#tomorrow will be absolute hell tho if this isnt fixed
prince-everhard · 2 years
obsessively checking my email because my ac is out and i'm waiting for my landlord to let me know when the repair tech is coming out so i can either make some coffee to wait then out or grab some sleep because i've gotten 2 hours of it in the last 24 hours
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average-trickster · 6 years
My plot headcanon for ''defenders of tomorrow'':
An alien ship crashes on earth and the powering of the alien ship’s system is so strange to the human civilization that the government&garrison end up covering up this information to the rest of the world so that they can make sure this thing is safe. Turns out the alien ship was a crystal (quintessence) transporter that had so much power reserved it could sustain earth for like, 20 years (they think crystal power is infinite tho, why would a rock lose its alien power ?).
After they find out how to use quintessence as energy, society progresses really really fast, leading to a cyberpunk squeme era with cyberpunk cities.
Fifteen years later, they discover the crystal power is running short and get a little desperate because the whole planet runs on crystal power now and they have made absolutely no progress in discovering where quintessence comes from, even after countless missions around their solar system and numberless investigation programs funded by the government.
That's when Akira, a white aired noob pilot in their program charges a ship to full power with his bare hands, a dead ship that didn’t work out cause it had no crystal. (Because he’s half alien and half aliens are magic and can do quintessence related stuff). All of this happens in the middle of a piloting class. The government decides to conducting experiments on Akira to find out more about quintessence, so they kidnap Akira and cover it up with an ''expulsion'' story about behavior issues.
Hachi (who is married to Dante) tries to locate Akira but isn't able to find him, so Hachi becomes suspicious of the garrison. He pressures the garrison to tell him the truth but they brush him off. When be becomes a little too intrusive they suspend him. Hachi talks about this with Dante, his husband, who's also a garrison teacher, but Dante doesn’t really believe him (lol conspiracy theories? no dude im out) and tells him to calm down because Akira will surely show up. Hachi gets angry Dante doesn’t trust him and starts investigating by himself. He finds an whole underground experimentation facility so Hachi goes ahead, without telling Dante anything, and tries to infiltrate the place. He ends up losing his arm and being captured by the government&garrison.  
Akira's galra mom was the pilot of the crystal transporter, no one suspected there was a pilot cause she hid all of her traces. She meets Akira’s father on earth, they hit it off. She and her husband raise Akira together. They teach Akira about mechanic cyberpunk stuff but at some point Akira's mom is captured by the government&garrison when he’s still a kid because of her alien features. They don't know where she came from and she never tells them about her family, so that Akira & her husband stay safe.
After being kidnapped, Akira finds his mom on the experimentation facility. The people in there make the connection that they are probably related and threaten Akira’s mom. They tell her that if she doesn’t give them information, they will hurt Akira. She punches some guys in the face but one of them tries to kill Akira and she dies trying to protect him. Ups, there goes the hetero one. Two years after Akira was kidnapped, he manages to escape. He finds Hachi (who was also been experimented on) in the facility and releases him. They both get out of the facility with the help of Akira's dog (who has teletransportation powers)
(isnt the dog too important for this? should i take the dog out? But i want badass dogs!)
Hachi reunites with Dante, who cry screams at him for not telling him anything before rushing to an unknown facility like a dumbass. Dante has been running an underground operation to take the government&garrison down together with a bunch of other people, they had transported Hachi & Akira to another facility after Hachi was able to find their hideout, and because of that, the ‘’revolution army’’ wasn’t able to find and free Hachi & Akira. Akira is basically adopted by Hachi & Dante & revolution army, he starts dyeing his white hair black so that he can pass unnoticed in the streets, he also wears scarfs and hides his face a lot outside.
Some time later, Leandro is in the last year of his garrison piloting class, he's walking down a rusty part of the city, in the middle of a deserted street when a guy riding a motorbike almost runs him over. The guy, Akira, has to dive to the side so that he doesn't kill Leandro. Leandro repriments him but Akira is running away government drones, so he ignores Leandro while checking his back for drones. New drones come out and Akira extends his hand to Leandro ''If you don't want those drones to kill you you better hump in! NOW!" Leandro asks him why in hell is he being pursued by a bunch of drones while seeking out his pistol guns inside his bag. Akira rides away while Leandro shoots all of the drones dead with his double pistol guns, like a badass.
Akira shows Leandro the truth about government&garrison. Leandro, Henare & Petra/Pete* start running an operation to expose the government&garrison from the inside. Petra/Pete & their brother were actually in the revolution army way before everyone else. Petra/Pete & Henare make Hachi a mechanical arm and teach him how to fix it.
*Peter is the masculine of Petra, i headcanon Pidge as genderfluid Also ‘’Petra’’ sounds like ‘’Pedra’’, ‘’Rock’’ in portuguese People also told me not to use Hachiko cause its a feminine name but I love Hachi so much. What makes a name feminine anyway, let my boy have a dog name please
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survivormarmoreal · 6 years
Episode #5: "his Kirby ass can shut the hell up” - Marie
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Charlie being safe!? Yas. Good for me since he is part of my alliance.
An alice them challenge. Uh yass!! 🦑 i have the book so i can quickly look thru it and find people, items, food, and other stuff which is good for us. I dont want to go to tribal.
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nicolegilmoreToday at 7:42 PM That was probably Kaleigh bc I would open messages and not answer them
that was about when we played before and she was part of a 3 person catfish. but funny enough it still applies to this game!!! love when she leaves me on read for 20 hours
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So I feel good with my standing in this tribe tbh. I feel like I have made meaningful contributions to the tribe in challenges and have a good rapport with a few tribe members. Keaton and Marie might be the easiest too get out, even though I am aware that it makes me a threat but we been used to that feeling. Having the idol as extra security as well makes me feel good so eeeek. I just want too survive to merge and link up with new people and people who i know as well, and play off that. im super nervous but also excited, i just hope to god we win this immunity
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At first I thought this Alice and wonderland challenge was going to be super fun an exciting. At first it was. Now its getting a little frustrating and annoying seeing Not Found (something along those lines). I'm hoping that our 28 items is higher than the other tribe's or at least being a tie. I want to avoid tribal still because still feeling sketch about this tribe.
Our search isnt doing too well. And nicole went missing and dont know she is. We have 28 items. Hopefully thats enough but i have a feeling in my stomach that it isnt and im scared. Dont want to go to tribal. Hope we win though. 🤞
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if kirby does not tell me his great great great great grandmas waffle recipe hes done for. like why bring it up if ur not gonna share. ??? um we won immunity again and im so happy bc i dont want to go to tribal bc even tho there are MULTIPLE ppl i want out i dont want to risk it. stan list right now is dennis, naptime, matt, marie. everyone else? and matt and marie barely on there too... but um actually starting to like them and theyre more responsive now so love that! by the end of this game ill actually know things about alice in wonderland wooh!
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Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Okay so this sucks. We all really tried hard and we only lost by 2 points which is so frustrating. Not to mention that Nick and Charlie couldn't even find anything at all. And now we're in a really shitty spot because sending Nick home would be an easy out but he possibly has this legacy advantage thing which he can use tonight and if that means he's safe than idk what to do because I have a strong alliance with the other 4 people on my tribe. Which means now we have to come up with a plan to make sure Nick feels safe and he doesn't use his advantage but we still put the majority of votes on him. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Okay I'm laying it on thick with Nick. Really trying to play the middle and see where his head is at. I think honestly chances are Nick will make it through this round but I want to make sure after the vote he still trusts me but he does use his Legacy Advantage. Brian and I are walking a very thin line.
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Yas. We won immunity again! 🦑 Still on of the 3 people not go to tribal yet which is pretty awesome. I’m now hoping that Charlie, Sharky, and Brian can find a way to survive again. Don’t want to lose any of them. Hopefully we merge soon. Its going to be down to 12 people after tomorrow’s tribal. Only ones to really talk to me on this tribe is Dennis, Bryce, Keaton and sometimes Matt. Havent talked to much to Marie. And Nicole ive tried but ignored. If anything it would be cool to blindside Nicole at first tribal in the merge.
I think im going to talk game to keaton today and see if we could work together. And im also going to see what Bryce thinks about us working together as well. Im just nervous if tonight we do merge at tribal, i dont want to be first boot. I want to make it far in this game.
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I don't know if my last confessional went through, so I'll just send another one in hehe...
I do feel like Charlie is going home this round because of his idol play last round, but it could also be Nick going or him using his Legacy Advantage and all that being gone.  I don't really know, but I want to make sure it ain't me and that's what's important.
As for other things... love Sharky, what a king.  Love Nathan, another king... Annabelle's really cool, ya... I love Charlie but he's still probably gonna die... and ya kjHDA... that's all I have to say...
Scared for merge because L O fucking L... that's going to be a mess.  It could be coming tonight, but I really do not know and I'm scared…
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Keaton decides to call me inactive in the tribe chat but his Kirby ass can shut the hell up, he's just bitter I voted against him the first tribal and he's tryna put the target on my ass. Thank god we won the challenge because I don't know if I would've stayed. I have good relationships with Bryce Matt and Dennis but I don't know if that's enough to keep me.
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So first off. Sorry for no video confessional. But not enough happened to bramble around and take 3 hours of my internet for uploading slow AF but here is a small summary of what happened to my game. Idolsearch: went to the tugley woods again. I guess you need a map to find your way through it, but what do i know D: Last tc: Charlie played his idol and mentioned publically that all of his old tribe knew about that idol anyways. What kind of made me a bit suspicious. Mainly because when he told me, he said that he really wants to work with me and thats why he is telling me this secret. I don't mind that the idol is gone, but if he told that everyone? mhm... I approached maynor to see if he knew and he said NO. so maybe I did a whoopsie? WHO KNOWS.
Eitherway. Anna announced a "live challenge" after this tribal (oh yeah we are safe again woo), but since we would be down to 12 I wouldn't be surprised if that "live challenge" is actually the merge announcement? If not. I think EVEN IF WE LOSE i should be in a decent position? Because Keaton couldn't keep his mouth shut and when it came to sitting someone out and called out Marie in the tribe chat. Bad move for him, good for me. Because even if we go to tribal unless someone really wants to target me for some reason it should be between those 2
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Okay so we've come up with a slightly complicated plan. Looks like I'm going to lose Charlie this round which makes me kind of sad because I really get on well with him. But it's what i have to do to get further in the game. We're going to split the vote so The Dinah Dudes vote fro Nick. The OG Absolem people vote Charlie. Anna tells Nick he needs to use his Legacy Advantage so we get rid of that from the game. I just hope I come out of this without hurting Charlie or pissing off Nick.
AJ just used an emoji that CHANGED. MY. LIFE. It's like praying and trying to stay calm and then fire happens and it says BOI! And if that isn't a fucking mood idk what is!
Y'all I am so bad at this idol hunt. I keep choosing locations that don't even have choices. Yikes. Everybody else has advantages and shit and I'm just sitting in an empty meadow.
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I’m sad we lost i actually tried for this because I didn’t want a complicated tribal but bleh Idk how this will work but I think it will work out for the best potentially if it goes the way I’m hoping. I loved this comp though the hosts did a great job with it. It was actually fun
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With merge approaching I think that it’s important I remember I really don’t owe anything to the people on my tribe... they voted out Jayden and told me nothing and I think it’s time for some revenge.. all you people in the viewing lounge stay tuned... Ima show you why I’ve never not made a merge!
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I’m not sure if it’s day 13, I’ve been safe every single round and I have absolutely no clue how I am doing that.....Dennis is my one and only ally. Hopefully it's merge time!
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Honestly, I think I might be going home lol. Brian and Sharky are telling me Nick but no one else has messaged me. Severely regretting using my idol now lol.
Hope my bois have still got my back, even though I haven't been that helpful in challenges recently. I'm hoping it'll reduce my threat level for merge hehe
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Ive been talking to Bryce and wants to work with me. This is great. So on this tribe i have Dennis and Bryce and perhaps even keaton. So just nervous for live challenge.
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LAST MINUTE SCRAMBLING. Sounds like Nick is trying to flip the vote on Brian. he asked Nathan and Anna to flip off of Charlie. So Now Brian is worried (Which is totally fair) because he doesn't know if he can trust Anna. So even if Nathan/Brian/I stick to the plan, if she flips and Nick uses his advantage Brian goes home. So now he wants to flip his vote so worst case scenario it goes 2-2-2 and we can fix things on the revote. Ugh I hate scrambling. I prefer my tribals over easy.
Charlie is voted out 3-2.
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