#tomoyo kogami
psychopasss4 · 9 months
How do I cope with having an estranged child? Have courage, for I will be here smiling once you came back.
~Tomoyo Kougami (unofficial)
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Shinya-kun: "You need not to worry, Mom. I can take care of myself. I'll be fine."
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straye · 2 years
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RED CHARACTER.    Red characters tend to be both quiet and observant as well as loud and dramatic. They are often brash and impulsive, and tend to act on instinct rather than planning ahead. They are quite self-sacrificing, often veering into self-destructive, and they push themselves to their limits trying to succeed. They tend to be stubborn, and it might take a lot to change their mind. They have a hard time expressing their feelings, and may come off as either emotionless, self-absorbed, or perpetually angry. They don’t have a ton of friends, and when they do, it’s often by circumstance rather than choice (although they grow to fiercely love their friends). They are not usually innately good at fitting into social situations, and can be awkward and out of place in them. They can come off as unhumorous because of how sincere and honest they tend to be, but tend to just have a dryer, sarcastic sense of humor. They do often think of others first, but their motivations for it might not be entirely selfless. They usually have a hard time conceivably lying, and are quite earnest without meaning to be.They put their full effort into what they do, and push themselves to improve at all costs. They get easily defensive, and feel like they have to prove themselves to earn anyone’s respect. They have a strong sense of internal morality and high standards for themselves. They also hold others to their internal high standards, which can cause a lot of conflict if not worked out. They tend to have bad relationships with their parental figures, who were usually either absent or abusive, and contributed to their toxic view of themselves. At their core, red characters want to be loved and accepted, but have often been denied it, leading them to build up lots of defenses. Others need to be patient with them and give them a safe space to be themselves as they open up and begin to flourish.
tagged by: @perceptualephemera​ (thank yooooou! <3) tagging: anyone! i’m bad at tagging individuals lolol.
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pearlsephoni · 3 years
Birthdays Past and Present
Can also be read on AO3!
Rating: T
Fandom: Psycho-Pass
Pairing: Shinkane (Kogami/Akane)
Characters: Akane Tsunemori, Shinya Kogami, Shuusei Kagari, Nobuchika Ginoza
Summary: The business of reforming society to be more compassionate has turned birthdays into a luxury Akane can't afford.
A/N: Happy birthday, Akane!! 💖 Sorry this is a bit late lol  (Further author’s notes can be read on AO3)
The first time Akane had a birthday as a PSB Inspector, she nearly missed her own birthday dinner. 
Kaori had called her, despite Yuki’s firm belief that Akane wouldn’t cancel this one time. The call made Akane jump, her attention jerking away from the report she was working on. She scrambled to leave the office as she answered the call, but not before Yuki’s excited “Happy birthdayyyyyy!” rang out around the room. 
“It’s her birthday?” Kagari looked oddly hurt, and his frown was almost accusatory when he turned to Ginoza. “How come she didn’t tell any of us?” 
“Because she’s an adult with more important things to worry about,” Ginoza answered, but his dismissive tone contradicted the way his eyes drifted over to Akane’s form through the glass. 
“Yeah, but I’m her friend! She should’ve told me, I could’ve made her a cupcake or something.” 
“How come we don’t get cupcakes on our birthdays?” 
“Because, Ko, Akane-chan doesn’t bully me like the rest of you do.” 
Ginoza opened his mouth to tell the Enforcers to focus on their work, but then Akane stepped back into the room, and his focus returned to her. “That seemed urgent.” 
“Hm? Oh, it’s...it’s nothing, I’m sorry for the disruption.” She moved to her desk, only to be stopped by Ginoza speaking again. 
“Tell me, Tsunemori, how many reports do you have left?” 
Akane cringed - she really had been working hard all day, but the number of unopened files didn’t seem to lessen at all, and she knew she would be reprimanded for having so many left. “Um...I’ve finished about half of them.” 
“And you were planning on finishing them before meeting with your friends?” 
“I...I wasn’t going to go. I just cancelled with them.” 
“Then you’d better call them back and undo the cancellation.” 
“Go, enjoy your birthday. I’ll finish your reports.” 
“It’s just for today. In the future, don’t expect me to cover for your slow pace. Now go, before I change my mind.” 
“I- thank you!” A delighted smile pushed at Akane’s flushed cheeks, and she left with a bounce in her steps that hadn’t been seen since her first week. 
No one said anything until her steps stopped echoing down the hall, and Ginoza kept his gaze fixed to his screen in an attempt to avoid the brows being raised at him. 
“Well…,” Kogami finally murmured, “that was nice of you.” He didn’t get a reply, but that didn’t stop a knowing smirk from pulling at his lips. 
When Akane stepped into work the next day, she nearly walked into a perfect little cupcake, presented to her by a beaming Kagari. 
That was the last time she got to eat his food. 
And that was the last year Akane celebrated her birthday.
In the following years, she only realized her birthday had passed when she noticed her age had gone up in her psycho-pass. There was always just...too much to do. Too many cases to solve, too many lives to try to save, too many traps from Sibyl to avoid. Sometimes, occasionally, she made it to dinner with Kaori. But with every passing year, the weight of the lives stolen from her grew heavier, and celebrating another year felt hollow in the face of her work.
She didn’t expect that to change, even with Kogami’s return to Japan. Still, she couldn’t help feeling a pang when he told her their next mission would find them leaving Japan right on her birthday. With Kogami gone and Kaori busy with her married life, April 1st passed like any other workday, with the added joy of a quick birthday greeting and hug from Shion. 
But Akane got a pleasant surprise when she opened her fridge that night and found a stack of sealed dishes waiting for her, with a small envelope on the top. The warped glassware couldn’t disguise the familiar look of Kogami’s fried rice and Tomoyo’s curry and beef dishes, and Akane was already smiling by the time she opened the envelope. 
I’m sorry to sneak in on your birthday. I hope the taste of my mom’s cooking makes up for it — she wanted to make sure you ate well on your birthday, even though we can’t be there to celebrate with you. 
I would give anything to be there with you, to serve you food on warm plates and with a kiss. But for now...at least I know you’ll enjoy the food. The kiss will come as soon as we get back. Happy birthday, Akane. 
She did enjoy the food. Of course she would’ve preferred to eat it with Kogami, but the fact that he’d snuck in before the FAD’s departure that day made her chest feel tight with love. She couldn’t call him to thank him - he’d told her ahead of time that they had to go somewhere with little-to-no communications infrastructure - but she did call Tomoyo, leaving a heartfelt message in her voicemail so she wouldn’t wake her up. 
And so her birthday passed, come and gone with hardly a trace. Over the following weeks, in her spare moments between work and training, Akane wondered after Kogami and the rest of his team, and when they would be returning home. But he never called, and she knew there was no point in waiting or wishing for the impossible. 
After all this time, she should’ve learned to expect the unexpected. Maybe then she wouldn’t have frozen in surprise when she entered her apartment and found Kogami standing at her table, where a small cupcake sat with a lit candle. “Happy birthday.” 
“You’re back.” 
“Yeah. I’m sorry I didn’t- mph!” Before he could finish his apology, Akane was throwing her arms around his shoulders and pulling his lips to hers, making him grab her hips to steady them both. The kiss started messy and clumsy, but within seconds they fell into a rhythm, slow and relished and as natural as anything, until they were both flushed when they pulled apart. “Welcome home,” Akane murmured, her breath ghosting over his lips. 
“I missed you.” 
“Me too.” 
She tried to press forward again, but Kogami gently nudged her away with a soft laugh. “The cupcake’s going to be covered in wax.” 
“Would you be insulted if I told you I didn’t care much about the cupcake right now?” 
“Terribly. I might leave this moment.” His eyes twinkled as he spoke, and his arms wrapped tighter around, pressing her close until their bodies were flush against each other. 
“What if I told you how much I loved the food you and your mother made?” 
“Hm...maybe I’ll stay. But you at least have to blow out the candle.” 
Akane obeyed, pulling away just enough to blow out the candle without leaving Kogami’s arms. It took a few tries, but she succeeded with a satisfied grin. “There.” 
“You’re not going to eat it?” 
“I’m interested in a different treat.” 
Kogami’s laughs were smothered by her lips, and it wasn’t long before he was carrying her to the bedroom, cupcake abandoned on the table for something sweeter.
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cleverwolfpoetry · 4 years
Do you have an idea on how Tomoyo Kogami look like? I'm jist curious where Shinya got his features 😊
There are no official pictures of her and no physical description in the novels. So, no. Sorry. I have no idea.
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psychosibyl · 8 years
Plot twist: Tomoyo Kogami swoops in Molly Weasley style and scolds Sibyl before blowing it all to hell, then kicks her son’s ass for making her and Akane worry. 
She later knits Ginoza a Christmas sweater.
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psychopasss4 · 8 months
Could this be Papa Kou? 😳
[Sketch Attempt] 無名の狡噛 Nameless Kougami
You guys can see the recurring theme on this blog. We're trying to picture a complete family portrait sketch of the Kougami (狡噛) clan 🤭☺️🤗😍
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Since we have less info about Papa Kou, I wonder how would he look like? 🤔
What do you guys think? Do he have thick unruly hair and thin lips and well-proportioned nose like his son? 💭😀
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psychopasss4 · 8 months
PP: Sinners of the System AU
What if?!?!
Just what if?!?!
Instead of Frederica-san, it was Mama Kou (Tomoyo Kogami) who travelled all the way to Tibet Himalayan, just to see her son's whereabouts and bring his HOT 🔥 a$$ back to Japan?
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Shinya-Kun: "Mom?!" obviously shookt. "What are you doing h..."
Tomoyo-san: "Let's go home, son. Everyone's waiting for you."
Shinya-kun: "But mo..."
Tomoyo-san: "Hush now, Shinya! We don't have much time left! That girl risked everything just to clear you out from Sybil's Hunted List".
Shinya-kun: "Girl?! Who do you m..."
Tomoyo-san: "That girl with short chestnut brown hair and hazel eyes."
A moment of contemplating until...
Shinya-kun: (chuckled softly) "She's not a girl, mom. She's a woman." 🙂
Tomoyo-san: "Fine. Then, you're woman begged me to come and grab your filthy a*$ back home. So pack your things, your coming home with me!"
Shinya-kun: "But mom..." looking flustered 😳
Tomoyo-san: "Shut up and leave at once!"
Tenzing: Giggles 🤣🤭
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psychopasss4 · 8 months
Doodles & Thoughts...✏️💭
Hmmm.. could it pass as Young Tomoyo & Young Shinya? 🤔
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Also... Kogami in a full cigarette smirk 😏🌝
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It's giving that "彼の顔を黒い炭で塗りつぶそう" look...
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straye · 2 years
leans on his shoulder and falls asleep. zzz
“We’ll be taking a trip for a little bit. Be sure to pack for at least five days.”
It wasn’t hard getting Hisae’s permission for the trip with how reliable he’s been to the family in the past, but he let her in on the itinerary and got some ideas on what Yukako might like best out of it (it was something of a surprise trip across the country, Shinya told Yukako that much until they got their tickets in their hands).
Shinya and Yukako left by train from Morioh one morning for Kanagawa. They’d be resting at Kogami’s childhood home; Tomoyo finally got to meet the daughter figure that reminded Shinya so much of her, and they hit it off much better than he could have hoped. ( He didn’t protest her referring to Yukako as a granddaughter. It was sweet, really. )
Shinya took Yukako to the beach he grew up visiting every summer, and all the places he spent prowling through when he was her age: the shopping centers, basketball courts, street food vendors.
The gesture was his own form of expressing his fatherly affection, and seeing Yukako seem so happy about the entire thing made his heart swell. They shared a disposable camera and film to capture these moments, and they reflected back on them on the train ride home, with Yukako leaning against his shoulder.
As the train flushed gold with the sky’s sunset glow and only a couple of hours left of their ride back, Kogami asked, “Did you have a good time, oujo-san?”
When he didn’t get a response, he peered over to her, and shook as he stifled a laugh.
“—- Ah. Rest easy.”
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straye · 2 years
concocting ideas in my head about how maybe as an immigrant family, the reason why Tomoyo is more present in Shinya’s life was simply a matter of Keo just needing to work all the time to support the family after the dissolution of the university system; sibyl didn’t make capitalism or poverty disappear — while it may have deported a decent amount of its population to make its authority a lot more viable, as we see in PP3, there are still landlords / corporations / banks that account for housing and capitalism. With race relations the way they are in Japan, the Kogami family (being primarily Lao and not completely Japanese) had to work harder to keep their place in that society — or be deported back out to Laos (and we know the state of that society in the movies).
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straye · 2 years
#do i dare eat the peach? ∶ ( dash game. )#it’s the way that this perfectly describes him HELLO?#> tend to be both quiet and observant as well as loud and dramatic // YOU GET HIM !!! YOU GET HIM!!!!#listen kogami is a master tactician that seems so cool and collected but when you realize his#job is to be a detective but his heart is to be an (anti-) hero once you understand that then you get around to understanding kogami#> can be awkward or out of place in social situations // he can easily build friendships / and bonds but hes completely out of place in crow#ds btw.#> have a hard time lying // akane and gino know that very very well#though i wouldnt say that he had a bad relationship with tomoyo and keo they were just pretty hands off with their parenting ; tomoyo hersel#f has been said to have been really close with kogami !!!! and equally as stubborn and strong willed as him so maybe that may have been a so#ource of conflict and expectations idk#either way this generally read him for filth i love it
this is why he’s an 8w9 and not a 5w6 btw.
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straye · 3 years
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Another Tomoyo, with the M!LF picrew.
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straye · 3 years
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Kogami’s mom. <3 ( picrew link. )
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straye · 3 years
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i’ll be adding more to mama ko’s profile when i can think of some more stuff, but for now, she’s just there for meta and current writing partners! being that she won’t be separate from this blog, it goes without saying that ....... the shinya in her writing will be referencing my shinya. 
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straye · 3 years
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kogami shinya’s mother. a woman standing at 5′7″, with thick, messy, medium length hair that reaches her shoulders. shinya regards her parenting style as gentle and loving, but strict, such as to reflect her own personality that is independent, strong-willed, disciplined and, at times, feisty, but she also demonstrates a tender and playful side; her son takes after her quite a bit. she is a sybil-approved novelist (+ former literature professor) that remains a homebody nowadays due to her retirement from academia, her son’s career path ( and ... everything ), and her husband remaining in the workforce. 
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straye · 2 years
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tagging.   anyone stumbling across this!
full name.   kogami shinya. known as.   shepherd 2, hound 3. nickname(s).    ko, ko-chan, gami, shinya-kun, doggy. gender.   cis man. age.   depends on the verse; as of current canon point, 36. 20 as a fresh inspector, 28 as an enforcer, and 32(?) as a guerrilla fighter. zodiac.  leo sun, aquarius moon, sagittarius rising. spoken languages.   Japanese (primary), Lao (Primary), english, Latin, French, German, Thai, Viet, Khmer, Mandarin, Cantonese, Tibetic, Tagalong. All in order of fluency.
physical characteristics.
hair color.   black eye color.   gray; appears blue in some lighting, but it’s undoubtedly gray. body type.   mesomorphic; incredibly muscular and built. Slimmer at the waist and somewhat above average in height compared to other Japanese men, though incredibly tall for a Lao man. voice.   deep, naturally gravelly, spoken with a bit of a growl at his lowest, a sigh at his highest. perpetually serious sounding. being a smoker doesn’t help much. dominant hand.   right, has ambidextrous capabilities. tattoos.   none. birthmarks.   none.
place of birth.   sagamihara / kanagawa / japan. hometown.   see above. sibling(s).   none. parents.    keo souvannakham / kogami, kogami tomoyo. both alive.
adult life.
occupation.  current canon point, tactical advisor for the ministry of foreign affairs’s suppressing action division; formerly an inspector and enforcer for the ministry of welfare and public safety, a tactical advisor for resistance fighters in Southeast Asia, and nomadic mercenary. close friends.   ginoza nobuchika, best friend since they met high school. akane tsunemori, formerly junior supervisor and now confidante. kagari shuusei, coworker and best friend. masaoka tomomi, father figure, former subordinate turned coworker, close friend. sasayama mitsuru; maintained a very strange relationship which may otherwise be perceived as friendship. relationship status.   single. financial status.   working class growing up, then lower middle class in adulthood. does heavy saving for luxuries and vices. driver’s license.   has three: one for regular vehicles (ie, cars), two wheeled vehicles (ie, motorcycles) and one for large special vehicles (ie construction vehicles, tractors) criminal record.   up to age 28, his only crime was his mental health spiraling, though after that, first degree/capital murder and international terrorism (cases of inciting civil disorder, participating in guerrilla warfare that may otherwise be considered domestic terrorism) and other counts of first degree murder.
sex and romance.
romantic orientation.   biromantic / panromantic. sexual orientation.  bisexual / pansexual. preferred emotional role.   he’s in his comfort zone when providing the supporter role rather than being the supported since he’s firm in his boundaries of opening up himself. preferred sexual role.   verse/switch with equal preference for either penetrating / penetrated role, though he more often than not he takes the penetrating role and doesn’t mind it. In the conversation of submissive / dominating, he prefers a dominant partner. libido.   it’s there, but inconsequential on most days. doesn’t pass up the opportunity to get laid, if that helps the answer. turn-ons.   intelligence, openness, independence, boldness. kindness, compassion, wit, and a bit of an attitude. turn-offs.   single-mindedness, cruelty, evil, tyrannical behavior, someone trying to pry into him, someone disrespecting his boundaries, presumptuous characters, and assumptions. love language.   quality time, acts of service. relationship tendencies.   has had a few relationships and has dated around, but never anything too serious or long term.
hobbies to pass time.   Reading, rope work, exercising / training, video-games, hiking, sports. mental illness(es).   complex post-traumatic stress disorder,  instances of sleep paralysis and night terrors, OCD, ADHD, bipolar ii disorder, depression, anxiety, some instances of visual and auditory hallucinations. left or right-brained. phobia(s).   none. self-confidence level.   self assured, but humble. while he won’t go out of his way to put himself down, he very clearly has some issues with his self-image in the way he dehumanizes himself, but he never makes this known.
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