kaopiak · 2 years
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practicing action poses (references have been used for the bottom pictures)
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once-ina-blue-moon · 6 months
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two new characters for art fight: Tomias & Jessie! they go to the same colleg :)
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binalakarchive · 2 years
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assorted art i dont feel like posting one by one
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0813-8337-8886 Setrika Laundry Mesuji
0813-8337-8886 Setrika Laundry Muara Tiga, Setrika Laundry Penjaringan, Setrika Laundry Purwasari, Setrika Laundry Limbangan, Setrika Laundry Modo, Setrika Laundry Belitang Hilir, Setrika Laundry Bukit Intan, Setrika Laundry Moti, Setrika Laundry Kamu Selatan, Setrika Laundry Testega, Setrika Laundry Labakkang, Setrika Laundry Tomia Timur, Setrika Laundry Peninjauan, Setrika Laundry Sibolga Utara
Setrika UAP Laundry (Boiler)Alat ini yang membantu para pengusaha LAUNDRY atau JASA SETRIKA KILOAN untuk mendapatkan hasil setrika dengan hasil yang LICIN dengan waktu yang CEPAT dan biaya yang HEMAT.Ada yang masih bingung apa itu setrika uap??Kalau yang anda bayangkan sekarang adalah setrika yang mengeluarkan uap yang ada di pasaran berarti jawaban anda sudah benar.Tetapi setrika uap laundry yang kami sediakan berbeda dengan setrika uap yang dijual pada toko elektronik, setrika uap ini memiliki kapasitas tabung yang lebih besar dan mengeluarkan uap bertekanan tinggi yang lebih banyak bisa menembus sampai kain 4 lapis , setrika uap ini menggunakan bahan bakar gas sehingga akan lebih hemat biaya.8 Keunggulan Setrika UapBiaya lebih HEMAT karena menggunakan bahan bakar GAS LPGAman dikenakan pada sablon jenis apapun, tidak lengket.Waktu pengerjaan setrika pasti lebih cepatLebih licin tembus sampai 4 lapisan kainlebih cepat menyetrika celana jeans dibandingkan mengunakan setrika listrikJika Setrika seragam kantor atau PNS (bahan polyster) tidak perlu alas dan hasil tanpa bekasSetrika uap aman karena tidak akan gosongPengerjaan 1 pakaian +- 25 detikPerbedaan Setrika Listrik VS Setrika UapBayangkan saja, jika anda menggunakan setrika listrik, untuk setrika 5kg pakaian yang kurang lebih terdapat 20- 25 pcs pakaian anda membutuhkan waktu kurang lebih 1 jam. sedangkan jika anda menggunakan setrika uap anda hanya memerlukan waktu kurang lebih 30 menit saja untuk menyelesaikan jumlah pakaian yang sama.Bukan hanya CEPAT dan RAPI. di faktor biaya pun lebih HEMAT setrika uap disini menggunakan bahan bakar atau daya GAS LPG. yang mungkin jika di bandingkan setrika Listrik dengan daya 350watt penggunakan untuk 5kg pakaian akan lebih irit menggunakan gasFasilitas Gratis untuk Pembelian Setrika Uap KamiBISA BAYAR DI TEMPATuntuk anda yang berada di wilayah jabodetabek, surabaya dan area jawa timur yang masih dekat dengan kantor penjualan kami, anda bisa memanfaatkan layanan bayar di lokasiTRAINING SAMPAI BISAPenjelasan mengenai cara mengunakan setrika uap boiler dengan benar secara lengkap dan praktek langsung dalam penggunaan nya.LIFETIME SUPPORTApabila mengalami kendala atau ada pertanyaan lainnya tentang Setrika uap (boiler) segera konsultasikan kepada Kami dan dengan senang hati akan kami bantu agar usaha laundry anda selalu lancar.GARANSI TABUNG DAN SPAREPARTKami memberikan garansi kebocoran tabung 1 tahun, service sparepart 1 bulan, GRATIS biaya service jika Anda membawa setrika uap anda ke kantor kami dan hanya dikenakan biaya sparepart jika memang ada yang harus diganti.
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snapdragonessart · 1 month
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Part 2 of my dragon dentition series 😊 ancients coming next! Teef info under the cut
Obelisks take inspiration from Chinese guardian lion statues, with their voluminous manes, big paws and fierce face. As such, their teeth would be similar to a lion’s dentition, with massive canines and carnassials. Although lions mainly eat land-based animals, they are also opportunistic and will sometimes eat fish and even insects. This doesn’t make up for any large part of their diet, however, and in this way they differ from Obelisks which only eat seafood and bugs. Jaguars make a better match for Obelisks in regards to food, as they eat aquatic prey more often than lions do, with one remote population of jaguars in Brazil primarily feeding on aquatic reptiles and fish.
Pearlcatchers were pretty tricky to pin down. Their body and face look almost horse or deer-shaped. Their diet is insects and plants. The only creature that came to mind for Pearlcatchers were qilins; one-horned legendary beasts from Chinese mythology. They’re fully scaled, with dragon-like faces and a body shaped like a horse, deer or goat. This seems to fit Pearlcatcher’s the most, but figuring out their dentition is another matter. There’s not really a 1-to-1 comparative animal I can base their teeth on, so I think they’d be a mish-mash of different tooth structures. They’d have larger canines, maybe like a musk deer, but the rest of their teeth would follow a more herbivorous design. They’d have large, flat molars and premolars for grinding up plants, probably similar to a horse or goat. 
Ridgebacks are basically land-sharks, no question. Their diet and face says it all. Although their snouts look more like goblin sharks to me, I don’t think they’d have those creepy mouths. Their dentition would be more like a great white; they’d have a mouth full of serrated, razor sharp teeth. Like actual sharks, Ridgeback’s would have a reserve of extra teeth in their jaws. 
Skydancer dragons present another tricky situation. They’re bird dragons, and eat plants and insects like Pearlcatchers. Although some official art shows them with teeth, I don’t think they’d actually have them. The closest structure to teeth that's found in birds is the tomia, which is the cutting edge of the upper and lower beak. Tomia is not made of enamel, but of cartilage. Seed-eating birds use this to slice through seed hulls, and birds of prey like falcons have a single sharp projection to rip meat and insects apart. Geese have tomia on their tongues, which pushes the food back towards their throat as they eat. Skydancers probably have a gizzard as well, as the tomia is not enough on its own to grind food down completely. It was hard to figure out what the Skydancer’s beak would be most similar to; out of all the more hook beaked birds, it reminded me most of vultures or eagles, although in diet they do not match them at all. Skydancer beaks are a mish-mash of different bird characteristics that I thought would fit them the most, rather than based on a single bird in particular.
Snappers are tortoise dragons, and like tortoises they’d have ridges in their beaks to help chew food. The official lore states that their beaks are “lined with molars that begin halfway down the jaw and continue all the way to the back”. Real-life tortoises don’t have teeth, so I’d imagine these structures would be like the tomia of birds. Their diet would be a mix of what tortoises and turtles eat, as Snappers eat both plants and seafood.
Spirals really remind me of ferrets, with their noodley bodies and energetic, chaotic nature. Like ferrets, they’d have sharp little canines, incisors and carnassials for shredding meat. Ferrets mainly eat meat, but will also eat bugs too, which matches up with the Spirals diet.
Tundra dragons are currently the only purely herbivorous dragon. The lore states that they have “impressive canine teeth used for combat. The majority of their jaw is set with flat, wide molars, perfect for grinding up scrub.” They’d be most similar to musk deers in dentition, with both male and female Tundras having the enlarged canines characteristic of male musk deer. The canines wouldn’t be as thin or long as a musk deer; they would be thick, robust, and fit more snugly inside the mouth. 
Last for the modern breeds, we have the Wildclaws. They’re raptor dragons, based on the Dromaeosaurids - raptor dinosaurs (velociraptors, utahraptors, etc). Like raptors, Wildclaws would have widely spaced and serrated teeth. They’d be fairly equal in shape, and would curve backwards.  Raptors were carnivorous, which fits with the Wildclaw’s meat diet.
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goodbuttaken · 3 months
tzv. snídaně tomia okamury
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chleba bez “éček„
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pinkestmenace · 20 days
Sometimes when I'm pondering the orbs/trying to scrape up what little characterisation there is of Galacta Knight so I can figure out how to write his character, the little quippy shotgun rider in the back of my mind chips in:
He's a 10, but he laughs like a demented seagull. "AAHAhahaha!"
He has the appetite and hubris of a seagull trying to swallow an entire hotdog.
He and Meta Knight are studying each other in a petri dish.
No fear -> Meets Bandee's Nana -> One fear
The elegance of a swan, the indomitable spirit of a territorial mother goose, the tenacity of a pigeon with a clubfoot. And the aggression of a swan.
Teeth teeth teeth goose tomia teeth 😬
Me, thinking: "Even after he chooses to better himself he's still not exactly a sweet person." Me-not-me: "That's-a spicy meatball!"
Have you ever looked a chicken in the eye? They remember when they were dinosaurs.
You can lead a Galacta Knight to healthy conflict resolution, but you can't make him drink.
He's a homing pigeon. Homing in on your location.
Instead of hitting him with the scary hands beam like Starflungwaddledee, you hit him with the scary teeth beam. And then the scary hands beam.
When all you have is a lance, everything starts looking like a target.
He's the Hero Circling the Origin. Circling it like a drain.
Uses 'fowl' language.
"Bah!" GK is Scrooge being tormented by the ghosts of his victims past, present and yet to come (and the grim reaper) to change his ways before it's too late.
GK is not really a man, because while he's bipedal he's not featherless.
Stabbing children isn't his favourite pastime. Teaching children how to stab, on the other hand...
This is less of a 'We can fix him if we hug him enough!'-fic and more of a 'We're showing him the tools to improve, but he has to pick them up himself. Which he won't do until he thinks he's worth it.'-fic.
His breakdown is like the emotional equivalent of draining pus from a festering wound.
The inherent homoeroticism of stabbing a man with a stubby pink lance...and then having to pull it out by the shaft.
He's not entirely unhinged, but his hinges are rusty and failing.
Galacta Knight *gets hit with several deadly weapons*. "'Tis but a scratch."
Kirby stopping him: "I defeated him with the power of friendship! And this sharp stick I inhaled."
He has the petty meanness of a parrot.
He explodes recreationally.
Worse: he flies into the air, displays the colours of the pansexual flag and THEN explodes. Extremely straight behaviour.
Instead of the Maiden, the Mother and the Crone he contains the holy trinity of thwarted theater kid, world-weary butch and the Faggiest Grandfather in the Galaxy.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
He could absolutely kill you and might even laugh while doing so, but it's not so much him being gleefully murderous as:
Fighting is one of the few reprieves from his unfathomable boredom and frustration.
He thinks he's irredeemable so he might as well play the villain. He's not completely heartless, but why try being kind anymore when his role is fixed anyway? Phah! Nobody spares him, so why should he show mercy?
If people summon him they're asking for it + if he just stood there and let them kill him that would be unsatisfying for both parties.
He never learned how to deal with big complicated feelings except by lashing out.
By now the pattern of 'being summoned -> fight -> win or lose' is so deeply engraved into him he'd have to climb out of the groove, so he responds to any slight by competing.
He's so used to bloodshed he doesn't know how to have a normal conversation anymore.
I'm getting a better feel for him, but guess what: if characters live rent-free in your head you can put them in a terrarium of your choosing, but they will decide how to interact with it afterwards.
For example:
At this point I can't put Galacta Knight and King Dedede in a room together unsupervised because their massive egos make them bicker and posture at each other. (They're establishing pecking order/jealously trying to impress Meta Knight, who pretends not to notice. Bird rivalry go!) It would soon have them at each other's throats. They're surprisingly similar, but that also makes them absolutely allergic to each other. If you thought Dedede and Kirby had a rivalry, well, theirs is much worse. Kirby's perfectly happy to have a competition, but he's not (usually) interested in mocking his opponent, so that defuses the situation. But Galacta Knight's a sore loser and a smug winner. If DDD and GK ever do become friends it will grow out of a begrudging respect for each other's strength and the discovery they both like: a) Shitty puns, b) Sick Burns™ and c) Teasing Meta Knight.
On the other hand, after a rough start Galacta Knight and Kirby get along like a house on fire. Kirby's just not intimidated by him, so no matter what threats GK tries, he eventually has to accept he's being befriended. He has no choice. They beat each other up, make up, bake pancakes and have a sleepover. Yay! This does not stop him from being a bit of an untitled goose bastard. It just means Kirby's exempt from the worst.
He and Meta Knight are orbiting each other like binary stars trying to figure out why the other is definitely so much weirder and more unhinged.
MK: He tried to kill me on sight. I'm going to spare him to figure out why. Huh? He's so strong and beautiful! *Notices the serrated teeth and the unhinged seagull laugh.* Never mind.
GK: I am loath to gaze upon thy dim countenance, thou stupid anomalous manlet! Thou art short and ugly! I hate thee! ...I need to know more. Kiss me I mean I'll kill thee if thou touchest me!
He and Bandee are, uh, yeah. Strained is what I would call it. GK feels disdain for people weaker than him, but admiration for the dedicated. Bandee is both of those things. So he settles for giving him a lesson in stabbing more effectively. Bandee is just ??? the entire time.
They all help him fix different aspects of himself. Kirby offered him a non-judgmental outlet for his emotions. Meta Knight made sure he was physically healthy. Dedede, reluctant as they both were about it, helped ground him in reality and showed him change is possible. Bandee helped him re-evaluate his priorities and values.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
It's less that he's suddenly developed a conscience and more that he's finally getting the chance to see them as people. Normally he gets summoned and has to fight immediately. There's no time to chat, or sit down, or think about anything but battle. With every clash with a familiar face his opponents feel more like advanced training dummies than people. It's just another iteration, they don't matter. But this time he crashed in the jungle, then had to survive on his own for six days. Once the adrenaline wore off he started feeling things like pain, hunger and loneliness. He had to find food, he had to find shelter, he had to deal with (well, avoid) noncombatants. He started using his voice again, he had time to think and see things beyond the battlefield. He didn't know what to do with himself.
So by the time this Kirby and Meta Knight show up he's in a completely different mindset. Especially when they try to reason with him. When they heal him and feed him and even invite him over. You can't really sit down with someone over a nice cup of tea without starting to see them as a person. Someone with opinions, needs and desires and insecurities. Not so different from you. And the more you see them as a person, the more you care about them and the more difficult it becomes to want to kill them.
Too bad that doesn't mean his unresolved grief and anger issues are completely gone. It just means that if he lashes out and kills them now he will regret it. Forever.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Post Hatoful Dreams GK cooking like Gordon Ramsey.
GK: *Slaps bread on MK/DMK's face* "What art thou?"
MK/DMK: "An idiot sandwich."
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
There's a war going on in his head between the touch-starved wet beast screaming "TOUCH ME! LOVE ME! HOLD ME! PLEEEASE!" and the vengeful side ready to kill and maim screaming "TRY ME. I DESPISE EVERYTHING ABOUT THEE, THOU FILTHY ITERATION OF MY NEMESIS!"
Now he finds himself in the middle, fickle and wishy-washy, craving affection, desperate to be accepted, but lashing out at any slight.
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nisaetus-nerd · 2 months
Is it just me, or do other falconkins (or kitekins and shrikekins, even) like the feel of having sharp canines? Like, yeah I don’t have a beak, but at least I have pointy things that I can equate to tomial teeth (also known as the mandibular tomia).
For those unaware, tomial teeth are pointed, tooth-like structures on the edge of some bird species’ upper hills accompanied by a mandibular notch (divot on the lower bill) that is used to quickly neutralise prey. (That is, snap the spinal cord to either kill or paralyse them. This is especially important for falcons as a lot of their prey consists of other birds, which would be a hassle to fly with if struggling.)
Actually, I think parrots may have these as well? I could have sworn I once read a physical hint to the fact ‘falcons are closer related to parrots than hawks/eagles’ is that they both share tomial teeth. I could be mistaken though. (Someone fact-check me on this.)
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issadiabolical · 5 months
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"Tomia" I keep redesigning her little by little, but I like how this one turned out, so yall be seeing this style for awhile.
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kaopiak · 2 years
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his name is Tomias and they are Murda’s temporary partner for high risk jobs - They’re quiet and prefers quick clean jobs over messy ones (Murda is notoriously a messy and rowdy fighter)
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jordanianroyals · 8 months
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Royal Fashion → House of Roses Ladies Association, Aqaba (25 January 2024)
Isabel Marant Étoile “Tomia” Denim Dress in Blue ($770)
Anya Hindmarch “Build A Bag” Mini Grain Leather Bag in Steam ($895)
Jimmy Choo “Romy” 100 Pumps in Black Suede ($650)
Chaumet “Joséphine” Aigrette Pendant in White Gold, Pearls & Diamonds ($5350)
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krueger4eva · 2 years
Random Headcanon for Gladstone Gander
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Note: Gladstone’s family lineage varies between authors, so I am going to choose the Duck family tree by Don Rosa as a template for this headcanon.
According to Rosa’s Duck family tree, Gladstone Gander is the son of Daphne Duck, from which he inherited his supernatural good luck, and Goostave Gander, a firm but fair goose.
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Due to Gladstone’s mixed heritage, this has been another source of bullying towards him along with his good fortune.
While Gladstone maintained his cool and confident appearance most of the time, there were times when his goose genetics caused some embarrassment for him.
Having a case of the hiccups is very rare for Gladstone. But when he does, a goose-like honking noise emits from his mouth. Whenever he hiccups in crowded places, people think that there’s a semi-trailer truck passing by. He always manages to sneak out, undetected, before anyone can trace the sound to him.
Plus, his hybrid heritage is quite noticeable on the outside due to his goose genetics making him “rounder” in certain areas. While all ducks are naturally plump, Gladstone, while in healthy shape for any bird, has some… extra cargo in the rear.
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Ever since high school, poor Gladstone has had to deal with insults from peers and strangers like “Humpty Dumpty”, “Rump Roast”, or “Goosey Caboosey”. Usually, he would remain calm, yet visibly annoyed, when hearing these affronts. But there is one name that could set this bird off: “bubble butt”. On the day his parents died, some students in school called him that name which led to a violent fight that got him sent home for the day. Once he got home, thats when he received the tragic news. Now, every time someone calls him “bubble butt”, he’s reminded of that fateful day of his terrible loss.
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Anyone who has survived a goose attack in a park can vouch that these birds are not to be taken lightly. The people who have called Gladstone that dreaded nickname learned the hard way that it takes one push over the edge to cause this perpetually lazy to pull a Donald. He may not be a skilled fighter like Donald, Della, or Abner, but he knows how to deliver some nasty bites with his sharp teeth.
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Although, they’re not actual teeth, but rather jagged structures created from cartilage that line up the inside of the bill- referred to as “tomia”. Yet, Gladstone always refers to them as “fangs” just because it sounds cooler. Either way, these appendages can easily do some serious damage.
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And like all geese, he lets out a terrifying hissing noise. It sounds like a velociraptor hunting for fresh prey.
Imagine walking through the woods, alone, after dark and hearing that sound! 😰
Luckily, his family (EVEN Donald!) would never laugh at those jokes or tease him about his body. Gladstone and his cousins may trade jabs at each other on a daily basis, but they have an agreement on what lines should never be crossed. Also, he has become comfortable with joking about himself from time to time, but only around family.
For example, whenever the children were caught in a lie, Gladstone has permission from the other adults to threaten to sit on them if they don’t confess. It takes only a MILLISECOND for them to spill the beans. Plus, his tomia saves on fake teeth for Halloween costumes. He even jokes about being secretly a vampire to the kids and that his good fortune protects him from burning in the sunlight. Louie and Lena don’t believe it, but they always appreciated his theatrics.
Despite the grievances he experiences due to his unique anatomy, Gladstone remains proud to be the son of Goostave and Daphne. They were good people and even greater parents. All genetics have their drawbacks and advantages.
He’s a duck.
He’s a goose.
But he’s all Gladstone…for better or worse..🍀
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Please tip me at Ko-Fi 💜!!
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0813-8337-8886 Setrika Laundry Lampung Utara
0813-8337-8886 Setrika Laundry Mila, Setrika Laundry Pademangan, Setrika Laundry Pedes, Setrika Laundry Kota Kendal, Setrika Laundry Mantup, Setrika Laundry Belitang, Setrika Laundry Simpang Renggiang, Setrika Laundry Taliabu Utara, Setrika Laundry Kamu, Setrika Laundry Taige, Setrika Laundry Bungoro, Setrika Laundry Tomia, Setrika Laundry Pengandonan, Setrika Laundry Sibolga Selatan
Setrika UAP Laundry (Boiler)Alat ini yang membantu para pengusaha LAUNDRY atau JASA SETRIKA KILOAN untuk mendapatkan hasil setrika dengan hasil yang LICIN dengan waktu yang CEPAT dan biaya yang HEMAT.Ada yang masih bingung apa itu setrika uap??Kalau yang anda bayangkan sekarang adalah setrika yang mengeluarkan uap yang ada di pasaran berarti jawaban anda sudah benar.Tetapi setrika uap laundry yang kami sediakan berbeda dengan setrika uap yang dijual pada toko elektronik, setrika uap ini memiliki kapasitas tabung yang lebih besar dan mengeluarkan uap bertekanan tinggi yang lebih banyak bisa menembus sampai kain 4 lapis , setrika uap ini menggunakan bahan bakar gas sehingga akan lebih hemat biaya.8 Keunggulan Setrika UapBiaya lebih HEMAT karena menggunakan bahan bakar GAS LPGAman dikenakan pada sablon jenis apapun, tidak lengket.Waktu pengerjaan setrika pasti lebih cepatLebih licin tembus sampai 4 lapisan kainlebih cepat menyetrika celana jeans dibandingkan mengunakan setrika listrikJika Setrika seragam kantor atau PNS (bahan polyster) tidak perlu alas dan hasil tanpa bekasSetrika uap aman karena tidak akan gosongPengerjaan 1 pakaian +- 25 detikPerbedaan Setrika Listrik VS Setrika UapBayangkan saja, jika anda menggunakan setrika listrik, untuk setrika 5kg pakaian yang kurang lebih terdapat 20- 25 pcs pakaian anda membutuhkan waktu kurang lebih 1 jam. sedangkan jika anda menggunakan setrika uap anda hanya memerlukan waktu kurang lebih 30 menit saja untuk menyelesaikan jumlah pakaian yang sama.Bukan hanya CEPAT dan RAPI. di faktor biaya pun lebih HEMAT setrika uap disini menggunakan bahan bakar atau daya GAS LPG. yang mungkin jika di bandingkan setrika Listrik dengan daya 350watt penggunakan untuk 5kg pakaian akan lebih irit menggunakan gasFasilitas Gratis untuk Pembelian Setrika Uap KamiBISA BAYAR DI TEMPATuntuk anda yang berada di wilayah jabodetabek, surabaya dan area jawa timur yang masih dekat dengan kantor penjualan kami, anda bisa memanfaatkan layanan bayar di lokasiTRAINING SAMPAI BISAPenjelasan mengenai cara mengunakan setrika uap boiler dengan benar secara lengkap dan praktek langsung dalam penggunaan nya.LIFETIME SUPPORTApabila mengalami kendala atau ada pertanyaan lainnya tentang Setrika uap (boiler) segera konsultasikan kepada Kami dan dengan senang hati akan kami bantu agar usaha laundry anda selalu lancar.GARANSI TABUNG DAN SPAREPARTKami memberikan garansi kebocoran tabung 1 tahun, service sparepart 1 bulan, GRATIS biaya service jika Anda membawa setrika uap anda ke kantor kami dan hanya dikenakan biaya sparepart jika memang ada yang harus diganti.
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lone42 · 8 months
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This is a barkeeper for a homebrew DND 5e campaign. HIs name is Tomias! He has several twin brothers and a sister but he's the black sheep of the family (because of his awful personality and not because of his luscious locks)
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kirnet · 1 year
asking the actium crew. would you rather fight 100 horses the size of geese or 10 geese the size of horses?
YES PERFECT TY (this turned into a dialogue which really helped me get unstuck actually lmao)
Amara: What an unnecessary question.
Benny: Agreed. I do not entertain such childish thoughts.
Raiden: She means the 100 horses. The obvious choice.
Halin: You're a sniper. You'd take a hundred enemies over ten?
Raiden: What? No. It's what Ben would do. She'd mow them down. Animal rights be damned.
Millie: Wait wait wait. In a melee or at range? That changes the answer.
Esther: Can-can we use the ship turrets? Then it doesn't really matter, does it?
Erin: Fantasizing about shooting a bunch of animals sounds cruel.
Amara: It's a hypothetical, Erin. Ok, someone has to set some ground rules.
Raiden: I thought you said it was stupid?
Halin: Shut up. Ok, close range, you get a knife and a sidearm. Alone, no ship or backup. Lets say you have an area with some obstacles to maneuver around, too. I'm taking the 10. Easier to outmaneuver and outwit 10 individuals over a hundred.
Millie: Gotta disagree, boss. They can fly. Give me those grounded fuckers.
Esther: I think I'm dead either way.
Erin, who has been reading the wikipedia page for horses since the start of the conversation: Horse's legs are just like fingers. You could break them really easily.
Amara: I thought we were worried about cruelty??
Erin: Well, then what's your answer?
Amara: Oh, the hundred horses. I don't need to aim to kick them, and it's not like they can climb up you.
Millie: Still holding onto your answer, boss?
Halin: I assure you, I'm smarter than ten geese.
Raiden: They have teeth.
Erin: Technically, they have tomia.
Halin: Ok? And? Are they Raiden? Do they think with their mouth?
Raiden: What the fuck did I do to you today?
Esther, elbowing him: You still haven't answered.
Raiden: Ten large geese. If I get a sidearm then it doesn't matter if they come at me from the air. I'd drop 'em before they even got close.
Benny: Very presumptuous of you.
Lenora: The fuck's a "geese?"
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issadiabolical · 9 months
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Tomia’s Sweaters! Stay warm, it’s getting cold out there!
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