#tony stark is a piece of sht
Fv¢k irondad. Peter Parker will NEVER TRUST Tony Stark with ANYTHING.
I'm jealous that the MCU have killed off this atrocious unapologetic Pro Registration BASTARD.
This billionare FLATSCAN MUGGLE TRASH Pro Registration, Pro BIGOTRY, HUMAN SUPREMACIST RACIST BASTARD is still alive in the comics.
I hope the Mutants fv¢king kills this GESTAPO BASTARD.
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I freakin HATE Humans in Marvel. Buncha arrogant FLATSCAN MUGGLE RACIST TRASH.
Where do they get the AUDACITY to DEMAND ANYTHING from Mutants!?
Seriously!? After all the MASACRES, brutal experiments, SLAVERY, GENOCIDE humans commited against Mutants,
Humans still have the F-ing AUDACITY to DEMAND things from Mutants,
As if the Mutants owe them anything. WTF.
Its like if Nazis DEMANDING Free Healthcare from Israel.
How F-ing dare they!?
The SHAMELESSNES of Humanity is F-ing irritating.
Are we gonna be THIS ARROGANT when we meet Aliens IRL? Are we gonna DEMAND that they give us their tech?
Ah, We're gonna try GENOCIDING THEM FIRST, and make the survivors APOLOGISE for not worshipping Humanity.
And then DEMAND them to hand over their tech as if its our RIGHT.
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Mutants owe Humanity NOTHING but revenge. Any Alien species would NOT tolerate humanity's continued existence if humanity treated another species the way they treated Mutants. if An Alien race that got treated like that by Humans, those Aliens would have EXTERMINATED Humanity, and they would have that RIGHT.
I really WISH I could say the Humans in real life arent gonna be this ENTITLED racist pieces of Human Supremacist sons of whores, but judging by the FACT that the MAJORITY of the MCU fanbase are PRO TONY, PRO ACCORDS, PRO REGISTRATION ACTS sons of Bitches, I guess, yeah, IRL Humans are MAJORITY Racist against anyone who isn't a FLATSCAN Muggle. The MAJORITY are OK with shoving NonMuggles in Concentration Camps and Gulags , NO TRIAL, just Prison, experimentation, Concentration Camps for the crime of EXISTING. Through the MCU, we find out that TRULLY , Humans are totally gonna put Mutants to Gulags and to extinction. The MCU presented the Fambase with the Sokovia Accords, and these sons of bitches AGREED with it. This is not a fanbase that will be welcoming the XMen.
Magneto was and is RIGHT. Humans are SHIT, in the Marvel Multiverse and in real life.
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and Tony, jeezus fucking crust, you hypocritical bastard. Can EVERYONE have your Ironman suit?? no? What happened to Extremis Tony? Did you share THAT with everyone? no? then SHUT THE FUCK UP, you hypocritical FLATSCAN MUGGLE TRASH Pro Registration BASTARD.
And mentioning Reed as if Reed was right in using CONVERSION THERAPY to his own son so that he'd stop being a Mutant? Tonys defending his racist anti mutant buddy?
And this BASTARD still wont address Emma's point. WHERE WAS TONY STARK whenever Mutants were put in concentration camps and massacred, or genocided in Genosha. "WHERE WERE YOU WHEN OUR BABIES WERE BURNING?" Answer the fucking question, Tony. its been 17 years since Emma asked that question. FLATSCAN MUGGLE Bastard still dont have a response.
The Fucking Humans keep ignoring everytime Mutants mentions the massacres, brutal experiments, concentration camps, GENOCIDE that Humans committed against Mutankind. No Human ever apologised, No Human ever even addressed it.
But these FLATSCAN MUGGLE HUMAN TRASH still expect Mutants to obey them, still expect the Mutants to fight to save Humanity.
I fucking hate how these stories keep glossing over Humanity's sins against Mutants and Super Humans... but yeah, I guess it is REALISTIC that the People who committed slavery , EXPERIMENTATION, Racism, mass murder, GENOCIDE, more mass murder, they NEVER do apologise, do they. Holocaust Deniers, Slavery Deniers, Armenian Genocide Deniers, the Rape of Nanking deniers, basically the horrible shit the Japanese Empire did in WW2, more Nazi shit. etc.
This is what happens when most of the comics writers are white I guess. Even in a fucking Comics story, they dont like to be reminded of what their kind did in the past.
Solution, let NonWhites write XMen. Have Humans apologise and give Reparations to Mutantkind for the DECADES of racism, and genocides. Lets at least have fictional Humans who arent SHIT. I get that its an absolute FANTASY to expect Racist Mass Murderring Impirialistic bastards to apologise for past sins, but lets at least have that fantasy be written in the comics. Having Humans, the Species of Racists Mass Murdering bastards, be made to apologise for the attrocities they commited should be a common trope. maybe telling stories that make a Race of Racist Mass Murderring bastards be made to at least APOLOGISE for all the mass murder will lead to actual Imperialistic Mass Murdering bastards to feel pressured about apologising for all the Drone bombs and carpet bombs or Jim Crow Laws or Slavery. We NEED to keep telling stories that at least makes the Racist Mass Murderers apologise. But instead, we get stories where the MAJORITY repeatedly GENOCIDES a minority, and gets away with it, and even have the audacity to make DEMANDS of the Minority for resources. wtf.
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uuuhhh... yeh... as long as he heals you and/or brings you back from the dead,
as long as he apologizes after... that counts for something...
Say Hello to Patsy, Tony Starks, probably, Future Wife (He proposed via letter while being in person in front of her, the a$$hole couldnt even propose like a decent fv¢king person)
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