#tommy and lindy
userlaylivia · 2 years
when you know a ship isn't over or would've 100% been endgame but the show gets cancelled before they can get back together or be endgame ugh
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xoxostephanie11 · 9 months
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musicals-in-sweden · 11 months
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Promotion picture for Änglagård - Oscarsteatern, 2023.
Photography by Mats Bäcker
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watchingdiary · 2 years
eye candy
Type: Serial/Movie
Genre: Drama, Crime, Thriller
Number of Season(s): 1
Running Year: 2015
Developed by: Christian Taylor
Based on novel "Eye Candy" by: R. L. Stine
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I don't have much reference on thriller and crime serial but I would recommend this for you if you're looking for one. I consider this as one of my favorite. The show is packed well and perfectly.
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booksandwords · 1 year
But this was Lindy and if Tommy could only be sure of one thing it would be that Lindy Sampson is a force to be reckoned with, she's beautiful, smart and simply unforgettable… she could never simply just exist. She would always exist.
eight months by infinitesouls
Set after 1x10 (aka the series ending). Tommy is missing Lindy, just wants her to know where she is. The styling has this presented in such a way that it makes the reader take their time with it.
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starfirewildheart · 6 months
Chapter 8
Scars and Souvenirs 
Summary: Sy and his lady both retire from the army but not before tragedy befalls Sy. He slowly tries to adjust to life again on their ranch.
Pairing: Sy / OFC
Word count: 1500
Rating: smut, smut and smut. NO ONE UNDER 18, NSFW 
Sy opened the truck door and offered Deb his hand to help her out. They headed into the diner called “Tommy's” and looked around for Walter. When they didn't see him Sy led Deb to a booth toward the back and they took a seat.
“So, is this a place you used to come to a lot?” She asked. The diner was small and quaint, clearly a family owned establishment that had been in business for generations. It was clean, the food smelled wonderful and the decor was what she would call farmhouse chic.
Just as Sy was about to answer an older woman, their waitress arrived. “What can I get you folks today?” She asked as he placed silverware on the table and took out her order pad. 
“Mrs. Mabel?” Sy's eyes lit up.
Mabel looked closely at the man for the first time and gasped, clutching her hand to her cheek. “No, it can't be! Austin Syverson?”
“Yes ma'am.” Sy stood up and hugged her.
She turned her head toward the kitchen. “Earl! Come here!” Turning back to Sy, “My goodness, look at you! Last time you came ‘round here was just after basic. We knew you went for special forces trainin’ then your momma told Lindi May that you were shipped to Iraq.”
“What in blazes you hollerin’ about woman?” A gruff, gray haired old man dressed in Jeans and a plaid button up asked. 
“Look who it is, Earl!” Mable turned to her side so he could see.
“Sy! It's good to see you home safe son,” he shook his hand. 
“Thank you, sir,” he nodded. “This is my girlfriend, Debbie. Deb, this is Mrs. Mabel and Mr. Earl. I used to work for them as a kid.”
“Nice to meet you,” She smiled at them. 
“Where did you two meet?” Mabel asked.
Deb looked up at Sy allowing him to answer. “Deb is from Texas but we met in Iraq,” he explained. 
“Oh? Were you an aid worker?” Mabel asked.
“Austin Lee Syverson is that you?” A twangy voice rang out from the kitchen. A slender, short blonde woman came rushing out and over to you before he could respond. She jumped into Sy's arms, climbing him like a monkey, clinging. “You just get more and more sexy, you hot hunk a man!” 
Debbie had to bite her lip to keep from roaring with laughter. The look on Sy's face was a look of total helplessness as he kept his hands somewhat lifted in the air. Deb finally took pity on him and squeezed out of the booth behind him and tapped the woman on the shoulder. “HI, I'm Debbie, Sy's girlfriend. You are?”
The woman glared at her over Sy's shoulder but climbed down. Sy quickly put his arm around Deb, moving her so that she was sort of in front of him. “This is Lindi May, Earl and Mabel‘s daughter.”
“Sy's lover,” She mock whispered to Deb. 
“Lindi!” Earl and Mable both scolded. “You have to forgive her,” Mabel smiled. “She was head over heels for Sy when they were kids.” 
“We need to get back to work,” Earl gave Lindi a look. “It was great seeing you again Sy.”
“You too, sir” he nodded.  
Walter rushed into the diner just in time to see Earl more or less dragging Lindi into the kitchen. Looking toward the back of the restaurant he caught the look Sy cast his way. “Sorry I'm late,” he said sheepishly before giving Mabel a hug and taking a seat. 
Mabel took their drink orders and left menus before giving them privacy. Sy shook his finger at Walt. “You set me up!”
“No, I swear she’s never here during the week. I've been eating here since I got back in town and only ever see her on Saturday and Sunday.”
Sy half growled but believed him. “You mean you didn't want to see your lover?” Deb asked Sy, trying to keep her face serious. 
“She didn't?” Walt groaned and facepalmed.
“She climbed him like a tree,” Deb explained. This time she’s the one who shook her finger at Walter. “That’s two I owe you for, officer,” arching her brow at him. 
Mabel chose that moment to bring their drinks and get their orders. Once she was gone Sy chuckled. “You better start telling us about this case before she decides to kick your ass,” he winked at Deb.
Walter laughed then pulled a file out of his messenger bag and handed it to them. “Read over that and then I'll fill in the blanks.”
They both poured over the file with military precision each making mental notes and questions. “So What exactly do you want from us?” Sy asked once they had finished the file.
Walt took a deep breath. It had been hard for him to ask for help but in this small town he was the only true detective; everyone else in the force were just beat cops and he needed help. “I know they are working with a Mexican drug cartel to be a distribution hub but I think there may be more. I don't have the knowledge to do detailed surveillance so I'm struggling to get intel.”
Mabel brought their food and they thanked her. “So these,” Deb points to three photos with multiple cases displayed around the areas in the photos . “These are Russian made RPGs, these are Korean surface to air missiles and these are good ol’ American AK47's.”
“Drugs, arms and ammunition, you got a bad thing here man.” Sy studied one of the photos for a moment. “Have you had a lot of people go missing lately or a rise in the sex trade?”
“Y…yea,” Walt stammered. “A lot more prostitution, male and female lately and more overdoses.”
“This,” Sy pointed to a small hand drawn symbol on one of the box trucks that to the untrained eye looked like a bit of graffiti. “This is the S17. We were briefed on them in the sandbox. They are a huge organization involved in almost every illicit crime there is including torture. S17s worked with the insurgents and trained them on how to ‘interrogate’ soldiers, sold them weapons and gave them tech. They are bad news.” Sy explained. 
“In all honesty, I hope you don't take offense to this but this is bigger than you, even with us. This is ATF and FBI territory. These people are dangerous people and they won't hesitate to cut you down,” Deb warned.
Walter paused when he saw Mable approaching with their food when they were alone again he spoke. “ATF is aware but they want us to gather Intel and try to make a case against them. I've tried the typical things and they seem to be prepared for every event which is why I'm asking for help.”
“We can help with surveillance technology and stuff,” Deb agreed. “But both of you have to promise you're not going to do anything stupid.” She held up her hand to stop them as they both started shaking their heads. “ And to clarify, by stupid I mean dangerous, risky, edgy, or anything else that could get you in trouble.”
Sy chuckled at her protectiveness. “We'll be good,” he assured her. “Have to keep you outta trouble and that's a full time job.”
“Hey!” She pouted and they both laughed.
After lunch h they went to the police station to read in the chief on what their plan was and got the all clear and Sy and Deb got temporary permission to work on the case in a consultant capacity.  Once all the I’s were dotted and t's crossed Walter was walking them out. 
As they were moving through the squad room a couple uniform officers were dragging in a young man, who looked to be about fifteen or so. He was giving them hell, struggling and trying to fight back. “Let go of me you asshole! What? You have to cuff me up before you heath the hell outta me?” He hit the floor with an oof when the uniform cop shoved him.
“I caught you trying to fuck my little sister!” Gains roared.
“Woah,” Walt rushed over and pulled the kid to his feet. “What the hell Gains?” He growled as he looked the boy over. His nose and lip were bleeding and his right eye was red and bruising. Pushing the kid into a chair he turned on Gains shoving him out of the room yelling at him. 
Gains partner grabbed a first aid kit and was trying to tend to the boy's wounds but he was fighting him at every turn.
Deb stepped over to try and help. 
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thefugitivesaint · 1 year
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''Life'', Dec. 28, 1936  Some selections from a year end overview by ‘Life’ Magazine, one with some dated terminology. Speaking of which, the “Lindy Hop” "is a partner dance that originated in 1920's and 30's Harlem, New York. The Dance itself consists of both 8 and 6 count steps and it includes footwork borrowed from the Charleston and Tap.” The dances exact origins are unclear, “The Harlem Lindy Hop developed probably from four possible sources, or some combination thereof: the breakaway, the Charleston, the Texas Tommy, and the hop.”  “What was special about the Lindy Hope was that it left room for the dancers to improvise. The Savoy and other ballrooms would often host competitions and dance marathons where guests would compete against each other and come up with wild variations on the moves. The dance allegedly got its name at one of these dance marathons when in 1927 a reporter asked the famous dancer George “Shorty” Snowden what the dance he was doing was called. Inspired by pilot Charles Lindbergh’s recent solo “hop” across the Atlantic, Shorty George replied “the Lindy Hop” and gave the new dance craze its name” You learn something new every day. All I know is that I love dancing. Here’s clip from the 1941 film ‘Hellzapoppin' that’s considered by some to be “the greatest Lindy hop sequence ever filmed.” (I’m not getting into the thorny business of contextualizing black performances for white audiences on film and how what’s shown might reflect American racism and/or racist expectations of black physicality but at least the clip avoids the unfortunate black face adorned by the Marx Brothers in the 1937 film ‘A Day At The Races’ at the end of another ‘Lindy Hop’ dance sequence. But, if you want to see it, you’ll get to hear Ivie Anderson sing and that’s pretty great shit right there.)  Source
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sjsmith56 · 23 days
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The Best is Yet to Come, Chapter 27 - Eyes of the Father
Summary: Wedding reception and wedding night.
Length: 5.1 K
Characters: Bucky, Lacey, Tommy, Sam, Clint, Avengers and guests.
Warnings: Minors, DNI - contains sexual content, more romantic than smutty.
Author notes: This is a mostly fluffy chapter.
<<Chapter 26
🎊 💃🎈
As they waited outside the barn for their cue to enter Bucky took Lacey's hand and kissed it.
"Thank you again," he said.
"For what?" she asked, puzzled.
"For not hitting me with the shovel while I lay on the garage floor," he said. "I had almost reached the end of my limit when I saw your brother leave the garage door open. I had been chased, shot, chilled by the swim to Staten Island, soaked by the rain, and had almost no energy left because I hadn't eaten in two days. Then you came into the garage, wearing only your pyjamas, grabbing that shovel and by the look on your face you were ready to use it. I just wanted it to be over."
"I wouldn't have," replied Lacey. "I was terrified, hoping you would just get up and run past me. Then you spoke, I saw your eyes, and I knew you wouldn't hurt me."
Bucky smiled, remembering that morning. "You offered me a hand up, put your arm around my waist, while I leaned on you," he said softly. "For such a small woman you had such strength. You still do."
"You can always lean on me, Bucky," she said, touching his face with her hand. "I'll lean on you when I need to as well."
"Always," he said, kissing the top of her head.
Sam rolled his eyes at the display. "So, what song are we using to enter?" he asked, in anticipation. "Something Motown, R & B?"
Bucky looked at him with a twinkle in his eyes. "Sam, you are looking at a woman who loves big band music as much as I do," he said. "She came up with the song and I loved it."
Sam looked at Lacey in confusion. "I looked after my grandpa while he was dying," she said. "He had so many LP records, Benny Goodman, Glenn Miller, Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin ... I could go on for hours. He wanted to hear them all before he died. When I first came here to the farm, I couldn't bring them with me, but Maria Hill offered to keep them in a safe place. She was as good as her word and they were delivered to me in Philadelphia a couple of months ago, along with all of my books."
"Okay, but what song?" he asked, almost in desperation.
Lacey laughed. "It's called Ain't That a Kick in the Head by Dean Martin," replied Lacey. "Bucky and I are going to do some choreographed moves to it. You and everyone else in the wedding party will be called in before us and can enjoy our performance like the wedding guests. Trust me, Sam, the lyrics fit our situation so well. Oh, and I promised Maria you would dance with her later. She kind of likes you."
Sam seemed taken aback by that, then a slow smile spread across his face. The cue was given, the other members of the bridal party came in, were introduced, and took their seats then the music started. The wedding guests never knew what hit them as Bucky and Lacey performed a dance to the lyrics and tempo of the song. Even Sam was blown away as he watched Bucky - stoic, grumpy, Bucky, dance like someone on Dancing with the Stars. When the song ended, and everyone was in a standing ovation, he clapped Bucky on the back.
"How long have you known how to dance like that?" he asked. "I never knew."
"1935, give or take a year," he replied. "Sam, I saw Billie Holiday, Duke Ellington, Count Basie ... all those legends, live in the clubs around New York. That's the music I danced to. I lived for swing dancing, jitterbug, and the Lindy hop. I listened to big band music all the time. When those records were delivered I was in nirvana. It was like rediscovering a part of me that had been buried."
Sam gave him a pound hug. "That's awesome," he said. "I take it most of the music tonight will be big band?"
"There will be some big band, some Motown, some R&B, some country...," Bucky's voice trailed off. "Something for everyone, I promise."
The caterers began serving the food, making sure Bucky and Tommy received extra. When the meal was almost finished the speeches and toasts were made. Some were funny and some brought tears. Clint Barton took the mike near the end of the speeches and looked out over everyone.
"Well, you all know where I live now," he said, then he looked at Fury. "So much for off the books. I don't mind. Lacey Chapman, sorry Lacey Barnes came to live with my family when she was a month pregnant with her son. This farm became her haven and during the Blip, she and her brother Terry took responsibility for it, keeping it going. I can never repay her enough for that, although this wedding is a start. Since Lacey first moved here and because her parents passed away I've kind of looked on her as my adult daughter. I can tell you that she is a strong, beautiful woman with a work ethic that doesn't quit."
He took a drink of his beer.
"Now Bucky Barnes," began Clint, "was once one of the most feared HYDRA operatives known to the intelligence community but it wasn't until Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and Sam Wilson battled with him that his real identity became known. It took some time to rescue him and treat him, but now he's an Avenger where he belongs. Bucky is the type of man I want on my six, all the time. He's had his share of PTSD, but 70 years of torture can do that to a man. He's smart, well read, thorough and he steps up every time."
"What's your point?" asked Bucky, to some laughter.
Clint smiled. "There was a time I was furious with Bucky," he admitted, "when I thought he did something hurtful to Lacey and Tommy. I later realized he was trying to protect them and truly loved them so much he was willing to make himself look bad to keep them safe. That's the mark of a man who loves fully, completely, and deeply. There is no one else I could trust to look after Lacey and Tommy. I know that you will both make each other very happy. Here's to Lacey and Bucky, may you have many wonderful years together."
Everyone raised their glasses to Clint's toast. Nick Fury stood up next, took the mike, and looked at Bucky and Lacey. "I'm just up here to make a small announcement before the happy couple addresses you," he said. "As you know we have been rebuilding the compound for some time. We already have a main building with living quarters, briefing facilities, and meal services. I'm pleased to announce that our training facility has also been completed. It is comprised of a gymnasium, gun range, martial arts studio, archery range, and workout room. The adjacent armoury, where all weapons will be stored will be completed in two weeks. Having a training centre also meant we wanted someone with the knowledge and experience to oversee the training of team members, both Avengers and armed support. When we were going over the skill sets of the candidates for Chief Training Officer one name kept leaping out over all the others. The selection committee, comprised of myself, Colonel Rhodes, Clint Barton, and Sam Wilson, unanimously agreed the best candidate was James "Bucky" Barnes and he accepted the position, effective immediately, although for some reason he insisted he had to go on his honeymoon first."
For a fraction of a second there was no sound then everyone stood up for a standing ovation. Lacey looked proudly at Bucky and they kissed then both stood up to take the mike from a smiling Fury. He shook Bucky's hand and nodded his approval.
"You lied," said Sam. "You mentioned the training facility but didn't say the rest."
"I didn't lie," replied Bucky. "I just didn't say anything more. You lied too. You were on the selection committee and didn't say a word."
Sam laughed hilariously but he stood up and hugged his friend. Bucky waited for the noise to die down then he looked out over everyone.
"First, thank you to Clint and Laura for agreeing to host the wedding," he said. "It's already been memorable. Thank you Nick Fury for providing the accommodations for everyone. In a way it's been like a team retreat here. I've seen a lot of bonding which will translate into success on missions. As for the training officer announcement it won't be just physical work. There will be languages training, work on observational skills, stealth maneuvers, tactics, etc. I have 70 years of programming in my brain, that I'm eager to pass on because my goals are to make sure the team is always ready, always prepared for contingencies, and that everyone comes home alive and in one piece."
He leaned over and grabbed his drink, taking a sip.
"Like many of you I'm on call 24/7," he stated. "As training officer, I realized I have to be near the compound to provide my expertise as and when it is needed. A farm bordering the compound came up for sale and it will become our home, as soon as we return from our honeymoon. There are advantages to being so close to the compound. It's within easy commuting distance to Lacey's publisher in New York. I can run over or ride my motorcycle getting there quickly to deal with any emergency missions. I'll be back home every evening except when I'm on a mission. Being home will be of benefit in about eight months when Lacey gives birth to our second child as I plan to be a hands-on father in every way, something I was unable to do with my son Tom. Thank you to Lacey for forgiving me and agreeing to marry me. Thank you to Tom for letting me be a dad to you from now on. Finally, thank you all for coming to the wedding."
There was applause and whistles from everyone at the announcement and Bucky handed the mike back to Clint who looked with fondness at the couple before facing the guests.
"We're going to reset the tables, open the dance floor up, and get this party going," he said. "First dance is in about half an hour. If you can stay and move tables, we would appreciate it."
Many volunteered to help, and they soon had a large space cleared. The DJ was already set up and was just checking his lights. One of them up top wouldn't turn on and Peter webbed up to check the connections, coming back down once the light came on. Many of the guests stopped to congratulate them on Bucky's position and the pregnancy. Gradually, the steady stream of people slowed down and Bucky and Lacey were seated on the truck bed in the dusk, waiting for their first dance.
"After the first dance, and dancing with my "Dad" I'm going to go in and change into a shorter dress," said Lacey.
"Did you buy a new dress for the reception?" asked Bucky.
"No, this is one that Natasha bought me when I first went to Stark Tower," answered Lacey. "When Steve saw it he said you would have really liked it back in the day. You know, he said you were always looking for the right woman. I never got that impression from you when I first met you."
"That's because I always played it cool," replied Bucky, smirking. "I knew you were interesting once I saw your book and record collection, and by the time I left I wanted to stay because you touched my heart. When Steve told me about you getting pregnant I wanted to come back immediately but he relayed what you told him about me getting better first. I never thought then it would take almost ten years to get to this. It should have been a lot sooner. I'm sorry for that."
"Don't be," she said, grasping his hand. "Five years of that was the Blip. No one had control over that, and you needed to get yourself better first." She was quiet for a moment. "How long will you live?"
"I don't know," he replied truthfully. "Steve did age before he brought the shield back for Sam, but I don't know for sure how many years it took in his timeline. I think I look like I'm in my mid to late 30s right now. Are you worried I'll age slower than you?"
She was silent for a moment then nodded. "The first thing Sharon Carter said to me after the kidnapping was that I looked too old and worn out to be with you," she said. "I like to think I have pretty good self-esteem but her words hurt, they made me doubt myself. She hated me so much and just because you loved me instead of her."
Bucky took a deep breath. "You're beautiful, inside and out," he said. "Seeing you on the video calls with no makeup, hair all over the place, and your nose sunburnt from the sun exposure, all I could think of was why does this beautiful woman love me? When we're in bed together, your skin is so soft, and you body feels so good in my arms. I see the stretch marks you still have from Tommy's pregnancy, but I don't see them as flaws. I wish I had been here to see you full with our son, and smoothed lotion over those stretch marks to soothe you. If I do age slower then I guess people will wonder what kind of hold you have on me. I love you, only you, and no one looks as beautiful to me as you do."
He leaned over, grasping the side of her head in his hand and kissed her tenderly, then gently kissed her neck, sliding his shaved face along it. Lacey smiled appreciating the smoothness of his face. Bucky hopped off, put his hands on her waist and lifted her off, putting her on the ground lightly. Clint came to say they were ready for the first dance and Bucky led Lacey in to the middle of the floor. Just like their entry song this was a big band number, Frank Sinatra singing The Best Is Yet To Come. Even though it was a late 1950s song Bucky still loved the arrangement, saying it reminded him of music he danced to. He and Lacey danced over the entire floor, twirling, dipping, skipping and showing how it was done old school. It was something that people would talk about for years, how good of a dancer Bucky Barnes was. Lacey danced with Clint to a Tom Petty tune, Wildflowers, and he showed off his Texas Two Step dance moves, complete with twirls. After that the DJ played everything and most people were well satisfied with the playlist. Lacey went to the house with Laura for both to change into a shorter dress. She came out in the sky blue coloured lace dress that Natasha bought her when she was first at Stark Tower. As she came down the steps Sam and Bucky were doing shots, and Sam tapped him on the arm.
"I remember that dress," he said, as Bucky watched Lacey walking towards him. "I wanted to ask her out myself when I first saw her in it."
"Good thing you didn't," said Bucky as his face lit up when she got to him. "That is some dress. Steve was right. I love it."
She twirled around. "Enough to get back on the dance floor?" she asked.
He put his arm around her and escorted her to the floor. This Magic Moment by The Drifters was playing, and Bucky noticed Sam asked Maria to dance. He nudged Lacey.
"How long has she liked him?" he asked.
"Since she saw more of him at the compound once the first building opened," she replied. "She's a very nice person, you know."
He nodded then pointed out Terry and Sarah Wilson dancing. "How do you feel about that?" he asked. "She's very much like you. Very strong, opinionated at times but she has a warm heart."
"Well, he put his life on hold to move to the farm," replied Lacey. "I didn't like him when he was playing pro football but he's been a good man since he retired, and the Blip proved he steps up when he's needed. If he gets that coaching job with the Saints it will be nice for him to have someone to be with."
She noticed all the boys, Tommy, the Barton's two, and Sarah's two, were huddled together and she brought Bucky's attention to it. He looked at her with a curious expression and slowly danced their way closer to them.
"Hey guys, what's up?" he asked.
Tommy looked back at him. "We're writing down song titles that we want to dance to," he said. "So far, it's been mostly old people stuff. We can ask for some hip hop and other stuff we like, can't we?"
"Sure," replied Bucky. "Just remember it's a wedding so you can't have anything with swears in it or that goes too far. It has to be good enough for everyone to dance to if they want."
The boys considered his words for a moment, then Cooper, who was writing it down, crossed off a couple of songs. They huddled again and the couple left them there. Bucky slowly danced over to the DJ and beckoned him close, telling him some kids were going to submit a list of hip hop songs for them to dance to. He just asked that nothing too offensive be played and the DJ gave him a thumbs up. About ten minutes later, as he and Lacey took a breather, he saw Cooper submit their list and the DJ read over it. He nodded and offered Cooper a fist bump which satisfied him. Two songs later he played MC Hammer's U Can't Touch This and the boys were out there, dancing up a storm. To be fair, many adults stayed up to dance to it, laughing and joking as they showed the moves made famous in the video. Bucky just shook his head.
"That was a big hit?" he asked Lacey.
"It's a classic," she said, "from the 1980s. You want to go shake your booty, Grandpa?"
He kissed her. "No," was his answer but he did watch, glad that the younger set were enjoying themselves. Bucky did dance to YMCA and to Post Malone's Circles saying it had a good beat, almost a quick fox trot. They danced to many other songs, old and new. As the other guests were dancing modern style Bucky moved Lacey around the floor while in his arms. It was easier dancing in her short dress and Bucky took full advantage, turning her enough to make her dress swirl. After dancing to Van Morrison's Someone Like You Lacey put her arms around his neck and kissed him.
"You do surprise me sometimes," she said. "That was very romantic."
He made a big deal of looking at his Rolex and looked softly at her. "How much longer do you want to dance here?" he asked. "Personally, I'm ready to dance in private."
Lacey pulled his arm over and looked at the time. "I think we can do the bouquet toss and cake cutting now," she replied. "We can leave after. Do you know where Clint is taking us?"
"Nope," answered Bucky. "Just that he promised us complete privacy."
They both sought out Clint to say they wanted to get the cake cutting and bouquet toss done. He nodded and said he would make it happen. "Are you wearing a garter?" he asked. "For Bucky to toss to all the single men?"
Bucky looked at her, his eyebrows raised. "Yes, I am," she replied, her eyes twinkling.
Clint grinned and went off to get the activities set up. Ten minutes later Lacey was sitting in a chair with Bucky kneeling before her, grinning from ear to ear. All the single men were lined up behind him. Gently Bucky slid his hand up Lacey's thigh, making it seem like he was having a hard time finding the garter. She looked over at Tommy seeing he had his hands over his eyes, embarrassed while the other boys were laughing. Nodding over to Tommy she gave Bucky a look and he nodded, pulled the garter off and twirled it around his fingers before launching it behind him. It landed on Terry's hand as he used his wide receiver skills to jump up and grab it. Lacey tossed her bouquet next and it went through several hands before landing in a surprised Maria Hill's fingertips. The cake was brought out and they posed with a combat knife cutting into the cake before inserting it and cutting a piece for them to share. Gently Bucky fed a piece to Lacey, watching intently as she licked a piece of icing off his finger. Then she fed him a piece and watched just as intently as he kissed her fingertips. As she cut pieces for the guests he went to talk to Clint who took the mike making the announcement that the couple were leaving shortly. Most of the guests followed them out of the barn. Lacey hugged both Clint and Laura, then Tommy came up and she stroked his face, looking intently at him before he hugged her.
"We'll see you in the morning, okay?" she told him. "Did you have a good time?"
"It was fun," he replied, then Bucky came over and also received a hard hug. "I'm glad you're my Dad for real now."
"So am I, son," said Bucky, bending over and kissing Tommy on top of his head.
Other hugs and handshakes were shared before they finally got into the truck-bed of the now decorated old truck, covered in ribbons and balloons with Just Married painted on the rear window. Clint got behind the wheel and started driving slowly towards the highway as Bucky kissed Lacey passionately, the flashes from people's cell phone cameras lighting them up. Clint only drove a short distance on the highway, losing all the balloons in the process, then stopped at a gate after they crossed a bridge that went over a small creek. After unlocking the gate Clint pulled up to a small cabin where Bucky lifted Lacey down. They came around to the driver's side window.
"This is the tail end of the property," said Clint. "The creek pretty much cuts it off from the rest of it. I built the cabin to hold my arsenal but it was too far away for my liking so it's been used for storage since then. It's private, quiet, and we fixed it up for you as a wedding gift. Just text me when you're ready to be picked up."
"Clint," said Lacey, tears beginning to form, as she touched his arm. "Thank you for everything. For taking me in, treating me like one of your family, for this wedding ...."
"It's been my pleasure," he replied, then he looked at Bucky. "You do right by her."
"No argument here," said Bucky, shaking the other man's hand. "Clint, thanks."
He put the truck into gear and backed up to where he could turn around. Bucky and Lacey watched the truck drive away in the darkness before turning to each other. Picking her up easily in his arms Bucky carried her across the pathway to the door, which she opened. There was no electricity but the inside was lit with battery operated camping lanterns, and fairy lights. A large bed, in a brass frame, was against the far wall. Covered with several pillows and a quilt it looked soft and inviting. Bucky put Lacey down and closed the door behind him. A note on the nightstand explained there was enough water to wash up in the morning. A cooler held snacks and drinks. Lacey turned from reading the note and realized Bucky was watching her. She turned her back to him.
"Could you undo the top of my dress and pull the zipper down?" she asked.
Stepping close to her he bent his head to her neck, breathing gently on it as he undid the hook then slowly pulled the zipper down. Running his fingers down her back he kissed her neck softly, then he looked at her hair and pulled the pins of her updo out, gently fanning out her long blonde hair over her shoulders, before Lacey pulled her dress off. Bucky had already taken his tie off during the dancing and shrugged off his dress jacket, tossing it onto a chair. As Lacey undid his shirt buttons he caressed her head and shoulders before running his hands down her arms. Her fingertips ran over the muscles of his chest and down to his abdominals, before she put her hands on his waist and pulled him in close to her body.
"Dance with me," she whispered. "Like you would back in the day when you were seducing a woman."
He grinned, then licked his lips. "We're already half way there," he replied, in a low voice, that made Lacey warm inside.
His prosthetic arm encircled her and he took her other hand in his bringing it close between them. Lowering his head to hers he gently kissed the side of her head, as he made sure their hips were pressed closely together. Then, as they swayed, he whispered, loud enough for her to hear but soft enough that the air he breathed out as he spoke felt like a feather against her skin.
"Licence my roving hands, and let them go
Before, behind, between, above, below."
She turned her head up to ask him about what he had just said, and he kissed her, deeply and sensuously. Once again, she felt the warmth inside of her pool in her core and she pressed herself against him, wanting him in her. He pressed back and his artificial hand came up to her bra, undoing it quickly before spreading his fingers over her back.
"Shit," whispered Lacey. "That was one of your moves?"
"It's from a poem called "To His Mistress Going to Bed," said Bucky. "By John Donne. Those 17th century poets knew how to write erotica. The whole poem is basically asking her to striptease for him."
Lacey began to laugh. "I have a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing and I never heard of it," she said. "You're so much more well read than me."
It was his turn to laugh. "I just found things that furthered my agenda," he admitted. "Seductions, mostly, although I found other things I liked. College girls needed more literary encouragement."
Leaning her head against his chest Lacey was quiet for a moment. "Would I have been an object of seduction if you met me before the war?" she asked.
"At first, yes," he admitted. "But you have so much more to offer, and I felt it when you took me in. I would have done anything to keep our relationship going if I met you back then. If I met you during basic training, I would have married you on my week of leave before shipping out. Realistically, I never thought I would see you again after I stowed away on a cargo ship. I'm so glad we did."
"Me too," she replied, then she looked up at him. "Let's go to bed."
She stepped back, taking everything off. Pulling back the quilt she laid underneath it and watched with anticipation as he removed his clothing, getting in beside her. He was already hard, and she stroked him, remembering the first time she saw him nude. His size had frightened her at first, but he had been so gentle with her, allowing her body to adjust so that she could enjoy it. Even now, after they had lived together for several months, he still took the time to prepare her body to accept his. He lowered his head between her legs, put his mouth on her, exploring and teasing, while she ran her fingers through his hair. His fingers curled into her, searching out her pleasure centre, pressing it and sending her into waves of bliss. Then he added to it by massaging her pubic mound as he kissed her deeply and sensuously.
He left the bed briefly to get something out of the bag that had been brought earlier. Lacey saw it was lubricant and Bucky smoothed some over himself before positioning himself in between her knees again. She looked up at his face and became lost in his eyes, the bright blue irises with the large dark pupils boring into her with desire and love. The eyes of the father passed on to their son born out of a night of passion just like this. As he slowly entered her she gasped. They hadn't been together for almost a week and the result was this joining felt like that first one as he eased himself into her.
"You feel so good," he whispered, after he pulled out and thrust in again. "Just like the first time."
"So do you," she whispered back. "I love you so much."
He responded by kissing her again, deeply, languidly, and for a long time. "I have loved none but you," he finally replied, and Lacey smiled, recognizing it as coming from Jane Austen's Persuasion.
Maybe they didn't make men like Bucky anymore, or if they did they were camouflaging themselves under layers of manly behaviours and attitudes. But here, in the privacy of their marriage bed, Lacey had no doubt that they were meant to be together. The man of action, with an intellectual's soul paired with the writer who loved to get her hands dirty working on the farm. As he brought her to orgasm again before coming himself they cried out each other's name to the universe. They would be together, always. Home was each other and the family to come.
Chapter 28>>
Series Masterlist
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starlene · 9 months
Okay so. Unless something unexpected happens at the last minute, I'm going to see Änglagård the musical in Stockholm next week, and here's the thing: I have literally no idea what it's about.
I haven't watched the movie or even read the synopsis on purpose, because I also didn't do that for Så som i himmelen, and getting to experience that story for the first time via Fredrik Kempe's music touched me to my core. Back then, though, I had some knowledge of Så som i himmelen as a concept and had listened to the Den tid jag har demo religiously (though I had no idea where it fit within the story, I guessed it was near the end of the first act where the main character starts to figure his life out, and then it turned out to be the opening song) – whereas here, I've somehow managed to miss nearly all of the songs, interviews and other stuff they've released.
I wonder if I should do some catch-up with the promotional material before leaving or if I should go in totally blind... but anyways, as a treat to future me and all of you Swedish movie/musical fans out there, here's what I think Änglagård the musical is about, based on the random assortment of Instagram promos I've seen (most watched without audio on):
Fredrik Lycke lives in an old farmhouse called Änglagård that his grandpa built with his very own hands. He feels extremely passionate about the farm and its legacy. Helen Sjöholm is married to Fredrik Lycke and she is also very fond of their home.
But then they either lose all their money and need to sell the farm, or maybe there's some Bennets vs. Mr. Collins kinda situation going on where grandpa willed that the house must be inherited by your idiot nephew in case you don't have any sons – and the buyers/inheritors are rebellious motorcycle rock'n'roll dude Lindy Larsson and his equally rebellious motorcycle striptease chick girlfriend Tuva B. Larsen. Or maybe one of them is Helen Sjöholm and/or Fredrik Lycke's estranged child who hasn't been in contact with them for years but suddenly wants to move back home?
Whatever the case, the young couple, who live in all manner of sin and probably have criminal records, upset the conservative sensibilities of the older couple... and they also remind them of being young and passionately in love, which they aren't anymore, and realising that causes a rift in their relationship. (Sidenote: I know Helen Sjöholm, Fredrik Lycke and Lindy Larsson are all about the same age irl, but onstage, the Larsson/Larsen couple is styled to look younger than the Sjöholm/Lycke couple. So I'm just making assumptions about the characters' ages here!) Furthermore, the older couple is afraid that the young couple won't honor the work and legacy of the people who lived in Änglagård before them. Thus, the young couple needs to prove their worth to the older couple before they can purchase/inherit/move in.
I have no idea how Tommy Körberg figures in all of this, except for that he seems to perform some kinda comic relief funny man song at some point, and possibly also feels passionate about the titular farm. Maybe he is Fredrik Lycke and/or Helen Sjöholm's brother (though hopefully not "and" if I'm correct that Helen Sjöholm and Fredrik Lycke are married in this) and the deal is that if you buy/inherit the farm, you gotta let him stay, so he'll be your resident old funny musical man?
Seriously, I have no idea. Looking forward to seeing what this musical is actually about!
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victoriajusticefan13 · 4 months
Lindy and Tommy sleep. Tommy talks in his sleep. Lindy smiles at him and goes back to sleep
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twistednuns · 2 months
March 2024
My class is in a confidence/conflict training at the moment and I loved what the trainer said about how to deal with annoying people and information. I needed to hear that: stand up straight and look them in the eye. And don't believe everything you hear.
Du hast den geilsten Arsch der Welt - I found a postcard with this line on my desk in the classroom. I was about to be flattered when I noted the little addition "mich" at the bottom. Fun.
The lady who stopped me on the street just to tell me that she loved my outfit. It's quite pathetic how simple it is to lift someone's mood. I wanna pay more compliments, too. I'd really love to adopt a more positive focus!
Browsing Sephora and &otherstories with Margit. Food, cinnamon buns and a very interesting play at Residenztheater, Prima Facie. I loved when she hung up disgusting/intimidating portraits of old, white men during the court scene. Impressive.
MONKI tahin. The highlight of every breakfast for a while now.
Visiting Ralf in Jena. He picked me up from the train station and I felt at ease immediately. The whole weekend was very relaxed, close, beautiful. We are very good together. I loved lying around on the dock by the river in Paradies park - the first real outdoor session this spring. Talking about everything. Cuddling and getting to know each other in his apartment. Playing the piano together. Finally revisiting the planetarium. I met his friends Jona and Steve at a small concert. The next day, he dragged me up a hill. We enjoyed the view, then shot at a beer can with bow and arrow. We stopped at a cafe and walked back down. I walked 32000 steps that weekend!
A two-day English language teacher training about creative methods. I really enjoyed being the student for a change. I need to go back to school myself in one way or another.
Buying sourdough bread and a chocolate croissant at manufactum during my lunch break. A friendly interaction with two other customers.
Vietnamese food followed by a massage.
Turning a game of chess around. I won - even though I'd made a grave mistake early on and lost my Queen.
A yin and yang pattern on my freshly brewed coffee.
Seeing some if my stained glassware lined up in the dishwasher. Such pretty colours!
Another long talk with the osteopath about kinks, energy, addiction. I found out he used to be a Lindy Hop instructor and NEED to befriend him now. I also loved how my body felt after the session. I had a cup of coffee at 4pm: great strategy - felt super energized in yoga class! Is there a connection? I loved my low pain / high energy level that day.
Inspiration: writing and illustrating a children's book (found a cute know-it-all book the other day) and founding an online business (listened to one of Christina's Holistic CEO podcast episodes).
Listening to music by Iniko.
Preparing a treasure map for Lian's birthday party.
Heike's surprising rap part in Joyful Joyful.
Buying a big stack of boxes at IKEA. I'm kinda looking forward to organizing my basement compartment now.
Interacting with the little ones in my role as Earth Demon. Mara looking me straight in the face saying "I've seen you somewhere... I KNOW you!" Talking to Ale, meeting Tommy. Getting along fine with Jessy. Retreating to functioning mode but transitioning into a very relaxed night with Christian, Tobi, Tommy and Charlie the cat (who kept jumping on my lap, demanding affection). I had a fit of shivers and C. helped me stay grounded. Felt unreal. Sleeping it off. Meeting the gang again at 4am. Cooking for everyone the next day. And reconnecting with C. After a bad week. He shared his emotions and thoughts with me, said: "WHEN we're vibing we're vibing extremely hard." Sex was intense. He shook my hand afterwards and congratulated me for being part of his most intense sexual experience so far. He tried affirmation porn on me, calling me his Goddess. Mentioned my beautiful face and promised to always be there for me.
A mental image I might have to turn into an actual painting: Nina Hagen dragging me forwards as my inner heroine and Mara holding me back as my little demon because it's not safe to step ahead.
Letting my fingertips run over C's head and face in surprising patterns to the rhythm of the music. He said it felt like a little spider spinning a neuronal network.
My body doing the work for me. I didn't feel like going to Pub Quiz and I actually fell asleep that evening and had to excuse myself after waking up too late.
People staring at me in the morning. Or rather, looking at me as if I'm the most interesting person they've seen that day.
A new haircut! It's layered and light and I have lovely face-framing pieces now.
Buying a strawberry-ice-cream-coloured T-shirt. And Lagerfeld-esque aviator sunglasses. And nail polish in a deep, dark, golden bronze. Just in case.
Thinking about my goals for 2024. The ones that's really help me progress. The scary ones.
A women's Tantra circle at Rote Mondin (a magical yurt right in the middle of the city, next to the train tracks). I noticed how much time I'm spending in masculine energy, and how much easier it often is for me to be "one of the dudes". I felt an impulse to learn more about Tantra and finally read the book I've had for months now. And afterwards, Simone came up to me and asked me about my community in Munich, and electronic music. My gaydar was on, rightfully so. A nice connection.
Unearthing delicious green pesto from my freezer. Thank you, me from the past.
Finally putting on a sweater after having endured the cold for far too long.
Trying out for the solo part in Joyful Joyful. Improving so much in the second round.
Feli sent me a few stickers her friends have made of her. I put one on my water bottle!
Listening to inspiring podcasts in the car.
Smelling of Georg's laundry detergent after our osteopathy sessions.
Wearing yellow.
Being more relaxed at work. I LOVE having two days off now, it makes such a big difference.
Exchanging gifs of our "astral bodies" with Ralf when we wanted to cuddle but were so far apart. His was a proud unicorn with a rainbow mane, mine a cheeky cat. Of course.
Dill pickles.
Building two nifty shelf units for the basement. Starting to unpack all the boxes of art supplies I brought from my old school. It already looks like an art studio or store down there. But I didn't have the energy to declutter yet. There is still so much stuff I don't need. Donate, sell, gift. My mission for next week.
Cuddle movie night at Luna's. Finally seeing Burner friends again after a longer hiatus. Getting freaky with Robert. Playfights, petting Heinrich's cat personality, floating on the K cloud.
Cheering up C in the morning. Going to Anatolian brunch with Luna, Patri, David, Tobi, Lukas and Jazz. Afterwards we went to a pop-up plant sale and I had to advise everyone after they'd found out that I'm a crazy plant lady. Returning to Filzhof with Tobi, ordering pizza and playing a board game together.
What happens to me every few years: I hear the first notes of Madonna's Frozen which reminds me of how fascinating I find the song.
Feeling C's sparkly fire energy inside of me. Simply telling him to "enjoy". Helping him out with identifying the holes in his personality.
Yoga Sunday with Lucie. Meeting her husband Gerald. Dancing and shaking to the beat of the drums with my eyes closed. doTERRA essential oils in Wild Orange and a grounding blend. Drinking infused water, playing with an orange. Singing together, harmonizing. Enjoying the movement and my strength. Falling asleep immediately during the break. Blueberry cake. Feeling all the muscles between my ribs the next day. Waking up to their song in my head: I am the light of my soul, I am beautiful, I am bountiful, I am bliss, I am I am.
Accidentally creating a twinset when I bought a shirt in exactly the same shade of soft green as a cardigan I already had.
Talking with my students about war, stereotypes, human rights and asylum.
Solving a conflict with communication instead of passive aggression.
Feeling snackish. Eating a bunch of raw vegetables with tzatziki. Healthy, crunchy, delicious.
Finally finishing my review for 2023.
Reading Leonora Carrington's biography. I'm so inspired - and I'm realising that I've always been a Surrealism fangirl.
Buying a comfortable bra that actually fits me and gives my boobs a nice shape. What a rarity.
Seeing the fluffy orange neighbour cat for the first time after the winter. And sitting outside on the balcony chair for the first time, too!
Starting to read The Perfectionist's Guide to Losing Control - I felt seen and couldn't put it down.
Seeing Pictures of an Exhibition by Mussorgsky in Gasteig HP8 with my class. It was a lovely concert - with little acts and explanations in-between!
A short trip to Valencia with my bestie. First and foremost, we LOVED the aromatic smell of the orange blossoms everywhere. We noticed it for the first time on our first night, walking over a deserted plaza in the rain. It followed us on our strolls through the city. Walking through the Central Market one morning, there were even more interesting smells. All the fresh fruit and baked goods... So rich! / A cat sleeping in the sunshine behind a homeless man. A dude wearing a red bandana and wide-leg pants. / Taking lots of picture of orange trees instead of the architecture. Creating a photo-love-story of Sash and her food. Modeling my autumn colour outfit in front of an orange wall. / Walking through Ruzafa. Discovering interesting art galleries, used book stores, vintage shops. When I entered Kowalski Cosas Bellas Artes I immediately knew I was in danger zone. So many interesting things to discover! I had such a lovely conversation (in Spanish!!) with the owner and he recommended lots of his favourite museums, bars and restaurants in the area. / Angel numbers following me around as I go, glitter on the floor leading the way. / Warm soft-bake cookies with dark chocolate, walnuts and sea salt. Iced latte. Hot ramen noodle soup with the perfect miso egg. / Cycling through the impressive Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias. The Science Museum was super interesting. I learned a lot about space travel and human genetics. And, my favourite thing: watching little chicklets hatching! They looked exhausted but kept hacking at their siblings. Such a special thing to witness! / Touching the Mediterranean. Ice-cream by the sea. How I love a good 180° ocean view. / After the little Surrealism exhibition, we walked through a park and I saw a gorgeous cat cuddling up to a lady on a bench. They both found a friend that afternoon! / Really good interior design and architecture - well, Valencia was the European Capital of Design in 2022 and it shows. We stayed in Casa Clarita, an art hotel designed by Jaime Hayon. / Too much shopping. The Nice Things store. Crush gallery. Vintage stores. / Palm trees against old brick walls. / Inspiring art. Little paintings by Alberto Porta (Zush). / Agua de Valencia in a glass almost as big as my head. We fell asleep early that evening. Strong stuff. / Spending a lot of time with Sash for a change. We don't see each other often anymore but it's nice that we still click. Oh, and finding out that she is a Manifesting Generator, too! Power couple. //
An adorable selfie of Christian and Mara. Felt a little jealous!
Going on a trip down south with Christian and Lian. First we stopped at Chiemsee where we threw gifts for my mum in the water. C. threw a coloured egg, introducing himself to my mum and wishing her Happy Easter. He told her that he is with me now. I brought her crystals and a bunch of flowers, a big orange rose in the middle. I attached a little feather and incense to it and released everything to the water. A fragrant little boat. I sent a few tears after it, they merged with the lake water. I told her I missed her and that I'm so much like her - more and more as time passes. Afterwards we visited C.'s friend and "spirit guide" Gyan who actually reminded me a lot of my mother. A wise older man with a lust for life and a rich past. We ate his delicious apple marzipan and walnut cake with a big dollop of cream. Then we went on a walk down to the river and threw big stones into the water. On the way back, we collected wild garlic and I made pesto which we ate with spaghetti. A beautiful afternoon.
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userlaylivia · 1 year
@another-step-you-take, @cuddlyreader
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xoxostephanie11 · 1 year
Tumblr media
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deadlinecom · 3 months
0 notes
alexlacquemanne · 5 months
Décembre MMXXIII
Chef (2014) de Jon Favreau avec Scarlett Johansson, Jon Favreau, Sofía Vergara, Emjay Anthony, John Leguizamo, Robert Downey Jr. et Dustin Hoffman
Y a-t-il un flic pour sauver Hollywood ? (The Naked gun 33⅓: The Final Insult) (1994) de Peter Segal avec Leslie Nielsen, Priscilla Presley, George Kennedy, Fred Ward, O. J. Simpson, Anna Nicole Smith, Kathleen Freeman, Ellen Greene et Ed Williams
Quai des Orfèvres (1947) de Henri-Georges Clouzot avec Louis Jouvet, Simone Renant, Bernard Blier, Suzy Delair, Pierre Larquey, Claudine Dupuis, Henri Arius, Charles Blavette, René Blancard et Robert Dalban
Maintenant, on l'appelle Plata (…più forte ragazzi!) (1972) de Giuseppe Colizzi avec Terence Hill, Bud Spencer, Cyril Cusack, Reinhard Kolldehoff, Riccardo Pizzuti, Ferdinando Murolo et Marcello Verziera
Moi, Michel G., milliardaire, maître du monde (2011) de Stéphane Kazandjian avec François-Xavier Demaison, Laurent Lafitte, Laurence Arné, Xavier de Guillebon, Guy Bedos, Patrick Bouchitey e Alain Doutey
Noël blanc (White Christmas) (1954) de Michael Curtiz avec Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney, Vera Ellen, Dean Jagger, Mary Wickes et John Bascia
Rendez-vous avec la mort (Appointment with Death) (1988) de Michael Winner avec Peter Ustinov, Lauren Bacall, Carrie Fisher, John Gielgud, Piper Laurie, Hayley Mills, Jenny Seagrove et David Soul
Bridget Jones : L’Âge de raison (Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason) (2004) de Beeban Kidron avec Renée Zellweger, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, Gemma Jones, Jim Broadbent, Jacinda Barrett, Shirley Henderson et Sally Phillips
Les Trois Mousquetaires : Milady (2023) de Martin Bourboulon avec François Civil, Vincent Cassel, Romain Duris, Pio Marmaï, Eva Green, Lyna Khoudri et Louis Garrel
Y a-t-il un flic pour sauver le président ? (1991) (The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear) de David Zucker avec Leslie Nielsen, Priscilla Presley, George Kennedy, O. J. Simpson, Robert Goulet, Richard Griffiths, Anthony James et Jacqueline Brookes
Wallace et Gromit : Le Mystère du lapin-garou (Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit) (2005) de Nick Park et Steve Box avec Jean-Loup Horwitz, Jeanne Savary, Philippe Catoire, Frédérique Cantrel, Patrick Messe et Mireille Delcroix
Rivière sans retour (River of No Return) (1954) de Otto Preminger avec Robert Mitchum, Marilyn Monroe, Rory Calhoun, Tommy Rettig, Murvyn Vye et Douglas Spencer
L'Ange de Noël (Christmas Magic) (2011) de John Bradshaw avec Lindy Booth, Paul McGillion, Derek McGrath, Kiara Glasco, Teresa Pavlinek et Tricia Braun
Joyeux Noël (2005) de Christian Carion avec Benno Fürmann, Guillaume Canet, Diane Kruger, Gary Lewis, Daniel Brühl, Dany Boon, Lucas Belvaux, Bernard Le Coq et Alex Ferns
L'Assassinat du père Noël (1941) de Christian-Jaque avec Harry Baur, Raymond Rouleau, Renée Faure, Marie-Hélène Dasté, Robert Le Vigan, Fernand Ledoux et Jean Brochard
Danse avec les loups (Dances with Wolves) (1990) de et avec Kevin Costner ainsi que Mary McDonnell, Graham Greene, Rodney A. Grant, Floyd Westerman, Jimmy Herman, Nathan Lee, Tantoo Cardinal et Wes Studi
Noël en trois actes (Christmas Encore) (2017) de Bradley Walsh avec Maggie Lawson, Brennan Elliott, Art Hindle, Tracey Hoyt, Mercedes de la Zerda, Mika Amonsen, Sherry Miller, Sabryn Rock, David Tompa et Erin Agostino
La Souffleuse de verre (Die Glasbläserin) (2016) de Christiane Balthasar avec Luise Heyer, Maria Ehrich, Franz Dinda, Dirk Borchardt, Robert Gwisdek, Max Hopp et Ute Willing
Le père Noël est une ordure (1982) de Jean-Marie Poiré avec Anémone, Thierry Lhermitte, Gérard Jugnot, Marie-Anne Chazel, Christian Clavier, Josiane Balasko et Bruno Moynot
Le Lion en hiver (The Lion in Winter) (1968) de Anthony Harvey avec Peter O'Toole, Katharine Hepburn, Anthony Hopkins, John Castle, Nigel Terry, Timothy Dalton, Jane Merrow et Nigel Stock
Les Mystères de Paris (1962) d'André Hunebelle avec Jean Marais, Raymond Pellegrin, Jill Haworth, Dany Robin, Pierre Mondy, Georges Chamarat, Noël Roquevert et Jean Le Poulain
Derrick contre Superman (1992) de Michel Hazanavicius et Dominique Mézerette avec Patrick Burgel et Évelyne Grandjean
La Classe américaine : Le Grand Détournement (1993) de Michel Hazanavicius et Dominique Mézerette avec Christine Delaroche, Evelyne Grandjean, Marc Cassot, Patrick Guillemin, Raymond Loyer, Joël Martineau, Jean-Claude Montalban, Roger Rudel et Gérard Rouzier
La Grande Course autour du monde (The Great Race) (1965) de Blake Edwards avec Tony Curtis, Natalie Wood, Jack Lemmon, Peter Falk, Keenan Wynn, Arthur O'Connell, Vivian Vance et Dorothy Provine
Life on Mars Saison 1, 2
Bienvenue en 73 - La Loi selon mon boss - Le Pari - Corruption - Rouge un jour, rouge toujours - Compte à rebours - Cas de conscience - Mon père - Meurtrier en puissance - La Chasse aux ripoux - Peur sur la ville - Pièges pour jeunes femmes - Kidnapping - Héroïne - Recherche du coupable - La Promesse
Doctor Who
La Créature Stellaire - Wild Blue Yonder - Aux confins de l'univers - Le Fabricant de Jouets - The Snowmen - A Christmas Carol - The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe - The Return of Doctor Mysterio - The Church on Ruby Road - Eve of the Daleks
Les Enquêtes de Vera Saison 12
À contre-courant - Un homme d'honneur - Au nom de la loi - Une soirée funeste - Marée montante
Coffre à Catch
#144 : La Draft 2009 : Les bonnes affaires du mercato ! - #145 : La ECW débarque à Londres et l'Undertaker à Strasbourg! (avec Carole) - #146 : Christian enfin champion de la ECW ! - #147 : Un coffret à Noël, ça c'est une idée !
Kaamelott Livre III
Le Jour d’Alexandre - La Cassette II - La Ronde II - Mission - La Baliste - La Baraka - La Veillée - Le Tourment III - La Potion de fécondité II - L’Attaque nocturne - La Restriction II - Les Défis de Merlin II - Saponides et Détergents - Le Justicier - La Crypte maléfique - Arthur in Love II - La Grande Bataille - La Fête de l’hiver II - Sous les verrous II - Le Vulgarisateur - Witness - Le Tribut - Le Culte secret - Le Mangonneau - La Chevalerie - Le Mauvais Augure - Raison d’argent II - Les Auditeurs libres - Le Baiser romain - L’Espion - Alone in the Dark - Le Législateur - L’Insomniaque - L’Étudiant - Le Médiateur - Le Trophée - Hollow Man - La Dispute première partie - La Dispute deuxième partie
Affaires sensibles
Gérald Thomassin : l'étrange disparition d'un coupable idéal
Top Gear
Spécial Nativité
La Voie Jackson
Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3
Meurtres au paradis
L'étrange Noël de Debbie
Le Muguet de Noël (2021) de Sébastien Blanc et Nicolas Poiret avec Lionnel Astier, Frédéric Bouraly, Jean-Luc Porraz et Alexie Ribes
Sinatra (1969) avec Frank Sinatra, Don Costa & son Orchestre
Le Professeur Rollin a encore quelque chose à dire (2003) de François Rollin
Alain Souchon : J'veux du live au Casino de Paris (2002)
La Bonne Planque (1964) de Michel André avec Bourvil, Pierrette Bruno, Robert Rollis, Roland Bailly, Alix Mahieux, Albert Michel et Max Desrau
André Rieu : White Christmas (2023)
Michael Bublé: Home for Christmas (2011) avec Michael Bublé, Gary Barlow, Gino D'Acampo, Dawn French et Kelly Rowland
Michael Buble's Christmas in the City (2021) avec Michael Bublé, Leon Bridges, Camila Cabello, Jimmy Fallon, Kermit the Frog, Hannah Waddingham, Dallas Grant, Jarrett Johnson, Julianna Layne et Loren Smith
Michael Bublé's 3rd Annual Christmas Special (2013) avec Michael Bublé, Mary J. Blige, Mariah Carey, Red Robinson, Jumaane Smith, Patrick Gilmore et Cookie Monster
Un fil à la patte (2005) de Georges Feydeau avec Thierry Beccaro, Marie-Ange Nardi, Valérie Maurice, Églantine Éméyé, Ève Ruggiéri, Tex, David Martin et Patrice Laffont
Vintage Getz (1983) The Stan Getz Quartet live at the Robert Mondavi Winery, Napa Valley, California avec Stan Getz, Victor Lewis, Marc Johnson et Jim McNeely
James Brown : Live at Montreux (1981)
Le seigneur des anneaux, Tome 3 : Le retour du roi de J.R.R. Tolkien
Détective Conan, Tome 18 de Gôshô Aoyama
Lucky Luke, Tome 27 : L'Alibi de Morris et Claude Guylouïs
Détective Conan, Tome 19 de Gôshô Aoyama
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sparky7u · 11 months
Lindy Li
Ron DeSantis is promoting the benefits of slavery Greg Abbott is drowning babies & trapping them in barbed wire SCOTUS is forcing women to give birth to dead fetuses Tommy Tuberville is risking American lives to eliminate women’s rights The “pro-life” party is ANYTHING BUT
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