Minimum Rating: G
Maximum Rating: T
Complete Fics: 2
Incomplete Fics: 0
Word Count: 13,953
Main Ship(s): Blurg/Omeluum
Side Ship(s): Wyll/Tav
Other Side Character(s): Society of Brilliance
A Fruitful Meeting Summary:
The first time that Blurg met the illithid who would become his research partner, friend, and companion. Set pre-game and prior to the formation of the Society of Brilliance.
All I Know (I Love You) Summary:
It took an illithid invasion and an abduction for Blurg to realise his feelings for his research partner. Now they are all he can think about. (An Omelurg getting-together fic, set during Act 3 and immediately post-game as Baldur's Gate recovers from the invasion).
Ao3 Stats (As of April 14 2024)
Blurg/Omeluum works on Ao3: 55
Omeluum works on Ao3: 97
Blurg works on Ao3: 77
Review (Mild Spoilers Only)
Warnings: Tentacle Intimacy (not sex), mind-melding, mild concern over consent given mind flayer nature.
Favorite Quote:
"And huddled in their shared room in the Society of Brilliance, squeezing Omeluum’s hand as it urged him to leave and seek safety away from it, terrified that its mental defenses would be overpowered, Blurg had confessed the words he was scared he would die still holding onto.
Then the sky had screamed."
Main POV: Blurg
The first fic in this series, A Fruitful Meeting, does something I think a lot of stories, let alone fanfictions, fail to do when telling stories about scientists. It actually captures the scientific process, and the value of paired research. Blurg's research into his latest mushroom specimen sounds absolutely plausible as an experiment. And his exchange with Omeluum concerning his experiment sounds like a very realistic exchange between two scientific minds. It really pulls you into the relationship, and shows you how well they match as research partners.
The second fic in this series, it's all the wonderful fluff, pinning, and romantic realization you could want from this pair. Blurg has several "Oh" moments in this fic, each one absolutely worthy of a ridiculously sappy smile from the reader. The fic addresses Omeluum's unique anatomy without fetishising it. And also thoughtfully addresses the unique issues an illithid might face when seeking a romantic relationship.
All around a brilliant, and very sweet series.
Who I'd recommend this fic to: Anyone who loves Blurg/Omeluum as a concept, but isn't quite ready for anything hardcore involving tentacles. This is truly an excellent introduction to the Omelurg ship.
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