#tome holland preference
spasmsofthought · 3 years
milk + instagram live (t.h.)
I traveled to London (and Oxford), England in March of 2019 for my spring break my sophomore year of university, so some things mentioned here are entirely from personal experience, so please don’t hate me if you’ve experienced something different! I stayed at a hotel in between West Kensington and West Brompton (a few blocks away from West Brompton Station) and one day some family members and I decided to attend a local showing at a cinema nearby and it was SO. DIFFERENT. than the theaters I had been to in the States. IDK, maybe it was just me. The entire experience was like culture shock again in the few days I had been there, so I had to bring that up in this little piece. Also the thing about milk is something I have genuinely wondered about, cause I’ve heard it’s different in England than it is in the USA, but I may be wrong. Let me know! Anyways, I have big love for London (and supreme love for Oxford, sorry) and I’m looking forward to going back someday soon! 
The reader is non-celebrity and American, so I’m sorry if that feels exclusionary to any of you, honestly! I thought this might be just a little fun jaunt because I don’t really write real person fiction. Just a bit of fluff. 
Sorry for this long intro. Enjoy and let me know what you think! xo  
Word Count: ~1.5k 
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It’s some sort of exclusive interview for a magazine or something of the sort, you’ve been told; a collection of questions they want you to answer to publish somewhere, to print as something special for one of Tom’s things. That’s all you know. It’s just something you agreed to do after his publicist had asked a few weeks ago. It wasn’t like you did this for a living, so there was an attitude of nonchalance about it all because if they ended up not liking it one bit, they could scrap it all and no harm, no foul. 
“Now,” the interviewer begins, a man in his 40′s with balding hair and a slightly crooked nose, sitting in the chair across from you, “I know you just announced that you got married, so congratulations, firstly--” 
“Oh, thank you,” hands folded on your lap, smiling sweetly. You know people want their well-wishes to be heard and recorded, but sometimes it’s easy to imagine a completely private life, fame free, in which this isn’t the biggest news in the world (or just the biggest news for a day in the entertainment industry in the United States and England); a life where this is just a normal thing that normal people decide on, there’s a celebration, and that’s really it. It’s not splashed on newspapers and trending on Twitter, even though that can be a fun thing. 
“I’ve been really happy these last few months since we got married and was excited to tell all of Tom’s Instagram followers,” there’s a break for a small laugh from you, “There’s been such an abundance of well wishes from everyone and I’ve felt so incredibly lucky because I know not every woman who has been in my position has recieved such a reception.” 
The interviewer gives a move of his head in recognition of your words, but his eyes are already flying down the paper he holds in front of him, “There have been quite a few changes that have happened, I’ve been informed, and the first is that you decided to move to London!” 
“Ha, yes,” you begin, nodding, “Not only did I just completely intertwine my life with another person’s, but I moved to an entirely new country. There’s definitely a lot of culture shock that has happened these past few months.” 
The interviewer kind of chortles along with you, but the awkwardness has already settled in and you can feel it because you are the literal worst at small talk. And that’s all this interview is. 
“Any cons you’ve listed already about residing here amongst us?” 
“Oh no,” you groan dramatically, trying to lighten up the mood, a hand coming to cover your eyes for a moment, “you have to promise not to tell my husband, because I do have a few things actually.” 
“I make no promises, as this interview will be completely up for grabs,” The man holds up his hands and you’re a little disappointed that he doesn’t seem to want to play along with the joke. 
You brush it off, though, because he’s either nervous or he’s here for a few questions to be answered and then he wants to be out of here. You get it; you have a job, too, that sometimes squeezes the patience out of you. 
“Well for one, the local cinemas are just set up so different than the ones I went to all the time in the States. I still have to prepare myself for the experience every time,” there’s a little bit of an awkward pause. 
“We have different cinemas?” He asks, like he’s suspecting something more; something deeper. Maybe he wants something more scandalous? You nod along, though, smiling softly at his confusion. It has always felt funny trying to explain this. 
“And I miss people smiling at me in public, on the tube or in the more crowded public spaces where I don’t really know anyone. People are literally so lovely when they invite me into their homes to eat with them and stuff like that, but I’ve only got one reaction from someone for smiling at them. Most of them just stare for a second or ignore me entirely! I don’t know, maybe it’s just me.” 
He shrugs, not quite sure what to say to that, because he’s not at fault for it. It seems most people know what you’re talking about when you say this and you’ve garnered that it’s a cultural thing for the most part. You don’t fault anyone for it. 
“Also,” your hand comes to scratch at a place above your left eyebrow, “I know this is weird, and I don’t even know if it’s entirely true, but I haven’t drank milk in the months since I’ve moved here because I heard in America that milk is made differently here or something like that. I haven’t been able to gather up the courage to find out if it’s true or not, and I mostly drink water or juice or whatever else so my husband hasn’t bat an eye yet. I just don’t want to ruin my previous experience with milk,” You shrug your shoulders and laugh. Your hands come unclasped and you hold them out in a surrender-like gesture. 
Your final answer seems to startle the interviewer, because his laugh is surprised and maybe a bit shocked and leaves just as quickly as it came. The rest of the short conversation, lasting only a few more minutes, continues smoothly. After sitting around in the office for a little while longer, you are free from the place and from (hopefully) ever having to do this again without Tom. Your schedule is blissfully empty for the rest of the day, a Saturday, so you eventually make your way home. 
- - 
“What’s this I hear about your fear of English milk?” The door opens first and then the voice follows. 
Of course, that would be the first thing he says to you after a whole day of not seeing each other. 
“Good evening, darling, how was your day?” You quip from the couch, what’s left of your cup of tea gone cold on the coffee table parallel to it. “Oh my day was fine, Tom. I’m glad you’re the one who does the regular rounds with the press, not me, because I was so awkward today. How was yours?” 
You hear his keys clink against something, probably the kitchen counter, and then the rustle of a bag. It takes a second but then you see his hands grip to top of the sofa as he leans down towards you. There’s a quick kiss that comes before he rights himself. The marital bliss has not faded away yet given that adoring look in his eyes. It is the same look he gave you standing right across from you the day of your wedding, the same one you saw four months ago on your honeymoon, and the one he gave you last night while getting ready for bed as he brushed his teeth. 
“I got something from the shop on my way home,” He wiggles his eyebrows and you know some part of you saw this coming from a mile away. 
You know now that the shop means the grocery store because a few months ago you had asked him what the term meant (“it’s so vague, though,” “darling, I’m not going to waste my breath calling it the ‘grocery store.’”). (There are still many British terms you have yet to learn.) You allow yourself to sit up and then turn around to meet him as your knees come to dig into the cushions. Now you both are almost at the same height. 
“God, I hate you,” You chuckle, leaning towards him. 
“The ring on your finger says otherwise, love,” You roll your eyes but then press an elongated kiss to his lips. There’s a few moments where he gets some in down your neck and behind your ear before he pulls away. 
“C’mon,” He says, pulling your arms and almost vaulting you over the couch and onto the cold, hard floor, “to the kitchen we go! You need to drink some milk.” It takes a few more minutes for you both to actually get there, but then he grabs the carton from the bag and a glass from a kitchen cupboard. 
He pours a little at the bottom of the glass, not even filling it up a quarter of the way. Part of you wants to shudder, part of you is feeling adventurous enough to be excited. But then he pulls his phone from the pocket of his jeans and asks if he can go live on Instagram. For a moment you consider saying no, simply because you’re not sure if you want to open yourself up to the world of Tom’s Instagram followers watching you try your first taste of non-American milk, but then you decide “why not?” It can’t do any real harm, right? 
Tom hands the glass to you and you place it on the counter in front of you as you sit down at a stool. You can see the moment on his face the live video starts and a second later he quickly explains the situation. 
It does not take you much longer to become a viral internet meme.  
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baeddel · 2 years
tagged by @yungtorless​ to post 9 books i’m planning to read this year. the best kind of chainmail! his post is here.
my immediate reaction is: 9?!! there’s only 12 months this year! that’s 1.3 repeating books per month! well, i’ll do my best. i won’t include covers for reasons that will be obvious.
so you don’t have to read through this monstrously long post i wrote while really stoned, i’ll tag you here: @itonje​ @canmom @extractivism-chan​ @azdoine​ @neongnosis​ @matador​ @pogonomyrmexbaeddius​ @vickir0se​ @slashmarks​ you have to do it or i’ll break into your kitchen and mess up your pots and pans.
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my overall plan for philosophy right now is to go through Machiavelli, Spinoza and Marx. placing Marx on this continuum instead of on the one with Hegel has precedent; it was preferred by a senile Althusser, a senile Debord, by Frére, and by Gramsci (who refers to Machiavelli much more than he ever refers to Marx), who’s thought ever weighed on the minds of Italian and South African radicals (this is why Wilderson phrases his big essay on antiblackness as a response to Gramsci, a point of reference that i imagine leaves most Euro-American readers scratching their heads). to start this journey i’ve picked out an overview named
Kenneth Clatterbaugh, 1999, the Causation Debate in Modern Philosophy 1637-1739
about causation in early modern European philosophy. the reason is that causation is the principle thread to follow between Machiavelli and Spinoza (you’ll see later). this book starts in medias res, a century after Machiavelli’s death, but i still want to read it before reading Machiavelli because i want to approach Machiavelli with this causation debate in mind. thus like a fox or a lion i will be meeting him footsteps first.
Machiavelli, 1513, the Prince; 1517, Discourses on Livy
my maitre a penser. this is to some extent a reread, but reading it through in order and all the way this time, and in a ‘serious’ way.
Spinoza, 1670, Theologico-Political Treatise, 1677, Political Treatise and Ethics
everyone’s favourite Hollander. i actually know almost nothing about Spinoza. maybe i will decide these are not worth reading and will put them down, but i don’t expect so. i don’t have to finish all of these before i move on to
Vittorio Morfino, 2012, the Spinoza-Machiavelli Encounter: Time and Occasion
a book i’m really excited to get to. Morfino argues that Machiavelli was a strong influence on Spinoza, particularly with respect to his theory of causation. because we know the content of Spinoza’s library we know that he did possess Machiavelli’s books, and he references him by name a few times in his political works. but in those days philosophers did not cite ideas. they borrowed arguments wholesale and either expected you to be familiar with their source or didn’t expect you to care. thus Morfino has to act as both philosopher and philologist, interpreting Spinoza’s thought while trying to discover his textual sources. philosophy, philology and Machiavelli? is that a gun in my pocket or...
Marx, 1863-1883, Capital vol. 1-3
the endgame, nach. i’m not sure what reading of Marx is available after the march through Machiavelli and Spinoza and the causation debate, if there is one. but you’ll find out with me i suppose. i’ve had three major encounters with Marx before now, the first focusing on the theory of history in the German Ideology (very early in my intellectual journey), the second on the species-being and the account of society in On the Jewish Question, and the third on the Value-form and the labour process in Capital. to a greater capacity than his philosophy i have read his letters, where he’s a cad.
so that’s the ‘modern European political philosophy’ side. 5 authors and 10 books already. uh, lets pretend you said authors... now for the ‘Old English & Anglo-Saxon history’ side.
briefly, there are two tomes that are important for Old English, not just as a language but as a topic in linguistics. these are Allistar Campbell’s 1959 Old English Grammar, which pays particular attention to the language’s historical development, and Bruce Mitchell’s 1985 Old English Syntax. these are big multivolume doorstoppers and i’ll probably be handling them for the next decade. next up
Hinton et. al. (ed.), 2011, the Oxford Handbook of Anglo-Saxon Archeology
orientation in the archeological field in this area. today it’s important to be able to handle this material.
David Wilson, 1992, Anglo-Saxon Paganism
landmark book on the subject. it uses archeological evidence, but i’m including it particularly for its use of place-name evidence which is likewise an important methodology to get a handle on in this field.
Klaeber, 1922, Beowulf and the Finnisburg Fragment
classic of the ‘previous level of Beowulf scholarship’, with emphasis on language and textual criticism. the ‘next level of Beowulf’ comes with Robinson, Fulk and so on (names readers of @baeddel are likely familiar with), which put more emphasis on literary criticism, prosody and the social-historical context.
Leslie Webster, 2012, Anglo-Saxon Art
another overview. orientation in the art history perspective on this period.
this is just a representative selection. my bibliography of books and articles in this area is enormous and i dip in and out of them as it pleases me. i keep a huge clusterfuck of notes on everything which all cross-reference one another and about four different documents compiling them into lists along with a couple of aborted spreadsheet experiments. i don’t really know why, but this is the field that my heart beats for, and i’ve nailed my colours to its mast. why medieval England? who cares? but a red thread ties me to it. okay, that’s the first two areas. now the final area: zǐ shū 子書, ‘masters study’, particularly the proto-Daoist classics.
Angus Graham, 1989, Disputers of the Tao
Angus is the man in contemporary Sinology, which is a field very like Anglo-Saxonism: bearing the stamp of a reactionary ontogenesis, remaining backwards with respect to contemporary humanities, primarily dealing with textual and linguistic material, having trouble integrating with other disciplines working in the area (archeology, anthropology), and entering a kind of ‘second phase’ in the 80s. but while Anglo-Saxonism took a ‘literary turn’, Sinology took a ‘philosophical turn’. to my mind Angus was a bit of a bridge between classical textual criticism and contemporary philosophy, and everything he did remains the definitive treatment of the material. this book is an overview of the intellectual milieu surrounding the classics of the Eastern Zhou period.
Sun Tzu, 5thc BCE, Art of War
the man. the first systematic theory of war. despite its renown it’s a text which has received very little scholarly attention, so it’s exciting material to handle. recent opinion has placed it within the proto-Daoist corpus, and it is indeed part of the Daozang today.
Harold David Roth, 1999, Original Tao: Inward Training (Nei-yeh) and the Foundations of Taoist Mysticism
a critical edition of the Neiye, the first extant text of Daoist cultivation, including one of the only translations. contains a very comprehensive cosmology along with practical instructions for breath meditation (which i would like to learn to do, following its advice, as a kind of ‘historical informed performance’ out of curiosity).
along with the continuous reading, rereading, quoting, discussing and reciting of Laozi and Zhuangzi that i do and will always do. as with Machiavelli this is devotional material to me before it is a topic of study.
the last thing i’ll mention is the military angle, mostly Clausewitz On War, Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War, Steven Forde’s Ambition to Rule (about Thucydides and Alcibiades), Azar Gat’s mammoth History of Military Thought (if i can find it), Carl Schmitt Theory of the Partisan, Svechin’s Strategy, Goltz the Conduct of War, and so on. but all of this is on hold while i focus on the other material. these shade into each other, as well; the horizon of military theory is to conduct case studies on actual wars, which involves the historical inquiry of the other disciplines, which must also integrate with the historical-political framework developed in the first section. similarly Machiavelli and Engels both made significant contributions to military theory and military history, as did Sun Tzu, Laozi and other proto-Daoists.
uh... that was 9, right? anyway, this isn’t for this year, it’s for my whole life. but i never know what i’ll be reading next. i will keep going in the haphazard way, reading a little here and there, and do all the better for it.
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
What I love about Spider-Man Homecoming
Why is this my favorite Spider-Man movie? Let me count the ways.
#1: It's a small scale story. I know people prefer Spider-Man to have epic adventures, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't like those types of stories too. But Spider-Man is well known to have his smaller stories from time to time, and it's nice to see. It also shows us the world of the MCU on a street level point of view through this small story, and reveals the more positive ways that the world reacts to having superheroes all over the place.
#2: The fact that Spider-Man is in the suit, mask, and all, throughout most of the movie. Most superhero movies have the actor out of their costume. Either because it's hard to maneuver in or because it's hard to emote with the mask on. And while the suit was still uncomfortable for Tom Holland, the movie avoids the inability to emote by having the eyes act expressive. What's the functional purpose of that in the universe of this movie? Don't know. But it still feels great to see a Spider-Man movie where the actor actually looks like Spider-Man throughout most of it.
#3: While the fight scenes are lacking, there are still some unique and exciting set pieces. Such as seeing Spider-Man chase a van in a suburban neighborhood or watching him try to save his friends in the Washington Monument. It's that last one that I loved the most, especially since you hear the panic in Peter's voice throughout the whole situation. It might not be as exciting as a fight with Thanos, but because it matters to Peter, it matters to me.
#4: There are little details in Spider-Man: Homecoming that I hadn't noticed until many rewatches. Such as:
Peter lost his backpack, so as he walks to school the next day, he ends up carrying his books.
While distracted during his talk with Ned, Peter is doing well at his situps than he usually does. It isn't until his gym teacher points out the improved work that Peter forces himself to seem like he's struggling.
Every time we see Peter's phone screen, it gets more and more cracked. Thus showing the damage both Peter and his phone go through.
How MJ is observant of Peter, setting up her more prominent role in Spider-Man: Far From Home.
Details such as this, and many more, help make the movie even more fun, as they show how much care was put into this film. And while we're on the subject of subtlety--
#5: This movie is all about how great power comes with great responsibility, without anybody having to say the words, "With great power comes great responsibility." There are several moments when Peter acts recklessly, and because of it, consequences happen, and he suffers from them. But he still learns from his mistakes and you see him grow into a more well-tuned superhero from each of his failings. Which I love. It’s neat seeing a hero who actively improves himself instead of just starting off as perfect
#6: It's funny. Like, really funny. I'll admit that there are better jokes in other MCU movies, such as Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor: Ragnarok, but that doesn't stop Spider-Man: Homecoming from being hilarious at times. Case in point: This movie has what might possibly be the funniest end-credit scene in the franchise.
#7: It's a movie in high school, and the teenagers talk like actual teenagers. I should know. I was seventeen when this movie came out. And half the time, I look at a character and say, "I know someone who acts exactly like that." And seeing how most thirty-year-olds try so hard to figure out how teens talk through using "hip lingo," it is refreshing seeing teenagers act like teenagers.
#8: Big spoilers here, but I love the reveal that Vulture is Liz's dad. From the get go, the reveal gives some fantastic dramatic irony. We, the audience, know precisely why Peter is nervous about interacting with the man who's been trying to kill him. But for Tomes and his family? They can just pass it off as Pete being nervous about going out with a girl like Liz. Things get better during that famous car scene, where Vulture slowly figures out Peter is Spider-Man through context clues, and Peter can't come up with a good alibi with Liz sitting next to him, ruining any lie Pete spits out. It's an incredibly written moment that comes from a wonderfully written villain.
#9: Speaking of, let's give a round of applause to Micheal Keaton as The Vulture. His motivations are easy to understand and identify with, due to most people going through what he's going through. Plus, it's really intriguing to see a supervillain who's a somewhat ordinary guy. A guy who flies around in a mechanical bird suit, sure, but let's go back to that big reveal. Adrien talks and acts like most normal dads do, and you would not have believed he was a criminal mastermind unless this was your introduction to him. It's a scary and semi-believable portrayal of how the most dangerous people are the ones hidden in plain sight, and it amazes me that we got this from a character who was once a b-list Spider-Man villain.
#10: By far, my most favorite thing about this movie is Spider-Man himself. Because Tom Holland's portrayal of the character is by far the best one. Or, at least, from how I see the hero. With Spider-Man, someone who has been redone and rebooted on several occasions, everybody has their own interpretations of how they judge on what makes the best version. And here's how this movie nails mine:
He's insanely smart. Sure, he doesn't build the suit and web-shooters he wears throughout most of the movie, but that doesn't discredit how this film shows his intelligence. Peter learned to be bilingual, he solved an equation just by glancing at it, and he hacked a state-of-the-art security system by using a calculator. Oh, and he also does build his own suit and web-shooters. You see him wear them in the final battle, symbolizing how he doesn't need a high-tech costume to stop crime. Get it? The Stark suit was just a metaphor...that also clearly went over a lot of heads.
Spider-Man is the right mix of a badass superhero and an awkward nerd. He can mess with criminals all day while saying witty one-liners, but going to a party hosted by his crush? That terrifies him. And the fact that terrifies him is how this movie nails Peter's personality.
Being Spider-Man sacrifices Peter's social life. Don't get me wrong, Spider-Man 2 does a better job at showing this struggle, but I still like the effort that Spider-Man: Homecoming has. There are several times where it would be so easy for Peter to just say, "screw it," and let someone else take care of the danger. But every time, he always runs headfirst into saving the day. Which is who this character is to me. A guy, sometimes a kid, who does everything in his power to save the day, no matter the cost.
He also never shuts up. Whether it's talking to himself or talking someone's ear off, this movie nails how much of a motor mouth Spider-Man is.
These are the reasons why I love this movie. Does it have its problems? Sure. The casting of Aunt May is way off, Liz Allen is more of a plot device than a character, and the CGI sticks out like a sore thumb throughout most of these scenes. Still, these issues are minor compared to how much this movie gets right, and is why, to me, it's easily a solid A for amazing.
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franboos · 4 years
tagged by @youre-the-sun-flower​ thanku 🥺💞
1. what is the color of your hairbrush?
2. a food you never eat?
Dragon fruit
3. are you typically too warm or too cold?
too cold I guess
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago?
Laying in bed just like the rest of the day
5. what is your favorite candy bar?
Uh like snickers
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event?
Yes (field) hockey
7. what is the last thing you said out loud?
“Yes im coming” (I didn’t come im still in bed)
8. what is your favorite ice cream?
Strawberry cheesecake rn
9. what was the last thing you had to drink?
10. do you like your wallet?
11. what was the last thing you ate?
Some Spanish tapas my dad made
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
nope , gimme some money maybe then I will
13. the last sporting event you watched?
Tennis I think
14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
Sweet-salt mixed
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to?
One of my best friends ​
16. ever go camping?
When I was younger yes
17. do you take vitamins?
Yes my mom forces me, idk what it is
18. do you go to church every sunday?
Nope im not religious
19. do you have a tan?
Haha I wish
20. do you prefer chinese food or pizza?
21. do you drink your soda with a straw?
uh no
22. what color socks do you usually wear?
Uh is different every day
23. ever drive above the speed limit?
I don’t have a license so
24. what terrifies you?
Being outside alone in de dark
25. look to your left, what do you see?
My messy night stand
26. what chore do you hate?
The dishes
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent?
The series H20
28. what’s your favorite soda?
Ice tea
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru?
30. who’s the last person you talked to?
One of my best friends
31. favorite cut of beef?
What idk
32. last song you listened to?
Bad decisions - two door cinema club
33. last book you read?
Find me by Andre Aciman
34. favorite day of the week?
Friday or saterday
35. can you say the alphabet backwards?
What no
36. do you like your coffee?
How I like it ? With sugar and milk
37. favorite pair of shoes?
My white docs 4 ever
38. at what time do you normally go to bed?
11 / 12 pm, during this quarantine a lot later, can’t help it
39. at what time do you normally get up?
11 when I can sleep in, with school between 6 and 10 lol
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets?
Sunset, I never see sunrise bc then im a sleep
41. how many blankets are on your bed?
42. describe your kitchen plates.
white, raised edges uh yes that’s it
43. do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?
Yes apple bandit
44. do you play cards?
45. what color is your car?
Do I look like I have a car
46. can you change a tire?
47. what is your favorite province?
Zuid Holland gekste
48. favorite job you’ve ever had?
I’ve only ever worked in a supermarket and I still work there but that doesn’t mean I like it
49. how did you get your biggest scar?
My cousin yeeted a golf stick in my forehead
50. what did you do today that made someone else happy?
Uh I told my sister her hair looked good
Tagging: @comehome-tome , @sanderxrobbee , @glorious-technicolor , @sanderdriessen , @it-is-what-it-is-i-guess
(You don’t have to do it if u don’t want to 😊💕)
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mnemoiisms · 7 years
Get To Know A God
[ Repost, don’t reblog! ]
Tagged by: @pacifist-bartender​
Tagging: @resignedwarlord​ @horns-and-heels​ @rungian-psychiatry​ @autobotwheelie​ @cruel-singer​ @scientificmicroscope​ @illogicalshockwave​ @swordintheswarm​ and anyone else who wants in.
Title : Tir. Apollo. Dolus. Manjushri. Thoth. Benzaiten. Seshat. Loki. And a falsehood of Rha for his sun. It is hard to give a true title to a God of this calibre as he goes by many a name, but one says that if you can find his true name, he will reveal himself.
Domain : Primarily a Lord of Dreams and Light, he is also known as a God of Lies and Knowledge.
Alignment : Neutral
Residence : While there are many a shrine to his dedication, he resides in a secluded temple of where only the most devoted may follow the migration of his familiars to find it.
Disposition : Manipulative. Soft spoken. Serene. Calm. Spiteful. 
Weaponry : A silver tongue and his words. And his tome if he throws  hard enough.
Powers : Able to give or take knowledge, be it as little as a memory or everything you possess, he is a force to be reckoned. Very rarely does he choose to reveal a physical presence, preferring to talk through his butterflies or remain a figure of light in the corner of your eye, but you can be assured he is almost always in your head. Those little whispers? Those intrusive thoughts? The sensation of being watched? You have thought of him, and now he has noticed you.
Attire : Made of a blinding hardlight, the white robe he wears somewhat covers the slight of frame god but mostly flows behind him and pools around his bared feet where they hover. With the circlet crown of dwarf suns resting lightly upon his head, and the great sun soul burning bright within his chest is said to grant all those who gaze into it all the knowledge that they seek, but the madness of a god flows stronger with age
Patronage : Scolars and old tomes or scriptures. Symbolic flora : Orange and White Holland Daisy Symbolic fauna : Monarch Butterfly. His messengers. Symbolic satellite : N/A Symbolic gemstone : Carnelian Symbolic consumable : Apples Favoured offering(s) : Knowledge through books, or whispered lies. Favoured blessing(s) : Stare not into the heart of the sun, for more than knowledge resides, and you are not yet ready
QUOTE : “Avert not thine eyes”
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poppytucker63-blog · 7 years
France's Macron Mentions EU Door Stays Available to UK.
Presume you are actually getting the benefits from the potato vegetable when you take in French french fries, squished or even baked white potatos coming from potatos? The only disappointments for our company were actually the bath towels: low-cost hotel high quality, and bath bathrobes (older and shoddy). I in fact favor the Lobby pub to the Alchemy on this this ship, an one of a kind for me. Dinner tonight readied, I got: the Beetroot Carpaccio (2), the Iceberg Wedge Mixed greens, the Sliced Meat Sirloin entree, as well as shared a Meat Taco entree. Packed along with past history, background, a little bit of specialized information (but certainly not excessive), folklore and also pictures of fabulous boozers including Oliver Reed, Kingsley Amis, Winston Churchill and Peter 'Toole, there is a lot to read in this tome aside from which bottle from low-cost plonk to take to a dinner celebration (though that remains in there extremely). JESSICA: There was that outdated flick our team discovered online where the Piper gleefully twirls around the village, which was anything however eerie as well as sulky. The in the past undesirable outgoing president, Francois Hollande, cannot accomplish identical objectives in Europe as well as stands up as a conspicuous example of exactly how tough it could be for Macron to encourage the French to back him. Shock your significant other along with a foolish, seductive or even wonderful exclusive notification the next time your order supper in. Swap out the common fortunes in the supplied cookies along with your own purposeful information imprinted on these charming slips up from newspaper. Dessert was actually Breadstuff Dessert Birthday cake (too dry out for me), although total it was actually a good dinner. Our experts went up to the Lido Market for supper regarding 7:00 pm. I had every meal supplied in the MDR as well as 2 from 4 (Breaded Chick and Turkey from sculpting terminal) were actually outstanding. The violence in between your management as well as media outlets reached out to a brand-new height last week at the Conservative Political Activity Event when you once again contacted exactly what you referred to as artificial" media the enemy of the people" The same time, the White Home precisely banned from going to a media briefing contributors from several media companies, featuring The New york city Times and also Politico, who correspondents I had encountered during the course of the dinner in 2013. However I carry out inquire if you appreciate what you read through below and perform not presently subscribe - to consider that. Or if you ceased subscribing for whatever explanation, you sign back up. This is actually a time that the farm requires help off those which prefer to observe that stay the house of Cold Horn. Therefore, 3 from all of them only returned coming from a stress-camp, and I am actually making this once again for supper tonight, so I count on to be The Hero. The President and I possessed dinner on Friday, January 27 at 6:30 pm in the Environment-friendly Area at the White House. Lose consciousness cookies along with happy notes on slips used the Confetti Background template complying with a supper gathering, birthday celebration function or even holiday season party. I have actually likewise located on numerous occasions after heading out to supper if I ate from meat, veggies as well as a beer that I could consume a desert and also certainly not have a lot influence, like a BG og 140 to 150 2 hours after consuming. 2 things we attempted today for dinner (as well as many of us loved): Spicy Immediate Pot Carrot Soup (certainly not extremely spicy as well as offered click over here rice) and also Breakfast Enchiladas with Ranchero Dressing (set up in the early morning, kept in the refrigerator, and after that appeared the stove at dinner time-I affection when I may do that!). Our buddies Jeff as well as Cindy from Madisonville, around the lake coming from New Orleans, communicated to our team to inquire if we would love to gathering for supper tonight. Supper readied, I purchased Broiled Sea Scallops on Risoto, the Baked Stuffed Mushrooms, Minestrone Milanese, Barbecued Spare Ribs, and shared a Blue Complainer Pasta.
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naijamoment · 7 years
The Indigenous People of Biafra on Tuesday appraised the level of compliance with its sit-at-home order and described it as a huge success. A statement made available to one of our correspondents in Awka, the Anambra State capital, by IPOB’s Media and Publicity Secretary, Emma Powerful, said apart from Nigeria, the order was observed in no fewer than 75 countries. Powerful gave the names of the countries where the order was complied with as Taiwan, Chad, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA, Russia, Ukraine, Angola, Congo DRC, Mozambique, Luxembourg, Brazil, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, St. Kitts, Canada, Italy, Norway, Denmark, Spain, Sweden, France. Others were Germany, Austria, Finland, South Africa, Togo, Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Liberia, Benin Republic, Gabon, Cape Verde, Madagascar, Mexico, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Portugal, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Namibia, Equatorial Guinea, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Scotland, Holland, Belgium, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Greece, Pakistan, India,  Trinidad and Tobago, Israel, Italy, Argentina, Burkina Faso, Tanzania, Sao Tome and Principe, Australia, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Namibia, Niger Republic,  Tunisia, Algeria and Cape Verde. He thanked those who made the exercise a success, especially members of the IPOB family. He described those who did not participate in the exercise as saboteurs, alleging that they were paid by the Federal Government to sabotage the order. His statement read in part, “The Indigenous People of Biafra and its leadership worldwide congratulate Biafrans and all the IPOB family members worldwide both in Biafra land and in the Diaspora for their compliance with the sit-at-home order issued by our indefatigable leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. “Mazi Nnamdi Kanu issued this sit-at-home order when he was still in Kuje Prison, Abuja, and it has come to pass; all the people of Biafra both home and abroad complied in all totality. This had not been done in the history of Biafra struggle before. “We also blame those saboteurs who were paid by the government to sabotage the restoration project because today Biafrans and IPOB members worldwide obeyed Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. We, IPOB, must be strong and we promise everybody that Biafra is here.” But our correspondent observed that the exercise recorded partial success in Anambra State. The Hausa market located in Dike Park at the heart of Awka, the state capital, was closed even as banks, schools and other major markets were closed. Despite the order, a few commercial vehicles operated along the Old Awka-Onitsha Road. Vehicular movement was paralysed in major cities of Onitsha, Nnewi, Awka and Ekwulobia. The Commissioner of Police in Anambra State, Mr Sam Okaula, said in a telephone chat that the exercise was peaceful. Enugu: MASSOB rates sit-at-home protest huge success The Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra has declared Tuesday’s sit-at-home protest as a ‘huge success’. MASSOB claimed that the success of the exercise was an indication that, should a referendum be conducted in Biafra areas, the people would vote to secede from Nigeria. “The huge success achieved in today’s sit-at-home exercise is marvelous and glorious because the Almighty God approved our programme for the commemoration of the golden jubilee of the declaration of Biafra by ‘General’ Chukwuemeka Odumegwu-Ojukwu. “The huge success is evident that the coming Biafra referendum shall be a walkover against the Nigerian state,” MASSOB leader, Uchnna Madu, said in a statement, on Tuesday. He dedicated the huge success to schoolchildren, commercial bus drivers, motorcyclists, tricycle drivers and corporate firms that complied with the sit-at-home exercise. Ebonyi records partial compliance In Ebonyi, the sit-at-home order to honour Biafra’s fallen heroes, who died during the Civil War between 1967 and 1970, was partially complied with by residents of Abakaliki, the Ebonyi State capital, and other neighboring towns in the state. One of our correspondents reported that economic and commercial activities, including vehicular movements were witnessed in the state during the exercise. As early as 4am, the state capital witnessed a heavy presence of armed security operatives, who patrolled the town with vehicles. Helicopters were also used for surveillance. As the day broke, economic activities gradually gathered momentum with residents trooping out of their houses for their places of work. Shops, which were initially locked, opened up for commercial activities in the capital. Two popular markets in the city,  Abakpa Market and Kpirikpiri Market, opened for commercial activities. Also, a visit to some schools in Abakaliki showed that academic activities were ongoing while motor parks were opened for commercial activities. A bank customer, who preferred anonymity, told one of our correspondents that he was glad that the banks opened for transactions, stating that anything otherwise would have brought hardship on the people.
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