#anti muggle
As a misanthropic XMen fan, my belief in the IRREDEEMABLE TRASHINESS OF HUMANITY has once again been VALIDATED when Humans in real life and fiction have once again proved that they do not deserve to be saved. If you're NOT a moron who instantly jump into JUSTIFYING Child Murder, stop reading, keep scrolling this isnt for you. If this offends your FLATSCAN Muggle pride, I dont fvcking care.
anyway... soooo, The Last of Us' controversial choice of Joel... ungh
Dr Jerry Anderson and the Fireflies were just WRONG.
bunch psudoscience feel good id!ots the lot of them.
The only people who are debating this are the scientifically illiterate.
ya know, the idiots who takes the opinions of ONE Firefly "DOCTOR" seriously.
There is NO DEBATE to be had here because the Fireflies are pseudoscience idiots who dont know WTF they where doing.
Their ONE "DOCTOR" came up with a BuIISht theory and IMMIDIATELY DECIDED TO KILL A CHILD as a solution.
It takes TEAMS of actual SCIENTISTS , then YEARS of research, experiments, testings, discoveries, and development to come up with vaccines and cures,
but for some reason, the Fireflies' ONE "DOCTOR" has figured everything out in under a few hours. And everyone in this merry band of idiots believed him.
Whats next? Hes gonna mix Ellies brain with GOOP and spread the cure via 5G????
This is elementary level basic knowledge of the scientific process, you fvcking dissapointing morons. But no, I feel like we're dealing with idiot lunatics whos done nothing but loose, theyre so DESPERATE for a WIN at something , theyed delude themselves into believing anything.
and then, there are the idiots bitching about "ooooh, they should have waked her up so she could give consent!"
Jezus shting chr;st.
I am so fvcking baffled at the excuses you FLATSCAN Muggle trash come up with to excuse your bullsht.
As stated at the beginning regarding the fact that the Fireflies and their ONE "DOCTOR" are more WRONG about this "cure" than the Flatearthers with phds ... god fvcking damnit, i cant think of words of how stupid you Muggles are.
I DONT CARE IF SHE CONSENTS. She would have died for NOTHING, because the ONE "DOCTOR" is WRONG!!!
And also, when a child says she wants to DIE for anything , dont fvcking let her, you selfish fv¢king psycho!!
This shouldnt even be discussed!
What the heII is wrong with you people!?
Getting infected can be AVOIDED , just dont be fv¢king stup¡d, stup¡d.
Youre gonna k¡ll a CHILD because you cant be asked to NOT be a dvmba$$ .
In the Last of Us Universe, Average NOT STUPlD PEOPLE dont get infected. You can avoid it. Youre gonna sacrifice a child because youre a dvmba$$ who wanna French kiss a child clicker?
THIS IS NOT THE TROLLEY PROBLEM!!! Humans have been surviving for DECADES! In their walled off communities, QZs, Jackson, WLF, The Seraphites, There are communities in the frigid Canada, etc. The entirety of The Last of Us Part II has almost NOTHING to do with the fungus! BECAUSE through years of experience, HUMANS FIGURED OUT HOW TO AVOID GETTING INFECTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!
If you live in the Last of Us world and you dont wanna get infected, be cautious, be careful , DONT BE FVCKING STUPID.
Humanity is NOT tied on train tracks. HUMANITY CAN AVOID THE TRAIN!!!
Also, remember Marlenes lines?
"How long till she's torn apart by Infected or murdered by raiders?"
ah yes, thank you for pointing out the actual USUAL ways people get killed.
Is there a vaccine for "getting ripped apart" , a vaccine for "bullets, stabbings, GOLF CLUBS"??? A vaccine for general Human bullshittery??
The Fungus Problem at this point in the story is just another nuisance, just another threat, the fungus threat that Humanity has been learning to avoid for DECADES.
As a Misanthrope, I see these "debates" regarding "The Ethics of Killing a Teenager" as yet another proof that Humans are just the WORST. Its so ARROGANT of you to think youre worth killing a child for... For what, a "cure" against a disease YOU CAN AVOID easily by NOT being dumbass?? Its like you delusionally believe that drinkinng a childs blood will prevent Cov¡d, so because you dont want to wear a fvcking mask or wash your filthy hands, nah, youd kill a child instead.
Joel is Not the one whos selfish here. YOU ARE. You filthy FLATSCAN Muggle trash have the audacity to even consider killing a teenager for the pseudoscientific FANTASY "possibility" of a "cure", against some disease you can AVOID getting infected by in the first place. wat. is it getting repetitive. is it even sticking in your mind or are you just too busy doing Olympic Mental Gymnastics coming up with Bullsht reasons as to why its justified to kill Ellie.
Me if I'm in that Last of Us world, I would absolutely love to unalive MONSTERS that sacrifice children. Spray your Misanthrope repellant, Dunning Kruger, delude your self, thats what your good at, dont worry, "there won't be any pain"
I feel my Misanthropic beliefs are vindicated or validated when I see Human ANIMALS just loose their fvcking reasoning skills, and jump right into Child Sacrifice that will result into NOTHING, just because youre selfish scared cowards idiots. Its the same fvcking mentality that drove you into burning "witches", or the actual Child Sacrifice because your god told you, or kill albinos because you think their bones have magical properties, or then massacreing minorities, putting innocent black teens in nooses because some white girl felt threatened, putting people in concentration camps then in ovens, etc. This mentality never left. Youd kill a child if it means you wouldnt be afraid for a bit, youd justify it in your mind, until you are reminded that the real MONSTERS are PEOPLE, like you.
The FACT that the MAJORITY of you moronic FLATSCAN Muggle fv¢kers dont even fv¢king bother to stop and THINK before saying shit like "Kill child for TINY POSSIBILITY of cure" just proves that Humanity deserves extinction. You fv¢kers dont even stop to think sh¡t through. No thoughts, no hesitation. Just Fvck you.
FYI, I didnt make this post to change your mind, becuz thats IMPOSSIBLE, youre the type of m0ron whod fall for SCAMS and pseudoscientific Quack garbage claims made by anyone who claims to be a "doctor" just because he proposes GARBAGE Silver Bullet theories (sad that you didnt die after the QUACKS told you to actually drink Silver to fight cov¡d, they should have said mercury, it would have culled a lot of you ¡diots), youre not giving a fv¢k about the opinions of other actual experts but you'd listen to m0rons who think 5G causes cov¡d, people like you cant ever be convinced of actual science. I dont care if you drink bleach because you believed Trump, d¡e for all I care, but the problem irises when you even THINK that killing a child is the Silver Bullet against a disease that you can avoid because YOU cant prevent yourself for being a dµmba$$. That type of subhuman thinking should put you on some type of list.
I hate being reminded that I'm trapped in this planet with semisentient creatures that "think" like you. Stup¡d GOOP loving ARROGANT cov¡diot fv¢ks who'd kill children because YOU think ¡diot fv¢ks like YOU are worth sacrificing anything for. I wish I have enough poisoned GOOP for all of you. I would gladly give my life to watch you all swallow it!
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shrimpalbuspotter · 3 months
I'm sorry why do so many Marauders fics have Snape hate and be rude to poor people. What the fuck. What the fuck is happening here.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 8 months
The HP Epilogue: JKR's trashfire ending to a trash book series
I was reading snippets from the epilogue for the first time and everything about the epilogue is just frustrating. And I want to share things I found intolerable about it to let off steam. These are MY opinions so if you feel differently, I am happy for you. But here is a summary of my gripes.
The names of the Hinny Harry's kids
James Sirius. Albus Severus. Lily Luna. I can empathize with wanting to honour people you love by naming your kids after them...but this is just overkill. Not one of Harry's kids has an original name. Not one! And I said Harry's kids because it seems like Ginny had absolutely no input in the names. If I am being generous, maybe the Luna name was hers, but given the naming pattern of the kids, I am sure that Luna references Lupin and not Luna Lovegood. Sometimes I feel as if Harry has a domineering vibe in Hinny and the kids' names are not doing any favours to combat that. Not surprising as everything about the Hinny romance was dictated by Harry's wants. Who cares about Ginny?
Muggleborne discrimination is bad but pureblood discrimination is A-ok
‘You’re right, sorry,’ said Ron, but unable to help himself, he added, ‘don’t get too friendly with him, though, Rosie. Granddad Weasley would never forgive you if you married a pure-blood.’
I could not believe my eyes when I read this. It's like Ron forgot that HIS family is pureblood! It's the same vibe as a black parent telling their black or mixed kid not to marry another black person! Luna is pureblood! Neville is pureblood! Do the Weasleys have some kind of self-hatred?? Another point to purebloods slowly dying out but who cares? As far as JKR is concerned, the wizards should be aiming to all be mutts with mixed blood :)
BTW the Scorpius/Rose pairing fills me with revulsion. I like Albus and Scorp as friends though! But not so much as lovers.
Marriage is the only way to be truly part of a family
‘Oh, it would be lovely if they got married!’ whispered Lily ecstatically. ‘Teddy would really be part of the family then!’
Got some heavy Hinny vibes from this line of dialogue. Harry did not become a true Weasley until he got with Ginny after all :)
I know Lily is a kid and she means no malice, but I truly felt disgust towards this line. It just bothers me, especially in the context of Hinny and how Ginny functions as a way for Harry to become a Weasley member. Teddy is Harry's godson, he should be like a big brother to Lily. How does becoming a cousin-in-law make him more of a family member compared to being her surrogate big bro??
Do Hogwarts alumni swear an oath of secrecy?
‘And you don’t want to believe everything he tells you about Hogwarts,’ Harry put in.
He had never told any of his children that before, and he saw the wonder in Albus’s face when he said it.
So James Sirius is telling Albus Severus exaggerated tales about Hogwarts similar to what the Weasley twins did to Ron. But how is this possible? Do the parents not talk about Hogwarts to their kids? If my kid was going to my alma mater, I would tell him/her all about the school when I went there. I don't understand why it seems like parents don't talk about Hogwarts. At least Draco's parents seem to talk to him about the school at least.
Muggle abuse is still funny Ha. Ha.
‘As a matter of fact, I did Confund him,’ Ron whispered to Harry, as together they lifted Albus’s trunk and owl on to the train. ‘I only forgot to look in the wing mirror, and let’s face it, I can use a Supersensory Charm for that.’
Remember that Ron is an Auror! A wizarding cop! But nah muggles are still lesser than wizards so even a guy like Ron who's supposed to be a good hero character feels no shame in messing with their autonomy. Ron is literally so disgusting in the epilogue. Never thought I would end HP finding Ron the least tolerable of the trio when Ron is usually my fav of the 3. Not that the bar is very high for the other two.
JKR really does not like Draco
His hair was receding somewhat, which emphasised the pointed chin.
Of course, JKR can't end the series without throwing more shade at Draco. He's rocking the middle-aged man look, only has one kid and has a love interest that we know squat about. And then in CC, Draco's wife dies! Sigh, I really hate Drastoria...
All is not well
There is still house discrimination. Magical creatures likely still have fewer rights. Aurors like Ron and everyday wizards abuse their powers against muggles. Purebloods are dying out. Wizards like Albus act like they did not grow up in a magical world, aka wizards still have low brain cell counts. But sure, Harry's scar is fine so ALL IS WELL!
I can't believe there are people out here calling JKR a good writer! I see the vast potential of the book series and I feel so sad sometimes. I am so happy that HP never existed in my childhood.
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sapphic-agent · 3 months
The wildest part of Harry Potter was Hermione pointing out the obvious flaws and inequality in their society and everyone- including her best friends- treating her like a joke for it, if not outright insinuating that she was wrong
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greenerteacups · 6 months
thoughts on Ginny and Harry as a couple?
There are a lot of people who find their romance in HBP forced. I don't think it's forced so much as underwritten, and the books don't get the chemistry quite right (though the movies certainly don't, either). There's potential, but they just don't get enough actual scenes of substance (besides Harry thinking she's pretty or feeling jealous of Dean) for a lot of readers to buy that they're not only in love, but deeply enough in love to break up, get back together, and wind up married.
That's not to say I don't see the appeal. There's a very cool scene in Book 5 where Harry's doing a woe-is-me-Chosen-One act, and Ginny effortlessly puts him in his place about it by reminding him that she was possessed by Voldemort at eleven, which is a rare glimpse into her character and also a great synecdoche for their relationship — Ginny is a grounding presence who, like Ron and Hermione, isn't going to be awed by his past adventures because she knew him before they happened. In that respect, Ginny's probably one of the few women Harry could feasibly wind up with, because he only ever seems comfortable around people (let alone girls) who can see past the Chosen-One schtick and treat him like a normo (see: Ron, Hermione, the Weasleys, Luna, Hagrid). True to type, he doesn't get interested in Ginny at all until she's ditched her celebrity crush and ceased to view him as an idol, because in his heart of hearts, Harry wants to be a normal boy, and it's stressed over and over that part of what he likes about his relationship with Ginny is how normal it feels. He kind of has a horribly supercharged version the celebrity dating problem: after the Battle of Hogwarts, anyone he meets is going to know him first as Harry Potter, Chosen One, Boy Who Lived, and Actually Fucking Resurrected Messiah of the Wizarding World, which is... I mean, it's possible that there are witches out there who could get over that, but Harry's not an extroverted guy, and I'm not sure how he'd go about finding them. Ginny's the one who's been there since the beginning, doesn't need anything about him or his past explained to her, and actually likes him for who he is.
When you look at it that way, it's not surprising he married his high school girlfriend. She's one of the few people still alive who doesn't see him as a demigod.
#in general I was never one to ship harry with anybody#what I wanted for him was a long quiet life and plenty of therapy#maybe some dogs. i think harry needs dogs and deserves them#The other obvious solution ftr — though not one I think Harry would take — is for him to marry a muggle#though again. you'd run into the problem of how you explain All That#which harry doesn't like to talk about and probably would want to talk about even less as an adult#plus also: harry loves magic. like he loves it loves it#the muggle world for harry is permanently connected with the dursleys and it would take years to break that association#which I just don't think he's going to invest#Harry post-BOH is moving to Hogsmeade or wizarding London or some other magical neighborhood and staying there forever#by the way this post is not anti Harry and Ginny! no hate on the ship I've seen versions of it that are very cute#but I just think their love story needed Sauce#there are also some really interesting posts I've found in Deep Fandom crackship blogs about h/g as Harry's sublimated desire for Ron#now I don't necessarily buy that reading. I don't think Harry is in love with Ron in the original text#I do think he LOVES ron and projects that love onto the Weasleys very quickly ginny included#and I think Ron is his soulmate platonic or otherwise in every universe#so marrying Ginny has like. Implications. vis-a-vis Harry's status as a Weasley and adoptive brother[in law] of Ron#like it's a full-circle moment where he becomes officially legally a member of Ron's family#which I do believe JKR had in mind. even though that basically means ginny's wedding becomes kinda... actually... about her brother...#it's weird basically. my final verdict is I wish H/G had been written by an author who was more interested in Ginny for Ginny's sake.#greenteacup asks
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darkcrowprincess · 17 days
Controversial Harry Potter opinion:
I actually really hate the concept of turning/comparing death eaters and just the messed up tangled mess that is pure blood families/culture into nazis for several reasons. One because I feel like that is a cop out. But two and this is really really big, wizards and witches (especially when you add in half bloods and muggleborns and magical creatures) are really really complicated and their reasons for doing things are complicated. Especially when you take in muggles, and what muggles did to witches and wizards in the medieval times and salem witches trials. Add that with hogwarts and houses. That is why I see it less as that, and more so that this a culture that not only screams very old traditional community but also screams really old toxic religious community. This is why I see it as a cult. This is a dangours cult. A half blood(Tom) saw these old families with lots of money and connections and saw power. So yes it is a cult. A very religious, very traditional obessed and very complicated cult. With kids growing up with this stuff as propaganda and religion. Which why I feel bad for kids that find it very hard to escape this cult. Especially slytherin kids! This is just how I personally saw it growing up when reading the books. This just my opinion. Especially when I got to reading Books 5-7. Tom Riddle during book 6 gave me so many Manson/cult leaders vibes. Because to me I do not think Tom gives a shit about blood puirty. Yeah he hates muggles. But I think Tom only cares about Tom and getting as much power for himself as possible.
Main reasons why I see it as a cult:
Tom Riddle and mainly all of his backstory in book 6.
The concept of all the pure blood families/ the sacred 28 that relates to incest and arranged marriages. How everyone is related to each other in some way because of this. It's screams toxic religious cults.
How isolated pure blood families are and how they dont allow and outside knowledge of the muggle world into the very traditional world. It screams very lds/Mormons. Especially in school and in the ministry. Even the Weasleys who are bloody traitors do not have very much accurate knowledge on what muggles are really like.
Sirius leaving his family and staying with the Potters.
Regulus Black.
Draco Malfoy.
Just the whole concept of Wizardy world and Muggle world and the separation. And the using of the word muggle and no mage. It gives me very how Mormons see other people vibes.
Magical Creatures.
(Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you!)
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I sometimes think JKR completely forgot that her readers are all Muggles. At some point, I see young fans re-reading the series and realizing exactly where non-magical humans fit into the Wizarding World. Yes, a lot of people accept (or have made up, since I don't see much canon evidence for it) the excuse that wizards are outnumbered and afraid of the Muggles, but they actually treat them more like animals than potential enemies. Of course, that's also exactly how they treat the other magical beings, even Werewolves who used to be wizards. The question of normal humans' place is never even raised by our heroes (if we can call them that), and, in fact, one of them used magic to cheat on his driving test. If the wizards are hiding their existence because they're afraid of Muggles (which actually doesn't fit very well with the fact that they accept Muggleborn wizards into the wizarding world, necessitating telling some Muggles), then all they're doing is giving Muggles reason to fear, hate, and kill or enslave them as the wizards themselves been doing to other magical creatures. If you look at the series from the point of view of any non-wizard, it's like the tag line for Alien vs. Predator - whoever wins, we lose.
source: smurasaki's comment from this 2008 chapter review of the Deathly Hallows epilogue
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supremechancellorrex · 11 months
I was mulling over Harry Potter recently and I think one of the reasons it doesn't really appeal that much to me is the worldbuilding is not my cup of tea. In the context we are given wizards and witches are far too powerful to be hiding from Muggle nations. Wizards have the capability to mind control, memory wipe, easily create Muggle-repelling charms over entire locations that confuse and disorientate, as well as have teleportation, portkeys, Floo powder, spatial magic, invisibility, etc. Wizards sharing a planet with Muggles is positively Lovecraftian, like Cthulhu being just next door and closer.
With basic evolutionary patterns, Darwinism, the fact wizards can be disappointingly human and their leanings to fascist elements in their history (so many Anti-Muggle Dark Lords), they'd have wiped Muggles out by the BCE period, or at least not be hiding from them in a way that's the equivalent of the United States hiding from Monaco. It wouldn't take that many wizards, and in the book we are provided no evidence of our Muggle tech being able to withstand something as dynamic, tricky and reality warping as magic.
Power Dynamics
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"They can strike anywhere at any time before anyone knows it."
The power dynamic from what we are shown in the books are very wonky and infinitesimally so unequal one begins to wonder if owls hide from slugs. Perhaps if JK Rowling had depowered wizards more by incorporating clearer weakness and faults in the magic system, such as perhaps no apparition (I mean, they already have portkeys, Floo powder, brooms, greedy wizards), more limits to the mind control like showing Muggles can fight it off, made wards and Muggle-repelling charms more fragile (maybe have that they can only be set up in certain geographical places either choking with magic or idk related to runic stuff and ley lines), as well as perhaps indicate that the average shielding charms can't withstand heavy kinetic onslaught from a heavy duty weapon like an AK-47, etc., it might have felt more understandable why the Muggle World and Wizarding World have the relationship they do.
Because, in the canon, we are given no concrete reasons why the wizarding world chooses to hide other than Muggles being a bother, probably asking for cures to cancer or something. In the canon, we are never presented with any Muggle technology that justifies the Wizarding World being under threat if the Statute of Secrecy breaks. We can speculated, but we can speculate either way depending on our mood. You'd think this would be more defined since the conflict centralises on Wizards and Muggles (including their offspring) existing.
Ethical Concerns For Mugs
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"With this rep, I guess we deserve to be mindwiped whatever our consent."
Regarding certain implications in the books, there are a number of ethical concerns that don't feel they're given the weight and attention they deserve considering the themes. One is the overuse of memory charms, a mental violation which are hinted to cause brain damage. Considering how much wizards obliviate and violate Muggles' minds as well as cover up their deaths, that's practically fridge horror. Wizards, both good and bad, also often subvert Muggle democracy and freedom of information, and are quite authoritarian and devil-may-care about this. The Harry Potter narrative never really fully tackles this or shows any real critiques or changes in regards to the Statute of Secrecy and Muggles.
Considering the over all message of the books is anti-authoritarianism, anti-fascism, freedom and even saying Muggles aren't 'lesser' beings, these actions contradicts the themes and kind of makes all the wizards look pretty morally bankrupt when they continue to do this even after the 17 Years Later epilogue. In all honesty, this actually impacts the characterisation of our protagonists in a way I don't particularly like, especially since Hermione is Minister For Magic for a period of time.
Muggles & It's Just Fantasy
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"Hi boring people we're fighting an entire conflict over, just passing through."
Suspension of disbelief is a tricky thing and so is the way a writer earns it. I think it would be more okay if Harry Potter was a purely separate fantasy world similar to Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones, but the author has Muggle society (aka our 'logical' world) develop the exact same way despite sharing the planet with the logic-breaking magical world since the dawn of time and evolution. With all the factors shown in HP, these powerful, reality-warping wizards would fuck up our history and society so much we Muggles would either be dead or coughing out live elephants every time we ate a salad on a regular basis.
Over all, I feel the Muggles need to be more of a threat and have more going for them to explain why the wizards are hiding from them. Otherwise a wizard could teleport around the land of Muggles and just put Muggle-repelling charms on the British Parliament, all the nation's hospitals, police stations, banks, etc. and just watch the chaos. Okay, next stop, the Nuclear power stations and missile silos. By the Muggle world existing it intrinsically forces reality into a fantasy that doesn't want it.
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dramioneasks · 4 months
I Fucking Hate Daisies - Sweetberber - E, 11 chapters - It's Hermione's 21st Birthday! Draco is trying to find the perfect gift for Hermione, but Ron ends up fucking up his plan. “You are being charged with assault on an Auror, Malfoy. You broke Ron’s nose, 4 ribs, his left hand was mangled, two fingers were broken on his right hand, not to mention he might not be able to have children as many times as you kicked him in the groin. He had so much internal bleeding that he almost died. This can be punishable by 10 years in Azkaban. Do you have anything to say for yourself?” “I should have fucking killed him.” Ron should have known not to fuck with Draco... or the people he cares about.
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aj-lenoire · 7 months
i do not enjoy harry potter anymore and even when i did, snape was not a character i ever liked, but for some reason my ‘for you’ page is just full of dedicated snape stan accounts and i hate it
#anti jk rowling#anti severus snape#anti harry potter#like okay i remain a strong proponent of ‘you are allowed to like whatever fiction you like’#but it’s important to consider whether the author—when presenting certain subjects—critically evaluates their own opinion on those subjects#like how stephanie meyer in twilight thinks it’s funny to have all the vampires make dog jokes at jacob because he’s a werewolf#but he’s native so it comes off as REALLY racist#(and also in the case of jkr specifically she’s using her money from hp to fund terf shit LET HP DIE)#and the dozen-ish snape takes i’ve seen seem to demonstrate these accounts are either not interested in or cannot critically evaluate snape#a character written by a woman to be a redeemable asshole who take out a petty schoolyard resentment against a kid’s dad ON THE KID#the orphaned abused kid i might add—when the redeemable man in question is implied to have come from an abusive home himself#i just saw one like ‘oh if it’s okay to call him ‘snivellus’ then it must be okay to call luna ‘loony’ right?#sorry when was luna joining a hate group against muggles and muggle-borns#i don’t deny james and co bullied snape quite viciously but he gave back just as much and also never grew out of that pettiness#not to mention he only turned from voldemort because he was specifically going to kill lily#all other muggleborns dying was apparently just fine by him#i still don’t get the love of this character not because it’s a bad thing to like villainous characters#but it’s ALWAYS the justification of his actions—as if he was in the right to bully harry (an orphaned abused child) because of harry’s dad#there’s no criticism consideration of the author’s biases in there#should you not be a bit concerned that she thinks calling your best friend a slur ‘ONE TIME’ is something that should be just forgotten#aj abstractions
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 6 months
Once, Lily Evans had loved Severus Snape. It hadn't been in a romantic way. She didn't want to date him or be his girlfriend. But she truly loved him as a friend.
Back in the day, Lily thought no one could get her like Severus did. They were close. They got along well. They were interested in the same things. He made her laugh when she was her saddest. She was the only one who could make him snap out of his self pity. They were more than friends. Best friends.
And Lily didn't understand why others didn't like Severus. She didn't understand why others hated him or had something bad to say about him. From her mother who stared at him with reject, to Petunia who couldn't stand him and was always calling him nasty, to her father who didn't like him when he liked everyone "Just think my sweet Lily deserves better friends" he used to say.
Mary and Marlene couldn't stand Severus as well. They said he was weird and rude, that he'd never opened himself to them even if they tried to be friendly.
Then there were The Marauders who were bloody awful with Sev just because he was different (according to Lily). Sev was the victim of James's stupid mean jokes and Sirius’s humiliating pranks. Peter just followed them. They were constantly on him. Making fun of their nose and his hair.
Lily knew Severus was shy. He might have been tackless, serious and might not understand other people's sense of humor. But she knew other version of him. And he was actually funny, he was actually nice. He'd just suffered a lot.
But then Remus came along and he hadn't also liked Severus. He also didn't understand why Lily was friends with him.
That left Lily to be the only one to understand Severus. The only one to like him. And for Lily the rest of the world was crazy. She was against everyone else when it came to Severus.
Not for a second she thought it was Severus's fault. He suffered abuse at home. He suffered bullying and incomprehension from other kids at school. He had no friends for being the teacher's pet, weird, awkward and lonely. Severus was just a poor victim.
"I get that nobody likes me, Lily. I am useless. If my own bloody father doesn't like me, who would? Sometimes I think you're the only person who will love me"
Poor Severus, Lily constantly thought. Why doesn't people try to get to know him and actually like him?
Turned out Lily had been absolutely blind. After she heard Severus telling some Slytherin boys how she was easy and he could and had done what he wanted with her, things started changing between them.
Lily had been doing nothing but forgive him. He messed up, he justified it with the misery he was going through, Lily felt sorry for him, she forgave him. And the cycle started again.
For Lily it was normal and natural. She had seen friends fighting and making up instantly. Why wouldn't Lily give hers another chance? For old times sake.
People did the impossible for the people they loved, right? For their best friends, right? Then why did everything felt so wrong?
Lily had fucked up all the progress she had with James Potter.
"It's so rude not to say hello to someone, Potter!!" Lily sounded like an insane person yelling that after James and the boys had said hello to Mary and Marlene but completely ignored her. To be fair she was sad all the time. She felt guilty all the time. She didn't sleep well, she had lost her appetite and she was losing her concentration in classes.
James Potter gave her a hateful glance and turned without a word left to say. And it hurt. In the past, Lily had begged for Potter to ignore her ass for one second. But that was before getting to know him. That was before the friendship. That was before Petunia's wedding and the kiss they shared.
"What happened between you and Potter, Lily?" Mary asked as The Marauders walked away. James, Sirius and Peter angry and Remus pitiful but loyal to James.
"That man worshipped the floor you walked in" Marlene added with concern.
"You even said that you might fancy him... After your sister's wedding...That you felt like a princess next to him"
Lily had enjoyed every second of it. How she danced with James. How she chatted and laughed with James. Their kiss when Lily was slightly drunk. The way he had been a gentleman with her family. How well he fitted in on the contrary of Sev.
Lily thought she could actually feel things for James. That he could turn into her prince charming. But that was before knowing that he was doing all of it for a game.
"He changed the game, Lily!" Severus had said "How can you be so stupid?! He acted like your friend so that you could fall into his game. Now he has probably bragged to his bloody servants about how he finally got you to kiss him! And you are a fool to believe he is not going to get over you now that you've given in!"
Of course Lily felt guilty for being an idiot. She thought James had changed for real. But Severus reminded her of who she was dealing with. James Potter and his friends had been tormentors of Sev for years. How could Lily betray her best friend like that?
"Don't worry" Severus added as Lily started crying "I have a plan to get back at him"
Not Mary or Marlene knew about how Lily had turned all on her. Telling Potter that the only reason she'd kissed him was to win a bet she'd done with Severus. Although it was false, Lily wouldn't give Potter the satisfaction of having played with her.
"Lily, If what James told me is true, then you were awful with him" Marlene said carefully.
"Now I am the awful one? How about everything he did!" Lily did yell a bit.
"You aren't a spiteful person, babe" Mary prompted "You aren't like this. You wouldn't hurt someone to win a bet"
"You're right!! I'm not a fool anymore! I'm sick and tired of people stepping over me!!"
Now if Lily had told herself she had done the right thing, that Severus was her best friend first and above everyone, then why did she feel so dreadful?
"Come on, Lily" Severus appeared now before Lily could explain anything to her friends "Thought we were having dinner outside"
Marlene immediately rolled her eyes with his presence. Mary tutted with disdain. If Potter was the bad guy, why did the girls like him so much? Why were they rooting for Lily to be with him and not Severus?
"Don't you see she is busy?" Marlene spat.
"We were talking to her, Snape" Mary added.
Why couldn't them get along with Snape if he was as good as Lily thought?
"She agreed to eat with me, didn't you Lily?"
Why did Lily feel so guilty? For her Severus had done the impossible to make her forgive his mistakes. Now Lily was making up for falling into Potter's trap and hurting Severus by kissing him. She was just fighting for her friendship. And his conditions were not getting along with The Marauders. Any of them. It was a sacrifice to make Severus happy. It wasn't even a sacrifice, she didn't like the bullies of those wankers, did she?
"I am sorry, girls" Lily said, swallowing the knot on her throat "I did promise... Sorry"
Lily followed Severus even though she didn't want to. Even though her friends looked worried and irritated. Even though it felt wrong. Why did she feel this way?
She was quiet as they ate. For the first time in the history of their relationship, Severus was the happy one, the chatty one. Lily didn't know how to act anymore. She stared at Severus and wondered who was he? Was she right to trust him?
Through Lily's distraction, she dropped her glass of juice all over the table. She cried in apology as if spilling her juice had been the worst mistake in her life. Then she felt even more awful.
Severus just smiled finding Lily's silliness adorable and amusing.
"Don't worry about it, Lily" he said as he helped her clean.
"I'm so silly" Lily sighed "I ruined our dinner"
Severus chuckled "You didn't"
"I can't get you another plate" Lily said, mostly to get out of there and take a break from him. Why did she want to run away? Severus was staring at her without discretion "I know how much you like meat pie... You were enjoying it..."
"I love you, Lily" Severus responded with a snort.
How much Lily had dreamed for a boy to fall in love with her, like in the novels. She fantasized about romance. And she thought no one would glance at her that way.
When Severus almost kissed her on New Year's, she even considered giving him a chance. Didn't she read about the girl who realized at the end of the movie that she had been in love with her best friend all along?
But then Severus had fucked it up miserably. Now he hadn't stopped saying it since they fixed things. He had confessed his feelings claiming what he felt for Lily was real, on contrast of what Potter felt. But everytime Severus said it, Lily felt more and more uncomfortable.
For some reason it didn't sound genuine. It sounded awful. It sounded as if she was his most precious possession. As if he owned her or something.
"I'm sorry" Severus snorted and rubbed his neck as he saw how Lily stiffened. "I just can't stop saying it now... I just love you"
When he scooped closer, Lily flinched and froze.
"I know you don't feel the same, Lily" Severus sighed "But I promise I am going to make you love me... We're going to be so happy that you won't even remember everything that wanker did to you"
Lily was too frozen and uncomfortable to respond. She was actually glad her food was covered in juice because she wasn't hungry anymore.
Then Severus pulled her in for a hug and Lily's eyes filled with tears. It wasn't comfortable hugging him. She didn't feel butterflies. She didn't even feel the tender she used to feel for him. She felt disgust. She didn't know if it was of him or herself.
Lily was starting to believe that Severus Snape wasn't the man she thought he was. Maybe the world wasn't wrong. Maybe they were all right and she was the one to be mistaken. There was a reason why everyone hated Snape. Perhaps they all saw what she failed to see.
If Lily had to stop being friends with who she wanted because of Severus, if she had to stop doing what she pleased, change and live for him, then maybe this was a toxic relationship.
Maybe Severus didn't love her at all. He was just obsessed with her. So Lily considered for a second about leaving him. But she was scared of hurting him. She was scared of breaking his heart. She still had little care for him. Would she be able to cut him off?
"Sometimes, you just have to choose yourself above others, sunshine" the voice of her father said inside her head.
Lily knew what she had to do. She just had to find the right moment.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 2 months
Hello, what do you think about the fact that Muggles are discriminated against in the Harry Potter saga? For me the term muggle is...... derogatory but I want to know your opinion.
Hello anon!
I don't mind the term 'muggle'. Just like I don't mind the term 'mudblood'. It's simply part of the lingo in the wizarding world and helps us understand the culture. It's convenient to have a word for non-magical people.
The problem is when muggles are so looked down upon that it becomes a slur, akin to mudblood. It certainly sounds like a slur when Hagrid says it.
JKR wants me to believe mugglebornes like Hermione or Lily are the ultimate victims of the WW but that's total BS. And the issue is not even that muggles are being discriminated against. The issue is that JKR keeps downplaying all the bigotry and harm muggles and other magical creatures experience, make it into a joke or completely ignore it altogether.
It's a problem when the DEs attack the Roberts family in book 4. But the ministry constantly mind raping Mr Roberts is A+. Especially when we consider how messed up Bertha was by constant mind spells. Why were the Roberts even at a wizarding event in the first place!
When the Weasleys, Hagrid or Dumbledore invade the Dursleys' privacy, we are meant to feel smug that the Dursleys are being shown their place. But as abusive and horrible as they are, they don't deserve for their property to be destroyed and Dudley doesn't deserve to be traumatized by wizards.
Hermione mind wipes her parents and I don't recall her friends even batting an eye. Curious how Hermione is one of Harry's best friends yet we know more about Neville and Draco's parents than Hermione's...I wonder why???
It's honestly terrifying when you think about it. The wizards have free reign in the muggle world. The DEs are attacking in book 6 and the muggles in Britain can't even know what's attacking them.
In a nutshell, I don't have a problem with discrimination - I have an issue with how JKR handles and resolves it.
Also, we know wizards have a practical reason for distrusting muggles which is the witch trials...or at least they did. JKR made a mockery of the trials by saying wizards pretended to be burning on the stake and they were merely chilling :). So...what's the issue here? JKR made wizardkind even bigger pricks than they already were lol.
PS: The statute of secrecy is a joke. Either there needs to be some form of integration. Or we do like Draco said in book 1 and the wizards are completely cut off from the muggle world.
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stromuprisahat · 2 years
On Darkling's death in Ruin and Rising
How long does whole TGT last? A year? Two?
It starts with the Darkling desperate, Ravka in shambles, position of Grisha unsustainable. Why else would he put all his money on a girl he barely knows? A girl, who's never interested in anything around her. A girl, who's more than willing to jump ship as soon as an opportunity arises?!
He gambles, miscalculates, survives certain death by ripping away parts of his being, is betrayed again (and again)... Takes the position he needs to be able to direct his people out of the shitstorm they're in, all the while being generally distrusted or outright hated.
He's losing supporters left and right. Death, desertion, stupid fucking religious cult of Effortless Saint... His abusive mother- his sole lifelong companion (she made sure of that)- commits pretty performative suicide right in front of him. The final fuck you, the very last wound she could inflict.
He cracks again and again, always keeps going.
But in the Fold? Centuries of planning, loss, suffering and it's all been for NOTHING. His hands are empty, the foolish hope for company- NOT EVEN LOVE!- gone. There's nothing left. Not for him, not for his people. He gives up at last.
As @darkestelemental616 said,
TGT is a tragedy following Aleksander's slow descent into madness.
All the worse when you realize how much he overcame before, and how little did Alina know or understand. It would hit differently if his doom proved to be some decades old nemesis, or someone, who'd destroy him for some higher goal, not just "The Darkling evil and I want to be left alone.".
“In this moment he was just a boy -  a boy, who wanted to make the world a place to live without fear.”
Even in his death, LB wanted us to see him as powerful (and power hungry), no matter how powerless he's actually been.
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pblumpkins · 2 years
if you, to this day, still believe J.K Rowling can be separated from Harry Potter, or still believe she's a good person, kindly stay the fuck away from me. She's done so much fucking harm to me, my sisters, my siblings, and my brothers. She's done so much harm to the people I love.
She doesn't give a fuck about you. She relishes in the deaths of transgender people. Her and her minions can't go a fucking day without using the suicide or murder of a trans person to spread their agenda.
She can't just leave the dead alone. She pisses on all of our graves. She doesn't care if you get smashed to the curb or have your brains splattered against the motel's bathroom wall.
She doesn't care if you live your life in fear. She doesn't care if you have to bury your child. She doesn't care if everyone you know and love rots in the ground.
She. doesn't. care.
That's what she wants.
She wants trans people gone. She'll use each opportunity to spit poison at us. Our blood staining the sidewalks of New York won't mean a damn thing. As long as she gets a viral headline out of it. If she can find a way to make us a villain or portray our deaths as indictive of our worth, she will never care.
She wants transgender people dead.
Stop buying her shitty products. She sees it as endorsement. Her getting a paycheck says to her that people agree. It doesn't matter if you don't agree with her, a penny in her bank account doesn't say that to her. You can't stamp your payment with your criticism, she doesn't hear your voice. She sees each and every endorsement of her products as an endorsement of her.
Because she doesn't want you to seperate her from the art. she's made it as difficult as possible. she wants to make it clear that she made it.
A woman who uses her platform to portray trans people as monsters, send us hate, make the youth of today hide in their homes under the fear that they'll be gunned down, should not be endorsed.
If you still read or support Harry Potter, fuck you.
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enby-denby · 7 months
Honestly, we should have realized something was up with JKR by how many derogatory slurs she managed to invent for people without the gift of magic in her universe and how normalized using those slurs was amongst actual children.
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sunnysam-my · 3 months
I will never shut up about how ironically progressive Quadball aka Quidditch for muggles is, because it so funny. It has been so pro non-binary and trans people for a long time and even changed the name in 2022 to isolate it from JK.R.
In Quadball it's important that all of the maximum four players identify as the same gender. This is known as the "four maximum" rule:
A quidditch game allows each team to have a maximum of four players, not including the seeker, who identify as the same gender in active play on the field at the same time. The gender that a player identifies with is considered to be that player's gender, which may or may not correspond with that person's sex. This is commonly referred to as the "four maximum" rule. USQ accepts those who don't identify within the binary gender system and acknowledges that not all of our players identify as male or female. USQ welcomes people of all identities and genders into our league.
So yeah, basically, there's the men's team, there's the women's team and there's the non-binary team. It doesn't matter if you're pre transition. You a man? You go to the men's team. It's against the rules for trans men to be on women's team, regardless of how they look, if they wants to be on a men's team, because they identify as a man they have to.
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