#tons of mosquito bites i never left alone
torchickentacos · 3 months
There's not many things that unsettle me about myself, but the fact that I have a mysterious six inch long scar on my foot and no clue of why it's there is definitely one of those things.
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darkpoisonouslove · 3 years
The Light in You Is Shining in My Eyes
Summary: Robin is annoyed with the conditions of the nature hike she’s on when she falls through a hole in the ground to discover the domain of a nymph. The short encounter changes her life when she’s touched by Alice’s spirit and kindness.
Special credit to the guest stars of this fanfic - mosquitoes. They are playing a very important role in the lives of our leading ladies. XD
For @intothewickedwood​. I wish you all the best and many, many smiles!
The leaves rustling in the wind were drowned out by the laughter of large friend groups taking selfies and screaming children on family hikes but the cloud of mosquitoes surrounding Robin buzzed in her ears over all of that. Waving her hands to chase them away was like sticking them in the beast's mouth. Mosquito bites covered her like a map of her blood flow and the thin flannel shirt over her tank top only stuck to her skin with sweat to irritate her rather than protect her.
There was an unusual presence of mosquitoes at the spot where she was growing roots as if to taunt her. Killian had left her there to the annoying and hungry insects to follow up the fox tracks he'd spotted. Walking away was an option but the worst one. Having a phone on him didn't do much when Killian was a technological disaster so she had to wait around if she didn't want to lose him. Her mom would kill them both over the phone at the smallest mishap. Even the little pricks preying on her blood were preferable to never being let out of her room again, let alone Storybrooke.
A mosquito landed on her arm where she'd pushed the shirt off her shoulder. Robin got it before it could bite her smearing it over her skin. Her face twisted in disgust as her fingers brushed it away and she shifted her weight from one foot to the other as if that could help her escape.
She froze at a loud crack under her feet but to no avail. She plunged through the crumbling ground.
Great! Down the rabbit hole was the last thing she needed. Underground roots tugged at her hair and whipped at her hands when she raised them. There was no avoiding the hard soil under her weight or the sharp-edged stones poking her but she could protect her face and her glasses. Her heart pounded in her ears over her own screaming.
Her feet hit the ground to send the impact rattling up her bones. She was thrown forward, down into a pile of damp leaves. The smell of decay hit her from the heap of brown, yellow and red to give her a boost.
She pushed herself up on all fours. She was a breath away from a thick trunk in front of her. A few more inches and she would've face-planted into a tree. A very peculiar tree.
A woman's face was carved into it, though it could hardly be the work of a human hand or mind. Every line and curve was one with the tree bark as if shaped into it from the inside of the trunk rather than hacked into it with a blade. The woman's features were detailed despite the gentility with which they were imprinted in the tree and made her look ethereal. Like a work of art brought to life.
Robin squinted at the faint light trying to make out more before she lifted her head to look for the source. She'd fallen underground but all that was above her head was a thick net of intertwined tree branches that formed the ceiling of a tunnel. The light was coming from somewhere above, golden-white like a whisper of sun rays. It was far from bright or sufficient.
Robin pushed herself up to her knees to fish her phone out of her jeans' pocket. In the light of the screen a scratch on her hand caught her eye. She hadn't felt it through the rush of adrenaline but it wasn't the only one. She was covered in shallow slashes on her exposed skin and where her jeans and shirt had ripped. One of her bracelets had torn off as well from the fall but she ignored them. She could only have them tended to once she was back on the surface.
Focusing on her phone left her rolling her eyes at the different notifications from social media waiting for her before she'd even unlocked it. She'd told her so-called friends she was taking a hiatus on all her platforms while traveling to distance herself from the routine of Storybrooke. Yet her phone was still a receptacle for gossip that bored her to death and performative acts of friendship.
She swiped aside the notifications to get to the flashlight. It shined light into the endless darkness of the tunnel and Robin raised it towards the face in the tree.
"Hey! Stop that!" a loud voice sent her hurtling back, phone dropping in the pile of dead leaves while her heart pounded all around her in the black absence of her flashlight.
"What the bloody hell?" Robin groaned as a sturdy root poking from the ground stabbed her in the small of her back.
The tree bark stretched in front of her to shape the rest of the woman and fell back into a normal trunk when she phased out of it. "Oh, no, none of that in my park."
Robin shuffled backwards, mouth gaping open. "Wh-what are you?" her fingers dug in the ground, the pain rushing through them doing nothing to snap her out of... whatever this was. If she had to guess, she'd hit her head in the tree and had dreamed up everything after that. Either that or she'd breathed in something highly questionable rummaging around Killian's boat.
"What? What? What a rude question! I am not a what," the woman spoke fast, her diction and tone the embodiment of time if Robin had ever imagined what it would sound like. "My name is Alice and I'm a tree nymph and guardian of this park."
Robin had read about nymphs in a book her mom had borrowed from her sister. All she could recall was that they were nature spirits that lived in trees. That was true enough but she had no idea whether she should work on returning her heart back in her chest from her throat or yelling for help with all the might of her lungs.
"I-I'm sorry," she stuttered. She swallowed quickly under Alice's calm gaze. "You just startled me." She wasn't menacing but that didn't mean she wasn't dangerous.
"Well, you were shining that flashlight in my eyes."
Right. Her phone. She'd have to grope around for it since the leaves had swallowed its light. Or she'd broken it.
"You're familiar with phones?" Robin's eyebrows rose high on her forehead.
"Thousands of people come here every day and they all bring phones with them. It would be impossible to miss it. I'd have to turn away from the park. Were you looking at your phone when you missed the hole in the ground?"
"No." Robin patted her hands down on her jeans. She'd already destroyed those. She could leave all the dust on them to keep it away from her glasses and hair. "I was trying to get rid of a mosquito."
"You failed in that," Alice was staring at her like she could see not just the outside of her in the dark but also the inside. "There's still some of it left on your arm."
Robin's face contorted again at the proof of Alice's words as she swiped her fingers over her arm. "How did you-"
"I told you. I'm the guardian of this park. I'm connected to all life here. I felt that mosquito die as you squashed it," her voice quieted and a gleam of light reflected in the wetness in her eyes. It was deafening in the aura of strength she exuded. As if all life stopped to pay its respects to a little insect.
"I'm sorry," Robin fiddled with the loose ends of her shirt. She hadn't meant to do that. She hadn't meant to disturb her.
"Don't apologize to me. It's the mosquito you wronged but apologies won't bring back its life."
Robin frowned. "It was going to bite me."
"That's what mosquitoes do. Would you kill a person for eating food or drinking water?"
"But it's... different," Robin faltered under the power of Alice's resolve. She'd never raised her voice. It just echoed around them like it reached every inch of the park, like it was a part of it. "Mosquitoes aren't-"
"They aren't important? And what is important? Not the mosquitoes, not the bees, not the sea turtles, not the melting ice caps, not the rain forests, not the ozone layer, not Earth, not anything," her voice sped up with the anxious energy seeping into it. She wasn't angry. She was distressed.
Robin's mouth hung open as her eyes filled with tears at her loss for words. Someone who was one with nature was so shaken from the things that Robin closed her eyes to when she didn't have the power to change them singlehandedly. And Alice for all her understanding and care for life couldn't change them either.
"Robin," Killian's voice dropped from the hole like a lifeline to grab on to before she or Alice could break down. "Are you down there, lass?"
Robin looked up the hole she'd fallen through. There was nothing but darkness as all the twists and turns got in the way of the light coming in. "Yeah, I'm here, Killian," Robin yelled back, chest moving easier with the relief that he'd found her.
"I'll get you out of there. Do you think you'll be able to get out if I let down a rope for you?"
"Yes, that should work." There was no other plausible option even if neither of them knew how deep she'd fallen. Killian had tons of rope on his boat. The question was how quickly he'd be able to carry them over. It wasn't a short distance to the docks on the route they'd taken.
Robin turned back to Alice to find a question clearly etched on her face. "He's a close friend of my mom and aunt's. He instantly agreed to take me on his trip when I asked to join him." It was a miracle she'd convinced her mom to let her go.
Alice nodded. "Sounds good. But you won't be able to climb up like that. Your ankle's sprained. Can't you feel it?"
Robin stared at Alice's face. Her constant concern with all life around her should have carved deep lines in her skin but it only lit her eyes up like stars in the dark tunnel. Maybe she was the source of the dim light, though if it were her, there would have been a shine brighter than the sun above.
Robin tried her ankle at the reminder of the climb awaiting her. "Ow!" she whimpered at the charge of pain shooting through her. "You're right. I won't be climbing up that hole."
"Hold still," Alice knelt down next to her slowly as if to keep from scaring her.
In the proximity Robin's eyes caught on the material of Alice's dress. She'd assumed it was somehow her hair twisted and braided around her body due to the similar color but it was strands of dry grass instead. A summer coming to an end.
"I'll heal it," Alice startled her back to reality.
Robin opened her mouth to ask how but Alice was already rolling her jeans up. She locked her hands around the exposed skin to pour energy into it. A ring of waves closed around Robin's ankle, each washing away the pain and swelling little by little.
"How do you do that?" Robin gasped, her chest barely moving in the delicate balance of the magical process even if there was nothing fragile in Alice's concentration.
"Nymph magic."
"You don't believe me?" Alice looked up at her, eyes so blue she could have captured the whole ocean in them.
"I do. That's the thing." Robin could feel the magic working its... well, magic. And even if she couldn't, she'd believe whatever Alice told her. She was genuine in a striking way that didn't cancel out her gentleness. There wasn't the rawness of cynicism and jadedness Robin had seen in her mom and aunt and anyone else who used the truth to slap you in the face with it. Alice was just honest because it was her nature just as empathy and tenderness were. All that was left a mystery was what she wanted with Robin. For someone so genuine she sure wasn't easy to read.
"Why are you helping me?"
"I've always liked robins." Alice smiled, more to herself than to Robin. "Though, you're the most prickly one I've met."
"I'm not... I'm not prickly." At least she wasn't trying to be. "And I'm not a robin." All she could make fly were arrows.
"Humans are a part of nature, too. And all nature is beautiful and needs preservation." Alice looked up at the tree branches–or were they roots?–or what lay above them. "It pains me to see the direction in which the human race is driving the entire planet. It didn't use to be like that. People were one with nature. Now they're trying to escape from it and sacrifice it in the name of progress. When nature is progress, it is growth, it is life."
"How would you solve the problem then?" Robin had always been put off by the radical notions of exterminating humankind to let Earth heal. And leaving behind her environment hadn't worked for her on a personal level either.
"By being kinder and valuing the life of every person, every animal and every plant. By respecting nature and working with it, not against it. By giving it in return as much as you take from it. It is a powerful force but it is not unlimited, you know?" Alice's hands retreated from Robin's ankle and she buried them in the leaves around them. The perfect proof of her words. Her domain along with all nature above ground and even her outfit were cycling through different seasons to replenish their energy. "It needs tending to and someone to take care of it once in a while just as it takes care of everything and everyone."
Alice pulled her hand out of the fallen leaves with Robin's phone clasped in it. The flashlight was still on and blinded Robin as Alice handed it to her. She understood Alice's frustration from before.
"How old are you?" she asked, fingers curling around her phone desperately It was only Alice's face in front of her that kept her eyes away from the screen in pursuit of some clue to the answer.
"You really are a rude one, aren't you?" Alice teased, a grin from one ear to the other on her face. She probably didn't get a lot of company.
"Wow, that old, huh?" Robin chuckled. "Well, you do look spectacular for your age." She was a vision. Robin was lucky she hadn't hit her head and missed all of this. A dark and humid underground tunnel that was the home of the kindest soul she'd ever met.
"The light comes from the trees above," Alice explained when she noticed her staring at them. So those were roots then on the ceiling of the tunnel. "They spare some of theirs for me and my tree. Just enough to let me live," Alice smiled brightly even as she was starting to fade. Her energy came from the light and there wasn't that much of it as the sun must have started to set.
"Robin," Killian's voice reached her again. "I got the rope. Here you go."
Dirt fell from the hole as the rope skidded down before it unrolled in Robin's feet. There was even some length to spare as Robin scurried to turn off her flashlight and shove her phone back in her pocket to grab the rope.
"Thank you," she looked to Alice. "Looks like I have to go. At least if we want you to stay hidden." That had to be the reason why her tree was in the tunnel of roots with barely any light reaching it.
"Goodbye," Alice clasped her hands in front of her before raising one to wave stiffly.
Robin would abandon the rope and run into her arms to remain tangled in the tree roots if it wouldn't alert the world above to Alice's existence. She nodded and climbed into the hole.
"Take care, little robin. You can do more than you know," Alice's voice had the rope slipping in her sweaty palms.
Robin craned her neck back for a last peek but Alice was gone, retired to her tree. Her face was the only thing showing in the bark, her eyes staring upwards into the mellow glow of light coming from the roots of her park.
Robin pulled herself up, arms wailing as she climbed. She had to press her back to one end of the hole and her feet into the other to push herself up. She was an archer, not a body builder. Her back would be bruised from all the roots and stones poking it on her way up and she chaffed her palms on the rope.
She must have fallen into the very core of the Earth with how long it took her to make her way out The hole was cramped and claustrophobic and the only thing that kept her going was the certainty in the pit of her stomach that there would be no Alice to heal her if she plummeted back down. Nearly losing her glasses as she glanced down convinced her to train her gaze on the passage above her and light finally hit her eyes.
Killian grabbed her hand and then her arms to pull her out. All her muscles burned as she sprawled on the ground.
"Are you okay?" His concerned face blocked out the trees above her.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Robin heaved out while her senses adapted to the brightness and loud noises along with all the different smells.
A mosquito landed on the back of her hand. She winced at its bite but left it to its devices. It was only doing what was natural for mosquitoes.
"Here, you dropped your bracelet," Killian handed her the offensive thing in blue and white. It was from a girl she'd never liked and belonged in the trash. She'd worn it to keep up appearances because it'd mattered to her whether the people that were hardly her friends liked her or not. It'd mattered until she'd fallen down the rabbit hole.
Looking at her hand, the mosquito was gone to differ from the bracelets. They were the real parasites. Out of the twelve she still had on only one or two called smiles to her face. The rest were coming right off.
"Are you sure you're all right?" Killian asked as he watched her tug on them like she'd lost her mind.
"I'm fine," she repeated. Better than ever. The mist in her head was clearing to leave her with ideas. All the followers she had on her social platforms keeping up with her archery achievements would be the perfect audience for a new ecological lifestyle she wanted to start. That would be the meaningful thing she'd been looking for all along to expand her consciousness and her world. And she had only Alice to thank for opening her eyes. Thank goodness for phones and flashlights you could shine in a tree nymph's eyes.
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thefandomlesbian · 3 years
Song of the Magpie
Summary:  In a phone call, Spencer receives some bad news.
Thank you to @rosesblueviolets for beta reading! Please check out their blog. :)
Read here on AO3 for better formatting. 
Curled up on the leather couch on his side, Spencer faced the television, staring bleakly at the blank screen. He held his cellphone in his left hand. His arms dangled over the side of the couch. He folded his knees up toward his chest so all of his frame would fit. The living room was dark; he hadn’t turned on a light when he entered this room to take the call, a call from an unknown number from Las Vegas.
He had worried it had something to do with his mother and stepped away from the kitchen where Aaron cooked to have a modicum of privacy.
Warm, yellow light bathed out of the kitchen, and the smell of the dinner Aaron made met Spencer’s nose. His stomach flipped. I can’t eat now. He swallowed hard. I was hungry before. Was he? He couldn’t remember. He couldn’t remember before. Before was ten minutes ago--before was a lifetime ago.
Before his phone rang, he had intended on going camping with Aaron and Jack next weekend, entirely certain he would hate it and was looking forward to getting mosquito bitten and catching lightning bugs, something he’d never really gotten to do as a child. Now, there would be no camping. There would be no tents, no mosquito bites, and no lightning bugs.
Just his funeral suit and a plane ticket to Las Vegas.
Aaron left the kitchen, wiping off his hands on a dishcloth. Flour marred the front of his apron, hot pink and reading Kiss the cook with an emblem of lips displayed underneath the sequined lettering. Spencer had given it to him. It always made him smile. But now his smile had given up the ghost. He couldn’t prompt his lips into anything more than the line they were pressed into.
“Spencer?” Aaron put down the dishcloth and approached him. “Are you still on the phone?”
Spencer shook his head, mutely. A concerned frown touched Aaron’s face, his brows furrowing, as he tilted his head to make eye contact with Spencer, coming between him and the black television in the dark room.
“What’s wrong?”
What’s wrong? Spencer knew almost every word in the English dictionary, and a metric ton of words in other languages, too, but he didn’t know how to put these feelings into words. “I--” His voice cracked. Am I going to cry? He didn’t want to cry. “I have to go to Las Vegas.”
Las Vegas didn’t deserve his tears. His father didn’t deserve his tears.
Aaron waited patiently for an explanation, not pressing; Aaron never pressed, always waited for Spencer to process and reach his inevitable conclusion. Spencer closed his eyes, because he thought saying the words aloud would make him cry. It would make it all the more real. He didn’t want it to be real. For this moment, he could pretend it had happened solely in the digital world of his cell phone, where life was immaterial and theoretical and had no true ramifications.
But the moment passed, and Aaron deserved to know. “My father died.”
With the tenderest of hands, Aaron lifted up Spencer by the shoulders, just enough to slide underneath him, and placed his head in his lap. One calloused hand tangled up in Spencer’s hair, stroking over Spencer’s scalp. The silence grew between them. His hands were warm.
Spencer hadn’t realized how cold he’d gotten since he answered the phone.
Aaron pulled the afghan down from the back of the couch. With his right hand, he scraped his short, bitten fingernails over Spencer’s head. The remnant flour shed from his skin. With his left hand, Aaron wrapped one of Spencer’s cold hands in his own. Restoring warmth seemed to be the first step.
There were lots of conversations to be had. Aaron would ask a lot of questions, and Spencer would answer them. They would probably argue. They would probably take off work. Spencer would apologize for not being able to go camping, and Aaron would tell him that was a dumb thing to apologize for, and Spencer would want to do something with his parents’ house, and Aaron would recommend doing something else based on what he’d done when he’d become an inheritor himself, and Spencer would want to be alone, and Aaron wouldn’t let him, and Spencer would wonder what he did to deserve someone who loved him as much as Aaron did.
These things would happen in due time.
But, right now, Spencer didn’t want to talk. And, right now, Aaron didn’t make him. His fingers in Spencer’s hair said everything: “I’m here.” That was all Spencer needed to hear.
Spencer rolled over, buried his face into the soft of Aaron’s abdomen, and began to cry.
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rachelkaser · 3 years
Stay Golden Sunday: Vacation
Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose go on a Caribbean vacation and everything goes wrong. Back at home, Sophia flirts with the gardener.
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Picture It...
Dorothy is gathering suitcases in the living room, fussing over Sophia. Dorothy, Rose, and Blanche are going to the Caribbean for vacation, meaning Sophia will be home alone. Sophia protests she’ll be fine. Rose fusses about traveling abroad, which drives Dorothy insane. Blanche has packed a ton of luggage. After leave for the airport, Sophia greets the Japanese gardener, Mr. Mitsumo, and tries to flirt with him. He doesn’t understand very much English, but he flirts back with her.
The Girls get to the hotel, and find their supposedly luxurious hotel room is a grungy shoebox. Not only are the telephone and the air conditioner not working, but their “ocean view” is a brick wall seen through a window the size of a porthole. They ask the very hostile porter to send the manager up. The Girls complain some more. The very slimy manager enters and claims their room does have an ocean view if you lean extremely far out of the window. When the Girls protest, it turns out Rose pre-paid for the room and they can’t get a refund, meaning they have no choice but to stay.
DOROTHY: You call that an ocean view? You have to be a contortionist to see! MANAGER: Hey, it doesn’t say “great ocean view.”
Back at home, Sophia is having dinner with Mr. Mitsumo, who asks that she call him Toshiro. He plays Japanese music and has made sushi for Sophia, also showing her how to eat with chopsticks. Sophia’s a little grossed out at eating raw fish, and puts most of it in her purse when Toshiro’s not looking. She still compliments his cooking and tells him she thinks he’s cute. He says she’s cuter, and I just can’t with these two.
Back in the hotel, the Girls get set up in the bathroom and Rose talks about how she’s planned out their day as mosquitos bite them up. When Rose tries to enter the bathroom again, the door is locked. They discover that there are three men in the bathroom, as it’s shared with another room. Dwayne, Rick, and Winston are all obnoxious 30-somethings who try to be rude to the Girls, but Blanche isn’t having it. She tells them off, saying to go into the jungle to relieve themselves.
ROSE: You... you... you rude person! DOROTHY: Go easy on him, Rose.
The Girls are sitting in the hotel lobby, having just eaten an awful dinner, when the boys rom the other room enter. They apologize for being rude earlier, and offer to buy the Girls drinks. When they ask how their vacation is going, the Girls admit they’re having a terrible time. Winston says he’s rented a sailboat and offers to bring the Girls along on an evening cruise, which they agree to enthusiastically. Dorothy goes to call Sophia before heading out.
Sophia and Toshiro are now eating Italian food, which he’s enjoying. She tells him that she’s attracted to him, which he understands, but there are still some communication issues. These two are honestly adorable. Sophia goes in for a kiss but is interrupted by the phone call from Dorothy. She’s not pleased, and gets the phone call over with as quickly as possible. This time, it’s Toshiro who initiates the kiss.
Sometime later, Blanche, Dorothy, and Rose are on a beach with the three young men. They sailed into a storm and are now shipwrecked. Naturally the Girls are not pleased with the boys and Blanche and Dorothy start a huge argument. It’s Rose, of all people, who stands up and takes charge, citing her survival knowledge as a Scout. She starts barking orders, telling the other Girls to make a campfire, and Dwayne, Rick, and Winston to follow a path that might lead to a waterfall. Everyone leaps into action, with Blanche and Dorothy being a little scared at how commanding Rose is being.
Hours later, the Girls are grouped around the campfire and the men haven’t returned. Rose, now considerably less confident, thinks they might die and confesses that her confidence earlier was mostly bravado, and she can’t actually help them survive. Under the pressure, the Girls start confessing secrets to each other, including Rose once read Blanche’s diary, Rose once had her nose done and she and Dorothy hid it from Blanche, and Blanche and Dorothy both slept with Rose’s cousin Nolan. Finally they all shout each other into silence.
BLANCHE: You don’t think anything happened to them? DOROTHY: No, I think they probably just stopped to rest. BLANCHE: Yeah, or maybe they’re looking for something to carry the water back in. ROSE: Maybe they were clawed to death by bloodthirsty animals.
After a few moments they start apologizing to each other and say that, if they’re going to die, at least they’re together. Rose bursts into song -- specifically “I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing” -- and suddenly the boys emerge from the trees with tropical drinks. They discovered that they never left the resort island and were in fact wrecked next to the actual resort. The Girls agree to keep their confessions to themselves, and they all go off to the Hyatt Regency together singing “I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing.”
“If I put cracked ice and an umbrella on your head, you’d be a Mai Tai.”
This is a really hard episode to judge, because it’s got very funny parts even if I find the scenario kind of silly. Several of the individual scenes make me laugh, but the episode doesn’t hang together terribly well, and it kind of sucks that the B-plot, as cute as it is, doesn’t last for very long. I would have enjoyed seeing the Girls come home after their ordeal and finding out exactly what Sophia had been up to while they were gone.
ROSE: *on her millionth question* Did you call a cab to take us to the airport? DOROTHY: No Rose, I called two cabs. One for Blanche and me, and one for you, cause you’re making me crazy with all your questions! ... ROSE: Now whose cab is this? Is this yours or mine? DOROTHY: Rose, there’s only one cab. ROSE: Well how am I gonna get to the airport? DOROTHY: Run behind it!
This is one of those “away” episodes where we spend the majority of the episode somewhere other than the Girls’ house. The Girls are off to what they think is a luxurious Caribbean resort, only to find everything not exactly as advertised. Oh the days before online reviews, when you just had to trust that everything was as it looked in the brochure. That’s not to say this couldn’t happen today, but it does make this episode feel like a product of its time.
So much of this episode is memorable, even if in a weird way: The argument over the girls’ “ocean view,” the porter stomping on the bed, Rose snapping and taking charge after the shipwreck. Even if the whole episode doesn’t make a lot of sense, those scenes stick in the mind. And the final scene plays out like one of those single-scene arthouse plays, and it’s always great to see Blanche, Rose, and Dorothy just sit down and talk, as it capitalizes on the actresses’ tremendous chemistry with each other.
I guess if I have one problem with this episode, it’s that the writers felt like they were trying to cram too many different ideas into one episode, any of which would have made a perfectly satisfactory A-plot on their own: The Girls go on a vacation that turns out badly; they end up having to share a bathroom with three men; they get shipwrecked on an island. The young men are a good example of this. For starters, how did the Girls not notice another door leading out of their bathroom when they arrived? They’re in very little of the episode comparatively speaking, and are a plot convenience to get the Girls shipwrecked. Also, if the Girls can’t leave their crappy hotel because they already prepaid, how do they expect to afford a room at the Hyatt Regency?
It’s almost a pity Sophia couldn’t accompany them, because I can’t picture her putting up with even half of the hotel’s foolishness like the rest of the Girls do. This is yet another one of those episodes where Blanche, Rose, and Dorothy go away for some reason and leave Sophia out of things. They do invite her along, but she actually turns them down this time. Turns out there is one reason why Sophia won’t complain about being the “Tonto of the group:” She’s trying to get herself a date.
DOROTHY: Ma, I hate leaving you like this, I really do. Why don’t you come with us? BLANCHE: Yeah, come on, Sophia! It’ll be fun! ROSE: *taking out the brochure* Oh, and the resort is absolutely gorgeous. Look here, here’s our room. Isn’t that beautiful? You can have the king-sized bed. SOPHIA: There’s already two people in it.
I almost wish that B-plot took up a little bit more of the episode. One, because I hate it when Sophia is in less than half of the episode and disappears before the final third. Two, because this is the first time Sophia’s had a romance plot in the series, and it deserves more screentime. I always enjoy how this show makes it so clear that women can have love lives no matter what age they are, and while we’ve been aware that Sophia dates around from her saying as much, this is the first time we’ve seen it happen onscreen.
Imagine my surprise when I discovered that Toshiro Mitsumo, Sophia’s Japanese gardener love interest, was played by Keye Luke, the actor who played Lee Chan in the Charlie Chan films. Those films may not have aged well in terms of a white actor playing the role of a Chinese detective, but I always enjoyed Luke’s performances as Chan’s “Number One Son.” Here he doesn’t get much to do as Mr. Mitsumo, but he still manages to look very cute flirting with Sophia.
RICK: So, how have you ladies been enjoying your vacation? DOROTHY: As a child, during the Depression, I had to have my wisdom teeth extracted by a shoemaker. That was more fun than this.
I mean, part of me finds it ironic that the episode acts like sushi is exotic and disgusting, to the point where Sophia slips it into her purse rather than eat it. I know that, at the time, most people probably weren’t as familiar with sushi, so it probably didn’t sound appealing to the average Golden Girls viewer, but it’s hilarious considering you can now get sushi very easily in most major American cities (including Miami), and probably a lot of minor ones too.
In the end, while I do love parts of this episode and they gave me a few laughs, it’s a hard one to judge. Still, if nothing else, it gave us some very memorable scenes of our favorite Girls out of their element, and Sophia her first love interest of the series.
Episode rating: 🍰🍰🍰 (three cheesecake slices out of five)
Favorite part of the episode:
The Girls contend with their poor accommodations and Rose has another of her flights of fancy:
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devilbat · 5 years
Camping, Check
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Loki x reader with Peter Parker
Warning: maybe swearing, but just fluff, check
What should have been a quite camping trip. Well somewhat quite camping trip, you did have Peter with you, so chatting was going to happen. But when then the god of Mischief decided he wanted to tag along it went from somewhat quiet to dear God’s you might kill him and Peter.
Tents, check
Sleeping bags, check
Sleeping mats, check
Your pillow cause everyone else can worry about their own, check
Camping chairs, check
Cooler with food, check
Camp stove, check
Shit ton of water, check
Whole trees worth of firewood, check
Matches, check
Murder Axe to kill someone with possibly, check
My clothes cause they can deal with packing their own, your not their mother, check
Toiletries, check
“Hi y/n.” Peter squeaked out, from behind you. Make you jump a bit. Turning on your heels to look at the kid. “I’m ready for our adventure.” He smiled at you.
“One Peter Parker, check.” You breathed out, as you searched for his name to check him off the list. You went back to checking the rest of the the stuff off before you were on your way.
Lanterns, check
Sunscreen, check
Hammer, check
“So y/n whatcha doing?” Peter asked as he rocked back and forth on his heels.
Duck tape for spider-kid Mouth, check
“Making sure we have everything we need.” You stated not looking up from the paper.
“We could always ask Mr. Stark if we forget something.” Peter piped up, trying to peek over your shoulder.
Rope Incase I have to tie a child up to a tree, check
Stakes, check
“We are not calling Tony. This is going to be a no calling for Tony trip. So please reframe from getting yourself tangled in you webs.” You looked over you shoulder and smile.
Scissors to cut the kid out of his webs, because you telling him no will not stop him from doing so, wether or not he has help, Check
Plate & utensils, check and check
“Y/n?” Peter asked coyly. Jumping up and down around you. God who gave him sugar. Oh you know who. That was a dumb question. You really could kill Tony at times.
“Hmm?” You looked up at the kid eyebrow raised.
Mosquito spray cause this girl not getting eaten, Check
“Where’s Mr Loki? Isn’t he coming?” Peter asked. A bright smile on his face.
“Hello pet.” Loki purred into your ear from behind. Making you squeak out. Turning fast on your heels to smack the god. Who chuckled at your weak attempt.
“God damn it Loki. Don’t do that.” You hissed snaking him again.
Loki, check
Frying pan to beat Loki over the head with, double check.
“I do love it when you take my name in vain.” He smirked. Grabbing ahold of your hand, keeping it against his chest. All the while Peter got situated in the car.
The reasons why you decided to take Loki with you camping, unknown check
Your sanity went out the door, check
“Loki, will you please just get in the car.” You sighed pulling you hand away from him. “Remember keep you hands to yourself we don’t want to scare the kid.” Loki smug smile spread over Loki’s face. Oh this was going to be interesting.
Going on what should be an two drive but will most likely take five, cause someone needs to pee, check
Possibly going to be annoyed the whole drive there, check
It was a long drive most of it was Peter asking loki question about Asgard and what it was like there. You had to admit you love hearing Loki’s tails about his home lands. He was good at telling stories like his brother. There was about twenty minutes of silence before the kid decided to tell loki about some of his, neighborhood friend spider stories. And boy half the time you couldn’t understand him, he talked so fast.
Finally here without killing anyone, check
You pulled up to the camp grounds and checked in to you spot. It had been a very long drive and one you were happy to be done with. Stepping out of the car you stretched the cool mountain air filled your lungs. Now to unload the car. You turned around about to direct the two chatty Kathy’s. (This was the most You ever heard Loki talk. He would not shut up. Why did he never want to talk like this with you. Oh you know why, he like to keep his mouth busy, on you.) looking over to where you had left them last. Only to find a full SUV and two missing super idiots.
Unloading the car by myself, check
Nether one helping you put up the Tents, death, I mean check
Hours later, both Loki and Peter walked into the camping spot. Sweaty, stinky and covered in mud. Okay only one was sweaty, stinky and covered in mud. Loki looked untouched in whatever had happened to the poor kid. Which you most likely knew the reason why.
Loki causing chaos to poor Peter, check
“Loki, what did you do to Peter?” You you question the god.
“Lady y/n, I did nothing to the poor boy, he fell.” Loki smile sweetly a little to sweet. With a shrug.
“Yeah lady- I mean y/n I fell, it was pretty cool. I was swinging showing Loki a new web combo.” Peter eagerly a little to eagerly told you. You raised an eyebrow at the two specially.
“Mmhmm. Seems convenient like conveniently disappearing on me while unpacking.” You huffed crossing your arms.
“Is there anything we can help you with darling?” Loki purred. Oh that ass.
Loki possibly never getting lucky again, a strong check
“Nope did it ALL myself. Now please clean the boy up.” You hissed, glaring directly at Loki.
“Fine.” With a flick of Loki’s wrist, Peter looked like what he did before they disappeared.
“Now put this on!” You handed a bottle of big spray to the kid. Quickly he did as you asked while you did the same with the other bottle. Once you were done you handed it to Loki.
“I’m not putting that god awful smelling thing on my body.” Loki hissed at the bottle.
Loki being over dramatic, check
“Loki you’ll get bit! Please put this on.” You looked up at him. You know this is going to be an argument you won’t win.
“I am a god. Your Midgard bugs could do nothing to me.” Raising an eyebrow challenging you.
Loki thinking he is better at everything because he is a “God”, check
Later that night, you had the fire going. It was almost romantic if there wasn’t a kid presented. Peter had started making Smore’s. You had been trying to figure out how to tell loki he wasn’t sleeping in the tent with you. Let alone the fact he would have to sleep on the ground. As you watched the fire die down.
Possibly dying by the hands of a “king” for making him sleep on the floor, checkers
Peter had fallen asleep at some point, in his camp chair a half burnt marshmallows on a stick in his hand. You got up and stretched with a yawn.
“Loki could you.” You pointed at the kid. Loki stood looking over at the kid before he walked over towards you. Pulling you into him. Kissing you forehead. “That was not what I was asking.” You giggle. “Can you put Peter in the tent.”
“As you wish my love.” With ease you watched the god pick up Peter. He disappeared with him then before you could turn around was back beside you.
“Well good night loki.” You kissed his check as you walked over to your tent. Only for Loki to follow you. “Where do you think your going?” You turned around to look at loki.
“Do you really think I’m going to sleep on the floor? Let alone without my girlfriend?” Loki huffed.
“Yes, remember you wanted to come. And I told you there were going to be things you were not going to like. Well this would be one of them. And it’s called roughing it for a reason.”
Loki challenging you, check
“And beside he doesn’t know, I thought you wanted to keep this us hush, hush.” You pointed at the the kids tent.
Loki actually listening to you? Umm maybe check
The next morning you woke up. You stretched only to notice a few things. In your groggy state.
Large soft bed, check
Silky satin sheets, check
Soft breathing against your neck, check
Strong arms wrapped around your waist, check
“Morning my love.” Loki smooth voice purred into your ear. He moved around like he was trying to get comfortable
A god not listening to you. And apparently can’t sleep on the ground, why check
“Loki!” You sighed, turning around to look at him. Biting you lip when you saw his face. Little tiny red bumps scattered along his handsome face and neck.
Loki getting eaten alive by mosquitoes, oh yes that’s a check.
“Something wrong Loki?” You asked as he started to itch.
“No, nothing is wrong!” Trying hard not to itch.
“You feeling a little itchy there?”
“No!” He glared at you.
“So those red bumps are nothing?” You hummed in amusement. You hand moving along his bare torso, feeling more bites. Making him squirm under your touch.
“No just a trick love, see I’m fine.” Loki used his magic to glimmer himself with no bumps. But you could still feel them. So you started to scratch him lightly over his sides. “Stop your meddling women. It’s nothing.”
Torturing a god, triple check
How you manage to get Loki on his back was astonishing. But you showed no remorse as you felt around his check. Driving the god crazy, only wanting to scratch himself. He quickly removed you from him, jumping out of bed. Backing himself away from you. A mischievous glint in your eyes, the same one he would do to you. Pulling yourself off the bed as you stalked towards him.
“The God of mischief taken out by Midgardian bug.” You giggle as You lunged forward. Tackling Loki. You had him on the ground at your mercy.
“Infuriating woman, I am not going to yield.” Loki hissed.
“Umm hey guys?” You and Loki froze., looking up to see you were outside the tent. With Peter standing there rubbing his eyes.
Shit, check
The kid finding out we’re dating, check
“Oh hey, umm I’m just Umm trying to.” You rabbled Trying to think of something. “I’m trying to put calamine lotion on his mosquito bites. Someone is regretting Life choices right now.”
“Where is the bottle?” Peter raised an eyebrow.
The kid not buying it, check
“I lost it?” You shrugged.
“That is very convincing my love.” Loki chuckled from under you. “Now please put something on these infernal bites.”
Later that day and a whole bottle of pink lotion. Loki was covered in pink spots. And mopping in the camping chair.
Taking a Picture of Loki without him noticing, check
Definitely going to die when he finds out that said picture has been sent to everyone in the compound, check
Loki regrets not wearing mosquito repellent, check check
Now onto bribing the kid, to not tell tony, check
Permanent tags: @kitkatkl @lokilvrr @instantnoodlese @drakesfiance @meyoko10 @jackheart180, @miraclesoflove @wolfcore227, @mr-hiddlestons-Pet, @madleiine, @teageowen @scorpionchild81 @redlipsinkorea @mintzxi
Tom/Loki Tag’s: @theoneanna @graveyard-groupie @silverquartx @moonfaery @kcd15 @moonlightprime @youveseen--thebutcher @shockwavee @sabine-leo @screw-real-life-i-pick-fandoms @vethrvolnir, @darkprincessloki92 @archy3001 @chaoticwithpurpose @paanchu786 @metalheadspider @myownviperroom @arosewithdaisies @jilldsumner @witchbitch-stuff @too-cold-for-youhere @sterwild
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blackleatherjacketz · 5 years
My Brother’s Keeper: Chapter 5
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Negan x Reader
Summary: Your brother runs away from the Sanctuary and you pay the price.
Warnings: Prude-shaming, Slut-shaming, Sibling rivalry, Mentions of sex, Hot coffee, Spot the Hamilton reference, Angst, Anger, Fear, All that good stuff!
Read the rest of the story HERE!
Tags: @rasa1945 @annablack1102 @genevievedarcygranger @letsby @negans-network @negansdirtygirll @collette04 @mblaqgi @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash @irrelevantwriter
“How long have you known?” The truth of your sister’s knowledge stung like a freshly open wound even though it didn’t surprise you. She’d always been the most secretive, the most manipulative, the most controlling of your siblings. You looked Natalie in the eye, her hazel irises expanding as she avoided your stare.
“A week or so,” she finally admitted.
“Natalie, you should have told me,” you paused in disbelief at your sister’s treachery. “Negan has scouts from here to Timbuktu watching the roads to the other communities. Did you think about that?” You walked past your father who couldn’t stop staring at the goodbye note Alex had written him, speechless on his bunk.
“And risked you blabbing your mouth to Doctor Carson or anyone else who walked into the infirmary?” She rose her eyebrows accusingly. “I don’t think so.”
“I don’t blab my mouth!” You defended, folding your arms across your chest.
“No, but you’re a bad liar, and so is dad. I couldn’t risk telling either of you.” She pointed to him.
“Hey!” He interjected, looking up from the letter. “I can keep a secret!”
You both pursed your lips, rolling your eyes as you remembered all the times he verbalized his innermost thoughts at the most inappropriate times.
“Alright, I’ll give you dad, but why didn’t you go just with them? Why are you still here? You hate it here.” You took a few steps forward, leaving only a foot of space between you.
“Somebody had to take care of him.” She nodded toward your father. “You’re already maxed out on points with your job, so I thought that when Negan found out they’d escaped he’d want…” her eyes darted over you nervously. “I thought that he’d want more from us.”
“And you thought that he’d want you, huh?” You swallowed hard, her confidence never ceasing to amaze you.
“Well yeah, I mean, what else could I do? I majored in cosmetology, I can’t…” she glanced around the room frantically, “Fix people when they’re hurt or build structures for the Sanctuary. I’m not like you and dad, okay?”
“So you were just going to… what? Fuck your way out of this like you fuck your way out of everything else?” Years of resentment began to manifest itself as anger, fanning a flame that burnt hot on your cheeks as your words became more candid.
“Looks like you beat me to it.” She tilted her head, glancing at your fresh bruises. “I was surprised you even remembered how to spread your legs at all.”
Your mouth fell open as your sister’s words hit the air, cutting you deep.
“Okay,” you started, putting a cautionary hand in the air, “It wasn’t even like that, and just so you know, I’ve spread my legs plenty.”
“Oh yeah? And how long ago was that?” Her eyes widened in judgement. “Negan needs someone with experience, not someone like you.”
“At least I haven’t slept with half the sanctuary already!” You couldn’t believe you were being prude-shamed by your own flesh and blood. “And just so you know, I’ve been focused on my career, doing my part to keep the whole family be safe, not trying to get my rocks off every chance I get!”
“That’s what I’m trying to do!” She screamed desperately, her jugular vein distending in her neck. “We can’t risk you getting overwhelmed with intimacy like you ALWAYS do. If anyone was made for this, it was me.” She clenched her jaw as she stared you down, her expression as dire as her words. “This is life or death, and we can’t mess this up.”
“Girls,” your father interjected, standing up. “Your mother’s out there with your brother somewhere. The last thing she’d want you to do is fight.”
“We’re not fighting, we’re having a conversation,” you whispered through gritted teeth. Those very words were often uttered by your mother after hours of screaming between them while you and your siblings huddled together at the top of the stairs.
He gave you a knowing glance and continued, “This has to stop.” He folded the piece of paper in half, in fourths, then in eighths before putting it in that tiny little pocket in the front of his jeans. “Negan made his choice, and we have to honor that.”
“I will if she does,” Natalie hissed.
“Alright,” you smirked, exposing both palms. “I’ll see you guys later.”
You tried your best to distract yourself, to put that horrid conversation in the back of your mind as you opened the latest novel Alex had lent you: Clear and Present Danger. Jesus, that sounded a little too close to home, didn’t it? You soldiered through the first few pages, not being able to focus on the words in front of you at all. You felt yourself reading the same sentence three times over before actually registering what it was trying to say. Nothing against Tom Clancy, but you just weren’t in the mood to read.
God, you missed movies.
Instead you decided to get some air, to change the scenery of these bland concrete walls to help improve your mood. You pushed into the heavy metal door at the end of the hallway, its hinges squeaking loudly against the rusted metal of the frame as you walked through the threshold and into the wet summer heat. The hum from the electric light in the corner of the building mixed with with the buzz of batted wings as moths and mosquitoes battled for dominance in an ambient summer chorus. At least these bugs would bite and suck your blood without judgement.
You let the door slam shut behind you, hearing it catch on the cinder block that kept it open for whoever else was out here. You were hoping to be alone for a few minutes but with the Sanctuary’s security protocols, the likelihood of that was very slim. Whoever was out here would be light years better company than your sister or that book.
“The hell are you doing out here?” The female Savior turned to face you, her M-16 at the ready. Oh thank God, it was only Laura.
“Can’t sleep,” you confessed, feigning to raise your hands in surrender.
“You never have trouble sleeping.” She loosened the grip on her weapon, letting go of it completely to let it hang by the strap on her shoulders. “You wanna talk about it?” She jested, turning away before you could even answer.
“Not really,” you whispered.
One of the perks of being a nurse at the Sanctuary was earning the inherent trust of most of its residents. Workers and Saviors alike all came to you and Doctor Carson in their times of need, putting their lives and comfort in your hands. Laura was one of those people about a year ago, getting shot in the stomach by a vagrant traveler when she hobbled into the infirmary covered in blood.
You remembered stitching her up while Doctor Carson was busy with an amputation next door, feeding her antibiotics and a few extra painkillers when no one else was looking. Ever since then she’d always looked out for you, grabbing extra medical supplies and candy when she went out on runs. She even went as far as bringing you a new stethoscope one time. You guessed she was the closest thing you had to a friend in the apocalypse.
“Good.” She walked over to the picnic table and picked up a thermos full of piping hot coffee. Despite the sticky heat that surrounded you both, she pursed her lips around the metal lid, blowing on the black liquid to cool it down. Taking a tentative sip, she smiled as the jolt of caffeine rushed through her veins, offering some to you in return.
You took the gift from your friend, hoping it would keep you awake long enough to avoid your bed until your sister’s words left your memory. ‘I’m surprised you remembered how to spread your legs at all’ … unbelievable! The coffee was bitter, and no help in washing away those awfully fresh memories. Maybe what you needed was a stronger drink, something with alcohol in it.
“Simon said he couldn’t find your family at Hilltop; they just got back.” Laura took her thermos back from you, sipping again before placing it gently on the picnic table.
“Thanks,” you replied somberly, knowing of only one other community they could be at. “Hopefully they find them soon.” You lied through your teeth, even to Laura whose kindness set her apart from the rest of the Saviors. You’d take your peace of mind any way you could get it.
“Negan will probably search The Kingdom tomorrow. He sounded pretty pissed that Simon didn’t bring them back tonight.” She leaned her back against the table.
“Yeah, I figured he would go there first,” you whispered, hoping he was miles away from any community Negan had on his radar.
Negan… Negan… oh shit, didn’t he say he was going to stop by tonight? Shouldn’t you be in your apartment graciously waiting for him to come over and…
“You should try to get some rest,” Laura interrupted your thoughts. “He’ll want you on your A-Game tomorrow.”
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dancingskys · 6 years
Hii lovely! I seen you’re taking requests and I’m so happy! Can you do one where yoongi gets lost in the woods looking for Jungkook bc they were playing a game and he gets really scared then Jungkook ends up finding him and comforts him an says he didn’t mean to scare him?
Pairing: YoonKook
Word Count: around 1,800
Thank you for sending in a request, I hope you like it~
You can find all Mini Stories I’ve written here
In the middle of the summer you didn’t go out during the day, you went out when it was around 8pm with a ton of insect spray covering your skin and making it sticky and gross even after showering three times. You went when out the sun was slowly starting to fall like a ball in slow motion, when the sky was still a strikingly shade of clear blue and would slowly fade to an peachy orange color.
The sound of crickets would make you go wild after a while but those were still better than being roasted under the blazing sun like the last steak left on the grill to sizzle for hours because no one was hungry anymore.
Yoongi right out refused to leave the house before 7pm and then only when someone was in a really sticky situation like that one time Namjoon had gotten his pants stuck trying to jump over a trash can - don’t ask - and Hoseok had refused to leave him alone, maybe afraid of having the younger kidnapped in his helpless state so Yoongi has had to go out at 5:57pm (!) with a pair of scissors and a small pocket knife and cut Kim Namjoon a hole into the back of his pants to set him free. The tiny scrap of cloth left behind was still stuck on the trash can even a year later and none of the friends would ever let him forget that moment.
So when Jungkook asked Yoongi to come out and play at 7:36pm the older stared at his alarm clock for a full minute before staring outside and sighing loudly like the weight of teh world was resting on his shoulders, already knowing they he would miss his aircon the second he stepped outside.
Fine he typed back and five minutes later he was waiting at the corner of the street, wearing a white shirt and a pair of jeans shorts because in this weather even he wasn’t crazy enough to go for long sleeved hoodies.
He was grumpy though because Jungkook was late and he was therefore left to sweat in the sun because of course there was no shade at this corner.
Just as he thought he was about to melt into the ground in a Yoongi-shaped puddle arms wrapped around him and something warm pressed against his back which made him growl. “Get your paws off of me,” he hissed and Jungkook laughed. “But you’re so good for cuddling.”
“We’re closed for cuddles when it’s over 27°C and currently we have 34°C so fuck off you octopus.”
Jungkook didn’t mind the gruffness that came with the heat and just laughed again, stepping back and taking the elder’s hand into his, pulling him along. “Come on then, you grumpy cat, we’ll go somewhere cooler.”
“Your hand is all sweaty,” Yoongi whined but let himself be pulled along. “So is yours~” was the answer he got and decided to just stay quiet after sighing yet again.
“Really? You want to play in the woods?” Yoongi asked a while later and looked around, not recognizing the small path Jungkook lead him along.
“Mhm, we found this really cool spot a few weeks ago and it’s great for hide and seek,” the younger said happily, his smile just adorable so Yoongi didn’t have it in him to say that maybe that wasn’t such a good idea. “Fine,” he said reluctantly. “But we’re not playing until it gets dark.”
“Scared of a squirrel sneaking up on you?” Jungkook teased but let it be when the older glared at him. “Okay, okay, only for a bit and then we’ll leave again.”
Half an hour later and Yoongi was squatting behind a tree that had fallen over, probably during the last storm, counting the rocks at his feet and asking himself how the younger could always talk him into doing these things, this was so not like him at all. He did accompany the others when they went out to play more often than not but playing hide and seek in the woods with mosquitos swarming around him and plotting his downfall, a bug certainly crawling over his skin somewhere and the air almost flimmering the the lingering heat that just didn’t want to go away.
Yoongi might or might not have screeched as those words were whispered right next to his ear, stumbling forward and needing to steady himself with his hands on the ground, whipping his head around to Jungkook who smiled at him innocently. “Your blond hair kinda gives you away,” he sang and Yoongi huffed. “Next time I’ll come back with a leaf-hat, yeah?”
“Fashionable,” the younger snickered. “Watch out so no squirrels attack you though.”
“You little-”
“Count to sixty!” Jungkook called as he dashed away and the older huffed, covering his eyes, saying the first few numbers out loud before mumbling them quietly. When he uncovered them a minute later there was no trace of Jungkook in his white shirt and basketball shorts. They were bright red so you’d think it would be easy to spot them but apparently not.
Yoongi looked around but started wandering when he didn’t see a flash of red anywhere. He looked behind trees and rocks, eyeing the bushes suspiciously but there was no pair of shoes peeking out so he brushed off the idea.
“Say peep!” he called, waiting for Jungkook to make a sound to let him at least know the general direction but of course the younger stayed silent. “Figures,” Yoongi grumbled and continued looking, getting further away from his original spot.
“Say peep!” he tried again but nothing. “Jungkook!” he called, looking around and feeling a little uneasy. No, no, the younger had to be somewhere.
“Jungkook!” he called again, more serious this time. “Come on, you won.”
Yoongi started biting on his finger nails nervously, glancing around and hoping to spot something red but there was nothing.
He turned around and stared at the many trees a little lost. Which way had he come from again?
Something akin to panic settled in his chest and he tried to swallow it down.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Yoongi chanted under his breath, his thoughts racing. His mind started coming up with the worst scenarios; Jungkook lying somewhere unconscious, the younger being kidnapped by some crazy person, him hitting his head on a rock, falling down and breaking his leg.
What if Yoongi couldn’t find him? Where was he?!
The blond tried to swallow past the lump in his throat but the panic in his chest didn’t allow him. Instead his eyes started stinging.
No, no, no, fuck, stay calm!
“JUNGKOOK!” his voice broke in the middle and he took some shaky breaths, looking around.
He was fucking lost and he had fucking lost Jungkook! How could he go back?! How could he tell his family?! He’d have to go to the police and tell them he’s missing and what if they never found him again?!
Yoongi started pacing aimlessly, looking everywhere almost frantically, calling the younger’s name again in a choked up way.
He had lost of fucking child in the woods and Yoongi was the worst person ever, he couldn’t even watch out for the younger during hide and seek, what kind of person would even-
Yoongi jumped and whipped his head around, blinking a few times with his heart up in his throat. He stared at the sheepish-looking younger and his brain needed a few moments to process what he was seeing before he launched himself at Jungkook, the latter stumbling backwards and landing on his back after tripping, grunting under Yoongi’s weight.
“YOU LITTLE FUCK!” the older screeched. “This isn’t funny! Do you know how fucking scared I was you little piece of sh-” he choked on his words and tried to breathe somewhat normally while tears blurred his vision and his sobs made him hiccup.
Jungkook looked up at him like a kicked puppy. “Sorry,” he said quietly, no trace of his usual goofiness to be seen. “M’ sorry, hyung…” he sat up, Yoongi scooting back a little so he wasn’t sitting on his stomach and using his hand to wipe at his face messily and sniffle. “M’ sorry,” the younger said again. “I wasn’t trying to… I was just… I was stuck in a tree,” he admitted quietly, Yoongi looking at him weirdly which made him rub the back of his neck in an embarrassed manner.
“Getting up was easy but I took a little to get down and you had already wandered off so I was trying to catch up.”
“You could have said fucking peep!” Yoongi growled, some stray tears still escaping his eyes and pushing at Jungkook’s chest. “I did,” the younger whined. “But you didn’t heard and then you were going somewhere else so I was trying to catch up. I really didn’t mean to scare you, I’m sorry.”
Yoongi took a deep breath to calm his nervous before wiping over his cheeks one more time. “Fine,” he muttered, still a little choked up. “I’m not playing hide and seek with you again.”
“In the woods.”
“No, not ever if you can’t say peep.”
“I did!” the younger whined but Yoongi just hmpfed and stood up, trying to get the dirt off his knees. “Let’s just leave. That tree over there looks strange and I have the feeling it’s staring at us,” the blond muttered and Jungkook snorted but took the other’s hand anyway, leading him back to the part even Yoongi recognized again.
“Where are you going?” the older asked later when they were back on the streets, Jungkook sending him a sweet smile. “Ice cream, as an apology gift.”
Yoongi sighed somewhat fondly and agreed, letting the younger buy him a cone with three scoops of ice cream that they ate on the opposite side of the street where they could sit on a small wall.
“By the way, you’re really bad at the seeking part, hyung. I was literally above you and you didn’t even notice.”
“I didn’t expect you to connect with your inner monkey and climb a tree, idiot.”
“I could have leaned down and we could have reenacted the kiss from Spiderman.”
“Or I could have ignored you.”
“You’re so charming.”
“I know.”
Jungkook chuckled and shook his head. “Okay, fine, no Spiderman-kiss then.”
“Good,” Yoongi mumbled and tried to safe his hand from a trail of ice cream that ran down the side of his cone when Jungkook suddenly leaned over a pressed a smooch onto his cheek, his lips cold and a little sticky because of the ice cream which caused the older to scrunch up his nose.
“There, an ice-cream-cheek-kiss,” Jungkook said proudly and Yoongi didn’t have it in him to argue.
“Thanks,” he mumbled and the younger smiled happily.
“That’ll ward off the squirrels.”
“I’m gonna murder you one day.”
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