#voltron reboot au
Reject modernity embrace tradition
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shallurallels · 2 years
I just feel like-
Tim Hendrick should just go ahead and remake the 2016 reboot of Voltron the way he was trying to write it.
Like go off baby.. hit me with it.
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starlightvld · 5 months
20 Qᴜᴇꜱᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ꜰɪᴄ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇʀꜱ
Tagged by the lovely @snarky-magpie - thank you!!
1. How many works do you have on A03? 13 (for now...☺️)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 429,228
3. What fandoms do you write for? Voltron: Legendary Defender and Call of Duty: MW Reboot
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? - Couch Surfing (COD, soapghost) - Broken Bones & Shattered Hearts (COD, soapghost) - Up in Smoke (COD, soapghost) - Formalities (Voltron, sheith) - Research and Development (Voltron, sheith)
5. Do you respond to comments? YES. I love talking to people in the comments. 😍
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably Couch Surfing because it's an "in progress" ending. But it's still mostly happy because I can't really write anything else. LOL
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Probably Formalities? But all of them are pretty tooth-rotting...
8. Do you get hate on fics? No
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes, but it's always slow burn smut with feelings (hi, I'm ace).
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I love thinking about crossovers, but I haven't written any yet (unless you count the AU from question 13, I guess).
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? The soapghost Punisher AU I'm working on with @kibagib - You're my mask, you're my cover, my shelter - is basically co-written. Kiba gives me the outline for what they want to happen in the scene, and I write it out, adding my own flare here and there. It's been so much fun to work together to bring Kiba's visions to life!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? As much as I love soapghost, I think sheith will always have my heart.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? So far, I've finished or am actively working on all my WIPs... 😯 I do have an idea for a soapghost inter-dimensional-travel, angst-with-a-bittersweet ending fic, but that one hasn't gotten past outline phase. That's the closest I have to a fic I might never finish. (This fic would also win "angstiest ending," btw.)
16. What are your writing strengths? I think I write dialogue and emotions/introspection pretty well.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I struggle with descriptions - they are often what I "add in" during the editing phases. I'm also a VERY SLOW writer, which is why it takes so long to update sometimes.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I don't do it unless I have a native speaker willing to help me with the translation. Otherwise, it's just English but in italics. LOL
19. First fandom you wrote for? Dragon Age (long ago with a different user name)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? I love them all, but my first sheith fic - In Sunshine and in Shadow - will always be special to me because it helped me process that atrocious VLD ending.
Tagging... errmmmm... @oodelally9 @kayluvlygrey @hawkeykirsah @ticktockclockwork @ursae-minoris-world @insomnikat-mused @chalkofthevalley
No pressure! Ignore or play as you like!
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greenflamedwriter · 5 months
Writing a Voltron Reboot;
Would people be interested if I rewrote a new Voltron reboot? So it's an Au where earth WAs destroyed colonised and the Garrison Trio are actually scavengers trying to survive/sell and trade on the planet Galran. That they only heard stories about Altea and how they were the only ones who could defeat the Galra. Keith is a Galran soldier who rescues Shiro the Champion and Lance takes a chance and all five of them escape and end up finding Altea who are still alive and thriving and have to finally stand up and fight Zarkon once and for all.
So it's like the multiverse Chapter with Slav and this was another way Voltron defended the Universe. Hate being on the spectrum and getting obsessed over something people have probably forgotten/moved on from. But I want to write a fanfiction and heal something dang it. Even if this post gets five notes I might write ideas/prompts here just to get it out my mind so then I can finally move on.
coz I just didn't watch season 8 and focused on other shows/fandoms and wrote and made content but I still keep coming back like a girl going back to her toxic Ex. -_-
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videoplanchette · 2 years
TLDR: This is a marketing tool to sell dolls
So, I finished the live-action Monster High Movie last night.
It was fine. Like everything it has its pros and cons which I will be covering.
And I don't know why this is the camel that's breaking my straws or whatever the hell-- but if I see one more hyperbolic clickbaity thumbnail or post describing why this is somehow the "worst" movie people have ever seen, I think I'm going be arrested. I've binged all of the monster high shorts, and 3D animated movies, and my brain is complete goddamn mush at this point. The live-action movie isn't even the worst thing associated with the monster high brand. Like to the veteran fans who have been here and are saying that this series used to be "better"-- What crack are you smoking, just curious? Like this series has been straight-up nonsense at points because it's meant to sell toys first and foremost. I want to highlight the whole nostalgia goggles we tend to wear and tell you what it actually is. It's bias. just call it what it is, it's bias.
There are a few different reasons why this claim of Gen3 or the live-action movie, in general, being toted as "the worst thing ever" gets under my skin. I'll be trying to engage with this movie as well as most of the marketing choices with this new line of dolls in good faith. Versus assuming every misstep or mistake is somehow an attack. During this long tangent of a post, I want everyone to repeat to themselves "this is a show meant to sell toys to children; I will not send death threats over this."
To immediately get this out of the way, if you're mad because they made Frankie Stein Nonbinary/Trans, or if they made Draculaura chubby? I'm sorry but you are beyond even my help-- get well soon.
I mostly want to address the criticism of the changed art style, personalities, dynamics, and interests of the characters themselves. I guess why this is exhausting for me because as a long-time fan of other franchises which has canon routinely altered to adhere to trends or the whim of new writers, this happens a lot.
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Don't even get me started on Scooby Doo.
And I've seen this trend of trying to pigeonhole each new reboot of a beloved franchise as either the "best" or "worst" thing ever. And sure enough, when a good thing like Rottmnt is there, it's canceled before anyone actually realized it was worth a second look, even though the animation and voice cast was always on point. Or in Voltron's case, while met with initial praise, it tried to please everybody, while pleasing nobody. Nobody likes change, I get it.
Personally, I wish we had fewer reboots and more of an emphasis on original projects these days, but then how would we buy dolls?
Speaking of the Monster High Dolls. One thing I find hilariously hypocritical about people criticizing the changes made to the characters complaining about "coherency" and the like-- You folks do remember that this series was made specifically to adapt horror icons from the famed Universal Monster library and Gothic Literature characters into teenagers who attend school, make out with each other and wear gaudy clothes? Like again you guys are watching a derivative of a derivative! Like Monster High is a high school AU of HG Wells, Mary Shelley, Robert Louis Stevenson, Bram Stoker, and GREEK MYTH!
I can understand the reservations to like the reboot, but I can guarantee you it's a more faithful adaptation than Winx: Fate or River Dale. It doesn't even scratch the batshit wildness that either of those series tried to pull. It's not entertainingly bad. The movie is genuinely decent. All the actors look like they wanted to be there and they all deliver their performances (especially Frankie's) with energy and charm.
Yes, the effects, costumes, and make-up are cheap, but I'd rather have cheap makeup done by unionized compensated workers with ambition than CGI everything. If anything it reminds me of my favorite made for TV Halloween movies from my childhood, like Scary Godmother or Halloweentown.
I guess what I'm trying to say, for a commercial to sell me a new line of dolls, it could have been a lot worse.
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princesandpirates · 6 months
do you guys remember when the voltron reboot fans got mad at the show so they made their own reboot au that was somehow even more racist
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airbender-dacyon · 3 months
4. What fandoms have you written for?
Hello there, friend!
Thanks for the ask!
To answer, I feel I have to split this into two lists: 1) fandoms I've written for & posted and 2) fandoms I've written for, but the stories are WIPs and not yet posted anywhere.
1. Alright, so for fandoms I've written for and posted to here, ff.net, and/or ao3, we have:
Avatar: The Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra
Attack on Titan
Pacific Rim
Lost in Space (2018)
Jurassic Park/World (currently just Camp Cretaceous/Chaos Theory)
And I think those are it.
2. In addition to continuing to work on stories for the fandoms above, I also have WIPs for the following fandoms:
The Dragon Prince
James Cameron's Avatar
How To Train Your Dragon
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Star Wars
The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings
Planet of the Apes (2011 reboot)
From the second list, I might never post the stuff I wrote for the latter four fandoms because it's been a while since I worked on those stories and I feel more invested in other fandoms. But you never know!
These lists also don't include AUs or crossovers that take characters from one of the fandoms above and place them in another fandom as those are usually just one-shots (with a couple exceptions) and I'm not really actively writing for those other fandoms.
There is also one fandom I have a couple big WIPs for that I'm going to keep a secret for the moment. You'll just have to wait and see to find out which fandom that is!
And I believe that's it! Hopefully I didn't forget any, but it's certainly possible.
Thanks again for the ask!
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min-kas · 6 years
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I so dig that headcanon akira has natural white hair (galras are weird like that) and dyes it black, leadro totally helps him out with it  voltron reboot au started by captainlumin and kciths
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I have two assignments due today (AKSJDKdkjakfjd) but I wanted to put out potential designs for Defenders of Tomorrow Allura/Alzina(?) She has that traditional armour aaaa
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average-trickster · 6 years
My plot headcanon for ''defenders of tomorrow'':
An alien ship crashes on earth and the powering of the alien ship’s system is so strange to the human civilization that the government&garrison end up covering up this information to the rest of the world so that they can make sure this thing is safe. Turns out the alien ship was a crystal (quintessence) transporter that had so much power reserved it could sustain earth for like, 20 years (they think crystal power is infinite tho, why would a rock lose its alien power ?).
After they find out how to use quintessence as energy, society progresses really really fast, leading to a cyberpunk squeme era with cyberpunk cities.
Fifteen years later, they discover the crystal power is running short and get a little desperate because the whole planet runs on crystal power now and they have made absolutely no progress in discovering where quintessence comes from, even after countless missions around their solar system and numberless investigation programs funded by the government.
That's when Akira, a white aired noob pilot in their program charges a ship to full power with his bare hands, a dead ship that didn’t work out cause it had no crystal. (Because he’s half alien and half aliens are magic and can do quintessence related stuff). All of this happens in the middle of a piloting class. The government decides to conducting experiments on Akira to find out more about quintessence, so they kidnap Akira and cover it up with an ''expulsion'' story about behavior issues.
Hachi (who is married to Dante) tries to locate Akira but isn't able to find him, so Hachi becomes suspicious of the garrison. He pressures the garrison to tell him the truth but they brush him off. When be becomes a little too intrusive they suspend him. Hachi talks about this with Dante, his husband, who's also a garrison teacher, but Dante doesn’t really believe him (lol conspiracy theories? no dude im out) and tells him to calm down because Akira will surely show up. Hachi gets angry Dante doesn’t trust him and starts investigating by himself. He finds an whole underground experimentation facility so Hachi goes ahead, without telling Dante anything, and tries to infiltrate the place. He ends up losing his arm and being captured by the government&garrison.  
Akira's galra mom was the pilot of the crystal transporter, no one suspected there was a pilot cause she hid all of her traces. She meets Akira’s father on earth, they hit it off. She and her husband raise Akira together. They teach Akira about mechanic cyberpunk stuff but at some point Akira's mom is captured by the government&garrison when he’s still a kid because of her alien features. They don't know where she came from and she never tells them about her family, so that Akira & her husband stay safe.
After being kidnapped, Akira finds his mom on the experimentation facility. The people in there make the connection that they are probably related and threaten Akira’s mom. They tell her that if she doesn’t give them information, they will hurt Akira. She punches some guys in the face but one of them tries to kill Akira and she dies trying to protect him. Ups, there goes the hetero one. Two years after Akira was kidnapped, he manages to escape. He finds Hachi (who was also been experimented on) in the facility and releases him. They both get out of the facility with the help of Akira's dog (who has teletransportation powers)
(isnt the dog too important for this? should i take the dog out? But i want badass dogs!)
Hachi reunites with Dante, who cry screams at him for not telling him anything before rushing to an unknown facility like a dumbass. Dante has been running an underground operation to take the government&garrison down together with a bunch of other people, they had transported Hachi & Akira to another facility after Hachi was able to find their hideout, and because of that, the ‘’revolution army’’ wasn’t able to find and free Hachi & Akira. Akira is basically adopted by Hachi & Dante & revolution army, he starts dyeing his white hair black so that he can pass unnoticed in the streets, he also wears scarfs and hides his face a lot outside.
Some time later, Leandro is in the last year of his garrison piloting class, he's walking down a rusty part of the city, in the middle of a deserted street when a guy riding a motorbike almost runs him over. The guy, Akira, has to dive to the side so that he doesn't kill Leandro. Leandro repriments him but Akira is running away government drones, so he ignores Leandro while checking his back for drones. New drones come out and Akira extends his hand to Leandro ''If you don't want those drones to kill you you better hump in! NOW!" Leandro asks him why in hell is he being pursued by a bunch of drones while seeking out his pistol guns inside his bag. Akira rides away while Leandro shoots all of the drones dead with his double pistol guns, like a badass.
Akira shows Leandro the truth about government&garrison. Leandro, Henare & Petra/Pete* start running an operation to expose the government&garrison from the inside. Petra/Pete & their brother were actually in the revolution army way before everyone else. Petra/Pete & Henare make Hachi a mechanical arm and teach him how to fix it.
*Peter is the masculine of Petra, i headcanon Pidge as genderfluid Also ‘’Petra’’ sounds like ‘’Pedra’’, ‘’Rock’’ in portuguese People also told me not to use Hachiko cause its a feminine name but I love Hachi so much. What makes a name feminine anyway, let my boy have a dog name please
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astrolavas · 6 years
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my take on the good boys AKA leandro and akira uwu
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Breakfast in the Castle of Lions
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starlightvld · 2 years
Fan Fiction Master Post
Fandom - Voltron: Legendary Defender
Relationship - Sheith (Shiro x Keith)
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In Sunshine and in Shadow Post-canon fix-it * Rated M * 155k words * COMPLETE After ten years of distance, a chance encounter brings Shiro, Keith, and the other paladins together in another fight to save the universe.
Truth Beyond Reckoning Post-canon fix-it (ISAIS stand-alone interlude) * Rated E * 3.6k words * COMPLETE After twelve years of illness, heartache, and missed chances, Keith and Shiro finally find their way back to one another.
Formalities Post-canon fix-it * Rated T * 17.7k words * COMPLETE At the Coalition's two-year anniversary formal gala, Lance gets ideas, Keith gets a new outfit, and Shiro gets jealous enough to break a few of his self-imposed rules.
Second Luckiest Established Relationship * Rated G * 524 words * COMPLETE A soft and short fic in which Keith and Shiro take care of each other.
Research & Development Modern(ish) AU * Rated E * 57.7k words * COMPLETE When Voltron Tech CEO Shiro hires Marmora Construction to build their new research and development building, he doesn't realize how much his life is about to change... until Keith walks through the door. 
Trading Pain for Panacea Post canon, no epilogue * Rated T * 3.7k words * COMPLETE Shiro gets sick, muses over his relationship with pain, and comes to some realizations. As always, Keith is there to take care of him.
Trading Loneliness for Love Post canon, no epilogue * Rated T * 6.9k words * COMPLETE Keith is pulled through a wormhole to who-knows-where. As he drifts through space alone, he muses over his relationship with loneliness while waiting for his friends to come to the rescue.
My Love is Like an Apple Pie University Staff AU * Rated T * 27k words * COMPLETE Keith and Shiro are living good lives with good jobs and friends, but maybe a little romance will make things even better. A fun and fluffy fall fic.
Red and Sliver Post canon, ISAIS AU * Rated E * 12.5k words * COMPLETE Keith goes missing on an undercover mission. Faced with his possible death, Shiro vows to bring Keith home... and finally come clean about how he really feels.
The Fire Between Falling Stars King & Knight AU * Rated E * IN PROGRESS For seven years, Keith has quietly served and protected King Takashi Shirogane of Stellan from afar, but when Keith's friends disappear, he is forced out of the shadows. As Keith's investigations lead him toward the truth - and the disaster to come - he will be forced to decide: Protect his secrets. Or protect his king.
Fandom - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (reboot)
Relationship: John "Soap" MacTavish/Simon "Ghost" Riley (alternately: soapghost, ghostsoap, ghoap)
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Couch Surfing Post-canon, not MWIII compliant * Rated E * 53k words * COMPLETE When military politics threaten to break up the 141, Simon and Johnny must decide to hold on to what they already have... or risk losing it all for the possibility of *more.*
Broken Bones and Shattered Hearts Post-canon, not MWIII compliant * Rated E * IN PROGRESS Fic/Art collaboration with @kibagib After Johnny's career-ending mission against Makarov, Simon left and broke Johnny's heart. When they're thrown together three years later at Gaz's wedding, it sets off a chain of events that will change both their lives forever. For better or worse.
Up in Smoke MW II, pre MWIII * Rated T * 1.8k words * COMPLETE A 5+1 style, hurt/comfort, getting together fic with a healthy helping of humor in which Ghost annoys Johnny by stealing his cigarettes. He's got his reasons.
You're my mask, you're my cover, my shelter Punisher AU * Rated E * IN PROGRESS (chapters 1 & 2 posted) Fic/Art collaboration with @kibagib When MI5 officer MacTavish partners with the vigilante Ghost, they uncover a vast web of betrayal. Learning to trust each other might be the only way to bring down the enemy. Learning to love each other might be the only way to stay alive.
Always on Your Six Whump/Crack Treated Seriously * Rated E * IN PROGRESS It's been six months since the team started pushing Soap away. After months of trying to get back in their good graces, he's done with the 141. But as Soap should know better than most, things aren't always how they appear.
Bait & Switch Makarov Steals Soap, MWIII fix-it AU * Rated M * IN PROGRESS The 141 knows Soap died in a tunnel under the English Channel. But what if he didn't?
Faking It Slice of Life * Rated T * 782 words * COMPLETE Ghost likes to scare his teammates with his stealth abilities, and no one gives him a better reaction that Soap. But is Soap just faking it?
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jupiterjoeyy · 6 years
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Leandro wallpapers!!!
I’m posting the akira side in a few hours or so, so look out! Hope you guys like these 💙💙
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taytei · 6 years
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Am i seriously jumping onboard the Leakira Voltron Reboot craze? Yes, yes I am. Here is Leandro Alvarez! He has heterochromia eyes, one blue, one brown, and you’ll just have to see what else is in store for him ;) ....
I’ll be getting Akira done tonight, and hopefully some actual leakira doodles if I can avoid putting an insane amount of effort in that takes hours
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void-tiger · 5 years
Meet the Veeladee Reboot 20s Gang!
Veronica: Data Analyst and Lance’s older sister. She mostly works Earth-Side to be closer to her large family (and to keep an eye on her little brother). She’s constantly pestered with requests for DeepSpaceMissions but keeps turning most of them down, at least until after Lance graduates. She likes her work HERE, thankyouverymuch, and it’s just as important as what the “space colonists and explorers” do. (She’s also Lance’s confidant about his initial placement as a cargo pilot—while he’s got the personality to work with a team and deliberate skills to carry passengers and supplies into space in one piece, in his eyes the “fighter pilots do the COOL Stuff” when in reality it’s that he’d get extremely homesick in space—proven when she mildly mentions that Lisa’s a cargo pilot and Shiro prefers those missions over prototype testing as well.)
Ginger: Earth-side engineer, and Hunk’s older sister and personal hero. Like Veronica she enjoys Earth-side work for the chance to be closer to her parents and brother (and to make sure her friends BEHAVE), but also takes several space missions to oversee how beta testing’s going. She’s also one of the major brains behind the GG’s advancements in astronaut food and food storage...somewhat motivated by her mild horror of her roommate Lisa describing growing up on the stuff and not having much of a taste for Fresh Foods vs dehydrated, frozen, or canned. (Matt practically worships the ground she walks on as a result, since Sam is almost as bad after each space mission.)
Lisa: Cargo Pilot (and proud of it—who do you think goes on those space missions and what they actually are?), and Moon Colonist. She mostly takes transport assignments between Earth, Luna, and various Inner Solarsystem Stations. Having a chance to visit her family and “village” without taking time off...AND still getting the stars?? Two birds, one stone. After the “Kerberos Failure” she switches to doing Earth-Based Alpha Testing (aka, “fighter class” piloting) or Luna Transport exclusively to keep her friends and family close. She and Shiro are very close as flight partners and their shared love of space and preference for Space Missions (even if it’s just short transport trips vs uncharted territory...although yeah getting to go on the exploration missions is pretty sweet.) Lisa and Ginger also “agree to disagree” when it comes to cooking, though the arguments are mostly playful and Lisa is Ginger’s preferred partner to test out New Astronaut Food (and actually make it taste like more than just “it came straight from a can”). Which...also means she’s better at making sure the Shirogane Twins actually have a stocked pantry of stuff they can cook without burning the place down or neglecting it to spoil because “too much effort when they could be doing __ instead”. She also has enough of an interest in anthropology that she worked on getting her Masters in it along side a few minors in various languages and her piloting liscense and batchlor’s degree in astrophysics. (SO many late nights studying and joking comments about Timeturners as she commuted between the GG and a local univesity and fighting to get her credits to balance out. And all that student debt has her splitting rent with Ginger and Veronica in a GG Issued Apt vs having a place of her own.)
Ryou: Engineer, and Takashi’s younger twin. (He’s probably worse about the leapyear jokes than Shiro...) PreKerb he pretty evenly split his time between SpaceMissions with either working as Ship Engineer or overseeing SpaceTesting or working on initial builds on Earth...well until the GG suddenly gets a stick up their ass about Shiro’s piloting career when his twin has to switch to a different treatment for his epilepsy. Then he’s working almost exclusively on Earth Projects to better support his brother while he’s Grounded, and completely obsesses over the Kerberos Mission’s Shuttle to ease Taka’s unspoken anxiety and to get the GG to stfu after Taka’s finally cleared to do more than PR and Recruitment. Post “Kerberos Failure” he falls into a deep depression and obsesses over the shuttle’s designs, convinced he’s somehow at fault vs Taka. Once he climbs back out of it, he redetermines to keep an eye on a recently expelled Keith (which needing to be there for someone else helps keep his own depression symptoms in check), and rejoins the analysis of the “Failure” now that he accepts he’s not in it alone to figure out what happened to his twin and his best friend and his dad.
In Fixit vs Reboot? Lisa, Ginger, and Veronica form a 3-persons crew to investigate the Kerberos Disaster and end up running into Team Voltron that way. The only reason why they weren’t at the Launch was because they already had their own space missions at the time—they still kept in steady contact with Shiro and Matt and definitely noticed when the Kerberos Crew stopped contacting them. (Sadly, no Ryou in fixit. Reboot’s partially exists to still work with my own version of him.)
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