pandadoslivros · 1 year
Manga #22
Olá, tudo bem?Mais sobre Demon SlayerLembrando que pode ter spoilers Finalmente está terminando essa parte do Monte Natagumo, mas está sendo bem legal ler a história no manga. Tem uma parte que não aparece no anime como uma fofoca. Pelo menos não me lembro, vou assistir o anime de novo para ver heheh Eu não sabia disso, achei muito legal! A parte em que a Shinobu testa aquela Oni é legal…
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Hi!! I hope you're doing well🌸
Can I please request Kyojuro, Tengen, Giyuu and Tanjiro reacting to their s/o taking almost lethal hit? On the battlefield or in hospital butterfly mansion
Thank you <3
Hey! I'm doing good, thank you<3 Hope you are doing fine as well!
Sorry it took so long for me to write your request. Still, thank you for sending in one!
Characters: Kyojuro Rengoku; Tomiyoka Giyuu; Tengen Uzui; Kamado Tanjirou
Content: gender neutral reader; established relationship; blood and injuries; poison; hurt/comfort; not proof read
Word count: 2,4k words
Hope you enjoy reading!<3
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Kyojuro Rengoku
He was out on a mission when he got the message that you were currently at the Butterfly mansion, your condition gradually getting worse
He quickly arranged for some other Slayer to take over for him, then made his way to Shinobu's abode as fast as his feet allowed him to
The entire way over there, he was praying to whoever god was willing to listen to him, that you would get better. That the gods would not take you away from him this early
He knew first hand that the work as a demon slayer was a dangerous one, the impending doom of death always right around the corner for them
every little job, let it be the easiest one on the planet, could lead to their death and everyone was well aware of that
it was precisely for that reason, that Rengoku always thought he would never involve himself in matters of love, the inevitable heartbreak too much for him to handle and he also wouldn't want to put that burden onto anyone else
but as it always is, life got different plans for him, he met you, another fellow slayer, and fell in love with you
Both of you knew about the risks coming with this line of work, so every second spent with the other was the greatest pleasure any of you could ever ask of
Rengoku thought about you the entire way to the butterfly mansion, kept replaying all those happy memories in his head. He couldn't loose you, not yet
When he arrived at the mansion, it was already sunrise. He walked past anyone that came to greet him, he had only two destinations. Your room, and Kocho. Whoever came first didn't matter
And luck seemed to be somewhat at his side, when he saw his fellow Hashira exit a room and taking a deep breath in front of the now closed door
He immediately made his way over to her, asking her about your condition
"They are fine, considering the cirumstances. They lost a lot of blood and almost didn't make it, but they pulled through. Recovery will be long and rough however, so let them rest for now."
Rengoku couldn't even begin to describe the immense feeling of relief that flooded his chest upon hearing this
You would be fine...
He thanked Kocho a good thousand times, before they parted ways and he entered the room you were residing in
You were still unconscious in the bed and you looked pale
He grabbed a chair and placed it next to your bed, gently taking one hand of yours into his, placing a soft kiss to the back
"I'm here, my dear.", he whispered, scared that he somehow could wake you up from your slumber
There were bandages wrapped all around your abdomen, already dyed a red colour again, and you were breathing somewhat heavily
Like Kocho said, you were recovering, but it would be a long road ahead
For the entire time, Rengoku would stay close to you, only accepting missions close by to the butterfly mansion, that he could complete within one day and/or night
The first time you opened your eyes again, he began crying and pulled you into a careful hug
He was so scared.. but now that you're finally awake again, it would only get better..
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Tomiyoka Giyuu
This man...
This man is a hard one to crack
Because, even if he was in love with you, he would not show his infatuation with you in the slightest
partially because he can't imagine that someone like you would ever be interested in him, so he just keeps his thoughts and feelings to himself
You would have to insist, constantly enter his own little bubble he created, for Giyuu to warm up to you
Still, the confessing part would fall onto you, because he would stay silent about his feelings his entire life if he had to
He was surprised when you confessed to him and almost turned you down, one reason being this dangerous job, the other reason that he thought he wasn't good enough for you and that you deserved better than him
But in the end, you managed to convince him, and the two of you were a really happy couple, with Giyuu slowly but surely opening up to you more and more, while becoming a bit more expressive around you
So why was it, that now, as the two of you were tackling a mission together for the hundredth time, you got injured under his watch?
The demon you were fighting was a cunning bastard, using poison to quickly deal with his victims. And somehow, during the hectic of the fight, you got stabbed in the chest and and injected with the poison
As Giyuu saw that, he immediately paniced and rushed to your side, getting you out of the dangerous zone
He wanted to run away with you right here and now, to get you treated as quickly as possible, but he also couldn't let that demon continue to run amok in this city
Luckily, they stayed in relative contact with Shinobu due to the demons choice of weapon
Giyuu quickly shouted orders at his crow, telling it to get her as quickly as possible
In the meantime, Giyuu continued to fight the demon, hoping to take it out soon so he could rush over to Shinobu's estate and meet her halfway
He managed to pull it off and behead that demon after some amount of effort and without getting hit by it, but he didn't have time to breath
Giyuu rushed back to your side, realizing that your breathing got a lot more shallow and with more pauses in between
The panic from before returned with full force and he wasted no more time, quickly rushing to get you the help you needed
Luckily, his crow did it's job very effectively as he met Shinobu half way and they rushed you back to her estate to get you treated
She had to test through quite some antidotes until she finally got the right one, managing to get rid of the poison entirely
After that, you slept for a week straight, not waking up even once. And Giyuu stayed by your side the entire time, only leaving your room to get something to eat or use the bathroom. He was too worried about you to leave your side for any longer
He totally blamed himself that you got hurt this badly, you have to reassure him once you wake up again that it wasn't his fault. But he can't help it, he doesn't ever want to loose you
A lot of crying and a lot of comfort is gonna happen when you open your eyes again, so better prepare for that
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Tengen Uzui
Three wives were already hard enough to keep up with as it is, so Tengen never even considered the possibility of a fourth spouse joining them in their lives
And yet, when you came along, he almost instantly became interested in you
Not only because of your looks, but you were strong as well, despite not being a slayer for very long yet, and he respected that
however, he didn't want to start anything behind his wives backs, so after some time passed where he got to know you even more, worked on some missions with you, he went to the three of them with a proposal
They were surprised to say the least, not expecting that of him, since he never gave them the impression that he was interested in you in that way
But, as it so happened, they didn't mind it all that much. In fact, they were also quite interested in you. So, the four talked about it for some time, before they all approached you together
You were as surprised as Tengen's wives initially were and needed some time to think it through. Though in the end, you agreed and now, it wasn't four anymore, but five
Under his care, you also quickly rose up in the ranks of the demon slayers, making all of them even more proud of you
however, as always in life, it often makes a turn for the worst just when it seems to be going well
on this particular day, Tengen and his wives were out on a mission, leaving you behind to watch after the estate
The job had been easily dealt with thanks to their combined power and they were soon on their way back, ready to reunite with you
but, as they approached their abode in the dead of night, something felt off to them. No lights were to be seen at all in the house, nothing that indicated you were staying in there
Feeling uneasy, they rushed to get back and were shocked, frozen in place as they entered
The entire interior was a mess, it looked like a fight had taken place
they found you in the living room, blood pooling around your body. Your heart was still beating, but it was weak and the blood loss didn't contribute to your well being
"(Name)!", they screamed as they rushed to your side. Makio and Hinatsuru started examining your body, trying to locate the source of your bleeding, while Suma craddled your head in her lap, trying to get you to wake up
She did succeed, long enough at least for you to tell them what had happened here
"(Name)! What happened? Who did that to you?"
"Upper....moon..", was all you managed to get out before you fell unconscious again
Their faces hardened at your words, but quickly shoved that to the backs of their minds. They could deal with that later. Right now, the only thing that mattered was you not dying
Hinatsuru and Makio continued to put pressure on your wounds. It took some time, but eventually, the bleeding got less and less until it died down all together, so they were finally able to wrap you up with bandages
Then Tengen, who until now had made sure that the rest of the house was safe, carefully picked you up. They gathered a few essential items and then made their way towards the headquarters, where they would stay for the time being, since the estate wasn't a safe place anymore, and where you would be treated
Hinatsuru and the others did some good work on you. Thanks to their efforts, you managed to get back on your feet a lot faster than anyone had anticipated, but you were still out of business for a while
Though in the end, you didn't mind that too much if it meant that you still had a life left to live with them
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Kamado Tanjirou
Unlike the other ones, Tanjirou does not have a home base, a place he can always return to when in need of a rest
He is constantly on the move, travelling all over the country, wherever his missions are taking him
he doesn't mind this all that much, though he sometimes misses the comfort of a warm bed that he gets to call his own
however, having you by his side, as you travel with him wherever he goes sure does make it a lot easier
sure he is also grateful to Zenitsu and Inosuke, but it's not the same as with you. You just manage to make him feel better about his situation when he falls into doubt again and he appreciates that very much
so it's understandable that he's absolutely devastated as he witnesses you get injured in front of his eyes, taking a hit that was meant for him when he got distracted for a second
the demons teeth bore into your neck, ripping part of the flesh away and you scream in both sheer terror and pain
you instantly fall to the ground, hand pressing on the wound, trying to keep the blood from coming out, but it's to no use. The bite was too big and you're loosing a lot of blood
Tanjirou, after hearing your agony, slashes at the demon, who jumps back and creates some distance between you and the monster
he looks at the wound and he sees that you're starting to loose consciousness. He knows he has to deal with this demon quickly, otherwise you will die on the spot if you don't get proper care soon. And he absolutely can not let this happen
He asks Nezuko to please help him out and together, they are able to overpower the demon and take him out, but it still took them quite some effort to do so
However, there wasn't much time to celebrate the victory. When he returned to your unconscious body on the floor, a pool of your blood had formed besides your head, your breathing was slow and shallow, as was your heartbeat
There was no time left to waste...
The first thing you noticed upon waking up were the unfamiliar surroundings. This was not a place you have ever visited, a sense of dread starting to creep up in your chest
But then you turned to your side and saw a sleeping Tanjirou next to you, sitting on a chair while his head was resting on your bed. You felt a little more relaxed at the sight, because if he was sleeping here, then that must mean it was a safe place to do so
You smiled and gently shook him a bit, waking him up
Upon realizing that you were awake again, he was ecstatic. He soon told you, that he didn't have the time to get you to the Butterfly estate, so he settled with the local hospital in the city where you were
The staff there was able to take good care of you, your wound was healing nicely and they should be able to release you very soon if you felt up for it
And once you were informed about your condition, Tanjirou then began to profusely apologize to you. After all, that hit was meant for him, not you. He can't even begin to describe how guilty and horrible he feels about it
You have to reassure him that you're fine now and you would gladly take a hit for him again
he brings you in for a gentle hug and you stay like that for a few minutes, just basking in each others presence
After all, you would heal again and be able to tell the tale about how you survived this attack. If that wasn't a story for the books...
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imagineanime2022 · 1 year
Water Hashira's Protector
Giyu Tomiyoka X Reader
Word Count: 767
Requested: Anon
Request: Tomioka Giyuu from demon slayer x s/o reader who's serious and chill like him but he's always hugging on to Giyuu, wrapping an arm around his waist, and defending him from the other Hashira?
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You had been friends with Giyu since you were young, he’d always been the quiet type and it became apparent to you that he wasn’t as socially smart as you'd first think so you made it your job to look after him when he needed it. You trained with him and passed the exam the same as him, at the time the position of Hashira was offered to both of you under the guise that you would both fight for it but you gave to him instead, you had never really wanted the position in the first place. When it came down to it you could have been whatever you wanted, you just decided to follow Giyu into the life of a demon slayer, well more aptly you decided to follow Giyu.
You were a little more aggressive than Giyu where he’s described as the gentle flow of a river, you're probably the turbulent undercurrent, they are lured in by Giyu and taken out by you. That’s not to say that Giyu isn’t good at what he does because he is but that was only when it came to demons, when humans were the ones that insulted or attacked him he became a little more reserved.
The Hashira were the worst for this, they all seemed to gang up on him or just talk behind his back so that was when you turned your anger on them, you could hold your own against them in a fight and they all seemed to forget that but you never did.
It was yet another meeting that the master had allowed you to attend due to the unique way that you and Giyu operated, the meeting itself went by without any issues but it was what happened after that caused issue, as they gathered together in a group while Giyu stood off to the otherside. “Hey Giyu!” Sanemi called over, you glanced at him out of the side of your eye but didn’t move from your place draped over him, your arm wrapped around his waist while your chin rested on your shoulder. “Yes?” He asked. “What’s with the weird fashion sense?” He asked, you tensed immediately, as your head snapped towards him. “Mind your own business.” You ordered as you looked at him. “How dare you-!?” “Don’t forget that I have the same chance of ending you as you do ending me.” You reminded him. “You think?” He asked drawing his sword. “Are you seriously violating the master's rules in his own home?” You asked detaching yourself from Giyu to step in front of him instead. “(Y/N) stop.” Giyu ordered tugging at your sleeve. “I’ll stop when he puts the sword away.” You promised. “Sanemi, is this necessary?” Shinbu asked. “These two need to be taught a lesson!” He pointed the sword inches from your face, you lifted your hand knocking the sword away from your face. “You really need a sword to do that?” You asked, he grit his teeth and stepped closer finally sheathing the sword. “Just wait until there’s no one around to protect you.” He said. “Until next time Wind Hashira.” You bowed before turning away from him.
Later that evening you were sitting with Giyu, you were eating “why do you do that?” He asked suddenly. “What?” You asked looking at your food and then touching your face to see if there was something on your face. “Fight everyone.” He added and your eyes widened in realisation as you looked at him and shrugged. “I want to protect you, you're my boyfriend after all, I’m not just going to stand there and listen to them question you about something that is close to your heart, you shouldn’t have to tell them if you don’t want to.” You explained. “What if I did?” He asked. “Did you?” You asked. “I…” “You want to tell them because you think that they will like you better but that’s not the case, I promise you if you told that story it would not change anything, just promise me if you decide to tell them about that or anything else you do it because you trust them rather than you want them to like you.” You pleaded. “I don’t need them to like me when I have you.” He said and you leaned over and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Good then eat up I’m sure they’ll send us out soon.” You reminded him and he nodded going back to his food as you looked at the sky waiting for the crows to call you to action.
Request Here!!
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karasunos-whore · 1 year
Bar was fire asf🥶
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New Animal Crossing Designs
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k-popandanime · 4 years
Kny my bias. Reblog if you like. 😄😃
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knite05 · 3 years
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fictionkinfessional · 3 years
-Slides Douma twenty dollars for successfully removing Shinobu from my life- thank you, actually. --Giyuu Tomiyoka (Demon Slayer)
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boowoomuu · 4 years
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Don't reblog. Take a screenshot and upload it, but tag your OTPs.
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miiiyetch · 4 years
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This is so sad :(((( the two of them were the only one left 💔 and the Demon Slayer disbanded since there's no Demon left. AhhhhhhhHhhhhHhh this Chapter is making me emotional
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cipher-club · 5 years
I've finally watched it, and I love it 😻😻😻
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thegetoufather · 3 years
thinking about what a big helpless crush giyuu has on you, the pretty girl that sits in front of him in physics lecture. he knows you only talk to him because he has the answers to the homework, but he’ll nod and let it happen, stealing away whatever moments he can with you. 
after all, you are tengen’s. the whole campus knows it, reveling in the romance between the university quarterback and the head cheerleader. everyone either wants to be you two or kill one of you so that they could take your place, and giyuu’s no exception, the whole thing makes him feel worse because tengen’s just so damn nice to him in english. 
would tengen know, about how sweet you were to him? how you giggle at every flat remark he makes like it’s something hilarious, how you always squeeze his arms and talk about how toned he feels through those loose sleeves.  it’s not like giyuu would ever breathe a word about it, keeping those moments to himself and his late night thoughts, reveling in the shame that streaks his stomach. 
his heart sinks when he sees you and tengen looking at him from across the room of this party. you clinging to his big bicep, rising up on your tiptoes  to whisper in his ear. it’s all over, you’re probably telling him about how creepy he’s been, how a loser could think he has a chance with you, and giyuu just wants the floor to open up and swallow him whole. when he looks back, you’re gone, and tengen’s broad frame is marching towards him. 
when tengen throws a beefy arm over his shoulder, he’s just thankful he doesn’t go into crush his neck. he’ll let tengen parade him around the party, listening to him drunkenly slur about something or the other to appease him if that will make the punishment any less. 
he gulps when he stops by tengen’s bedroom door, anticipating that when he walks back out, he’ll have a black eye, oh god, what if he can’t walk back out at all?
the least thing he expects when tengen shoves the door open is a reward.
you, in nothing but that pleated mini skirt you were sporting before, letting out a breathy “hi giyuu,” before tengen walks over and plops you on his lap. and in that moment, giyuu learns what a fool he’s been, trapped in those stupid tropes. when he sees tengen move his thick thighs so he can part your spread legs - he learns the truth.
giyuu tomiyoka was not a nerd being led to the slaughter, the bimbo and the football player had brought him to the honey pot. 
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sanemi-the-teach · 2 years
Nice to see you back. Hope you're well.
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//same from mod! hope you're doing well!!!
Tomiyoka, it's good to be back, I'm pretty good actually. I took a much long and very needed break.
What's been happening while I've been gone?
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wat3rpillar · 2 years
Tomiyoka.... I've returned.
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:: and now folks , what we've worked so hard for ! epic instrumental from a speaker that has the crunchiest fucking audio plays as we show this off like a shitty 5th grade science project . / j
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broken silence , though it wasn't minded . if anything , he welcomed it . a comfortable breach in the routinely noiseless environment . a deep breath in as he flipped the simple phrase over in his head . once . twice . a nice use of words .
returned . a good thing .
a million thoughts , breaking through into his head , though he didn't bother with them . they didn't matter to him in the slightest at this moment . why would they ? he had something much more important to focus on , with this arrival . he turned to face the man who spoke , who's words brought a badump to his chest . a silent stare for a time , fighting to keep a smile from creeping unto his face as he spoke .
“ 'm glad to hear that , shinazugawa ...”
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Tengen saying Ayame is had a sheltered life, like bruh. Ayame essentially tossed aside her identity to live out her brothers dream to become a hashira, got slightly over it only to go home and find her entire village and family murdered to the point that she's had ground beef to bury instead of people, oh and tried to throw hands with Tomiyoka Giyu of all people to save some boy she barely knows and his freshly turned demon sister. And that's just the prologue.
tengen………… might know the most of ayame out of the other non-shishou hashiras (that includes shinobu too, yes), but he doesn't actually know her. kyoujurou used to talk a lot about her fighting spirit, how well she was doing in training and, well, basically bragging about her as an apprentice. he did the same with mitsuri too! it's just that he didn't spend as much time training mitsuri and she branched out to her own breathing style, so it wasn't like he was going to continuously praise her on her mastery of the forms of breath of flame.
that being said, ayame is a very private person. up to his death, kyoujurou still didn't know what she saw in okutama the day giyuu sent her back. he never knew the full scope of what happened (giyuu never told him she attacked him) and he doesn't know the details. therefore, tengen doesn't know the details. even if kyoujurou had known, he wouldn't have told tengen; ultimately, that's ayame's choice.
tengen was fun to dive into! he knows so much, but also so little. i don't think he even knows about her brother, actually. he's building assumptions based on the knowledge he knows and that is very out of line with what we know. i hope that it was a fun little insight into how ayame presents herself versus how we know she's actually like!
but yes, tengen. maybe don't make assumptions about ayame. she's probably some of the least sheltered kisatsutai members u can find. she's probably only beat by the hashiras and tanjirou, at this point.
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